The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

On The Wall

Posted on October 12, 2023 by

The writing, we mean. Because it’s not until you see it baldly written down in black and white that it really hits you how insane it is.

The SNP has 44 MPs now, and has not managed to enter independence negotiations.

Winning 29 seats would represent a LOSS of 15, or more than a third.

And they’re about to stand up in front of voters and insist that that would somehow compel the UK government to hand over what they’ve been flatly refusing since 2016.

(It’s all pretty academic anyway, obv, as we’ll be amazed if they get double figures.)

The very last shred of credibility has left the building, readers.

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Ian Mccubbin

They are now just sending out any sound bite loaded with stale carrots , hoping voters still believe.
Well more and more don’t, let’s hope Alba and ISP rising to challenge every seat.

Eddie Munster

I know independence supporters who will never vote SNP, this will not work and I think Humza and the high ups in the SNP know this, its the last desperate throw of the only carrot they have left, to try and save their own skin, that’s settled on their rapidly evaporating gravy bus.


It’s Alex Salmond I feel sorry for most at this point.

Andrew scott

Snp muraly dixlesic


Could have been worse. At least they haven’t chosen either Fatima Joji or Rhiannon Spear as candidates.


Spears the serial loser.


Did he say what he’s going to do with the mandate. Put them to bed like all the other mandates. What an utter sham. There was never a problem getting an Indy mandate. There was just never any plan to successfully use them. Crazy….




George Ferguson

The link between the SNP and the Independence movement has been broken for many months. They are trying desperately to re-establish that link. Hence their resurrection of the 2015 Stronger for Scotland marketing campaign. Unfortunately for them. they got rid of the activists, then members, then party commitee checks and balance, then their selection criteria and finally any decency and respect for the electorate. Another wee recap 2015. 49.9% of the vote 56 out of 59 MPs. I am thinking no SNP seat is safe at the next GE. Revised prediction 4 SNP MPs.


link to

How apt! Spectre 🙂

The SNP, a ghost of its former self.


Life is hard . Its even harder if you’re stupid. Humza your days are numbered, as weakest link.


I wonder how many will attend conference ? And if Sturgeon will turn up ?

I do hope Humza is given his jotters.

There needs to be a surge in membership for Alba and ISP as this will lead directly to ‘Scotland United’ candidates for the next westmonster election.

Otherwise, there is a lot more pain for us independenistas.

Geoff Bush

I’ve been trying to find the quote by Thatcher along the lines that all the SNP had to do to achieve independence was to return a majority of Scottish MPs to Westminster, I think it was in the 1980s but I can’t find it. 29 MPs is a majority of Scottish MPs, but what needs to go in the manifesto is that this would be sufficient for the snp to declare independence the next day, not simply to continue intermittent grovelling. Do I think they will put that in their manifesto ? Let me think . . . . .

Ronnie McNeill

Why wait? He has 44 MP’s NOW.


Backs to the wall, perhaps ?; a final throw of the dice to see how many of the less-well-informed punters we can tuck up for one last time ? I have limited sympathy as a supporter of the Union.

Viscount Ennui

he only way I foresee the SNP having any influence at WM is in a hung parliament.
Even then, Labour might haul-in the LibDems first.
There is a genuine risk that the SNP will become irrelevant with a landslide Labour victory and that a nascent indy moevement within Scottish Labour would stand a greater chance of a) increased powers to our toytown paliament, and b) a referendum.

Swinney posting pictures of his latest tour around Perthshire has a whiff of valediction and his utterings are now no more than those of a local councillor.

Strange times.


The phrase from the Old Testament most appropriate to the SNP is not the writing on the wall, but rather, the years that the locusts have eaten. That is, 2015 to 2023.


“We have two battalions of tanks and five thousand infantry, but we’re only going to take on the Boche once we’re down to a single tank battalion and no infantry. We can then tell HQ we have no infantry casualties to report. Splendid plan don’t you agree Darling? Mehhhh…”

You’d be forgiven for thinking the SNP are morphing into Parti Québécois with ian ultra-Woke outlook, which is fairly common in Canada. “The PQ has also promoted the possibility of maintaining a loose political and economic sovereignty-association between Quebec and Canada”. (Wikipedia).

On this side of the pond we call that “Devo-Max”. The SNP seem hell bent on sabotaging any future opportunities for Indy in favour of Devo-Max so they’re able to keep their noses in Westminster’s trough.

We see you SNP!


Robert Hughes

” The very last shred of credibility has left the building, readers. ”

It’s away to search for Kirsty Non-White He/Him’s bewildered genitals .

Maybe they mean 29 Seats , y’know ,the cars ?

Aye that’ll be it , if they can collect 29 of those wee Spanish motors , drive them defiantly round n round , say ….Piccadilly Circus , WM waving * trans * flags oot the windae , wae Maggie Chapman tied to the roof-rack like a Green exocet – we’re laffin’. The Brit deep-fried State will be powerless to resist, tellin’ ye , just watch

29 ” Vehicles To Independence ” goatae be better than just the one , right ? Especially if that one is totally fucked .


Geoff Bush says on 12 October 2023 at 7:15 pm: “I’ve been trying to find the quote by Thatcher along the lines that all the SNP had to do to achieve independence was to return a majority of Scottish MPs to Westminster,”

Here you go, Geoff:

[Deleted by RevStu]

Bob Mack

If you wondered if they treat their voters like idiots, you have just had it confirmed. Beyond doubt!!


The idea that voting SNP was like voting in a de facto referendum was premised on the SNP being domestically politically neutral.

Meaning as close to centre, as close to consensus, as possible and making it only about Independence.

The strategy of the Sturgeon (SNP) was to drive the SNP to the extremes, to make any chance of a de facto referendum completely impossible.

This is where we are now.

Geoff Anderson

The Short Money from 29 seats at Westminster plus losing Holyrood Constituency seats BUT then D’Hondt kicks in and gives them a batch of list seats. They will scream “Both Votes SNP” and then settle in for another session at the trough.
They are confident on keeping control of Holyrood with their fellow Cultists the Greens..
I’ve made my mind up to vote Tory (Argyll & Bute). I just want the treacherous bastards in the SNP out….Brendan O’Hara represents them here (Tories are second in the seat)

Fuck them.


It’s always best to put them out of their misery quickly.

Think of them as roadkill, with a wing still flapping in the wind.

How is the ? any still living in the garden?

The Oui Coupar

Until “both votes SNP” my understanding of d’Hondt was that you weren’t able to vote for the same party twice. So I didn’t always use my list vote. That would probably make more sense. Daft system if a clever guy like me can’t understand it.

I’m making an election banner.

For Independence
Don’t Vote

Mark Beggan

Iam voting for the bucket of sand at the next election. As long as the bucket of sand is straight and has a moral compass.

Fuck the SNP and their freak show.

John Thomson

About time

Net zero air fryer

Winning 29 seats? Never mind winning 29 seats, I think they’ll be lucky to have 29 chairs occupied come their party conference :o)


I now see the SNP as a rabbit that some farmer has shot. Laying on the ground, life extinct, leg kicking, solely because of quickly diminishing electrical impulses, as brain activity ceases.

Captain Yossarian

I’m just ready to go to my bed and I decided to take a quick look at Wings over Scotland. The articles this guy produces are exemplary, detailed, researched, one after the other, and I don’t know he has the energy to do it. Thankfully, the site pile-on crew must have retired even earlier than me tonight as it’s rarely I ever go right through the comments from top to bottom and don’t come across a single one that I find objectionable. Not one. I wonder how long it will last?

George Ferguson

As ever Stu you are on the ball. I would ask contributors to compare selection events in 2015 with the SNP selection events now. The very last selection event I attended in 2015. Stewart Hosie was the Chairman I have to say it was a well run party democratic process. All candidates individually had time with the audience. No other candidate was present during each candidates pitch. It was a fair process. Compare that to current selection events. Are the numbers available for all seats? Has it been an open transparent event?. ‘Basser Tam’ numbers for example alias lug sooking candidate. I was surprised the wife of the FM takes her news from Al Jazeera. She was borderline Hamas in 2015.

North Chiel

Interesting to note that Kate Forbes will miss the SNP conference . Apparently, according to “ the times” she will be in the USA ?? fulfilling “ long-standing engagements” ?? Not that I will be voting again for her neighbouring “ colleague” MP anyway who withdrew his support for her in the leadership “ election “??


Another fascinating ‘brain dropping’ from Yosser.


Eh!!! Humza wouldn’t say anything so dumb.

Zander Tait

The absolute best result for those of us who believe in an Independent Scotland, is for the SNP to garner zero seats and zero MPs at the GE next year.

You know it makes sense.

The corrupt and deviant SNP must be destroyed forever.

After that, the road to Independence will be clear. ?

Captain Yossarian

Johnlm – See you tomorrow John. I’m just off to sleep.

George – If you had elected Kate Forbes then a family crisis for her would have been a relatively hum-drum affair. Missing a ferry or having bad tooth-ache, something like that. No-one would have been discussing the Gaza strip. Here they were, all thinking the Free Church was too radical. I think we have the wrong team in Bute House.

Ron Clark

Six MPs or sixty MPs,,,it matters not a jot.

Sending Scottish MPs to that midden in the English (spit) capital is a game set up by our colonial masters, to make us feel part of the big political picture,, which as we all know on Wings is total mince.

We are as relevant as an ashtray on a jet ski.

The SNP still think we haven’t realised this, ,and want us to play along like absolute fuckwits.

Well the game us up, no more voting SNP, (something I personally haven’t done for a few years), the majority of indy voters (with half a brain), WILL NOT BE VOTING SNP IN NEXT YEAR’S UK ELECTION.

Sturgeon,,,this is your legacy,, live with it.

Sturgeonism has to be detested and rejected even more than Thatcherism.

You horrible fuckin reprobate.

John Mason SNP MSP walked past me in the Forge shopping centre in Glasgow today, wearing a yellow and black SNP anorak, and I just couldn’t be arsed confronting him,,,in my eyes the SNP just don’t exist anymore.

I have totally given up with Scottish and English politics.

I haven’t watched a sitting prime minister on TV since Boris Johnson, and haven’t watched a Scottish first minister on TV since I watched one of Sturgeon’s covid rants.

English/UK politics is as important to me as that of some Eastern European back water.

I am 100% disengaged with the shooting match within the UK.

And yet I am ready to fight again for Scottish independence,, as soon as I am asked to do my bit,,,I won’t let these arseholes take away my desire to fight for Scotland to become an independent nation.

Ron Clark

For the source of who is behind these site R Sole “names”,,, look no further than prize prick UKIPPER John Main. .


I’ve seen hunners of guid Scottish Proddies in the Gazza Strip.


Looks like the just entered the horse in the Grand National now that it’s dead and if it comes in first, second or third we will enter it in the Derby.

Remember and bolt the door Humza!

George Ferguson

@Captain Yossarian 11:15pm
I left the SNP in 2015. I had no vote in the latest SNP leadership contest. I have reservations about that leadership contest. Questions remain about the number of members actually existing at the time. Pointed out by other WoS contributors. Kate Forbes made one mistake. She could have voted in support of some of the GRR amendments. A few minutes of her time would have had a material difference to the rights of women and children. She chose not to. No amount of spin from Kate now will compensate for her failure to support women and children at the time. She is not the answer.

Melvin penman

We will always be asking ourselves WHY ALEX WHY, WHY DID YOU LEAVE AND LET MI5 TAKE OVER.


As Ronnie McNeill says:and Stuart Campbell has been saying for yonks
12 October, 2023 at 7:16 pm

Why wait? He has 44 MP’s NOW he could put his masterplan into action IMMEDIATELY BUT BUT BUT Nicla the worlds greatest politician couldnae get us indy so av nae chance but she showed me how tae feed the BAMS wae carrots

Captain Yossarian

George – GRR debate showed Holyrood up as not fit to govern. That was the way I saw it at the time. My old party were just as bad as the SNP and individuals were removed from their jobs for standing up against the Party. The Tories took a far more sensible approach and allowed each member to follow his/her own conscience. Humza missed the vote too. I wouldn’t hold that against her as I think she is all the Nationalist movement have in terms of Leadership or potential Leadership. She can think on her feet and was asked some tough questions during the Leadership debate about her religious beliefs that the other two weren’t asked and she did well. She wouldn’t be sitting on the Bute House sofa just now giving the world her view on Hamas.

Robert Louis

Given where the SNP are right now, I am not sure they can ever recover. However, they could really make a difference, if they wanted to actually achieve independence.

Their are two major problems for the SNP.

Firstly, they have voluntarily tied themselves to the unelected and unelectable greens. Of course Harvie and Slater and co. are MSPs, but they are ALL list MSPs. They get a tiny, tiny share of the vote, yet are seemingly the proverbial ‘tail wagging the dog’ so far as the SNP Scottish government is concerned.

Take a read of the greens manifesto, and you very quickly realise, we are dealing with ideologues, who care little for economic or social costs of their dogmatic, totalitarian, policies. They are incompetent, and, quite frankly, nuts. Which is why they get a tiny, tiny share of the vote. They DO NOT represent how most of Scots think.

Secondly, so far as the SNP is concerned, it is currently stuffed full of gender loonies and blatant political careerists, who really do not give a flying f*** about Scottish independence. Almost all of the SNP green bench warmers who go down to Westmidden, are obviously in it for the cosy, easy life and the MONEY. And going to Westminster is BIG MONEY.

So, how do the SNP address these problems?

Firstly, preferably ditch the greens completely, or at the very least, get Harvie, Slater and co. back in their box. Their is no way they should EVER be cabinet ministers on such tiny, tiny vote shares. Their ideologies about gender are toxic, homophobic, and fly in the face of women’s hard won rights.

Secondly, the SNP needs a firm policy, whereby ANY SNP member sent to Westminster, will withdraw completely to their constituencies, as soon as elected, until such time as Westminster recognizes Scotland democratic and legal constitutional rights to decide its own fate. That is the Scottish claim of right.

Thirdly, work in PARTNERSHIP with all other pro indy parties, to ensure their is a policy whereby upon a majority of Scottish pro independence MP’s being elected (of any pro indy party), they would collectively withdraw from Westminster on the first day of sitting, to form a NEW Scottish convention of the estates ,to enact Scotland’s democratic claim of right.

This, and not Holyrood or Westminster, would become the vehicle, including from all walks of Scottish life, to enact a democratic choice for independence in Scotland.

Sadly, I do not think such things will happen. Already we have the likes of serial grifter, and pretendy ‘professor’ Stephen Gethings trying to get on the Westminster gravy train. He talks of independence, then in the same breath tells us, that the immediate priority is getting to London to make the case. A proverbial waste of space.

So, I do think the SNP will get humped at the next election, as independence is no longer their priority. If I as a voter am solely concerned about ‘the cost of living crisis’, then I would vote Labour, since they might actually be in government in Westminster and can do something about it.

The ONLY reason to vote SNP, is to obtain independence, and if that is not what they are about, then such a vote would be a wasted vote. Independence or nothing. It really is that freaking simple. Are you listening Humza?


See how many times you hear or read the word “unprovoked”…

The quip from Chomsky made me laugh…

“Of course, it was provoked. Otherwise, they wouldn’t refer to it all the time as an unprovoked invasion.”

Anyone using the word ‘unprovoked’ is a liar (or incredibly ignorant). Yet you will hear it everywhere.


OK, so Humza may get his 29 seats, and declare independence. Only to be completely ignored by the British establishment. What happens then? – Humza withdraws all MPs from Westminster? Starts a massive non-cooperation campaign in Scotland?

Aye, right.

More like Humza meekly goes back into the box (along with any mention of “independence”), relaxes in his comfy chair and moans and moans and moans. Until the next election. Then out comes the Indy carrot again. Rinse and repeat.


Why wait previous posters say. Why wait to implement your plan when you already have a majority of 44 MPs.

Welcome then to the mandate squandering SNP. Why wait indeed Humza when you can defer and defer and defer till you don’t have a mandate. Defer in fact to you only have a handful of MPs or maybe none for that is where the SNP are headed at the next election.

But that is in fact now a good thing. Folks now know what the SNP are, that they are an ipso facto unionist independence blocking party of politicos in the paid service of the British establishment. And knowing that the new independence securing front will arrive. And that as we now knows requires the removal of the SNP.

And that is why Humza waits. They didn’t call him the Continuity Candidate for nothing


Mac – those young Jewish girls dancing at that rave provoked Hamas, did they aye?

Robert Louis says: Are you listening Humza?

Why aren’t you listening to Humza?

He’s not a Scottish nationalist, he doesn’t like “white people”, he’s telt us so in as many words, and his best pal is Aamer Anwar, who is another bitter, seething wee roaster in the same mould as Husnae.

So, nawwwwww….. he’s not listening to you, he doesn’t even like people who look like you. Humza wouldn’t give you a shot on his scooter if you were the only boy in the scheme.

This is not hard to understand is it.


I’m going crazy as I see myself in 1984 or North Korean news coverage.
TV and Radio and newspapers Jewish perspective only.
We know Question Time is as corrupt as you can get but a man representing the Jewish faith
No one representing the Palestinians.
A member of the audience was throughout trying to take up comments from the Jewish representative kept shouting out and kept his hand in the air until they were ready to eject him. Can’t have a perspective from the other side here mate.

I condemn All these deaths and I condemn the one sided reporting.
Everyone seems terrified to say Palestinian live matter too.

News reports from Israel, families affected interviews all Israeli, US envoys to Israel, EU leaders to Israel, US and U.K. military support including weapons to Israel, which country was given the nuclear bomb- you guessed it.

2 wrongs never make a Wright and Israel blowing up hundreds of residential apartment blocks with innocent men, women and children.

Now how many deaths will the military invasion of Gaza cause?
No water, no electricity no fuel- How do hospitals perform life saving operations?
How about people on dialysis or nebulisers or iron lungs- all about to die.

How about the elderly in their final hours or days. They will die if moved.

If a million people are to leave their homes where do they go?
Where is their new home, food, job, hospital, school etc?

Will Gaze be flattened so that it would be impossible to return their unless you are a very rich country who knows they can take it over with the world turning a blind eye just as they have with illegal settlements they build every day in the captured Palestinian land from the 6 day war.

Palestinians have no human rights and slowly slowly their country is being stolen in front of them.

We need give from both sides.
Peace might come if stolen lands are returned, if the UN can put in a force to seek out anyone planning harm to Israel.

Right or wrong there will be 2 countries at peace there or one Israeli state.
Hamas had better look that in the eye and do it now.


At a time when party politicians are zero rating, worldwide, Scotland does need to come up with a purposeful alternative. The token nod to independence and reluctance to embrace «Scottish Nationalism» for fear of arousing negative comment from the adversaries has to cease.
The period of deviance is coming to an end its actors likewise.
This has been a classic object lesson in the need for constant oversight of politicians and their works. Rather too much has taken for granted. The deviance was developing in plain sight but few recognized it.
Being wise after the event is no excuse for lack of good management.

Alf Baird

Willie @ 8:27 am

“Why wait to implement your plan when you already have a majority of 44 MPs.”

Aye Willie, yer deid richt tae, the SNP is still sitting on a third electoral mandate for independence. The Scottish people have given the SNP, under the British electoral system, the constitutional right to withdraw Scotland from the union as it began – via a majority of Scotland’s MPs. At the decisive moment they still let us doon. They are about to lose their jobs at Westminster. They could best maintain their jobs, and any semblance of respect, by re-convening our parliament in Scotland – now.

link to


Red says:
13 October, 2023 at 8:34 am

So, nawwwwww….. he’s not listening to you, he doesn’t even like people who look like you. Humza wouldn’t give you a shot on his scooter if you were the only boy in the scheme.

Mornin’ Red

We were thinking along the same lines this morning.

link to

For those who missed it here is the article:
Labour councillor Deena Tissera called a ‘new Scot’ in racism row

link to

Are you racist yet?


In other news. A French holocaust denier, living in Scotland, faces extradition. Apparently he has been using a false name-Billy Carlin perhaps?
Rev Stu-you are giving Billy a platform. Be careful!

Robert McAllan

Forbes is on a coaching course being run by the British American Project in preparation for her imminent coveted dream come true event, that of elevation to First Minister. The spooks have her, NO VOTES FORBES for a free and Independent Scotland!!!


Hi Chastity!

How’s it going this mornin’
Still an independence supporter? 🙂 🙂 🙂

Transition going OK?
Did ye aye did ye no tie your tities in a bow.

The Mad Cow Disease is coming along nicely.
I get madder every day!

Paul Davis

Melvin penman says:
13 October, 2023 at 2:44 am
We will always be asking ourselves WHY ALEX WHY, WHY DID YOU LEAVE AND LET MI5 TAKE OVER.

FFS yet another one in denial. It’s always someone else’s fault. Anything other than admit the torch bearers for nationalism were an incompetent bunch of left-wing extremists who people blindly followed like the pied piper. It’s amazing how many people are now claiming they never voted SNP. That’s hardly credible.

As for Salmond, he had the best chance of all in the form of the 2014 referendum and he blew it. Yet now when everything is far less favourable he is seen as the messiah. Talk about clutching at straws.


Captain Yossarian says:
13 October, 2023 at 4:22 am

GRR debate showed Holyrood up as not fit to govern. That was the way I saw it at the time.

I just can’t wait to hear the Captain Yossarian’s views on GRR and women’s rights.

Also waiting to hear more about his sinking school project!

This could be my lucky day!


Paul Davis says:
13 October, 2023 at 10:12 am

FFS yet another one in denial.

