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Wings Over Scotland

Hard medicine

Posted on September 08, 2014 by

First Owen Jones’ stinging rebuff to the odious fauxcialist John McTernan, now this:


As another famous Unionist might say: Oooft!

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Patrick Roden

Eoin was then asked what evidence he had and came right back with the stats to show that the NHS was under real threat, lol.

Alexander / Labour, caught Lying again!

Seasick Dave

‘We love our NHS, we’re voting to protect it”

Lying bastard.

That’s all.

call me dave

Ha! That’s a put down right enough, swift & cutting and so well deserved, brilliant.

Alex Smith

“Fauxcialist” I’m having that! 😀

Geoff Huijer

Even their own worms are turning…

anton le grandier

whatever else these folk are they are certainly not “united” though I would say they are “better together” on the same dunghill post indyref.


God almighty, can’t the rank and file of Labour (if there are any left) try and control this odious little Tory in their midst? Or are they already too busy trying to control all the others?


The underlying problem is telling one story to the Scots and another down south. It suits a London agenda for Labour to point out the Tories are threatening the NHS. In Scotland, they are trying to say that isn’t true.

On balance, and given their record, of course Labour are more likely to be lying to the Scots.

Interesting some of them have limits on the extent of lies!


I wonder how wee Dougie is feeling after that rebuff, sick no doubt. 😉

A wee bit advice for you Dougie, do not under any circumstances go to see this doc for some medical advice, I don’t think he’d be too forth coming with any GOOD advice for you, much like most others in the N.H.S. 😛

CameronB Brodie

Can you spot the very subtle difference between today’s The Scottish Sun Front Page vs The Sun Front Page the rest of the UK gets?

link to

Nana Smith

Aw dougie, some folk have principles and won’t lie for you.

Horrible lying new labourite, nothing we didn’t already know about them all.


Erm, Dougie, when you are so deep in the s***e that you can barely keep your head above it all I think it is past the time for you to stop struggling and definitely STOP scrapping the bottom of the barrel. 😛


Just spotted this on the Guardian.

? @rupertmurdoch

Salmond’s private polls predict 54-46 Yes. Desperate last ten days ahead for both sides. Most powerful media, BBC, totally biased for No.

The tide is coming in , and WM is about to get soaked.


Dan Lee

@YESGUY His follow up tweets said we would also chicken out.

fred blogger

roll over and take it.
what do you know about politics and what we do?
it’s called the internet dear.
the arrogant barstewards.

Dan Huil

STV leading with falling markets and falling pound. No surprise there. Doubt if they will conclude with the obvious truth that a currency union is the best answer for both Scotland and England.


The best thing about Independence is never having to look upon the vacant coupons of the Labour liars again. Murdoch should be in jail for bribing public officials.

[…] Hard medicine […]


I thought wee Dougie was appearing in ‘Purdah the musical’ since his staring role in ‘Calamity Jane?’

I just blew in from the windy city
The windy city is mighty pretty
But they ain’t got what we got
I’m tellin’ ya, boys
I ain’t a-swappin’ half of Dundee
For the whole of Islington

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

BBC News at 6 have totally given up any pretence of impartiality now. It would be shocking were we not all expecting it. So much for election laws.


The Press liars keep on saying it is ‘Scottish’ shares that are falling. They are all falling. All shares are traded on the London stock Market. The London millionaires will be losing it. All those tax breaks will not be working out.

Ken MacColl

Sure I saw yesterday that Andy Burnham, Shadow Minister of Health at WM was speaking in Trafalgar Square in support of women NHS England marchers protesting about privatisation of the NHS in England & Wales.
Is Douglas Alexander, along with his SLAB colleagues, in total denial about the threat to the NHS?
Or is he just telling porkies?


Stv saying much the same about shares. One sensible chap saying just a little blip. Bit ironic Alistair Darling giving anyone advice on stock markets given his history

call me dave

“It is expected that all the unionist parties will agree to GB’s new powers pledge tomorrow”. What!

BBC’s J. Cook earlier said he thought that GB’s plan had caught the coalition unaware, as they knew FA about it. Funny old world init!

It’s all speculation, the NTBT’s arse don’t know what the elbow’s up to they are between a jock and a hard place!

Gordon and Lamont I ask you?

Try Lockwood & Lamont

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

This is just minute after minute of pure unadulterated No campaign propaganda spouting from the BBC and the former chairman of the Young Conservatives, Nick Robinson.

The desperation and panic is palpable.


Apologies for the language but that was fucking brilliant!

No less than Alexander deserved.

James Caithness

What does all this say about how Labour think of their voters. I am sure the labour for independence will stay strong. I think they want rid of these scum and get their party back.


Wendy and Douglas Alexander. The Tweedle Dee and Tweedle DumB of Scottish Politics. I wonder what one of them is DumB?


Grouse Beater

While Westminster tries to head off Scottish independence at the pass, the Windsors ride up with reinforcements to announce another sprog that will continue the line indefinitely … and don’t we all love a Royal Baby.

fred blogger

Ken MacColl
you did.
link to

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Rev Stu should sink his teeth into the BBC News at 6 bias as it was so amazingly obvious. No right of reply given to the Yes campaign. Just minute after minute of No campaign talking points barely even pretending to be ‘reporting’.

