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Wings Over Scotland

Loving Britain

Posted on March 07, 2014 by

Some Friday-night entertainment, courtesy of an alert reader.

Remember, folks – a No vote in September is a vote to give UKIP a major influence over your life. A Yes banishes them forever. Your decision.

The line about “kicking the door in”, by the way, comes from here:

“You have only to kick in the door, and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down.” 

Who’d have thought, eh?

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john ferguson


donna b-s

If we say No on the 18th could we put up border controls just to annoy and keep UKIP out surely that’s the least we could do?

bobby McPherson

“Glasgow” Herald? An SNP paper? Tut, Fud! Cannae listen tae any merr

kim baraclough

lolol …….. the best stand up comedian so far!!!! or should I say clown! !!!


What an orator!


My former business partner (who was from Norfolk, make of that what you will) joined UKIP after he was chucked out of the Conservative party. (I’ll tell you about that later, but it involved him and his wife and a couple of mates and me leafleting Billingshurst for a council election.) He always said it was just a hobby and he was doing it for a laugh, but I never figured out if he was telling the truth about that.

Anyway, he died in December and I went to Worthing for the funeral, and found myself mingling with these people. One even thought I was one of them, saying “are you from the Horsham branch?” I resisted the temptation to say, no, Tweeddale Branch SNP, and merely replied, no I was George’s business partner.

Look, these people are whackjobs. George’s wife is being plagued by some of them, and she has told me quite a lot that I better not repeat on an open forum. I have only one thing to say. Run away. Very fast. Now.

You and My Comb

I wonder if he got to speak because Elvis had left the building? Barely literate




Lasted 3 Minutes and switched off.utter mince


Labour, Conservative, Liberal & UKIP coalition.

You couldn’t make it up.

Sociocapitaliberafacism … or Better Together ?


A strong Scotland not dependant on the EU or England….mmmmm…that would be an independent Scotland then!

jon esquierdo

Another fuckwit


This is really stand-up, isn’t it?…

Charles Addison

Good gods, bottle this! I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or vomit! If anything he said was true, it was only by statistical chance. I have rarely seen such delusional incompetence before: he made the lamentable one look good. UKIP are toast with idiots like this.


I am all for folk spouting what they believe! But……….

Is he going to say “The Scotsman is SNP” ??

Bugger this! – OFF

jon esquierdo

Who the fuck is miss jones is it her out of rising damp?


Gordoz… its worse than that.


Labour, BNP, Conservative, EDL/SDL, Liberal & UKIP coalition!

G. P. Walrus

If he thinks iScotland won’t be allowed into Europe, why is he against Scottish independence???? It’s his fastest route out!

bookie from hell


link to


Some sanity as a counterbalance from that nutjob.

link to

Gary McIlkenny

What a muppet. It’s frightening to think that some folk are falling for this old tosh.

Stuart Black

Sorry, horribly off topic I know, but I’ve just watched the Glasgow University debate on you tube, and Michelle Thomson was awesome, as was Tommy Sheridan.

link to

But James Kelly! Fuck me, (sorry, I’ve had a glass of wine), how is this man an elected representative? I’ve always been put off from running for public office, due to a long history of arson, bestiality, necrophilia, and rudeness to the elderly, but if this chap can do it, well, why not me?!?!

Absolute, living, video proof that Scottish Labour are the original busted flush. I assume that someone in authority gave the go-ahead for this? Fuck me gently, how a once mighty party is fallen. Along the lines of these ‘Dinner Party guest’ quizzes, beloved of the Sunday supplements, I would like to put forward Aneurin Bevan, Keir Hardie, Clement Attlee, Michael Foot, and Manny Shinwell as my guests, along with Mr Kelly, and I would love to take bets as to who would be the first to punch his lights out: my bet would be Nye, closely followed by Manny Shinwell. One thing is certain; he would not survive the meal unscathed.


Grouse Beater

“We have some excellent Poles…” David Coburn

I thought Ukip was all for keeping immigrants out of purist England?

Other than that I don’t recognise a single sentence the man tries to utter as having a basis in any reality I know.


4As & a B from a “coonsil school” (Chuffed a wiz) – yet, he want’s to bring back Grammar Schools?

What a fud!

If anything, this may dilute the NO vote a bit!


If UKIP are after Labour voters…

Maybe they can take Mr Kelly, job done!

John Gibson

Agree with you Rev, it must be YES to leave behind what now passes for civilisation in the UK. I recognised the “We have only to kick in the door” quote as Hitlers regarding his intended invasion of Russia before I hovered over it.

Incidentally, I just came here from Derek Bateman’s blog. He’s got 65 comments on his latest excellent entry – I think you’ve finally got a small measure of competition in the pro-Scottish blogosphere. Not that it’s an actual competition of course!