Aw bless! Your wee post made me smile. 🙂

Do you know what has happened to John Main and The Scot Abroad?

Not a single post from ‘The Scot Abroad’ last night.
Could it be I scared him off asking about Scotland and what exactly it is.
Colony? Country? Lesser England?


Hiya Ruby

“I would like to be respected,” Tissera told the chamber. “I do not appreciate those comments. I have taken the Life in the UK test to become a citizen. I probably know more than you do.”

They’re not sending their brightest 😀

Are you racist yet?

Nup. Ah cannae be arsed with racists such as Humza Yousaf.

I wouldn’t call anybody a “New Scot”, because, like a “trans woman”, there’s no such thing. You’re either a woman or you’re not. You’re either a Scot or you’re not. Kidding on that anybody who smelt whisky or bought a postcard at Glasgow Airport has been magically transjockrified intae a Scotsman is part of the Cringe.

I believe that Scottish people exist, that we are not an imaginary identity that people can appropriate at will after passing a multiple choice test run by HM Government. That’s insulting and racist against us indigenous people.


link to

Platform backs down after bid to cancel gender critical conference

Reem Alsalem UNSR Violence Against Women and Girls
Arrived in Glasgow to participate in the @FiLiA_charity
conference tomorrow. I guess i’ll be witnessing in real time what i have been reading about over the last few year: The concerted attempts to censor #women and prevent them from meeting and discussing issues that are important to women, and… women continuing to resist as they always have!

Hoorah! Welcome to Scotland Reem!


I don’t think it is ever possible to rationalize murdering unarmed people in cold blood. By definition when things get to that stage reason is no longer present.

I could try by pointing out that everyone in Isr@el has to do military service in the IDF (except I believe the ultra orthodox who I assume are not big ravers) and therefore any Isr@eli of serving age at the rave would likely have been in or be in the IDF or be a reservist of some description. But honestly I am not sure H@mas give a fuck about that anymore if they ever did. Maybe it is just good old fashioned old testament an eye for an eye ‘reasoning’… where did they learn that I wonder.

When the dust settles and the emotion subsides I do think people will realize that having a knock-off burning man festival next to world’s largest open air concentration camp was not the best decision ever made from a security perspective.

The video clip of the two girls dancing and twerking as two heavily armed motorized H@mas para-gliders slowly appear in the sky behind them will be one of the enduring images of these attacks I have no doubt. But I am not sure for the reasons we in the West would expect.

I, along with the Isr@elis it seems, would never have believed Ham@s capable of carrying this out. Feels like a game changer but only time will tell. One thing is for sure is that they would have anticipated this response from Isr@el… which is not good.

stuart mctavish

Robert McAllan @9:56

Looks like fortuitous timing to me – and if they can hold it in American embassy (Jerusalem) whilst ensuring Humza’s family and a million other Palestinians get relief from any attempted genocides then so much the better.

link to

Stuart MacKay

Every creature must adapt to its environment in order to survive. Political parties are no different. Since 2014 the SNP has become just as feckless and hapless as the other unionist parties and so is now perfectly adapted for life in Holyrood.

With independence no longer on the table there’s no need for the SNP to maintain that majority. It costs too much to maintain and so will be discarded, much like a tail that is no longer required. As a result, it might have to wait a term or two to get it’s turn to get on the scooter of power (thanks Red) but it’s MSPs will be quite content knowing all the perks and pensions will keep on flowing.

Short of an asteroid coming along and rearranging the landscape, the SNP are going nowhere. It will continue to administer wokery on the population and the Tories will promised to stop it if only you vote for them. However nothing will actually be done to upset this natural order.
Labour will continue to be irrelevant. Hanging on because of their position in Westminster.

So, better get used to it. Everything is stable and there’s nothing on the horizon that would trigger change. There’s not even a small dot in the sky that appears to be getting a little bigger each day.


Stu, any chance of your giving your readers the ability to uptick or downtick the comments on here?
I stop short of suggesting a direct right of reply.


And if you want to understand the near lock-step of all Western politicians on this then read Mearsheimer & Walt’s excellent paper from 2006. I read it many years ago now but it explains very clearly exactly how it works. When you see the totality of it, it is very concerning, and that was 17 years ago… it is worse now. And this has all been replicated in the UK… This is why we are on the brink of WWIII folks.

Alf Baird

Red @ 10:36 am

“I believe that Scottish people exist, that we are not an imaginary identity that people can appropriate at will after passing a multiple choice test run by HM Government. That’s insulting and racist against us indigenous people.”

Indeed, and racism forms “a consubstantial part of colonialism” (Memmi). In a colonial society, racism affecting an indigenous native people is institutionised, is therefore normalised, and in turn is internalised by the oppressed group.

Racism “is the highest expression of the colonial system and one of the most significant features of the colonialist”; the “sine qua non of colonial life”.

In other words, Scots suffer from racial oppression every day, and will do so as long as we remain under colonial rule.


Mac says: Maybe it is just good old fashioned old testament an eye for an eye ‘reasoning’… where did they learn that I wonder.

Is it a “holy book” that encourages them to do horrible things to “infidels”? I saw a video of an Indian Christian guy interviewing a pro-Palestinian protestor in England yesterday.

The interviewee was eloquent in explaining that he hates Christians, that his religion says Christians are “liars”. It wasn’t the kind of ecumenical dialogue you see on TV, but it felt more genuine for it.

I’ve never seen Jewish people talking about a religious obligation to hate me. I’ve never seen Jewish people dress their children up as suicide bombers, or threaten to behead people. I have never seen Jewish people dancing in the streets to celebrate torture and death.


I think it’s even worse that that. Right now the SNP have both an unequivocal mandate to hold the referendum they promised and the means to do it via an election – but instead we’ve had key SNP figures trying to insist that a de facto indyref is democratically invalid. Toni Giugliano telling us that a majority win in such a vote would merely allow us to beg for a section 30 to hold a Westminster-sanctioned referendum. Alyn Smith banging on about Westminster gold-standards, while saying he “never wants to hear of” the de facto plan again, going as far as to say that it wouldn’t be valid anyway unless all the other UK parties (and even the press) accept that it is. We’ve had senior SNP sources arguing that Yes needs a consistent 60% polling before a referendum should be permitted. Insisting that a vote for independence should be worth less than a vote for the union is like something Alister Jack or Neil MacKay would do.

Then there’s Ben “people just want devolution” Macpherson and Marcus “the unionists are right, we need to drop independence” Carslaw.

The SNP aren’t just shedding voters by continually asking for mandates and then failing to deliver. They’ve been furiously salting the battlefield, too. For whatever reason, they’ve been trying to normalise the idea that we don’t even have the right to ask ourselves the question. On top of all that, this latest wheeze just looks like contempt.

Alf Baird

Mac @ 11:19 am

“in the UK… This is why we are on the brink of WWIII folks”

All the more reason for SNP MPs to pull the plug on the union hoax now, ensuring Scotland remains neutral, like Ireland and other former colonies now independent states. Nae mair Scots sodjers dragged into mankit illegal Anglo-American corporate wars.


You did not see the video of the orthodox children and men spitting at the Asian Christians in Jerusalem just recently.

You did not see the pictures of the very young Israeli settler kids writing messages on the large bombs that were going to be dropped on Gaza in 2006.

You did not see all the Israelis carting their sofas and armchairs to the top of a hill overlooking Gaza so they could watch the bombardment in comfort with snacks etc…

Then we could get into the actual death tolls on both sides going back decades but you don’t see that either no doubt.

Do not see, no. Will not see. That is why I don’t bother debating it.


The New French are getting up to high jinks.

A teacher has been killed and two people have been seriously injured in a knife attack at a school in France, officials say.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said the attack happened at the Gambetta high school in the northern city of Arras.

Local officials say the attacker has been arrested.

The attacker shouted “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is greatest”, during the attack, police told the AFP news agency.

We don’t yet know if the assailants passed a “Life In France” test that would make them the Frenchiest Frenchies Who Ever Haw Haw Hawwed, but it’s possible they were radicalised by Brexit.

Anyhoo, that’s why I’m not putting a wee Palestinian flag on my social media. No thanks. I like Scotland and the Scots.


You have based your judgement on one tv interview.Don’t forget there are many Palestinian Christians and that all of the inhabitants of the Holy land ,Jews Muslims and Christians lived in relative peace before the Balfour agreement (Look it up).
We have a lot of responsibility for this horror .The annihilation of men women and children on prime time television and with British made weapons too.Good for business.

Captain Yossarian

Alf – If Scotland wishes to remain neutral, then it would be a good idea for the FM’s wife not to appear on Reporting Scotland supporting the views of Palestinians and the BBC shouldn’t have aired such a one-sided view from Bute House. Balance is required.

Secondly, if Scotland wishes to achieve independence, and in view of the mess that has been left behind by the Sturgeon/Swinney years, you would be lucky to achieve 30% support at the polls just now.


Anne says:
13 October, 2023 at 12:15 pm
You have based your judgement on one tv interview.

No I haven’t.

all of the inhabitants of the Holy land ,Jews Muslims and Christians lived in relative peace before the Balfour agreement

No they didn’t.

We have a lot of responsibility for this horror .

No we don’t.


Molesworth says:
13 October, 2023 at 11:09 am

Stu, any chance of your giving your readers the ability to uptick or downtick the comments on here?
I stop short of suggesting a direct right of reply.

You do have a right to reply. I’ve just replied to you.
The uptick downtick idea is good idea. Doesn’t work very well on The Scotsman & The Herald due to glitch which allows readers to up tick/down tick all day long.

I’m pretty thick skinned so if you wanted to reply to me with a whole series of down ticks it would be fine.

The other thing you could do which often happens is just make a post saying how rubbish all the post are. You could even start giving posters nicknames and singling them out for particularly harsh criticism.

I’ve been called ‘The Spinster’ ‘The Wings Bunny Boiler’ The person suffering from Mad Cow Disease etc etc etc

I was also called Scooby which I didn’t get but I don’t think it was complimentary.

Don’t hold back say what you think.

Captain Yossarian

Red and Anne – I have worked with several Palestinians. They blame Balfour, as did their parents and grandparents. The Balfour Agreement went back to 1917 and essentially Palestinian-owned land was gifted to create what would go on to become the State of Israel, by the British.

David Hannah

link to

Kate Forbes will miss the SNP conference. She’s off to meet her handlers. The United States can’t allow a Palestinian sympathiser to run their permenant aircraft carrier.


I don’t watch TV or read about wars or even watch horror movies.

I find I sleep better at night if I don’t.

I’m not thinking about mass killings, people being blown up or starved to death.

If people want to post about it that’s fine but if that is the topic of the day then I will be disrupting the flow of the discussion.

I don’t feel there is a single thing I can do to change the situation and possibly if I did join in the current topic I would end up offending some people.

So I’m staying out of it, sleeping well and taking care of my mental health.

David Hannah

link to

I watched Scotland Speaks. It’s a beautiful documentary by Alex Salmond and Tasmina about the Wyndford flats. Interviews the locals fighting to save their homes.

The Wheatley group is using bullying tactics, cutting down trees as they ignore a court of Session rulling to demolish an entire community.

John Wheatley will be turning in his gave about his name being dragged through the dirt.

Big Eck a man of people. We need more houses not less.

James Che

Alf Baird,


Alf Is Gaelic a official protected language like Welsh, or other languages in Britain,

Alf Baird

Captain Yossarian @ 12:20 pm

“If Scotland wishes to remain neutral”

You miss the point. For ‘a people’ to remain neutral they first have to be independent. Until then all matters of war and peace are outwith their control; a colonised people are effectively ‘out of the game’, they are merely bystanders, observers, ‘no longer part of history’ (Memmi).

Anton Decadent

“I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we are going to be part of that transformation which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.”

Barbara Lerner Spectre.


One huge problem with a multi-cultural society is in the event of war who do the Brits old & new fight for?

As I said I haven’t watched or read anything much about this latest war but from the comments I’ve read on here it looks very much like a war of religions.

If the country choose one religion over the other to fight for/protect would it be fair to ask all young men to fight for their country if they were a different religion?

I do remember when the Humza entered into politics he said it was because of the war in Iraq that was why he wanted Scottish Independence.

I agreed with him at the time. At that time I really though he was a good man I liked him. I agreed it would be best not to be part of a warmongering nation with the 2nd largest (or something) military budget in the world that drags us into illegal wars. Perhaps Humza was mainly concerned about Muslims being killed I on the other hand was concerned about anyone/everyone being killed just general about all the horrors of war.

Had that war escalated and we had required all our young men to fight would Humza have been a consciousness objector or would he have fought for ‘our enemies’.

Vivian O’Blivion

For those hardy (foolhardy) folks minded to stick it out in the SNP in the hope of forcing internal reforms, please bear in mind that Kate Forbes will not be attending the imminent annual conference. Forbes has “longstanding engagements” in the United States (there’s nothing in her Holyrood, Register of Interests as yet).
Forbes attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 21st to 24th October 2019 to deliver lectures. Fellow anoraks may remember that Sturgeon’s consigliere Liz Lloyd attended U of N. C. at Chapel Hill for a year.
In November, Forbes will attend a 5 day conference of the British American Project (Thursday 9th to Monday 13th) in Liverpool. The British American Project is a barely disguised front for the US State Department / CIA.
Fellow BAP alumni include: wee Dougie Alexander.
David Milliband (given $1m pa (2019 value) CEO of International Rescue Committee as consolation prize for loosing Labour leadership election to his brother).
Peter “Machiavelli” Mandelson.
George “NATO” Robertson.
Anas Sarwar.


link to

That post is mine no idea why my moniker has come up as Ruth.

I’ll see what happens this time.


The latest Yoon mantra; “lucky if you’re at 30%” still being repeated ad nauseam by the usual suspects.

Followed by “..If Scotland wishes to remain neutral, then it would be a good idea for the FM’s wife not to appear on Reporting Scotland supporting the views of Palestinians and the BBC shouldn’t have aired such a one-sided view from Bute House. Balance is required.”

Words fail me. Anyway, I thought Captain Mainwairing was going on leave from the Wings desk “for a couple of years”?

Maybe he’s training his replacement up first.

fruitella the hun

Looking for the Pope’s take on Gaza and came across this gender story as well.

link to

Alf Baird

James Che @ 1:21 pm

“Is Gaelic a official protected language like Welsh, or other languages in Britain”

Yes, via the 2005 Gaelic Language Act: “securing the status of the Gaelic language as an official language of Scotland commanding equal respect to the English language”
link to

However, nothing comparable for the Scots language which is spoken by maist Scots! A fowk aye deprived o thair ain langage.

Divide and rule!


For the benefit of Paul Davis and others.

According to Lloyd Qinlan on ‘Through A Scottish Prism’, Mark Hirst when he was parliamentary aide to Christine Grahame, submitted a FOI request as to the amount of contact between MI5/6 and the Scottish Government.

Needless to say, he had to resubmit his enquiry. They eventually had to admit to over 800 ‘points of contact’. What they were and with whom they were made is not available for oik consumption.

However, Mr Davis is correct in that Alex Salmond did indeed ‘blow it’ by using the ‘White Heather Club’ franchise for the 2014 referendum

Come in, come in,
It’s nice tae see ye,
Post yer vote,
An’ then move on.

Captain Yossarian

Alf – OK, first you become independent and then you become neutral. In the meantime we let Ms Humza speak to the BBC about the plight of Hamas, with her Nike trainers on, from the front room of Bute House. What kind of example is that setting? That we intend to be neutral, but only if we let her and Mr Humza take control?

James Che

Politicians are almost purposely becoming unelectable,
Politician are putting forth legislation that restricts freedom of human speech,

Politician are enforcing policies to mix races of people and to mesh, mix and dilute human right laws on the Island of britain,

Politicians passing legislation to not protect women and children compared with beard women,

The politician are well down the path to change and restrict the rights of all humans,
As the restrictions on how or how far you travel and move,
On restricting the words you speak.
Restriction on energy supplies.
Restriction on housing builds,

And endorsing euthenising section of humans like old people, disabled people, veterans of war, homeless people,
Cover your face,
Get ID for human credit scores.
Digital Access to your, and you’re families bank accounts..
Testing drugs on locked up people as experiments,

In the 1930s and the 1940s the transition to abuse of humans forced into ghettoes and then into camps with no lawyers, courts, or juries or politicians to give a opposition voice was so fast that it was obvious afterwards, they were considered crimes against humanity,

The slower legislation passed by politicians, is a different tack on the process through government control restriction policies is almost not so obvious, but the parallel results are eerily similar that regime,

Slowly, slowly catch all the monkeys.

James Che

Alf Baird.

I was prevented at School from using or Learning Gaelic and strapped or caned for using Scots, and being dyslexic never read it,

However if this language is now a protected language since 2005, where and whom protects it,? And would that include all aspects of it.?
Such as the phraseologies in that language, the context and the individual words of the Gaelic languange, being protected also.

Am I correct in this assessment? or have I misinterpreted this,


Regarding the elusive Thatcher quote, it is immaterial whether she said it or not, I’m old enough to remember that this was the train of thought back when there was no Holyrood government/administration and that there was no threat from the SNP.

It also made sense to guard against the possibility that there could be a majority of SNP MPs in Scotland by having another layer of government, i.e. more hoops to jump through.

Again we enter the realms of Schrödingers Scotland where we can’t do what any other country can do, like end a treaty that we are disgruntled with. No, it seems we’re not a country because we must ask our neighbour for permission to do anything.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with our democratically elected representatives representing us. Yes, that means we don’t need to have a referendum for anything, that’s not to say it wouldn’t be a good idea but the principle remains.

It’s perfectly legitimate to stand for election with a promise to end the Union and resile from our agreement with England.
Again, it may not be the best way forward as it may put a few noses out of joint domestically but that would be Scotland’s problem and if we put a few noses out of joint externally then that’s just tough.

Having said that, the reason the SNP are saying this is not to actually follow through on it but to simply garner votes to keep their snouts in the trough.

If Hungary, for example, voted to leave the EU without a referendum how angry would we all be?
How many of us would be complaining that this was illegal?
How many of us would lose sleep over it?
Is Hungary a country?
Is Scotland a country?

If Scotland is a country, we should bloody well act like it.
If we’re not a country, that leads to a lot more questions.

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird, at 1:48 pm.

The Scots language is nothing of the sort. It’s just English with a Scottish accent, and poor spelling.


A Scot Abroad says:
13 October, 2023 at 3:26 pm
The Scots language is nothing of the sort. It’s just English with a Scottish accent, and poor spelling.

Away you go with your daft flame baits & answer the question I asked you on a previous thread

link to

It’s a simple enough question

Is Scotland a country, a colony or Lesser England.

It’s just for your opinion I want. No need for a long draw out answer.


james Evans Pilato made an interesting point regarding these ‘news events’ at music festivals etc. such as the Bataclan, Nice, Las Vegas, Manchester. Orlando and now kibbutz re’im.

His theory was that younger folks don’t listen to the dinosaur media and have to be manipulated by these fake/real?? events.

With the ‘censorship of gore’ policy unedited images are now quite difficult to find and they can sell us any pixilated nonsense.

my view is that they are all fake until real evidence is provided.

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 3:26 pm

“The Scots language is..just English with a Scottish accent, and poor spelling.”

Whit dae ye ken aboot Scots langage? Naethin A wad jalouse. An nae respeck o Scots langage an fowk naither.

English is English, Scots is Scots. Ane shoudna haud-doun the ither, alike colonialism. Langage is whit gies fowk thair identity, ye ken. Tak awa a fowk’s langage ye tak awa thair identity – Imperial job duin!

The quaistion is, whit identity daes fowk want tae be? Ye canna hiv twa identities, thon’s a cultural blaflum (illusion), like yon ‘union’ hoax, an thon Englis Imperial state croun, an thon SNP’s gender deceivery an aw.

Alf Baird

James Che @ 2:55 pm

“However if this language is now a protected language since 2005, where and whom protects it,? And would that include all aspects of it.?”

The Act created a state agency for Gaelic language:
link to

Scots language speakers and advocates are still awaiting equal consideration and respect, and an end to (ethnic) discrimination in oor ain laund.

James Che

Alf Baird.

And my spouse an sister used to say words on Scots that had no relation to a slang English words even old English,

Braw seeing you right it down,


“ we’ll be amazed if they get double figures.”
Indeed. Their increasingly crazed ploys seem geared to engineering a 1979 tribute act.

George Ferguson

I was talking yesterday about the fairness of the previous selection procedure of the SNP and compared it to the present. I have just had a very refreshing experience voting in the Alba elections for officials. Out of the 4 categories. I knew some of the candidates in each category so it was easy for me. A slick digital election with information on everyone putting themselves up for election. Ps Don’t tell Stu. James Kelly of Scot goes Pop is up for election.

Anton Decadent

Half Man Half Biscuit predicted all of this in 1997, the year of the election of Tony Blair, with their song Deep House Victims Minibus Appeal.

James Che

Perhaps it would be wise not to share the scots language down with those whom thing it is Slang English so as not to enable adoption until it is qualified as a unique language to Scots,
I noticed your use of the word “blaflum” and could not find it has any correlation to a english slang word old or new,

These are nugguts of old Scots, an like I said my spouse uses plenty in their everyday conversations with born an bred locals as did their parents an grandparent,

It is indeed a colonial mind that likes to pretend every languange is English,
At yet the english language is not unique as it consists of words from latin, french, german, Scots , Wesh and Irish.

