Gander dislikes sauce
There’s a glorious piece in today’s Daily Mail from BritNat arch-troll Simon Heffer, in which he fumes and splutters about the outrageous idea of finding himself, thanks to the huge surge in support for the SNP since the referendum, ruled next year by a government “that only a small minority in England would have voted for”.
We’re sure that Scots everywhere will empathise with the unfortunate Mr Heffer’s intolerable plight, having many decades of experience of that very scenario. We’d also be interested to know, however, if he sent a submission to the Smith Commission detailing his radical solution to the whole devolution issue, as outlined in the Mail on 6 September this year:
We very much hope that he did.
Simon Heffer is a git.
Surely it is better to lose face than lose an election?
Sums up exactly why they done get that people turned off “politics” as they play it and have turned onto politics for the people by the people
don’t Doh!
Does he outline these “subsidies” in any detail, I wonder?
Is he pig ignorant, or just a believer in the “big lie” school of propaganda?
UKOK turkey campaigning for Xmas, shocked by Xmas, shock. So neo fascism UK style does everything possible to annihilate Scottish democracy, endless BBC, Daily Heil, Record etc boost for UKIP and now they’re all WTF is going on out there. You need a heart of stone not to laugh at them.
BT UKOK campaigned for this, is he now arguing for indyscot?
Of course,the best answer to this is for the Scottish Parliament to be responsible for raising all its own revenues and spending them as it sees fit.
Aww, diddums. Poor Simon.
It will be worth putting a Labour government in power (through the SNP) purely to annoy this anti-Scottish prick.
Is there anyone still actually buying the Daily Mail anyway?
Inky Pic

only if wrapped in brown paper.
Made the mistake of reading both articles. This guy, how can I put this politely, is a complete and utter moron. How can anyone, even the Mail, pay someone to write this shit?
The Heff and other unionist political commentators really do want independence supporters to shut up and go away. They do not appear to like the idea of participatory democracy one bit. The problem for them is it very amusing to bait and taunt the likes of Poor Old Cochers, the Heff etc.
Hi from the Hydro folks. The place is absolutely enormous and it’s filling up fast. There’s what sounds like a gamelan group going round entertaining us while everyone files in.
I saw Ronnie on my way in and he’s in great form. Wearing his gold Wings badge.
My daughters’ teacher always used to say that working towards a goal was like a long distance race, not a sprint.
So it is with Scottish Inde, and this Heffer Damascene realisation is all part of it.
Nicola warming up at the Hydro. Nevermind the tartan shoes!
link to
Inky Pic
My wife, sadly. But she voted Yes!
Our Imperial masters at Rancid Guardian weekend headline wishes we’d all just be quiet and go away with today’s in-depth analysis of Scots democracy, which they did utmost to destroy…
” Buchan trap, blind siphon or Bristol interceptor – whatever you call it, it’s playing havoc with my drains”
Come back Libby Carrell, your union needs you.
Good to see no one commenting on article yet, readership obviously nonexistent.
I cannot imagine how it must feel to be ruled by a party with a tiny minority that supports their policies imposing alien social conditions on an entire nation!
Yet again a very clear message that only English voters views count and that those views are somehow superior to every other part of this Union.
He argued for retention of the Union so that English political policy could continue to be imposed on all areas of the country, reinforcing the idea that UK equals England.
The Establishment might not like it but I wonder how the majority of the populace would feel with a real left manifesto being implemented across the country.
Ham strung Westminster competing with a fully functioning Holyrood, shouldn’t be allowed!
Wouldn’t Devo Max address all his “subsidy” concerns? That would constitute a “fresh start” and end the subsidised Scots myth that divides our so-called United Kingdom.
Now why wouldn’t Westminster want to do that?
The Trybe on stage now! Yay!
Livestream at the Hydro here
link to
The really really odd thing is, England is full of people who actually believe they subsidise Scotland. You’d think they would want to get rid of us. We can live in hope.
delights me that the fudds wrongful misfacts that his country subsidises my country pisses him off so much, if he had the gumption to check his facts he wouldnt feel so bad,
Livestream is brilliant!
Wish I was there!
Love your headlines this is one of the best.
In the space of time it has taken Holyrood to shake off coalition government we seem not only to have embraced it at Westminster but now positively look forward to it.
It is true that no one in UK voted for a coalition last time round but most of us seem to accept that that is what we are voting for this time. The problem is that north and south of the border have a different set of choices. Horsetrading pre-election is new to us but elsewhere in Europe it is more common.
I live in hope that WM elections will be a thing of the past.
Four massive events this week, the Hydro and Armadillo today and the National and Smith Commission to come. In order of mention I am very jealous, jealous, wary but hopeful, and hopeful but wary.
To all of you in Glasgow today, enjoy.
Lanarkist, it has more than 400 comments.
I don’t know why he gets so upset. He has all those Playgirls to keep him occupied.
Simon Heffer in his piece from early September states:
“…I reject predictions of a collapse of sterling in the event of a ‘Yes’ vote. Spiritually and socially, the rest of us might be worse off, but financially we would have lost a serious drag on our resources, and our economy would be strengthened.”
Interesting idea – that Scotland represents a serious drag on the rUK’s resources. I presume he must be conveniently ignoring the vast resources of oil, gas, electricity, food, drink, water, manpower, exports, talent, tax revenues etc etc that Scotland contributes to the rest of the UK.
If you ignore all that and only consider the amount sent back up the road from the treasury I suppose we are a drag on resources!
Anyone who talkes about subsidies to Scotland is either stupid or deliberately spouting lies.
Mr Heffer should not be worried, his woe’s will not be for long. He is witnessing a new stage in the Scottish Political Enlightment which requires representatives to be fit for purpose. I know westminster is alarmed at the process but in time they will get the message and we will all benefit from that. If they don’t then bye bye. Scotland gets it
Lol. .Have you seen this?
link to
oh, look.. There are some more straws over there.. fuds.
Total taxes raised in UK 490Billion. Total taxes raised in Scotland £53Billion.
