The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

In the clouds

Posted on February 21, 2014 by

Someone just forwarded us the results of a survey by STV’s polling arm Scotpulse. It’s a “wordcloud” of the sort we have on this very site (it’s over on the right hand side and down a bit, marked “Tags”), where the more significant something is the bigger its name gets printed. It pretty much speaks for itself.


You’re the ones who put the word out there, readers. It’s working. Thank you.

(Below are all the named individual publications/sites that are big enough to make out at maximum zoom on the graphic on the Scotpulse website, at their relative scales.)


We may as well take this opportunity to quote the comments made by Colin Meek in a piece earlier this week for, as we’ve been looking for an excuse:

“And then there is Wings Over Scotland. Speak to anyone engaged in the referendum debate and they will know all about it. It attracts just as much praise and respect from those in the Yes camp as it draws vitriol and abuse from the No side. With almost the whole of the UK’s traditional media lined up against Yes, Wings Over Scotland is a refreshing antidote.

It is irreverent, brave, challenging, intelligent and often carries brilliant analysis and debunking of the media’s campaign against the Yes movement. The fact that a serious and on-going targeted DoS attack has been launched against the site is proof it is making an impact.”

Blimey. No pressure, then.

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Ian Brotherhood

Tried enlarging it, but still can’t make out the wee toty ones – anyone have a list of the others?

Mary Bruce

Brilliant: Wings is bigger than Scotsman, Guardian and Herald. And Internet is bigger than BBC too, superb. No wonder the establishment wants to shut down the online debate.


Wings, NewsnetScotland and wee Ginger Dug in that order.

Well deserved all three,


..and the Daily Hate Mail is? 🙂


Bigger than the Herald, the Scotsman… Rock on.

The huge ‘internet’ is very telling too.


Well done Rev Stu & readers!



Cybernattery rules ok !


To quote a Kevin Conster movie (well if Mel Gibson movies are relevant, then why not Costner ones):

“If you build it they will come.”


It’s 99% your terrific writing Reverend. Bravo!


You were also namechecked in the comments on Roy Greenslade’s piece in The Guardian about the UWS story.

It’s good to share!

Findlay Farquaharson

brilliant man, just brilliant.

Doug Daniel

Nice positioning as well. Catches the eye easily.

Go us!

Murray McCallum


Hopefully the fundraiser and materials from it will help grow WOS even bigger.


Wings V BBC website and BBC Scotland

link to


All down to your hard work Stuart. Now the world is your lobster !


Seriously Stu, you will be mentioned in dispatches when the history of this campaign is written.


@James123- does this mean we’re crapping all over them 🙂



Did you ever think when you started out that the site would become what it is today?

If my blog gets more than a couple of hundred hits in a day I wonder why and worry about litigation.



I think you’ll find that should be “the world is your oxster”:-/ (OK you spell it!)


Very depressing that the BBC is so prominent! Great to see wings feature so prominently. It has been a life affirming experience since I found this place. You suddenly realise that people do see things the same way as you do.

Keep soaring! It could be Sir Stuart Campbell after independence, for services to Scottish journalism.


Yaaay. More of this, please.

Grouse Beater

Great. Well deserved.

First Scottish bauble in new nation goes to you.

Soon as your income can manage it invite Scottish art students – on the graphic side – to redraft the insignia for some prize money.

I know you fiddled with the wings recently but stylistically, and volume to proportion, they’re at odds with the lion. Rather too much Third Reich than the land of the mountain and flood.


I’m not wearing my glasses so can’t see Scotsman, Herald, Guardian or Daily Mail but WoS is clearly visible.

Well done Stu, keep up the work.


Be proud Stuart, crack yourself open a cinnamon vanilla cider


Superb news! Soaring above the MSM.

scaredy cat.

So pleased about this.
Well done Stu et al.

From little acorns indeed!


A praiseworthy effort Rev., now you seem to be getting the hang of things. 🙂

Garry Henderson

Keep up the great work Stu and all commenters. Great community we have here


That tallies with media analyses recently published showing huge YES domination in the air war, especially in recent months. The same media analysts point out that it’ll take a lot more than air domination to win the referendum. For them, its all about boots on the ground. Which we know, of course.


No slacking peeps… Wings to be bigger than the BBC. 🙂

Suzanne K

Wings, Newsnet and Business for Scotland were my choices in that order on the latest survey.
The first question on currency was ambiguous to say the least however. Are you going to cover the other questions results? Quite interesting that the currency issue has affected only 11% of folks voting intentions according to the headline results, but fails to point out that the majority of those were pushed over to Yes.

Liz Quinn

Wonderful. Stu you are doing a great job. Thank you.

Dr JM Mackintosh

Well done Rev.

I just do not read any newspapers these days as they are completely biased against Scotland.

Also I have become completely disillusioned with the BBC as they are so aggressively against the independence campaign. The way they treat Yes campaigners is quite appalling compared to the unquestioning support of pro union views from UK and beyond.

It is really important to have your website and others like Bella, Bateman, netsnetscotland and ginger dug to give a more representative and unbiased view. This will make a huge difference to the vote in September.

Thank you.

You deserve a knighthood or lordship when we get independence. Oops – we are not going to have any of these medieval honours any more. Will a pint of beer do?


Is the one below BBC Scotland in Stu’s graphic Bateman?


Rev not sure if you really realise how much you are doing for Independence and how much the work here is valued across our Land but as others have said – you will be mentioned by many come our day.