With a multitude of borrowed words to make up the english language it is amazing they still call it English,

James Che

Alf Baird,
Maybe someday I will leave these old Scots words I have collected from my family of the Scots language to those trying to attain recognition of “Scot” as a individual language,

But not to those that claim that selected words of latin, french, german, nordic, spanish etc are those that make up the now slang english language

The silliness of someone in England or else where suggesting that the English language is pure.
When it is made up of a multi tude of languages from around the world and borrowed from other languages
English is slang every language.


I presume Alf speaks more Scots than I do because he lived in a part of the country where Scots was spoken.

The likes of Katie Forbes & Angus Brendan O’Neil speak Gaelic because they in turn lived in a part of Scotland where Gaelic was spoken. Their parents probably spoke to them in Gaelic.

I think they have done really well learning Gaelic/Scots considering the TV/Radio is for the most part in English, their education would all have been in English and they require to speak English for their jobs.

Well done guys.

I was thinking about what A Scot Abroad said

“The Scots language is..just English with a Scottish accent, and poor spelling.”
obviously it’s just another flame-bait from this man from Lesser England.

You could possibly say the same about Portuguese
“The Portuguese language is..just Spanish with a Portuguese accent, and poor spelling.”

Could be there are other languages you could say the same about although I don’t know why you would want to.

A Scot Abroad


I’m not at your beck and call.

Alf Baird,

you’ve just proven it. Scots is descended from middle English, as is modern English. Maybe “Scots language” speakers should stop colonising someone else’s language, and get back to speaking Gaelic. And pay reparations for 500 years of mangling the spelling. It’s just an invented conceit by Scots to think they speak something special.


@A Scot Abroad @ 3:26 pm

“The Scots language is..just English with a Scottish accent, and poor spelling.”

You don’t seem to know how well you have been colonised. Here’s a little help.From Colin Burnett’s piece on wer cultural cringe.

“The Scots language corresponds Bourdieu’s concerns as everyone does not have the right to communicate via Scots, as this can place them in opposition to the deemed universal language of English. If we take the term field (Bourdieu 1979) used to describe arenas where social agents operate within and include politics, parliament, patronage, court, and religion which grants legitimacy to the language which Scotland has lost, one player was Sir John Clerk of Penicuik (one of the Scottish negotiators of the Union of 1707) who remarked ‘’the English language … since the Union wou’d always be necessary for a Scotsman in whatever station of life he might be in, but especially in any public character’’ (cited in Balilyn and Morgan 2012, p. 85).

This prophetic comment is epitomised in an incident at an Edinburgh court where a young man was held for contempt of court for answering aye (Scots for yes) instead of using the English form of yes (Crowther and Tett 1999). Similarly, Lord George Robertson remarked “Scotland has no language and culture” (NewsNet Scotland 2014) during the 2014 Referendum; a comment which is a wonderful example of cultural inferiority insofar as it suggests Scotland is void of a recognised culture by its own political elite and representatives. Billy Kay enquired to a Fife headmaster if pupils were encouraged to engage with Scottish Literature and was startled by his response: ‘’No. This is not a very Scottish area” (Robinson 2008, p.5).”


“AScotAbroad is..just English with a Scottish accent, and poor spelling.”

I hear the ScotAbroads have been sent to the Eastern Mediterranean.
The spirit of Mad Bitch lingers.


“The Scots language is nothing of the sort. It’s just English with a Scottish accent, and poor spelling”

I am afraid you have just demonstrated your ignorance in the subject.

It appears you do not know the difference between a language and a dialect.

A dialect does not have written form, it is only spoken. This means that if you forbid people to speak it and listen to it for long enough, you will end up extinguishing it.

A language, however, has written and oral form. For as long as you preserve the written form, the language survives and can be taught. Latin for example is not a live language because it is not spoken anywhere. But the written form is preserved, therefore it can be taught and could potentially be resurrected again.

It is because Latin is a language and not a dialect that Boris Johnson could learn a few written quotes in Latin and then parrot them to “prove” his knowledge (or lack of, according to some who know Latin).

By writing his comment in Scots, Prof Baird has just demonstrated to you that Scots is not a dialect. It is language which has written form. But we already knew that and so should you, because Robert Burns wrote in Scots.

Treating Scotland’s languages as if they were dialects or ridiculising them, as you have just done in your comment, is a signature expression of persistent colonialism, which seeks to subjugate by undermining local heritage and culture so the colonised adopt the coloniser’s instead.

Why does the coloniser try to suppress the language and heritage of the colonised? Because that is what identifies them as a people and distinguishes them from the coloniser.

Suppressing the languages of the colonised is a way of imposing “unity” by force. This is also what Franco’s fascists did in Spain as soon as they got to power.

He suppressed all the languages that were not “Castilian”. Disgustingly, he even forbid his own fellow Galicians to speak their (his) own mother tongue punishing them (through the compliant and complicit bourgeoisie) harshly if they did.

Franco’s action is an example of what Prof Baird has been explaining all along. The middle class natives who reach power under the coloniser’s rule, are even harsher and more despicable against their own fellow countryman than the coloniser. This is to prove their loyalty.

Galicians in Spain saw that with Franco. Here in Scotland, we see it in the way the SNP is treating the people of Scotland: for nine years they have given more consideration to the no voters moving to Scotland from elsewhere, than the yes voting natives.

Spain’s languages (other than Castilian) took a very serious hit during Franco’s fascist rule, but thanks to their preservation in written form, they survived and are thriving today. The main problem, when they became mainstream again, was to fill the gaps of all the new things created in the interim for which there was not a name in the original language.

Those languages are now taught in schools, spoken in the local TV stations and radio and are, together with Castilian, official languages in the regions where they are spoken.

If you want a job as a civil servant in those regions, you must be able to speak both languages, Castilian plus the regional language. This acts, of course, as a fantastic deterrent against people from elsewhere getting a civil servant job in the region displacing the locals. I think it is a great thing, because it secures that either local people gets those jobs, or at least people who can speak the language.

I am of the opinion in Scotland it should be exactly the same. Scots and Gaelic should be taught at Scotland’s schools, or at the very least one of them with option to study the other too as a subject choice.

It is embarrassing that our kids are being taught foreign languages but not their country’s own language.

Civil servants in Scotland should be fluent in at least two languages, English plus one of Scotland’s languages.

If I have to be honest, I am absolutely appalled at the total lack of progress advancing Scotland’s languages and culture made by the political fraud Sturgeon and her continuity candidate Yousaf. I find it unforgivable. I was fully expecting Scots to taught in the schools as a mandatory language and Scots language courses being openly available for adults when the political fraud became FM.

9 years in power and nothing to show for it. That should be STurgeon’s epitaph.


A Scot Abroad says:
13 October, 2023 at 5:05 pm


I’m not at your beck and call.

Oh I see you are unable to answer a very simple question.

All mouth and no trousers? Typical!

Anyway I’ll keep asking in case you change your mind and would prefer not to end up looking like a complete fool here BTL on Wings.

Imagine not know if you are from a country or from a part of England called Lesser England.

‘A Lesser English Abroad’


A Scot Abroad

Colonialism’s ‘most important area of domination was the mental universe of the colonised, the control, through culture, of how people perceived themselves and their relationship to the world’.”

Ng?g? Wa Thiong’o

James Che

Alf Baird,

Thanks for the links Alf.much appreciated.

A Scot Abroad


What you write dialect and language is fine as a distinction that makes no difference. The fact that the “Scots language” is just middle English that has evolved a bit over 500 years doesn’t make it special. It’s just English spoken in a Scottish accent, or written with poor spelling. It’s just English.


Out of the three countries still colonised by England do you think Wales has done the best job of keeping their language alive.

Why is it for the most part English people cannot pronounce loch?

Could this be a reason for them wanting only English.

Cheers Mia I didn’t know that about Franco.

Incredible to think that it wasn’t that long ago that Spain was a full blown fascist country colonised by Nazis.


Swedish, like the other Nordic languages, is a descendant of Old Norse, the common language of the Germanic peoples living in Scandinavia during the Viking Era. It is largely mutually intelligible with Norwegian and Danish, although the degree of mutual intelligibility is largely dependent on the dialect and accent of the speaker.” (Wikipedia)

So according to Lord Naw-Naw, Danish is just Swedish spoken in a Danish accent, or written with poor spelling. It’s just Swedish.

Glad we cleared that up.


“Any material that you produce and display in public in Wales must be displayed in Welsh..” and it must not be treated less favourably than the English language version.

How is it that Scots isn’t treated like this? And Gaelic?


To be clear AScotAbroad doesn’t hate Scots folk, or approve of theft, torture and molestation.
It’s just business.
I hope that is clear.


“Colonised by Wankers”
Postcolonialism and Contemporary Scottish Fiction

“Has Scotland suffered from colonial oppression by England for the last 300 years? While historiography may give an answer in the negative, this study reveals that the contemporary Scottish novel is haunted by strong feelings, marked by perceptions of abjection and inferiorisation in response to constructing the English as dominating. Drawing from an unprecedented corpus of contemporary Scottish novels, this study explores the postcolonial in Scottish fiction in order to investigate the underlying discursive power relations that shape the Scottish literary imagination. The study consequently demonstrates that the analysis of Scottish national identity profits from this new angle of interpretation of the Scottish novel as postcolonial. The analysis of discourses such as those of gender, class, space and place, and race reveals how the construction of the Scottish as marginalised permeates the width of the contemporary Scottish novel, by referring to diverse examples, such as James Kelman’s How late it was, how late or genre fiction such as Ian Rankin’s Set in Darkness. Thus, this study provides an insightful reading in the wake of current political developments such as the Scottish independence referendum.”

James Che

To the flame baiter and ignorance,

English and middle English is not a pure language, it is made up of many lanuages through evasion of England and ancient traders,
Wether it be anglo’ language, french invasions an words, roman invasion, german, etc, latin and Greek, some Spanish,
And elements of welsh, Scots and Irish,

So those who is claiming Scots are borrowing the english language first have to acknowledge that most of spoken English is is a foreign language to England.
The english language has been,
Derived through foreign kings and queens of England
Through chefs from abroad.
From invasions,
From Roman and latin laws.
From religion,
From trade.
And foreign wars abroad,
And adopted words from colonising other countries.

Are saying Scots are speaking slang language and common language of france, germany spain viking, nordic, anglo saxon, russie and Gaelic and old pictish scots maaybe, welsh and Irish,

Multi bylingo

Scots are talented indeed,

Perhaps the shoe is on the other foot, seeing as english has no specific one country language or origins.

Michael Laing

@ A Scot Abroad at 5:50pm:

Utter, utter tripe. In as much as Scots is no longer recognised as a national language, that is because Scots have been taught to be ashamed of their own speech and language and that it’s merely an inferior dialect of English, and because schools have disregarded classic Scots writers and poets in favour of some bloody playwright from Stratford-on-Avon.

I’m sure you know perfectly well that the insulting garbage you post here is absolute drivel. If you genuinely believe it, you’re a total dunderheid. Awa’ an’ bile yer heid!


Repeat often enough that a culture is superior in all respects to another and it will come to be taken for «fact». Scotland’s three hundred year lecture on the matter from England/Britain and the system’s Scottish propagandists has conditioned many to that spurious «fact».
Without the intellectual and political will there can be no effective deconditioning and no permanent, sustainable desire for liberation.
The current Scottish politics, simply a version of the standard British variety, lacks the requisite sophistication to handle the process of liberation and national renewal.

James Che

Excellent and vivid explanation 🙂


A Scot Abroad

Frae the Hootsmon

Is Scots a language?
The Scottish Government recognises Scots as an indigenous language and calls it an “important part of Scotland’s culture and heritage, appearing in songs, poetry and literature, as well as daily use in our communities.” Its status as a language (and not a dialect) is further cemented by its recognition from the Council of Europe and UNESCO who registered it as a vulnerable language.

What separates Scots from English?
Both Scots and English are connected to the language of the Angles who came to Scotland roughly 1400 years ago. They evolved from ‘Old English’ throughout the middle ages but Scots developed into its own distinct tongue.

This occurred as the Norman French conquered England in a historical turning point that saw their language adapt new spellings, pronunciations and tenses separate to Scots. As written in Gaelic-Scots Wordbook by James S. Adam, Scots “is coeval with English but it has grown up differently. Many of the English borrowings from French came at second hand through the Norman Conquest.

“The Scots borrowings from French came directly, as did the borrowings from Norse and the wealth of Dutch words from our years of trading with the Low Countries.

“In short, Scots is not a dialect of English but a separate and sister language with just as long and just as proud a pedigree.”

You’re wrong and wrong at the top of your voice or a meringue.


I think for the sanity of all, Lord Naw-Naw is best ignored and left to dribble over his 2:1 ratio Union Flag.


Someone saying Humza’s Palestinian wife should not be pleading for peace and expressing
the desperation in seeing her immediate family trapped in an area under attack and about to be razed to the ground.

That is absolutely without insane.

Really your parents may be blown up at any minute and the can’t get out and you want to say nothing?

What planet can be from?


In my time I’ve met Germans who reckon Dutch is just falsch Deutsch. The mutual intelligibility between is likely as similar between platt Deutsch and Friesen Dutch. Unsurprisingly really. I struggle more with Bavarian and Austrian German.
Would never consider calling their language inferior or plain wrong.
It takes a very special kind of delusion and flawed character to do that .
Learning German certainly helped improve my Anglish , as did French. We know where they come from.


That’s interesting Sarah I didn’t know that about Wales.

Was there not something similar done in Scotland I vaguely remember a friend who works in the public sector complaining about forms having to be done in Gaelic. She was not happy.

A lot of people Stu included go bananas when anything Gaelic is mentioned.
I always try to calm them down by telling them the few words of Gaelic I know and trying to show them they already speak Gaelic.

I’m talking about pretty nice people but they just turn into ‘racists’ when there is any mention of Gaelic. Some of them are pretty hard core Unionists and felt that spending money on Gaelic was trying to dilute their Britishness or something or try to make Scotland different. I always find their reaction pretty odd.

It’s only Gaelic what harm can it do.

James Che


I was in Wales for a year due to my fathers employment,
You are absolutely correct,

But they went all in to revive it, and quite rightly

Do you know at school the teachers asked your maths, history, biology, science and home economics, geography question all in Welsh wether you knew the language or not,
It was a education in their own language before you could gain qualifications in any other subject,

The English teacher even asked the class the Questions in Welsh, Only your answer was to be in English .
That is pure determination to maintain your native tongues.

The Scottish devolved government is not really a Scottish government except for the word Scottish being applied by Westminster, so is a colonial deterrent to Scots or Gaelic being spoken or encouraged like Wales did, and often to belittle any serious attempts.


Here’s an idea. What about NOT reacting in any way whatsoever to the persistent commenters who have nothing constructive to contribute?

On another matter, is anyone able to go to the Chain of Freedom tomorrow? I had planned to but have had to withdraw, sadly.


I wouldn’t pay too much attention to ‘The Lesser Englishman Abroad’ he’s just got a thing about Alf. I think it’s because any mention of colonialism drives him insane.

Interesting that he claims Scotland isn’t a colony yet is unable to answer what Scotland is

link to


I recall watching the Scandi crime series The Bridge, where a Swedish cop from Malmö teamed up with a Danish cop from Copenhagen, and neither appeared to have any serious issues communicating with each other.

Perhaps Lord Naw-Naw can tell us who should have regarded themselves as being the linguistically inferior of the two?

Perhaps if the Swedes or Danes had an obvious Cringe, as in the case of Lord Naw-Naw, it’d be easy to tell.

James Cheyne


As eloquently spoken as Mia, and Alf Baird 🙂


“What you write dialect and language is fine as a distinction that makes no difference”

There is a huge difference between a language and a dialect. That you are determined to close your eyes to not see it so you can still peddle your failed argument does not mean the difference does not exist.

“The fact that the “Scots language” is just middle English that has evolved a bit over 500 years doesn’t make it special”

First of all, you would do well to remove the inverted commas. It is Scots language, you like it or not. Secondly, what do you mean “it is just middle English”? It is not English, it is Scots. The fact they are similar does not mean one comes from the other, it means they have the same root, in other words, they come from the same ancient language.

For example, Galician, Castilian, Catalonian, Portuguese, French and Italian come all from the Latin. In particular, Galician and POrtuguese are very close, but that does not mean one comes from the other. They are different languages and are evolving differently. Also, Italian and Castilian are quite close, and some words are the same in Italian and Galician. That does not mean one comes from the other. It means they come from the same original language.

The Scots language is as special for the Scots speakers as English is for the English speakers. You are not any better than a Scot speaker, therefore there is nothing that makes your language better than theirs.

You are, still, displaying your ignorance. You cannot write “an accent”. It is only the phonetics that are different. The written word is the same.

Take another look at what Prof Baird has written. The difference with English is not just phonetics. The words are different.

Come on, ASA, this is the third decade of the 21st century. Is it not time you surrendered your obsolete colonial mind to the dustbin of history?

“It is just English”
No, it is not English, it is Scots and there is nothing “just” about it. It is a language and therefore as relevant as English, and it is about time it is being taught in schools and spoken freely.

If you consider Scots just English with an accent, you are giving a licence to every Scots speaker to consider English to be “just Scots with an accent”.

What exactly makes you think English is a better language than Scots? The fact it is the language you speak?

Andrew scott

Anyone catch the green PPB tonite?
What a plonker with his huge holes in his ears
Obviously has a hole in his brain
Why would anyone vote for that cretin and his party??

James Che

Micheal laing,

Not just made to feel ashamed to speak our language, but beaten and thrashed at school in out of the way education places in the Country, if we spoke it in the class rooms in Scotland in the 60s and 70s.

Your equal to all the others here that are well educated and informed on Scots languages,


I think Lord Naw Naw (what a brilliant name) has scarpered.

He didn’t answer my question.

That’s two of my questions as yet unanswered.

The other is a question about the sinking school.

I need to know what has happened to the sinking school.

Has it sunk already. Is it now at the bottom of the Ocean?

Does anyone know anything about the sinking school?
Which school is it?

George Ferguson

@Effigy 6:36pm
I was happy that Humza talked at a synagogue last night expressing sympathy with the Israeli families that have suffered grievous loss as a result of Hamas terrorists. I agree with him that a humanarian corridor should be established for women and children to get them out of Gaza. Where I disagree with Humza is his assertion that the UK Government values Israeli children over Palestinian children. Diplomatic efforts are currently ongoing. Humza Yousaf has not been elected FM by the Scottish people. He was elected by an indeterminate number of SNP members under dubious circumstances. There is no visible public consent in Scotland to adopt a policy of pro Hamas or indeed pro Israeli stance. He could put that to test by calling for Scottish Parliamentary Elections. I do wish his family get out safely along with sympathy for Israeli parents whose babies heads were chapped aff.

Brian Doonthetoon

Perchance a language expert here can demonstrate how “forfochan”, “cundie”, “puggled”, “gloaming”, “skitters”, as examples, “is just English with a Scottish accent, and poor spelling”.

Michael Laing

@ Mia at 7.01pm:

“If you consider Scots just English with an accent, you are giving a licence to every Scots speaker to consider English to be ‘just Scots with an accent’.”

Precisely, Mia. That was my thought exactly, but I couldn’t find the words to say it in my comment above.


SNP Conference, Gardeners Question Time Session, Daucus Carota motions to be voted on:

1.Chantenay (short)
2.Imperator (long)
3.Nantes (blunt)
4.Danvers (good for storage)
5.Ball (miniature)

Looks like Humza favours No.2. He’s backing the establishment of a constitutional convention. If the SNP win the most seats at the next election.

Pete Wishart is expected to favour No.4. As usual.

Ian Brotherhood

The Union of the Crowns effectively ended court patronage of ‘makars’ writing in Scots. Writers like Burns, Scott and, more recently MacDiarmid all adored the work of William Dunbar.

Yes, it’s tricky for a mere English speaker at first, but once you get the hang of the cadence and have a decent glossary to hand, it’s a real pleasure and education.

link to

Alf Baird

TURABDIN @ 6:21 pm

“Repeat often enough that a culture is superior in all respects to another and it will come to be taken for «fact». Scotland’s three hundred year lecture on the matter from England/Britain and the system’s Scottish propagandists has conditioned many to that spurious «fact».”

Yes indeed, languages are powerful political instruments, so powerful they may be viewed as a threat to national allegiance and identity. This is why the Scots, like many other colonised peoples, remain deprived o thair ain braw mither tongue.

The ‘rusted’ Scots language is fundamental to Scottish identity and therefore a key determinant of independence. Awbody shuid lat thon daeless SNP heid bummers ken:

link to

Captain Yossarian

Brian Doonthetoon – “skitters” is my personal favourite. I used that word in Africa and the Middle-East and somehow it resonates.


Brian Doonthetoon – “skitters” is my personal favourite. I see a lot of posts by Yosser and John Main on here and somehow it resonates.

Ian Brotherhood


The CNN journalist Sara Sinder who announced on air that “babies and toddlers were found with their heads decapitated” has now apologised for spreading false information.

“I needed to be more careful with my words and I am sorry….We were misled.”
5:16 PM · Oct 13, 2023

Yes, she does need to be more careful with her words.(Had their heads decapitated? Huh?)

Presumably we can now look forward to President Biden issuing an apology for lying that he had seen photos of the beheaded children.

That’s a wee bit more serious than being fed lies or using a tautology.


Bert Stevenson

“If you consider Scots just English with an accent, you are giving a licence to every Scots speaker to consider English to be ‘just Scots with an accent’.”

A language is a dialect with an army and a navy’

Dorothy Devine

BDTT, my favourite is forfochan – lovely word and of course cowkin, though my spelling may be suspect.