Scotland raises more taxes and spends less than the rest of the UK. Westminster rule costs Scotland £10Billion – Trident/illegal wars, £4Billion+ lost in Oil tax revenues, (increased 11% £2Billion, 2011), £Billions lost in tax evasion through City of London. The rest of the UK borrows and spends £110Billion. (£10Billion more pro rata). Scotland has to pay £4Billion repayments on money Scotland doesn’t borrow or spend. UK debt repayments – £52Billion.
Scotland would be far better off Independent.
The live feed from the Hydro is a bit sluggish at times, but we managed to get Alex Salmond speech alright. Over 90,000 members, that’s staggering.
Gotta move, I’m counting on you to tell us the rest of the afternoon!
Oooh English subsidies!
That huge support for the SNP that Dork of Dork Hall goes on about has just been announced as 90,263. I got this figure from the Scottish Indipendence Alliance page on Facebook.
Mr Heffer should not be worried…
Heffer is an old fashioned fashioner of black propaganda.
He knows he prints lies but that’s his sole purpose when it comes to Scotland’s democracy. You can bet he belongs to some crusty waistcoated club where, ‘Well said, Heff. Good man,” is his heart’s delight.
You cannot be accepted an intelligent journalist while publishing crapology as if careful intellectual analysis.
Heffer consistently provides fucktrumpetry of the highest order. Contemptible, ignorant, vicious, horrible wee excuse for a man. They really do breed loathsome scum at English public schools, don’t they?
It’s as plain as the nose on your face that the tipping point is being realise
Yes party blasting out
Nicola’s glorious Hydro show
RIC’s huge movement larging it up in Glasgow
Media and MSM now having convulsions-lol-can they see clearly now?
New National daily newspaper on Monday!!
Labour in Scotland and England going down the pan-hahahahah!
Westminster B’stards having kittens and seeing the writing on the wall!
What’s not to like?
My heart is soaring like hawk!!!
Let the good times roll
the difference; BT UKOK was/is about keeping power for/to itself.
the yes alliance campaigned to end all that, and is/was about gaining, and restoring power to all.
Regular CiF Peter A Bell explans realty to Daily Heil
“Simon Heffer near-total lack of awareness is to extreme to be anything other than comical. His article is close to being a masterpiece of British nationalist self-parody. Even the hypocrisy is so brazen as to be almost humorous. He bleats pathetically about the possibility of people in England being subjected to a government which only a minority voted for. He does so dumbly oblivious to the fact that this is precisely the situation which he and his fellow British nationalist fanatics insist that the people of Scotland should meekly accept. He whines about the likelihood of of the SNP holding the balance of power at Westminster calling it an “insult to democracy”. He doesn’t appear to realise that, if the SNP does hold the balance of power at Westminster, it will be because of the very political/electoral system which he holds to be the very epitome of democracy. Simon Heffer is a buffoon.”
Also in rancid Graun today, UK spooks help cover up Westminster peado ring. WIth one Yes we could have been gone from the sewer for good but no. Thanks again proud Scot buts.
Oh Dear again the law of unintended consequences Mr Heffer, who would have thunk that the SNP would have a membership of 90+K and having lost the referendum. Awwww Diddums. Live with it, you brought it on yourselves with your Cheating lying Government.
There is also a wee hateful piece about Nicola Sturgeon by Amanda Platell in today’s DM.
I can’t resist commenting when Heffer pontificates. The Tories could ban newspapers and his last article would support them. He’s waiting for the ermine but time is running out.
Just got an automated phone call from Jim Murphy asking me to vote for him as leader of slab. He says he is a member of my union, usdaw.
One of the things that promises he will do if elected slab leader and they win election at holyrood is, I kid you not, make it an offence to assault a public facing worker. Isn’t that already illegal. lol
A bit oT I notice that the Liberal Democrats (Scottish Branch) are holding a one day conference in the Vine Conference Centre Dunfermline. I am pleased to say that it is small enough not to make them feel lonely. I had to look it up to find out where it was, I hope they all found it successfully but the Sec of State for Portsmouth has been running off at the mouth any way.
Sheridan is a shrewd Scottish Labour politician who is a bit of an attack dog against the SNP. Many of his sound-bites are based on false premises but he never apologies for anything no matter how wrong he might be.
Sheridan, Labour MP asks PM to get businesses to bully their workers into No vote. The video of this occurrence is sickening to view.
a. A contemptible spectacle – a Scottish Labour MP attempting to enlist his Tory Better Together boss Cameron into persuading Scottish business bosses to intimidate their workers – for that’s what it would be, given power relationship – into voting against the independence of their country. Cameron convened a meeting with chief executives of many large businesses and put in place measures designed to spread alarm and despondency amongst workers in Scotland. Quite disgraceful. Cameron and Sheridan lying through his teeth.
Check out his profile.
link to
I must admit to reading some of Heffer’s articles, it gives a glimpse into unionisms dark heart. He asserts in this article that the UK must be governed to meet the needs of 85% of the electorate (England), while to an outsider this seems fair, it underlines why we need independence. Lets smash the red tories in May and rid ourselves of Heffer and his ilk.
The responses to Cyril Mitchell of Dumfries are worth reading, shows the Mail readership in their true light.
galamcennalath says:
More to the point, so is Scotland
I honestly think it would have been a yes vote if the subsidy junkie myth had been successfully exposed, rather than perpetrated, by the media.
Oooh, ooooh, if we don’t vote for one of the two big parties, it’s undemocratic! This man needs his brain examined.
Has England not catched Scotland and now kept us under democratic trial? Some appear to think so. If this turns out to be the case, would it not imply the Scots (at least the 45%), are actually bound in servitude as the property of an unsympathetic and overbearingly foreign parliament? Or in other words, neo-colonial slaves.
Gander can GET STUFFED!!!!
Mr Heffer, pair wee soul. Bitter and twisted and bleating loudly.Why? you and your ilk lied and lied again to get a no vote and noo ye dinnae like it. Well tough dear boy, suck it up.
