The missing questions
A number of papers today report a manufactured furore concerning some comments we made on Twitter a couple of days ago about Tory MSP Alex Johnstone while watching Scotland Tonight. The Herald, astonishingly, makes it the second-lead story on its website, with political editor Magnus Gardham gleefully seizing the opportunity to stick the boot in after being the subject of much criticism on this site.
The Times also has a large piece about the tweet and it gets a quarter page in the Daily Mail, while the Scotsman’s coverage is more muted – which is perhaps out of embarrassment at coming on the same day the paper had to grudgingly publish a belated correction and “apology” for two grotesque and utterly false smears about us last week. Even Holyrood Magazine gets in on the act, as does the Courier.
That’s all fine and good. Getting monstered by Unionist newspapers isn’t exactly a new experience for us, after all. But there’s something odd about all of the stories.
And that’s the fact that we weren’t contacted by any of them for a quote. In this kind of situation, and especially when making a big deal of the incident, any competent journalist will always ask the “offender” for a quote, in the hope that they’ll either apologise or say something offensive again, either of which makes for a better story.
(Or that they’ll decline, enabling the paper to say that “X refused to comment”, which makes the perpetrator look shifty, whereas not apparently even attempting to get the other side of the story makes the newspaper seem unprofessional and biased.)
But none of them did, and readers might be wondering why. The answer can be found in the reply the one paper that DID ask for a comment on the issue yesterday – Aberdeen’s Press & Journal – got when it emailed yesterday asking if I regretted the comments and wanted to say sorry.
“No, I don’t. We’ve never been abusive to an individual on Wings Over Scotland in two-and-a-half years of the site’s existence, but we made an exception for Alex Johnstone because of his despicable attacks on a couple of ordinary, decent Scots who’ve done untold amounts of good for worthy causes and have never sought the public eye.
When he retracts and apologises for the disgusting comments he made about Chris and Colin Weir I’ll withdraw my view that he’s scum.”
Did you spot it, folks? We weren’t asked for a response because if we had been, the media would have been obliged to report it, and in doing so to draw people’s attention to the reason that we describe Alex Johnstone, alone among MSPs, in the way we do.
It would have had to remind readers of the fact that Mr Johnstone attacked ordinary, decent members of the public in a far worse manner than Campbell Gunn did last week, for which Gunn was pilloried by the press in blanket print, TV and radio coverage for days on end while Johnstone got off scot-free for his attacks.
Today’s furore is in every paper on the basis of a single quite rude tweet from our Twitter account, which has under 14,000 followers and is known for being much more knockabout and likely to be sprinkled with occasional swearies than the site itself. It was only retweeted 15 times and nobody paid much attention to it except, ironically, a couple of Labour politicians bleating that we were being beastly to a Tory.
Yet we called Johnstone FAR worse (“arsehole”, “sewer-dwelling vermin”, “disgusting, arrogant, patronising, condescending piece of toilet-scraping” and “repellent sack of filth in a suit” ) over a month ago, far more prominently, in an article that was read over 50,000 times, and there wasn’t a dicky-bird in the press about it.
(We were asked about it at the time by Scotland Tonight in an interview recorded for TV. We explained the reason. That interview was never broadcast either.)
Why? Because if the media had reported that they’d have also had to cover the reason we said it, whereas with the tweet they could separate the two and pretend it was unprovoked. And sure enough, the P&J – the only paper we gave a quote to, in which we mentioned the Weirs – is one of the few that DOESN’T cover the story today.
Journalists getting their own back on us for spending much of the last two and a half years exposing their misdeeds is all well and dandy. We dish it out and we can take it, and on this occasion (unlike the lies printed in several articles in the Scotsman in the last week) we at least did actually say the thing we’re accused of saying.
But the telling, and far more important, aspect is that in having a go at us, Scotland’s media is still careful to distort the independence debate by amplifying rudeness from the Yes side while completely whitewashing much worse abuse from the No side. Readers can, as ever, draw their own conclusions from the evidence.
i thought johnstone was scum before the weir comments, a gluttonous greedy pig of a man. i think your comments are pretty bang on.
The Better Together mob are now in full rage mode now. Debate is no longer part of the rules. They don’t want it! They just want it silenced. That is the new rule of the game we are about to have. For in silence, Better Together will happily debate …as long as no one is talking, therefore no one is listening, and therefore people are not being influenced towards Yes.
Cancelling my Herald online membership today
Rev …having problems posting. You got server probs?
The Spin from the Herald is the claim that the Yes campaign is distancing itself from this site. I take every article from the Herald within a spectrum of a pinch of salt to all out disbelief. Perhaps you can clarify this?
Gardham has form when it comes to publishing No campaign propaganda as news.
Sensible Soccer?
They don’t want to debate now. It’s silence that they want.
Rev …seems I can only post one line answers. Very odd.
Despite the fact that he has acted like scum, the insult was always bound to result in this. After all your encouragements to be alert, I’m sad to say I think you dropped the ball on this one. If you were hoping for a chance to explain the comment with a view to reigniting the Weir’s plight, you probably should have seen this coming. The MSM were never going to ask you for a comment, it doesn’t suit their agenda. The original tweet was the place to mention his shameful crime. Calling him a liar and renowned troll may have been ok. Fat troughing scum? That’s just playing into their hands.
Perhaps a comparison of the readership of these scurrilous rags with the growing readership of this site and others explains their panic attack.
There are actually relatively very few MPs and MSPs I would classify as not being troughing scum.
I see Alex Johnston as just another typical example of the type of worthless self serving individual encouraged and drawn into the halls of power and so called public service.
There appears to be no standards of quality to the type of people who do end up in public service.
No ethical requirements no filtering of moral standards.
Its a system of patronage and privledged invitation of membership.
Its no wonder there are no real standards.
Excellent article Rev. High quality rejoinder with superb balance and tone.
Excellent piece Rev. Thank you.
There is one rule for No and another for Yes in the Labour establishment media in Scotland and the rightwing UK media. Better Together.
O/T According to the UK’s Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), the RuK’s national debt is £4.8 trillion once state and public sector pension liabilities are included, or £78,000 for every person in the UK. This number translates to about 330% of UK’s GDP
There is no hope any of these will ever be paid down. And with government spending soon to focus ever more on such things as paying down interest, instead of investing in what could truly push the economy to a new level such as R&D spending.
link to
New EU accountancy rules means that UK government will have declare the full extent of its liabilities for off balance sheet items such as PFI etc
I no longer consider them journalists.
They are “political officers” little better than those attached to every part of the machine during Stalins rule.
The decline in newspaper readership is only party due to developments in technology. A great deal of the decline has been due to the discovery that they are manipulating the news not reporting it.
Does anyone care what a newspaper reports in Scotland? I never buy a newspaper now.
One thing it does highlight is the quality of the members of the Scottish Government – can you imagine how much digging these unionist scoundrels have undertaken to find some material that they can spin. I’m afraid you are part of that target group now Stu so look out for yourself ( always assume a mike is on!)
Better Together are now in full on rage mode. They don’t want to debate. They would prefer it if we just all remained silent. The questions we pose, are far too difficult to answer. The gap in voting intentions is closing, and because of that, they are panicking. Now, it’s just an all out shriek against anything to do with ‘Yes’.
Just one thing, Rev. I would lighten up on the name calling. I think that may not have helped.
As a long time reader/supporter of this site , and in the context of how short a time there is to the vote, my view is that we need to rise above and move on from all this “cybernat” furore. Now is not the time to be referring to anyone as scum. It just plays into the MSM agenda and offends a lot of potential Yes voters out there – you may not agree. But for those of us out there on the doorsteps then the constant MSM coverage of this does not help. Even worse when YesScotland asks for removal of leaflets as it looks like there is some sort of split in the camp. By all means continue to expose the hypocrisy of the No Camp MP’s but there’s a way and a means of doing this that is helpful, not unhelpful.
This site was due for condemnation no matter what it did or didnt do. The No campaign doesnt require a justified complaint in order to manufacture and present a complaint via a compliant and fully representative media to their cause.
It is irrelevant whether the complaint is real or not as the compaint will be presented in exactly the same manner.
Theyve already cried Wolf so many times a real complaint wont register with a tired and fed up with it all electorate anymore.
Did Susan Dalgety not tell you how the Scottish Media works?
Well said. The ‘YES campaign’ distancing itself… what ‘YES campaign’? It is only in existence because all those on the ground knocking doors, posting leaflets and holding community meetings – these people are congratulating your website.
Love Blair Jenkins because he brings freshness and clear ideas communication to the campaign but the rest is non-existent.
Success always brings jealousy
Wings more successful than the whole biased Unionist ‘Press’. Like most bullies they can give it out, but don’t like it back.
More power to your elbow, more ink in your pen. YES
YES campaign will have be mis quoted, as usual.
There is no avoiding the smearing no matter how much you try to.
You dont have to give the No campaign any jusfitication in order for them to present a complaint. If they cant find one they will simply manufacture one from nothing.
The No camp have made so many false claims of abuse that they can no longer point the finger at genuine claims of abuse with any hope of effect.
The electorates capacity for bullshit is over subscribed.
There is no room for anymore.
Well he is fat and scum floats to the top (he’s the Tory whip,or was) so what’s the problem?
Rev…do you have links where AJ terms them fools, morons and liars?
It appalls unionist journalists and politicians that WOS and other sites are beyond their control, reaching a large audience, and circulating news and criticism which, in their view, should not be known or expressed. If people know what they should not, where will it all end?
