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Wings Over Scotland

History Tomorrow

Posted on April 09, 2015 by
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James Francis, if you please; let’s show some respect! 🙂


great video that of the lying man

CameronB Brodie

“Fecal factory”. Brilliant. 🙂

Tackety Beets

That’s a cracker , so it is but !


Should be made law for everyone over 16 in Scotland to be made to watch this!


John Lowe

Watched it is the most Awesome Indy vid ever.


Quite amusing and wonderful production values.

Murphy will be sick when he reads about the wider SNP lead in tonight’s Yougov poll commissioned by The Times.


The repeller of eggs!


Yes. That is great. They capture the tone perfectly.




Pure dead brilliant!


@ Marcia

I thought the lead had narrowed? at least that is what I seemed to read at Scot goes Pop

Is it a different poll or did I get this wrong?


Absolute belter,Oscar material, still howling with laughter. Murphy to a T

G. P. Walrus

That is an absolute scream!


Who said political satire was dead… brilliant stuff.

Hats off to those responsible.

Susan Macdiarmid

Pure genius. This is just THE best made, funniest, piss taking, political history of art quiz ever. And Neil Oliver gets done over too. Perfect. Thank You.


Bloody brilliant.

R-type Grunt

Something I’ve found quite sickening over the past couple of years is the way in which the artistic creativity unleashed in Scotland in that time has been actively suppressed by the media.

This is no doubt going to be a beautiful example

Betty Boop

Enjoyed that – hope I don’t burn easily… 🙂

Raymond Ferguson

Absolutely Brilliant, Utterly Fantastic, Love It!

Born Optimist


Lynne Grieve

Wonderful and ingenious


There is some excellent talent in the Arts and Media in Scotland. Why do these guys get so little exposure?

Tam Jardine

Amazing. Just amazing.


SNP at 49% in full scale Scottish poll.
Come in Agent Murphy – your work is done.


As at 10.26pm, only one thumb down, has James Francis Murphy watched it already.

Bob Mack

Epic. Is there a follow up of the Smurph leading the PEOPLE to the promised land ,and producing the 10 pledges given to him on the Mound.?
Saviour of the Union 2 ?


As Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio would say, Nicola Beheading Jim Holofernes Murphy, Pure, Dead, Brilliant.

Michael McCabe

Thanks for that clip. it was fine Damn splendid.

Patrick Roden

Brilliant! 🙂

G H Graham

Choice of artwork is superb. The drole script is a master class in piss taking. And the production values equal to anything the Establishment’s propaganda broadcaster of choice.


If anybody says Scotland doesn’t have talented people then they should take a look at the fantastic satirical well made video.

Great stuff.

Best line: “A cry of pish rang out above the crowd”


Magnificat, simply Magnificat.

fred blogger

pre-cogs rule, outstanding. 🙂

Tony Duffy

“But the nationalists had lain in wait. As Murphy began his sermon, a cry of “Pish” rang out… “


Aye rev, nice wee bit of product placement. Hope you didn’t blow the budget. 🙂

Grizzle McPuss

Take a bow Bonnie Prince Bob, first class Sir.

Kevin Brown

Actually finished a bag of popcorn watching that. Loved it.


I am the egg man, coocoo ca choo.
Fantastic video.


Brilliant from start to finish.

Doug Daniel

This is just hilarious.



Full scale Yougov Scottish poll for the Times;

SNP 49% (+3)
Labour 25% (-4)
Conservatives 18% (+2)
Liberal Democrats 4% (+1)


Now that was very cleverly put together, i enjoyed that.


Why can’t the BBC get back to producing excellent and informative history programmes like this? It used to be what they were famed for, but now just churn out endless soap operas and pish politics programmes.

Now back in the real world… Laughed my ass off at this!


A work of Brilliance.

Neil Oliver eat your naive Unionist heart out!





There was a rumour going around that the lead had narrowed. Yougov were touting the new poll as newsworthy so it got people in a bit of a worried.

It turned out it was newsworthy because the SNP lead has increased to 24%

To be honest 49% to 25% is a hell of a lead I can’t help thinking that is the top end. No complacency!

Marie clark

Wonderful and so very funny. I bet James Francis is feeling a bit sick or mibies beelin. He seems to have a short fuse.

Good news from the polls, and Queen of the South 3-0 good night for us here in the southwest. Yay.


Times YouGov poll seems to be SNP 49% Labour 25%

The Man in the Jar

Bugger you beat me to it! 🙂

Paula Rose

Sniggle, sniggle, sniggle!


On the subject of polls, which are now regularly showing the SNP projected to take 50+ seats in Scotland, I simply do not believe them.

Edward Snowden has demonstrated that MI5 influences opinion polls. Or has the ability to do so — and would this not be the very time to do it, when a party of “insurgents” wants to get rid of Trident, the House of Lords and elect “normal” people like Mhairi Black and Dr Philippa Whitford?

I would fling all the salt in the Dead Sea at any poll which shows the SNP with astronomic figures, especially if it shows Labour also doing better than expected in England. They are the twin enemies of the status quo (although in the case of the latter, not even a child would seriously consider the gormless Ed and Balls to be a “threat”).

I think this is just a ploy to get the enormous army of SNP members to maybe ease up, not try so hard, also to maybe get them to engage in a bit of early Kinnock-style celebrating, which will put off people. Also, some SNP voters might not turn out to vote if they think “it is already in the bag.”

Alternatively, percentage points might be getting puffed to then show some make-believe “Murphy bounce” in the final weeks following yet another example of Project Smear or some similar provocation.

Do not forget, that SNP figures traditionally fall right before the actual election date (possibly because in the past the media was dominated by just the two main parties and the SNP were such a small party anyway).

The only answer to geeks bearing opinion poll gifts is to work twice as hard, because the only “poll” that counts is the one which takes place on the actual day of the election.


