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Wings Over Scotland

Humza Yousaf Fact Check

Posted on March 16, 2024 by

When we read this, our instant reaction was “Well, that’s total horseshit”.

And of course, it is.

But let’s be fair to Humza Yousaf here – in a strict technical sense, it’s closer than we thought. Below are the top twos for Scotland’s 59 seats in the 2019 UK election.


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So in one sense Yousaf’s claim is only a fairly small lie. Most seats in 2019 WEREN’T contests between the SNP and Tories, they were between Labour and the SNP, but the difference was only three.

Thing is, 2019 was half a decade ago. And that’s a LONG time in politics.

At the time of the last election, the Tories (under the short-lived leadership of Jackson Carlaw) led Labour in Scotland by 8 points, having overtaken them in Westminster polling under Ruth Davidson and been in front for most of the preceding four years.

(We wish we knew why What Scotland Thinks sometimes randomly depicts the parties using completely the wrong colours, eg Labour in green.)

Scottish Labour were fronted in that election by Roger Lengthways [SUB PLEASE CHECK], a man so inconsequential and forgotten by history that his name, whatever it was, doesn’t even appear in Wikipedia’s list of the branch office’s managers (although three-month caretaker boss Alex Rowley makes it).

So totally calamitous was Scottish Labour’s situation after the disastrous reigns of Jim Murphy, Kezia Dugdale and the other bloke that while compiling this article we were startled to note that in 2019 the Tories had ousted Labour from second place even in former weigh-the-vote Labour heartlands like Falkirk, Livingston and Dundee East.

(Dundee East was held by Labour from 1987 until 2005, when they were still almost 10,000 votes ahead of the Tories. They also held it for 24 years prior to the SNP leader Gordon Wilson winning it from 1974-87. They’d held Livingston and its predecessor constituencies for a staggering 80 unbroken years, from 1935 to 2015. In 2010 they were more than 18,000 votes ahead of the Tories there, who limped in fourth.)

But times are rather different now. The collapse in support for the Tories in the whole UK has had an impact in Scotland too, to the extent that Scottish Labour now enjoy an 18-point gap to the good.

So the reality is that the large majority of Scottish seats this year will be fought out between the SNP and Labour, as the last echoes of the unusual blip in Tory popularity created by Ruth Davidson die away and normal service resumes.

Humza Yousaf, then, is lying in both the narrow and the broader underlying senses, because he thinks his voters are gullible idiots and because he thinks “TORIES BAD!” is the only even slightly credible message he has left. And in those two things, at least, he’s probably right.

0 to “Humza Yousaf Fact Check”

  1. Stoker says:

    Stuart wrote: “Thing is, 2019 was half a decade ago. And that’s a LONG time in politics.”

    Aye! Facts are chiels that winnae ding right enough.

  2. Patsy Millar says:

    Interestingly my SNP MP has started a crowdfunder for the next election. I’d like to have replied that if he was still fighting for independence I might have considered it! The SNP is such a shadow of its former self that the kind of help he got for electioneering last time is no longer a remote possibility. Needless to say you can’t reply to his post and there’s no point in emailing as he doesn’t answer. My only hope is to meet him in the town and tell him face to face how hopeless he is.
    I’d better do so before 1st April as he’ll probably get me charged with a hate crime.

  3. Anton Decadent says:

    If all else fails he could try “If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true. Thank you.”

  4. John C says:

    Labour are also pulling the ‘vote for us, we’re not the Tories’ line which will work as people are so tired of what the Tories have done in the last 14 years that’ll probably win them the GE as well as a huge majority. It’ll also work to a degree for the SNP, not to mention the ‘vote us if you want Indy’ line will grab the hard of thinking.

    However what do the SNP actually offer in 2024? There’s no sign of genuinely progressive policies that’ll pull the most vulnerable out of poverty, and yes, I know Westminster holds much of the strings but there’s no sign the SNP as they are show any signs of spending money now in the right places. Any good policies are legacy policies of the Salmond and early Sturgeon era.

    We’re getting a rough idea of what Labour will do at a UK level, but there’s nothing of anything from the Scottish parties apart from ‘we’re not like the others’ with the exception of the Greens who’re pushing some half-hearted stuff about the environment and mutilating children.

    As a slight aside, I still find it completely extraordinary that nobody in the media has really informed people of what Aimee Challinor did, what her father did & how he effectively changed the policies of several parties to push the Trans agenda. It really should have been a national scandal on the level of Savile but barring a few articles it vanished.

  5. Livionian says:

    It was only a few weeks ago when Yousaf was saying that it is inevitable that Keir Starker was inevitably going to end up in number 10. How on earth does he expect anyone to believe this shite, does he think none of us have seen an opinion poll in the last few years?

  6. Hatuey says:

    lol @ “and the other bloke”

    It’s all part of the usual rip-off — pretend it’s a fight for independence against the British Government / Tories and blah, blah, blah…

  7. Stoker says:

    John C says on 16 March 2024 at 3:16 pm: “..but there’s nothing of anything from the Scottish parties apart from ‘we’re not like the others’..”

    Blatant contempt is what it is, John. I really wish Scotland’s electorate would wake up and get wise to all these shysters. Thing is, a fair number will still vote for the SNP simply because they fear and hate the idea of life under Tory-rule. Especially in the current financial climate.

    The Tories are seen as Victorian debt collectors about to pounce on the peasants and their benefits etc. The SNP are seen as the protectors of folk in dire situations. That mentality alone will secure the SNP a good number of votes, whether true or not. Sad but true.

    Just look at how many decades it took for Scotland to wake up to the red Tories. Frightening prospect, isn’t it?

  8. Matt Quinn says:

    “Election is a straight fight between SNP and Tories – Yousaf” – I was under the impression it was now illegal to be straight?

    Seriously though… a straight fight between two parties which between them form major chambers of the beating heart of corruption in public service?

    – A choice between that which is (as Bevan put it) ‘Lower than vermin’… cruel, classist, vicious and since around 1980 has worked to destroy every social advance that was fought for by the working classes in WW2 – Or the ‘Tartan Tories’ with their faux signalling of social justice and utter betrayal of those who seek to free their country from being ruled by a big plook on the arse-end of Little Englund

    Filthy Spivs Vs Dirty Quislings? – With Labour (Magenta Tories) and some vacuous also-rans bringing up the rear? The only winning move is not to play – VOTE BLANC!

  9. twathater says:

    If there is no ISP candidate in Paisley North my vote will go to #EndTheUnion I will NOT vote for ALBA as they are becoming even more an establishment party every day with their support for Freeports and their support for the 2004 equalities pish


  10. Effijy says:

    As Scotland has never once given the Tories a majority in 69 years and how the Tories have destroyed the country over their last 14 years in power by lying and deceiving and corruption
    I will be all my money, my house and my soul that the Tories are in for a complete hiding and they will never in my lifetime be the second party in Scotland.

    They did achieve second only because Labour were pathetic in all that they do and say.

  11. Ian says:

    To be fair, anyone who votes SNP now is a gullible idiot. They’re the only ones left to target.

  12. Mia says:

    Over the last 9 years the SNP has metamorphosed into labour. Strictly speaking then, Yousaf is correct.

    On the establishment’s game board at least, the fight is only between the tories and labour, with the caveat that labour is two teams to the fight, each operating under a different flag and brand.

    In this ‘let’s pretend-democracy’ game, Yousaf has no choice but targeting the tories as their bogeyman to fight against during the campaign because the SNP and labour have become so, so, so close right now, that are pretty much indistinguishable. They are the exact same thing. This means the SNP cannot attack labour without attacking itself at the same time. Yousaf may not be the sharpest tool in the box, but at least he can get that.

    The only thing that would separate the SNP from labour right now is the subject of independence. But after 9 years of dangling carrots to avoid doing anything about it, the electorate has realised that neither Yousaf, his handlers or his team of glutton gravy-slurpers, have any intention whatsoever of focusing on independence and that, for the last 9 years, they have tirelessly worked to preserve the union, rather than ending it.

    The day in 2015 the political fraud claimed that a vote for the SNP was not a vote for independence, was the turning point that marked the end of the SNP as a party of independence and the commencement of its metamorphosis into labour.

    The whole GE is a farce. The UK parliament is a farce. Self-serving idiots are allowed to make a mockery of the place and democracy, and insult the UK electorate by wasting everybody’s time to talk about ferrets, so they could deliberately obstruct the progression of a bill.

    And the worse is that they are allowed to get away with it because the whole thing is a complete farce, not real democracy.

    What are we paying these idiots those ridiculously high salaries for? What do we need useless individuals who piss on democracy by talking about ferrets because they have so little ethics and are so devoid of democratic principles that effectively sell the seat and their time to lobbyists?

    Elections in the UK are no longer elections, they are nothing but a charade. MPs are not MPs. They are the useful idiots of lobbyists who are abusing our seats to progress their own interest. We have no real options to vote for, just the exact same toxic option disguised under different brands to create the illusion of a choice.

    Refusing to continue playing along with this “losers forever” rigged game by spoiling the ballot, and in doing so, refusing to give our legitimacy to Westminster and this mockery of democracy, never sounded more attractive as it does now.

    Because, at the end of the date, what the hell it is that are we voting for? What is the actual point in sending MPs to Westminster, other than to legitimise the continuous abuse of Scotland and these idiots continuing to take the piss of the electorate by obfuscating and at times, deliberately obstructing democracy?

  13. Luigi says:

    I can but hope that I get the opportunity to vote for a real Independence party this time, cos for sure I ain’t voting for a fake one. No chance.

  14. DavidL says:

    Maybe he meant for second place? And, in fairness, the SNP really should win that one.

  15. Lots of expensive new build around in Falkirk, with very aspirational owners with odd accents. Here in Larbert there’s a whole new town of them.

  16. Matt Quinn says:

    Mia wrote: “Over the last 9 years the SNP has metamorphosed into labour. Strictly speaking then, Yousaf is correct.

    Which might be a less-bad thing had ‘Labour’ not also metamorphosed into Magenta Tories back in the days when Tory B. Liar held the rudder… For me, the key issue here is the abandonment of seeking social justice (in the plainest sense of the phrase) and striving towards a fair society where there is no unavoidable reason for any citizen to be living in poverty or deprived.

    The SNP virtue-signal in this respect. But if you take (for example) the provision of primary health-care; the way things are run amounts to something that resembles the way common drug dealers carve up certain areas. – Patient choice (though enshrined in law) is a joke and the ‘carve up’ is very-much between private businesses; some of which feature non-clinicians (i.e. greedy profit-driven rats) as practice partners.

    …And they are (right up the Health Secretary and FM level in my experience, back in Freeman/Sturgeon’s time) quite prepared to directly endanger the lives of patients – should any such member of the great unwashed have the audacity to attempt to speak truth to their power.

    Put another way – they (the SNP) are prepared to put the priorities of private businesses ahead of the law of the land and the duty of care (to the public) that the NHS is charged with. – This is a most insidious form of backdoor privatisation; and of course is just one tiny exemplar of how public services are ‘monetised’ for the benefit of the well-connected few, by our lovely, cuddly caring SNP government.

    – Not of course that any of the alternative will do anything to change or improve this; especially not Thatcher’s – sorry, Starmer’s – ‘Labour’ party.

    “Refusing to continue playing along with this “losers forever” rigged game by spoiling the ballot, and in doing so, refusing to give our legitimacy to Westminster and this mockery of democracy, never sounded more attractive as it does now.”

    quite so…

    Back in the old days I often used to vote ‘Monster Raving Looney’ as a protest. Anecdotally I’m of the view that they don’t even properly record and report the ‘spoiled papers’ here in West Lothian; such is the arrogance and corruption in play.

    If there is one piece of electoral reform we need, it’s the option to record a ‘none of the above’ vote and have that properly noted. – I’d go further and suggest that the return of a majority ‘NOTA’ vote in any area should (a) BAR all the reject candidates from standing for election for 10 years and (b) trigger an immediate re-run!

  17. shug says:

    In the Irish news Flynn: “Scotland will need strong SNP voice at Westminster after general election”

    I guess that is because we are not going to declare independence with either the most seats or the majority.

    What a bunch of complete tossers

  18. 100%Yes says:

    I’d waste my vote and vote Tory to stop the SNP winning any sweats in Scotland.

    Our enemy isn’t south of the border its in our own government running Scotland.

  19. Mia says:

    “I’d waste my vote and vote Tory to stop the SNP winning any sweats in Scotland”

    And achieving, what?

    If you desperately want independence for Scotland and you are sick of this rigged game, what does sending Labour or Tory (or SNP, or Green, or Libdem) achieve other than your compliance with the rigged game?

    Nothing. You are legitimising that rigged game and telling those who rigged it that you are happy to continue with it as it is.

    Voting a unionist to get rid of another unionist does not seem like progress. It seems like running in circles and getting nowhere.

  20. John Main says:

    Could be a May election, could be October.

    A lot could happen between these months and I confidently expect it will.

    We live in innarestin times now, the old predictable certainties can no longer be relied on.

    I think all three parties still have a chance of coming first in Scotland. I think, too, that a fraudulent charlatan like Yousaf would go into coalition with anybody, Green, Labour or Tory, to get another 5 years of troughing.

    It’s about power and money, always has been, always will be.

  21. Den says:

    SNP or SLAB election success in Scotland would be a disaster for the rights of women and children in this country. Both will allow the continuation of puberty blockers and erosion of women only spaces. The only chance we will get to do anything about it is at the ballot box. It needs to be an ISP or hold your nose and vote Conservative , a very very clear message needs to be sent to Sarwar and Yousaf that we won’t take this shit any longer, time to do as the majority of the electorate want or forever be cast into the political wilderness.

  22. Ruby says:

    16 March, 2024 at 5:34 pm

    “I’d waste my vote and vote Tory to stop the SNP winning any sweats in Scotland”

    And achieving, what?

    It could mean no self-id, no puberty blockers for children, no hate crime bill etc no bloody Labour gov who would bring in all of the above & more.

  23. Frank Gillougley says:

    Having come across quite a few of these public school boys in life, when i see an image of Humza Yousaf, all i see is that awfiul inbred blend of arrogance and entitlement and believe me, its all buffoonery with these people, same as sarwar’s son. There’s really not that much to them behind their groomed image other than a few well-rehearsed soundbites that they manipulate to effect a dialogue. In short, they’re a pair of fucking chancers.

    But it’s that Paul Kavanagh guy I feel sorry for (;-)), spent half of his life analysing, disecting and writing reams about the drivel that’s the labour party, and in one soundbite Humza has dismissed the labour party just like that. Brilliant. They all deserve each other and some.

  24. 100%Yes says:


    SNP have destroyed any hope of Independence for the foreseeable future all because of greed. This party under Sturgeon and now Humza has shown more contempt towards Scotland and its people and for me I’d rather see the demise of the SNP than see the likes of FLynn or Humza being returned back into power on the back of another FAKE promise. My local MP Hannah Bardell who has done nothing for West Lothian or Scotland and yes in the next WM election I will be voting for the best person who can defeat her and if it means voting Tory then that’s where my grubby little pencil will go and just to let you know I had been a member and supporter of the SNP for 33yrs before me and my wife left in 2015.

    If Scotland has any future the demise of the SNP has to be where it starts.

  25. Antoine Roquentin says:

    The sole of advantage of a Labour win will be the disappearance of all ambiguity regarding that party’s position on Scottish independence. With no party worth voting for and nothing to gain tactically, logically, I’ll be forced to spoil my my ballot with the the slogan #END the UNION. What a bloody awful state of affairs!

  26. robertkknight says:

    The SNP has been compromised, corrupted and infiltrated.

    They’ve run the indy movement, and Scotland, into a quagmire.

    Time to rip it up and start again.

  27. Ruby says:

    Snap Den. Sorry I didn’t see your post before I posted mine and sounded like a parrot repeating your words.

    Here’s something Stu posted on Twitter:

    So, Labour now such groomer scumbags that I have to be on the side of Liz fucking Truss. Honestly despise them.

    I feel the same about the Labour Party.

    Wouldn’t it be marvellous if Posie Parker beat Starmer.

  28. Mia says:

    “It needs to be an ISP or hold your nose and vote Conservative , a very very clear message needs to be sent to Sarwar and Yousaf that we won’t take this shit any longer…”

    Voting conservative will achieve absolutely nothing if the shit you are not prepared to take any longer is that of sending majorities of anti-union MPs to Westminster for 9 years only for the union to become even stronger, because our “political vehicle for independence” has been hijacked by the British establishment and has been disabled.

    The only thing voting tory achieves is to preserve the status quo, to maintain the abuse and the silencing of Scotland and the pillage of its assets to continue.

    At the end of the day, this union is the very reason why we have an infiltrated and now rogue pro-independence party in government acting directly against its own raison d’etre, and directly attacking the interests and rights of the population it claims to represent.

    The continuity of the union is also the very reason why instead of having a parliament, Scotland has a farcical talking show were “parties” gather to gossip, to talk about nothing of substance, and compete with each other to see who manages to pass the most stupid, most toxic and most useless piece of legislation, the higher the damage to the people of Scotland the better. For as long as Holyrood remains tied in the straight jacket that the Scotland Act is, a talking shop designed to pass toxic policies is what it will ever be because that Act is designed to ensure the talking shop never represents, never mind serves, the people of Scotland.

    The union is the reason why our legislative, executive and judicial powers are being hoarded by the crown thanks to parachuting unelected representatives of the crown to the gov cabinet so they can blocking democracy to stop independence.

    The union is the reason why we have a dysfunctional and unfit for purpose prosecution service, which is being strangled by an office of the crown clinging on its neck and bent on thriving on malicious prosecutions directed to pro-independence supporters. All while it drags deep on the ground its very long heels and pulls all the stops when it comes to prosecuting the real criminals hiding inside Scotland’s political fabric and civil service.

    The union is why we have to watch serial leakers, perjurers, perverts and fraudsters escaping prosecution and enjoying even better paid sinecures rather than enjoying the comforts of HMP. All because both, Scotland’s prosecution service and the police are no longer fit for purpose having been morphed into political instruments to quash dissent.

    If the police is incapable to find the culprit of the leak when those with access to the information must have been a couple of dozen at most, if that, then one has to question if the police in Scotland will ever be able to find anything at all that has not been included and detailed on a dossier handed down to them by the crown office.

    And if they are so incompetent that they cannot find real criminals among a handful of suspects, one has to wonder if the real purpose of the “hate bill” might not be to give police and Prosecution Service something to hide their state sponsored incompetence behind and to distract the public from the fact the real criminals hiding in the political echelons of Scotland are being deliberately left to continue roaming free and laughing at us.

    If we want all that nonsense to stop, we need the union to stop. We need the paws of the unelected representatives of the crown out of Scotland’s legislative and executive powers and we need the fangs of the crown office extracted from the jugular of Scotland’s prosecution service and police force.

    Voting tory is never going to achieve that.

  29. John Main says:

    Innarestin to read about Wales’ new FM. I consider myself a 6 or 7 out of ten when it comes to political nous (your typical “both votes SNP” is a 2 on that scale), but naw, I’d never heard of him before yesterday.

    There’s a potted biog of him on the BBC Online site. As far as I can make out, he first arrived in Wales as a uni student, so no blood and soil nationalism there. No doubt the Welsh will be fervently hoping that just this once, somebody has been appointed purely on merit.

    An external observer might conclude that all political leaders in the UK have to belong to ethnic minorities. On that metric, Scotland has a choice of two. Looking on the bright side, if Yousaf ever gets the gig after a popular vote, he will finally have some political legitimacy about him.

    Still, put yourself in the shoes of that external observer. Two nationalist movements in the UK, and both of them have ended up outsourcing their leadership roles.

    Say what you like about 404, Israel, Palestine, Pakistan, USA, Rwanda or Zambia – it could never happen in any of these places.

    Yeah, somebody’s taking the piss alright.

  30. Anton Decadent says:

    A few days ago I commented on how the motion to define women as biological adult females was defeated at the Labour Party conference by the affiliate vote of the trade unions and Left wing associations. In todays papers I saw that the same scenario was repeated in Wales for the election of the new leader of the Welsh branch of Labour, the Labour members voted for the losing candidate but the affiliate vote gave the result to the winning candidate with 51.7%

    I suggest that people look at the current political leaders of Scotland, England, Eire, Wales and the mayor of London and see if they can spot a pattern. If the pattern was reversed in the likes of Pakistan or India the cluster of white leaders would probably be taken out by their own bodyguards within the space of a month, they just would not have it as a hostile colonial ruling class is a bad thing, isn’t it?

  31. Sven says:

    Zambian born, Dorset raised, Vaughn Gething is a former Health Minister who was an ally of former FM Mr Drakeford. And another user of the infamous disappearing WhatsApp messages.
    Still, he’s reported to be learning the Welsh language, so all is well.

  32. Tinto Chiel says:

    I suspect many seats in the next GE will play out like the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election, with any gains for the Red and Blue Tories caused by SNP voters not voting at all, if there is no Alba or other Independence candidate.

    Poor Richmal Leotard, forgotten even by his own party. Mind you, picturing him as a future FM was always a bit of a stretch.

  33. Ruby says:

    From Twitter:

    Neale Hanvey MP
    I have opposed Tory governments since I was in high school. From social policy to their economy of greed they are wrong.

    However the thought of a #QueerTheory captured @UKLabour
    government is absolutely chilling in every way possible.

