Lawful assembly
Posted on
September 18, 2021 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Your Governments are waging war on us.
14 million on NHS waiting lists. At least half will die through sheer medical neglect. Tories are forcing privatisation of health are as the desperate can no longer wait for such an insane backlog to clear. Scotlands health minister is completely unsuited for such a job. He’s an idiot.
@Charles Hodgson 1.45 am
“Leaving independence for Scotland aside for a moment(!), I would literally GO TO WAR with people like FPJ, Andy Ellis, Hatstand et al, on here. This is civilisational stuff. What is left when we lose our basic freedoms with the consent and encouragement of idiots such as these?”
Never a good sign you following the ususal flat earther’s MO of posting in the wee small hours, doubtless in your cups or frantically bashing the keyboard sitting in your kecks in yer mammy’s spare room while eating Crunchy Nut corn flakes from the box Charles.
The fact you would LITERALLY go to war with people who disagree with you woo-woo is worrying enough in itself of course. Rational people don’t talk that way and those who think that way are more to be pitied than laughed at. You’re not losing basic freedoms, you’re just being asked to take reasonable precautions. Hopefully Darwin’s Law will do for at least a proportion of the moon howlers who refuse the vaccine because they think it makes them infertile, or has a chip in it, or is a plot by shape shifting lizards in cahoots with big pharma.
We’re not laughing with you mate, we’re laughing at you. The vast majority of the population accepts scientific reality and rejects woo-woo conspiracy theorising for what it is. There are certainly plenty of idiots in this debate, but they are on the side of the anti-vaxxers and those calling in to question the underlying scientific realities.
Sadly this place seems infested with nutters these days. The problem for all of you “going off on one” about your hobby horse issue is that you represent a small minority of fringe nutters, emboldened by the fact you can come in here and circle jerk with other like minded (usually barely verbal) trolls. You’ve somehow managed to convince yourselves that you represent the “quiet majority” in the movement and amongst Scots more generally. Of course in reality most of us actually think you’re deranged: you have about as much traction as flat earthers, folk who think the moon landings were faked or that David Icke is a serious politician.
This might equally apply to the socially engineered Covid «safety» fetishism being promoted.
I know from personal experience the world is not safe and could never ever be made so without turning humans into transhuman cyborgs.
Just think, a solar flare triggering geomagnetic/proton storms could finish us all
Nasty, nasty sun!
So the rancid piece of dogshit known as Neil Oliver who called Scottish independence a cancer, said recently that he’d gladly catch Covid for the sake of freedom, yet this lump of unionist shit would never vote yes to Scottish independence, for the sake of freedom.
Meanwhile Sturgeon the Betrayer of Scots says she concerned over the rise in fuel costs, really? when asked whether she regretted that she hadn’t set up a state owned energy company, she waffled that issues surrounding that were complicated, how twisted can she get.
Vile Tory Adam Tomkins, thankfully gone from Holyrood though bedded in at some die-hard unionist uni, has come out and said that Sturgeon isn’t serious about Scottish independence, how true, you now your cover story on indy is blown, when Tory ratbags like him can see through it.
So it looks like failing Health secretary Humza Yousaf might have broken the Ministerial Code by leaking information to the SNP’s favourite unionist news rag, the Daily Record on how the Scottish government would ease the ambulance backlog, before he informed MSP’s in the Holyrood chamber.
The Daily Record is an avid opponent of Scottish independence, and doesn’t hide the fact, yet here we have a supposed independence minded party’s Health secretary leaking info to an independence news rag.
Should read Anti-independence news rag apologies.
Andy Ellis,
That is a long post just to say that people who don’t agree with you are nuts.
Anyway to address your anti science quip, what does science tell you that taking one or more of the numerous new vaccines does?
The vaccine will not prevent you contracting the virus, science accepts this.
The vaccine will not stop you spreading the virus, science accepts this.
It is claimed that the vaccine may mitigate the severity of Covid, note that the claim is not definitive and the other two statements are.
Here comes the hard part Andy, should everyone be vaccinated?
If so, why?
If not, why not?
In some ways, Nicola Sturgeon reminds me of my grandmother. Keeping up public appearance was of primary overriding importance to my grandmother and her peers.
A very old-fashioned ‘whatever will the neighbours think’ other-directedness.
The kind of amoral overriding other-directedness that would tolerate unmarried mothers being condemned to live in lunatic asylums and their babies forcibly removed and put up for adoption.
To all of you who have swallowed “pandemic” propaganda. Thanks for our Fascist “New Normal”. Fucking idiots.
People are being sickened and killed by the gene therapy experiment. 25,000 deaths in Europe with over two million adverse reactions. Go look for the stats yourselves you lazy complacent fools
Andy Ellis. In the face of reality you’re the “nutter”
“Sensible Dave”:
You, sir, are an idiot.
James says:
23 September, 2021 at 10:55 am
“Sensible Dave”:
You, sir, are an idiot.
Hello James
“Sensible Dave” is a twofaced lying idiot
millions of people die in europe every day, and covid is well down the list of reasons for snuffing it
I new a man that went into a public toilet years ago
He sat down and died in the cubicle, the strain was to much for his heart, and this happens a lot more than we think
It will go down on the death certificate as a heart attack ofc
You never see the cause as, Died having a s–t
Eat lots of roughage
Try your best not to die of a s—-y heart attack lol
“Establishment figures who support Stonewall’s edicts, and social media sites too, can shut you down for expressing a view contrary to the received wisdom. The press avoid the subject, bar a few courageous columnists. This is a nightmare.”
A few words on the trans gender disaster:
“Define ‘Woman'”
Feel sure the National has missed out the full stop.
We are 100% behind. Push for Indy.
It is the SNP remember, so maybe the full stop was redacted.
Andy Ellis says: at 9:32 am
“…in yer mammy’s spare room while eating Crunchy Nut corn flakes from the box…”
That’s outrageous bigoted smearing of the lactose intolerant that can’t get close to getting on the housing ladder!
Neil Oliver makes «Britttunnn» sound like an expletive.
It is my sister in law, that is ill, not my sister. After the vaccine,
She is not exactly a raver at her age, and is a bit more inclined to be reclusive in her quite nature.
Widowed and not one for joining groups.
Her hobbies are her home, garden and dog.
She also lives in the countryside away from large gatherings and faithfully follows the hand wash, mask wearing belief when she enters the small town,
My point is that locking people up as a medical practice,
1) does not work, and has not worked around the world in stopping Covid since the beginning of 2020.
2) those whom have been vaccinated are still able to catch the virus,
3). Those vaccinated are still carriers and transmitters of the virus.
4) most of the population that cannot take the vaccine for other medical reasons should not be incarcerated.
5) most of those that have had the vaccine if it is a good vaccine, should not be, but are scaremongering by peer pressure of being locked up those who cannot….
6) vaccinated or not, the politicians and world leaders are not following the mask wearing and distancing laws they are issuing when they think no one is around, many many have been caught and filmed and photographed around the world. This is peculiar as they are first to receive medical information from the health organisations.
7) there are mass demonstrations around the globe going on against imposing vaccines and mandatory lockdowns, and the mainstream media are not covering this news,
Governments will have to impose a ban on use of mobile phones at these demonstrations, social media, etc if they wish us to believe there are no mass demonstrations taking place,
8) doctors are being paid per vaccine per person, this coercion on doctors to follow a set pattern of behaviour is bribery.
9) vaccinated people that become ill afterwards are not being medically recorded,
My sister in law is one of them,
Her [ sudden ] illness has been suggested that it is the cold, then the flu, then a lung infection, she has been given anti- biotics that did not work, now they are suggesting cancer, everything under the sun, except any relation to her vaccine. She started feeling unwell three days after the vaccine,
And this will be so for many people, it will go unrecorded,
10). The two to ten year vaccine side effects within the bodies of adults, children, women, pregnancies and fertility rates cannot as yet be monitored as the vaccine is still in its infancy.
11) if the vaccines are safe, LIFT THE BAN on the VACCINE COMPANIES being exempt from future court cases, or being sued by the public.
As the British government does not seem to have much faith in the companies vaccines being safe long term. And must envisage many such future cases before that exemption was passed in Westminster.
12) a realistic study must be carried out, and published within six months of the deaths by other means in 2020,
This must have a list of statistic deaths from.
Heart attacks.
And the statistics for deaths in care homes must come under a more severe scrutiny and serious investigation, for 2020 and 2021.
Abuse could have taken place of the elderly, during this time period, and families would not know as they were not allowed to see them, or visit,
everyone was in lockdown.
It is all to easy to say they all died of covid,
And other major illnesses that were already diagnosed, that seemed to have disappeared during everyone’s death is due to covid mantra.
For all people to have a believe that these vaccines are safe enough to vaccinate all the public.
The doctors need to return any finances received for vaccinations of the public,
and the exemption lifted by the British government from the vaccine companies of being sued in the future through the courts lifted immediately.
Perhaps then you will be able to convince people to get vaccinated.
Meanwhile without the above being taken into account.
Meanwhile THE LOCK PEOPLE UP mantra that you and others spout here without questions is to put it politely, only the political control of people used by NS, BJ and politicians.
As a way To control public behaviour.
It has selective exemptions and stops protests and marches.
@Breastplate 10.36 am
Aw mate…lots of people don’t agree with me about stuff. If you can’t see the difference between people who don’t agree with me that the earth isn’t flat, that the moon landings happened, and that Covid vaccination isn’t mainstream science and accepted by the vast majority of folk, and folk who on the basis of the best available science accept that vaccination is on balance probably a good thing, then I can’t really help you.
Nobody sane ever said the vaccine prevents you contracting the virus. That’s not how vaccines work. This is pretty elementary stuff. Similarly nobody believes being vaccinated stops you spreading the virus.
It’s proven beyond reasonable doubt that vaccines mitigate the severity of Covid and has saved countless lives. Those who have been vaccinated will not suffer as badly as those who refuse vaccination.
The more people vaccinated the better. That’s how vaccination works.
I’m not in favour of forcing anti-vaxxers. I think their logic is faulty and that their moral compasses probably need calibrated, but most are more to be pitied than scorned. Most normal folk pay them no more heed than they do folk who have denied the patently obvious in the past: you’re not edgy, or misunderstood, or the insurgents fighting for the “truth” in face of “the man”, you’re the modern day equivalent of the Inquisition enforcing a belief that the sun revolved around the earth.
How the hell is the Lord Advocates not prosecuting folk caught with Class A drugs in Scotland going to help reduce drug deaths.
Dorothy Bain the new LA, said she’s “confident” the measure would help tackle drug deaths.
Picture the scenario.
Person caught with Crack Cocaine or Crystal Meth, police officer, right we’re no arresting you the noo, person that’s good.
A wee while later that person dies after taking the drugs.
Aye that’s really helped the drug related death rates.
No the reason that the COPFS and the LA have come up with this ludicrous idea, is not to save lives from drug deaths, but to take pressure off the courts and Police Scotland, the PF’s office on Glasgow’s South Side must be bursting at the seams with cases piling up, hell PF’s office had around 5,000 cases files waiting to go to court before the pandemic struck.
This inept idea by the LA, basically says to drug users carry on, and that will inevitably lead to more not less drug related deaths.
“POLICE have launched an investigation into leaked information from the Scottish Government’s probe into harassment complaints against Alex Salmond.
According to the BBC, officers are looking into two reports of what could potentially be “unlawful disclosure”.”
Archive I use is saying Error 503 so I can’t get the whole story. Maybe someone else can archive this story so we all can read it.
