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Wings Over Scotland

Let’s take the morning off

Posted on October 15, 2013 by

Because frankly we could write 10,000 words and not say as much about the state of the United Kingdom in 2013 – and its future – as these two pictures do.

Here’s the Chief Secretary to the Treasury (far right), grinning like a Blue Peter competition winner as rich people fall over themselves to make a profit out of flogging shares in the Royal Mail, which until a week ago belonged to you and I.


And here he is wearing exactly the same gormless expression while opening a foodbank, handing out just enough tins of peas and packets of cheap noodles to keep desperate, starving families alive for three days a a time while he gives away the things they used to own to billionaires at a knock-down price.


Vote No and you’re voting for this, forever. It’s that simple.

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Doug Daniel

“Here’s the Chief Secretary to the Treasury (far right)”
Considering the Coalition’s attitude on immigration, wouldn’t (extreme right) be more accurate?


Ripping off the poor to make the rich even richer. 


The woman on Danny’s left is about to brain him with a tin of corned beef. The woman to his right knows it but is obviously too terrified to say anything.
You need look no further than these two images for a reason to vote yes.

Stuart Black

Hovered the cursor over the first picture, and sprayed the first mouthful of my lunch over the keyboard, brilliant. 🙂


Photo 1.  Ginger smiles and thinks to himself: “wow, look what I have done”.
Photo 2.  Ginger smiles and thinks to himself: “wow, look what I have done”.


Keeping up with the Lib-Dem Joneses.
link to
New Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael will be glad to know that newest and most northerly Food Bank has just opened up in Orkney.  

Seasick Dave

It makes my skin creep to think that I voted LibDem TWICE in days gone by.

The Man in the Jar

I feel a rant coming on but I will desist. I will say though what a thoroughly disgusting UK government we have imposed on Scotland. The two photos above illustrate this more than words ever could. To quote Rod Stewart (when he was good) “Every picture tells a story, don’t it!”


Hopefully this post will give people food for thought !

Stuart Black

Incidentally, it is not just food that the food banks provide, they also help people to get their electricity or gas re-connected if they have run foul of the energy cartels.
The last time I was at Glasgow North West, they told me they had managed to get 6 out of 8 families back in business. Scandalous in a wealthy country, and puts the ginger rodent’s expression into perspective. Despicable man.

Doug Daniel

The sad thing is, even when he gets unceremoniously dumped out of office by voters (or by independence), the little runt will get himself a job as a non-executive director in some company, doing two days work a month for £50,000 per year.
He should be forced into Workfare, see how fare (sic) he thinks it is then.

Murray McCallum

Is Danny Alexander taking that food?
The inane grin no doubt follows weeks of media training.


The Royal Mail shares will soon end up concentrated in a few hands. No doubt major institutional bodies and foreign Governments will step in and scopthem up as they did with water and other utilities. The chances are the French Government could own it in five years time (and replace Queenie with Napoleon on the stamps 🙂 )
I heard on the radio this morning that the BBC’s lead shock horror story was that councils could lose hundreds of jobs over the next few years. Hundreds? Years?
There are 32 councils so if each loses 3 jobs a year for 5 years that is hundreds of jobs. However, they will lose far more people than this through retirement, ill health, people leaving to go other jobs or dropping out of the work force to raise families or whatever. In short they will be recruiting they just won’t replace a tiny number of people each year….assuming we are still in the grip of austerity in 5 years that is.


To think I have always voted LibDem.  I won’t be making that mistake again.


There’s none so blind as those who will not see.
It makes me want to weep that some ‘no’ voters just don’t get it.

Melissa Murray

This man disgusts me. It’s times like this I have to have faith in karma.

Stuart Black

“….assuming we are still in the grip of austerity in 5 years that is.”
Indeed. However, Westminster has now confirmed for themselves that austerity is a great reason for cutting back spending on the poorest, slashing public sector jobs, and privatising nationally owned companies, don’t expect them to drop that any time soon. Austerity might well be the new black.
One more reason, as if we needed any, to vote YES in 2014.


Really disappointed in your choice of epithet. I thought we were supposed to write as if our comments were being read by an undecided voter.

