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Wings Over Scotland

On a nod and a wink

Posted on March 12, 2021 by

Someone forwarded a Freedom Of Information response to us today. It’s frighteningly illustrative of the kind of Scotland that the SNP are bringing into being.

It’s worth looking at those highlighted bits.

“It is the view of the Scottish Government that trans women are women.”

Is it? How did they come to that view? Who decided? When was it discussed? Did every member of the government agree? What evidence was used to arrive at this conclusion? Which definition of “women” was referenced? Does this position render the current consultation on gender reform a meaningless foregone conclusion? Why haven’t voters been told before now that the Scottish Government has unilaterally rewritten basic human biology? To the best of our knowledge the First Minister has never previously made this statement, so why are we only hearing it now, in response to an FOI?

“There is no single policy document outlining the Scottish Government’s policy on trans inclusion.”

Why not? How are people, including Ministers, supposed to know what the policy is if it isn’t written down anywhere? How will anyone know if it changes? What other policies does the Scottish Government have that aren’t written down anywhere and that nobody’s been told about and won’t know exist unless they happen to send in an FOI?

“There is no provision within Scottish or UK legislation that contains the words ‘trans women are women’.”

Then how were you just able to state that it was Scottish Government policy? On what basis is that the case? What is the material impact of it being “policy”? What if anything does it mean in reality? For the purposes of the Equality Act 2010, who in the Scottish Government’s view is included under the description “trans women”? Is it only people with a Gender Recognition Certificate, or does Eddie Izzard count?

Don’t bother voting in May, folks. It doesn’t seem to matter. This stuff just gets decided for you, without the input of the public OR the Parliament, by people unknown, and you don’t get told anything about it unless you ask.

But we’re pretty sure that asking will soon be a hate crime, so if you’ve got any more questions we’d suggest you get them in pretty quick.

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I was with you up until you said don’t bother voting in May. I appreciate you feel it’s pointless – but I strongly disagree.

Captain Yossarian

The young chap who threatened Joanna Cherry said to her: ‘You don’t know me or what I am capable of.’ A few days later he said to the Police ‘I’m not a violent person.’

He describes himself as an ‘SNP activist’…what a mess this party are in.

Random Biologist

It would be interesting to know if, like the Lib Dems, the SNP are taking money from the pharmaceutical companies pushing experimental drugs on children. Might explain their obsession with this nonsense.


That does it!


This is the easiest way to understand Scottish politics in our current era:


Michael B

Maybe this MP knows…

link to


I am repeatedly shocked these days about how prescient Orwell was, and in such detail.
It’s an old joke, but 1984/Animal Farm are not meant to be instruction manuals.
How will this end?
When will this end?

Captain Yossarian

The SNP get away with this because they have bought the law in Scotland.


Surely according to the Eddie Izzard is a woman – as last I looked, their definition of “trans identity” in the HCB (now I guess HCA) included cross dressers – i.e. trans-vestites as “trans”.

So since Izzard has been known to be partial to cross dressing, presumably he is included in the class of “trans women”, and so is now a woman. Similarly I guess maybe Danny LaRue, but AFAIK his is just a stage act, not a life choice.


A MAN has pleaded guilty to sending aggressive messages to SNP MP Joanna Cherry which she feared were threats of sexual violence.

Appearing at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Friday March 12, Grant Karte pleaded guilty to offences under section 127 of the 2003 Communications Act.

This will be a hate crime then? But as the passage from Orwell’s classic demonstrates

‘Any crime on behalf of natwoke is not a crime.


That should have been Barry Humphries, not Danny LaRue; but possibly the same applies to the latter anyway…

Dave Hansell

You do realise you’ve just invented the successor to ‘buzzword bingo” and “bullshit job description generator”?

Right now there will be people all over Scotland sat at their keyboard writing out FOI Applications to the appropriate body seeking documentary evidence of the Scottish Governments policy on everything from the laws of motion and the principles of gravity (but not gravitas because that disappeared from the body politic a long time ago) through to Planck’s Constant and whether the Scottish Government believes the Earth is flat, round or sits on the back of four giant elephants standing on the back of an even more humongous turtle?

Well done that man. I can see some civil servants suddenly becoming extremely busy.


“It’s frighteningly illustrative of the kind of Scotland that the SNP are bringing into being.”

Yesterday’s SNP, led by Alex Salmond, almost bringing Scotland to independence.

Today’s SNP, led by a corrupt criminal, destroying Scotland.

Folks, don’t give a single vote to the SNP.

Vote the corrupt criminals out of power.

Forget about independence, it is now a matter of saving Scotland as top priority.


I think it’s simple. After the 2015 UK elections, a lot of the powers that be started taking the SNP seriously and also came to the conclusion that Scottish Indy was v likley now. So they went for damage limitation and making the SNP acceptable to the big vested interests. Like the Ukrainians taking that gobshite of a minister on an all expenses paid (and possibly whores and coke provided) tour of the Ukraine with free Iron Cross thrown in. Said gobshite liked being on the gravy train, so came back and said all the right things about the semi-fascist gov in the Ukraine being good guys, etc. And Scotland will stay in NATO, and it now even looks as if the nukes will stay in Scotland (even if not rent-free). Indy won’t make much difference in these matters – and the big boys in London like that.

Sturgeon was also bigged up as a very modern and progressive woman leader (especially in the time of Trump). Wasn’t she even on the Daily Show? And now she’s gonna pro it.Scotland will be Woke (whether it wants to be or not). I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she thinks her wokery will get her the Noble Prize or made head of some UN agency when she’s done as FM (I bet she sees herself as a latter day Mary Robinson in that regard).

The SNP once represented the ordinary people, but Nicola & co now want to impress the elites – and you can’t do both.


Like the nod to Pilger there.

The next twenty years are going to be very dark.
From HCB to GRA to pro-Lockdown fascists.

Climate change will replace covid. And of course, SG have declared a ‘climate emergency’ with COP26 on the horizon.

Very dark indeed.

Robert Graham

Directorate !

Fk me that says it all

No 1984 was not a novel, it was a fkn SNP instruction manual

Swallowed hook line and bloody sinker by THE DIRECTORATE

I have a sneaky feeling we have allowed the patients in this fkn nut House to take control , are there any normal people in Holyrood or are they all bleedn , ******** , the terms I would normally use might offend some people and the new legislation would definitely attract attention so I won’t be tempted , let’s just say A bright future beckons , FFS

Thank fk I am on the way out I would not want to be growing up in 2021 life was simple when I was growing up in the early 50s what the fk happened , maybe I was too busy working to bother what these halfwits were getting up to .I should have paid more attention eh .

Tannadice Boy

Like everybody else I have been struggling to decide what to do in May. I was in the ‘didnae vote’ camp but now it’s get the SNP out at all costs. If we don’t there will be far reaching consequences for everyone. So Labour in the constituency vote (Highly unlikely but hey ho. It’s worth a go) and Tories on the list vote. Number of times I have voted Tory in my lifetime? Zero. I thought my mum (SNP) would be birling in her grave at that thought but then she was an advocate of women’s rights. I think she would understand where her many children are at the moment. The SNP are now a disgrace.


Statement three appears to negate statement one. After reading the first highlighted chapter, it would appear that its the Scottish governments view maybe that’s why three conflicts with one.

However as we all know transwomen aren’t biological women no matter how the Scottish government spin it.


Apposite comment from a colleague in the Party:

“As what was not written in 1320:

“To this woman, inasmuch as her predecessor saved our people, and for upholding our freedom, we are bound by right as much as by her merits, and did choose to follow her in all that she does.

But as she ceases from these beginnings, wishing to give us or our nation to the buffoon of the English, we will immediately take steps to drive her out as the enemy and the subverter of her own rights and ours, and install another Leader who would make good our defence. Because, while a hundred of us remain alive, we will not submit in the slightest measure, to the domination of the wokerati. We do not fight for honour, riches, or glory, but solely for democracy which no true person gives up but with their life.”

Stuart Anderson

“Don’t bother voting in May, folks”

Sadly, that’s the conclusion I’ve come to. Each party voted for this horrid Hate Crime Bill bar the Tories and I simply can’t bring myself to vote for them.

Until a party emerges with sensible policies in the coming weeks (highly unlikely) I’ll be giving it a miss on May 6th.


I hate the SNP and I hate what they’re doing to my country.


FFS people, do not be convinced to vote Tory/Labour/Libdem on the first vote.


It is the only moral position to take. Maybe, just maybe, the SNP will sit up and take note/re-organise their perspective.


Maybe the next WBB could include a ‘Modern Scots Dictionary’ section to help out anyone over 21 who thought they knew what words meant.

It mustve been said, but what is the point in the ‘trans’ bit? A man is a man. A woman is a woman. A transman is a transman. A transwoman is a transwoman. By having any mention of trans in the last two categories, it surely means you arent/cant be in the first two. The fact is we need the trans bit and that, by definition differentiates eg, theyre not the same. They just so clearly are not the same thing.