This is a wonderful piss take of the disastrous Neil Oliver £2,000,000 production ” A History of Scotland”. Scottish historians walked out of the advisory committee because the script was too anglocentric, i.e. Scottish history as seen from the viewpoint of English kings.

Even worse was Dan Snow’s additional two part offering “How the Celts Saved Britain”. Complete nonsense. Apparently the original title was to be “How the Irish Saved Britain” but it was considered too inflammatory for English viewers.

Granted Neil Oliver is not a historian but an archaeologist. Who else would take on the dread task of reducing Scottish History to a punch up between unionists and independistas.

This is a refreshing and clever summary of the career of James Francis Murphy.

Dr steinberg

Absolutely effing brilliant! The dark side just wouldn’t have the intelligence, humour or creativity to produce something so funny and compelling. Thank you Bonnie Prince Bob.

donald anderson

Cannie mind the EBC presenter’s name. Wis it Jamie Oliver?


Very well done. Here is another wee clip he has uploaded, this guy should be crowdfunded too.

link to

Brian Nicholson

Best parody since the What has the SNP ever done for Scotland party political broadcast in 2011.


Well said Kenny. Doomed wur aw doomed ah tell yis. Whit ghostly haun hauds the flickerin’licht and lights the deid in their final presses. DooooMMed!

Jamie Arriere

That was just classic, well done that man – aha don’t believe the hype!

Now all we need is someone (like the folk who played the Imperial March to the Labour MPs) to play “Zadok the Priest” when Smurph arrives for his count on May 7th!


We are truly blessed to have Murphy heading up Labour North British Accounting Unit …. 49% SNP, 25% Lab …. There could have been no better choice 😉

Proud Cybernat

Effing awesome! This vid MUST go viral.


Tonight’s poll results.

SNP 49% (+3%)

Lab 25% (-4%)

Con 18% (+2%)

LD 4% (+1%)

Troubled reading for Murphy.

Tuesday’s polling on who won the debate on STV doesn’t make for comfortable reading either.
He must be a real turn off for the voters.

56% Sturgeon

14% Davidson

13% Murphy

1% Rennie


@ Marcia and HandandShrimp

Caught up now. I had only heard the nowcast result and the fact it was newsworthy, as you said

This is a little too good to be true, IMO. But it is nice anyway 🙂


Any chance of a print or poster of the last supper lol Would love to see them sold in our largest city’s or as a pullout poster in the national? 🙂 Wonderful work though truly fantastic





Wee Dougie Alexander sitting next to his pal Dimbleby on Question Time. Teachers pet.

Vote (Mhairi Black) SNP, if you stay in the Renfrewshire West/ Paisley South area and kick this little rodent into touch.


49% nothing! Lets work our asses off as if we were on 25%. As many SNP seats as possible on 7th May sisters and brothers! 😀


Fantastic poll result!

Don’t be complacent though, we have to keep going – 4 weeks to go, only 1 poll that matters…


A brilliant piece of work.


Stoating stuff.


lol so funny ,i think my favorite bit is the actual presenter taking the pure piss out of the presentation style we get in other history shows on team GB TV, brilliant lol



Good results tonight. After two years of polls during the Referendum Campaign, we are very wary about getting carried away with anything.

No letting up until 10pm on 7th May.

The Man in the Jar

at 10:54

🙂 Almost as funny as the video. 🙂

Harry McAye

Kenny – Equally you could argue that these polls could demoralise Labour ground troops, you know, wee Effie and Jimmy. It could put off Labour voters from voting, “ach, what’s the point, we’re gubbed anyway”. But agree about no letting up. I will be out next week delivering leaflets.


Do you think this video will help Jim ditch the “creepy” label?


alexicon 10.58pm

Your poll results are great as well. LOL.

Flower of Scotland

Wow! Brilliant. I chuckled and laughed all the way through the video.

Can’t we post it on Murphy,s Facebook page? He would love it . He loves being in the limelight!

Tam Jardine


Agreed 100% mate.

By the way, strange thing the night was the twitter accounts of those prodigious tweeters Duncan H, Blair MacDougall and John McTernan. These boys spend the entire day on the phone. They aw took a night off. Funny that


Big Del

“P-I-S-H” they cried!
I was in tears my self at that. Well done that man.

[…] History Tomorrow […]


Prime Minister,is it wise to spend all that money renewing trident when there is a distinct possibility Scotland will be independent before they’re even complete?

Ian Brotherhood

@caz-m –

You’ll be well aware of this I’m sure, but interesting to see the bookies’ take on Alexander’s re-election prospects:

Last night (maybe night before) I noted Lab as 4/6 for Paisley/Ren Sth. SNP was 11/10.

Please have a look via the following link – the gap is closing, right? A lot of people get in a real fankle about odds etc, and I’ve never devised a simple way of explaining it. But I’m as sure as I can be that Wee Dougie has a proper fight on his hands, and his QT performance tonight (from what I’ve gleaned via WOS Twitter) won’t help.

link to


Absolutely superb!


Fantastic spoof documentary



Haha, that video is fantastic.

“Branch manager of the red pawns.”

Still Positive.

Guess Rev Stu wasn’t in the audience tonight at QT in Bath. Kept scanning the brief views of the audience for a glimpse. 🙁


Over 300 years later and no one can tell me I’m British. Scottish 300 years ago, Scottish now.


I like many on here don’t want to get complacent and we shouldn’t.
But it will put pressure on Murphy, more pressure than he’s been under for a long time.
I can imagine all the Scottish branch red tory troughers from Westminster will be berating him on the phone as we speak.

Here’s a snippet from the yougov site and it is heart warming to see and, I like all on here, hope to see it come true.
Remember folks fight for every vote it is far from in the bag.

The latest results paint a clear and consistent picture of the current state of the election campaign. As of today, the SNP are poised to all but wipe out Labour in Scotland, picking up as many as 55 seats; the Liberal Democrats stand to retain around half their seats at 28, and the Conservatives remain just behind Labour, ahead in 264 seats compared to Labour’s 277.

link to


@Kenny says:
9 April, 2015 at 10:48 pm
I think this is just a ploy to get the enormous army of SNP members to maybe ease up, not try so hard, also to maybe get them to engage in a bit of early Kinnock-style celebrating, which will put off people. Also, some SNP voters might not turn out to vote if they think “it is already in the bag.”

