The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Per ardua ad astra

Posted on May 01, 2015 by

We’re only doing stats posts quarterly now, but since the last one we ran was for the January readership figures that means it’s time for a quick update.


Almost 23,000 extra readers compared to last month and nearly 600,000 more page views? Yeah, we’ll take that. (For perspective, here’s April 2014.)

Fun trivia fact: just the INCREASE in our readership last month is more than the daily sales in Scotland of the Telegraph (15,901), the Guardian (9,435), the i (16,931), the Mirror (15,828), the Independent (2,985) or the Times (18,422).

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96 to “Per ardua ad astra”

  1. FatCandy says:

    It’s a sign of the times. Folk are sick of the drivel from the MSM.
    Keep up the good work!!

  2. heedtracker says:

    Nil time.

  3. graeme says:

    What’s the circulation of the Daily Record? The Sun?

    This new meeja will never catch on.

    Well done on a consistently informative site.

  4. Grizzle McPuss says:

    Surprised…not really.

    WoS is the Clarion Call for fair & balanced thinking expressed through honest journalism.

    What’s not to like?

  5. Chitterinlicht says:


    Well done

    Proof pudding etc

    Oh and thanks

  6. James says:

    you have a better readership than some right wing newspapers monthly figures. Keep up the good work, not that it’s to hard with Mr Ed the talking horses arse, the man who committed political suicide last night.

  7. HandandShrimp says:

    I look in here every day. The BBC I now use only to check the weather and football scores…not planning a weather forecast are you Stu?


  8. Lee says:

    Those stats are inaccurate, those are log files which also record bot visits and the like. Great job but it’s a bit misleading.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Those stats are inaccurate, those are log files which also record bot visits and the like. Great job but it’s a bit misleading.”

      No, that’s incorrect. Our stats specifically exclude bot traffic etc.

      link to

  9. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “not planning a weather forecast are you Stu?”

    Looks nice, but wrap up warm.

  10. steveasaneilean says:

    Gosh! Almost 400,000 of us nutters now!

  11. Wulls says:

    Wings is one of the very few sites that ask the right questions..
    The newspapers whose circulation figures are in free fall could learn some very pointed lessons from this wee site.

  12. Joemcg says:

    Yep, seems most of Scotland now understand the manipulation of the MSM. A big catalyst has been Stu and this site. Statue for Stu in place of the grotesque Dewar one when the goal is achieved?

  13. Mealer says:

    A wee dip in February perhaps cos its a short month? Then roaring away again.A vital tool in the creation of a better,fairer Scotland.

  14. Clootie says:


  15. ahundredthidiot says:

    …..and people are actually reading website information

    …..unlike the quite literally, (see what I did there) hundreds of Daily Records which go straight into the paper compactor at one of our largest airports on a DAILY basis…….no shit, hundreds

    So well done

  16. Sooz says:


    Wow. Over a million and a half visits so far this month. Brilliant.

  17. mary docherty says:

    If you’re gonnie dae the weather gonnie include hingin a waashin oot or not.Ah got caught oot on Tuesday.

  18. Jet-123 says:

    Let this be a lesson to the msm how are losing market share and credibility by the bucket load
    That a new dawn of awareness and desire for the truth not some over spun headline with no depth
    I respect all the hard work and time that you give to us and thank you from the bottom of scotlands heart

  19. Macart says:

    No too shabby Rev. 😀

  20. Stoker says:

    Great news, excellent start to the long weekend.

    I feel a song coming on – Yazz and The Only Way Is Up.

    Keep promoting WOS, folks, at every opperchancity.


  21. DonUnder says:

    Keep up the great work Stu.

    Your contribution over the last few years should not be underestimated.

  22. ArtyHetty says:

    Wow, excellent. Thanks for a great site, keeps me sane anyway and it’s so good to not have to watch drivel on tv but all the while being able keep apace with the msm propoganda via Wings.

  23. mumsyhugs says:

    The truth will out! 🙂

  24. Another Union Dividend says:

    Well done Wings. The Indy movement owe you a huge debt of gratitude.


    Edinburgh South Labour activist Dr Scott Arthur was first caller on GMS Radio Scotland at 9 am trying to attack Neil Hay but was stopped by presenter.