Whats so difficult or problematic with identifying people by physical biological sex separately from when necessary identifying by (self defined) gender. And why is any of this seen as hate? Thinking a human being with adult male genitalia entering a toilet with children with female genitalia is something we need to be very careful about just is not hate in any way shape or form.


“Don’t bother voting in May, folks”

How do you propose we are going to become independent during the next parliament by not voting.

Harry mcaye

Random biologist – that might be worth a FOI.

Actually, maybe best not to as the (thought) police will be at your door.

Captain Yossarian

If Alex Salmond had been in charge these past 6-years, we wouldn’t be talking about this.

As long as there is no respected leader in place and no hope or prospect of moving one into position, then this becomes a decent into a vortex of despair.

I suggested Alex could return a couple of weeks ago and that idea was shot-down. What about Joanna Cherry then?

The SNP have been in power for too long and this is the result. Respected SNP heads like MacAskill and Sillars can see it clearly.

A change in leadership is needed because this show is going no-where and the party could be dead soon. I reckon we could we could see the quickest demise of any political party seen in decades.


“It is the view of the Scottish Government” is essentially the FMs OPINIAN.


Captain Yosarian.

As I understand it the young man who threatened Joanna Cherry is still having his identity with held by Police even though it is widely anecdotally being reported that the individual works for the SNP and is the partner of a very senior nationalist.

No doubt a good reason for not releasing the individual’s name.

And then the charge, or the investigation of a charge. Last I read was that the Police were investigating the matter as a report of a ” breach of communication ”

No doubt well considered reasons for considering any potential death threat as a ” communication breach ”

Kind of gives you an other insight into the Rule of Law in an SNP governed Scotland. For me it’s all very frightening

But as the Bachman Turner Overdrive song said ……. you ain’t seen nothing yet!”

Still SNP then????

John Martini

So trans women are only real women if they have a gender recognition certificate. Can that be got through self id?


Opinion. Silly me.


Kirsty All colours both genders missed out fruit loop from her Venn diagram

Wee Chid

Clydebuilt says:
12 March, 2021 at 6:52 pm
“Don’t bother voting in May, folks”

“How do you propose we are going to become independent during the next parliament by not voting.”

How do you propose we are going to become independent during the next parliament by voting?

Mark Boyle


It should be noted that this Grant Karte is the same person who in 2017 was prosecuted for using a bank card he found in the street in December 2016 to buy himself a Playstation over Amazon to be shipped to his home address, without thinking for one moment that the card holder would report the card missing or the bank investigate any transactions made after it was reported lost.

A bust so easy, even the Quality Polis couldn’t mess it up!

(He got 160 hours community service for it)

link to

By the sound of it, he’s no political activist, just a thick troll who did something on the internet he thought he could get away with – and not for the first time.

Once again, the moral of the story is – distressing as they may seem – never take keyboard warriors seriously – 99 times out of a 100 being Billy Big Baws behind a screen is as “gangsta” as they get.

Wee Chid


Ian Lawson’s latest on the corrupt b*****ds in the SNP

link to

Bob Costello

It will have been decided in the same manner and by the same person who decided that everyone in the YES movement should be gay by changing the colour of the yes logo to the rainbow colours of the gay movement


“unless there is a legal requirement to treat them otherwise.” Whaaaaaat? My brain just exploded!


The author of “The Vow”, which many consider to be the main reason that Yes lost the independence referendum, is now the chief Communications Officer or something like that of today’s corrupt criminal SNP.

Sturgeon, the most evil woman ever to have lived in Scotland, is a bigger enemy of independence than the unionists.

The only thing she is interested in is power and fame.

How openly she lied countless times under oath in front of the cameras.

She has the media and the justice system in her pocket.

From what I have gathered, she is a lesbian, masquerading as a happily married woman for the sake of power and fame.

The tabloids could even go after Princess Diana, yet Princess Nicola the first of Scotland is untouchable.

Is there not a single decent person within the Scottish government brave enough to expose the crimes of this evil woman.

Even the witch Thatcher seems almost decent compared to this witch.

Bob Mack

@Captain Yossarian,

Not only the thug and SN P member who threatened Cherry. By an amazing coincidence in the same court at the same time We had a former P.A. To Angus Robertson who left the SNP to be a drag star in London.
Don’t know what charge was but the crime sheet number was only two digits away from the Cherry case.


And when a chick with a dick is in the changing room with your ten year old daughter……..and gets the boaby out, that’ll be alright then.

Sorry to be so crude. But that is where we are it very much seems in the crazy house of Queen Nicola.

They’ll be wanting to legislate for sex with children and marriage to animals next the way this crazy house is going. And this is all going to come to a head. Ordinary people are not going to accept this insanity, nor will they accept the forthcoming restrictions on free speech.

We MUST vote this cancer out. Cancer never gets better if it is allowed to grow. Voting SNP is feeding the tumour.


@ Willie at 6.55

link to


Random thought – What odds do you think you would get on Nicola Sturgeon accepting a peerage and a seat in the Lords ?

Also, I was thinking earlier about spoiling my constituency vote (women – adult human female or similar) and voting ISP on the list. With whats going on at present, does anyone else think that such ‘protest’ ballots would be counted at all or rejected entirely ?

LaingB French

I’m a star child, a conclusion to an experiment by the GREYS, small 3.6″ tall , large black eyes, small holes for a nose and a small mouth. they have lost the ability to breed and through DNA manipulation they can grow their kind. There is no male or female. which category would SNP pigeon hole me I wonder.
Is their a policy held by SNP named ” crock of shit”?
If we legalize LSD, SNP can then justify trans gender!
( fkn lunatics! )



Don’t you have any honour pal? Do you just bend over and take this do you?

I won’t be voting for anyone on the constituency in May. Now go tell yir mates, Dr Jim, Old Pete etc on WGD

45% of the electorate never voted in last Scot Election .I’ll be joining them as that is my right- my vote .

Indy ? I’m getting to the stage it’s all just a dream that will not come, especially with this SNP.

If you don’t like it, tough.


ahundredthidiot says,

“FFS people, do not be convinced to vote Tory/Labour/Libdem on the first vote.

Just SPOIL.”

That is what I had thought, but now it is matter of priority to vote the corrupt criminal SNP out of power.

Vote tactically in favour of the 30 or so MSP’s who voted against the HCB yesterday, and any candidate that has the chance of unseating an SNP MSP.

Let there be a unionist government in Scotland, but with the SNP out of the way, a new credible independence party will have the chance to stand on a plebiscite manifesto at the next Westminster election.

It has come to the stage that any government is better than an SNP-Green government.

Mark Boyle

The latest from Dear Leader is that next week on the anniversary of the first lockdown, in memory of all the Covid 19 victims there’s to be a national one minute’s silence.

This is except for Old Firm fans, who instead have chosen to hold a national one minute’s violence.


So Angus Robertson’s personal assistant left him to be a drag star.

Do we know his name and what the charge is that he is up on in the Court. Or is it a secret just like the guy who threatened Joanna Cherry, or the alphabet women who were a secret too, or the legal advice, or the political prosecutions resulting in no case to answer

Justice in Scotland. A Rule of law. Transparency. An impartial Police Scotland ………well I’ll leave that up to voters to make their minds up.

Meanwhile, I’m disregarding all social distancing and mask wearing. I’m a Rangers supporter you see, and that allows me to do things that the vast majority of others don’t. Well done Police Scotland for standing back at the weekend to let things rip.

Bob Mack

There is a common factor just now between the SNP and the government.

Anyone care to guess what it is? I’ll tell you. There are trans in positions of great influence on both. Handy eh?


Mark Boyle

To Mark: Will the Stirling sneak thief and rape threat generator maker Grant Karte get Karte Blanche again?

Seriously the SNP with his fellow damaged head cases is attracting enough nasties is storing up some trouble. Let’s find out who he’s aligned with.

John Martini

33. I rest my case.

Lorna Campbell

All this nonsense about Helena Kennedy holding some kind of investigation/study to see whether ‘sex’ should be a protected category is just more obfuscation. The entire show at Bute House and in Holyrood’s SNPG offices, including those of the civil service, the SPADS, etc. and at SNP HQ is run by Stonewall and the Trans Alliance and their off-shoots.

I heard that woman, Sandy Brindley pontificating about women being unsafe in the streets, when she allows a man to occupy the top job at a rape crisis centre. This is what extreme feminism has led us to: extreme male occupancy of women’s safe spaces. Crickey, what a victory, ladies. Does that mean all men are baddies? No, of course not.

Women are not actually 100% safe ANYWHERE, which is why they need the protection of their own sex-based spaces. That, however, is not what the trans lobbyists have decided upon, and, therefore it is not what the SNPG/Greens have decided upon either, because it is the trans lobby that runs the SNPG’s social policy department… which has an effect on its funding allocations… in the direction of trans groups which never set up their own centres/shelters/counselling.

