Posted on
January 02, 1968 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
For off-topic chat. Duh.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Cheers David.
Loch Stock Rock n Row 16
Hey Wingers,
If you’re looking for something to do next weekend (27 to 29th May), there’s our annual music festival a-happenin’ within the Yes village of Dalavich (on the banks of Loch Awe.)
Indoor/outdoor live music, bbq, fireworks, bar, restaurant, cycling, fishing etc.
Entry is always FREE
Camping is always FREE
Fun is FREE
Yes, it’s your country and countryside, come check it out, bring your friends!
Hello friends,
thought I’d check in as its been a while!
So, that was the election then – did everybody enjoy themselves?
If only it wasn’t so serious, maybe we could have a laugh!
All that unnecessary sniping before the vote really pissed me off, but the fact that there’s some still fueling division, well it’s just depressing
Why the bigger picture is being obscured by tribalism, I can’t say for sure. My conclusions really don’t bear public airing so I’ve found myself increasingly just keeping quiet, and I know I’m not alone in this.
Many diverse voices that have been crucial to the ongoing development of the ‘movement’ are either in open despair, under attack for attempting resolution and progression, or have resorted to removing themselves from the public debate entirely.
This is not healthy as it results in that old cliche: echo chamber politics. It is also not conducive to future action.
I am not a party member, and I not going to criticise anyone or any organization specifically, but the majority of opinions that I have garnered from both activists and ‘normal people’ about the election campaign have not been positive.
It’s my opinion that we need to bring a bit of humanity back to this rumbling beast that is ‘the Scottish constitutional question’.
Let’s make an effort now to catchup with Indy pals. Organise a night in your local pub or seek out a social media contact that you’ve not been in touch with for a while, and most of all remember why we’re all ultimately on the same side.
Before we know it it’ll be round three (council elections) and there’ll be plenty time to bicker again, I’m sure!
Big cuddles to all the folk I haven’t seen or spoken to recently, you know who you are, and I’m proud to call you all friends and allies, Gillian x
@ Ruglonian
Hi Gillian,
Understand your sentiments. Was at our wee Yes group meeting a few days ago. There might be something in the air re a catch up with other like minded folks trying to keep in touch with the movement.
Keep the faith.
@ thepnr, 1.38am!!!! 18/5/16
Kinda heavy job for Twitter!
@Betty Boop
LOL slip of the tongue.
Hi Gillian.
Good to read from you! Yooz from Ruglen gonna make the next Dundee ‘Friends of Wings’ get-together? Maybe end of July/early August, if Inverness don’t get their act intae gear…
Onnyhoo, I now have two of your ‘Still YES’ window stickers on the rear windows of my wee two-seater. Still looking for an external round ‘Still YES’ sticker for the outside of my rear doors, to make three YES and a ‘Still YES’…
I echo your sentiments, I took a look tonight at the Bella site. Most articles getting very little comments. in fact 0 comments on most of the recent articles.
Recently too Derek Bateman talked of chucking the towel in but is hanging on for now it seems.
The cause is simple, it’s the in-fighting between the various groups. Sheer lunacy IMO.
There are only three types of people in Scotland as far as I can see, Yes voters, No voters and Non Voters. Scotland will only ever gain Independence by first of all hanging on to those supporters of Yes it already has and then building upon that by WINNING votes from the other two types.
It has to be inclusive and accepting of all political opinions and of those with none. It is not a vote for a political party. It a vote for freedom from Westminster. No more, no less.
@Ruglonian –
Just saw your comment above, and totally sympathise.
I resigned from the SSP on the Sunday after the election, and had been planning to do so for a while. I can’t believe what a sorry state the party’s come to, and today’s CalMac-related palaver was just a total brassneck. I’ve met so many great people in and via the SSP, and it’s the only party I’ve ever joined, but there comes a point when you just have to react honestly to what’s being asked of you as a supporter/member.
On a more positive note, I’ve just asked via the main ongoing thread whether anyone’s up for another PQ demo before this year’s out. The impetus for previous demos came from here, especially from the bold Ronnie A, and we do these things well, so why not play to our strengths, keep everyone together (as far as possible) and try to achieve something positive into the bargain.
We have to DO something. And for me, another Hope Over Fear just won’t cut it – too much Sheridan-related baggage with that one, and it’s easily ignored. A crowd of 5k (reasonable target?) outside BBC Scotland’s front door isn’t so easy to rubber-ear.
Curious for your thoughts.
Hi Ian
If something could be organised I’d be up for attending. Something different would be good and there has to be a purpose.
Something that would catch the attention of those on social media as the MSM ain’t gonna help.
Without sounding defeatist though I can’t help remembering the efforts of those trying to organise something at a park in Dunfermiline prior to the Ref which failed through lack of support.
If cash was unlimited I’d be tempted to deck out a Wee Black Book battle bus and every weekend tour all the cities, towns and villages in Scotland distributing them. Bit like the Jim Murphy caper bit distributing wisdom instead of guff.
Guys, iScot has just launched an iOS app on Apple store. They also have an android app too download from google or Amazon. If you are of a mind to download the free app i would be grateful if you would consider leaving feedback on it it helps us considerably.. thank you
Hi, Gillian.
@Ruglonian/Thepnr –
What makes WOS special, and feared, is that it can’t be identified with any political party. We should be grateful that WOS has never received ringing endorsements from any of them.
That’s why we have a very special target audience for anything we do – it embraces disillusioned ex-members of bickering parties who’ve yet to sort themselves out after the SG election (and let’s face it – they won’t be anywhere near doing so before the end of the year.)
We can give folk something solid to look forward to, publicise and help organise. Or, look at it another way – if we don’t exercise some initiative and at least TRY to build on what’s been done before re letting the BBC know exactly what we think of it, who else will?
We can do a lot more than demonstrate and that is hit the BBc in the pocket. A mass campaign against paying the Telly tax would be a start.
Show people there are alternatives, Netflix and Amazon Prime combined are cheaper that the license.
The BBc are already feeling the pain of the reduced revenue as revealed yesterday in that they will be discontiniuing much of their online content in order to save money. they only aim to save £15 million which is nothing in the grand scheme of things yet there was a petition signed by more than 70,000 objecting to the shutdown of the Food recipe website.
That’s mental, if another 100,000 yes supporters cancelled their licence then that’s another £18 million out of their pocket. What next will they cancel? Gary Linekers contract? I wish.
Sore as it is to see again, here’s a wee reminder of how it felt.
This one’s good because it’s not edited. It’s as ‘real’ a chunk of documentary as exists of what the atmosphere was like.
Looking back now, it really makes ye wonder – how the fuck did we lose?
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@Thepnr –
I hear ye man, but if no-one in the whole of Scotland paid their telly-fee there’s no way we’d ever find out cause neither the BBC nor Whitehall would ever acknowledge such an insurrection – WM would, if need-be, make up the shortfall from the spare change of the defence budget, or levy some infinitesimal one-off tax on bankers’ bonuses.
We need to get in their faces. No ‘party’ will ever dare do that, but we know we can ’cause we’ve done it before.
Just watched the first 3 minutes and will watch the rest later, never saw that one before, excellent.
Loved seeing all the Yes flags, which started with a fund raiser here on Wings by Tartanpigsy who I met at the Wings night out in Aberdeen. Interesting guy and here was me thinking he could be a scammer back at the time. Totally wrong as the evidence shows.
Well done that man, but it was stuff like that including the WBB and it’s distribution that made the difference.
You see it’s true one man or women can make a difference and collectively a big difference.
Thanks for that Ian, I filled up with tears…pride?? Or sadness not sure. I then watched another one where they all sang Caledonia…it was Pride!
As for PQ great idea however I honestly think that we need a private page coz I’m of the opinion we are being watched and we wouldn’t want to tip the buggers off!
Definitely up for another pq protest.
Also up for another WOS get together.
(I need an excuse to get away from Glenrothes to a while).
Hello folks!
I would love another Wings gathering in Edinburgh = )
@Ian et al
Count me in. As always I’ll be there if I possibly can.
I’ve nearly recovered from the last one!
How about the “Under Two Wings” tour – we ask for wingers in each locality to form a discussion group of folk from across the spectrum to hold meetings arranged with local Yes groups.
People can come and hear the positive case for Independence from local people and their vision of what it would mean. Proving that this is not about some socialist utopia but about a modern european democracy.
Aye, I’m up for the next daytime demo (is also good for people to meet each other who can’t go to, or don’t do pubs.)
Should the summer weather be bonnie, mibbies a picnic in Freedom Square fur afters..
I do it often, I try to get my lovely wife to read comments on Wings. So she has just read a couple here in the last few minutes.
She was interested so I thought I had her “caught” and said just watch this video too that Ian Brotherhood posted last night. The response?
“No Alex, I don’t really care”
My wife cried when Yes failed to win a majority so she does care, all I think she means is that she doesn’t care NOW. Maybe we should keep that in mind as I’m guessing she may be representative of the public in general.
However I’ve now changed my mind regarding an earlier post. There are now four types of people in Scotland. The Yes voter, No voter, Non voter and those that just don’t care. At least for now.
The link from IB I wanted my wife to watch is below and it is well worth watching. Like Cherry gives me pride nd hope for the future.
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Here’s a special wee Friday night quiz.
It’s the Kings Scholarship Examination Question, for entry to Eton College in 2011.
I saw it in Danny Dorling’s Inequality and the 1% (Verso, 2015, p.98)
If you want to get a wee glimpse into the mind-set of Cameron, Osborne, Johnson and the characters who prepare them for the whole ghastly business of running an empire, ‘taking care’ of The Great Unwashed etc, have a go at 1.c.
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@Ian Brotherhood
I noticed that the exam was for scholarship candidates. I’m sure that the question is only intended to sort the wheat for the chaff. After all it is Eton college we are talking about.
They don’t want the hard task of brainwashing you from the start, they are more than happy to accept those that are well on the road to be a fully brainwashed member of the ruling elite though.
I could never figure out why Tory policies could to me appear to be so destructive to society in general. Over the years I have figured it out.
I am certain that this is the mindset that enables welfare benefits to be slahed while simaltaniously raising Capital Gains Tax allowances.
It is warped, and that exam paper you printed shows exactly the how of the choosing “of the sort”.
I guess there is a lesson to be learned here about Project Fear. It reflected their own fear of losing control. Not just of Scotland but of everything they stand for in the long run.
Thepnr Honey – could you switch on your spell-checker.
@Paula Rose
Done, I’ve also switched on my “missing out a complete word” checker too. No mistakes netx time. LOL
Revealing if not surprising other than in its blatancy.
@Thepnr/Chic McG –
Did either of you happen to catch ‘Call Kaye’ this morning? Steven Jardine was hosting, and he took a call from a guy claiming to have been a member of Muirfield Golf Club for, I think, 17 years or so until he moved house (and, naturally, clubs).
According to him (and he sounded plausible enough) the guys who run Muirfield are the sort who won’t be the slightest bit fazed at being excluded from ever-again hosting The Open. They regard it as a nuisance because it allows ‘oiks’ entry.
He also pointed out that these dudes are paying approx £20,000 a year for membership.
The ‘1%’ may be concentrated in London, aye, but they have enclaves here and there, and many folk who aspire to join them. They’re largely anonymous because they can afford to leave the beastly business of dealing with ‘oiks’ to the likes of Cameron and sundry youngsters who don’t quite cut-it as real players, but are duty-bound to do their bit.
I can’t think of anything so tragic as a Scot who aspires to be a part of such a diabolical, inhuman culture. ‘Tractor’ doesn’t even begin to cover it.
No didn’t listen this morning, some mornings if I’m home i will put it on but generally I’ve found it just annoys me.
the guy you talked of I’m quite sure is sincere in his beliefs after all the fact that the members vote failed to allow woman into the club speaks volumes.
