The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Not too shabby

Posted on June 01, 2017 by

…for one idiot and an occasional cartoonist talking to a country of only 4m adults.

And one of us DOESN’T EVEN LIVE THERE!!!!!

We’re indulging ourselves because May is usually our biggest time of year and that number will likely take a hefty dive next month, but it’s still almost 100,000 up on last May, which was itself the highest figure since the independence referendum.

And it’s decent going for a busted flush 🙂

(Although unlike our pedigree pal above, we at least make money. We really must get round to thanking him for that timely boost three days before our 2017 fundraiser.)

Cheers, readers. In so many ways, it’s all down to you. And who knows, if the figures get much bigger we might even get asked on the radio to comment on something one day without having to phone in covertly.

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Great stats! You should have your own radio show, not just the occasional call in. I think you’ll find June quite busy too. These quiet years are so restful.


Hey Stu,

I play poker, very badly, and had many river cards busting my flush! I know what it is and you ain’t it. Keep up the good work. Worth every penny!

Norrie Stewart

Congratulations Stuart, still think you should buy the Scotsman.

Lenny Hartley

Great figures, however not all from Scotland, with Google Analyatics you should be able to tell us how many from Cheltenam! What’s the most obscure country you get viewers from?

Tam Fae Somewhere

Wouldn’t bet on figures dropping too much. I can see a close election result and another election in October.

It is good to see more people looking outside the TV/newspapers for information.

donald anderson

Well done old chap.


An extraordinary achievement! Keep buggering on, Wings Over Scotland, as Winston Churchill half said.


Sharney Dubs

For us in far flung climes your a god send Stu!! Cheers and congrats!! The Dubs

David Mills

Busted flush who said that no seriously who to be passing such a judgement

His endeavours in this domain were checked by a real economist & I don’t see his pretty pictures being banded around as “proof” anymore.

David McCann

Its THE go to site every day! A must read.
Keep up this vital work as nobody else is doing it/

Flower of Scotland

Couldn’t live without my almost hourly check on Wings to see what Stu thinks of a certain situation or what Wingers think. It’s like a big family but the information held within this blog is outstanding.

The journalism on this blog outshines any newspapers and that is why people have turned to Wings Over Scotland for Scottish political news.

Street Andrew

Presumably you’ve thought about having a dedicated Wings radio station.

I know nowt about it, but I gather such things are relatively straightforward to set-up these days what with all this clever techno-thingummyjig.

I wonder how many Wings supporters would have the techno-how?

Scot Finlayson

Wonder if Dugdale`s mad witterings about Wings in parliament helped boost reader numbers,

maybe send her some flowers or a thank you note.

Proud Cybernat

Awesome, Rev. Just awesome!

Just goes to show – it really does pay to tell the truth.

May all your HAMMERS keep on hammering the tripe in the colonial media.


The best place to go for serious media dissection and a bit of banter. 🙂

winifred mccartney

Well done all and welcome to all our newbys and sly lurkers who want to know the truth but don’t want to admit where they got it from. Grateful thanks to the ‘linkers’ who broaden our knowledge and keep us sane. MSM dying along with their ‘truth’ and the sooner the better. Keep up the good work stu.

Fergus Green

Not shabby at all Stuart.

It would be fantastic for you to have your own radio phone in. Perhaps you could take over from Kaye after the election?

In the meantime, let’s crowdfund a takeover of the Scotsman.

Think big, aim high 🙂


Saw that piece about non MSM sites in the Guardian today and wondered how WoS compared. 1:10 is a great number! Keep it up!

Dr Jim

You’ll not get invited any time soon I’m thinking
Any idea which is not the right idea is deemed Divisive and let’s face it you’re now The Rev Divisive whether you like it or not and may go down in history with the likes of such luminaries as Guy Fawkes


That’s not to be sniffed at
Congrats to you
It will send lot’s of yoons
Back to sniffing the glue
Peace Always


“Presumably you’ve thought about having a dedicated Wings radio station.”

How many hours do you think my days have in them?”

Lets have an internet TV channel. Redirect the licence fee to WoS. 🙂

Patrick Roden

This is so encouraging, no wonder Kezia was sent out to ‘do the dirty’

Speaking of ‘busted flushes’ has Kevin Hagues business made a profit yet? If not, how the hell does someone start a business, lose money every year, but keep on trading and be invited on to the BBC as a financial expert?

No wonder the credibility of the BBC is at an all time low!


