The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Always keep in touch with your friends

Posted on May 15, 2020 by

As overt direct interference by unelected, unaccountable foreign media corporations in national politics continues to intensify, readers of Wings will be aware that it’s now considerably more difficult for us to even let you know when we have a new post up.

(Obviously this isn’t quite so much of an issue when we’re on holiday – which despite the flurry of activity in the last week or so we still officially are, since the coronavirus has knackered everything up and unavoidably delayed the decision we’d planned to make last month – but the general principle remains alarming.)

So here are some things you can do.


Especially alert readers may already have spotted that our Twitter logo now redirects to another account. It was set up by the people who maintain the “Wings stall” that appears at indy events and marches, specifically for this purpose, and has already gathered an impressive number of followers in just a few days.

We have no connection to the account (if we did we probably wouldn’t have called it “FO Wings” :D) or indeed to the stall, but we’re sure that the trans and SNP activists determined to remove all trace of Wings from social media* will still report it and try to have it banned anyway, so there are also other options.

(*They’re going nuts trying to spot which accounts might be me. None of the ones currently claiming to be Wings are, but setting up fake ones called “RevStu2784” or “WingsScottland” for them to chase endlessly might be funny.)


We didn’t even know this was a thing until recently, and were always perplexed to get notifications about it, but we’ve finally worked out what it is.

If you scroll to the bottom of any article on Wings, you’ll see the comments box, which should look something like this:

Observe that highlighted section. If you tick the box and then hit “Submit Comment” (we don’t think there’s any way of getting alerts without posting at least one comment, one time), you’ll get a message like this at whichever email address you’ve entered in the details box.

Click the “Confirm Follow” button in that message and you should get this:

Now any time there’s a new article posted, you’ll get an email link to it. You can choose to receive the alerts immediately, daily or weekly.


Obviously the ideal solution is for Twitter to lift its completely unjustified bans on all our accounts. To do that you can try contacting @TwitterSupport, or (and with slightly more hope of success) raising the issue anywhere else you can think of to exert pressure. We’re already in touch with the Free Speech Union and the NUJ.

We’ve noticed quite a lot of people have also adopted our shield logo as their Twitter profile pic, which is a low-effort but actually quite powerful way of keeping a Wings presence in Scottish political social media discoure and highlighting the injustice. Below are a few variants of the logo you can use if you’d like to do so.

Now more than ever, folks, it’s important to remain alert.

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Alison Whiteford

There is a pandemic of authoritarianism coming from the right and the left just now. Protecting free speech and independent voices has never been more important or necessary in my lifetime.

Neil Mackenzie

What about a Twibbon?

alex gallagher


Bob Mack

I always keep in touch with my friends. Last night for instance I was almost having to call an ambulance when my Unionist friends of over 40 years told me that they have decided to vote for Independence. That also includes their two grown up children.I am stunned.

To know them would indicate the magnitude of that decision for many reasons I can’t post on here.

Is something turning?


4. RSS Reader – automatically alerts when a new post is published.

Bill McLean

Bob Mack – i’ve replied to you on the previous post


Good morning – thank you.


Westminster Gov late in heeding the Cygnus Report,
Late in stockpiling, late in ordering PPE, late in ordering
Ventilators, late in ordering Lockdown, late with universal credit
Payments, late in delivering the true Covid Death Totals
and now they are delivering Orwell’s 1984 in 2020.

I’ve signed up for e-mails from Wings although I check out our
Site several times every day.

Our day will come!

Andy Ellis

Looking forward to more announcements when lockdown is over then Stu? Have to say that since my twitter account got canned I haven’t really missed it that much: like so many such platforms it now seems to me it has outlived its usefulness. I do miss interaction with some of the good folk on twitter though!

Going forward I still think we need access to a distributed/federated platform for any “new” party or movement that isn’t subject to the whims of twitter-like algorithms and the baleful influence of cancel culture’s purity spirals.

Scot Finlayson

Much as i despise all things fitba,(for the now)

a maroon logo would do me fine,

and maybe a green one for the Hibernian.


Sign me up

Sam Mc

Keep up the good work.

Anthony Mcguffie

Great stuff

Alexander Wallace


Ewan Steed

Please send me up dates whenever posted.



You can also download The Hub and follow the Wings group on there. Your phone will notify you when Stu has posted something new. You can then tap to read it. Very simple to use and the whole app is for pro-indy content. link to to get download links for iOS and Android.

Joe Turner

I should have signed up to these alerts years ago.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Always keep in touch with your friends As overt direct interference by unelected, unaccountable foreign media corporations […]


These attack groups are not anything I would have associated with SNP. Changed days indeed.

Julia Gibb

Selected to be notified and following new account of friends of Wings ?


Much needed advice

Willie Anderson

Keep up the pressure

Ian Brotherhood

As Rev said there, the FOW account will surely come under attack from the usual suspects.

It’s not possible for anyone to keep across all social media platforms – if you see any posts on Twitter, FB or elsewhere, crowing about ‘taking down’ Wings, Glinner, Craig Murray, Mark Hirst, please save them, screenshot them, and if you’re not sure how to do that (like me!), let others know.

There’s a solid – and growing – body of evidence which proves that the reporting which resulted in the closure of the and Sealand accounts was organised. No cuddly toy for guessing who’s behind it all, but the more evidence the better – they believe they’ve got away with this and so, emboldened, are on the hunt for more scalps.

They’ll be coming for this new account – nothing surer. So let’s be ready for them.


