Hands up if you’re totally corrupt
Posted on
February 24, 2021 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
This made me laugh. What a day it’s been!
What’s the big news.
“Not mine to break. But think of the best thing you can imagine for Scottish independence (short of independence).”
link to twitter.com
Well in pictorial form it is funny. In reality not. Let’s hope they all get sacked.
Nice Stu…….nice!!
This is probably really inappropriate but I would not be averse to tweaking Nicky Richards curls
Nice Stu…tic toc
Soo many accomplassies!!!!!
Bossed it, Wings dude!
Bring it on!
Aside from the seriousness of it all that’s best bloody good laugh I’ve had in ages looking at the rogues gallery .
Hands up if you tweet this blog post..
Only Stu can make this world seem right…
Peter Magpie Murrel certainly has something of the night about him. He’s a strange, slimy and shifty character
Needed a laugh. It’s stressful when this cause means the world to you. Especially when so many fellow Yessers are being wilfully stupid. I get the natural bias for the party that is the conduit for the cause but you wonder what it would take for some folks to say ‘haud on this is some blatant corruption here and they attempted to ruin a man’s life’. Anyway back to the laughing part.
I notice that the whole crooked lot of them do not dare to show their *other* hands, where every one of them has their fingers crossed to excuse their “fibs”/lies/and absolute total untruths which they have chosen to give to any and *EVERY* enquiry.
It is well past the time that a Judge, a totally independent Judge, took charge of this whole sordid affair, and demanded and called forth *every* single person involved in this horrid fiasco which shows Scotland – the Scotland of the Enlightenment – in such a horrid and corrupt light.
My guess on the big news is Salmond joining ISP as leader. Just a hunch.
A trains bearing down on them Stu isn’t it? A legal train ?. Perhaps
I think Nicola Richards has just let one go and its absolutely honking, but she swears its not hers and everyone in the room blames Jackie Baillie. Wolfe man swears he never smelt it but carefully and quickly suppresses the egg flavoured fart before it reached the public domain. Petra Murrell puts his hands up in response to Furdo Frasers question to who is wearing a mini skirt and fishnets.
You could caption those pictures with the old western red Indian ” How? ”
We know how . We want to know why?
Still laughing on my way to bed and probably in the morning too . . I salute your bravery, lampooning at its best . .
Nice one rev.
When this lot get fully investigated they will find adrenaline comes in the form of a brown stain.
When is the Hamilton report due?
Achtung Baby, don’t be stupid , be a smarty , come and join the SNP party.
Brilliant. Well done
That is a very good question holymacmoses. I read somewhere – perhaps on this very site – that he hopes to report by the end of February.
Eh, Jeggit is really teasing. I wonder what he knows?
It’ll a’ come oot in the wahsh…
Something tells me McQanon knows a little secret. Give us a sign, messiah.
I get the feeling something big is on the horizon.
Kevin Mckenna giving it both barrels on BBC Debate Night now.
Too soon to be what Jeggit is referring to
I pray to god at least some of these happy people see the inside of a prison cell.
I also want back the months I spent campaigning for the SNP.
I would also appreciate the return of the money I donated to the party thanks.
Well I needed a laugh thanks for that
Jeggit said it would bring a tear of joy to our eyes. It must be bloody good.
Neil Gray earning his parachute into a nomination for a Holyrood seat.
@Dave Llewellyn says:
24 February, 2021 at 10:25 pm
This is probably really inappropriate but I would not be averse to tweaking Nicky Richards curls
Infamy, infamy…!
Monica Lennon ‘what about the women?’. Hypocrite. Didn’t she protect a Slab man that she said assaulted her?
The two with Nicola Sturgeon have to be worth a caption competition. Or is it just me?
A very, very busy day, Rev. Were it not for you this shower of corrupt bastards would have the rest of us really struggling to keep tabs on just what’s really happening. (The wheeshtforindy sheep were bamboozled into unquestioning compliance years ago)
Well done, as always.
All eyes on James Matthews and sky this evening
Wasn’t there a ‘Gang of Four’ somewhere else once upon a time?
And others in another country who claimed ‘we were only following orders……’
Things did not end well for any of them!
Spill it, Jeggit..