Well you cannot be that popular since you do not have intrusive expensive Libdem ads pissing everybody off!

Lenny Hartley

Wow 90% in Scotland , would have been impressed if it was 80% but 10% of the adults in Scotland reading Wings is incredible, bearing in mind around 20% of Scots adults do not use the Internet.
40k + a month unique viewers from London, wonder how many are paid to read WOS 🙂


Quite the phenom… phemon… nophemonen…

incredible, really.


“Well you cannot be that popular since you do not have intrusive expensive Libdem ads pissing everybody off!”

Use an adblocker. I never see them.


Terrific news Rev, especially for those of us who work tirelessly to promote this site and the factual content it preaches. Still plenty of room for improvement though, we’re not even at the half-a-million mark yet but those days are not too far off.

To those still making excuses and lies to promote BUM sites via direct links and dodgy fake commercial petitions, take note, this is the sort of support you are potentially sending in their direction. You are helping the Unionist cause and you’re helping to prevent WOS from reaching the No1 spot.

link to


That Guardian article was not an honest, impartial review of political websites. It was a Party Political Article on behalf of the Labour Party. That’s whyWoS wasn’t included.

call me dave

Well deserved numbers and an oasis in a desert of political lies and spin.

Your dissection and examination of the msm guff in the articles you post, added to the well informed commentators who are a joy to read make this an essential place to come.

There are many who are still being force fed their porridge with a Scottish wooden spoon still to benefit from a change of diet by coming here.

Well done!


@Lenny Hartley
If you do a location search on our IP address you get a location pretty much bang on Virgin’s Internet headquarters in Southern England. Not Dundee.

So what you propose would probably just find all the ISP hubs.

I suspect you would need a court order, or suborn a staffer for a hefty fee at the relevant ISP to find out more specifically IP address locations.

I would suggest that would not be a proportionate or sensible use of the fundraising money.


So adblocker works against the LibDems, that’s great, I never knew that. Perhaps that’s why I never see them around here!

mike d

First thing i do in the morning,look in on WOS. can’t start my day without it.

Sher Shon Shez

The Busted Flush was (is?) the houseboat from which John D MacDonald sent forth ‘salvage consultant’ Travis McGee to solve crimes and right wrongs. According to a well-known online encyclopedia, McGee ‘clings to what is important to him: his senses of honour, obligation and outrage’.

You’re in good company.

Bob Mack

Epic Rev. Just epic. Our own Horatio on the bridge.

“But now no sound of laughter
Was heard among the foes
A wild and wrathful clamour
From all the vanguard rose
Six spears length from the entrance
Halted that mighty mass
And for a space no man came forth
To win the narrow pass”

You defend our all too narrow bridge with courage and honour Rev. One day you will be rewarded.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Not too shabby …for one idiot and an occasional cartoonist talking to a country of only 4m adults. […]


Without this site all Scotland would have is the main stream media (and feck all hope of seeing anything other than their extreme right wing views).

Stay safe Stu. Seriously, you should have a ‘progression plan’ in place for somebody to continue this site in the same vein should something horrible happen to you.


If you took someone from say 1975 and showed them: Not viewed traffic includes traffic generated by robots, worms, or replies etc Then they would think the future was going to be very strange indeed.

The traffic generating robots probably wouldn’t though they would expect metal men, not software agents. The worms though would cause some head scratching.

Peter McCulloch

I would also echo the view that without this site many of us wouldn’t have access to the research and detailed information that Stuart carries out.

Which helps us to counter the tripe being peddled by the unionists.

Roger Hyam

Congratulations. How about your traditional comparison with circulation of Scottish papers?

Liz Rannoch

Excellent stats Rev!

Mind you, if you every say the next year’s going to be busy, I’m running for cover!!


A quiet year eh !
Well deserved recognition for your relentless, herculean efforts.
Has KD settled out of court yet ?


Kevin could do a graph with those numbers 🙂

Scott Shaw

Stu, could you not settle out of court with Kezia for a large donation to the SNP or Yes Scotland. :o)

Jack Collatin

Is there any truth in the rumour that Dugdale Rennie and Davidson are to set up a rival blog:- ‘Whingers Over Scotland’?
You are forecasting that things will dull down in June, Stu.
You also had your Mc Ternan moment at the turn of the year when you mused that nothing much would happen in 2017.
I think that June’s GE results may prove that you have miscalculated.
The Brexit is about to hit the fan.
The SNP will return 45 plus MPs, Corbyn will attempt to form a minority Coalition Government with the Lib Dems, all 4 of them, and canvas for cross party support to outlaw any future Scottish Referendums.
We’re having a Sit-In at my place next Thursday night. Lots of low fat rice pudding and black black tea.
Looking forward to the Fall and Fall of Theresa May, and the Rise, but inevitable souffle collapse of the Corbyn Surge in the wee sma’ hours of Friday morning.
Lovin’ it.