    And from first of April in Scotland my ECHR freedom to articulate my political beliefs, my freedom of association, my right to privacy and even a fair trial will be removed by SNP legislation.

    How did this happen? How can it be stopped if we can’t think and speak freely?

  34. Bobo bunny says:

    Twathater: you are talking shite. Alba do not support FreePorts.

    Go and spread your lies somewhere else.

  35. George Ferguson says:

    @Sven 7:13pm
    The six figure donations Gethings received for his leadership campaign need looked at.

  36. Johnlm says:

    Like Vaughan Gething ( Welsh Dad), numerous Israeli leaders were born, or had parents from outwith Palestine.
    Most (all?) 404 leaders were born in the USSR.
    Was Barack O’Dronebomber born in the USA? Kenya claims him, though paternity.
    Trump’s maw was Scottish.
    Many Pakistani leaders started life in the British Raj.
    Several of Rwanda’s leaders were born Belgian I assume, Zambia’s were Rhodesian.

    0 out of 10 for political nous.

  37. Mia says:

    “It could mean no self-id, no puberty blockers for children, no hate crime bill etc no bloody Labour gov who would bring in all of the above & more”

    I very much doubt it.

    Don’t forget that Stonewall, Mermaids and all this trans crap has made its way into public services, civil service, police services, councils, banks, courts, etc, and has grown up like a mushroom under tory watch. Have they done something to stop it or so far they have just been virtual signaling? Stonewall has been receiving plenty of government grants under Tory governments’ watch. Male rapists are being referred as “she” in courts, making a complete mockery of their victims, under tory government watch.

    The tories have a majority in Parliament. A big majority. If they really, really wanted to ban puberty blockers and stop all this farce, they could do it on Monday. They could have done it yesterday. They could have done it every day since they raised to power in 2010. But they chose not to.

    This sounds like the same con of the SNP: “vote for us to achieve what we have chosen not to achieve for the last 9 years”. Well, the tories have had 14 years to ban those puberty blockers and to eject Stonewall from any platform of influence. If they have not done it yet is because they did not want to.

    The whole thing comes across as a manipulative farce, and I would not be surprised on the least if the whole trans crap has been built up, inflated beyond proportion and deliberately forced down women throats to force a reaction from them so this reaction can be manipulated as a tool to ensure the establishment party gets back into n10 again and, more importantly, Scotland does not send another anti-union majority to Westminster.

    The whole thing stinks.

    What do you mean “no hate bill”? The hate bill was passed by Holyrood and received the royal assent. Sending a tory government to Westminster is not going to change that. Again, if the tories had wanted to stop that legislation, they would have stopped it already, just like the unelected representative of the crown sitting in the middle of Scotland’s government cabinet, immediately sprang to action as soon as there was a threat for the referendum bill to make its way into Scotland’s pretend parliament.

  38. Sven says:

    George Ferguson @ 19.26.

    Ah yes, the £200,000 donation which Mr Drakeford says “Broke no rules”.

  39. George Ferguson says:

    @Sven 8:02pm
    There maybe nothing in it but the donations don’t look bona fide. Welsh Labour learning Gangster politics from the SNP in Scotland

  40. Robert Hughes says:

    Election is a straight fight between SNP and Reality .

    No Unionist Party n no kid-on Independence Party is getting my vote . They kin aw kiss ma #ENDTHEUNION .

    ( I’d vote for Reality , but it’s not standing in Scotland )

  41. John Main says:



    Two camper vans in a measure we Scots can relate to.

    As it looks as if one camper van is nothing to be concerned about, then two camper vans should still be legit.

    Grift just isn’t what it used to be, soz.

  42. Hatuey says:

    Alba isn’t doing enough to distinguish itself. It feels like they are holding back. Issues like Gaza and the war in the east are easy pickings for a party that wants to set itself apart.

    Generally, they need to be more radical. They should be kicking up hell about the cost of living and the absurdity of people in an energy rich country like Scotland sitting cold through the winter.

    A child could win those sort of arguments.

    They seem to be waiting on the SNP meltdown, assuming that people will flock to Alba when they find out the truth about the SNP. That’s lazy and unrealistic unless they define themselves as a party that is willing to stand up to the MSM and actually put up a fight.

    We don’t need or want another boring SNP.

  43. Mac says:

    I have been racially radicalized by Yousless and Sarwar’s WHITE! screeds and bitterness (hat tip AS).

    I am voting tory as this is the only WHITE! candidate with a chance of winning. I don’t know his name but he is WHITE! and that is good enough for me. Vote WHITE!

    Although the above is obviously humour, satire, I paused there for second before hitting submit…

    Craig Murray is in Greece unable to come home.

    Anyone thinking all this ‘hate think’ is not a covert attack on free speech is delusional. This is a full frontal attack on free speech.

    The more they say you can’t say it, say it.

  44. John Main says:

    Issues like Gaza and the war in the East are extraordinarily difficult for grown ups to deal with. Which is why they are not being dealt with particularly well by the grown ups currently in charge.

    Alba could go the full Student Grant, to hats’ approval. They could claim they could stop the wars in 24 hours, channeling Trump. Maybes a few more Scots knuckle draggers would get on side to vote for them.

    I’m confident the majority of sane, rational, sensible Scots would see it for what it is – hysterical howling against life’s unfairness by those whose intellectual development stalled at age 12.

    The fundamental problem with reality deniers over the intractable issues of our age is that they destroy any credibility they may have when claiming to have the solution to simpler problems – energy prices, for example. 12 YO’s aren’t allowed to dispense fuel from petrol pumps for good reasons. Sane, rational, sensible Scots won’t put them in charge of our multi-billion pound national energy strategy either.

    Soz, Hats.

    I sympathise, I really do. You want to carpet bag the Indy movement for your pet projects, just like Yousaf. Tough shit.

  45. John Main says:

    Craig Murray is unable to come home cos he posts explicit pro-Hamas material.

    His choice.

    At least he doesn’t have to keep away from upper floor windows and door handles.

    A small but telling difference that makes me confident we still have a better system than some of the alternatives.

  46. George Ferguson says:

    Alba are a new party with all the baggage of previous SNP members. Including myself. I am supportive of an Independent Candidate standing as an Independence Candidate. But have chosen to align with a political party.Why?. Nobody has put up a rationale argument of the expenditure involved. It’s not just about losing your deposit but the ten grand plus you will lose at the same time. See Gething six figures folks and counting. From a dubious source. You are up against it standing as an Independent Candidate.

  47. Robert Hughes says:

    Hatuey @ 9.27


    For the reasons you give . And one you didn’t give .

    What are they ABOUT . Freeports or Freedom ?

    They seem to be sliding into conformity ; and they weren’t particularly radical to begin with .

    They may think they have to appeal to the ” middle ground ” to increase their support , by keeping schtum about * things * , tying the boats up , rather than rocking them . What if there is no middle ground ? At least not in ways previously understood .

    The * Middle * has been warped , pulled out shape by the gravitational force of relentless propaganda , lies , ACTUAL misinformation , corruption and a Political Class that wallows in all of it . ” Left ” n ” Right ” stretched so far they meet at their extreme extensions . The Middle sucked into a crushing Singularity .

    This ain’t the time to be conforming . Not now , when repressive conformity has taken the form of ” brave n stunning ” Identity fixation .

    ALBA def don’t want to be that club ; do they ?

  48. Hatuey says:

    John Main, you lost the argument on Gaza. Even the US president seems to agree, although he is an incoherent old prick too. Nevertheless, 99% of the world agrees.

    There was a chance for Alba to make political capital out of it — I mean, if you aren’t willing to take a stand against behaviour the ICJ says is plausibly genocide, what the fuck are you doing even talking about politics? — but they bottled it because they listened to the English MSM and halfwits like you.

    The same is true of the war in the east. Halfwits like you fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Now half a million people are dead for nothing. In November, when Trump wins, you and all the other halfwits and the MSM will pretend you were against it all along (if you ever reluctantly discuss it, that is).

    Ellis at least had the brains to fuck off when he realised he had screwed up, albeit with his tail between his legs (after I reminded him of his predictions from 2 years ago).

    Pro-Brexit, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, pro-war, pro-royals, pro-empire, etc., etc. — everything about you is ‘Made in Britain’. Is your real name Trevor?

  49. Ruby says:

    Wow Mia is that mile long post all directed at me.

    Can you just tell me which UK Gov would be best Labour or Tory.

    We don’t actually send a government to Westminster.

  50. Young Lochinvar says:

    Is there any party that isn’t a joke or a freak show anymore?

    Or was it always so, we just didn’t get information so readily through the internet?

    Politicians; Work failures and philanderers..

  51. Hatuey says:

    The problem with Freeports, Robert Hughes, is that they will probably work, just as tax havens in places like the Channel Islands have worked. Handing out free money to big business generally works.

    I guess that’s why a lot of people don’t want to oppose them too strenuously; plenty of companies will be right in there looking to take advantage of relaxed regulations, lower taxes, government grants, etc., and freeports will probably be a “success”.

    It’s important to understand what they mean by “success” though, and that the codeword for profits is “jobs”. So all the emphasis is on “job creation” and benefits to communities… translation: a bunch of rich people will make lots of money. That’s “success”.

    The Tories basically want to make the whole UK a freeport. That was the economic underpinnings of the argument for Brexit. The prospects for the UK economy are so bad that a lot of people are going along with it… what else is there?

  52. Christopher Pike says:

    The SNP will lose between 10 and 20 seats at the next election. Alba will lose their two ‘borrowed’ seats, while the ISP/independents will lose their deposits.

  53. Stoker says:

    Ruby quotes Neale Hanvey’s Twitter (X) account on 16 March 2024 at 7:22 pm:

    MP Hanvey tweets:

    “I have opposed Tory governments since I was in high school. From social policy to their economy of greed they are wrong. However the thought of a #QueerTheory captured @UKLabour
    government is absolutely chilling in every way possible. And from first of April in Scotland my ECHR freedom to articulate my political beliefs, my freedom of association, my right to privacy and even a fair trial will be removed by SNP legislation. How did this happen?..”

    Very simple, Neale. Here’s one of those inconvenient truths. It happened because Alex Salmond walked away and left Sturgeon in charge. And the rest, as they say, is history.

  54. Willie says:

    Humza and the SNP will be gone come the election.

    In priorly Conservative seats the logic of Conservatives ousting the SNP would appear to make sense. Similar situation in priorly Labour areas.

    However, the party system is broken and broken utterly at that. Folks know that and for that reason and with underlying support for independence good independent candidates could sweep the board.

    Scots want change.

    However, given that the

  55. Mia says:

    -“is that mile long post all directed at me”

    Yes, it is. You have often demonstrated in these threads that you are smart, quick-thinking and resourceful. I am sure you can cope with that kind of length and much longer.

    -“Can you just tell me which UK Gov would be best Labour or Tory”

    None. From the perspective of Scotland regaining its statehood, Labour is as awful as the tories. They are both the exact same faulty product presented as two different brands. Labour vs Tory is not really a choice.

    -“We don’t actually send a government to Westminster”

    Precisely. So, what is the point in casting a vote for something you neither can change nor want because the choice you are really after is being purposely denied to you?

    None. By entering that rigged game you would be simply complying and contributing to the preservation of the continuous denial of your preferred choice. If you want the outcome to ever change, then you have to step out of that rigged game.

    You cannot win a game using a board that has been tampered with to stop you winning. Thinking you can outsmart a game whose goalposts are constantly changing to stop you winning is silly. The only way for you to win that game is by ditching that board and bringing your own.

    Falling again for the faux dichotomy tory vs labour is playing along with the rigged board. So thanks, but no thanks. Tory vs Labour is a competition in which I have no interest whatsoever. It is just a distraction.

  56. Andy Ellis says:

    @Christopher Pike 5.18am

    All of that seems entirely likely. The question thereafter is whether what will be widely represented by the British nationalist media and establishment as a huge set back for Scottish nationalism and the cause of Scottish independence is reflected in any change is the current level of support for independence?

    A Westminster election is not really a meaningful measurement, much as the yoons will make hay while the sun shines. However much some folk on here might froth about it, there are (sadly) all too many SNP loyalists out there who will still dutifully vote for them.

    Lots of pro-independence voters – whichever party they support – won’t listen to the arguments here about abstaining. They know they’re not voting on independence at a Westminster General Election, they’re voting to try and influence the direction of the UK as a whole, however ineffectually.

    Some will vote for who they always have voted for, others will simply stay at home (it’ll be interesting to see if turnout figures are lower than usual for a GE), a minority will use their vote as a protest by voting for someone they wouldn’t usually vote for, and some will spoil their ballots.

    The real proof of the pudding will be what happens to SNP support and the % in favour of independence between the coming Westminster GE and the Holyrood elections in 2026.

  57. TURABDIN says:

    link to
    Even back then the SNP lacked that «vital spark».
    There is no such thing as bad publicity, it is said.

  58. Stuart MacKay says:


    Self-id for the Tories is same as abortion for the Democrats in the USA – an emotive issue that gets everybody worked into lather, but which they have no intention of resolving because then nobody would vote for them. The paedos are a wildcard, but the establishment has a good track record of covering up those little indiscretions, so it’s probably not going to be much of a problem.

    The Hate Crime Bill will probably serve the SNP in the same way. That lets them prattle on about equality all day, every day and tar and feather anyone who suggests otherwise.

    These are direct imports from the USA, so until the political system there is destroyed / remade, this is the future.

    Where does Alba fit into this picture? It doesn’t.

  59. Andy Ellis says:

    @Hatuey 9.27pm

    I’m not sure there’s much mileage in Alba adopting policies that don’t appeal to the majority of voters. I doubt Alex Salmond, or indeed the bulk of its members, sees its future as a ginger group to keep larger pro-indy parties like the SNP honest. The hope surely was that Alba and other new parties would supplant the SNP in post indy Scotland, of not destroy it altogether.

    The fact that the party hasn’t made any significant progress thus far may of course mean that it will ultimately fail, but until we know what happens between now and the 2026 Holyrood elections, I’m not willing to write it off, or see it descend in to a sophomoric, Wolfie Smith style echo chamber either.

  60. Stoker says:

    @ TURABDIN on 17 March 2024 at 8:56 am

    That deserves and needs to be archived. I notice the article was first published in November 2023 but i’ve never seen nor was even aware of this until now. Interesting and great find.

    Thank you!

    link to

  61. TURABDIN says:

    Mental health, gender and «all passion spent»
    link to
    A tangled web when you practice to deceive.

    «When, O Catiline, do you mean to cease abusing our patience? How long is that madness of yours still to mock us? When is there to be an end of that unbridled audacity of yours, swaggering about as it does now?»

  62. John Main says:


    If you ever feel competent and confident enough to debate about what I post, rather than what the voices in yer heid tell you I post, then fill yer boots.

    Still no genocide, BTW. But you and your similarly hysterical click-baiters have devalued the word to such an extent that if a real genocide ever does start, people’s response will simply be “Yeah, whatever, old news”.

    Just like you did with all the other words: fascist, n@zi, imperialist, colonialist; lazily hurled at anybody pointing out you’re spewing mince. Devalued and diluted into meaninglessness. Sacrificed on the altar of your narcissistic need to be in the right about everything.

    Tak a wee bow tae yersel.

  63. John Main says:


    If you ever feel competent and confident enough to debate about what I post, rather than what the voices in yer heid tell you I post, then fill yer boots.

    Still no genocide, BTW. But you and your similarly hysterical click-baiters have devalued the word to such an extent that if a real genocide ever does start, people’s response will simply be “Yeah, whatever, old news”.

  64. John Main says:

    Mia 8:46

    Do you really believe that the best way to change any of life’s situations in your favour is to hide in your room, sulking?

    Maybes you do. Unlikely but defo possible.

    But if you don’t, why on earth would you propose that policy for the political realm?

    It’s daft. Soz.

  65. Ruby says:

    17 March, 2024 at 8:46 am

    -“is that mile long post all directed at me”

    Yes, it is. You have often demonstrated in these threads that you are smart, quick-thinking and resourceful. I am sure you can cope with that kind of length and much longer.

    Sure I can read ‘War & Peace’ but would I want to?

    Not quite sure what you are trying to prove Mia.

    Why don’t you just give your lecture and leave me out of it.

    I don’t appreciate being given a lecture particularly not from someone I’m not sure knows what they are talking about.

  66. TURABDIN says:

    STOKER 09:38
    Yes it does. More than of just «historic» value.
    Archive site can be difficult to access with me.

  67. Rab Clark says:

    On OTS we don’t often ‘swear’, but sometimes needs must an aw that…

    ‘Yesterday we had to go to Saltcoats.

    In the pedestrianised section of the main shopping street (Hamilton St), Scottish Labour were out introducing their prospective Westminster candidate, Irene Campbell.

    We didn’t accept a proffered leaflet and so we don’t have the details of whatever promises she’s conveying to the people of North Ayrshire, but she looked happy enough and had a team of perhaps ten similarly chirpy characters.

    The pitch they’d chosen was the elevated stretch of pavement outside the old church which served briefly as a very grand pound shop but now lies empty. And the young lass who normally sits on the ground at that section, passively begging, was nowhere to be seen.

    This tweet shows the group getting ready for action. In the 15 hours since it was published it has received 15 likes, one retweet and no responses:

    We’ve been trying to work out why we felt mildly sick after passing them and why that feeling won’t go away…

    If someone tells you a joke, the last thing you expect is that they’ll repeat it immediately. You don’t turn on the radio and expect the same song to be playing every time. You don’t eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. The inevitable result would be nausea.

    But that’s what the impending general election campaigning has in store for all of us. The same smiles, the same leaflets, printed on the same paper, with the same colours, typography and rhetoric. The same dread as you go about your business in the main street, trying to negotiate separate clusters of apparatchiks earnestly disposing of their allotted batch of promo material as quickly as possible.

    It might be different if there was any prospect of a healthy and civilised discussion but that time passed long ago. In the case of Scottish Labour, that became impossible for many of us when they followed London HQ’s order to join the Better Together campaign. And now, for reasons which have been catalogued in excruciating detail over the past nine years, SNP activists find themselves in the same position. In 2015 it was Katy Clark who faced being hoofed despite being regarded generally as a responsive and effective MP for the area. Now it’s Pat Gibson’s turn and Scottish Labour clearly view this as time for payback. The same score-settling will be happening all across the country.

    We can do no more than offer honest assessment of what’s happening and how it feels right now to be involved in this farce. Because the main thing that stays the same and will never ever change unless we force the issue, is the significance of abstention. Prospective candidates representing the red and blue and yellow have one priority – getting their party over the line. They’ll do and say anything to secure your support up until the point where you mark that ballot paper. Thereafter, as we’ve seen time and again, you, your family, friends and communities are of no interest to them until the next time the circus has to roll into town. They know it, we know it, and they know we know it. But they also know that our awareness of the scam makes no difference – it’ll be business as usual, no matter how few ballots are cast, and the lucky winners will get at least a few years of decent wages/expenses/pension contributions.

    Writing this has helped us work out why we felt sick yesterday and why the feeling won’t go away. It’s dread.

    Dread because, if the way we’re feeling is at all typical for great numbers of people across the country i.e. the 60% of eligible voters who didn’t turn up in Rutherglen, then there’s going to be trouble. And it won’t be low-level SNP vs Labour activist shenanigans such as happened in Garscadden back in the day when Donald Dewar won the seat 46 years ago. It won’t be Alba or ISP activists having run-ins with Tories. It won’t be any of the above having a square-go with Lib-Dems.

    It’ll be people like us who feel that we have no-one to vote for and that our legitimate aspirations for our communities and country, as represented by a succession of political parties that we empowered, are simply ignored. Many of us will be telling these characters what we felt like saying yesterday – to get to fuck out of our main streets. And under the new Hate Crime legislation, that’s looking for trouble, isn’t it?’

    link to

  68. John Main says:

    @TURABDIN 8:56

    That’s an innarestin link.

    Looking at the still from the series, published in the article, even I can see how today’s audiences would find the cast unattractive and ultimately repellant. Bet there’s not one moby between the lot of them.

    The series needs to be re-made, with a diverse mix of ethnicities and orientations. Defo requires a feisty lesbian calling the shots, a brown second in command, most of the “normal”blokes to be thick as pig shit, plus some sub plots involving brave, trans, identity struggles.

    As for a middle-aged, male, white Scottish politician pushing for Indy! Get real!

  69. TURABDIN says:

    Make them pay…..SQUILLIONS!
    link to
    Would the nat leaders have the chutzpah to stand up to a third rank US proxy?

  70. John Main says:

    @Ruby 10:53

    It was bad of Mia to post that, but it’s worse of you to re-post.

    Keep it clean.

  71. Ruby says:

    Young Lochinvar
    17 March, 2024 at 12:29 am

    Is there any party that isn’t a joke or a freak show anymore?

    Or was it always so, we just didn’t get information so readily through the internet?

    Politicians; Work failures and philanderers..

    I think they are definitely more freaky, deviant & insane than they have ever been nothing to do with getting our info through the internet.

    Internet or no internet we would have found out if a politician believed a woman had a penis.

    What is really freaky and quite insane is that the Tories by comparison look like the least freaky, deviant & insane of all the parties.

    I suppose all the deviants and weird fetishists have always been with us but the internet has brought them all to our attention. Of course that is with the encouragement and approval of our politicians.