40 babies?
Like in ASA’s war?
link to

George Ferguson

@Ian Brotherhood 8:29pm
Truth is the first casualty of War. Always has been and always will be. So Humzas heartfelt sympathies to a Synagogue were unjustified?. He sympathised with Israeli losses. Obviously made up casualties. A big boy did it and ran away. Let’s put it to the test and have Scottish Parliamentary Elections. We will hear both sides and make-up our own mind. Humza has not been elected by the Scottish people to be our FM. He has no legitimacy on foreign policy under a devolved settlement but with a Scottish Parliamentary mandate he would have moral authority to speak on behalf of Scotland.

Tinto Chiel

Have to laugh at Ascot Abroad. Maybe he should remember the saying that a language is a dialect with an army (and a navy, sometimes). Tell a Norwegian that he’s speaking Swedish or Danish and see what happens.

Incidentally, one proof that Scots is a language in its own right is that it (like Gaelic) has dialects and a huge literary tradition.

And there should be no conflict between Gaelic and Scots: they are both surviving Scottish languages (though Gaelic is older) and deserve respect and unwavering support. Anything else is to capitulate to classic Unionist “divide and rule” tactics.

That is all.


Alles gelogen . Alles gestohlen.
Is a mantra I heard many years ago . Not fussed really. Just seems so pertinent.

Tinto Chiel

@Ian Brotherhood 7.39: ha! ha! loved that.

Back to Dunbar, ya bass!

As they sometimes say in Camlachie 🙂 .

Or Garngad, of course.

Strangely, both are Gaelic Glasgow names.

Bit awkward for ASA…..

Chic McGregor

Alf, Scots is on a better supported basis in Northern Ireland since 2006. I have listened to, understood and enjoyed radio programmes from there in Scots, including drama.

This ‘Scots is just a dialect of English’ nonsense is just yet another symptom of what I think of as the Little Englander delusion.

Its roots go way back. Back to when the Angles, Saxons and Jutes first came to these Islands after the collapse of Rome. Romano Britain. i.e. mostly what is now England was left undefended and having been a colony was unpracticed at defending itself.

The more martially practiced Scots/Caledonii/Picts and Irish (i.e. militarised Celts if you like) obviously sought to fill that political vacuum.

The local leader Vortegern (great leader in Celtic) chose to invite a mercenary force from the Jutland Penisula (Denmark mainland) Schleswig-Holstein and Saxony (both Northern modern Germany) to hold back the marauders.

They were illiterate pagans but agreed to do it. They did stop the takeover but at a cost. Due to ongoing pressure from Westward moving Germanic tribes they were somewhat desperate to seek new lands themselves. In short, they refused to return and easily assumed a ruling position over the colonially weakened native Celtic population.

Although they were numerically never more than 10% of the population, they were, by martial might, in charge.

Being illiterate they were unable to bring with them a corpus of written material in which their cultural identity could be enshrined for future reference. All they really had was their pagan religion as a cultural glue. They did have one poem,
Beowulf, which was written down and probably finished in Britain (some Celtic elements are perceived in it by many).

Very soon, their pagan beliefs came under concerted attack from Christianity.

In time the existing literate class in Celtic England did manage to teach their new overlords how to read and write and even to produce illuminated manuscripts of their own. In time. despite a relapse or too, their paganism was also eventually completely replaced by Christianity.

This new literate, Christian Anglo-Saxon community became increasingly aware that they lacked anything like the Mythological, Legendary and historical underpinnings of their Celtic underlings. This has wrankled with them ever since.

They were in charge, they were the superior ones. Having an underclass that was literate with a superior religion and long history and mythology on which to draw for their cultural roots was simply unacceptable to them.

The fact that winna ding though is that they were illiterate, pagan and to be honest, a wee bit on the savage side. How do you maintain the veneer of elite superiority in such circumstance once the fighting of conquest has ceased?

The answer is, cultural usurption and fabrication. The seeds of a future ‘cultural identity’ built on delusion that still permeates notional Anglo-Saxon cultural identity to this day.

So many examples I’m not even going to start to enumerate.

On the linguistic front it was the Scandinavian influenced version of English and Scots which waas far more similar to modern English than the West Saxon and its Kentish variant which existed in Southern England up until around Chaucer’s time Scots with its borrowings of thousands of Parisian French words, which did not happen in the Domesday area, even more similar to modern English than Chaucer’s ‘Midland’ (read Northern) English which re-labelled as London English is the supposed birth of modern English.

Sorry just don’t have the time to go deeper.


A Scot Abroad said;

“The Scots language is nothing of the sort. It’s just English with a Scottish accent, and poor spelling.”

You are no professional linguist! Those who are have made it perfectly clear that the Scots language is indeed an authentic language in its own right, and they can and have provided reams of evidence to back their findings up.

If you want to challenge those findings, then challenge the professionals who made them, and do it on their own turf, and back up your challenge with proper, evidence-based arguments of your own! Challenging others over it without even bothering to support your own challenge in any way is both rank dishonesty and utter cowardice on your part. This is your usual ploy, and we see right through it.


Dinnae feed the troll.


Why would Scottish and English dictionaries both exist and be different?

Why is CARICOM seeking reparations if colonialism has been so good for the region?

What is Scotland if not a colony?

Glaikit, clarty, howking tatties.


@derek 10:05 pm . Unless you can drown them in their own skitters under bridge . There’s more of them to come after the current cantos are relieved of duty to their king .

Ian Brotherhood

‘The Grayzone’ aka Max Blumenthal, just a few hours ago, laying out what’s about to happen in Gaza and why.

Not familiar with the dude he’s hosting but the salient point is that they’re both Jews and openly address their problems with what’s being done ‘in their name’.

Skipped through a lot of it but played the last 40 mins or so in full.

These guys know what they’re on about and you can tell, from their facial expressions and body language, that what’s about to happen tonight and over this weekend is beyond what any of us have seen in our lifetimes.

It’s genocide in plain view.

Why are they doing it?

Because they can.

link to

Alf Baird

Tinto Chiel @ 9:12 pm

“And there should be no conflict between Gaelic and Scots: they are both surviving Scottish languages (though Gaelic is older)”

The main difference is Gaelic came via Ireland with the Dalriada Gaels whereas the Scots language as we ken it was developed by Scots within Scotland.


Pretty incredible; you can now be arrested as a supporter of terrorism if you carry a Palestinian flag, and Steve Bell, cartoonist at the Guardian for 42 years has been sacked over a cartoon was deemed anti-semitic, while all the time, the Israelis spout the vilest threats to exterminate the Palestinians which defy belief given what happened to Jews in WW2.

These days I find the morality of the West, particularly Israel, the US and UK, thoroughly repugnant and disgusting, and the redistribution of power which will take place to create a multipolar world cannot happen soon enough.

If we are diminished in the months or years ahead; whether that’s defeated militarily, made poorer economically, humiliated, discredited, or shamed by our increasingly vile and vindictive “Governments”, then all of it, ALL OF IT, is self inflicted since nobody with a shred of integrity can swallow the transparent bullshit, steaming hypocrisy and despicable propaganda that is currently being shovelled down our throats.

Despise me or lock me up as a Conscientious Objector, but I object to this, and know that I will not be party to this vilest discrimination and genocide which has been a weeping sore for the entire planet since Israel illegally Occupied Palestinian Territories in open defiance of International Law, and one UN Convention after another with utterly disgraceful impunity.

When I am outraged and disgusted by our rampant hypocrisy and double standards, I can only imagine how difficult and soul destroying it must be to be living under this dark, Mordor-like sky of this evil oppression. What does justice look like to them? Maybe it’s right there, in the indefatigable spirit of a militant in a paraglider invading Israeli air space. That isn’t terrorism I see. That is raw and indomitable defiance.

It’s a complicated word, “defiance”, because the Israelis flagrantly defy International Law, while the Palestinians defy their unlawful oppressor. One defiance is an outrage, the other is surely a just rage.

Can someone explain to me why Western leaders lack the courage, and apparently the intellect, to defy the intimidation of Israeli influence in places where no Israeli influence properly belongs? We owe these people nothing, so why in gods name do we turn and look away from their despicable oppression, grubby subjugation and now the promised extermination of the people who rightfully own the land which Israel stole? We are SHAMED by our complicity with any of this. Do we really hold such a low opinion of ourselves that we can be bought off so cheaply?

The last time we knew people so darkened by their murderous prejudices and unhinged hatred towards others, our grandfathers took up arms to destroy them and their inglorious Third Reich.

It’s not a nation the Zionist Israelis require, it’s some quality time in a sanitarium and a course of anti-psychotic medication. Where else does this end? Will we finally act when we see Palestinian children herded into extermination camps and gas chambers?

For the record, no I do not condone the killing of Israelis by rampaging Hamas Militants, but what I see is the tragedy of a people driven to do this. What kind of reaction were you actually expecting to see? What kind of trajectory do you think we are on?

Ian Brotherhood

@Breeks (12.30) –

Hear hear.

Have C&Ped your comment via my twitter.


The Yinon Plan for a Greater Israel stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates seems to be the dream..
Ethnic cleansing.
The AngloAmericans are happy because it shores up the petrodollar.

But it all looks a bit desperate, a sign that ‘the West’ is kaput.

Anton Decadent

“Can someone explain to me why Western leaders lack the courage, and apparently the intellect, to defy the intimidation of Israeli influence in places where no Israeli influence properly belongs?”

Because politicians, on the whole, are vain and shallow people easily bought by promises of power, money and sex.

Have a look at the board of the Tavistock then have a look at the three judges who overturned the findings against it. When Jack Straw and Michael Howard were found accepting cash for access they were put onto what was the replacement for the Press Complaints Commission and it was a five person board at least one of whom was already jewish which gave a jewish majority.

We have almost daily reminders of the Holocaust but the millions who died under Communism may as well never have happened, why is this given a pass?

What turned my head was spending a great deal of time amongst liberal zionists and encountering a global network of nepotism, cronyism and political favouritism. In conversation with a few of them they blatantly made demands for open borders for Western countries whilst saying that this would not be possible for Israel because it would jeopardise their homeland, culture and bloodline. The clincher for me was my peers victim blaming me for the unprovoked attacks which have been carried out against me in Govanhill by incomers, jews are the ones pushing for our extinction via mass immigration the irony being that they are joined by Saudi Arabia which funds mosques around Europe including in the Highlands And Islands.

People in the West are terrified of a small and shrill minority who have the power to remove their means to earn a living or even their liberty for questioning anything they deem off limits.


Zionists, of all religions and none, are a menace.

Ron Clark

The Jews are repeating what the Nazis done in WW2 in Warsaw and throughout Poland.

They turned Warsaw and Poland into a human death camp. Killing hundreds of thousands of Jews.

Now the very same Jewish race are turning Gaza into a human death camp, where thousands of Muslims are about to be slaughtered.

And all the rest of the world can do is look on in horror.

I am personally disgusted at what is happening and feel guilty that i can’t do a thing to stop this outrage.

Coming to a Cinema near you:

“The Israeli Turkey Shoot “.

Absolutely sickening.


Judging by the comments on this thread, I’ve got a feeling the Rev is going to make conflict in the Middle East taboo BTL much like he did with the conflict in the East.

My last comment on this subject, the below mirror site is for RT which gives an alternative viewpoint of the conflict:

link to


Going back on-topic, I see that Yousaf has finally admitted that his predecessor strategy on independence was wrong, or at least say so in words as far as he dares:

link to

Humza Yousaf has told his party to stop talking about the “process” of independence, as debates over de facto referendums and mandates “just don’t interest people”.

In a striking admission of failure, he said that, despite his party being in power for 16 years, voters “don’t understand why independence is relevant to their everyday lives”.

He said he wanted a debate on independence strategy at this weekend’s SNP conference in Aberdeen to “draw a line under it” and let the party focus on policy instead.

After that debate, “we’re done”, the First Minister said in a blunt message designed to make his party appear more outward-looking and less preoccupied with talking to itself.

It marks a break with Nicola Sturgeon’s period as First Minister, which saw repeated draft referendum Bills, roadmaps and other supposed staging posts to independence.

What’s not mentioned in article is that Sturgeon talked a lot about independence but did not nothing about it.


PacMan says:
14 October, 2023 at 6:11 am

Judging by the comments on this thread, I’ve got a feeling the Rev is going to make conflict in the Middle East taboo BTL much like he did with the conflict in the East.

It would be good to have just one place free from talk of war and babies getting their heads chopped off.

I know people love it but it really isn’t good for your mental health.

I would have preferred not to have gone to bed thinking about babies getting their heads chopped off.

It’s not as if we here in the colony can do much about it.

Well there is something we could do about wars but I won’t go into that because that would cause even more upset than mentioning money being spent on Gaelic.

Have a nice day and let’s worry about whether they’ll be a cartoon today or not.
I’ve got my fingers crossed.


I think we have a problem with too many ‘Holy Willies’ in power or trying to gain power.

Sunak, Humza, Sarwar & Katie Forbes would not be my choice.
I would like to see a leader with less rigid ideas about religion which I believe would be representative of the majority.

I’m wondering if the rest of the world believe Scotland is a Muslim country what with our leader announcing that he is a Muslim, proud Muslim, first Muslim at every opportunity.

It would be equally horrifying to have a leader announcing that they are Christian/Jewish, proud Christian/Jew at every opportunity.

Dorothy Devine

Breeks , thank you for expressing my thoughts so eloquently.

Tinto Chiel

Alf Baird @ 12.17: “Gaelic came via Ireland”.

An academic begs to differ: link to

Even if Gaelic came from Ireland it must have “been developed by Scots in Scotland ” too, since Irish and Gaelic have greatly diverged.

If I understand your previous thoughts on the subject correctly, you think Pictish has some kind of link to Scots. The successor to Pictish was Gaelic, which was in turn replaced by a form of English which developed into the language we now call Scots. I know of no modern linguist who thinks otherwise.

Alf Baird

Tinto Chiel @ 8:04 am

“you think Pictish has some kind of link to Scots. The successor to Pictish was Gaelic”

The Picts, as descendant from the Neolithic, who populated most of Scotland at the time of the ‘alliance’ with the Gaels to create a Scottish kingdom in the 800s, and prior to the arrival of the Gaels from the 500s, did not disappear. They were re-named ‘Scots’, probably by Gaels who had exerted dominance by the early 800s. Had they not been so re-named, this country could well have been called ‘Pictland’, and Scots ‘Picts’. (Scotia was of course the earlier name for Ireland, from whence Dalriada Gaels came, bringing that name with them).

You only need to look at linguistic-geographic development in Scotland to see that the Scots language was and is developed over the last thousand years and more in most if not all Pictish areas. These areas mostly face eastward to the continent rather than westward, and helps explain the closeness of the Scots language as developed in Scotland by Scots/Picts to other Nordic/Germanic languages, enhanced by ongoing trade and cultural exchange.

Some Picts would have adopted Gaelic, as any people subject to cultural dominance would, but it was not ‘their’ language; much as neither is English our language. The natural development of the Scots language over the past thousand years and more, and spoken extensively in most if not all former Pictish areas, would suggest that it may more probably be considered as the successor to earlier Pictish language. Which likely also explains why the instinct of many native Scots language speakers is not to absorb Gaelic – i.e. because it is not ‘oor’ language.



I have been on YouTube a lot recently and came across a channel run by a guy called Charles Veitch. He goes about Manchester and the surrounding area noising up junkies and security guards. His antics are occasionally amusing but also downright depressing when you watch the anti-social behaviour in these city and town centres he visits which is everywhere.

However, he has done a few good videos about Trans protests. The first one is from the recent Labour party conference and one from last year about protests in I think it is Bolton about the council allowing Drag Queens to talk to school children.

Links are below:

The Battle for Drag Queen Story Hour = link to

Tough Time Filming in Liverpool at Labour Conference = link to


Aye pacman I think you are right. I have comment in moderation since yesterday and it looks like it ain’t coming out.

I fully understand why SC wants to keep his blog focussed on Scottish issues but these world events are dwarfing all that and making it all seem very trivial At least for now). (Is WWIII ever off topic I wonder.) I am not wanting to comment anymore as I am getting the same feeling as you.

Craig Murray gets into it but there seems to be a lot less commenters on there.

Pat Blake

Yet again some of you demonstrate that you aren’t serious about being independent. You’ve slid down a rabbit hole about whether the Scottish language is unique. The reality is that American is the language of the future. Like British English it swallows anything it wants and slowly discards things that are no longer relevant. People moan about the English culture erasing their own but the truth is we all abandon old culture because it’s not important. The English don’t live or talk like the English used to do. Trying to hold onto the past is a hobby or a dusty academic subject, not a desire to be relevant in the future. Other than for pride and sentimental reasons, why would you burden schoolkids with a language that had few practical uses?

Independence should be about what will work better for future generations, not what will make life different for the sake of it.


Independence Live will be covering the Chain of Freedom from 11.30 am.


“Can someone explain to me why Western leaders lack the courage, and apparently the intellect, to defy the intimidation of Israeli influence in places where no Israeli influence properly belongs?”

The Israel Lobby is one answer and Jeffery Epstein is another.


No expert here, but I was under the impression that Pictish was an ancient relative of modern Welsh, hence the Welsh sounding placenames in certain areas. For example the ‘Aber’ element of Aberdeen, Aberfoyle, Aberfeldy, Aberdour, etc. The ‘Pen’ element in Penicuik, Pencaitland and of course every significant hill in Scotland prefixed by Ben (Pen) (You won’t find a Ben whatever hill anywhere in Ireland, so no Gaelic connection there). Lhanbryde being another.

Scottish Gaelic/Irish Gaelic was brought from Ireland into what became Dalriada by the Scots from Ulster. The Scots language developed separately to that of modern English from their common ancient Germanic language ancestor middle English. Pictish being a branch of ancient Welsh and other placenames in Scotland have Norse origins, such as Tinwald, Blegbie, Humbie, Stromness, etc.

Quite the linguistic melting pot which should be celebrated IMHO.


@Ruby you seem to be obsessed as to what other posters think Scotland is if it’s not a colony why is that? Here is my two cents worth on that subject.

For me (a proud Scot) Scotland currently sits happily furthest north of the 4 nations within the United Kingdom. There are many who would like Scotland to be removed from the United Kingdom but currently they are in the minority. That minority are not happy with the democratic vote at the last referendum and many would like another referendum and claim they are being denied democracy by the UKs gov refusal to engage in discussions on that vote , however there are many within the minority group who would rather prefer a UDI (Independence at any cost types)despite the undemocratic nature of such actions. (You see the paradox here) The majority are happy wit the status quo. In recent years Scotland has become political void a fractured country divided along political / historical lines more than I can ever remember. That void is entirely due to a lack of clarity on what an independent Scotland would look like in real world terms and how we would disengage from the UK. If this was resolved imo Scotland could win an Indy ref , voters like as much certainty as you can get in the political sphere around things that will affect their lifetime planning) leaps of faith when they are not required are seldom taken. Politicians all lie , Brexit and the fabiani inquiry being referral points) We as a nation are becoming more like NI every day where football teams or royal family ties will dictate how you vote rather than what social policies political parties have in their manifesto. We are a fractured nation, and depending on what side of the fence you sit will determine who’s to blame for that . That for me anyway is Scotland. Hope it helps.


I asked myself many years ago a question…

How is it possible a full bore apartheid state (that puts South Africa into a good light by comparison) can get away with it for so long… and not only that if anyone does highlight it they successfully accuse them of racism / anti semitism.

The bare faced hypocrisy and double standards are jaw dropping. It is such an extraordinary state of affairs when you stop and think about it.

But if you try to unravel that puzzle it opens up everything. How is it possible, and what must it take to make it so…

There is quote (perhaps erroneously) attributed to Voltaire that goes along the lines of…

“If you want to know who rules over you, look at who you cannot criticize’.

Irrespective of who coined it, it is true.

And all of this is completely relevant to Scottish independence, whether we like or not. We are all just Palestinians of different shades and extremes to these pyschos. Uppity Scots to be put back in our place.


(Apologies cocked up my email address on the first attempt.)

I asked myself many years ago a question…

How is it possible a full bore apartheid state (that puts South Africa into a good light by comparison) can get away with it for so long… and not only that if anyone does highlight it they successfully accuse them of racism / anti semitism.

The bare faced hypocrisy and double standards are jaw dropping. It is such an extraordinary state of affairs when you stop and think about it.

But if you try to unravel that puzzle it opens up everything. How is it possible, and what must it take to make it so…

There is quote (perhaps erroneously) attributed to Voltaire that goes along the lines of…

“If you want to know who rules over you, look at who you cannot criticize’.

Irrespective of who coined it, it is true.

And all of this is completely relevant to Scottish independence, whether we like or not. We are all just Palestinians of different shades and extremes to these pyschos. Uppity Scots to be put back in our place.

Captain Yossarian

“Collective punishment is going too far”. So far, Humza has handled it pretty well and that comment is one of the better comments I have heard.


When did 53% become a minority “Den”?

Just asking, like.

Tinto Chiel

@Alf Baird 9.10: your reply has made me more confused.

Scots developed from a form of English and has no linguistic link to Pictish. I find it strange that you seem reluctant to accept this.

I have read your book where you develop your colony theory and found it to be most stimulating. I would have thought you would agree English is par excellence the language of the coloniser. Perhaps this is why you are reluctant to accept Scots is ultimately derived from an earlier form of that language.