David Maskey

The far left will use every trick in the book to silence you, it’s what they do and silicon valley always give in to them. Never underestimate their ability to carry out mass campaigns against you for your apparent ‘transphobia’ or ‘misogyny’


Happy to receive emails of new posts. Keep up the good work Rev!

Jack Findlay


Hi Stu just here to ensure notifications and to say hope you’re well??


good on you, Rev


Information is power

Watty Eyeballs

Notify me please.


Effigy 8.47
You’re at it again.
What about the SG?
Health is devolved in Scotland

Jon Drummond

Invaluable information.


If you are using a phone or tablet, install a RSS reading app. I use Newsify. It’s a bit clunky but does its job well.

You can monitor dozens of news outlets and have headlines and snippets placed in folders.

I have one called Scotland I which monitors all the trustworthy blogs and sites, inc Wings, WGD, ScotPop, Craig Murray, etc

I have another called Scotland II where a selection of MSM is aggregated.

Then, UK for reasonable sites like Evening Standard, PoliticsUK etc

Finally, International with Irish, French, German sites.

I don’t miss much!

Paolo Mario

We must not be silenced.

Mrs Grimble

I’ve seen some people recommend Better Business Bureau for fighting Twitter suspension. Have you looked into that?

Izzy Macdonald

Please let justice prevail!

Lewis Moonie

We’ll beat these eejits. Just takes time. And cunning. And resolve

A C Bruce

Done. Thanks for the information. Someone had already alerted me to the FOWings Twitter account.

Steve Ellwood


Billy Fife

Sign me up?

John Gordon

Keep up the good work, many of us are counting on you.


Coronapanic and lockdown have unleashed the inner conformist, authoritarian and suppressor, individually and systemically.
Informing has never been so cool among the uninformed masses.
An object lesson in how easily and rapidly the notion of external threat can make society more compliant, more amenable to novel doctrine. ‘Authority’ has taken to the new order like a duck to water.
Dissent must be indeed be vigilant.

David Francis

keep going, pal

Bill Cowan

Good one.

Jim Scullion

Email alerts would be good.

Jeannie McCrimmon

Pining for your acerbic wit – stay safe x

Matt Seattle

When Wings twitter was censored I requested “See First IN YOUR NEWS FEED” on Wings Facebook.

That works OK, but almost no Comments show, even when clicking or selecting ”Show All”.

Are supporting Comments now being censored?


FriendsofWings twitter account, when I google it I get an account from 2017. What am I doing wrong – not on twitter btw.

John Walsh

Info wars
The fact that the woke have laid down a useful weapon (you) in the fight for independence
Tells you all you need to know about wannabe party cuckoo’s

Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and your forensic style of MSM exposure will be missed.

But as history proves they may destroy the party(SNP) the same way they destroyed SLAB.
But they can’t stop the movement.

The BritNats and Yoons are gleefully celebrating your demise a little too soon.

We await “I’ll be back” headlines ASAP. From Wings
Keep at it Stu.

Bob Mack



Scotland’s budget is the percentage of what England spends. If England doesn’t spend on stockpiles neither can Scotland.

You understand?



Global Voices
link to
Reporters Without Borders
link to

I don’t know anything about these orgs maybe you can check them out….. Might be worth seeing if they’ll do some coverage on you and CM’s situation. Certainly would not be a good look for the Scottish Establishment if your story were to sit alongside the shady practices of some shady countries in relation to freedom of speech abuses…but hey-ho mibbie Scotland should think about that before they continue their crusade of silencing bloggers!
Am sure wingers would share the bejesus out of any article coverage they might do on you, CM and this whole sorry mess.

Sharny Dubs

We should not go quietly into that…..

Notification requested, now for some fun


Keep up yoyr Sterling work.


It’s so much better to get email alerts. Most of the Indy sites I follow send email alerts, which are better as you can miss them if they are posted to Twitter.

Ian McCubbin

To be honest Stu I would rather look for a Loof tried to find a Lert, but they had all gone into hiding.

Jim Dewar


James McQuade

Wings will never be muted


ps: is someone tech savvy to able to keep a record of all the attacks on Wings etc? Stu might need to lawyer up with an expert in technology and digital law (I believe it’s a thing these days!)…


Why oh why are Scotland, Wales and N Ireland labelled “Devolved Nations” and England isn’t?

Doesn’t this alone give our English masters and even greater air of authority over us.

For the sake of us all being equal, I would suggest that either we drop the label “Devolved Nations” or, England also gets labelled a “Devolved Nation”.


Thanks Rev, I always assumed the notify me was to be notified of new comments to this article. It is not obvious from the wording that it refers to the site not just the current article comments.



winifred mccartney

Keep keeping on and more power to you all.


Posting so I can get email alert.

winifred mccartney

will try again – I miss not getting email alerts to site.

Martha Chisholm



It’s unseasonably cool today. Perhaps the #letsbanhate brigade might like to organize a book burning to keep warm.


Can you create a rainbow flag version of the Wings logo as well? That would really wind the woke brigade up.

Matthew Fairmind

Believe it was unjust that your Twitter feed was silence.

Andrew Gosden

Don’t ever give in!

Davie Reynolds

Followed by email for articles.
Will follow the efFOff wings twitter acc ?

The Isolator


N. Holmes

You have many, many friends on social media. We’ll make sure your blogs are read, shared and retweeted to help fight against this intolerance, injustice and suppression of free speech.


As I have opined before the establishment is fighting a war. That is what they do and they have done so across the globe as countries have striven to regain their independence.