A lawyer speaks out on Crag Murray’s unjust conviction.
@Andy Ellis says
..blah blah blah, that’s not how vaccines work, thicko ad nauseum, etc.
However, according to an article in yesterday’s Herald the number of admissions over 60 for week ending 17 September were:
45 not vaccinated
13 same vaccination allegedly proposed for children
382 double vaccinated or more
Today nrs released covid death stats for the week 13 to 20 September recording 111 deaths in the over 65 age group.
Assuming a conservative 75% recovery (34 people) in the non vaccinated group (ie everyone considered equal once in hospital) these numbers imply the vaccinated group account for at least 70% of the deaths in that age group.
With all due respect, that is clearly not how vaccines are supposed to work either.
Republic of Scotland @ 12.50
The police will confiscate the drugs.
Drug use is not of itself criminal, stupid certainly but stupidity is not a crime.
Prosecuting the possession for personal use costs the system a lot of time and money, whereas confiscation and a ticking-off will ruin the user’s day but not his life while saving millions.
It’s hardly worth archiving, RoS. It simply confirms the fact of the investigations.
“Alex Salmond commented: “I welcome the police confirmation of this investigation. I have always believed that if you find the sources of the criminal leaks then you find the truth.””
I’m not so sure about that. I am sure that the investigations on this and the missing funds will come to nothing. A centralised police force simply means you only need to influence one person. And we already know the judiciary is well and truly singing from Nicola’s hymn sheet on this.
We’ve seen puppet governments go through these chronic stages of corruption a thousand times before. It’s like a disease they catch. Life support is provided by some outside source like the US Government with all its instruments of media manipulation, intelligence, secret police, etc., as well as the so-called business community.
In our case the life support is provided by Westminster, the British State, various corporate players, the MSM, and in particular the BBC. They’ll prop the SNP up for years because the status quo suits them, just as it suits the SNP leadership.
In the background the country is being fleeced, of course, and that’s all that matters. They’re pumping oil out of the a North Sea like there’s no tomorrow. Everywhere you look there’s wind turbines stealing energy and sending it out of the country.
As regards to vaccines and immunity, some stop you catching diseases completely (and we call that “sterilising immunity”) and some mitigate against disease severity (disease immunity).
The covid vaccines do a bit of both and when they were first developed we saw quite strong sterilising immunity in tests. The variants have weakened them in that regard but they still reduce the chances of you catching it, from memory by about 30 to 45% depending on the vaccine.
I have explained all this before.
James Che, I simply wished your sister or sister-in-law well. No need to bludgeon me with comments of that length.
On point 12, all that data already exists, if you know where to look. It’s in the public domain.
Correction: 111 deaths with covid of people over 65 from 1020 total deaths in that age group.
James 10.55 & Holymacmoses 10.55
… I see my name mentioned twice …. but I have no idea of the context.
Please explain.
Andy Ellis,
I understand that this is quite confusing for you but let me walk you through some what you have said.
You agree that the vaccine won’t stop you contracting the virus, well done!
You agree that the vaccine will not stop you spreading the virus, again, well done!
Unfortunately you state categorically that the vaccine will mitigate the severity of Covid, this is quite evidently untrue.
The most severe symptom is death, vaccinated people are still dying with Covid.
I on the other hand said that it is claimed that the vaccine may mitigate the severity of Covid, an important difference that makes my statement true and yours untrue.
Now Andy, what if you’re part of the 80% that they have concluded will suffer mild or no symptoms from contracting the virus, should these people be vaccinated?
What benefit would you receive from being vaccinated if you are an 8 year old versus an 80 year old?
So again, some of the people you call flat-earthers and anti-vaxxers think that perhaps it’s a good idea for an 80 year old to get the vaccination but not so much with the 8 year old.
As your friend Hatuey points out there is a risk to benefit ratio that needs to be weighed up, he like me believes the older generation may benefit from the vaccine whereas the younger generation will not.
So I will ask you again, should everyone be vaccinated?
If so, why?
If not, why not?
If it is beyond you to answer the question and explain why, simply admit that you’re not sure what you’re talking about and we can all move on.
@RoS link archived
@Hatuey 1.59 pm
There you go, applying logic to the situation again: it’ll never catch on BTL here these days you know! ;-P
@Breastplate 2.29 pm
You said: “Unfortunately you state categorically that the vaccine will mitigate the severity of Covid, this is quite evidently untrue.”
This is quite evidently bullshit, sorry. All the actual evidence shows that vaccination mitigates the severity of Covid.
“An ideal vaccine would completely prevent infection and so stop people catching and spreading the virus. However, earlier on in the pandemic, reports appeared of people being reinfected with COVID-19 as well as of antibodies waning – and high levels of antibodies are thought to be important in preventing infection from starting. So it’s been suspected for a while that creating a vaccine that completely blocks infection wouldn’t be possible.
Indeed, antibodies are just one indicator of an effective immune response. We also need T lymphocytes that kill the virus, and immune memory to enable us to quickly produce lots of these killer T cells and antibody-producing B cells. Here the news is much more positive. Studies have shown that both killer T cells and immune memory persist well.
What this could mean is that some people might not have enough antibodies to completely prevent infection, but can still fight the infection off and stop it from taking hold. If this were the case, you would expect vaccines to reduce the impact or severity of disease. And this is where we are seeing good news.”
I already answered your question before. You patently weren’t paying attention. I’m unconvinced of the case for vaccinating children, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve looked at the evidence and decided it’s too risky, because it patently isn’t: it’s just that at this stage the resources and doses would probably be better directed to unvaccinated adults in the third world were vaccination rates are low, and giving boosters to those already vaccinated here.
Like virtually everyone else, I’m no expert on these matters, nor am I claiming to be: like the vast majority of others I’m guided by experts in the field, what they say and in general am content to follow that guidance as would be the case in any other field. You and others like you would presumably treat such expert evidence with in same cavalier manner in other fields if you were assured something was safe and do the opposite? Or is it only in health related areas, or only Covid?
I know it must gall the science deniers that they’ve been rumbled, and only a vanishingly small % of folk buy their snake oil, but you aren’t entitled to your own class of facts.
Andy Ellis says:
23 September, 2021 at 2:42 pm
@Hatuey 1.59 pm
There you go, applying logic to the situation again: it’ll never catch on BTL here these days you know! ;-P
What you mean is that people don’t agree with you on very much, causing your inner voices to shriek louder and louder with every post that calls you out.
I’m guessing that if there was an emergency-use vaccine for narcissism, you’d be at the front of the queue, every hour of every day.
@stuart mctavish 1.37 pm
…..eppur, si muove
“Reports in the UK and the US are showing fewer vaccinated people requiring hospitalisation or developing severe symptoms from the delta variant. For example, fully vaccinated people in the US have been shown to be five times less likely to get COVID-19 and ten times less likely to be hospitalised or die from it.
Similarly, the Israeli study mentioned above showed that in people aged 40-59, four months after vaccination, vaccines were 98% effective at preventing people from being hospitalised with COVID-19. After six months, protection remained high, at 94%.
For people over the age of 60, though, the data shows a bigger drop off in performance, with protection against hospitalisation lower after four months (91%) and six months (86%). This difference may be due to older people being less able to mount a good immune response following vaccination, as well as the challenge of the delta variant.
However, what’s clear is that the vaccines are highly effective at protecting against severe disease compared with those who have not had a vaccine. And this, really, is the most important goal of vaccination – to stop people getting dangerously ill and dying.”
@Scott 2.59 pm
No matter how often and how loudly the moon howlers in here howl, it doesn’t make them and closer to being right, or to making their a-scientific world view more convincing Scott. The fact that they don’t agree with me has to be a plus given their views.
The real narcissism here resides with those determinedly punting their conspiracy theorising as *FACT* and the even more ridiculous assertion that it enjoys support outside a statistically trivial basket of deplorables who make most Trump supporters look balanced.
Andy Ellis says:
23 September, 2021 at 3:13 pm
Sanctimonious wibble.
Carry on kissing that mirror.
Andy Ellis,
There you go again. It seems to be beyond you to understand that the people who are vulnerable (remember them) are the people who may benefit from the vaccine.
The vulnerable used to be considered to be people with compromised immune systems like the elderly and people with underlying health problems.
Now you’re counting people who were not endangered by the virus as successful vaccinations because they have not been hospitalised.
You seem to be a bit unsure why more of the older demographic ends up in hospital even though they’ve been vaccinated.
The reason there is a drop off in performance as you say, is because the younger generation are the least likely to have adverse reactions to the virus whether they are vaccinated or not.
Why on earth do you believe that people who don’t need to be vaccinated need to be vaccinated?
Bob W @2.41pm
Thanks Bob.
Sturgeon the Betrayer of Scots is pushing ahead with her woke agenda, do you know what your kids or grandkids or even great grandkids are being taught in Scottish schools? No me neither.
“SCOTLAND is “leading the way” as the first country in the world to embed LGBT inclusive education across the curriculum, the children’s minister has said.”
The Lancet:
“An appeal for an objective, open, and transparent scientific debate about the origin of SARS-CoV-2:
On July 5, 2021, a Correspondence was published in The Lancet called “Science, not speculation, is essential to determine how SARS-CoV-2 reached humans”.1
The letter recapitulates the arguments of an earlier letter (published in February, 2020) by the same authors,2
which claimed overwhelming support for the hypothesis that the novel coronavirus causing the COVID-19 pandemic originated in wildlife. The authors associated any alternative view with conspiracy theories by stating: “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin”. The statement has imparted a silencing effect on the wider scientific debate, including among science journalists.3
The 2021 letter did not repeat the proposition that scientists open to alternative hypotheses were conspiracy theorists, but did state: “We believe the strongest clue from new, credible, and peer-reviewed evidence in the scientific literature is that the virus evolved in nature, while suggestions of a laboratory leak source of the pandemic remain without scientifically validated evidence that directly supports it in peer-reviewed scientific journals”. In fact, this argument could literally be reversed. As will be shown below, there is no direct support for the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2, and a laboratory-related accident is plausible…”:
Eh, any takers?
@Breastplate 3.37 pm
So your contention that nobody who is “vulnerable” should be vaccinated?
Based on what? I mean, we know that Covid cut a swathe through old people and those with compromised immune systems, but presumably it passed you by that many people not considered “vulnerable” (by which I assume you mean having underlying health problems or compromised immune systems) caught Covid and were pretty badly ill, and/or hospitalised?
Or are you claiming that just didn’t/doesn’t happen?
You appear unable to accept the fact that vaccinated people can still catch the infection and end up in hospital, even though they’ve been vaccinated. No matter how often this is pointed out to you, you return to it like a dog returning to its vomit.
You said: “Why on earth do you believe that people who don’t need to be vaccinated need to be vaccinated?”
Because those people can still pass it on to others, many of whom will be much less able to fight the infection off, and because even though *most* of the younger age groups may not gain much benefit from vaccination, enough of them will avoid serious illness (and passing on the infection to those more at risk in vulnerable groups) to make the cost benefit analysis clear that maximising the number vaccinated is a good thing.
Those arguing against it are the same kind of folk who opposed vaccinations in the past, whether smallpox, MMR or HPV. They have the same levels of credibility and should be treated with the same level of scepticism.
Andy Ellis says:
23 September, 2021 at 4:29 pm
You appear unable to accept the fact that vaccinated people can still catch the infection and end up in hospital, even though they’ve been vaccinated. No matter how often this is pointed out to you, you return to it like a dog returning to its vomit.