Pampers time for this bunch.
Hands up. What is it it? Please Miss I need to go. I need a jobbie.
Yes, I wondered what the smell was.
Ah these photographs gave me a laugh. But make no mistake, nappies will be getting filled.
Y’ken, the amount of stuff the Rev has produced over the past three weeks, would fill a weekly magazine/newspaper.
Crowdfunder for a weekly print edition?
We managed it with the WBB in summer 2014. How no’?
Another doubler for your rogue’s gallery
Evans and Harvie
link to twitter.com
AS (yesterday’s man) on trial over on FB. All his doing. Indy over already. Or i’m just in the wrong groups.
No .Many people will struggle to let Nicola go. She has become their faith rather than a standard religion.
Faith takes time to shatter,but it will eventually.
@ mike cassidy at 10:53 pm
But how many pairs of plants are in that pic…
Could Jeggit be referring to the Alba Party registered with the EC on Feb 8? I note that a mate of Craig and Alex is registered as leader.
@Brian Doonthetoon
Maybe a ‘greatest hits’ on the wokies standing on the list so that folk with no internet get to see what these people really stand for?
I’d happily put that through the doors locally in Argyll and Bute.
The Murrell pic in his shirt sleeves, his fingers look crooked. But then they’re in good company.
Who is the woman in the black blouse?
Yes Silver Darling
Some like this
This Man (self Id’ng as a woman) thinks it’s ok for Men to be in Female spaces.What do you think? Does He deserve your vote.
That should get their attention.
It’s in the pic Morag.
Rev Stu,
Your missing a silhouette with a raised hand to represent those who are corrupt but for the moment remain [REDACTED].
Black blouse is Barbara Allison.
Stuart, thankyou for this post.
A picture paints a thousand words. The visogs on some of those roasters really do give veracity to that old phrase: “having a face fit for radio” ?
I now believe we are watching history being made.
Kirsten Oswald your late mother would be ashamed of you. Whilst you were having a flakey at the leaky NEC Zoom meeting with obersturmfuhrer Blinkey McWoke glowering (and ignoring) everyone, thank goodness that Wings now has it’s million-and-one new friend…
Iain Lawson.
His writing is on par with Stuart Campbell and as refreshing.
Kirsten, it turns out your NEC members have no adequate insurance against the massive financial exposure to the imminent bankruptcy of the SNP. The policy you had, if it hasn’t lapsed through non-payment is now voidable by the underwriters. They know about you and Blinkey McWokey now.
How careless of you and and the Dissembling Dreghorn Dirker. No more stilleto heels being stabbed in the back of opponents. Using PC language Kirsten, “horizontally challenged” people like you and your short ersed pal Nicola the SNP-destroyer, it turns out your downfall, will not start in the courts nor the Fabiani whitewash or Hamilton verdict.
Nope, it seems that £600,000 that was stolen by weaving it away into a tartan from the Clan Embe of Zelment is the catalyst for your auditors resigning due to the SNP finances failing audit.
Oops 2 The Sequel.
Looks like Channel 5 tv will be making a new poverty-porn tv show…
“Politician Pawnbrokers”
Are you a broke McWoke? Can’t pay, we’ll weave it away.
Never mind hen, you and Blinkey will get a new roof over your head at Corton Vale. If you are lucky you will get to share a jail cell and shower with some of these lurkers within the trans community who are very appropriately covered in the excellent article by Iain Lawson…
link to yoursforscotlandcom.wordpress.com
(Thanks for the brilliant link RepublicofScotland).
Ayrshire Rob showing a distinct lack of womens clothing styles…
Barbara Allison
Was going to ask where McKinnon was but then remembered she was the one who refused to appear on video. Yeah?
This man/woman believes the feelings of a man who says he is a woman is more important than the dignity of your elderly mother, the safety of your teenage daughter or sister who wants a female-only space.
Do you know what a woman is? This person says you are wrong.
“That motherfucker’s ugly enough to frighten the wrinkles out of a mule’s ass!” – Dolemite.