The description of Alex Johnstone was a bit rude, and it’s better not to give them ammunition. But what you’ve done in exposing the falsehoods, ommissions, double standards and dishonesty of the MSM which purports to serve Scotland has been magnificent.
Ah Gardham wrote it. ‘Nuff said.
And presumably the paper that was once a fine read is sticking with the line that Woking’s more a base for proud scottery than Bath.
Did said Herald ever investigate Johnstone’s comments on the Weirs? Thought not.
Stick with it Stu, or you’ll get a doin’.
WHO exactly did Campbell Gunn ATTACK, and how.? I ask, since he never made any accusations about behaviour per se, and only tweeted a couple of things, one of which was perfectly true, exposing a falshood, and the other which was false, due to not checking up properly.
Martin – I don’t think Rev ‘dropped the ball’ on this one. Experience shows that the media and politicos will gang up on someone by either publishing lies and smears often made up. Stu knows this and knew his tweet would incur this type of response. They can’t get him on the facts he publishes but for once they can smear him on what he actually said. But people aren’t that stupid. In these cases they’ll pick up the ‘offender’ hasn’t been asked for their response as is normal. Stu ,again, highlights the scottish MSM/Holyrood bubble in action. File this story under ‘unsubstantiated rubbish’ People who come to this sight (thanks to all the free publicity from MSM) will find out why Johnstone was slagged off. Isn’t strange the MSM haven’t published anyone else having a go at Johnstone for his attacks on the Weirs for the reasons stated in the story by Stu. Stu has the measure of what the MSM is like and true to form they are so predictable.
seems they are trying to find a new way of getting mileage out of an old canard. Its an extraordinary display of swivel eyed dishonesty that leaves you breathless.
But its the belief that they can walk away from all this, without nothing being said yes or no, that boggles the mind.
Spot the (deliberate?) mistake on BBC Democracy page
Independence, Ms Sturgeon said, was key to securing the future of public services.
She said: “The simple fact of the matter is that this is a choice between two futures – between hope, ambition and optimism on the one-hand and dreary, dismal depressing outlook on the other.”
(Mistake coming up) “Scotland’s public services face two futures in 2014. The future after a Yes vote where all the experts agree we will face renewed austerity over and above what we already face, and cuts to schools and hospitals as a consequence. Or we could face a different future if Scotland votes No.”
Ms Sturgeon said Ms Lamont was “out of touch” with her own supporters, displaying a “depressing, dismal lack of ambition”.
link to
A net gain from all this from Wings. Even more readers who will be impressed by the quality of the articles.
“Wings”, like Salmond himself, is a very effective campaigner for Yes, hence the demonising of both by the unionists.
There is negligible honesty in unionism-the BIG LIE is their stock in trade.
By, in effect, supporting the poisonous comments of Alex Johnstone against the Weirs, the unionist press again reveal that there are no depths to which they will not plummet in support of their unionist masters.
Maybe a wee factual reminder of what this guy said about the Weirs is in order, that we can share.
Will the state broadcaster pick this up, and if so, will they give a right of reply?
I don’t disagree and like Iain I agree its fantastic that the double standards and dishonesty are being exposed. All I’m saying is that we shouldn’t add to the slagging – its what the press need to drag this on and on. Exposing AJ’s comments about the Weir’s will help get the odd Yes vote, so let’s reply with that. Calling him names won’t get a Yes vote. The only thing that matters here is converting undecided and No voters.
Hopefully a Yes representative will be on the telly to put your point across about the abuse he gave the Weirs.
You could always tweet evidence to the papers.
But why the feck did you have to use that word and give the media another Nat-bashing story? I recently pointed my YES voting sister-in-law at Wings, and yesterday she said to me “I see that Wings over Scotland site has been getting into trouble”.
why use the word fat,and scum?
2-0 to Alex Johnstone
Oh and I wonder if this is another deflection after yesterdays debunking of the UK propaganda about to drop thru our letterboxes.
That’s the stuff they are scared of, so lets keep sharing that.
With the World Cup playing out in the background of the campaign, a football comparison to what is happening at the moment seems appropriate. I am a Liverpool fan and I have had a season ticket at Anfield for just over 40 years. Last season we nearly defied all sensible odds to take the title by playing the kind fearless football that isn’t supposed to win titles. It was so near but in the end so far. So what happened? Chelsea happened. Jose Mourinho happened. He twigged onto the fact that if he sent his multi-million pound team out onto the Anfield pitch to take us on in an open football match he would have got hammered. So he chose not to play ball. Instead he drilled his troops to cheat, dive, niggle, waste time and generally represent complete anti-football. Our young team failed to rise above it. We got bogged down in their unrelenting nastiness. We lost our rhythm and confidence and in the end our captain made a mistake that cost us the title. More and more Better Together seem to be following the Mourinho playbook. They obviously know only too well that if they to take on ‘Yes’ in a clean, square go fight on the real issues there will only be one winner. That is why they are so unwilling to field debate candidates. Their only hope of slowing down the growing momentum of the ‘Yes’ campaign is to drag it down into unedifying squabbling. Elected politicians are of course masters of this. And these are the nasty little games that the British Establishment has mastered over many hundreds of years. Somehow we all need to find the collective discipline to stay above their unrelenting back biting and nastiness. Where should we look for inspiration? That is the easy part. We need to focus on the likes of Mandela and Martin Luther King and Ghandi. No matter how much their enemies tried to tempt them into petty squabbling they managed to retain their class and dignity. The more they stayed above the nastiness, the more pathetic and tawdry they made their opponents look. We hold all the cards here and the voters are waking up to it. All we need to do is avoid being sucked into Better Together’s tawdry little games and thing will be in the bag. The higher ground is all ours – all we need to do is keep hold of it. Oh, and avoid doing a Stevie Gerrard and slipping on the bloody halfway line!
“Sensible Soccer?”
What about it?
The only effect of a mainstream media attack is to amplify the influence of Wings.
Most of the electorate is not at all thin skinned and all this does is to reinforce opposition in those already opposed.
The increasing attacks on Wings is testament to its effectiveness.
All Better Together is trying to do with the the ready assistance of the media is to shore up its existing support not increase it.
It does not have a natural majority and the key is a huge turnout on referendum day
“The Spin from the Herald is the claim that the Yes campaign is distancing itself from this site. I take every article from the Herald within a spectrum of a pinch of salt to all out disbelief. Perhaps you can clarify this?”
If you look closely, all Yes Scotland actually says is that the leaflet has been discontinued, which as far as I know is something that happened ages ago and not as a result of this story. It’s a pretty old leaflet.
My posts are disappearing. Help
Fair play getting your site more publicity (free). I don’t usually bother reading the herald articles, just the comments, and noticed a fair few people trying to boost their own flagging confidence in a No vote by labelling readers here as brainwashed.
Was talking to some ukrainians about their situation here in Ukraine and when they asked about our referendum, they were amazed/nae SHOCKED when I explained that we had almost no newspapers owned in Scotland, no TV channels. Funnily enough, they thought there was a strong risk we’d be brainwashed by the media in such a climate, much as many Russians and pro Russians were being brainwashed by the Russian owned media.
Join the club! –
Gardham did the dirty on me (wearing another hat) on the front page of the Herald last year. Made no attempt to contact me whatsoever. Made worse by the fact that the Herald refuses to take any of my comments on their articles, no matter how innocuous they may be, and despite me having a perfect record elsewhere on the Disqus forum that they use for readers comments.
At least you have a loud voice to put your own position in context.
I urge everyone to make this page as widely available as possible on all forums where they have access. I certainly have.
Surprised when seeing the one(s) calling Alex Salmond ‘a fat arse’. They should look in the mirror. Kettle black.
Give them it back, they start greeting. Boo Hoo. Boo Hoo.
“Despite the fact that he has acted like scum, the insult was always bound to result in this. After all your encouragements to be alert, I’m sad to say I think you dropped the ball on this one.”
On the contrary. Either the press asks for a quote and we get to make the point, or they don’t and we get to make the point in an article like this, once again exposing how they operate. It’s win-win.
If you accept that one of this site’s primary purposes is to teach readers to distrust the press by showing how they distort the truth, the second option is better for us. If we get quoted somewhere down the bottom of the piece, we already know that lots of people won’t read that far. If they make a crude and transparent smear out of it, we have an excuse to highlight that.
“My posts are disappearing. Help”
“Rev …seems I can only post one line answers. Very odd.”
Readers! I’ve said many times that I just don’t have time these days to read every single comment. If you’re having a problem with posting, EMAIL ME THROUGH THE CONTACT PAGE where you have a far better chance of me seeing it. I’ve spotted these ones but often I won’t.
Johnstone/Gardham own goal
It blows my mind (I really must stop using that phrase) that Labour politicians, journalists and the like are leaping to the defense of Alex Johnstone over Stu. Have they no sense of self-awareness?
The Holyrood Magazine one is particularly reprehensible:
And calling SNP supporters “blood and soil nationalists,” a “virus which has done so much harm,” “fascists” and everything under the sun isn’t “abusive, rude and frankly unimaginative”?!?
No, Liam, it really doesn’t. Can you point to anything said by the FM, Sturgeon, Jenkins, Harvie, etc that is remotely as offensive as some of the things said by Darling, MacDougall, Lamont, Davidson, Sarwar, et al? Because I think politicians, journalists and campaigners are a bit more influential than some unknown twitterers.