You said: “Why on earth do you believe that people who don’t need to be vaccinated need to be vaccinated?”
Because those people can still pass it on to others, many of whom will be much less able to fight the infection off, and because even though *most* of the younger age groups may not gain much benefit from vaccination, enough of them will avoid serious illness (and passing on the infection to those more at risk in vulnerable groups) to make the cost benefit analysis clear that maximising the number vaccinated is a good thing.
Andy thinks that vaccinated people who are infected don’t have the ability to pass on the infection…??
What a fucking arse he is.
Let me add something to this covid debate – the Professor at Oxford who was involved in the development of the Oxford vaccine, Professor John Bell, reckons that by spring of next year the pandemic will have lost most of it’s propensity to kill or cause serious illness. It will be akin to the common cold. That’s because of two things: 1. the vaccine and 2. natural immunity.
‘Separate probes by the Scottish Government and information commissioner were unable to confirm how journalists obtained the information.’
Did they ask the journalists?
Aye Scotland the country for experiments with humans without their permission, where taxes, green deals, strange re- wilding programmes, and education are extreme,
Legalising paedophilic behaviour on youngsters, experimenting with false imprisonment,
Transhumanism, for reducing freedom by digitalising freedom accessibility passports,
Testing new laws on Scots for Reducing free speech,
Scotland is a testing ground, and always has been.
The only country that hit black gold but never saw it.
The first country for experimental poll tax,
The first country to gain an independence referendum, that was not an independence choice referendum,
As interference from England, Spain and America all told us how we should vote an why….
Where sovereignty only exist for people when they have to ask their colony masters if they can be free.
Permission to be sovereign is to beg the master, Whom keep saying No. you cannot be free,
@Scott 4.37 pm
Andy knows vaccinated people DO have the ability to pass on the infection, because unlike Scott, Andy’s lips don’t move when he reads. Your level of reading comprehension seems about on par with James Che’s level of composition, and from memory he’s dyslexic.
Andy, who like most non experts is capable of researching such issues from generally available reputable sources, is capable of of discerning truth from lies.
Scott seems like the kind of person who would be confused if you poured water in his wellies.
Andy Ellis @3:03
Does it?
e.g Set aside the Israeli 50x and take the US 10x less likely to die statement. Apply it to last week’s known data to extrapolate that, had no vaccine been provided, the researchers would have expected at least 800 covid deaths (last week) in the over 65 category alone (77 vaccinated x 10 + the 34 unvaccinated).
Adding 800 (less 111 already counted) to the total deaths for the week, and adjusting the younger age groups by a similar factor, would give them a total of 2107 (late summer) deaths for the week.
Since 2107 is considerably (129) more than the highest weekly death rate from last year, the net effect of the vaccine, in strict accordance with the marketing speil, is thus shown by experience to have increased, rather than reduced, the threat!
How many deaths have been attributed to folk simply saying “fuck it” and losing the will to live after being exposed to a seemingly endless viral load of soul crushing covid discussions…
Ruby says: at 4:43 pm
“Did they ask the journalists?”
Aye, you’d hope Quality Polis basic training school would have included this line of inquiry in the curriculum.
“The boss of coronavirus vaccine manufacturer Moderna has said the pandemic could be over in a year.”
Andy Ellis says:
23 September, 2021 at 4:45 pm
Andy, who like most non experts is capable of researching such issues from generally available reputable sources, is capable of of discerning truth from lies.
Thanks for confirming your bias.
If you only do your research from a limited pool of sources, you’ll always come to the same conclusions.
You have zero credibility when it comes to your ‘proclamations’
All you ever do is try to denigrate others, to compensate for the lack of affirmation given to you. Your attack on James Che for being dyslexic is proof enough of that.
It would help if you actually just accepted that people have valid reasons for both taking and refusing the vaccines.
My reason for refusing is none of yours or anyone else’s business, but refused I have.
Dan says:
23 September, 2021 at 4:49 pm
How many deaths have been attributed to folk simply saying “fuck it” and losing the will to live after being exposed to a seemingly endless viral load of soul crushing covid discussions…
Cause of death: Pixywine Overdose
Where’s J.O.E?
Thank you for asking regards sister in law.
I will keep everyone here posted to how it goes,
So far they are giving her the run-a-round treatment,
For the last few days they suggested a appointment at the hospital,
then withdrew the offer as they said she had to have a covid test first,
She asked if it could be posted to her being as she was unwell, and she would send it back.
They agreed,
Then they phoned her back and said there were no covid testing in stock,
They suggested she phone the surgery to talk a doctor for consultation yesterday,
Reception said there were no doctors available at the surgery during yesterday,
However they made an appointment for a doctor to phone her at home in the evening,
The doctor never phoned her back,
Today she has heard nothing.
She had become ill after the second vaccine was administered
You would think someone would be monitoring this. Recording this,
And someone would show concern at the possible link reaction.
It’s is ongoing and not being recorded so far, and no emergency help for my sister in law medically. Whom has spent her nights sitting up in bed because of mucus in her lungs, a serious cough that has caused her voice to become a whisper, a high temperature, and feeling extremely lethargic day and night.
She lives on her own.
This is the follow up treatment immediately after her vaccinations.
@Grouse Beater,
SNP need Patrick Harvie`s Scottish Green Party to form a Government,
Patrick Harvie is using this lever to force through this misogyny and eliminate all protected and safe places for woman and girls,
Patrick Harvie is a transcult zealot.
If the people of Scotland had something to live for maybe there would be less drug abuse less alcoholism less deaths. Scotland has become more of a shit hole under Sturgeon the scourge of the Scots. Scourgeon.
On covid and vaccines…
Some people die from covid, and some people die from the covid vaccine. Either is a risk. You have to try and figure out which is worst for you: covid or vaccine. Figuring that out can be hard, hence the debate.
Generally, the older you are, the less able your body is at producing the various molecules that fight invading pathogens. Thus, age has been used as a rough indicator of risk of death from covid – over a certain age, it’s almost 100% certain the disease will kill you. Under a certain age, it’s almost 100% certain the disease will be a short-lived, mild annoyance. This means you can’t simply ask everyone to be vaccinated – you have to decide separately for each age group.
Then in comes the public health v. private health debate. For an individual 16 year old, it’s probably better not to be vaccinated on purely private health reasons. On public health reasons, ie considering the effect of the infected 16 year old potentially spreading it around the community, then it’s better to get the 16 year old vaccinated.
Sadly, some 16 year olds will die from the vaccine. Plus some in the other age groups too. The governments have made the calculation that it’s better for around a thousand to die from the vaccine than a few hundred thousand (or possibly much more) to die from the disease.
Like in a war, you commit soldiers to a battle knowing that you’ll lose a percentage of them even if you win. Health officials are doing the same thing.
Is there a definitive, clear answer to all of this? No. We’re lucky the vaccines haven’t caused more side-effects and more deaths. It’s a shame that variants have rendered the vaccines much less effective than they were against the original virus. We need new vaccines against new variants and then maybe all these competing risk factors will be easier to assess. Imagine a new vaccine made it almost 100% impossible to catch the virus? Sadly, we’re stuck with a vaccine that doesn’t stop you catching the disease but seems to make it less severe in the non-pensioner age groups.
Sadly, not sure vaccine has much impact on over-80s (because of their weakened ability to create the immune molecules needed). Lockdowns are still required to protect us until either the virus evolves into a cold or we create better vaccines.
Anyway, that’s how I see things.
Ruby. Hello.
AUOB have had their route for Edinburgh march refused – their twitter says they will announce tomorrow mid-day their decision on what to do.
What on earth is going on? We had two vast marches along the Royal Mile in 2018 and 2019 with no trouble at all. Why have council decided we can’t march this time?
re above – “can’t march down the Mile..”
Gregory. Covid was on its way out last April when the Government, under orders, made everything worse by instituting lockdowns. The vaccine passports are the aim of this bogus pandemic. Lockdowns will be used as policy from now on.
James Che @5.19
“The doctor never phoned her back,
Today she has heard nothing.”
“She lives on her own”
Fuck that James…..i understand the pressures that the NHS is under but please don’t accept this,get in their face and stay there until she is looked at.
I BTW have nothing but praise and admiration for all in the NHS having been hospitalized 3 times in the past 13 months for various shit……last one a bypass.
Are there fewer transmen than transwomen?
Very little discussion about transmen.
I haven’t heard anyone from SNP say ‘transmen are men’.
Any stories of prisoners in women’s prisons iding as male to be sent to male prison?
Any complaints from male athletes because a transman was competing in their sport?
Any accusations of transphobia against a transman?
@Dan 4.49 pm
Nothing like the relative number that have abandoned BTL here since the anti-vaxx loonies took over the asylum? 🙂
Pixywine @ 5.46pm
hey you do realise that drug etc abuse started llloooong before the evil carnate? ST St Sturgeon came on the scene dont’cha?. Sad as is it’s mostly 40 plus that’s dying and they probably started in their teens?. It’s tragic i know but it’s not just a simple as blaming one party.
sarah says:
23 September, 2021 at 6:00 pm
re above – “can’t march down the Mile..”
Could be due to road works.
High Street has been closed since May.
32 weeks of road works on High Street/Canongate announced in May.
No lothian buses on High Street/Canongate for 7 months. Council have had to lay on taxis for residents in the area.
sarah says:
23 September, 2021 at 6:00 pm
re above – “can’t march down the Mile..”
Edinburgh’s High Street and Canongate set to close due to major roadworks disruption.
@Ruby 6.24 pm
It’s all a plot Ruby: the space lizards ….sorry establishment….planned the road works specifically to frustrate the AUOB march.
In other news, it’s been confirmed that there is a tin foil shortage due to increased deliveries to the home addresses of WoS BTL moon howlers. I think they get discount for bulk buying?
Now Now Andy…….As if? LoL
@ Ruby: my mistake! The original route was down the Royal Mile but AUOB changed it, perhaps for the reason you give – tho’ roadworks wouldn’t usually mean no pedestrians, would it? – to from Calton Hill to Holyrood.
Is there a good reason why that isn’t allowed?
@Scott 5.06 pm
“All you ever do is try to denigrate others, to compensate for the lack of affirmation given to you. Your attack on James Che for being dyslexic is proof enough of that.
It would help if you actually just accepted that people have valid reasons for both taking and refusing the vaccines.”
Ach, dry yer eyes. I’ve no need of affirmation from anyone, least of all from some of the roasters in here: what possible value would affirmation from people so divorced from reality have? As for my comment WRT James Che’s contribution, it wasn’t an attack, simply a statement. Unlike his attack on me for being an infiltrator in Alba apparently on the grounds that I disagree with him it also has some basis in fact. Lord save us from prospective Councillors of that calibre.
I’ve stated before that some people may have valid health reasons for not being vaccinated. Many more however have invalid, a-scientific, conspiracy theory based reasons for not being vaccinated, as we see daily BTL here and elsewhere.
RE: the Edinburgh march on Saturday.
This is copied and pasted from the “Dundee Alba Members and Supporters” Facebook page.
All Under One Banner
5h ·
We have just sent this email to the authorities #AUOBEdinburgh ???????
‘Good afternoon,
It has been encouraging to hear Police Scotland are willing to facilitate the procession on Saturday from Calton Hill to the Parliament.
Now this is the case we call on The City of Edinburgh Council to grant immediate official permission for the #AUOBEdinburgh march on Saturday, as the Edinburgh Police Division previous position of not taking responsibility has been the only obstacle in the way.