The SNPG, when you read the FoI above, reflects a stupidity, a lack of nous and an intransigence that might, combined, be termed terminal in a living person. How can these people actually function on a physiological, reality plane with a cranium that is utterly empty? Where have their brains gone? Have they decamped to a spiritual plane where they are no longer answerable to the biological human beings who actually think and have a vote? Are they zombies whose brains have been eaten by trans activists. I’m sure there must be a film in that.

These people are reminiscent of those quasi religious cults which used to project a credo of anything goes, with credulous, half-baked, brainwashed creatures who retained just enough human intelligence to be able to breathe, talk (although that was often forbidden) and work, for no reward, except the food and water they ate and drank, while also being divested of their worldly goods – oh, and to s**g furiously with whomsoever, in whatever way, at the whisper of a pair of knickers being lowered. The (always male) leader had, of course, been told by the Creator that he should take a thousand wives and procreate with anything that moved or didn’t move, age and sex optional, and movement also optional.

At rock bottom, folks, this apparently worthy effort to make trans people feel part of the community and not alienated (and genuine trans people would not be alienated, through education of the population, rather than coercion) looks suspiciously and tediously like those cults that, at the end of day, are home to psychopaths and marathon s******s of everything that moves, and, perhaps, even things that don’t move, while, at the same time, making lots of lolly out of the credulous.

What it has to do with women’s spaces and rights is actually nothing, because it it is not about women or genuine trans women/men. It is about men who either claim they are women (and how would they know what a woman is in her essence?) or who want access to women and girls and their ‘things’ because we can’t have women and girls having anything to call their own, can we? Where’s the fun for these guys in female autonomy? At least they are not Incels who want to kill females for not opening their legs at the drop of a psychopath… Oops, I’d better not give the SNPG and the Greens ideas…


willie says,

“We MUST vote this cancer out. Cancer never gets better if it is allowed to grow. Voting SNP is feeding the tumour.”

Totally agree.

Bob Mack

@Willie. Nathan Lewis Sparling. Don’t know charge but I suspect it is something to do with case as the case numbers are very close

Annie 621

Has anyone seen ‘The Lives of Others?’
Did anyone imagine that that 2006 film, set in 1984 btw could happen anywhere else in Europe in 2021,
and if you did, did you ever imagine that country could, or would, be Scotland.


What, in the view of the Scottish Government, is a ‘trans woman’?
1. Someone who believes that they are biologically male but is actually female in their intrinsic belief?
2. Someone who is male but wants to be female?
3. Someone who is male but gets pleasure from ‘being’ female?
Why is there no definition?
Why do we have policy but no clarification in what ‘trans’ is?

Captain Yossarian

@Willie – I remember when I first started reading these pages in mid-January, I read one of your posts which said that the Lord Advocate just wanted to ‘see some native hanging from a tree.’ He had just tried to intimidate and prosecute the Rangers Administrators and had instead been made to look like an arse…remember?

I was just reading The Guardian there and it looks like the conspiracy theory surrounding Alex Salmond is close to collapse. It sounds as though the whatsapp messages released just do not support it and the messages which do support it were part of the criminal trial and so cannot be released at this stage.


Mark Boyle – after last week ends outrageous public safety outrage by Rangers fans, and Police Scotland’s total inaction, the minutes silence for the dead comes across as a pure political stunt.

Whether the morons that are football fans, and I include both Rangers and Celtic, will behave at the weekend, one can only guess.

But if they don’t the police should intervene.


Someone told me that a certain high-ranking Scottish politician lives in a same-sex union with a French person but I dismissed it out of hand.
I said that it would have been reported but they said that there was a super-injunction.
These mad conspiracy theorists.
They will be telling us that AS was stitched-up next!


I will be voting in May, I must hang on to my dream of an Independent Scotland, Please dont let your justified anger cloud your reasoning and logic, Get out there and vote SNP 1 and another pro Indy party 2

Lorna Campbell

Sorry, Rev, I should have said, if this stuff becomes retrospective, I’ll see you in prison. Just wear a frock and you’ll get into Corntonvale no problem, especially with that beard. We might even share a cell – Campbell and Campbell. I’m old enough to be your mum, so don’t worry.

Mark Boyle

@Jontoscots20 He’s also got Stirling Sheriff Court looking for him for unpaid council tax. Again, everything points to one of those common or garden fannies who is rank because he keeps thinking he can get away with it – something that’s become a theme in this country of late.

Captain Yossarian

TNS2019 – and who paid for the super-injunction?


Sunny bank

Get out there and vote SNP and another pro indy party.

Are you suggesting Greens by any chance?No thanks pal,I’d rather slow roast my penis in a frying pan. Even that wouldn’t be kinky enough for the Greens.

Tannadice Boy

@Lorna Campbell 7:35pm
Classic! Good belly laugh which is what we all need.

Lorna Campbell

TNS2019: that’s the point. There is no definition that anyone can find anywhere. If they defined it, they would exclude all those fetishists, autogynephiles, cross-dressers, drag queens and transvestites, et al, that shelter under the trans umbrella, and all the ‘gender fluid’ people, the non-binary people, ad infinitum. Every day, another letter of the alphabet gets added to the total: LGBTQI++++++++. The whole point of ‘queer theory’, which trans is the manifestation of in identity politics, is to enable anyone and everyone to be whatever or whoever he or she wants to be and to have no one gainsay it. It is the ultimate freedom from restrictive societal norms in the form of prohibitive laws. Essentially it is designed to enable all forms of human sexuality/gender identity/etc. to become free.


@willie says:

different threat from this guy ? link to

He is named in that if its the same thing we are talking about

Captain Yossarian

TNS2019 – I think I can answer that question, Sir. A—- Advocates of Edinburgh carry-out most of Sturgeon and Swinney’s sordid legal jobs for them. They have a ‘stable’ of Advocates; many you and I will have heard of. £500/hour men and women. You and I pay.

Mr Bonobo

If trans women are woman and not trans women, does that not mean they are not covered by the hate crime legislation?

The parliament deliberately excluded women after all.

Your honour, I site the Directorate of LGBTQBINGO.


Has the view of the Scottish Government defining trans women as women been enacted in law?

Ian Brotherhood

Can anyone please put some flesh on the bones of this ‘super injunction’ business?

I wasn’t aware of it until a couple of weeks ago (someone here commented, perhaps?).

Sorry to be lazy but I can’t be bothered doing the whole google thing – just want to know how it relates to NS/Murrells, what it covers, when it was enforced, how we found out about it etc.


State transparency, responsibility & accountability (equality & rationality) in the 21st century:

Scot Gov cannot tell you why it’s forgotten that it is responsible for its ‘unwritten (cornflake packet) view policy’.

However, if ‘YOU’ have the audacity to act like a normal, rational and reasonable, civilised human being, and publicly question/dispute (VIEW) such ‘indisputable Scot Gov views’ re. Trans-women are women, you may be incriminated under our Hate Crime and Public Order Bill (if our secret cornflake packet says so)…

Now, eat your bananas…

Bob Mack

@Captain Yossarian,

Wrong I’m afraid. The messages that support Alex were not part of the criminal trial. The judge refused their inclusion.

The Committee have them from Alex’s lawyers but are today being badgered by Government lawyers not to publish them.

These same documents were requested by the Committee but they were given the womens support group messages instead by COPS, and not those held by Alex.


Paragraph eight is one I take real issue with.

In respect of gender reassignment, the 2010 Act says that ‘a person has the protected characteristic of gender reassignment if the person is proposing to undergo, is undergoing or has undergone a process (or part of a process) for the purpose of reassigning the sex by changing physiological or other attributes of sex.

What operations or indeed any procedure can do anything more than change the perceived ‘sexuality/gender’ of the person?

What are the ‘other attributes of sex’ that aren’t physiological?

Ian Spruce

Saw this on Twitter

“Amazon statement confirms it will not sell any book that refers to transgender identity as gender dysphoria. #BigTech gaslighting the public & controlling access to information that doesn’t fit in with its social engineering. This is very serious. #1984”

link to


Can’t believe anyone is even entertaining the thought of voting Labour or Tory. Ffs people, get a grip.

Captain Yossarian

@Ian Brotherhood – Andrew Neil complained about it at the time he said ‘it was time to fight back.’ I don’t know what they cover, perhaps only the press could tell you that. There are many of them though.

Remember Lord Keane? He escaped Westminster in a fit of temper because of the proroguing of parliament. He’s one of the ‘stable’ of high priced lawyers employed in sending-out all of this legal shite.

So, that’s where we are. Already on a par with the worst of Westminster.

Robert Graham

The tweet that Kirsty Blackman posted ,
Gee Wizz
And my Taxes are being used so she can play the Fairy Queen in this fkn political Pantomime along with countless others , are the whole cast made up of these fkn Loony Tune extras .

