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Wings Over Scotland

New frontiers in lying

Posted on August 07, 2014 by

Alert readers will be aware that even in a campaign characterised by dishonesty, the ever-smirking Labour MSP Jackie Baillie has carved a reputation for especially notable creativity with the truth. With our hands on our hearts, we don’t think we’ve ever heard her say anything that wasn’t a lie. However, on last night’s The World Tonight on BBC Radio 4, we believe she reached a spectacular personal best. Have a listen.


If you can’t quite believe your ears, we’ll transcribe that for you.

In response to a question about whether existing immigrant families might perhaps feel more comfortable and happy in a more politically-welcoming independent Scotland than the increasingly hostile UK (the full segment is here), Baillie of course completely dodged addressing the difficult point. But what she DID say was remarkable:

“You speak to many immigrant families as I do, and the reality is the families aren’t concentrated in Scotland, they’re concentrated in the rest of the United Kingdom. The break-up of the United Kingdom would make them slightly more distant geographically, as well as politically.”

Remember where you read it first, readers –  a Yes vote will make Scotland physically move further away from the rest of Britain. Vote No to avoid a fracture of not only a political union, but the continental plate.

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Doug Daniel

Did you not get the memo, Stu? We’re all getting shovels, then we’ve to meet at Rory’s Pile of Stones on the 19th September and start digging.


Has she been confused by someone saying that a Yes vote would be a ‘political earthquake’, do we think?


Pesky nationalist plate tectonics!


Regarding Rory’s pile, is it not the case that it is open to the public? Let’s pop down there and annexe it as the Independence Cairn, piled high with Yes flags.


We can use the same shovels that we used to dig the hole to hand Margaret Thatcher over to Satan in person (via Frankie Boyle)


Personally if we do manage separayshun I’d help paddle a wee bitty closer to the Equator…

James Sneddon

Blimey Jackie really doesn’t engage brain before opening month. Roll on the next Scotiish election and the good folk can vote her back to the park bench obscurity which suits her mettle.

David S Briggs

Perhaps when she lies through her teeth it’s stupidity and not mendacity?

David Wardrope

Jackie Baillie: Open mouth, lets big words spew out, close mouth, smile. Job done.

I feel as if the debate has moved past the argument stage, you simply can’t try to offer rebuttals to the No camp’s reasoning any more.

Colin Cameron

Never bind border posts, sounds like we’ll need a ferry crossing on the M6!


At the end of this debate, It would be good to compile a top 20 of JaBa’s lies. Would 20 be enough?

Seasick Dave

She’s wrong on both parts of her statement; geographically they would not be more distant, politically they would be many light years distant.

Drew McMorrin

Baillie – time after time it has been proved that she is economical with the truth. She knows full well that she will not receive any scrutiny from the MSM.


What an absolute dobber

Peter Sneddon

She is one sinister horror of a woman, it’s almost as if it’s all a big game of piss take and it’s not only the only game in town for Jackie Baillie, it’s also her very own favourite because she’s such
a natural.

Murray McCallum

That could be a massive job creation scheme – digging Scotland away from the main British Isle.

We could adopt Christy Moore’s song as a national anthem –“Don’t Forget Your Shovel”.

It’s all starting to fit together.


If they are concentrated in the rest of the UK, they’re not going to be voting at all on 18th September. Or have I missed someething?


I’ve got a pile I’d like to deposit on Rory’s cairn.

Big Steve Chisholm

It’s like a weird Victorian parlour game where you have to improvise for a minute on a randomly given theme, then end with the punchline “… will say No Thanks on 18 September”.

It doesn’t matter what you say, so long as you stay in the game.


Perhaps she is thinking of the climb needed to scale The Wall.


That smug look on her coupon after she’s told her latest lie; you just know she was a clype at school!


Heard another Better Campaigner lie on BBC yesterday…..
Yesterday morning on BBC Radio Scotland’s “Morning call”, A caller made some points to Prof. Jim Gallagher. One of the points was “Oil in the Clyde south of Arran”. The caller suggested there had been a “D notice” served on the subject. Prof Gallagher said it was so secret that he had never heard of it / knew nothing of it.
Even though James Lambie ex Labour MP for Ayr went public on this late last year in the Sunday Post. and in the last few weeks Heseltine admitted he had made the decision to turn down BP’s application for a Production License


If this is the calibre of politicians that we elect to represent us:

We’re doomed!