Lenny Hartley says:
1 June, 2017 at 9:31 am

Great figures, however not all from Scotland, with Google Analyatics you should be able to tell us how many from Cheltenam! What’s the most obscure country you get viewers from?

I used to have (years ago, pre Google Analytics) a website witha counter that, among other options, listed visitors by continent: ‘Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia, and Other’.

I would occasionally get hits from ‘Other’ but never worked out where it was. Atlantis or Mu probably.


@Jack Collatin
A low fat rice pudding would seem to be a false economy. Rice is high GI, pudding rice most especially so. Both fat and protein in the same meal lower the GI of carbs.

So that low fat rice pud is not as healthy as it might seem. Especially if the absence of the fat is made up for in the taste with some extra sugar.

Eating high GI carbs in profusion will likely result in a lot of the glucose being stored as fat unless everyone has just been for rather long run, cycle or swim and has very hungry muscles. So somewhat paradoxically a bit more fat lowering the GI and flattening out the blood glucose curve a bit would, by and large, result in less storage as fat.

Acids and fibre also lower the GI of carbs. Though they are somewhat anathema to a rice pud unless you want to add a tincture of lemon juice.

Mrs Muscleguy has long made a most excellent rice pud, latterly in the slow cooker. The inclusion of a tin of reduced milk in the recipe means I have to take a couple of lactase capsules to eat it safely, but it’s worth it.


Everybody,I was joking when I mentioned popularity and Lib/dem ads.

However their ads could be relabeled “Whingers over Scotland” .I often read their famous ad wrongly or perhaps correctly as “Whining here”

Is that adblocker free?

Ian McCubbin

Thanks keep doing what you do. This site makes a difference ????


FMQ in 5. I hope she congrats WOS.


Good news on the readership, the more informed people are the better.

What is more concerning is the Scots have effectively been told to shut up and do as they are told, Davidson is testing the water to see how far they can go, and the support for parties of self determination is now lower than in 2015 according to the polls. It’s hard to fathom out the people here sometimes.

Some who came from Labour in 2015 are probably drifting back under the illusion that Corbyn will change things, they are in for a big disappointment.

Others, lets call them sillarites, could probably vote Tory as they hate the EU more than they want independence.


I see one of Wings’ detractors tweets from Gifford in East Lothian. I once attended a lovely bring ‘n’ buy sale in a church hall there where I bought fruit scones.

I’ve never been back.

Dan Huil

Wings is the future.


Help ma boab! That’s pure dead brilliant so it is! 🙂

Dave McEwan Hill

As of this morning I’ve had eight – yes, eight – LibDem leaflets posted to me over the last fortnight, only three of which mention Alan Who? the LibDem candidate in Argyll and Bute and most of which were published and printed down south.

This is a blatant attempt to circumvent election expenses rules as by my calculation if this has been done across the constituency the LibDems have already gone past the spending limit.

I have no doubt whatsoever that this campaign (which comprises almost entirely of “no second referendum!” ) is not being financed by Argyll and Bute’s or even Scotland’s LibDems but from London.

Very proud of South Cowal yesterday. Went for a run and fifteen big Saltires in the gardens between Bullwood and Toward and not a U**** J*** to be seen


Excellent news.

If this Scottish independence gig is eventually pulled off,the Scottish Gov should commission the erection of 150foot columns with bronze statues of you atop in every town square of all Scotland.

Please let it be.

Dave McEwan Hill

It occurs to me that in this election the SNP is closer to Corbyn than the Labour Party in Scotland is


Great statistics. Vital information, and loads of superb comment. Congratulations all round.

Not Quite O/T: Let’s hope the usual thing happens, as it does every year, so that, yet again, as always …

The Beginning of June is the End of MAY …

Let’s work for the best possible outcome for Scotland on June 8th.

The end of May is truly possible now (far from sure, but certainly a lot more likely than it was a month ago).