Alternatively, percentage points might be getting puffed to then show some make-believe “Murphy bounce” in the final weeks following yet another example of Project Smear or some similar provocation.

Do not forget, that SNP figures traditionally fall right before the actual election date (possibly because in the past the media was dominated by just the two main parties and the SNP were such a small party anyway).

The only answer to geeks bearing opinion poll gifts is to work twice as hard, because the only “poll” that counts is the one which takes place on the actual day of the election.

Well said.

I don’t see any signs of complacency though.
Everyone knows that a clear majority for either Tories or Labour would be a disaster for Scotland.
It would be business as usual, ignoring us for the next 5 years, and watering down any proposed powers.

Hopefully Scots will keep their nerve and not bottle it at the last minute. We have a real chance to hold the balance of power and call the shots for once.

The poll is encouraging though – it looks like many people are seeing through Murphy’s contrived pish. From Red Tory to True Scottish Patriot in the space of a few months.. give me a break.


Ian B 11.36pm

We are getting good results from our canvassing, over 16,000 majority to overturn, but I have faith in oor Mhairi.

She is a very socialist, left wing kind of politician. Very positive personality. I am just glad she is on our side.

No no no...Yes

Truly magnificent piece of work. Jim Murphy was predicted to be a disaster by the lefties in Labour and they are correct. The opinion polls show it,and this week the viewers are seeing it for themselves.

Three long weeks to go and not one vote can be taken for granted. No seat is won until the Returning Officer makes the declaration.Project Fear 2 is being deployed daily and we are standing firm, they are all really really scared,folks.


Extremely funny, satirical video which had me in stitches. However, I do think that those of us on the YES side need to avoid any sort of complacency. The old saying goes that a week is a long time in politics and there are four of them left until the GE. Things are nasty right now and it’s only going to get worse and down right venomous as we approach polling day.

Personally, my thoughts are that we all have a job to do and let’s save the craic and banter for when we have actually secured the result we want. Then the real fun of course begins 😉


The National front page tomorrow.

link to

Kes Smith

Good craic !


That is simply BRILLIANT!!!

The attention to detail is astonishing. How long must that have taken to create?

Training Day


The thought of Alexander’s coupon in the early hours of May 8 spurs many of us on, mate. Every success to you guys.

Brian Doonthetoon

That video is brilliant!

The photoshopping must have taken ages to get ‘just right’.

I am in awe…


Still Positive. 11.46pm
“Guess Rev Stu wasn’t in the audience tonight at QT in Bath.”

Question Time was from Bristol tonight. Easy mistake to make, Bristol and Bath are very close to each other.


Tam Jardine, 11.27pm

That’s some treble you put up just before people go to bed, McTernan, McDougall and Hothersall.

Don’t have nightmares ladies and gentlemen. lol

Dr Jim

Well done you folk who produced this wee film
It was funny, slick, and competent, a wee triumph

Short note to the Labour Party

Well you were warned, just because your man shouts louder bulges his eyes and bares his teeth doesn’t mean you win the argument
Looking like you’re telling the truth sometimes is a good start, and maybe not trying to scare women to death by Glowering over the top of them might help

But then again you just can’t help yourselves can you
Coz if your man talks quietly

He is really creepy…I suppose you just can’t win can you

Brian Doonthetoon

HI Caz-m.

Rev Stu mentioned last week that he was going to try to get into the audience for the Bristol QT.

Dr Jim

Forgot to mention, Thon defence Torie suck up guy Francis Tusa reckons if the Yookay gets rid of all Scottish Regiments the Yookay can save 35billion quid

Just shows somebody must be thinking about us eh….Hmm


Hi Brian

Did the Rev make it to QT from Bristol?


Ian B 11.36pm

Had a look at your oddschecker website and I am non the wiser. I don’t know if they are good or bad for Mhairi. lol

Tackety Beets

Smithie @ 10.52

Bonnie Prince Bob has a load o Vids on YT , thanks for the link .

Good entertainment .

Shaun the Sheep

Eagerly awaiting Project Red.


Superb stuff, I really hope there’s lots more to come from the team that made this, can’t wait!

Dal Riata

LOL! Fantastic piece of work there from Bonnie Prince Bob.

The Neil Oliver presenting style pish-take; the story; “A cry of, ‘Pish!’ rang out above the crowd.”; the artwork… aye, well done that man!

Deserves to be seen by as wide an audience as possible.


It`s a very fine piss-take, um…homage to all things SLab. I like the presenter who is definitely not taking the piss out of Neil ‘I wish it would all just go away’ Oliver.

With the YouGov poll, Nicola Sturgeon trumping Jim Murphy in Tuesday`s Leader`s Debate poll, and this quality mickey-take; I think it`s been a good day 🙂


Saw this earlier on. Nice! Makes me wonder if I’d watch TV more often if my own national psyche (?) was used instead of Ian Hislop.


I was one of those who were desperate for Murphy to be elected branch manager of the Red Pawns, because I knew he would be “the gift that keeps giving”.

I still worry that tactical voting might deny the SNP of a couple of seats, especially in the Yellow and Blue Tory seats, but I think Murphy being so antagonistic, shoutie, shifty and all-round untrustworthy will hopefully put Con and LD voters off tactical voting in favour of Labour.

Hope the SNP activists now push to try to get the percentage numbers over 50%!


Yesitis@ 12.46am, I think it`s been a good day :).
Amen brother.




Great piece of satire,and easy on the eye.Hilarious.

At least ,I hope it’s satire.

If for whatever reason,things don’t turn out well on the 7th,we could be watching it on BBC prime time as a bona fide historical documentary,God forbid!