I know this is asking a lot but did the interviewer not pick her up on it? I know….


I met people exactly like her when I was a mature student at Glasgow University. They could present bullshit beautifully, some even with Powerpoint. I got to know one of them and she lived by the principle of ‘make it up and believe it’ when either answering a question verbally or writing an essay. She went on to become a marketing manager for a brewery. I hope she wasn’t organising the piss-ups.


I’m not sure Ms Baillie views reality in the same way as the rest of us you know. 🙂


I now have visions of her cutting Scotland away from England ala Bugs Bunny removing Florida.


Is this particular politician capable of talking anything other than pure shite?


Have you not heard about the Iapetus Suture, Stu?

link to

I think the plates are actually coming together there, if anything, but I’m sure Salmond has this dastardly plan to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow and set them moving in the other direction.

No no no...Yes

Jackie Baillie represents everything that is wrong with Scottish Labour. She cannot tell the truth, she has her own interests at heart, does not give a jot about her constituents, goes to Tory Lunches and has a deep rooted hatred of the SNP.

I do have trust in Alex Salmond, but the MSM are having a field day- we knew this would happen regardless of his perfromance. We really do need re-double our efforts and convince people that only YES vote can make a true difference to everyone in Scotland.
The currency message is that on 19 September Scotland has a right to continue using the pound and there will be discussions with the UK governemtn about a currency union.
The public don’t want to know about the technical details, so don’t fog the issue for them.

David Sharp

Labour are miraculous at bending natural laws.

According to Darling Scots age quicker than the rest of the human race.

That’s why we’re awaiting a pensions ‘timebomb’ dontcha know.


I know it’s sometimes difficult to distinguish between SLAB lying and dumbfuckery, but to be charitable this looks like the latter. As with most habitual liars, JaBa has lost the basic ability to distinguish between fact & fiction and just lets guff pour from her in an un-ending stream.

Graeme Doig

Apart from the obvious ‘geographical’ comment i can’t work out what this woman is talking about.
A case of ‘Another plot : Lost’

Nana Smith


Independence is fine for any country except of course for Scotland. Self serving US congressmen back BT

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Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Jackie Baillie is a wonderful gift to the Yes campaign.

I have not come across anyone, even those I know who are No’s, who she did not irritate and put off hugely. Why the No campaign cannot see this I find incredible. If they did even a cursory voter panel on any of her many interviews she would never appear on TV or radio again. Let’s hope they never have the brains to do so and the No campaign keep her on the media as much as possible from now until the referendum.



Fracking on border creates new tectonic plate. Scotland to reach Faroe Islands by Noon.

Ron Burgundy

The interesting point would be to know the follow up question from the BBC drone interviewing her because we all know BTBBC would have all over a YES spokesperson talking mindless shit like that.

Bet it was something like – “Ms Baillie we know the YES campaign is an ethnic nationalist campaign so how safe will minorities be in Salmond’s Scotland”?


putting aside the laughable comment about Scotland fracturing the continental plate…would love Ms Baillie to have answered the question honestly. Why should Scottish families who happen to have a ‘foreigner’ in them be punished and forced into exile or be split up because her party and those in Westminster believe South England is ‘full up’ and they need to be ‘tough’ on immigration? Well done Wings for exposing this and previously highlighting Labour’s many astonishing anti-foreigner comments…if you are a family in the rest of the UK that has been split up or forced into exile – suggest you consider moving to an independent Scotland – your family will be welcome, where you can bring your children up in a non-hostile, safe (small risk of aliens from space attacking but that is all) environment.


Perhaps they are planning to frack the Iapetus Suture!

john j

Haw, Rev. Give the woman a break, she’s not lying, she’s just stupid.

ronnie anderson

Awe FFS ave nae time tae re write the lyrics of some o they songs with ( distance , mileage in them ) Road & the Miles Tae Dundee, I Could Walk 500 Miles ect,ect, ect,ther she,s goat me using up awe ma commas again.