Pictish is generally regarded nowadays as having been a P-Celtic language, perhaps close to Welsh. I’m not sure if you are suggesting it had a Germanic/Scandinavian origin. I believe this was suggested by a few people in the 19th century but foundered through lack of evidence.

You also ignore the simple fact that Gaelic replaced Pictish and that Gaelic was eventually itself replaced by the Scots language and so there was no direct Pictish to Scots contact or continuity between them.

Unlike Pictish, Gaelic has been spoken all over Scotland, from Ecclefechan near the English border to the Western Isles and the Lowlands in between also, where there are many Gaelic place-names. Strange for a language that is not “oor language” too, surely?

I find your apparent animus towards Gaelic puzzling.

It shouldn’t be a contest or binary choice between Scots and Gaelic. They are both intrinsic parts of our Scottish identity.

stuart mctavish

Ruby @7:18 am

I doubt the murdererous on either side have much love and respect for these books but, anger being a known state of grief, its not difficult to see why survivors of victims might be triggered into seeking vengeance where its not warranted.

Arrests, detentions and due process for the perpetrators probably ought to have been the correct response* but was maybe not feasible after such unprecedented failures of intelligence.

*Alternatively its not impossible PTB has seen reports from common cold war inquiry and currently skittering itself into yet more atrocious decision making (/pre-emptive mitigation) at the prospect of an AI judge obliging it to fork out £120,000 to every estate that experienced death within 28 days of a covid shot.


link to

It already affects our politics because of deemed improper alignment with foreign and defence policy.

Alf Baird

robertkknight @ 9:57 am

“Quite the linguistic melting pot which should be celebrated IMHO.”

Indeed, however indigenous languages also need to be respected and understood for what they are. But crucially, they need to be taught, otherwise the language of ‘a people’ will be lost. Language is a human right too, and Scots remain deprived of this right by the UK state.

The UKs ‘Scottish’ Government publish documents in a dozen or more ‘minority’ languages – but not in Scots – this despite Scots being a minority people in the UK. A colonial power knows that it is indigenous language which gies a fowk thair naitional identity, and the latter is a critical emotion in any constitutional question; peoples in self-determination conflict are always linguistically divided.

Ultimately, a fowk aye spikkin an respectin thair ain mither tongue haes nae doot aboot wha thay are.


“There are many who would like Scotland to be removed from the United Kingdom but currently they are in the minority.”

Den, unfortunately for your argument, it is fundamentally flawed, the people who would like self determination are in the majority, so it is undemocratic to allow the Unionists to keep us tied to this sham of a Union.

If you think I’m wrong we could always have a referendum on the subject, after all, that would be the democratic thing to do, don’t you think?


@james 53% ? In polls maybe but When it counted James they didn’t show up.

Alf Baird

Tinto Chiel @ 10:29 am

“It shouldn’t be a contest or binary choice between Scots and Gaelic. They are both intrinsic parts of our Scottish identity.”

Aye, yer richt, baith languages should be taught tae thair respective communities, and given an Act of Parliament and equal consideration; yet ane fowk (i.e. Scots language speakers) is discriminated against.

You might wish to address that particular anomaly, and clearly a biased ‘binary choice’ made by the Scottish Parliament itself, which continues to oppress and marginalise one ethnic group, which happens to be the far larger indigenous language speaking group.


To comment “on” topic for once… Far be it from me to defend the SNP, but we should not be so disparaging about securing a majority of seats in Westminster.

As I have commented before, 29 seats IS a democratic majority of Scottish seats, and thus, a democratic majority of Scottish seats citing the Claim of Right / Constitutional sovereignty of Scotland,(a constitutional doctrine recognised throughout UK legislation including the Scotland Act), has a legitimate claim to represent Scotland’s Sovereign Kingdom and not have it’s edicts and rulings overturned by a foreign usurper of sovereignty.

The UK Government manipulates reality to maintain that Scotland is ruled with our tacit consent, that our sovereignty is thus “leant” to Westminster who can then presume to have Scotland’s consent without ever asking for it.

A 29 seat majority of Scottish seats takes us over the threshold whereby Scotland’s democratic representation in Westminster can legitimately deny Westminster the right to assume Scotland’s consent over pretty much everything. Scotland can say No!

Perhaps, I stress perhaps, that would give meaningful effect to Scotland terminating the Treaty of Union, but self evidently, that would not carry the weight of public opinion. So be it.

But while a 29 seat majority is perceived as unequal to the task of ending the Union, there is no reason why it could not be used as a legitimate platform to make Westminster’s “government” of Scotland irksome and constitutionally problematic, and thereby compel Westminster to take Scotlands constitutional arguments seriously, including the Sovereign Claim of Right.

Do not let the perfect solution (Independence) be the enemy of the good, (Scottish Constitutional Sovereignty disrupting UK Governance).


When Scots went abroad they tried to keep their language.

“There was much further to-ing and fro-ing between Ulster and Scotland during the 17th century (particularly in the 1680s and 1690s) and thereafter than most people realise today. Even so, for the next three centuries the speech brought across the channel from Scotland gradually took its own character in Ulster, developing through contact with the English spoken by other settlers (evolving into what is now often called ‘Northern Hiberno-English’) and with the Irish language of the indigenous population. Ulster-Scots was the tongue of many who emigrated and helped settle parts of United States in the 18th century, and it remains ‘their ain mither tongue’ for many thousands of Ulster folk today.

In the twentieth century and even today, Ulster-Scots has been heavily stigmatised when used in public, especially in schoolrooms. In the countryside, in the home, and at the hearth it has remained the hamely tongue. The rich vocabulary of earlier days has been eroded by modernising forces, such as pressures to conform and not least through the media. Often it is thought of as a dialect of English, a view Professor Gregg described as ‘ridiculous’, or even as a debased form of English. However, many have been learning to be proud of their linguistic heritage that stretches back four hundred years. In March 2001, the United Kingdom Government ratified the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages — in the case of Ulster-Scots, giving it Stage 2 status. Ulster-Scots was cited in the 1998 Belfast Good Friday Agreement as ‘part of the cultural wealth’ of the island.”

link to

Anyone heard of “smicker”. i knew a boy whose nickname was this.

Smitchin o smirr on the way.

Captain Yossarian

Modern countries like USA and Australia had native languages. The Arab States had native languages too that have either been subsumed by English or co-exist with English. English is the language of international trade and business. I really don’t see the problem with this and cannot see it ever becoming a reason to justify political change in a country.


People are constantly seeing the parallels between Zionism and Nazism and are baffled at ‘how can they do to others what was done to them…’

There is a reason for this… The Nazis modelled Nazi ideology on Zionism. Hitler recognized the success of Zionism at the time and incorporated its features into Nazi ideology. That is why they appear so similar… because they are. One is a modified copy of the other. Creating a supremacist based history and mythology in order to unify a group of people… and for a while it really worked… Germany was transformed.

WWII can be viewed as a war between these two competing supremacist ideologies with one winning and the other losing, one being made totally and utterly taboo and the other being given a perennial free pass.

Isn’t that roughly what we see in front of us today. Our lap dog leaders all paying homage endlessly. Seeing only the sins of one side endlessly.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Alf Baird @ 9.10 am writes:
“The natural development of the Scots language over the past thousand years and more, and spoken extensively in most if not all former Pictish areas, would suggest that it may more probably be considered as the successor to earlier Pictish language. Which likely also explains why the instinct of many native Scots language speakers is not to absorb Gaelic – i.e. because it is not ‘oor’ language.”
Shame on you Alf. Shame on you.

A Scot Abroad

I note that the comments are all written in English, including some dreadful mangled spelling of English by Alf Baird.


If you look at the hard core ‘Bandera’ / Nazi parts of Ukraine they have done exactly the same thing. They have created this fake history and mythology about themselves while differentiating and elevating themselves racially and lowering others to sub-human status. They teach it in schools. (Alastair Crooke detailed it all.)

The supremacism is the key, the glue that binds it all together. Listening to the Bandera Nazis in Ukraine they are true believers. You are never going to talk them out of it.

That is what makes these supremacist based ideologies so dangerous, they are very seductive, and once they get a hold on a population they become exceptionally dangerous and difficult to shake off.


(Crap I must have cocked up the email again or something. Trying again with a couple of changes. Apologies.)

If you look at the hard core ‘Bandera’ / N@zi parts of Ukr@ine they have done exactly the same thing. They have created this fake history and mythology about themselves while differentiating and elevating themselves racially and lowering others to sub-human status. They teach it in schools. (Alastair Crooke detailed it all.)

The supremacism is the key, the glue that binds it all together. Listening to the Bandera N@zis in Ukr@ine they are true believers. You are never going to talk them out of it.

That is what makes these supremacist based ideologies so dangerous, they are very seductive, and once they get a hold on a population they become exceptionally dangerous and difficult to shake off.



– multilingualism is good for you, helps with the brain

– kids pick up languages quite easily, adults have more trouble

– having scots, gaelic as well as a bit of french/german/spanish at primary schools could be done easily, in an independent country

having a private communication channel available to you is useful – you can call english cunts wankers in gaelic for example, or for a more business orientated example – Gene Simmons was going to sign a deal with the “record company executives”; just before the signing one says to the other – in yiddish – “now we gut him like a fish” … failing to realise Gene (KISS) was a good jewish boy from Brooklyn and answered them back, in yiddish (- he then got a sweet deal for being “one of our own”)

When israel was founded it was a decision made to make its official language hebrew, despite hardly anyone speaking it compared to yiddish, which is an ugly sounding language, a fuckedup type of german.

– people, language, land – they were trying to make that connection (since they had stolen the land) – by making it not so obvious that they had all come from somewhere else, and probably with no genetic connection to the middle east at all (“khazars”)


Israel, Palestine, Jewish History is a rabbit hole to be avoided, for it truly takes you to “wonderland”. Given how thoroughly it has thrown scythia off the news you will be getting gaza rammed up you for the next weeks, with only one side being presented, for balance, try this reading list –

Beyond Chutzpah
The Holocaust Industry

– Norman Finkelstein; he made his name by uncovering an academic hoax (joan peters, “from time immemorial”) which claimed the palestinians did not exist – “erasure”. A bit like english claiming Scots are really “anglo saxons” with funny accents.

51 Documents, Lenni Brenner – “zionist collaboration with the nazis”

The Power of Israel in the US, James Petras

The Controversy of Zion, Douglas Reed, worth it for the very first paragraph on the first page.

The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, Michael Jones

The Wandering Who, Gilad Atzmon

other authors of note – Shlomo Sand, Arief Toaff, Israel Shamir; note most of these authors are themselves jewish, which goes to show among themselves there is a wider range of opinion and argument – which jews love – than is allowed among the “goyim”. Israeli newspapers publish stories the New York Times/BBC would never touch – that one, from a jew, about the “greatest mass murderers of the century” for example. The general attitude is “of course it’s true what you say – but you don’t say it in front of the goy” (no dirty linen in public). They are all tricksters and need to be watched.

“beheaded babies” ??

Shamir is a stylish and funny writer – his account of the “toilet” problems on the space station and the activities of feminists, hilarious; there were toilet wars before the trannies turned up.

link to


O/T Help! Can someone put up a link for the Chain of Freedom livestream? I’m getting one from about 30 minutes ago.

Alan Austin

What is this garbage about 29 seats giving a mandate for independence. The SNP have 44 seats now and have no mandate for independence as they signed the Scotland Act which states that the UK government is the absolute authority in running the UK. The UK have told the SNP the hurdle to enable them to have another independence referendum. It states simply that the polls need to show 60% of Scots want independence for a period of time and then a referendum will be held. Unfortunately the Scottish goverment’s incompetence in everything
they do makes this 60% figure impossible.


In retrospective mode, a form of P Celtic is likely the Ursprache of the inhabitants of the territory of modern Scotland before the arrival of Irish ie Scots, Angles/Inglis and Norse from the middle of the first millennium.
«Pictish» is somewhat of a linguistic red herring. The lack of surviving P Celtic texts, except through the medium of Welsh, is the problem. Place name formations show a strong link with early Welsh phonological development e.g modern Aber, older form Ober, survives in Gaelic Obar.
There was literacy certainly. Strathclyde/Ystrad Clut* was a kingdom surviving into the second millennium with its roots in the «romanized» zone beyond Hadrian’s wall.
There were also wars in which documentary material would be easily destroyed. English predation is also supposed to have cleared such material off to rot in London.
The Scottish reformation probably put paid to what survived. Remove a people’s past and you commit cultural demolition, deletion.
British Unionism, as a species of colonialism, is well up in such matters of «deletion» and the fabrication of politically useful fake memory.

Captain Yossarian

There is disputed and fake history and the history we are seeing laid out in front of us now.

What is about to happen in northern Gaza? If you cast your mind back to the last days of the last terror group to haunt us all. They were cornered in a Syrian city and that city was razed to the ground with not a tree or a street light left standing.

If that happens in northern Gaza which is a “first-world” modern district with pavement cafes overlooking the sea and all the rest of it, will that be a “war crime”. That’s the vexed question, isn’t it? If it is, then will other countries that allowed it, and some would say supported it, be potentially accused too?

Is it really plausible that 1.2 million people can leave this area in 24-hours?


Den says:
14 October, 2023 at 10:04 am

@Ruby you seem to be obsessed as to what other posters think Scotland is if it’s not a colony why is that? Here is my two cents worth on that subject.

Aye maybe but I was looking for a short answer not 500 words of gobbledegook.

I am interested in knowing what those who are adamant that Scotland is not a colony what they believe Scotland to be.

It’s easy you can say

1. I believe Scotland is a country
2. I believe Scotland was extinguished in 1707 and became Lesser England.
3. I don’t believe Scotland is a colony because UK lawyer say so.

sarah has the current Chain of Freedom filming.

Alf Baird

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh @ 11:37 am

The shame is on Scotland’s elites who continue to make the Scots language a second class language. Why should only English and Gaelic have statutory authority in Scotland? Whaur is oor Scots Language Act, Fearghas?


A Scot Abroad says:
14 October, 2023 at 11:43 am

I note that the comments are all written in English, including some dreadful mangled spelling of English by Alf Baird.

Another fuckin’ flame bait from ‘The Lesser Englishman Abroad.’

How about instead of your ridiculous flame-baits you answer my question.

You can answer in any language you like even morse code or html.

Here’s the question it shouldn’t take you a minute to answer.

I am interested in knowing what those who are adamant that Scotland is not a colony believe Scotland to be.

It’s easy you can say

1. I believe Scotland is a country
2. I believe Scotland was extinguished in 1707 and became Lesser England.
3. I don’t believe Scotland is a colony because UK lawyers say so.

James Che


Tacit agreement V treaty of union failure.

When Westminster parliament writes it down to the all the world to read, that the ” Scots” were not in the treaty of union,
The debate arises are we the “Scots” complicit by tacit agreement in remaining attached to a union out of choice?

When the UK parliament writes it down for all the world to read, that there is no “Scottish parliament” in the treaty of union since the date of 1700,
The debate arises are we ” our government” complicit by tacit agreement remaining attached to the union out of choice?

When we have the 29 seats to count as a form of political power to start the process to separate our selves from the union, but do not, are we complicit by tacit agreement voluntary remaining joined to a union?

When We ask permission to be ” free ” (Via referendums under a permit asked from England) whilst not taking our own decisions ……are we not complicit in in our captivity.

When “Scots” whom are not in the union with England, and our Scottish constitution under a absent Scottish parliament “not being in the treaty of union since 1707” , but are still claiming to be attached to a union,

Is it not a serious case for Scots being complicit through ignorance of the reality of Scotland political situation all out with the treaty rather than solely by tacit agreement alone.?

Frank Gillougley

Ach well, if i don’t have anywhere to make this simple point, then where can I?

Seriously, it’s really all down to a question of AESTHETICS, because as far as i can see there is no difference, WHETHER, the ‘terrorist’ organisation Hamas cold-bloodedly murders hundreds of innocent people, OR the state of Israel launch a series of missiles resulting in casualties.

The MONSTERING of others by narrative is beyond words.


Watching Al Jazeera this morning my heart sinks even further as i watch the continued Israeli onslaught on the citizens of Gaza.

Folks can talk all the talk they want but this is state directed terror against millions of innocent.

Besieging over 2,000,000 people in one of the most populated areas of the world, cutting off water, power, food, medicine whilst maintaining aerial bombardment of civilians is a war crime. And then ordering around 1.1 million people to immediately leave their homes whilst shooting up people trying to leave beggars belief.

in the 1930’s countries stood back whilst the Nazis eradicated the Jews in extermination camps. And today, the abused with the support of the USA have become similar war crime abusers. Israel’s hatred of the Palestinians and their war machine against innocent men, women and children needs to be resisted as much today as was resisted with the Nazi.

Peace in our time will not be an option if this evil is not stopped and common sense and negotiation prevails.

Pat Blake

Confused says:
14 October, 2023 at 11:59 am

When israel was founded it was a decision made to make its official language hebrew, despite hardly anyone speaking it compared to yiddish, which is an ugly sounding language, a fuckedup type of german.

Hebrew was used in their religion and was a language that tied the scattered people together. The Jews are/were persecuted across the globe and it is that force that has driven them closer together. The Scottish have no such drive to return to their nation or language.


I note that Lord Naw-Naw has returned for more of his Brit-Nat propaganda broadcasting from abroad, (11:43).

It’d be funny to hear him struggling to retrieve his Ayrshire accent, after decades of stifling courtesy of “The Cringe”, were his musings to be broadcast instead of posted…

“England calling… England calling… England calling. This is station Norfolk broadcasting on the ten meter to one meter band. Tonight I want to talk to you about the United Kingdom. This is a concept which many of you fail to understand…”

Jog on!

James Che


With the nuts and bolts not holding Scotland, the Scots, and the old Scottish parliament to or in the treaty of union with England,

1: We are either complicit by tacit agreement in not understanding our position of (NOT ) being the treaty of union according to UK parliament political statement.

2: We are complicit by tacit agreement in wanting to be ruled as a colony,

3: we are complicit by Scotland and Scots deliberately being kept ignorant of the political situation all these years until very recently when the Westminster parliament / Uk gov up loaded it on their parliaments official site.

I would suggest the latter,
Scots and Scotland being, deliberately kept ignorant of the political situation regarding the fallacious union,

That is not tacit agreement to the treaty of union.
That is being Deceived by Fraud into compliance by not being fully aware that Westminster parliament had not informed Scotland or Scots they were not in the treaty of union since 1707,


Alf Baird says:
14 October, 2023 at 12:47 pm

The shame is on Scotland’s elites who continue to make the Scots language a second class language.

That along with discrimination against people on the grounds of their post-code or what school they went to.

It seems it’s OK for white people to be discriminated against but God help you if you suggest someone with brown skin might not know where Santa comes from or be able to sing ‘God Save the Queen’. Old Humza will be on your case he’s hyper sensitive about that sort of thing.

I understand part of the Britishness test is to be able to sing ‘God Save the Queen’ and know where Santa comes from.

I don’t know if this is true as I have never taken the Britishness test.
I don’t even know what Britishness means.

So if someone were to suggest I didn’t know what ‘Bubble & Squeak’ was or who Thomas Gainsborough was I couldn’t whip out my race card because I haven’t taken the Britishness test.

There’s another question for Den & ‘The Lesser Englishman Abroad’

What is Britishness?
What do you need to know to past the test?

James Che

When the question was asked and then a vote put to Scotland for a devolution parliament.
The Westminster government never informed or had it on their parliament site at the time that the old Scottish parliament was not in the treaty of union, as it had been extinguished in 1707 down south in Westminster,

That would have had a detrimental effect on the outcome of that vote in Scotlands results for a devolution parliament.

Captain Yossarian

Frank – Hamas need to be eradicated and, sadly, there is a “Middle-East” way of doing that. Humza comes across pretty well at the moment and I was not expecting that. Too many commentators though are saying things that can be viewed as support and, like you, I find that unacceptable.

A Scot Abroad


Scotland is little more than a series of villages with a malfunctioning parish council.


@Pat Blake .
You do not speak for this Scot. Should I just keep shtum and let you tell me what Scottish want ?


What about the sinking school?

Was the whole thing all one bit scam?

Was Captain Yossarian just sent from ‘Scotland in Union’ to spam this site 24/7 for a period of two years with posts about the sinking school?

Did anyone give him money?


Still OT
It can’t be true but it seems that Mick Jagger was my age now at the millennium, this last one .
Since then I had long followed the demise of language variations just like the demise of much flora and fauna. It has been my experience that the progression from the naked capitalism of the 90’s after the collapse of the USSR has not led to the promised third way but a rapist capitalism based on the most despicable desires of Abrahamics corruptions.
If you’ve not read what’s coming in their instruction manuals then best avoided.

James Che

Defining and delivering Britishness,

Westminster parliament governance,
British values,= bomb the f@ck out anyone to create income revenues and investments.
British = is intwined English= British= Anglo= Britain= ego= England= London= Britain.
Democracy values= Delete every one else’s.
Equality = British only = women and children excluded.
Sovereignty in parliament = illegal to all other human beings.


link to

Australia referendum results: voters say No to Aboriginal Voice

Voters in a national referendum have overwhelmingly rejected the Labor government’s proposal to create a permanent body for indigenous people to advise parliament

It’s not a good headline.
Anyone one might suspect the Australians are colonisers.

Why don’t they just kid on and let them have the same voice as Scotland has?


This has something in common with the self-hating Scot?link to
Identity, such a minefield, well laid for psychological subversion.?