On another note if you need a night off again tonight just leave me the reins – was in total control of the carnage last week

john king

“Seriously Stu, you will be mentioned in dispatches when the history of this campaign is written.”

Mon deu,
a statue at least! :0


Hi I am new to this but feel I have to say well done in your daily quotes ..I get so riled at the blatant lies coming from the No camp so well done Rev

Alan Mackintosh

Well done, you are most certainly Soaring above scottish politics indeed

Domhnall Dods

I voted for ya, thoroughly well deserved. Congrats.

bookie from hell

Why is it called WingsoverScotland?


BIll McLean

Has anyone done any analysis of yesterday’s polls? Been away for a couple of days and may have missed out! Sorry in advance if it’s elsewhere!


Scotpulse poll result is interesting too.

38 Y / 38 N

43Y / 41 N with leaners.

Looks a bit like that panelbase one from not long ago.

38 Y seems perfectly plausible and in agreement with recent panelbase and survation. TNS getting 41-42 no.

No idea on methodolgy though, so not getting too excited.

What is interesting is that it’s not a straight Y/N, but asks in a more indirect way. This tends to reduce shy factors.

Parity approaching?


Bob Mills on R4 News Quiz. Chalk up another 2-3% yes votes after that nasty racist ill informed rant.


The BBC has impaled its impartiality on the thorns of political favours.

Yay for Wings!


Strange that any real positives on the Yes side come on a Friday. Well done by the way as this shows how the BBC has let everyone on these islands down big time.


Well done. Now get back to work 😀


Grats Rev, good to see you “flying high” 🙂

Findlay Farquaharson

sir stu campbell? not for me, leave the class warfare behind, just sayin like. pretty sure stu will be mentioned in years to come as a huge help giving scotland her self respect back.


Well done, and well deserved


This is quite astonishing. Text size wise the internet is bigger than newspapers and catching up fast with T.V.
Congratulations on your text size, is that acceptable in polite company, and your compositional position in the cloud. Immediately noticeable and right beside News. It kind of implies trusted source and imposes respectability by linking them together on screen like this.

Serendipity or friends in cloud composition land?

No matter, all good, keep up the good work.

WOS= karma! good. MSM= miasma of muddle! Bad.

Flower of Scotland

Considering the DOSS attacks are trying to make things so difficult ! WELL DONE , Keep up the good work !


Okay can anyone give a %age comparison of the sizes of TV and Newspapers.

And well done Wings.

When are we due to dip into our pockets again?


Internet is no surprise I get about 90% of my news from the webs.


I think your hard work Rev, can claim a reasonable percentage of the 38% of yes voters, as for the undecided voters, they’re there for the taking, and I’m sure your tenacity in exposing the better together fraud, will be fruitful, come September 18th.

As for the poll it fills me with hope, for the future.

Findlay Farquaharson

this site has the same feel as last years rally on calton hill, warm, friendly and safe.


It’s on occaisions like this that I wish I knew how to post one of those wee smiley faces.

Please imagine one here:

Mary Bruce

Juteman says: “Seriously Stu, you will be mentioned in dispatches when the history of this campaign is written.”

Wings will be a movie. It’ll be a hoot. My favourite scene will be when everyone goes off spying on the BT train station leafleting campaign. We should start the scriptwriting now.



Just to torment you 🙂


Rev Stu,
If not a ‘sir’ then the heartfelt thanks of a nation made official by parliamentary announcement.
Hope you can keep this up through the DDOS attacks. As editor of one of the foremost sources of untainted news I imagine you’re lined up for a spot on Question Time. If not why not.

Quinie frae Angus

This is absolutely brilliant news, Rev. So pleased and delighted for you, for us, and for Scotland.

Ian Brotherhood, someone mentioned on an earlier thread that you should book the Hydro for the Wings Nicht Oot.

Think you may have to, now! 😉

john king

“Wings will be a movie.”

Bags me Dustin Hoffman


It’s not the size but how you use it that counts. Here you get both :-D. OK, I’ll get my coat.


Hi Scottishgran, welcome to the party and good on ye!


Well done, Rev. Wings is a wonderful blog and deserves the accolades now and the ones that will no doubt come in the future too.

Thanks to everyone else for all your contributions too, they are funny, insightful, supportive and moving.


@Rev Stu

Ah well I’ll pass on that Hermes bag I was about to buy, just for you.

john king


“Please imagine one here:

you have half of a smiley already the : immediately followed by ) gives you 🙂 its the ones with movement in them I cant do


Wings is where I direct to who are slithering when I ask how they intend voting.I say get on twitter, Facebook and don’t trust the press or Beeb…. Start with wings and go from there. Have changed many minds doing this already, roll on a massive YES vote 🙂


Wings over Scotland is a pain in the arse, – to the Neo-Lib-Con-Slabs, and a source of information, discussion, and encouragement to we Cybernats, Cybergnats, and what ever else name calling the No campaigners can dream up to call us.

Fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

john king

ye dinnae wear a tartan tam o shanter do ye scottishgran by any chance?





Bags me Dustin Hoffman, you say

Midnight Cowboyesque I’m thinking?

Findlay Farquaharson

i took stirling station during the phoney leaflet operation, someone better get onto brad pitt and book him for my part in the movie. if he aint available, maybe rowan atkinson.


Outstanding Rev.


Cybernattery rules OK!

Too right it does. 😀


@Rev Stu

You are sharp!