As Stu rightly pointed out on STV, the tone is set by the campaigners. Yes have been exemplary in their conduct; No have been deplorable. It is offensive to the very concept of impartiality and truth to claim that a few anonymous trolls on the ‘Net and a few salty journalists is remotely comparable to the leaders of campaigns calling ordinary people “blood and soil nationalists,” “fascists,” “Nazis,” a “dictatorship” and God knows what else?
I cannot be bothered being polite about this, because to even entertain the thought that there’s any sort of balance between the abuse on the sides of Yes and No is tantamount to climate change denial: how can you respect such flagrant disregard for proportion and fact?
To my knowledge, Rev Stu has NEVER claimed to be part of the formal YES campaign, so why the papers are saying the YES campaign is distancing him, is beyond me.
It is of course interesting, that as the referendum draws nearer, the biased media are trying to merely smear anybody and everybody who supports independence. Day after day, we have the media attacking YES campaigners.
I find it very sad, that the entire media are now indulging in what is quite blatant and brazen lying and spin on a daily basis now. They clearly think that since all other attempts to defeat Scottish democratic independence (‘better togehter’, vote no borders’ and so on) have failed, they might as well just tell lies and run silly smear stories.
So, let’s get out there with OUR positive message for the restoration of Scottish independence, and an end to London rule. We will NEVER have the media on our side, so we must do it ourselves, one by one, person by person.
It was a GREAT game. Second only to Monkey Island. Didn’t you have a hand in designing it?
Just a thought, . . .
How many people do you reach a day?
How many people do each of these newspapers reach a day.
Your site is up and available 24/7 – a Newspaper is tomorrows budgie hoose liner . . .
We are about to win and they know it.
When this personal vilification sledge doesn’t wort, and it will rise to a crescendo of bile and vituperation, they ahve only two tricks left in the bag; Devo SFA and a big black op.
Nobody must goose one of the Libbet’s corgis!
(Also, if you’re having trouble with a post, maybe don’t post a near-identical version TWENTY MORE TIMES, because all that’ll do is make Akismet even more certain that you’re a spambot…)
Just as I went to bed last night I caught “the papers” section of BBC News24 and heard some numptie “professional journalist” explain that the reason Miliband is a failure as Labour leader is because he is “too left wing”.
I’m now fully convinced I’ve somehow teleported into a parallel universe.
“…Scotsman’s coverage is more muted – which is perhaps out of embarrassment at coming on the same day the paper had to grudgingly publish a belated correction and apology…”
I’d like to see that. Anyone got a link?
All posts disappear. even the one’s recording the disappearance.
Operation Mass Appeal sorry, Operation Monster
Someone has flown home from football in Brazil, after their family was burgled at knifepoint in London.
Some stout defenders of WOS on The Herald forum. Can the Rev not request a right of reply on this story, plus keep the site in the public eye at the same time.
Virgin Trains get West Coast line. Scratch Westminster’s back get train track. Quids in.
I assume that it is not merely coincidence that all these investigative journalists investigated the same story and came to the same conclusion (except the P&J that actually investigated to the extent of asking you and then spiked it).
I mean if it wasn’t the most incredible coincidence we would have to conclude that virtually the entire MSM consists of churnalists rewriting press releases/briefings from those in government and their assorted quangos, spin doctors etc. and that they are essentially a monolithic propaganda organisation masquerading as a “free press”.
Bit like they did, up to the EU elections, when virtually every paper was pushing the government propaganda lie that UKIP were “racist” – a lie which, as soon as the election was over, these Fascist scum put back in the box.
Rev STU,
On a day such as this when the media are smearing you, you will likely get NEW site visitors. Why not re-run some of your previous articles on aspects of independence, so they will be the first thing seen by those visitors.
Doing that, more than anything else will demonstrate your facts based forensic analysis to such site visitors, plus it has the added bonus of reminding regulars of some key pieces of information. Could be anything , oil, the economy, pensions, the NHS etc..
Make this free publicity in the media work for the case for independence, and demonstrate to others your skill and commitment to FACT based articles.
This reaction is actually a decent yardstick to gauge how much you are hurting the Unionist campaign. Keep doing what you’re doing Rev Stu.
Herald is ground hog day. Boring. Every day’s the same. One obsessional. Read it once that’s it all. Same old, same old. Yesterday’s news.
Sunday Herald exceptional.
@ JLT “Just one thing, Rev. I would lighten up on the name calling. I think that may not have helped.”
I used to tell my children off when they used the word “hate” as applied to someone in their class, or a flavour of ice cream. They meant dislike.
However I think in the Inde debate there is an important place for Stu’s often controversial takes on what are often fudges. The “correct” language is used admirably by YES’s political leaders, something which sadly has not been seen from their opposite numbers in the last weeks.
BTW Stu, be re-assured of the support there is out here for you.
You don’t have to be perfect. No one expects you to be. Sure, you’ll make the odd mistake here and there, but we all do and most of us far more frequently than you do.
You won’t need reminding of this but I’m going to remind you anyway. The key is to continue to believe in yourself and in your purpose.
You are doing a brilliant job. Thank you.
Really what did you say about a politician that most people in the UK would disagree with?
Ed ‘youth allowance’?
One reason for a currency union, Balls will resigned. He should have resigned already, because of the damage to UK/world economy
Another example of journalistic panic and fear as these “professionals” realize their “ability” and “integrity” are being successfully challenged by sites like WOS, NNS and Bella, etc.
UKIP are confused
0/T and sorry to repeat myself.Can anyone explain why I can Google “Wings” no problem but if I choose to use IE (which I prefer to use) the site comes up but the page is locked and the notice “Wings over Scotland is not responding” comes up?
Also been on holiday and out of touch (missus won’t allow me to take laptop) did I read since return that Putin had come out against Scottish independence and what happened to all the threats against Cara Hilton?
remarking on the physical attributes of Mr Johnstone wasn’t constructive. I’ve never liked it when the insults refer to physical appearance, race or gender.
.: “Scum” is ok, “fat” isn’t. please behave, you’re just creating an open goal for the unionist press and playing at the same standard as the BT campaign.
Given the deliberate smearing of winsoverScotland in the ‘scottish’ press today, it is worthwhile noting that NewsnetScotland has an excellent article describing in clear terms the utter hypocrisy and double standards in the media regarding the independence campaign.
Article here;
link to
Clearly MSM have coordinated this attack on Wings. It’s understandable that they want to have a go at their most effective critic! They’ve twisted and distorted everything else about this campaign, so they will no doubt unfairly report this so called story.
I believe the objective to try to force division between Wings and mainstream Yes. Herald already claims distancing.
We all know that Wings is a huge asset to the Yes campaign by telling the truth. For BT and buddies, Wings is exposing them relentlessly.
I sense a divide and conquer strategy. They will now be looking for someone in the Yes camp to make a negative comment about Wings, possibly done because they aren’t clued up on the internet.
It would have been better if the papers HAD asked you for a comment. That way No or Maybe voters would get a chance to see it and not just those who are already Yes…
It is up to us to spread the message the media won’t!
[…] « The missing questions […]
Rev Stu
Thank you for the clarification.
The Herald seems to reguritate old news as recent news frequently in its seemingly never ending quest to hide real news and avoid the real issues of the day when it doesnt suit their politically motivated agenda.
State run media indeed.
Someone of the cloth told people not to hate. Now they just detest Bliar. Still no Chilcott verdict or an apology.
Magnus Guard Ham is a “neutral” Unionist who has stopped me buying the paper I used to love.
His support for London fat cats and Dover House Office cats is well known.
This is all about ukok unionism attacking free and open discourse in Scotland, suck up their weird, twisted teamGEnglandB propaganda, vote no Scotland and don’t talk back you _____ cybernat.”
It’s probably the biggest weapon they have and very creepy snipes like this only show they’ve lost and they know it.
Come on England!
It’s things like this which demonstrate the clear need for a Yes vote.
The pro-union establishment giving wall to wall free advertising to their opponents. How utterly brainless is that? They might as well have plastered ‘VISIT WINGSOVERSCOTLAND.COM’ all over front pages. In fact, that would probably have been less effective as it doesn’t have the same level of intrigue.
These people are ‘in charge’. Heaven help us all.
We have the No campaign on the run. They are now just relying on smears and lies and scandals. I am a great fan of Wings, but that tweet just played into their hands. It served no purpose, it didn’t explain what Johnston had done. It just invited more attacks. On the doorsteps we now have to rebuild our credibility. All for a few careless rude words.
Rev Stu
It would be easier for both yourself and your readership if you included reply buttons to individual comments as its difficult to follow the threads of conversions throughout the blog.
“On a day such as this when the media are smearing you, you will likely get NEW site visitors. Why not re-run some of your previous articles on aspects of independence, so they will be the first thing seen by those visitors.”
Um, you’ve noticed the big “NEW READERS START HERE” post pinned to the top of the front page, right?
It’s a day for both sides to chill out. Find a nice sunny beer garden and relax with a couple of pints and a new book. Get back to the campaign tomorrow refreshed and reinvigorated.
“It would be easier for both yourself and your readership if you included reply buttons to individual comments as its difficult to follow the threads of conversions throughout the blog.”
It’s been asked before, but threaded comments are a total mess for all kinds of reasons.
“It’s a day for both sides to chill out. Find a nice sunny beer garden and relax with a couple of pints and a new book. Get back to the campaign tomorrow refreshed and reinvigorated.”
