The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Hello, Daily Mail readers!

Posted on June 21, 2014 by

And welcome. If you’ve come to our humble little site to see the nasty man at the head of the “highly controversial cyber organisation” described in this hilarious article, there’s a couple of things you should probably know. Because – and we apologise if this comes as a shock to you – the Daily Mail doesn’t always tell the truth.

“Self-styled ‘Rev’ Stuart Campbell who has become Scotland’s leading pro-independence blogger. Despite living in England – he said last week: ‘If Scotland is too spineless to walk away from this in 2014, having waited for over 300 years for one chance, then f*** Scotland too'”

I did say that, but not last week – I said it in January 2013.

The paper has also removed the “And” from the start of the tweet, which signalled that it was an incomplete statement, part of a wider context from which the Mail has chosen, for reasons best known to itself, to isolate it.

In fact it was nothing to do with independence at all, but a small aside at the end of a rant against the Liberal Democrats for their part in passing the disgusting “benefits uprating” bill which ensured that the poorest and most vulnerable people in the UK would get poorer and poorer over the next few years.


Of course, you’re Daily Mail readers so you probably WANT the unemployed to starve to death, but it seems fair that you at least hate me for accurate reasons – for being a terrible bleeding-heart lefty liberal, not for trying to deny No voters a voice.

“Based just a few hundred yards from the Assembly Rooms so beloved of Jane Austen”

This is true. Although Bath is a very small city, and pretty much EVERYWHERE is within a few hundred yards of the Assembly Rooms.

“Wings Over Scotland is run almost single-handedly by the self-styled ‘Rev’ Stuart Campbell (no relation of cybertroll Jason in Blackpool) from a two-bedroom flat in a listed Georgian terrace in Bath, Somerset”

I don’t live in a “listed Georgian terrace”. I did once, many years ago. Still, it’s better than the last time the Daily Mail did a smear piece on me, when it said I came from Denny, a town in central Scotland which to the best of my recollection I’ve never been to in my entire life, far less coming from there.

“The 46-year-old former video games journalist has become Scotland’s leading pro-independence blogger after building up a following of about 7,000 Twitter users and churning out nearly 50,000 tweets”

In fact I have well over 14,000 Twitter followers and have “churned out” almost 74,000 tweets. Trust me, I didn’t bash out the other 24,000 last night. I can’t type that fast.


I actually reached 7000 followers in January 2014, and had 8000 by mid-February. So it’s starting to look like this article was in fact written quite some time ago, isn’t it?

“In an exchange with the sister of Hillsborough victim Thomas Fox, he said: ‘If people stop when they get to a wall of human beings instead of ramming it, nobody dies.’”

I did say that – because it’s true – as part of a perfectly civil conversation with the woman in question, in which we disagreed about some things but conducted ourselves in a calm and rational manner, ending with Lynne Fox thanking me for an honest and adult conversation and us parting on amicable terms. (Sadly her Twitter account no longer exists to link to, but I’m sure if you asked her she’d confirm that.)

Several newspapers have misrepresented my views on the Hillsborough tragedy as part of similar politically-motivated attempts at character assassination. One had to publish an apology and retraction for doing so only this week, and they were served with a defamation writ yesterday. The Mail has at least had the sense not to tell direct lies about it, instead trying to do the job with insinuation and innuendo.

“And away from politics, in an exchange on a video games forum, he launched into a distasteful tirade against another forum user, writing: ‘I hope you get cancer and that your cancer gets AIDS and that you and your entire family die of being raped to death by rabid wolves in the middle of a choking chemical fire. Know what else? 9/11 was brilliant. I watched it all on TV and I laughed the whole time.’”

This, however, is pure 24-carat rubbish. The comment in question – made in February 2009, more than half a decade ago – was an ironic, sarcastic joke which set out to say the most offensive thing possible in order to illustrate a point. It’s been selectively edited and taken out of context literally hundreds of times by people on the No side, but even diehard Labour and “Better Together” activist Duncan Hothersall – a man who dislikes me very much indeed – reluctantly acknowledged the truth:


So there you go. The article you read in the Mail today is full of errors, distortions and outright lies (there are several more that don’t involve me, but let’s keep this short). It was clearly written several months ago and then kept on file for the next time they wanted to whip up a hate storm against “evil cybernats” (and has been hastily padded out with bits copied from a Financial Times interview published earlier this month, because I told the Mail’s reporter to take a running jump) but the lazy, incompetent hacks responsible were too lazy to even update their information.

You might, of course, still think we’re all dreadful separatist monsters, and it’s entirely your prerogative to do so. But do yourselves a long-term favour and be aware of how much you’re being manipulated, misled and taken for fools to get you to that point.

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The whole article is riddled with errors.
Apparently Lord Foulkes is an MSP.


Wait a minute…this is an organisation?

Ah, the Daily Mail and their default setting of hysteria.

Flower of Scotland

The Nos are definitely trying to shut down and discredit online sites like Wings and you in particular! You debunk all their lies and they hate you for that.

Keep up the good work Stu!


Tabloids on steroids. They are nervous, aren’t they?

Neil Craig

The don’t seem to have lied so much as taken out of context. Your surprise that a newspaper would do this shows how gently the SNP are treated by our state funded through advertising “free press”.

You should look at how UKIP are constantly lied about for a little perspective.

In relation to the Mail, even though they blatantly make up “interviews” with UKIP, I regard them as being as close to a real newspaper as Britain has. They are the only paper that regularly goes looking for news, as journalists do. All the others (& the Mail fairly often) simply rewrite press releases and briefings from government, its quangos and sock puppets. For example note how the recent piece about you appeared, in almost the same form, in so many papers at once.


Dail Mail. Insignificant drivel I repeat my earlier comment on your other writing of today.

Simple truth is you are just too good. Thank god you’re on our side, otherwise most of the mis-truths being spouted by the No campaign and the msm would never get the de-bunking it deserves, for the balance it bring to the debate, which we know is sadly lacking in the campaign proper.

The fact, that you manage to do this almost single handed goes to show how clever, and how hard working you are.

We all appreciate your work and I salute you.

a supporter

Daily Heil. Populated by gutter dwelling hacks who feed on shit every day. Directed by a management which believes in Right Wing fascist policies against the poor and actually DID SUPPORT HITLER PRIOR TO WW1. What a sorry example of a ‘news’paper.

Grouse Beater

Stuart said: don’t live in a “listed Georgian terrace”. I did once, many years ago.

Groans from all the spooks on the roof across the road from your old flat, and in a van below in the street, all packing their heavy spy equipment to get back to basics again and locate where you do live.


To be fair to them on the details side of things, most of those Twitter stats were probably added more recently thanks to Mike Dailly’s free publicity.

Better be careful he doesn’t decide to charge you advertising fees! I hear those overpaid lawyer types can really stick the boot in financially! 😉

To any Daily Mail readers who stuck around after that, I’d just like to add my agreement that the Daily Mail is indeed an extremely disreputable publication, the content of which suggests it’s been rooting through the dustbins at the old BNP headquarters and actually taking everything UKIP says as the truth.