A once common phrase used , well maybe older people would recognise it ” something for the weekend sir ” takes on whole new meanings and connotations ,

I don’t fit in anymore all this stuff is totally alien to me, in my lifetime unacceptable and deviant behaviour used to be punishable with a prison sentence now it’s almost becoming fkn compulsory

I am going to have a real problem with this new legislation because I just can’t keep quiet and let these idiots speak in a Language I don’t understand , so if there’s a fund for cranky old pensioners to get them out of jail for misspeaking and not having the approved attitude I might have to apply


If you want an insight in to the TRANS industry and the billions of dollars that are being poured into in then try

The Transgender-Industrial Complex by Scott Howard it’s available from Antelope Hill via their web site in the USA as an EBook for the sum of $4.99. Needless to say it’s banned by Amazon.
As David Icke said when something appears overnight and is everywhere then it’s an agenda. This book details who is driving that agenda , you can decide for yourself why it’s being done.

Captain Yossarian

@Bob Mack – That’s good and that was in fact reported earlier today. Have a look at Severin Carrell’s story in The Guardian for yourself. I was surprised when I read it as he is close to this case. Also, Alex Salmond has been more or less 100% honest to date and we cannot say that of anyone else. Severin Carrell gives Peter Murrell a clean bill of health and I was surprised by that.


TNS2019 says,

“Someone told me that a certain high-ranking Scottish politician lives in a same-sex union with a French person but I dismissed it out of hand.
I said that it would have been reported but they said that there was a super-injunction.
These mad conspiracy theorists.
They will be telling us that AS was stitched-up next!”

Yes, next they will be telling us that the high high-ranking Scottish politician who lives in a same-sex union with a French person is none other than Nicola Sturgeon.

I am sure jailing mad conspiracy theorists might be the only good thing to come out of the HCB.

Bob Mack

@Captain Yossarian,

If course Severin ( Harry Potter type of name) hasn’t seen the text messages either. He is just judging on what he has seen thus far.

Captain Yossarian

@Kcor – A—- Advocates have sent old Peter to bide at a nursing home in Port Glasgow. He can see the half-finished ferries from his lavvy window. These A—- Advocate bastards are in charge of all of us nowadays.


Y’know, from a slightly different tack, if I were a smart trans activist I would actually be worried – the sheer cockwomblery of fudgy and vaporous legislation and arm waving means that one day the sun is going to come out and hit this shitshow and it will evaporate like a vampire.

Then where will they be?

Captain Yossarian

Bob Mack – Severin is an old pal of Jackie Baillie. I presume he’ll check things out with her first before he publishes anything. I get the feeling that this has just been strangled and the tragic thing about that is it wouldn’t have been allowed to happen at Westminster. Jonathan Aitken went to jail for 6-months for perjury for much less than this. A new leader is what this country needs.

Career Politician

Dont bother voting…. FOR THE SNP!

Captain Yossarian

Bob Mack – Severin is an old pal of the MSP for Dumbarton. I presume he’ll check things out with her first before he publishes anything. I get the feeling that this has just been strangled and the tragic thing about that is it wouldn’t have been allowed to happen at Westminster. Jonathan Aitken went to jail for 6-months for perjury for much less than this. A new leader is what this country needs.

Ian Brotherhood

Important twitter thread from Joanna Cherry –

link to


Captain Yossarian says,

“TNS2019 – and who paid for the super-injunction?”

Who embezzled £600,000 of independence supporters’ donations?

This jigsaw is becoming more and more interesting.

Complete it and get all the corrupt SNP criminals behind bars.


When is Hamilton releasing his report?

Is he still bargaining his fee for his whitewash?

Paul Cockshott

The provision for gender reassignment certificates was introduced at a time when same sex marriage was not legal. The law was a bodge job to create an exception for this purpose for transexuals ( who Parliament probably believed to be mainly post operative ). It makes a legal fiction that a person can change sex. Now that same sex marriage is allowed, there is no need for this fiction and it could in principle be repealed.


Hmmm, if the legal basis for ‘trans’ is self-identification, then surely the same would apply if I self-identified as George Clooney.
Does this whole thing not give ‘self-identication’ a status that cannot exist in law.
Lots of love,
Jesus Christ


Vote AGAINST the corrupt criminal SNP.

Craig Murray must have been got at to have advocated both votes SNP.

Annie 621

The trans ‘debate.’
Not worth 2 minutes of a normal thinking persons brain time.
A man is not a women.
He can dress as a woman, pretend to be a women, be a transexual,
but there can never be a law that states anyone who says he isn’t a woman as guilty of a crime.
..yet here am I apprehensive about putting this in writing.
Welcome to the chilling effect.


Good luck.

Hope to see you all again when Independence is back on the menu.



Sorry, but voting for unionist parties is a bridge too far. Personally,I’m planning on a protest vote (‘None – #IstandwithSalmond’).
link to


@James says:
12 March, 2021 at 7:56 pm
“Can’t believe anyone is even entertaining the thought of voting Labour or Tory. Ffs people, get a grip.”

I think there are more than a few saying the same about those voting for the SNP.

If this legislation is a taste of what an independent Scotland will look like, I think I’ll apply for political asylum in North Korea.


TNS2019 says,

” Does this whole thing not give ‘self-identication’ a status that cannot exist in law.
Lots of love,
Jesus Christ”

There is no law left in Scotland. Just look at the totally corrupt criminal Lord Advocate.

Frank Gillougley

This altered state is becoming more and more like something by Flann O’Brien. We’re kinda leaving the Franz Kafka mode, and just going straight for the surreal.


Ther, that feels better. Thanks.


Unlimiter says,

“Sorry, but voting for unionist parties is a bridge too far.”

Only a few weeks ago, I would have totally agreed.

But the likes of Sturgeon, Swiney, the Lord Advocate, Murrell have been exposed as infinitely more corrupt than any unionist in Scotland.

The only way to cure this cancer is to vote the SNP out of power, and put the criminals in jail.


After watching this 3 minute clip of South Park, and what with the “opportunities” now open to us blokes new women in Scotland, I’m considering a career change and becoming a pro athlete.
Even with what’s left of my crumbling aged body I reckon I could still be a contender now that Scottish legislation has at last leveled the playing field for older persons such as myself.

link to


Has the witch even bought or silenced Andrew Neil?

Andy Ellis


link to

Whose for a republic then….? Sounds like a plan…..

Captain Yossarian

Kcor – I’m with you, don’t worry about that. It’s not just the Lord Advocate. There’s a ‘stable’ of them. They’re called A—-Advocates and they are based in Edinburgh. That’s all I can say. They love Nicola and John and Nicola and John love them back. It’s law in Scotland; nowadays, that’s the way it works. The Lord Advocate is just the front man…a smiling fool. An arse.

Bob Mack

People dying in the streets of Myamar for liberty and we can’t even decide who to vote for. Ffs.


Anyone think that I would ever voteTory need their head examined.

I will vote SNP and ISP for the list.

Perhaps the shock of that will give the idiot and Mr Murrell PMT.

After the election bring on the Aegean Stables

The only answer.

Clavie Cheil

To those advocating a Tory Vote. GTF. Go fuckin live in England if you want to vote fuckin Tory yah fuckin Yoons.


“Kcor says:
12 March, 2021 at 8:34 pm
Vote AGAINST the corrupt criminal SNP.

Craig Murray must have been got at to have advocated both votes SNP.”

I don’t believe has been gotten to as you say.

I think Craig Murray realises that in order to have any hope of an indyref in the next five years, that the SNP must have a majority in May.

Of course the SNP will be in government come May’s elections, a minority government with the Greens backing them sees independence dead for the five years, however a majority stumps Johnson, and although Sturgeon has lied previously on holding an indyref a majority leaves that option on the table throughout the five year term, and like Craig I’ll be hoping something significant changes in that five year term that allows an indyref to happen.

Its a long shot but our options are limited to voting for a unionist party or spoiling our ballot paper for constituency votes, the latter is a move that makes a statement, but kills of the chink of light on the possibility of holding an indyref in the next five years.

Saffron Robe

Make it up as you go along seems to be their modus operandi.

Documentation is a necessary part of good working practice to demonstrate transparency.

How much of their documentation is “non existent” or has been lost, destroyed or deleted? They are a government lacking in transparency and shrouded in malpractice.

Sue Varley

OT. Sorry if this has been answered on the long thread on The Wrecking Crew, but I am trying to find out how my MSPs voted. The parliamentary vote search page crashes every time I put in a date range. I assume it went on party lines, I know the for and against tally and that there were 4 abstentions, but I don’t know who the abstainers were, and who did not vote.

Very grateful for any help with this.


I know for a great many here lines have been crossed and a nose holding “SNP then other indy on the list” is long gone as an option.

Currently I’m still undecided if I can bring myself to do so or spoil. Most likely will come down to final manifestos and specific comments by the individual candidate.

I did have a slight new nagging about both votes SNP in the back of my mind though. The main reason against such a thing was that the SNP constituency vote would be so strong as to make a list vote worthless in many areas.
Is that still likely or is the SNP constituency vote about to take a kicking?