Don’t think I’ve seen anything quite so blatant thus far.
They really do have no shame.


TNS poll numbers leaking on Twitter , rumour of YES on 50%.
F2F poll.


Dan Lee .

He might have tweeted we might chicken out but somehow i think not. No voters are defecting in droves , YES voters no the facts and a firmly entrenched. So i believe the poll cos it’s pretty much like some areas around here , but his opinion dizny matter a sook.

Les Wilson

I have watched wee Dougie a couple of times now.
I am more and more convinced he is urm,a little worm.


By the way STU

Superb caught the liar in the act . foul man.

It’s back to the scares again …..yawn


New timetable. Non NO thanks,

We will manage fine.

Gordon Brown the biggest tax evader in the country. The portfolio going down. He can’t even count.


The good doctor has actually blocked me on twitter, presumably because I criticise the Labour Party too often, but it’s good to see he won’t be a hypocrite!


Eddie Mair;’s PM radio news is a load of crap too. He kept asking Michael Moore tonight if he thought Scots were stupid over and over, as if that matters, and as if he would actually say out loud yes I think the Scots are stupid.

But Mike says if Scotland wants to NOT privatise their NHS they should bally well put up taxes, as we gave them all those extra tax powers. Pay more taxes than England for same as now. That’ll work.

If you’re a YES vote Scot, BBC radio pm is just hideous in ways only the BBC can fart out.

Giving Goose

Douglas Alexander, is at heart, a Right Wing careerist.
He has no social consciousness.
Like all Scottish MPs and MSPs, he is only in politics to make personal gain and money. London is seen by these people as the ultimate goal for their careers and the core of their lifestyles.
Scottish children stuck in poverty can stay there as far as Labour are concerned.
What Independence does is give the opportunity to ordinary Labour voters to rid themselves of this cancer in their party and start afresh.
This also goes for LibDems, who have experienced their party in Scotland being taken over from within by self centred careerist individuals.

James Caithness

STV giving different message than BBC. Lady on STV says the announcement by Broon the night is a Labour offer only, while on the BBC they touting it as all parties offer.
That wee fat git Brian Taylor is a good laxative for me.

Les Wilson

BBC have just said that Titan of economics Gordon Brown is to tell us tonight about a timescale for our “new” package.
BBC also say, that BT have been talking about this for some time.

Who trusts Brown, a self seeking individual who must be feeling smug that he has been resurrected yet again.
For me, it just shows how desperate BT have become. Brown is another total disaster.


If you are looking for a fresh take on independence Al Jazeera
broadcasting a programme now.


And why is Darling not reading out this bus timetable?

We’ve been on about it for some time. Heh! 😀


Both Jackie Bird and Glenn Campbell appear to be wearing mourning clothes.


Ali D still thinks they are winning.

Boris just love bombed us on. BBC1 news…bizarre considering his ideas about the value of where a pound is spent.

Big brian taylor stating as fact there are 3 offers on the table…blah blah.


Malc says:

TNS poll numbers leaking on Twitter , rumour of YES on 50%.
F2F poll.

Gillie mentioned on the earlier thread:

Apparently the new poll out tonight is meant to be a “sensation”. I wonder what that means.

If this turns out to be the same poll Malc then this really is a sensation because TNS is known to be a NO supporting polling organisation. 😛


Looks like wee Jackie Bird and co. are getting their knickers in a twist what an absolutely horrendous ending to her *ahem* discussion with Brian Taylor. 😛

I see Big Boris Johnson has stepped into the fray today claiming that we will all bottle it on the day. Well done Boris, keep it up. We all need your input like a hole in the head! 😉


O/T i know.. but wtf is going on on BBC Scotland tonight.. it’s like a No Thanks Party Political Broadcast.. Honest to god.. And lets head to the Borders and gauge opinion there.. Yes, lets head to the most NO filled region in the country and watch and laugh as we try a convert a No voter.. ha ha ha.. Oh those pesky Yes campaigners..

Archie [not Erchie]

I wonder what AS is thinking right now? Softly softly catchee monkee? Enough rope? Foot target? Squirming eels in a bucket of bleach? When the day is done and the vote is won for common sense who will write the best seller? Campaign literature already being archived in the Scottish Historical Library.

I saw Marcy today, my wee grand daughter born on Christmas Eve last year and it occurred to me that if she studies the Political History of Scotland she may have to wade through almost 3000 posts and nearly 300,000 comments just on Wings alone.

Maybe one day she will say ‘Who was Paula Rose?

On a more serious note – On the bus [Buchan Express] out of Aberdeen to Ellon. Two young ladies loudly expressing their views on the debate so far. Young man opposite whips out his WBB and offers same. Bus screeches? to a halt and driver berates young man for handing out literature. Mild discussion ensued with threats of castration and/or being dumped in the Buchan wilderness. I zipped my WBBs tighter in my trouser leg pocket just in case. 🙂


Well that is raison d’etre for the BBC in Scotland Brian is iot not? 😛


As they said on Business for Scotland, the responsibility for shares plummeting lies firmly with Gideon because he could have simply said, after a Yes vote we’ll work together even though we don’t think a CU is in the best interests of both countries. That would have reassured the markets. As it is, the only thing that’s causing uncertainty is the No campaign.