    Now we have

    ‘Fetishistic men on a sexualised ego trip living out
    their sexual fantasies in public’ Mr Menno.

    I would add to that in public and in schools.

  72. Xaracen says:


    “We don’t actually send a government to Westminster.”

    We have never sent a government to Westminster! And without major reform, we never will!

    That’s another one of Scotland’s serious democratic deficits (of which there are quite a few); only parties composed primarily of England’s MPs can ever become a party of government in Westminster, because only England’s MPs are numerous enough to allow a party to achieve the absolute or near absolute majority of seats required to form a government. Thus, UK governments are always fundamentally English governments.

    In a Union consisting of two equally sovereign kingdoms, it is a constitutional and democratic disgrace that only one of those sovereign kingdoms ever gets to wield their sovereignty, and does so even over the other sovereign kingdom despite lacking legitimate formal authority to do so, and that other isn’t even permitted to defend their own sovereign kingdom’s interests from them.

  73. Ruby says:

    John Main
    17 March, 2024 at 11:13 am

    @Ruby 10:53

    It was bad of Mia to post that, but it’s worse of you to re-post.

    Keep it clean.

    More nudge, nudge wink wink from Main.

    It’s what’s called ‘online flashing’.

  74. Republicofscotland says:

    John Main @10.13pm.

    A better system, tell that to Assange and his wife, Assange is held in an English maximum security prison without charge, he’s a political prison and the extradition treaty between the UK and the Great Satan (US) forbids the extradition of such persons to the (US), however that doesn’t matter when the corrupt English judicial system is out to facilitate your extradition for the benefit of the Great Satan.

    Craig Murray fears a fit up just like Alex Salmond’s, Murray has already been sent to prison in a kangaroo court in a juryless trial where he wasn’t even allowed to submit some evidence in his defence, he’s the only person EVER to have been imprisoned for Jigsaw Identification on the opinion of a judge without a jury.

    Of course several MSM journalists DID name some of the Alphabet women but they being compliant puppets faced no charges at all.

    The likes of Mark Hirst and David Llewellyn have also come under their crosshairs and suffered great inconveniences from the authorities without a shred of evidence to justify it.

    On the international scene the likes of Kit Klarenberg has fell foul to their impositions when he was detained by the UK Counter Terrorist at a UK airport where he had his electronic equipment seized (as did Murray) and you MUST answer all questions they ask you.

    The UK a democracy, don’t make me laugh.

  75. Andy Ellis says:

    @John Main 10.37am

    I suspect you ate in for a long wait. The current appropriation of the word “genocide” and its inappropriate use to describe the deaths of lots of people is an interesting one.

    It’s passing strange that so many of those performatively emoting about the current situation in Gaza appear to be peculiarly fixated on that one single issue, and demand that everyone else share their monomania, but also that they are often foremost amongst those who insist in other contexts (trans “rights” for example?) that words mean something and it’s wrong to misappropriate them and apply them incorrectly.

    Why, one might almost think that many such people had some other agenda wouldn’t you?

  76. Breeks says:

    Ignored says:
    16 March, 2024 at 5:34 pm

    Voting a unionist to get rid of another unionist does not seem like progress. It seems like running in circles and getting nowhere.

    Precisely. Same analogy as Westminster holding both ends of the string. Same analogy as Tory and Labour being two cheeks of the same arse. It’s all the same, and it’s always all the same.

    Scotland’s political landscape is kept entirely inside the same sandbox, and we all participate in the gerrymandered illusion of democracy time and time again, with the charade underpinned by endless indoctrination, propaganda and wilful disinformation which we never grow wise to.

    Reject Holyrood, impeach the damned thing, reject the colonial and intrusive Scotland Act, reject Westminster, and throw to the ground the “gift” of democracy which Westminster gives us. Assemble as Scots under the Constructional banner of sovereign Scottish democracy, and expel all foreign and unconstitutional interference in Scotland’s constitutional affairs.

    Then, and only then, do we venture beyond the confines of our sandbox.

    Then, and only then, are we one step closer to Independence.

    Then, and only then, will we rid ourselves of these risible charlatans, scoundrels and parasites masquerading as Scotland’s “government”. The are puppets of Westminster aiding and abetting the usurpation of Scotland’s Constitutional integrity. Fk em all.

  77. Andy Ellis says:

    I don’t appreciate being given a lecture particularly not from someone I’m not sure knows what they are talking about.

    Truly, there are just not enough LOLZ in the world to describe the sight of two intellectually bald people fighting over a comb.

  78. Livionian says:

    After having a further think about this, if we consider Rev’s suggestion that the Hollywood establishment is quietly geering up for the prospect of an SNP Labour coalition to be true, then this makes sense.

    By choosing to make the SNPs election retoric focus about attacking the Tories, it would make an SNP/Labour coalition less presentationally tricky if there are less quotes attacking labour for him to be reminded of once the campaign is over and government formation begins.

  79. Mia says:

    -“Do you really believe that the best way to change any of life’s situations in your favour is to hide in your room, sulking?”

    Nope. But I do not believe either that you will change anything by banging your head against the same granite stone over and over again expecting a different outcome each time.

    The outcome will always the exact same: the wall still standing and you ending with another painful bump in your head.

    The solution is to walk around the wall or climbing over it to get where you want to be. The UK GE is the same scenario as the wall. We will never get independence by voting tory, libdems or any of the Labour versions currently available (labour, SNP or Greens).

    We will never get independence if all what we do is keep sending representatives to Westminster that the only thing they achieve is the preservation and legitimisation of the very rigged system we want to get rid of.

    -“But if you don’t, why on earth would you propose that policy for the political realm?”

    Policy? What policy? What I propose is not to enter anymore the ‘losers forever” game, which is what UK GE are for Scotland.

    If you want to change the outcome, you have to force a change in the rules of the game, in other words, you have to stop indulging your opponent by allowing them to always set the rules.

    At present, the only way to do so is either by voting for an abstentionist party/independence candidate who refuses to legitimise this rigged game board, or by spoiling your ballot.

    If you want to change the system, then “hiding in your room” and not casting the ballot at all is ditching the opportunity to make your vote count. Spoiling the ballot represents using your voice.

    -“It’s daft”

    Is it? Because from where I am standing what really looks incredibly daft is to continue self-harming for the sake of indulging your opponent with a free win each time.

  80. John Main says:

    @Republicofscotland 17 March, 2024 at 11:29 am

    You’re mostly right about Assange, although your usual OTT rantings about Great Satans isn’t helping.

    As for CM, it was a wee, pretendy Scottish kangaroo court that imprisoned him. A court democratically legitimised by the votes of plenty of us Scots. Almost certainly some votes from you, too.

    Because CM was right about AS, that doesn’t make him right when he freely chooses to post pro-Hamas statements.

    I’m sure that the usual suspects who see Pres Poot as a mild and reasonable worker for peace, see Hamas as a benign and civilised organisation dedicated to the health and well-being of the Palestinian people. That’s fine, people will see what they choose to see.

    I would like CM to return to the UK, where Hamas is a proscribed, terrorist organisation, and justify his support for the Hamas murderers, torturers, rapists and kidnappers in front of the TV cameras. I would like him to explain why he believes that no total of collateral innocent Palestinian civilian casualties is too high a price to pay for the elimination of Israel and the extermination of the Jews.

    I think all this stuff needs to be given the full oxygen of publicity under the glare of the mid-day sun.

  81. Muscleguy says:

    Added fly in the ointment is those are the former constituencies. Boundary changes and a reduced number of WM seats introduce even more changes. Dundee returns to being almost unitary with the Eastern suburbs hived off into Broughty Ferry & Arbroath. Whitfield and Fintry schemes go into the latter too.

  82. Ruby says:

    link to

    “We don’t actually send a government to Westminster.”

    Was in response to the following from Mia.

    What do you mean “no hate bill”? The hate bill was passed by Holyrood and received the royal assent. Sending a tory government to Westminster is not going to change that.

    I’m not too sure that a Tory Gov won’t stop ‘The Hate Crime Bill’.

    Is it compatible with ‘UK Law’ Could we see Alistair Jack issuing another Section 35?

    It appears you can live in England post something on the internet and if it is read in Scotland then you could be charged under ‘Humza’s Hate Crime Bill’

    Not too sure how this would work. Would police Scotland pass it onto the Met for example to deal with or would that person have to be extradited?

    This would also apply to people all over the world.
    They would have to be extradited or maybe Police Scotland would wait until they came on holiday to Scotland to arrest them.

    I can see tourist numbers dropping dramatically.

  83. James says:

    “[voting Tory]..could mean no self-id, no puberty blockers for children, no hate crime bill etc no bloody Labour gov who would bring in all of the above & more.”

    Aye, and no NHS or public services.
    Vote for a fcucking TORY?
    You must be aff yer fcucking heid.

  84. Andy Ellis says:

    @Livonian 11.48am

    If the SNP – or whatever shambolic wreckage of a party is left post GE – is mad enough to go in to coalition with a unionist party, it will deserve everything it gets. Doubtless the rump Nicophants and candy floss haired TRA’s left in the party will justify it to themselves, but it’s likely to be an existential mistake on their part.

    The aim of anyone really interested in achieving independence in a reasonable timescale should be not just the defeat of the SNP, but its annihilation. We need to do to the SNP what the Irish did to the IPP in 1918.

    Debates about whether it’s worth voting in a Westminster GE, or making a protest vote, or spoiling your ballot may be entertaining but in the end they signify nothing because the only scenario in which the result of that election advances the cause of independence is one which hastens the demise of the SNP as a political force.

  85. Mia says:

    “Why don’t you just give your lecture and leave me out of it”

    Perhaps because you keep screaming for attention while continuing to misdirect pro-independence people into hurting their cause by voting tory?

  86. James says:


  87. John Main says:

    @Andy Ellis 17 March, 2024 at 11:30 am

    one might almost think that many such people had some other agenda wouldn’t you?

    Exactly, Andy. It took a long time for the penny to drop with me, when it seemed like some of the most enthusiastic “pro-Indy” posters continually posted stuff that actively destroys Indy support among sane, rational, grounded, reasonable Scots, both indigenous, and those recently arrived.

    But I try to keep an open mind. When regulars on here cheer the destruction of an independent, sovereign, nation and culture by its aggressive, militaristic, imperialist neighbour, and flatly refuse to see the parallels with our own Scottish situation, the possible explanations are limited. And none of them bode well for Indy.

    Just like when people hail a bunch of nihilist cowards, hiding in their tunnels behind walls of hostages and their very own women and kids, as heroic figures.

    If they truly believe our own Indy should be purchased using the countless corpses of our own innocents, then that’s boding very ill indeed for Indy, and for the people of Scotland.

  88. Hatuey says:

    “I’m not sure there’s much mileage in Alba adopting policies that don’t appeal to the majority of voters.”

    And that’s why you’re a failure when it comes to politics, Andy. Because as long as you aren’t sure and do nothing to make the case, there never will be “mileage” or success.

    The central premise common to marketing, public relations, propaganda, education, psychology, and a range of other information-oriented fields, including politics, is that you can influence and change opinion. Quite a lot follows from that basic premise.

    Anyway, Alba is finished if it just sits waiting on events to unfold in its favour. Issues like Gaza and the cost of living crisis should have been golden opportunities to make a splash, win media attention and support, but instead we got IM Jolly.

    Maybe Tommy Sheridan should be given a more strategic role — he knows how to ‘bring it’. Everybody is sick of politicians, they all seem to be either grifters on the make or middle class wankers looking for attention, so it’s a good time for someone genuine like Sheridan to step up.

  89. Johnlm says:

    It’s been 5 Months.
    Hopefully Genocide John will be furnishing us with evidence of murders, tortures and rapes sometime soon.

  90. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis
    17 March, 2024 at 11:37 am

    I don’t appreciate being given a lecture particularly not from someone I’m not sure knows what they are talking about.

    Truly, there are just not enough LOLZ in the world to describe the sight of two intellectually bald people fighting over a comb.

    Being that you are on probation you should take care Andy unless you want to be banned again.

    I don’t usual clype to Stu but I might decide to if you don’t behave.

    I know you hate me and can’t resist any opportunity to personally abuse me but you really have to control that monster.


  91. Ruby says:

    17 March, 2024 at 11:56 am

    You must be aff yer fcucking heid.

    Totally aff ma fcucking heid James. You should tell Mia she seems to think I can influence people. If only!

    Who would every be influenced by a nutter like me?

    The only person I can influence on this forum is Andy Ellis.

  92. Christopher Pike says:

    Andy Ellis
    Ignored says:
    17 March, 2024 at 8:50 am
    @Christopher Pike 5.18am

    All of that seems entirely likely. The question thereafter is whether what will be widely represented by the British nationalist media and establishment as a huge set back for Scottish nationalism and the cause of Scottish independence is reflected in any change is the current level of support for independence?

    A Westminster election is not really a meaningful measurement, much as the yoons will make hay while the sun shines. However much some folk on here might froth about it, there are (sadly) all too many SNP loyalists out there who will still dutifully vote for them.


    I respect you as one of the few sane commentators on this site. Unfortunately, for independence supporters, the constitutional question is not a live issue at the moment.

    Independence requires international recognition and that recognition will not come about unless the UK accepts the result of a democratic vote – which I don’t believe the pro-independence side is currently capable of winning at the moment.

    I suspect if a vote were held tomorrow, NO would win cira 53/47.

  93. Anton Decadent says:

    @Ruby, the Conservatives would not repeal the Hate Crime Bill, it was in England earlier this month that someone was given a two year prison sentence for owning stickers. Remember also that every government awarded itself emergency powers under the guise of Covid and retained them.

    I believe that this is part of a larger thing which is being used against Scotland, England, Wales, NI/Eire and other countries whilst the few which say no to it are constantly lobbied against in the media as populists and anti Semites, see Hungary. Orban is an outlier but guilty of cronyism and I believe that the only hope for our nations is a swell of popular uprising against what we clearly see happening around us and for mentioning it new laws are being introduced to silence their populations because calling them names and publicly shaming them lost its effect through overuse on an industrial scale. So now it has gone from sackings via orchestrated smear campaigns and the closing of bank accounts in Chinese social credit style punishment to prison sentences in full on authoritarian totalitarian enforcement of the message against any kind of demonstratable majority public support.

    Here is an article from four years ago to see how the movement in Ireland has been similarly gutted, abandon your own cause and people in favour of other causes and other people who you just so happen to wish to transfer in massive numbers into the country you are supposed to represent. Eire is also introducing the same kind of Hate Speech laws as Scotland and England, none of this is a coincidence and takes a large amount of cash, forward planning and influence to implement. The reason Epstein is rarely talked about in the media is because it shows how easy it is to turn people who went into politics for the easy sex and the access he had to the top levels of finance even after his conviction. Politics, media, finance, the sex industry, academia, publishing, big pharma, Hollywood, the Arts and the charity sector, I will mention those whilst it is still semi legal to do so.

    link to

  94. Shetto Al says:

    So it’s a “straight fight” is it? Not very inclusive. Surely a risky choice of words with a hate crime act coming soon.

  95. Hatuey says:

    “Hopefully Genocide John will be furnishing us with evidence of murders, tortures and rapes sometime soon.”

    Max Blumenthal has debunked quite a lot of the lies, including the hysterical propaganda on baby massacres which everybody everywhere now knows was a pile of crap.

    People need to think about what “occupation” as in “occupied territories” actually means. It means Palestinian lands have been invaded and brutally colonised. It follows that Palestinians, of course, have the right to defend themselves, just as anyone here would defend their house and land if someone invaded. That right is enshrined in international law.

    It’s interesting that Israel is committing what looks like genocide and wholesale murder in front of the whole world and we are here talking about Palestinian violence. The same sort of dynamic is in play in UK domestic politics — hundreds of thousands of people protest against Israeli war crimes and the media responds with a conversation about Muslims and Islamic extremism.

    MSM lies don’t work when a substantial and growing number of people get their information from alternative sources and know the truth. Increased suppression of that truth, de-platforming alternative opinion, punishing people who “indulge” in the truth, all of that just makes the lies look more ridiculous and divergent with reality.

    The good news is to be found in demographic trends. Older generations, composed of those who tend to unquestioningly drink the MSM Kool-Aid, are naturally in decline. This is one of the reasons the West is in decline; more and more ordinary people are learning what Western hegemony depends on (lies and butchery, in essence) and they wholeheartedly reject it.

    Incidentally, nobody I have ever met who was against the war in the east, the massacre of Palestinians, the decimation of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Vietnam, or any of the long list of heinous crimes committed by the west, has ever expressed support for Iran, Vlad, Muslim extremism, Chinese authoritarianism, terrorism, or FMG.

    Most people just want an international order based on international law and the biggest obstacle to that today is The West itself.

  96. Johnlm says:

    The recent vote to end Tic Tok in the US, unless it is sold off to ‘acceptable’ interests, illustrates what is really going on.

    Ch1na is a scapegoat.
    The actual reason is that Zionism is not selling well with Gen Z who use Tic Tok.
    Tic Tok must be compulsory purchased, to close down open debate on issues such as Gaza.

    Jonathan Greenblatt, Director of the ADL, explains
    link to

  97. Andy Ellis says:

    @Hatuey 12.26 pm

    Whether I’m a failure when it comes to politics is arguable. I suppose: I’ve never stood for political office or really had any inclination to do so. The fact you disagree with some or even all of my views doesn’t mean my views on politics are failing Hatuey.

    Then again, I never predicted the imminent invasion of Taiwan or Turkish boots on the ground in Gaza either, so there is that.

    Cod psychology and PR will only take us so far. Tommy Sheridan is an impressive speaker, but the idea that he or his politics has the kind of general appeal to take us over the line to a pro-independence majority and – more importantly – using that majority to actually build a new state, seems like something of a stretch.

    I’m not saying he or others won’t be part of the answer, but those we have to convince now are largely centrist to right of centre “soft unionist” voters. They’re not likely to be swayed by Sheridan, or folk fluffing for Uncle Vlad or “Palestine Will Be Free From The River To The Sea”.

    I’m more persuadable now than I was before that correct the approach post Westminster GE and (hopefully?) the decimation if not destruction of the SNP should be a unified slate of “Yes Movement” candidates. They could be of any pro-indy party or non party individuals standing on a plebiscitary platform of abstention from Westminster.

    It’s down to all of us to make it so. Doing the same thing again and again certainly doesn’t seem to be working.

  98. Republicofscotland says:

    “Because CM was right about AS, that doesn’t make him right when he freely chooses to post pro-Hamas statements.”

    John Main.

    Just because Hamas is proscribed in the UK doesn’t mean its proscribed in every country, remember one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.

    As for YouCraine its all most all over, even with Nato troops fighting in the country the Neeo-Natzi’s are losing badly, Macron’s recent outburst on the matter only confirmed what most folk who pay attention know.

    Some western nations may be delivering aid to the Palestinians but their leaders are still too gutless to push hard for a ceasefire so the genocide continues.

    On Assange, the UN talks a good game but that it cash is king.

    link to

  99. Republicofscotland says:

    “Then again, I never predicted the imminent invasion of Taiwan or Turkish boots on the ground in Gaza either, so there is that.”

    Chutzpah from the Atlanticist, the Great Satan (US) has invaded many countries and regime changed leaders in many other countries, much of what ails the world today is down to bellicose US foreign policies of countless US administrations.

    The Great Satan’s minion across the pond the UK has also carried out similar vile acts, the guise is usually in the name of freedom and democracy. Infact many old colonial Empires of Europe got rich off the backs of the Global South, and they are still doing so especially in Africa.

    African nation Niger that kicked the French out, looks likely to kick out the Americans as well, US troops are stationed at a major base in Northern Niger, where ISIS/al-Qaida can launch their attacks from, this might soon stop, along with US drone strikes and surveillance from the US base in Niger, here’s hoping it does.

  100. Johnlm says:


    What does the term ‘fluffer’ mean?

    Can you give me an example in a sentence containing the words Andy Ellis and John Main.

  101. Republicofscotland says:

    “People need to think about what “occupation” as in “occupied territories” actually means. It means Palestinian lands have been invaded and brutally colonised. It follows that Palestinians, of course, have the right to defend themselves, just as anyone here would defend their house and land if someone invaded. That right is enshrined in international law.”

    Correct Hatuey.

    Israel has NO RIGHT to defend itself in occupied lands such as Gaza according to UN resolutions, and the Palestinians under UN resolutions have the right to take up arms and fight back.


    Resolution 3379: Recognising Zionism as a form of racism (10 November 1975)

    “Resolution 4321 reiterated earlier demands for Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories and called on international powers to provide aid and solidarity to Palestinians living under occupation.”

    Resolution 6719: Recognition of Palestine as an observer state (29 November 2012)

    “November 2012 saw the General Assembly recognising Palestine as a non-member observer state. Although the vote was largely symbolic – Palestine was now on the same level as the Holy See – it allowed the Palestinian Authority access to the International Criminal Court, which raised the possibility that Israeli officials could end up facing charges of war crimes.”

    On the above President Mahmoud Abbas didn’t trigger the Genocide Convention and many Palestinians know why he’s in Netanyahu’s pocket.