Sigh. I hate when people say stuff like this. It’ll be exactly the same tomorrow, and all you’ll have achieved is to waste a precious day.
Thanks to Scotland’s Oil bailing out the UK in the 1980s, the UK economy has doubled in size since the early 1980s – yet the number of those suffering below-minimum living standards has grown by more than twice.
33% of households endure below-par living standards – defined as going without three or more “basic necessities of life”, such as being able to adequately feed and clothe themselves and their children, and to heat and insure their homes. In the early 1980s, the comparable figure was 14%.
The research, billed as the most detailed study ever of poverty in the UK, claims that almost 18 million Britons live in inadequate housing conditions and that 12 million are too poor to take part in all the basic social activities
link to
EU UKippers are confused.
Fradge joins far right group of white supremacists and FN members
Scotsman’s coverage is more muted – which is perhaps out of embarrassment at coming on the same day the paper had to grudgingly publish a belated correction and apology for two grotesque and utterly false smears about us last week.
Where can I get the link for this apology or better still put it on here so we can all see it,I dont visit the Union Scotsman.
The Shame of the Press – grousebeater.wordpress
Wings a prime target denotes it’s fulfilling its brief too well, namely, draw attention to the lies, black propaganda and colonial mindset endemic in our press and media.
The service provided by this site has been superlative.
Personally, I feel ignored. If our noble hacks are intent on kicking their readers around what about the rest of us?
All of us are going to be labelled Internet Terrorists.
It’s part of the game.
I blogged on this non entity too.
It’s not often I curse in a blog but this lowlife deserved it….
link to
In the UK 5 (tax evaders?) own more than 1/5 – 20% of the population.
More equal countries are happier, healthier and wealthier.
Stu – Whilst I can empathise with your anger at this ‘Tory’, due to his (unreported) attacks on the Weirs, I must admit to having viewed the piece at the time, then read the words ‘soaring above Scottish Politics’, and thought to myself….. “perhaps not on this occasion”…..
We all make mistakes and I fear that when you dropped the ball there, it landed squarely at their (gutter) level. However, lets not forget that you have been gliding in clean air for 99% of the time and although a reverend, you are obviously not a saint. The halo can slip once in a while.
Wings will not suffer as a result of this misdemeanor, since the only ones reading about it are the demographic which doesn’t seek the truth outside of the printed media.
I would urge some caution in one sense though. Whilst I don’t believe that the Yes campaign or the Pro indy side will be clipping Wings over this, I doubt if they will stand-up for anyone who persists with ANY kind of on-line personal / foul-mouthed abuse, regardless of how warranted it may seem at the time.
Personally, I’d like Wings to be a resource for pensioners and children alike, hence the sensibilities of these people and their guardians need to be considered at all times. We can all swear and be less than guarded with personal comments at times, but I would IMPLORE everyone here to be mindful of the potential for scrutiny at any time.
There is a very helpful piece by Peter Arnott on Bella on understanding the Unionist mind and can be found here –
link to
I must confess I have struggled myself to understand why so many in Scotland would want to oppose what is so blindingly obvious about self-determination and independence.
Thanks to John Arnott’s piece, I am a good bit closer to understanding the unionist side and as a result I feel a bit stronger.
paraphrasing – With Yes, we will take Scotland out of the Empire, but it will require much more to take the Empire out of Scotland.
And finally, the English have never needed to invade Scotland to impose London’s will. They chose infiltration instead, topped up with propaganda. Same result.
Interesting article on Newsnet Scotland re BBC and Lallygate
link to
but I do agree that we should move on and concentrate on the real issues and not get sidetracked by Labour’s agenda of personal attacks.
I don’t think it would do any harm though. And a day off relaxing and enjoying the sun is definatly not a day wasted!
R Whittington said: It’s a day for both sides to chill out.
I recall a Richard ‘Dick’ Whittington from the Guardian site. Chilling out wasn’t his speciality – provocation was.
Tartan Tory says:
Keep on trolling….
Don’t feed the Troll folks….
Gardham/Johnstone (list) ‘working’ themselves out of a job.
The bottom line is that if we are debating people, donations, or politicians, we are not debating the indy issues.
That suits BT / No, as they have far less of a positive case to make. If Yes mimics the negativity of No, George Orwell’s famous line comes true:
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
Keep up the good work Stu.
Kindly ask the Tory person to sue or shut up.
I am certain that a fighting fund would be forthcoming to help you.
just keep smiling Rev and laugh at them this was inevitable from those second rate, no third rate journalists ,and i thought your description of Tory MSP Alex Johnstone`s behavior towards the Weirs was an excellent piece of work ,somebody has to take these nasty self serving troughers down and open peoples eyes to their disgraceful behavior, comments like his belittle the entire Scottish political system he is not fit to sit in our parliament.
Well I’m not trying to provoke anyone. I guess what I’m trying to say is that BOTH sides of the debate could do with a break.
I read the Holyrood Magazine piece yesterday and noticed the bias – in that either WoS wasn’t asked for comment or the comment wasn’t used. It has dropped significantly in my estimation.
The other publications have no estimation, so nowhere to drop.
Sorry guys, i’m afraid i’m not with you on this one.
Just because one person acts in an unprofessional manner doesn’t give you the right too.
Doing so is equivelant to He called me a poo poo head so i’ll call him a idiot (sticks tongue out and runs away to tell mummy)
So far you have been very proffessional in the way you report and document the campaign, we know abuse happens from both sides don’t become the thing we hate the most by trying to prompt a reaction to an insult.
If he were a troll, in what way was your comment not feeding?
Yeah, I know about your big “NEW READERS START HERE” post at the top of the page (sighs..). Fact is, many people won’t bother clicking it.
My comment regarding re-running old articles on independence was aimed at the kind of people who come here for the first time, and DON’T read your instructions for new readers. Why not make it easy for them, idiot proof you might say, so it is in their face when the site loads.
You know how sucessful you’ve become when they go at you like that! WOS is a threat to these lying newspapers! You’re doing a great job Stu! You would be more worried if they didn’t mention you at all! Name calling and slurs is about as good as it gets with NOs. They are trying the divide and rule and some on here are falling for it!
Keep on the good work Stu.
Whittington said: BOTH sides of the debate could do with a break.
From what?
Self-appointed referees asking them to take a break?
Stick to your inane, repetitive question, “What about sensible soccer?”
I agree. All of this is designed to distract people from the referendum. Wings over Scotland has had a powerful effect, so now they want to tie it up in argy bargy he said/she said guff, so wings is no longer doing what it is good at.
Have a break if you want to, for others the struggle for justice will go on.
Westminster propaganda and biased MSM
Westminster will not implement the Leveson recommendation, which would give slight redress to the public against the Press, because Westminster wants to keep Press control. The Right wing MSM/ government are in cohoots, against the majority of the people.
Funnily enough, I posted a comment on the Holyrood magazine article last night. No abusive language used, queried their views on Johnstone’s comments about the Weirs and questioned whether their article was an example of promoting the articles headline (Guilt by association).
The comment went into moderation and still hasn’t appeared, I wonder why?
BTW, folks.
You don’t have to agree with a publication 100% of the time to keep reading it.
having being called a few less than civil names myself when I post (invariably polite) comments on the Guardian’s CiF pages I personally would feel much more comfortable if the debate focussed on the issues than on the people, particularly with respect to name calling. And I say this because women are still underrepresented on the yes side. Keeping the debate as far away from play ground politics as possible can only help. That is not to say that apologies and retractions should not be demanded when appropriate – just that it is better to concentrate on the issues.
I would agree that both sides could do with stepping back from pointless abuse. It is depressing that the press focus on the Yes side when we have all seen the No side’s posts fairly disturbing posts about killing Salmond and all the rest. God knows what would happen id we did that.
However the vast majority of posts on both sides are fine. If England were to fall to Uruguay tonight I am pretty sure that there will be more nasty Tweets aimed at some poor fall guy/victim/Wayne in a hour than in the whole of the independence debate to date. I sometimes think that the paper are oblivious yo how much bile there is out there on the interwebs most of it aimed at some footballer/celebrity/minority group.
Wonder what the reader stats will look like after all this publicity?
@Grouse Beater I think you’ve just proved my point. I’m not ‘ordering’ you to take a days break. Im simply expressing my opinion that a break would be good for both sides.
This stramash is exactly what the Unionists have prayed for. Trying to blacken the name of one of the few independence supporting publications. The site is just too effective for them at debunking all the lies they tell. Now that they have an excuse they will behave like a dog with a bone.
On the other hand the Scotsman and the Herald get their fair share of abuse from YES supporters.
I think that the site must go on. Whatever the reasons may be, there should be even more people looking at the site even if for some of them it’s just out of curiosity at this point.
We are now into another BBC hyped up controversy in the fact the Scottish Government intends to get Prestwick back on its feet we have the usual culprits like the Scotsman person on the Radio Scotland phone in at the moment, trying to divide the issue along YES and NO lines to get a few marks on the Scottish Government. The whole issue has far more importance to Scotland than having politicians playing silly B’s over the matter.
We need WoS to go on doing its thorough analyses and telling the other side of the story.
No need to repeat old articles. That would be noted by the enemy as a weakness.
They shall give ample fresh repeats anyway so that topical analysis by your good self can be published.