    Now I remember who he is and he has a nerve attacking people about twitter postings.

    link to

  25. John Hermse says:

    I use the site 2/4times per day on average.
    The importance of WoS cannot be underestimated and in my opinion was a major factor in achieving 45% and informing Scotland to enable us to return a huge SNP contingent to WM.
    IOn short WoS leads the way, Well done Rev Stu – It’s your vocation!

  26. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “I feel a song coming on – Yazz and The Only Way Is Up.”

    Well, I’m taking a flipping holiday after the election, so May will in fact almost certainly be down 🙂

  27. dakk says:

    Bravo,great to see the Wings team going from strength to strength.

    You deserve it 🙂

  28. crisiscult says:

    somebody on twitter today said you have acolytes who suck up to you Rev WoS. In a moment of sudden self awareness I realise you have hypnotised your readers and deluded us. I will never read your posts again and am renewing my subscription to the Daily Mail.

  29. heraldnomore says:

    I’m astonished.

    Actually I’m not; not surprised at all. And we all know why people flock here.

  30. Jim Thomson says:

    Thanks Stu, I now have the Dambusters ear-worm .. gahh!

  31. paul gerard mccormack says:

    WOS is where I come to get my political news and analysis.
    Visiting the BBC news scotland website is like being in a grave.
    Well done Stu.
    Don’t be afraid; just believe. Stand firm.

  32. Meindevon says:

    Well Mary (@10.46), I reckon Stu could do a better job than the Met office. I can see it from my house and the local forecast can say ‘dry and sunny’ , and guess what, it rains! As I pick in a wet washing off the line the neighbours regularly hear me yell, ‘Just look out the fecking window, can’t you?!

    And how much public money went into that venture?

  33. Capella says:

    You don’t need to go to the BBC for weather. Put a link to the Met Office on your bookmarks bar. Ths BBC probably get their weather from the Met anyway.

    Don’t know about football sorry but there’s bound to be a football guru out there.

    Scot Goes Pop did a good crit piece on Stephen Daisley’s delusional rant.

  34. Patrick Roden says:

    I’m a cyber-acolyte!

    I await further orders, oh great one!

  35. Dan Huil says:

    Great work, Rev, and all wingers. With such a large readership I wish my comments could be more pithy.

  36. Capella says:

    Those unique visitor figures are way beyond the Sun and the Record readership too! (about 200,000 each I think). So excellent work. You deserve a holiday but not till after the post-election horse trading is over!

  37. John says:

    @Another Union Dividend

    Edinburgh South Labour activist Dr Scott Arthur was first caller on GMS Radio Scotland at 9 am trying to attack Neil Hay but was stopped by presenter.

    He also very rudely interrupted Neil Hay at last Friday’s Hustings, twice.

  38. heedtracker says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
    1 May, 2015 at 10:58 am
    “I feel a song coming on – Yazz and The Only Way Is Up.”

    Well, I’m taking a flipping holiday after the election, so May will in fact almost certainly be down 🙂

    So howsabout guest editors for WoS? Come on BBC r4 Today show do it and is just exact same hard core tory boy grot.


    Grinching twit
    link to

    Whiny twit
    link to

    Pseud academic twit
    link to

    link to

  39. KennyG says:

    Great results, but not surprising.

    My guess is that the utter bile being spewed by the MSM, the lies, the fears, the hate fuelled agenda and the attempts to stoke up bad blood between the Scots and the English that doesn’t exist has left people so disgusted that they’re now actively seeking out other sources of information.

    And when it comes to information (the real kind you want, like true and provable), there is no better source on the planet than Wings.

    Shite that it doesn’t have the weather though, sort it out Rev!

  40. Sorry to be a Luddite but what exactly is meant by `Pages` and `Hits` and `Bandwidth`?

  41. Bob Mack says:

    “Three things cannot long be hidden, the Sun,the Moon,and the truth”—- Buddha

    Thanks for your enlightenment Rev.

  42. call me dave says:

    ‘Hail Mary’ throw from Miliband today in Scotland, will Dim Jim receive it in the in zone or will it be intercepted?

    Miliband will probably dig up the bones of very past political Scottish labourite and, beg us to toe the line for old lang syne and our granfathers and garannies too.

    Will it resonate, maybees aye maybees no.

    He’s gargling the single malt round his tonsils now…. ready to start soon.

  43. Ron Summers says:

    I’ve been a fan ever since and working in Iraq you keep us in the know. Keep it up!!