Like many ethnic labels in the Near East e.g Jordanian, Syrian, Lebanese etc «palestinian» is relatively modern, post imperialist in fact.?Until the creation of the state of Israel they were called «arabs».
The Palestinian arab presence in Lebanon has been exceptionally divisive. Long ago Arafat was told to quit Tunisia when he interfered in that country’s politics. ?The palestinian identity is alas a mashup of modern myth creation. Following the arab occupation in the 7th century the region stagnated. The ottomans planted the region with settlers from all over the empire, including Turks, European Muslims and latterly Jews. The pre arab autochthonous population was related to my own «Syriac/Aramaic» aka «Assyrian» ethnicity and was largely Christian with a minority of adherents to Rabbinic Judaism. ?Nothing is what it seems and labels and the notions behind them may be synthetic or misleading, particularly in the hands of politicians and journalists with axes to grind.?A little knowledge is highly dangerous in an area where imperialist armies have marched and sowing confusion in order to cause systemic weakness is good policy.
T. E. Lawrence, in his idiosyncratic way, knew all about that.

Pat Blake

John says:
You do not speak for this Scot. Should I just keep shtum and let you tell me what Scottish want ?

“shtum”? Ironic that you use a Yiddish word to claim your Scottishness. Have you been persecuted across the globe, as opposed to meeting a few unpleasant people? Are you living abroad and would move back to an independent Scotland for safety? Have you and your family kept alive an ancient language and culture, despite the influences of TV and the internet?

From my own mixed Celtic ancestry I have a few words that amuse me to use but it’s a foible, not a passion. I can’t think of any family tradition that dates further back than my grandparents.


link to

The former Labour chancellor maintains that there will not be another independence poll in his lifetime

He accepts that support for independence remains high — recent polls put it at about 48 per cent — which suggests there may be many Labour supporters who still believe in a separate Scotland. But he points out that the Yes figures have not changed significantly since 2014.

48% is pretty high!

as he points out it has not changed since 2014.

James Che

It is now law in Scotland that you cannot be racist towards anyone because of the colour of their skin,

Define what is a white person, are they actually white?
They range from pink, pinkish tan, light tan, sunburn tanned, pinkish grey if ill,
Racist if you call them white, racist if you call them coloured in Scotland under the hate crime bill,

James Che

Pat Blake.

Younhave to remember that A Scot Abroad has just told you that all the words we speak in Scotland like ” Shtum” are poorly said english words by Scots.

You better have that one out with the qualified expert on the Broads.


Today’s cartoon

link to

Pat Blake

James Che, in many ways American English is the more original. I’m accessing old English documents and keep unearthing words that are more familiar from US TV eg attorney and pavement (meaning roadway, not path). Old English however is almost impossible to understand. Heavy dialects, likewise. Anybody who wants to communicate better will try to standardize their speech (or text if the spell checker is set on US). That’s what I mean about old languages being unimportant. They increasingly don’t define modern people. To choose one to go back to is an affectation, rather than a desire to carve the future.


link to

Here we go again

Humza Yousaf, the first Muslim leader of a western nation, condemned the Hamas attacks at a synagogue service on Thursday

He might or might not be a Muslim but it would be more accurate to say he is the unelected British First Minister of a region of the UK referred to by the UK Government’s lawyer as ‘Lesser England’

western nation???


A Scot Abroad says:
14 October, 2023 at 1:39 pm


Scotland is little more than a series of villages with a malfunctioning parish council.

Aye that’s what becomes of a country after 300 years of colonialism. It’s just fuckin’ tragic!

You keep avoiding my question.

Would this series of villages be a colony, a country or a region of England called ‘Lesser England’?


Quick reminder for Alba members to check your email.

You should have received an email invite to vote by now.

If you haven’t then I’d email or were I you.

I made an exception to the “vote till you boak” rule for Mr Kelly 🙂

James Che

Pat Blake.

I was reading the older version english language from pre- union until after the fallacious union in the records of Westminster parliament.

Under standardisation of the English Language, the Westminster parliament repealed all pre union Scots laws as the Members of the Westminster parliament was unable to read the Scots language.

Standardisation does much more than deleting a native tongue and a known language,
It deletes the laws of your Country,


Pat Blake says:

That’s what I mean about old languages being unimportant. They increasingly don’t define modern people.

Aye you’re right! There are all these out of date words like woman, mother, breastfeeding & there’s the fuckin’ pronouns etc.

Personally I thought these words were important but you are quite entitled to your opinion Pat.

What are your pronouns if you don’t mind me asking?

Pat Blake

Ruby “Would this series of villages be a colony, a country or a region of England called ‘Lesser England’?”

By the same measure, what would Scotland be to the EU? The SNP plan for escaping the UK was to join the EU, which has a stated goal of becoming a single country, sharing rules, currency, policy, social care and taxes. It’s the nature of the beast that individuals must lose control of their interests to serve the whole. They have in recent years mooted a multi speed system but those who want to retain control of their own systems realise that the hub would run things for their own benefit. The EU argues that you can’t pick and choose the bits you want to have, without accepting the bits you don’t. The difference between being in the EU as opposed to the UK is that the EU would find it even easier to ignore you.

Captain Yossarian

“Malfunctioning Parish Council” – 25-years ago we used to have a civil service and a legal profession that was honest and that we could all trust. The present iteration of both was on display for all to see during the Fabiani Inquiry. Could any of us trust any of them and is that really the best we have to offer? It’s not colonialism is it; it’s not just malfunctioning either; it’s more like corruption.

Pat Blake

Ruby “Aye you’re right! There are all these out of date words like woman, mother, breastfeeding & there’s the fuckin’ pronouns etc.”

Which country’s government has been pushing hardest to get rid of them? Which organisations? It’s a pressure from the left of politics, not the right. It’s an example of imposition rather than natural development, though there’s a fair streak of natural mania about it. It’s governmental busy work. Stuff they do because they have no success achieving goals we really want.


How could the EU ignore Scotland more than England?
Would they take all the money earned in Scotland and give us change back?
Would they steal our oil and fishing rights.
If we had been in the EU and a country wanted to leave would have had a say in negotiations
We were never allowed a whimper in England’s Brexit.
We would have all the same trading rights as every other EU member while in the U.K.
N Ireland was granted the rights refused to us of remaining in the EU trading block.
Our economy couldn’t have been crashed by the idiot English leader Liz Truss.
We wouldn’t have had Boris rule over us Scots that he called vermine.
Food inflation would never have reached 20% if we were in the EU.
Energy costs in France increased by 4% but tripled here although Scots are self sufficient.
Our soldiers wouldn’t have been killed in Tony Blair’s illegal war.

It’s your call but give me the EU over Westminster all day and every day.


Pat Blake says:
14 October, 2023 at 3:02 pm

Ruby “Would this series of villages be a colony, a country or a region of England called ‘Lesser England’?”

By the same measure, what would Scotland be to the EU?

Are you kiddin’ me Pat Blake?

More gobbledegook in answer to a very simple question!

I’ll answer your question just so you Den, The Scot Abroad & Captain Yossarian can see how it’s done.

what would Scotland be to the EU?

Scotland would be a whole lot better in the EU than in the UK at least it wouldn’t be like being checked in at ‘The Hotel California’.

Also it would be where 65% of the Scottish electorate wanted to be 2016.

Have you taken over from the poster formerly known as John Main? Will you be asking us next to show you the money?

James Che

Standardising language to the preference of one language in Britain almost cause Wales to loose its Language,

But in Scotland it also introduced the new Laws of England as a enforced colony law over Scotland.

The Language of any indigenous population more often than not includes the moral codes of conduct, and beliefs in their own understanding of their own Society, the laws and legalities of their lands.
In the attempts to diminish a indigenous population and to weaken it, every Coloniser firstly over plants their language, their religious beliefs, replace the original leaders with regime changed bribed new set able to manage the new colony, then the populations laws are dismissed and a alternative new legal system of the Coloniser is enforced along with “treaties” that always favour the colonisers security.

But when the coloniser panics for speed of that security, it leaves massive loop holes, this we witness from the old English language records pre- union and after the fallacious union in Westminster, if you are able to read the older version of the English and Scots language,
Which I thoroughly enjoy doing,
The old Scottish language is often found in Annuls of Scotland, or by District, early parish records for BMDs or for Court cases, besides the poetry, ballads and songs, and local elites such as doctors ministers accounts,,
Early Taxation laws in Scotland is another good source to learn the Scots language,

Pat Blake

James Che, there is no traction for your concentration on the rights and wrongs of the original Union. There is no body that would accept it or even seriously consider it. Least of all the EU because it would open the door to others. Subsequent democratic events override old documents anyway. Including joining the EEC, EC and EU. Just as people claiming old laws allow them to do …. whatever… modern laws and governments override the lot.

Where is the democratic justification for the existence of any country? Most were formed out of war and monarchies. If Scotland can rip itself away without a vote, what’s stopping parts of Scotland doing the same?


“A Scot Abroad says:
14 October, 2023 at 1:39 pm

Scotland is little more than a series of villages with a malfunctioning parish council.”

Scottish cringe very evident here. Well colonised.

“…economic and political control ‘can never be complete without mental control’ and that colonialism’s ‘most important area of domination was the mental universe of the colonised, the control, through culture, of how people perceived themselves and their relationship to the world’.”

Ng?g? Wa Thiong’o

ASA has told us before that he thinks Scotland is shit. I think that is the word he used. Discrimination or prejudice based on race?


Pat Blake says:
14 October, 2023 at 3:15 pm

Ruby says:

Ruby “Aye you’re right! There are all these out of date words like woman, mother, breastfeeding & there’s the fuckin’ pronouns etc.”

Pat Blake says:

Which country’s government has been pushing hardest to get rid of them? Which organisations? It’s a pressure from the left of politics, not the right. It’s an example of imposition rather than natural development, though there’s a fair streak of natural mania about it. It’s governmental busy work. Stuff they do because they have no success achieving goals we really want.

Could you maybe learn to do blockquotes so readers know who is saying what to whom?

I have no idea what you are asking me!

Are you or aren’t you in favour of dispensing with old languages/words which

increasingly don’t define modern people

I hope you are not trying to tell me that the Tory Government is 100% behind women’s rights and the use of this old language that doesn’t define modern people.

Which organisation you ask? Would that be Stonewall?

George Ferguson

First item on the SNP Conference agenda tomorrow. Bringing Energy Resources into Public Control. But why have they linked to an Independent Scotland? What’s wrong with building the apparatus now irrespective of current Constitutional conditions? Should be a good debate though. I appreciate that an Independence Referendum is due next week. Anyway hopefully a great weekend of Rugby is about to start.


Captain Yossarian would have us believe that colonialism and corruption are mutually exclusive.

Ass Caught Abroad would have us believe that the money spent on his Edinburgh schooling was worth it.

Captain Yossarian

Oneliner – With Holyrood, came corruption, redactor pens, legal threats to journalists, the jailing of bloggers for jigsaw identification, illegal prosecution of Rangers Administrators, luxury camper-vans bought with invisible money etc. As part of the UK, we are still under the auspices of a respected world Government. God knows where we would be if independent and reliant on Holyrood to look after us.


@ Blakey. Whoosht
Ich kann Deutsch.
The newbies operating the Kingdomists monickers like cunto abroad are a bit desperate and of a non impressive quality.. The normality of a dumbocracy.

Pat Blake

Ruby, I believe in science and that much about gender politics flies in the face of reality and logic. Modern language should be about logic. Too often it is polluted by fashion.

The Tories aren’t 100% behind women’s rights but then they aren’t very right wing at the moment either. They listen too much to the organisations captured by the left – NHS, BBC, unions, etc. They’ve been speaking ‘for’ us but really only painted their version of reality.

eg the logical answer for transgender people was not to rewrite existing health advice for men and women but to have special leaflets uniquely for them. If they don’t know enough to know that they’re different, they don’t have the mental capacity to change gender anyway.


Freedom chain round my way today, honestly seen a bigger line for big rolls during Covid. Fair effort though. It’s not the winning it’s the taking part as they say.


Goodness me . I had no idea it was the introduction of devolution at Hollywood that ushered in corruption and dishonesty into Scotland.
The first election after independence Will decided the government the people of Scotland wish to have. ( personally not living there at the moment I will bust a gut to vote for the first independent government)
Lying fakers lie.
Thanks to Alf Baird for his contributions on language and the colonial discourse.

The Kranji war cemetery I spent my infant years living next to in Singapore was an interesting site.
The colonial war dead were there too. Just mainly without name and purposely around the back and sides. They may have been serving,was it king or queen, but they wasn’t white European or Australia, New Zeeland white.n

A Scot Abroad


you are looking at things backwards. Over the last few hundred years, because Scotland was shit, there’s 5 separate branches of my family that decided to dump it and go overseas to seek their own path. Australia, Newfoundland, pre-independence America, South Africa, and Burma. Almost without exception, they achieved far more than they would than if they’d stayed in Scotland. My branch went to Burma, where they became the import/export centre of trade: iron and cloth in, teak, rubber and tea out, taking 10% on each trade. And returned to Scotland when they’d made enough to set them up for a dozen generations.

One should only discriminate based on competence, courage and imagination.


Blakey should not be let on a bus . Much less check and issue tickets. ?
One for last century folk .

Captain Yossarian

The despised “Great Britain” were once the colonial powers in India of course and they cast aside the yoke of colonialism decades ago. Whenever there is a corruption investigation involving the Government of India, they call in the Metropolitan Police to investigate. So, to this day, the Government of India cannot equal the standards of the UK Police.

There appears to me anyway to be nothing wrong with the standards of Police Scotland and they are bearing-up pretty well, but Holyrood is more akin to the Government of the Congo Basin than to any western Government. God-almighty, John – luxury camper vans parked in your mother in law’s drive!


Herr Trollbrückenkommandant, a.k.a Lord Naw-Naw, is at it again I see with yet more of his brand of PSYOPS…

Lord Naw-Naw says:
14 October, 2023 at 1:39 pm

England calling… England calling… England calling. This is the Norfolk station broadcasting on the ten meter to one meter band. Scotland is little more than a series of villages with a malfunctioning parish council.

I don’t know how we can all sleep at night with such mind games being played upon us…


Captain Yossarian

With Westminster came/comes the interference in politics (and Scottish Law) of the late Queen and the current heir apparent; the assassination of Willie McRae; the refusal to instigate an inquiry into his death by the same judge responsible for bringing false charges against Duff and Phelps; the framing of Mohammed el Fayed because his private detectives were getting closer to the evidence of his son’s death than the UK police; the refusal of Sir Kid Starver to allow an inquest into the death of David Kelly when eminent medical opinion indicated sufficient doubt. ETC

If you care to delve into history, or indeed the present, the above instances are pretty insignificant compared to genocide and/or its facilitation – all in the name of the ‘United’ Kingdom.

As I mentioned in an earlier post – over 800 ‘points of contact’ for MI5/6 with the Scottish Government – and that figure was obtained over a decade ago.

And all the while, schools are sinking. Well, mercy me!

Ron Clark

The English (spit) love nothing more than seeing the Colonies competing in Rugby and Cricket.

It reminds the Colonies who is top dog.

Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh

Alf Baird @ 12.47 pm writes:
“The shame is on Scotland’s elites who continue to make the Scots language a second class language. Why should only English and Gaelic have statutory authority in Scotland? Whaur is oor Scots Language Act, Fearghas?”
I don’t know where your Scots Language Act is, Alf. But I do know that any linguistic link between the “Scots” language and Pictish is mythology, and that the Gaelic affinity to Pictish is on the other hand is well substantiated.

I also think I know something else (going by what you interminably (and outrageously) reiterate — your insistence that current “Scots” speakers ARE the Picts is not actually based for you on linguistics at all (hence your obdurate imperviousness to arguments on that level). Rather, the fundamental connection for you is the tenuous and unsettling one of blood and soil — a posited continuous populace occupying a specific territory (“Pictland”) going back to Neolithic times. That (I put it to you yet again) is the nub of all this. You think the “Scots” language rose spontaneously from the Angus ground. Either that or you hold to the long discredited notion that the Picts and their language were Germanic. Or, it occurs to me as I write this, perhaps your pitch is that even if the language the Picts spoke was P-Celtic, they themselves were nonetheless of Germanic stock, just like their descendants the current speakers of “Scots” (which you repeatedly insist might well have been called “Pictish”).

You never elaborate with substantive academic confirmation on these matters, so there does appear to be a bit of unhelpful evasiveness. But one thing you are explicitly sure of is that the Gaels (the actual historic “Scots) are foreign invaders and not indigenous like your ain folk. And if Gaelic placenames proliferate in Scotland from north to south, well, that is after all what foreign invaders do – they rename everything, these imperialists. You win at every turn. If there has been a Gaelic Language Act it is simply due to dark collusion and “divide and conquer” policies. For you the Gaels have no hiding place. Sure, let them be supported on their own patch of ground, you suggest. Where would that be these days, Alf? Do I smell kelp?

A noteable academic authority is the online DSL (Dictionaries of the Scots Language/ Dictionars o the Scots Leid) website. If its summary of the history of “Scots” chimes with you at any point at all, I am not sure, but it glaringly makes no link to the Picts:

The first speakers of the Old English ancestor of Scots arrived in what is now southern Scotland in the sixth century CE. These people were descendants of Germanic invaders who had arrived in the south-east of what is now England from the early fifth century. Their variety of Old English is known as Old Northumbrian, a northern sub-dialect of Old Anglian, the Old English dialect spoken over a wide territory stretching from the English Midlands to the Scottish Lowlands. The area that these first Old English speakers occupied, in what was later to become Scotland, is characterised by place-names with early Old English elements. This area consists of a wide swathe of what is now south-eastern and southern Scotland, with less extensive settlements along the Solway and, perhaps rather later, in Kyle in mid-Ayrshire.

“Before the twelfth century the English-speaking part of Scotland was limited to these south-eastern and southern areas (except perhaps for the royal court of King Malcolm III and his queen, Margaret, a princess of the ancient royal house of Wessex, whom he married about 1070). By contrast, there is good chronicle and place-name evidence that by the tenth and eleventh centuries the Gaelic language was socially dominant throughout much of Scotland, including the English-speaking south-east. In origin Gaelic was the native language of the Scots of Alba, the kingdom centred north of the Forth and Clyde, whose kings in the tenth and eleventh centuries also gained dominion of the more southerly parts of what was to become an expanded Scottish kingdom.

“Until the late eleventh century the increasing linguistic dominance of Scotland by Gaelic continued, but this trend was reversed with the accession of the Normanized kings of Scotland, particularly King David I (1124–53) and his immediate successors. Thereafter place-names and other indications show a spread of the English-speaking area beyond the south-east, first to other parts of southern Scotland, then in the late twelfth and thirteenth centuries to eastern Scotland north of the Forth.

“This expansion of English in Scotland was brought about by several important groups of immigrants who came to Scotland at the invitation of the king: English-speaking servants and retainers of the new Anglo-Norman and Flemish landowners, and of the monks from England and France; and English-speaking ‘pioneer burgesses’, chiefly from south-east Scotland and from northern England, who settled in the new royal and baronial burghs of Scotland that the king and his supporters had founded.

[…] Though the language of the royal court and the baronage of Scotland was now Norman French, later to become Anglo-Norman, the native tongue of many of these immigrants of lesser rank was a variety of Northern English heavily influenced in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar by the Old Norse language brought to northern and midland England by Viking-era invaders and settlers. This Norse-influenced Northern English was the principal, though probably not the only, language of the early Scottish burghs, and its contribution to the formation of the language later known as Scots is probably even greater than that of the original Old Northumbrian spoken in south-eastern and southern Scotland.

[…] Gradually the variety of Northern English spoken in Scotland began to diverge from the Northern English spoken in England, and the Scots language (although it wasn’t yet called Scots) emerged from the thirteenth century onwards.”


For those more interested in the whole forest rather than chopping at one tree and pointing at squirrels.

How ownership of securities have been negated.
link to

How the WHO is about to take over World health policy.
link to

Captain Yossarian

Oneliner – Law in Scotland is devolved. Ergo, the Alex Salmond case and the Duff and Phelps case were all-Scottish. If Willie McRae died in Scotland that would have been all-Scottish too. The case of David Kelly was interesting though and Blair’s Government made a claim that Saddam Hussain could deploy weapons of mass destruction in 40 minutes (or whatever it was). David Kelly was a weapons inspector at the time and he told the BBC’s Andrew Gilligan that the claim was incorrect. The BBC reported it and Kelly was threatened by all at Downing Street and so committed suicide. That cast a shadow over all at Downing Street and the BBC. I agree it has been swept under the carpet like so much else to do with the Iraq war.


link to

Scots engineer ‘blacklisted’ after claiming safety flaws at £12m school could lead to collapse

Is this the sinking school?


link to

More about the sinking school.

That sounds serious. It would be good to know what happened with that school.


Did David Kelly self-delete?
Shame they didn’t have an inquest.

Alf Baird

Captain Yossarian @ 5:42 pm

“Law in Scotland is devolved.”

Scotland is administered by laws made in Westminster. Even in respect of devolved matters the final say lies with Westminster.

Other than a few traditions, law in a subordinated territory seems incompatible with Imperial rule, e.g. imposition on Scotland of a UK Supreme Court.

There are clearly ongoing attempts by British government institutions to further diminish what we consider as Scots law. A worthless and repeatedly violated treaty offers little protection, it seems.


link to

Oh no!

There’s Captain Yossarian & the sinking school
and Lord Naw Naw’s home sinking into the Norfolk Broads?

What a shit place to live!

Ah Karma is a bitch!