I preferred Ms. Evans when she appeared in The Return of the Living Dead as the talking half-zombie. Least she was entertaining in that.
link to youtube.com
(PS: Don’t give me any crap about ‘sexism’ for this, please. It’s just a joke in keeping with the lighthearted tone of the post)(no zombies were harmed during the making of this production)
I don’t know about Caeser, but this does list a few new decisions on the 8th:
link to electoralcommission.org.uk
Four women in the pics and yet Angus Robertson has the smallest hand out the lot.
All together now…
“Oh, you won’t get me, I work for The Union
You won’t get me, I work for The Union
You won’t get me, I work for The Union
Til the day I die
Til the day I die”
Aye, we’ll see…
The B and A come out NR on mi device lol
Repost from contempt for democracy thread. Please delete if poor etiquette
John Cleary says:
24 February, 2021 at 11:21 pm
The harrassment enquiry was the lead item on ITV news at 10 tonight. Very badly reported as Salmond v Sturgeon of course. The UK media seem more interested in whether it will reduce support for independence rather than any facts.
Stephen I agree. But we’ve got to change our thinking.
We know the media works on Salmond v Sturgeon, and it ain’t gonna change.
So we have to get our message out in those terms. For God’s sake, Salmond is still being the gentleman, and she has knifed him how many times?
What did she do with those two “genuine ” complainants, those two slices of reality about which to burnish her poison?
The Lord Advocate, or something working through his office, “instructed” the two complainants to file complaints with the police.
That’s what used to go on in Clarence House in the good old days.
They must be terrified.
Why is nobody telling the media?
@Bob Mack says:
24 February, 2021 at 10:59 pm
No .Many people will struggle to let Nicola go. She has become their faith rather than a standard religion.
Quite an odd one, that. My mum (an old-school tory) thinks that NS has done well with regard to keeping people informed and so on. She has no time for the SNP, though. I’ve been over a few times recently and no mention of the current situation, but there’s still, “Nicola says”.
JB says:
24 February, 2021 at 11:26 pm
I don’t know about Caeser, but this does list a few new decisions on the 8th:
That wasn’t the name I typed, obviously under wraps!
Angus Robertson not getting a lot of joy out of his crowdfunder appeal at the moment.
link to twitter.com
Ah well, there are the following recent authorisations – possibly Alba Party is the one you refer to?
link to search.electoralcommission.org.uk
link to search.electoralcommission.org.uk
link to search.electoralcommission.org.uk
link to search.electoralcommission.org.uk
link to search.electoralcommission.org.uk
The second and last were both approved on the 8th
Angus should donate his own 30 pieces of silver in to his own fundraiser.
Wow, this is timely! I’m doing my Twitter spoof quiz “As Bent As My Boss!” and was just checking my guest list. This is just the roll call I needed!
If she does go will John Swinney take over automatically?
Can elections for a new leader be completed before May?
Will the Wokes still dominate the NEC?
The thing that this jeggit bloke posted.
I don’t see how it can possibly help the cause.
So far as I can see it simply makes Mr Jeggit the centre of attention.
The proprietor puts out fantastic intelligence every day. There is truly nothing like it in the blogosphere*. He gives us a laugh.
Why concern ourselves with”pure wind”?
*Narrow (Scotland) focus. (Broad focus would be Moon of Alabama)
Excellent coverage of the rammy-fications and madness going on just now.
Hope this will be over soon, maybe then the SNP can actually focus on the more important, positive messaging about Scotland, leaving the union, and taking control of its own business – and securing a majority in the Spring Elections!
@kapelmeister at 11.28pm
That’s the first time I’ve seen Angus Robertson’s name and ‘smallest hand out’ in the same sentence.
MorvenM @12:41
No Cherry on top for Angus.
Smiley thing.
The Rogues Gallery above is like a reverse version of “Guess Who”
Guessing Mark Hirst won’t be voting ISP with his 2nd vote then.
link to twitter.com
Struggling to see the point of numerous Pro-Indy parties standing on the regional lists as it’s just going to compromise and confuse campaigning strategies, and importantly the less politically engaged electorate.
Plus there will be no pooling of votes between different parties so potential to waste 2nd votes, as any surplus under or over a seat winning threshold won’t be transferable to a different party with all that entails.
Watched the old Glenda Jackson series about Elizabeth I in which Queen Elizabeth’s agents decide that the best way to neutralise the Scots is to divide them.