Good luck
Take a look at the comments on Guido Fawkes’ blog link to, and indeed some of the narrative, and you will see, that ALL this hubris from the media about cybernats and ‘abuse’ is just claptrap of the highest order.
Ken 500 said: Westminster will not implement the Leveson recommendation
Banks and finance houses given 15 years to ‘put their houses in order’ voluntarily. No person goes to jail.
Tony Blair says, he has no regrets.
Farage says we will be out of the EU. Who is ‘we’?
Whittington said: I’m not ‘ordering’
And back comes Dick misrepresenting my comment. And will again to ask for an explanation to this one, ad nauseam.
Anybody with a distinctive voice is considered a legitimate target by the British press.
Anybody a consistent and effective dissenter who attracts adherents is a potential enemy of the state.
They spelled your name correctly and got the web site right. So it’s all good.
I would HATE to play poker against you Stu…Well done. Another record-breaking week then? And all for no money spent, you wee de’il you!
I guarantee I can walk the streets of Dunoon today and meet nobody who has the faintest idea of any of this.
Like the case of Clare Lally, who will forever now be known as “Ordinary Mum”, the only effect of any coverage of this is that “fat” and “scum” will be associated with Alex Johnstone. They know not what they do.
I think quite a lot of folk – perhaps older folks – who are recent converts to online reading are shocked when they see personal abuse. It’s maybe satisfying for the writer but I’m not sure it achieves much else. For the record, I despise Alex Johnstone not only for the sleakit rottenness of his insinuations about the Weirs, but also for his every insensitive utterance on the bedroom tax.
@eezy “Keep on trolling”
If you think I’m some kind of troll then I respectfully suggest that you re-read what I posted – perhaps with glasses-on and after a good cup of coffee. As a Wings Saviour, I find it quite sad to think that people are seeing my post and reading something entirely different. Perhaps you disagree with my comment and that’s fair enough, but don’t persist with ‘name calling’ when you are totally wrong.
R Whittington, whilst I don’t disagree with your general view that we could all use some relaxation sometimes, I have one minor difficulty with it.
The other side won’t stop, so we can’t stop. Can’t see them agreeing to a ‘hey lads, fancy a break’ request. Now, I know I’m being pedantic here and you’re not suggesting blanket day off for the entire campaign, but the reason we remain focused is because they do.
I will kick back and properly relax at some point on Friday 19th September, because regardless of the result this stage of the game will be over.
There is a bottle of Jura laid aside and I’ll have a large stock of homebrewed heavily hopped IPA at around 5% alcohol available to ensure I will be relaxed. Or unconcious. I don’t really mind.
I agree with @bunter – well worth approaching the Herald and requesting a right to reply to the article.
@Grouse Beater you described me as a self appointed referee, thereby implying that I am somehow ordering people around. If you look at my comment you will see that I am simply expressing my opinion that both sides could do with a days break. If this is in your eyes provocation then you are waaaaay to easily provoked!
Stu, you need to repost the article about Johnstone’s smear RIGHT NOW.
Not just a link, the full thing. Remember how you keep going on about people not clicking on links, or reading beyond the headline?
Mr Johnstone.
Perhaps after Independence (the voting system is reserved) very serious thought might be given as to how to raise the ethical and educational standards of Scottish politicians.
While many MSPs and lots of Local Government Councillors are well able and up to the job, many others are clearly out of their depth – and in the wrong job.
I make no apology for singling out the Labour Party for particular attention, though not exclusively.
Beginning at the top, Scotland’s Labour politicians are frequently an embarrassment, and often even worse.
Change. The sooner the better.
Exposing the propaganda of the MSM is a very necessary part of the YES campaign. If it wasn’t for the brainwashing the answer to the question “Should Scotland be an Independent Country?” would be 100 % YES!
Great explanation of the opposition to self determination from Naom Chomsky here
link to
I earlier asked for a link to the Scotsman’s retraction, and can understand why nobody took me up on it – I can’t even find a mention of Campbell Gunn this year!
I’m presuming it is in the print edition only? Anyone still buy it…?
Silly question; however even a scan of it would be a useful arrow in our quiver when they go over the top again.
Whittington said: you described me as a self appointed referee,
And as predicted, back he comes talking about himself. It isn’t about you, nor is it about Stuart.
We’re trying to regain our nation’s democratic rights.
A cup of tea, cream bun, and some verbal therapy won’t do it.
@Peter Macbeastie agreed & I know what you’re saying re the other side. My view is that a break would reinvigorate, and so would overall be a good thing. Enjoy the IPA.
I will not forgive MSP Alex Johnston for justifying the eviction of people with disabilities from their homes because they couldn’t pay the “Bedroom Tax”, which his Tory Party introduced.
His attitude was that, life is tough, get over it.
Conan said: I asked for a link to the Scotsman’s retraction
Have searched too; one to cut and paste in the journal!
I wonder if Rev Stu’s comment was actually robust enough about the bedroom tax supporting and Yes-donating abusing enlarged list member.
I would like to see the elected member personally explain his support of the bedroom tax directly to the faces of those affected. He should also meet with the Weirs to explain the role of the abuse he directed towards them in his public servant role.
Much tho I find myself in unusual territory supporting anyone with Tory in their name I find the accusation of trollling against Tartan Tory a little strange here.
I’ve read the comments; if anyone believes that is trolling they’re mistaken in their definition of what constitutes trolling.
There’s little in Tartan Tory’s first post that I can disagree with, never mind attack, except perhaps that the attack on the grotty Alex Johnstone was wrong; yes, it gets you down into his pigsty, and of course when you fight with pigs, as the saying goes, you both get dirty and the pig enjoys it. But his position was one of attacking people for donating to the SNP and Yes campaigns and he chose to make that attack personal and that cannot, and should not, be ignored. Perhaps the Rev could have been slightly more temperate with his criticism, but that’s not the same thing as saying it wasn’t deserved in the first place. I agree with the Rev; he absolutely should not withdraw.
He has stated his position and to withdraw without addressing the reason he went for him in the first place would be a weak, pointless exercise.
Oh! lots of comments have now appeared on that Holyrood article, including mine.
@Grouse Beater. Well done on your prediction that I would reply to your post describing me as a self appointed referee. You are entitled to your opinions regarding the debate as am I.
I stopped buying newspapers a couple of years ago, and if I spy one lying on a table or work place, it gets the full ripped treatment and binned.
It’s the only humane thing to do to the poor things. Put them out of their misery.
I have also stopped watching Reporting Scotland and Scotland 2014, it really is good for your health.
STV news has also been binned.
The reason that Stu Campbell has chosen his words in this way against the vile Tory MSP is a very good one indeed.
This sort of main headline story in the comics that dare to call themselves newspapers here is usually picked up instantly by the bbc ‘scotland’ (small ‘s’) the radio: bbc ‘Morning Call’ would have a phone in on it and STV and their bosses in the ‘proper’ bbc and ITV, Sky news etc………
The problem for the television criticism that would usually emerge is that they will be forced (unlike the newspapers) to have some sort of background story as to what the poor old innocent tory MSP actually said and about whom.
The Weirs would then be brought into it, and there is no glory or honour for the faux media campaign for a dignified discussion when it is at last properly revealed how the Weirs (and many others) are smeared scandalously not by punters with excellent blogs, or on Facebook, or by individuals on social media but by elected representatives that the media largely ignored because they like to ignore the real story and bullshit the public.
No apologies from the Rev and no regrets mate!
Well said and well done-a bit of fighting fire with fire deliberately to show how less keen the media are to report real vile abuse by politicians who think they can say what they like and demonise charitable people with principles is, in my book, spot on!
Like I said, if the media are daft enough to amplify this story through television they are going to really crash and burn, if they do not then no problem and let’s face it, no loss whatsoever as they are not the friends of those promoting a Yes voter and never will be until they f up and lose.
The comic book newspapers have knee jerked in an inversely proportional manner, something not only stupendously difficult to do, but in a manner that will haunt them because they rely on the public being as stupid and hypocritical as they are.
And we aren’t, are we?
The Chomsky video linked to above is “Who Owns the World” apologies for the link, using a tablet makes life difficult!
It’s an hour long so plenty time to chill out with a coffee!
“Labour to reduce benefits of unemployed youth”
Another swathe of allegedly work-shy loafers to get the message – the indolent recreation obsessed power elite have all the money. There’s none for you lot.
If it looks like scum, and it acts likes scum, its scum.
“Never contradict. Never explain. Never apologize. (Those are the secrets of a happy life!).” –John Arbuthnot Fisher (1841-1920)
The people playing the sensitivity card make me sigh, almost as much as the grammar peddants (see what i did there?). Its a broad church with a broad tongue..thats what helps make us so dangerous to the unionist Media as they cant handle a diverse audience and always lose.
Regards the Yes campaign “disowning” Wings. I view Wings more as a special Ops, The Rev gets stuck in and gets dirty expose’ jobs done while “plausible deniability” is offered by Official Yes. The Rev seeks no official reward but it will come, dont you worry.
Quick Scottish Patter Joke to end with-
Whats gone on with the Spanish King?
They had Juan, now he’s gone 😉
R whittington
I will take a break soon, the day after the Referendum vote.
Thank you for your concern.
We need to rise above media manipulation. Keep the moral high ground, because the Better Together media is trying to drag us down for a mud fight and create voter appathy.
@ Peter Macbeastie
Agreed. And I hope the tense I used did not give anyone the idea that I thought him to be a troll.
