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Wings Over Scotland

Out in the open

Posted on September 11, 2014 by

This is astonishing. From tonight’s BBC 6 O’Clock News:

Nick Robinson claims Alex Salmond “didn’t answer” his question at a press conference earlier today. That is a brazen and quite spectacular lie. The First Minister gave the BBC man a detailed and direct response which lasted for over three minutes BEFORE raising the matter of the Treasury link. You can see that response for yourself below.

Robinson had asked for a specific answer on RBS and also a more general one on scaremongering by business chiefs. Salmond explained the RBS situation, referring to Corporation Tax and to the letter sent by RBS to employees assuring them that it had “no intention of moving any operations or jobs”. He then dealt with the more general scaremongering issue by pointing out that such warnings were repeats of ones which had been made, and responded to, months ago.

(And the second part was a rhetorical question in any case. There is no factual answer to “Why should we trust you rather than X?” – trust is emotional, not logical.)

So we’d rather like to know why Nick Robinson told viewers of the 6 O’Clock News that Salmond “didn’t answer”, when anyone can see for themselves that he answered both parts of Robinson’s question, in so far as it was humanly possible to answer them, at considerable length. Robinson might not have LIKED the answers – we must assume he didn’t – but to claim that no answer was given is a mindboggling reversal of the plainly observable facts.

Robinson rudely harassed and heckled Salmond after his answer. He’s now lied about it on national television. The BBC’s open contempt for its legal duty of impartiality is no longer acceptable. It’s the people of Scotland who will now be demanding answers.

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Bob Agassi

@Will Shitmore – whatever currency you might have – or have not

FFS the POUND you fannybag!


“Out in The Open.. Free, Alive and Hoping”


I think this article is worth looking at, by your readers. link to

James Caithness

@Will Podmore

When we all stop paying for the BBC TV Licence fee, the BBC will be forced to charge the numpties, like you Will, who still pay the livence fee.

And just because we don’t pay the licence doesn’t mean we won’t be watching the BBC


I’ve just put a complaint in to Ofcom about this it’s shameful if you’d like to do the same just go to link to



Cameron’s decided we’re going back into the tragedy that is Iraq with more MISSILES.

You couldn’t make it up ,but if the Falklands saved Thatcher??????

Peter Maal

Dear Scots,
Vote, out of your hart not out of your wallet.
I wish you much strength.

Peter Maal

James sneddon

Complaint response

link to

Cadogan Enright

Nick Robinson’s outright lying on primetime 6pm BBC television news was quite shocking. (complaints line 03700100222. option 1 then option 3 and ask for a formal number for your complaint)

Nothing short of a retraction and an apology from the BBC on the top slot of the 6pm evening news will do if it is to salvage any shred of reputation from its coverage of this campaign.

Robinson’s behaviour surely must be classified as a disciplinary offence, at the very least he should be suspended for the duration of the referendum pending a full investigation.

It is difficult to conclude anything other than
1. He has personal issues with the First Minister or
2. He is under a directive from BBC management to outdo the Mail or Express in biased coverage.

If the BBC fails to suspend Nick Robinson, we need to look to the BBC being forced to register as a referendum participant with an expenditure of more than £10k.

I am looking up the regulations on the Electoral Commissions website to make a complaint there.

Whilst I was canvassing tonight in Forres, 3 separate NO voters jusitfied their stance by reference to Nick Robinson’s report at 6pm last night.


Just complained to the BBC and Ofcom, I made clear I expect an apology to both the Scottish people-specifically the licence fee payer- and Alex Salmond.


I suggest that if the BBC loses this referendum for us we should lead a boycott of the BBC. Remember you can still use iPlayer without a TV licence, along as you are not watching it as it is being broadcast. I am sure we will win but if BBC’s scaremongering causes a no vote I really think we should all stop getting TV licences to show our disgust.

chris mcginley

BBC Scotland Political and Economic correspondents Brian Taylor and Douglas Fraser had to give up their desks for ‘Pretty’ Shopie Raworth and ‘Nasty’ Nick Robinson when they arrived up from London. The London duo cannot hold a candle to Brian and Douglas who have microscopically dissected the independence questions over the course of the last two years, in my opinion, in an unbiased way. The journalistic erudition from the Scottish correspondents has been impressive as you would expect – but now we are back to the sensationalist, and frankly, simplistic journalistic endeavour from the London duo entirely because they have not been ‘on top’ of the debate that Scotland has been engaged in. Their (London BBC) sensationalist reporting has effected the market which in turn has effected how people might vote. Biased? Unintentionally so – but yes.