By the way, we in Campbeltown’ll be ok as we STILL have a grammar school.

So there!


What a donkey! Does anyone actually believe this guff?


Don’t know if this has been posted already. Driving in Glasgow and Paisley tonight, I came across these “YES Lucozade” Ads on massive 40ft Billboards.

I wonder what Better Together will make of all this collaboration between the YES Scotland Campaign and the YES Lucozade Campaign.

Absolutely brilliant.

link to



someone has got a petition re bbc impartiality on the go. Worth a go but don’t hold your breath.

link to


Lunatic fringe.


Three bars on an electric fire? Doubt he’s ever saw one.

This whole referendum campaign has been an eye opener for me, how easily our politicians will lie is gob smacking. I have confidence in the Scottish people to see through the bullshit and deliver a Yes vote, if it goes the other way? I fear for the future for who can ever trust their politician, newspaper or TV station again?

No one.

Arbroath 1320

Scottish Nationalist Party?

erm excuse me Bubba it is NOT the Scottish Nationalist Party but the Scottish National Party bit of a difference there don’t you think ya MUPPET! 🙂

I was wondering how long I’d last, but amazingly I persevered till the end. I couldn’t believe that it took all of 30 seconds however before the first joke came out, and boy was it a belter…the Herald is an S.N.P. newspaper! Oh really? Right meds…Wrong dose! 🙂

Arbroath 1320

Oops forgot to stick this link up.

Liz Smith, the Tory M.S.P. for Mid Scotland and Fife has come up with a rather spiffing idea what! She wants the Forth Bridge Authority to fly the rag a.k.a. the union flag from the top of the Forth Road Bridge to mark the centenary of the First World war, I jest you not! 😉

link to

Gary Gibson

Never heard so much drivel, brown drivel that is coming out of a politician in all my life and people are applauding this WTF!!

Ghengis D'Midgies

Here’s a much more enjoyable video: Lady Alba – Bad Romance link to

Lachie Macquarie

Did anybody see the Hotel Inspector tonight? There were falafels, God I love UKIP! Or then again maybe not.


Is this the UK version of ‘Comical Ali’ who was the Government spokesman for Saddam? This is the best alternative I’ve seen since Ali…

Alastair Naughton

Somebody never told David Torrance, Alison Rowat or Magnus Gardham that the Herald was an SNP paper!

Ian Brotherhood

Just watched it all, right through, and feel obliged to inform this fanny that if he, or any of his buddies dare set foot in our communities (‘we call them schemes up there’), they won’t be able to go home with their tails between their legs because their baws will be too sore for that to be possible.

I am not, of course, speaking in any official capacity on behalf of the SSP (who he managed to omit from his list of foes in Scotland), but let Mr Coburn be under no illusions whatsoever – if UKIP dare show their faces anywhere on our streets, they will be ‘challenged’ so swiftly and forcefully that Mr Coburn may have cause to regret his foolish outburst.

Ghengis D'Midgies

Wow, never mind foreigners Liz Smith is clucking alien


‘Comical Ali’ ….

meet ‘Comical Coburn’


That was just so funny… reminded me of Roy Hatterley in Spitting Images.

link to

James Westland

I love the way, near the end (OK he’s running out of time) where he goes seamlessly from talking about the defence industry to talking about windmills.

Its like he’s firing off random stuff in all directions,

Odd fellow indeed. A gay man who opposes gay marriage. All sorts of conflicts going on there

And yes, who is the Miss Jones he refers to? 1941 comedy film involving the Devil?


There goes a man that thinks manual labourers get salaries.

Alfresco Dent

It’s 23:05 and I bought a new headphone amp today. I am no clicking that link until tomorrow.

James Westland


I remember Comical Ali well – the website dedicated to him is still up:

link to

Pure gold, and this UKIP man gives him a run for his money!


I’m in love. Definitely voting UKIP now.

Winging it

Fishmonger? From a pishmonger, now that’s clever…

craig brown

Who the fuck is clapping at this?


Is this a clip from one of these Sci Fi film’s where the main character visits a parallel universe. In this one, UKIP are popular and the papers support the SNP.

Jolly good , I wonder if everyone is flying about in Zeppelin like airships…


@ craig brown
Craig have you ever seen icarly – you can by a little recorder that produces canned clapping/whooping – reckon he’s in a empty shoe shop with his pal


Got to about 2.48 when I could take no more.

I imagine the other 7 minutes is a description of how Nige has a friend called Barroso.


UKIP,Wild Haggis or a timid Sporran, first person to send in a picture gets 5 Groats prize from the person next to them.
O/T a very interesting poll
link to


Ian, I watched it all the way through too, sadly.

My plan would be be to stick a Forfar bridie under his nose, lead him to the Irvine river and chuck the bridie in.