Unless in an independent Scotland we plan to adopt the Gall-Peters projection map over the Mercator projection map.

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O/T What’s the odds for Mad Boris being the last PM of the UK?

Somehow, it seems appropriate!


“You speak to many immigrant families as I do?…The break-up of the United Kingdom would make them slightly more distant geographically, as well as politically.”

Distant from? It is pretty creepy though, if you’re a immigrant to any country with UKIP etc on the march too.

Bailie does a lot of quite creepy, unsettling, snaggy worry stuff. She’s like a B horror movie support actor, trying to set the frightener tone. She slots in really well with project fear so it’s surely just a coincidence.

She does look quite jolly though, her British time has come, which is a bit disorientating but Bliar MacFatboy looked quite ill on STV, for his post debate bleh. The black rings round Bliar’s eyes under all that TV make up also says a lot about project fear. So he’s ruining his health for the yewkay, but Scotland wants it’s independence Bliar.

A quadruple bypass for TeamGB. He’ll have private health care insurance, British insurance!


As my father used to say … “opens her mouth and lets her guts rumble”.

Brain not involved in the output in any way.

Why did anyone vote for these people?

It’s rhetorical. We know there were (past tense) parts of Scotland where a cuddy with a red rosette on its ear would get elected.


I think Jackie Baillie’s problem is that she is so desperate to toe the unionist party line that the contortions to do so strangle whatever intellect survived her New Labour programming.

She also seems totally devoid of any moral constraint in telling porkies but then she is a politician.


The long overdue dissolution of a corrupt, dishonest political Union causes the movement of tectonic plates?
Away – yer kidding.

Jim Thomson

Eh? … just … EH?


link to if you’re out there Bliar, and we know you are, this is for you. Look she’s spelling out UKOK with her flat belly work out.

Les Wilson

She is one horrible woman, then there is her own version of politics. She IS just one part of a delusional machine, she is just a fraction more delusional than others involved in their anti democracy campaign.

What really gets me wound up is her constant smirking whenever she is found out, she has utterly no shame.
I cannot wait for her fall, just as with the rest of the deceivers.


There’s a nice wee photo in Wikipedia of the Iapetus Suture on the Isle of Man, with a guy straddling it, “one foot in Europe and the other in North America”. Just a couple of lines about the fault in Great Britain, noting that “The Caledonian orogeny united the northern and southern portions of present-day Great Britain. The Iapetus Suture runs from the Solway Firth to Lindisfarne” without even mentioning Scotland and England, or noting that the fault runs more or less along the actual border.

I wonder if there’s somewhere in Scotland you could get a similar photo to the Isle of Man one? Apparently we’re “Laurentia” and England is “Avalonia” and never the twain shall meet (except they did).

Ian Brotherhood

I don’t care what she says. She’s still a babe.

G H Graham

Jackie Baillie is a liar. And I can prove it.

She repeatedly claims that there are at least 11,000 jobs at HM Clyde.

link to

However, recent freedom of information requests made to the MOD reveal that the total number of jobs is only 520.

ronnie anderson

Rite am oota here,KendoMB am going to Maryhill foodbank
Castle St,unless of course ah canny find it, with Baillies
distance changes oh ah ave no goat a SatNav.

catch up laters Lads n Lasses.

Les Wilson

Ian Brotherhood says:

Very droll Ian Ha Ha!

G H Graham

By the way, obviously apart from Jackie Baillie, who could single handed, rescue Greggs from bankruptcy, is everyone else on the front benches at Holyrood, on a diet?


What can be said of Jackie (two dinners) Baillie, that hasn’t already been said, I think she thinks because she’s quite an eloquent speaker, that somehow, the lies she’s spew out won’t sound so bad,or even get noticed, guess what Jackie we’ve noticed the lies for some time now. You’re a disgrace to Scotland.


heedtracker is that an ‘after’ photie of oor Jackie on that page?

Graeme Doig

Nana Smith

I was so hoping we could still be part of usa’s ‘transatlantic strategy’.