They are dinosaurs, and it will probably take another direct hit from a comet to wipe them out. A comet with IndyRef MkII written all over it.
Was Not Was 1987
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@Thepnr –
It’s not worth going to the bother of digging out the i-player and locating the exchange, but what struck me about the dude was how straightforward he was. He sounded quite a decent guy tbh, someone we could happily have a chat with.
He said he’d have probably voted for female membership, but sounded quite surprised at how close the result was. All the same, he was adamant that there’s no way any stushie will affect what the club does – it’ll be business as normal when all the fuss has died down.
That’s what really gets to me about the ‘1%’ and their acolytes – it’s all just so fucking cosy. Nothing’s gonna change their world…
We have often been subjected to the ‘most powerful devolved parliament’ meme from the Yoons. I see on BBC website that they have ‘examined’ this claim but with no conclusions that I can see.
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Is there someone knowledgable enough to check this article for accuracy and completeness?
OK, had my fill of politics and misery for the day. Party tune!
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I’m wondering.
Is this summer a good time for more Yes flags or should we wait (yawn) and see how things pan out with the planned gentle conversion campaign due to begin after the EU referendum?
I’m not gonna do a fundraiser, cos it’s not the time for that, but kinda think Yes materials in general need made, distributed, financed, to keep the pot boiling.
Anyone with thoughts on this is welcome to contact me at
Hello pigsy, still reading then I see
Regarding when the time may be right, well who knows.
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Always checking in thepnur
Keeping my powder dry as they say, just have a feeling things might start to seem awfie distant by the end of this summer for those not in the loop, in which I include myself at the moment.
The high heid yins didn’t make a good job of visually promoting Yes the last time and nothing since makes me think things have changed.
I’ll watch your link now
@Tartanpigsy –
As you’ll have seen, on this page, we’re thinking about stuff.
As to when the time is right?
Nae’bdy knows. Yet.
But stuff will happen. It always happens.
Could be ‘this’, could be ‘that’.
But whatever, when ‘this’ or ‘that’ happens? That’s when we’ll know what we can or should do.
All in good time!
Main thing is that we make sure we’re ready.
Glad we got something definitive there….
Always one way or another – we’re gonna get you.
@tartanpigsy –
‘Be Prepared’
Dib-dib-dib an aw that…
Where’s me woggle?
Tribalism. What does it mean?
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If we all had a woggle, then we’ed all be wogglers. Just need to find my woggle.
link to youtube Frankie miller. After all (I live my life)
Hi Michael
I hope you and Lynn are doing well, tried your link not reachable. Third time lucky maybe. Have another try.
Hi Alex Everybody is doing fine through this end. I will pass on your kind regards to Lynn. Mind if you are Ever in Edinburgh You are Guaranteed a warm welcome and a place to rest your head. I have given up trying to play music. the link always comes up and it has you and it wont play. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If I was playing a song it would be Frankie Miller. If you need me. its raw but great.
Hi Michael, hope you’re well buddy.
Here’s one we’ve not had for a while…
Gonny ask Lynn if she’s up for a virtual boogie?
Hot Chocolate, ‘Every I’s A Winner’ –
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This one?
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*furiously searches through collection of 45s – will not be outdone*
No it isn’t. The Open is NOT male only. From the entry form:
(1) Entry into RQ will be accepted from any male professional
golfer, from a male amateur golfer whose playing handicap
does not exceed 0.4 (SCRATCH), from a male amateur golfer
who has been within WAGRTM listing 1-2,000 (see www. during the period WAGRTM week 2016/01 to
date of entry and from any female golfer in
(i) The top 5 and ties in the 2016 ANA Inspiration.
(ii) The top 5 and ties in the 2016 KPMG Women’s PGA
Championship. Blank entries will be made on the
behalf of competitors qualifying in this category.
(iii) The top 5 and ties in the 2015 US Women’s Open
(iv) The top 5 and ties in the 2015 RICOH Women’s British
Open Championship.
(v) The top 5 and ties in the 2015 Evian Championship“
Sorry wrong thread :blush:
Well found, get that up in the main thread hahaha.
@ Ian Brotherhood Cheers Ian that was the one. I don’t think lynn has stopped dancing since hibs beat the new rangers. anyway hope everyone is doing well.
I don’t know or care how you do it but you have the knack for digging up some gems. Hope we get the time to meet up again in the summer.
We’re getting there, here’s one I played earlier.

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In the car today, radio on some commercial station at request of the weans, the arse presenter played Eurythmics ‘There Must Be An Angel’ and – as they always ALWAYS do – spoke right over this as soon as it started.
Thankfully, someone went to the bother of packaging it, sans-vocals.
(I used to be able to play this before my wee organ got clogged with fluff.)
Stevie Wonder playing a moothie:
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@ Thepnr I have no doubt we will meet up again in the summer. Loved the Brian ferry track. I would have responded with Canned heat, Lets work together. Anyway all the best. I will keep popping into off topic to keep up to date with any socialising plans. Lynn says hello to all you lovely People.
Look what I’ve found hidden down the back of the sofa…
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(Posted on the active page in error, because I have too many tabs open.)
One of my rare posts on Facebook…
(Picked up the YouTube link from the current active page.)
Many Scots, particularly those of us who were on the YES side of the independence referendum, see the BBC’s presence in Scotland as being “broken”, specially when it comes to news, current affairs and sport.
Like many Scots, I watched the cup final on BBC Scotland this afternoon. (I don’t do Sky.)
At 5.30pm, just as the cup had been presented to Hibs, BBC Scotland cut their coverage from Hampden, to squeeze in a 5 minute edition of ‘Reporting Scotland’, before switching over to the preamble leading up to the English cup final.
The lead story concerned a vote in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland as to whether gay ministers could marry. I can’t even tell you how the vote went but I kinda gathered that it was now ok.
BUT… the BBC coverage from Hampden more or less ceased around a minute into the video below. I, as a Dundonian, non-Hibs supporter, had the shiver up the spine, watching the team and supporters (their visible emotion) singing “Sunshine On Leith” in the video.
Surely THAT event was of more interest to to viewers who were tuned into BBC Scotland at 5.30pm, rather than a decision in a church committee? And an English footie preamble?
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Hi Lynn *waves*
Some of you will have met this man at the last Wings night out – enjoy…
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The wee footie game and its aftermath have shown many the shortcomings of “our” media.
Just watched all of your links. I really love this place
@Paula Rose –
re Preston Reed.
What WOS night? The one in Glasgow?
Ian – he was there yes.
@Paula Rose –
*racks memory banks*
…then rakes them…
My shyness came rattling out of the tunnel – I should have been on the ball, sorry I should have introduced you.
Goodnight friends.
@Paula Rose –
Ach well, so it goes…
Feeling a bit blue right now, using tweezers to pluck fluff out of my decrepit wee organ whilst wondering what might’ve been *SNIFF* so here’s another clip with some double-moothie action for folk who like that type of thing…
Crash Test Dummies, ‘Afternoons & Coffeespoons’ –
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This will mean a lot to a lot of you who lounge about here – get up and boogie – looking at you BDTT xx
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One for Paula Rose from me, before I turn in tonight.
I’ve always found this pair entertaining in an off-the-wall sorta way.
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A bit too much information there, about your decrepit wee organ!
Ian has a lovely organ – one of my favourites now get your hands off cearc all mine *swoon*
@cearc –
After I’m deid and buried, my weans can put it on E-bay. Someone, somewhere, will put it in a wee framed box and treasure it forever.
Oi Ian Brotherhood you promised it to me ages back – it’s all that keeps me going, frankly.
Getting steamy in Off-Topic:
Brian Doonthetoon giving Paula Rose one, and Ian Brotherhood de-fluffing his organ…feels like it’s getting hot in here:
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Ian Brotherhood at 12.14
But did we lose?
FC Barcelona vs FC Sevilla – kick-off shortly at:-
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No more words, just taking refuge in music now…
I used to listen to this one a lot back in that hot summer of 2014 when I actually felt real “hope” for the first time in my life.
Had a nice upbeat feel to it that fitted well with how I felt at the time.
Nowadays, it’s got more of a bittersweet feel to it. Kind of like someone listening to music that reminded them of a happier time.
Resisted the temptation to delete it from the playlist like a few others that now feel more “bitter” than “sweet”.
Maybe it’ll mean something to someone out there…
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@Dave McEwan Hill –
Aye, I know where you’re coming from, or driving at.
Glass half-empty on my part perhaps, but only occasionally.
We all want change, but it just seems so horribly slow at times. I’m guessing that’s why, perhaps, Nicola S looked a bit hacked-off last week. Imagine winning a election so handsomely, but returning to ‘work’ to see faces such as Rennie, Baillie and Kelly STILL THERE?!?
She’s only human, and must get a bit down from time to time as well. She could’ve had a lucrative/rewarding career doing all sorts of other things. Instead, she gets vile personal abuse on a daily basis from supposed professionals in the media, and has to waste time and energy navigating around traps laid by selfish myopic opponents.
It’s a serr fecht…
I guess this is O/T, even for ‘off-topic’ but I felt the need to share.
You don’t need to know why but I had reason to consult this page tonight:-
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From there, I was led to the band’s web site at:-
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I clicked on the “Contact” link and an email opened up in my email app. So I have sent this email.
Hi there.
I’ve never been able to see the answer to my upcoming question in all the trawls I have done on the web since 1999.
In 1960, my family had moved to St Marys, a housing scheme in Dundee.
I went to the local school – Macalpine Primary School.
For a wee while, around 1960-62?, a bus, emblazoned with cartoon characters and the name “Duke D’Mond and the Barron Knights” was parked on the west side of Macalpine Road, just opposite the school grounds.
My question:
What was the band’s connection with Dundee?
AH! Just seen on the Wikipedia page,
“Don Ringsell (born Donald Ringsell, 1940, Dundee, Angus, Scotland) – bassist, ballard vocalist”!
Did the band ever play in Dundee at that time?
Brian Doonthetoon.
See the amount of local history that’s undocumented?
@Oneironaut –
Good to see ye, as ever.
Y and A said to say hello, so…’Hello!’
Re: Preston the guitarist.
He was definitely at the March Glasgow get-together. We did a prearranged badge for him.
He was the guy wearing the crutches.
@Ian Brotherhood
Tell them I said hello back… Hello!
I seem to have lost track of what music I’ve already posted from the playlists here at TechnoMagi Central, so excuse any repeated links.
Fairly sure I’ve never posted this one before:
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Paula Rose
Are you there Paula? What did you think of my suggestion re trying to provoke more contributions? I feel we are getting diverted from the great task and are taking for granted The Case For Independence.
Tam, I just realised that you said you were from the Queen of the South and I see your surname is Jardine. I don’t suppose you have any Grierson relatives? If so, we could be related…
Hi Tam – email me at paulahoneyrose (put dots between the names) then the @ then
Hi Kenny. No Grierson connections as far as I know. There have been various Jardine funeral directors in the town down the years- one branch of that. My grandfather was secretary at the club and my Uncle Bill Jardine was chairman back in the day.
Tam, thanks for that info. I just remembered I had some Jardine relatives down there, but a bit distant and, as I wrote, through some Griersons.
PS I too agree that the case for independence is the be all and end all! We need a push to get the figures over the 50% line.
Have to say I’m disappointed with you lot
Been waiting since the weekend for a good Proclaimers tune, might have to wait forever so here you go.
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Oh FFS Thepnr it is your turn to fill up the jukie boxie thingie – we have been waiting.