  44. Greg says:

    i can certainly remember say a decade ago, where this level and engagement of alternative media was simply not possible back then. And then others older than me will be only too aware of the conformity in the media during the Thatcher days when the BBC reigned supreme. We are living in the midst of an information revolution and the establishment doesn’t like it one little bit!!

  45. Andrew McLean says:

    My wife and I have a postal vote, I posted them yesterday, imagine my surprise when two more arrived this-morning. Personally i think the returning officer likes me! Or perhaps I got onto their secret double list!conspiracy theorists will be apoplectic!

  46. JLT says:

    Who would have believed it …not only where we are now politically, but that Wings is still punching severe lumps out of the Unionists.

    And these aren’t even the great days yet! Those have still to come LOL

    Anyway …well done Stuart. Definitely do take a wee break after next week. We will have a whole new chapter to write. Busy days ahead!!

  47. call me dave says:

    Much fun with this.

    link to

  48. Labhrainn Macfhearguis says:

    Cool 🙂

  49. Skot i Sverige says:

    Great stuff Rev.
    Like a Renaissance or enlightenment , people are learning not to follow doctrine and find out for themselves.
    Interesting Times

  50. Black Joan says:

    Was going to visit Yes Cafe Edinburgh South when next in the city but his latest tweet says “you can check on Westminster website and if you trust wings on theirs”.

    Not so keen now. Odd implication?

  51. Dr Jim says:

    In terms of doing the weather

    Would that just be “The weather where YOU are”

    Because that’s far less important than the weather where WE are because the weather where WE are is National… Blurb Blurb Blurb Dribble Dribble

  52. gerry parker says:

    Yer certainly due a good break Stu after the dust of this one settles.

    Then we’ve to plan what to do with Holyrood in 2016, and the Local Councils in 2017.

    Onwards and upwards.

  53. CameronB Brodie says:

    OK, that’s a balloon, a loon, a buffoon and someone I have never hear of before. 🙂

  54. david says:

    It will be a busy coming few weeks. Thanks for the alternative view or are you now mainstream ? 🙂

  55. iheartScotland says:

    Enjoy your holiday.
    I wonder how many page views j murphy (bs) (failed) and his mates have each day. Do you know the isp address of the north british labour party branch……any way to find out?

  56. Xaracen says:

    Excellent news and not at all surprising. My money is well spent. 😀

    Yay, the Cybernach!

  57. Stoker says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell wrote:
    “Well, I’m taking a flipping holiday after the election, so May will in fact almost certainly be down :)”

    Enjoy, Rev, you deserve it.

    Have a great and safe weekend everyone.

  58. KennyG says:

    @Andrew McLean 11.51 am

    Sounds a little suspicious, have you reported it?

    If it’s happened to you perhaps it’s more widespread.

    Could these ‘extras’ be used for fraudulent purposes?

  59. Chic McGregor says:

    I’m a Cybernat in the UK
    I post all night and I work all day.

    I slag Tories, I eat my lunch
    I go to the lavatry
    On Wednesday I go shopping, have fried Mars Bars for tea.

    He slags Tories, He eats his lunch
    He goes to the lavatry
    On Wednesday he goes shopping and has fried Mars Bars for tea.

    He’s a Cybernat in the UK
    He posts all night and he works all day.

    I slag Tories, UKIP and SLAB
    I’d like to have all powers.
    I go to WOS conventions which hang around in bars.

    He slags Tories, UKIP and SLAB
    He’d like to have all powers.
    He goes to WOS conventions which hang around in bars.

    He’s a Cybernat in the UK
    He posts all night and he works all day.

  60. ianbeag says:

    After your well deserved holiday perhaps it will be time to think how to take the much valued Wings brand to the next stage – double the new visitor figures and target English readers. Many of them would greatly value the integrity and credibility of ‘Wings’and it help to speed the demise of the tawdry press.

  61. Juteman says:

    Did Jackson Carlaw just say that he has seen postal votes, and folk are voting tacticaly?
    Surely not?

  62. Chic McGregor says:

    Hope you get to take a break Stuart, well deserved.

  63. Paul says:

    @Andrew McLean:
    “My wife and I have a postal vote, I posted them yesterday, imagine my surprise when two more arrived this-morning. Personally i think the returning officer likes me! Or perhaps I got onto their secret double list!conspiracy theorists will be apoplectic!”