    Resolution 2253: Condemnations of Israel’s measures to change the status of Jerusalem (4 July 1967)

    “Resolution 2253 saw the first UN condemnation of attempts by Israel to claim sovereignty over the holy city. Although the motion was unanimous (99 in favour, with 20 abstentions) in calling for Israel to “rescind all measures already taken and to desist forthwith from taking action which would alter the status of Jerusalem”, it did nothing to prevent Israel formally annexing the city in 1980.”

    On the above US POTUS Trump called for all nations to set up their embassies in Jerusalem in complete contradiction of this resolution.

  102. Alf Baird says:

    Hatuey @ 2:29 pm

    “People need to think about what “occupation” as in “occupied territories” actually means.”

    Quite so. ‘Occupation’ means that the places where we live are increasingly and ultimately utterly altered by people from another dominant culture coming from elsewhere. Most of our public sector institutions are run by them, our industries controlled by them, and all hold only to their ideology and values. We increasingly hear only their voices at the supermarket checkout, in the street, and on the bus and train, as well as on the TV and radio.

    For any colonised people and occupied territory you are quite wrong to say that “The good news is to be found in demographic trends.” For the reality of any occupied territory must be that the prevailing democratic trends are never good news.

  103. Andy Ellis says:

    @Christopher Pike 1.31pm

    Sanity will never catch on BTL here I fear, as many of the recent contributions will amply demonstrate. The sundry fringe nutter collective of sophomoric People’s Front types, Vlad Fluffers and Hamas Groupies are content to attribute everything that ails us to “the man” and unselfconscious attribution to the Great Satan, and of course the Little Satans.

    If it all sounds rather like a communique from Press TV, that’s because their worldview is about as credible and as palatable to ordinary Scots as that of the mullahs in Tehran.

    I think many Scots have parked the constitutional issue for the present: the blockage is the SNP, and there’s little imminent sign of that being purged. Let’s see what happens post Westminster GE.

    The disarray in the SNP would suggest that an immediate vote, whether a referendum or plebiscitary election, might indeed fail. But since neither is going to happen in the short term the point is moot anyway.

    Far easier if you’re so inclined ideologically to emote all over the place about genocide, “the man”, WEF, colonialism and our ancestral collective responsibility for everything that is wrong with the world.

    The bright, New World Order awaits apparently: I wonder who is going to be policing it and paying for the enforcement? I imagine the penalties for disagreeing with our new masters will make the currently proposed Hate Crime Bill look like a cake walk. Still, at least we’ll all have atoned for slavery, colonialism and every war since Charlemagne, so our consciences will be clear in the re-education camps.

  104. sarah says:

    An idea we can all [well not Unionists, obv] get behind – ask the Rev to stand in the General Election as an Independent for Independence.

    He did talk of starting his own party at one time. Standing as himself would be simpler than that. He would get a lot of support and attention from Yes world thus boosting support for the other Independents for Independence [I4I].

    What we need is highly intelligent, energetic, and principled folk who are desperate for Scotland to be independent. The Rev is super-qualified in all these qualities.

    Come on everyone. Show your support for this idea.

  105. Andy Ellis says:

    @Alf Baird 3.42pm

    You must frequent different supermarkets, streets, buses and trains than we do Alf. Most of the people, most of the time are white and Scottish, which given that >90% of the population are white is no huge surprise. (I think it was 96% in 2011 census, 84% Scottish, 7.9% other British, 4.9% other white, 1.6% South Asian and 1% “other” Asian, which may have changed when we – eventually – get the 2021 results, but I can’t imagine by more than a few % points).

    Granted the cashier today was wearing hijab, but she had a broader Edinburgh accent than I do. I was almost tempted to ask if she was part of the non-Scots colonial occupation, or had she gone native and supported independence. Alex Salmond specifically “bigged up” Scots Asians when he poured cold water on calls for franchise restriction as I recall, saying something to the effect that if only Scots Asians had the vote we’d already be independent.

    I’m not sure our NGO’s, media and boards of directors being staffed by non-Scottish British folk is a slam dunk tell that we’re a puir wee benighted colony Alf, however earnestly you wish it were so.

    While it is true that ethnic minorities rose from being 0.9% of the population in 1988 to 8.1% in 2011, the idea that a people can’t achieve independence when they represent >80% of the population, and many of the non-natives are pro-independence, says a lot more about our collective lack of political cojones than it does about us being “doun hauden”.

  106. Johnlm says:

    Olympic standard synchronised fluffing there from mssrs Pike and Ellis.

  107. faolie says:

    @mia and others. Aye, go around the wall. Turn up at your polling place and repurpose your vote

  108. sam says:

    “Patsy Millar
    Ignored says:
    16 March, 2024 at 3:06 pm
    Interestingly my SNP MP has started a crowdfunder for the next election..”

    It seems the SNP received only £76,000 in donations in 2023, including one gift of £50,000.

  109. BLMac says:

    It’s really simple.

    The SNP First Minister has been railing against white men in his public utterances, so I can only imagine what he says in private.

    Like almost 50% of Scots, I am a white man.

    Therefore I’d have to be daft to vote for him.

  110. Republicofscotland says:

    It wouldn’t surprise me one little bit if a Labour or an SNP supporter stole the poster, as for Alba calling for ferries to be built in Scotland they haven’t a hope in hell under the current SNP, the ones that they have had built and I use the word built very loosely are years late and million over budget, as Christ knows who had their palms greased along the way by the taxpayer.

    “ALBA have claimed a campaign poster calling for Scotland’s ferries to be built in Scotland has been stolen just a few days after being put up near the Ferguson Marine shipyard.

    The party’s general secretary Chris McEleny has raised concerns the large poster – attached to a tree with cable ties – may have been removed by Labour-run Inverclyde Council and has written to bosses to see if this is the case.

    Alba are campaigning to demand that the Scottish Government directly award future ferry contracts to the shipyard in Port Glasgow.

    The shipyard was taken into public ownership four years ago after its financial collapse following long delays and mounting costs over the delivery of two ferries, the Glen Sannox and Glen Rosa.”

  111. Republicofscotland says:

    Yousaf the puppet FM to take a leaf out of Sturgeon the Betrayers book and tour Scotland prior to the up and coming GE, Sturgeon the Betrayer toured Scotland in her big Yellow bus with Brexit in mind, one wonders what Yousaf the puppet will use to tour Scotland.

    Maybe he’ll use the 100k luxury motorhome that the Keystone Cops aka Police Scotland still have impounded. Or maybe he could use a 90k electric Jag.

    Of course neither Sturgeon the Judas or Yousaf the Puppet would dream of thinking of touring Scotland to push for dissolving the union, no doubt Yousaf the Puppet will mention the I-word on tour to garner votes.

    “HUMZA Yousaf has vowed to visit “every single constituency” in Scotland during the General Election campaign.

    “What I can say about the election campaign is that whatever mode of transport I’m using I intend to get to every single constituency up and down this gorgeous and beautiful country to make the case that it is only with SNP MPs that Scotland’s will be heard in Westminster.””

    Its not Westminster that’s stopping us from dissolving this shithole of a union, its the SNP government.

  112. Robert Hughes says:

    Given this – …. 1.6% South Asian and 1% “other” Asian,….. ”

    How can this be accurate – ” …. that if only Scots Asians had the vote we’d already be independent. ” ? ( What does that even mean ? surely Scots Asians DID have the vote )

    From Scotland’s Census @ ScotGov

    ” 2.7% of Scotland’s population identified as Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British. This was about 141,000 people, split between: 50,000 people who identified as ‘Pakistani’ , 34,000 people who identified as ‘Chinese’ , 33,000 people who identified as ‘Indian’ , 21,000 people who identified as ‘Other’
    4,000 people who identified as ‘Bangladeshi’ ”

    The YES/NO vote was 1,617,989 for Yes and 2,001,926 for No. So , even if that entire 141,000 had voted YES , the overall result would have been the same .

    That figure of 141,000 seems wildly underestimated , granted it’s from 2011 , ergo.. will be well out of date .

    What does it tell us then , that the leaders of the two main Parties in Scotland come from such proportionally tiny demographics and were * unable * to produce leaders more reflective of the overwhelming majority of Scottish residents ?

    Surely no one would claim it was because those two drongoes were the best men for the job .

    Another instance of spurious * Progressive/Inclusive * values ( LOL ) taking precedence over that almost completely obscured value ..ability .

    ” Trans ” FM by 2040 ? If one such candidate was – or claimed to be – Uk rainian they’d be a shoe-in .

  113. David Hannah says:

    They are going to lose every seat. Just like Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson lost hers, when she started jumping on every bandwagon before the election including GRR. With her illiberal democrats and loyalty to the globalist woke agenda.

  114. David Hannah says:

    I’m spoiling my ballot. Like I spoiled my ballot at the last council elections.

    I want to vote for Independence. I’ll never vote tory. Or tactically vote for a unionist party to oust the unionist SNP.

    Humza has ignored Alex Salmond on making the election a vote for Independence – removing the party and all of their damage from the central vote.

    He’s rubbished the defacto referendum tactic.

    He’s sticking with the SNPs stronger for Scotland voice. He’s not stronger for Scotland – when he’s letting Grangemouth shut down.

    He’s not stronger for Scotland. When he labels 92 per cent of the population as islamaphobic. He’s not stronger for Scotland by turning us into a pariah state like Russia. With the Hate Crime Bill and Lady Dorian’s – “doing nothing is not an option.” HORSESHIT attack on juries and freedom in our country.

    He’s following Ireland. With their Hate Crime Brill. But the Irish have had enough. We’re full. They are saying. And I support them with every fibre of my being. We’re full. And its time to remove our woke false minister, and heroin dealing brother in law from poisoning the natives.

  115. David Hannah says:

    He’s not stronger for Scotland. When he wants to give our Independence away to the EU. He wants us to pay Brussells – that 70 per cent muslim – all of our money.

    He’ll never take responsibility. It’s Brexit’s fault. It’s those nasty tories! Who just happen to be wealthier people – It doesn’t make them nasty! That’s for sure. He alienates where he goes.

    I’ve enjoyed seeing him lose 10 by elections. Any normal party right now would see a leadership challenge triggered. But this is not the SNPs gameplan. Their plan is to destroy themselves. And with it. The nationalist cause.

    By getting “independence” on the ballot paper. Empty words and empty boxes. NOT FOR ME. I’m a Scottish Nationalist. And I’m spoiling my ballot. I’ll not be voting for the scumbag SNP crooks.

  116. David Hannah says:

    Lastly. I’m going to enjoy seeing them squirm. Knowing that they are about to lose a near £100,000 salary plus expenses.

    Nothing sweeter than knowing the SNP politicians are going to be made unemployed. They’ll have to move out of Scotland to find work. Like Ian Blackford. Who wants to live in his London Love nest. With his – older model girlfriend – having traded in his wife for a black carrier bin bag.

    We’ve got to destroy the SNP. For the nationalist cause.

  117. David Hannah says:

    Meanwhile. Political nark Sex Pests like Jordan Linden continue to walk the streets of South Lanarkshire. And Mridul Wadhawa is getting his kicks out of listening to women talk about sexual violence. An AGP male if I’ve ever seen one.

    A new regime will sack him hopefully.

  118. sarah says:

    My suggestion was posted 2 hours ago that Wingers give their support to the idea of the Rev standing as an Independent for Independence.

    No comments on the idea at all as yet. I am surprised given the comments over the years by Wingers in favour of the Rev’s abilities.

  119. John Main says:

    Anybody big and bad ever invades my hoose, I’m gonna find a wee school of weans and slaughter every last one of them.

    Hats says it’s justified.

    But spare a thought for poor wee Hats this afternoon – in A& E, waiting to get the burns on his flabby erse salved.

    Spontaneous combustion of the undercrackers, following his 2:29 claim that nobody expresses support for Vlad, Muslim extremism or terrorism.

    But maybes I’ve been affected by the HM. While you’re in there Hats, get yersel an Alzheimer’s test. Might be that that’s affecting your faculties.

  120. Republicofscotland says:

    It looks like there’s NO levels to which the IDF won’t stoop to.

    link to

  121. John Main says:

    RoS says

    “Israel has no right to defend itself.

    Palestine has the right of offence against Israel.”

    The astonishing thing about these statements is that it’s entirely possible that RoS has the right to vote in Scottish elections!

    Man, how I would love to see justice served by RoS going somewhere that it matters and making statements like these, face-to-face, to some of the serious people involved in the life-or-death situations that RoS likes to channel his internal Student Grant about.

    Scotland’s future in the hands of nutters who think like RoS?

    Never gonna happen.

  122. Johnlm says:

    School attacks now ?!?! Where?

    Genocide John. Put some water in it.

  123. Ruby says:

    17 March, 2024 at 3:37 pm


    What does the term ‘fluffer’ mean?

    Can you give me an example in a sentence containing the words Andy Ellis and John Main.

    A lot of people think it’s someone who fluffs up the cushions & goes around with a fluffy duster doing finishing touches for estate agents.

    I know it’s not that because I read a romantic comedy recently about a woman who applied for a job as a ‘fluffer’ and then found out to her horror what it involved.

    You want a sentence containing the words Andy Ellis & John Main. Here goes!

    Andy Ellis & John Main were extremely disappointed that Angus Robertson withdrew the funding from ‘The Explicit ‘sex cave’ show because they had both secured a job in the production. £300 a day is not so dusty. They needed people with experience in the Adult film industry, every ‘Explicit ‘sex cave’ show’ needs ‘fluffers’.

    Do you think I’m kidding? Just ask yourself why Andy Ellis & John Main are so au fait with the term ‘fluffers’ and use it so often?

  124. Andy Ellis says:

    @John Main 6.42pm

    I guarantee that the number of Scots who share RoS’ worldview is vanishingly small. How many people in most folks ordinary day to day life would come out with fringe nutterdom of that type?

    I see his allegiance to Alba also appears to have wavered: I imagine that’ll be something of a relief to the party, although whether he was actually a supporter or member seems open to some debate. Ah hae ma doots as our Scots speaking friends would say.

    Of course every polity has it’s leavening of types like RoS: they’re the vociferous odd balls on the fringes that nobody really takes remotely seriously, until they are installed to rule over the lumpen proletariat when a country is taken over, the equivalent of the old communists like Ulbricht in the GDR or Gomulka in Poland.

  125. Ruby says:

    ‘One trick franchise fanny fluffers!’

    That phrase just popped into my head and made me laugh.

    Where’s Geri?

  126. Johnlm says:

    Perfect timing Ruby, just as Ellis arrives to fluff Genocide John.

    It’s the secret of good comedy.

  127. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Sarah

    ” No comments on the idea at all as yet. I am surprised given the comments over the years by Wingers in favour of the Rev’s abilities. ”

    Maybe because Stuart has previously kiboshed the idea ? Or was it the idea of forming a Party that got binned ?

    I’d love to see Stuart standing – at a Holyrood Election . My interest in what happens @ WM is less than zero .

    Weeeell , not strictly true ….I am kinda looking forward to seeing which n how many of the SNP Porcine Platoon get offed in the impending Trough War . After all these lean years the porkers of BLIS will be salivating grotesquely at the prospect of getting their snouts back where they belong : up the arse of the Unionist Establishment . And in the trough , obv .

  128. Alf Baird says:

    Andy Ellis @ 4:22 pm

    “the idea that a people can’t achieve independence when they represent >80% of the population, and many of the non-natives are pro-independence, says a lot more about our collective lack of political cojones than it does about us being “doun hauden”.”

    Your latter point, as you rightly imply, is not simply a question of occupation, Andy; however, it is certainly to do with the ‘colonial mindset’ of a people, which is another serious consequence of colonialism an oppressed people remain subject to:

    link to

  129. The Hate Monster® says:

    Ruby says:
    17 March, 2024 at 7:03 pm

    I know it’s not that because I read a romantic comedy recently about a woman who applied for a job as a ‘fluffer’ and then found out to her horror what it involved.

    It’s also a type of agricultural implement used to tease apart and aereate (think that’s the right word) hay prior to bailing. Just thought I’d chuck that out there 🙂

  130. Hatuey says:

    Ellis: “Tommy Sheridan is an impressive speaker, but the idea that he or his politics has the kind of general appeal to take us over the line…”

    It’s precisely because grifters like you don’t agree with his politics that he’s probably the best man for the job.

    Do you think your politics have broad appeal? Jesus.

    I’m probably the closest thing you’ve got to someone that likes seeing you commenting, Andy. In fact, your presence fills me with confidence… I know I’m not the most annoying plank in the room as long as you are here…

    Anyway, seriously, I’m not that concerned about Alba or independence. The average man in the street doesn’t seem to give a fuck, so why should I?

    If the SNP gets wiped out and turned to dust, I’ll be content. That’s about it. What happens after that is anyone’s guess…

  131. Tenruh says:

    Wee bit of sad news, Gerry Fisher a long time independence supporter has passed away

  132. Andy Ellis says:

    @Hatuey 7.40pm

    I’m not sure why you’d consider me a grifter. Perhaps it’s just because you don’t know what the word really means? That wouldn’t surprise me to be honest. It’s self evident the views I’m espousing, rather than those of the fringe nutters who sadly infest much of the BTL discourse in here, have broader appeal than those of the usual suspects.

    I doubt you’re any more representative of “the room” than you are of the public at large.

    Perhaps you’re right that the average Scot isn’t that concerned with independence at this point in the political cycle. They’re certainly not supporting Alba, the ISP or RISE type politics in any significant numbers either.

    As others including Rev Stu have pointed out there’s really SFA going on in Scottish politics right now. We’re all playing a waiting game to see how the cards fall after the Westminster GE.

    I’ll be content if the SNP get wiped out too: one of the few things we may agree on. Indeed I suspect many in here could rally around that, even if on little else.

    The trouble is Hats, you’re going to need more than those listening to Tommy, or the usual suspects in here, to reach the sunny uplands of independence.

    It isn’t politics like mine that’s a clear and present danger to reaching the goal.

  133. Republicofscotland says:

    John Main @6.42pm.

    Israel has NO RIGHT to defend itself in occupied lands and the oppressed Palestinians have the right to take up arms to remove their oppressors.

    Of course the Zionists have called anyone (UN Reps as well such as Francesca Albanese) anti-Semitic, which is wheeled out willy-nilly by the Zionists when the pressure is on.

    “December 3, 1982. At that time UNGA resolution 37/43 removed any doubt or debate over the lawful entitlement of occupied people to resist occupying forces by any and all lawful means. The resolution reaffirmed “the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle”.”

  134. Republicofscotland says:

    “I guarantee that the number of Scots who share RoS’ worldview is vanishingly small.”

    On the contrary I’m pretty sure the majority of the world’s population agree with me on Israel committing genocide and the need for an immediate ceasefire.

  135. Andy Ellis says:

    @RoS 8.17pm

    The point was about whether Scots voters shared your worldview, not the voters of the whole world and the Pretzel logic of your Wolfie Smith worldview is about more than Gaza.

    I’m sure the vast majority do agree with the need for an immediate cease fire. How it’s achieved is a subject of some disagreement however. Hamas could always release some or all of the remaining hostages as they did earlier in the conflict.

    I doubt the majority accept the conflict represents genocide, certainly nobody who cares about the real meaning of words, or who doesn’t want to dishonour the victims of genocides through the ages. You do you though.

  136. Republicofscotland says:

    So according to a late February poll 72 percent of French people are dissatisfied with France’s current premier Emmanuel Macron, such a high figure hasn’t been seen in France since Francios Hollande (French President) decided to illegally intervene in Syria.

    Of course now that French colonial troops have been all but booted out of the Sahel, Macron has an abundance of troops standing by that aren’t deployed and making money for French businesses.

    This is why Macron has been shooting his mouth off about France going to war (openly) with Russia, when a PM or President is in trouble in the polls a war is often fabricated to turn heads away from the failings of that person and into nationalism and support for the conflict.

  137. John Main says:

    @Andy Ellis 7:05

    Believe it or not, I do sometimes worry that I might bear some responsibility for the likes of the posts from the usual suspects that have been put up on here this afternoon.

    But then I think – naw it’s all Andy Ellis’s fault! 🙂

    Haha, just my little joke. Nobody is responsible, other than the carpet-munchers making the actual posts.

    I don’t agree there’s nothing going on in Scottish politics right now, it’s just that there’s nothing going on with Indy. And when you scan the bulk of the comments on Wings BTL, alert readers may start to twig why.

    Oh well. I may continue to keep up the useful function of being a rational, facts-based, reality-grounded figure on here. Keeping the carpet munchers salivating and dribbling in their bedrooms is performing a valuable social service – keeping them out of Scotland’s public spaces, and keeping them away from sane, rational, and yes, decent, Scots fowk.

  138. Republicofscotland says:

    “Hamas could always release some or all of the remaining hostages as they did earlier in the conflict.”

    Andy Ellis.

    Israel has killed more of the hostages than Hamas via its Hannibal Directive, also if the Israeli’s/Zionists hadn’t caused the conflict to begin with (1948) we wouldn’t be discussing it right now, it could all be settled if the Zionists removed themselves from the Palestinians lands.

    You seem to be under the impression that Hamas/Palestinians don’t have the right to take back what is rightfully theirs (backed by UN resolutions) even if it means armed conflict.