Osbourne/Alexander lost Scotland £4Billion a year in Oil revenues.Cut the block Grant £1.3Billion since 2011. A tax on ‘loss leading’ cheap alcohol will save £1.5Billion. £1.5Billion could be saved on Trident/redundant weaponry and illegal wars. An average of £3Billion surplus goes to Westminster. Scotland pay £4Billion debt repayment on money Scotland doesn’t borrow or spend. = £14Billion.

Scotland raises on average £60Billion and gets back on average £30Billion + £15Billion on average pensions/benefits. £45Billion.

David S Briggs


Boris is a vote ‘Yes’ winner. We need his fat gob opening and closing, uttering his stupid views as much as possible. Give him the platform for heaven sake. Fabulous input from him.

Inbhir Anainn

The offer on the board pure and simply is a ‘pig-in-the-poke’ the Scottish electorate should send them home to think again. Once bitten twice shy springs to mind.

Vote YES.


Brown appears to be offering Labour’s Red paper, Labour having kicked federalism into touch.

In other words he is offering a pig’s breakfast one which we have already seen and discounted.

What a sham.


There’s a lot of fauxcialists in the Labour Party these days, all of them involved in the Better Together campaign.


If anyone did watch programme on al jazeera on my urging I am
sorry. Just a lot of childish shouting.

call me dave

Interesting tweet.

link to


Any detail on these “new powers”? I keep reading this is devo max. So they are going to cede full control of everything bar defense and foreign policy? Are they? If so nothing to worry about….cept trident and illegal wars.

Black Douglas


Why accept a poison chalice now! when the holy grail is within our grasp.

Dan Huil

For those of you with strong stomachs, courtesy of the NewStatesmen:

The former PM will say in his speech in Midlothian tonight:

“On 19 September we will start bringing into law the new, stronger Scottish Parliament, and to secure the change we want we will work with the other parties. The Scottish people will expect nothing less, not only because that is the right thing to do, but because we need an agreed timetable with deadlines for delivery and a roadmap to our goal.

Last week I spoke to the Speaker of the House of Commons and requested a parliamentary debate for the first week to bring the issues to the House of Commons at the earliest opportunity. He has promised me his answer by Wednesday.

But I think it is right anyway that on its first week back the House of Commons agrees a motion to set a new Scotland Act in train I hope this can be agreed.

But even though we are not in power, Labour is now taking the initiative proposing a timetable for strengthening the Scottish Parliament

It is this: by the end of October, just over five weeks after the referendum, we seek a command paper that sets out all the plans, including the agreed ground that unites us, and the issues that need to be resolved.

By the end of November, we seek Heads of Agreement on a new Scotland Act published in a White Paper, or its equivalent, will report back on an intensive month of consultation with Scottish civic society and with the groups who were engaged in talks during Scottish Constitutional convention, who like the Scottish Parliament, will be able to scrutinise and challenge the proposals.

By the end of January 2015,we seek draft clauses ready for legislative enactment as the new Scotland Bill and Scotland Act. I want to see draft clauses giving effect to these policies as soon as possible because I want legislation to happen as soon as possible. And from November to January we would continue to consult the Scottish Parliament.

Labour since Keir Hardie has been the Party of Home Rule for Scotland within the United Kingdom so the plan for a stronger Scottish Parliament we seek agreement on is for nothing else than a modern form of Scottish Home Rule within the United Kingdom, published by St Andrews Day on 30 November, with the draft laws around 25 January – interestingly enough by Burns Night.”


O/T: brilliant Irvine Welsh piece on Bella link to
“I don’t designate what we’re currently doing as ‘standing alongside’ anybody; I call it endorsing a set-up that maintains our joint misery. Better to call time on that self-defeating nonsense and encourage and inspire others to do the same. This ‘internationalism’, so publically heralded by ‘No’ leftists, (but only in response to the Scottish independence threat –otherwise its generally forgotten about) has in reality been used as a Trojan horse for a corporate-led globalisation and imperialism, where this transfer of resources from the rest to the rich is aided and abetted by the UK state.

On a related note, as well as Scotland and England, I visited Ireland, where I lived for five years, in order to attend a wedding. I felt just as close to my friends there as I did to the ones in England and Scotland: we don’t need to have the same domestic governments to moan about in order to bond as human beings over common areas of concern. It’s called internationalism, and as tough a concept as it is for some people to grasp, that doesn’t stop or start at London. Independence isn’t divisive; gross inequality, as promoted by the UK state, now that is schismatic.”

call me dave

Sco goes pop

New poll release WOW!


@ Dan Huil

Well sharing the currency may be the best thing for England, but now that the Panama option has been posed, and there is a good Adam Smith Institute essay kicking around on that subject, I hae ma doubts about Scotland’s best interest.

Perhaps the FM is playing the BT’s into a corner. If they are adamant we aren’t getting the CU, we are well within our rights to leave them with the debt. Sterlingization is not a bad idea.

1. The B Of E has said they’ll honour the debt.

2. If Scotland wasn’t good for Sterling why did their currency weaken today?

3. Panama has a stable banking system – apparently similar to what Scotland had when banking became a big business in Scotland during the Enlightenment.

4. A free Scotland without the debt – and the interest due on it – will be in an even better position than just gaining its political freedom alone.