And the end of old Teresa May will even be the best possible outcome for England …

And Tom Devine could still prove to be right after all, when he predicted that there’ll never be a Brexit … Even if it will still remain true that there’ll always be an England!

And why not? Let England be England – that’s what I say, no doubt along with many good English people.

So be it!

Even without a Brexit, and even without May, there could still be be an E-exit. In which England (and Wales?) exit alone. But Scotland won’t be coming along, won’t ne going anywhere.

Scotland’s ex-partner is England, not Europe.

Whatever happens on June 8th, well done this site!

Socrates MacSporran

S’truth mate – the would be Fat Controller didn’t mention Independence once – is she feeling OK?

It took Dippity Dug a wee while, but, eventually, she had to use the I word. Utterly predictable.

And, what a tube Ken MacIntosh is – he simply finds it impossible to censure the opposition when they jeer at the FM.

Eckle Fechan

Radio Free Scotland, live from Bath. Plenty of space on the DAB spectrum surely..

On Line #1, it’s Jeff from Aberdeen. Go ahead caller…

“Just some basic advice for all the younger generation folks out there.’Engage brain before opening mouth’. That’s all.”


BBC vote tory Politics lunchtime show bashing on about lefty biased BBC debate audience. Through the looking glass, but right the noo, FT toryboy is explaining why FT’s for Mayhem, and he’s fecking hilarious. Are these really Scotland’s imperial media master baiters? Chinless wonder doesn’t come close.


Thank you Stuart for all the hard work down the years. Very well merited results. loved the link under “comment” (smilie faced thingy).

Anent your comment Dave McEwan Hill at 12.07. SW Edinburgh the same in respect of the Tories. About five leaflets and letters to date, plus foot soldiers. They’re going after Joanna Cherry big time hence, I suppose, the resurrection by the BBC of the Nurse tweet (scandal – aye right).

Marie Clark

Well done Rev. You’re quite the go to guy for me. I don’t know how you do it day in and day out, especially with all the shit that gets thrown around.

I read wings every day, and throughout the day just to keep up. I always tell folk to come here and find out genuine information, not the pish of the MSM.

I’ve been having a wee rest from commenting because at times I felt my auld heid wid explode. I’ll be pleased when this flaming farce of election in over, and once the smoke clears, we’ll see where we are from then.


Great, recognition for WOS for providing some very decent journalism.

The daily rags are a joke, even the pretebdy lefty ones. They are full of tabloid pap and are there to create fear, and to numb minds with pictures of baby whats his name royal, or some celeb gossip. Like the bbc and other tv channnels, they use techniques designed to manipulate people, their thoughts and actions. A sorry state of affairs. Sometimes, especially at weekends, the piles of rags left on shelves, piled up on the floor at the end of a Sunday, is very telling. They tell people, people are learning to reject being told what to think! Though not all.

Yesterday, anyone could be forgiven for thinking that we are having a Scottish election next week. The daily rags were all, independence this, independence that, Nicola Sturgeon, Nicola Sturgeon. They are obsessed.

Keep analysing and taking the anti democratic rags to task Stuart. A huge thanks.

Lenny Hartley

Muscle guy I never proposed anything I wondered out loud.
If The nearest virgin hub is 400 odd miles away I would question whether the reliance of the network is acceptable.


Re;Dave Mcewan hill@12.12

Or would that not in fact be reversed? Surely Labour in London are taking a few pages out of the SNP policy book at the moment. Labour will ditch said policies if they are elected of course, as usual.


Here you go!
link to
Peace Always


Well done Rev, these are great stats with the added bonus of winding up Unionist politicians and journalists.

Marie Clark talked of her head exploding, no surprise there as I’ve felt the same. How do you manage to carry on?

Constitution of an Ox and skin of an Elephant.


A serious thanks Rev.
Oor Scottish terrier.
ALBA will be ours.

Andy Anderson

Onwards and upwards Stu. You must be doing something right.


I put in money for some badges on the last day. Should I have had them by now?


Thanks Stu, where would we be without you. I must admit that I catch up on wings twitter feed first, then here and as most say, dip in during the day to read the comments. I have learned a lot form the comments and the links, thanks Nana!
I honestly don’t think there is another website of this caliber on the internet. Outstanding analysis on a daily basis!

Dr Jim

Summary of todays FMQs

Oposition: The FM and Scotland is rubbish
FM: Actually we’re the best in the UK
Opposition: Excuses. it’s not good enough
FM: Actually in some ares we’re the best in the world

Opposition: !*!Divisive Independence Referendum!*!