450 years and nothing fucking changes!
This is a puzzler.
So its better than Sturgeon resigning and taking her scum with her. Alex fronting up a new party would please many but by no means all so I don’t think that’s it. It could be BJ agreeing to a S30 but that seems improbable – anyway the way I feel I would rather see Sturgeon go and get the referendum afterwards as I don’t want her running our new nation.
Think I’ve got it – Sturgeon, Wolffe, Evans, Loyd, the Alphabet women and a few others are about to be arrested. That should do it!
Thanks, Stu, big laughs in our wee house.
I see they put Smyth out tonight, on the deplorable NINE, for a stint of fire-fighting. Dangerous liar, sprang-to-mind.
Seems that the matter is now reaching network news programmes: finally. Must admit considerable feeling of sadness that this country which I love has been made to look like such a mickey mouse set-up having been treated like the Murrell’s personal fiefdom. (Is it true that Mickey is wearing a Fabiani watch these days?) Not looking foward to the unionist schadenfreude. Let’s hope the storm will lead to blood letting of the poisoned scots polity and a stronger independence leadership after it all settles
? .. nice one!
That was great stu needed a laugh after the shyteshow we’ve seen all week.
Cheers mate.
A wee spring starting to come back into the step.
Absolutely top class Rev.
Still can’t believe the way Sturgeon went after Salmond at that Covid/Squirrel briefing today.
She must fall at all costs.
Evil bastard uses these Covid briefings as a cover to hide behind.
The whole of Scotland is bored out of their tits listening to Covid shit.
So hopefully that’ll take the shine off her ratings as well.
Go get er Rev.
Did Ms A ever get to meet Nicola Sturgeon, as she indicated was her express wish on a number of occasions, to at least three of the civil service managers responsible for introducing the new procedure.
If not Why not?
29 Nov 2017: Gillian Russell wrote to Ms A “as agreed, I sent your narrative on in confidence to Nicky (Richards) and Judith (Mackinnon). I have now been asked by Nicky and Judith if you would be prepared to speak to them following receipt of your narrative. As part of this discussion Nicky would like to share with you the developing policy for handling complaints against former and current ministers. This would give you an opportunity to test whether this would have helped at the time and also to consider next steps.” Later that day Ms A agreed to do so but reterated her wish to speak personally with Nicola Sturgeon.
-Josef at 12.00-
I wouldn’t worry, i believe that on more than one occasion there have been precisely zero viewers of that programme.
I seem to remember something being mentioned about not standing in against each other but not sure if this is correct or just wishful thinking.
It’ll depend on how many candidates each party can stand in each region and/or constituency. They aren’t massive ahem rich parties like the SNP so it will be unlikely each will have candidates in each region – that’s my thinking anyway. I’m waiting to see what appears locally, but I suspect you won’t get a choice of each party in each region. So likely not competing against each other. No big government-forming party then, but you never know, they might be agreeable and form a coalition to rival any potential government.
When Sturgeon leaves Bute house and she will, I want to see lots and I mean lots of tears in her eyes. Theresa May was honest about the country she loves unlike Sturgeon.
Re jeggit- i will put my money on a plebiscite election .
I know it has been stated many times the reasons why this all began. But there is no way that it was planned to get this out of control, surely. What I still struggle to grasp is why anyone thought that when AS was first alerted to these trumped up allegations that his response would have been, ” so what do I do to keep this secret”? Surely someone must have thought up a Plan B so that if Salmond went after them, they could close the whole thing down without too much self inflicted damage. Instead we have Scottish politics, Holyrood, the FM, the SNP, the Crown Office, the top end of the civil service in Scotland all being made to look like a bunch of incompetent half wits whose only response was to lie to cover their tracks. It just defies belief that is has been allowed to come to this.
Stu, You remind me of Jean Rook and Marie Colvin. Perfect. Keep on. x
Greasy palms and sideways smiles. Hands up if your time’s up!
Quite confident now that Sturgeon is fucked.