Ouch…..methinks this will have cost us quite a few undecideds ? A better choice of words would have had a better effect…..naughty boy !
@Bugger (the Panda) no problem. Do bear in mind that the weather can get nippy in September and its a really nice day today.
I have no idea what sort of Scotland a lot of people here must live in but if they think that a horrible Tory getting called Scum is likely to lose votes, then its a totally different Scotland to the one I know.
“We’re trying to regain our nation’s democratic rights.
A cup of tea, cream bun, and some verbal therapy won’t do it.”
Too bloody true.
The tone of the Referendum campaign has been dragged down by the no politicians, the most ‘vile bloggers’ of ’em all.
Remember at all times we are actually paying for these these jumped up creeps to talk down to us, smear our generally friendly grassroots campaign, and allowing them to practice rank hypocrisy upon not only the best political journalism (and I include many high readership online news and bloggers with excellent articles not only WoS) but upon innocent philanthropists like the Weirs, their only crime apparently is to be on the side the media and westminster politicians will smear until we show them by voting a big fat Yes.
This is not grouse shooting season with a target on the much maligned Weirs. The weirs deserve the same respect that is demanded with such ignorant hypocrisy for the likes of jk Rowling and er, the Chinese Premier who I believe we monstered by believing him to be an undemocratic crawling wee shite!
The side for no is to be treated with kid gloves while the side for Yes is allowed a free for all kick to the bass?
I don’t think that is morally acceptable when the gloves are off and the groin guard has been removed.
@ desimond
No need to be Felipant.
I’ll get my saco.
Cancelled my subscription. They asked for a reason why, so I said:
“I subscribed because the Herald has been the best of an extremely bad bunch over referendum coverage but no longer wish to support it after today’s one-sided attack on Wings over Scotland, which implicitly condones abuse from the Tory MP. As someone who has actually written for Wings, my first piece being about shifting to yes from devo-max I regard your “die-hard nationalist” line as a smear on me personally as well.”
The Herald describes Wings, and therefore us, as:
“A cult following among diehard nationalists.”
That, folks, is a comment in a Scottish-based newspaper describing some of its readers. Nice.
@Gary Coburn
Ouch…..methinks this will have cost us quite a few undecideds
Well not from where I’m sitting. My friend has just told me the faux outrage in todays papers has pushed her son in law from undecided to YES.
He remembered the comments made in the daily mail regarding the Weirs and also George Galloways pigs reference.
Bass= Baws!
I play the bass and guitar right enough so maybe the spell checker has a memory of all those who say I am rubbish on both!
@ Grouse Beater
I promised myself: “No more cult jokes”.
@Grouse Beater
A previous English boss of mine said he didnt understand how the two Glasgwegians in his team seemed to spoke so aggresively to each other in conversation.
We both laughed and dismissed his language fears. I told him “Rob, just remember, in Glasgow, the ultimate compliment is to be called a “A good cult” and the ultimate slagging is to be called a “A right cult”.
Well, maybe no cult but you get my drift 🙂
I agree with you that Wings is a hard hitting site that gets the truth out there. It is why it is literally the rime Indy site.
However, as I said a week ago after the press jumped on Stuart for the Clare Lally article, I had an uneasy feeling at the time that this was it; that the media had declared all out war on Wings.
Right now, I would advise caution on how we are defining people. If we keep for hard hitting terms to describe people then that is just what the mainstream media want. They will demonise Wings and Stuart at every opportunity. The answer therefore is to denounce the person for not telling the truth, but I would leave the hard hitting terms out of it.
Give them no ammunition.
The Scots’ Prayer
Our Media which art in Fleet Street
Hollow be thy names
Thy spindom come
Thy will be done on BBC as it is in No 10.
Give Scots this day their daily dread
And forgive us your threats
As we forgive Eddie Izzard.
And lead us into two nations
But deliver us from Eton
For ours is a kingdom
To flower, without Tories
Scotland Forever
Ah ken.
Conan said: I promised myself: “No more cult jokes”.
The Herald’s choice of words is pure Orwellian. God, those hacks must hate democracy at work.
@ Peter Macbeastie & Brotyboy
Thank-you! 😉
@Haggis Hunter
I tell you that if you get out there, there is anything but voter apathy – from canvassing and from being on stalls there has clearly been a surge of interest amongst the public since the start of the official campaigns and as well as increasing numbers of genuine YES ‘foot soldiers’.
But if the Unionists think that inducing apathy is a good tactic, it will only work against them because it is their own supporters that will believe this nonsense and will then decide not to engage and not to bother.
To be honest, I think that most of this stuff just washes over people, but if we can draw attention to their hypocrisy and double standards then at least we have done something to counter the media bias.
People only need to see that the media and the Unionists are lying to them once, and then the blind trust is gone and it’s game over for them. And it’s not like we’re short of irrefutable evidence of their lies and distortions to choose from.
R whittington
The weather in Chengdu is September is quite pleasant thank you.
The cuisine, szechuan, it modestly hot too.
So, not only am I the “worst element of the cybernats” (The Scotsman), I’m a member of a sinister “cult.. full of diehard nationalists” (Herald, today).
Well, at least they’re consistent in their smears. And these from respectable organisations, not ranting nutjob twitter trolls. Wow, we must really be getting to them.
Excellent 🙂
I’m guessing that it was in big letters on the front page and that the “journalists” involved have been sacked!
Seriously it is a sign of the trouble the Scotsman is in. Previously a sub-editor might have asked the author of the article if he was sure of his facts, not only in the interests of truth, but to avoid the paper in a court case. No sub-editors now (to save money), with disastrous results.
Tick, tock.
Nana Smith
The MSM is undermining any case it may believe it has by underestimating the sturdy nature of most folk. The most interesting reaction we got in our YES shop to the JKR “abuse” was some scornful women in dong the rubbing the eyes routine saying “boo hoo hoo,somebody’s called me bad names”
The Media attack on Wings\Rev is exactly the same as UKs desire to hold onto Scotland.
No matter how much they try to pretend theyre acting in good faith, theyre only acting in total fear.
In the words of Carlos Irwin Estévez …WINNING!
Cuilean says: The Scots’ Prayer
I’d like to re-post this elsewhere, as it is a fabulous piece of work. However, I don’t want to engage in plagiarism so await your permission (or otherwise)! 😉
Post it where you like.
Don’t you know that the only people who are allowed to be abusive are the printed press and the only people who are allowed to be abused are D-list celebrities.
Heaven forbid if the proles are allowed to abuse people with actual power.
When I read the original article I thought it was a bit of a hostage to fortune, on the other hand I would not want Wings to be meally-mouthed and overly sensitive to criticism.
It’s a narrow line you’re walking Rev, but more power to your elbow. I am also a Herald subscriber but this is under review since I was described this morning as a die-hard nationalist as if this was something to be ashamed of. However the increase in attacks on cybernats and the concentration on women’s votes from the fear campaign makes me think that there’s something afoot that’s seriously worrying them.
guys i think some of you do not quite understand ,while the rest of the yes campaign can get on with the excellent work they do ,wings has to play devils advocate if they wernt attacking us we would not be doing our part correctly ,this is no time for second guessing or self recriminations ,yes we will get our hands dirty and end up sometimes in the sty beside our opponents but somebody on the yes side must do this or all could be lost we only have one shot at this do not let them divide us.
just my humble opinion.
Johnstone Press
Share price now at 3.71 pence, down from c17 at the end of May.
To borrow an old Dilbert joke line, if they keep on shedding staff, they will be able to produce the paper for free.
It’s all good publicity.. Hardcore nos hate you anyway, but anyone going looking for the outrage will also discover this piece and perhaps open their minds a little.
@Bugger (the Panda) Great!! Have a wonderful time.
@Grouse Beater, The MSM have forgotten who they speak to and for. To talk about people as Mrs Thatcher did about the Unions as if they had come down from another planet did her no good and will in the end do them no good. Time will tell and in just over 90 days they may yet feel the retribution I hope they are ready for it.
As for Stu’s insult, really, come on, the man is well beyond the pale and he WAS allowed to make his remarks without a word of criticism.
JLT said: They will demonise Wings and Stuart at every opportunity.
They would have done it anyway. They always find a hook to hang their hat. The notion they would have pulled their punches if Wings had been docile is, quite frankly, naive.
When you have the likes of journalists in UK nationals praising Wings it’s certain to set alight a rocket or two.
The trick is to ensure the enemy is firing damp squibs.
Wings has done that by getting a retraction and an apology out of the Scotsman – and soon, I trust, gizzillions!
WQhittington exuded: Great!! Have a wonderful time.
If you are that lonely – get a life.
link to
I may be wrong but I don’t ever remember Alex Johnstone being elected to the Scottish Parliament. In other words he is one of the unelected bums on seats that make up the Tory group behind Ruth Davidson. What right has he to say what he has said about the Weirs but when your back is against the wall with the no vote losing the plot —- anything goes and the yes vote are supposed to accept it I think not
I wouldn’t say docile, mate. That implies that we are cowing to their domination. I just believe that we need to dance more lightly around them. There is no problem in Stuart hitting them hard with the facts, and making them look stupid at the denouncement of their own lies. Doing that still does the job.
But this is what the BT mob want. They want mud slinging, and by doing it, we are giving them what they want. I think the media are trying to get a rise out of Stuart; by hopefully provoking him to a point, where he snaps instantly and replies in anger. That is what I truly fear for him. He’s a one man army taking on a helluva f****** lot. I don’t envy him one bit, but I sure as hell admire him for having the massive cojones to do it!