Reason number … ach i lost count years ago … for voting YES

jon esquierdo

Double fish supper for Baillie please


Their very title “Better Together” is a lie, so it’s hardly surprising that all the arguments they muster are blatant lies.

This one also smacks of blatant stupidity, but she is a member of the Labour Party, so that is no great surprise either.



Sadly unless we show some restraint in sucking the black stuff out of the ground* a more equatorial climate will be coming to meet us. Along with attendant sea level rises and all the infrastructure costs swallowing all that oil money.

*We could leave it in the ground for our grandchildren’s weans to think about uses for in the world we will have bequeathed them. The idea of burning it for fuel may well horrify them.


Read somewhere recently someone’s comment which I thought was good.

If Scotland becomes Independent we’ll be rewriting history , not geography.


Note that at the moment resource extraction licenses are issued by Westminster (which is why Cameron was in Shetland, not Salmond). Since the licenses will have been issued by a ‘foreign’ state iScotland could choose to revisit them. So the decision on how much to exploit the oil West of Shetland or in the Clyde Basin will be very much ours.

We need to think hard about the lure of petrodollars vs the need to keep a lid on Climate Change. You know what the world will think about a country that sits happy on oodles of renewable energy and then sells great dollops of the black stuff to countries which refuse to see the light? Do we want to be hypocrites?

The Man in the Jar

We will require lots of JCB`s. Oh hold on!!!

Nana Smith

Well this just makes me more determined to vote YES

Wonder if they’re all coming to help Rory build his mound of stones.

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Cognitive Dissonance or the art of shooting oneself in the foot while it is still in ones mouth.

Out leafleting for YES I was approached by a man, 40ish, who said he didn’t want a pamphlet and didn’t want to talk about it. I had been out for 2 hours was tired and at the end of my run so I said fine, smiled and made to walk on.

Well for someone who didn’t want to talk he did, and for the next half hour we ranged all over the independence debate. I say debate but this man was from the Alistair Darling school of thinking. At one point I had to say ” you know, we are not going to get anywhere if you will insist in asking questions and answering them yourself”

It eventually transpired that he had voted SNP (he claimed) but was voting NO because Alex Salmond didn’t say he would get rid of the monarchy or adopt the Euro.

I am sure Socrates would be proud.


Lying comes so naturally to Baillie that you wonder how it affects her normal life –
Kids: wheres dinner mum?
JB: Its on the table,
Kids: Eh… no its not,
JB: Ofcourse it is children (in usual extremely patronising tone)
Kids: No its not mum, have you eaten it again?
JB: Don’t be so silly, Alex Salmond ate it…



Actually we won’t even be re-writing history as that’s happened already. We’ll only be writing the future.

It’s a point worth making as britnats harp on about changing 300 years of history blah blah. Well, that’s actually not changing. The crimes of the Empire won’t be altered in any way and neither will WW2 etc.


O/T Rev, I do apologise.

The fiercely anti-independence, and Tory/London owned Daily Record, has a double page spread claiming a top SNP insider admitting, Alex Salmond blew it, this story provides no names or back up, its all just a propaganda smear campaign by the unionist Record. The Record also give a platform to Alistair Darling, in another double page spread, in which AD goes on to attack Alex Salmonds debate answers.

The chinless wonder of the western world Torcuil Crichton jumps on the band wagon,and slate Alex Salmond, the hypocrite that Crichton is, he praises Baroness Warsi, for her actions, yet he fails to mention it was his beloved Labour, that dragged us into the illegal wars of Afghanistan and Iraq, which led to the deaths of millions of muslims.

Finally I was under the impression that Better Together and the YES Campaign, were running the independence referendum, I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m not.

Then why has the UK Government taken out a full page spread in the Glasgow Evening Times urging Scots to vote no, and stay in the union.


Has she been on the Peroni again?


Didn’t the interviewer pick her up on this careless,stupid or malicious statement?

Dave McEwan Hill

Slightly O/T
Has oor Eck gently led them into a trap

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donald anderson

Alastair MacDonald sings “We’ll dig a trench along the Border” or Scottish Naval Patrol, SNP.