Andybhoy says
AS was first alerted to these trumped up allegations that his response would have been, ” so what do I do to keep this secret”? Surely someone must have thought up a Plan B so that if Salmond went after them, they could close the whole thing down without too much self inflicted damage. Instead we have Scottish politics, Holyrood, the FM, the SNP, the Crown Office, the top end of the civil service in Scotland all being made to look like a bunch of incompetent half wits whose only response was to lie to cover their tracks.
Sturgeon seems incapable of understanding Newton’s Third about action and reaction being equal and opposite. The inability to plan alternatives, exacerbates the consequences of an already limited ability to think logically.
The recent ‘definition’ debacle is the latest in a long line of stupidity.
And her plan worked a treat. But what was it?
Afternote-2: The Criminal Trial of Alex Salmond: Ms McCall challenged Ms H on her contacts with a senior SNP official, Ian McCann, and three other women after the Daily Record reported on August 23rd, 2018, that a Scottish government internal inquiry had upheld complaints from two women of inappropriate behaviour by Mr Salmond. Ms H told the court she first approached Mr McCann in late 2017 after the Harvey Weinstein allegations surfaced in the US and the #MeToo movement had gained momentum. She did not specify what Mr Salmond had allegedly done to her but warned Mr McCann there had been incidents involving the former party leader. Ms McCall pressed Ms H to explain why she quickly made contact with other accusers after the Record story and after Mr Salmond disclosed he was suing the Scottish government over its inquiry. She asked Ms H whether two other accusers encouraged her to contact the police. In a text to another accuser two days after the Record story, Ms H wrote: “I’m mulling too. But I have a plan. And means we can be anonymous but see strong repercussions.” Challenged on what she meant, Ms H said she and the other accuser “had discussed in the past issues around Mr Salmond’s behaviour”. Ms McCall asked why she contacted another accuser who was a participant in a “ring around” of people who had worked with Mr Salmond. Ms H said she was trying to find out what was happening. “I was trying to figure out what the party and police process was, so I could figure out our path forward,” Ms H said.
I have just woke up and playing on the TV don’t laugh Debate night , A SNP MP Neil Gray oh for fk sake , Sargent Shultz I know nothing according to him well for want of a better word a useless fkn idiot who believes Scottish people are as fkn dumb as him , sorry pal I couldn’t vote for you as a MP because you have sat there and told everyone lies , not just having a SNP view on matters you have just told barefaced lies , I don’t think the party has been damaged that was a statement from him oh fk honestly,deluded.
@ Boris
There was me stupidly believing that if charges, of any sort, are ever to have any credibility when presented by a prosecutor, that those who are doing the complaining must never know who the other complainers are whilst the complaints are still live.
So much potential for corruption of complainers if they are allowed to communicate with each other.
Robert Graham 1.23
That is the exact same shit Sturgeon comes away with.
“What’s the problem dudes, is somethin goin down?”
And she is approaching her appearance at the inquiry next week exactly the same way.
Do they honestly believe that we have not got these muppets sussed out?
Is Patrick Harvie related to David Harvie ?
I cannot recall Alex Salmond ever being impolite to a journalist. He would get a little forceful at times, but never aggressive or arrogant. The previous First Ministers were the same.
I think the press are now going to go for the jugular.
Daisy Walker
His brother is Gavin Harvie.
Mother is Rose Harvie.
Excellent post.
I believe that there is another real public health issue that’s not being recognised and it really is very serious.
It’s becoming questionable that the water supply to Holyrood and various corporate bodies might have been compromised and possibly seriously contaminated.
How can we explain the outbreak of EARLY ON SET ALZHEIMERS disease in so many officials almost all of them have had to adjust their stories after its been pointed out to them their recollection differs from the known facts, it’s very disturbing .
The First Minister today was showing signs of this affliction when she said , I don’t recognise that meeting or that conversation , the date and the people eluded to is not what I remember.
Grounds for dismissal of all possible impending charges due to diminished responsibility linked to ALZHEIMER’S now that could be a reasonable defence , but 10 or more people suffering the same affliction might be stretching it a bit but who knows in the hands of a slick Lawyer anything is possible .
Great post stu!!
A Personal @ 12:51
It wasn’t me I have a cast iron alibi
Going by past events Alex is probably in the frame for that one
That would usually be treated as a Joke, not now it would be treated seriously given the actions of various individuals in the Scottish legal system, a fkd up joke of a system tbh
Wow! Angus Robertson has two crown funding pages on the go for the upcoming election.