Evening all! First comment to be moderated and approved. So I shall make this a brief intro. I’m Jason Michael from Kilmarnock, living and working in Dublin. Accredited NUJ freelancer, and post-grad researcher at Trinity College (‘Race Ethnicity Conflict’ in the School of Sociology and Philosophy). Editor of the Butterfly Rebellion blog and social media admin. Also an ardent blogger on the Random Public Journal. Huge fan of Wings (that goes without saying, yet I said it). So – Hello.
Hi Thepnr.
This is a Proclaimers video which I’ve had on-screen at the Invergowrie Wings get-togethers.
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@Brian Doonthetoon
Aye! I remember. Just
@ Paula Rose,
Hi Paula, i sent you a message on twitter.
Darlings I’m folding my wings and retiring to bed – busy day tomorrow xx
Hi Jason.
Your post was approved around lunchtime today but appears at 11.49pm last night, when you hit the ‘Submit Comment’ button.
Welcome to the wee ad hoc clubbie that is ‘off-topic’. Yilliv hud yir tea?
This is where we organise the irregular ‘Friends of Wings’ get-togethers, have blethers and play music. Worth popping in daily to keep up with events and the word on the street.
Welcome again!
And Jason Dear – please take your muddy boots off at the door, I really can’t be doing with shampooing the carpets again.
Evening, Groovers.
Had a crap day today and am chilling with a sipping malt before I retire.
Thought you might like this: love the bass line. Fair cheered me up but it shows my age.
And so to bed.
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Might help if we could hear it Tinto Dear.
Oops silly me still had my ear-plugs in after all that Proclaimers stuff.
Paula Rose: you are awful.
Will never forget the time we touched in Freedom Square…
If you lot prefer something more “stare at the stars in a mind-altered state”, Joe still has the answer:
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@Jason Michael –
Hello and and apologies for the ungodly hour. I’m keeping pretty unholy hours for the time being. Thanks for the welcome and my boots are aff. My socks are stinking though. Hope you’re all good.
Welcome to bedlam Jason
Bored for now with the main thread so thought I’d just see what was going on in Off Topic.
Hello Jason, glad to see you drop by
Anyway I am too tired to search for other songs that I might like you to hear so just gonna play an old one.
There is method in my my madness you know and every or most songs has it’s place (in my madness).
This is a question to YOU, it was the last time I played it, always was and that’s why it was played in the first place, were you listening?.
We still have a referendum to win. So ask yourself.
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Just between you and me Dear – cuddle up…
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@Paula Rose
Hey! You managed to keep that secret for long enough
Honey I was booked for the Independence party – had to sign an omertà clause which is now defunckt.
I’ve only one thing to say and if you don’t heed it?
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Looked up this video today of a dude playing a banjo and harmonica outside Central Station 40 years ago, as he’s playing Glasgow again in two Sundays time.
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Then I saw the guy holding the newspaper cover at 3:40 in the video.. good timing, I wonder what it was about.
Ahoy! How you doing? Hope it’s good.
Morning @Thepnr
Smashin’ cheers, am stepping out of the city this holiday weekend for some live in the Scottish countryside music. Looking forward to getting back to nature and basic things like building a cracking outdoor log fire.
Wingers welcome.
Oh goody say the midges – cactus flavour!
Yer right there Paula Rose, luckily the midges don’t bite me much (more of a curious nibble) it’s when they get in your face that sucks!
Maybe it’s my spikiness that keeps them at the dock of the bay
Which reminds me of an auld yin, something to get you on the road.
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Cheers for the video Thepnr, good compilation. Here’s one for being on the road (or highway).
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Rockin’ down the highway, kick it!
Bdtt? Could you re post the ‘instructions’ for retrieving individual Wings comments? I think it was yersel that originally posted these, could be mistaken, in that case could whoever did please re post? Ma hard drive had to be replaced a wee while back and I lost that info., much appreciated if you can find the time to do so. Cheers
Hi K1.
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Sorry K1, I was away doing the school run, so there goes the peace and quiet but I’m all ears now albeit for a limited time only.
Also K1, there will always be a tardy reply as I have to wait about 20 minutes to see any new comments.
Just read the previous comments. Thanks K1 and thanks BDTT. A good weekend to you both.
Thanks Brian
Right it’s becoming clearer that I am ‘out of the loop’. People on here ‘know’ who this guy is, and I mean who he is in ‘real’ life yeah? Or at least have a very good idea about his identity?
Is it sensibledave? Or is it someone else that some Wings techies have figured out through his IP address?
Why does the Rev ‘allow’ him to remain on Wings when he’s so obviously ‘trouble’.
(I had a dream the other night that it was a ‘means’ of keeping the site lively when there was no ‘political’ meat to get our teeth into, but that was just a dream. I’m obviously trying to unravel a puzzle wi this guy on here, it just doesn’t make sense on some level.)
Maybe I’m actually going mad.
Hi K1.
You typed,
“Maybe I’m actually going mad.”
Hello? Welcome to ‘off-topic’!
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Inspired by the programme on BBC4 at the moment…
A cracker of a single from the 70s that was never a hit. For Paula Rose…
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BDTT Honey what a wonderful thingy to wake up to – the lovely Kevin Ayers!
Hi Brian, The ‘B’ side is mair accurate:
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Hi K1.
I always found the B side a bit of an acquired taste!
Onnyhoo, you may like this. It was an early mashup I did on my Akai reel-to-reel, around 1974.
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We just listened to that Brian and thought it was great! Way better than the original!
Hi K1.
The link below is to a mashup I’ve done in the last decade or so. I’ve added in a guest appearance from Alex Harvey, from the SAHB’s version of ‘Horses’. When I was playing “Def Con 1” in Jaspers Rock Club in Dundee when it was ‘new’ (the 90s), I tried to count the number of samples in it and lost count at 9. My son has just pointed out that there is a sample from “The Prisoner”, so that’s at least 10…
I used to do it live, segueing (sp?) PWEI into The Osmonds, which worked with the rock audience. Years later, I found that ‘other’ rock clubs in Dundee were featuring The Osmonds’ track as a legit rock track. My fault…
Onnyhoo, you’ll probably have to download the file to your machine, then play it in your audio player.
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On the subject of posting links to downloadable tunes, I thought I’d take the opportunity to post this one up.
Can’t recall if I posted it before or not, but it doesn’t seem to be available on yoochoob any more.
The artist who created it once went under the name of Smiletron, but recently posted up their entire back catalogue for free download as a parting gesture before changing their stage name to something else and moving on to bigger and better things.
This song (called “Fjords”) is probably one of their best efforts in my opinion. It’s also the most chilled-out de-stressing tune I’ve ever heard.
Download this, put it on earphones and lay back somewhere comfy with your eyes closed and the sun on your face.
If this doesn’t make you feel all relaxed, there’s probably something wrong with you (or you’re a unionist!)
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Peace, Love and Oreos…
So where did my last post go?
To answer my last question myself, the post went into ‘Books on the ground’ post comments. Senior moment.
Here it is repeated here:
Enjoyable and fitting ending to RSNO’s season at the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow on Saturday night.
The main programme item was Beethoven’s Ninth, but the ‘warm up gigs’ were also noteworthy.
The first was the inaugural recital of a new piece inspired by the demolition of the Red Road flats composed by final year student Lillie Harris. (Technically 2nd hearing since the programme was presented at the Usher Hall then the RCH).
It was competent and texturally interesting. Even the parts where the musicians all seem to be playing melodically different, repeated musical phrases, which often can sound no better than that which is produced during the pre concert warm up, was contrived in such a way that it did not jar or jangle the senses.
It was also interspersed with many glissandi of another Worldly nature which was reminiscent of the sound track of that disturbingly enigmatic, yet fascinating movie ‘Under the Skin’.(nudity warning if you have not seen it).
Shows a lot of promise for the future.
Next up was a recital of Richard Strauss’s Last Songs. Music he set to four poems, three of which were written by Herman Hesse.
The orchestra under Oundjiun were magnificent throughout this piece. The singer seemed to begin somewhat tentatively but then soon became fully immersed in the music and finished strongly.
Really enjoyed this recital.
To the main gig. The first two movements were competent enough but with one or two issues for me, especially the second movement. For me the punctuation was overdone which may have been partly why in some other passages requiring flow they did not quite do so as they should.
More generally, while dynamic range is a bit of a USP for Beethoven’s work, the temptation to enhance this by over quietening the pianissimo sections can occur and for me this occurred in the first two movements. The lead flotist in particular was at times throughout, barely audible.
However the 3rd and 4th movements were magnificent. Especially the chorus which for whatever reason, seemed to have been imbued with an extra visceral quality, at times reminiscent of the kind of fervour more usually associated with that relief of stress demonstrated by a sports crowd after a long passage of sporting tension .
End of season effect? If so they should sing every concert as if it was such.
You can see the whole thing here, but only for a few days I believe.
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A second post today, I did the same thing again. So also moved here:
Oops, that last post sounded way too serious.
Balance corrected by the following Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band number from ’68.
They had some fun hits but were always ready to take the piss out of the whole pop thing as in this classic example.
The prescience shown by wearing a Simon Cowell head was particularly impressive.
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For Ian Brotherhood, reference to Chapter 111 on the main thread
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For any Star Wars fans.
Rogue One not passing muster on the tests. Studio orders reshoots.
Edwards blamed. Reported on Page Six carried by mainstream outlets.
4 weeks of reshoots scheduled for July.
Pans People. TOTP 1974, slow song, visuals are good. The old days right enough.
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The words of this song are simply brilliant. No shit.
Our situation without a doubt.
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saw a cheese on sale in asda, colliers Scottish cheddar, package has a coal miner, Scottish thistle and a Saltire, I cant find where this is produced as address given is Kircaldy Royal Mail sorting office, Colliers also make a Welsh Cheese and are owned by Fayrefield from Cheshire. Anyone have any knowledge of a production plant in Scotland
Hi Starlaw.
All r?o?a?d?s? links lead to Cowdenbeath…
“Fayrefield Foods have developed a brand new patent cheese technology that they are utilising for the launch of their brand new Weight Watchers cheese. Gordon Brown gave his seal of approval to the new lower fat cheese making system when he visited Kingdom Cheese in Scotland…”
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“First Milk has bought Fife-based Kingdom Cheese and Kingdom Dairies to extend its product range into new cheese and cream products…”
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“GRAHAM’S The Family Dairy has signalled its ambition to expand its range of products by agreeing to buy a production site from First Milk for an undisclosed sum.
All 79 staff at Glenfield Dairy are being retained as part of the deal, which is expected to formally complete early in December.
At the moment Glenfield in Cowdenbeath, Fife, makes cottage cheese, quark and sour cream. “
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You can Google for more info.
That”r?o?a?d?s?” should have been strikethrough text. Won’t try that again!
Brian doonthetoon
thanks for the Info sounds like a good news story. Colliers produce Welsh Colliers Cheese in Wales. I have e-mailed them re this as their Post Code address is actually Kircaldy Royal Mail depot not a Scotish Plant
@Pete the camera –
That’s another newbie for me…
(As Toby said to the big cop…)
Hi Ian B.
Here’s one of my favourite Manfred Mann offerings (and Caroline Munro)…
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And here’s the original,entitled “A ‘B’ Side”, the B side of ‘Ragamuffin Man’.
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Boring effing hippies – get in the sea…
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Of course, Manfred Mann couldn’t leave “A ‘B’ Side” behind when Chapter 3 came along, so it was brought back to life as “Travelling Lady”.
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I still prefer the original…
Oi hippies get the fuck out – us punks are setting up camp here tonight.
Paula Rose is on the Babycham after reading one of her old Richard Allen novels…
For the Brechin bitch…
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Fucking back off you fucking lightweights – I am one fucking angry fucking nasty bitch now.
Gordon Bennett, ’tis worse than I thought…
Must’ve been out-of-date Babycham and uncensored Hubert Selby Jnr…
God help us all.