The suppression of information through the mechanisms of the state apparatus is what allowed the regime in 1930s Germany to take absolute control and it is no exaggeration to say that we are on the same path.

The importance of resisting censorship and the political oppression, and indeed potential incarceration of dissidents is something none of us should ignore – not for a moment and we must all do our bit to resist the growing fist of the totalitarian state.

Well done Stu Campbell and others who are helping us in this fight that we must win.

Anne brown


Jo Macdonald


Michael Cavanagh

i am not the friendly sort, but fuck it…

Daisy Walker

Aye Wings


Seriously don’t set up accounts in assumed names. The rats out to get you will invoke this law link to on the basis that you gained access without authority. Regardless of whether you see yourself as a white hat or not the pros don’t play games.


That’d also be the legal justification for their selective banning you for using a second account despite allowing you to have it in the first place.


susan says:
15 May, 2020 at 9:35 am

FriendsofWings twitter account, when I google it I get an account from 2017. What am I doing wrong – not on twitter btw.

Click on the blue account link in the post and it takes you directly to friends of wings! I am really missing wos on twitter. Especially the bear patrol and the lovely pics of foxes, squirrels etc. This may seem a bit random but it cheered me up to see. Never mind the warped sense of humour, I miss that just as much. Twitter has a lot to answer for.
Posting to get an email alert too

Alistair McGregor



However that also means that accusing anyone of being a bot or someone using a fake account to bypass a ban is making a defamatory claim.

dan macaulay

lurker alert


Thanks Stu.


Notifications on 😀


Michelle Thompson, Alex Salmond, Craig Murray, Mark Hirst, Manny Singh, and even the Rev Stu Campbell. What two things have they all got in common.

Yes they all support independence and they all have received police attention.

Or more recently, what about the hapless MP for Coatbridge with whom a neighbour had words because of his displaying a Celtic FC flag in his window. A month after the police said there was no crime, a team reappear and charge both him and his neighbour.

Or what of the leak the night before the equally hapless Derek Mackay was to read his budget. Yes he may have been a clown for engaging with a young man in tasteless texts but who released the story the night before to such devastating effect. Most interesting how in the absence of any complaint of criminality a Police Scotland announced that they were nevertheless calling to encourage anyone with information to come forward.

Thin end of an ever thickening wedge and our failure to resist this, will result as gravely as Germany’s Jewish community failed to resist a similar clamp down there.


I tried to repost your blog the other day on twitter and it wouldnt happen. Sent a message to twitter support for an explanation, but so fsr I have had no response from them


Trial without juries. Reporting restrictions. Trials with secret witnesses. Trials totally in camera.

Readers might do well to appraise themselves of the Nacht Und Nebel decree of 7th December 1941 which allowed German authorities to abduct individuals alleged to be endangering a German security so that they effectively vanished without trace.

Consider now Police Scotland and how it is moving as a political weapon against perceived enemies of the state. And consider also the part that the prosecution service is now playing.

The parallels are becoming crystal clear. And now the catch all hate speech laws!

Iain Patterson


David Innes

Go get ’em!


Add the blog feed to your favourite news aggregator – e.g. Netvibes –

John White

Pleased to support you.


keep on keeping on Stu


signing up for emails

John Gowrie

I Support you, us sheep need to flock together


Re: “Friends Of Wings”

I read the Revs comments as to mean, “is there any chance of changing the name”.

Because it could lead others to put their own interpretation on it.

After all, when you see the slogan, “F,O,Wings”, a lot of our enimies would take that to mean, “Fuck Off Wings” and the majority of them would probably say, “yes, fuck right off Wings” and give us all peace.

So from what I took the Rev to mean was,,,”any chance of a quick name change guys”.

In a jokey sort of way.

We have enough BitNats telling us to “Fuck Off”, without advertising the point ourselves.

All new ideas are most welcome.


John Gowrie

The sheep are on fire



Derek Cameron

Quality output in the propaganda jungle.

Alastair Wright

Keep on keeping on Rev.

James Caithness

Good to know.

James Caithness

Hope everyone follows


Just here to get on the email list…

Ron Maclean

Human Rights Act 1998 – Article 14 – Protection from discrimination

‘Discrimination occurs when you are treated less favourably than another person in a similar situation and this treatment cannot be objectively and reasonably justified.’

From Equality and Human Rights Commission’s website –


Thanks for the heads up about contact by email. Trying it now!

Sharny Dubs

No sign of any notification yet.
Sad face thingy



Dennis Nicholson

What it is to be popular, eh?

Dennis Nicholson

Idiot – had to try this twice…


“Jambo and Hibee (also Celtic) versions added. Any more requests?”

Aye, you might as well do the purple, green and white suffragette/women’s colours while you’re there.


Thanks Maureen.


Things really are scary just now and I’m not on about just the virus. Scottish office full of unionists, Visit Scotland polluted with the disease of unionism, National Trust with Neil Oliver at its head. The NT can go swing, no way would I ever make a donation to them even if they did get rid of N O. Employing him shows their calibre from the start.

One Nation, Our Nation, The Nation, the North, Britain. All terminology used every day by the msn and nobody corrects them or asks which nation? I always understood that the name Britain was to be used whenever the subject was a reference to the nations of Scotland and England to prevent Scotland becoming a chattel of England?