What a complete Scammer he is.
link to twitter.com
link to uk.gofundme.com
So in total he’s trying to con people out of 15.000 pounds for his election campagne. 10.000 on one account 5.000 pounds on the other.
On his twitter acc someone mentioned:
Replying to
There is an account that has 3 followers and when you click on it, all the people he is following are the ones that support Alex, suspicious or what?
What a corrupt person he is.
link to twitter.com
This is the best I can do. I don’t know how to get a screen shot onto the site.
As a 70plus year old, I’m technically challenged. LOL
Andrew Neil:
“And to a compromised legal system we must also add a supine press (the Scottish Daily Mail being an honourable exception). The broadcasters are especially compliant, often little more than Sturgeon TV, while Scotland’s once powerful big-city newspapers are shadows of their former selves.”
link to dailymail.co.uk
Typical Scotsman Stuart humour laced with truth
Nothing better than a laugh first thing in the morning , thank you
Like most here I laughed and enjoyed the joke.
But then I thought. These are some of our most senior representatives, bastions of our society, pillars of justice and law, with their hands up swearing to tell the whole truth etc.
What does that say to the pimps, the gangsters, the abusers, the drug dealers and crooks among us? Never mind the shifty lawyers.
Not so funny eh?
We need to deal with them, somehow.
Has to be a referendum
Surprised it took them so long to come up with this. Old and cliched, true, but still totally appropriate.
link to captiongenerator.com
Hand Maidens
Hand it over
Hands off
Hand in the till
Caught red Handed
Red Hand of Ulcers
Hand it back!
Hand Cuffs
Bye Hand
Lots of alphabet ladies there
Babs Allison reminds me a hooker I used to know.
And by hooker I mean the rugby front row forward variety.
Head like a fire hydrant.
WhoRattledYourCage 6.07am
Is the French bird they mention the one out of the French Embassy in Edinburgh?
Sturgeon’s been seeing her for a few years now.
I also heard Peter has been seeing the French bird’s brother.
Nothing like keeping it in the family.
Such a parcel of Rogues!
Nick Robertson now narrating all about NS/AS on BBCR4 – interviewing Alex Neil MSP just now. You can hear the smugness in his voice!
Has anyone got a list of the charges made against AS associated with each alphabet woman. E.g. which letter was the hair tugging charge, which one was the alleged knee touch in the car, etc, etc.
Obviously not identifying them by name but just clarifying by alphabet letter who claimed what at the trial.
Someone said the initial women A & B were assigned different letters at the trial. Is that right?
@Mac Grousbeater had two posts on his website giving all the evidence from the prosecution that should have what you require.
Robert Graham 2:50 am
I seem to remember that Ernest Saunders used that one during the Distillers / Guinness debacle. Apparently he is now 85 and living in Austria – must have found a cure.
By the way, what happened to the (promised) Guinness Edinburgh headquarters?
“Has anyone got a list of the charges made against AS associated with each alphabet woman.”
You could try Craig Murray’s site @Mac says at 8:19 am.
link to craigmurray.org.uk
Craig reported from the trial until he got kicked out for putting the AS defence side into the public Domain.
Is this article an example of the Moorov principle? asking for a friend..
John Swinney does not seem to be appearing on many suspect lists.
Is that because there is no concrete evidence of his involvement?
link to tns2019.org
The MeToo movement
I’m not sure, just notes from the Dani Garavelli article.
#me2, although given the poverty of ambition that would have FM reporting to committee rather than vice versa, its not difficult to see why they might be laughing at the merry dance being led..
That said, given ex FM ought to have been subject to the same procedural norms as political leadership in other countries (ie impeached prior to prosecution for alleged crimes in office), and given he resigned long before there was any suggestion that impeachment might be an issue, and given the committee’s overriding desire for a whitewash, the final report could do worse than focus on the undermining of human rights by the ill conceived anonymity protocols, the undermining of parliamentary procedures by the ill conceived historic sexual abuse protocols (people who think they might be victims should be heard contemporaneously rather than be allowed to share an exaggerated guilt for having kept the issue quiet), and -in specific reference to the not unrelated administrative overreach- the undermining of society in general by the ill conceived interpretations that result in social norms (smiling, cheek kissing, hugging, etc) being punished by behavior police or being allowed to be presented as a pattern of abuse in court.