This opinion was NOT (repeat – NOT!!!) the result of any sort of strange Cybernat HQ “control signals” (my brain is actually quite old technology and therefore is not equipped with wi-fi capabilities or even Bluetooth! And unfortunately I can’t upgrade as they don’t even make the parts for them any more!)
The opinion was in fact formed many years before I’d even heard of Wings over Scotland, and was the direct result of me accidentally reading the Daily Mail once in the mistaken belief that it was a serious newspaper with serious journalistic principles.

That experience was certainly an eye-opener. (Although I admit that at first I thought it might have been a practical joke. That impression was dispelled upon realising that the date on said “news”paper was not April 1st).
Since that fateful day, I have since come to regard the Daily Mail as an extremely useful thing (I mean you have to wrap your chips up in something, right?)

Dorothy Devine

I doubt if any DM readers will bother visiting , they are already part of an immobile mindset, but you have to be extra careful Stu because they appear to want to damage you , your reputation and those of us who need you to explode the lies and misinformation peddled by the MSM and the coalition of unionists.

I see from the Herald that the government £50,000 poll results are NOT in the public interest , which makes one wonder just how scary those results were for Westminster and all the troughers therein .I also wonder if the pet Prof of the BBBC will be privy to them.

Anne Lawrie

Keep up the good work, Stu. Read your articles daily and so do many, many others, despite any smears & innuendo. Just waiting for my badge and will wear it with pride. Have a Wings sticker on my car and took delivery yesterday of leaflets, which I will distribute freely!


“Tartan Trolls”? How racist. Its the sort of term you get from “Little Englanders” a term also deemed to be racist only one of the terms is acceptable to the UK media and the other is a term worthy of a campaign of vilification and smear.
I would love to see somebody do a comprehensive investigation into how the rest of the world views the UK media since the Scot Indy campaign began.
As far as I can see the Scot Indy has brought out whole new levels of vile and abusive behaviour from established and celebrated individuals as well as UK established figures who should be way above such public displays.

Murray McCallum

Imagine a world governed by Daily Mail “values”.

Andrew Morton

@Neil Craig 10:47 am

I don’t think that Stu or any of his regular readers are capable of being surprised at anything the Scottish or UK media come up with.

What I do find surprising is that anyone would consider the Daily Mail to be anything other than a right wing mouthpiece full of celeb trash and fake diet pills to anaesthetise the masses.


@Neil Craig says:

“In relation to the Mail, even though they blatantly make up “interviews” with UKIP, I regard them as being as close to a real newspaper as Britain has.”

Surely a joke. I haven’t bought a UK Newspaper for at least 8 years. The DM, full of opinionated drivel in the main with few facts worth reading.

Dan Huil

“Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery”. Jane Austen

The more they attack you, Stu, the more support you will garner.

Wee Jonny

What the funk is “self styled”?

Dan Huil

The Daily Mail: home of the Zinoviev Letter.


Some have never lived North of the boarder? I wonder who the boarder is?


@Rev Stu
“The Wings follower count barely moved yesterday. Dailly targeted my personal account, which went from 2400 to 3500, nowhere near 7000.”

oops, sorry. My bad!

At least it made me seriously hunt around for my lost Twitter account password just so I could go on and follow both accounts though 🙂

ronnie anderson

Hey Bugger the Panda kin ah hiv a bit of Bamboo, I want to
make a Pan Pipe fur the Plaid Piper of Bath ( aka ) REV STU
CAMPBELL he,s goat us Pans People danceing tae some tune.

He’ll be recording ah record next >>
Hey Follow Me Am the Plaid Piper.

Keep on rippin it intae them Rev yer a rite Dancer
Ah twinkle toes, where he’s gonna be next naebody knows
But us Wingers will be there,wie ye.

Who’s up fur the Birdie Dance.

Roddy Macdonald

There’s no such thing as bad publicity. Hilarious that the foul-mouthed wee nyaff from Alloa is horrified at being accused of being a “cyber-nat”.

Hats off to Stuart and Melissa for taking one for the team (again) and here’s to another few hundred thousand daily Wings readers.



“Some have never lived North of the boarder? I wonder who the boarder is?”

Maybe some strange lodger who’s living in the Daily Mail offices?

Wonder if he’s paying them bedroom tax?

Alfresco Dent

I have never knowingly been organised. By anyone.


Wings must be fair hotching with new visitors thanks to all the publicity!

It must be a measure of Wings and Stu’s success, all the recent attention from across the Nae spectrum. In the Gandhi analysis of revolution, looks like they are still somewhere between having a laugh and trying to fight back.

The simplest view might be that Nae are gutted with envy that the Yes side have widespread and very effective grassroots. Having none to speak of themselves, they are lashing out in frustration.


We “wingnuts” (or should that be wingnats?) really ought to write an open letter of thanks to the mainstream media in general for all the free advertising they’ve been giving this site in recent days.

A small proportion of folk may indeed believe the smears, but many more come, look at the site and, as Stu has said before, quickly realise the content is somewhat different from the way it is portrayed in the press.


WOS and you in particular Rev. have reached the stage where you are the msm’s worst nightmare.

You’re financially solid (we wingers make sure of that), the articles are based on facts and verifiable with back-up sources, the website is twinned up with Twitter (fast moving, state-of-the -art) and, very important, not at all scared of getting stuck in and naming names. Puts YES to shame imo.

The referendum hasn’t just put independence on the map, it’s changing the face of the msm in Scotland and they don’t like it one little bit.

Colin Church

From a daily reader but first time poster. Just waiting to see the first call for “restrictions” to be put on pro Yes sites under the guise of “protecting” the public and debate.
Have also just read your posting rules which are commendable and from what I see upheld. Completely unlike the bile and personal attacks from the MSM comment sites.


@Andrew Morton says:

“@Neil Craig 10:47 am

What I do find surprising is that anyone would consider the Daily Mail to be anything other than a right wing mouthpiece full of celeb trash and fake diet pills to anaesthetise the masses.”

Much more eloquently put than my comment. Well said Sir.

Findlay Farquaharson

your right stu, if scotland votes no, in the eyes of the world we will be seen as no confidence cowards, im sure people will say fuck you scotland, im not visiting or investing in a nation of frightened sycophants.


They do like a bit of the old ad hominem, our Unionist friends.

As long as they are dishing it out, of course.

The Tree of Liberty

Rev, you keep daeing whit yir daeing, they’re fillin their pampers as we speak.


O/T Badge just arrived with a certificate of authenticity, woooo.


Another own goal very skilfully hammered into the back of the net. The smearing might have stuck if all the other articles published about Independence were true.

The majority in Scotland now know that most of what appears in print is just guff. This will be seen in the same vein and serves only to publicise Wings Over Scotland.