What’s the story with that Swinging Blue Jeans vid? Was no-one allowed to move their feet in dem days?
Hi Ian B.
Och, I’ve tried to do a post twice in the past hour or so and it’s just not appearing.
Tonight, I give up.
Woke up to a hangover, I would suggest not alone!
Former Winger Natasha at 1m 11s in the video at the link.
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Fabby Natasha – once a winger always a winger.
Here’s an O/T question for ‘off-topic’.
Just having a blether with my son about the catchment area of the River Tay and I remarked that I had a video recording (on tape) of an Open University programme about the River Tay from years ago, recorded from one of the late night sessions on the BBC – 2, I think.
The question is, why did these Open University broadcasts stop?
I’m fed up listening to Gove banging on about his father losing out in Aberdeen to the Common Market Fishing Policy. He did not .. the Long distance boats were lost to the Icelandic Cod Wars, and the pelagic fleet left due to a dispute with dockers. Ted Heath declared the Scottish Fishing Fleet to be expendable on Britain Joining the Common Market. Ted Heath gave the fishing grounds away
This new grassroots campaign being brought together looks interesting are we invited ?
It would be nice if the guys involved could drop in and keep us updated a few good cheer articles amongst the dead and dying trauma of yoonacide and the paper echoes screaming in the night SNPbad would be good for the soul
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Thanks for that link.
Good to see some familiar faces, especially Natasha.
*Will Ye No Come Back Again…* sniff…
@DerekM we are the biz.
lol aye they flung the kitchen sink at us
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Just a note on the Yes Registry; we over at English Scots have been in talks with them for some time, and we’ll also be re-launching this summer. In fact, we have a video in the offing, so any English Scots on here that fancy being involved, we could do with people willing to help narrate it (we’ll send you an email with the words to read out & record, you send us the sound file, the techno-wizards do the rest…)..
If you’re willing, send me an email
I’ve not posted for a while, so here’s one that my ATOS assessment put me in mind of. Talking of which, I was getting a bus back from the very edge of town (probably part of the assesment was getting there), and I found myself reading some blurb on the bus shelter. The first paragraph stated that Edinburgh began to grow as a result of the Yoonion of the Parliaments, which was necessary because Scotland was skint and needed a hand-out from England. This shit was sponsored by City Edinburgh Council.
I’ll try to remember to go back for photographic evidence.
Reigning Sound – Stick Up for Me
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Well, there’s been enough time to now say it…at least in off topic….the troll is gone, the troll is gone, thank fuck the troll is gone!
The difference this week in reading Wings has been truly welcome, it’s been a lot quieter but it’s also been steady, intelligent and informative btl, with none of the arrogant pish that was it’s hallmark splattered all over every thread.
I for one am a very grateful Winger for whatever it was that stopped those relentless narcissistic, arrogant, pompous lectures from that chief of twatness.
Long may it continue…
Certainly true K1 but unfortunately there will be others.
But none surely as ‘bad’ as that ‘one’, he wasn’t exactly a ‘troll’ just extremely unpleasant manner, heartless in outlook and cruel to others he deemed ‘less than’ He was a piece of work…there aren’t many out there with that ‘unique’ blend. A troll is easily spotted and dealt with on here…he was ‘allowed’ free reign. Interesting.
His days were numbered when he started bragging.
@KI –
I share your elation.
Please remember though – professional cheese & onion rolls, as ‘workers’, are entitled to holidays like anyone else.
Fingers crossed all the same…
‘Ochone, ochone, will we e’er see his likes again?’
‘Ah dinna ken, but ah hope the fuck naw, eh?’
“No point in looking back…”
Sonic Species – Just Another Freak (Vertical Mode Remix)
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Only seven minutes long this time.
“I for one am a very grateful Winger for whatever it was that stopped those relentless narcissistic, arrogant, pompous lectures from that chief of twatness.”
And right on queue a new chap has arrived called twathater on the hawks and doves topic. I might be wrong but its writing style looks familiar.
twathater has posted a few times on Wings. Doesn’t like the EU, is critical at times of the SNP (some of us are!). Says he/she is an Indy supporter and iswas an SNP voter. So not a new poster in town, does the new poster feel happy, well does he?
Yeah Almanny, I’ve seen twathater on Wings before too…just a coincidence that I happened to use that term and you notice his handle! (I’ve always read their name as ‘twath’ ‘ater’, funny whit the brain does isn’t it…
Ach well I’ll just shut up then, it might stop me putting my foot in my mouth
Mmm, seems kind of appropriate, did I do this before?
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I thought he was a misogynist, not a cunning~linguist?
Ach Andrew this is the trouble wi language isn’t it? The use of ‘twat’ interchangeable with ‘idiot’ ‘fool’ ‘wanker’ et al…rarely thinking of it’s other ‘meaning’. I wouldn’t presume to know whether he was able to perform any kind of linguistically challenging activity though…nor whether he was a misogynist come to think of it…he was just a pompous git…
For Brian Doonthetoon’s query regarding OU. link to,
*Corrected the autocorrelation
So good to be back home again – Annie no licker
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Crap music again – retires to kitchen.
Adios P, don’t forget to put yersel oot wae the trash!

Give Me Novacaine – Green Day
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Keep the noise down Dear I’ve got classic FM on in here.
Elvis Costello – Oliver’s Army
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Tenpole Tudor – Three Bells In A Row
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Sham 69 – If The Kids Are United
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The Ramones – Sheena Is A Punk Rocker
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Let’s go for the best…
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ECSTATIC now Babe!!!
This is dedicated to Mary from MacConnells, Glasgow.
Erasure – Ship Of Fools
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Sorry, P, i’d do one for you but you’re so hard to please!

*looks over glasses whilst continuing to do the washing up*
Flock Of Seagulls – I Ran
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Soft Cell – Tainted Love
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Simon & Garfunkel – The Boxer
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Flock of fucking seagulls – are you deliberately causing trouble now?
Tories and Triggers
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Small Faces – All Or Nothing
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I’ll leave you all with those thoughts – good night troops!!

How Scottish Labour’s Kieron Green won a council seat in Oban North and Lorn last week:
He pretended to be an ‘Independent’. Sleekit bastard.
To begin with Mr IndySLab was 344 first preference votes BEHIND the SNP candidate. Then he got 110 votes from LibDems (SNP got only 42). Then he got 339 votes from the Tories (SNP only got 41). So he won by 1160 votes to 1138.
Just like the IndyRef, Tories and Labour acting hand in glove.
Here’s the breakdown of the voting.
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Rgarding that Oban council by-election, did the local SNP group not know that “Independent” Mr Green was actually a Labour party member?
The fact on his actual allegiance should have been pounded home to the electorate, so they knew of Mr. Green’s planned deceit.
A hard lesson, let us hope the SNP learn from it, and in future they put intense scrutiny on any “independent” who tries to run against them.
Of course we knew Green was Labour. That’s the third election he has fought in Oban in the last two years. All the electors knew that as well. He has contested as a Labour candidate before. What happened was the unionist vote coalescing around the unionist candidates in second preferences in a low turnout.
All elections in Scotland now are SNP against the rest.
I don’t really think a certain person was there for the EU though I didn’t want to say that in the main thread, I think she was there for Indy, countering the first Project Fear, and sovereignty of any country including iScotland within the EU. Which makes her the (good) wolf in sheep’s clothing but hey, I played that one. How about:
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Stoker- Is that your very fkn yes campervan that sometimes pulls up in the carpark by Home bargains in Sneck?
Also where/ when is the next Wings do to be held?
Just because
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Just dropping-in here to give a wee note of thanks to ‘cearc’.
That is all…..!!
Hope you are all keeping well.
And thanks to Ronnie now as well.
Hello Tartan Tory Honey – I’ve got Craig Murray coming to give a talk in Brechin, do you want details?
Hello young lady! If you can remember how to find your way onto Facebook, you can send me the details there please.
How do you go about getting a profile picture on this board? I have a rather cool image of the famous Clown and Wolfman holding a Yes flag picture that I drew that I would like to use.
I came up with it whilst I was killing time in Penicuik and would like to use it now that I have embraced the internet age!
Ronnie Wotherspoon I think I used this one –
No doubt others will pop in soon with advice.
@Paula Rose –
Thanks for that link.
If this works I’ll get my old one back…
…back to the drawing board…
Thought being a Friday night and with else to do we could have a Top Ten countdown of the best songs played on Off Topic prior to the Referendum.
I loved this one when I first saw it it here so will start with this. Thought of the Rev LOL
No 10 Future Islands
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This time?
Oh FFS!!
Count to ten Ian…it’s okay…it’s not that important…
This time?
And it’s filled in all the old ones too!
Check the state of me too…that’s sober!
Soon put a stop to that…
Wish me happy birthday if you like – me and Big Phil the Greek. He’s 95, and I’m 53.
Slainte all!

@ Ian Brotherhood
Happy new Avatar
I like it, suits you.
I played this for your birthday in 2014 though not in high definition, look forward to a treat.
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@Thepnr –
Yes, it works for me too.
I wanted to capture a sort of ‘in a home for bewildered, waving out at passers-by’ kind of vibe.
Happy birthday, Ian.
For some fun you could look at #ScottishStreetParty
Still on the countdown and at number 9 we have this fantastic piece from Andre Rieu.
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A question…
When partaking of any brand of blended whisky, mixed with Lidl’s ‘Iron Brew’, does anyone else detect the strong hint of vanilla in the taste experience, as the nectar flows into the gullet?
Jiss askin’ like, coz that’s what I experience.
Typin’ about music…
This gives me the tingle o’ the spine. The Auld Alliance in action. (Played this video at the last Invergowrie get-together.)
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I don’t care if no one else gives a fuck. This is No 8.
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@Thepnr –
Dunno if this would make Top Ten of WOS indy-ref tunes, but it’s certainly appeared a few times here from different posters here in O/T.
The B-52s, ‘Rock Lobster’ –
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BTW: all the $h¡† about “Outlander’ prior to Indyref1…
I’ve now watched 13 episodes of series 1 and, to be honest, I can’t see why the showing would have mattered to the vote. Methinks, perchance, ‘the establishment’ were running scared of anything that could be construed to show said establishment in a bad light.
Better be quick, your all welcome of course to put up your own here is number 8.
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I meant number 7 LOL
@Thepnr –
Great stuff. I’d forgotten that ‘Dock of the Bay’ one. Soo-perb.
Are you getting these from memory or had you compiled a wee list?
I’m struggling for the last six.
So here is number six an I think it may be a favourite of yours lol.
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This tune should be in, but I can’t find the original that Paula Rose posted – it had Laurel & Hardy dancing.
The Sex Pistols, ‘Pretty Vacant’ –
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I’m lobbing this in.
Two greats, both knowing they were almost at the exit door. Always makes me greet…
Pavarotti & James Brown, ‘It’s A Man’s World’ –
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That tune should be in but I can’t find it either, help Paula.
Instead I’ll play this for number 5, some of you will remember.
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Yeah, it’s dodgy, but the comments of the ‘judges’ are a revelation.
At the time, this was a sensation.
How it feeds into the whole Indy project? I know not…
Susan Boyle, ‘I Dreamed A Dream’ –
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Well it’s sure taking some time to get to no.1, which surely has to be one of Dr. Zara Gladman’s ‘Lady Alba’ numbers.
@cearc –
I like this one, with occasional tuba…
Lady Alba, ‘Nuclear Love’ –
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Where the F did caesar come from? I wrote a l b a.
Guess it’s another of Stu’s tractor things.
I hadn’t seen that one that you just posted ON THE WRONG THREAD. Well found!
Belated happy birthday Ian. Sorry I’m late but off travelling the globe again so limited access.
For anyone who’s interested, I eventually got a twitter reply from Lesley-Anne. She fine and well, just been taking a sabbatical from the politics for the good of her sanity. I know what she means
Hiya, jet-setter!