Mary Bruce

Scottish_Skier: I would imagine that if this poll is entirely an online thing, everyone who participates is computer literate. How might that skew the results?

john king

“Probably wise. It’d look terrible on me”

Oh I don’t know I thought that wee ensemble you wore at the yes rally was missing a Hermes bag,

ah’ll get ma pashmina 🙁


On that image WingsoverScotland is the third largest source, discounting generic sources such as TV, internet etc. Only behind BBC and STV, truly amazing.



I see the PCS have their indyref conference in Glasgow tomorrow. Anyone know how the votes went? I believe several branches voted to support the Yes cause and some to remain neutral. I’m not aware of any that voted to support No.


National TV news reporting that Farage will have a prime time TV debate on in/out Europe with Clegg.
Can anyone explain why a party with no MP’s gets such exposure?


Well done Rev Stu.

john king

“Midnight Cowboyesque I’m thinking?”

more Louis Dega in Papilion was my thought
minus the halitosis 🙂



Don’t know for sure re PCS, word is it may be ‘neutral’ and the result not released until Monday, we’ll see.

I also understand, as you say, no branch voted No.

Maybe a member on here?



A bit of a droop to the cowboy hat surely?

john king

“Can anyone explain why a party with no MP’s gets such exposure?”

A question that I keep asking,
it would seem money talks.


well done stu

once again brilliant work.


@Juteman says:

National TV news reporting that Farage will have a prime time TV debate on in/out Europe with Clegg.
Can anyone explain why a party with no MP’s gets such exposure?

To try and dilute the Tory vote to attempt to benefit Labour.


So proud of the Rev and all of us. 🙂

Elizabeth Sutherland

Well done Rev.Stu and to all who help as well to get the true facts out to the people who want to know what is really going on. More power to your pens everyone and don’t be shy in putting something up for comment. Wee smiley thingy

john king

It’ll keep the sun off while I tend my carrots.


Looks like the PCS will keep the position under wraps until Monday. I think neutral is maybe their preferred position.

Findlay Farquaharson

ukip will need to change their name after independence.



Are you my echo?


Good grief Louise Mensch, remember her, wheeled out on Channel 4 News discussing femininity and sport, hud me back.

Seems us girls should stick to dance, ballet, cheerleading and roller skating. 1970’s rewind.


Congrats Rev, onwards ans upwards!


This is SUCH good news. What a relief that so many Scots are choosing alternative media. I spend a lot of time on The Guardian website comments posting links to Wings/Newsnet/Fiscal Commission etc. ad infinitum: all the news and expert opinions that they ignore, on currency, on the EU, on the economy generally. Fantastic for Wings, congratulations 🙂


If the PCS say they are neutral on independence it would not be too bad. Presumably individual members can campaign for a Yes vote, through trade unionists for independence etc. It sounds like the majority support independence. The STUC made positive statements about Yes as well, although I cannot see them either supporting one side or another officially.

Dorothy Devine

Wonderful and thoroughly deserved!

P.S You don’t really drink vanilla and cinnamon flavoured cider do you?

john king

Ah’ve changed ma mind anyone know if Jon Voigt can do a Fife accent?
link to

how would you like the job of casting director Albalha?


Re. the BBC News Quiz – i heard that too, rab. They also had a go at Belgium, France, Spain and Germany, I think.

There was nothing ironic or post-modern about this Little Englander sneer-fest. Fred McCauley mithered on about nothing and refused to speak up even though he was directly asked – instead he warned the pub bore Mills that he might get a hard time on Twitter.



Great news Rev and I’m sure you’ll agree with me in saying the battle is just beginning, that means we all don’t rest on our laurels and push wings etc. to the forefront in our Independence fight.


Had a work colleague (no voter) tell me today that Norway’s oil fund of 600 billion usd was of no use because they wouldn’t be able to spend that sort of money, it’s too much.

I kid you not.


Fantastic. The word is getting out there!
Cheers, Rev.


handandshrimp @ 6.50pm

“The BBC has impaled its impartiality on the thorns of political favours”

Jings handandshrimp, – I wish I’d said that!

What a hoot, the furtive, devious, lying No campaign claimed they had the air cover. Well it looks like the Wings force is taking care of that – Achtung Wingsfire so to speak!


“Fourth. We’re slightly smaller than the whole of Facebook”

Maybe you could flog Wings to Facebook for $10 billion, would buy a lot of leaflets and billboards?

john king

I someone asks you for a definition of cognative dissonance show them this

“Had a work colleague (no voter) tell me today that Norway’s oil fund of 600 billion usd was of no use because they wouldn’t be able to spend that sort of money, it’s too much.

I kid you not.”




Well Angelina’s dad is still on the go and I would freely give my services as director, what fun we’d have.


How the cloud image will look by September.

link to

john king

“what fun we’d have.”

Where do I sign 🙂


Rev, “It is good to be the King”.

john king

“How the cloud image will look by September.”

Even 6 months ago that would have been fanciful,
now I’m not so sure.


I voted WoS, Bateman, Wee Ginger Dug.

Chuffed that you’ve made it onto the legible bit!


Any Q’s R4 features A Carmichael, introduced as a former Hotel Manager who’s now a Lib Dem, says it all really about the paucity of talent in that risible party. What with that and Danny A’s Cairngorm moment, you have to wonder.


No more heroes, Mr Bowie? I think we have one running Wings over Scotland! Soaring indeed!

No wonder they’re shitting themselves.