Jack Murphy

OT. TODAY. Scottish Parliament TV.

Archived,and now available to view at:

link to


The Guardian, a little slow on the uptake:

DIY political websites: new force shaping the general election debate

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Congrats – seriously impressive digits!



The figures tell me there is still a demand for real news and not the pish served up by the BBC and the msm

Keep going stu you’re a star

Brian Doonthetoon

As Scot Finlayson typed at 9:50 am,

“Wonder if Dugdale`s mad witterings about Wings in parliament helped boost reader numbers,
maybe send her some flowers or a thank you note.”

I don’t think the free publicity at FMQ’s (and the reports in the press) did any harm. In fact, I would surmise it contributed to the huge increase in unique readers outlined above.

Onnyhoo, well done Rev Stu!


Well well done Rev Stu!!!

Thankgoodness you and all our Wingers are on our side = )


Congrats Stu. The numbers are but a reflection of who and what you are, and of what you do and have done. Arguably, you are the most influential voice in Scotland’s politics on a daily basis – and long may it continue. Independence? Not without you.


When an intellectual minnow uses cliches like busted flush, sometimes one can stretch the analogy to a point beyond their limited capacity.

You can still win the pot with a busted flush, it all depends on the opponent’s (villain’s) range. If you bet the turn and river as a bluff some percentage of the time you can get the villain to fold a better hand, depending on how the board texture changes on the turn and river.

Also you might have a combo draw on the flop, like a flush and gutshot straight draw, and your over cards might be good, so they count as outs as well. If all you have is a naked flush draw & you’re up against a top pair hand you also have back door two pair outs. All this adds to your equity and is not insignificant. Point being, i can have busted flush and still beat your arse in poker, politics and life.

Politics is a game. And the aim is to be GTO (Game Theory Optimal), even though no one really knows what that is, especially in poltics. But, I would say Wings is pretty close to being GTO, and i can’t say there’s much in Scottish Politics and/or Socttish Media that’s on our side that comes close to being GTO. And that is a shame. Well done on the numbers gadgie.


Goodness me, that is quite something. Well done Stuart.

I often wonder where we would be without Wings, there would be nowhere for us all to let of steam and share ideas.
This site is unique in so many ways, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping me relatively sane!

Jack Collatin

muscleguy@ 11.37 am.
Feckit, Guinness and pretzels it is then.


May seem lile a morbid question but What contingencies have you made in case anything happened to you? It must go on.

Reluctant Nationalist

Noice wan Rev.

If you want to increase those figures to over 4 million, just register nine other domain names which all direct to this site, and attribute the site’s total traffic to each address, then add them all up. Sorted.

Also, if you register some more domains you can increase the population of Scotland, solving many of the onerous issues of an ageing population.


Well done Stuart… I really don’t know what I would do without my daily fix. You have taught me (others too)so much…I found your blog for the first time in the early hours of the 19th September 2014. I had just joined the SNP too!! I’ve never missed a day since…who said politics is dull. Long may your pen hold ink. Just keep correcting their lies! Thank you.x


Great news. And congratulations in order. Keep up the good work of dissecting the all our MPs, MSPs and MSM news.

Been on this site virtually daily since I discovered it in late 2012.

Great contributors on a daily basis with all the links to the news don’t need to go anywhere else to be informed and upto date with everything going on in Scotland, UK and the world.

You are worth every penny of our contributions.

Lang may yer lum reek.


Great news Rev! Don’t know what I would do without WoS to keep me sane. If I need to find out what is really going on in politics in Scotland, Wings is the first place I look. As others have said, I have learnt so much on so many topics from yourself and your fantastic Wingers. Many many thanks. Don’t stop now, we are getting so close to the goal!


I repeat my previous advice to the Rev. Stuart Campbell:

“You are worth your weight in gold as far as the struggle for Scottish independence is concerned.

You are also a dangerous enemy to the establishment.

Use some of the money to move to a safe secret location out of reach of the black arts brigade of the British Establishment before it strikes.”

As I have said before, I honestly and seriously believe that if Yes wins, it will be WOS and its author that has tipped the balance in favour of Yes.”

Marker Post

Congrats Rev.

What the Tories haven’t realised by now, is that the 45 are never going to go away. Until they become the 46, and then the 47, and then the 48 etc. etc.