In the interests of public order and public safety, knowing the longer this goes on the more likely it will increase the numbers on Saturday and with the confusion caused create a length and breadth to the demonstration across the City, we ask you to grant permission today.
We await this as a matter of urgency so we can update our social media. Many thousands of people are waiting to find out.
All Under One Banner’
Apparently, the police can overrule the council committee if they won’t allow the march “officially”.
Andy Ellis says:
23 September, 2021 at 6:42pm
’ve stated before that some people may have valid health reasons for not being vaccinated. Many more however have invalid, a-scientific, conspiracy theory based reasons for not being vaccinated, as we see daily BTL here and elsewhere.
I Agree.
Rev….Stuart…how are you? you sure have put a shift in… i don’t think any of us can appreciate what you have done.Thanks for all you’ve done.
This site will be missed no doubt about it….it’s kept me energised for many years.
Best wishes Stu for the future
Andy Ellis says:
23 September, 2021 at 6:42 pm
Ach, dry yer eyes. I’ve no need of affirmation from anyone, least of all from some of the roasters in here.
Q: If you don’t have any need for affirmation, why categorise?
The answer being that you seek affirmation from others constantly.
eg ‘I think this, and so do many others in the mainstream‘ is another recurring pattern within your posts.
Your narcissism is toxic, but you appear to lack insight.
(If your written offerings were any good, your own blogs would have more readers and comments. But here you are, latching onto the coat-tail of Stuart Campbell, hoping for some of the respect and love you’re so evidently missing out on.)
If you ever need some tin-foil, I’m sure that someone will trade you some for the bubble-wrap enveloping your ever-so-fragile ego.
Get them when they’re young.
Social engineering by design.
Scott says
Andy Ellis says:
23 September, 2021 at 6:42 pm
Whit? really? FFS
@ Ruby: my mistake! The original route was down the Royal Mile but AUOB changed it, perhaps for the reason you give – tho’ roadworks wouldn’t usually mean no pedestrians, would it? – to from Calton Hill to Holyrood.
Is there a good reason why that isn’t allowed?
Pedestrians can walk on pavement observing social distancing.
A large part of the High Street was a very deep hole for quite a long time.
Pavements were narrow & to cross from one side of the street
to the other you had to climb up to where there was a crossing and then walk back down on the other side.
Having a huge march coming down the High Street pavement one at time while people were walking up would have been madness and would have taken a long time.
I did mention the situation on the Royal Mile a couple of months ago but I don’t think anybody paid any attention.
@smithie – 6:53 pm
“Many people may have valid health reasons for not being vaccinated. Many more have invalid, a-scientific, conspiracy theory based reasons for not being vaccinated”.
And some have the perfectly good reason that they don’t want to be vaccinated, it’s their health, their body, their future and their responsibility.
And by God I support their absolute right to tell officialdom where they can stick their inadequately tested and warranty-free needles.
Even although I have been vaccinated by my free choice.
If there is one site that should be populated by people who understand the meaning of freedom, it should be this one.
But no, small-minded, followers of conventional wisdom, mustn’t make a fuss, don’t want to stick my head above the parapet, follow the herd attitudes prevail everywhere.
And yet the very same people wonder why the Scots have yet to grasp independence. Maybe we’re just following the science.
Andy Ellis @ 6:16pm
> Nothing like the relative number that have abandoned
> BTL here since the anti-vaxx loonies took over the asylum? ?
I stopped participating as I grew tired of going round in circles with the same stuff repeated over and over and over and over….
As for the anti-vaxx loonies? Well, they do have a point but since they’re loonies they don’t articulate it very well. Sooner or later even the most skeptical person needs to take stock. The Pfizer vaccine is now good for 5 year olds and over, when most medicines are for 12 year olds and over. Really? Take the marketing departments of Big Pharma out and hang them all (metaphorically speaking, of course) because they’d sell their first born for profit without batting an eye.
Anyways thanks to all, particularly Republic of Scotland and yourself – in your less intemperate moments – as there’s always something interesting to learn.
If only where was a way to get the dimwits to shut the f**k up.
There are roadworks all over Edinburgh.
High Street closed, Cowgate one way only, half of North Bridge closed, roadworks on Regent Road, tramworks on Leith Walk, Holyrood Park closed on Saturdays & Sundays from Dynamic Earth to Commi Pool, etc etc etc.
I don’t think the AUOB march is going to be very welcome in Edinburgh if more roads have to be closed.
George IV bridge has been closed for the past month due to fire.
It’s opened again but half of it has now been turned into cycle lanes. Motorists very frustrated.
Taxis drivers do not want to go to Leith Walk!
James Che , I am sorry to hear about your sisters illness, I hope she gets well soon.
Have you reported these side effects using the yellow card system? If you Google yellow card UK you can report this. I know, probably last thing on your mind right now.
@Stuart MacKay 8.27 pm
Yeah, it’s dispiriting sometimes: I think dimwit silencing is probably a lost cause by now. I suspect many others have followed your lead and I can’t say I blame them: I only drop in now and then.
The fish in the barrel won’t shoot themselves. 🙂
Where’s the justice when a country throws @CraigMurrayOrg
in jail for contempt but protects David Clegg who claims a right to protect a source who has broken the law by revealing accusations against Mr Salmond; surely this makes Clegg accessory to a crime?
holymacmoses says:
23 September, 2021 at 9:14 pm
Where’s the justice when a country throws @CraigMurrayOrg
in jail for contempt but protects David Clegg who claims a right to protect a source who has broken the law by revealing accusations against Mr Salmond; surely this makes Clegg accessory to a crime?
Interesting! Where has he said that?
Does he have that right?
Would Andy Ellis come over so smug and smarmy with a mouth full of teeth?
Just look for the dick checking everyone’s vaccine papers in any public establishment, and give it a try.
Ruby says:
23 September, 2021 at 9:17 pm
holymacmoses says:
23 September, 2021 at 9:14 pm
Where’s the justice when a country throws @CraigMurrayOrg
in jail for contempt but protects David Clegg who claims a right to protect a source who has broken the law by revealing accusations against Mr Salmond; surely this makes Clegg accessory to a crime?
Interesting! Where has he said that?
Does he have that right?
‘deep throat, Ruby
But I think in a case like this Mr Clegg should be compelled to reveal his source.
@Scott 7.41 pm
Q: If you don’t have any need for affirmation, why categorise?
A: Because categorisation is useful. Separating those promoting common sense from those touting a-scientific woo woo for instance.
You said: “The answer being that you seek affirmation from others constantly.”
Nope: It’s a BTL comments section. Folk come to comment. I don’t need or want the affirmation of anyone, least of all someone like you Scott.
You said:”eg ‘I think this, and so do many others in the mainstream‘ is another recurring pattern within your posts.”
Pointing out the fact – because that is what it is – that the moon howlers a minority needs to be don because (as Stuart MacKay rightly observes) we just can’t get the roasters to STFU. It is true you can’t educate pork.
You said: “Your narcissism is toxic, but you appear to lack insight.”
Uh huh. Says one of the moon howlers who have helped drive folk away in droves.
You said: “(If your written offerings were any good, your own blogs would have more readers and comments. But here you are, latching onto the coat-tail of Stuart Campbell, hoping for some of the respect and love you’re so evidently missing out on.)”
Feel free to regale us with your quality output then Scott. What’s that…? There isn’t any? Ah…right. Your output seems to consist almost entirely of coming on here shilling for or being a moon howler and abusing those of us pointing out their arrant nonsense. Some of us have a bit more than your two dimensional approach.
I’ve no need or desire to latch on to anyone’s coat tails. It’s always the snivelling anonymous online cowards that bloviate most of course, isn’t it “Scott”. Stun us with another.
@Charles Hodgson 9.19 pm
Yeah, that comes across really well bud: the answer to being called out for crass stupidity is the threat of violence.
I imagine it’d many of us feel particularly smug and smarmy seeing one of the moon howlers being sent down for assault.
Knuckle dragger is as knuckle dragger does, huh?
Yay! I see we’re at the BP running out of unleaded and diesel supplies stage…
Ach, at least I won’t have fuel to be able to get to the shops to endure the disappointment of witnessing empty shelves of imperially weighted invisible stuff I can’t buy. So that’s a positive.
holymacmoses says:
23 September, 2021 at 9:23 pm
But I think in a case like this Mr Clegg should be compelled to reveal his source.
I agree!
A good question for She/Her:
Do you think it’s acceptable for David Clegg not to help the police with their enquiries?
Protest outside Courier/Daily Record
Courier protects criminals.
Clegg refuses to help police
Do not support newspaper that protect criminals.
Dan says:
23 September, 2021 at 9:39 pm
Yay! I see we’re at the BP running out of unleaded and diesel supplies stage…
Every cloud……..
That’ll put an end to my frustrations re road closure.
Andy Ellis says:
23 September, 2021 at 9:23 pm
@Scott 7.41 pm
You said: “The answer being that you seek affirmation from others constantly.”
Nope: It’s a BTL comments section. Folk come to comment. I don’t need or want the affirmation of anyone, least of all someone like you*1 Scott.
You said:”eg ‘I think this, and so do many others in the mainstream‘ is another recurring pattern within your posts.”
Pointing out the fact – because that is what it is – that the moon howlers a minority needs to be don because (as Stuart MacKay rightly observes*2) we just can’t get the roasters to STFU. It is true you can’t educate pork.
You said: “Your narcissism is toxic, but you appear to lack insight.”
Uh huh. Says one of the moon howlers who have helped drive folk away in droves.*3
You said: “(If your written offerings were any good, your own blogs would have more readers and comments. But here you are, latching onto the coat-tail of Stuart Campbell, hoping for some of the respect and love you’re so evidently missing out on.)”
Feel free to regale us with your quality output then Scott. What’s that…? There isn’t any?*4 Ah…right. Your output seems to consist almost entirely of coming on here shilling for or being a moon howler and abusing those of us pointing out their arrant nonsense. Some of us have a bit more than your two dimensional approach.*5
I’ve no need or desire to latch on to anyone’s coat tails. It’s always the snivelling anonymous online cowards that bloviate most of course, isn’t it “Scott”. Stun us with another.*6
*1. Contradictory language, again.
*2. Highlighting affirmation, despite not seeking it???
*3. The truth obviously hurts, if that’s the response you give. Lol.
*4. See *3. (If I wanted a blog, I’d have a blog)
*6. Is this the point where you almost swallowed your own tongue in rage??
*5 Contradicted by *6??
My name is Scott, but I don’t see what difference it makes what ‘nom de plume’ anyone chooses.
Highlighting that Andy Ellis is your real name, your level of education and with links in Gravatar to your own utterly crap blogs is pure narcissism, you sanctimonious arsehole.
La Lloyd is the weakest link.
It’s past time our law officers started on the long road back to credibility and respectable behaviour.
I’d jail Clegg on the Vow alone.
@Scott 9.50 pm
You seem a bit obsessed “Scott”. And a bit sweary.
Always the tell tale sign of a no mark.
Andy Ellis says:
23 September, 2021 at 9:57 pm
@Scott 9.50 pm
You seem a bit obsessed “Scott”. And a bit sweary.
Always the tell tale sign of a no mark.
If you aim a comment at me, I’ll nearly always respond to it. I wouldn’t call that obsessed.
So what if I am “a bit sweary”…they’re only fucking words.
A pearl-clutching, sanctimonious narcissist. That’s you that is.
While I’m addressing you, was your Da the ref in ‘It’s A Knockout’, or was that some other Ellis with a dipstick?