O/T I kid you not the Guardian has 28 articles today on Independence-the latest one – a load of pish about how much we get from the BBC and we only pay £320m and we get:

BBC1: £1,463.2m
BBC2: £543.1m
BBC3: £121.7m
BBC4: £70.2m
CBBC: £108.7m
CBeebies: £43m
BBC Online: £176.6m
Overall BBC radio spending: £669.5m, of which:
£32.7m is spent on BBC Radio Scotland
£6.3m is spent on Radio nan Ga?idhael.

They are saying we couldn’t afford all that quality??!!

Surely we would cherry pick the programmes we want and we could ditch the complete drivel which would probably be at least 50%.

Dan Huil

James Kelly at Scot goes Pop has TNS poll: 50% – 50%.


C4 news in Greenock, where once they Clyde built great ships and now, nothing. Well a Tesco 24.


What is going on with Crash Gordon? The Guardian are going into propaganda overdrive about his remarks today.

Dan Huil

@ davidb. Fair comment. I was sort of implying it [a currency union to calm the markets] might be a good line for the Yes camp to help soothe nervous DKs.

John H.

Listening to Liam Fox on cnn Amanpour show,same old “what currency will they use?” stuff,It’s the pound.


Anyone else watching the Labour Party political broadcast on BBC News. 10 minutes so far and no sign of Gordon Brown. This is the worst case of BBC bias I have ever experienced.

John H.

Dan Huil – Sorry Dan. 🙂



The Guardian give details on it here:

link to

It is nothing like Devo max unsurprisingly.


The Scottish shares mentioned on the BBBC as falling included RBS – a large British state owned bank. Also Standard Life – a business where the directors all apparently have security forces backgrounds and who are vehemently opposed to our independence.

It looks to me on the surface that the City Of London is shorting businesses with Westminster connections.

I would suggest that if this keeps up buying opportunities arise. Some sound businesses operate in Scotland, and independence is liable to create opportunities for many businesses.

Oh, stockbrokers make the most money when markets are volatile. They get sale commission on any trade, buy or sell – its volume they want. Would your estate agent be happier if you bought 1 house or if you bought and sold a dozen houses this year?


David S Briggs says:


Boris is a vote ‘Yes’ winner. We need his fat gob opening and closing, uttering his stupid views as much as possible. Give him the platform for heaven sake. Fabulous input from him.

To be honest David I was trying, obviously I failed here, to be sarcastic. 😛

Unfortunately, as many on here will attest to, sarcasm does not travel well via the medium of the internet. 😉


Now 15 minutes. Lamont been talking for 10 minutes. Still no sign of Brown.



The Guardian are just another element of the British establishment. They are engaged in massive deceit, and are trying to con the people of Scotland into voting No. Their sole aim is the preservation of the British state as it is constituted at the moment.


Crash says vote NO for Scottish “home rule in the united kingdom” or a “kind of federalism” because he’s thinking about his children so hits all the spots then. Days before 18th, former PM of UK says he’s offering home rule now.

call me dave

New poll.

Remarkable +8 swing to YES and -8 to NO giving 50% each.

Too neat & balanced for me..but I’ll take it. 🙂

Les Wilson

davidb says

Yes, and Babcocks too, who look after Faslane, no surprise with that one!

John H.

My wife worked for Standard Life at the time of the 1997 devolution vote.They sent a letter to all employees stating that a yes to devolution would mean that they would leave Scotland.They’re still here.

Jim McIntosh

Has the Electoral Commission made any statement at all on these shenanigans from the NO brigade. Surely there should have been some comment.

BTW the extended edition of Reporting Scotland has been absolutely disgraceful.


That new TNS-BRMB poll is excellent news. Shows the YouGov poll from Sunday wasn’t a fluke. Game on!

John Young

Wow, you donate £0.01 to better together and you get priority treatment
Dear John,
I’m writing to invite you to an exclusive event with the former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown MP.
With less than two weeks before we make the biggest decision in the history of our nation, we need to take every last opportunity to make the positive case that the best future for people in Scotland is one in which we have the best of both worlds; more powers for the Scottish Parliament guaranteed, and the strength, security and stability of being part of the wider UK.
This Thursday (11th September), Gordon Brown will make a key intervention in the referendum debate highlighting the reasons why the majority of us are saying no thanks to the risks and costs of separation. This event will take place in Kilmarnock at 11:00am, and will be a great opportunity to hear our positive and passionate case for remaining in the UK.
Places will be limited so make sure you RSVP here if you are interested in coming along and we will contact you closer to the time to confirm the location.
We will only win this campaign if people like yourself get involved and make your voice heard. The nationalists know that they only need to win once – and they only need to win by one vote. We cannot allow that to happen. With just over a weekt to go, now is the time to play your part.
Best wishes,
Kitty Raven
Events Officer
Better Together


‘Think about your children’.
Does that mean they are going to invade?


Jejus wept. BBC News 24 is taking the piss. 20 minutes of Johnann Lamont, still no Gordon Brown. And all because of a stupid timetable that brings nothing new to the table. Absolutely disgusting bias!


EBC screening a 1hr party political broadcast on behalf of the LABOUR & CONSERVATIVE UNIONIST PARTY, O/O, BNP EDL BNP and fellow travellers.