Never underestimate the British establishment. Remember postal voting fraud.They ain’t gonna take this lying down.

Stevie boy

What a work of genius!

‘A cry of PISH rang out above the crowd’

Sending me to bed laughing with a big smile on my face.

Hats off to all involved.. pure class!

Stevie boy

Quick question..

I take it there will be exit polls at this election yeah?

Paranoid as hell after the Indyref and what ‘they’ might get upto to save their asses.

Shaun the Sheep

Funniest history lesson ever.


Wait for the black-arts to kick in big time. This is potentially as serious for the unionistas as the rigged Referendum.


Brilliant piece of work

Wee Jimmy

Brilliant. Best train journey to work I’ve ever had. Lots of stifled laughs watching it. So creative. Who needs oil with talent like this. Imagine what could be achieved with a realistic broadcasting budget!

Democracy Reborn

But the problem, brothers and sisters, is that we’re just not bright enough to see the real, genuine talent and appeal of Sunny Jim and Scottish Labour. Yep, we’re being duped. We really are too wee and too stupid to realise what’s good for us.

How do I know this? Well, BritNat queen Effie Deans tells us on Twitter that we’re blindly falling for nationalism without appreciating its true horrors. Blair McDougall highlights that all 5 (yep, all 5!) of the Herald’s political correspondents thought Murphy trumped Wednesday’s debate (Magnus Gardham also gave the Tuesday debate to Jim just for good measure). Kenny Farquharson thinks Nicola had her worst 24 hours of her leadership this week because of Trident, full fiscal autonomy and indyref2 (triple whammy!). David Torrance pens yet another sympathetic piece about Jim the Messiah with the caveat “shame no-one’s listening”.

If ever there was a week which illustrated the complete disconnect between what MSM pundits and commentators say, and what us lesser mortals think, this has been it. SNP hit the high 40s in tonight’s YouGov poll and over 50% in the same poll think Nicola won Tuesday’s debate (with Murphy coming third!).

Oh Jim, Jim, it’s all going Pete Tong…..


Clocked the vid elsewhere, but even on a second helping…

… superb. 😀


Really cheered me up. Brilliant use of graphics in an unusual context. Well done


BBC r4 Today there only report apparent Milliband winning of UK latest poll, the ghastly Graun says it shows negative attack campaign by Tories not working so there. No mention of their own mental vote <Murphy Scotland attack campaign polling even worse.

Still a few weeks left, maybe another impartial unbiased civil service memo this week monstering Sturgeon is on the way. You'd think the BBC attack machine would have the guts to just mention not even Memogate has had no effect so far but not a chance from this crew.


@Dr Jim.

There used to be a number of Scottish Regiments, each one recruiting in its traditionally local are. For example, The Gordon Highlanders from Aberdeenshire, The Seaforth Highlanders from Moray and Inverness-shire, The Black Watch from Tayside, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders mainly from Glasgow etc.

Now there is one Scottish Regiment, The Royal Regiment of Scotland encorporating a number of Battalions, some of which are merged Regiments (Gordon’s and Seaforths to form The Highlanders) and allowed to wear their hackle as a token of their identity. Indeed, some regiments have even been reduced to company strength.

The official names of the former regiments are numerical. 1 Scots, 2 Scots etc.

The result is that many units now struggle with local identity and thus recruitment has suffered. The British Army have been forced to augment numbers with soldiers recruited from the likes of Fiji. This has encouraged a lot of snideness from English Regiments. Indeed, Scots Soldiers have and are referred to by their English counterparts as FRISBs (Fucking Repulsive Scottish Bastards) Porridge Wogs, Jockanese etc.

If Francis Tusa was talking about Scottish Regiments plural, he too, like Murphy, is talking pish.



(FRISB) Fucking Repulsive IGNORANT Scottish Bastards. My memory let me down.

This word is a variation of many which had/ has Iinterchangeables such as Ginger, Ugly etc

john king

The last supper


I suppose everybody on here is familiar with the unionist cretins who write to and comment on The Scotsman.

I think I shal start posting a reply of ‘A cry of PISH rang out from the crowd’to selected letters/comments and see how I get on with their moderators.


From yougov “The only significant trend the data has picked up since last week is a very slight softening of SNP support in constituencies in Scotland. A striking 3/5 of the seats in the SNP column are classified as ‘too close to call'”
Don’t be lulled by the headlines boys and girls, still a lot to do. Keep up the hard work right until we are in the polling booth. 3 out of 5 seat too close to call. As Fergie would say “you know what failure feels like, do you want to feel like that again?”

john king

If eggs were the only thing the blessed Smugurpy repelled he wouldn’t be in the shit he’s in,

Did anyone else
behold the stigmata on his outstretched hands during his sermon on the mound?
turns oot its jist irn bru stains. 🙂

john king

Flower of Scotland says
“Can’t we post it on Murphy,s Facebook page? He would love it . He loves being in the limelight!”

Done @ 07.19am
lets see how long it stays there. 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Caz-m.

Nobody seems to have spotted him at QT.




John King @7;21

I’m sure he will be ecstatic he will take it as a compliment

See me I’m the new George Clooney type of compliment he doesn’t get called Dim Jim for no reason


Surely Bonnie Prince Bob deserves a link on WOS home page. This is his best so far but his short clip “When Your Smiling” starring Kesia Dugdale and “Jim Murphy Learns of the Ashcroft Poll” are well worth a peek. 🙂

Geoff Huijer

Just excellent!


Brilliant. Not “pish” at all!

bookie from hell

slept in a shoebox bathed in the clyde


Alexander MacDonald

Haha, that was terrific. Bravo.

Bugger (the Panda)

He wasn’t the Messiah

He was just a lying toad.

That video was as professional and as satirical as I have ever seen.

I just wish I could get copies of the “artworks” shown.

Must be a market for copies, especially the Magrit harridan one


Is there a date for project red as yet.