It does occur to me with this poll and the ‘phone bbc morning propaganda’ question being ‘who do you listen to’ that they are trying to find out how they can influence the vote. Then there was Bliar McD saying this week that the bitter mob are about to roll out their great white hope ‘Obamaesque’ social media software/app thingy. The internet community really, really have them running scared. Keep up the good work y’all. We’re WINNING!




I still have some Wos vinyl Rear window stickers available.

Get them free from me and pls try to drop a few extra coins into the Rev’s fighting fund next week if you are able.

My contact details will be posted in Quarrantine

Kevin Brown

Has anyone else heard that the Scotsman is going to a once a week print? I have heard it from a journalist a few weeks back and read it on a blog just this week. Given that they are giving up their HQ at Holyrood is sounds to me as if they are pretty much finished.

Findlay Farquaharson

surprised labour hame isnt near the top harharhar.


With this sort of publicity it looks like my wee wings badge from last September might be worth something for my grandkids to show off.


Well Rev. you absolutely deserve that spot and more. You give us all the facts to be able to “buzz” here and there on t’internet slaying falsehoods and misinformation!

You’ve become the focus of the campaign of both sides. Magic 🙂


John King : a man who knows his onions!

With a daughter that looks like Angelina Jolie?

Drinks all round.


There are times words cannot do justice to convey your gratitude.

This is one of them.


@Findlay Farquaharson
surprised labour hame isnt near the top harharhar.

The Labour Party doesn’t even get a mention, unless it’s one of those really tiny ones.

john king

“You give us all the facts to be able to “buzz” here and there on t’internet slaying falsehoods and misinformation!”

Your absolutely right Mogabee
I had a conversation with a workmate by email the other week and I dismantled the usual no campaign guff so effectively without referring to notes, I think I have another conversion, he was impressed by my level of knowledge, ye’see rev some of it sticks 🙂

john king

“Drinks all round.”


Ian Brotherhood

@HandandShrimp/Albalha –

A well placed wee birdie told me the same – the likelihood is a ‘neutral’ stance, but the grassroots is solidly Yes, and growing. Nice one to have up the sleeve for nearer the day.



But beware the Herald bearing gifts today re PCS.



Ian Brotherhood

Here’s Richie Venton’s take on it – great stuff, and watch out for the brilliant graphic of Ozzy the Water Baby:

link to

Gordon Jackson

Side issue, but the only thing I’d say about the tags on this site is that they look a bit, well… negative. Most of them are explicitly anti-Better Together tags (project fear, misinformation, etc.)

I’ve seen more than a few people bring that up in a debate. We were having our usual two pints independence discussion at the pub the other night, for instance, and someone came out with something like “Wings over Scotland keep bleating on about negative campaigning, but all they ever talk about is how Better Together are a bunch of c***s”. The tags kind of prove the point.



Parmesan, basil, thyme, not getting the code.


R4 Any Questions on our referendum.


“..and then they promote you…”



Rev, “It is good to be the King”.

Susan, you’ll be given him ideas above his station. Next he’ll be demanding ermine robes. We don’t need any of that fancy stuff here. This is a common house for common people…



I do not know how the PCS thing will go. the Better Together guy we got was GMB and claimed to be “United with Labour”

So a good portion of the usual “No europe,.Default on debt no one will trust you, poor starving babies in Manchester condemned to eternal Tory rule” and other untruths.

Although EK HMRC PCS declared YES, I do not know any others that have.

The “neutral” option was put forward by a a PCS guy. He may have been advocating no campaigning for one side or the other but he was transparently a “No”.

Today there were messages put out in reaction to the Herald article stressing no decision had been taken.

I suspect “neutral” will win, no matter how the votes are cast. Possibly my own mistrustful nature


Its not you, you’re Wings Over Scotland and this is some interloper called WingsoverScotland. Probably a BT plant 🙁

But it might be you, it is a Friday night and the jackpot £20 million after all, so well done Stu and all the others who make life bearable


Where the hell is Better Together? I can see Yes Scotland but no matter how much I zoom in, I can’t find it.


@ Kevin Brown

I heard Rockstar North were taking over the building.

I wonder if they’ll keep any of the staff on to write fantasy storylines, since they’re so experienced.

Calgacus MacAndrews

@Mary Bruce says:
Wings will be a movie. It’ll be a hoot. My favourite scene will be when everyone goes off spying on the BT train station leafleting, campaign. We should start the scriptwriting now.

It’s been done already … Brief Encounter

… and congratulations Rev!


Wonderful. Soaring above right enough. 🙂


Rev, have you or your hosting company changed your security settings in the last hour.

I am now getting security warnings that server certificates don’t match, one reason for this is a possible man-in-the-middle attack, see: link to It might be something or nothing.

I am paranoid and run all my browsers and OS on full security settings.

Les Wilson

Well, just goes to show what can be done, a year and a bit ago you never would have imagined what is happening now.
Good for you, good for us, good for our hopes.

Well done to all at Wings, and of course to us lot too!


Very we’ll done Rev. Stu.
I love this site and your articles are fantastic. The commentators are intelligent and very very funny, I love you all. There is a wonderful feeling of togetherness and community here and I am sure that people from outwith Scotland must see this site as an inspiration for change.


I see more are looking for information online,when I first got onto this site the jargon used confused me,still does sometimes(wtf is Btl).Just a thought,maybe some new readers would understand and engage quicker if we had some kind of jargon buster.

john king

” We don’t need any of that fancy stuff here. This is a common house for common people…”

We are a league,
a league of gentlemen er and Women 🙂


Congratulations & heartfelt thanks, Rev. Whenever I make the mistake of listening to the BBC, I come here afterwards to get my sanity restored. If you are in Glasgow on 4th April can I buy you a drink? Please, pretty please?