Chic McGregor

Ah yes, but technically, does imbecility count as lying?


@ nana Smith 10.16
There were 27 signatures on that US Congress statement. There are 100 senators and 450 representatives in the US Congress so that was a very very very small and unrepresentative sample. I think we can file it under “spin”.
Perhaps we should ask them to rewrite their “Declaration of Independence” and rejoin the UK, then when we leave the Union they can take our place and retain their “special relationshp”.
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If we are moving geographically, can we go somewhere warmer? Maybe if we move nearer Brazil, our football will get better? *hopeful face*

jon esquierdo

Andy B

Re Daily Record I am in the process of e-mailing Political editor David Clegg at the Record to ask him to name one senior SNP member who voiced against alex Salmond


@ Mealer 11:14 am
“Didn’t the interviewer pick her up on this careless,stupid or malicious statement?”
Don’t be silly! Neither did Jim Naughtie this morning on Radio 4 when Ruth Davidson (unopposed) said that AS couldn’t tell us which currency we will be using. Naughtie didn’t say “It’ll be the pound, of course. The pound. We’ll be using the pound. I wish I had a shilling for every time we’ve been told it’ll be the pound.”
Answer the question, what currency well we be using?


@jon esquierdo says:

Double fish supper for Baillie please

Porkie pies are her favourite.


@ Macandroid says:
heedtracker is that an ‘after’ photie of oor Jackie on that page?

Yes it is. What a difference eh? Jake’s 50 and hails from Hongkong, knows her vote No thanks onions. One thing about Bailies No Thanks BBC appearances is how quick the BBC whips the camera off of her if she does anything but look straight ahead. It’s all probably just another BBC coincidence.

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Hmmmm Scottish Rum instead of whisky…..keep talking, you had me at Mcjito!


Laugh, I nearly sprayed my morning cuppa across the living room !


Tectonic plates for independence…


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Caption competition!

“Eughistalablasterc bleh, scary, vote No.”


Large plates, Jackie Baillie, too easy


Pray tell Ms Baillie, where were these families that you speak of, if they are ‘geographically and politically’ concentrated in the rest of the UK? Did ya dae a midnight flit to Leeds, to speak to them?


jon esquierdo says:
7 August, 2014 at 11:21 am
Andy B

Re Daily Record I am in the process of e-mailing Political editor David Clegg at the Record to ask him to name one senior SNP member who voiced against alex Salmond

Good luck with that Jon though I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting on a meaningful reply, from the Daily Record, who tell more lies than the Daily Mail, and the Scotsman put together.


Well I believe everything she says as how could she possibly put her foot in her mouth?

Perhaps she is referring to some 500 million plus years ago when what is now Scotland was bobbing about south of the equator before our landmass tracked north.


Mildly off topic I see New Labour hypocrisy continues with Labour voting to retain Trident yesterday in Holyrood – no surprise that the Tories did or that the Liberals followed them like sheep.

Labour loves them WMDs


C’mon folks. It was only a joke!


I’m going to have to start wearing incontinence pants before reading posts here. Thanks for laugh of the day so far, JaBa 🙂

jon esquierdo

Man in the jar

We will need a lot of jcbs oh wait . We will certainly need one to lift Jackie across the moat after we are split apart.

Perhaps Mr Bamford will refuse to give us one


It’s actually quite shocking hearing an adult say out loud and with emphasis, Scotland will be “geographically distant”

Why are they not laughed at in the streets?


So, not only am I going to have to take my passport and get through the masses of border guards, sniffer dogs and razor wire, to get to work on the other side of the border every morning, now imma need a boat?

Robert Peffers

@Iain says: 7 August, 2014 at 10:15 am:
“As with most habitual liars, JaBa has lost the basic ability to distinguish between fact & fiction”

Methinks you presume far too much. You claim she lost the basic ability but have offered no evidence she ever had the basic ability in the first place.