Brian Mchugh

Well done Stu. The Mail seem quite good at exposing themselves as substandard journalists. Their own distortions only accelerate their continuing demise.

Tick Tock.

joe kane

That Daily Mosley article almost seems as if it was written to be ironically funny as an over-the-top spoof of a typical mouth-foaming DM rant. It even features the image of a traditional right-wing hate figure of a Doc Marten booted harridan.

It’s difficult to believe the DM thinks it can summon up sympathy for loathsome Tory reptiles like Johnstone and Gove simply by re-publishing unsympathetic tweets about them.

As usual, sympathy and solidarity to ordinary members of the public who are being targeted for such mainstream news media abuse, especially Melissa who has now twice been on the receiving end of Hitler’s most sympathetic British tabloid. So much for the Leveson Inquiry.


uilleam_beag says:
“many more come, look at the site and, as Stu has said before, quickly realise the content is somewhat different from the way it is portrayed in the press.”

Occured to me this has two effects. As stated, visitors get exposed to the other side of the Independence campaign in a positive way. However, also, it puts the gutter press in the spotlight as not being completely honest. It’s easy for those of us who rejected the MSM ages ago to be dismissive of much of its reporting, but there are a lot of people out there who will still believe what they print.

MSM are shooting themselves in the foot by drawing attention to Wings. And long may they continue to do so!

Tommy McClellan

Freedom for the Rev! The Reverend Stu is innocent! Justice for the Bath One! (pmsl)

bookie from hell

Was the reply by Duncan Hothersall ,after a previous tweet by him which was libel,slander?


As predicted, note the spin on the ‘declined to comment’ bit.

Wonder what sort of distortions would have been printed if Stu had commented.

Bugger (the Panda)

Found a wee backnumber of the D Mail, online.

link to

Note that this was published in September 2011.

There is an earlier hagiography on Hitler’s mountain retreat dated about 1937 and published in Homes and Garden. I wonder if in the days Homes and Garden was part of the DM stable. I cannot find out for sure.

The only links I can find are through Nazi sites and I will not use them

Camilla Kaczinski

I think this is one of those articles The Daily HateMail’s
excuses for journalists have saved away for when they can’t make up a fresh nasty cybernat story (and they can’t find a new way to properly vilify Alex Salmond).

Derek M

the only smear is in their kecks as the MSM watch their monopoly on the “truth” being trashed beyond repair.

ronnie anderson

@Colin Church 11.15.Welcome to the site I hope that you take
part in posting, but more importantly spread the word of

bookie from hell

Who’s Mike?


Sometimes I think the “scum” accusation is not helpful to the YES campaign and you are definitely a bit of a loose cannon BUT full respect for all the real and probably often tedious work you have done to analyse and challenge the detail of the outpourings of the NO campaign. The scheming Britnats have run out of promises and know that their credibility is rapidly diminishing. All they have left is misinformation and smears. We need to remember that the next twelve or so weeks is not a battle to tame the beastly, bigoted, small minded Daily Mail and it’s other MSM friends. We are the broad church of YES and we need to co-operate with each other and stay focused. This needs to be understood by “official” and grassroots yes support. Let’s not trip ourselves up. Let’s try and avoid any own goals.


“I would love to see somebody do a comprehensive investigation into how the rest of the world views the UK media since the Scot Indy campaign began.”

Actually that’s not a bad idea 🙂

I’d look into that myself if I had the contacts. Dunno if they’d be willing to share stuff with just anyone sending them a friendly E-mail out of the blue.

I’d imagine that foreign journalists arriving here are usually gently steered away from the nastier parts of the UK and only shown the things that make Cameron’s government look like a shining beacon of truth and democracy. I bet some of us could show them a few things that would make them think again…

a supporter

Midgehunter 11.14 am

“WOS and you in particular Rev. have reached the stage where you are the msm’s worst nightmare.”

The rest of your comment sums up Wings and its supporters.

Geoff Huijer

Who would have thought that a website watching the MSM and reporting on the referendum using links to sources and facts would be such a revelation eh?

It’s almost like people would rather be exposed to the truth than just be given an opinion and lied to all the time…


Rev, I can’t work out if you are a foreigner or not because the No side keep saying you live in Bath in England as if where you live is significant. I was sure according to the No camp England would become a foreign country once we gain independence, and not before it.


Nice photo of you though.


@Colin Church at 11.15 says

“From a daily reader but first time poster. Just waiting to see the first call for “restrictions” to be put on pro Yes sites under the guise of “protecting” the public and debate.
Have also just read your posting rules which are commendable and from what I see upheld. Completely unlike the bile and personal attacks from the MSM comment sites”

Welcome and a great “first post”.

[…] « Hello, Daily Mail readers! […]


Right wing tabloids.

Who knew? 😀

Never let the facts get in the way of sensational headlines.

Grouse Beater

The comment I most hear from other pro-indi sites is that Wings is ‘too aggressive.’

I try to have them define what they mean by ‘aggressive.’ Do they mean they prefer to be tolerant of fools at all times?

To me Wings is forceful, vigorous, often witty, always alert to lies and deceit, but above all forensically analytical, dispensing mercy in its justice when appropriate.


Hello Daily Mail er readers. Ever heard of look, the emperor has no clothes? WoS is the 21st century version.


Goodness me we are popular in the press and the media these days. Are the Thankless ones really that frightened of a wee blog 😉


@Colin Church
Welcome to Wings. Hope you find some interesting reading and/or conversation here 😀

@Grouse Beater
“The comment I most hear from other pro-indi sites is that Wings is ‘too aggressive.’ “

Speaking personally, I see that as its best feature.
It gets out there and says what needs to be said rather than just sidestepping carefully around the issues trying not to step on any toes as others tend to do (not naming any names!)

I’m not much of an aggressive person myself (quite the opposite in fact), but this site is good for encouragement 🙂


@Grouse Beater at 11.54

You have an eloquent way of expressing thoughts, through writing, which I cannot, unfortunately, aspire to. (I’m an engineer by profession).

It’s because of you and many other’s on this site that I like it so much. Of course that includes the Rev.


Rule Britannia

link to

Britannia rules the waves. We used to get these to the Magnus. BP really knew how to push the chopper out for the lads. Then cheap pies and beans for tea because BP were such a bunch of greedy miserable bastards.

link to

Grouse Beater

Amid many compliments given David said:
you are definitely a bit of a loose cannon

That assumes the site’s editor should be under somebody’s control.

You can plonk that attitude onto anybody working in the literary world, essayists, authors, or even artists. It makes no sense counter to civil rights and free expression.

The site’s founder is already bound by the laws of the land. If he transgresses any he stands to answer accusers.


ROFLMAO, “the Daily Mail is the closest to a real newspaper we have” thanks for that Craigy our current resident troll,its good to have a big laugh in the morning.

Aye Stu you must be really pissing them off if they have to drag out that old crap to have a go at you.