There are plenty of other more appropriate and pointed terms for Danny Alexander and his rich friends, ones which arguably hold far more power. For me and no doubt a few others, the overuse of the word ‘cunt’ here only serves to distract from the force of your indignation.

Won’t be sharing this page, unfortunately.


The Royal Mail sell off is a stunning example of the impotence of Scottish representatives in Westminster, and a perfect illustration of how policies that virtually no-one in Scotland supports are still imposed upon us as a result of the union. This is something that we she be hammering home at every opportunity, as its a concrete, topical example that folk can easily understand and relate to.
As for the food banks, its a disgrace that they are needed in a wealthy country like ours, and even more of a disgrace that politicians (of all parties) see them as photo opportunities and not a source of shame that shows they are clearly failing their constituents.

Seasick Dave

Yep, I agree, the captions are a bit off.

Stuart Black

Sometimes you just have to call a spade a spade.
Personally, I am a damn sight more offended that we actually have food banks than by the robust use of certain words, but hey, that’s just me.


Is he still taking credit for the North Sea tax grab that saw production and investment fall dramatically in 2011?
Never mind, that fall in production just leaves more of these resources in the ground, and the current massive investment will see production and revenues recovering just in time for the early years of our return to statehood.

Jingly Jangly

What are you on about, there is no mention of the “C” word that I can find apart from your post, I think that Runt which is used describes him perfectly.

The Man in the Jar

I sympathise wholeheartedly, What makes it even more unbearable is that ordinary Scots are being hoodwinked in actively campaigning for this vile cabal. 
It makes me want to grab no voters, and ask them “What the f**k don’t you understand?”

Bill McLean

Ed – where do you read c… – I can see runt but not that word? Hope it’s not because that’s what you wanted to see!

Jingly Jangly

Ok just found them, suppose you are correct wasn’t it only last week the Rev told us all off and said we had to be a bit more diplomatic, mind you I think they are a perfect description….

The Man in the Jar

@Stuart Black
Changing your name to Stuart Austerity? 😉

Stewart Bremner

What Doug said. There ain’t no justice, there’s just us. Let’s dump these… people and get on with running our own country. This madness has to be stopped and we can and will do that when we kick out Westminster’s feral elite.


The rich taking and the poor losing is an ongoing process. See
link to


What are you on about, there is no mention of the “C” word that I can find apart from your post, I think that Runt which is used describes him perfectly.


Ed – where do you read c… – I can see runt but not that word?


Photo captions are visible when you hover your pointer over images.

Stuart Black

TMITJ, yes, that crossed my mind when I was writing it, but went ahead onywise. 🙂


Bill – hover your mouse over the picture and a caption will appear -, if your easily offended don’t bother   – its not like the word is out there in bold capitals you have to search for it.

The Man in the Jar

I concur that the choice of words by Rev Stu is unfortunate. It insults c***s everywhere.


“politicians (of all parties) see them as photo opportunities and not a source of shame..”
Aye, they will use any excuse to polish their brass necks. 
“Never mind, we are all in this together, don’t you know?”
“I feel your pain, I stand by you”
(now where did I put that bloody expenses claim form?)


Soon as I heard “the BBC can reveal” I switched the radio off, thinking it was about bears defecating in the woods, or the Pope being a Catholic. So it was about jobs, probably all Eck’s fault?

Bill McLean

Annie – thanks for that. Had not done as you suggested. I don’t like the language either but agree totally with the sentiment!


Never have so many been promoted beyond their capabilities

The Flamster

The “C U next Tuesday” comments on the photographs were funny 🙂
I read somewhere that the Red Cross are also assisting with Food Banks in the UK but the justification was it’s not only the UK it’s many countries.  Shameful that the UK needs the Red Cross.
It really annoys me too that people can’t see the woods for the trees…


I confess the captions didn’t bother me (OK I laughed)  but my very first internet board was the FST Lite Lounge which was/is loosely moderated (to say the least. I used to get taken aback by the vigour some boards moderated after cutting my teeth discussing music/films/life/the universe on FST.

Murray McCallum

I don’t get it. If the feckless poor are earning as much (or more) than hardworking families why do we need food banks?
Something doesn’t add up here. The meedya will no doubt be all over it. Maybe, like everything else, it’s down to immigrants again?