David Wardrope

@IanBrotherhood 10.44am

Ian, coffee out of my nose there. It was sore



I agree, Scottish Labour voting to keep Trident got me angry. The proposition under debate was that in the event of Scotland becoming independent, Trident should be removed. So by opposing, SLAB are saying that even if we become independent, they want to keep Trident.

We need to know more about this. How exactly would this work? Would we pay for it? Would we be asked if it was OK to shoot any time rUK was thinking of using it? Presumably we would need to set up a Firing Authorisation Committee consisting of Scotland, rUK and the USA (we need them because even now the UK can’t use it without USA approval).

Or would it be that it was rUK’s WMD, we would not pay, but just to be nice to rUK, we would let them keep it 25 miles from our largest city? Can you imagine anything more preposterous?

I would have some respect for Labour if they had said something like “We want to stay in the UK, we want to keep Trident, but if we become independent, we agree that it would not be appropriate for Scotland to keep Trident. So we support the motion.” But oh no, because it was an SNP government motion, and because as we all know, SNP are BAD, then we have to oppose the motion, irrespective of how illogical that makes us.


Chic McGregor

@Iain Brotherhood

“I don’t care what she says. She’s still a babe.”

Agree. Great movie.


It’s been re-confirmed that JB is an out and out liar. You must realise where this comes from. She has never recovered from the fact that her friend of Hungry Green Caterpillar fame resigned from her hallowed position in the Labour parliamentary group over an illegal contribution to her party when the SNP blew the gaff on her. It’s apparent that one dishonest action can lead to another. On the other hand, maybe she is just a natural born liar.

Bugger (the Panda)


Jackie Baillie cannot see her foot nevermind place it in her mouth.


@Chic McGregor

Tea – screen – fecked. 😀

Bugger (the Panda)

Bbc r4 bigging it and saying Jim Sillars, ex vp of SNP says Salmond lost on Tuesday.

I was seriously thinking of giving to the Margo bus but not now.

Jim Sillars, the man with unerring ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Sad and Bitter

Nation Libre

Oh come on, she was only joking. Can’t believe you took that seriously


George Black Glasgow City Councillor, to retire, no big deal right? wrong, Mr Black has been on a salary of £170.000 pounds per year, an astonishing amount of money for a councillor. The Glasgow Evening Times ran a story last week which showed at least 10 councillors at the City Chambers are on a wage over £100.000 pounds per year.

This Labour run lubyanka also known as Tammany Hall, is a law unto itself, though, tomorrow they’ve decided to fly the Palestinian flag over the chambers, in solidarity with the poor souls who’ve suffered greatly in Gaza.

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[…] « New frontiers in lying […]

Mary Bruce

I don’t understand what she’s on about anyway.

Is her statement that immigrant’s families are more concentrated in the rest of the UK even correct? Surely most immigrants who come to Scotland have their families concentrated where they come from, in Poland or Bulgaria etc than they do in rUK?

Or is she suggesting that people who come to Scotland from England to work are immigrants?

Or is she just spouting any old guff to convince herself that all the evidence that says immigrant families will vote yes isn’t true?


Press and Journal going mental today, “AlicSamin boo hiss, blew his chance to win votes headlines, BetterTogether signs vandalised outrage, leader under fire on currency outrage, that’s Willie Young, QC’s urge SNP to level with voters, and the Kirk to stream a debate, so another day in far right Aberdeen land. P&J also have a hard on for another UKOK Pof who says that the post debate snap poll showed Darling is the greatest by 56%

Who knew Professors for the union were so disinterested in facts n shit. Prof says AlicSamin failed to “exploit BT’s weakest point Scotland cannot pay it’s way but neither could give positive vision” also massive headline demand Aberdeen by pass be built faster, which is very odd as P&J never bothered before or after not Scots oil struck 40 glorious UKOK years ago, massive No Thanks boosts for Darling in letters page and talk about squandering money on your own media corp, full page P&J 5 reasons to vote NO thanks advert, of which we all have to pay for. Must be the biggest overkill in UKOK propaganda, since yesterday.

Very local news front page, massive UKOK No Thanks propaganda pressure inside, Scotland and democracy shut down once and for all by the Press and Journal.