    This worries me Andrew…
    Have you been canvassed by anyone from Labour?
    Have you indicated to anyone (even jokingly!) that you might vote Labour?
    Have you signed up to any Labour newsletters (just to keep an eye on what they’ve been saying maybe)?

  64. maureen says:

    First port of call when going online is WOS to get my news!
    I love this site and the people who are educating me and other newbies regarding msm propaganda and about whats really going on behind closed doors in politics.
    I enjoy the humour and respect the intellect & kiowledge of those who post here!

  65. maureen says:

    sorry, knowledge

  66. TJenny says:

    Chic McGregor – mega sniggles. 😉 😉 😉

    Maybe it should be the WOS anthem.

  67. Croompenstein says:

    Well done Stu, facts are chiels that winna ding.

    Got my May edition of iScot magazine, I would encourage all to buy a copy of the mag it is getting better and better, some great articles this month super stuff..

  68. terry says:

    @Maureen 12.26 – Same here – love it and it’s an education.

  69. crazycat says:

    @ Andrew McLean

    (I just lost a post I’d submitted; I’ll try again but may then end up with two!)

    There may be an innocent explanation for your duplicate postal votes if you re-registered on-line after the change to individual voter registration. If you had also been automatically transferred (as I was), you will be on the roll twice, potentially with an associated postal vote for each entry.

    The old entry won’t include your National Insurance number, so it won’t be obvious that there are not two people with the same name at your address; the ERO would have had to notice identical dates of birth on the PV applications, and query it. They couldn’t just remove one, in case you really did have a relative who had just moved in with you, for instance.

    Otherwise, skulduggery may indeed be afoot (or just human error) – do you have a note of the voter number from the first PV? That should tell you if you are registered twice.

  70. Hoss Mackintosh says:

    Rev Stu,

    All you need for your “Wings Weather” forecasting is the following link.

    link to


    Courtesy of these clever Norwegians who provide a free weather forecasting world wide – amazing what you can do if you do not squander you oil money.

  71. Chic McGregor says:

    @T Jenny
    Ta. Struck me as wee rejoinder to John Cleese’s contribution as highlighted a thread or two back.

  72. EphemeralDeception says:

    The stats are great news the site goes from strength to strength.

    However it would have been good to have had a comparison of the Peak just before the referendum. In any case the site is now well established. It has a feast of great articles and great comment, so as long as this continues I think it will continue to attract more regular visitors.

    One point though: A big thanks to the YES campaigners who have also made the Scottish public much more aware of the mass media failings and makes sites like this a credible source of information.

  73. ClanDonald says:

    Rev, you’re a legend. What a guy for just one guy 🙂

  74. Clarinda says:

    Andrew McLean 11.51

    We too received a further delivery of ballot papers. I was almost disappointed to discover they were for the local council elections!

    Will planting a slightly lipsticky kiss of the back of the outer envelope of my GE ballot return still count?

    I am concerned that my development of the new syndrome of OCWoSS – that this wonderfully magnetic compulsion will be threatened by my withdrawal symptoms as we will be in a very remote location for the next week with very poor communications. It has TV apparently but in a region very likely to be a SNP gain – so it’s all still good.

  75. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “However it would have been good to have had a comparison of the Peak just before the referendum.”

    For previous stat posts click on the “navel-gazing” link at the bottom of the article.

  76. Chic McGregor says:

    Here is the weather forecast:

    Roch the win i the clear day’s dawin
    Blaws the clouds heilster-gowdie owre the bay
    But thair’s mair nor a roch win blawin
    Thro the Great Glen o the warl the day
    It’s a thocht that wad gar our rottans
    Aa thae rogues that gang gallus fresh an gay
    Tak the road an seek ither loanins
    Wi thair ill-ploys tae sport an play

    (C’nP’d from Dick Gaughan’s lyric resource)

  77. DerekM says:

    Congrats Rev on a damn fine job ,i bet there is a few MSM editors banging their head on their desk after reading this.

  78. Robert Peffers says:

    Ye canna keep a guid man doon.
    As we say in Scotland.

    Gaun yersel, Rev Stu

  79. Kathy says:

    For the weather, you need Windy Wilson!

    link to

  80. geeo says:

    Weather forecast for May 7th.

    Labour votes will be drying up all over Scotland.