The SNP and the Greens have danced around the truth.
Imagine if they told the truth and said we have to liberalise and open up our energy markets because of EU rules.
We can’t just hand calmac ferries to Scottish ship yards it has to be via procurement and abuse by state aid rules.
Alba take note and when the debate takes place about EFTA and what relationship we want with the EU and EFTA this has to be highlighted. Not to mention the fiscal rules and convergence programs.
The sooner every voter in Scotland knows this the better.
The SNP and the Greens are mugging you off. At least Alba will at least talk about it.
Re some of the posts above
Reguarding the manufactured Choas and constantly changing rules for this and that just to keep everyone on edge
Does anybody believe this is all just a coincidence it’s all just the way things are
Well whoever is pulling the strings has a yet to be discovered agenda we are not at the table when these decisions are being made therfore WE ARE ON THEORY MENU
The next act in this pantomime should be interesting
Hugh Jarse says:
23 September, 2021 at 9:55 pm
La Lloyd is the weakest link.
It’s past time our law officers started on the long road back to credibility and respectable behaviour.
I’d jail Clegg on the Vow alone.
couldn’t agree more and he would have been a non-contender in this debacle if that had happened
Holymacmoses (that sounds painful)
When we win, and get to write the historical narrative, Clegg will be held to account.
What’s he up to these days?
There must be someone stupid enough to trust him with employment.
Hugh Jarse says:
24 September, 2021 at 12:28 am
Holymacmoses (that sounds painful)
When we win, and get to write the historical narrative, Clegg will be held to account.
What’s he up to these days?
There must be someone stupid enough to trust him with employment.
He’s been political Editor on the Courier for years.
He’s still quite young. He’s a magnet for dirt and he doesn’t seem to have any qualms about getting it into print. dream is An amoral journalist: the newspaper owner’s dream
The rise of fascism:
“Catalan separatist Carles Puigdemont arrested in Italy”:
Morning all.
On topic
Given Victoria’s Chief Health Officer channelled and raised Andy’s rhetoric to state control level in Australia earlier today, when he used no uncertain terms to label protesters there irrational whack jobs, and given the army is due to assist Scottish ambulance service from tomorrow(?), a serious question arises as to whether or not Holyrood has initiated the retraction of what SNP alleges was the Speaker’s obnoxious legislation yet? – and if not, why the delay?
Off topic
Setting aside this year’s statistically significant rise in infant mortality – from either the vaccine, the isolation protocols, or some yet to be explained reason such as a delayed exodus of EU nationals last Christmas – it appears that the irrational whack jobs running America have copied the irrational whack jobs running France with the decision to suspend, pending dismissal, all unvaccinated health staff who worked through the pandemic back when there was still plausible ground for it being feared as such.
Given that the proposed solution to the resulting shortfall is to employ qualified people from overseas, and UK is one of the few countries to have had access to the irrational whack jobs’ principle employment criteria of 2 or more Pfizer shots, Scot gov may want to address, as a matter of urgency, incentive schemes to keep nurses sweet that they’ll be sure to find (even) more attractive than temporary solutions involving burly army blokes.
stuart mctavish says:
24 September, 2021 at 7:47 am
Morning all.
On topic
Oh no it isn’t!
Jeez O. This guy doesn’t hold back.
An escoriating article on St.Nic and where we are.
@Ruby 8.22 am
Morning Ruby: good to see you keeping the moon howlers in check of a morning! Sadly for the tin foil hat wearing fraternity, anti vaxx conspiracy theorising is the only topic, irrespective of the subject of the thread. Oh…unless they’re also tub thumping nativists hawking their self defeating “Wah…Scotland is a colony, it’s not our fault, a bad British nationalist did it to us and ran away!” snake oil.
Meanwhile….and definitely off topic!…I see the Italians have arrested Carles Puigdemont. I wonder how many of the SNP would be willing to risk jail time in the name of their cause?
Of course, it is earnestly to be hoped that a few of them may be looking at jail time in the coming months and years for other reasons.
It’s not about Covid so could be considered OFF TOPIC.
‘Johnson refuses to say if he could live on basic universal credit pay
Questioned during his trip to the US, prime minister declined to say if he could survive on £118 a week’
Only if he lived with his mum & dad and got free board & lodgings and the £118 was his pocket money.
The so called ‘affordable housing’ rent is approx £100 per week.
Sure he could claim housing benefit which would be paid for by the taxpayer.
Is this another example of the taxpayer subsidising the wage bill of employers who pay the so called ‘living wage’ while their CEO earn £millions.
A similar question has been asked many times over the years and any politician who tried to live on a similarly low income came back with a very definite NO as an answer.
Housing Benefit covers up the true state of the UK. Without housing benefit people would be sleeping in shacks and the pavements would be jam packed with the homeless. Supermarkets would have to build hostels in their carparks to house their workers and there would be foodbanks on every street corner.
The wives of the millionaire CEOs would be kept busy baking cakes for the foodbanks and doing all kinds of charity work. Lots of opportunities to earn QAVS or whatever it is the Queen awards to ladies who bake cakes for foodbanks.
Andy Ellis says:
Meanwhile….and definitely off topic!…I see the Italians have arrested Carles Puigdemont. I wonder how many of the SNP would be willing to risk jail time in the name of their cause?
Of course, it is earnestly to be hoped that a few of them may be looking at jail time in the coming months and years for other reasons.
The question is:
What is their cause?
PS Sorry if I encroached on your territory. I promise to leave the moon howlers to you from now on.
You’re welcome!
@Ruby 9.14 am
“The question is: What is their cause?”
Pension protection…?
“PS Sorry if I encroached on your territory. I promise to leave the moon howlers to you from now on. You’re welcome!”
Gee thanks: it’s a sair fecht, but somebody has to do it. I’m on holiday so it’s summat to do. 🙂
Oh dear / Only another day of endless crap about covid till a new thread which no doubt within an hour of tomorrow’s new post will be swerved off topic by more endless shit about covid.
Give it a fecking rest will ya!
Nally Anders says:
24 September, 2021 at 8:37 am
Jeez O. This guy doesn’t hold back.
Who is George Laird? He writes
“But, people will wake up to the fact that to save themselves and their communities, they need to change their mindset on voting. This may mean voting for new parties who are committed to working constructively with the rest of the UK, or centre right parties such as the Scottish Conservatives”
The following is from The Gentleperson’s Guide To Forum Spies.
One of the sections is called ‘Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation’, and this is one of them:
Well worth a read if, like many of us, you’re kicking your heels until something like ‘normal’ political discourse resumes.
Is Iain Bortherhood a forum spy?
If I remember correctly he ridiculed me and called me names.
I can’t be bothered reading all that stuff about forum spies so would appreciated if someone who can tells me what they suggest you do in the event of someone you suspect is a:
‘kooks’, ‘right-wing’, ‘liberal’, ‘left-wing’, ‘terrorists’, ‘conspiracy buffs’, ‘radicals’, ‘militia’, ‘racists’, ‘religious fanatics’, ‘sexual deviates’, and so fort.
Andy Ellis says: at 8:48 am
“Morning Ruby: good to see you keeping the moon howlers in check of a morning! Sadly for the tin foil hat wearing fraternity, anti vaxx conspiracy theorising is the only topic, irrespective of the subject of the thread. Oh…unless they’re also tub thumping nativists hawking their self defeating “Wah…Scotland is a colony, it’s not our fault, a bad British nationalist did it to us and ran away!” snake oil.”
You’d like that polarised appraisal you’ve come up with to be the case so you can continue producing your endless stream of mind numbingly repetitively and base shite, that you then throw in the direction of anyone that happens to hold a different perspective to your own.
You had the nerve to critique some of James Che’s posts on the grounds they may have dyslexia. Well what’s your excuse for such a supposedly high functioning, educated, erudite, and articulate individual such as yourself constantly resorting “like a dog returning to its vomit” the same inaccurate terms and modus when it has been pointed out by many people that you are being a disruptive arse?
I didn’t particularly like the suggestion to work with the Tories myself but took some guilty pleasure in the other observations.
I gather this guy was an SNP member and activist at one time but fell foul of the cabal and was ‘sanctioned’ by the party. He reckons the bullying and swearing of Alex Salmond was just another example of how they generally operate under Sturgeon’s jackboot.
I was generally interested though in his view that Sturgeon won’t be going onto to a UN job etc. As SNP she’ll be considered tainted by the Political Establishment.
On that basis her hanging onto political power in Scotland makes perfect sense.
Question is, is her eye on a top posting within the very corporate organisation that is Stonewall?
Why else thrust Queer Theory onto not just schools but Scottish society as a whole.
There are no votes in it.
Either that or she really is deranged.
Scotland in Union is indeed a sick country in so many ways.
However, the major disease socio-cultural/political dependency, pre-dates the handy catch all «covid» and drug abuse by centuries. The latter, along with poverty and susceptibility to poor health are all dependency linked.
Truly, rather third world and «colonial» in character.
That virtue signalling beanfeast in Glasgow ought have the more urgent task of saving the Scots as its theme.
Nature is perfectly capable of looking after the planet without the posturing and gaseous output of ridiculous functionaries. Not so humans, when it comes to looking after their own species.. .
A word describing a country that has no control of it’s own finances and resources and has to ask another country if it can hold a referendum to decide it’s future.
6 letters.
C _ _ _ _ Y
@Nelly Anders – I read that article 5-minutes ago. Whoever this guy is obviously knows and understands Holyrood. A great article and well written. There’s still life in the bloggers then and thank God for that.
What the feck is a moon howler
Is it to hard to use the normal english language that everyone understands, george galloway had a fav word to call people, a lickspittle he called some people
I have always thought of george as an eejit and a self publicist, I have wondered a few times, when george looks in the mirror does he see a big arse looking back at him, cause that is basically what he is, and we all know what an arse produces
Off Topic (presumably)
@Nally Anders
Re Gordon Brown becoming ambassador for WHO – well, well, well!
Good luck to him (and them!)
Nally Anders: “On that basis her hanging onto political power in Scotland makes perfect sense.”
She’ll stay as long as she is useful to the British State. When people stop voting for her and she no longer serves a purpose, the BBC and the whole MSM will turn on her.
Sturgeon has been fantastic for them; through all the years of austerity, through Brexit, Boris, and now this pandemic, she has played a vital part in containing and essentially destroying the Scottish independence movement.
It’s easy to imagine that someone else could very easily have capitalised on all these things and used them to bolster the case for independence. That’s what should have happened.
In some alternative universe, Scotland cake-walked to independence in 2017. The country embarked on a massive recovery and industrial development program, took a seat at the UN and EU, helped shape the Brexit deal so that trade between Scotland and England was uninterrupted, took steps towards eradicating poverty, took back vast areas of misappropriated land, built its own army and navy, avoided 10 thousand covid deaths, etc.
On the bright side, one in a hundred thousand men can now legally use women’s toilets, if they’re inclined to do so. And we are a really progressive wee country — obviously.
@Nally Anders 10.14 am
From memory George Baird seemed a bit of a mono maniac with an animus against the SNP (a bit like Jim Fairlie). He also if I remember rightly got pelters for “appropriating” the “Glasgow University” part of the Human Rights blog, despite the University pointing out on a number of occasions that it was nothing to do with them.
As you say, I’m not sure someone presenting themselves as a “real Glaswegian working class voice” who advocates voting Tory and working constructively with the rest of the UK is really a voice we need to pay too much heed to.