Also bizarre full page P&J boost for future UKOK Prime Minister Boris Johnson aimed at Aberdeen and North East of Scotland. What are these strange characters on.

David Wardrope

O/T re the open letter from celebs telling us to stay, I see Ray Winstone’s name is on the list. Funny, because he came across a bit differently on HIGNFY. I for one would like to see a list of celebs who want to see “the UK rid of Scotland”, and I suspect it would be a far greater list than the ‘Lets Stay Together’ list.


Andy B
Just as a matter of accuracy, Black is Chief Executive, not a councillor. He’s like a civil servant – not a politician.

Agreed that the salary is obscene, even although it is a big job. There are lots of people who could do that job for a fraction of the money.


I’m not sure how this works unless Scotland can be sailed happily away into the sunset lol 🙂 .


Thanks Jackie, NOW I know why the Gretna Towers looks like it does. Better Thanks/NO Together/Project Feart or whatever they call themselves this week are going to be digging a tunnel with the Gretna Towers as its entrance. The tunnel will bore its way all the way to Berwick where once it reaches the North Sea it will flood and cause a massive crack to appear between Scotland and England. Scotland will then float off into the sunset never to be seen again! 😛


I am no longer surprised by anything they say or do. However, I realise I will probably have to eat my words as they will surpass even this, God help us..


Most economic migrants have their immediate families in one place, I.e, the place where they are working, not fractured and spread across the UK.
Of course the Interviewer was talking about migrants to Scotland as part of the UK which Jackie Bailie sneakily twisted as she was talking about people moving within the UK, i.e, English, Welsh, etc.
I spoke to one who said they will vote no because they fear they will be removed from Scotland in the even of Independence even though her daughter was born here, so, the scare tactics are working on some people in respect of our membership of the EU.
On the other hand, is there not a facebook page dedicated to EU citizens that are going to be voting yes to independence?


I have a feeling that with only 41 days to go JaBa’s comments will seem almost sane before the end.
Desperation has now crept in to the union camp and all sense and morality will be thrown out along with truth and reason, and only shrill outbursts of lies and scaremongering left, supported of course by the MSM and the EBC.

Robert Peffers

@yerkitbreeks says: 7 August, 2014 at 10:06 am:
“I’ve got a pile I’d like to deposit on Rory’s cairn.”

Whit fir is a’body sae interestit in Rory’s stanes?
Hiv Ah missed somethin?

north chiel

ref. the “daily record” and “P&J” little wonder the circulation figures for the London owned “Scottish daily”s” continue to plummet. The “record” especially is nothing less than a “mouthpiece” for a Labour party in Scotland who answer to “like nodding donkeys” the “new labour tories” ie. “balls & Milliband”s” LONDON WESTMINSTER LABOUR PARTY.

Robert Peffers

@Ian Brotherhood says: 7 August, 2014 at 10:44 am:
“I don’t care what she says. She’s still a babe.”

Whit! Ah thoucht Baillie wis mair nor twa/three babes.
Ye mean thir’s ainly ae wummin in there?



Just boycott those newspapers, nothing you say will counter their bias but when they start losing profits then they may think again.

G. P. Walrus

The explanation is simple. Clearly an independent Scotland will not be allowed to use British miles. We will need to use an inferior Scotch mile which, because it does not benefit from the economies of scale offered by the Union, is shorter. Therefore geographical distances will be more in Scotch miles.

Even worse, it will be a condition of entering the EU that we exclusively adopt the kilometre meaning that all geographical distances in a separate Scotland will be 60% longer than they are as part of the UK.


We’re going to need a bigger Chainsaw….


We’re going to need a bigger Chainsaw….

True but a bit extreme don’t you think, anyway where would we find enough people to hold her down?


Evil Geo-nats with their earthmovers.

Iain (orri) McCord

Sterling is issued and backed by the Bank of England and not by the state called the UK. It’s a nationalised asset and whilst there as conspiracy theories about it being owned by other people those are kind of out there.

The point then is that as part of post-referendum negotiations after a yes vote the subject of the BoE will need to be dealt with. There are 3 main options,

It remains intact and Scotland is bought out of it’s share which raises the complicated subject of just how much it’s valued at and the impact of that valuation on the pound regardless of the accuracy of that valuation.