Very surprised by the quality of this video … although perhaps I shouldn’t totally rely on the Labour Party’s Manifesto for Business for all my information:

“our creative industries are centred in major cities like
London, Manchester, Bristol and Leeds.”

link to

Bugger (the Panda)

Epoxy riddled east End of Glasgow.

ronnie anderson

There,s a man gone roon selling pish (dimjim)

following the wummin selling fish (kezia)

baith dont sell whit ahellava smell

pishy fish they canny sell

Chase them when they come roon tae your Toon.

Robert Peffers

Besides the hilarious satirical content the quality of the work is top notch. These guys have everything. From the quality of the camera work, to production and artistic content to the final output.

With professional people like these Scotland has no fear of throwing out our present naff broadcasters for there is quality waiting in the wings.

The Man in the Jar

“The puppeteers maneuvering the slavering beast to make it appear sentient” was my highlight.

Marvelous bit of work. some excellent comments as well.

Les Wilson

What a brilliant piece of work. I hope these guys do more, fast. Perhaps on on each of the Westminster party bosses.
There would be unimaginable ways to take the piss out of them.

Ref the polls, do not get carried away, we need to keep our work/ canvassing going right up to voting time. I smell the devious hand of M15 and the CIA at work to defeat us, huge voting numbers will be hard to defeat.

For once Scotland, let us show what we are made of.
The object of propaganda is to steal our votes,do not let it happen,again.

Les Wilson

Anyone know how the vid is going down on twitter?

The Man in the Jar

17.133 hits! it was 300 odd when I first saw it last night.


On so many levels Phenominflipinhell



Views goes up. Murphy goes down


I’ve now watched this 3 times – picking out more details on each go. A great part of the charm is that the writing, production and editing are way above that of the rather lame material being pastiched.


Les Wilson

It was being mentioned quite a lot yesterday.


Milliband’s visit to lecture us about FFA today is a tactical error. It should help to keep Yes supporters away from voting Labour.


A cry of pish rang out above the crowd.. hahahah..

Hilarious from start to finish.

john king

onelessday @7.46am
checked @ 09.36 and SURPRISE, its gone along with about another dozen peoples post of it that I hadn’t noticed at first. 🙂


Brilliant – start to finish. Absolute genius.
“Unfortunately, history evades us …. no less than a 9 year gap in Murphistory appears.” 🙂

donald anderson

Firestarter says:
10 April, 2015 at 9:39 am
Brilliant – start to finish. Absolute genius.
“Unfortunately, history evades us …. no less than a 9 year gap in Murphistory appears.

Including his period as a Revolutionary Communist and Irish Freedom fighter and President of the SUS, or of him destroying the Scottish Union of Students in favour of the (English) National Union of Students, whom he claimed were more “left wing”? So right wing were the SUS they supported Student grants and no tuition fees.

No historical record of what happened to the “Revolutionary Communist Party”, who opposed Scottish Devolution and Independence, who subsequently were seen to be working for the CIA and Team GB “Intelligence”. Many who are now lecturers and “journalists”. Why doesn’t he finger them?

No explanation of destroying the Scottish Trade Unions, leaving only the EIS, due to separate Scottish Education. No mention of destroying the SCWS and allowing their assets to be plundered by the (English) corrupt COOP?

A helluva lot of missing history of Murphy, Liddel, Galloway, Roy, Dewar, Lord Robertson, etc.

Why are many Labourites still in the SCND? Why is the Convenor of the SCND a Labourite and supported by that cabal?

Lickspittles always help their colonial masters to rewrite their own history.

The Man in the Jar

Wow I just got a (hand delivered) Tory election “leaflet” through the door. It is a mock newspaper format the biggest laugh is the name of the “newspaper” it is called “IN TOUCH with Lanark and Hamilton East”

In touch with who? The man in the fecking moon?

The Man in the Jar

Re above.

Oh goody a survey and a return address. 😉

Conservative Office
570 Mosspark Boulevard
G52 1SD


john king wrote:
checked @ 09.36 and SURPRISE, its gone along with about another dozen peoples post of it that I hadn’t noticed at first. 🙂

Looks like the truth truly does hurt, eh!

HAW, DimJim, you can remove this excellent video from your own Facebook page all you want but that only confirms 2 things:
(a)-You’re still a door-faced narcissistic pathological bullying liar.
(b)-You’re still fooked come May 7th.


Democracy Reborn says: “Blair McDougall highlights that all 5 (yep, all 5!) of the Herald’s political correspondents thought Murphy trumped Wednesday’s debate (Magnus Gardham also gave the Tuesday debate to Jim just for good measure). Kenny Farquharson thinks Nicola had her worst 24 hours of her leadership this week because of Trident, full fiscal autonomy and indyref2.”

The Herald is a joke, just another media wing of the Labour Party. Remember when they said “we’re supporting a no vote because we want devo max”? What happened to that then Herald? Was it a lie all along? Now all of a sudden the thought of Full Fiscal Autonomy is something to be terrified of? Why? Because FFA would mean English Votes for English laws and Labour would be neutralised in England.

Ha, you’re about to be anyway.


Its good, very good, and we may laugh but the average punter still thinks Alex is the leader of the SNP.

We need to change that and we dont do it by talking to ourselves.


Even Funnier

‘I will never sell Scotland short’ Milliband

We know you won’t. That’s why Scotland won’t vote for you but vote SNP.

Without Westminster rule Scotland would have a £220Billion Oil Fund. Westminster secrecy and lies. Trident/illegal wars, tax evasion and banking fraud. Thatcher secretly took all the Oil revenues and shut down every manufacturing facility in Scotland. ‘This must be kept secret’. Labour kept the McCrone Report secret for 30 years. Without Wedtminster economic policies Scotland would not have a deficit. Scotland raises and spends £54Billion.