The Daily Mail is a classic “garbage in garbage out” outlet, but has been endorsed by “Neil Craig” but we don’t know about “duggie”, perhaps he hasn’t got up and put his name on yet.

Grouse Beater

Italian Job said: (I’m an engineer by profession).

My padre too – Alfa Romeo engineer. My mother said of him, “He had a winning way with words, and spoke them softly as if sharing a secret.” (Then she winked at me.)

Fergus Green

Stuart – this article on the Courier website contains a post by a Keith Gardner repeating the Scotsman smears about your comments on Hillsborough and 9/11. The post has been there for 2 days and the moderators have not intervened:

link to

Is this defamation by neglect?

Chris Darroch

Top drawer journalism Reverend. A different class.


I love how they bring up the fact that you don’t even live in Scotland.

They even point out that you’re a former video-games journalist. What they don’t point out, because it would rather embarrass their narrative, is that for a video-games journalist, former or otherwise, to live in Bath is news on about the same scale as the revelation of the Pope’s particular religious denomination.

I don’t want to speak for your personal reasons for still living there after accepting the ‘former’ prepend to the title, but no-one needs to know about that anyway. All they need to know is that expecting you to abandon your personal life for your political convictions is a symptom of the increasing dehumanisation throughout Britain that Scotland is trying to break away from. They’re making our point for us.

Bob Sinclair


My WoS badge arrived today, thanks Kendomacaroonbar.

I am Number 85 ?

Bob Sinclair

That ? Should be a wee smiley face thingy.

Colin Church

@ Grouse Beater at 11:54
Whilst some language may sometimes be robust at least it is on topic and dissecting the BS. Much more insidious is the language from the BBC with the sneering at SNP under current. Taylor’s on air comments calling the drive to grow renewables industry in Scotland Alec Salmond’s “hobby” on GMS and finishing last nights “editorial” with something like “SNP strongly refutes keeping start up costs secret”. Yeh, that old sniping trick. Person x strongly denies – insert unfounded monstrosity here – but are by then duly tarred. Looking forward to an afternoon by the river tomorrow!


O/T – Really sorry I can’t make it to Bannockburn today, family crisis. On that I asked the wee man what the school are doing on the 24th to commemorate the 700th he looked at me kind of que? F*in raging isn’t the word!

Big Jock

Two days ago there were mischief makers on this post.They were putting links to edited remarks made by Stu.We know who you are and you must think we are really brain dead to fall for it.Beware the no plants.They are easy to spot.They come across as pro yes voters trying to help other yes supporters.But be wary of wolves in sheep’s clothing.All part of the no machine.I think again they have underestimated the intelligence of people on here.They thought we would walk away and say heck this guy Stu is a nutter I am glad I found out.Instead we have dealt with the trap and gained another thousand followers.Keep up the good work no we couldn’t do it without you.The funniest thing is they will be reading this going fxxck we’ve balsed up again guys.No are winning this for us with their ineptitude.As the song goes..move over Darling!

Big Jock

I had to boycott Bannockburn due to the Armed forces hijack.I hate Stirling council.

Linsey Young

You are Ernst Stavro Blofeld and I claim my five pounds!

Helena Brown

Ronnie Anderson, If you know someone who can make it into pipes, we just cut a bit off ours, and Stu would be very welcome. Not sure if it is the stuff Panda eats but it is Bamboo.


Derek has his latest show uploaded.
link to
Features Stephen Purcell who i must admit was quite measured and articulate the last time he was on.
Looking forward to this so i thought i would share.

Grouse Beater

Stuart said: it’s on a par with “Of all the guards in this concentration camp, this guy is the most diligent about beating up the prisoners thoroughly”.

Chuckle. Straight for the jugular!

MAIL HACK: Jugular? I drive a Ford.
MAIL EDITOR: Not Jaguar, you balloon. Neck, neck artery!
HACK: Oh, right boss. So, what next?
EDITOR: Find out if he has ‘friends,’ gay, black, Jewish or all three in one.
HACK: And take them out to lunch, expense tab?
EDITOR: No! Jeez! Get the skinny on his private life.
HACK: But Ed, he doesn’t have one.
EDITOR: Everybody has a social life.
HACK: He sits at computers all day. His life’s all on Wings n’ Twitter.
EDITOR: Okay, so where does he sleep, and who with?
HACK: If nobody are you offering, boss?
EDITOR: Give me strength! Look, find out what he eats.
HACK: He gets a lot of pizzas.
EDITOR: Foreign junk! Now we’re smoking. Print that.
HACK Boss, thousands of his supporters hate us.
EDITOR What? The people have spoken? The bastards!!!



I repeat what I said in the last post, you are the hottest property in Scotland, regarding media and publicity.

Just like the irrelevant Mike Daily, who wants his fifteen minutes of fame when he tried to hook onto Wings with a crap story about “Lists”.

Every media outlet, good or bad, want to be associated with Rev Stu Campbell, in one way or another.

Take it as a compliment and move on, (more publicity for Wings) because what they are trying to do is take your eyes off the big prize of Independence for Scotland.

Robert Peffers


Simple ordinary mother and housewife, The Daily Mail, condemns Cybernats, The Rev Stuart Cambell & Wings Over Scotland commenters as nasty liars.

Big Jock

Yesh Lindshay your plans for world domination are shadly mishtaken.Darling isn’t interesting enough to be bond Baddy. I think Dr Reid could be one though he just looks shifty.Does anyone know what he is actually a doctor of…Spin?


O/T – Here’s a list we can all put our names on..

link to

It’s oor Thistles fundraiser. Kevin is working hard and bringing all these debates to us he needs a wee hand..

David Briggs

“Alfresco Dent says:
21 June, 2014 at 11:06 am
I have never knowingly been organised. By anyone.”

The subliminal effects Wings has on you.

Robert Roddick

Stuart, When I’m looking for truth, you’re my first port of call.



Way off topic, but does anyone have an update on the 10,000 Flags. I ordered a Saltire weeks ago and have not heard a thing since.

The last update was that they would be delivered by the 18th of June.

Has anyone ANY info or contact details of the site that was running it.


Grouse Beater

Caz-m asks: does anyone have an update on the 10,000 Saltire Flags.

They been appropriated to wave a Wimbledon!

Robert Peffers

@Alfresco Dent says: “I have never knowingly been organised. By anyone”.

Me neither. In fact I’ve never even been organized ever, not even by myself.


Hi All,
Like Colin Church, I too read this site on a daily basis but have never posted before. I’d just like to say Rev, you are a legend and I, like many others thank you for your more than sterling efforts in debunking the garbage that appears in the MSM. If they are aiming at you directly it just shows them up for the type of undesirables they are, and that you are not making it easy for them.

Even if I weren’t an independence supporter from the start, your articles and posts, and those of like minded others would have changed my mind long ago. I tell anybody I can about this site and just recently converted a new friend’s view and vote in just five minutes by getting them to look at this site.