    “I doubt the majority accept the conflict represents genocide, certainly nobody who cares about the real meaning of words”

    Oh its certainly genocide that’s for sure the Zionist have at the very least broken sub articles (B) and (C) of Article (2) of the Genocide Convention. You don’t care what the words mean but other do, and the Zionists certainly do, they wheeled them out enough post-WWII, and are still calling anyone that shows them up for what they are doing in Gaza as anti-Semitic.

    link to

  139. John Main says:

    @RoS says 8:36

    Macron fabricated the Orc invasion of 404 to improve his poll ratings.

    Thought it was one of the Satans, RoS?

    Honestly, it’s like you make it up as you go along.

    What’s going to happen next in France then, RoS?

    An epidemic of dodgy window catches?

  140. Johnlm says:

    Main fluffs Ellis.
    And then manages to brown nose himself.

    “Oh well. I may continue to keep up the useful function of being a rational, facts-based, reality-grounded figure on here. “


    Still can’t locate that school massacre.
    You never go full Zionist

  141. Andy Ellis says:

    @John Main 8.58pm

    Hats will be along directly to issue more of his Nostrodamusisms: Turkish boots on the beaches of St Tropez by June perhaps? Dear Leader Xi to annex New Caledonia. The cheese eating surrender monkeys have it coming after all…!

    I reckon Emmanuel is just doing it to put the wind up Scholz and shame the Germans in to delivering Taurus missiles. That’d really put the wind up Uncle Vlad.

  142. John Main says:

    @RoS 8:56

    If you believe 1948 justifies slaughtering kids who weren’t even born 50 years on in 1998, just be happy in your tiny twisted sick nihilist minority. And please, pretty please, stay there and well away from decent Scots fowk.

    But at least show some compassion for the Israelis. African civilians with looted table cutlery did a vastly superior genocide in Rwanda. In comparison, the Israelis suck at it.

    As genocidists, they’re pathetic. The Palestinians have much to be grateful for. Hamas too, as they skulk in their tunnels, hostages all around, their women and kids, hospitals and kindergartens strategically placed between them and the “nasty”, hopeless Jews.

  143. Johnlm says:

    Ellis returns the fluff to Main.

    Steamy stuff.

  144. David Hannah says:

    Watch the SNP 2024 National Campaign Council on youtube.

    They were debating and it sounds like rejected the idea of an Independence assembly. From 1 hour and 43 minutes into the video.

    Two woke looking queer hawks said “Scotland is not Switzerland” so we can’t have “direct democracy.”

    And another sneering, specky faced political nark said that She doesn’t want a people’s assembly because of “BOATY McBOATFACE.”

    And that “the public often chose humour over serious discussion. And my worry here is that unrestricted topic choice will lead to discussions which are not the best use of parliamentary time.”

    The SNP are sabotaging all moves towards independence. Sabotaged again. Sabotaged. By these clearly autistic and handmaiden types.

    Shockingly before this was debated. They debated intersex healthcare.

    These people are total fuck wits. They make me sick and despise them.


  145. Johnlm says:

    Slaughtered kids in 1998 ?!?! Where?

    Main just making stuff up? As per usual.

    You never go full Zionist.

  146. David Hannah says:

    I just watched the whole thing. The party voted against the remit back. They were lead by Angela Constance. She spoon fed them the answers.

    No citizens assembly. Not important to the SNP. They don’t have to do any work.

    Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Wings should do a number on that. Terrible.

  147. David Hannah says:

    The party voted for the remit back* They voted for the NAYSAYER.

    Boaty McBoatface. lets call her that. We’re too thick to have a say in public policy.

    It means they don’t have to do any work. Truely corrupt. No action for independence.

    Total and absolute FAKE nationalists. Fake party. SNP. I am spoiling my ballot.

  148. Bernard de Linton says:

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  149. sarah says:

    @ Robert Hughes at 7.18: “..forming a party got binned”.

    Yeah, because Alba and ISP were formed. The Rev was contemplating forming a party himself, in the absence of anyone else doing so, because of the inaction [at best] of the SNP.

    I hoped that he might be encouraged to stand as an individual if enough Wingers urged him to do so. I thought real Wingers would leap at the idea rather than waste time exchanging comments with the distraction brigade.

  150. John Main says:


    Who are the real Wingers and who are the distraction brigade?

    Tricky questions.

    Real Wingers would be standing themselves. Real Wingers would be convinced that they had all the answers, and that these answers resonated with the majority of Scottish voters.

    Real Wingers would know that with everything in the bag, they would be a shoe-in for their constituency, so would already be discussing and clarifying their policies, fine tuning them in consultation with the Wings BTL Indy gurus, ready to hit the ground running on Day 1 of their time in office.

    Soz, Sarah, even I can’t keep this brain fart up with a straight face any longer 🙂

    Running a country, hopefully improving things as you go along, is several orders of magnitude more difficult than posting on here. Look elsewhere for the calibre of people you need. It’s axiomatic that anybody with the ability to make a go of serious shit in the real world won’t be wasting time on Wings BTL.

    As Rev Stu rarely ventures BTL, that doesn’t rule him out, BTW.

  151. Andouilette says:

    Sarah, In answer to your earlier posts I would very much like Stu to stand as an independent for independence in any election whatsoever. I am a unionist but Scotland needs people of such high calibre, desperately. I have reached the point where I suspect that we are doomed without said people even when their views are the opposite of mine.

  152. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Mein Luftkissenfarzeug ist voller Alle – auch.

  153. Hatuey says:

    Has anyone considered the idea that we may need better voters rather than better politicians? I don’t go along with the maxim that the voters are somehow always right…

    Western “democracies” are really the ultimate GIGO systems and that’s just about the kindest thing you could say about voters.

    Could the Scottish electorate be any more lacklustre and meek?

    Are we a downtrodden people or are we not downtrodden enough?

  154. Graf Midgehunter says:

    “My hovercraft is full of eels.”
    “Mein Luftkissenfarzeug ist voller Alle – auch.” 🙂

    I couldn’t resist.. 🙂

    “Auch mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist volle Aale..!”

  155. Johnlm says:

    Mein Main ist voller scheisse ! – ein Arschgeige

  156. Stuart MacKay says:


    Better voters? Perhaps. In the pat, the general idea in a democracy is that every few years the populace shows up at predesignated locations and gets to choose the direction the country is headed in. Today, what’s the point of doing that?

    If you look at poor old Greece or (to a much lesser extent) Hungary the ability of the populace to decide the country’s future is pretty much gone.

    Democracy in a globalised world is just a fig leaf of respectability covering up the reality that you do what your told or there will be consequences.

  157. Andy Ellis says:

    Blaming voters is never a good look. To paraphrase Churchill democracy may be the worst system in the world except for all the others which have been tried from time to time.

    However bad we may think things are here – and I accept they are pretty bad – are we really saying we’d prefer to live under Uncle Vlad’s or Comrade Xi’s system?

    Up thread one of the usual suspects was crying out for a New World Order to free us from the iniquities of the nasty Western Colonialists/WEF/Soros/Space Lizards: usual Wolfie Smith stuff.

    They didn’t tell us who was going to organise, pay for or enforce this new system.

    As trial balloons go, it seemed somewhat leaden.

    No change there then.

  158. Effijy says:

    I’d like to live under the rule of the Royal Family of the United Arab Emirates.
    They look so well after their own people who have a great standard of living.
    They also invest in the future by ensuring the country is a global business centre, major transport hub and a tourist attraction.
    Virtually Crime and Tax Free I’d be willing to give that alternative society a fair go.
    Instead of blaming foreigners they operate very successfully with 90% of the residents coming from other lands.

    No I don’t want a Putin leader who has made everything about Putin and his henchmen.

    Can you imagine a country where the people who get into power are the ones with the biggest lies and authority swaps every few years between only 2 factions.
    They control all the newspapers, radio and TV stations, redrawn constituency boundaries in their favour, who give all government contracts to family, friends and donors.

    Don’t imagine it just look at Westminster.

  159. Breastplate says:

    Ellis @ 8:35pm

    “I doubt the majority accept the conflict represents genocide, certainly nobody who cares about the real meaning of words, or who doesn’t want to dishonour the victims of genocides through the ages. You do you though.”

    You’re so pompous that you don’t recognise the irony of chastising others on the meaning of words while having your own personalised and politicised meaning of ‘genocide’, that also happens to be secret.

    If Carlsberg did arseholes…

  160. Breastplate says:

    “Up thread one of the usual suspects was crying out for a New World Order to free us from the iniquities of the nasty Western Colonialists/WEF/Soros/Space Lizards: usual Wolfie Smith stuff.”

    Says the person who wanted to create an Untermensch in his society during the Covid pandemic.

  161. desimond says:

    How long before our old friend Tactical voting starts getting mentioned again?

    Will Labour and Tories stand aside to help each other crush the (not so) rebellious jocks?

  162. Ruby says:

    Many interesting things being reported and discussed on the internet but just not here BTL on Wings.

    How come?

  163. MaryB says:

    Can anyone tell me: if I have an online vote, is there any opportunity to write a slogan on my screen? If not, can I request to go back to a paper vote?

  164. John Main says:

    Stuart MacKay

    Democracies work well within a group demonstrating shared, common, values and attitudes. Voting allows the relative priorities of competing objectives to be determined, safe in the certainty that just about all voters will at least agree that the objectives are valid societal ones. That makes it possible for the losing minority to accept the preferences of the winning majority.

    Democracies don’t work with diverse, multi-cultural electorates. How could they? A sizeable chunk of the electorate won’t even accept that the objectives a different sizeable chunk believe are non-negotiable, are even necessary. Looking at our own democracy right now, who here wants Sharia, women as easily divorcable chattels, honour killing, or strict blasphemy laws? Yet a sizeable chunk of voters do.

    There’s a reason why in history, old empires are usually held together by repressive regimes, and usually fall apart when these regimes start to lose their grip. Empires start off as mono-tribal powers, accumulate diversity through conquest and geographical spread, and then fall apart when that diversity inevitably makes them ungovernable.

    The highly visible evidence of this happening in the UK has been on our screens a lot lately. The extent to which the same factors are in play in Scotland seems clear enough to me.

    Perhaps too late, the WM and HR administrations are realising that the repressive regime route is the only option left if things are to be held together. The question for all of us is – compared with the alternatives, are we going to accept the repressive regimes as a necessary evil, or are we going to push back?

    As a traditional, naturally small ‘c’ conservative Scot, I’m thinking I’ll reluctantly support the repressive regime route if it ensures my tribe stays on top. Whilst I would expect all indigenous Sovereign Scots to think the same, the reality is that 30 years of brainwashing into believing the multi-cultural, strength-through-diversity hogwash, the “cuddly, friendly wee Scotland” exceptionalism, and multi-generational white guilt shite, means quite a lot of Scottish, and indeed Nationalist, tropes must first be deconstructed.

    So, a big task ahead, and it’s gonna take a while. Best to start now, cos there’s none of it gonna get better by itself.

  165. Alf Baird says:

    Andy Ellis @ 8:34 am

    “To paraphrase Churchill”

    Scots remain subject to the same exploitation and misrule that Churchill himself described British Tory governance in all its elements as being:

    “A party of great vested interests, banded together in a formidable confederation; corruption at home, aggression to cover it up abroad; the trickery of tariff juggles, the tyranny of a party machine; sentiment by the bucketful; patriotism by the imperial pint; the open hand at the public exchequer, the open door at the public-house; dear food for the million, cheap labour for the millionaire.”

    So, little has changed over the past century and even Labour and now the new-SNP have become part of the racket and part of the ‘great vested interests’, by adopting the same ideology and dubious ‘values’.

  166. Matt Quinn says:

    Ruby says: 18 March, 2024 at 9:58 am

    “Many interesting things being reported and discussed on the internet but just not here BTL on Wings.

    How come?

    Because no matter what rational and/or important point is made here – and no matter who makes it – their comment will be swamped and lost in this incoherent (thanks to the lack of threading/blocking mechanisms or proper structure) ever-rising tide of nonsense. – They’ll be rounded on by keyboard-thumping attack-dogs; not spark any kind of rational discussion.

    A tide of nonsense created by a handful of politico’s lapdogs… from all sides; many of them obviously-paid to disrupt, some of them mentally ill, desperate for the attention. All engaged in a silly little bitchfight… A tiny bubbly in the whine of the World Wide Web…

    One which can only be assumed to be fuelled by the monetisation of ‘black noise’. – And/or is in and of itself a mechanism for distraction, bought and sold with (probably) English gold. It seems to be a case here of throwing the odd bit of raw meat into the pit; and standing back while the dogs tear themselves apart and the clicks mount up.

    – It certainly suits the SNP well to point here and cite the place as evidence of opposition to its policies coming only from bigots and nut cases. – And it suits the Unionists well to point to this ‘Nationalist enclave’ – and tar all who stand for ending the union asbigots and nut cases.

    Was it the other day I saw the owner of this site decry Robin McAlpine for staying away from Social Media? – Maybe its because this is all there is to it – Social Media I mean; infantilised, vicious, pointless; there are indeed some games where the only winning move is not to play.

    And before you ask – many come here, but rarely or never post, for much the same reasons as they might peer out their tenement windows at the squabbles and streetfights that break out when the pubs and clubs empty; or the stairheid rammies which erupt when one auld fishwife shoves another auld fishwife’s clothes-pole the wrang road.

  167. John Main says:

    @Breastplate 9:19

    If it’s genocide, Jim, it’s not as we know it.

    It’s a funny genocide that could be stopped in 24 hours by Hamas vacating their bunkers with their hands up, bringing the captives with them.

    That’s how educated people recognise genocide. It’s non-negotiable. Period.

    Tell you what, though, BP. If hezbollah get their way and, together with the Female Genital Mutilators (Iran) manage to ignite a general ME war, I consider it likely that the death toll of Palestinian innocents will rocket upwards. Whilst world attention is focussed elsewhere, something like a real genocide might actually break out.

    Shame that if that does happen, you and your fellow hysterical roasters will find yourselves aping the boy that cried “wolf”, eh, BP?

  168. Hatuey says:

    “Blaming voters is never a good look.”

    Only a concern if you care about how they vote… right now, I don’t.

    But history is full of examples of voters getting it wrong.

    We are happy to blame unionists in one way or another for voting No in 2014, but I’m equally if not more disappointed in the way people who you’d class as Indy voters have voted since then. Add it all up and you have an electorate that is just crap at politics.

    I wonder if there are any limits to the bullshit Scottish people will put up with. It’s like Animal Farm, only instead of a giving us a revolution, the pigs took managerial jobs with Mr Jones.

    Anyway, back to building the fuckers another windmill…

  169. Ruby says:

    John Main didn’t half need a lot of words to say

    Multi-culturalism doesn’t work.

    BTW John this has already been discussed BTL here on Wings.

    You might want to read more and write less.

    Got anything new to say?

  170. John Main says:

    @Matt Quinn 10:32

    Top post.

    The final paragraph is superb.

    My only quibble – who are those paid to disrupt? How do I get a slice of that action?

  171. Breastplate says:

    John Main,

    I agree with some of what you say there.

    I don’t agree with the idea that authoritarianism is going to save us from ourselves or other perceived undesirables. You premise your stance on the idea that we already live in a democracy and I can’t agree with that precept.
    There’s more than enough evidence that we live in a plutocracy and have done for some time.

    Contrary to what people think, Britain is working as it should.

    What I mean by that is, that the people placed in charge by the sponsorship of wealthy people, collectively and individually are doing a fantastic job for a select group of overseers who will continually benefit at the expense of the majority.

    There is no difference between Republican and Democrat, Labour and the Conservatives or any other mainstream party.
    I would suggest that subconsciously, people know this, and so are eager to jump at anything convincing them of yielding different results.

    We live in a facade of democracy, it’s an illusion.

  172. Breastplate says:

    John Main @ 10:33am,

    Why not simply give us your meaning of genocide?

    When does a genocide start?

    Should we try to stop the start of a genocide, the middle of a genocide or should we wait until it’s finished to do anything?

  173. Ruby says:

    That’s a lot of words Matt Quinn.

    Any chance you could summarise it into one easy to read phrase if only for the lurkers looking out their tenement windows?

  174. Alf Baird says:

    John Main @ 10:07 am

    “I’ll reluctantly support the repressive regime route if it ensures my tribe stays on top.”

    Being ‘out of the game’ and culturally assimilated for ower chree hunner year, Scots would merely be substituting one (i.e. Anglo) repressive regime and its alien culture and values for another alien culture and its values; for in a colony it is ‘only the values of the colonizer that are sovereign’ (Memmi).

    So, which tribe and its ‘shared, common, values and attitudes’ are you referring to – Brits or Scots?

  175. Ruby says:

    I doubt if there are that many lurkers reading the comments.

    Maybe I’m wrong and there are actually folk who enjoy watching paint dry.

    I’m away back to reading about what’s going on in Scotland.

    Many interesting stories today.

  176. Breastplate says:

    And John Main, while I’m here,
    you don’t seem to see the contradiction of calling out FGM but giving male genital mutilation a thumbs up.

  177. Ruby says:

    John Main

    Stop pretending you don’t get your rewards from posting 24/7 here BTL on Wings.

  178. Ruby says:

    Voters are fighting against highly sophisticated manipulators.

    Everyone is a victim maybe even you Hautey.

  179. aLurker says:

    >David Hannah
    >17 March, 2024 at 10:00 pm
    >Watch the SNP 2024 National Campaign Council on youtube.

    David. If you are going to post exhorting other people to watch something then at least do them the courtesy of providing a way by which they can easily actually view the item that you are posting about.

    In this case it took me some effort to find what you were talking about.
    It seems the SNP youtube account is an unkempt shambles, almost as if they no longer want to curate a record of what they have been up to, but I digress … 😉

    Some searching finds that Broadcasting Scotland has recorded some of the proceedings under the title
    “SNP 2024 National Campaign Council”

    Here is a link timestamped to the section near the end that is relevant to your commentary around 1:43:16

    https:// link to

    I see that the woman in yellow, Stephanie Melnick [ Disabled Members Group’s Neurodiversity Education Officer ] who is spealking AGAINST the resolution utilises the rhetorical device of the false dichotomy to propose that there are only two options: a peoples assembly (self selecting) and a citizens assembly (sortition based) and both have flaws.

    “It is in opposition to the principles of representative democracy”.

    Bingo. The nub of the issue. Politicians want to be in control.
    Of course she did not say that bit!

    Obviously the thing to be done would be to not make such half baked proposals. The vote ought to have been to remit back to do the work properly then reconsider the arguments and options.

    From the outside looking in it does seem that it was never the intention of the SNP controlling clique that any of that should happen.

    These days it seems less and less people are even paying attention.

    Gerry Fisher would be saddened by all this. 🙁

  180. Ruby says:

    There was talk the other day on here about ‘self-help’ books principally ‘The Games People Play’ by Eric Berne.
    Around the same time that books was popular there was another ‘self-help’ book called

    ‘Pulling Your Own Strings’ by Wayne Dyer.

    I think it was mostly about personal relationships but I’m sure it could apply equally to any form of manipulation.

    ie The black art of media manipulation.

  181. Xaracen says:

    John Main said;

    “Democracies work well within a group demonstrating shared, common, values and attitudes. Voting allows the relative priorities of competing objectives to be determined, safe in the certainty that just about all voters will at least agree that the objectives are valid societal ones. That makes it possible for the losing minority to accept the preferences of the winning majority.

    Democracies don’t work with diverse, multi-cultural electorates. How could they?

    Which is exactly why Westminster’s flat majority voting system doesn’t work with the Commons’ diverse, multi-sovereign MPs. How could it? Especially when one group outnumbers the other one ten-fold anyway!

  182. Matt Quinn says:

    Rubysays: 18 March, 2024 at 10:50 am

    “That’s a lot of words Matt Quinn.

    Any chance you could summarise it into one easy to read phrase if only for the lurkers looking out their tenement windows?”

    No… it’s not really.

    The lurkers know already; and those with the intellect to ‘report and discuss’ matters sensibly aren’t challenged by ‘lots of words’. So, what you suggest basically amounts (figuratively) to playing chess with the Pigeons – which is one of the games where the only winning move is not to play.

    You and Main (and the rest) have fun together… I (and others) do get the strong impression it’s all sil’er in the kirst and that you all know exactly where to pick up your thirty pieces at the end of the day.

  183. Ruby says:

    link to

    Matt Quinn

    You know the lurkers and what they think?

    That is bloody amazing.

    Bye Matt! It’s been fun!

  184. Ruby says:

    link to

    Very good point Xaracen!

  185. Ruby says:

    aLurker says

    Bingo. The nub of the issue. Politicians want to be in control.


    Summed up in a few words.

  186. James says:

    Mijn Ellis zit ook vol stront – een klootzak!

  187. sam says:


    Regarding manipulation, have you yet viewed any of The Labour Files?

  188. Hatuey says:

    Nobody gets paid to do anything on here, let’s cut the crap. I’ve never fell for the idea that anything said here really matters, could cost us votes, or any of that nonsense.

    The idea that someone pays John Main is the funniest of them all. You can get everything he says for about 20 pence in one tabloid rag or another. Save twenty pence by standing out your nearest lodge and have a chat with those that come outside for a smoke.

    That said, if anyone wants to pay me, just shout. Vaccines, genocide, colonialism, world war three, I can sell and support any of that stuff for the right price. 2 for the price of 1 offers are available on request…

    I got bills to pay…

  189. sam says:

    This is one of the shorter pieces from The Labour Files. Still powerful.