Stuart Black

“I read somewhere that the Red Cross are also assisting with Food Banks in the UK but the justification was it’s not only the UK it’s many countries.  Shameful that the UK needs the Red Cross.”
First time since 1945, I believe.

Robert Kerr

Indeed a gift at knock down price.
link to
Sick economics from a sick government.


I don’t like the language either – it should be “belonged to you and me.” 
But I’m making allowances because I expect the Rev was a bit upset.


Imagine you were an undecided voter overhearing the words of two pro-Yes folk on the bus. They’re outraged at the government’s contrasting attitudes to the super rich and the super poor. You become interested. Then one of them says “Danny Alexander is a c*** and so are the lot of them.”

For me, it’s like that. I’m not a sensitive soul – I can handle this kind of language. But you don’t need to persuade me to vote Yes.

It’s just one wee opportunity wasted.


@North Brit
But at least it was nicely formatted 🙂


Throughout the last 300 years, pro independence supporters have been demonised, ridiculed, jailed, tortured and murdered. And you are concerned about a naughty word hidden behind a photo. Give it your best shot, what would you call these politicians? as troughers just doesn’t hack it anymore.
It is not a word I use but there is a time/place and word for everything and for me Rev. Stu is SPOT ON.


Oh, what’s the matter – did none of you have £750 to spare?
Or did someone get greedy, apply for £10,001 and get nowt?


He probably had a driver (expenses) with a government sponsored Jag taking him to the food bank in the first place. How could anyone in government, nevermind a ministerial position, see this as a positive photo opp is beyond belief.

Doug Daniel

Did we not do the “sweary words are bad, m’kay” thing a few months back? I feel like we’ve been through the “hand-wringing over naughty words = class-based censorship” debate already…

joe kane

This article by the well-known and well-respected disability rights activist and campaigner Sue Marsh is worth a read. Although it’s aimed at Sue’s fellow Labour Party members it details the utter failures of all of Alexander’s Coalition Government DWP policies and explains why welfare policies are actually popular when carried out in the right way ie without conditionality or means testing –

18 months of Labour Welfare policy in 1 article 
Labour List 
14 Oct 2013
link to 

“Every single welfare “reform” is in chaos. Universal Credit, PIP, ESA, the Work Programme, the Bedroom Tax – it’s an absolute disaster and at least one of these will blow up spectacularly in the government’s face before 2015. Probably all of them. They have failed totally and utterly and all that has happened is the benefit bill has risen not fallen.”


Don’t worry folks, we’ll soon have a spanking new aircraft carrier to lift the spirits of Britannia. Because there will be no aircraft available when she enters service, the hangers can be used to carry thousands of tons of food from ‘too wee’ countries such as Denmark, Norway and Finland, that way there will be many more photo opportunities at food banks for years to come. 


Y’know, I’m not a swerry wurd person. But for the life of me I struggle when I see Alexander. If anyone could tempt a personalised rant from me, he’d be in the top three or four.

ronnie anderson

orkney food bank
Maybe Mr Carmicheil could make up a poor persons menu to make their rations last longer after all he claims to be a chef he could be jamie oliver o the north

James Kay

Photo captions are visible when you hover your pointer over images.
What pointer? What captions? I have an iPad.


Will Scotland get its 8 percent from the post office rip off probably get hee haw


” that way there will be many more photo opportunities at food banks for years to come. ”
Yeah – I clicked on the link above which Gillie kindly provided, seems the Trussell Trust want to ensure by 2015-2016 there is a food bank in every community throughout the UK. I know they do excellent work, but FFS we want to end the need for food banks NOT increase them.  What are people thinking?


it is simple really –
Vote ‘YES’- be a citizen of one of the richest countries in the world (new oil finds and all).
Vote ‘no’ – be a citizen of a highly disfunctional society that praises the accumulation of wealth over social virtue.


Ed – yes I imagine undecided voters have never heard a swear word before. ffs get off your high horse and treat people like adults.  If you feel a voters vote is dependent on swear words I suggest you are not talking sense.  Has any vote ever been swayed by swearing from strangers?


Throughout the last 300 years, pro independence supporters have been demonised, ridiculed, jailed, tortured and murdered.