I am very proud to be Scottish and love to see the Saltire waving wherever I am. The English should feel the same when their flag is waving but for some reason they need to be consoled with their colours in among other nations and the knowledge that the bayonet and the gun will always be their default position to feel dominant and secure. They will always be warmongers. The best way to stop bullies is when they realise that the playground isn’t theirs anymore as was shown by a blustering PM. Without his gang he was like a burst balloon.

Thank goodness for WoS.


Maroon! Fantastic Arbroath colours 36-0 and a that.. I’m on the email list cheers..?

Fiona McRae

I’m finding it a nightmare on twitter nowadays. I don’t see stuff I want to, including your own good self, and I’m bombarded by keech which is of little or no interest to me….


Can the National not highlight this and the Craig Murray crown prosecution scandal. Have newspapers completely surrendered their integrity and morality.
What has happened to the people of this country that they have surrendered control


Folk using PCs/laptops could also do what I do and put a shortcut to Wings on their desktop and get into the habit of clicking on it daily.

Neil G

Keep fighting the good fight no matter how they try to silence you.


Followed the friends account! I know we all need to be working together etc, but, as a fervent Dee, that orange and black Wings logo can GTF!!!!!


testing testing


Oh baby, notify me.


Posting for notification by email

Julia Gibb

Millennium @9:55

An excellent point! You never here “devolved” used in the context of England. Westminster is England and the U.K. Seat of Government. Interesting that they established this so easily. EVEL just proved the case.


Thankyou for all of your work and your courage! Keep going please!

Donald Wallace


Bryan Weir

I’m not really missing your Twitter account. You blocked me for disagreeing with something you said. Bit like what Twitter has done to you. ;o)


count me in ..


Signed up

Jim Thomson

I used to have an e-mail alert but it disappeared a few years ago. Hope this gets it back

Craig Macinnes

Thanks Stu

David Hill

You’d better keep posting stuff, now that I’ve gone to all this bother.


Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
15 May, 2020 at 11:33 am

Jambo (also Arbroath) and Hibee (also Celtic) versions added, along with Motherwell and Dundee Utd. Any more requests? ?

Queen of the South!?

Mike d



Keep on fella. Changed my emails and lost some and addresses on the way. Can you drop me a line when you get a chance.


Dunk Mitchelson

Keep up the great and entertaining work


With you all the way Stu some people just can’t handle the truth!


Stop using big tech. Use Brave browser instead of chrome. Duckduckgo instead of google.. Use bitchute instead of youtube. Use gab instead of twitter. Use protonmail instead of gmail

The alternative infrastructure is all there. Stop empowering the companies that suppress you.

robert galloway

First the Preservative Party using our taxes to preserve their Propaganda Rags,not selling too well,false news and lies.We are devolved,they need dissolved and why are they involved in our countries?The English with hee haw culture other than MORRIS DANCING with ancient straw boaters,want to give/take our resources to pay for their projects,whilst racking up huge debts.Their latest wheeze to borrow billions,even though they have trillions offshore,we the people pay back with more austerity,and they make money.Whose idea was it,we closed our ports,sent goods through England,diminished our armed forces,helped themselves oil,gas,whisky and our quality food and drink(RED TRACTOR CRAP)! This is not a treaty its a one way take over bid.Time to leave,time for change!!TIME FOR A POSITIVE SCOTLAND!!

george wood

@Pete 9.14am

You don’t appear to be aware that we are not an Independent country.

Westminster has by far the most influence on how our country is run.


In the middle of reading the history thieves by Ian Cobain. Interesting to see how the “British Government” revert to type


Forces of darkness are everywhere. Showing it’s still an uphill battle field!I was wondering where my WOW and other sites had gone! I’ve now completed all your recommendations. Thanks!


Very good Rev, I hope to see your logo all over Twitter.

Craig Murray has a new post up as the establishment goes after another indy voice.

link to

Andy smith

Jim Thomson,
Mine’s disappeared around 2 years ago as well, had to re-submit a couple of times before it ‘re-appeared .


Sign up to this: link to

Make an account on Gab here: link to

Mirror everything you post on twitter on Gab and include a link. Get all your followers to make Gab accounts and follow you there also.

Imagine if you’d all been doing that the last 2 years?

Stop giving power to these arsehole totalitarian companies.

Scot Finlayson

I suppose a selection of all the clan tartans is beyond even your talents,

obviously not including the cursed clan Campbell tartan,

no offence 🙂




Great idea on the logos. I can be an ‘I’m Sparticus’ wee game for the blockers.


Interesting article on the lockdown measures here link to, worth a read.

Robert Louis

I agree with the first poster, there are indeed worrying developments showing a rise in totalitarianism and removal of free speech. A few examples, are the diktat of ‘no-platforming’ anybody, including homosexual, transgender or transsexual individuals who do not fully agree with the anti-scientific gender-queer dogma.

Then their is the worrying, seemingly politically motivated pursuit of contempt proceeding against ONLY those who were supportive of Mr. Salmond – and then there was that trial itself, something which the entire Scottish legal establishment should be ashamed was even allowed to take place.

History shows us that all such types of changes, are the precursors to totalitarianism, the rise of dictatorships and the end of free thought and speech. Totalitarianism, can arise by stealth, drip, drip, drip, little by little, very, very slowly, and by the time folk realise, it is too late, the freedom for dissent has gone already.

I find it horrifying the way some on the left and in the SNP, have embraced the removal of free speech, with such glee, celebrating the unwarranted closure of the wings over Scotland twitter account. Stifling a single voice because he won’t agree with their anti-science, gender-queer dogma. What they cannot seem to understand, is that just as his voice has been so easily stifled, so too could theirs.