Up date,
Sister in law now being sent covid tester through post from Edinburgh, over 200 miles away,.
I am presuming there must be a shortage of facilities locally,
She still has had no other medical help.
I can only keep in touch with her via the phone this last three weeks, as I have a hospital appointment myself this week for checking what damage was done to my liver and kidneys when all hospitals closed their doors except for covid patients,
Let me explain again the collateral damage of covid and hospital functions during Covid.
Prior to covid I was well enough, except for waiting for a gallbladder operation.
This was cancelled time and again due to covid taking priority.
My gallbladder became so inflamed that it cut the blood supply to the left ventricular to my liver,
Causing further problems, a blood clot to the liver, and damaging my liver,
This in turn caused problems with the functioning of my kidneys and bile for digestion,
Causing problems in my intestine and a hernia,
I was taking so many pain killers during the lockdown and cancelled operations I got ulcers in my stomach.
Eventually we called a ambulance and I was rushed into hospital as an emergency,
I had my gallbladder removed in a operation the doctor said had been extremely difficult due to so much swelling.
I am left with liver and kidney damage, have had to inject heperin and then warfarin.
Anyone who thinks that covid connections and cancelled ops has not caused serious damage to patients need their bloody heads looked at,
I could have had my simple gallbladder operation, and not had liver, kidney and ulcer damage,
That is my angst with the stupid brain washed let’s put covid first idiots,
I sit here wondering about the cancelled operations for cancer patients, kidney dialysis patients,
Heart attack and stroke patients,
Now even if I wanted to make a choice about vaccines, I cannot,
Now Hatuey, andy Ellis and some others here, think I should be locked up if I do not take the vaccine,
I could knock their self centred bigotry ignorant heads together if I thought for a moment it would instil empathy for their follow human whom are suffering further inflicted harm from covid ideology hospital lockdowns
@Dan 10.01 am
“You’d like that polarised appraisal you’ve come up with to be the case so you can continue producing your endless stream of mind numbingly repetitively and base shite, that you then throw in the direction of anyone that happens to hold a different perspective to your own.”
Not so. I’d much prefer the moon howlers to wind their necks in and stop derailing every single thread – irrespective of subject matter – on to their woo-woo hobby horse issues, whether Covid denial, franchise restriction, or insisting Scotland is a poor benighted wee colony that can’t really be blamed for not being independent, because they’re oppressed not lacking political balls.
Pointing out the fact that there are some things which are flatly wrong just doesn’t fit your “all opinions are valid, let’s have a group hug” narrative Dan. I don’t really care whether you’re one of the true believers, or just a shill for their inanities. The end result is just the same: threads that get hijacked by a handful of nutters. It’s just the same argument as was had with Cameron Brodie, late of this parish. You’re just like the sad enablers then who contributed to the BTL discussions becoming virtually unreadable.
“You had the nerve to critique some of James Che’s posts on the grounds they may have dyslexia. Well what’s your excuse for such a supposedly high functioning, educated, erudite, and articulate individual such as yourself constantly resorting “like a dog returning to its vomit” the same inaccurate terms and modus when it has been pointed out by many people that you are being a disruptive arse?”
Another misrepresentation. You just can’t help yourself, can you Dan? I attacked someone else’s faulty reasoning by comparing its quality with that of James Che’s posts, and pointed out that at least James had the excuse of being dyslexic. It wasn’t an attack on James, or on folk with dyslexia, however hard you try and paint it that way. (If you’re struggling for an analogy, presumably you agreed with those attacking Stu Campbell for his ridiculing of Oliver Mundell?)
You seem fairly adept at trying to mischaracterise what folk actually say, for what you “wish” they had said. Whether that’s because you are ill intentioned or just ill informed I’ll leave for others to decide.
May I add a big thank you to all those here that have shown support and empathy.
For those that realise that people come first and choice is invaluable to freedom.
No one should be lock up because they do not want or can not have a vaccine,
But the cold blooded self absorb idiots who can only think in circles,
How I wish there was a vaccination that could give them a moral heart and kindness.
I would be first in the que to give them injections, they might need a overdose to bring humanity back to them though.
@James Che 11.41 am
If I thought it would do any good, I’d appeal to you better nature to retract the disgraceful lie that I’ve ever advocated locking people up if they choose not to be vaccinated. Sadly, it appears to be par for the course with the extremist fringe to mischaracterise what people say however.
Going off on one that Hatuey and I lack empathy, or have “self centred bigotry ignorant heads” may make you feel better for venting your bile, but it doesn’t get us any further forward, or represent a fair or balanced appraisal of our views or characters James. Let’s not forget, you’re the individual who opined that I was some kind of entryist in the Alba party, and that you’d hesitate to join as a result despite having a personal invitation from Alex Salmond.
Of course, you had no evidence of that, but were more than happy to have the smear put out there simply because I had the temerity to disagree with you. If that’s the kind of person seriously thinking of standing as an elected official of my party, trust me I’ll have something to say about it. Doubtless you’ll let me know what local branch you’re thinking of joining so I can ask them if they approve of such behaviour first?
We’re all being affected by lock down James. We all have families and friends who have had things delayed and postponed. No right thinking person thinks it is an acceptable situation, but if there were easy answers, doubtless we’d know about them. I have sympathy for anyone who has suffered as a result of Covid, whether directly or indirectly.
However, I have no time at all for anonymous, cowardly pieces of work posting on line alleging I’m an entryist in the Alba party or that I lack empathy.
Hatuey, Andy Ellis, Ruby,
and others that wish to lock people up.
Freedom, that is what this site is about,
What is freedom of choice.
Well go ask patients,
Go ask Craig Murray, go ask Alex Salmond, go ask Joanna cherry, go ask women and children, go ask those imposing selective marches, to AUOB, and independence supporters.
You lot are on the wrong site if you vouch for curtailing ANY freedoms , and are just here to disrupt.
Andy Ellis.
I said that about you with alba due to narrow thinking on you’re part, whereby you have a go at anyone not falling in with you’re line of thinking, you resort to demeaning people and name categories. This is an insult to people here, and you do not seem to know that,
And I still stand by what I said,
Until you verbally treat others with respect, and other opinion as differing from your own, that is true freedom,
Others here did not label you, until you instigated it,
I will lay off of you for you’re bullying tactics, when you do,
Meanwhile I will accept that maybe you did not vouch for locking innocent people up, I hope you except my apologies for that inclusive remark,
In Tanzania, the tribal witch doctors believe that the organs of albino children give special potency to their magic, and albino children are often murdered for their organs.
In China, alternative medicine tells people that ground up rhino horn, tiger bone, or bile from caged bears is going to make you better in bed, and the unfortunate donor species are being driven to extinction or suffer lifelong torture in criminal misery.
In parts of Spain, sigh, Spain… In parts of Spain young men throw a live goat from the spire of a church for good luck. In fairness, they do try and catch it, and if it hasn’t died from shock, it’ll be fine.
In Scotland, the mainstream Government believes a wee bit cosmetic surgery can physically change a biological male into an access-all-areas biological female, and dismisses objective concern, scientific rigour, or dissent as “invalid”.
The UN is not about to invite Tanzanian Witchdoctors, tribal Shaman, drunken Spanish arseholes, or Quack Chinese Doctors to speak at the UN COP 26 Conference on Climate Change, because they are cranks and charlatans making a living for themselves by exploiting the stupidity and superstitions of backward and ignorant people, and the UN has it’s own integrity to think of.
It’s bad enough having to listen to Boris Johnson and pretend you take him seriously.
Do the fuckin’ arithmetic SNP.
The idea of the Army being used by the fruitcake in Holyrood against the public fills me with foreboding. Will it be the Army that drag the “unvaccinated” off to ” quarantine facilities”? Sorry I meant to say Concentration Camps.
James Che at 12:10. Sounds right to me.
James Che, the only reason you eventually got your gall bladder operation is because of the relief provided by the vaccine on the NHS.
You really don’t understand the situation, despite being at the heart of it and being a beneficiary of the vaccine program.
The idea insinuated in what you’re saying is that we could have somehow ignored the pandemic and carried on as normal. People forget that we tried that initially (the herd immunity strategy) and it resulted in tens of thousands dying and the hospitals clogged up.
Anyone that thinks we could have ignored Covid should be locked up. Anyone that thinks the vaccination program has been a waste of time or that it doesn’t work only needs to look at your plight and ask themselves where you and countless thousands like you would be right now without it…
If more people were vaccinated, we’d be able to free hospitals up further and carry out more operations just like yours.
Yes, vaccinated people still catch Covid, that’s true. But many less of them die and need hospital treatment.
Society is essentially full open right now, because of the vaccine. I don’t agree that it should be fully open, I think they’ve gone too fast, too early, but there is an end in sight to all this, thanks to the vaccine.
The triumph of Fascist Corporatism over sentimental fools is no fucking way a “Hobby Horse”.
The scumbag Ellis just does pure defamatory hit jobs on those whe disagree with his handed down Establishment narrative. What a cypher of a man a vacuum.
Stuff «the media» will not tell you.
Brown off to the WHO. He’ll be keeping company with «the finest».
Shiny arse in charge of global health financing no less.
Shiny knees too from all that grovelling to London’s «City».
«There are few more impressive sights in the world than a Scotsman on the make »
James M. Barrie
@James Che 12.22 pm
Your apology for lying that I called for people to be locked up is accepted.
The fact you continue to assert I am some kind of entryist in Alba because I disagree with you is however just as bad. You’ve previously expressed interest in joining the party and potentially even standing for office as a councillor.
If you had any moral courage you’d own up to who you really are so I can ensure your disgraceful behaviour is examined prior to any membership application being accepted. I’ll certainly be making representation that you be refused membership.
I doubt you have it in you of course: much safer to snip anonymously from the sidelines safe in the knowledge your trolling will have no consequences.
Gordon Brown getting a job in the global Governance structure. Unelected but now one of the Global Politburo. Remember that folks the Unelected Global Politburo.
Ruby at 9:59 What the absolute fuck are you on about? You’re tripping out your nut.
Afternoon skirmish over. Now for some pygmy porn.
Andy Ellis,
I do have dyslexia, so does my sister, it’s a constant battle to even try make sense of the written word. I realise sometimes my words are in the wrong sentence or the sentence is back to front, or words are missing or spelt wrong, it takes a while to try put something coherent in writing, but I get by.
This does not make me stupid, or unreasonably, or unfair, I can see my faults,
But one of my weaknesses is bully’s, I cannot stand them, so I use their tactics on them to protect others,
This is a father/ mother instinct in me I presume, where you want to protect those that are vulnerable, quieter or have been bullied before, and so they stop Voicing their opinions when attacked. They are squashed.
This cancel culture is rife today.
There is a big difference between having your own opinion and displaying traits of bullying,
And I have said this before, if yourself, Hatuey ruby or anyone else was being bullied by others, I would stand up for you as well.
But brow beating bullies do deserve a return of the stuff they dish out, and I am not adverse to using their own tactics on them,
Then I leave them alone when they realise how offensive they have been to others, and stop.
James Che 12.52
I had a friend that was dyslexic … he went to a Toga party dressed as goat.
Andy Ellis,
I was asked to join alba, so was my spouse, personally by Alex, I did not put in the request,
The fact that you want to play god in Alba is scary,
This is why I have not joined,
@James Che 12.52 pm
You might like to start with calling out folk like Pixywine then James? If you start to condemn the invective and abuse meted out by folk like that your special pleading might have some weight.