And you are concerned about a naughty word hidden behind a photo. Give it your best shot, what would you call these politicians? as troughers just doesn’t hack it anymore.
It is not a word I use but there is a time/place and word for everything and for me Rev. Stu is SPOT ON.

I don’t want to get into an lengthy exchange. I was simply giving my reaction. I don’t think the historical demonisation of pro-indy supporters has any relevance here. Either you think it’s a good idea to use this word here, or you don’t.

The captions constitute part of the article and are not hidden. Yours and other commenters opinions are that this word is appropriate for the lowest of the low. I disagree – it’s distasteful and distracting, and it oversteps the mark. There would more rhetorical power in understatement.

Scoundrel would do.

Did we not do the “sweary words are bad, m’kay” thing a few months back? I feel like we’ve been through the “hand-wringing over naughty words = class-based censorship” debate already…

Maybe we did – but I can’t recall this particular word appearing in a post so prominently in recent months. Sweary words are not all the same. As for “class-based censorship”, what on earth does class have to do with it?

Ed – yes I imagine undecided voters have never heard a swear word before. ffs get off your high horse and treat people like adults.  If you feel a voters vote is dependent on swear words I suggest you are not talking sense.  Has any vote ever been swayed by swearing from strangers?

Again, not all swear words are the same. I’m on no high horse. I’m not against strong language at all. Far from it. But if you don’t understand that ‘cunt’ can have a complete turn-off effect on the people you are trying to engage in debate, then it’s you that’s not talking sense.


On balance, I’d prefer to see restraint on use of ‘c’ word – purely because this site is an important tool in persuading people to vote YES. Every single vote matters, so it would be best not to lose potential readers by use of this word which some people do find offensive.

Others find the word ‘("Tractor" - Ed)’ offensive and we’ve been discouraging use of that – so why not also discourage the ‘c’ word?.

I don’t think this is about censorship, it’s about winning independence. 


The only thing I saw wrong was “vile” and “odious” were missing before the aforementioned C words.

Murray McCallum

I think the use of certain language maybe is a regional thing. Us genteel folks on the west coast have never heard such words.

John Hannah

The ceasar salad got spat all over the keyboard when I moused over the pics. V. funny 🙂 I concur.


Another thing I’ve learned today – hovering over a photo may reveal hidden text, otherwise I’d never have known about the C word,and by jings we are getting right argumentative on here. Ed expressed his view, wouldn’t a response of I agree, or I disagree, with you Ed suffice? 
Appalling does for me- that food banks are necessary; that the public owned Royal Mail can be sold of to those with the means to purchase without the specific, expressed permission of the public.

Keith Brodie

Scrolling down to the comment box I see others have commented on the use of language – I haven’t read them all and don’t intend to – I don’t want to get into a debate about this (i.e. I wont be responding to any replies).

Children who are currently fifteen years of age will be voting next year along with people aged in their seventies and eighties, like my mother. Hopefully all of them will be engaging in the debate and looking for information to help them decide. If you really think the display of language above – for a cheap laugh – is helping our cause, you need to take a good look at yourself.
Off to find a more positive way to help the cause – wont be back.

creag an tuirc

Well, Danny Alexander is certainly not a ‘good c**t’ or a ‘cracking c**t’ 🙂


I agree with Ed but know our world takes all kinds.I am not a delicate soul but know enough about PR not to waste opportunities.

We are treating half our population worse than a third world country and welfare must be devolved even before independence,like right now !


LON:RMG has been trading at above 480p this morning. It’s worth noting that the only trading happening at the moment is broker-based trading.  The vast majority of shareholders (including employees) have either not received their certificates yet – or have just received them and are sending them in to their broker to allow them to sell.
The key will be when the supply hits the market – will the price sustain?  if it goes down then a large equity or foreign investor will simply scoop the lot up and then we’ll see the Royal mail asset stripped over the next few years.  This will be done gradually – selling off the software division, selling off the odd sorting office, efficiencies here and efficiencies there. 

Frazer Allan Whyte

Picture One
Instead of using/denouncing the use of obscenities or mocking someone’s hair colour why not go for more descriptive words that accurately describe the character of the creature in question? How about “fence” –  someone who sells on what others steal at a nice profit to themselves. Oh and let “Danny the Fence”s constituents know about what they have representing them in the foreign parliament and let his “customers” know that there will be a heavy penalty for receiving stolen goods in the very near future.