If you had any intelligence you would realise that was the very complaint of we Scots. We don’t like they way that you impose every shitty policy frae wastmonster, that’s why we held a referendum.
True what they say son, be careful what you wish for. Oh and by the way, we are not going anywhere. We have a country to fight for.
Hi Wingers,
Imagine .Membership now 92,000 .Read a great comment of Facebook from someone who said ;
“They thought they had buried us, they had, but they did not know we are seeds”. Brilliant!!
Well that was a tonic. Wonderful line-up at the SECC. Alex Salmond made a surprise appearance to a standing ovation. Stuart Hosie gave an excellent speech, the editor of the Sunday Herald was there to puff the new National coming out on Monday, and the music was terrific with Dougie Maclean singing Caledonia at the end. The star of course was Nicola with a speech that everyone loved. Great atmosphere.
All unionist parties are thinking the same way as Heffer, be warned if you think during the ref dirty tricks were played, lies and deceit used at every opportunity, what do you think is going to happen in the run up to and during the election campaign for the next UK GE. The BBC and MSM will go mental.
an unsympathetic and overbearing foreign parliament
Didn’t wont folk thinking I had something against foreigners, especially after admitting to my not being a fan of the EU.
Please don’t think all the English are like this apology for a human Simon Heffer.
Morons like him make me ashamed to say I’m English.
Thankfully I have a functioning brain & put it to good use by finding the truth of any argument. Unlike Mr Heffer.
Daily Mail readers are the opposite end of the same shitty stick as Daily Record readers. In some cases they are worse. Simon Heffer and Melanie Phillips are among the two most bigoted and opinionated scumbags you can get. They aptly represent the twisted sour faced Scrooges that make up their dwindling numbers. They are generally educated, but bigoted. The Daily Record, by comparison, is mainly read by males aged 70 plus. And generally just as twisted, albeit in the opposite direction, of Daily Mail Readers. Both thoroughly disrespectful of Scottish Institutions and Culture and both enemies of Scotland and her Freedom.
I think people are falling into the trap of attacking the messenger instead of the message, and the message is an insightful one.
If it comes to pass that the SNP form a coalition with Labour at Westminster, then we will see a fast track to independence, or at the very least, Devo Max.
Add that to the backlash from English voters towards Scotland for having Salmond as Deputy PM, then it’s a situation that everybody here should be on their knees praying for. The yes side cannot lose if this comes to pass.
Lollysmum @ 4.49pm
There are many very intelligent people involved in the Yes movement who just happen to be born on the other side of the dyke.
Todays RIC conference had a string of interesting and good speakers such as Lesley Riddoch and Aemer Anwar – no prizes for guessing where they were born.
Nope, we all ken fine well that not all English folk are as bad as Heffer because we already have all the smart and intelligent ones on our side.

Enjoyed RIC this morning and Hydro this afternoon massive energy to fight on.
The National newspaper which launched on Monday only has five days to prove its viability so if u want and indy supporting daily make sure you buy it.
Have a good wos night out wont make it as knackered
Enjoyed RIC this morning and Hydro this afternoon massive energy to fight on.
The National newspaper which launched on Monday only has five days to prove its viability so if u want and indy supporting daily make sure you buy it.
Have a good wos night out wont make it as knackered
Just as a footnote to everything everyone has said, what on earth do these blinkered “Scotland is a subsidy junkie” parrots think we do with the tax we raise in Scotland? Do they think we don’t pay any? Do they think that somehow all the revenue we raise somehow evaporates? Or is it that they believe we don’t raise enough tax because Scotland is just a bunch of shepherds, a few random people in Glasgow and a dog on a string?
They do my head in.
Lenny surely launches on Monday, I was not aware it had already been launched.
Stoker and one of them was on the other side of my Husband at the SNP meeting as was the Irish gentleman who was there with his wife. Many people live here regardless of where they come from originally, I have to say those who take up the cause of Independence do so whole heartedly.
Saturday 22nd November 2014:
Nicola Sturgeon at the Hydro in Glasgow –
12,000 members attend.
RIC Conference in Glasgow –
3,000 supporters attend.
Lib Dem Conference in Dunfermline –

40 visitors packed into a beer tent.
Says it all really!
Just back from the Hydro. What an awesome afternoon. I was choked up by the ovations given to Alex and Nicola and brought to tears by the crowd singing along to Dougie MacLean and Caledonia at the end..I think we all left feeling very uplifted, except for the grumpy steward in Section N/P who must have been a No voter! So 92,000 + members! It is, as JoLa might say, just astonishing. I was impressed by Stewart Hosie too. Spoke with passion about our next goal in May. Please all buy The National on Monday, it is only getting a pilot run for FIVE days. So important we support to get a daily paper that is on our side!
Dang, that Heffer fella has some deep rooted psychological issues. I wonder how he types with his arms strapped behind his back?
Dictation involved perhaps?
@Stoker says:
22 November, 2014 at 5:46 pm
Lollysmum @ 4.49pm
One third of my canvassing team was English including ex-military. We also had a Dane, Norwegian, Italian (local green convenor), swede, Germans and assorted others including me from Ireland. We have lost of smart people from other climes helping us.
Very true, Helena.
We are a truly very diversified movement, if that is the correct

terminology. And it’s a quality which will ultimately help destroy
the Unionist cause and arguments.
The sooner the better.
@Cadogan Enright.
Liked your letters on the other thread. A small group of wingers here have been targetting MP’s, MSP’s and local newspapers with a modicum of success. Local newspapers are by and large read by the same people we didn’t manage to engage with in the last stages of the YES campaign.
The editor Richard Walker spoke from the audience in the Hydro, and if the 5 day trial run commencing Monday is a success, then the owners will make it permanent, so please folks, we really need this.
Imagine if there were 2 or 3 papers out there reporting the facts about Scotland and subsidies! It would be so oft repeated it would have to be accepted, and the hardened unionists can’t keep up the lies.