It is a slippery ground, that those who should be fighting for free speech, celebrate it being stifled.

Those celebrating so hard and long about the removal of free speech from the wings twitter account, should really take time to think through where they are taking things, perhaps it is YOU they will silence next. Then what?

Andrew Morton

I simply check in daily then retweet the hell out of any new articles.


Add me in please and a Livi FC one would be smashing thanks.


Wings can never be clipped!

Was getting withdrawel symptoms so thank god there’s a minute light.

BTW I screenshot like an eejit!! 😀

Jan Cowan

I look forward to email alert…….again.

Have to say I’m appalled. I have suspected the Cosy Club exists because people get used to large salaries and can’t imagine life without a regular top-up. But I had no idea the membership was so extensive.
Spirits raised, though, by a phone-call from a life-long Labour Party member telling me she is now keen to see an independent Scotland.
Can’t come soon enough for me.


Just watching Nicola on the TV and as usual she wipes the floor with the BBC and the usual MSM journalists.

The press questions are infantile and immature and nonsense in the purest sense. I am astonished their bosses have not sacked them on the spot.

This total inability to hit the mark takes my breath away especially given the Salmond trial.

If I were a unionist (MSN is totally) MSP or MP I would be asking:

1. Would the first minister like to congratulate MR Salmond on proving his innocence?

2. Would the first minister care to condemn people who make false allegations?

3. Have you amended Scottish Government protocols to ensure such cases can’t be repeated?

4. First minister has police Scotland wound up the “Salmond Team”.

5. First minister are you happy with the performance of the Crown Office

If I were a unionist politician I would relish pouring paraffin on this case.

I cannot understand why Jackson Carlaw is not making hay with it.

Why are they missing such an open goal?

Ian Brotherhood

@Joe –

Thanks for those links, very interesting.

Have signed up for both.

(On Gab I’m IanBhood – see ye there?)


Robert Louis

And a final point, all the young-ish folk I know do not use twitter. It is, apparently, old now.


While we’re doing colours, how about flags? a few of us wingers are living overseas….unless there’s some weird law against flags in logos, I dunno?
Anyway, I’d use one with the aussie flag (just make sure you only include the stars doing want the UJ bit!)

Fiona McIntyre

We need people to give fact based rebuttals of the dross spewed out by opposition politicians and churnalists. Please keep going.

Robert Louis

…and bitchute is chock-full of extremist right wing loonies.


that meant to say DON’T want the UJ bit

Bob Mack

Some good news. The vaccine trialled at Oxford and Astra Zeneca has prevented six monkeys from contracting Civic 19 despite very heavy exposure. There were only six exposed.

Looks like a vaccine is not a million miles away.


Well said @ Robert Lewis.


We are legion.

John McCran

Thanks for the update.

Vic Rodrick

I noticed that typing “Wings” into a Google search no longer comes up with your website. Strange, no?

Colin Dawson

Keep up the good work Stu.


Signed. Thanks. Resist.


A lot of comments today ?

Stuart McCready

A smile, in these ungrateful times
Makes all that you left me seem more worthwhile
But no, I couldn’t really dare
To show how much I miss you
Isn’t that unfair?

Great song
Great band



They are missing such an open goal because it suits them nicely to have Sturgeon at the helm, rather than a pro Independence first minister.

Paul Short

To Dave Maskey at 9:06am. I’m coming on here – first time, probably only time, though I read regularly and have contributed money in the past – to stress this bill and its authoritarian intentions are not from “the far left”. The “left” in general stretches over various groups and ideologies from Labour (pretty right wing) to the SSP and Solidarity (which is much nearer me). But though I’m for example not completely lined up with the Rev on trans – I’m not far off. Socialists – let me say here pretty damn definitively – support independence for Scotland because every nation has the right to self-determination, end of; the line, as it were, coming from Marx, through Lenin to James Connelly. Most people on the far left are very sympathetic to trans people, but seriously dubious about the smear campaign for example over Campbell, Murray and Hirst, which does seem to have roots in govt security services using some people close to the top of the SNP as “useful idiots”. I’m certainly far to the left of the Rev – who has said he has voted LibDem for example – but let’s be clear about who is, and who isn’t, active around these issues. And again – Scottish Labour isn’t even slightly on the left.


Please, please tell me now, is there something I should know..? Posting for email notification.


Sign me up


Lothianlad @ 1.52pm
And to add to your post, it suits the SNP just fine to have these useless Lab, Tory, Libdem and Greens bozos in HR rather than list independence MSPs ripping them a new arse on their lack of action. It’s all a right cosy wee club.


It would seem that following on from WordPress reorganisation my WordPress subscription list of 35 different bloggers intent on sharing the fruits of their thinking with us has been deleted. Took 5 years to compile that list & now have to start again.

Anyone else had problems with this?

Steve Parkinson

It is despicable that Twitter can be and has been manipulated by a group of arseholes



A Maroon wings logo!

Tempting but I’ll ponder longer. 🙂


shug says:

Just watching Nicola on the TV and as usual she wipes the floor with the BBC and the usual MSM journalists.

The press questions are infantile and immature and nonsense in the purest sense. I am astonished their bosses have not sacked them on the spot.

Aye it was another whack-a-mole day. I have learnt an awful lot about care home procedures and protocols which is good but a view not shared by the MSM.

My partner’s daughter and daughter-in-law both nurses one in a care home going for a virus test this afternoon at the pop-up testing unit that has been in the sports centre car park in Glenrothes which has been there all week.