I’ve no doubt you will, but please keep up the excellent work.

joe kane

What’s J.K. Rowling’s position on mother’s of disabled children being targeted for serial abuse by the Daily Mail?


The Mail is useful though. It is a bellweather. I use it to get my political bearings and position myself well away from whatever kool-aid it is selling (notice I used the rather hip interwebs expression kool-aid there…I did check on urban dictionary to make sure the usage is right though 😉 )


The whole ‘debate’ has gone flat. There’s very little referendum related stuff on the go in the MSM, especially the BBC News. I wonder what’s going on here. Taken together with Labour Councils banning electoral material from council property maybe they think that if they just keep quiet the whole thing will just not be noticed by the electorate.


Joe Kane

As JKR is close friends with a number of people in the Labour Party I am sure her personal views of the Mail are not dissimilar to ours. This is the paper that did a character assassination on Ed Miliband’s Dad after all. I was shocked when Kezia Dugdale was giving it the wee sad face in the Mail so soon after that event.

Politcians…you can’t live with them and you can’t live with them either.



I was out mowing the grass and it struck me while doing so that all the talk at the moment seems to be about Wings. Darling has disappeared again and so has Sarwar and Lamont.

No doubt Brown will re-launch Untied with Labour again at some point but other than that they seem to be suspiciously quiet.

tommy kane

over on twitter Rev is wondering what is causing the high levels of traffic. Bring on the education of the masses


@caz-m at 12.42 pm says

“Take it as a compliment and move on, (more publicity for Wings) because what they are trying to do is take your eyes off the big prize of Independence for Scotland.”

Excellent Caz. Totally agree with you on this one.


O/T what have YesScotland done to their website. Crap new layout, takes you to Donate first instead of the daily news updates and the news stories haven’t changed for a few days. What are these guys doing with their money ??


AVictor says:

“Hi All,
Like Colin Church, I too read this site on a daily basis but have never posted before.”

Welcome Sir and your first post here.


Stu, keep up the sterling work you carry out for all of us, the mail & other papers must be raging being cuffed day in day out by this site, don’t let them get you down, God Bless you & yours mate.


Your THE hot topic Stu ,

Well done to you and boy do i admire your stamina. Most would have packed in by now. We are really lucky to have you. Your public enemy No 1 now.

“We are all Stuart Campbell”

When the YES vote landslides a new iScotland i hope you can get yourself back home and Start Wings in print. It would be a shame to lose you .

I think in years to come history will remember Stuart Campbell and Wings and the efforts to help Scotland gain independence. Your a hero buddy. A real one.

Brian Doonthetoon

O/T – Thepnr is looking for names from the Dundee & Angus area for the bus through to the Friends of Wings Over Scotland’s 4th get-together, this time in Edinburgh.

You can express an interest in the ‘off-topic’ thread here:-

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

O/T – forgot to give the date!

Friday, 4th July, at The Newsroom.


Top notch Stu.

Disarmed that article expertly.

Anyone coming to read it will feel cheated by the original article.


While we’re waiting for the umpteenth relaunch of the United with Labour B team, and Sarwar and Murphy are on their awayday photo opps, we’re still waiting for the last “big hitter” to come on stage – Baroness Lidl. Why the delay? I’m almost beginning to give up hope.

Adrian B

This is an excellent Podcast from Michael Greenwell

link to

A great deal of sense and opinion that many will be able to identify with.

Mary Bruce

o/t Ltd edition wings badge arrived this morning, thanks Kendomacaroonbar!

I forgot to mention last week; my wings posters and badges arrived addressed to “Wings over Scotland” then my home address, is that me an official wings regional office now?


In the early 1930’s the Mail published a front page headline praising Italian and British Fascism, the title being, “Hurrah for the Blackshirts”. Why the Blackshirts and not the Brownshirts, I don’ t know? Maybe Pre Night of the Long Knives the Nazi’s where far too much to the left for Daily Mail Readers sensitivities? After all their full name was German National SOCIALIST WORKERS Party. Damn Lefties and their non traditional violent thugs. No place in the Burlington Club for them. Not one of them had graduated from Eton you see. So to any Daily Mail readers watching I will bring you up to date on what should be on your beloved rag in 2014. Hurrah for the Union. Hurrah for the Queen. Hurrah for the Tories. Hurrah for fiddling your taxes. Hurrah for letting the poor starve. Hurrah for making the disabled and terminally ill suffer. Hurrah for being money grabbing tight fisted sods who know the price of everything and the value of nothing. Hurrah for the Orange Lodge and their bowler hatted bigots. Mmm let’s see. Anybody know what other kinds of “Hurrah for the….” this Right Wing Rag can spew out between now and the 18th September Folks? Go on, get your thinking caps on and give it a try.



The No camp will try anything to split the Yes campaign. Don’t let them. Don’t fall into their traps and don’t play their games.

As for you, Stu, power to your keyboard. Proud to be on Mr B’s list. I might make a badge. 😀

Rod Robertson

God bless the DMail ,Scotsman etc ,today at the YES Barrhead stall with some of the magnificent WOS materials.
Several people taking Wings leaflets and saying “Oh I have been hearing about them” so the publicity instead of being a smear is a recruiter for WOS god bless the Daily Mail.

Harry McAye

Caz-m, re the 10,000 flags, I tweeted Mark Piggott, the man behind it, and he said he is going to be sending them out this weekend.


@Big Jock 12.48pm

John Reid has a PhD in Economic History. His thesis was on the Atlantic slave trade and the African kingdom of Dahomey.

His motto as an aspiring politician was apparently ” better a broken nose than a bended knee “. Don’t think he’s very good at spin but very good at promoting John Reid.


I never believed myself naïve but during this campaign I have never seen so much naked propaganda from the media. Biased doesn’t even begin to cover it! We used to laugh at USSR televised news and Pravda for its LACK of truth. Look what we have become! I’m amazed we have come so far, and in no small part due to Wings.

Mad Jock McMad

I have a simple theory.

These ‘cybernats r nasty’ articles are more to do with keeping the good folk of England ignorant and ‘het up’ than any sort of attack on the Yes Campaign or its supporters.

When the rUK hits the economic barriers with out the Scottish cash flow the UK Treasury relies on, especially from Scottish exports, they need an ignorant and ‘het up’ rUK readership to buy all the rubbish the rUK Westminster is going to dump on them to cover the mess Better Together has created for them by losing their key scapegoat in any UK fiscal emergency – the ‘Subsidy Sweaty Jock’


Harry McAye
Caz-m, re the 10,000 flags, I tweeted Mark Piggott, the man behind it, and he said he is going to be sending them out this weekend.

Thanks for that Harry.


Grouse Beater

“10,000 flags will be at Wimbledon”.