Here comes Peston doing his bit..

No more Scottish bank notes south of the border?

Comments open.


@Jim McIntosh

Yes broadcast after it helped to make up for the biased prog!

Training Day

@Jim McIntosh

I emailed the EC this morning to ask their view on Osborne/BT shenanigans. No response thus far.

By contrast, when I emailed them about using a pen to vote, they came back within 15 minutes!


I am fuming. 30 minutes and running, no mention of the timetable,.

Scott Minto (Aka Sneekyboy)


“Panama has a stable banking system – apparently similar to what Scotland had when banking became a big business in Scotland during the Enlightenment.”

This is true. See HERE: link to

Nana Smith

It looks like the media knows they have nothing to lose now and have decided fuck it, lets just go mental.


And 5 minutes into Brown actually speaking they cut the coverage!


@muttley79, – I know the guardian is just another self serving establishment mouthpiece.

They pretend to be liberal, centre left with every country in the world except us.

I no longer post there anymore but I was sorely tempted to pile in – click bait – and tell them to shove their BBC where the sun don’t shine.


BBC impartiality my arse!!

News 24 giving a full hour to the No side, just for a timetable for what we already know. Disgusted.


@Lesley-Anne 6:42pm

You’re right Lesley-Anne, they will defend the Union to the dying breath. They are all better together. All four Party’s: Labour, Tory, Lib Dem and the BBC. I switched it off, came on here for rant then went and picked a scab on my elbow.. Far more


I see that ‘family atmosphere’ and ‘good natured’ are just two of the things the OO are bringing to Edinburgh. It’s like an invite to Xmas dinner in Albert Square. Still at least there won’t be any of their bampots left in the west.

Broon introducing new legislation. Wonder if he’ll turn up to vote. Wonder if he can spell purdah. Try it backwards Gordy, that’s (almost) where you left us.


@Onwards – that’s just click bait – if you want to see BritNat comments in action, have a look – they will be a shocker.


Reading the comments on the Guardian article about Brown’s speech (or whatever it is), two things are noticeable. Many people are saying it is absolute bullshit, and the rest are furious at what they regard as the appeasement of us Jocks. If there is a No vote, the BBC and SLAB are going to be completely discredited; the former for their blatant Pravda esque bias, and the latter for coning people here. They are destroying their own cause before our very eyes.

Hopefully there will be a Yes vote, and then we can start building our own nation and society back from the grassroots up again.


Channel 4 Interview with Gordon Brown disgusting.

Grouse Beater

We seem to have reached a situation at the same stage to the Quebec plebscite that lost marginally by exactly the similar last minute bribes.


link to full barrage of NO from the liggers. Never seen anything like this before. JK Rowling says she really cares for everyone and she’ll be just fine when the Scottish economy implodes but you won’t be, so vote no.

Then Michael White’s come back in with something very very scary that will happen to Scotland. It’s certainly got them all going this democracy, or rather possible democracy in Holyrood.

Grouse Beater

You seem angry, Muttley!


Thanks for that post deewal, I feel the need, ther need for … no not speed but this! 😛

link to


Just in from work and missed all the fun today, it seems. What’s the 411 on this TNS? I’m hearing a 14-16% swing?



Michael White is creepy as fuck. Would you trust any of this lot at all?

Dan Huil

@ deewal. Ho surprise there. But if the TNS poll is right [50%-50%] then all the rubbish spouted by Brown will be quickly forgotten as the media will crap another brick over this new poll.


@ muttley79, no one trusts any of them, which is why we the Scots will be citizens of the nation state of Scotland, afore ye know it:D


“The only way Cameron’s going to win a single no vote is if he leaves his clothes on a beach and pretends to have swum off into oblivion, or vows to slam his balls in a car door if Scotland decides to stay. I don’t have a vote, but I vote for the latter.” LOL

Charlie Brooker in the Guardian link to


As muttley 79 says the bbc are pravda, their existence is only
to report what the english establishment tells them to report,
this goes for all forms of the msm. There is no free press.

Today I cancelled my DD for paying the tv license citing the bbc
bias against independence as my reason.

Grouse Beater

Muttley: Michael White is creepy …

My protracted spat with him must still be on the internet.

He takes the classic colonial line with Scotland, half-praise for the natives inventiveness and adaptability but they really should know their place.

fred blogger

from tom pride on twitter
“Ironic that for years the NO campaign’s been telling people to consider the ramifications of a YES vote – and is only now doing so itself.”


@grouse beater

I am grouse, I am! What I am most angry about is people telling the people of Scotland that they are too stupid, too poor, and too wee to run their own affairs as well as any other nations in the world. They do not care a fuck for the damage it has done to Scotland. Shame on them!


So a 35 minute Labour party broadcast by BBC News 24 – supposedly to broadcast Gordon Brown’s timetable – and after only 5 minutes of Gordon Brown actually talking they cut it to Scotland Decides which is an interview with Douglas Alexander. Not a Yes response to the Labour Party’s 35 minutes. This is the most outrageous abuse of their supposed impartiality I have ever seen by the BBC.


@grouse beater

Yes, that is Michael White down to a tee. The guy is as arrogant and patronising as you can get. A real nasty piece of work, I bet he is a bully as well.