Job done.

Arbroath 1320

Forget using the bridie Thepnr, that would be the waste of a good bridie. I’d rather eat the bridie myself, just use the wrapping, that would probably work just as well. 🙂


A strong Scotland not dependant on the EU or England….mmmmm…that would be an independent Scotland then!

Aye, it was like in the beginning he was a frothing old Tory, but then at the end, totally accidentally, he found he had, in his own weird way, sold himself on Scottish independence. He even started quoting socialist policies briefly. Poor guy.

Anyway, what exactly was his main message?

Arbroath 1320

Damn I knew there was flaw in his argument somewhere, thanks for point it out SS. Think that’s me changing my mind again, I’m no longer gonna vote for UKIP. PHEW! close call there. 🙂

Brian Nicholson

Regarding the tripe from Bloodworth on Leftfootforward.. let me offer a response.

“I seem to remember a wee man who asked his diplomats to call Putin’s diplomats to get them to oppose Scottish Independence. That wee man was David Cameron. When challenged, three other wee men supported Cameron. They were Ed Balls, Ed Milliband and Vince Cable. The article seems to want to smear Salmond and the SNP for talking to RT because they writer feels RT is Putin’s Puppets. If so, should he not be more upset that his Leader and the other wee men did not speak to the puppets, but to the puppet master. Rightfootforward has a lot of explaining to do on this article.”


Your a tight rascal Arbroath 🙂

But maybe your right, I’d probably have eaten half the bridie on the way to the Irvine, no point in wasting the other half as greedy bustards like him will take anything going.

As will most our elected officials. BTB gotta go puke!

Another Union Dividend

After another week of Nat bashing in the media, I bumped into an old friend who works in the financial sector this evening. The only newspapers he reads is The Times and The Telegraph although he did vote SNP for first time in 2011.

Anyway conversation eventually got round to politics and he says to me unprompted that the BBC was biased against the independence side and the currency issue plus financial firms moving to London was utter bollocks due to the costs involved and that he was movng towards a Yes vote.

We have arranged to met up regularly and I am confident we have a switcher here.


@winging it 11:11pm
Fishmonger? From a pishmonger, now that’s clever…


Fabulous! I was going to bed but have opened another beer. I hope this is a series.

bookie from hell

Clegg hints at Crimea Independence from Ukraine

link to


Just watched it all, right through,
You deserve a prize for that, though a stiff drink and a lie down in a darkened room would probably be more appropriate.

Is this the guy who took over from Monkton? Another of the same. Is there a hole in the fence at Carstairs?


Having just had my cousin staying from Tyneside, they are really worried about the rise of the EDL and now the support for ukip in deprived areas. They said it is really bad in the NE of England for folk with the effects of the governments cuts. My brother in law said “you are obsessed” when he saw the YES poster taped onto onto our broken tv, but by the end of the 2 days, they went away with more concerns regards their own fates under a westminster government.

Had some interesting conversations and answered a few questions for them, but they said they are hearing nothing about Scottish Independence really and people will not know what the YES badges mean. They support the Indy campaign but are still sceptical, however after we sat them in front of The Artist Taxi Driver and some Scottish Indy videos, they were much more convinced about what it is all about. Not just that, they had little idea about the seriousness of what is likely to lie ahead with the 2015 General election looming re austerity cuts etc. They went back with some great concerns and with some YES leaflets.

My cousin and partner are a little bit aware of the consequences of just where the westminster government are taking things, but Scottish Independence seemed to be completely off their radar until we got talking about it. The people South of the border are being kept in the dark by the uk government about everything.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy for Cameron and his pals to walk all over people, because they ensure that the focus is clearly and deliberately directed away from their own mismanagement and incompetence.

Arbroath 1320

Just seen this tweeted about the debate held in *ahem* G.C.U. on 20th February.

GCU debate 20th Feb
Before the discussion: Yes 54%, No 20%, Undecided 26%. After the discussion: Yes 62%, No 18%, Undecided 20%.

Oops! Even when a university apparently supports the union it would appear that the people who actually matter a.k.a. the students have other ideas.:)

tattie scone

The horror. The horror.


I ‘loved’ when he sped up at the end, and his speech became a concentrated data stream of contradictions.

Social inclusion is not for this man, who appears to be somewhere on the far-right fringes of libertarian-ism. Fail.

Ian Brotherhood

It’s been annoying, who this turd reminded me of.

It’s that Goldsmith character – remember, he erupted onto the political scene with all sorts of dire warnings about the EU etc, and he sent a video of himself to every household in the UK? Maybe 15, 20 years ago?

That belter? I’m sure one his sprogs is now an MP, but can’t be bothered checking.