@ gerry parker. I used to work in papers, and know that engaging with editors and individual journos does work, even with hostile ownership – so long as what you are saying makes sense. When they print it also helps reach the electorate we did not reach. I normally don’t send out anything without having someone else check it for boo-boos, but don’t have a ‘qualified checker’ for Scottish theme letters. So if you or any of you wingers can check a letter for me once a week or so I would be grateful – I’m on Facebook and don’t use a Pseudonym
Just watched the hydro event and really amazing very emotional as well I was a whimpering blancmange by the end of Caledonia. I hope Simon Heffer gets the chance to check it out he may see something missing from politics for too long, passion, strength and pride.
is this a typo from the bbc or did it touch them too?
“Singer Eddie Reader performs at the Nicola Sturgeon rally at the SSE Hydro”.
link to
@Cadogan Enright.
I don’t use facebook I’m afraid, but you can e mail me.
Lets do the math,
650 seats in HoC, 325 required for a majority (due to minus the speaker)
40 Seats in Wales
59 Seats in Scotland
18 Seats in Northern Ireland
533 Seats in England
Worst case scenario then, at least 208/533 seats in England are required for a majority. Thats 39%.
“that only a small minority in England would have voted for”
I dunno about you but IMHO 39% isn’t a small minority.
@ ochyes
Had the dubious pleasure of reading Platell’s hatchet job on Nicola Sturgeon.
Along with the other right wing harridan, Jan Moir, they seem to be determined to set the cause of women’s rights back a century.
Deep political insights along the lines of; ” oh isn’t her hair beastly” or “oh golly gosh her shoes are simply horrid”. They remind me of the Harry Enfield sketch about women knowing their place. Sad thing is the Mail doesn’t seem to realise it isn’t the 1930s.
link to Glorious photos from Glasgow today. There’s never been anything like this in UKOK history but totally unreported here in England. Who won again?
Cadogan @ 6.36pm
Just to clarify, i wasn’t being rude when i replied to Helena at 6.39pm and failed to acknowledge your post at 6.36pm.
I am experiencing delaying problems when posting and your post had not appeared by the time i responded to Helena.
So please accept my apologies if i appeared to have ignored you, it certainly wasn’t intentional.

Well, what a great afternoon at the Hydro. All ages well represented, and huge numbers of new members in the audience.
Standing ovations for Alex and Nicola when they came on stage, Nicola had to threaten to sing if we did not sit down.
Comment of the afternoon for me was from Eddie Reader,
I love Yes voters
I love No voters, in fact I love them so much, I want to give them a country.
I think the next venue will have to be Hampden.
There is nothing so nasty as women bitching about other women, and the bitch always looks pernicious. I don’t think these things matter too much to someone like Nicola,who is too intelligent to let it bother her, and will realise, these women have nothing more intelligent to criticise, if they are talking hair and shoes.
Golfnut says:
22 November, 2014 at 7:34 pm
“Well, what a great afternoon at the Hydro….
I think the next venue will have to be Hampden.”
Sorry, have to completely disagree, it’s simply not big enough.

What the hell do they do with the streets in the city centre of Glasgow at night?
after leaving the Hydro, which was amazing btw, my wife likes rap? ( who knew
well Stanley Odd rap and “Son I voted yes” (greetin)
Alex Salmond blowing the roof off, (greetin again)
Stewart Hosie, (a mans man)
Wee Nicola
roof mair aff than oan by this time, (mair greetin)
telt aff by a jobs worth steward for filming with an Ipad, why?
(me greetin)
Hydro crowd OMFG
Mair folk than ave seen in ma life,
Aa comfy Loagelly right!
onywey the streets of Glasgow right?
so I gets out of the Hydro car park, where you need the patience of Joab to get out of it,
The wife reminds me
“Everyone wants to get out so be patient”,
I started to lose my patience however when the cars I saw parked in the levels below mine coming up to my level to stop me from getting out,
Then IT-JUST-GOT-PERSONAL, anyway, after my battle with
the 120000 other car drivers who made it their mission to prevent me from getting home ,AGAIN, EVER!
By the time I got to the roundabout doony get ooty thingy I had lost the will to live,
so I mentally designed a meccano thing out of the walls, (you know how they’re full of holes and just remind you of meccano?
ach here see fur yersel
link to
Eventually I manged to extract myself from the car park and, where was I?
oh aye , the streets of Glasgow
I set off (with fortitude) to find my Friends in The Horseshoe/ Yes bar, so I get out of the SECC/Hydro car park, and the first mistake I made was to assume that GCC were going to cooperate, eh, naw,
The “one ways” in the city were a mirror image of the roondaboot get ooty thingy from my previous horror experience in the car park from Meccano hell ,whose primary, no strike that, ONLY aim is to drive you out of the city and banish you never to return,
So I go down Cadogan street, then somehow find myself on West Campbell street, then driven like a sheep onto Argyle street, by which time I had done more mental circuits of a compass than my little brain could compute,
In other words I got lost and found myself (not by choice) heading for the M8
So Aa went hame and we got a pizza on the way,
so that’s the reason I’m not in the Horseshoe!
Bugger the Pandas here, just thought you should all know>
To all those who are commenting here about their wonderful experience this afternoon at the Hydro , may I offer you my envy!
Would it be a big enough venue for Nicola if it was a free Independent Scotland?
Ah, John, I knew there was a reason I let the train take the strain.
What a way to spend a wet Saturday afternoon in Glasgow. Chust brilliant. Chilli Pipers and Dougie at the end. Great speeches too. Moist eyes. Huge hope.
Yeah also just back from the Hydro via the Yesbar.
Was supposed to meet some folk there but was so bust couldn’t find them but ended up talking with some people from the RIC, said they would vote SNP at GE although they were Green voters – so all good.
Great day having both of these events today.
@john king – I sympathise but would never take the car into Glasgow city – they hate motorists.
I have in the past spent time trying to turn right but kept getting sent left, aargh.
re the National – you can sign up from today for digital access to first 5 issues ( pilot week)for £1.50 by texting AYE to 80360.