Yep, #ScottishStreetParty seems to have jogged L-A out of her retirement.
Here you go folks – a pretty dance…
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@x-sticks –
Cheers and hoots, where’er ye be.
(Hopefully it’s not Marseille.)
So…….when’s Craig Murray coming to Brechin?
Gosh – you are quick off the mark xx July 12th.
With all the love-bombing from the UK, this is one I did a bit during the Indy ref:
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Oh yeah, and this for after the YES vote:
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Like, ever.
Jukebox threw a wobbly last night so is No 5 again.
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Evening all
Ian B, it was my birthday yesterday too! I knew we must have something in common, lol. We two and Phil the Greek.
This is me just catching up again after many weeks in work hell. Paula, is it true the next Wings do is in Brechin? Or just a wicked rumour?
Sorry, I don’t usually visit this thread – it was a long time before I realised it even existed (duh) – but the apparent exit of you-know-who seemed to come right after I “outed” him late one night as David Coburn. Most likely pure coincidence. Or maybe I mortifyingly offended him. Or maybe he really was! =laugh=
@Robert J. Sutherland
I think you, I and K1 may have offended said person on the same thread.
Anyways, getting difficult now here is my interpretation of No 4.
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No Dusty Thepnr no further friendship.
Quinie frae Angus yep do the emaily stuff.
Happy birthday yesterday Quinie.
@Paula Rose
Ahem! Cough, check out number 7.
@Quinie frae Angus –
That is just too weird. Sign Of The WOS Twins…
Anyway, belated felicitations to you, and a big Stevenston smackeroonie…mwaaaaaah!
This one reminds me of a period in the run-up which was particularly upbeat. Rev had favourited it. I’d never heard of her.
I still believe this is a clever ‘interpretation’ of Tony Basil’s ‘Mickey’.
Taylor Swift, ‘Shake It Off’ –
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Now we are getting to the nitty gritty part. I loved this when I first heard it on Wings, it’s the words you know.. Cheers Ian.
Number 3 link to
Can this get squeezed in somewhere?
Pet Shop Boys/Dusty Springfield, ‘What Have I Done To Deserve This’ –
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@Quinie frae Angus
I have a wee song for you. It comes with pictures but don’t be sad. be proud of who you are and what you stand for. xxx
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Thank you my darling Ian Brotherhood skips delightedly through Brechin.
Thanks so much for that wee tune. Have always liked it. Quite moving to see the pics, too!
Oooooh, I’m blushing. Lots of special wee Dundonian kissies frae masel’. xxx
Thanks – see you soon!
Will email you!
Final countdown. This is not the one I wanted to play, that version seems to have disappeared. Anyway as adults I’m sure we can deal with the dirty tricks.
Here’s my No 2 link to
@Thepnr –
Top ten has been your shout man, but I remember you posting this, and I’d never ever seen it.
It’s a work of art and I love it.
Johnny Cash, ‘Man In Black’ –
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Number one…
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Hank Williams Jnr. I Fought the Law. Dedicated to English Football supporters tonight
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@Ian Brotherhood
Hey! That might have been my number one but it wasn’t
@Paula Rose
Great video. Jock Scot you are missed, call in to the mothership.
@Dave McEwan Hill
Here’s me thinking too that was an original by The Clash. Duh.
Original by the Crickets post Buddy Holly and written by Sonny Curtis. Bobby Fuller Four with a big hit with it.
Choices choices!
So here is my Number 1.
I guarantee you that this song wouldn’t have been your number one choice. It’s my choice though, it’s how I feel. Never give in.
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@Thepnr –
Nice choice.
Most folk don’t realise how long Eminem’s been around.
It’s almost 20 years since he made his breakthrough – this wee video documents the single event which led to his first record deal.
What these guys are doing is what Scottish ‘makars’ did as court entertainment before the union of 1603, whereupon James took his ass, and Scottish artists, down to the big smoke.
Eminem vs Juice –
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@Paula Rose
Don’t sigh Paula, I thought expectations might be high, sorry if i let you down. I did have another song in mind but that last beer swung the balance
Tell you what, why don’t all readers give us their number one.
We’ll have yours first, harder than you think LOL.
Love it when you Smile. youtube/azpe3Xqu9ys
Here, that was the mibbee number one, I wanted to close out with a fuck you attitude rather than somber.
I played this on 19th September 2014 and probably should have made it No 1 but I chose not too.
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Before I turn in, I’ll just type…
Hi there! Nice to be with you! Happy you could stick around!
Who could ever forget Billy Butlin on spoons, Robert Morley on guitar and Eric Clapton on ukelele? And you tell the kids today and they think you’re having another senior moment…
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Paris is a beautiful city, I love Ravenna in Italy because of the food and the weather, Vienna is amazing and I love Glasgow because of her people, their humour and the fact I was born there.
My favourite city in the world though is… Dundee!
Here’s why.
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PR wrote: “Flock of fucking seagulls – are you deliberately causing trouble now?”
Of course not, moi? I already avoid playing any of a certain group beginning with ‘U’ and ending in ‘2’ because i know what a love you have for them. I was on a trip down memory lane, an 80s thing, and thinking about a tape (remember them) i was given, full of their songs, by a colleague at Saltcoats abattoir.
That is all!
tartanpigsy wrote: “Stoker- Is that your fkn yes campervan that sometimes pulls up in the carpark by Home bargains in Sneck?”
No, sorry my friend, not guilty!
Gretchen Wilson – The Earrings Song

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Stoker Honey you play what you like – not everything people put on the juke box is to my taste, but then very few folk who come in here are as sophisticated as moi!
@Paula Rose
Sophisticated falls far short. I prefer genius even though some accuse me of talking pish.
A wee dedication to the Independence stalwart that is Paula Rose.
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Hi all.
Happy birthday Quinie – big sloppy X_Sticks smackeroonie frae me’n’a’
I’m in Jakarta at the moment. Interesting place. Hadn’t realised how hard the Dutch fought to keep it a colony. They had to fight the hard way for their independence and they treasure it. Jakarta is becoming a oil, finance and trade hub. It especially makes me angry to see it in the light of David fucking Cameron’s faux pas on Marr on the other thread. Cunt.
@Paula – what’s up with your twitter? I couldn’t see any of your replies to LA in that convo – clicked on your account and it’s been deleted! Did you get into trouble?
Hi X_Sticks I de-activated so that I could explore the accounts of some yoons who have been nipping my head even though they have me blocked – plus a couple of other miscreants. Will be re-activating when I have finished my research.
Pretty nifty wee tribute the Rev’s got going on his twitter avi.
RTSF 2015 – Boogie Woogie Cup – Finals
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Hi Thepnr.
Here’s something to get you all nostalgic about Paris…
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I have Channel 5 on as wallpaper at the moment. Which prompted me to ask; has anyone else just become aware that mainstream TV has abandoned the ‘child’ audience on Saturday mornings, in favour of cookery and other insipid adult stuff?
Hi Stoker.
In reply to your “RTSF 2015 – Boogie Woogie Cup – Finals” post; have a look at this.
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Hi Stoker.
In reply to your “Golden Earrings” post; have a look at this.
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Great stuff.
The BTL comments are proper ‘social history’, probably not gathered elsewhere.
Of historical importance!
@stoker –
I did a stint in that same ‘abattoir’ (late Summer, ’99) and lasted three weeks (in ‘export’) before I fucked up my shoulder and had to leave.
Still have nightmares about it.
Wings is as good a place as any to hang out. I can think of worse.
To be honest, I’m in a bit of a bad mood. Tomorrow I MUST work again so as the man gets his slice of my pound of flesh. I fucking hate that man.
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@Thepnr –
Yesterday morning that chorus went through my heid, and I briefly pondered who may have sung it.
Strange, but true…
Made me think of this –
Lee Marvin, ‘Wand’rin Star’ –
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Hanging about does not include putting your feet up on the coffee table – off now.
@Paula Rose
You know but the half of it.
Hi Ian B.
That’s something (social history) that I became aware of around 1999. Here’s a quote from the forum I administer:-
” The Backroom – Olden Days
This forum is for discussions about days gone by.
In other words, the history o’ the toon, from whenever.
BTW: social history tends not to be documented as
much as ‘important’ history.
So your memories, from when you were wee, are valuable
for future generations!”
For an example, have a wee skeck at this:-
link to
Hi Brian – Thanks for the links, i particularly enjoyed the Twist Marathon fae 1960s Dundee because, well, because it wiz fae Dundee and the wee glimpse of the old record player. Reminded me of how i rarely stacked my singles or LPs for playing under that sort of mechanism. I always felt you increased the risk of damaging the records by stacking more than one at a time.
Aye, Ian B, although no great skill involved in that part of the job there is a knack to lifting and shifting (or humphing as we called it) and, as you found out to your cost, get it wrong and you could give yersel ah sore yin. I seen a lot of people come and go in that part of the job. Believe it or not, you did quite well achieving 3-weeks. I’ve seen guys, who thought they were something, lasting only a week, a couple of days, a day and on 2 or 3 occasions only half-a-day – fecking off at lunchtime never to be seen again. BTW, who owned the plant when you were there?
Hi Stoker.
I never bought too many of The Enid’s singles but they seemed to have their tongues firmly in their cheeks – like the overblown “Golden Earrings”.
Here’s another of theirs I actually bought. Its label was an RAF roundel…
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They’re still on the go – when I was looking for that one, I discovered that they have a song called “Wings”! (From last year.)
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Brian! The Dam Busters March? Really?
I’ve managed, so far, to avoid all the recent sycophantic birthday slobbering over a certain 90-year-old and you’ve just gone and made me feel as if i’ve sat through every minute of it with one link. I’m saying nothing more on the grounds it may incriminate me. I feel so scabby i’m away for a scrubbing brush and shower.
Meanwhile, i need this to alter my state of mind:
Hooked On Swing Dancing
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Oh yes Stoker you gem – let’s swing!
@Stoker –
Can’t remember exactly what name was on the wage slips, but I think it was ‘Highland Meats’ or suchlike.
I did get knocked out cold one day, a forequarter (if that’s what you call it) slid back off a wee mechanised section and came back down. Didn’t have time to duck, ended up grabbing the thing, don’t remember anything after that until the other guys’ faces looking down at me. The thing swung to the end of the runner with me attached, then halted. I sailed approx eight feet, came head first against the edge of the elevated area where you load the trucks. My safety helmet came apart – the inner bit was twenty feet away from the shell.
Some of the stories the other guys told me were just…well, you’ve done it. And it was minimum wage, with a wee daily bonus if you weren’t late for the 4 a.m. start. Dire.
Now now Rosie, a little self-control please!
Ian B wrote: “Dire.”
Are you sure Ian you’re not in the employ of The Diplomatic Corps?
@Stoker –
I may well be, but I couldn’t possibly comment.
So quiet in here the nicht …a’body’s unexpectedly pished after watching the Iceland/Portugal game.
Soo-perb. Great to see civilised neighbours doing so well.
btw Ian Brotherhood I’ve booked that special bothie we last spent the night together in xxx
@Paula Rose –
Sorry, but I think you may be mistaking me for Roberto Hanhoid (yes, him, the notorious bothie-creeper) who shares my name on a purely anagrammatical basis.
Thanks for the kind thought nonetheless. I am confident that you will not end up being alone.
*distraught – wonders along cliff edge*
Pure heartbreakin’ in here the night…
You awright hon? (snigger)
Bit a Elvis’ll cheer ye up hen…(bothies are a ‘bit’ like hotels…afterall)
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Has anyone ever felt “traught”? We need to know, to get a handle on “distraught”…
@Paula Rose –
Ach, dry yer eyes FFS.