Picture Two
“Danny Two-Face” telling the peasants “Smile lesser ones – my liberality will see to it that though you’ll starve you’ll starve slowly”.

GP Walrus

““hand-wringing over naughty words = class-based censorship” 

Lazy. Ed has made a good point reasonably – unnecessarily ugly name calling does diminish the force of argument. Equating fair comment with censorship is plain silly – and bringing “class” into it – whatever that means – is nonsensical. You are simply reinforcing the point that language should be used carefully if you want to make a serious point. What could be more serious than the government selling off national assets on the cheap while cutting benefits to the needy? 

Doug Daniel

“As for “class-based censorship”, what on earth does class have to do with it?”
It just reminds me of middle class people telling their working class friends to “mind your language” when introducing them in front of “polite” company, or whatever. “Mind your Ps & Qs” and all that nonsense.
I’m not saying that’s what’s happening here, but that’s what it feels like any time I see people being asked not to swear online. There’s someone I used to follow on Twitter who would make a big thing about not swearing on the internet, and they just sounded pious, to be honest (which is why I ended up unfollowing them!)
You say you’re not actually offended yourself, but if there’s really anyone reading this article that thinks “urgh, I’m not voting Yes now because he’s called Danny Alexander a bad word”, then frankly they’re not living in the real world.

Jamie Arriere

Had a look at Trussell Trust website – ugh, too many smiling faces for me. Another ‘British Institution’, like Children in Need that helps the government think that poverty is not their concern.
The photos did tell the story, Rev – no need for the captions.


Mildly depressing that a number of posts are more concerned about a word than the fact that food banks a la The Great Depression are mushrooming up around Britain a rate of knots. That Government Minister can stand smiling while he opens a food bank is to me more offensive than all the naughty words piled on top of each other and a loud hailer perched on top randomly spouting them off. Let’s get things into perspective folks. This is a blog for robust debate about important issues..not a 1956 copy of the people’s Friend. 

Angry Weegie

Come on. Surely the important thing about this is that the obnoxious little (insert swear word of choice or none), a member of the Government which have played a large part in the need for foodbanks, has sunk to such a level that he thinks that appearing at one of the clearest demonstrations of his failure is an opportunity for a photo with a big cheesy grin.
Even by his undoubtedly low standards, this is absolutely crass.


Poverty, food banks, homelessness in the 21st century,  in an oil/gas rich country and this smug prick feels a warm glow for his perceived empathy. He and all his inept and criminal colleagues should be ashamed of themselves. Their abuse of the peoples of these islands is nothing short of criminal. Charity makes the rich feel better about themselves, no matter who provides it! In this day and age Charity shouldn’t be required if the countries government (uk) is doing it’s job properly for it’s peoples.
Vote YES and rid ourselves of this SHITE!

Bill Fraser

The Chief Unionist Nationalist Teaboy has no scruples


Won’t be long till we’re using up all our best expletives to describe lowlifes like him.
Apparently this has already happened with Osborne…
link to


Imagine you’ve just been offered a great job. You feel it’s maybe a bit beyond you and you’re nervous, doing your best to please.
A few weeks in and the boss takes you aside. He explains that you’re going to start unfairly picking on some people, putting them under intense pressure. You’ll be sacking some too so he can bring in some of his own people. You quite like those under threat and saw nothing wrong with their work. Likewise you know some are on the breadline, struggling with kids etc. However, the boss says he wants rid of them and if they can be removed by whatever, even legally/morally questionable ways, he’ll reward you for it as it could help boost his income.
He offers you protection, bonuses and other perks if you just toe the line. If you perform the dirty work, you’ll be rewarded.

If you are a decent, honest person, you would protest, even resign.
If you are Danny Alexander, you accept and carry out the role with gusto. The C word is appropriate in this instance.


A vision of UK’s place in the world,eh? We can bully  other countries elsewhere in the world but can’t feed your own poor.YES.