Anyway, it’s the same sketch – some auld fud realises his time is fast running out, can’t believe that he hasn’t achieved all that he could’ve done, and releases a desperate cry for the attention he feels is his due reward for having loyally served ‘The Realm’.

It’s all quite sad – Coburn’s contribution to this debate is nothing more than a very boring death-rattle.


Ian Brotherhood
Careful there. You are talking about fringe members of the Rothschild dynasty, they’ll set the Illuminati on to you.

Arbroath 1320

Thepnr says:

Your a tight rascal Arbroath 🙂

But maybe your right, I’d probably have eaten half the bridie on the way to the Irvine, no point in wasting the other half as greedy bustards like him will take anything going.

As will most our elected officials. BTB gotta go puke!

Not sure it is anything about being tight Thepnr I just don’t like giving anything away to absolute dunderheids that can be better used, or in this case eaten, by myself! 🙂


Strategy going forward?

Mock Mock Mock and more Mock. Their so called scare stories are getting so repetitive, take the piss out of them at every opportunity. Even if it is just to say Yawn, heard that already.

Come on, lets laugh at them because that’s about all their worth. Ridicule, satire, humour and if all that fails…nut them 🙂

Big Jock

Another sichophant with Stockholm syndrome. Carstairs will be busy.Or should I say there is a report of a village missing its idiot.

bookie from hell


link to


Just had my Friday night wee night refreshment , that video is comedy gold , the segment when he is ranting about grammar schools is classic .
Is that serious is he the UKIP s candidate lol lol



Cracking name, mind and take the piss out of any Nosayers!

Eddie Anderson

I thought he was a stand up. This guy is serious!!!!

call me dave

BBC radio 5 discussion earlier on the tories idea to bring in a bill so that the tv licence to be scrapped, in the meantime to become a civil offence as it is no longer tenable.

Been mention before but looks like it is going ahead this time. 🙂

Eddie Anderson

Fish are very expensive….

Training Day

Know the really scary thing about that clip?

When Salmond was compared to Robert Mugabe the audience actually laughed as if they’d heard something stunningly original and insightful.

Do these UKipers not read the Daily Mail? They must be getting their info from the pro SNP BBC.

Ian Brotherhood

@Eddie Anderson –

‘Fish are very expensive…’

Yep. What a curious expression…


What’s with the Hughie Green accent?

‘Thank you tremendously friends…it’s your votes that count…the clapometer’s only for fun.’


Training Day
Naw, they get their info from that increasingly popular SNP marketing newsletter, the Herald.

Dick Gaughan

This is a spoof, right? Somebody please tell me it’s a spoof.


Has anyone told the Herald that they now are an SNP mouthpiece? 🙂 On the windmills,if he has a way of producing power on the required scale cleanly,they can be recycled quicker than a nuclear power station. No chance of a Euro seat here in Scotland,plainly deluded.

Populist gibberish,going nowhere slowly.

Jill P


He said it all with so much conviction. He really believed it, unlike members of the WM cabinet who came to talk nonsense.

I think I might just vote for him next time 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

@Dick Gaughan –

…embarrassed silence…

Scots are, in general, too fucking ‘polite’ for their own good, and always have been.

Jamie Arriere

“..the Robert Mugabe of Scotland..”


Chic McGregor

One of these is a comic character, the other is in the Beano. ‘Sall I’m sayin’.

comment image


Who is this chubby faced gobshite?


Words fail. 😀 OMG


Let’s get real – One of his mates, UKIPPER MEP Godfrey Bloom recently gave us a clue to where this pillock is from – Bongo Bongo Land.

john king

Oh god
I listened to all 9m 56s of that
I want the M.I.B. to use their machine to take away the memory of that man,

He wants to take Salmond’s yoke off their shoulders
oh and compared him to Mugabe, that’s original isn’t it?

Oh before I forget
” I’ve always been put off from running for public office, due to a long history of arson, bestiality, necrophilia, and rudeness to the elderly, but if this chap can do it, well, why not me?!?!”

What the hell is wrong with you how the hell can you imagine yourself fit for cleaning out the broom cupboard never mind high office?
Rudeness to the elderly and thinks himself better than US!
Stuart Black you are dead to us
nobody talk to him folks. 😉

john king

BBC (yes I know how ironic) news
@06.10 says
there is a bill in parliament to decriminalize television licence avoidance will be on the statute books in a few months 🙂

G H Graham

I’ll paraphrase for David Coburn to save him or you reaching for the Pepto-Bismol.

“Look, we’re trying really, really hard to earn your trust so vote for us.

By the way, everyone is leaving Scotland & Salmond is a dictator. The SNP are racists. The Conservatives are rubbish. Labour is rubbish. The EU is rubbish & the Spanish are stealing our fish.

The oil industry is run by idiots. Landowners are all greedy. And lastly Scotland should rely on no-one but itself. We’re against independence though.