I happen to know Cliff Edge. Sound chap. Bit of a looker in his day. He’ll kip anywhere so long as there’s decent music, cultured company, and a bottle of Barolo somewhere – he can sniff one out at ten paces.
Trying to catch up; not going to happen though. Not enough years to read all this stuff on O/T.
Happy belated birthday to the twa spring chickens, Quinie and IanB!
@IanB – sorry to hear about your pal Roberto’s …err, medical problems. Aw’ just put my specs, it’s “Hanhoid”…
@ Paula. Mind and take the heels off on the cliff! x
@Betty Boop –
Way things are going we may be back out on the trail again sooner than expected, eh?
Best to Jim, as ever,
Fitba’ ower then?
Was fair rootin’ fur Albania (just because….)
Anybody catchin’ the plane frae Iceland?
Apparently, thae Vikings need fans in France!
Jim says hiya, right back at ya!
@Betty Boop –
Aye, the Albanians were fantastic. Great stuff.
Listening to BBC Radio Five Live, they’re desperately trying to play down any bother in Lille, but the footage is already emerging (e.g. via WOS Twitter).
Can anyone tell me if the badges have been sent out yet from The Great Leap Forward. I just wondered if I had been missed and everyone else got theirs.
Can’t wait to get my vile cyberbadges!
Not yet. I think everythings arrived now and they start going out after the WBB’s.
Thanks cearc, good to know. I will now wait patiently
Ian B
Ant music – stand and deliver
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A couple of minutes ago, today’s events caused this song to pop into my head.
I feel unqualified to post on the main pages so I’ll leave this here, as my wee nod in the direction.
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I’ll be in soon babes I need some help.
For Paula Rose…
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The one on the fiddle – ohh err
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Agnes, i know you told me never to do this but i love you. Now you know, come and get me ;O)
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14th October – Kevin Barry
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On The One Road (this is to oor Andra & Josh XXX)
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Bloodhound Gang – The Bad Touch
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Green Day – Novocaine
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Green Day – Novacaine
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This is to all the wingers – love you all!
Proclaimers – Lets Get Married (pay attention at the start)
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And i’ll leave you all with my all-time-Proclaimers favourite:
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I Had a great in Gala – goodnight troops!
What a fucking week it’s been…thanks be to all the gods for this wee bolthole.
Kilburn & The High Roads, ‘Billy Bentley’ –
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And, Ian B, from the same period and genre…
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Hi Babes…
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Hello all, Paula have you had a look at Ian’s link yet think you might like it.
BDTT that was alright, need to look again. No tunes from me right now, busy, busy.
Cheers to Off Topic
I don’t think the following links have been in ‘off-topic’ before.
Going back to the early days of Channel 4.
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And the parody (of course!).
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To get back to matters accruing…
I have read that the next “Wings Over…” get-together is taking place in Brechin on 12th July and Craig Murray’s gonna be there. And that’s all I’ve picked up.
So what are the details and the arrangements? We need to know to make plans for the trek up to Brechin. Hotels to book and so on…
So does ONNYBUDDY know whit’s goin’ doon in Brechin on the 12th?
On his Twitter thingy, Rev Stu mentioned “Imagine”, which immediately made me think of this:-
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Mmm, take that:
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Picked up my wee black books today from the postie, happy happy, but the package had been opened. Full amount still there that I ordered, wonder if somebody had a wee nosey?
I hope this will be the best place to post this as it is off topic. I am trying to convince an elderly intelligent man that Scotland is not subsidised by England. I have shown him information retrieval but because the figures relate to 1997 he says that doesn’t count now. Is there more up to date information somebody on this site could point out to me. Thanks.
Hi Mo Workman I expect someone will be along with the figures soon – in the meantime perhaps your gentleman can explain why the Westminster establishment were so keen to keep Scotland in the union – they could have saved themselves a fortune!
Also if you type – subsidy Scotland – into the search thingie at the top of the page on the right you will see a range of articles dealing with the subject.
Hi Mo Workman.
Try these two:-
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RE: The current Led Zeppelin plagiarism trial…
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Cases 9 & 10 are particularly blatant.
The whole ‘plagiarism’ thing is such a minefield. Squeaky-bum time for many artistes watching.
(Paul Simon, FFS…)
Anyway, I don’t know if this is nicked from someone else, but it’s cheery enough to be going on with…
KC & The Sunshine Band, ‘Give It Up’ –
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Where’s Michael McC and Lynn these days?
Please check-in as soon as humanly possible…
Earth Wind & Fire, ‘Let’s Groove’ –
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Hi Ian B.
On this evening of this particular day of the week, if you want “cheery” stuff, here you are.
The first from a Scottish band (Edinburgh?), with their take on a track that was on The Rubettes’ first album. (I possess that album.)
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The second from a moderately more well-known Edinburgh band.
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Lastly, the philosophical track.
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Hi Ian B (again).
Because I have TITP 2015 (BBC2) on as background aural wallpaper as I type, with the way things are developing indy-wise, I think this from TITP last year, is appropriate. Tha audience reaction to the song is brilliant…
link to
Quiet again…
How ’bout ‘artists playing instruments in unconventional styles’.
Stevie Wonder, ‘Superstition’ (studio) –
link to
Playing with instruments in funny ways? *looks up from reading wee black book*
Hi Ian B.
“Quiet again…”
EH? I’ve been searchin’ like buggery for appropriate stuff to link to on a Saturday night and you type “Quiet again…???”
Emma wah ti bed…
Oh, and Paula Rose – I refer you to this:-
link to
Sorry Honey I missed that one – Yes I’ve got Craig Murray coming to speak in Brechin on the 12th July at 8pm please come along!
We overlapped!
Aye, indeed, Baggins, Rollers and Stevens.
Only one I didn’t know was the first.
Hope you’re not off to the kip yet…
Still up Ian – just put my supper on. Lidl Jalfrezi with extras, plus Farmfoods onion bahjis, with Lidl’s onion bahjis and samosas, with garlic papads.
I will enjoy!
Hi Paula Rose.
Directions to a venue wouldn’t go amiss…
HI Ian Brotherhood I am still here. Cant post music but still look in all the time. lynn says can you play her some Waterboys ? Cheers Ian big shout out to Paula Rose. and the Main Man Thepnr.
Hi Michael xxx
Hi Michael.
My fave Waterboys track…
link to
@Michael –
I don’t know if this will fit the bill, but it’s joyous stuff indeed – from 2.22 never fails to give me the collywobbles and draw a tear.
Slainte to ye’s both.
The Waterboys, ‘A Man Is In Love’ –
link to
Aw man, that sounds the business…
Lidl is brilliant.
I’m off to make a cheese and ham toastie, thence to the kip.
Night all!
hi first time posting on wings not sure if this will work but hi all met a lot of you at the Edinburgh night out and Glasgow looking forward to next wings night wish I could send you all a tune but not got there yet next time
Brian Doonthetoon my favy waterboys track and Ian Brotherhood never heard that won but love it
Hi Brian Doonthetoon
Thank you so much I would have got back sooner but am up working near Kinloch Rannoch and you wouldn’t believe how poor the internet is here. Thanks again
Hi to Michael, missed yah
Lynn, well done on your first Wings post, thought you might like this from the Waterboys. It’s called Old England and it’s about it’s demise. A bit sad really.
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For Lynn and Mo Workman:
The Love Unlimited Orchestra, ‘Welcome Aboard’ (12-incher) –
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Love Unlimited Orchestra was a Webster Lewis outfit, but there’s no footage of him on YT. Closest I can find is this.
Hey! It’s funky! (Webster’s on keyboards, if it’s the same dude…)
Herbie Hancock, feat Paul Jackson –
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Ian Brotherhood, I see you’re Herbie Hancock, and raise you one George Clinton, dog!
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Funky you want Funky you get
George Clinton!
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just chuck in the comma wherever?
O/T even for O/T!!
Hi all – haud the bus!
I wonder if I could pick Wingers’ brains? I need to look into hiring a bus (possibly a 40-seater) to take people backwards and forwards from Dundee and Cupar at the end of July for my parent’s Golden Wedding party.
I know we’ve used buses and drivers in the past for various Wingy expeditions so i thought I would try here first before phoning round the various commercial outfits?
@Andrew McLean –
Great stuff. Thank god for music…
Sorry for slow response – have been avoiding pretty much all media, finding it hard to take any more of the constant hysterical Eurotrash.
To take up the football analogy Rev’s been running with on Twitter, it’s like a never-ending game where neither side moves out of their own half. Didn’t think I could ever feel as sickened about this country (i.e. UK) as when we ‘invaded’ Iraq, but this whole episode really sticks the tin lid on it.
Whatever happens on Thursday, or in next Indyref, GE, SG elections, the whole fucking lot, we really have to find new ways of doing everything – sometimes feels like we’re living fossils. If we don’t do something radical, our grandweans will be watching debates featuring the grandweans of the same dicks and liars who are boring us all to death right now.
Sorry for ranting, but I’m properly sick of it.
Hi Quinie.
Try this:-
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Bob supplied the battlebus for ‘Business For Scotland’ and also owns the “Yes Bus”.
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His workshop was also responsible for the creation of Chris Law’s ‘Spirit of Independence fire engine. Bob is at the extreme left of this photo – and is also a Winger!
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You’ll recognise other Wingers in the pic. When you phone Sidlaw’s number (from their web site – first link above), ask to speak to Bobby senior and mention that ‘Brian Doonthetoon and Pete the Camera’ recommended them to you.
Mornin’ all, here’s one of my all time favourite songs. Hopefully the vote tomorrow won’t eventually make us all the same as the name of this band..
Lyrics appropriate as ever.
Break It Up (I Don’t Wanna) by Foreigner
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Enjoy the video.
Ian B,
Ian Brotherhood at 10.44
This debacle is having the useful effect of hugely lowering respect for Westminster and the UK ruling class.
It’s all going full-on Euro-tonto…
Time out.
Here’s some flowers, blooming lovely so they are, with nice music…
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Ever wondered what James Brown might look like doing his thing while wearing a business suit?
Wonder no more…
‘Can’t Stand It/Give It Up’ –
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Thanks Brian – that’s a great tip. I’ll follow that up. Thanks very much.
Hi Quinie.
I see from his Facebook page that Bob is currently in New York. He usually goes away for a week or so.
I’d try in about a week.
Terence Trent D’Arby’, ‘If You Let Me Stay’ –
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For some relief from the tension…
An 80’s prototype of Katy Perry. Did well in Euro-trials but was eventually abandoned…boo-boo!
Kelly Marie, ‘Feels Like I’m In Love’ –
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*looks up from knitting* Feeling tense Dear or just being a tad sarky.
Getting the ‘good room’ done-up, so we’re looking for a couple of nice sideboards.
Did a search and it came up with this:
Mungo Jerry, ‘Alright, Alright, Alright’ –
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@Paula Rose –
What is it you’re knitting anyway? Something for one of the grand-weans?
Harold Melvin & The Bluenotes, ‘Don’t Leave Me This Way’ –
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Where is everyone?
Aw youse ither bams?
The night is young…
I’m away to bed Dear – can you do the washing up.
Kelly Marie, eh? Fae Paisley!
Did you know that her song was written by Mungo Jerry’s singer? Coincidence or what!
Also from Paisley, Gerry Rafferty, hoping voters “Get it right next time” :
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@Paula Rose –
Fuck the washing-up.
I’m still waiting to hear how Michelle Mone voted.
@David –
No, I did not know that.
And get this – I was humming that Rafferty tune yesterday while walking the dogs, for no particular reason that I can recall…
Kismet, eh?
One of my favourites, always sends a shiver down the back.
@ Ian Brotherhood, “Great minds think alike”
@yesindyref2, yep, he was one of the good guys, to stack up against Paisley’s Hall of Shamers like Ian Smart, Andrew Neil, etc.