  190. Anton Decadent says:

    I am currently reading Private Eye #1597 from May last year and it has an article on what it referred to as the political suicide of Diane Abbot and says, and I quote “there is no way back”. Her crime was to have touched the third rail, which, as we see in Starmers Labour, is unforgivable. It also parrots Dave Chapelle in that whilst you can think these things to say them out loud will isolate and ruin you.

    To see her wheeled out less than a year later as a victim of endemic racism gives rise to the question of who actually runs the race lobby?

  191. sam says:

    Link missing. Try “Forde Labour Files”.

  192. Hatuey says:

    I see that Yemen has extended its blockade to the Indian Ocean and has apparently struck about 5 Israeli and American ships… all of this would end if the west stopped supporting what the highest court in the world provisionally called plausibly genocide.

    We can only hope that some number cruncher is looking at this and working out how much they are making from the arms sales to Israel and how much we are all losing as a result of the blockade… it’s hard to believe this is profitable.


  193. Republicofscotland says:

    The SNP are coming for more power, and to stay in power via lying to the electorate about independence, they certainly aren’t coming for the Tories as the puppet FM Yousaf says, though they’ll gladly take their constituency seats.

    Always remember its our puppet FM and his party (SNP) that’s stopping Scotland from leaving this bucket of shit union.

    Ten years down the plughole under Sturgeon the Judas and now Yousaf the puppet.

    “SCOTLAND’S Minister for Independence hit back at a BBC suggestion over the SNP’s “Tory-free” General Election message.

    Speaking on Saturday, Humza Yousaf addressed SNP activists and used the phrase multiple times, telling Scottish Tory MPs “the SNP is coming for you”.”

  194. Republicofscotland says:

    Everyone knows that Adams is a rabid unionist (she up there with Sally Magnusson and Kirsty Wark) who relishes her position of working for the colonial outpost in Scotland know as BBC Radio Scotland, along with tv shows that she appears in on the foreign media that passes as Scottish.

    It would appear that the more negative you are about Scotland if you’re in the media the more work you receive from the unionist media such as with that vile wee troglodyte Susan Calman.

    “KAYE Adams has been criticised for reading out a listener’s comment on the radio that compared an SNP political slogan to the Nazi genocide of Jews during the Second World War.

    On the Mornings programme on BBC Radio Scotland, listeners were phoning in to chip in on the debate about the SNP’s message of making Scotland “Tory-free” at the next General Election. The slogan was mentioned several times as Humza Yousaf addressed activists at a National Council event in Perth on Saturday.

    But Adams has been slated for choosing to read out a comment that questioned whether this approach was “Humza’s ‘final solution’”, alluding to the Nazi plan to eliminate Europe’s Jewish population.

    Adams’s decision to read out the “insane” comments live on the BBC has been described as “disgusting” and “shameful”. “

  195. Republicofscotland says:

    Another dirty lying deceitful b*stard does his best to con the indy electorate, there’s no excuse for voting for this bunch of f*ckin charlatans the SNP are STOPPING Scotland from progressing via independence get the b*stards out of office.

    What next Boris Johnson coming out and saying Scotland should be independent, or Kelvin MacKenzie coming out and saying he loves the Scots.

    “THE chief executive of the SNP and former editor of the Daily Record has said he supported independence “even during my newspaper days”.

    Murray Foote, who ran the pro-Labour paper during the 2014 independence referendum campaign and orchestrated The Vow, has said independence was a “a cause I have believed in for as long as I can remember”.

    And the former journalist – who quit newspapers in 2018 to work as the SNP’s head of communications – dismissed arguments the party is “full of careerists who are not interested in delivering Scottish independence” as “clueless guff”.

    In a piece for the SNP’s in-house magazine, Foote said: “Every day I go to work knowing my job is the pursuit of independence.”

  196. Republicofscotland says:

    Kenny MacAskill tells it like it is we are England’s cash cow and the grifting careerist SNP are quite happy with that.

    “WHY does the British establishment hang on to Scotland if it’s the economic basket case that it claims? Of course, there are the geo-political implications of the breakup of the UK – loss of status, including potentially historic rights such as an automatic place on the UN Security Council.

    There’s also undoubtedly residual sentiment, even if social links would not only remain but arguably improve.
    Fundamentally, though, the reason is that Scotland is a resource to be enjoyed and exploited. One where the wonderful natural environment is to be enjoyed by those with significant wealth on their shooting estates. It’s a place maybe for city breaks or to send their kids to university.

    But primarily it’s for Scotland’s energy resources to be exploited as the engine of the UK economy. Firstly, it was through Scotland’s oil and gas discovery in the 1960s and still going strong, despite repeated pronouncements of its demise.
    Now it’s also to be through Scotland’s second great natural bounty of renewables.

    We’re a resource to be enjoyed and exploited even if the reality is that an energy-rich Scotland is a country of fuel-poor Scots.”

    link to

  197. Republicofscotland says:

    “I see that Yemen has extended its blockade to the Indian Ocean and has apparently struck about 5 Israeli and American ships.”


    On the above, the brave Yemeni troops will feel emboldened in the Northern Indian Ocean as Iran, China and the RF held a four day naval alliance drill in the region near the Gulf of Oman just last week.

  198. robertkknight says:

    Does anyone listen to Call Yoo-kaye anymore?

    Just asking for a friend…

  199. Anthem says:

    Sadly, if you have the stomach to listen to any radio scotland chat shows or phone-ins you’ll rarely hear a Scottish accent, they’re nearly all english. Similar when they’re interviewing so called experts in almost any top position in industry, the arts, forestry, civil service, rail, transport, finance…. and on it goes. It’s degrading and needs to be addressed!

  200. George Ferguson says:

    Reading the latest electoral calculus for Scotland for the General Election Humzas strategy makes little sense. There losing most of there seats to Labour in the Central Belt. The Tories are predicted to mark time with only 6 MPs. On this occasion I am inclined to endorse Pete Wisharts analysis with apologies to Wingers.

    link to

  201. sarah says:

    Which of the current junior Ministers in the Scottish “Government” passed the document to David Clegg?

    Lloyd Quinan on Friday’s live Through a Scottish Prism said that the document passed from a senior civil servant in Sturgeon’s office to a senior SNP staffer who then told a junior SNP staffer to pass it to Clegg. Lloyd said that last person is one of the current junior Ministers. He knows the names of all three people but won’t publish them as he doesn’t want to be jailed.

    There are 18 junior Ministers listed on the Scotgov site – 2 are Greens so are out of the matter. Several more have been MSPs since 2011 McKelvie, Adam, Hepburn, Fitzpatrick, Dey, Lochhead or 2016 Arthur, Todd, Martin, and therefore not SNP staffers.

    That leaves 7 who only became MSPs in 2021 so could have been junior staffers at the relevant time. Emma Roddick age 25 yrs, Natalie Don age 35, Siobhian Brown 51, Jenni Minto age 55, Jim Fairlie 50+, Kaukab Stewart age c57, Paul McLennan age c57.

    Interesting, isn’t it? Of course, Lloyd’s information may be wrong.

  202. Republicofscotland says:

    Anthem @5.33pm.

    Correct you have been paying attention.

    Similarly if you can bear to watch STV news or BBC Scotland news, more often than not when interviewing someone on the street there tends to be quite few English accents among the interviewees.

    I take it the idea is to normalise the accents in Scotland.

  203. Hatuey says:

    RoS: “Iran, China and the RF held a four day naval alliance drill in the region near the Gulf of Oman just last week…”

    I didn’t know that, RoS. They don’t like it when people hit back, eh… is there a part of the world the US and UK hasn’t been humiliated in recently?

  204. Sven says:

    Sarah @ 18.32.

    The truly encouraging aspect of this is that the appalling attempted shafting of Mr Salmond is just not going away. And every time the leak gets brought to the fore again I’m hoping that a certain former senior civil servant (whose identity all know, however none dare name) experiences a thrill of apprehension and disquiet.
    How unfortunate that Holyrood was set up with no legal protection or immunity for MSPs to be able to name names.

  205. George Ferguson says:

    Further to the post of 5:52pm regarding the electoral calculus for the entire UK. For the predicted SNP result of 18 MPs, the SNP short money will drop from £1,032,000 to £387,000.
    Also as the Lib Dems are predicted to get 40MPs UK wide. It will be the Lib Dems that will be the biggest third party in the UK Parliament. So special privileges as in 2 questions at PMQs and Select Committee representatives slots will go to the Lib Dems.

  206. Anthem says:

    ROS. It’s been like that for decades. But since sturgeon, it’s been a flood. It’s also the same around the new housing developments in fife. Housing supposedly built for the local population due to the lack of. The locals can’t afford them. Piss poor jobs with piss poor pay doesn’t help. But, if you can sell a shitey hovel down south for a bloated, artificially set price, then you can get a mansion up here for that. And that’s exactly what’s happening, as well as fife becoming an overspill for Edinburgh! It’s a disgrace!

  207. Southernbystander says:

    Regarding multiculturalism it is a decent point that some form of PR would be better able to deal with the inevitable different perspectives multicultural societies bring. But PR also brings its own problems.

    Scotland is not very multicultural and far, far less than England. Yet some of the voices here claim, baldly, it ‘doesn’t work’. It actually works reasonably well in England. The reason, maybe, that some here thinks it does not is due to their focus on all the bad news stories as if they represent the whole. At the same time there is much negativity about the media but it seems to be fine when it confirms what one thinks anyway; in other words, conformation bias.

    But whatever you think of that analysis, multiculturalism is here to stay so we either find a way to make it work or we are doomed to endless social strife and possibly worse, much worse. King Cnut did not try and get the tide to go back, rather he was using it as a metaphor for such an act’s futility.

    My feeling is that it is about embracing the idea that ethnic categories only get you so far and that in fact what we call ‘English’ is no longer just an ethnicity but an ever evolving cultural phenomenon as well – it is both ethnic and cultural and they are not mutually exclusive. ‘Black English’, for example, is not an oxymoron any longer.

    So what about ‘Black Scottish’?

  208. John Main says:

    Some innarestin stories in the MSM this evening.

    In that part of the world famed for redefining genocide, Hamas has reappeared in the Al Shifa hospital, where furious fighting has been ongoing.

    Looks like whether or not Palestinians are going hungry, Hamas still has plenty of dosh to spurge on weapons. A Hamas spokesperson popped up to claim Hamas does not hide behind innocent civilians. Sure, and my name is Ali Bongo.

    And talking of big bills, the Hotties, presiding over their very own famine in Yemen, have been splashing out on hypersonic missiles to fire at shipping in the Red Sea.

    These things are likely to cost $10 million a throw. I wonder how many kiddies you could feed for that?

    Let me guess – feeding the starving third world is the job of us in the west. How else will the third world find the readies to spend big on weapons?

  209. John Main says:

    @ Southernbystander says: 18 March, 2024 at 8:19 pm

    we are doomed to endless social strife and possibly worse, much worse

    So we are doomed, either to endless social strife, or to abject surrender.

    The “endless social strife” bit was the intention of those who started this – it’s not an unexpected side effect.

    The fastest growing, most aggressively militant cadre of “multi culturalism” intends to use that as a fig-leaf until it has the majority, and then it will be monoculturalism all over again – the new monoculturalism prescribed and enforced by them.

    The evidence is all around.

    Even you know it. There are certain actions and certain public statements that will get you a death sentence. Ignore that if you choose – that’s the abject surrender choice right there.

  210. John Main says:

    An innarestin article on Unherd:

    link to

    Here’s a wee quote:

    “As Yousaf is learning in Scotland, time catches up with even the most effective political machines eventually — especially when the reins pass to a new leader who lacks the skill and charisma that have kept the rickety show on the road for so long.”

    I have to say that his predecessors “skill and charisma” were not evident to me at the time, but never mind that.

    I was pissed that plucky little Wales might have stolen the Most Corrupt Wee Pretendy Leader In The UK prize from off oor ain Yousaf.

    But then I remembered. Yousaf’s campaign was already deemed to be flawed and fraudulent, even before the result was announced.

    So we can relax. Scotland still sits in the number 1 place on this metric.

  211. Johnlm says:

    Ali Bongô wants us to know what the English press thinks, again I see.

    You never go full Zionist.

  212. George Ferguson says:

    @John Main 8:57pm
    If the central prediction for the General Election of 18 SNPs happens. (and I was not unkind having not mentioned the sensitivity analysis of as low as 6 SNPs MP. Entirely plausible if Branchform reports during the campaign). Then Humza won’t survive such a crushing wipeout in the central belt. Just imagine the optics of the remaining rump of SNP MPs sitting at the very back of the Chamber beside the DUP. Never mind, Pete Wishart and Stephen Flynn look like they will survive courtesy of a split Labour/Conservative vote. But they will both need new glasses to see the Speaker. 10 years of doing nothing. A fitting outcome.

  213. David Hannah says:

    It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the messenger was Emma Roddick.

    She fakes seizures in Holyrood. These are fake pseudo seizures that are non epileptic.

    Often victims of sexual abuse present with these seizures. But they are not real. They are a behavioural act.

    The people that take these things are manipulative like no other. They are deeply damaged individuals.

    Emma Roddick strikes me as the kind of woman to leak the story to David Clegg. The cops should interview her.

  214. David Hannah says:

    We all know it was Liz Lloyd. I could fucking tell you that. We all could. Only police Scotland are hiding the truth.

    We need Alex Salmond to stick two fingers up against the Establishment and go. Fuck them.

    Because. The police are corrupt. He’s done everything possible to get justice and it looks like Joe Farrell won’t be delivering justice.

    We need to name the alphabet woman before the hate crime act comes out. Otherwise. It may be too late! Do it Salmond. Do it!

  215. Southernbystander says:

    John Main – who is ‘those’ in the ‘those who started this’ exactly? And abject surrender of what to whom?

    You have made your mind up that we cannot make it work and I sense you are not interested in making it so anyway. I cannot change that.

    And beyond that – what would you do to stop it? Seal the borders?

  216. Anton Decadent says:

    A racial murder in Edinburgh recently but for some reason it is not blanket saturation media coverage with Yousuf and that horrible lawyer all over the shop, how could this be so? By the sound of it details being left out, serious leg and facial injuries for the survivor of the unprovoked attack sounds like a bladed instrument.

    link to

    @Southernbystander, it can be stopped just as the Stasi were stopped in East Germany, people realising that they had strength in numbers against horrible little bastards who no one liked, felt kinship with or voted for.

  217. Geri says:

    Evening all!

    I see Genocide John is still with Genocide Joe, in denial.

    It’s genocide & we do know it.
    Shooting, killing & starving CIVILIANS.

    You must be right pissed off that the Yemins are kicking arse LOL! Go Yemin! The colonisers are getting their arse whipped on both fronts.

    Why should Hamas tuck tail & capitulate to America, Ya roaster.
    They want a PERMANENT ceasefire & a permanent pause of expansion – not one to only last a few weeks cause s*ttlers are having trouble with their American imports LOL

    Colonisers: Okay lads, they’ve blocked the Red & Arabian sea, we’ll just go around.
    Yemin: err, naw you won’t We’ve now extended operations to the Indian Ocean too. LOL!

    What a remarkable feat really. Little ole Yemin whipping ass & blocking supplies to the colonisers.

    Colonisers: shut down the internet. This is fast becoming a fcking embarrassment all over the world. Boo Hoo.

    Little Guys 2
    America Superpower 0

  218. Johnlm says:

    The ‘those’ to whom Ali Bongo refers are of course the Intelligence Services of the West who have sponsored terrorist groups internationally to twist public perceptions.

    Bongo’s cognitive dissonance prevents him from seeing that people he supports have created those he hates.

    I suppose unwavering belief in what he is told by the MSM have rotted his critical faculties.

    He thinks that actual events ( such as 911) and subsequent hoax events (Boston, Westminster, Stockholm, Maelbeek, etc.) are due to religious extremism rather than political street theatre set up by his own trusted government(s).

    Classic misdirection.

  219. John Main says:

    @Geri says: 18 March, 2024 at 10:55 pm

    FFS, Geri, it’s Yemen.

    OK, so you don’t have any respect for yourself, we can all see that, but at least show some for your poster boys.

    For what seems like the millionth time, when are you going to twig that coming across as a proud, in-your-face ignoramus isn’t helping your pet causes?

    And far more importantly, it’s making Scotland and the Scots look like eejits.

    Up your game, FFS.

  220. John Main says:

    @ Southernbystander says: 18 March, 2024 at 9:47 pm

    Sorry – I wrote you a fairly lengthy reply earlier, but that has not been published.

    That’s quite annoying as I don’t get paid for posts that don’t appear.

    I have my “proper” job to go to now, but very quickly, regarding your surprise that any country could consider closing its borders.

    It’s only a couple of years since many countries did just that, for up to two years. The sky didn’t fall in. Surely you haven’t forgotten?

  221. David Hannah says:

    Humza Yousaf’s final solution – a tory free Scotland.

    He sees tories as sub-human.

    Make Scotland a Tory Free Zone. Hate CRIME!

  222. Confused says:

    Most people here aren’t all that interested in the problems the English inflicted upon themselves, only in cutting the rope binding us to them; they always had the democratic power to remove their leaders, so, really, they “get what they fucking deserve … ” – we, on the other hand, are always outvoted 10 to 1.

    The anglo elites did multiculturalism because of greed and the desire to win the class war; they hate the working class and the incomers were not going to compete with -them- in the jobs market; they could always buy their distance from them, and what is not to like? Cheap plumbers and the reprise of “domestic servants”. Peter Hitchens wrote on this at length. It was great for a while, but it’s gotten out of hand, and I think they all know it – which is why the rich of chelsea dig bunkers under their mansions. The ONS predicts a 10% population increase for the UK in the next 15 years, mostly from immigration, and legal. Again, the conspiracy theorists were right.

    Of course the english think Scotland is theirs, to solve their fucking problems, so they come to Scotland for “quality of life” and “low crime” – but these are what are known as “dog whistles”; why is there “high crime”, why is the quality of life, low? What happened to cricket on the village lawn, warm beer and all that? Why are the schools over here, “good” and why, other there, “bad” or “failing”. You want to say it, but you can’t say it. Why is an area good or bad, what is the pattern that links it all? Let’s talk about “moped gangs” or “youth” crime. Go on, go on … (no!)

    Come to Inverness, it’s like England 40 years ago – but, please, don’t. The Daily Mail is at times the “Highland Property Gazette” – North Berwick, now the best place to live in the UK.

    Multiculturalism is a problem all across the world – a great problem in africa, the middle east, parts of asia – because imperial powers purposefully shifted peoples around as divide and conquer, and the leftover countries have maintained these in built fault lines; Nigeria should be 3 countries, for example, the whole of the middle east is a mess, and Stalin, aping Britain, liked to move people around.

    – if empires considered “multiculturalism” to be a weapon in their armoury, why do liberals promote it as some unrestricted common and moral good?

    It doesn’t work, barring one situation – when you remove democracy and impose an authoritarian regime which will “knock heads together” at first sign of agitation; this is not a solution, but maybe that is the point – when ethnic gangs start slaughtering each other, everyone will be crying out for a police state. And just on cue – “here’s one we made earlier” … download the ukgov tracking app for your phone … or get chipped so the satellites can see you.

    Scotland is caught in a delicious pincer move – the anglo s3ttl3rs, pricing out the locals, while on the other hand, aggressive 3rd worlders you won’t be able to talk about, courtesy of hate crime laws; shout out to Badradeen, the mad stabber of George Sq. Govanhill, is our lab experiment, what they would like to roll out across the land, but do not dare to, even though it is a vibrant and diverse, paradise.

    Islam, is not all bad, it has redeeming qualities and it works for certain kinds of people and places; so keep it there. It has no place in the west for it cannot “play nice” with other religions; it is also totalitarian, separation of church and state, the secular society, naw, it is, as they say in Glasgow “ITSAW-WAN”. Even Buddhists end up fighting with muslims.

    The point of indy, for me, is that finally, the native, first people, indigenous, aboriginal Scots, get some benefits from the riches of this land – everyone else has had their share, time for ours; fuck the anglo carpet baggers and the 3rd world benefits tourists.

    Some of the stupidity on display is dangerous; letting all these folks in … do you think they like each other? This is why BAME was so stupid. India and Pakistan – they all look brown to me ! – well, they don’t think so; muslim v hindu, there’s a bit of spice. Generally speaking the asians hate the blacks; hate them – one group owns the corner shops, the other robs them. And you can go down the list.

    The ridiculous “brain malky” done on the anglo working class is also breathtaking – the working class of england know they were shafted, the north wrecked so the south could gorge itself; the reason for this was neoliberalism. Except the press managed to blame the problems of the country on immigration (and we mean brown people, not white from poland) – and even more, to blame the EU for it all; “it was the EU who let in all the p4kis” – vote brexit! – no, the UK was always in charge of “commonwealth” immigration. The working class of England thus voted for brexit as a colossal act of spite, against the wrong enemies, but also to spite the south. Brexit has not led to any “trade deals” and the only thing they have to offer are “pirate havens”, i.e. freeports.

    – with disgusting irony, the EFTA countries just signed a 100B trade deal with India recently. EFTA are our natural peers, the small rich countries we should be aligned with.

    TL;DR – everything about England /the UK is absolutely FUCKED and we need out, like 10 years ago, like 300 years ago.