That Nod and that wink, along with the utter WOKIFICATION of the Scottish Government is pushing many SNP voters such as myself to…

Constituency VOTE1: Spoiled ballot with the words: “Biological women matter. Selfish gerrymandered Wokeism puts the rights and safety of transgender men before the safety of women such as the murdered Sarah Everard”.

List VOTE2: Not the Sturgeonite SNP, but the most appropriate PRO-INDY party that has evolved with ideally Joanna Cherry or Alex Salmond leading it by 6th May 2021.

I would like to thank the stalker of Stuart Campbell’s website the MP Pete Wishart. It is Pete’s persistent blocking of debate and inane Twittering that has helped the SNP lose it’s projected majority as per the latest four polls. Scotsrenewables maybe best if you skip this post and look away.

With 9 weeks yet to go, the SNP may yet be out of government…

link to

If I am asked to wheesht for Indy and vote for that rabid servile Humza Yousef and his disgusting anti-women’s rights Party they can put their ballot where the Sun don’t shine. I would rather have four or five years of ConDem or LabLib Government at Holyrood to allow the SNP to clear out SEPTIC SURGEON and her Woke Wankers. But only a LibLab or ConDem government if Labour/Conservative PROMISE to repeal the toxic anti-women Hate Crime Bill which WILL is a,ready seeing real, biological women murdered. Or did nobody watch the list of women murdered last year as read out in the House of Commons yesterday?

Homicidal Humza you should be ashamed of your attitude to biological women.


@ Sue Varley

This may help.

link to


Kcor says:
12 March, 2021 at 7:07 pm
“The author of “The Vow”, which many consider to be the main reason that Yes lost the independence referendum, is now the chief Communications Officer or something like that of today’s corrupt criminal SNP.”

Could the appointment of that ‘Vow Lie Inventor’ (Foot-man Murray) be considered a ‘Breach of Communications’ crime? Could he, and whoever appointed him, be charged under whatever ‘Communications Breach’ legislation we now have. Or, was it just plain old fraud (and Police Scotland can get him for that instead)?

Indeed, isn’t there such a thing as ‘criminal impersonation’, or some such thing (no doubt another form of ‘fraud’ – pretending to be someone you are not)?

What happened to the good old-fashioned crime of ‘fraud’, (as it used to be called in the good old days when words meant what they said)?

Has ‘fraud’ been undone, overpowered, suppressed, denied its very existence and ripped once and for all and for ever from the statute book, by that new thing called ‘Hate Crime’?

As in, ‘I’m not a male any longer, I’m a self-identifying female; I signed a piece of paper to make it happen, and – hey presto (or abracadabra, or something like that) – it happened. And if you say I’m a ‘fraud’ because it didn’t actually happen, and I amn’t actually a female but still a biological male, I’ll get you slung in jail for committing a Hate Crime.’

Magic! No more fraud – only Hate Crime.

As the man said, for instance before the judge in the ensuing court case, ‘I’m no’ a fraud, I’m a female’. Or, as they used to sing it even in these ‘good old days’ of yore, ‘I’m no’ a Billy, I’m a Daniella’.

Fraudsters of the world Unite: You have been released from your chains!’

Who says this isn’t a liberation movement?

At least for fraudsters. And impersonators. And imposters of all kinds – with or without a complex. And ‘threat-eners’ too! Isn’t it great news when what used to be called ‘death threats’ are now merely ‘communications breaches’? Joanna Cherry must be relieved to hear that it was all just a misunderstanding – something going wrong with the young man’s communications system.

willie says:
12 March, 2021 at 6:55 pm
Captain Yosarian.

‘As I understand it the young man who threatened Joanna Cherry … And then the charge, or the investigation of a charge. Last I read was that the Police were investigating the matter as a report of a ”breach of communication” … No doubt well considered reasons for considering any potential death threat as a ”communication breach”.’

Somebody above mentioned the death threat to the [Scottish] Enlightenment. Or, rather, its actually having been done to death – executed – by Wee Nick and her worshippers. That is, clubbed to death by the Scottified Neanderthal Party.

In those enlightened times of yore, Scotland used to be known among other things for being the home of what was termed the ‘Common Sense’ philosophy. Now that that has been abolished, and ‘common sense’ has been flung out the window (from a flat 20 storeys up), we find instead that all things have been ‘well considered’ instead …

As the Scottish Government imposes the mass of contradictions which comprise its ‘well considered philosophy’, why are we – the common and sovereign people – allowing them to knock us senseless? Time to arise, O Sovereign People, re-group, and eventually take over.

As a preliminary strategy, is it within the electoral rules to run a campaign that is NOT ‘for’ any given Party or person but, without naming anyone or any organisation, might be understood as being against some or all of them? For instance, it could be ‘Vote with your conscience: vote AGAINST all freedom-denying totalitarianism.’ Then list all the freedoms that are under threat, with a ‘Do NOT vote for’ phrase in front of them. Then let people draw their own conclusions.

Or, another alternative, would it be legal to campaign for a boycott? ‘Do not vote for anyone, since there is no one standing who is worthy to represent you!’ If the turn-out sinks below 50%, how can any so-called ‘winner’ legitimately claim to represent the electorate. Maybe this would be especially so if there is a significantly high number of spoiled ballots, with ‘NONE’ written across them.

Admittedly, these are just random thoughts on my part. I haven’t thought them through in the least bit systematically, and don’t necessarily agree with them in every respect. Maybe they arise from the notion of ‘Don’t vote for anyone …’ In fact, although I will have to wait and see who exactly is standing for them in my area, I am still hopeful that I will be able, in conscience, to vote for the AFI.


Anyone with ten minutes to spare should visit

Firstly it is important to stop the massive harvesting of organs which is underway, due to the law changes in scotland.

secondly, have a look at the part where a person has to select their gender!!! its a list almost as extensive as the ethnicity one, which in itself is a complete pile of doo-dung.

to paraphrase winnie ewing, “stop scotland, i want to get off!”


Republicofscotland says,

“I think Craig Murray realises that in order to have any hope of an indyref in the next five years, that the SNP must have a majority in May.”

Craig Murray isn’t stupid enough to “realise” any such thing.

If the SNP could not deliver a referendum when they had more than enough mandates to do so, does anyone in their right mind think that they will deliver one in the next five years, with all their woke MSPs?

List vote for SNP too?

The Rev. Stuart Campbell, whom Craig Murray claims to be a friend of, has proved with calculations why a list vote for the SNP is a wasted vote.

Craig Murray often comments on this blog. Perhaps he could explain his ‘both votes SNP’ recommendation here.

If Craig Murray, the exposer of criminality around the world, is advocating both votes for a corrupt criminal SNP, he has been got at IMHO.

John H.

If our leaders decide in their wisdom to bring in a curfew for men. Don’t laugh, they are perfectly capable of doing that, then, if I decide to go out one evening after curfew, I will simply self ID as a woman for that day. That’s legal now isn’t it? If I’m stopped by the police who don’t accept my explanation, I will have them charged with sexual harassment.

Just call me Joanna. 🙂

John Martini

@Andy Ellis

Yeah interesting if it was the 18th century.

Edward MacD

It is a crazy world we live in now, where make believe has taken over completely. First we had religions at it with all their various gods, varied versions of do’s and don’ts. Now politics is taking over, and dragging real science down with it.

I always recall when one of our children decided to be a cat. Went on for days. I took him over to the doctor. After examining wee John, the doc said; sorry the vets over there.


“If the SNP could not deliver a referendum when they had more than enough mandates to do so, does anyone in their right mind think that they will deliver one in the next five years, with all their woke MSPs?”


You’re missing the point, its about still having the ability to hold an indyref sometime in the next five years, without a majority in May we lose that option for five years.

Sue Varley

@ Dan.

Many thanks. I was too sickened to go on twitter for a couple of days so hadn’t seen it.

John Martini

@clavie chiel

The tories were a political faction from the 28th century. Tory bad does not work. You might need a time machine to bring you up to dste with the politics of 21st century technocratic rule.


wull says,

“Fraudsters of the world Unite: You have been released from your chains!’”

‘Self identification’ is nothing more than a charter, a blank cheque, for fraudsters.

A perverted man ‘self identifying’ as a woman to use girls’ toilets and changing places for his pervert aims.

It is as simple as that.

What percentage of the Scottish population is against such a perverts’ charter?

Is the purpose of the HCB to prevent the perverts using girls’ toilets from being beaten up?

Law or no law, I do not think the vast majority of Scottish men are going to tolerate these perverts.


Can’t help feeling that fighting for Scotland’s future is pretty much a waste of time now. With the vast majority of our Parliament (except the dreadful Tories) backing the HCB and probably the GRA too, there’s virtually no chance of such legislation ever being repealed.

Furthermore, with the HCB in place, forums like this will be scrutinized and ‘dissenters’ silenced, perhaps with prison sentences as the ultimate whip to keep people in line.