Oh, we’re targeting all the voters. I mean any of them left who we haven’t offended.

Any questions?”.



You and My Comb

John king said

I want the M.I.B. to use their machine to take away the memory of that man,

I think it had already happened by the time he made that speech. Public speaking isn’t his forte. Then again, he wasn’t much use as a stand up either..maybe he could join UKIP

Even more right wing, corruption, fraud and lies

Crooks should be in jail. The hypocrites have been illegally milking the public purse of £Milliions if not £Billions for years.

UKIP Tory bankers, protected by Tory grandee banks, milking the system while people starve.

Every single word they utter is a lie.

It’s easy. Vote YES.


@john king

If you read the articles on both the EBC and the Guardian web sites you will see the proposition is at the Jaw-Jaw stage at the moment between Grayling and Miller so even if they decided to run with it, it could take months to come on the statute books.

But, as the EBC article says, Conservative MP Andrew Brigden is seeking to introduce the change through an amendment to the government’s Deregulation Bill. So hey (as Wendy would put it) Bring it on, they well and truly deserve it.

Oh and by the way this is not the first time that AS has been referred to as Mugabe, Paxo made the same similarities some months ago if I remember correctly. But there again if that part of your comments were a wee bit of satire, in that case… right on.


In the Euro elections (here in E&W) I’m going to hold my nose and vote UKIP.

I won’t vote Lib/Lab/Con ever again and the greens showed just how “green” they are in Brighton (meet the new boss, same as the old boss) when they took power there.

So I hope UKIP sweep the board if for no other reason that I think most undecided referendum voters will look south and think “sod that for a game of soldiers, better vote yes”.

My vote has never meant anything in 6 constituencies over 30 years so might as well try to make it count this time – even if I can’t stand UKIP.

People power

Bateman censors and delete posts.

They want freedom of speech for themselves, but want to censor others.



Forgot the seedier sides!


By the way this is probably why this Neep doesn’t like the Herald and why he assimilates it with the SNP.


@ Arbroath 1320 says:

GCU debate 20th Feb
Before the discussion: Yes 54%, No 20%, Undecided 26%. After the discussion: Yes 62%, No 18%, Undecided 20%

Go GCU students ! Nice one !


Sorry about the link above. It appears that screwed up, so the following one is straight onto the Herald site.

By the way this is probably why this Neep doesn’t like the Herald and why he assimilates it with the SNP.


The NY times ‘slams’ Westminster.


link to

Les Wilson

This guy is a good example of the quality of the Ukip selection process, what a gormless git.


Thanks for that alexicon… you just made my blood pressure rise again.

Every time I hear about Blair, it really bothers me, that the criminal is not behind bars.

Bugger (the Panda)

Les Wilson

I believe that what you describe is scientifically known as the:-

Reverse Darwinian Effect


A couple of ongoing fundraisers if you haven’t seen them yet.

link to

link to

bookie from hell

shocking poster of Scotland –anyone know who this guy is

link to


I see someone mentioned border controls earlier. Why would there be border controls between Scotland and England when there are none between Northern Ireland and Eire? Why do people believe and repeat things without question?


Sorry about that Alb4Eva,

I don’t know if this will bring your blood pressure down, or up again.

link to

I think we all knew this. GERS is not an exact figure and I’m sure some of the figures taken from Westminster are doctored down before they’re used in GERS.
I’m I right in thinking that NI insurance contributions are not used?



The NYT has this concice profile of this country’s capital city
link to



About 7 comments up. 🙂

Alec K

@Arbroath 1302 @Gordoz

GCU indy ref linked to student elections

Should Scotland be an independent country? (indicative vote only)

586 Yes

1009 No

link to

jingly jangly

Manx radio reports this morning that 180,000 people (I think I was half asleep at the time)in the UK didn’t pay their TV Tax last year and its overwhelmed the court system. That’s about 18k in Scotland lets make it 30k!!!

Russian TV are now on a campaign against western MSN propaganda, and are now highlighting Project Fear against Scotland as an example. Pity they are still reporting Bitter Together propaganda as news!!!

john king

“But there again if that part of your comments were a wee bit of satire, in that case… right on.”

Hence the comment “thats original” 🙂


A BBC report on how to do dodgy biased reporting ….
link to
…. the BBC obviously don’t see the irony!


You have redeemed yourself alexicon. I have had a couple of folk saying they just want to see the top line economic figures. The BFS link has just been Emailed to myself for forwarding to the individuals in question.

link to

call me dave

Margaret Curran takes every opportunity to look after her constituent’s interest…and put the boot into the SG at the same time on no evidence at all.