From me in Mid Lothian, thats Channel 4 news, aye try West Lothian tomorrow night blondy.

Robert Louis

So we have just had wall to wall unbalanced pro union rubbish on the BBC for the last hour. Tomorrow, they will be doing EXACTLY the same, exploring what ‘new powers’ are coming, but this time from Edinburgh. Channel4 doing the same. I watched Gordon brown interviewed and it was a joke. He was just allowed to spout unmitigated nonsense and clear cut lies, and the ‘presenter’ said nothing.

On the BBC I’m not sure what Gavin Esler is supposed to be doing, as it is clear he does not know any of the arguments for and against independence. As a result, people like Douglas Alexander can spout utter rubbish, with no questions asked. Clearly clueless.

Full, blatant propaganda. Now, everyone in Scotland can see just how little a democracy we have. BBC complaints can be phoned on 03700 100 222.

Free at last?

Just wanted to say, I came late to this site (apparently you’re all nasty fascists). I campaigned for Winnie in Elgin in 1974 (well OK as a 13 year old I was allowed to shove a few leaflets through letter boxes). I’ve never wavered, not once, through good times and bad. Sometimes you felt like some kind of loony, sometimes you felt a few out there were on the same wavelength. I was nearly 50 before the party I always voted for won an election. Then Magic Alex did his stuff, and suddenly…..well, you know what happened, and I don’t want to write a book. I almost cannot believe that, other than my lovely wife and kids, the most important thing in my life, the search for freedom for my wonderful country, may almost be there. I’m feckin sick to death of being the last major English colony to be free. Astonishingly, it’s within reach. I can feel it, I’m breathing it. Get out there, work your tits off, and MAKE THIS HAPPEN.


lan Cumming cool as a cucumber blew his interviewer away. 🙂


First time poster but have been reading for 12 months.Just watched bbc news absolute disgrace.
Question-is there another bbc protest arranged?I want to go!


Ref the BBC News 24 Scottish Labour/No Campaign broadcast – complain formally right now to BBC re bias – on-line or by phone. I did at 19 minutes into Ms Lamont’s speech which should have been cut back to the studio until Mr Brown took the stage – thankfully she used up his time. (-:

Colin Church

Tonights TV coverage has reached an alll time low for standards and balance. Feel physically sick watching it.

Robert Louis

Meanwhile, Channel4 news was merrily telling us that Scotland was “skint’ when it joined the union in 1707. This is of course a lie. Several big landowners were ‘skint’, the very ones who were bribed by London’s agent, Daniel Defoe, in order to have them sign the act of union.

link to

Justin Ross

Just watched Brown breakdown on BBC! Why would you believe a word he says about future powers or pensions when he can’t even tell the truth in the little “filler” parts of his speech about football and his Scottishness etc.?

Firstly, he seems to have dropped his “estuary” accent and he’s putting on a stronger Scottish accent??

He says he yields to nobody in his pride in being Scottish…yet in a 2008 interview in the USA he couldn’t even bring himself to say that and said “I’m from North Britain” And all his patronizing, transparent crap about supporting the Scottish football team. How dumb does he think we are that we can be patronized and fooled by that irrelevant crap?

If he can’t be accurate with this stuff, what else might he be wildly wrong about? Not taking the risk this time Gordon! Fooled too many times.


Oh and BBC Scotland can get to fuck as well! How up the arse of the unionists in SLAB are they? BBC Scotland GTF.


Gordon Brown forgets his own advice.

Video just 9 secs.

link to


Channel 4 GTF as well!

Dan Huil

The British nationalist media has gone into over-drive tonight. Their biased anti-independence agenda is there for all to see and hear. I am confident the vast majority of intelligent DKs will comprehend it exactly as we do.
As with all British nationalist bullying it will backfire.
Stay cool.


Well that’s another tweet sent to @BBCNews24 😛


Sorry, That’s Alan Cumming blew blondy away :_)


Looks like BBC 24 is another full time bettertogether UKOK front. Must have been decided last night to get that crew piling in.

Home rule for Scotland, meaning what? A timetable. If we fall for this con etc… Brown’s offers are very weird too. “Powers powers powers powers powers, and never again a bed room tax, even though its my baby.” Dear oh dear.


@Free at last

Hear Hear.


Why do I need ‘Home Rule’? I can have full independence a week on Thursday. Beat it, son.


Hectoring asshole Andrew Neil tweets that Scottish Sun is to back independence despite protests from the editor of its London-based sister paper. If this is true, the move would feel a lot more convincing if the Sun had done it months ago. Now it just smacks of a cycnical and opportunistic attempt to hop onto the gravy train. Mind, 2 newspapers supporting Indy is better than just a single one.

David Stevenson

Deewal: Is that Alan Cumming? Where was he interviewed?


BBC News, BBC 24, BBC World Service, BBC in general.

Can’t we just rename it BBC Pravda? It is after all the Media Mouth Piece of the established Government, and Better Together, No Thanks uKOK.

Robert Louis

At what point will the electoral commission get off their collective bottoms, and actually start to assert some control??? We have had new plans presented, although voting has started in complete breach of the referendum guidelines, and now we have wall to wall coverage of unionism for one whole peak viewing time hour. No balance, nothing.