Jim Thomson


As for the non-Scotland stats, those ones from Tonga, Fiji and Kiribati … hiya! *waves hand energetically*

Back in time for the box crossing exercise – airlines permitting.

Got a couple more down here also now looking 🙂

Arthur Martin

Well done Stu.
I pop in here several times a day for my regular fix of the truth. There are many very knowledgable folk in here that deserve a big THANK YOU!
With stats like those above, it looks as if I’m not on my own, so I extend a laurel, and hardy handshake to each and every one of us. 🙂


What do the daily/weekly/monthly stats look like for non-unique visitors?

ie what’s the median stats on people revisiting the site?

I know there’s a hard-core of posters here but I’m just wondering what’s the frequency of visiting like for the median visitor – multiple visits/day, once a day, once every couple of days, etc etc.


Brilliant. Well Done.

WoS is a must read while the first mug of tea of the day is being consumed, catching up on overnight comments. I now no longer read MSM news without looking for the slant, bias, omissions, etc. The MSM complain about fake news but they started it, they were probably always at it but have now been found out. There is no future for the dead tree scrolls if they continue to present events through a reality distortion field.

Four hundred and eighty thousand, two hundred and fifty-four unique visitors in a month for a one man (and an occasional artist) blog is nae bad ava (he says in a typically undemonstrative fashion). Assuming, not unreasonably, that the unique visitors visit regularly then there are more WoS readers than the Scottish Sun (224,298) and the Daily Record (190,985) combined, certainly many, many more readers than the Herald (43,257) or the Scotsman (32,435).

To what extend should we thank Ms Dugdale’s irrational outburst at FMQ? Should she be sent a token of appreciation? Answers on the back of (virtual) postcard.


The Tories up here in Moray, have put three flyers through my door, all of which have been posted back through the door of Dougie “expenses” Ross’s agent with the message, not to post any more of this right wing sh*te through my door, I wish more would do the same.


Good on ye highseastim, tae hell wi the lot o’ them.

Morna Kirk

I’ve been a longtime lurker since before the referendum – can’t remember when I found you – but I couldn’t go a day without checking this site. Stu’s analysis and disection of the outright lies and distortions of the truth are a wonderful breath of fresh air.

I love the comments too and have learned so much. Never comment myself as I feel others are so much more knowledgeable than me and make their points so well especially Mr Peffers, Dr.Jim, Macart but there are so many more.

Thank you all.


Excellent 🙂

A. Graham

Great stuff! More power to your elbow/keyboard. 🙂


I hope Robert OK as we haven’t heard from him for a couple of days.

Bob p

Great posters on here . my favourites,Dr jim,manandboy,macart,and too many others to mention. You are all formative and enlightening. Brilliant.

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    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “SoullessJan 12, 22:06
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “Joanna Cherry KC @joannaccherry: “Moira didn’t “attack” Nicola Sturgeon, she simply asked her to refrain from her repeated attacks on…Jan 12, 22:02
    • gregor on In Ruins: “…as well as Pete and Patrick (no big deal:)Jan 12, 21:55
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “#Hide #Hunting #MeJan 12, 21:46
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “War Babies: Quarantine Core: Idiot Proof: “Grade school level PHD Word of Mouth University Can’t trace a single solid fact…Jan 12, 21:15
    • Shug on In Ruins: “I see the national has a heading on Swinney “i plan to finish the job on indy” I can only…Jan 12, 21:02
    • gregor on Inability To Learn: “‘YOU LOT’ can’t even agree to safeguard children: #ChildAbuseMonstersJan 12, 21:02
    • Chas on In Ruins: “Who wrote the book? Is it any good fur wipin yer erse?Jan 12, 20:58
    • Alf Baird on Inability To Learn: “Interesting article, although rather ignorant of the history and significance of the Scots language which was the language of the…Jan 12, 20:56
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Mark Beggan: “If you do then I know a guy who does a good line in Miu Miu, everything for…Jan 12, 20:52
    • gregor on Safeguarding Is Not Right-Wing: “Mark Beggan: “Do you wear women’s clothes?” 12, 20:48
    • gregor on Eyes Full Of Beams: “Andy Ellis, quotes: “Gregor is the Cameron Brodie “de nos jours”. From memory it took an inordinate amount of time…Jan 12, 20:40
    • George Ferguson on Inability To Learn: “Roddy Dunlop called it. Past the point of basic human rights. Either charge Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon or don’t.…Jan 12, 20:39
  • A tall tale

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