    There shall be a flood of SNP voting, building up during the whole day, changing into a tsunami of SNP seats as the night goes on….

    Forecast for May 8th..

    There will be grey skies over northern labour party branch office, interspersed with outbursts of sobbing and puzzled looks.

    Elsewhere, all over Scotland the sky will be filled with bright yellow sunshine and the air with cheerful positivity….this should continue for the foreseeable future…

    And that is your election weather by us here at Wings Over Weather…..enjoy.

  81. maureen says:

    terry says:
    1 May, 2015 at 12:47 pm
    @Maureen 12.26 – Same here – love it and it’s an education.

    I never thought I would enjoy reading about politics, who knew!
    WOS is essential reading for me now, at least its a healthy addiction!

  82. Lesley-Anne says:

    I’m thinking a bigger calculator may soon be needed here. 😛

  83. manandboy says:

    Peerless as ever, Stu, and the stats prove it.

    Well done – and whenever in May, if you do get away, but it just might be June, lest you want to miss the BIG story which is what Cameron’s crew has planned to do after the 7th, have a great holiday!

  84. Tinto Chiel says:

    Great figures, Rev. but surely this must be the most appropriate music for today.

    I find EC’s elastic ankles strangely fascinating.

    link to

  85. TheItalianJob says:

    Great stats I’m on everyday Your posts are brill and so the regular commentators

    Keep up the good work

  86. Cactus says:

    Most excellent statistics.

    Maybe Chris could do a drawing of Stu with copies of the MSM papers in his lapel pocket 🙂

    Welcome to the latest 23,000 readers.

  87. Lollysmum says:

    Absolutely spiffing Rev-well done & top hole 🙂

    Right that’s it with the posh English guff!

    I blame it all on you for introducing me to indyref & beyond Stu.

    I’m currently traipsing around the Borders leafleting with Morag & occasionally alone but it’s been great fun so far. Met some lovely people from all political persuasions & none. Had one guy this morning at an isolated cottage apologising profusely to me for voting Tory. Don’t think he expected me to be nice to him but I was -honest 🙂

    Tonight we have the WOS get together in the Counting House so looking forward to that.

    So glad I got caught up in the Wings net, thank you 🙂

  88. Craig says:

    While those stats looks really impressive, it doesn’t impress Kieza Dugdale, she demands that you release WEEKLY stats.

    Going anywhere nice for your holidays Rev?

  89. Cuilean says:

    I’m sure, in a 100 years time, in an indy Scotland, there’ll be a statue to you and ‘the wee ginger dug’ & stewart bremner, bella, national collective etc etc.

    That’ll be a good motto, ‘Through adversity to the stars’ or possibly Buzz’s, ‘To infinity & beyond.’

    I’m thinking this is only half tongue in cheek.

  90. Liz says:

    Great work Stu. Read your site every day altho I don’t often post. Been a real education. Never been so politically aware. Its great.

  91. Foonurt says:

    Lee – thurrs alwiz wan.

  92. Tom Kane says:

    Brilliant news. Brilliant work, Stu. Congatulations.

  93. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I think we’ve passed the point where WOS is regarded as a ‘media institution’.

    I know from speaking to active YES and SNP campaigners that most of them read Wings regularly, but very rarely post.

    The fact that it is here to present the debunking of the p!$h and spin presented by the MSM, is being spread by readers, who are not, necessarily, contributors.

    More power to our elbows!

    BTW: O/T…

    There’s a march and rally in Dundee next Saturday from noon. A march round the city centre, followed by a rally in City Square (until 5pm) with live bands, including the Graham Brown Band, Sheena Wellington, speakers, etc. Rumour is that Dundee’s newly elected SNP MP’s will be there also.

    There will be a Wings stand at this event, under the supervision of Ronnie Anderson. So, if any Wingers are coming to Dundee on the 9th, for the “Dundee Sunshine City Fest”, look out for the Wings banner in the Square.

  94. Will Podmore says:

    A million and a half – then still a minority – remember the result – two million for unity, a 10.6 per cent majority against separatism. A result the SNP promised to respect ….

  95. Paula Rose says:

    We are dear – big time.


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    • Xaracen on The tint of rose: “Hatey said; “We voted Remain by 62% on a turnout of 67.2%. By the inexorable laws of maths, we can…Mar 13, 22:58
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