Now we ALL know the truth. There is no democracy for Scotland, London controls the media on a whim, the BBC are just puppets, so can we even expect that the votes will not be tampered with?? Can we even trust the voting counts now???

Seriously, I (and others) have been saying this for the last two years, we need foreign election observers from the council of Europe or UN. Westminster and the uk media is soooo corrupt, it beggars belief.



Why get only some powers when you can get the lot in one go?! Lets go and all vote Yes people. 😀 😀


P.S. I love Minty’s post..

“Why do I need ‘Home Rule’? I can have full independence a week on Thursday.”

Love that. Sums the whole “Westminster Bricking It” charade for me in a nutshell. Can I use that?

Ian Brotherhood

Odds update.

Straight Yes win now averaging less than 2/1.

link to

Robert Louis


Yes, BBCpravda is the correct name.

Interestingly, in the USSR, Pravda, as the main propagandist news outlet, had an ironic name, given that in Russian Pravda means ‘truth’, of course it was just a state propagandist.


To be fair McTim, we all know that the SUN has the largest circulation sales in Scotland. One thing that everyone in the YES camp has never wanted is to be hitting the lead too early in the campaign. I think 10 days out from the finish line is about as far out we wanted to be before matching or snatching the lead. It has been evident over the last month or so that ALL the momentum in this referendum has been with the YES campaign and we do not want to burn this momentum which we could possibly have done had the SUN come over too early.

Don’t worry about the SUN’s alleged move being cynical or opportunist. That is nothing we as independence campaigners can control but rest assured that by coming over, if indeed they do, then they will certainly shift more than a few of their *ahem* readers over to YES.

WE have ALL the momentum and it is almost impossible for the Better whatsit to regain it.Even this s***e that Brown is spouting tonight can never regain the momentum for the Better whatsit side. They have shot all their ammo and have nothing left. We are winning every where we go and we WILL win on 19th, it is just a question now of how big our victory will be. This is why we can not ease up, we must keep pushing the cause of YES right up to the last minute. Turn every undecided that is still out there to increase our victory margin! 😛


Sorry if this has already been posted, but wow! link to


Keep marching forward. we’re on a firm path with a gate at the end of it.

They are up to their necks in lies, deceit, fear, anxiety and hate, and they haven’t a way out. There is no gate. They don’t know what to do and the entire world can see it.

There time has been and they have wasted it.

Unfortunately for them it’s not an illusion, but for us it’s just part of this country’s journey as we leave them behind for a just society.

To those who work hard and inform people of the truth; Keep going because the country needs you.

call me dave

Labour lieutenants on the MSM & bussed in footsoldiers door knocking doing down Scotland while the tory coalition hide behind the human shield ready to claim victory, or if not, blame the mugs for a poor campaign.

My old father would turn in his grave if he knew.

Funny old world init!


Some see their knighthoods & ermine disappearing fast.

Proud Cybernat

Scotgoespop-YES 41, (50.6%), NO 40 (49.4%).

This backs up YouGov. We’re still motoring people but absolutely not the time to take the foot off the gas.

Robert Louis

All this tonight makes me even more determined to help ensure a YES vote. Now we have the momentum, and even with their free wall to wall media coverage, the anti independence campaign is in pieces.

The fact as others above have said, why have some powers maybe, when you can have FULL powers definitely.

This is ours to win. Nine more days hard work, to make a better Scotland for all of us. I cannot wait.


@Lesley Anne, aye if nothing else, at least it tips the balance a little bit. If polls to follow show a Yes lead, I wonder if the Record will come out for Yes if only to ensure Labour supporters voting Yes will keep buying it.

Brian Powell

Phoned BBC to lodge complaint over the 40 minute party political broadcast given to Labour on BBC news, while it was going on.
Then emailed a complaint to BBC and to the Electoral Commission.

Chic McGregor

Bit disappointed in Yes Scotland rerunning that first ad. I voted for this one with my donation. (Subtitles added for shop window).

link to

Robert Louis

Proud cybernat,

Aye, keep going until we are past the finish line. Nothing taken for granted. Every single vote counts, no matter what the polls say.


@Robert Louis..

Sorry I was going with Pravda being the party’s media puppy..

I had no idea it meant truth.. I hang my head in shame and using that in the same sentence as the BBC.. (and that i never googled it


BrianW – feel free to use it. Anything that helps!

Only today I’ve heard of late switchers a-plenty including one I’d never ever had believed possible in my pals. My nailed on No pal (I’m going to close down my business and move away from all of my family in the event of a Yes…) is frantically FBing scaremongering articles. A lone voice in a sea of Yes on my timeline

Monsieur Malchance

The difference between Pravda and the BBC is that the Soviets knew they were being lied to and Pravda was pure propaganda.

Unfortunately, lots of people in Scotland still trust the BBC.

Why? I’ll never know….


We can’t expect anything remotely approaching fairness from the media. The papers are full of this 10 days to save the UK crap and the TV stations are in overdrive to try and come to the rescue. There is no pretence at fairness or even a nod to democracy. If Brown had delivered something new and coherent he would have broken purdah and been in breach of the rules. The BBC are therefore complicit in providing a unbalanced platform to one side only.

However, the momentum is with us. I am not sure they can stop this now. Both of the polls most unfriendly to Yes have shown us with our noses in front. If we win they can say their methodology was good because they called it right….ignoring the leg up they have been giving No for 2 years.