I don’t like the language either – it should be “belonged to you and me.” 
NOTE WELL.  He said it!  I didn’t.  (I just thought it, then heroically said nothing.)  🙂

Robert Kerr

One of my English friends has recently acquired the use of an allotment and she produces surplus vegetables.

The local (W. Midlands) food banks do not want these. 

Excuse is that the clients cannot cook due to lack of gas/electric power.

Oh tempera, oh mores oh patria.

Time to get out and build a better Scotland.

Stuart Black

“1956 copy of the People’s Friend”


Royal Mail sell off, only 70% was sold off, so they can still hive off the 10% Scottish part. Maybe a bargaining chip for rUK.


Danny Alexander is the epitome of the modern day “hover your cursor”

Strange that both he and Ed Miliband, another Manifesto typer have reached so far because they knew how to work MS Office a few years ago.

On the c*nt word, sticks and stones … i enjoyed immensely working in a major Bank in London and telling the CEO on a night out “Well its simple really, in Glasgow, the best compliment is “Hes a good C*nt”..but the worse insult is “Hes a right C*nt”.

You know which one Danny Alexander is.


@Stuart Black and Handandshrimp
Nice. 🙂

Derick Tulloch

Lose the profanity. 
Understandable anger from a former Fiberal voter, but not helpful


Picture 1
We’ve just lost the UK taxpayer another £1billion. Aren’t we clever?

Picture 2
If it wasn’t for this wonderful food bank the people in the Highlands would be reduced to eating seaweed again.
PS Except the Crown Estate would want a rent for the use of the produce of the seashore and the seabed. The palaces are falling to pieces.

Stuart Black

“Lose the profanity.”
And still it goes on. I wish now I hadn’t made that early comment regarding the hover, it seems to have almost derailed a thread about something fundamentally important, much more important than the use of the odd swerrie.
Aplogies Rev.

Bob Howie

Voting Yes in 2014 will make most politicians in Scotland redundant as most are Westminster parties with Scottish stuck on the front of them.

That does not constitute a “Scottish” party so they will all have to resign from their parties and join a new Scottish party….that should be interesting.

Voting Yes also gives Scotland the chance to vote for a party that actually governs Scotland, not as it is at present where London voters outnumber Scots voters by 300%.


@Bob Howie
We should try not to get into the Jackie Baillie mode of over egging the pudding. The population of London is about 10 m and Scotland 5.2 so the over-rule factor is 2 to 1 using London alone. It will be 11 to 1 in comparison with the rUK. Don’t let us get trapped by inflating the figures, as in the 590 (MoD Trident figure) to Jackie’s 19,000 risible overstatement.


Is it even a profanity?

joe kane

Don’t let us get trapped by inflating the figures, as in the 590 (MoD Trident figure) to Jackie’s 19,000 risible overstatement.

– handclapping, I believe this is known as Faslaning.

Reference –
The Unionist Commandments 
07 Oct 2013
link to

The actual number of jobs in Scotland’s financial services sector is around 85,000. Not scary enough, so ramp it up by a few hundred percent. (We call this “Faslaning”.)

Elizabeth Sutherland

I have £50 for Rev. fund Wings for the first photo of a Soup Kitchen in Scotland this winter.


An article I read today said that the cost of living exceeded, the rise in wages for 38 of the 39 months that David Cameron, has been PM, a telling fact in itself.


sorry O/T
Just heard Grangemouth have closed off half the plant, so once existing stocks have gone that’s it, no more ships coming in with crude and the plant fully close. 

Clydebank don’t stock kerosene, they only have derv & gas oil (red diesel) – though they are waiting for a petrol ship to arrive.


Edit – plant will fully close. (sorry)


@Elizabeth Sutherland
The Salvation army run a soup kitchen in Falkirk, commonly known as “The soupy”.


For those of us who read this on phones/tablets, the mouse-over text is not viewable. I hope the Rev doesn’t change the captions till I get a chance to get home to the PC, I need a good laugh.

Roddy Macdonald

Ah, I wondered why I wasn’t able to read this article at work during my lunch break. The hover caption appears to be the reason.

Colin Laing

speechless !!!! 