Captain Yossarian

Alf – It’s devolved so that lawyers, Courts, Procurator Fiscals etc are all Scottish. Laws are made at Holyrood, not Westminster.


link to

Lisa Cameron forced into hiding over violent threats after defection to Tories

I archived this earlier so I’ll post it just in case anyone is interested

It’s not very interesting because it doesn’t say why is she being threatened.

Could it be the ‘SNP trans-right brigade’ who are furious that she has joined the ‘transpobic Tories’ or could it be Tories who are angry that she joined them or friends of Patrick Grady who say she will be bricked in the street & they hope she will burn.

The article doesn’t say! So it’s really not very interesting.


A Scot Aroad

“go overseas to seek their own path. Australia, Newfoundland, pre-independence America, South Africa, and Burma.”

All colonies.

Don’t you recognise that post Culloden the British treated Scotland like a colony?

Can’t you see in the attitudes and behaviour towards the Gaels of Charles Trevelyan a colonialist?

Perhaps your family went from a colonial territory (Scotland) where they were the colonised to territories where they were the colonists?

link to


Viceroy India being portioned over a very drunk weekend by some Brit cunto is described a s ridding itself of the yoke . Laugh out loud is not the appropriate response to Caption most wearing lastest writing. The deliberate chaotic partition of India to cause what some would now call multiple genocides.
They have no shame or humanity.
Btw. Predictable text is viel

Tinto Chiel

@TURABDIN 12.25: sorry, away at a demo today.

Not much in your post to dispute with you, me old haricot. You make a very good point about the deliberate destruction of Scottish records to erase our history, begun by Edward I, who was definitely of unsound mind and insisted on PAX being inscribed on his tomb.

P.S. What have you done with Ottomanboi? 🙂

Captain Yossarian

Ruby – The problem has been caused by the discontinuity of the underground confined artesian layers. I’m an engineer and I recognized it straight away and I was supported by more than 40No experts from the American Society of Civil Engineers. It’s been a problem caused by the middle-aged women of Holyrood desperately trying to silence world-engineers. While they do that of course, they put the safety of the public at risk. I don’t know what happened at Fergusons of Port Glasgow, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was something very similar. You have absolutely no idea what this is costing the country. It disgraces us, frankly.

Captain Yossarian

John – We were talking about corruption and I made the point that the Indian Government call-in the Metropolitan Police to root-out Government corruption – that’s all. I wonder if the Metropolitan Police would root-out Scottish Government corruption for us? That suggestion is sure to get the Wings cack-handed pile-on tag team hyperventilating.


Captain Yossarian says: at 7:19 pm

It’s been a problem caused by the middle-aged women of Holyrood desperately trying to silence world-engineers.

You’d like that to be the case but that issue only came about latterly after the problems began when the project manager (you) was on holiday when one of the ground survey tests carried out by the self-certifying company building the school supposedly critically interfered with the sketchy ground characteristics previously identified in the results of a prior ground survey test.
So rather than blaming unnamed “middle aged women in Holyrood” why don’t you name the deputy project manager (coz you were on holiday so presumably someone else qualified was on site to oversee site work when you were away), and those in the build company that have according to you failed to adequately acknowledge and resolve the issue before it escalated to the point beyond local authority remit and the matter being taken on by those residing in the administration of devolved powers located in Holyrood.

PS. Another quality engineering blunder when Perth Council failed to close a floodgate resulting in extensive flood damage.
But hey, it’s obviously cool to splash millions on a flood defence system then fail to close all the gates when the time comes…
I guess in the minds of some, The River Tay having the largest flow of any river in the British Isles so the largest catchment area was never going to be affected by large nationwide rainfall, even when SEPA put out a warning.

Ian Brotherhood

Seems futile, but a lot of folk who can’t do anything are RTing the hashtag #Gazagenocide.

Helps counteract the efforts of the huge zionist bot army.

Also worth checking out yesterday’s edition of UK Column, the first 20 minutes or so contains convincing evidence that Netanyahu and IDF knew what was happening well in advance and his claim that it was all a surprise is a flat-out lie.

link to


link to
Captain Yossarian says:
14 October, 2023 at 7:19 pm

Ruby – The problem has been caused by the discontinuity of the underground confined artesian layers. I’m an engineer and I recognized it straight away and I was supported by more than 40No experts from the American Society of Civil Engineers. It’s been a problem caused by the middle-aged women of Holyrood desperately trying to silence world-engineers.

Are you the engineer who got blacklisted? Mr Dick?
link to

Oh my you are handsome! You look as if you could sort out these middle aged spinster no bother.

What are 40No experts?

Were you not able to go to the British Society of Civil Engineers? Is that run by a load of middle aged spinster?

Which middle-aged women of Holyrood tried to silence you.
C’mon spill? Was Jackie Baillie one of them?

Is the fact that they are women and middle aged important?

Can you tell us what has happened with the school now?

What happened as a result of your protest and 24/7 two year long campaign here BTL on Wings?

Do you think it was these same middle-aged women of Holyrood or a different set who were responsible for what happened at Fergusons?

What about the marital status of these middle aged women of Holyrood were they all spinsters?

What do you think it would need to sort them out?


Captain Yossarian says:
14 October, 2023 at 7:19 pm

Ruby – The problem has been caused by the discontinuity of the underground confined artesian layers.

Sorry tried to reply twice but posts got modded.


Maybe if Stu is not too busy & I haven’t said anything too outrageous my post might appear to-morrow morning

Look out for posts

link to

link to

Hey Dan! Great to see you back!

Ian Brotherhood

This is remarkable.

‘Berlin’s public prosecutor’s office will now classify the phrase, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” as a criminal offense.’

link to


Gaza should quickly implement a ULEZ zone over the entirety of their territory, as I’m pretty sure Israel using heavy military equipment and blowing shit up would be in breach of tight emission legislation due to the negative environmental implications of warring, whilst also factoring in the carbon footprint of rebuilding any damaged infrastructure.

And whilst here will re-post this older article to see how certain SNP politicians wiggle like eels to get out of what they previously stated.

link to

Captain Yossarian

Dan – Great to hear from you again. I was watching “Strictly Come Dancing” (talking about middle-aged women) Angela Rippon is pretty good.

It was just a mistake. Identify the mistake and get it fixed. If you don’t do that, you stand accused of covering it up, don’t you.

What’s worse – making the mistake, or covering it up for 9-years?

Once you start covering it up, guilt spreads like a contagion, doesn’t it. The guilt lies at Holyrood, Dan.

The only question that will be asked is: “When did you first know about this and what did you do to investigate?” and that will be a problem.

I’ve been in this situation before with another world Government and they deal with it in 1-day. Holyrood has had 9-years.

When I say “I’ve been in this situation before” I can prove it and I did that last week.

Like all information I provide to Holyrood, it is genuine and all information they provide to me is bogus.

Is this the hallmark of any world-Government? What do you think?

Ian Brotherhood

@Breeks –

Don’t know if you’re on Twitter but in case you didn’t know, the comment of yours that I C&Ped there last night has now had 7,250 views.


Ian Brotherhood

Put up this wee poll as a joke and it’s just closed.

‘Do you know where Peter Murrell is?

Yes 6%
No 94%

267 votes

Final results
9:46 AM · Oct 13, 2023


Just at the end there, as it closed, got an interesting few tweets from Clownfest@SNPClownland saying that the Murrells are due to appear together (but ‘not by choice’) at an event following conference but before the end of the month. No other details yet.

Anyone have any idea where/when it might be?


@ Cpt Yossa

Well I guess you can simply call it a mistake, in that the ground contamination test involved digging a trench deeper than it needed to be, but a previously completed ground survey test highlighted the nature of the site’s ground formation was somewhat precarious, and that latter tests according to you could and did negatively interact with the site’s ground aquifer situation.
The school’s structural design and foundation type was after all factored into the the site’s specific ground formation credentials prior to any build work commencing.
But at that stage it was still all in house with the company carrying out the self-certifying construction work, so the problem started there, and not with the local authority and latterly Holyrood.

To me your modus on here reeks of trying to continually lay blame on the Scottish “Government”, with your ire mysteriously not being focused on the relevant responsible individuals within the company awarded the contract to build the school that you allude have failed in that duty, nor the local authority for issuing a shit build contract lacking in the ability to claw back funding if the self-certifying company building the school failed to adequately perform that task.

Does nobody take accountability these days. The heads should roll of those directly involved and responsible for any significant screw ups, rather than mealy mouthed statements being issued and punting responsibility up the chain to those with less knowledge of the causes of the original issue.
The floodgate being left open in Perth another recent example of dereliction of duty bordering on negligence. Will someone be held to account for that.


Having come-as a supporter of the Union- with a fairly honest intent to try to see both sides of the argument I am staggered to see the contributors reduced to a handful of all-too-familiar names (mostly but not all pro ‘indy’) shouting at each other in a vacuum. Maybe that is what all websites become but given the incisive demolition of the SNP driven by the Editor on here it must be dispiriting to see this interminable irrelevant dross on here. There is also rather more latent racism that one might might wish. The Union is in safe hands, on balance, I think.

A Scot Abroad

Sam, at 6:51 pm,

I doubt that anyone in my direct line of descent would ever recognise being “colonised”. We’re too stroppy.

We aren’t anti-English, though. The only people who think that England colonised Scotland are mentally weak. There seems to be a bit of a trope about colonialism developing here in WoS, led by some shabby Pied Piper with cod quotes. It’s all utter nonsense. The Act of Union brought peace to these isles, and opened opportunity to everyone from Cornwall to Caithness to get out into the world and make an absolute mint, if they wanted. Scotland provided most that did. Scotland is the greatest colonialist nation in the world. It shaped great nations. We should be proud of that. Not whining about being colonised, which is something only 4th rate people do.


Tommo says:
14 October, 2023 at 9:35 pm

Having come-as a supporter of the Union- with a fairly honest intent to try to see both sides of the argument I am staggered to see the contributors reduced to a handful of all-too-familiar names (mostly but not all pro ‘indy’) shouting at each other in a vacuum.

Your wee post made me smile Tommo 🙂

Captain Yossarian

Dan – Let me answer your question: I reported this to the contractor and he sacked me and did nothing to correct the mistake.

I gave him a month and then I reported it to the Council and the Scottish Government lawyers and they did nothing either.

It seems inexplicable, negligent even, that no-one checked it, but no-one checked it and so the school was built.

Then, as soon as it was finished, in the winter of 2015, the land started to sink and flood with groundwater and that is the precursor for structural deformation (collapse).

I reported it to the Scottish Government and went to see them in August 2016. They told me: “We have had this building checked and it is OK”.

I though the Scottish Government guy was an idiot and so I got it checked by experts and they said: “No, it’s not OK – get this fixed now”.

I reported this to the Scottish Government and had another meeting, with another idiot, in 2019. He responded: “We have had this building checked and it is OK”.

So, the school has never been fixed. Can it be fixed now, or is it too late?

It’s the Scottish Government’s fault, Dan. If they had acted when first warned, then the contractor’s insurance would have paid.

There is still the possibility that I am wrong, but if I am wrong then ergo all the experts are wrong too and I think that is vanishingly unlikely at the stage we are at now.

So, I reckon some parliamentarians ought to be sacked for this.

I was expecting it to be sorted-out last week and that didn’t happen and so it should be sorted-out within the next few days.


Being called 4th rate by a thief is a bit harsh.


Only an expensive education gives you delusional capacity beyond others.
Tommies , Barkers , Asyou ares , Capitans and the corpuses are a platoon to behold.
Likely diploma level 5 uniform services. Advised by a first year gchq supervisor.


Lord Naw-Naw says:
14 October, 2023 at 10:10 pm

England calling… England calling… England calling. This is the Norfolk station broadcasting on the ten meter to one meter band. The Act of Union brought peace to these isles…”

So much so that within a decade of the Act of Union between Scotland and England, an armed struggle was underway to replace the unitary Head of State with one of a different shade of Christianity – the same fight that had been taking place nearly two decades before the Act of Union and which continued for a further four decades afterwards.

Within four generations following its Act of Union with Great Britain to form the UK, Ireland was in an armed conflict to withdraw from it, which for the most part was successful. However, despite that partial withdrawal, what was effectively a civil war would continue within the UK during the second half of the twentieth century at a cost of some 3000 lives lost, tens of thousands injured and a financial cost running into the hundreds of millions.

On closer inspection, just more Brit-Nat propaganda being broadcast from abroad.


If you are truly Scottish you could never believe that the union is in any way valid. And that is clearly the difference between Scots and English immigratrants. No matter what councils or local events you think you control the Scots see you. It’s just a matter of time.


ASA made his money in the opium and slave trade – I think his flat in the new town and farm in perthshire should be expropriated for reparations to the chinks and the blacks.

Funny how JM is “not here” but we have another poster who thinks “the EU is the worst thing ever, even worse than the union” and that all manner of barmy secessionist movements are valid

CLACKMANNANSHIRE LIBERATION ARMY declares freedom from Scots tyranny

link to

then the sinking school eeyore tilting at heffalumps who thinks the corruption of holyrood is a spontaneous and separate entity which shows it is no good

comment image?quality=75&width=990&crop=3%3A2%2Csmart&auto=webp

everything done by westminster in the past 300 years by all govts has shown none of them are “fit to govern”

– what’s your point caller?

have you just discovered party politics is an exercise in lesser evil-ism? There is this mag – private eye – ever read it?

Just to remind ourselves the likely next PM of the UK, “ran interference” for the most notorious paedophile in UK history, Sir James Ssvile, who hung out at Balmoral and Chequers


I find hard to believe that a baby beheaded is somehow more acceptable and news worthy than a baby blasted into small fragments by a massive air deployed bomb! What is it with our press & media. Oh,.wait, they’re not Israeli
! That is outrageous


There is a house in Norfolk going free to some enterprising Scot.

You may have to fight the owner, so go ‘tooled up’.

When he his expelled he will regard you as ‘first rate’ and be proud of you.
Good luck !

Ian Brotherhood

@Confused (11.10) –

You’re very naughty indeed but you always manage to hit a few nails in every comment.

It would be cool if you started your own blog but you’d probably have to shell out a good few quid for the .com domain.

More power to ye anyway.



Sometimes fart jokes & kids jokes make me laugh mostly because kids laugh so much at these daft jokes.

I posted a link to two articles about stuff sinking
in the first one the man was called Mr Dick and in the 2nd the man was called Mr Pitts. I kid you not.

Kids would love that.

Mr Pitts! It’s no wonder he doesn’t use his real name here on Wings.
But hey it’s a shame that his wee hoose in Norfolk Broads is sinking.

Another one for the kids & fans of Christmas Cracker jokes to cheer you up.

Why was the snowman looking through the carrots?

He was picking his nose Ho! Ho! Ho! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Not long now until it’s crackers time!


cheers ianb – always read your comments.

Clearing out old PDFS on my hard drive, many finds – some absolute dynamite.

a report from ukgov on indy; they are shit scared about retaining successor state status and holding onto the UN security council, there is also a lot of shade about Scotland “at the back of the queue”. Like NATO – well, mdears, being in NATO is like the freemasons or the mafia, the trouble starts when you want to leave.

Results of 2014 – 789000 postal votes, some 18% of the total, must have been a record at the time, though not recently. Discrepancies between yougov and lord ashcroft’s polling, weird; positive correlation to YES up to age 55, big negative after. So, 9 years on, half the post 55s are dead, replaced by the younger group who are stronger for YES – so why is there no movement in YES support in this time. If it was the old people who won it for NO, then -sadly- (I love old people, blessem) a lot of these will be gone now. YES should be slowly trickling upward.

Economics papers – I had the PDF, but its on here

link to

– just read the abstract; it shows in black and white the world economy is controlled by a very small clique, of which e.g. Black Rock is a big part. Larry Fink is the architect of “woke capitalism”, and you wonder where all this shite comes from. This is hard numbers, real facts – I KNOW we all love to read about the alien shapeshifting lizards of the illuminate jesuit vatican chabad lubavitch freemasons worshipping moloch at the committe of 300 and the venetian black nobility … but this the real deal.

Another paper – heavy mathematical modelling of immigration using broad assumptions (in weird coincidence, Kissinger, of all people has said multiculturalism was a mistake) – the main point is : “equilibrium solutions” may not exist, i.e. your society might fall apart, but worst of all – to make it work, it is possible, but you have to design and operate very precise social policies, about which no politicians either know nor care, or would touch with a bargepole

Another one – a rat race style economcy destroys social mobility and leads to 2 separate population classes, rich and poor, and nothing inbetween. If you have got on the right side of things you are making out like a bandit, in the UK this is finance, crime, rentier capitalists, nepotism/politics, and for everyone else its the gig economy. The point seems to be, social mobility, climbing the ladder, works on an inter generational way – you do a bit better, to let your kids do a bit better, then they move up a bit. If everyone is running as fast as they can just to stay where they are, then everyone starts back at zero (in tne poor class); the young today – student debts they will never pay back, patchy jobs, knowing you will never own a house … they can never get ahead, get a leg up. When the avowed mantra of the superclass is you will “own nothing and be happy” you know it is no accident.

thats all folks, nighty nite


That last post was to console the wee Unionists who judge whether or not the Union is safe by the standard of the posts BTL in blogs.

Bless 🙂 Happy to help the wee darlins cos

Sometimes it’s hard to be a Unionist
Giving all your love to just one man


WTF is going on now with ‘The Sinking School Saga’?

What the hell have these middle aged Karen spinsters been up to.


What a pathetic farce the U.K. media is in Scotland.
The Herald the Times suggest only hundreds turned out for the pro Palestinian March in Glasgow.

Dear God other perpetual destroyers of the Truth the BBC and STV were compelled to state the number was in the thousands and videos on line confirm thousands there.

It must be humiliating working at the herald if a journalist is told to wipe digits off of the real numbers.

Who’s got a rubber, the presses are about to roll.


Ruby, see also “The Most Beautiful Girl In The World” (sung by England to Scotland).

“Please come back, I’m sorry I smacked you around…”.


Very welcome back, Dan. Your voice of sanity and informative posts have been sadly missed in their absence.

Geoff Anderson

No activists, No voters, falling membership.

BUT it’s all ALBA and Margaret Ferrier’s fault………..

link to

Captain Yossarian

Confused – You may be right. If you cast your mind back to the Fabiani Inquiry though, that cast Scotland in a pretty bad light, just in terms of having serious, trusted people in Government and law. Should we all accept that? That’s the question.



The understatement of attendees at any form of march, or protest, misreporting and or outright news censorship is where our society is at.

Like animals in a pen we are told what to think, when to think or not to think. I’m surprised that the people protesting about what is happening in Gazza was allowed to happen. And of course there are laws to physically stifle free speech.

Craig Murray,the attempt to jail Alex Salmond, Marion Millar, Mark Hirst or in England the incarceration of Julian Assange and others, the reality of life in the UK is clear. It is no different from the regime so many people lived under in 1930s Germany where the Nazi’s controlled the media.

And today simple fact is that over a million men woman and children are being ethically cleansed by an Israeli military, whilst the US and UK stand by supporting the carnage.

And so,and no different from the 1930s Final Solution the UK Government today supports what is a replay of the horror of German’s 1930s cleansing of the Jews.

stuart mctavish

Derek @ 1:00 am

Thinking of Gazza for line 2:

“Great Geordie response to amount of pricks found”

Anthem @11:12 pm

Guess they’re hoping the AI judge* can be persuaded guilt varies with distance from the atrocity and (like an ASCE without enough collective grasp of numbers to tell the difference between margarine and ebola) will not only get away with it but be lauded for compliance and managing to stick to (a) program regardless.

*hawks needing human sacrifice to settle the minsk agreement could be in similar position – so dont expect Den Hague to put too much real faith in the science any time soon


A Scot Abroad says:
14 October, 2023 at 10:10 pm

I doubt that anyone in my direct line of descent would ever recognise being “colonised”

TMI pal!
Never mind the family history just answer the question it’s not as if it’s a difficult question

Is Scotland
1. A Colony
2. A Country
3. A region of England referred to legally as Lesser England?

How easy is that? It’s a simple multiple choice question.

Robert Hughes

Thanks to all the commenters above – you know who you are – who see this latest/ imminent Atrocity Show for what it is/going to be .

I’m too revolted by it and the * Stand With.. ( whoever yr fuckn told to ” stand with ” ) ..* knee-jerk-off sycophancy of the Political amoeba class and it’s shit-filled bog paper MSM accomplices to add much , other than to agree that the idea one of the most surveilled borders in the world was taken by surprise is as credible as the equivalent ( supposed ) breaching of THE most heavily monitored/guarded area in the world Pentagon .

Aye , a 747 jet was allowed to penetrate all the state-of-the-art security systems and smash into the Pentagon’s flank : no video of it’s approach , the moment of impact ( other than a couple of blurry ,inchoate images anyone could have * mocked-up * ) or the subsequent wreckage , leaving a hole that simply does not equate to what an object of that size and velocity would – in real life – create

Ditto this – literally – incredible narrative of an unforeseen invasion by Hamas .

The question , well , not really a mystery , is it ? ……what’s the endgame here ? Rhetorical .

For the lovers of Democracy n Freedom in Uncle Samtown 9/11 resolved into the Shock and Awe live horror spectacle of the Iraq War Vol 2 ( greatest hits ) .

For Netan’s Yahoos and the humanitarians of Zionist Hegemony it will be the total obliteration of * Hamas * the ” Palestine Problem ” *solved * , once and for all .