Signed all the petitions the one that had a target of 40,000 sigs has now over 65,000, thats surely too much to ignore.

Sorry for being a bit dense, can someone give me details regarding the protest against BBCbias. Where/when it starts. I’m up at Springburn today, so I’m hoping it’s Sunday. I’m 90% sure it is Sunday but my poor brain is a wee bit fried through lack of sleep.

Cheers if anyone can help.

Off-topic: I was talking to a young lass at the Maryhill Stall outside Tesco yesterday, she was 16 or so, fervently supporting Yes, keen to get as much info as she could to talk to any don’t knows and nos in her social circle. So I gave her a couple of weebluebooks, some fliers with lots of links on the back to all the greatwebsites like here and Bellacaledonia and so forth.

Then i told her how important it was that people like her, young people get involved, get talking to people they know and telling them how great a nation we are, how great we can be, how much wealth we have. Oil, Gas, Wind, Water, Farming, Whisky, Culture. How we’re not a greedy nation, how in general the Scots don’t crave wealth over the poverty of others, that by and large we are fair minded people.

I told her about how Scotland can preserve the NHS, how in getting rid of Nuclear Weapons we send a postive signal out to the world and can use the money for better purposes. I told her we were a wealthy nation, but that we’ve maybe not believed in ourselves enough, but things are changing, people are talking to each other, waking up…and I told her that she was the future, and how great it is to have folk like her taking such an interest at such an early age.

She listened for a good ten or fifteen minutes. Took her badges and stickers and leaflets and Wee blue books and off she went, full of purpose, this wee 16 or 17 year old lassie.

And then it kind of hit me, what if I was from the Better Together campaign, and that instead of talking to her about all these positive things and trying to give her a boost, arm her with some extra knowledge so she can go out there and give others a boost and inform them…what if I told her that she had to make people afraid, tell them all about all the bad things that can happen; tell her to tell her friends how vulnerable a postion Scotland would be in if we go it alone; how as a country we’re just not capable of looking after ouselves and each other, unlike 191 other independent countries; that somehow Scotland was different. As sad as that was, we were just one of those places that, doesn’t have what it takes and that if the Yes Vote wins…we’ve basically had it?

How can any adult, of good conscience tell a young person what they can’t do, what their limits are? That their country is weak? How can grown men and women pour cold water over the hopes and dreams of youth, with all that energy and vitality? How disgraceful it is to play upon the relative naivety and fearlessness (which can be the greatest thing about being young) of those with boundless energy and who are not scarred by bitterness. It’s disgusting. If I were to tell her to tell her facebook riends and twitter followers to be grateful that Scotland is looked after by the Union, that we can’t go it alone, that we need them, and be lost without them.

These young kids are bloody amazing. Clued up, internet and tech savy, they can reach hundreds of people in seconds with their iphones. They can find any website and link to it, download any pdf and share it, in the blink of an eye. They’re smart kids. We have to do right by them so they in turn will look after us when we are old, so they remember how we involved them, encouraged them, made them feel special, told them they can do anything, that they live in a country where they can achieve their dreams, and where they can be a part of building a better future for all of us.

And that is the one thing the Better Together Campaign cannot do, must not do, dare not do…how sad is that? We say stand tall, be proud, look ahead…they say cower, look down, hope for the best and above all…be afraid.

Mark Russell

The BBC response to complaints is just as predictable.


We received complaints from viewers who felt Nick Robinson’s report on the Scottish First Minister’s press conference implied that Alex Salmond had not answered a question put to him.

Response from BBC News

The BBC’s Political Editor Nick Robinson asked Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond two questions at his press conference on Thursday 11th September. The first question centred on the tax implications of RBS moving its legal headquarters to London; the second on why voters should trust a politician rather than businessmen.

Nick Robinson’s report showed the second question on trust, with a script line noting that Mr Salmond had not answered that point.