A film it will be.

I can’t wait to see ronnie anderson demonstrating against ATOS and Ian Brotherhood “harassing” BT supporters by engaging in conversation and handing out leaflets.


A wee bit info on Scotplus.

link to


Albalha, that explains why the No campaign is like an episode of Fawlty Towers (except not as funny).


john king says:

“Can anyone explain why a party with no MP’s gets such exposure?”

A question that I keep asking,
it would seem money talks.

Is it a form of conditioning? Are the public being conditioned to accept the UKIP right agenda as somehow normal? I may be wrong but it’s only in the past few years that their profile has been raised.

I reckon it’s the Tories behind it. Perhaps looking to have them oust the Lib Dems as #3 thus keeping the UK in a perpetual Tory / UKIP coalition in the near future.

God help us all if we don’t secure a Yes vote!

Calgacus MacAndrews

@X_Sticks says:
Then there was Bliar McD saying this week that the bitter mob are about to roll out their great white hope ‘Obamaesque’ social media software/app thingy.

That’l be the I’M CRAP APP for the AyePad then ,,,

john king

Talking of ladies anyone remember when we were talking of the lack of the female sex on here?

well we cant say that now there are more and more women appearing here on a daily basis,
and most welcome you all are ladies, and any others out there who are looking but not posting , don’t be bashful were a nice bunch really just ask Alexandria 🙂


Well done Rev Stu – more power to your elbow.

Welcome scottishgran – the more girls the better.

O/T just listened to that tw*t John Inverdale ‘saying that Scotland were really poor last week was maybe disrespectful to England!!!’

Frazer Allan Whyte

Sorry for being off-topic but what is the status of the DOS attack and any evidence as to who is behind it? Also where are all “shock-horror cybernat spotters” and why are they not denouncing this disgusting attack on free speech and open debate?

john king

“Is it a form of conditioning? Are the public being conditioned to accept the UKIP right agenda as somehow normal?”

It certainly is sinister Rabb of that there is no doubt, the hysteria at the manufactured argument with Farage in Edinburgh was quite disgraceful and it was very clear there was an agenda to which the BBC were party to.



wtf = what the fcuk
btl = below the line (comments)

Alan Mackintosh

msean, BTL stands for below the line, meaning comments added below an article. The other one which took me awhile to figure out is CiF which is for comment is free. Again, comments after an article, think it is from the grauniad.

Scottish skier; May i advise the revs preferred (ie to avoid ballistic repercussions) idea for reloading the page is to use p@ge refresh , (replace the @ with a). This goes to moderation and stays out of the thread.



BTL is “below the line”

That is comments on the article. The article is “above the line”


Regarding the Herald’s piece on the cps vote.
It maybe because the vote for Independence at the centre 1 branch was 4 to 1 in favour of backing Indy.

link to

Calgacus MacAndrews

@john king says:
“Is it a form of conditioning? Are the public being conditioned to accept the UKIP right agenda as somehow normal?”

I was Cybernattin’ on the Telegraph website earlier when I saw the Farage v Clegg story. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, but it was true.

They had a video clip of Nigel agreeing to the debate.
So I commented:

“Viewers in Scotland should look away now (and just vote YES in September).”


For inspiration on what the human spirit can achieve against the odds BB ‘Riley’ King film on BBC4.

BBC ecosse

BBC (ecosse) would like to point out that the Word Cloud position of “Wings over Scotland” in the recent Scot pulse pole (nearly first) is primarily due to the overly long length of the title “Wings over Scotland” as compared to the more concise “BBC”. Therefore it just looks bigger but in reality it is not.
We also point out the “Yes” campaign also has an unfair advantage as it is 50% larger than “No” and therefore has a bias in favour of independence which nobody wants.

We intend to ask various senior EU and UK representatives to give unbiased opinions on this discrepancy.


Ah you are all a lovely bunch indeed John King, and have been most welcoming to this new member! It’s much appreciated 🙂


We need to get you measured up for a post-indy statue Stu. How about staring beady-eyed over Bute House so FMs of the future remember how they got there, and that we can vote them out if they are ever tempted to start spinning mince.


Congratulations, Stu. It’s amazing how the site has grown,is it not? I remember posting my first comment way back when the site was still small. I was terrified.I bet there’s many like me though. Come on guys…don’t be scared to comment. We all want to hear what you’ve got to say.

donna barnstaple-stuart

Well done! Seen this, this afternoon and was very excited and forgot to post it!


I was Cybernattin’ on the Telegraph website earlier when I saw the Farage v Clegg story. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, but it was true.

They had a video clip of Nigel agreeing to the debate.

And you can bet your bottom dollar that if this goes ahead Farage will come up smelling of roses – thus putting the padlock on the chain of the Lib Dem coffin which has already been nailed shut and glued down.

If your an undecided – this your future under a no vote. A Tory/UKIP alliance.

I don’t think I need to say any more.


Congrats to you REV and all you Wingers.

Still plenty of work to do, for all the hard work we put in, be it in rain or shine, it still gets my back up when you get smug bastards like Douglas Alexander wrongly state that pro indy vote is stuck on 30% and hasn’t moved for years.

I am going to work my butt off till we have “parity”, even on the bias polls. And finally overtake the NO vote and see scum like Alexander eat their words.