  223. David Hannah says:

    We’ve only got two weeks of our freedom left. Before the SNPs final solution is brought in. They want to exterminate white males from the face of the earth. Sterilising the children as part of the white genocide called Gender Identity. It’s the white genocide of Humza Yousaf’s tory free scotland.

    He wants to build a gaza on the river clyde.

  224. Johnlm says:

    Fun fact.

    Genocide John wants to be called Ali Bongo now since he has been caught lying about people fighting against brutal occupation forces.

    Ali Bongo’s real name was William Wallace, a man famed in history for fighting against brutal occupation forces.

  225. Stoker says:

    John Main says on 18 March 2024 at 11:29 pm:
    “I have my “proper” job to go to now,”

    FFS, Main! Why have i got it in my head that you are supposed to be a teacher or lecturer? What place of education in Scotland operates at that time of night? 11:30 pm on a Monday night?

    You sure you’re not a ‘rent-a-cop’ (security guard)? Or the guy who works down the chippie? Did you know Kirsty MacColl by any chance?

    She said that there was a guy who worked down the chippie swears he’s elvis. But she wasn’t sure about him and she thought he was a liar. Is that you? LOL!

  226. Buck Stradler says:

    I’ll be voting Labour – in order to eject the SNP guy.

  227. John Main says:

    @Confused says: 18 March, 2024 at 11:39 pm

    Abso-fecking-lutely superb post.

    Not one word I can quibble with – not one single word.

  228. Robert Hughes says:

    Confused @ 11.39

    Even by yr own stellar standards , that is an outstanding post .

    ” Nice ” people like Southernbystander think Multiculturalism is all about being able to dine at a different * ethnic * restaurant every night of the week …. ” such variety , and the lovely owners are always SO happy to see us ” ( unsurprising ,as they charge £75 for * Special * plate of sauteed lizard tails in a rich bullshit sauce – ” organic ” – natch ) ; not about some creep leering at yr 13 y.o daughter .

    Undoubtedly some deserving people -eg coming from West-wrecked countries – have benefited from coming to the U.K , and good on them . Personally , I don’t give a fuck where people come from , I’m about as far from being xenophobic as you can get , I was brought-up to take people as you find them , and have stuck to that . Variety is a good thing .

    What’s happening in the West now is a whole different thing . This is intentional conflict creation and an attack on countries’ sense of identity ; * instruments * like the HCB are designed to make it impossible , or , at least , criminal , to object .

    SCOTLAND THE WORLD CHAMP OF D(iversity ) I(nclusion ) E(quity ) : YEAH !! let’s give ourselves another pat on the back .

    ” hiy , ya c**t I’ve been waiting for hoose for 9 years “… ” sorry , pathetic indigene , can’t hear you over this wonderful World Music soundtrack ” .

    Oh n BTW , we shouldn’t be surprised if all those incalculable 1000s of young , fighting age men currently sauntering across the U.S Southern Border end-up in that country’s military – can’t have good ‘ol WASP kids being brought back in body-bags , when there’s an abundance of * wetbacks * so desperate to stay they’ll snatch our quid pro quo – ” here’s the deal Pablo/Abdul/Xing you sign right here and a Green Card is all yours , hey , you may not live long enough to enjoy it , but , what the hell eh , you will have had a taste of our special brand of Yankee Freedom “

  229. Johnlm says:

    ‘Ali Bongo’ Main’s Magic Act goes on at 11pm most nights * : straight after The Geek.

    Speciality, is mind reading, where he can predict what anyone is thinking.

    *warning: can’t handle hecklers, rubbish at put-downs.

  230. Tartanpigsy says:

    Without an abstentionist candidate I for the first time will not vote at the next GE

    Kenny MacAskill

    Neale Hanvey

    Have a word with your boss who I’m afraid is stuck in the dreamland where he rides back in to rescue us

    It’s not happening

    Either Alba goes radical or it dies

    I think Salvo might be our last hope for a generation!

    Where the radical youth who were going to sweep us to independence have gone I’ve no idea

    The future looks bleak, the future looks typically Scottish, what a waste!

  231. John Main says:

    @Robert Hughes says: 19 March, 2024 at 7:15 am

    You’re onto something. You need to shout a bit louder and more frequently.

    When you have an entrenched elite (sound familiar?), co-existing with a great mass of unwashed who loathe and detest the elite (ringing any bells?), you end up with a situation where the unwashed won’t fight.

    Yet when wars happen, it is usually the losing elites that by and large get the chop.

    So what do the elites do? You got it right first time – they import a new great mass of unwashed to do the fighting.

  232. Geri says:


    I have hope. The whole world has finally become pig sick of colonialism & that can only be good news for Scotland. The tectonic plates are shifting world wide.
    The French are to GTF out of Africa.
    The yanks all over the world militarising the $ like the mafia.
    The funded genocide in Palestine.
    & The proxy war in country 404 to break up Risky for colonisation.

    Young people are becoming more aware of the shenanigans , that’s why they’re going after TikTok & alternative media. Thier bullshit lies aren’t so easy to hide. They can’t dictate the narrative.

  233. Geri says:

    “FFS, Geri, it’s Yemen.”

    Preempting the mod. Never know what will be deemed a “dirty word” next on WordPress.

    The yanks do love their censorship.

    Okay, Sir?

  234. Breeks says:

    19 March, 2024 at 7:27 am

    Either Alba goes radical or it dies

    I think Salvo might be our last hope for a generation!

    That’s how I see it too.

    ALBA could be making SALVO’s presence felt today, at the very heart of Westminster. The opportunity to do so might be finite. Hope not, but hope is short supply.

    If ALBA just styles itself as yet another beach volleyball team in the Devolution sandbox, then they’re already on the road to bland oblivion.

    SALVO is a precocious child. Nurture it, and it will grow up well, and is likely to be strong and successful. Leave it to mature unloved and out in the cold, then don’t be surprised if it grows up to be angry and bitter, and is difficult to control.

    Thing is, for Scotland’s predicament, a rebellious child with a fear of nothing, might be exactly what the doctor ordered.

  235. Ruby says:

    Grouse beater posted this a couple of days ago


    Another election, another party, another candidature

    Craig Murray has embraced George Galloway’s future: he is standing as the Workers Party GB parliamentary candidate for Blackburn in the general election.

    Craig Murray posted the following yesterday

    I haven’t left Alba. I checked with Alex who said what I do in a foreign country is up to me!

  236. Alf Baird says:

    Geri @ 8:19 am

    “The whole world has finally become pig sick of colonialism & that can only be good news for Scotland.”

    Let’s hope so. But mair Scots hiv tae ken aboot thair colonial condeetion:

    link to

  237. Ruby says:

    link to

    What I found interesting regarding the breaking news about Craig Murray were the comments. Not very complimentary but the one that interested me most was this one:

    Feel sick. felt it the 1st time this man, after contributing to his crowd funder, declared he was all in favour of TWAW.

    Been sucker punched too many now by pretendy Scottish indy people. Con man.

  238. Geri says:

    Breeks & Tartanpigsy

    Me too.

    Alba needs to up their game.
    We’ve tried the Westminster route. We’re not about to try it again & waste more time.
    Salvo has provided the ammunition to fire down there to at least make a start.

    Westminster will never grant Scotland a referendum. They’ll never appeal to their better nature because they simply don’t have one. It’s not in their vocabulary. They’ll never let their cash cow just up & leave.

    The only way to independence is through the internationally recognised treaty of Union. Not sparring across the floor in Westminster to an empty chamber like a bunch of eejits while the Hyenas scoff & filibust.

    Been there. Have the t-shirt. Alba would simply become another SNP group, lapping up the London wildlife on a handsome salary.

    Get radical or move out the way.

  239. Geri says:


    I think the whole world is also sick of rigged elections, puppet regimes & their pretendy version of democracy lol.

    Europeans are also sick of politicians going off script to what they voted for. (404 was supposed to be for peace & then kicked off a senseless war)

    Let’s hope it just becomes a formality on ending the treaty alone on repeated violations & if there has to be a ref, turn the tables – have it on rejoining the union instead of leaving it.

    That’d be grand lol. They’d have to show us the benefits of rejoining instead which would be fck all.

  240. Rab Clark says:

    @Confused (11.39) –


    Hope you don’t mind us doing this…

    link to

  241. Oneliner says:

    Thanks to Rab for the link.

    I see that Liz Lloyd is on tonight’s Debate Night. The questioners will, of course, be well-vetted.

  242. Ruby says:

    Multiculturalism Doesn’t Work

    From Twitter:

    Liz S. Mother Woman Female XX

    Further proof it’s a law of petty revenge. Humza pushed this through because he has a huge chip on his shoulder & perceives himself to be persecuted by racists.

    Humza has said he always felt different. He’s been part of a minority all his life. White, White, White etc etc.
    Racism is definitely an issue for him.

    This is one reason why I think ‘Multiculturalism Doesn’t Work’

    It’s very sad that I child feels this but who is to blame?

    Humza seems to think it’s us ‘white, white, whites’.

    It’s been a very long time since immigrants from India & Pakistan have been in this country yet they still experience racism & I presume like Humza feel different.

    There might be a lesson here for Humza in that you can’t legislate in the hope of eliminating racism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia and all the rest but it doesn’t actually work.

    Sure people will stop abbreviating the word Pakistani and saying ‘India Willoughby is a man’ but that doesn’t mean the transphobia & racism has gone away it just means people do not want to fall foul of the law.

    Humza you can dictate to me that ‘transwoman are woman’ until the cows come home but that fact doesn’t register with me.
    OK you have made some daft law that says I am not allowed to tell anyone that I have difficulty with that concept but it doesn’t change the fact that I believe ‘India Willoughby’ is a man

  243. Sven says:

    Confused @ 23.39.

    What a cracking post, Con ! Absolute belter and right on the money.

  244. Oneliner says:

    Sorry I can’t let Liz Lloyd go (no, not a quote from David Clegg), but since she broke cover and did an ‘interview’ with Cathy Newman, she seems to be appearing more regularly in the media. She seems to have cast aside her Civil Service persona and has perhaps been emboldened by recent events.

  245. John Main says:

    “The whole world has finally become pig sick of colonialism”

    Woo hoo, great news!

    Finally the popular fight back against Pres Poot can begin.

    And not before time.

    Ah, but wait. It’s only the west’s historic colonialism, long since given up on, that the perennial hair-shirt wearing scab-pickers endlessly greet over.

    The Covid Spreader’s neo-colonialism, across large swathes of Africa, aided and abetted at gunpoint by Pres Poot’s “New Russian Imperium” project, are just great.

    It’s notable that a couple of generations back, every Scot would have been familiar with the parable of the bloke endlessly greetin at the mote in his brother’s eye, whilst being unaware of the beam in his own.

    Nowadays it’s the other way around. Endless greetin at the motes in our eyes, whilst cheering on those with the beams.

    Oh well, no doubt another 500 illegals coming across the channel today will be joining in with the calls for our destruction.

    Down with the west! We’ll worry about where Scotland should go afterwards.

  246. John Main says:

    It appears to be true about CM.

    Funny that, in the wake of all the posts on here about how much it would cost to stand as an Independent for election to either WM or HR.

    Truly it is written “Seek, and ye shall find”.

    Now we need to find where it is written about the source of his dosh.

    Should be V innarestin.

  247. Ruby says:

    18 March, 2024 at 11:39 pm

    Most people here aren’t all that interested in the problems the English inflicted upon themselves, only in cutting the rope binding us to them; they always had the democratic power to remove their leaders, so, really, they “get what they fucking deserve … ” – we, on the other hand, are always outvoted 10 to 1.

    Is it possible that the English were in the same position as we are now in that they had no choice. All their leaders had the same views re immigration. Were these leaders all getting paid by ‘the elite’.

    What happened to Enoch Powell?

    Were those who put up signs saying ‘No Blacks No Irish’ labelled bigots just in the same way as Gillian Duffy was when she confronted Gordon Brown.

    Did they bring in laws ie ‘Race Relations Act 1965’ to prevent people speaking about immigration?

    I’m seeing a lot of comparisons between back then and our current situation here in Scotland.

    We have got to accept what the corrupt political parties dictate if not then they make laws to ensure we do.

  248. Hatuey says:

    When do the Hate Crime laws come into effect? Reading the comments here, I get the impression it’s soon.

    The rage against (let’s be diplomatic) multiculturalism isn’t going to win Scotland independence. The likelihood is that it will either be ignored or undermine the cause.

    I’m not sure that any of that matters though, because opposing multiculturalism seems to be an end in itself for those who indulge in it. Okay, so you don’t like immigrants — what now?

    Nothing really. Probably nothing. At best nothing.

    If you really push the boat out, you’ll make sure no percentage of immigrants ever vote for independence supporting parties or independence itself.

    You’ll also alienate plenty of natives like me.

    Where’s the dividend?

    This isn’t an invitation to hate me, it’s an invitation to tell me how hating immigrants help you and the Indy cause. I’m not missing something but some people are.

  249. Ruby says:

    John Main

    Are you going to find out how much it costs to stand for election and how is sponsoring Craig Murray or are you expecting others to do the research for you?

    NB Not something I would find V.Interesin’ but if it interests you you should start researching.

  250. Geri says:

    Wrong way around, Genocide John.

    Poot is fighting against the colonisers who wish to carve up his country to plunder. They were told, repeatedly, to fck off from his border.

    Peace was on the table. Genocide Joe told 404 to reject it. Now they’ll lose territory. Their loss. They were warned. One simple instruction. Stick to your country’s constitution = neutrality.

    Zesky, an American puppet, has shown NATO to be the great Oz. All piss & no ammunition lol.
    Germany is pissed. Their car sales have taken a dive.
    The whole world is laughing at war ships crashing or on fire. The colonisers game is a bogey. They picked the wrong one to fight.

    Who has the great COVID spreaders invaded? How many military bases do they have throughout the world?

    “the west’s historic colonialism, long since given up on” lol!!

    What horseshit. It never ended, ya roaster. The yanks took up the baton. Invasion, coups, rigged elections & puppet regimes threatening sanctions is all slipping away from them & their poodle, the Brits.

    It’s all over. Palestine was the final straw. War crimes won’t go unpunished. Turkey & Ruskies are keeping tabs on all their names. Biden is amongst them along with his Zionist cabal.

    You keep swallowing the propaganda. The whole internet is laughing at their lies & treating Joe public as stupid. It seems they caught one with you tho.
    Tick tock..

    Keep typing. If your side has it’s way the internet will soon be removed. They don’t like it up them.

    Not down with the West at all. Down with America – world police & domination by force.

    They can’t go plundering other countries, destabilising regions & arming terrorists & they especially can’t confiscate other countries currency reserves on a whim.

    Ruskies was the EUs biggest customer. That ended when they celebrated blowing up Nordstream & spaffed over NATO. China now has the spoils. That’s business.

  251. sarah says:

    @ Ruby: Craig Murray standing for the Worker’s Party in GB.

    Think of the plus sides. If elected Craig will be able to say a lot of things in Westminster that he cannot currently say.

    I have suggested several times that the SNP or an[other] independence party should stand in England in order to spread the word about the independence argument – independence for England as well as Scotland.

    Craig will also speak about Assange – nobody else in Westminster seems to do so.

    So I am not seeing this as a betrayal but as another attempt to get the truth about important matters into the public domain.

    Of course I agree with you about Craig’s view on self-id. I cannot begin to understand his attitude to this.

  252. Geri says:


    You make the mistake of assuming immigrants are for independence. They weren’t last time.

    & Lest we forget, Scotlands constitution & her Sovereignty doesn’t belong to foreigners to decide. It belongs to the Scots & so does our treaty.

    No matter what Scots decide. Foreigners have their OWN country to return to. We do not on whose say so? Outsiders? Again?

    There is no longer the lie of democracy either. It doesn’t exist. It seems to only exist to the people who have money to buy it.

  253. Trudt says:

    I think the only hate worth spewing is towards the fact that we are sitting under a FM who has received less than 1% of the electorates backing.

    If Humza was FM after a ballot win this would not be a fake excuse for a democracy but now we are ruled by somebody the electorate never chose… And its far right to suggest a coup has taken place or to acknowledge our democracy is fake and a disgrace to stain this great greek concept of democracy.

    Our democracy is being removed from under our feet and is being sold to the highest bidder.

    If you dont have money you will get help as long as you carry certain protected characteristics. Anyone without said characteristics will be oresumed to be privileged and thus in need of no assistance. 3 generations later with lower birth rates and boom scottish culture will be preserved in museums if lucky.

  254. Ruby says:

    19 March, 2024 at 10:12 am

    When do the Hate Crime laws come into effect? Reading the comments here, I get the impression it’s soon.

    Do posters on here really have to be spoon fed everything?

    It’s April Fools Day Hatuey. April Fools Day is on the 1st April. April come after March. Got it?

    Stay alert and stop asking loaded questions. Nobody hates immigrants in fact I don’t believe many people actually hate anything. They might use the word to describe how they feel about brussel sprouts etc but they just mean they don’t like them. I think the Hate Monster should be renamed ‘The Dislike Monster’ and be made to look like a ‘Brussel Sprout’.

    link to

  255. Anton Decadent says:

    A couple of years ago I looked up the crime statistics by demographic in England and London and found that black males were responsible for around 48% of the solved murders and violent crimes in that city. They were also responsible for some of the unsolved murders, caught on CCTV but never apprehended or charged. If you parse the number down to black males between the ages of fifteen and forty you are looking at around seven percent of the population responsible for almost half of the violent crime and murder. Mentioning this will be considered a hate crime because quoting official statistics is negative stereotyping. Similar figures apply for other countries, see the US and Germany, in Germany the 2017 figures were the immigrant 12% of the population responsible for 74.4% of pickpocketing, 41.3% of burglaries, 37% of rape and sexual assaults and 29.7% of murder and manslaughter. See here.

    link to

    As you witness crime rising disproportionately with immigration you will simultaneously be told that it is falling. This is fiddling the numbers via not recording, investigating or prosecuting crimes as in my case the assaults carried out against me where I live. The police time will be instead used following up reports of hate crimes such as this comment.

    There are some exemptions from multiculturalism.

    link to

    There are some exemptions to multiculturalism.

  256. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Hatuey

    ” This isn’t an invitation to hate me, it’s an invitation to tell me how hating immigrants help you and the Indy cause. I’m not missing something but some people are. ”

    The only person talking about ” Hate ” is you H .

    Surprised to see you doing * that thing * , y’know , the same * thing * the ” Trans ” hysterics do .. brand anything other 100% positive acceptance/praise for their * interests * as ” hate ” ?

    I know nothing about you eg ..where you live , work , socialise etc but I get the impression in none of those areas have you experienced the downsides of the unasked for and – largely – unwanted policies being inflicted on already struggling communities .

    And neither have I ; so far . I do have family in friends in Glasgow , though , inc in Govanhill , who have .

    Where I live , in the Highlands , the * issue * is South to North demographic shift . Make no mistake , that is having a massive effect . I’m just fortunate in not having to compete for work or housing ; anyone having to do so for the latter – particularly young locals – is finding the situation increasingly difficult .

    If we can’t even discuss this subject without someone bringing-in the term ” hate ” – we’ll simply drive the frustration underground – and the ” repressed ” will ” return ” with potentially very unpleasant results

  257. sam says:

    Taking note of what Robert Hughes says about housing.

    Community wealth building as done in Preston encourages local development to ensure, among other things, that profits stay in Preston.

    Community wealth building in Scotland might mean Councils change their procurement policy to put more weight in tendering on community wealth building.

    That might enable local builders, perhaps working as fixed or ad hoc co-operatives to tender for local house building and to ensure that they are affordable.

    Now, large sums are spent on foreign owned house builders, some with their own travelling staff, and the profits made go south.

    Communities should perhaps be building, managing and running their local care homes.

    There is a Scottish Minister for community wealth building and work is being done. It seems mighty slow. I’ve written to my local Council about their “anchors” and doing away with foreign service provision. No reply.

    Anyone know if/how this is happening?

    Link to gov

    link to

  258. sam says:

    “Economic analysis of crime postulates a cost-benefit calculation underlying decisions to commit crimes
    The traditional economic model of crime developed by Becker (1968) has individuals rationally choosing between criminal and legal activity by comparing the expected net benefit from each activity. In addition to the probability of being caught and the consequent punishment, the key driver in these models is the difference between potential legal earnings in the labour market and the returns to criminal activity. All else being equal, individuals with poor labour market opportunities are more likely to be involved in criminal activity. For instance, young males who left school with no qualifications are likely to have different crime propensities than experienced professionals with graduate degrees. There is a substantial body of evidence supporting this key contention (e.g. Machin and Meghir 2004).

    In order to apply this theory to immigration and crime it is important to recognize that different migrant groups are likely to have differences in all of the components of the cost-benefit analysis that they undertake. To the extent that the UK-born and foreign-born differ in these parameters, the model would predict different criminal participation rates. For example, suppose that foreign-born individuals thought that the probability of being caught committing a crime was much higher than the UK-born thought, or that the consequences—possibly including deportation for foreign nationals—would be worse. All else being equal, this would deter criminal behaviour among the foreign-born relative to the UK-born. Or suppose migrants had much worse legal labour market opportunities than the UK-born – whether because their unemployment rates were higher or their wages were lower. This would increase the likelihood of criminal behaviour of migrants relative to the UK-born.”

    link to

  259. John Main says:

    @Sam says 12:45

    No shit Sherlock!