Scotland has lost £4Billion+ a year since 2011, increased Oil taxation = £16Billion. Scotland could save £2Billion on Trident/illegal wars and a tax on ‘loss leading’ drink, tax evasion, Corp tax paid through London HQ’s (for economic activity in Scotland) = £10Billion? A year. Invested in more jobs less unemployment etc payment. Scotland would not have a Deficit. The rest of the UK raises £412Billion (pro rata less) and borrows and spends £90Billion more.

Scotland was promised full fiscal autonomy/Home Rule/Federalism. The only get it and the figures is to vote SNP. Westminstef secrecy and lies protected by the Official Secrets Act.

Westminster secrecy and lies. Any deficit is as a result of Westminster policies.


Ed Miliband jumped on the Friday Flier again. Another flying visit on a Friday in front of a Labour audience.

He will tell us we are to wee, too poor and too stupid to look after our own financial affairs.

“Don’t you bother looking after all that money stuff Scotland, we’ll do that for you”

Absolutely NO vision for Scotland.

Project Fear is still very much alive.

His visit should push the SNP vote up even further.


Correct. It needs at least a second look to pick up all the delightful touches. I liked ” the ePoxy ridden slum” where he grew up.
Marvellous stuff.


It’s brilliant, even tho I could barely see for tears. The guys Oliver impression is so funny and deadpan, and gets more funny as he stares to camera.

Mcternan the necromancer

Val Saville

I hope this is Episode One. Can’t wait to see the rest of the series. The box set..What a wealth of talent you lot have. God, it’s brilliant!! I didn’t know much about Murphy before but now I am armed with knowledge instead of useless eggs. Thank youse.


The accession of the Murphy while deflecting eggs with his red white and blue cloak is total class 🙂


It seems that the same characters who promised us FFA/devomax if we voted NO last September, are now telling us it’s a very bad idea.

Any soft NO voters feeling slightly duped today?

Jamie Arriere

‘a life less pensionable’ – more gems with every viewing


Ascension that should be

The Man in the Jar

I want a print of “The Last Supper” so badly!


Mortuus purus splendens*! Fab. Best satirical video since The Fear Factor.

*pure dead brilliant, as they said in Rome


Anyone else having problems with Stu’s latest post?


Lol what a superbly made video! Very clever take down of the smurph man and co. This is going to hurt them and done with buckets of humour. This has the potential to do them a lot of damage. I dont do facebook but have sent it to a couple of friends who do and they will spread it far and wide. In this video lurks a serious message..dont vote for chancers.

think again

What is happening on new post, video disappeared and message saying need to log in to comment?



Bit about necromancy superb

Cheered me up after listening to some ‘expert’ on bbc radio going on about Russians going to nuke us if we interfere in Ukraine. This being a reason to keep trident.


BBC blocking Wings? now there’s a surprise.


Yep , it was a clip for his next article, but BBC have blocked it

Can hear Stuart shouting from where I am 😉

So please don’t anyone tease him 😀


If I am not mistaken, I think I spotted Duncan Hothersall at around 3:10 in 🙂


Brilliant. Now wondering how long it took someone to create all that artwork? Amazing stuff 🙂

Bob Mack

Miliband is scoring an own goal with his defecit speech. If I wanted to really prove a point to the Scottish people,and I knew for certain they did not have enough finances to cope with everything,what would I do ?.I would let them try it for two or three years,to prove my point.The public would soon realise that Scotland was best served by being in the Union.Game over.
The reluctance of Westminster to consider this is indeed very,very,telling.They know as I do that Scotland would not just manage but thrive.The myth of dependency would be well and truly busted. Ed should save his breath for the English electorate,as Scotland has evaded his grasp.


If anything the number of postal ballots in the Referendum should tell us where the possible attack on the election might be. If the unionists can do the equivalent of counting cards and keeping a tally so can SNP invigilators. We need to make damn sure that the results at the polling booths on the day and those from the postal and proxie votes tally. At least this time there should be exit polls, I’d be a little bit suspicious if there aren’t.

The 49% is great. However the narrowing being talked about might be with the magical 50%. If the SNP get more than 50% of votes cast then there can be little doubt they can claim to talk for the majority of Scotland. If they manage to get more than 50% of the electorate so much the better. If this is all a fit up meant to encourage overconfidence in SNP supporters in order to get them to reduce their efforts it risks doing the reverse.

Also bear this in mind, Milliband specifically briefing against FFA in a bid to stem the upsurgance of the SNP gives a kind of impression that a vote for them is a vote for Devo-Max. Well done that man.


A Last supper is what I ordered and a Last Supper is what I want, with one Murphy, twelve red pawns, no kangaroos, by Thursday Lunch or you dont get paid ! – apologies to Monty Python


Christmas video? On wings in April?


I thought copyright laws allowed extracts for educational purposes. I suppose whatever has been banned by the beeb wasn’t telling us anything we didn’t already know then?


Luigi says:
“It seems that the same characters who promised us FFA/devomax if we voted NO last September, are now telling us it’s a very bad idea. Any soft NO voters feeling slightly duped today?”

They ought to!

Perhaps one of the best posters, leaflets etc., would be statements made 6 months ago, versus recent ones. Ideally for the same people.

I suspect it would be difficult to find a unionist who actually mentioned FFA last year, however in Scotland at large FFA is synonymous with DevoMax. So anyone mentioning DevoMax should have been understood as FFA. I’m sure good examples can be found.

The main issue in the GE is, we want them to deliver on promises. Reinforcing the reneging now would a bad move for the Unionists!

Dorothy Devine

ClanDonald , agree entirely and I well remember their panicked ” We support devo max ” bilge when they realised there was a possibility they would sink into papermache.

I sincerely hope they do – and my cynicism extends to the National ,no matter what folk say I am convinced it is there to prop up the ailing Newsquests unionist/labour rag.

That is not to say that I don’t enjoy the work of a couple of their journalists but boy ! do I loathe some of the others.

Having just read some of the crud on their site , I’m away to watch Bonnie Prince Bob again to cheer myself up.
Though I am waiting for the faux outrage of the permanently offended to scold us all for finding
” religious images ” destroyed for fun.