In the meantime, until you withdraw your unfounded and potentially defamatory allegation about me being an entryist in Alba, I’ll continue to treat you as the nasty piece of work you so patently are. Unlike you James, I’m not hiding behind a pseudonym so I can safely defame people. You better hope your anonymity is preserved as long as you refuse to retract your allegation.
Sensible Dave,
I hope you had the kindness not to mock your friends disability. Any more than you would with a friend with a missing arm.
Any info on what the protest outside Holyrood this morning was about?
There was a whole group of people shouting at an empty building.
I had to watch the road so didn’t make out what the protest was about.
Andy Ellis,
Do you not like me of accusing you of something that might be untrue or not?
Couldn’t find pygmy porn but found this interesting nugget. 20,000 Democrat votes from an “empty lot” That’s car park to you and me.
Now Now Sensible.
James Che. says:
And I have said this before, if yourself, Hatuey ruby or anyone else was being bullied by others, I would stand up for you as well.
I have vague memories of you being the bully. It’s OK I have forgiven you! Everyone has a bad day!
If you are going to stand up for me every time I am bullied you are going to be very busy.
You have a nice day James & don’t worry about me I’ll try to give as good as I get.
Andy Ellis.
I quite satisfied taking on a few at a time, but could cope with others if need be,
I come from a large extended family,
I could handle groups of bullies,
But of course you have to ask yourself who is going to join in and become tagged as a bully too on this independence site for everyone else to see,
Sinister Dave can’t define what he means by English and he offends people by telling really rubbish jokes.
What does a dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac do at night?
I could see that you were not one of the ones needing any help, it has been quite obvious on here.
That is why it has not been offered so far,
You have a nice day ruby, & don’t worry about me either, i’ll Give as good as I get,
Nice to know we agree on somethings. 🙂
Ruby says:
24 September, 2021 at 1:19 pm
Sinister Dave can’t define what he means by English and he offends people by telling really rubbish jokes.
What does a dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac do at night?
Is this a ‘knock , knock’ joke Ruby ? Just checking.
With James Che being dyslexic an all I wouldn’t want him to struggle yi ken!
Jokes aside, give it a rest you lot b4 I start listening to Murdo Fraser anti catholic jokes.
While you lot are tying yourselves up with your ridiculous feuding…
Dave Llewellyn is filming something outside Bute House and Kenny MacAskill has turned up as well. No-one seems to know what it’s all about and I don’t either but I’m going to take a stab at what’s going to happen.
My gut is telling me that some sheriff officers are going to turn up and serve some court papers on someone resident in Bute House. What these papers might be, I do not know but that’s my guess at 1.35 pm.
Let’s see what happens…!
For every over-reaction there is an equal and opposite over-reaction
Moses’ behavioural interpretation of Newton’s Third Law
robbo says:
24 September, 2021 at 1:32 pm
Is this a ‘knock , knock’ joke Ruby ? Just checking.
No! but the following is
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
PhilM says:
24 September, 2021 at 1:38 pm
While you lot are tying yourselves up with your ridiculous feuding…
Dave Llewellyn is filming something outside Bute House and Kenny MacAskill has turned up as well. No-one seems to know what it’s all about and I don’t either but I’m going to take a stab at what’s going to happen.
My gut is telling me that some sheriff officers are going to turn up and serve some court papers on someone resident in Bute House. What these papers might be, I do not know but that’s my guess at 1.35 pm.
Let’s see what happens…!
Where can I find this online?
Courtesy of Glinner, a very novel and interesting view on the ‘Transcult’.
‘The Power of the Story’ (year-2484AD).
Got it
Andy Ellis.
Did you attempt to threaten me to be quite at 12: 58 pm, about you’re bulling behaviour on towards others on here in front of everyone and in writing I may add.
I think you should be sure of what you have said and called everyone over the last months, including myself, before going down that line,
You might find it backfires.
You certainly will be happy to know that I refused to join a political party due to your browbeating and threats on here,
I am sure Alba will be pleased with you also. For keeping membership down.
holymacmoses says:
24 September, 2021 at 1:49 pm
Got it
The answer to the knock-knock joke or
What a dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac do at night?
1: 45 pm
That is interesting,
Like I said, the bullies and bigots are showing there colours here,
Fancy taking the mickey and telling jokes about disability’s,
Only the bully would stoop so low.
You brand yourselves with the iron,
When you do not win with reason, you mock and name call, and joke about someone’s disibilty.
Thank you for saving me the problem of proving my point about a bullies mindset.
It seems I was quite accurate earlier on in calling bullies to the fore,
You leave me smiling.
Ah well…seems like I can talk utter shite with the best of them.
Model ships eh?
I expect this one will look like the Titanic by the end of the day.
Any attempt to change the Nicola cult mindset with the people over on La La Land is definitely doomed to failure , I read a reasoned post by someone pointing out most mainstream political parties have flaws and the MPs representing these parties are just doing a job it could be any job it’s because anyone entering that line of work is just there in order to stay there , i.e. the career politician and he pointed out the SNP are no different .
As usual the pile on started how dare they question Princess Nicola ,
This is the princess Nicola who has had to call on the Army for assistance , this is the Princess Nicola who at the present time is in charge of a hospital waiting list that will never be cleared the people on the waiting list are more likely to die from their illness before they receive treatment so I guess that’s one way of reducing the overwhelming numbers waiting on urgent treatment .
And her shock horror act when confronted with the comments she was hiding behind the plague to disguise her many failings was really telling , what about the ferries being built abroad Nicola ? The usual waffle was her response, what about the Army being called in Nicola ? .
She’s not just hiding behind the Plague she’s hoping it never ends before she can do a runner I bet she and her , well it’s hard to tell what this guy is because apparently they don’t talk about anything ever they don’t appear to know who exactly is in the house with them Aye a strange marital setup.
James Che. says:
24 September, 2021 at 2:11 pm
Like I said, the bullies and bigots are showing there colours here,
Fancy taking the mickey and telling jokes about disability’s,
FFS Lighten up!
Any objection to poo jokes? Kids just love them!
Here’s one that might make you laugh!
‘Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Europe who?
Andy Ellis.
Hopefully this will be my last comment on this subject,
I copied you and the way you have behaved here, to protect other commenters,
It is probably untrue that anti vaxxers are flat earthers, for you can not prove this.
It is problebly untrue that a voice of opposition can be branded as a moon howler without you proven it,
It is probably untrue that most on this site are knuckle draggers, without you proving it.
Most of the things that you have accused us of on this site is probably untrue, without any prove from you.
In the same category it is probably untrue you may be a false Alba member, without some prove.
However if you start calling people and falsely accusing them without prove, those very same people are going to be offended and you instigate retaliation.
False allegations do hurt people as you have experienced when I decided to return insults, to show you what that has felt like, to help you understand that false accusations in you’re comments over the previous months are hurtful to some, without you proving you’re allegations are true, you have been browbeating and verbal bullying for some time on this site,
As to others, it only needs one person to bully, and then others join the bully for fear that they may too get bullied, or because that is a characteristic trait within themselves.
Someone has to stand up to the bully, or all are bullied,
I am sorry that I had to do this,
But false allegations can be seen now hopefully by yourself as wrong, if you did not like it, you can expect others not to like it, either.
and yet you have persisted,
I tried early on months past, for you to stop, but it went over your head.
Like I said I am sorry you did not pay any attention to mild comments from others on this site & myself earlier.
So now that you have instigated retaliation through you’re bullying, how do you feel when someone has had enough and stands up to defend themselves.
@James Che 1.50 pm
“You certainly will be happy to know that I refused to join a political party due to your browbeating and threats on here,
I am sure Alba will be pleased with you also. For keeping membership down.”
Good! If the prospective member is the kind of person who falsely accuses an existing member of being an entryist, I’m sure the party will be quite satisfied you’ve decided not to risk joining. It wouldn’t be a great look to immediately be subject to a complaint for defaming a fellow member James.
Of course we only have your word that you’re on the level, since you lack the courage to post under your own name or tell us what your prospective branch would be. I’d be more than happy to engage with the party and the brach convenor to alert them to your lies.
Given that you’ve already been caught out in one lie and apologised for it, persisting with this one just makes you look dishonest. All this special pleading about only responding to what you regard as bullying doesn’t in any way excuse your behaviour. Thankfully Alba can do without individuals like you.
James Che. says:
Macmoses asks:
Can you behave more like an owl please:-)
I presume in your ignorance that you have never been bullied if you’re life or had the piss taken out of you for being disabled with dyslexia, or jokes about not being able to read or write properly.
How do you think I learned so much about the way bullies work, how they pick on others, how they behave in demeaning others by jokes and name calling people like myself.with disabilities.
I have had a lifetime of being bullied until I grew strong enough to say, No More.
Now if I see bulling I recognise it like a beacon,
And stand up for others, whom may not have reached that point in life yet.
You are so ignorant in your knowledge of other people’s life struggles ruby, that you think it a joke,
Telling someone to lighten up,
There are thousands of people being bullied in Britain, And a lot of them commit suicide,
School children can go through hell and it often follows them into adulthood.
Luckily I had sound parents and a lot of family support.
You are so ignorant to others, you are unbelievable
Andy Ellis says:
24 September, 2021 at 3:14 pm
Good! If the prospective member is the kind of person who falsely accuses an existing member of being an entryist, I’m sure the party will be quite satisfied you’ve decided not to risk joining. It wouldn’t be a great look to immediately be subject to a complaint for defaming a fellow member James.
Of course we only have your word that you’re on the level, since you lack the courage to post under your own name or tell us what your prospective branch would be.
What a bullying fucking arse you are, Andy.
Get over yourself, you fucking sanctimonious narcissist.
You’re not the spokesidiot for everyone you think agrees with you, despite your constant efforts to appear so.
Take your fragile ego to fuck and when you get there, leave it there.
James Che 1:01 pm
You wrote “I hope you had the kindness not to mock your friends disability. Any more than you would with a friend with a missing arm.”
Oh dear. I don’t really have a friend that was dyslexic – it was just a joke James.
If you really are offended, that is a shame.
Maybe it should be against the law to cause offence (faux or real)?
James Che
You can’t be bullied on this site James. It’s your choice whether you write on here and it’s your choice whether you read other peoples’ posts on here. No-one can bully you.
Attention seeking is a childish trait and frankly gets intolerably boring from time to time. You show little signs of dyslexia and so you have done a grand job in your written communication skills.
If people don’t like what you write , and say so; that’s not bullying, it’s having a difference of opinion. Don’t take things personally. Our ideas change all the time (if they don’t then we’re not really developing our thinking skills) so it’s possible you’ll disagree with yourself about things you wrote in a few week’s time.
People rarely respond to things I write – Ruby is in fact an exception. Although it doesn’t matter to me whether people agree or disagree with me – the fact that Ruby takes time to wonder whether I would like a response suggests that they don’t lack empathy.
Finally this place, Wings over Scotland, is supposed to be about the prospect of independence for Scotland and obviously slips into areas of SNP rule etc on the way. If you want to write about yourself, your life experiences and your personal challenges it might be better to find a more appropriate audience for your discusssion.
@Scott 3.40 pm
Do you ever do anything or contribute anything other than foul mouthed abuse of others on this site? Try interacting with what people actually say, not what the voices in your head tell you and we’d all get some relief from your foul mouthed ranting.
As others have observed, there’s no bullying going on, just a collection of windbags like James clutching their pearls and playing the victim with their faux outrage for being called out on their unreasoned narratives.