Saw her on Westminster green when the news broke, outraged she was, when being interviewed.

link to (from NNS)

David turner

what a load of tripe… and i was stupid enough to watch it right through. the fool i am 🙂


Arbroath 1320 – Can you provide the tweet link or source for the GCU students debate result as clearly from the link provided by Alec K, we have a contradiction of information!

Alec k – that result shown on the GCU Students union web page is a bit sparse on detail to say the least!

john king

“The NY times ‘slams’ Westminster.


Ben Judah really sticking it to the man 🙂


Just signed ….

link to

Petition to get the BBC to allow commenting against their propaganda.


@Arbroath1320@10:52 – Liz Smith truly staggering, O/T reading the Dunfermline Press put me in mind of oor Jessie and Dunfermline getting mentioned in a song..

link to

Caroline Corfield

@Bunk according to the civil servant I was chatting to at New Year the big difference between the Scotland England border and that between NI and Eire is that there are 500 odd roads across the border on Ireland and either 12 or 22 on Great Britain. I can’t be bothered counting them but Westminster thought it sufficiently worthwhile to pay their employees to do so. I did ask why he thought people wouldn’t just cross in the wilds if they were going to put posts on the roads, he didn’t have an answer. Perhaps someone could check with local fencing companies and see if any advanced orders have been placed :-).

It is all utterly pathetic and petty. I cannot believe that a government so concerned with its place in the world will be unable to match the Velvet Divorce of a post-communist ‘Eastern European’ country, but that is what they are suggesting.

G H Graham


That nasty poster of Scotland is straight from the front cover of The Economist which was published in April 2012 I believe.

jingly jangly

Croompenstein What a catchy wee tune. She wants to visit us, heres the lyrics


By V. Bonvissuto, A. Walker© 2012 Harpeth Meadows Music

Goin’ back to a home I’ve never seen

Daddy showed me the photos, looked like a dream

Little stone houses on cobblestone streets

Emerald fields with a sea of white sheep

I wanna feel the mist on my face

Let the cool wind blow me away


Ooo, I’m gonna take you in

From the Highlands to Loch Ness to Dunfermline

Ooo, I wanna learn about life

Where my grandaddy’s grandaddy played the bagpipes

Ooo, Scotland

Wanna live on a cliff overlooking the sea

Paint a canvas and capture the world around me

Silver gray castles and purple sunsets

Tartan green plaids and Johnny Walker Red

I’m gonna dance me a jig all night

And skip ‘til the morning light


I’ll visit the town my forefathers built

And find me a man who looks good in a kilt


Ooo, I’m gonna take you in

From the Highlands to Loch Ness to Dunfermline

Ooo, I wanna learn about life

Where my grandaddy’s grandaddy played the bagpipes

Ooo, Scotland, Scotland


just checked Ben Judah’s twitter and the little Englander’s attacking this American colonist for talking down the Dark Star but ha ha ha..Ben is in fact…British LOL..Ben Judah may the force be with you

Stuart Black

@John King: “Stuart Black you are dead to us”

John, you do know I was only joshing? Not about the first three things, sure, but I am never, never rude to the elderly.

Am ur the elderly! 😉


Labour candidate?


@jingly jangly – the lassie is welcome in ma wee stone hoose any time she likes..I had never heard Dunfermline mentioned in a song before I could be wrong but can’t think of any hooever let’s hope Jessie makes it to Ooo Scotland one day


watched it the whole way through nearly fished myself. Some village must be missing him. Who was clapping was it canned clapping?

Chris Paton

So Salmond apparently isn’t going to get his way on Europe, according to Barossa on the Marr Show, but that UKIP is the only anti-European party. But if UKIP are right about Salmond not getting his way on Europe, then surely voting for Yes is the way to avoid staying in Europe – from a UKIP point of view?! Confused!!!!!! But highly entertained… 🙂

Bugger (the Panda)

I don’t think he has many friends and is just an attention seeker.

David Agnew

Someone needs to explain to this fool that his party has little support in Scotland. Last reckoning puts it at .9% of the vote. He also needs to remember that to do all the mean things to Scotland with regards Europe, his party and indeed the rest of the Westminster set, will have to campaign to stay in Europe, for the duration of the next parliament.

Coburn is a small & petty man – his ambition is to remain small & petty. His sense of “British” entitlement to be mean to johnny foreigner would be belittled anywhere else,except for the increasingly dysfunctional UK.

Basically his wish for a no vote is that he can keep on being a bigot.

jingly jangly

Brian Cox on RT now!!!!

john king

“John, you do know I was only joshing? Not about the first three things, sure, but I am never, never rude to the elderly.

Am ur the elderly! 😉

I seem to have forgotten to push the satire button today, second post that thought I was serious.


john king
There are two side to Wall Street, one which has links to the City of London, the other are in deadly competition with the Anglo-American establishment, but will still turn a trick with them if it brings them a dollar. Each has their own newspaper, so it’s all nicely balanced and civilised.