Looks like NS has won. She controls the party and has too much sway in the policing of the country too. I’m guessing she will be around for at least another ten years, no doubt promising that we will be “free by 33” if we just keep voting for her.

Sod that for a game of soldiers. Anyone with any sense will down tools and go do something more valuable for their own life instead. Anyone for a game of Sensible Soccer?


@ republicofscotland at 8.55

however a majority stumps Johnson

Why/how does it?

This is (allegedly) his strategy:
link to

Michael B

OT. Just read this in yesterday’s Times re the harassment claims against Patrick Grady…
‘In a sign of ever deepening divisions within the SNP, allies of Nicola Sturgeon, the first minister, questioned why five-year-old allegations were now being made public…’

Now, that’s chutzpah.


Why not vote for the Federales? Arriba Arriba! Such agonies for no reason.


Republicofscotland says,


You’re missing the point, its about still having the ability to hold an indyref sometime in the next five years, without a majority in May we lose that option for five years.”

First, what is your view regarding Craig Murray’s list vote for the SNP? Do you agree with Craig Murray or do you agree with the Rev. Stuart Campbell?

Second, have you failed to notice how this corrupt criminal SNP has used every illegal means to thwart a parliamentary enquiry?

Haven’t you heard the Criminal in Chief putting independence on hold until Covid is completely eliminated? Referendum only with a Section 30 order?

The leaked SNP manifesto saying ‘when it is safe to do so’?

As the Rev. Stuart Campbell has said numerous times, the Tory government at Westminster will refuse a Section 30 order. What will the SNP Criminal in Chief do then?

Isn’t it the corrupt criminal SNP government that has been thwarting Martin Keating’s case to determine the sovereignty of Scots to hold a referendum without Westminster approval?

There is no ‘option’ of a referendum under a corrupt criminal SNP government.

The only option is to try and make the SNP lose.

A new genuine independence party can then emerge.

As long as the SNP remains in power, it will only hinder independence.

Have you and Craig Murray failed to notice how comfortable SNP MPs and MSPs are in their current high paid positions, under the corrupt criminal leader Sturgeon? Do you seriously believe they want independence?


@Bob Mack says:
12 March, 2021 at 8:05 pm

Severin ( Harry Potter type of name)

My first thought was Banshees…


ahundredthidiot says:
12 March, 2021 at 6:51 pm
“FFS people, do not be convinced to vote Tory/Labour/Libdem on the first vote.


It is the only moral position to take. Maybe, just maybe, the SNP will sit up and take note/re-organise their perspective.”

A quite apt user name.


Crazycat @9.29pm.

Johnson will say no, no matter how big a majority the SNP gain at Holyrood we all know that. However a minority government post May’s elections will only reinforce his position that Scots don’t want independence.

My point is lets not reinforce Johnson’s position for him.

Andy Ellis

@Republicofscotland 8.55pm

You’re proof positive that you just can’t kill a bad idea.

There is zero pressure on the British nationalists to grant a S30. Anyone who says they will do so is either delusional or or simply such a dyed in the wool Sturgeonista that their opinion can be safely dismissed for the unreasoned faith based posturing it so obviously is.

No #indyref2 will happen in the next Holyrood term unless the current SNP leadership is totally changed. Good luck with that!

Absent some miracle in the next few weeks, or a forced “new” election to Holyrood after 2021 but before 2026, we have to accept that the next likely opportunity for plebiscitary elections is 2026. If that’s all we’ve got, those of us disillusioned with the current movement have work to do: we need a new party.



I think Craig Murray thinks on the List vote, that so many folk who’d normally vote SNP won’t now and that giving the SNP your second vote might make up for it.

Second point, of course I’m disgusted by what the SNP has done, it sickens me to my core, but I also don’t want to give any unionist party the upperhand I also want to see remain even if its ever so slight the possibility of being able to hold an indyref in the next five years.

Of course Johnson will refuse an S30, he was intent on refusing before we found out just how corrupt the SNP were, did that stop you voting for the SNP and independence?

There’s always options, five years is a long time.


Andy Ellis.

I didn’t say Johnson would issue an S30, I said lets no reinforce his position. Have you any idea what waiting for us in the press and on tv post 6th of May if the SNP return a minority government.

Not to mention media headlines around the world, I only want to leave the indy door ajar for the next five years.


Republicofscotland says: at 9:12 pm

You’re missing the point, its about still having the ability to hold an indyref sometime in the next five years, without a majority in May we lose that option for five years.

There is the question that would we actually want an Indyref with the SNP in its current form anywhere near having significant influence on the timing and campaign tactics, when that same SNP through either design or incompetence have managed to get us into this current atrocious mire.

Aye, 5 years is a long time, but what chance is there of reforming the SNP in that time after just re-electing and cementing the positions of many of the same folk that created the issues.

Denise Findlay’s article a few weeks back highlighted the restructuring of the Party to the point the members have little ability to instigate change. The NEC also has severe restrictions on what it can do.

The inability of folk to keep it simple and straightforward so they can achieve a task is staggering.
The SNP only needed to go canny and stay grounded with their policies and folk would have come to them as Westminster’s antics and the EU situation hit home.
Likewise, multiple Pro-Indy List Parties completely fucks the viability of the 2nd vote strategy.
A month out from postal ballots being delivered and folk casting their votes and activists still can’t even begin to inform folk of an actual voting strategy in their areas.

If I was a unionist I would be sitting back pissing myself at the state of the Indy movement.
Realistically maybe we need to take the 5 years to regroup and come up with a proper strategy. It is massively painful to say that when I know just how much effort so many folk have put in since the material change of circumstances re-ignited the Indy movement with YES groups re-forming and taking on the commitment and financial aspects of starting hubs and shops in our High Streets, only for the mandates we generated to be pissed away by those we gave them to.

I really struggle to see it being possible to maintain keeping open those hubs and shops and staffing them for years. It’s just another damning indictment of the SNP leadership failing realise that so much of their vote base comes from the campaigning the YES groups have done.


I got mixed up and posted this to the last thread by mistake!
Craig Murray was advocating SNP 1&2 a while ago but Like many others is now in a quandary. He tweeted this earlier today “This is causing me – and I know many others – huge heartache about what to do in the May elections.
I don’t see how I can ask people to support this breathtaking level of corruption. I have stuck by the SNP but am very close to breaking point.
Your views”? link to

P Jackson

Don’t vote for any party that supported the hate crime bill.

Don’t vote for any party that can’t decide if men are men, and women are women.

When people start questioning self-evident truths, you know it isn’t going to be good news. And you also know it isn’t going to be of any use to the millions of people who couldn’t care less about this sort of thing.

Whatever happened to bread and butter issues: your taxes, your schools, your hospitals?

There must surely be more to Scotland than the chattering classes of Glasgow and Edinburgh?

Ian Brotherhood

Some of youse might like to take 10 minutes out and enjoy this.

I always thought I’d seen/heard most of Marvin Gaye’s best stuff but this is new to me, a total winner, just stumbled across it earlier on YT.

Aside from the fact he’s performing this stuff live, you get beautiful footage of people happy, doing their thing, and close-ups of the audience – you can see them thinking over and above the music – it’s ‘revelation’ in real time.

It would be nice if we could get some of that feeling back. Peter Bell was talking about that on his latest Scottish Prism, which opens with their recollections of the very first ‘Friends of Wings’ night in Glasgow, 2012.

How different it all felt back then, eh?

This video, for me, encapsulates much of that atmosphere.

Sooner we get it back the better.

Marvin Gaye, ‘What’s Going On/What’s Happening Brother’

link to

Andy Ellis


Meh. It seems likely the Sturgeonista loyal and the unengaged sheeple will deliver an SNP majority, or that there will still be a pro-indy majority with the Greens: big woop. Nothing will change, because it’s immaterial whether they have a majority of 1, 10 or 20. Boris will still just say no.

The press will always be against us. Big woop.

What matters is getting >50% to vote for indy in either a referendum or a plebiscitary election.

We’re not getting a referendum.

We’ve blown the chance of making May 2021 plebiscitary.

Absent some miracle that leaves Holyrood 2026.

I don’t know about you, but I no longer believe the SNP can be saved, or that it would be worth doing so even if we could. Five years should be enough time to build something else. If it isn’t, we might as well give up now.

Mark English

The number of times I have read “the Tories are the only ones who have …” and other similar expressions of approval through gritted teeth.!

To the Rev’s point – I think he has one …. we are being taken over by a political elite who have no recognition or love of democracy – they think they know better than us

Evidence? The UK Brexit vote – ignored ; Markle held up as a saint; taking the knee seen as a “must do” ; Salmond being taken down; the hate crime bill; gender self ID….

The list goes on and on, regardless of your political viewpoint.

Dunno what the answer is TBH. The current system does not serve us well.

But – I am a unionist (lived in Scotland for 30 years) and love this country – snag is , I see my country as the whole of the British Isles……

And as I see it, the SNP are definitely the worst option at the moment….