The second is that Scotland retains an interest in the bank either per capita or 10% in line with our share of UK GDP. In which case we get representation on the board and participate in setting it’s lending rate. No need to actually evaluate it at all so less of a risk. More representation of the rUK but still some input from Scotland and arguably more consistent input so greater stability all round.

The third is that, as seems to already be legislated for, a separate Scotland based bank is formed from the assets of the BoE. In the legislation it’s intended as a branch of what would then be an international Bank of Great Britain but they need not be. The problem then is if they are not part of the same overall bank then the BoE reduces in size which will, again, have an impact on Sterling.

So, as far as I see it, only one of the scenarios involving the BoE would leave it intact and not impact on the value of Sterling.

Of course Westminster could completely refuse to include the BoE in any negotiations which is where not sharing assets comes in. I’ve seen balance sheets from the BoE which seem to include the UK national debt so if we don’t get a share then we don’t owe anything. QE was based on government issued bonds being deposited in the BoE to back Sterling.



I was surprised to say the least on Trident. How many Labour MSPs have been members of CND?


TD – re the Trident motion (oh, the irony), which way did the vote go?


Wouldn’t it be deliciously ironic if, after the “big dig” split of Scotland, we discovered oil reserves in the gap !!!
Just because the media do not challenge this kind of guff, does not excuse saying it.



The motion was passed as it had support of SNP, Greens and independents.


H+S – hooray, I thought it would have, but just wanted confirmation. 🙂


I am not in the least surprised that Jackie thought that it was a party broadcast I mean if you live your life believing in fairy godmothers ,Easter bunnies , Labour going to win the next British general election, Santa claus, The tooth fairy Jo Lamont going to be able to string two sentences together or No to win you will believe absolutely anything !
let them frack south of the border and we wont even have to dig they will create a border bigger than any we would need.


Wow I never knew that I had that much power according to Baillie my wee vote for yes will push England that little bit further South whats not to like?


Why don’t we post a hyperlinked lyometer , a kind of bar chart job, using the archive of their sins detailed on wings. Lets see which one of the SLabour troughers has told the most. I recon Sarwar and Murphy must be right up there. Of course there’s Ian Davidson, chairman of that kangaroo committee in London to consider.

Andy smith

Vote yes for Jaba to leave country so that we may see the sun,and the tide can come in.


that literally makes no sense


Sneaky bastards.
Westmidden HAVE been using Lamont, & ‘her’ troupe of semi house trained monkey’s, as a tactic all along. We all sort of thought that, then dismissed it as tinfoil hat.
You can imagine the scene at Labour HQ.
Bliar to Cabinet- “Right chaps, our ‘friends’ have ‘suggested’ we install rank rotten, compliant numpties up at Holyrood, for the foreseeable. The native’s aren’t happy.. JIC, and all that”

Behold voters, look what you might get landed with.
If this mob were ever to hold a majority, they would run Scotland like one big Council. Nepotism, and corruption of every conceivable sort would become the accepted norm.

This is the only scare tactic which actually holds some water really. IMHO

Ian Brotherhood says:
“I don’t care what she says. She’s still a babe.”

And a right manky goer. Allegedly.
Not very popular amongst the cleaners down at Holyrood, apparently.

dennis mclaughlin

From my school days in the woodwork class , our teacher’s favourite wee saying was ‘bullshit baffles brains’… right he was when we are subjected to complete nonsense uttered by J BAILLIE…..she can lie for team GB.


Twa fish suppers or a Jumbo haddock?

Decisions, decisions…

Brian B

Wow what nonsense… beyond even the obvious…

Immigrants are really only based in the Rest of the UK, therefore they’re going to vote No Thanks…

Surely if there are no immigrants in Scotland they won’t be voting anything, largely due to not being in Scotland…

Who approved this woman to speak for BT pahaha

[…] the winner saw an increase in vote share and turnout – but because the incumbent Jackie BLOODY Baillie had such a strong 2011 vote, she scraped by on a paltry 108 […]

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