Together they are like Scotland’s version of the Adam’s Family.
Wouldn’t trust any of these swamp ghouls to run a bath never mind a country.
always wondered why Saunders wasn`t made to finish his sentence once it was found that he didn`t have Alzheimer’s disease,
they did build some sort of head office at Murrayfield but that was soon demolished for council housing ,i think.
Another party that had its registration approved on 8th February – Alba Party
link to search.electoralcommission.org.uk
Laurie Flynn!
Andrew Neil is to be congratulated on his well-researched article.
link to archive.is
Here are some highlights: –
‘In the intervening two years the Scottish Government has stymied legitimate evidence gathering on 60 to 70 occasions.’
‘At one stage the search function of the Scottish Government’s Freedom of Information website stopped producing results for certain contentious documents.’
‘When Salmond made his submission public last month the Scottish media was wary of touching it, given all the legal threats flying around. The Spectator magazine, of which I am chairman, was not subject to any warnings and posted it online anyway.’
If only we knew the source of Andrew Neil’s quality content because, disappointingly, there is no acknowledgement.
A pattern seems to be emerging.
link to gordondangerfield.com
From this morning’s Daily Mail: ‘Censorship, Bullying – Threats of Jail – How Dturgeon’s Storm Troops have turned Scotland into a Banana Republic.’
Full page article by Andrew Neil.
No TV interviews now to James Matthews of Sky News. He knows too much.
Now that Paul Kavanagh is posting again, I decided to go over the WGD blog again and came back depressed.
I don’t know if it is me but it does feel like those who post on that site are stuck in 2014. The world has moved on from then. The SNP are the establishment party of Scotland. They are unable or unwilling to move independence forward.
Maybe some are happy being stuck in that comfort zone with their Tory-bad/need to vote SNP to get independence. For the rest of us, the first vote for SNP and the second one for a genuine independence supporting party.
With that, the unionist deadwood is removed and there will be genuine opposition to the SNP to ensure they do their job properly, both to serve the people of Scotland and the independence cause.
“ Nick Robertson now narrating all about NS/AS on BBCR4 – interviewing Alex Neil MSP just now. You can hear the smugness in his voice!”
Just mention Matt Hancock.
Yes, the MSM will use this to maximum effect which is why it needs to move swiftly. Surely SNP MPs and MSPs must see that.
El Gordo,
With the greatest of respect, maybe it is an idea NOT to make posts about the alphabet women on Stuart Campbell’s website.
It’s up to Stu. But I would legally counsel to pick your battles. At this time the most effective weakness that will remove Sturgeon, Murrell and the Woke infestation is to follow the “woven” £600,000 urgently. The police pay that bill.
The next fundraiser might best be directed at printing a Wee Blue Book for the new IndyRegpf Guaranteed political party. The one Alex Salmond, Joanna Cherry, Kenny MacKaskill, Craig Murray and many genuine IndyRef2 folk might wish to join. It would be folly to squander precious fundraiser money on Grabbit & Milkem, Solicitors and Notaries holiday fund.
If you get Wings embroiled with the Crown Office and as a result I guarantee you will get this website SHUT DOWN with an ex parte writ, that is EXACTLY WHAT STURGEON WANTS. Any excuse to silence this website until after the Holyrood election.
Making jigsaw posts is naive at best and reckless at worst.
It is of course, Stuart’s call.
But as a law officer watching the Clown Office fall into disrepute, I would say do not touch anything that gives any of their rogue elements an excuse to close down the most important political website in the country.
Gordo, I am NOT having a dig at you or anyone else. You are commenting on VERY important matters. But that is likely a matter for an independent judge led Judicial Review. We just need to be on our “A” game right now. Cheers.
It’s like the two Ronnie’s sketch where a foreign
Barker orders breakfast with letter only, to waiter Corbett.
F U N E T. (Have u Any Tea)
S V F T (Yes We Have Tea)
NEC to have the sketch banned as targeting people with speech impediments.