I sympathise. Spent many a ‘happy’ hour driving around in circles in the great Glasgow one way system when I first came back from the Netherlands.
Glad that you and Irene both managed to get tickets, it looked great on the livestream.
Grab yer fill while it lasts, jeez I wished I’d been there.
link to
Talking of tickets, I so hope no one spent any time looking for me to give me a ticket?
Desimond, Gillian, I hope I didn’t put you both out, as it happens while my wife was queuing to pay the parking fee in the Hydro car park, a gentleman gave her a spare ticket and we got sent another one by email,
When we saw the crowds entering the Hydro, we saw what a forlorn chance of finding anyone (especially some one we had never seen before) it was,
But again thanks guys for the offers,
they wont be forgotten.
Never mind 333,333; just wait till we get to 666,666. We’ll need to leave that one to the Rev himself.
@heraldnomore –
Perhaps we could get Norsey to come back ‘For One Comment Only’.
“Perhaps we could get Norsey to come back ‘For One Comment Only’.”
So I didn’t imagine him then?
I began to think norsewarrior was just a figment if my imagination,
but then thought,
why would you imagine someone THAT boring?
Or the OBE tosser from the nameless rag.
Just digitally subscribed to The National, but Ill be looking for hard copy on Monday
Ian says
“Perhaps we could get Norsey to come back ‘For One Comment Only’.”
that’s like getting the answer guy to give you just one answer,
good luck with that,
If you really have to ask him make it just before the libraries close!
maybe you should ask orraquine what she thinks?
Chanced upon that.
It’s dedicated to our famous panda:
link to
What do they do on a rainy night in Glasgow?
Taking a motor into the toon, particularly on a Saturday, is crazy.
We all have the right to do it but not with half a ton of metal!
@john king –
Norsey was good value though, eh? With his many nom de plumes and unintentionally distinctive style.
I miss him…(sniff)…
oh dear, it looks like crash is maybe standing down.
A big thank you to Geo Osborne. If it wasn’t for his speech in Edinburgh,l would never have viewed this site nor become so poitically engaged. Today at the Hydro was awesome! Attended with my eldest daughter who loved every minute and has now joined the Party. I can’t find the words to convey my emotions today, but finally THIS is what politics should have been about for the people. Bring it on!
Well people, I can ay without doubt that people are beginning to hurt outside the S.N.P., and other yes voters
The trolls are out in force on twitter and facebook. Sample
Its like Nuremburg
We will all end up coffee coloured
Salmond and Sturgeon have split families.
Now I realise how much it must hurt those outside to look in, whilst we reclaim our country for our people/Most of the comments come from those clearly associated with the Lodge or neo Nazi groups. They are being left behind to dwell on past glory and false superiority whilst the rest of u follow the path to true democracy. They know not how to “follow follow” except in song but will soon find they are alone.Onward and upward
Jim: @ 03:36 pm
Aye Jim and Murph is a lying barstool, he is a member of the GMB union which is completely separate from USDAW.
Unfortunately the link bellow has been partially blocked (paywall), but it does give you the relevant info.
Murphy is in GMB Union.
By the way Jim his union, the GMB, is backing Neil Findlay for top job and MP Katy Clark for Deputies job.
from a packed phone box in dunfermline the libdems conference sent this message; “The SNP must stop manoeuvring for a second independence referendum “that implies people were too stupid to get the answer right the first time,” according to Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael”.
this message was relayed to 12000 people today @ the scottish hydro link to
actually libdems, you are implying it’s the people of scotland who are too stupid to demand change and need to be led.
it is we the people who are demanding change.
our political servants are happy to oblige.
we demand politics does what it is supposed to do, and serve the people and not serve the politicians.
..the National – you can sign up from today for digital access to first 5 issues ( pilot week)for £1.50 by texting AYE to 80360.
I was going to get a real copy in the supermarket.
Thinking it is probably best for the cause if they are widely available on public display.
If the majority end up getting sold as electronic copies to SNP members, then it could mean shops ending up ordering and selling less copies.
To benefit most from this we want visibility.
Real copies getting left on trains and coffee shops etc
‘Regular’ folks buying it.
This is why the masthead worries me a bit.
Is the independence message too much in your face to attract non-political readers?
Maybe best to take a more subtle approach to build up as wide an audience as possible?
The video of the Hydro meeting can be viewed here;
link to
But Simon, we’re all better together surely?!
If the SNP can support Labour to have a majority then with the antiquated first past the post voting system then all hail democracy in action.
Scotland has endured many a Conservative Westminster Government it didn’t want, nor vote for so….suck it up sweet-cheeks!!
@De Valera 7.20 – Thats all u need for a letter to the editor -get it away
Video’s of today’s RIC Conference;
link to
Awesome day at hydro if only every day was like that .Back to pushing leaflets through doors.WE must buy National if it stops due to lack of sales we have no one to blame but ourselves.
How now Brown VOW?
Hope this works – new to dropbox. This is a link to my file with the pics from the Hydro this afternoon. I liked my seat upstairs and to the side! At the end they shot a cannon off with lots of glittery stuff, you can see in the pics.
link to
Helena Brown
Cheers for pointing out my mistake off course the National starts for five days this Monday
Buy it or lose it
I blame the emotion of this afternoon , thought it was just me that fekt emotional but reading the comments i was not the only one
Michael Strathern.
Re Simon Heffer,
Have you ever been on a nice walk in the country and espied a blackberry bush abundant in fruit?.
The instant urge is to pick some of the delicious berries and enjoy eating them .
It’s call reaping nature’s larder.
Now and again you catch sight of a larger than normal berry well inside the bush. It looks to tasty that you must have it.
Carefully you enter the bush but are pricked excruciatingly, by barbs defending the delicious fruit. Undaunted, you persevere until the prize is won.
Mr Heffer is like a barb. He offends the desires of those of us who wish to attain our goal.