One thing is for certain at these elections. My constituency vote will never go to a Unionist Party.
My vote will never go to the Greens. The SNP could still get it but that would require a lot of resignations and a new non Woke leader. I guess I will be spoiling my constituency paper then.

John H.

Kezia Dugdale on Sky Press Preview now.


Republicofscotland says,

“Of course Johnson will refuse an S30, he was intent on refusing before we found out just how corrupt the SNP were, did that stop you voting for the SNP and independence?”

The criminality and corruption so apparent within the New SNP would stop anyone in their right mind voting for the SNP.

It wouldn’t stop genuine independence supporters from voting for independence.

“There’s always options, five years is a long time.”

You are sounding more and more like an SNP apologist like ScotsRenewables. Maybe that is your agenda here.

Five years have just passed when Scotland had the golden opportunity to become independent.

What happened to Colourlessford’s “Scotland will not be pulled out of the EU against her will”?

I have already mentioned the reasons why this corrupt criminal SNP regime can never be trusted. It has already embezzled the ‘ringfenced’ referendum fighting fund of £600,000, donated by independence supporters many of whom were not even members of the SNP.

Hopefully, the wise readers of this blog will not be fooled by you or by ScotsRenewables or by Craig Murray into voting for the corrupt criminal SNP.

They have no intention of delivering independence – ever. They are very comfortable in their current positions, thanks to gullible voters.

Ian Brotherhood

@Kcor (10.51) –

Just a note –

To be fair, Craig Murray has been expressing his anxiety over this on Twitter this evening, and has invited suggestions.

We’re all feeling it right now.


Brian Doonthetoon

Why is the party, ostensibly for the independence of Scotland, so against the idea of popular sovereignty of the people of Scotland, confirmed by the 1320 declaration?

Kudos to Solidarity, via the AFI, who have announced that the May Holyrood election should declare Independence, if a majority of MSPs are elected on that ticket.

We don’t want a referendum – we want independence!

Time for bed, said Zebedee…

Anton Decadent

Opening soon, popup gulags for wrongthink.

Well, now that I’ve got heaps of company it’s a lot less chilly out here in the cold where I’ve been for the last few years for saying that things were badly wrong in the government and it has to be said movement. I have to say that at first I had a sense of schaedenfreude but that passed because this is far too important for that.

Re voting Labour etc, as I previously said the last few elections I’ve done the line through all of the boxes and wrote None Of The Above on my vote. En masse this couldn’t be ignored but it would probably mean the pretorian guard would keep this shower in power and with Labour, Tories, Lib Dems etc I don’t think that there is a lesser evil amongst them. Politics attracts the absolute worst types of people who seek to make a career out of controlling other peoples lives for their thirty pieces of silver.


I missed this earlier as didn’t get back from work till what you earthlings in Scotland call half six…

link to

The selling spin will be along the lines of: “Great news for Scottish men as The SNP saves blokes the cost and hassle of fitting lights to their push bikes and owning a working torch”

Cheers for that Hannah. One flaw in that plan is that I Self ID as a coagulation of atomic space compost originating from multiple origins within the multiverse, and thus I do not recognise or conform to planet earth’s rigid timezones or Gregorian calendar.
My concept of time is therefore on a constantly variable spectrum, similar to what I understand you think human sex is, so I am sure you will understand where I am coming from.


TheSNPLeftMe says,

“The SNP could still get it but that would require a lot of resignations and a new non Woke leader.”

Zero chance of any resignations after seeing how the Criminal in Chief lied countless times under oath in front of the camera.

I know it is very very difficult to vote for unionists, but if by spoiling the ballot the corrupt criminal SNP hold on to power, their woke MSPs will be in comfortable unaccountable positions for 5 years and won’t give a damn about independence.

A unionist government would actually strengthen and unite independence supporters under a new genuine independence party, IMHO.

The SNP has been corrupted and criminalised beyond salvation.

Just think of how shamelessly it conspired to jail an innocent Alex Salmond, and completely wiped out his lifetime contribution from SNP history.

It has to be actively voted out of power by tactical voting.


As the rest of the UK goes viral about women’s safety from men, following the murder of Sarah Everard, Sturgeon takes away the rights of women in Scotland and allows Men to freely enter their safe spaces unfettered. Words fail me, how can any person contemplate voting SNP, knowing full well they are risking the safety of our women folk. I for one , will not be voting for them, the safety of my daughters and grand daughters are paramount and I will do everything within my power to stop any SNP candidate from being elected and if that means voting Tory, then so be it!.


Ian Brotherhood says,

“@Kcor (10.51) –

Just a note –

To be fair, Craig Murray has been expressing his anxiety over this on Twitter this evening, and has invited suggestions.”

Craig Murray advocating both votes SNP was a deliberate calculated move. He is playing some sort of game.

He has previously called the likes of Sturgeon, Swinney, Murrell, the Lord Advocate criminals on his blogs.

The corrupt criminal SNP is responsible for trying to jail him.

So it is not that he has suddenly become aware of the corrupt criminal untrustworthy SNP regime.

Inviting suggestions? Has he become such a coward?

Craig Murray, do the right thing, and stand as an independent candidate against Robertson in Edinburgh.

Hopefully not, but from jail if necessary.


Craig Murray had claimed that Chapman was a good man.

Chapman has yet to tell us where the embezzled £600,000 went to.


rob says,

“I for one , will not be voting for them, the safety of my daughters and grand daughters are paramount and I will do everything within my power to stop any SNP candidate from being elected and if that means voting Tory, then so be it!.”

Exactly, Rob.

It is high time for genuinely independence supporting Scots to tell the corrupt criminal SNP to —- off with their “independence when it is safe” carrot.

Saffron Robe

Maxxmacc says:

“Anyone with ten minutes to spare should visit

“Firstly it is important to stop the massive harvesting of organs which is underway, due to the law changes in Scotland.”

What is interesting, Maxxmacc, is that when you register your wishes at the above website the acknowledgement letter comes from Bristol in England! If the change is due to law changes in Scotland, and NHS Scotland is separate from NHS England, then why is the register of Scottish organ donations being administered from England?


I see you !

I would never ever vote for a Unionist party!

Spoiled ballot papers provide a laugh for party election agents at the count. “Another nutter turned up to not vote. Nuts.”

Scott Shaw

If trans-women are women, does that not mean the new law leaves them unprotected as they are classed as women as well? Someone mentioned something similar jokingly earlier in the thread but it got me thinking.

Scott Shaw

Famous 15, imagine there were 3000 spoiled ballot papers it wouldn’t be noticed? They are counted as well. What if a whole area spoiled their votes, would that matter?

Hugh Jarse

It’s not hard to make a case that the GRA & HC liberties being taken with our ‘democracy’ are all the more reason to support Indy.

If our Swiss neighbour’s can run a referendum over the dress of a few dozen of what BJ dubbed “women in tents “,relying on the edumacated informed consent of their sovereign people to weight up and decide, then surely it’s not beyond our ken to utilise a more direct democracy post indy to judge on such like as science v’s feelz & woo.
All cards on the table. Especially funding for interested parties.

Inclusivity never seems to touch on what should happen when minority groups are far over represented in positions of power.
Free Mason’s, cottagers, pronoun obsessives, ladies who conspire to lunch…
That sort of thing.
Too much, already.

So what takes precedence?
The rights of my daughter’s to equal those of my sons, or the feelings of a very small group within a group and the self righteous who see fit to throw tantrums on the poor, poor, voiceless Victim’s behalf?

Mark Boyle

@Lorna Campbell says: 12 March, 2021 at 7:24 pm
“All this nonsense about Helena Kennedy holding some kind of investigation/study to see whether ‘sex’ should be a protected category is just more obfuscation.”

Helena Kennedy? Complete and utter f**king ****! There’s only one thing and one person she’s interested in and that’s herself – the very worst type of person to be in any sort of position of power or influence. If you are looking at the very definition of the careerist whose “principles” means “self”, she’s it.

Years ago after the disaster of the 1992 general election, and a rally was held in Edinburgh by George Galloway’s new venture Scotland United (where we all told Labour and that fat wank Campbell Christie to GTF when they tried to turn the day into a Labour event; and William McIlvanney gave a brilliant speech, which Alex Salmond, following up next had the sense to say “How can you top that?” and had the good grace not to even bother to try), I was there as part of Charter 88.

A letter had gone out to all members to attend, and that Helena Kennedy, the organisation’s chair between 1992 and 1997, would be present. She never turned up. In fact, apart from me, only two others Gail and Lorna from Charter 88’s HQ, bothered to turn up and hold its banner. That didn’t stop Kennedy claiming she had been in attendance that day. I found out from Gail and Lorna that it was far from the first time there had been a no-show, and likely wouldn’t be the last.

Never had any time for her after that, no matter how much The Guardian acted like she was the Second Coming.