I find it funny that Rev commendably restrains himself from calling someone a ("Tractor" - Ed) or a ("Quizmaster" - Ed), but Anglo-Saxon profanity for the female intercrural foramen, which is regularly considered one of the very worst swear words in common usage, is fair game.  😛
Not that I disagree, but then, I find everything about swearing completely ludicrous.  Call someone a naughty word, and they’ll laugh it off: call someone a liar, WELL THAT’S JUST NOT CRICKET.  At which point I have to wonder at what the point of swearing is now!

Bugger (the Panda)

@taranaisch 1:20 am ! FFS
Anglo-Saxon profanity for the female intercrural foramen, which is regularly considered one of the very worst swear words in common usage, is fair game.
I disagree that wee thingy is of great use for at least two people whereas  Alexander is about as useful to Scotland as a knitted tea cup.
Oxygen thief is more my liking; he is a waste of space.
Danny Alexander, feed him to the Pandas.


link to
…OK guys… it just had to be posted.


Superb. 😀

Caroline Corfield

People who swear while in pain can sustain a higher threshold of pain. Also swear words are not held in the same place memorywise as other vocabulary and seem to be part of a older emotional response part of the brain. Swearing when it’s not used as punctuation is quite effective. It conveys emotion at a raw and basic level when not over-used. I like swearing. I don’t mind it when people do it in the correct context. The ‘debate’ such as it is, lends itself to quite a lot of swearing at the moment. It is merely an indicator of the level of anger and frustration. If people want to see less swearing then people will have to encourage proper debate. If, as it seems from the general demeanour of the No campaign, that debate isn’t going to happen then one should neither be ashamed nor concerned about the level of swearing as a result. It is entirely natural, and any attempt to try and turn Yes into something so PC, right-on and politely anodyne will only serve to give it a false image lacking in passion.


@Caroline hear, hear
With regards to accurately using a vulgar word to describe a vulgar man:
Uncalled for; lacking good reason; unwarranted.
It’s called for because it’s apt, there’s a good reason because it’s true (and it’s funny),  it’s warranted because what other word sums up the man as well?


Couldn’t agree more.

Derick Tulloch

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
15 October, 2013 at 2:45 pm“Lose the profanity.”That’s a virtuoso display of exactly how NOT to get me to do something, Derick.
Likely.  Diplomacy has never been a strong point of mine.  But I find the C word offensive.  Many people do.  And that childish abuse in doing the captions, has utterly detracted from the article.  I have shared many Wings articles, and remain of the view that this is the best Scottish political site by miles.  But I can’t share this one.  Not interested in preaching to the converted you see. And why give Project Fear an open goal?

Bill McLean

Derick – that’s my main concern – Project Fear’s hypocritical use of anything dubious from Nationalists!


I was brought up in a fairly rough mining village, but never heard that word until – I must have been over 25, because my first exposure was from my PhD supervisor, who had something of a potty mouth.  (The epithet wasn’t aimed at me at the time, just for clarity!)
I remember thinking, that’s a new one, must be some sort of next-stage sweary word up beyond the f-word.  Hmmm.  Lots of sweary-words for the male genitalia, but I never heard one invoking the female genitalia.  Bet it’s that.  And I was right.
Heigh-ho.  Last week, at the council by-election count which was carried out electronically, images of the rejected ballot papers were projected on a large screen so everyone could see and agree.  In the middle of all the ones left blank, or with two first preferences marked, or with three crosses or whatever, there was one with the words “Ye’re awe cunts” scrawled across it.
Everybody laughed.

Doug Norris

profanities are not required and are best left out. The points are made far more effectively without them. Please no more.


I saw a big ‘FCUK’ on a Saltire at the March in Edinburgh  🙂


Initially I thought the hidden caption was hilarious, on reflection perhaps a bit strong and could have negative effects on potential voting intentions… more importantly – I used to have a bit of pride in Danny Alexander, he grew up in the same place as me and attended the same high school, now that pride has been replaced with bewliderment – how on earth did this guy get so tainted and have his morals completely deleted from his subconscious having grown up in similar circumstances to me? Sold his soul to the devil springs to mind, saddened indeed by the state of the UK under this coalition, I pray that people have the courage to truly look around at their own circumstances and others around them, lack of hope for young people etc and ask themselves ‘is this really worth keeping?’ and decide to Vote Yes… if not we are all screwed

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