The London leaning lot have their own club, called the New York Council on Foreign relations. It’s purpose is similar to it’s sister organisation in London, Chatham House, formerly known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs. They are both ostensibly research organisations, with a significant amount of public policy following there direction.

Former professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University and mentor to a future President George Clinton, Caroll Quigley, went into detail about how these organisations came about, and how they now project an unhealthy influence into banking, media and government.

In short, Quigley sets out the schemes of an oligarchical global elite, largely at the top of finance capital and central banking, who now own and control our governments through the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland. Apparently we are now all cattle living on little national fields in one large global debt farm.

Sound far fetched? Perhaps, but Quigley didn’t write “Tragedy & Hope” as an expose, it was more like the intemperate bragging of a wannabe insider.

Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time
link to

john king

“That nasty poster of Scotland is straight from the front cover of The Economist which was published in April 2012 I beleive”

I was about to say it isn’t but after checking it your right is is the economists (non) joke

The Man in the Jar


If you were in the “audience” would you want to be filmed? 😉


their, there.

King of Dál Riata

Best Indy music vid yet! Gaga for Indy

Lady Alba – Bad Romance (Gaga for Indy)

link to … notice Gaga has Irn Bru cans in her hair lol … 24000 hits in 3 days Sheesh !!!!!!


aye with a map of India down the front of my trousers i nearly had to change ma tighty whites whilst watching that

jingly jangly

O/T back to songs forgot all about this song, The man in Black enters the fray!!!


I would like to put forward Aneurin Bevan, Keir Hardie, Clement Attlee, Michael Foot, and Manny Shinwell as my guests, along with Mr Kelly, and I would love to take bets as to who would be the first to punch his lights out: my bet would be Nye, closely followed by Manny Shinwell.

Thank you, Stuart, not just for the laugh this gave me, but for the constant reminder of the SAHB.


Is that the same twat seen cowering ahent Ruthie at the Glasgow Uni debate? The one who got nul points from the audience? Seems his wee stint on stage wi Tommy has all gone to his nae affa bonny heid.


Alec K


The voting only finished yesterday so that may be why there is so little info, however I have found that the student association rarely put up more in depth info on these votes. Probably to hide the pitiful engagement levels. Frankly, given the standard of the candidates this year I’m surprised they even got close to 10% of students participating.

I certainly wouldn’t consider the result indicative of overall opinion at GCU much beyond those who are engaged with the SA.


Pensions are the key to this. Young people don’t listen to their parents but do respect their Nans. If we can shew everybody’s Nan that she is safer and probably better off in iScotland than under Gideon’s austerity, now with added £20bn black hole, then we get twice the converts. Job done.

The £20bn extra black hole is a real disaster for Westminster, it comes from a forecast that the Help to Buy “boom” is a bust. The biggies that are left in the chopping order are the NHS, pensions and Debt interest. They can’t do debt interest or the money dries up which leaves the NHS or pensions.

Maybe they can get double savings by stopping the NHS treating anyone over 65, they save on the NHS and the pensions of those who top themselves rather than live in pain any longer.


Oops, wrong thread. Still good to show that there are people (me) more heartless than IDS!

Jim Watson

I was extremely satisfied that this speaker has such a good handle on the economics involved: –

“the European Euro” as opposed to any other euro that is out there operating at this point in time…

I have to forsake my usual eloquence, sagacity and loquaciousness and state that this man is a fecking eedjit..

Gav Bain

I only got aboutt halfway through that video, couldn’t watch any more. Had I been unfortunate enough to have been in the hall, I would have walked out at about the same point.

Lunatic fringe indeed. I hope we continue to reject these nutters at every opportunity.

Stuart Black

@ John King, I think I’ve seen enough of your posts not to have taken that seriously. 😀

@Brotyboy, cheers mate! He bears remembering, oor Alex.

The Tree of Liberty

KoDR Lady Alba video, brilliant.

Dick Gaughan

Croompenstein says:
I had never heard Dunfermline mentioned in a song before

The late John Watt once wrote a song which mentioned Dunfermline. Can’t recall the exact title but it was about Buffalo Bill Cody’s visit to Dunfermline.

Now THAT’S fame 🙂


@Dick Gaughan – cheers Dick, BTW have you ever sang a song with Dunfermline in it? suppose it’s quite hard to rhyme with something..maybe I drank masel blin’ in Dunfermline…nah I’ll get ma coat…..


East Enders 😀

link to

bald eagle

check out arthur thackeray the interin scottish chairman of ukip

i know this fuckwit from years ago so i begs to be forgiven

by the way its the one under arthur MISTY thackeray in google
ukip for fuck sake sending one of there own for brain washing



Apparently we are now all cattle living on little national fields in one large global debt farm.