I’ll tick that box thing now.

CameronB Brodie

If only the SNP had someone in their team who understood and respected the law, then we might have a chance of democracy in Scotland. As things stand, it is hard to describe the SNP as being supporters of democracy, as they appear to be content to replicate British constitutional practice, a.k.a. making things up as they go along.

Full text.

Law in the Digital Age: How Visual Communication Technologies are Transforming the Practice, Theory, and Teaching of Law
link to

Robert Ladyman


CameronB Brodie

The law is too important to be left in the hands of amateurs, especially in light of the need for tracing covid-19. So the current SNP leadership does not inspire me with much confidence that my human rights will be protected from abusive power.

Human Rights in the Digital Age:
The European Court of Justice Ruling in
the Data Retention Case and Its Lessons for
Privacy and Surveillance in the United States

link to

Indy Penguine

Thanks for the update Stuart. Will do everything I can. The email subscription is a great idea, wish I had known sooner.


Hi Stu. Missing ye on twatter

ed mccabe

Keep on Keepin’ on

Steve B

For a few years now I’ve used the The Hub on my phone which gives me new notifications of articles on both Wings and other Indy-sites as well as local Yes groups (all configurable within the app).

If you tried it a few years ago, its been improved since then and worth a another go: link to

Eddie Munster

Dare I say it . . . Facebook page?

Ryan Frampton



signed in.


BBC making the care home in Skye the SMP Bad Special for today.
Is there any nursing homes in England with high Covid death tallies?

With SNP not adding up deaths the way England does, we have put
Ourselves in first place over the number of Covid Deaths across the UK.

99 people in 100 will have no idea about England discounting deaths
That are likely to be through or by Covid 19.

It takes a thief to catch a thief and
You need to fight fire with fire.

Do honourable things like count honestly
Once we are independent.

Recognise we are up against the most corrupt
And powerful of Foes who are masters of lying.

Marion collins

Hmmmm I’ve “commented” before but never received emails. Maybe I’m doing it incorrectly.

Inshall change my Twitter avatar, to one of the Wings’ logos ??


Joe at 12.50pm

Good advice. I use Linux, although not computer savvy myself, husband is and keeps us away from all those who love to track our every move.


Men are men, women are women and transsexuals are somewhere in between. There are only two sexes; clean and dirty.




You’ve definitely got them going. Keep up the BRILLIANT WORK THAT YOU DO!



Indy Penguine

Profile pic has been updated with the wings logo.

Twitter gave the option to share the new update via a tweet, so included many hashtags and a link to this article, also pinned the update. Any significance to the scales?

Jim O'Rourke

Keep fighting the good fight Stu.



Talking up Scotland has some data on the true numbers of deaths in England’s care home, actually 72% higher than in Scotland up to 1st May. Info from ONS.

UK gov advising London Funeral directors to expect a second spike by Autumn, also UK gov in the process of increasing ’emergency’ mortuary space to 100,000. Currently sitting at 30,000.

Somebody once wrote,

For Capitalism to succeed it requires the sacrifice of human lives.

Looks like they’re preparing to do just that.

Robert Pennington



Watching BBC News, Sky News and ITV News, it doesn’t take long to work out that what you are watching and listening to is England’s view of the UK and England’s view of the World.

Very one dimensional re-writing if the facts as we know them.

I still meet people who tell me the lockdown has been lifted, schools will be opening at beginning of June, and pubs will be opening beginning of July.

All their facts came from listening to our “National” News bulletins.

It’s then that you look for the nearest wall to hit one’s head off of.

Stroll on my fellow countrymen/women.

And you wonder why we lost indyRef1?

There’s your answer.


BBC reporting some figures and ‘The Sun’also.

N. Ireland……today……15………Total……469…BBC
UK…………….(no data)….Total…*31855..*SUN


I like Stuey
And I like to Stew


Shock for Carlaw as proportion of deaths in English care homes revealed to be 62% higher than in Scotland

link to

Jerry Carroll

Thanks Stu, now following by email ?


How do you get a photie in your avatar here?

winifred mccartney

still not getting email notification – got it for years and then stopped a while back. Trying again.

Will Carlaw come back to Scottish Parliament and correct the figure he gave for Scotland care home deaths and apologise. Same with Tomkins last night on Newsnight – liars both of them.

Liked Philipa Whitfords, instead of stay at home ‘Stay Apart’ WM should get the Scots to give them sound advice.


This Aussie Flu was always going to be a bitch and thus it has proved to be…….but in fairness we saw it coming in June 2019 and prepared accordingly (well, some of us did).

No surprise then that Oz and NZ numbers are so low given they have already been through the ‘first wave’.

As the good German Doctor said – we have a ‘New Test’.

Now that the Aussie Flu is over, everyone is scaling down big time. (mind stay at home now….but don’t stop taking that vitamin D)

Good news is we will all keep warm as freedom, liberty and money burn all around us.

Derek Morison

I have subscribed for email notifications

Derek Morison

Keep up the good work



BBC reporting figs:
Big increase on UK Total from yesterday.
Care home deaths catch up??

N. Ireland……today……15………Total……469…BBC

Irene Buchan

Now following by email to make sure I don’t miss your blogs.

CameronB Brodie

This might be worth sharing widely, as an example of what small, independent, nations are capable of when liberated from Westminster’s sovereignty. 😉

Privacy, Data and Technology:
Human Rights Challenges
in the Digital Age
A paper issued by the New Zealand
Human Rights Commission
May 2018

link to

CameronB Brodie

And another that might be worth sharing.