A NO voter will come over to YES, but a YES voter will NEVER go over to NO.

Once a YES, always a YES.

Here is another chance to have a listen to Pharrell Williams- “Happy” (Glasgow is Happy, in Kilts).

link to

john king

Gav says:
21 February, 2014 at 9:21 pm
We need to get you measured up for a post-indy statue Stu. How about staring beady-eyed over Bute House”

Too late its going to be put outside register house down from the bridges, old Nosey’s (Wellington) getting his marching orders.


Well done Rev.

In the short term this site has probably inspired and galvanised us, settled nerves and confirmed that we are not alone.

In the longer term the site may turn out to have been a significant factor, if not a necessary condition, (perhaps even a sufficient condition?) in achieving Scottish Independence.

The significance of your contribution is hard to quantify, but many thousands of us will be eternally grateful.


Stu, is the website still under ddos? I’m missing 3 hours worth of comments site must be caching heavily to mitigate ddos

Training Day

PCS are likely to adopt a neutral stance – correctly in my view.

The Herald article is a set up so they can run with the headline next week that ‘PCS shy away from supporting Yes’. The Union, which seemed certain to support Yes only last Friday etc. etc….you know the rest.

Linda's back

@rab_the_doubter at 6:49 pm says:
Bob Mills on R4 News Quiz. Chalk up another 2-3% yes votes after that nasty racist ill informed rant.

Care to expand, what did he say?


Interesting to see how far down Newsnet is!

Ian Brotherhood

@Kevin Brown (8.11)

‘Has anyone else heard that the Scotsman is going to a once a week print? I have heard it from a journalist a few weeks back and read it on a blog just this week.’

Haven’t heard that anywhere else, but have now! If this is just a rumour, it’s still telling that one really pauses to think about it.

So, what will they do if it is true? Face the firing squad without a blindfold? It’s horrible to see anyone losing their job, but if all those involved in the ‘Scotsman’ don’t have some kind of epiphany whereby they see what’s printed on the tin they’re in, they deserve it.

The average Scots wo/man has had more than enough of their pish and just isn’t buying it any more. Their obstinacy, devious manipulation of online ‘readership stats’ (have you ever tried to unsubscribe from the Scotsman’s ‘headlines’ e-mail?) and continued sustenance of howlers like Cochrane has finally caught up with them – wouldn’t come as any surprise if its few remaining advertisers have finally rumbled them and decided to cut their losses.

They shouldn’t even bother going to a ‘weekly’. It’s just prolonging the inevitable.

So long Scotsman…missing ye already.

john king

“PCS are likely to adopt a neutral stance – correctly in my view.”

Ahem did you not see Alexicons post?

link to

Calum Craig

I’m bit late to this thread but I will add my “well done Stu” to all the above congrats!

Linda's back

Training Day

If No PCS branch voted No and several branches voted Yes, it looks like a leadership /Labour stitch up to stay “neutral”


Well of course.

@Rev: If we win, there will be no more Sirs 😀

In current Scots Law, you can legally call yourself Sir (or Lord or Baron) if you want to: you just won’t get any of the freebies or be recognized by the peerage system. In an independent Scotland, however, an absence of the peerage means everyone who bought one of those “Highland Lords” gift packs would have no opposition. Without peers to contest who is a “real” Lord or not, who’s to say that everyone who just gets their name changed doesn’t qualify as a knight or lord in an Independent Scotland?

I think we should keep Sirs, Lords, Barons and whatnot, but purely as affectations, with no actual influence or power beyond that of anyone else, as a reminder that no matter what you put before your name, we’re a’ Jock Tamson’s bairns in the end. Instead of eliminating peerages, I feel diluting them & robbing them of their power to be just as effective, whilst allowing people to have some fun pretending to be knights.

(I may or may not be saying this because I got one of those Highland Lord gift packs which granted me Lairdship of 10 square feet of land in Glencoe, and would find it hilarious that I and the hundreds of others who got them would be more legitimate Lords in Scotland than the ermine-robed jackasses in the House of Lords.)

@Findlay Farquaharson: this site has the same feel as last years rally on calton hill, warm, friendly and safe.

Me too. Forthright, and doesn’t suffer fools gladly, but happy to get along with reasonable folk.

Juteman: National TV news reporting that Farage will have a prime time TV debate on in/out Europe with Clegg.

Simple, my Germanic fellow:

john king

“So long Scotsman…missing ye already.”

You wont be missing Cochrane,
he writes for the Telegraph.

Ian Brotherhood

@john king –

Oops! Sorry Scotsman!

Who could I have been thinking of?


@ian brotherhood

Kenny farquharson?
I have trouble telling the two apart. In fact most of the Scottish journos in the papers all seem to have a visceral hatred for the Independence movement


Yes Edinburghshire indiegogo fundraiser launched last night has reached £500 which means we will retain all but 4% of our funds Edinburgh ad trailer campaign

Linda's back

On Newsnet

Stephen Mccabe @kilmacolm1 Inverclyde. Council leader tells student @ScottPGillan on Twitter that Yesscotland website wont be unblocked on school systems for 7 months and laughs about it. All the while letting bettertogether website remain! disgraceful.

This could be a big story given that many schools only have Better Together packs and refusing to hold debates as Better together won’t put up spokespeople.

Flower of Scotland

I started the year feeling nervous and worried about the referendum!

Now I’m addicted to Wings and feel part of a huge group of like minded people.