Very good. lol

Pauline Stewart

Hi Stu,
Do not know whether this is relevant or not but I would just like you to know that, 8 weeks ago I had no idea who you were, until I started volunteering for my local Yes shop in Irvine, Ayrshire.
I have always been pro-indy but didn’t have all the facts (It was never a matter of concern to be honest)as all I wanted was to get rid of the scourge that is Westminster. Anyway, every person that I speak to, whether it be in the shop or out on the street,I always give them your site first, as you tell it how it is and that is what people need. Do they agree? well that is another matter entirely (and very annoying)but it does get the country talking and no one can be silent anymore. So Stu, for that alone, I thank you.

Brian Mchugh

I think everyone can expect the referendum to go quiet during the Commonwealth games… after that, I suspect it will properly take off. Gotta peak just right.

Rosa Alba Macdonald

I have some thoughts.

I am a reader inclined towards Yes and inclined towards Wings, however, I am unsettled by the he-said-she-said to and fro. There is satirical journalism, there is fact finding and there is what lies in danger of degenerating into an end-of-term, unmediated, playground shouting match with each party at a different end of the tarmac.

I appreciate that not to rebut and address inaccuracies and vile condemnations or to take up pens against them, is a rock and a hard place decision.
I think if there is to be rebuttal – or comment at all on individuals’ words and actions – from henceforth it has to be in a clear, concise and accurate and one that does not degerate into personalised name-calling. Finding the mots justes for the satirical may become a finer art yet than it has heretofore been.

I should not be too hard on the Yes Campaign distancing themselves. If the goal is Indpendence, then that is the goal to which end we must make sacrifices; their distancing themselves shows a sound, rational and moderate position of refusing to get drawn into the mud-slinging and mud-raking with which Better Not To have responded to being called to account by Alternate Media (and I concede there has been precious little calling to account by any MSM). Yes are using this furore to legitimize themselves further as the coherent, sane, and approachable option; while there has been precious little overt outing and wide publicisation of the sometimes positively Black-Shirt, or FTPUnionism, and often deranged mutterings of other camps, Better Not, No Thanks have not condemned it.

At the moment Yes has the upperhand, and for some in the electorate that matters. We need to ensure the Alternate Media do what they need to ensure, not just factual accuracy and exposure of lie, but to maintain a supportive position that buoys up the Yes Campaign to which so many are now listening.


@Brian Mchugh – I’m getting a bit worried about the Games, these f*ckers just seem to be building up to a false flag attack, I hope I’m wrong and just being paranoid.

Bob Sinclair


I’d put all my wages on ‘CW Games Terrorist Threat Averted’ type headlines.


@Bob Sinclair – Hope you’re right and it is averted and they can crow about the umbrella of security of the Great British state as much as they like but if there is any blood spilt in Scotland to further these imperialists agenda then I don’t know where that would leave us.

CameronB Brodie

test after a dozen failed posts. Mmmmm.

CameronB Brodie

Draw your own conclusions as apparently my posts are being interfered with in some way. 😉

link to

link to

CameronB Brodie

Grouse Beater said “The comment I most hear from other pro-indi sites is that Wings is ‘too aggressive.’ “

Oneironaut replied “Speaking personally, I see that as its best feature.
It gets out there and says what needs to be said rather than just sidestepping carefully around the issues trying not to step on any toes as others tend to do (not naming any names!)

I’m not much of an aggressive person myself (quite the opposite in fact), but this site is good for encouragement 🙂

I think this site provides us with a unique platform from which we can support Yes. I’ve also heard it said that ‘with great power comes great responsibility’. Or perhaps I’m just making things up. 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Hi, good post and welcome aboard (posting). 😉

R whittington
Please explain Sensible Soccer. 🙂


Does anyone have experience of the MSM in other EU countries like Germany and France for example?

Are they as undemocratic and dishonest as ours are?

Do they have public TV stations which are the propaganda arm of the establishment as UKIP TV is over here?

Perhaps there might be a EU body which Stuart could complain to about the smears in The Scotsman and The Daily Mail.

Paula Rose

CameronB dear – I have enough problems with silly footie, I doubt there’s a sensible version, unless it all goes pear-shaped.

Bob Sinclair

False flag No. 1?

Man tries to grab Commonwealth baton link to


Re worries about a false flag: I can understand the worry but I don’t see it myself. What? Some imaginary bogeyman from Iran/Irag/Afghanistan, etc. is going to attack a country that is in the middle of trying to get away from the rule of a government that has been attacking their country?! They’re more likely to give us a hug than attack us. Or even sillier, a “Scottish nationalist” is going to do anything that would cause harm to their own people and country?! Bwahahahaha! Who in their right mind would believe that? It would be unbelievably stupid of them; it makes no sense and would be laughable in its obviousness.

Plus it would only serve to bring Scots together to show some civic pride and remind us that the reason we were being attacked in the first place was because of the illegal wars that Westminster has forced us into (I’m discounting the very idea of a Scottish nationalist attack as that’s just too ridiculous an idea to even take seriously). Both the obviousness of the convenience of it all and the reminder of the UK’s criminal warmongering would outweigh any thoughts of “Thank God we’re in the UK and someone was taking a cigarette break! Otherwise, we just wouldn’t have been able to protect ourselves!).

I’m not saying it’s not something they would think of doing (I’m sure it’s crossed their minds) but let’s face it, Scots (and the rest of the world) would smell a huge, stinking rat and that would scupper any chance they had of getting a no vote or of getting international support. Even the Westminster’s spooks aren’t that stupid.

I reckon they’ll continue trying to demonise Yes’ers and Scotland’s democratically elected representatives or act as agent provocateurs/trolls trying to get a rise on sites like this one, which is bad enough. They’re also relying on the power of the media to brainwash and manipulate the people of Scotland. I’m sure all of that will get even worse before the referendum but a false flag would just be counterproductive for them.

Paula Rose

Is a false flag one with a lot of yell ow?

CameronB Brodie

I can’t remember which German tabloid, but they apparently re-wrote WWII on their front page, recently. Russia had become the aggressor. There used to be tough laws to prevent this sort of thing in Germany. Has the North American Man/Boy Love Association not shown us how adult we need to be when dealing with freedom of expression?

link to

Sorry Paula, but you’re lost too me if you can’t follow a match, high hells or no. 😉

Paula Rose

CameronB doll – I try and follow things but this footsie is very complicated, I didn’t realise how much fruit was involved, never mind xx.


LOL eh Rev, Freedom of speech its a great thing when you can get it, but its a shame when were arent all on the same wave length. I see Mr Silly was on about MI5 agents being involved in the referendum LOL of course they are Jim you know them personally thats how you know their here. Now Jims big idea is to build 160,000 houses for all the people on council waiting lists? Mmm lets think about this with a little common sence, i live in the South Side of Glasgow. i went a walk today for about an hour and i would say about 5% of houses flats were to let or for sale. If silly Jim gets his way 160,000 houses will be pushed into a market where their is no need for them and that drives everybodys house price down not just private landlords where most of these 160,000 families or singles live. It would amaze me if polititions actually wanted to shrink the Goverment and start giving PEOPLE their RIGHTS back but no were the milk cow. 🙂

CameronB Brodie

I’m not suggesting that I think a false flag attack is likely, but it wouldn’t have to happen on Scottish soil. Plenty of patriotism can be drummed up through an atrocity elsewhere.