It’s a bit like being ambitious. While you strive to attain you ultimate goal. Like for example independence. SOME LITTLE PRICK MIGHT JUST WANT TO PUT YOU OFF.
One day Mr Heffer you, and your kind will matter little to the aspirations of the Scottish people. We are on our way.So piss off you little pick.
Watched the livestream this afternoon.
Our imperial masters are fecked.
I’ve been hummin’ Don’t stop believin’ ever since.
@ Valerie – great pictures. I really got a sense of the occasion from watching the video and reading the comments. Would have loved to have been there. But the real pleasure is the great enthusiasm to carry the work forward with truly committed leadership. Was impressed by Nicola’s commitment to land reform. Looking forward to hearing more about it.
Sunday Herald front page;
link to
re Simon Heffer and his ilk –
There’s an analogy in this somewhere, but I can’t pin it down…
From Doctor Who – ‘The Master Watches Clangers’ –
link to
Thanks Marcia…as ever
re Heffer –
Let’s face it – the Heffers of this world view the rest of us as livestock, and it’s their ‘duty’ (i.e. burden) to keep us ship-shape. Beastly business altogether, what?
Harry Enfield, ‘Mr Cholmondley Warner On The Working Class’ –
link to
@ tombee,

Nice one.
@ Marcia.
WOW, that Sunday Herald looks like another keeper.
And thanks for the link to the RIC vids.
@ Bob Mack.
Aye, bit they’ll no be singin the nicht, thanks tae the jambo’s,

Wee Eck’s team. Whit a day he’s had, eh!
@ Ian Brotherhood.
Aye, bit sooner or later they’ll awe be stunned, boom boom.
Ah’ve already goat ma coat an oan ma way oot the door.

@Stoker, thanks, did not take it that way C:
here’s the cherry on the cake of today’s triumphs
gordon brown is reportedly not standing again as Mp candidate and other older Scottish Labour MPs may be following suit, rather than risk the humiliation of defeat by the SNP.
link to
So from this hardcore vote No Guardian thuggery link to
to this
link to
“You’re quite welcome to hate Twitter and everyone who uses it; you can mump about mad 45%-ers demanding a Unilateral Declaration of Independence yesterday; or you can say, maybe even graciously: I don’t agree with everything that’s said or how they say it, but that’s still pretty freaking awesome.”
What a day!
Yip, that brown done a runner as well. What now for the VOW we all ask /s
link to
Visual aid, for anyone who’s never clapped eyes on Simon Heffer –
link to
How now Brown vow?
I look forward to watchin the full Hydro video tomorrow, too late now. This is what the whole movement is all about, it brings in people from all over Scotland, with one aim, INDEPENDENCE. I saw a short clip and you lot were rockin, lol.
I think the 45+ should stand for the amount of SNP MPs that are heading to Westminster in May.
O/T Apologies.
Met a few of the Wingers tonight in the Counting House in Glasgow. Morag, Betty Boop, Paula Rose, Al T., Alec, Andrew L., JennyT, Ronnie A., Bob S. and a right guid few others.
Mrs Proud Cybernat and me were glad and honoured to meet you all. By God the Yes Movement is Alive ‘n’ Kicking.
Ronnie – this is for you as you missed it when posted back on Referendum night (10pm):
‘Autumn Leaves’ (A short referendum film which Wings readers helped to fund).
The password: scotland
(Note scotland with lower case ‘s’)
Enjoy. And once again–brilliant meeting you guys n gals tonight. We have it in us to go all the way.
Bob–let’s organise that Wings Day Trip to GCHQ and MI5 HQ to take some selfies.
Heffer is a buffoon. His previous on Scotland is ample evidence to his idiocy. A Tory Thornberry.
I see rumour has it Gordon is stepping down…although not a total surprise, I’m sure he hinted at it a year or so ago and ex PM’s in the House tend to be an embarrassment. I’m sure his ermine awaits.
ben madigan
Your link article mentions the Daily Mirror so I popped over to their site to see what I could find, and low and behold I found this.
The articles were pretty similar with the exception of the following section in the Mirror but excluded from the SKY article:
Further proof, if required, that Labour in Scotland are just a branch office and that they also treat their party members similar to how they have treated the people of Scotland for decades.
Look at the amount of Labour Party cowards in this article who
are not prepared to put their name to their own words.
I wonder why?
A fine example of Unionist cowards at work
link to
Scotland must rid herself of all LibLab tory ("Tractor" - Ed)s.
thanks Ian – he does look like the type of man who would thoroughly understand scotland and its issues/problems!!!
@gillie 12:17 am
How now Brown vow? SEE wwwDOTyoutubeDOTcom/watch?v=VlXviYXamjI
In this referendum re-enactment, At first I thought Brown was the day-glow one and that Cameron, Clegg and Milliband were identified by their party colours. But I realized at the end that Brown was actually the one in blue, left on his own with the Home Rule pledge before embarrassingly having to back out at the end.
I’d rather hear an opinion from a heifer than from heffer.
@ben madigan –
Far be it from us to judge a book by its cover etc, but sometimes, just sometimes, these characters can’t help themselves, and emerge in ‘true colours’ for all to see.
Ain’t pretty, and they do themselves no favours.
@ Proud Cybernat thanks for the link it will have to wait until later in the day, Knakered no the word for me just now. Nice to meet you & your lovely Wife,as with all the Wingers great company always welcoming to people not of our fraternity, but who hopefully will soon be with us.
Ian Brotherhood a special gift is Winging its way to You from our lovely Paula Rose ( Brian DTT & Pete TC ) done Paula proud with their limited edition badge,Bugger TP got mine to save Paula the postage to France, You were missed as were a lot of Wingers, but hopefully WE will all meet up again in the near future.
Taranaich ah hiv a big tin of Cherry Blossom I hope as with Morag we dont have to show you the other use of cherry blossom & Geraldene xx you keep on his tail.
@Stoker (12.29) –
I read the piece you linked to (thanks), then spent longer reading the comments.