I’ve also learned so much from this site that I can use in debates etc. I’ve always been a SNP voter since 1964 and don’t need to be persuaded to vote yes but to have lots of good information behind you in any discussion, helps!

Thanks Rev for this site, it’s a life saver! And I LOVE the humour!


Hey Alexandra-M just a word of warning for newbies.

Watch out for that john king bloke he just wants to get into you head! Don’t let em is my advice, or you’ll be cybernatted.

Take it from me there’s no going back.

john king

“I’ve always been a SNP voter since 1964”

Wow that trumps me by ten years,
respect sir!

john king

Dont listen to him Alexandria he’s just jealous.

Jim T

In YOUR word cloud thingy, how come there’s no appearance of either “page refresh” or “refresh page”? Hey …. just asking 😛

jim arnott

Wings – Thank you


@John King

Uh oh , you mentioned trump !

Ian Brotherhood

@Grahame –

Kenny Farquharson?

Does he look like a wolverine keeking over a dyke? If so, that’s the man.

No, I was just sloppy. That’s why I wouldn’t make a good journalist.

Les Wilson

To all the ladies on here WELCOME, and remember to tell your pals, they are welcome too. This is somewhere where they will find out the truth, if you value our Scotland, and I am sure you all do, spread the word.

john king

Just take a look at our avitars Alexandria,
me and thpnr now who would you feel the need to shove a telephone directory down your dungarees with eh?

nuff said.

Flower of Scotland

@john king
I’m not a sir ! Hen will do !

john king

“Uh oh , you mentioned trump !”

Why am I looking around nervously?

Training Day


Yeah. I did. But think of it this way. If PCS takes one stance or another ‘officially’ how will that impact on the working relationship between its members who work for the SG and the SG? It’s a no brainer to be neutral.

Hence the Herald are at it.

bookie from hell


member of the scottish parliament


Member of Parliament Scotland

choose YES

john king

“I’m not a sir ! Hen will do !

Please forgive my lack of manners,
and again another lady comes forth,
how can we lose 🙂

Jack Beck/Scotus

I have been a long-time watcher and occasional poster on here (from the very earliest days)and I’d also like to congratulate Rev Stu! I have contributed what I could from faraway Virginia and I’m astonished with what he’s done with our meager support, compared to the funding behind the MSM and BBC.

I really get a sense that YES is on a roll now and that’s due in no small part to this site. How I wish that I still lived in Scotland and could put my X in the box in September.

I’d also like to welcome all the wimmin to the gang – and what a great and welcoming gang we are!


Kenny F is the Deputy Editor of the Scotsman and SoS a fellow Dundonian and not as bad as he’s portrayed in my opinion.

While people may cheer the demise of the Scotsman I think it’s another indication of how little control Scotland has of its media, as the WoS recent table showed it’s all foreign owned.

I don’t celebrate the loss of jobs.


Always been an independence disciple. However since finding Wings, newsnet and now Derek I’ve got 3 def yes’s and working on 3 wavering don’t knowes – couldn’t have done it on my own becuase of lack of time to do research, form cogent arguments etc – helping people such as myself get converts and help and support apolitical Yessers is I think the ultimate accolade – so Thanks from me and thanks from them

The Man in the Jar

I think that I started reading Wings about two years ago and started leaving comments during the first crowdfunding.

It is startling how Wings especially and the rest of the indi bloggers have grown in size. A phenomenon brought about by the inequalities and deceit of the MSM & BBC. The shift towards the internet is our reaction to being denied a voice.

It looks like we have found that voice so lets use it. Tell the MSM & BBC to “Get Tae!”

Albert Herring

“How the cloud image will look by September.”

What is this “Scotsman”?


And another thing (by the way) With Newsnet we have the straight new items with comment, with wings we have have specifc news topics with analysis and comment, with Derek we have a columnist giving opinion forming analysis and comment – all in all togeteher it’s a real newsie analyising commenting paper like wot we had with the Sunday times etc in the 60’s and 70’s – next stop hot metal – or am I getting carried away?




@Jack Beck

Sorry to hear that you can’t be here but keep contributing please. All expats and others who believe that Scotland will be Independent are most welcome.

I post on any and all sites that discuss Scottish Independence because that’s my job as a cybernat. Even if it has no affect in Canada or New Zealand, it sure gets on the tits of the establishment LOL.

link to


caz-m – Glasgow is Happy, in Kilts – totally as cool as the rev’s good news..

Onwards and upwards – clap – happienessssssss is like a ‘future’ without a roof…


The laminated book of dreams

Bill C

Scottish_Skier I am on the Scotpulse panel and filled in a questionnaire the other day. No political questions though. I seem to remember that they asked my politics some time ago and know I support the SNP. The poll may therefore be quite accurate.


Listening to R4 on the way home and AnyQuestions was on. Charmichael was on and was lying about the NHS all being founded at the same time implying Scotland was included. There then followed another three lies in a row from various contributors and of course all absolutely unchecked despite the whole room knowing they were all talking sh yte.

The BBC are an absolute disgrace.

One poster in DT has requested FOI report on how many Scots have recently cancelled licences.

I will post them here when/if he gets results.

I suppose we can assume that the numbers will all translate to Yes votes.

Keep up the good work everyone. We all know that everyone is glued to their laptop, phone and tablet. We just need to make sure that we get the DK’s, unsures and the mentally unstable to vote YES.