I will remind them all of…/amateur-restoration-botches-jesus-painting-spain


@ The Man in the Jar

Was your survey from the Tories about land reform (i.e. a devolved issue)?

I got one yesterday, from my “excellent local candidate” who will read every one of the survey responses personally, apparently. He’s really concerned about the Milk Marketing Board (RIP).

They sent me an envelope to return it, with the address you quoted, but also, importantly, this Freepost number:

Freepost RRSZ – LCJA – EZEU

(then SCUP, 570 Mosspark Boulevard, etc).

I’ve filled mine in, with all the “wrong” responses as far as they are concerned – quite genuinely; I responded to the official consultation saying exactly the same things. I think I’ll wait until I have something else to add to the envelope before posting it though.

I also got a leaflet from my trade union this morning, urging me to vote Labour, although interestingly one contribution didn’t actually mention a specific party, just that we need to kick out the Tories. It also said that the constitutional issue had not gone away but was “now an indelible part of the Scottish political fabric”. The author of that section “came out” as a Yes supporter last year, and may have publicly left the Labour Party, though I can’t remember for sure.


Anyone heard how many postals Labour are producing? Ha! Surely not 800,000 or even worse?

Robert Kerr

Enjoyed video.

Is this apostasy or heresy?

If Barr and Co were on the ball they would use the “Last Supper” as an advert.


@ donald anderson

Why is the Convenor of the SCND a Labourite and supported by that cabal?

To whom are you referring there? SCND has a chair and two vice-chairs.


It is also interesting to look at what they are saying about FFA/devomax this week when a poll published this week – commissioned by the BBC no less – showed that people wanted more powers for the Scottish Parliament!

Nana Smith

A damning indictment of BBC and Huw Edwards blatant bias in Scotland

link to

Flower of Scotland

john king@7.21

Thanks john for posting this fantastic video on Murphy,s Facebook page! I checked and don’t see so he must have watched it! Ha,ha,


I have had this thrown at me this week by Tory family in England. How can we possibly manage! Posting a piece from the Huff,Post saying that Scotland would have needed an IMF bailout to survive if we had got Indy, because it was all based on the figures of $113 a barrel of oil? That the SNP White Paper was poorly assembled and was never a blueprint for Independence!

It really did end that we are ” better together”! It was in the Huff Post on the 15th Jan.

Jim Arnott

I have taken to calling this movie: The Irn Bru Movie. Very clever account of Murphy’s duplicity.


Joemcg @ 11:43

Would not be surprised
Seriously I hope that with having 105,000 members, is is not beyond reason to have people keep an eye on the elderly and infirm that Labour tend to prey on for postal votes!

Am I being paranoid? With the polls as they are, there is nothing a desperate ‘canvasser’ from Labour will not stoop to!


Truly amazing video! Thanks very much for show us that, it made my year!

Robert Peffers

@Mike says: 10 April, 2015 at 12:12 am:

” … Personally, my thoughts are that we all have a job to do and let’s save the craic and banter for when we have actually secured the result we want.”

Seeing as we you are on an, “Old Sayings”, kick, Mike, can I quote you another?

“All Work and no play makes Jack Mike a dull boy.

I found out long ago the most striking difference between all the unionist supporters and by far the majority of Independence supporters was the fun, laughter and bonomie of the latter in contrast to bitterness and bad humour of the former. (or as we say in Scotland – “If ye canna lach at it ye wad hae tae greet ower it”).


Here is Louise Mensche on last nights This Week showing a brilliant insight into Scottish politics and why Labour are tanking.

“Up in Scotland Labour have lost the mantle of being the Unionist party.”

Andrew Neil, inexplicably, misses an opportunity to humiliate/or even correct her and the debate had to move on.

Can I remind readers that (somewhat scarily) Louise is a former MP. She also sat on the committee investigating phone hacking at newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Among other things, she currently writes for several newspapers owned by er, Rupert Murdoch.

Andrew Neil was, for many years, an editor and senior executive for newspapers and media companies owned by er, Rupert Murdoch.


link to

Mark Bell

Just my tuppence worth as an Englishman:

While I’ve got some sympathy for the cause of Scottish independence, I can’t help but find the sentiment behind this video – and present elsewhere – pretty ugly. Particularly references to unionist ‘Quislings’ and their ‘Southern masters’, which implies that the English are some kind of occupying force. That’s nothing to joke about, IMO, because there’s always going to be a few daft sods who take it to heart. I’ve been on the receiving end of some of the abuse that can result from that.

The Man in the Jar

at 11:22am

You dont want an artist its a bloody photographer you want!


Best line for me: With their stores of night-soil replenished.

The Man in the Jar

at 11:43

Sounds like a different survey. questions asked.

Cost of living concerns? (Tory government!)

Local issues??? (Too many tories)

Environment (See above)

Which party will you vote for? Ha Ha SNP of course ya wallys!

How did you vote in indi ref? Yes sticker on return a big hint!

Would you vote for a political party that would hold another referendum in next five years? Hell YES!

Alex Allison (candidate) thinks my views are important so I had best do my civic duty and respond. Cheepo Torys no freepost on mine. Never mind I will use the one that you provided.


Well said Robert (Peffers), this was welcome light relief (and excellent comedic satire/parody of what is taking place), from the warmongering of Fallon yesterday.

We can do more than one emotion at the same time 🙂

Seriously Funny.


Simply superb

Robert Peffers

This Welsh funding topic is going from the daft to the hilarious. Now we have Osborne, “Pledging, to negotiate a Wales’ funding deal if the Tories win the election”. While Plaid’s leader claims Wales should be funded on a par with Scotland’s per capita funding.

Let’s look at this in a sane and factual manner by examining how the four United Kingdom countries are being funded since the Establishment changed the legal structure of the bipartite United Kingdom into a quadratic arrangement of countries but retained The United Kingdom parliament as the de facto Parliament of the country of England. This under the excuse of devolving powers to only Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland.