Don’t know if you spend much time in that place, but I don’t post/comment anywhere but here, and that’s maybe why I find other sites ‘strange’. Such a different tone. The way folk ‘speak’ to each other:
‘This is the Herald you’re on…’
As if you’re a pleb who’s accidentally wandered into the wrong part of the golf club?
Fuck that.
There’s enough bullshit and snobbery/reverse-snobbery all over the place, but precious little of it in WOS. Anyone coming out with that type of shite here wouldn’t last two minutes, unless they’re ‘Norsewarrior’, in which case they can persist for days, nay weeks, but end-up getting booted all the same.
@ Proud Cybernat – thanks for the film .It was very sad but I reblogged it here. Autumn leaves was a great title. link to
@roll on 2014 re the article you followed up – nothing new in the message for the Northern branch of the british labour party. Expect no one was surprised. Wonder how the Southern branch is faring after Ms Thornberry’s pic and resignation.
Thought speculation that other senior Scottish labour MPs may not be standing was interesting
@Ian brotherhood – totally agree
Great day at the hydro. Particularly enjoyed Alex Salmond’s speech and Dougie MacLean’s (and the attendee’s) rendition of Caledonia and the announcement of the new ‘National’ newspaper.
tbf, you’ve taken that ‘This is the Herald you’re on’ entirely out of context – (maybe deliberately, eh? :))
It was a response to a particularly poor attempt at trivialising what had until then been an OK discussion..
Sorry not to see you tonight – you were a missing, and missed, face among a great bunch of Wingers who eventually, after much herding of cats, gravitated towards familiar territory at the back end of the Counting House. It was great to catch up with so many – and massive thanks to Brian for the personalised badge.
Brown vow, just like the brown rat is deserting the sinking ship. It’s a ROUT.
My heart bleeds for Simon.
I understand the trauma he’s going through. But then, I’m a Scot and I’ve had to live with 8 successive Tory governments under Scottish Labour majority rule – something Anas Sarwar – a British person of Pakistani origin should note.
But in the final anlysis, I don’t care what Simon thinks. He is not a Scot. He doesn’t care about us and if we can decide the electoral outcome in his country, well he’ll just have to live with that. Same as we’ve had to in ours. That’s democracy for you.
love and kisses,
They were handing out flyers outside the Hydro, leaflets to fill out and give to your local newsagents to order your copy of The National pro-indy paper. I’ve scanned the leaflet and you can get it from here:
link to
It’s a 5 day trial and continuation depends on sales, so the more they sell, the more chance of having a pro-indy paper during the week, as well as only on Sunday. The flyer should print correct size on A4 paper, and you can trim to A5. But who knows?
Apart from the odd comment on NNS it’s WOS for me.
I wouldn’t last 2 minutes on the paper threads.
I used to spend a lot of time on them a couple of
years ago but was for ever being kicked off them
and was getting to the stage where i was having to
create a new I.D. every other day.
I put a stop to it when The Hootsmin started blocking
people for using the word ‘Sevco’ and when i was getting
blocked for having a go at inbreds who kept bringing up
sectarian and child abuse subjects, just to point score.
Aye, a couple of years of my life i’m never going to get back.
Goodnight folks.
I cancelled my subscription with the New Statesman in protest at their continuing employment of Heffer as a guest contributor.
There is no digital subscription to that new daily, is there?
I’m sure there is subscription to the digital version.I seem to remember someone saying it costs £1.50 for the five day trial period.
My first post on Wings! I’ve been lurking since 22 August, 2 days before I decided to be a Yesser.
Anyhow, to get the digital edition of the National:
“A digital edition is also available, a five-day subscription to that edition costs £1.50. To subscribe simply text Aye(space)your email address to 80360.”
link to
I have received a text back confirming the 5 day subscription. There will also be a website going live later today. See that article.
Note – I don’t have anything to do with the new publication, just want to encourage it. I cancelled my subscription to the London Times after the ref because I was very disillusioned with the MSM. So I hope this one takes off – I really need something to counter the rest of the Unionist press.
Wings does a fabulous job, but the Rev can’t cover everything
The idea of printing the flyers is great. However, I’m off to Iceland for a four day break, and it will be a bit late to do anything once I get back on Friday
It costs £1.50 for the week’s digital edition. You have to text the word AYE followed by a space followed by your address to 80360.
‘Hope this helps.
This morning, everyone should check with their newsagent / supermarket that they are aware of The Nation and will be stocking it as my newsagent hadn’t heard of it.
Thanks! I found the procedure on the Herald Scotland article:
link to
For the digital subscription, you have to text to a special UK number.
Meaning if you live abroad, zilch.
Hmmm… Is this 80360 a toll-free text number? I mean, if it’s toll-free maybe someone out there can send it for me?
I would be happy to buy and send you a copy of the paper
Compare and contrast.
The Lib/Dems held their Autumn Conference in Dunfermline yesterday at the same time as the SNP were packing out the Hydro.
The Lib/Dems:
link to
link to
The SNP:
link to
Breaking news. Gordon Brown to stand down at next election.
My, they’re all leaving the ship before it sinks.
@ Orlando Quarmby says:22 November, 2014 at 12:45 pm:
“Simon Heffer is a git.”
Perhaps he is that too, Orlando, but, as he thinks the English are subsidising other United Kingdom countries, the truth is the poor man is just rather stupid and either misinformed or uninformed. More to be pitied than sworn at and more in need of either being properly educated or sacked.
On the other hand, if he does know the truth but is still deliberately propagating Westminster propaganda, then he needs to be challenged to produce evidence to back up his erroneous claims. Thereby stands the challenge facing the whole independence movement – challenge these ignorant people with the truth and demand that they back their false claims with sound evidence. We really need to always draw them up when they make these errors they have propagated for as long as I can remember.