Saffron Robe says:
12 March, 2021 at 11:27 pm
Maxxmacc says:

“Anyone with ten minutes to spare should visit”

“Firstly it is important to stop the massive harvesting of organs which is underway, due to the law changes in Scotland.”

What is interesting, Maxxmacc, is that when you register your wishes at the above website the acknowledgement letter comes from Bristol in England! If the change is due to law changes in Scotland, and NHS Scotland is separate from NHS England, then why is the register of Scottish organ donations being administered from England?

OMG! The English are stealing our organs!

Actually there’s a awful lot of cross-border work going on between the various NHSs, and just as well. Scotland simply isn’t big enough to sustain all the micro-sub-specialities we expect in the modern world.

Let’s hope all this doesn’t get lost if we do this Indy thing. No reason it shouldn’t. Although “Scottish organs for Scottish recipients” would result in a rather large number of organs going to waste, for lack of a suitable recipient, and the inevitable rUK response would condemn a lot of Scots to death as the English would, with a much bigger population be able to match nearly all their organs.


Which organ does ScotsRenewables resemble ?

A Kilted Sausage

Lorna Campbell says:
12 March, 2021 at 7:43 pm

“TNS2019: that’s the point. There is no definition that anyone can find anywhere.
The whole point of ‘queer theory’, which trans is the manifestation of in identity politics, is to enable anyone and everyone to be whatever or whoever he or she wants to be and to have no one gainsay it. It is the ultimate freedom from restrictive societal norms in the form of prohibitive laws. Essentially it is designed to enable all forms of human sexuality/gender identity/etc. to become free.”

Yes.. Sometimes it’s done quite blatantly.
The Scottish Green Party adopted a new Constitution at 2019 Conference (by unanimous vote or, maybe, overwhelming majority).

Under early item “Definitions”, this Constitution in draft and its two later versions read identically as follows, being careful to declare:

Throughout this document, any references to a specific gender denotes [sic] people who live full-time as the respective gender.
Any references to gender in the abstract denotes [sic] all lived genders, and includes the rejection of gender norms and labels.”

[That should of course be ‘any references.. denote] or [any reference.. denotes].

In this document of 43 pages, I searched for references to any gender-related words that I could think of.
But I found only 1 reference in all “to a specific gender”: it is “woman”.

Gender: 6 (all in the above “Gender” definition, only.)
Woman: 1
(“4 Internal Democracy, 4.1 General Rules, 4.1.1 … All positions of leadership or convenorship will be shared,
and for each such SGP office, at least one of the members serving must be a woman;”)

[For ‘woman’, remember, read as per that ‘Definition’, above.]

I searched for many other likely-seeming words, with counts as given:

Female, Male, Man, Boy, Girl, Feminine, Masculine: 0;
Trans (including Transexual, Transgender, Transition): 0;
Sex (including Sexual, Sexuality, Intersex): 0;
Equal: 1 (but 0 relating to gender; 1 referring to a period of
notice ‘equal to’ a number of days);
Equality : 3 (but 0 relating to gender;
1 in “Disabled” definition –
“Throughout this document, any references
to disabled individuals denotes those people
who identify as being disabled in accordance
with the Equality Act 2010.”;
2 simply general –
“Equality [heading:] Equality is promoted
within SGP structures and is reflected in
the composition of SGP bodies.”)

By contrast, I found
Committee : 156 (including Committees: 18).

[Points & Laughs :D]


@Saffron Robe

Organs are shared throughout the UK, the best blood match gets the organ, this way give the best chance of the organ surviving transplant.

Saffron Robe

L.U.T.B. your argument doesn’t hold true. Administering Scottish organ donations from Scotland does not preclude co-operation with England or any other nation.

“Scotland simply isn’t big enough…” Where have we heard that argument before?


OT. This wokeness needs to nipped in the bud. Your children are getting sex education classes from 6 years onwards.
Are parents aware of the content of the sex education?
Are your children being brainwashed into believing they can be any gender they wish to be?

All very well greeting after the fact. Time parents started finding out what Swinny has introduced into your schools.
Maybe someone should get an FOI on this & have it widely discussed before more damage is done to these young minds. Make no wonder so many children have mental issues pre teens. It was never like that in my day. We were just happy being children & playing outdoors with our friends. Yes I’m an old in her 70s.

Saffron Robe


I think you and L.U.T.B. have misunderstood the point I was making. I am only querying the place of administration (i.e. outside Scotland) and not the efficacy of sharing organ donations.

Robert Louis

This what happens when a government’s decisions are driven by irrational dogma, instead of debate and rational thought.

It’s a bit like Edinburgh council, who, obsessed by a rabid anti-car (and general hatred of anything not a bike) dogma, insists on spending thousands of pounds every day for years, painting Edinburgh’s crumbling roads, instead of actually repairing them.

Robert Louis

I see folk above are discussing organ donation. Had a look at the website, and their are a number of ethnic types, if you wish to donate.

Their is NO white Scottish, just white British, but I am not British, I am Scottish. I actually find it offensive being termed ‘british’, seriously. To me, their is no such thing as British, the term British means English.

Get it sorted Scottish government. If you wish folk to participate, don’t exclude them. I repeat, I am not British, and only have a UK passport because A Scotish one does not exist YET.


Regarding article at top of thread: FFS! ISIS without the violence.

Andy Ellis

@Robert Louis

As a resident of central Edinburgh, and a relatively “new” cyclist care of the Cycle2Work scheme, it comes as a huge surprise to me that Edinburgh City Council are rabidly anti car and pro bike. Provision for cyclists – apart from a decent provision of longer “off road” cycle paths on former railway routes, is actually pretty dire, particularly in the city centre which (like many) I’d avoid cycling in if at all possible.

The roads are – almost without exception – in a terrible state. Even when the surfaces are repaired, it’s usually a short term bodged patch which soon deteriorates and makes the situation worse resulting in smashed tarmac rubble to skid on and burst your tyres.

In truth there is little excuse for not making central Edinburgh far more bike and pedestrian friendly: it’s compact, relatively easy to get around and has a bus service most other places would die for. I’ve no axe to grind in favour of the Council, but your criticism in this regard is misplaced. They should be being far more radical, not prioritising cars.


I’ve written to my SNP MSP to explain why I won’t be voting SNP for the first time in my life. I’ll be spoiling my first ballot paper. They won’t pay a blind bit of notice, but they’ve been telt.

But I would urge everybody to vote for another independence party on the list. We must at least try to get some honest independence supporters into Parliament.


I still find it alarming that there is basically silence from all the political parties, the press, freedom of speech organisations, women’s lib, churches, trade unions……at the sinister governance of this country by the SNP.
I am both bewildered and seething with anger.

Anton Decadent

There’s recent US footage of Rand Paul talking to Rachel Levine, a biological man who has been appointed by Joe Biden as the Assistant Secretary For Health. Levine had been advocating for accelerated transition for children, Paul tried to get him to state his views on this and he refused point blank to do so. I just did a search for this and all of the top hits are at the NYT etc and are heavily biased in favour of Levine.


SNP might be c**ts but they’re our c**ts.

They need voted for on constituency. Hold your fkn nose and do it!!

It is up to all of us to get off the keyboards and physically demonstrate, blockade and occupy if necessary after May to forward the cause of Scottish Independence.
We cannot do that with any credibility if a Unionist coalition has control of Holyrood.
We can hold SNP feet to the fire!
It’s make or break year coming up very fkn soon people.
If you want independence any time soon each and every one of us are going to have to get of our arses and make it happen.
If we don’t the movement could be set back a decade or longer.
Think very carefully before voting against the pathetic, disgusting mess the SNP leadership has become. There is more than one way to skin this particular cat!
Cast your mind forward to June.
A Lab/Tory coalition- what does that give us? We will be framed as the minority and defeated.
An SNP government- we have the option to rise up and make independence happen.
It’s either our time or it’s not.
Free Scotland Now – be the revolution, but realise that means being the revolution, not sitting about pontificating.
Those days end in May.
*no actions will be discussed on here or elsewhere
*no poodles, cats or goldfish will be harmed in the making of this revolution.
But if you want independence be prepared to act


Ayrshire Bob said..

Are you suggesting Greens by any chance?No thanks pal,I’d rather slow roast my penis in a frying pan. Even that wouldn’t be kinky enough for the Greens.

The Greens fuck No I’d rather watch you roast yer penis in the frying pan ! I was thinking either ISP or AFI I’m still waiting to see if Wee Eck a-lines himself with either before I make my choice, Or even better stand as an Independent in the NE regional.

barrie gadgie

‘dont bother voting in May, folks’: a fine piece of voter suppression. and self-fulfilling prophecy,bringing about precisely the result he purports to fear.

David Caledonia

That FOI thing, why even bother asking these people anything, its pointless and a waste of time

[…] are women” policy which was only disclosed during our judicial review hearing, and later confirmed by a Freedom of Information response. This means that, unless prohibited by law, they treat any man […]

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