Mr Salmond’s answer on tax was lengthy. Since it was not possible to use it in full in a short news report, a series of clips were included making his central points – the job implications of the re-location of RBS, the accusation that the Treasury broke rules by briefing market sensitive information and his request that the BBC should co-operate with an enquiry. In addition Nick Robinson’s script pointed out that the First Minister said there would be no loss of tax revenue.

The BBC considers that the questions were valid and the overall report balanced and impartial, in line with our editorial guidelines.


after hundreds of years of oppression, bitterly fought campaigns, here is the ONE chance you have to take a stance and to prove Scotland is the home of a Braveheart. Of course, there are negatives, but really, the NHS will not collapse (the NHS is a 3 tier system anyway, works differently in Scotland, England and Wales), – when the ‘No’ campaigners say it will make it harder for Scotland to operate in Europe, read this as ‘it will make it harder for England to operate in Europe’.. What is behind the real legacy of Robbie Burns’, Mary queen of scots must be turning in her grave. Now is the time to be strong and stick to your guns – you are the Monarchs of the Glen!

Roddy Macdonald

I was chatting to someone who was present at the press conference last night. Robinson was the first journalist called to ask a question and he petulantly stormed out after the exchange shown above. Many of the foreign press corps didn’t have a clue who he was and were asking afterwards who the heckler was.

Billy Reynolds

There is actually a petition on to have this liar suspended following an investigation :

link to


Did anyone watch LIVE Andrew Neil’s BBC2 programme Scotland Votes: What’s at Stake for the UK? on August 12th 9:30pm.

I watched this live and distinctly remember Andrew Neil commenting on the support of both campaigns, stating something to the effect that the YES campaign had more foot soldiers and BetterTogether the backing of much of the media.

I have just re watched the programme on iPlayer and this segment doesn’t seem to be there. Does anyone else remember seeing this live or have a recording? Don’t think I imagined it as my husband remembers it too. If I recall rightly he was standing at steps when he said it. Has it been edited out of the iPlayer version or did I miss it when I re watched it?

The only reason I went looking for it today was because Andrew Neil acknowledged BT having the backing of media. I’m not suggesting he meant that included the BBC (although we know it does!) but as YES supporters have been subjected to many accusations of paranoia in recent days on this subject I thought this acknowledgement of media backing by a BBC political journalist to be…well, interesting! However, now I’m intrigued as to why it’s not there on the iPlayer version.


When the PM said ‘There is no going back’, is he suggesting that Scotland will no longer be democratic. I hope that he is as good as his word. Surely, if a Scottish Government fails the Scottish people it would go the way of the dodo or Conservative party in Scotland.

It may be the case that away from Westminster the conservatives and labour could once again become relevant.

Neil Dorward

Just got my reply from my complaint to the BBC re Nick Robinson. I am told there is no case for the BBC to answer, how silly was I (and one or two others) to take 10 minutes out of my day to complete the BBC complaint form. And God knows what 300 people were doing protesting at the BBC the other day. It was 300 wasn’t it? If there were a 1000+ and and it was reported as 300 I might have to find another 10 minutes from my day to complete another complaint form.

tom russell

I came across this site by accident. I am English and have no strong opinions either way about the Scottish referendum. From the outside some of the comments from about the Nick Robinson debate seem extraordinary. Alex Salmond’s reply that corporation tax is paid where the economic activity occurs was a little disingenuous.If that were the case we would not have a problem in the UK with companies like Amazon. A good journalist is obliged to ask awkward questions of people in power.

It seems self evident that there would be downsides and upsides to breaking away from the UK. I believe people would be better off considering the economic pros and cons in a calm and reasoned way. It is perfectly possible that Scotland would be worse off economically but would prefer to run its own affairs.

Whatever the people of Scotland choose I wish them the very best. I hope the level of debate in an independent Scotland or one with greater powers rises above this.

[…] of that were shattered by Nick Robinson’s shameful behaviour earlier this week which you can see here. Such a blatant display of bias and political censorship is one thing, but the BBC’s response […]

[…] does not. There is something different about when you read about, say, Nick Robinson presenting an incredibly misreading report, and actually seeing the events as recorded and as reported. Another clever technique is […]

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