The Future of Free Expression in a
Digital Age

link to


I suppose an email is better than just sitting at a keyboard hitting f5 all day everyday.

George Gannon

Hi Stu good points, I will do as you request. Keep chin up.

James F. McIntosh

Just read Craig Murray’s blog, so soul destroying knowing that the Scottish gov. and police and judiciary are as bad or more corrupt than the UK gov. Or have they become one on the quiet and we Indy supporters don’t know about it yet!.

terence callachan

England need devolved powers
Such as power to be sensible

Voting for the Conservative party and following their advice on how to deal with covi19 shows they are not sensible

Jim Gallacher

Love your work.

Highland Wifie

Thank you. Still enjoying reading though no longer commenting.



All the three colonial countries in the UK have a corona virus BBC web site window up and running with numbers.

BBC UK web site zilch for England
BBC England zilch for England.

No numbers at all now for England. They think it’s all over? 🙁

Tony O'Neill

I said on here a good while ago, that the so called Scottish legal and police forces were nothing more than other parts of the British establishment in Scotland. RE the fit up and trial of all megrahi.Now we are witnessing the British establishment in Scotland in action again,RE Alex salmond,now Craig Murray and now the boy Mark Hurst I think his name is. Our enemies are powerful. But we are not afraid we see you.


Thanks for the “gravatar” reminder. Been trying to change my icon since 2015!

Mike K

Now following for new posts.


Followed. Keep up the great work


Well done – Keep going. Were all here.

Willie Fleming

Signing up for email alerts. Thank you for the avatars


Coronavirus infection rate in UK creeps up

link to


Mainly commenting just now to get the alerts and acknowledge the greatness of the Wedding Present, but the online presence must continue. At some point the mainstream of the SNP membership and wider Yes movement will cotton on to what has been going on …. or we are screwed.

red sunset

“Your wish is my command. (Also works for all my SNP pals!)”

An SNP one ?


? Follow @FOWingsScot on Twitter
? Change Twitter profile pic from blue to red sheild
? Get email alerts for new posts
? Share new posts on Twitter

ToDo List:

Contact Twitter Support and complain


Sign me up…

North chiel

“ shug @0134 pm “ , agree with you re the FM “ wiping the floor” with MSM“ journalists”. It seems to me that the more direct exposure given to our FM (without the “ filters” eg “ toddle-oo- the noo at Holyrood and the distorting Scotland “ team” at Pathetic Quay ,) then the more the the General Public seem to appreciate the very competent job she is doing as regards her “ COMMUNICATION “ and EXPLANATION of the parameters of the pandemic , and her honesty and transparency as regards the data etc. The Scottish public are in general very “ fair minded” and perhaps this is now showing with the very recent polling for the Holyrood election . I think the view of the public is that she is very “ hardworking” and this would be reinforced since the start of this Pandemic. ( I would guess she has been working 16 hour days 6-7 days a week since March . She looks a little drawn and little wonder).
However, in football terms , in her dual role as FM and leader of the SNP , I would view her as “ playmaker( certainly in the context of prosecuting Independence). She requires a “ striker” along side her when it comes to the “ constitutional goal” . Someone who can “ put the ball in the net” . She appeared to somewhat lose possession over Brexit , but appears to have regained the ball over the Pandemic .
Post Pandemic , there will be some critical questions to be answered and I will be very interested to see whether Alex Salmond attaches any blame to the FM ( or whether he sees possibly that she has been ensnared by the Britnat Civil service , and no doubt security service operatives embedded within Holyrood ). ?Will she perhaps decide to “step down “ ( as undoubtedly this pandemic Crisis is obviously taking a significant toll on her? Or will she decide to continue if she still leads the polls ahead of Holyrood 2021?
As I said earlier , I view her as the “ playmaker” as regards the constitution. She needs a “ finisher” along side her as she moves into the penalty box. Whether it’s a “ headed finish” ( Joanne Cherry and a court battle to establish that the Union Treaty has been unequivocally breached ?) . A side foot pass to the on running number 9 with the ball driven home from close range ( A 2nd referendum win with an accomplished striker leading the campaign along side her ; Robertson , even Salmond? or Cherry? ) or she is brought down “ in the box” via a cynical professional WESTMINSTER foul” ( we have to appeal to the UN “ referee” ?
Interesting possibilities “ going forward” . We must “ go for goal” when this crisis passes. If necessary make the Holyrood election our “ referendum “ .


Love this holiday thing long may it last , the posts are coming thick and fast , what’s not to like , BTW how do you select and capture a avatar for your comments here and other blogs, also can you do a wings logo with St Andrews cross the satire , pleeeeease


Satire FFS predictive text , SALTIRE


North chiel 5.47

Agree with all you say

The critical thing is will she ensure the Scottish elections next year are about independence??

Will Alex come out on her side – if so I think it will now be in the bag. I find it hard to believe she does not support Alex. AS first minister and the boss the the complainers say could not say a thing. I just don’t know why the unionists are not making it worse for her. Having said that they are such a useless bunch.

Some seem to think the last few years were wasted but I don’t think so, the polls did not move and there is no point in an referendum if you don’t win. Her position on the EU did seem light but nobody can be in any doubt about how irrelevant Scotland’s interest are to Westminster.

There is a wave building now as a result of the virus and Brexit will hit in Jan. Sounds like a perfect storm.