Watching the results come in from EWANI, I’m getting shivers down my back, but NOT of the good type.
The Ref got it right on Twitter when he was comparing it to Heston’s line in Planet of the Apes:
“You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!”
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Swinging 60s “Pop Cop” from the Banana Splits
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And now, back to our regularly-scheduled cybernatting. Maybe, like in ‘Dallas’, we’ll all come out our showers tomorrow morning and find that we just dreamed that EURef…
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Would a suitable tune for the moment be First Aid Kit’s “Stay Gold”? =grin=
Any other golden offers…?
Could somebody put that last link up for me please ? Cheers.
Hi Michael.
A “simple” YouTube link should look like this:-
link to
Look at the address bar in your web browser and copy/paste from there, rather than using the link provided elsewhere, which could be one of your “” addresses.
The link I pasted above should be our sing-a-long for tonight.
Here’s yours sorted. You shouldn’t copy/paste the “&” $h¡†.
link to
Hi Brian I am just doing the same as I have always done. So don’t know how it is coming up like that. Anyway cheers for the advice about doing it from the address bar and for putting that link up for me. Cheers.
Let’s just watch the dust settle eh? While we’re waiting, here’s a well kent loon.
Planet Funk – One Step Closer
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Btw, I might not have been a fan of the EU but I like the thought of Scotland essentially being a vassal of England, even less. Does this mean that Scots law is actually subservient to English law? I wonder if the Scottish Law Society can advise, or if I will need to check the public library again?
As we are talking about what has happened and is yet to come?
Planet Funk – Who Said
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Hi Cameron = )
Glad to see someone else is still up.
Still feeling jangled after last night and way too little sleep.
I know the result was good for us, Scotland pure gold! So proud of the people of Scotland : ) (Well, those who were allowed to vote. Loads of folk and the young left out.)
But am disturbed by the choices our neighbours have made.
My understanding of Scots Law is that it is unique to Scotland and stands as our law, indisputable. But some of its integrity may well have been eroded over the years by attempts from Westminster or their law lords to undermine its status, even by simply over riding or ignoring some of its principles. Definitely worth a check with the Scottish Law Society.
Scots Law is Scotland’s law in Scotland and most certainly should not be subservient to ANY other law of any country.
Good lyrics btw = )
Is Indiref really on the way!? = ) Wow! Oh wow!
Sorry if you were left hanging about for a reply last night. I hadn’t realised what the time was unlit I saw the stamp on my posts.
I still think the SLS needs doing, as an affront to ‘Trades Description’ legislation.
To all the NO voters who still believed in the UK before the EU Referendum, until the love ran out, now’s the time to “shut it down”.
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A Wee song for the soon to be ex Prime Minister. link to oh and by the way Good Riddance.
OT even for OT – I think I deserve to go overboard. Many people agree.
So it wasn’t the backup disk it was the main disk where the power and sata lead melted together, and that’s when you realise that when you backed up your email database to a logical drive you’d got confused and backed it up to a logical drive on the main disk not the backup disk. Sigh. 21 hours all in all.
Managed to clean it up and offload the database and some other stuff I wasn’t too fussed about but it saves time, with a room fan blasting cool air into the open case as the hard disk was running hot, as Stanhope said about the undershipped RN before he “resigned” a few months later. And then the backup computer died so I’m on the main one with just one disk.
So since both are from 2009 one ready made one I built and I always buy cheaper and more stable “off the leading edge” components, I’m treating myself to a £200 and I get the VAT back ebuyer box which with (from benchmarks) more than twice as fast processor and more than double memory will make it 3 times as fast.
Which to get somehow a bit back on topic means I’ll be so fast I’ll be able to post simultaneously pro-indy in at least 10 MSM (mostly probably pro-Indy by then) forums at the same time while listening to youtube and eating my tea and scratching my, err, back.
The Unionists if there are any left, are doomed I tell ye, doomed.
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Blue skies to all Indy supporters.
@Michael McCabe –
I was trying to find a song suitable for Cameron’s departure but there’s nothing called ‘Cheerio Dish-Face, Don’t Get Yer Heid Jammed In The Door On The Way Oot’.
Paula Rose…
We really need to be cracking on now.
@Ian B
Maybe. As far as Indy Ref 2 is concerned though he’s probably our best hope of getting a done deal in a hurry with a minimum of hassle, which I think is what Sturgeon was carefully hinting at during that press conference. None of the media seemed to get it, so perhaps I got it wrong. Don’t think so though, she was straight on the phone to Cameron after the result came in. We need him to last till October.
Say what we like about Cameron, he’s quite the democrat in his way (excluding Evel perhaps).
Hope you don’t mind ? But I am going to put on 2 or 3 songs by the Waterboys for my pal Lynn. link to
@yesindyref2 –
It’s just as well we have tolerant folk such as yourself on-board, and I’m not being sarcastic.
Plenty of us just cannot, and probably never will, treat characters like Cameron with respect. I suppose it could, in extremis, be construed as a form or inverse snobbery, in which case I put my hand up and plead guilty. I’ll happily spend years examining my conscience and feeling remorse for being harsh as and when the Tories have been utterly routed in Scotland.
So far as Cameron being ‘a democrat’ is concerned, I honestly believe he’s only – like every prominent Tory since Thatcher – as ‘democratic’ as he’s forced to be by effective opposition in WM, and that’s been sorely lacking for years.
Nah – I’ve no sympathy for him at all, or his acolytes in Scotland. Hell mend each and every one of them.
One for Heedy,enjoy….wrecking crew is the famous backing band…enjoy
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Going back to the 30s for one for Dave as he leaves…
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Och – another well known song from the same artiste…
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Might as well finish with the tribute act…
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A Waterboys song for Bye Bye Dave. link to
Aw…just too much mentalness going on…
Sometimes I wish I was twenty years younger, when I really didn’t give a shit about any of it.
Dee-Lite, ‘Groove Is In The Heart’ –
link to
Oh well that didn’t go according to plan. I noticed a better spec for £20 more with £20 cashback before 30th June, back to my favourite AMD rather than the dreaded Intel, also 1.5 times faster graphics onboard. And while I was at it realised I don’t need two computers to have a backup, just two disks so that’s another £39.99 except for £16 more there was a hybrid SSD which was way faster booting up and access so along with 2 downloadable Win 7 Pro keys for £19.99 each downloading an iso as I speak so to speak that’s me set up for another 6 years by which time I expect to be filthy rich having successfully offered my services as an EU trading company in Indy Scotland for those in the rUK wishing to trade into the EU without the hefty tarrifs I’ll find a way sure I will.
Apart from that at about 6 or 7 times as fast now I’ll be able to take on the Washington Post, Le Monde and Das Spiegel as well as all the UK media forums all at the same time. Welcome me to the second decade of the 21st Century, the 3rd Millenium, though I daresay dinosaurs would object to that chronological description. I might have to actually learn Spanish and take on the El Mundo.
It’s a doddle.
Europe has a language problem?
Aye, sort of…
Simple Minds, ‘I Travel’-
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For no particular reason, except with free delivery I might have to wait a bit longer for that lot to be delivered:
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Oh look what I’ve found stuck down the back of the sofa…
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Theme song for the times
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and looking for a safe haven.
Hi yesindyref2.
You Mac yet?
Still Windows. Thousands (probably tens of thousands) of business documents on old software from even DOS 6.2 days / Win 3.11, hence Win Pro 7 (£18.99 not £19.99), which has an XP mode. Not sure how easy it’ll be installing the XP mode, but there’s a lot of help around on websites. Plus I still like OK MS Office (with Access) ’97, later versions were rubbish for me, and I tried the GNU stuff and didn’t like. I also use Avery Design Pro and Photostudio for all my product labels, and I’m too long in the tooth to be bothered a long exercise converting 17 years of business history which I still use!
I feel the need to post this link – the theme song of Dundee’s ‘Team YES Bus’ group…
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Paula Rose says:
“Oh look what I’ve found stuck down the back of the sofa…”
Is it George Osborne?
Theme tune for the Labour Shadow Cabinet:
Queen – “Another one bites the dust”
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This IS NOT dedicated to the grassroots YES for whom there is nothing but praise apart from the actual few genuinely vile cybernats, it’s for the official YES 2 campaign, compared to YES Scotland.
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Life ‘away'(cos once a winger and all that) from the Wingers has been difficult but necessary. Hope the recent turn of events is very wide ranging and my limited scope for joining in gets extended. Glad to see you are all on good form, as ever. X
@Jock Scot –
Hoots mon.
You haven’t missed ‘much’, and the best has yet to come.
Hi Ian, I’m certainly looking forward to the future and hope the momentum can help carry the auld bones for another couple of years.
No words can describe how good this is. link to
Phew, I’m glad I got that off my chest.
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ag on the herald replied to my stooge, not sure if he’s deliberately playing 2nd stooge, he’s known me long enough (in forum terms). Does the job either way, perfectly. The old one-two. Things are afoot and I’m getting over-excited. Calm down dear!
Here’s what Samantha Bee an American comedienne thinks of Brexit.
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Brian doonthetoon
Hi Brian
Wonder if you can help. My wee daughter has a badge making kit- does 30mm badges. As a vile European Unionist Separatist Nationalist Internationalist I am putting her to work making campaign badges for the keep-us-in Europe yes2
I am looking for a high res image- blue background with the circle of yellow stars and the yes Scotland logo inside.
can you help or even just advise best programme to use?
@Tam Jardine
“I am putting her to work making campaign badges for the keep-us-in Europe yes2”
You vile Nat separatist you. Exploiting child labour for your own nefarious purposes in support of YOUR fantasy of an Independent Scotland.
Well done, keep up the good work
This is the 17,772nd comment on O/T.
Using this as a marker, let’s make sure 17777 is some good music, eh?
*Hurriedly selects top 5 Dusty tracks*
Hi Tam.
Our badges are the 38mm size. Here are three designs we’ve been doing since last year.
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As I type, the masters I have are for 38mm badges so are 47mm in diameter to allow for the curve round the edge and so on.
If you want to email me, I can send you the 38/47mm masters for you to reduce to the size that you need for 30mm badges.
If you don’t have a graphics program, try GIMP – it’s free. You’ll have to Google it because I think 3 links in a comment is the limit.
Just checked. The home page is the first hit on the list if you search for GIMP with Google.
My email address is:-
Remove the BUMFLUFF to give the correct address.
reading the Revs twitter today as you do, noticed the talk about the Eton Rifles. we’ve played it before here but this time here is the lyrics.
Must admit not to having paid much attention to them before now.
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Here’s a Dusty track that I bought on re-release in the 70s. First released in 1958 or 59.
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Let’s all try to ensure that comment 17777 does not contain ‘bumfluff’…
Razzin frazzin…
Here’s a Dusty track that I bought in the 80s. The 12″ version was handy for segueing with other stuff.
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This is UKOK, this is our capital, this is London.
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What’s wrong with ‘bumfluff’…?
Ian your comment was 17777 and it contained the word bumfluff LOL
Here’s a Dusty track that I never bought in the 80s. Well I did buy the original, not the cover in the video.
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@cearc –
Nowt wrong with bumfluff, but I’ve got a thing about ‘lucky’ numbers and it didn’t seem right somehow…
…and then I go and ‘make it so’.
*giggles and chortles delightedly xx*
@Paula Rose –
I might’ve known you’d titter…
I won’t make the same mistake as we near 18888, you mark my words…
Brian doonthetoon
Excellent Brian- email sent.
Hi folks, I’m just doing a test post here as my posts under articles don’t seem to appear. Hope you all well and getting ready for #IndyRef2
Well that posting worked but how come the wee graphic not appearing anymore, any ideas?