It only took an unsubstantiated threat that we were just 45 minutes from biological attack, to drag us into a war of aggression and a post-modern crime against humanity. The ‘terrorists’ didn’t even need to attack, HMG just said there was a threat and the MSM sold it as fact. Proactive defense or criminal looting? News or terrorist propaganda?

Have a lot of high-tech weapons not just fallen in to some very wrong hands? Loose cannons you could say.

I agree we’ll need to keep the shield wall strong. 🙂

Dal Riata

In today’s print edition of the Daily Mail we find something similar to the smear-attack on Rev Stu, WOS and others, but without actually naming names, more a general cybernat smear.

“By Emma Cowing

JK abuse may be the final chapter

The appalling abuse aimed at JK Rowling following her £1million donation to the Better Together campaign to keep Scotland in the UK could just be the turning point of this independence campaign.
Certainly a YouGov poll this week seemed to think so, revealing that an astonishing 12% of undecideds would now be voting ‘No’ after seeing the outrageous slurs – made predominantly on Twitter – to which the author has been subjected.
While those within the Holyrood referendum bubble tend to think that Twitter is the centre of the known universe, it is worth remembering that there are only 75,000 Twitter users in Scotland.
For most of the population, the socialist media is a bamboozling annoyance filled with cat pictures and smug politicians.
The revelation, then, that it can be used to level some of the abuse imaginable at one of the world’s favourite authors because she chooses to donate to a political campaign and voice an opinion over the break-up of Britain has been greeted with utter horror by many right-thinking Scots.
If there is something positive to be taken from the situation, it is that the rock has been well and truly lifted on the vile creatures who think it is OK to tweet a woman to tell her she is a ‘b****‘, a ‘w****‘ and a ‘("Tractor" - Ed)’ because of her political opinion.
Their exposure has – thankfully – only benefited the Better Together cause.”

So there you have it, more innuendos, smears, misinformation, lies and outright bias from the Daily Mail – the anal orifice of Better Together defecating on the people of Scotland on a daily basis.



Sure, you’re right there. That was sort of my point; we all learned from that experience. I think a lot of people are now very dubious about any claims of “terrorism” or terrorist attacks now, purely because we’ve been burned by that one before, where they would have unquestioningly believed it before. I think most people would see through any attempts at those sort of tactics now; they’ve fooled us with that before and have been caught out.

Also, thanks to the internet (and I’m more concerned about attempts to police the internet because of this) there are huge numbers of people who sift through evidence and quickly debunk things that would have been taken as gospel years ago. Wings is one of them. So it’s harder for any government to get away with a false flag. Just my opinion, but I can’t see it – it’s too obvious even for them.


Dal Riata,

I’d take anything about that YouGov poll with a shovel of salt. I did it and there were questions about J K Rowling and also whether we’d support the England team. It was obvious that they were trying to get answers that would show some “anti-Englishness” among Yes’ers. I wrote to them complaining that the questions were obviously geared towards showing Scots up as either racists or bullies.

I also wouldn’t worry about the percentages there; let’s face it, loads of people would answer “No, I wouldn’t vote Yes” if they were asked about people bullying someone for supporting a different view. I did ask them where the question on the abuse of the Weirs was but no reply!


I stopped reading the Daily Mail rag a long time ago.


Long time lurker, first time poster:

They bloody well should be afraid. I was a soft no at first, didn’t really want to break up the country but being genuinely left wing, I’d completely lost faith in politics. I didn’t know much about the SNP to be honest, hadn’t seen much about them in the papers and only really knew they were pro-independence, nationalists.

Boy did this website open my eyes.

About a year later, obviously now completely pro-yes, even dropped a bit into the fundraiser here. I now pretty much no longer believe a single thing any politician says unless I know about the person, not the party, thats been a big change for me. And I have even less trust, if that’s possible, in the honesty of all mainsteam media, and just about to cancel the old TV licence too. I can genuinely say wings was the catalyst for all of this, maybe I would have come across national collective, or something else would have opened my eyes. But once I started to actually pay attention to politics because of the indyref, and this website – there’s no going back for me now 🙂

If other people who come across this website take something similar away, even if like me you don’t make any noise about it – the old gaurd are in BIG trouble

Les Wilson

A long time since I posted this, late on a Saturday night seems appropriate for those who have not seen it before, prepare for a lump in the throat.

link to


@Helen – You are so welcome here, actually welling up as you are the type of person who is going to carry the day and bring our government and country home..thankyou..


Hi Helen and welcome to you and all newcomers to WOS. Do you know there is a WOS night out in Edinburgh on Fri 4th July in Edinburgh? You and friends are very welcome to come along. 🙂

Les Wilson

Welcome Helen,your arrival will be good for all of us.
We are a pretty good crowd all in, enjoy and spread the word.


Helen – should have said the WOS night is in The Newsroom, basement, Leith Street, Edinburgh.


Hi Helen, … “but being genuinely left wing, I’d completely lost faith in politics. I didn’t know much about the SNP to be honest, hadn’t seen much about them in the papers and only really knew they were pro-independence, nationalists.”
Chimes with my own experience and pretty much all that you said following this.

This is why I know we will win, because it is an authentic grassroots movement. The possibility of a genuine change of course is at hand.

I want to live in a world that reflects the deeper truth that we are all equal to one another. I relish the opportunity that this plebiscite has offered in shinning a light on this corrupt and outdated politcal system; whose guardians have for too long forgotten that they are the servants and not the masters of the house. It’s not radical or idealistic to suggest that we can redefine, reform and reimagine our relationship to our governance.

This is the real opportunity that awaits us if we take heart and trust one another, and know that we the people are sovereign.


CameronB Brodie,

“I can’t remember which German tabloid, but they apparently re-wrote WWII on their front page, recently. Russia had become the aggressor.”

I guess tabloids would be similar but do they have the equivalents of The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, The Scotsman?

And above all, does any country in the EU have the equivalent of UKIP TV?


Keep up the great work Stu. They’re worried and we’re behind you. Onwards and upwards, almost there.