For me, I would rather we keep the serious name calling out of it. Give the other side nothing.
@Grouse Beater I’m not sure what your problem with me is but can you stop with the insulting and personal comments. It does neither of us any favours.
Stu I hope you will forgive me for being a bit robust on this one.
Martin and some others are right. No-one has done more than you to provide an evidence-based case for the union and point out that the counter offer is less than the status quo. The more people learn about those arguments, the more likely they are to vote YES. You certainly convinced me. Because of that Better Together are desperately trying to make argument and hostility the story, rather than the substantive issues of the debate.
You may be quite justified to call this guy scum, but the general public are never going to learn about that fact through the filter of the MSM. Far better for you to refocus on the brilliant job you have been doing of getting the facts to the public. Don’t get sucked into their PR storm of negativity, that is THEIR tactic, and by responding to it, you are making a success of their strategy.
You cannot win that argument with them, because you cannot win an argument with a troll, only realise that they are not worth responding to. But you CAN continue to point out their lies, hypocrisy and scaremongering, backed up with dispassionate evidence.
Some have criticised Jim Sillars for giving credence to cybernat stories by making a call-to-arms in the form of a plea for discipline. But Mr Sillars is an old war horse and has a good point. Now is the time for extreme discipline, and polite, reasoned argument. If it wasn’t, Better Together wouldn’t be trying to create drama and suck us down into the gutter with them.
Please, rise above this. The movement needs you to be listened to, and to be sticking to the real arguments.
Helena pointed out the folly: he WAS allowed to make his remarks without a word of criticism.
It’s the hypocrisy and self-delusion that rankles.
Some years back the local Wee Free minister approached me as I was bashing in the umpteenth fence post for a kid’s play area in Plockton, lathered in sweat, stripped to the waist, hands covered in blisters.
“Working on the Sabbath, sir?”
I was in no mood for inane small talk.
“Where’s your wife, minister?” I asked.
“Where she always is, cooking the dinner.”
“Aye? Is that so? Well you can fuck off!”
And I resumed my work without looking up at him.
It’s a shame that the Rev has to put up with this biased rubbish – I guess we’re at the stage where they’ve come to fight? Never realised I was a diehard nationalist before the Herald helpfully enlightened me.
Welcome to all the new readers – here is a place of sanity in contrast to the lies, smears and self-serving spin of the anti-self-determination bunch.
I have little patience for some commenteers here indulging in the deeply distasteful pastime of ‘blame the victim’ almost with a sense of schadenfreud.
When I consider the many tens of thousands of hours that Stuart has conscientiously devoted to building up our cause through painstaking research and evidence-based reporting – only to be slapped down like that by so-called supporters I just lose it!
Get off your know-it-all told-you-so pedestals and show some bloody solidarity, appreciation and loyality to a fellow comrade!
So Stuart was rude about a Tory!
On the evening of the foundation of the NHS in 1948 Nye Bevan it’s founder said:
That is why no amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party that inflicted those bitter experiences on me. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin. They condemned millions of first-class people to semi-starvation. Now the Tories are pouring out money in propaganda of all sorts and are hoping by this organised sustained mass suggestion to eradicate from our minds all memory of what we went through. But, I warn you young men and women, do not listen to what they are saying now. Do not listen to the seductions of Lord Woolton. He is a very good salesman. If you are selling shoddy stuff you have to be a good salesman. But I warn you they have not changed, or if they have they are slightly worse than they were.
That’s exactly what Johnstone is.
And so are all his allies, defenders and fellow travellers.
Never forget it.
Solidarity, Stuart!
You’re devastatingly effective at hitting the bastards where it HURTS!
Onwards! Soar Alba!
Stuart this from the Press Council Code may be apposite:
2 Opportunity to reply
A fair opportunity for reply to inaccuracies must be given when reasonably called for.
The refusal of anybody but the P&J (who then spiked the story) to even ask for your comment is clearly in breach of that basic rule.
Granted the PC will go to almost any length to find for their paymasters, unless you are close to the Queen, but it might be a useful shot over their bows.
(I once put in a complaint about the Herald publicly asking me for a reply to a letter and then refusing to publish it (something the PC had previously ruled improper. The editor deliberately lied in his testimony – claiming to have already published 23 letters from me when the truth was 3. The PC not only broke their code to support him but didn’t make any objection to being lied to. While accepting this as the standard of honesty the British press aspire I acknowledger there is the possibility that there is some journalist somewhere who is not a wholly corrupt lying Fascist whore (not on the Herald obviously).
JLT said: I just believe that we need to dance more lightly around them.
What else can we do?
They own the tanks. Let’s swipe one with our supemarket bag. bad, bad, tank. (That guy has never been seen or heard of since.)
Enough of the, are we righteous enough or are we doing enough hand wringing?
Get back to the attack.
Nana Smith
Surely Mcquarrie has to go. Caught breaking the rules, even when there is a precedent regarding these rules in London.
Can’t believe he wasn’t aware of the precedent, but he goes ahead anyway to feed some of our licence fee money to a Labour MSP. You couldn’t make it up!
DM article yesterday john major spouting keech about the ref. comments are for a change generally pro Scottish. Strange
Major Bloodnok
To be honest, I think that most of this stuff just washes over people
That I agree with. Was out last night with a couple of other guys canvassing. In the Knightsridge area of Livingston, we got a mixed bag but I would still say that we got around 50% ‘Yes’ / Undecided for what is considered a Labour area.
Funniest answer was some wifey who said ‘Naw. Just naw!’ and then seconds later asked, ‘But what happens if I don’t vote all all? Would it be added to the ‘Yes’ vote?’
My reply was, ‘No, it would just be discounted. It wouldn’t go to either side’ to which, she just nodded. Privately, I was actually delighted that she had gone from a straight ‘No’ to ‘Can’t be bothered’. One less vote for ‘No’ and almost feels like a ‘Yes’ vote for us!
Neil Craig pointed out press rules: fair opportunity for reply to inaccuracies must be given when reasonably called for.
The refusal of anybody but the P&J (who then spiked the story) to even ask for your comment is clearly in breach of that basic rule.
Sadly that is what they do…make it up!
I listened to Pat Kane being interviewed on Derek Batemans podcast . In it Pat spoke about , how in times of great change , the bourgeoisie normally take advantage or see an opportunity where change is beneficial.Pat then went onto make the point , how the same bourgeoisie have ‘never stepped up’ , they’ve been posted missing in Scotland and when you think about he’s right.
Throughout our history, the cosy establishment figures have stood on the sidelines( you could say protected their own self interests), while it was the ‘ ordinary workers’ who took the brunt while trying to change, improve conditions.
Picture in your head, the old pictures of the shipyards, it’s not Mr Management who you see, it’s Jimmy Reid talking to the workers. The impact of Mrs Ts policies on the NHS, it was the nurses, the Drs and the miners marching through Edinburgh to try and protect it, the destruction of Ravenscraig, the image of the building being razed to the ground.
Through it all, there has been one consistent thing- a cowed, compliant and in some cases complicit media.The Scottish media has stood back, the silent observer without ever using the power/ voice it has to bring about change.
The one or two campaigns a newspaper like The Daily a Record has initiated , have all had strings attached due to their blind support of the Labour Party so why should we be surprised that the same silent observers, are now all in cahoots to keep things the same .
The SH may support Independence but apart from that declaration, it does something more important than that, it allows their Columnists to debate the issues, something the Alan Cochranes, Marcus Gardhams and Severin Carroll’s don’t because they are too steeped in their Morningside culture, too protected by their respectability and too unused to responsibility.
How can the likes of Cochrane, understand how it feels to decide whether you spend your last tenner on the bus to get to the shops or you walk the miles so you can buy an extra school shirt for the new term?
I don’t know if Mr Cochrane and his fellow journalists consider themselves part of the bourgeoisie , personally I would say charlatans more like but instead of this he said, she said stuff, how about our media actually ask ( as explained by Lord Forsyth) how the unionist parties are going to get these new shiny powers passed by Westminster or is this he said , she said just lining it up again for Johan Lamont at FMQs?
Aw. You beat me to it Nana. I was gonna post that link.
They say they’re replacing her with a journalist. Ooh. I can think of a journalist who could do that!
Why don’t you apply, Rev?
I just get the impression that WOS, and its followers and supporters, are driving the pro-Unionist establishment crazy. They don’t know how to handle such a genuinely popular internet-based grassroots phenomena. If they attack it in the foreign-owned and controlled Scottish news media, they’re just giving it more exposure and more publicity. On the other hand, it’s far too big and has too great a reach to ignore.
Yesterday’s WOS article Lies and replies was a master-class in debunking propaganda. Easily readable and understandable which cut across party and class politics in its neutrality. It addressed the facts of the case, nothing more. Which is exactly what a grassroots campaign is all about. Convincing neutrals regardless of their backgrounds and affiliations.
Trust in professional politicians is at all time lows, fuelled by the mainstream news media themselves in their support for UKIP, an alleged alternative (don’t laugh) to the corrupt and unaccountable Westminster political establishment. But then again, mainstream journalism isn’t too highly rated either hence the popularity of internet blogging journalists such as Rev. Stuart Campbell.
What people think of the likes of Johnstone and the Herald compared to their trust in other professionals. Trust in mainstream journalists and politicians struggle to get into double figures some years. Obviously all the work of that ‘orrible bloke at WOS –
Trust in Professions
Ipsos MORI
03 Dec 2013
@Grouse Beater
Working on the Sabbath, sir?”