Then there’s the abusive sweary trolls like you, pixywine and others who lack the wit or verbal acuity to do anything else. Same old, same old.
Sensible Dave says:
24 September, 2021 at 3:44 pm
Oh dear. I don’t really have a friend
I knew it! ‘Sinister Dave’ who self-id’s as an Englishman is ‘Billy no mates’
He self-id’s as an Englishman but when asked
“What is an adult human Englishman’ he can’t answer.
FYI: I have friends but none who ‘Lie awake at night wondering if there is a dog.’
What have I learned today from the experience of exchanges.
That where Scotland goes after independence will depend on whom takes over the controls in the think tanks, councils and positions of authority.
If we have people from all walks of life a balance will be achieved,
If we have rich and poor as new leaders, , ( ie) a road worker v a doctor.or a property owner verses a homeless person
If we have a balance of tenancy renting and tenancy ownership a balance will be achieved
If we have someone whom has gone through drug or alcohol homelessness and abject poverty in Scotland to a rich property developer, we will have balance.
If we have less expensive officials and red tape, and rely more on common sense of the people we may have balance
If the people get to vote in green deals instead of big interested cooperation investors. Balance will be achieved.
If hillwalkers, cyclists, mothers of children, animal owners and farmers were asked if they want bears, wolves and predator big cats on the land they use, then we would have a balance.
For a moral compass is often lost not by those in poverty, but by the rich and powerful themselves.
On the other hand if we install those that cannot stand in another mans shoes
Those that bully through lack of empathy and understanding.
Those that do not believe in helping others, but may be looking at governance from a career politician,perspective.
Or Those that have no comprehension of how protective education should be to children in school.,
Or Those that create ageism instead of joining the generations with respect.
Or those that have no moral compass in people sovereignty over parliamentary sovereignty .
or those that squash and delete freedom of full rights as a human being,
Or those that may take freedoms away over your own body or mind without permission.
Or those that like government meetings held behind closed doors,
Or install our present law system as workable . While it displays deep flaws of bias, and wish to do away with open juries
For I have observed two very distinct groups plying for the new positions that may come. one section seem to think as the old ones do,
Like old labour Lib Dem’s, SNP, Greens and Tories.
While the other distinction comes with the majority of the population for real serious changes to how a country should be run for the benefit of the people.
From frying pan to fire. We will go with very little change to policies
And a new government that acts just as totalitarian as the last,
Except we will do it as a new country.
@sensible Dave 3.44 pm
Surprised as I am to find myself agreeing with you, I can only echo Stephen Fry’s words:
“It’s now very common to hear people say, ‘I’m rather offended by that.’ As if that gives them certain rights. It’s actually nothing more… than a whine. ‘I find that offensive.’ It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. ‘I am offended by that.’ Well, so fucking what.”
I saw hate in a graveyard — Stephen Fry, The Guardian, 5 June 2005
The spell checker helps, and creates the possible word you mean to use if you have not got it right,
As to thinking that bullying is restricted to only James che, I actually don’t follow that line of thought as an individual. And do not feel personally attacked,
But for those whom have experienced bullying over dyslexia or over any other subject it must be kept present in anyone’s mind that reported suicide from any form of bulling is quite high,
This mainly in general effects school children and teenagers.
Of which I am neither.
But have been there and speak from experience of school days,
Sadly a overlooked problem in today’s society of social media.
And not one to encourage many perhaps more unsure teenager to this site,
Personal problems can make or break anyone,
But if you survive them, you’re first thought is, if I can save anyone else from going through hell, I will,
This independence site which I have been on from its early beginnings is not a site that I expected to have broach this subject.
But the site in the last few years has seen many commenters leave as abuse got worse, very few originals post any more, and that is a shame, but than that may be the intent,
It is abuse in many forms that AS, Rev and his family , Johanna cherry and many other people have had to deal with.
A little less name slagging towards independence supporters on this site might not go amiss,
I personally do not see those making comments as knuckle draggers, or flat earther types or moon howlers. Or the other names that have been thrown out there,
They, like you said are just people with their own opinions.
They did not deserve that abuse on here.
That was browbeating tactics. And many beside myself have said so.
The point is if Andy or others do not like strange accusations thrown at them, them perhaps they should not have instigated it.
Insensitive people in possible future power,
Wow that’s not new,
The snp got there before you,
Perhaps I will run.
That balance might be needed.
My goodness the Andy Pandy Ellis blog is fair picking up supporters his democratic approach to speaking for everyone is gathering pace , he is now openly telling people that he will “certainly be making representation that you be refused membership ” ohhhh matron The 77th brigade is all powerful what a boring git
thanks for the support, and recognising what is a form of bulling on this independence site,
I have been checking back how many people have had to put up with this, and there are a good number,
However I do not wish for those whom see it for what it is to be dragged into this and then also get bullied,
Like I said, I was bullied for a long time and now have no fear of speaking up.
Much appreciated.
Many thanks to you as well.
But if you speak up you will be verbally attacked also as Scott recently was.
This group is instigating trouble from early on in verbal abuse and it could get quite serious..
There is one consolation to all those that have received that form of abuse here,
It leaves a trail of prove in its words.
If you wish to paste or copy any of it… my guest.
I think I ave got this one.
Thanks again much appreciated.
Andy Ellis says:
24 September, 2021 at 4:11 pm
Then there’s the abusive sweary trolls like you, pixywine and others who lack the wit or verbal acuity to do anything else. Same old, same old.
You just can’t help yourself, can you?
You think because you have a PhD that your intellectual abilities are far superior to the anonymous or otherwise. I’ve got news for you, they really aren’t.
(Guess who else had a PhD? Joseph Goebbels, chief propagandist of the ‘Nazi’ party.)
I notice you haven’t denied or even commented on the fact that you are a sanctimonious narcissist, so perhaps you’re the one who should “try interacting with what people actually say“
@ Nally Anders at 10.14 and Andy Ellis at 11.24
George Laird is a serial trouble-maker. Years ago, he had a grievance against the University of Glasgow (something to do with sports facilities, I think) and used the staff e-mail system to send a massive missive, whining about it, to all members of staff, pleading for support.
This broke numerous rules, and he was disciplined (possibly sacked, I can’t remember now). The University felt the need to apologize to those of us who had received his diatribe for this lapse in security, which would nowadays be a breach of GDPR.
I had read it, and it was unhinged. It also defamed another member of staff. who happens to be my cousin, so I was not impressed.
@James Che 5.40 pm
That’s a total cop out and any reasonable person will see it a mile off. There is a world of difference between trenchant debate and someone on here (that’d be me) calling someone else (that’d be you and a few others in the nutter cabal) a moon howler, nativist, flat earther or knuckle dragger, particularly when it is absolutely fair comment, and you flat out lying about me, saying I advocated locking up people who refused vaccination, and – even worse – that I was an infiltrator or entryist in the Alba party.
If you are maintaining there is no difference between these two things James, you’re either just being dishonest, or you’re just not very bright. I’m going to go with the former, since you’ve already admitted that you lied about the “lock ’em up” allegation and apologised for it.
It simply isn’t good enough for you to rather lamely protest that you think it’s fair for you to behave this way because you felt I was bullying you or others. You weren’t being bullied, you were being disagreed with and ridiculed. If you can’t take that, I’m amazed you think it is an appropriate response to defame someone or simply flat out lie about them.
The best advice for you is simply to stop digging before you really get yourself in trouble. That isn’t a threat by the way, it’s a promise that I won’t hesitate to take matters further if I find out who you really are. Retract your unfounded allegation about me and apologise and we can go our separate ways: I’ve no desire to interact further with someone do intellectually dishonest.
@crazycat 6.19 pm
Ah, yes…that does ring a bell now. I remember seeing some discussion about his misappropriation of the “Unii of Glasgow” wording, making people think he was somehow part of or associated with the Uni, rather than using his blog as a way to wage a vendetta against it.
Doubtless he’d feel right at home amongst the moon howlers now infesting the BTL comments here recently! 🙁
Ian brotherhood,
9 : 49 am.
Interesting book section.
A gentlepersons guide To Forum Spies.
Twenty-five Rules of Disinformation,
Reality or not, it certainly has echo’s.
Andy Ellis.
I think if you back check this blog you will find the name calling of people on this site is under your posts and name,
I think if you also back check this blog you will discover that the words you quote as mine are also yours regards entryists infiltrator etc, under your suggestion and posts.
And as to the associated error I made “ to lock them up,”
I immediately apologised when you bought that to my attention,
And you publicly accepted that apology.
So now what?
@James Che 7.08 pm
More deflection on your part I’m afraid James. I’m honestly at a loss to decide whether it’s because lying comes easily to you – as we saw with the “lock them up” allegation – or because your memory just isn’t that good?
The evidence is there for anyone to see, as is the fact that you made the allegation about me being an entryist or infiltrator in Alba, which was the reason you wouldn’t be joining. I pulled you up for it at the time and asked you to retract and apologise, and you refused then, just as you’re refusing now.
The reason the exchange sticks in my mind is that you brought up the fact that Alex Salmond himself had invited you to join the party, and I remarked that I wonder what he’d think about a prospective member defaming an existing member by falsely accusing them of being an infiltrator. Alex after all has experience of being falsely accused, and whilst his case was of course much more serious than the false allegation you are making about me, I can assure you I’m just as keen as Alex to protect my reputation.
From your MO, I have little confidence you have the integrity or courage to retract and apologise of course. All that proves is that you are unfit for membership of Alba, and even less fit for the public office you said you were tempted to run for.
The “now what” is a public apology and retraction on your part or the knowledge that if your identity becomes known you won’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of being admitted as a member or I suspect elected anywhere when it becomes known you have a semi detached relationship with the truth.
Andy Ellis says:
25 September, 2021 at 8:51 am
@James Che 7.08 pm
More deflection on your part I’m afraid James. I’m honestly at a loss to decide whether it’s because lying comes easily to you – as we saw with the “lock them up” allegation – or because your memory just isn’t that good?
The evidence is there for anyone to see, as is the fact that you made the allegation about me being an entryist or infiltrator in Alba, which was the reason you wouldn’t be joining. I pulled you up for it at the time and asked you to retract and apologise, and you refused then, just as you’re refusing now.
The reason the exchange sticks in my mind is that you brought up the fact that Alex Salmond himself had invited you to join the party, and I remarked that I wonder what he’d think about a prospective member defaming an existing member by falsely accusing them of being an infiltrator. Alex after all has experience of being falsely accused, and whilst his case was of course much more serious than the false allegation you are making about me, I can assure you I’m just as keen as Alex to protect my reputation.
From your MO
Good grief.
Your lack of insight must be a deliberate act, nobody can be this intelligent and transparently fucking stupid at the same time. You know exactly what you are doing when you write, or so you think. You’re not the cleverest person in the room at all times, FandAndy.
If the evidence is there for everyone to see, why does it need “the fact” of more evidence in support? You aren’t that comfortable with your defence is the reason.
You are the most insecure contributor I’ve ever seen on ANY btl section.
You only use perceived attacks on YOU as evidence of the need to assassinate the character of the writer.
You always speak on behalf of others (the mainstream majority, whatever THAT is), when at your most indignant.
Again, you need to appropriate support and protection from those you always agree with, whilst simultaneously thinking they always agree with you.
A permanently stateless village idiot, that’s you that is.
Hoisted by the verbosity of your own hypocrisy?
“The SNP and the Greens have danced around the truth.
Imagine if they told the truth and said we have to liberalise and open up our energy markets because of EU rules.”