Every time one of them makes an error it should be challenged. For example, every time David Cameron uses the term Britain or British when he means the United Kingdom it should be challenged. Every time he uses the term, “country”, he should be challenged to qualify if he means The UK, Britain, England, Scotland, Wales, N.I or some other country. When he says he is sending, “British”, troops to some foreign place he should be asked if that includes troops from all eight British countries or just the four that are part of the United Kingdom. When he says he is PM of ||Britain he should be asked when the UK united with or annexed the other four non-UK administrations in Britain. If nothing else it would drive the propaganda merchants crazy and disrupt their flow of claptrap. As they are, at the very least, being sloppy with their grammar and very loose with the terms they use then they cannot really complain if we correct them.
This is why we are now in the position of attempting to sort out just exactly what is Devolution Max, Full Fiscal Autonomy, Federal and so on. The point is these numpties would end in utter confusion with every speech or written statement they make for every time they make these errors they are attempting to mislead and the terms they abuse do indeed have precise meanings.
BBC Scotland online radio right now has amazing In depth LibDem wipe out interview with Danny Alexander and what his hobbies are, Danny loves hillwalking, cricket, rugby, watching Strickly, golf, bird watching and he’s a really nice guy who’s Nessies MP and believes Nessie is real.
BBC radio Scotland, desperate.
O/T – The National
Whilst people are being urged to subscribe to the digital edition (the 5 day trial for £1.50), it is vital that everyone buys the print copy.
During the IndyRef, YES won the online/digital war. There are many places to go to online to hear indy opinions and facts. Another digital indy voice is good but we simply MUST ensure the printed paper is a success. There are many Daily Wreckor readers out there where that rag is the primary source of their information. These individuals rarely question what that rag tells them; rarely question the spin or outright lies (remember the VOW?).
Come the next IndyRef (and I have a hunch it will come along sooner than people think) the BBC/MSM will once more kick in with their rotten, lying, cheating propaganda. There’s little point in telling many of these Wreckor readers to go onto some www whatever site for the real facts–many just won’t bother their backends. These indivisuals need the real facts put right in front of them and THAT is what the printed, hard edition of this new newspaper, The National, will allow us to do.
Jack: The Daily Wreckor says ma pension is fecked if we vote for indy.
Victor: That’s pish, Jack. Have a look on the internet, you know, Social Meedja.
Jack: Whit are you talkin’ aboot?
Isa: Here, Jack–forget the social meedja. Have a read at this in The National. Tells yae a’ the facts aboot yer pension. There’s nothin’ tae worry abbot. The National–great paper. That’s where I get all my gossip these days. There’s a story aboot Wullie McCafferty fae doon the stair losing his glass eye. It happened when–
Jack & Victor: That’s plenty.
Jack: Clansman?
Victor: Aye, Clansman. Ah think Boabbie keeps a copy oh The National behind the bar. Yae can have a read, Jack.
Jack: Aye. The National. Sounds all righty.
Remember folks–buy the hard copy. We have 5 days to make the owners of this paper decided if it has a market.
@ Aberdeen Angus, 8:31am
Welcome to the happy band of Wingers. Hope to see you on the pages when you return from Iceland – I presume you are not simply going on a shopping trip to fill your freezer
Thanks so much! That’s very very kind, but that won’t be necessary! All I need somehow is someone to send the text on my behalf if and only if your telco won’t charge you for that text!
I suppose once you send the text you get an automated answer with a link leading to a subscription form. Has anybody out there tried out?
Thanks so much again!
Welcome AberdeenAngus, always good to hear from a lurker!
Wot @Proud Cybernat said. Get the hard copies in front of the hard of hearing.
Get newsagents aware of it, take it mainstream. Essential. This is not an alternative or, indeed, an addition to online, this is perhaps the only chance to gain eyeballs where online has never penetrated.
Sorry I cannot help with a text I do not have a mobile phone but my offer still stands if there is no other way
oops, I didn’t see AberdeenAngus (hi, welcome!) message. If I understand correctly what he has written, there is no link sent but a simple text-back acknoledgment, and that means the initial text itself must be charged £1.5; so please, forget it. I don’t want to take advantage of your kindness. If the website is online tomorrow, I’ll try to subscribe through it.
Thanks again!
Can’t stress enough what others have said above.
The National is a pilot, a market tester. The owners don’t give a monkey’s, they’re businessmen, but the editorial staff might and I know we certainly do. We’re desperately in need of a mainstream voice and this may be our chance to send out a crystal clear message of intent. Make sure to grab one tomorrow and for the next days thereafter. If it lives up to billing or at the very least provides a balanced view then get behind it.
@ AberdeenAngus. Betty Boop Jim & myself nearly had a slice of you last night at the Counting House, but as the table haw previously booked we opted for the quik cooked Scampi n Chips. I would like to add my welcome to You & hope to see more of your posts.
MickleMixer & Your lovely Wife from Kilsyth I hope you are on WOS by now & use the screen name T Jenny gave you MM.
@ caz_m I did,nt know they still had Nissan Huts in Dunfermline,must be great being part of the onion & getting free use of MOD property,missed You at the Hydro yesterday as with John & Irene King.
We were sat on the row immediately in front of the press corps. At one point the main presenter, after asking how many new SNP members there were in the audience, asked if there were any folk planning to join, not many shouted yes because most people were already members, but the woman behind me, presumably a reporter, was one who did.
SNP membership was nearly 93,000 by the end of the rally.
Roll_On_2014 says:
22 November, 2014 at 10:04 pm
Jim: @ 03:36 pm
Aye Jim and Murph is a lying barstool, he is a member of the GMB union which is completely separate from USDAW.
I have just opened my ballot paper and an accompanying letter states:
“The executive council recommends that you vote’1′ for Jim Murphy for leader”
Then goes on to state:
“Jim is an Usdaw member and has a long history of working closely with Usdaw to further our campaigns and deliver on the issues that matter to our members”
“The executive council recommends that you vote ‘1’ for Kezia Dugdale for deputy”
Well stuff them, I will not be voting and even if I did it would not be on their recommendations.
Do they think the same way as Stairheed in that we are not genetically programmed to make political decisions for ourselves.
P.S, John Hannett can take a run and jump as well!