How have I never noticed that subscribe button before.. man, it’s only been 8 years..*sheesh* /BeMoreAlert

And Spouse



I too thought ticking this box was to get notifications of all posts. Glad to do it now..

James McCabe

Persevere !

Stuart Bradley

For as long as a hundred of us remain….

Keith M

Liking the logos too…


Thanks for everything Rev.Stu

David Rodgers


Oor Steve

Glad to see you are being looked after. I hope ticking the box makes it easier to keep up with your publications.


Give me some of that regular email love…


“Damn” We will have free speech

John Duffy

So email it is then. Are you looking at other social media sites in the meantime?

Brian Doonthetoon

All those asking about gravatars…

link to




Well this is interesting. Plenty comments too. I don’t need mail notifications as I check the site every day. But might look into the RSS feed. Frankly, I spend far too much time online as it is but if you don’t watch Union TV you have to get you news somewhere.

Patricia Spencer

I have pinched the suffragette coloured logo – thanks

Margie Davidson

I had already found your new account but an email alert will be helpful. Thanks.

Jim Patterson



Email notification would be great. Read all your posts (and many of the comments) although I don’t check in every day, and seldom comment. Keep up the good work. Am becoming more and more concerned with the direction of travel in this country – so much happening behind closed doors.

Habib Steele

All the Best Stuart!


Still reading your posts, sharing too. Best of luck with twitter?


Wow I had to do a lot of scrolling to get to the bottom of the page to leave this comment so I could sign up for email alerts. It had better be worth it.,

Jockanese Wind Talker

Any chance of doing one with a background of the Catalan Estelada and one with the Flag of the International Brigades, Stu?

Margaret Tees

Keep up the good work


@Willie says:
15 May, 2020 at 10:47 am
“Trial without juries. Reporting restrictions. Trials with secret witnesses. Trials totally in camera.

Readers might do well to appraise themselves of the Nacht Und Nebel decree of 7th December 1941 which allowed German authorities to abduct individuals alleged to be endangering a German security so that they effectively vanished without trace.”

Willie, it started in 1933 (?) not long after Hitler became Chancellor. A state of emergency was invoked allowing them to lock up communists, and was signed off by President Hindenburg.

Ian Gibson

Yep, sign me up too

Graf Midgehunter

Care of “aye mail”, the Saltire now flys over my village in Germany.. 🙂

Any Scots in Germany reading Wings here who live in Mörfelden-Walldorf?
Spotted a yellow and red lion standard when riding the mountain bike there last year. Had no time to stop unfortunately.

Notify me of new posts by email. DONE..!


Past my bedtime, but still time to sign up.

Dae a rory tartan yin, ae?
For cycling and Tour De France enthusiasts, a King of the Mountains one (red polka dots against white background)


Steven Smart


Steven Smart

Looking forward to updates!


Hope over fear


Keep pushing, brother.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Thanks Stu.


Everyone, no matter what “side” they are aligned with should be worried about the current attacks on free speech. That it’s being actively supported and encouraged in Scotland is an absolute tragedy.

Stuart Macdonald

Thanks for all the work you are doing.

Carol Sadler

Always thought this was for the comments,hence no sign up.I much prefer e-mail notifications.

Norma Ballingall

Commenting to get email links to posts.

Steven strickland

Keep going stu


Tried the bit about posting a comment to get email alerts, but so far, no results. Not sure what to do next.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Patsy.

You should get an email when Rev Stu publishes a new article.


Ian Brotherhood says:
15 May, 2020 at 1:34 pm
@Joe –

Thanks for those links, very interesting.

Have signed up for both.

(On Gab I’m IanBhood – see ye there?)


No bother. Joe_Macbloggs.

In the near future this is where ill be linking resources/info on COVID-1984.

Ill say again to others – you need to start thinking of having back up free speech platforms. The mainstream ones are not going to get any better. It’s down to you.

Tom Donald

David Leask just called me “a wee diddy fascist” I couldn’t be more proud!
Commenting to subscribe…


Just subscribed,thanks Stu!


Miss you on Twitter Stu. Commenting to subscribe.
Can you explain why I can’t read comments on your FB page?


Liam G

Subscribed now Tx


I’m in….

john green

carry on carrying on

wendy smith

Best band in the world!! Great choice.

James Caithness

Lets get connected

Noel Masson

I’m in too!



Lo Meg

Wow.. I didn’t know that.


Thanks Stu. ?


I’m in. For the emails that is. I’m obviously in in every other way too as I’m not allowed out. Following the many alt-Wings a/cs on twitter too.

Phantom Power

Support Wings Over Scotland

David McKendrick

Thanks for the info.

David McKendrick




Kenneth Young

Sign me up…

Ciaran T

Keep me posted please

Paul Garbett

Signing up

Rory Timmons




Signing up for email notifications please.

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    • Mark Beggan on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “And that pool of dribble was brought to you by #ScreamingLadySuchJan 14, 13:00
    • gregor on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “They/Them LGBT+ Liberation Front (2025): Steph Paton: Why social media faces existential threat: “The internet has always been an anarchic…Jan 14, 12:55
    • Michael Laing on Nicola’s Non-Truths: “Sturgeon quite deliberately and systematically wrecked the SNP, so I doubt if she’ll care when it goes down the pan.Jan 14, 12:52
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    • Alf Baird on Inability To Learn: “Yes Sam, Scotland with a similar population but with far more resources than Ireland is forced to make do with…Jan 14, 10:31
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