Haven’t British subjects always been treated as a crop to be harvested?

Dick Gaughan

Croompenstein says:
BTW have you ever sang a song with Dunfermline in it? suppose it’s quite hard to rhyme with something..

Naw. But I’ll see your Dunfermline and raise you two Cardendens and a Kelty.

(Both, again, courtesy of the late John Watt who was the only person I know who could write in the same line the words “tourists” and “bonnie pit bings” and make it a great song.)

Jamie Arriere


I know you’re probably thinking of modern songs, but have you heard :

“The King sat in Dunfermline toun
Drinking of the blood red wine..”

One of Scotland’s oldest traditional historical ballads, Sir Patrick Spens. Fairport Convention, bless them, are still doing a version.

link to

Maybe after independence, let’s hope people know more of their own culture – I grew up in Perthshire around people who’d never heard of Niel Gow

joe kane

“kicking the door in”
– It’s always a good idea to base your political campaign tactics on the most disastrous military campaign in human history.

History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as Farage.
Looking forward to the 1,000 year Reich once UKRAP manage to hold onto an election deposit anywhere in Scotland at some time.


Couldn’t face this last night, just watched it now.

If his voice had been just a bit higher, he could have been one of the falsetto sock puppets. I hope they have plans to do a UKIP ppb and deconstruction thereof, it would be hilarious.

Maybe as good as their “travelling by BBC weather map” which I’ve been sharing since seeing the link on here a few days ago. Thanks to whichever winger posted that link by the way.


Put me on bridie leading duty. I’m gluten intolerant and have learned to resist even the most tempting of smells. I’ll see the whole bridie in the drink and I’ll apply my boot to ensure the dunderheid joins it.


I could only last 4mins 12 seconds of that UKIP clown above.

Last night I only lasted 12 seconds in local bar ( Clockwork Mount Florida) listening in to some NO guy moan away about Norway “11 quid a pint!!” before having to respectfully interupt and add a few counter points. When I offered the fact Norway are all about everyone helping everyone prosper rather than a hard Red Socialist state, the guys 2 mates sighed and said “Yeah, sadly he doesnt think like that”.

Kevin Lynch

I haven’t seen any of this publicity? I’m feeling left out.

Bill Walters

I don’t really see the great danger in UKIP to be honest. The Pollwatch2014 prediction for the European elections shows them gaining four seats on what they had in 2011. The electoral calculus Westminster prediction shows them getting 0 seats in 2015 – and has consistently shown that ever since it started. These are the predictions that use actual statistical modelling on seat distribution rather than just crudely applying opinion poll data.

The idea that the Tories will actually have a pact with them in 2015 is fanciful nonsense because it would decimate their appeal to the centre, so what we have is a large block of would be Tory voters backing a party that has to get about 15-20% of the vote to even get a single seat in parliament. That’s not a doomsday scenario for those of us on the left, it’s a godsend.

John Walsh

Intellectual degenerate . Enough said?


@Dick Gaughan – Probably trumped by the late great McGinn and the wee Kirkudbright centipede…i always wondered why Kirkudbright? (nothing against Kirkudbright btw)

john king

@ “John King, I think I’ve seen enough of your posts not to have taken that seriously”

I think?


George Clinton? Bill Clinton. 😉

Stuart Black

@ john King: 😀

The Rough Bounds

@Jamie Arriere.

Couldn’t agree more Jamie. The average Scot’s knowledge of his or her’s own country’s culture and languages is really, really poor: shocking in fact.

Come independence we’ll show them what they have been missing out on by not having been taught, and oh boy, they are going to be sparking mad.

morgan mc

What next Rev…people driving VW Beetles must be Nazis because Adolf endorsed it. Historical metaphor. Oh please people down south are seeng through the slurs and innuendo. Sure the UKIP are on the right. Apparently Having the same view as Tony Benn and Bob Crow on the EU is right wing?

Sure this guys rhetoric and performance is a joke. This is the guy that 6 out of the 9 Euro candidates walked for in protest at his parachuting in from London.

Info only: UKIP held its deposit in Scotland in 2009 Euros there seems to be a sense of panic amongst the SNPEU nationalists.

In Dagenham and Redbridge 4 Labour councilors have defected to UKIP. Councilor Tariq Saeed being one. I highlight it to draw attention to the usual lies and mythmaking about racism.(1)

In fact as Prof Goodwin of Nottingham University points out:

“UKIP is not a right-wing extremist party. Neither Farage nor his party advocate an ethnic conception of nationalism, the overthrow of liberal democracy or conspiratorial anti-Semitism (the three features that are commonly thought to define right-wing extremism). To put UKIP in the same camp as the BNP misunderstands its revolt”. The New Statesman (2)

1) link to

2) link to

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