Devolving a function to a UK country means taking that function from the control of the now De facto Parliament of England into the control of the devolved countries parliament. However it would be stupid to do so without also devolving the funds to run the function from the Westminster Ministry that continues to run the function in the country of England.

This is the function carried out by the Barnett Formula. The formula works out the value of the function of the Westminster Ministry on a per capita basis in England and then calculates the per capita value to add to the average per capita funding calculated as English per capita funding to increase the devolved countries block grant. It ain’t rocket science.

Thus, as none of the three devolved administrations has the same level, or number, of devolved functions as any other devolved administration and only England has no devolved functions, it follows they must all have a different total level of per capita funding but it also follows that the average per capita funding in England is the original figure plus the value of the combined Westminster ministries still providing those functions in England.

So now we see that it is a totally wrong idea that Scotland, Wales and N.I should all have the same level of Block Grant on a per capita basis or that England’s figure should not also include the value of services only England now gets from funding provided to the Westminster Ministries.

So now can anyone explain how Osborne is making pledges that Wales is to get parity with Scotland on a per capita basis? Can anyone explain how various political parties are chuntering on about removing the Barnett Formula? Furthermore can anyone explain how any politician can make claims that Scotland gets subsidised by the Block Grant per capita figure being higher? As far as I can see these claims, including that of the UK’s Chancellor, simply means they cannot understand the basic rules of how the country they are elected to run is designed to run. Of Course it might just be they do know ant think we are all gullible fools.

What do others think it is?

ryan wilson

Best parody so far. Hilarious.

The Saint James running in the 1.40 at Aintree today. Surely an omen?


@ The Man in the Jar

Thanks – my Tories weren’t interested in my voting intentions/record – perhaps they know they have zero chance here.

I’m still debating whether to send the survey back, since I indulged myself by annotating the other side of the page, which was a puff piece for the candidate.

Still, even Tories have a purpose it seems; by contacting me they have enabled you to use their Freepost address!


I actually first got a YouTube link to this from a friend, a while back it already had 22,000+ views.

It’s brilliant satire/parody and so well-made! All the detail, amazing artwork and the brilliant script and presenter! 😀

Showed it to a couple of Finnish friends and both said it’s exactly like “those British history documentaries” we get on TV even here in Finland – mind you, we don’t get ONLY British history documentaries.

One of them hasn’t been following what’s been happening in Scotland so most of the satire and laughs were lost on her but the other one was pissing himself laughing almost as much as I was – and even more when we watched it the second time and I pointed out some of the more obscure gags.

My favourite bit was the necromancer. Actually jumped when it came on! Scary! 😀

Eckle Fechan

A celestine prophecy if ever there was one.

Some lovely subtle touches, my favs:
“Vain Glorious Murphy” – Blair’s reflection!
“Grandmother Murphy”
“salaried bag-carrying quizlings” – Armando Iannucci eat your heart out

Gallus BTW

Jack Murphy

Brilliant—and the choice of classical music clips is simply perfection mood music.
From Baroque to Rule Britannia all in one short film.
Must must watch again,if only for the music. 🙂
Many thanks.
This film deserves to go viral.

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

Just had a quick look to check that news of the video, now with 25,000+ views, mightn’t have been included in the Janet Forsythe BBC Culture Studio schedule for today.

Maybe tomorrow.


25,758 views in 22 hours since it was posted on You Tube. That is one popular video 🙂


That is one very brilliant vid, top marks to the team that made it. 🙂 🙂

This is going to the English part of my family, who for want of an alternative in Yorkshire, are going to vote UKIP (?#!)

They wish that they could vote for “that them there bloke and lass from the SNP, cos they’d be dead brilliant”.


Is there a class in the Oscars,Baftas or any of the Continental Film Awards into which this brilliant film could be entered?


29,495 views now.

Everybody I’ve sent the link to have loved it.

Most of all, it is so well-made! The music, the artwork, the script, the presenter who bears a canny resemblance to another presenter of history documentaries… Perfect! 😀

Joe Ghandi

“Pump up the VOlUME …..PUMP UP the VOLUME ….


Now that’s a cracker..the so called saviour of the union,is in for shock come May.


Now,that *is* funny.


Magnificent, simply magnificent. Well done Stu and your team.

Now's the Hour

You do realise, of course, that I’ll never be able to listen to Zadok the Priest ever again without that image coming to mind.

Nigel Barnstaple-Stuart

Downloaded in case there’s an issue. Wonderful!!

Bella Caledonia

When you say velofello says: “Magnificent, simply magnificent. Well done Stu and your team.” You should know tat this is nothing to do with ‘Stu’ or his ‘team’. It’s just content lifted and unattributed.

Robert Peffers

@Bella Caledonia says: 11 April, 2015 at 8:16 am:

“When you say velofello says: “Magnificent, simply magnificent. Well done Stu and your team.” You should know tat this is nothing to do with ‘Stu’ or his ‘team’. It’s just content lifted and unattributed.”

With all due respect, “Bella Caledonia”, your claim of the item being, “lifted and unattributed”, by the Rev Stu is perhaps mistaken.

The Rev Stu cannot, “lift and unattributed”, a high quality and properly made video movie that was put into the public domain by its makers and which video includes a full set of rolling credits.

If there is a fault, (which is doubtful), it is velofello’s possible attribution of credit to the Rev Stu and his team of producing the video. Which claim could well be mistaken by yourself as it may only have been praise to the Rev and his team for bringing it to the notice of wingers.

I say again the video was put in the public domain by its makers and could hardly be unattributed as it included a full set of rolling credits.

It’s a bit like reading, “THE VOW”, in the Record with three signatures of its authors at the end. Yet there too is doubts of the items authors.

Bella Caledonia

Er, right.

Well done to Rev and the team. Great work.

[…] part of history, this video is both highly entertaining and, indeed, informative in that regard: link to if you are aware of the archaeologist Neil Oliver’s presentation style). But his […]

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