@Thistle/Kev/IndyLive –
Good to see you(se) dropping in.
Rev did some kind of overhaul lately which seemed to make a lot of gravatars disappear so you may have to do it again. It’s not just yours.
Hoots mon!
I don’t know about anyone else but I am more than a bit disappointed.
The one, minor, downside when Wings became full-time professional Scottish politics site was that The Sealand Gazette stopping being a blog, as it also was quite good. Now it seems to be back masquerading as WoS.
This week the Scottish Parliament voted, unopposed, to take formerly reserved powers (european affairs) from Westminster, without so much as a whimper from down south. Quite a biggy I’d have thought. Definitely not an angle covered by MSM and well worth discussion.
Wings, not a word.
NS goes off to Brussels, not worthy of a Wings post.
NS comes back. Usual misrepresentation in the MSM. Wings, not a word.
Loads of people put quotes, links and translations from the european press up but in a thread that was about red or blue tories. Who, coming new to Wings, would have gone through hundreds of comments looking for info or even known that doing so might produce it?
At this time when so many previous nos are reconsidering and looking for the alternative views that they may have dismissed, there is nothing here. The last really scottish political outlook posted was by Eric Joyce.
I didn’t think this was relevant to the current threads, but it’s a straw in the wind:
The spouse and I have been having a hard week: on top of the political goings-on, we’ve both been very ill indeed, and in the midst of that had to take the decision to have one of our cats helped out of the world (he was 20, and we’d had him from a kitten). He walked in and said “So my boss has asked me a question.”
(Not the most auspicious beginning, you might think.)
“She’s wondering if we’d consider moving out of the country –”
He said that she opened with “Please don’t start looking for another job! We need you here!” Why would he? We did just move into this flat a month ago, but if they’re going to keep him on AND pay for relocation, we’d be fools not to take the hand into the lifeboats.
Scotland’s nice and definitely NOT leaving the EU.
There are offices in Edinburgh, and that would be easier than Nurnberg (my German isn’t what it should be) or Dublin. So we’ll see what shakes out.
Dundee has office space. Scotland’s sunniest city…
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And, believe it or not, there are people who do the daily Dundee/Edinburgh commute, in either direction, daily. Just over an hour driving for the single journey.
Good job that they do the daily commute daily, otherwise we would be on a very strange planet…
@cearc (5.37) –
Hmmm…hadn’t really thought of it like that.
Perhaps some of us can’t see the wood for the proverbials. I spend too much time cracking crap jokes and biting my tongue when the smell of bacon-rolls gets too strong.
Perhaps Rev, like many of us, is just waiting to see how things settle – the current WM circus is certainly dominating everything, and few can concentrate on what’s really important when we’re getting uninterrupted coverage of The Greatest Freak Show Ever Seen.
Ongoing main thread in danger of going the same way as last night…
WHY… did Alan Shearer feel it was appropriate to waffle on about the England team’s travails – in the half-time chit-chat during a WALES VERSUS BELGIUM game???
And they wonder why we’re gittin’ oor coats…
Rock is right though, in general. People are gullible. Say something nice and you’re OK, start saying things that aren’t nice and people still think you’re OK. Oops.
Always look, the gift, horse, in the mouth. Tadum, tadum ti dum ti dum.
@Brian Doonthetoon (8.30) —
I’ve not been to Dundee — most of my time in Scotland was spent in Glasgow, or along the coast — but it might do nicely: between us, the spouse and I know people in Stirling, Forfar and St. Andrews (once P.’s moved), so we’d not be completely at a loss. I can’t imagine the allotment wait lists are any worse . . . .
Ach well, Epiphyta, Forfar is just up the road (12 miles) and St Andrews is ‘jist across the wahttir’ (14 miles, or there aboots).
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St Andrews:-
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See? Do these two links not make you want to be part of this kind of society?
Ian B,
Well I’m not at all happy about it.
A piece comparing the UK media with the EU media would have been pretty easy, people had put up all the links and translations.
New potential yessers aren’t going to be impressed with a picture of the tory runners which is all over the internet. He seems to have lost all interest at the most crucial time.
Tricky one. But things are moving on their own anyway at the moment. Anything could help that along – or push it a step back. A for instance of that is I was going to post about the Corbyn back-stabbing, had a post ready for the Herald. Then thought about it – a couple or more posters there rethinking their NO towards a YES, all on their own, they could take offence with my posting as I’m SNP, and set back into NO mode.
Whereas Rev pointing out that there’s not a decent Tory in sight for the next PM, well, that can’t do any harm – even amongst the conservative voters in Scotland. Perhaps particularly amongst them, they might start wanting to break away and actually form a Scottish Conservative Party – which, who knows, might be neutral to Indy.
Sometimes when things are going your way, it’s best to bite the tongue, smile, and sit back and enjoy the scenery.
THAT’S Hamish McHamish? A friend went to St Andrews and she would tell me stories about that cat!
(Actually, are primary teachers of use? She’s from Up North, has been working outside the country and is so angry she’s saying she doesn’t want to come back to England.)
And I wouldn’t like it generally known that I can be won over by a pastry and a wandering moggie, but —
Hi Epiphyta.
I cherish my time at primary school. My teachers were all decent and enthusiastic – at two different schools, one from 4 till 8, the other from 8 to 11. Their raison d’être seemed to be to impart knowledge and get us to think for ourselves.
I don’t have a clue what went wrong from the late 60s onwards.
@cearc –
It worries me that you’re worried, because I know you wouldn’t be without good reason.
Perhaps Rev relies on btl comments more than we realise? After all, if there were no comments at all, WOS would just be a personal blog. Nothing wrong with that.
I’m a big believer in kismet, I-Ching, all that stuff, so I’m going to WOS archives right now to get a link – let’s see what’s in it and what it might tell us…
…bear with me…
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Okay…that’s the one I clicked, after selecting ‘July’. I haven’t even read it meself…
hi Ian, it’s Kevin here and I’m doing a wee test again to see if gravatar appears…
@Kevin –
Indeed it did!
Stay Young link to
I’m back!
Gimmie a shout next time you are in Glasgow and we can meetup for chat. I’m going to start spending one day a week at the CommonSpace office to help them out with lvestreaming, ideas etc so looking forward to that. Interesting times.
OK I never played this right!
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@Thistle –
Feels like a loooong time since I typed that!
Anyway, great to hear from you in WOS O/T – as it happens, I was thinking of approaching you with an idea, but I’d best contact you directly, and will do so as soon as I get my proverbial out of my proverbial, so to speak…
Major Hoots To Ye!
@Michael McCabe –
If anyone said to me, ‘You need to check out this dude, he’s called Donavon Frankreiter’ I’d have said ‘Aye, okay’, and then not even bothered.
But I did, and that was great.
Hi Ian Brotherhood I first heard Donavon F doing mudfootball with Jack Johnson and a guy called G-Love. if you like this they do another 3 songs together. hope you and yours are all well. link to
Hello Michael
You have a knack of sniffing out good songs that are not well known.
Here’s mine for you and Lynn.
link to
A Wee bit of Norah Jones doing a Johnny Cash Number. link to
@Thepnr I like seal singing that song. But that was a Brilliant version by Terence. All the best to you and yours. Looking forward to our next pint together.
Hi all
I’ve been reading with growing concern the posts by (sounds like jock!) He annoys me intensely as his challenges to others jumps around turning words and adding them..however I’ve also been reading Peter Murrell’s Twitter page and I think I found him. If it’s not him then he attacks everyone the same way as our friend. Here is a link to a Twitter retweet
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Look for a guy called “file28” read all those tweets. If it’s not him I will hand in my secret agent badge! Let me know what you think:)
Hi Cherry.
I read a fair bit of your link and the utter tripe there reaffirmed my desire not to sign up to Twitter. You’re right though – “file28” does read familiar.
I’m content to read the Rev’s retweets.
Brian Honey – you’re missing out on my wonderful witticisms.
Hi Paula Rose.
I had just started dipping into your stuff when you locked down your feed.
It’s wide open now I think.
Hi Paula Rose.
Found it. Also found this:-
link to
Yep – as you’ll notice no longer used, wrote to me to say she was changing her account name due to me being more famous.
Straw Poll on Crowdfunder to take Court Action against BBC for failure to uphold they,re charter as a Public Broadcaster,there is more than enough evidence of they,re Bias.
I pledge £500.
I am living on fresh air at the minute,I will ‘find’ £20 from somewhere. (Oil&Gas casualty
Good Luck Ronnie a great idea.
ronnie anderson
I’m no solicitor but if you can get one to work out the best angle to attack them I would put in a ton. Just ask me at the start of a month!
Stu would crowd fund it I am sure- you should email him for advice.
Brian doonthetoon
Thanks again Brian- the badges look great. The simple white yes on the blue EU flag worked out best on the wee 30mm badges.
My daughter’s “Badge it!” kids badge making kit is taking a break from making badges with pictures of fluffy animals, hearts and random colours to join the war effort.
I can sense from some of the stuff on the main threads and the 10,000 (well, 11,000) flags launch that the machinery is powering up again.
Will see what this march is like in Glasgow the morn- I am not on facebook and haven’t heard too much about it. Is anyone else going?
@ Tam Jardine You,ll be aware Stu watches the site, I will Email him Im just looking for input from Wingers & what they can Pledge at this time, You will appreciate this has wider ramifications for others ie printed press,we have to act before Indy Ref2.
@ carjamtic Thanks Pal only pledge as your pocket can afford,not everybody is of the same financial circumstances, as I said its a Straw Poll.
ronnie anderson
I think an action in the run up to indyref 2 would be perfect timing. I think Stu has been taking a wee bit of time off waiting to see how this will all pan out (and it can’t be easy gearing up for another exhausting campaign when you are so involved). As someone else mentioned Prof Robertson and G A Ponsonby are the guys to approach for evidence.
@Ronnie A –
£40 from The Brotherhood.
(Naw, not that one…)
@ Ian Brotherhood Thanks Ian I think You as with other Wingers will see the bigger picture if we are succesfull in this.
I’ll back you too Ronnie. Be careful though and never get in above your head. Keep to the road, don’t stray to the moors.
There are those that will see you fail.
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I can put in £20 wish it was more, tho every little bit helps
@ Cherry thanks for that Yes every little helps, sounding out just now, sat nite not the best time to put it up but hay hoo its out there.
@ Thepnr Thanks ah hiv faith in my fellow Wingers & the Rev, the wealth of experiance is/would be invaluable. The Rev has plenty complaint knock backs,as have individual Wingers,if we dont try we wont succeed in anything.
As somebody says on Toga,Yer shit as ah Troll, I was of line for ah wee while & came back as a Troll lol ah got pelters lolgae you,s wingers thats how its done lol.
We got cut off ronnie, never mind shit happens. Must have them running scared.
@ Thepnr Cut of twice times lol
Late to the party as usual, but you can count me in for a ton and maybe a bit more if it’s a good month
Like some others have already said, I think the tories will wriggle and squirm over pushing the brexit button. They will try anything to prevent the break up of the UK as without Scottish oil underpinning the pound their economy is fkd.
Further, if Scotland was to leave the UK they would have nowhere to put their WMD which will seriously affect the ‘special relationship’ with the US.
These two things were the reason we were ‘not allowed’ (I choose my words carefully there) to win independence in 2014. It was never going to be allowed to happen.
@ X Sticks Thanks testing the watter .
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This is a trailer for ‘The Fog Of War’, a documentary film about Robert McNamara.
He admits (in the full version) that, had the Allies not won the war, he would’ve been tried and convicted as a war criminal.
This may be useful viewing for those who are too young to remember how and why Blair was ‘given’ power, and will provide a handy comparison when everyone’s going tonto on Wednesday as Chilcot’s report finally sees the light of day.
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Ronnie put me in for fifty.