I was in no mood for inane small talk.
“Where’s your wife, minister?” I asked.
“Where she always is, cooking the dinner.”
“Aye? Is that so? Well you can fuck off!”
Ah the good old free church minister. I was brought up on the Isle of Lewis where holding back the populace was a free church sport. Still is in some areas.
Has a lot to do with my having no religious belief.
@IanMacdonald. I agree with your well worded comment. Yesterday’s destruction of the booklet to be delivered is exactly what many turn to this site for – incisive, investigative journalism at its best. The campaign of the MSM which kicked off last week was only ever going to continue. They are running scared and this is the way it will be for the coming weeks.
Someone asked yesterday if they were becoming paranoid after seeing the red, white and blue colours in the glossy advert/front page of the booklet. No, not paranoid, just realising the way a carefully constructed advert can ‘suggest’ something bigger than the parts. The No campaign is clearly drawing on advertising ploys of semiotics and being driven by a host of PR professionals. Therefore, the way words are used on Wings pieces has to be carefully considered. It is, as I said at the start, clear, incisive debunking of the blatant distortions being presented by the MSM that will carry the day as more and more people turn to sites like this. When shown clear and unambiguous reporting which tears MSM stories apart many I have spoken to are made to challenge previously held views.
Don’t stop the investigative side but do stop the smears.
Every time anyone clicks on The Herald’s website or buys a print copy of their daily propaganda sheets, they are enabling that singularly disagreeable Gardham & his sub editors, to carry on as normal; publishing lies, smears & one sided jingoistic invective.
I have no sympathy then for anyone sufficiently offended to then visit this site & complain. The Herald & The Scotsman only exist because people just like you and me keep funding them through clicking & purchasing hard copies.
The remedy is easy though; stop reading their propaganda & sooner rather than later, these titles will cease to exist.
“I earlier asked for a link to the Scotsman’s retraction, and can understand why nobody took me up on it – I can’t even find a mention of Campbell Gunn this year!”
It’s linked at the start of the piece now.
“A fair opportunity for reply to inaccuracies must be given when reasonably called for.”
There’s nothing inaccurate (I think) in any of the stories, though. I did call him that.
Joe Kane is correct. The MSM are fuelling the rise of the readership for this site and they know it. On such a tiny advertising budget of £0.
Although I will handbag the Rev if he gives the MSM any unnecessary ammunition in the future.
What did the Press and Journal ask I wonder. The P&J is ferocious right wing if localised vote no ranter but grotesque hypocrites to boot. Avoid it like the plague but every time a Press and Journal bettertogether blast pops up here in Aberdeen its like a fart in a space suit.
Yes, very well put. The analysis of the government booklet by Stu yesterday was fantastic, incisive investigative journalism. The BT PR smear campaign with its host of John McTernan types wants Stu to spend less time on exposing their lies like that, and more time responding to manufactured drama stories, like the one they whipped up around the “fat scum” comment.
I’m trying to encourage no voters that the middle of September would be a very good time for a holiday. All ready got one v
Wait, I’ll get popcorn.
“Please, rise above this. The movement needs you to be listened to, and to be sticking to the real arguments.”
The fallacy that our opponents can be reasoned with is one of the most dangerous in politics.
When we were monstered by the Mail, readership spiked massively, adding over 100,000 new readers. But that’s not the important thing. The key is that those figures haven’t fallen back.
When you get this sort of thing in the media, people come to the site to see what this evil beast is like. And then what they actually see are reasoned, sourced, rational arguments. That has two effects:
One, they trust the mainstream media a little less, and two, they tend to be a little bit more prepared to listen to the alternative voice, when perhaps they might not have been before. You won’t convert them all, but every pair of eyes you open even a little bit, every seed of doubt you sow in people’s minds about the lies they’re being told by No and the media, is vital.
I didn’t call Johnstone “scum” again by accident. We just got a heap of free advertising, and everyone who came to the site as a result gets to (a) read the truth behind the Johnstone story, and (b) have the chance to click the “this is what we do” link at the top of the page.
That’s the info we need to get in front of people, and most of all we need to get it in front of people WHO WEREN’T ALREADY ON OUR SIDE. How do you do that? You get the enemy to deliver your leaflets to its own people, by any means necessary.
Jeesh, do I really need to spell this stuff out? Sharpen up, folks.
I should have added that the code of conduct, rules & regulations that these titles operate within is only designed to give the appearance of propriety.
In reality, these papers can do almost what they want because almost all of them are owned and controlled outside of Scotland. So there is no desire to ensure fairness or balance either among their owners & backers or in London.
The British don’t want Scotland to achieve independence so they just turn a blind eye when a print title chooses to ignore their own professional guidelines.
Don’t waste your energy complaining then. The biggest impact you can have is to stop reading these titles & then lobby an independent Scottish government to establish a new media framework that guarantees fairness & balance while eliminating once and for all, the lurid, salacious images that thousands of Scots still think appropriate content for their newspapers & magazines.
Stuart said: The fallacy that our opponents can be reasoned with is one of the most dangerous in politics.
That epigram should be on sale, framed, from Wings.
@ Nana SMith, 11:02.
Reading that “Scotsman” article about Crossfire and Dugdale, I rather got the impression that the deal fell through because Kezia didn’t want to work for free.
Hah. “Former journalist” indeed…
@Grouse Beater 11:14 AM
Well said grouse beater couldn’t agree more, attack till they are silenced and raise the white flag.
Good article on this very subject on newsnet by GA Ponsonby.
They have lost the argument and now they wish to silence the truth. They are in total disarray and panic mode. ATTACK!
O/T New website for listing all the Yes public meetings etc. Send the link around.
link to
Cybernat exploits Tory MP!
“WHo is the real scum” asks Scottish Media
I think it is a mistake to use the terms you used about Alex Johnstone.
Doesn’t help.
Wait, I’ll get more popcorn,
A skim through the very long list of OTT insults thrown about by hecht heid ains of the Unionist persuasion makes it clear exactly where the real rich seam of gratuitous, intemperate and insulting attacks upon the Independence movement stems from.
Let’s face it, if a grateful Union rewards its servants with a seat in the House of Lords or an appointment to the head of a ministry, or a shadow ministry, then the Unionist movement are openly promoting such attacks.
Did we really expect anything else?
Conan_the_Librarian says: Hah. “Former journalist” indeed…
Satire I like, especially when it has razor’s edge.
@ MajorBloodnok
You must eat like an Alex Johntone.
@Leo Foyle says
Reading that “Scotsman” article about Crossfire and Dugdale, I rather got the impression that the deal fell through because Kezia didn’t want to work for free.
What’s new politicians and greed!
Ian MacDonald, at 1109 am,
I could not agree more. Much of this serves as a distraction.
Apologies to all Alex Johntones everywhere…
I think it would be worthwhile to do some digging on the life and career of Alex Johnstone MSP. For a start he farmed on his own account before getting onto the list system of MSP election. What arrangements did he make as a proud Tory to max out at the farm subsidy trough?
Can any locals give us the low-down on any little inconsistencies he might have between his public image and his proud Scot/Tory personna?
He doesn’t seem the brightest button. How come he rose without trace?
Definition of ‘scum’.
such as a person or an element of society, that is regarded as despicable or worthless.
link to
I think there are far more denigrating words to that worthless man.
My grannie used to say “scum rises to the top”
I am not personally given to the use of adjectives such as “scum” “Quisling” and so forth, but that doesn’t make me blind as to why people feel the need to use such language.
In my own state of frustration I am happy enough to refer to the enemies of a democratic Scotland as simply, “enemies”. And that is exactly what most paid-commentators, paid cheer-leaders and politicians have made of themselves in this debate.
(ENEMY:.noun (pl. enemies)a person who is actively opposed to someone or something. O.E.D.)
General questions this week are on topics including the recruitment of rural GPs, the condition of school buildings and how the Scottish government’s proposed single intelligence agency in an independent Scotland “would protect citizens from unjustified surveillance”.
unjustified surveillance, what about unjustified journalism?
Posting this link again for those who may have missed it.
link to
Thin skinned people, listen up.
Alex Johnstone deliberately & carefully attempted to prove that the Weirs are a poorly educated couple; stupid, naive, unsophisticated, nationalist fanatics who bizarrely, according to his logic, were simultaneously duped out of their money by a sleazy, scheming Alex Salmond.
His facts are not facts. And his allegations are puerile. He attempted to assassinate the good character or two ordinary, decent people who have used their luck to fund a cause they have believed in for many years as well as support local community projects.
There really is no need to defend the Weirs because they have done nothing wrong; only good from all account. But we should hammer Johnstone for his narrative that was gleefully published by a major print title whose name I will not mention to limit publicity.
The humanity in me suggests I should feel pity for the likes of Johnstone, a man who, despite all the facts, cannot muster a moment of empathy, admiration or gratitude for a couple who have helped their local community.
When someone is so nasty towards others, it often suggests that it is they themselves with whom they are most disenfranchised. A bit of digging might reveal Johnstone to be quite the victim of who knows what in his personal life. But then again, this morning, I couldn’t give a shit.
He’s still scum.
Baroness Trumpington: “That Salmond is a complete madman. (As opposed to a half-wit? GB) I hope he goes down, down, down.”
A woman of few words, and every one offensive.