Ian Brotherhood

@scottish_skier & patronsaintofcats –

Just do:

‘page refresh’ (without inverted commas)

That’s all. Otherwise, you’re heading for a proper spreading with Rev, and we don’t none of us want to see that sorts of hugh-mungimalblasts abouts the place, what with stress levels and Dosgremlinwonks, ken?

Kenny Ritchie

Better Together (Better) have been put in their rightful place then, a fraction of the size of the Yescampaign. Well done Rev.

Early Ball

@rabthedoubter @linda’s back

Did I hear Fred Macaulay on that clip? If it was I am sure the clip was cut before he defended our nation after Mills’s rant. Well maybe not.


The Scotsman, just before Brillo took it over, was my paper of choice. I’ve also had a lot of fun at its expense, as those who once read my defunct blog know.

It was a Scots icon.

Those that destroyed it should be vilified, for their stupidity in not recognizing a niche market at least; self defeating, risible, propaganda at worst.


Shortly before I had my identity nicked and used by someone other in the Scotsmans comments section I pointed out that there was in fact no Scottish media and that the rags that were anti Scottish would reduce to the point of vanishing.

Sales of these rags did indeed drop and redundancies were either made or threatened, I can’t remember if there were actually any.

I also wondered out loud if any of the journos were worried about their jobs and how they should change their tune to keep their jobs.

I’m fairly sure that Cochrane was one of these. He did one to the DT where safe in his employment, he got worse.

This particular rag has about 15 “Scottish political editors” who are all just as bad as each other.

I wonder how many of those will be required after independence.

There should be a list compiled of all these sycophantic subhumans and they should never be allowed to sully our side of the border.

If theses rags shut I will feel nothing but joy.


I hope Ken Macdonald picks this up for ‘Headlines’ on Sunday morning. It is a massive discussion point or should be for media types.


@ Tartanarse

Shouldn’t you be trying to get served? :))

Dan Watt

Isn’t it great that, although Better Get Other would have us believe it’s all due to the SNP, that the word “SNP” is tiny compared to, well, to just about everything else on the list.


Conan, I explained all at “the other place”.

And with that I’m off tae bed.

Night night normal people.


My choices in that poll were: Wings, Newsnet and the Sunday Herald.


Well proof positive, not that it was ever needed, that we’re no just floating about on oor ain wee cloud. Hehehe the weeenie Scotsman LOL :-). My wee, shiny, first edition wings badge will be worth a fortune, the wains will a’ be fighting o’er it!

Peter Rabbit sez –

“The sky is blue; the leaves are green; The golden sunbeams peep between; My heart is joyful as can be, And all the world looks bright to me.”

Nght, night.


I meant Wings, with a capital!!!

Ian Brotherhood

@Dan Watt –

Good point mister.

Jim Duthie

Response to Albalha.
Farquharson and Cochrane are from Dundee and both are lying ("Quizmaster" - Ed) scum – which shames me as a Dundonian. There is NO excuse for what they are doing.


It’s 99% your terrific writing Reverend. Bravo!

This. It’s quite remarkable. Just shows, it pays to be a grammar Nazi.


Linda’s Back:

The BBC News Quiz pish about Scotland was honked out by some non-entity called Bob Mills who was given a platform on national radio 4 to regurgitate his tired cliches to a delighted metropolitan audience and panel.

The proud scot Fred McCauley shat out of expressing any opinion about some pub bore attacking his own country, though he did warn him he might get a hard time on twitter.

The rest of the show found room to have a go at some other nationalities too.

Link here, about 11 mins 30 in.

link to

But hey, it is satire, right?

Big Al

Late as ever, but well done Stu and the rest of you! This site has given me all the ammo I will need when the time comes for my eventual argument with my Salmond hating pro tory sister (who could genuinely be mistaken for Ruthie’s stunt double) and my Daily Fail reading brother in law.

Can’t we petition the Parliament to create a special title for the Rev?

BBC Scotlandshire

The BBC referred to in the word cloud is actually us. The spoof channel did not register.


Not commented for a long time – contributed a lot to the fund but have moved house a couple of times recently and didn’t get a Wings ‘freebie’ hint….

Anyway – Had a pint in the Haymarket bar on Thursday, bought a paper (herald) for the first time in years just to kill the time.

Guy came in and ordered a drink, told me my paper was shite – told him I agreed but they were all shite.

Introduced himself as a Evening News reporter so I told him that I’d never buy his companies papers because it’s editorial stance and general contents were a disgrace (turned my back to him so he could see I was wearing my Yes 2014 Scotland top) – he agreed.

I asked about Scotsman going to one day a week, he appeared to indicate it was going to be an online publication…we’ll see.

He reads Wings by the way. 🙂

john king

“I post on any and all sites that discuss Scottish Independence because that’s my job as a cybernat”

Duly copied


I hate to sound a negative note but why does anyone still think placing a Sir in front of their name is a good thing? It is a relic of bygone privilege where the ‘knights’ were free to murder anyone who did not also hold a sword. It represents an unequal world of inherited superiority and fiefdoms and it revolts me. I was SO disappointed when Sir Sean Connery spent so much time and money to ensure his knighthood – but perhaps it gained him entry to a long sought after golf club?

The queen of England is NOT my sovereign. There IS no superior and anyone fool enough to acknowledge one makes themselves inferior by their acknowledgement. The only authority is that of the policeman and we know how that is enforced.

[…] recent poll by STV has found that WOS is the single most-relied-on named source for independence facts in Scotland.  Their monthly readership has gone up by 783%.  Since then, […]

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