A prize of 500 Mogadon to the first person to utter the magic formula …….Conspiracy Theory .


link to

Captain Yossarian says:
15 October, 2023 at 7:56 am

Confused – You may be right. If you cast your mind back to the Fabiani Inquiry though, that cast Scotland in a pretty bad light, just in terms of having serious, trusted people in Government and law. Should we all accept that? That’s the question.

You need to stay alert. I think you will find that a large % if the electorate haven’t accepted that hence SNP’s unpopularity.

Here’s the curious thing about it. It’s more than just the Fabiani Inquiry that has cast Scotland in a bad light. Scotland has been under a very dark cloud since around the time Mark MacDonald got fired for sending a daft text but there has been almost no press coverage. That is amazing because the story is hugh it’s on a par with anything you’ve ever heard before the Bill Clinton–Monica Lewinsky Affair, Watergate, Profumo affair all pale in comparison to this massive story.

The question I have for you is why this media blackout?

As for the Fabiani Inquiry I would say that cast Alex Salmond in an extremely good light. The man was amazing!

Captain Yossarian

Willie – Modern military hardware has been shown to have its limitations – tanks, artillery, planes and ships. The item that probably comes-out on top with least limitations is the rocket. Hamas had an overwhelming number of rockets which it fired sequentially over a few hours from different locations. Most were shot down by the “iron-dome” but some got through and that might be why everyone is so nervous. That part of the Middle-East is awash with rockets and if Hamas had thousands of them, you can imagine how many the others have. Old testament rules, multiplied by ten, apply and the whole population is made to suffer because of the acts of a few.


Have you noticed the latest Unionist scare story it goes like this:

Scotland is absolute shite it’s no more than a series of little villages, there is not a single capable person in the whole country, all the clever people have left and the country is made up of very backward people. People who need looked after, that is why we feel they are ‘Better Together’ in our Colonial Care Home.

Eat your cornflakes you morons!

Bob Mack

Humza claims on BBC a majority of seats would allow the SNP to begin negotiations for a referendum.

Groundhog day folks. We are living it.

Pat Blake

Given that a great many Scots have moved south and stayed, including a certain James, and some English have moved north, it could be said that Scotland and England colonised each other. Our view of a country is just a snapshot in time. Parts of countries would regularly belong to others. Rulers were often foreigners, by parentage and even birth. Historically, might was right as Putin is trying to demonstrate. In 2014 you got a chance to democratically decide and it didn’t turn out how you wanted it. So make the case for the future, not whinge about the past. Frankly, all this stuff about being colonised makes you sound like losers.


Derek says:
15 October, 2023 at 1:00 am

Ruby, see also “The Most Beautiful Girl In The World” (sung by England to Scotland).

“Please come back, I’m sorry I smacked you around…”.

The most sincere love bomb we received from England IMO was this

link to

I appreciated that!

So much better than we love you. love you, love you please stay we promise things will be better, we promise we promise we promise please stay. Please stay! Here’s our vow look we’ve even written it on the front page of your most popular ‘newspaper’ we would have had the ‘Red Arrows’ write it in the sky if the editor of the Daily Record hadn’t been so willing to be part of our con sincere love letter.

Suckers! Now eat your fuckin’ cornflakes & shut up!


The more Scotland is «run down» by establishment voices the more those voices devalue their estate.
So after >3 centuries of Unionism the place is still a mess, a place to be escaped at the first opportunity. Own Goal is that not called?
Scotland as a dumping ground for England’s elderly population has a sinister cackle to it.
Demographics and territory is what Scotland has become in the Unionist «vision».
Terra Geriatrica or Middenland
The feeble unsexed Scottish political class serves the brief.


Captain Yossarian,
You seem to have a real grasp of what’s going on in the Middle East so I’m absolutely sure with your deep contemplation on the matter you will be able to explain the answer to this question.
How many Palestinian toddlers need to die to make the Israelis feel better?



“Is Scotland
1. A Colony
2. A Country
3. A region of England referred to legally as Lesser England?”

You missed the most important one;

4. A sovereign kingdom, constitutionally one full half of the Union’s two equally sovereign founders, but whose sovereignty apparently doesn’t count because England has more people in it?

Hmm, let’s evaluate those sovereignties;

Scotland; Sovereignty vested in its people;

~5.5m x 1 sovereign vote each = sovereignty value (SV) = 5.5m

England; Sovereignty vested in its parliament, ie, its MPs;

591 x 1 sovereign vote each = sovereignty value (SV) = 591

Putting those to a simple democratic vote, which is OBVIOUSLY the only fair way to make such decisions, then England is very clearly subordinate to Scotland, so the English should be extremely grateful that we only demand parity!

It’s really England that is little more than a series of hamlets with a virtually empty guild hall.

Alf Baird

Ruby @ 8:54 am

“Is Scotland… A Colony”

A colony is… a kintra whaur indigenous fowk arena alloued tae dae certaint things, like lairn thair bairns thair ain mither tongue, or uise thair ain laund an resoorces fer thair ain growthe, or haud tae anither mair freendly union (e.g. forced Brexit) wi ither fowk, or hiv a peedie richt-like (fair) referendum on casten oot thair doun-hauder…. or ee’n preventit tae haud an ‘impromptu march’ in support o thair ain naitional leeberation, alike ither fowk bidin in thair kintra?

In other words, a colony is where ‘a people’, i.e. an indigenous people at the time of occupation/colonisation (1707 in our case) remain subject to institutionalised ethnic oppression (which becomes ‘normalised’) and for which liberation (i.e. independence) is the only remedy:

link to

Captain Yossarian

Breastplate – I have spent quite a long time time in the Middle-East and have more affinity with Palestinians than most. I don’t know what I have said to provoke such an impertinent response from you. To introduce a sense of balance, there are probably more rockets targeting Israel just now than targeting Gaza.


Captain Yossarian,

“To introduce a sense of balance, there are probably more rockets targeting Israel just now than targeting Gaza.”

The idea that you think this gives a sense of balance leads me to believe that your time in the Middle East has been wasted or you don’t know what the word ‘balance’ means.


So Dr Cameron has had to take her family “into hiding” due to the “torrent of abuse” she claims to have received via emails? Well, good Doctor, online personal abuse is a criminal offence and Police Scotland are very well equipped to catch the perpetrators.

You should be reporting it to Police Scotland and they will investigate the more serious ones and bring charges against the culprit(s). That is if there really is a torrent of abuse in the emails that you claim?

Don’t know about anyone else but i find it more than puzzling that, from this position of “hiding”, her port of call with these accusations is to the BBC with no mention of them being reported to the Police.

And come to think of it, being an MP, would that not bring it under the jurisdiction of ‘The Met’ and not Police Scotland? The Met being a force with far greater resources to investigate such claims.

Perhaps she did report it but the BBC in Scotland just failed to state that on their Text Service pages? After-all, they’re not known for being thorough professionals when it comes to facts. Time will tell but i’m sure if i received threatening emails stating that i was going to get “bricked in the street” the emails would be in the hands of the Police minutes after receiving them.


@Alf Baird

“A colony is… a kintra whaur indigenous fowk arena alloued tae dae certaint things,..”

In some colonies (Caribbean) the indigenous folk and their cultures have been eliminated.

Captain Yossarian

Breastplate – “In May 2006, Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah explained that: “The purpose of our rockets is to deter Israel from attacking Lebanese civilians…The enemy fears that every time he confronts us, whenever there are victims in our ranks among Lebanese civilians, this will lead to a counter-barrage of our rockets, which he fears.”

They have 130,000 rockets, Breastplate and so they are hardly defenceless. A few thousand were fired on Israel last weekend by Hamas, probably old rockets that Hezbollah had replaced years earlier. A small number got through the “iron dome” and caused all of those deaths and so restraint and, dare I say it, respect is required on both sides.

I think that Humza is doing well just now under the most trying of circumstances.

Alf Baird

sam @ 11:36 am

“In some colonies (Caribbean) the indigenous folk and their cultures have been eliminated.”

There are different ways to ‘eliminate’ or replace ‘a people’ and culture, including ‘displacement’, as part of colonial oppression. Tak a guid leuk at Scotland’s recent demographics:

link to

Anton Decadent

In tomorrows Herald, “Forty trans babies decapitated in trans genocide in Glasgow. New research shows that William Wallace was black.”


link to

On Thursday Sarwar, who along with most of his Labour colleagues voted for the Bill at its final stage in Holyrood, refused three times to say if he would back it again.

This is absolute bullshit!

The guy has no principles!


“Labour to omit social care reform from manifesto and scale back Lords plans”

MWHAHAHAHA! The liars have been promising to end “The Lords” since the very early 1900’s. So what’s new? Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas. LOL!


@Alf Baird

Thanks for the link, Alf. Displacement in one form or another seems to be a good part of our history.


@ Geoff Bush

The supposed comments by Thatcher never took place. It is like David Cameron and hug a hoodie. Widely believed, but erroneous – hence why it can never be found.

Where it came from was an interview with Larry King, after she left office. It was basically in relation to the fall of the Soviet Union – and that when people want a breakaway from the state it cannot be stopped.

She cited Ireland electing a majority of nationalist MPs. She then said the same might happen from Scotland, if they wanted it, and not much could be done.


link to

OK Greens, SNP, Labour and all the other Unionist Parties we got your message

Your representatives were singing it loud and clear underneath the ‘Hielanman’s Umbrella’

‘Fuck you, fuck you very much’ they chanted to women attending a conference.

Right back at you!
We won’t forget your message so don’t bother slithering about pretending you care about ‘women without cocks’ come election time because we will never believe you now.

James Che

Interesting set of Commentators telling Scots there Status is below par while I have been busy and away,

When someone tells you who you are,
how you should think of your selves,
how you should react,
How you should accept your condition.
How you have no legal stance in any court,
how stupid you are,
How incapable of looking after yourself or your own, you are.
How The other half a union is the only half that counts.
That no one in the outside world will listen to you or believe you.

I have been reading the comments on a site that is in support of Scottish independence I think.


Here’s a thought.

I know very little about Islam but I get the impression that women are nowhere near as important as men within Islam.

If you were brought up as a Muslim as is the case with Humza Yousaf & Anas Sarwar would you be more inclined to back ‘women with cocks’ rather than women without being that the ‘women without cocks’ are 2nd class and not as worthy of consideration as the ‘cock women’?

James Che

I not voting for colony parties full stop.

James Che

Come to think of it why would anyone vote in a devolved government parliament that breaches the treaty of union of one parliament in Britain article.

James Che

Amazingly it is those that fully support a union between countries of Scotland and England, that state Scotland is not a sovereign Country, not a sovereign kingdom,
But a region,

This ignorance is amazing because there is no article in the treaty of union that states Scotland is to become a region after the treaty of union and after ratification process by both parties.

James Che

Amazingly those that reduce the status of the Country of Scotland in1707 to a region nowadays reduce the validity of one of the two foundation Countries in the treaty of union,
Knocking down the foundation structure of the parliament of great britain.

Keep going, nice to have you on board

James Che

Amazingly there is and none can be found, A Article in the treaty of Union, that states the that the newly created parliament of Great Britain has the authority to dissolve the parliament of Scotland in 1707, after a union,

James Che

May it be pointed out with regards treaty of union articles that the Act of settlement, 1700 insists that Scotland accepted and recognise the succession to the throne of England.

The Act of Settlement 1700 does not precisely ask or mention the that Scottish people or Scottish parliament in 1700 accept the succession of monarch of England to the throne of Scotland,
It only requests that we acknowledge the succession to the throne of England,
Which we did,

If I remember the words roughly of the Act of Settlement correctly.

It is as follows,

That the succession of the monarch of England, France and Ireland and its dominions.

Scotland has never been a dominion of England,

And Queen Anne was never Crowned queen of Scots or the territory of Scotland prior to the treaty of union in 1700,
Nor was she crowned queen of Scots or The territory of Scotland after the treaty of union before she died,

Scotland acknowledges the succession to the throne of England, France and Ireland, we agreed to that in the treaty of union articles.

Little slip ups.

A Scot Abroad

Humza Yousaf is now planning on the Scottish government demanding a referendum on independence if the SNP gain a majority (29 or more) Westminster seats at the next U.K.-wide General Election.

That seems to be the plan.

But there’s a potential problem. What happens if the Scottish Government is run by Labour?

James Che

Those that are enthralled and persist that the Westminster Parliament in England is a combined parliament with a dissolved parliament of Scotland…. need to go back to school to retake maths qualifications

One and one = two.

One and zero = is one.


A Scot Abroad says:
15 October, 2023 at 2:11 pm

But there’s a potential problem. What happens if the Scottish Government is run by Labour?

We’ll be well & truly fucked just like we have been for the last 300 years.

We’re used to that. We did have a few years of hope between 2011 & 2014 but since then it’s just been back in the colonial box and eating our fuckin’ cornflakes.

I’ve noticed you haven’t answered my very simple question. That is so typical of our colonisers they don’t want us to have an informed debate.

Fuck you! Fuck you very much! as your Unionist parties say to women in Scotland.

James Che

And Thus ever since no monarch to the succession of the crown of England, France and Ireland has ever been worn or been crowned in Scotland in any ceremony.
They are shown the Crown of Scotland and regalia, , they may touch the Crown of Scotland, they may pretend to hold a separate ceremony from England (never asked Why?) behind closed doors out of sight of Scotland and Scots for propaganda purposes of pretence. But never wear the crown of Scots.

And yet the ceremony for succession to the throne of England, France and Ireland and its dominions has alway been open and public in England.

Now why are there two separate ceremonies in Britain whilst falsely claiming that it is one kingdom and where one crowning and ceremony would suffice?

It validates that there are still two separate kingdoms in Britain. And the need to fake one of them in Scotland as authentic for the sake of England.

Perhaps those that protested ” not our king” were closer to reality than they even realised.

James Che


I have to admit I am becoming interested in why you have avoid answering Ruby’s question directly too.

A Scot Abroad


I did answer your question, using my own terms to describe Scotland’s status.

You don’t get to demand that everyone jumps to your tune.


Here’s the thing even the NO voters who are 100% responsible for everything that is currently happening in Scotland will also be well and truly fucked but I think they love it.

They are the ones who gave Westminster carte blanche to do what they like with Scotland.

It’s shit being Scottish even shitier being a Scottish Woman who doesn’t have a cock!

Aye but they love us you can sense it oozing out of Lord Naw Naw’s every pore.

Same with Captain Yossarian, John Main, Chas, Den and all the other Naw Baws.

These ‘Naw Baws’ don’t even know if they live in a colony, a country or in Lesser England.

Naw Baws & Naw Brains!


A Scot Abroad says:
15 October, 2023 at 2:58 pm


I did answer your question, using my own terms to describe Scotland’s status.

You don’t get to demand that everyone jumps to your tune.

Well sure I do whether you decide to jump to my tune or not is a very different and telling matter.

‘Silence speaks a thousand words’

Graf Midgehunter

Thank goodness the Scots have been smart enough to understand that the Indy movement is separate from a political party, it’s an aspiration for all and everyone. (Apart from Norfolk lovers…)

The SNP since 2015 has turned into a bowel movement which now finishes off with a dire rear.. 🙂


These men who want women’s rights are very misguided. They are out on the street shouting at women without knowing if they are YES or NO voters.

They are currently furious with Westminster because they blocked their chance of just being able to say I want women’s rights so therefore I should get them.

It’s not the women they should be shouting at it’s all the NO voters who voted for Westminster to be in charge and have carte blanche to prevent you guys getting your woman’s rights.

Come on! Pop on your magenta pink mask & sing after me.

Fuck you No voters! Fuck you very much!

What! you actually voted No and brought this upon yourselves?

Ha! Ha! Ha! Life’s a bitch sometimes.

Mark Beggan

Flag waiving is a Scottish pastime.

I have publicly displayed the Saltire with pride.

I would never fly the flag of any other Nation,Organization,Ideology or Creed.

George Ferguson

Between Alba, Labour and the SNP there is little difference in taking back Energy assets into public control. The SNP have added an extra layer of complexity by linking it to an Independent Scotland AND human rights. Don’t the SNP realise how complex the process is to take control of energy resources already? If you think Energy prices were high before. the anticipated Regional Middle East War, will make what has gone before a mere bagatelle. Anyway the rugby is on, I am determined to enjoy myself amongst the madness.

Mark Beggan

Saint Mirren was a woman “without the male genitals”.

Miriam I think was her name a 100% biological female.

My Point!

My Point is that They’ were at back then as They’are now.

“Nothings new lovey”

James Che

I have to admit being confused over trans men that want womens rights and are willing to Bully and steal those right hard earned rights from women,

Which by logic would give the right to all other men who say they are trans gender to bully them also. to bully women and trans women,
someone else’s rights may not be the freedom you think it is,

I am also curious why they do not fight for rights as a trans person that actually could be more enpowering than having womens rights as the rights of women in Britain and around the world are generally seen as second or third class humans in government policies,

The British government only came out the barbaric dark ages of neanderthal thought towards the other half of the population of the world in 1918, and even then it was for women over 30 years of age who held property and land that could vote,

We are talking about trans men wishing to have those lesser rights.
That any registered or officially acknowledged trans man whom was born 50s has to wait until the neanderthal government at present decide if they insulted women through malpractice of mistreating women as second class and wrong and inferior with regards to government information about pensions,
They will also have to enquire and fight for the pension pot if they are older trans women as that same government made errors to older women pensioner in their 80s and whom may have passed away,

Actually is a trans mans pension adjusted to a womens lower pension back to the time of their birth.

Or does legislation give them a mans usually higher pension, as they are different in earning in many cases.
According to NI, stamps and taxes,

Billy Carlin

Robert Hughes 9.14am

Yep that term “Conspiracy Theory” – created by the CIA as admitted by a later CIA Director at a Congressional Hearing – as a way of trashing the TRUTH about what happened to JFK and any other TRUTH exposing the corruption etc of the government, CIA etc and their agendas and to make out those exposing this TRUTH as being loonies or Conspiracy Theorists. Of course with this SCAMDEMIC this last few years they are now just blatantly telling the dumb sheep to only listen to the “truth” of these corrupt puppet governments etc and all of these governments are bringing out legislation against harming the kids with “misinformation” etc to ban the REAL Truth as George Orwell was showing they were going to do. The same governments and secret services etc involved in the massive trafficking and abuse of children going on all over the world as well as all of the other human trafficking, money laundering etc – Of course these are all “Conspiracy Theories” as well to the sheep that only get their information from the corrupt controlled mainstream media and political parties etc.

You are correct re The Pentagon on 9/11 that as Dr Judy Wood has totally exposed was hit by the same Directed Energy Weapons that took out all SEVEN buildings of the Twin Towers Complex on 9/11 – Building 7 was taken out and turned mostly to DUST like the part of the Pentagon that was hit was – offices in Building 7 and the part of the Pentagon that was hit both had investigations going on and the evidence into the missing $trillions that Bushes government announced that was missing the day before 9/11 and the massive fraud on the Stock Exchange – of course all of this and these investigations disappeared with the Twin Towers surprise surprise – but now just another “Conspiracy Theory”.

Just as Israel is now clearing out the Palestinians from even more of their land that will end up with more Israeli settlements like has happened to the vast majority of Palestine every time that “Israel is CONVENIENTLY attacked and our corrupt governments/political parties will be bringing all those Palestinian “refugees” into our countries along with all of the other “refugees” they are creating in all of the other war zones etc THEY created as part of their agenda to get rid of our countries as well as part of the NWO agenda and also to bring down our wages and conditions as well. Of course more “Conspiracy Theories” to the brainwashed and people incapable of thinking for themselves.


James Che says:
15 October, 2023 at 1:00 pm
Interesting set of Commentators telling Scots there Status is below par while I have been busy and away,’

You’re back, then…


“A fart in a trance”. Just about somes it all up.


“A fart in a trance”. Just about sums it all up.

Anton Decadent

Those of us who read the Herald before it became another branch of the Jerusalem Times will remember the term tick tock being used in comments under articles to describe the dying off of Unionists as part of an unstoppable wave which would lead to independence. Fast forward to the present day and a switch has taken place in which Scotland is ruled by an unelected and unliked kabal of Jews and Muslims. The tick tock now refers to us as a people and culture as these people have literally gone after the children and are going directly into the schools and even nurseries to promote homosexuality in a country with a low birth rate whilst looking to import masses of young men from foreign countries. The change in the demographics in the adverts and soap operas is no accident and is not even organic, a jew was sent over from New York to enforce this change (I had his details in a bookmark but after a new CPU and motherboard was fitted my bookmarks turned to code) so that whilst the boys are encouraged to be gay the girls will be encouraged to breed with the young men who are coming over from far away places.

Some people on here are still trying to play the race card when we have the leaders of the SNP and Scottish Labour both displaying their outrage at white people holding senior roles in a white majority country and who were applauded for this. The West in general is being shamed into a destructive spiral by a group which has been looking for collective revenge since the days of the Roman Empire. People can sense in their gut though that something is going very badly wrong in our societies, all they have to do is take a look at our (foreign owned) political classes, the (foreign owned) media, (foreign owned) entertainment, (foreign owned) advertising and (foreign owned) academia to see this.

“The simple step of the courageous individual is to not take part in the lie.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

James Che

Billy Carlin.

A conspiracy theory only remains a conspiracy as long as government and politicians never implement them,
As soon as the do the government shoot themselves in the foot,

There have been a awful lot of conspiracy theories become more accurate and true than those promoting the said “words” in the last decade or so.

Most people now disbelieve their government, politicians, and MSM now as they have shouted look squirrel to often.

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    • diabloandco on The whole caboodle: “I did enjoy that! Thank you.Oct 6, 12:49
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