These are excellent figure PC, particularly when you realise that YES are UP by 8 points and NO are DOWN by 8 points. With the Don’t Knows removed we end up with a 1% lead for YES. Oh gawd SKY News and BBC News paper reviews are going to be, how shall I put this … electric tonight! 😛


You don’t need to wait for the poll details;

link to


For everyone pissed off at BBC Pravda tonight then
get along to bbc bias protest this Sunday at 2pm at pacific
quay. A big turnout might tone down some of their worst excesses.

Graeme Doig


You said it bud

Arabs for Independence

O/T Just returned from Norway to help in campaigning. I liked the idea put forward by a poster yesterday to call at Yes houses with the WBB with an aim that they will likely know of a don’t know or a soft no and could then pass it on. The Wee Blue Book is a proven ‘convertor’.

There are no WBBs at Yes Dundee so wondered if anyone could give me 50 – 100 or more to enable me and a few mates to try this approach.

Any help appreciated. I’m in Dundee but could try and collect – thanks


@David Stevenson
Yes. Alan Cumming. Channel 4 News. Beginning of Blondy’s interviews before Gordon is a Moron. Lol@ Lesley-Anne.
She could not phase him and he was very cool and collected and friendly and just put her straight. It’s the quietest I’ve ever seen her.

Harry McAye

I’m so glad I’m not watching BBC News tonight, going by the comments, it’s the last thing my blood pressure needs.

Caught the lunchtime news, the tail end of the national news which showed Nick Bryant in Quebec. It was quite a negative piece on their failed bid and how there was no real appetite for another one. Then the Scottish news and what do we get, the exact same report that we’d just seen minutes earlier!!! Seriously, can there be another nation on earth that has to suffer this absolute craziness with their news programmes? It’s bad enough when we get the Scottish weather forecast followed by the proper weather forecast, you know, from London, the one that you can trust. Of course BBC Scotland showed it because it was negative towards independence. How on earth can they think that Scotland is comparable with Quebec anyway?

Auld Rock

All this gives me the dry boke. Has Brown got the assurance from some 500 other mainly English MP’s and I don’t know how many unelected wasters in that other place that they will pass this into law. Let me put it simply, NAE CHANCE.

Auld Rock

Scot Finlayson

Sorry to be a pedant but WTF does ” factual inaccuracies” mean, if it is a fact it cannot be inaccurate if it is not a fact how can it be factual.
Sounds like the Doc is as much a moron as Alexander and that is a fact.

Patrick Roden

If the figures for the TNS poll quoted by proud Cybernat are correct, then in the rounded result it should read Yes 51% No 49%


@alistair – Is there a link with info for the protest on Sunday?



I think the doctor meant to say factually incorrect but we get the drift.

Democracy Reborn

The new poll from TNS-BMRB ( a traditionally No-friendly pollster) gives a 16% swing to Yes : Yes 50% (+8) No 50% (-8).

Game on indeed, but let’s not let up for a moment.

As for wee Dougie, can you imagine what’s going through the nappers of every Scottish Labour MP just now? Job for life, London apartment, WM pension, subsidised food & drink, expenses, future ermine in m’Lordhips’ house, daily attendance allowance therein for doing sweet FA…. all blown away within a day. As they say in Coronation Street…. “Ta-ra loov.”


Pravda means truth, which the BBC know nothing about.


TNS poll results welcome but the fieldwork was started on August 27th so they could be trailing behind yesterday’s poll. The thing that matters most is the trend which is onwards and upwards


I think ianbeag this is why this set of results from TNS is all the better. Had they started later than they did and finished later than they did I can only imagine that their results would have been even better than they currently are. In other words they would be showing a BIGGER lead for YES. 😛


The 2 Soviet newspapers were Pravda and Izvetiya – the quip was that one wasn’t true and the other wasn’t news.


Looks like Gordon Brown et al are making the Quebec move.

The following btl comment by James Coleman from Scot Goes Pop sums it up well

Just remember last Quebec poll 2/3 days before vote showed 53% Y 47% N while result was 50.3% N 49.7% Y. And that happened because on the eve of the poll the Canadian Gov ‘promised’ much greater powers if NO vote. Needless to say such promises were not delivered; in fact Quebec’s powers were diminished afterwards.??YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Ken MacColl

Harry McAye

If you are interested BBC Scotland in the “news where you are” showed the Quebec clip yet again at 6.30pm.Class act, not.


You know what they say, fool us once shame on you, fool us twice, then we really are too stupid.

Derek M

lol i see wee dougie doesnt want to be left out the race to see who is the biggest fud , dougie you are a fud but big crash broon beats you hands down and has now raced into the lead at the top of the fud leader-board knocking flipper into second place ,odds have shortened on tessa jowel though as she screams up the table with her insurgency comment,can she keep climbing the table or was it just a one off fudtastic moment only time will tell,and can flipper who has been leading the table for over two years make a comeback on crash broon ,stayed tuned folks im sure more fudtastic moments are just around the corner 🙂

Chic McGregor

OK despite some input elsewhere that it is funny, I’ll take the silence here as a no and dump it.

Chic McGregor

Ignore that last post should have been off topic. Got two windows open at once.

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