    See if you can’t unearth another study for me – I’m keen to learn what colour the sky is.

  260. John Main says:

    An innarestin article on Unherd:

    link to

    Here’s a wee quote:

    “There were about 8.4 drug overdose deaths per 100,000 people in England and Wales in 2022, and 19.8 per 100,000 in Scotland, for a total rate of about 9.4 per 100,000 in Great Britain. The equivalent rate in the United States was 33.8 per 100,000.

    But rates have been rising steadily across the United Kingdom since 2012. This is in part because the UK has one of the world’s highest rates of opioid consumption, thanks especially to high rates in Scotland.”

    Woo hoo, Scotland #1 again at something in the UK.

    Is the world title available – 33.8 per 100,000 to beat?

    Watch this space.

  261. Anton Decadent says:

    @sam Here are some of the main funders of the organisation you quoted. I had a quick look at the board, I had to go looking for it because they had their link removed on Wiki for some reason. On looking them up I found “Prior to the establishment of Unbound Philanthropy, Ms. Berger worked for JP Morgan”. I could not find as much info on fellow board member Hilary Weinstein. Looks a lot like the John Smith Institute in who is behind it and its aims, would you agree?

    link to

  262. Stuart MacKay says:


    Standing in England shouldn’t be so much about Scottish independence but instead about the regionalisation of the UK. If you can kick-start that and start unpicking London’s claws, then independence is but a short step away. From there, who knows, maybe you’ll carve off a couple of regions at the same time.

    Calls for the reindustrialisation of western economies offer the likes of the folks on the Tyne a good chance for getting back on their feet. Leave the City of London, and look north for a brighter future.

  263. sarah says:

    @ Stuart MacKay: “…unpicking London’s claws..” for England’s regions.

    Yes of course most of England hates London for good economic reasons. It has been the Great Wen sapping the energy and wealth from the rest for over 500 years.

    Have you seen the latest news on the Freeports? The tax-free period is extended from 5 to 10 years. This is complete lunacy – how can any business exist outside the freeport area when they are paying taxes and businesses inside are not?

  264. sam says:

    @Anton Decadent

    I don’t know if I agree with you or not. There are lots of different studies about the effects of immigration.

    I’m a bit more interested in this kind of study because I think there might be a bit more certainty to it. Here’s a bit, if it interests you. And a link.

    “The Scotland’s DNA project, led by Edinburgh University’s Dr Jim Wilson, has tested almost 1,000 Scots in the last four months to determine the genetic roots of people in the country.

    The project discovered four new male lineages, which account for one in 10 Scottish men.

    It also found that actor Tom Conti is related to Napoleon Bonaparte.

    Scotland’s DNA was set up by Dr Wilson along with historian Alistair Moffat, the current rector of St Andrews University.

    Using new technology, scientists were able to pinpoint a participant’s DNA marker, from which they tracked the person’s history and lineage.

    Conti and Napoleon both share the M34 marker, which is Saracen in origin.

    The project found that Scotland has almost 100 different groups of male ancestry from across Europe and further afield.

    More than 150 different types of female DNA from Europe, Asia and Africa were discovered.”

    link to

  265. sam says:

    @John Main

    “I’m keen to learn what colour the sky is.”

    Blind and stupid.Sorry for you.

  266. Red says:

    The link between immigration and crime is that the more immigration, the more crime.

    Operation Cerrar involved up to 50 asylum seekers and refugees grooming wee girls in Glasgow care homes.

    Not important enough for anyone in the Scottish Parliament to be interested in discussing it, ever. Shhhh!

  267. sarah says:

    @ Oneliner: it’s not only Liz Lloyd. Sturgeon is also being rehabilitated.

    Our media is rotten to the core so are perfectly happy to host similar characters.

    It is a crying shame. How much longer have we got to put up with this?

    The General Election is the earliest chance to publicise what is being done by these politicians and sidekicks which is why I urge the Rev, and other passionate and capable people to stand as independence candidates. Until the troughers are ousted we are stuffed. Look at the latest thing done by the SNP government – they have agreed that the Freeport zones will have businesses tax exempt for 10 years instead of the initial proposal of 5. They are off their trolley.

  268. sam says:

    Just sayin.Have not bothered to read it all.

    “The reality is that as researchers, we know little about the relationship, if any, between immigration and crime. This is in part because lowbrow journalistic obsession with immigration and crime has made it somewhat a taboo topic for research. As evidenced by the limited academic literature available, a consensus simply does not exist.

    In the US, areas with higher concentrations of recent immigrants have been found to actually have reduced levels of homicide and robbery. Using police recorded data in Chicago, researchers also found that first generation Mexican immigrants are 45% less likely to commit a violent offence than third generation Americans.

    Similarly, a large scale European study on the effects of immigration on crime concluded that while an increase in immigration generally does not affect crime levels, it does go hand-in-hand with increased public anxiety and anti-immigration stances.”

    link to

  269. sam says:


    Take a look at the alternatives. The SNP might be babes in arms.

    link to

  270. sarah says:

    @ Sam: ” discrimination and racism in Labour Party..”

    Indeed, Sam. All the main parties are appalling and not to be trusted in any way whatsoever. Conservatives are completely corrupt, financially and morally. Labour ditto. Liberals ditto. Greens iffy on gender matters in England and on everything in Scotland.

    In fact the only way to improve things is to have independent candidates standing and winning throughout these islands. Perhaps it would be better if the Rev stood in Bath instead of Scotland.

  271. Red says:

    Sam says Similarly, a large scale European study on the effects of immigration on crime concluded that while an increase in immigration generally does not affect crime levels

    All those raped wee lassies and stabbed boys must be hallucinating.

  272. David Hannah says:

    Humza is wanting to turn Scotland into an islamic state.

    I had to laugh at Kay Adams phone in, where people were calling up to refer to Herr Yousaf’s anti tory values and tory free Scotland’s “Final solution”

    First they came for the tories.
    And then they came for the Christians.
    And then they came for the females.
    And they came for the football fans.
    And I did not speak out.
    And then they came for the WHITES
    And there was NO ONE LEFT TO SPEAK FOR ME!

    It’s time for Scotland to unite brothers and sisters. We’re going to REPORT REPORT REPORT. The virtuous ones in the SNP. On the 1st of April 2024. April fools. And the joke will be on HERR HUMZA. The first minister of Gaza. And Hamas terrorist organisation funder.

    He should be stripped of his citizenship and deported back to Pakistan. And then he wouldn’t feel different. He’d be with his own racist kind. In the country Britain helped set up!

  273. David Hannah says:

    The police are being told to target comedians and actors as part of the hate crime bill. Guidance leaked to the Herald.

    We need to report. Report. Report.

    We’re not even allowed to tell jokes under the dystopian SNP.


  274. David Hannah says:

    I’m sick of it!

    I’m laughing at the SNP. They don’t realise just how much this is going to blow up in their faces.

  275. David Hannah says:

    JK Rowling fights back. She fights back. She’s not going to delete her social media posts.



  276. David Hannah says:

    link to

    “Specifically, the bill criminalizes threatening or abusive behavior based on a person’s age, disability, race, color, nationality (including citizenship), or ethnic or national origins, religion or perceived religious affiliation, sexual orientation, transgender identity, or variations in sex characteristics.

    Controversially, the bill does not include “sex” as a protected characteristic. The bill was passed by the Scottish Parliament on March 11, 2021, and became law on April 23, 2021.”

  277. TURABDIN says:

    The «science» involved in DNA ancestry testing is on the level of astrology.
    But the stars say it’s a great way, one being born every minute, to make money.
    I’m related to Zuckerberg, Gates, Soros, Besos, Arnault, Musk and the SWF of Saudi Arabia.

  278. sam says:


    I’m tired and lazy today. However, your post made me read further into the link I provided.


    “But my research also showed that areas where two or more cultures (other than that of the indigenous population) are prevalent, tend to be very high in crime. This is specifically the case in areas with the highest proportions of immigrants from Asia and Europe. In these areas violent crime is 70% higher, property crime is 92% higher and vehicle crime increases by 19% compared to national average.”

  279. robertkknight says:

    Reading some posts further up re. what’s going on east of Poland I recon someone should be yelling for the nurse ’cause the dose they’re on isn’t cutting it.

    If Raspoot’n doesn’t suffer a dose of lead poisoning soon, then the Orcs will be west of the Dneiper before Christmas and it’ll all be over bar the shouting, unless NATO grows some and tells Raspoot’n no further than C’mea and the D’bass (and the area inbetween), or there’ll be additional boots on the ground. (An unlikely event if the USA has a collective bout of insanity and puts a convicted sex offender and fraudster back in the Whitehouse – one who stated previously they’d not commit US troops to defend the Baltic States under Article 5 if Raspoot’n took it into his psychotic head to reinvent the USSR).

    Best thing UA can do is formally give up the D’bass and C’mea – let’s face it they’re bombed to f**k with nothing worth saving anyway. Let the Orcs pay to clear the minefields, ordnance, UXBs, bodies, rubble etc. etc.

    Raspoot’n will just keep throwing more of the peasantry into the meat grinder anyway until he can claim to have secured some sort of “victory”. UA having formally surrendered territory wouldn’t fall foul of the NATO accession rules re. territorial disputes.

    If Raspoot’n has his way it’ll be UA followed by Moldova then the Baltic States, which if Trump gets his way will see the USA turn it’s back upon NATO/Europe. Whatever your world view, that prospect is a real and disconcerting one for Europe – madmen to the east of us, lunatics to the west, here we are, stuck in the middle me and you.

  280. Ruby says:

    David Hannah
    19 March, 2024 at 3:09 pm

    Humza is wanting to turn Scotland into an islamic state.

    That is understandably David ‘cos nobody wants to be different.

    People want to be surrounded by like minded people.

  281. Ruby says:

    What about ‘the more immigration/multi-culturalism = more immigration/multi-culturalism.


    Going to live in a foreign country is not easy. I know I’ve done it 3 times.

    The UK being a multi-cultural country isn’t a foreign country for anyone hence the attraction for immigrants/’asylum seekers’ illegal immigrants.

    Multi-culturalism attracts immigrants hence problems on South Coast and immigrants reluctance to stay in France.

    I wonder if the reluctance to listen to people vis a vis immigration backfired and we ended up with Brexit.

    What could happen as a result of politicians not listening to people regarding transgenderism & the hate crime bill?

    I predict a riot and possibly politicians do too hence the ‘Hate Crime Bill’.

  282. Hatuey says:

    Robert Hughes: “The only person talking about ” Hate ” is you H…”

    There are a few comments above that would probably comfortably fall into the category of racism, which equates to hate. But you can use any words you like for anti-immigrant sentiment, the fact is it will either not make any difference or it will undermine the argument for independence and cost votes. Unless, of course, some genius can explain how alienating tens of thousands of people is a strategy for electoral success.

    Galloway’s recent victory demonstrates how people often dismissed on the basis of skin colour and religion can combine effectively with the left and win elections. If you take the view as I do that the Palestinian cause is essentially an anti-colonial cause, it shouldn’t be difficult for the independence movement to foster healthy relations with Muslims in Scotland who rightly consider justice for Palestine a priority.

  283. John says:

    It’s a bit disappointing that some folk are blaming immigration for crimes and pretty much everything. Not at all surprised that some of the Britnat contributors are getting excited about a hint of fascism to latch onto.
    The collective kharma of the European colonial has and is coming home to roost.
    As for fear of Islam ! Do me a fukin favour. The Abrahamics are different brands of the same demon.
    The original was of the ‘ you’re born one of us or you are a pig’ .
    It was a belief held by the guy from Nazareth until … not sure when they decided to expand the franchise to ‘ believe in me or go to hell ‘
    Then a few centuries later another prophet decided you’re ok if you ‘live a good life’ .
    In the 21st century the controllers of all Abraham franchises are absolutely corrupted and committed to annihilate the majority of human kind in the next 16 years.
    Scotland self determination is one of the few possibilities that may thwart the planned end of days Abrahamic wish .

  284. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Hatuey

    I’m not suggesting immigrants to Scotland – or anywhere else – should be treated with anything less than respect & consideration ; but neither do I think they should be treated better than * local * people . And that ” respect & consideration ” must be reciprocal .

    My concern with Immigration is that , as a political policy not subject to scrutiny as an at all times/circumstances Good Thing , without reference to it’s negatives , it has real potential for manipulation by nefarious forces – from both Pro & Anti sides : and the more there is of it ( immigration ) the more potential for conflict there is .

    As for it’s impact on the question of Scottish Independence … yes , theoretically , it could help if immigrants to our country were appreciative enough of our * hospitality * to support our Cause ; however , I fear it could have the opposite effect .

    People like ourselves may have a , let’s say …” reasonable ” attitude to foreigners living here ; many , many don’t . Not saying we should pander to people’s – as we may perceive it – prejudices , but neither can we ignore or wish them away .

    It just seems to me an issue freighted with hazards , of all kinds ; and at a time when our aspiration really doesn’t need any more such potentially damaging hazards .

  285. Geri says:

    Robert Knight

    There is no NATO.

    They don’t have the manpower, manufacturing & fck all works.
    It’s been a protection racket.
    The USA destroyed Europe. No one else.
    They’ve deliberately crashed their economy. Gas prices soared. Businesses closed. Car sales moved elsewhere. Now they’re stiffing the farmers.
    The lunatics sit in the Whitehouse. Wars all over the place caused by them. 404 means absolutely nothing to them – they were only used to deplete Ruskies weapons before they’d move in for the spoils. It failed cause the Ruskies never deindustrialised. Some wackadoos never got the memo.

    They’re losing their grip on world domination & they can’t handle it. Colonisation & weaponising the $ is coming home to roost.

    The answer was always a simple one. 404 was to stick to their international treaty & their own country’s constitution to remain neutral & have no foreign military on their soil. The yanks didn’t give a fck & Zensky faces war crimes, not only for breaking his own constitution & legal agreements & instruction from his own electorate (He won the election on a peace ticket) but also for sending more troops to their deaths when a simple offer was on the table that Bojo & Biden rejected; stick to yer international treaty. Simples.
    What was it to do with those two Muppets? Absolutely nothing.

  286. Southernbystander says:

    Just for the record, things are fairly ok in England y’know, all things considered. Many on here really don’t have the first clue about the place. Confused? Too right. You won’t trust anything I say obvs, so why not ask the Rev?

  287. Geri says:

    I’ve lived there.
    They weren’t very friendly to foreigners.
    Especially foreign exchange students. Them gathering in a pub was a crime, speaking their own lingo was a crime.

    But even their own “family of nations” bullshit too..

    Don’t mention the Irish
    The Welsh.

    India & Pakistan..

    …& You’ll be fine LOL.

  288. robertkknight says:


    Since when did UA belong to Raspoot’n to the extent that when the usual bleating about “provocation” starts you can simply roll the tanks and condemn hundreds of thousands of your own, let alone the other side, to death in order to satisfy your own warped idea of what constitutes Mutha Rusha?

    Put a former KGB agent, who probably spent his weekends pulling fingernails off of east Germans just for fun, in charge and this is what you get.

    So please don’t give me any of your “they broke their treaty obligations” bollocks because it was Raspoot’n who tore up the Budapest Memorandum by annexing C’mea in 2014 – with Yanukovych and Azarov gone, the possibility that UA might cease to be a puppet satellite state in the style of B’larus being too big a hit for the collective RA ego…

    Slava UA!

  289. Trudt says:

    Took a walk down South Edinburgh today…

    I saw a couple saltires, a couple dozen Palestine flags (not a single Israel flag btw) and dozens upon dozens of Ukraine flags…

    If our politicians take that same walk they will get a pretty big clue that the populace might not be paying attention to all the issues at home…

    I have been very careful not to wave any flags. I can find empathy for any side in any situation and I respect that any fundamentalism can lead to serious problems.

    I dont mean this as a rude open question but… If you feel the need to take any side in an ongoing war that your nation is not a part of and promote your loyalty by flag waving, in your home nation, potentially encouraging others to join you in your passion… Have you ever considered the potential reality of forced conscription when these things escalate to levels we like to think we can imagine? And the situation that such horrific realities erupt – folk like me would point at folk like you and go “him first then, he’s been keen for this already! Check his social media, flags that aren’t saltires everywhere! Ill stay and cleanup my country thanks!”

  290. Geri says:

    This crap started in 2009.

    I’ve not rolled the tanks anywhere. Mutha USA have. AGAINST international laws, treaties & agreements.

    Those are supposed to mean something.
    Those are also supposed to be legal & binding if made by the security council.
    The security council your mutha USA continues to treat as it’s own wee private fan club.

    Any news from Mutha Moral on the atrocities in Gaza? The illegal expansion? Any condemnation of Israel & civilian genocide? Naw, thought not. They’ve a right to *defend themselves* eh? Against a few bairns throwing some rocks.

    Theyre in no position to take the moral high ground when they are happy sending weapons & having puppets do their dirty work for them.

  291. robertkknight says:


    No. The gas dispute had its origins in 2006, but oh, look, a squirrel called Isra’l which you for some obscure reason decided to point out.

    Zero respect for internationally recognised borders, illegal occupations of territory, rolling in the troops/tanks, corrupt leaders, murdering civilians, seems to be a pattern forming…

  292. Geri says:

    I pointed it out because it’s the same thing.

    Oh lookie, Ruskies are expanding. Bad Ruskies. Let’s go start a war.
    Oh Lookie, Israel is expanding. Yay! Let’s help them!

    There is a common theme that’s called hypocrisy. There is also a common instigator who’s losing its empire & is pissed.

    There was a well documented coup in 404. There was also installations falling into the hands of USA organised & funded malicia groups. The Ruskies war is on national security & 404 should’ve stuck to their constitution. Before & during this dispute. USA shouldn’t be on a mission to break up a country cause it’s pissed it’s sanctions didn’t work.
    Now any advance will be negotiated – I don’t make the rules. Crimea also voted to join Ruskies. That’s self determination eh? Or doesn’t it suit? Even if disputed – have international observers carry out a proper referendum. The USA never believe the results anyway & try force their own instead.

    Call me cynical but could this be why Ruskies were invited to observe Scottish indy? If it’d have been a Yes it’d have had the perfect out as those damn Ruskies can’t being trusted with elections.

    Would the USA permit China to fuck about on the Mexican border & overthrow governments, point weapons & set up base? That’d be a naw. So why think others should put up with it from them?

    Their time is coming to an end. Thank fck. They’ve been at war since before I was born & they’ve never known when to stop. Wasting trillions while their own citizens live like shit. It’s poodle does the same.

    404 is tragic. Instigated & prolonged by fckwits who have an obsession with Ruskies. Absolutely senseless. They’ve been repeatedly warned to cease & desist. They didn’t.

    The UN should be stepping in but they’ve been completely captured but one country who dominates & does as it pleases. Apparently that’s exactly how the league of Nations ended too. One thing they were more equal than others.

    A new world order is on the cards & they won’t stop it & can’t control it now because they’ve totally fcked up their spot in the sun with their complete dominance & interference playing at world police.

    Israel has too. People are leaving. A genocide a step too far. It’ll also be on the wane now too. The sympathy card long expired.


  293. robertkknight says:

    RA, like USA, should stick to it’s own f***ing turf, and UA isn’t either’s. Two wrongs…

    There’s always two sides and you can despise the Great Satan by all means, rest assured I’m no fan, but careful you don’t turn yourself into an apologist for Raspoot’n. History won’t be kind to those who are…

  294. Hatuey says:

    Robertknight: “ it was Raspoot’n who tore up the Budapest Memorandum by annexing C’mea in 2014”

    lol. That was after the CIA-supported coup, of course. Quite a lot happened after and as a consequence of that CIA supported coup.

  295. Confused says:

    I had a nice day yesterday, drinking, with an old friend; my last comment was a bit of a throw-away to southern-man’s pollyanna nonsense about how great things are in england … pure anglo narcissism, and then everyone else getting in on it. Touched a few nerves.

    First of all, here is Hitchens pretty much “owning up”.

    link to

    – note the passing remark about “when I was a revolutionary marxist” … Hitchens is an english tory, always was; for the english, politics is a bit of a fashion statement, especially true today. Don’t pay it too much heed (- remmeber the spittle flecked unionism from Guardian writers?)

    I post this from the daily mail, not because I am a fan of it, but because it is a pretty reliable barometer for the “mind of middle England”, though after diving into the comments, you feel like you need a wash afterwards. The mail is the real “tell us what you really think” exercise, and it’s not pretty; any Scot who thinks this is a union of 2 kingdoms, is a fool (maybe on paper) – “nah mate … it’s just England, always was, you were bought and paid for” (conned and stolen). Doesn’t matter if this is right or wrong, they outvote you 10 to 1.

    This is the crux – the english elite and middle class are nasty vicious gits – they disrespect us, treat us like shit, rob us blind, and expect us to be grateful for it all; no one should put up with that. And they also have “plans” for us (but maybe more on that later) – they have ravaged, mismanaged, fucked up the entire country in numerous ways, all because, at the time, they saw some money in it all – and they see Scotland and its vast resources as a solution to all the problems they caused.

    Thumbs up to OFF TOPIC Scotland which is a good new blog and well worth reading – a lot of nice graphics too. AI generated? One of my comments getting a full post on another blog? Praise, indeed.


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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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