Can someone confirm which woman sent the infamous message saying “she had a plan that meant they could be anonymous etc…”
Was that from Woman H to Woman C (allegedly)?
You missed out J, there was no I.
There is some confusion with some of the articles, I think it was Garavellis- it put the wrong letter to some of them.
G was the cuddle because she was upset – Snp staffer/civil servant
C was the hand on the knee in the car- SNP politician
J was the christmas card I think, snp staffer
Mac it was H to J
link to twitter.com
READERS: I have deleted a number of comments on this thread. I don’t believe any of them actually constituted contempt of court, but I’m extremely busy at the moment and would prefer not to have to monitor comments 24/7 just in case anyone carelessly (or indeed deliberately) commits jigsaw identification.
Please find somewhere else to conduct detailed discussion of these matters. Thank you.
Alan, so can you take a stab at correcting elgordo’s list. I am getting confused again.
We are not breaching anonymity here, only using their court assigned identities to list out the various charges and who was associated with each charge.
oh well you better forget that then Alan.
There is no allegedly about it. That message was read out in open court at the trial and not challenged.Lady Dorrian could not rule it as collateral as it was from one of the accusers (unlike the messages from Murrell, Ruddick, McCann)
A bit o/t
Anyone who has watched RT and Alex’s show know he goes to great lengths to avoid touching on his personal life and events currently being portrayed in public,
I suppose if he really wanted to inflict damage on Nicola Sturgeon Alex could front a piece alluding to both these individuals involvement in the current situation that has brought into question trust in the SNP Government , this trust has been shaken to its very foundation not by Unionists but by long standing supporters of both the SNP and Independence , once it’s gone it’s a hard job to win it back that involves leadership sadly lacking from our FM right now .and has been for some time
I have listened to various very intelligent people who have been involved in preparing a workable plan to be in place once this link to England has been severed all of them not involved or ignored by the current SNP Government , I haven’t seen the SNP Plan I haven’t seen preparations being put in place for this have I missed the blueprint that’s set to be in place the day after we break the political link to England obviously not the physical link, just the Westminster interference .
The Scottish English ‘Union’ was forged in corruption. There has been three centuries of corruption in the body politic. Should we be surprised that the cause of independence itself has been corrupted?
Scotland’s moment of truth.
“Be kind to each other because someone could be fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind and make time for each other.” Mr Motivator BBC News today.
I was very moved by the above and I suppose it does not matter whether it is jail time or free time, the important thing is to think of others.
Congrats to everyone’s favourite Ghana on getting free Covid vaccines.
link to abc.net.au
Mac, you are better going to either Craigs blog or Grousebeaters blog and reading the articles there first hand. They were written from the court reporters tweets/reporting. That way you can see it for yourself and not rely on others memories.
On another note, from last nights James Matthews question to La Nicla, he had to avoid naming Geoff A, which suggests to me that there might be an interdict on him as well. And if so, then I would also guess that we are not allowed to know if there is one.
If those are the nature of the complaints, apart from the attempted rape, then these women need to get a f*****g life.
There is an answer and a come back to every one of them and if these women are too stupid or weak to think of one then they should not be in the jobs that they are in. Stay at home and keep away from the rest of the human race because you really are too fragile to be out in the open air.
As for the apparent “Killer Heels” airport incident. FFS- I would have taken that as a reference to the shoe bomber and nothing sexual at all – but maybe I just don’t have a “dirty mind” like these “well brought up young ladies”.
They should have grown up as schemies then they might have learned how to deal with life.
Sick and embarrassed that fellow women behave like this.
I am now closing comments on this thread for the reasons noted above.
Thanks Craig, I forgot about that.
Fortunately I copied elgordo’s list and will furtively work on it.
I fully understand this site is too precious to risk getting shut down. Better safe than sorry.
But it also bugs me that these folks have bullied us all into a state of such fear that we cannot even risk discussing the basic facts of the case for fear of jigsaw identification.
I don’t actually know who these effing women are so how the hell can I jigsaw identify any of them. Sure I have suspicions but I don’t actually know. I never attended the trials and wings and Craig have been annoyingly diligent at not enabling jigsaw identification.
What kind of dystopian bullshit is this we are living in these days.