CameronB Brodie

Popular discontent grows with German media lies in Ukraine crisis

An unprecedented wave of anti-Russian propaganda has dominated the German media in the wake of the US- and German-backed coup in Kiev. Leading publications such as Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, but also so-called “alternative” media outlets such as the taz (which has close links to the Greens) are loudly demanding military action against Russia, outdoing one another with menacing attacks on Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom they describe as a new Hitler and aggressor.

link to

The Extreme Right in Ukraine

3. Impact of Right-Wing Extremism on Politics
Mridula Ghosh
Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Most of the above has impacted on internal politics and the quality of democracy in Ukraine and has also damaged its external image. Internally, Svoboda’s policies have reinforced the lack of trust in the authorities to the extent that people at large feel “disenfranchised” and “disempowered”. In the words of Mykola Riabchuk: “We live in a country in which no one believes that the mass media simply report the news, that customs takes care of smugglers, or that law-enforcement agencies protect citizens rather than themselves and their real masters. This gross mistrust has resulted in a crisis of values and a »democracy without democracy”……

The intellectual response to challenges from the extreme right involving controversies not addressed for decades has included public discourse by Prof. Evhen Gritsak, Miroslav Marynovych, Taras Vozniak and many others in West Ukraine, as well as several intellectuals in Kyiv, on issues of national identity and social dialogue. Special
mention should be made here of an International Conference hosted by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the East European Development Institute.

On the political front, building a unified left front against right-wing extremists has proved difficult. In post-totalitarian Ukraine, left-wing extremism is naturally weak and there is as yet no proper centre-left, social democratic or socialist alternative. Anti-fascist youth organisations have not yet mobilised politically to address the issue.

link to

CameronB Brodie

Thought I’s caught all the bugs. Rats. 😉

CameronB Brodie

I meant to say, I would check the article re. the German press, if interested of course. I had a look at a few of their other pieces and I wouldn’t say they were agenda free. At least you have some names now. 🙂


More people in Scotland should read the daily
Mail. Then ask them selfs are these your values. Is this how you see Scotland becoming. If the answer is no the make sure that you and yours put their X in the yes box. If you are voting no then I hope you will be happy with what’s in front if you. I certainly won’t be.


Heil Daily Mail readers. A fading breed. Hypocrites, Lording it over others. Waste of paper.


YES Scotland publish accounts. Anyone can see what they are doing with our/their monies. The SNP Scottish Gov publish accounts anyone can see what they are doing with our/their monies. Official Scottish Gov website search GERS p 30-36.

For Westminster fiddled accounts there is a need for FOI requests, to see the waste of Public monies. Often denied.


@ Rock

Sorry, only saw your comment this morning – was out yesterday. Here’s something to start with.

Germany’s media landscape is on the whole neutral but also representative of the different political and social … in Germany itself.


“Der Spiegel”, link to (the English version for you) is the top magazine here along with “Stern” link to Neutral and quite willing to put the boot in whether left or right – have uncovered many scandals in business and politics.

“Bild” newspaper – mix of Daily Mail/Record type of thing.
“Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” – The Times
“Die Welt” – Telegraph
“Die Zeit” – Guardian
“Handelsblatt” – Financial Times

Plus a large amount of regional/nationwide/second row newspapers of various hues.

TV channels

ARD – oldest, solid and staid, neutral. Bit like the Beeb but much, much better and neutral with the presentation of the news (not making things up).
ZDF – similar to the ARD but a lot more modern in the style and presentation of programmes and news.
RTL – very ITV like.
RTL 2 – Sat 1 – Vox – Pro Sieben + a host of other channels all similar to RTL.

Andy smith

Led wilson @ 11:17pm
Thanks for that les,hadn’t seen that before, the sound of the pipes never fails to tug the auld heart strings.
And the look on that woman’s face near the end said it all.

Dan Watt

lolol at them singling out Melissa Murray of all people. The poor lass hasn’t said a single bad word about anyone on twitter and I have been following her for ages.


CameronB Brodie & Midgehunter,

“ARD – oldest, solid and staid, neutral. Bit like the Beeb but much, much better and neutral with the presentation of the news (not making things up).”

Thank you for the detailed information.

Interesting to know that the German equivalent of UKIP TV is neutral and doesn’t make things up.

The anti-Russian warmongering is a step in the wrong direction. I hope it doesn’t continue.

Overall, it seems that the German MSM is much more neutral than ours.

Adam Zapel

I love how the No side know the UK media are taking them for mugs but they still go along with it anyway. Chuckles all round…

Kelz Fyfe

The no stall in Perth last Friday (September 12th funnily enough) had a sign saying that ‘the authors of The Wee Blue Book’ also claims that ” Know what else? 9/11 was brilliant. I watched it all on TV and I laughed the whole time.”
(I know, I know, nothing is surprising from them anymore)
I didnt know whether to laugh with a touch of hysteria or bang my head softly on the wall

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    • Martin on The End Of The Reich: “Anyone think an FOI into how much the Scottish government have spent on DEI (Diversity, equity and inclusion) in the…Feb 11, 01:47
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Mia cannot be corrupted by bullshit – You require imaginary friends to wallow in your sorrow. #weaklingFeb 11, 01:37
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “BRICS News @BRICSinfo: “U***inian President Zelensky says U***ine only received around $75 billion of the $177 billion in aid sent…Feb 11, 01:15
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Publius @OcrazioCornPop: “Massive corruption with over $100 Billion “missing” in the U***ine money laundering operation.”: Reuters (2024): Pentagon finds…Feb 11, 01:07
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Ashley @MAGASailor: “Can we investigate @SpeakerPelosi for insider trading?”: New York Post (2025): Nancy Pelosi’s husband made $38M worth…Feb 11, 01:00
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “TruthX @trump4547USA: “How about Epstein, Mr Schumer”: Washington Times (2019): Jeffrey Epstein donations favored Chuck Schumer, Chris Dodd, other…Feb 11, 00:48
    • Mark Beggan on The End Of The Reich: “She got away with it because some of the Scottish electorate refused to see what was in front of their…Feb 11, 00:42
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “Vic DeGrammont @votedegrammont: “I’d like to report Maxine Waters for inciting violence against political opposition.”: Video: CNN (2018): Maxine…Feb 11, 00:38
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “You cry for help, but scorn and reject fu**ing everything. With an attitude like that, you’re finished… #RepentFeb 11, 00:21
    • Geri on The End Of The Reich: “The WHO removed TRA as a mental illness & it snowballed from there into every country. Into every parliament despite…Feb 11, 00:13
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “The Despondent (10/02/25): @PeteWishart has blocked you: Don’t expect ‘change’ from Labour’s immigration bill: “Scotland has a demography and population…Feb 10, 23:56
    • Geri on The End Of The Reich: ““Dr Upton replied: “The term biologically female or biologically male is completely nebulous. It has no defined or agreed meaning…Feb 10, 23:49
    • Young Lochinvar on The End Of The Reich: “Proctologist by any chance?Feb 10, 23:36
    • Geri on The End Of The Reich: “Imagine being the tit that held numerous mandates for indy, the hopes of an entire nation craving change picking little…Feb 10, 23:23
    • Young Lochinvar on The End Of The Reich: “Well said Geri.Feb 10, 23:19
    • gregor on The End Of The Reich: “re. “I have not gathered enough evidence to reach a conclusion yet, so I will keep observing” Indy starship Mia…Feb 10, 23:14
  • A tall tale

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