Freedom of choice
Posted on
January 29, 2025 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
It’s worth remembering that they didn’t have to do this.
Labour had already announced their intention to abstain. There was no danger of the budget being defeated. So the SNP could have allocated however much money they wanted from their increased funding to the pursuit of independence.
And maybe they did.
Now now Rev; you can’t expect the “reformed”(?) Nu SNP to get in the way of shoring up the Devolution settlement can you?
Gift that keeps giving (to them that is) after all.
Makes you wonder what grubby little promises and deeds were done safely behind closed doors for @Honest@ (sic) John to secure this agreement from the political heavyweights that is the Lib Dem’s in Scotchland?
Shudder to think.
The place needs redd oot.
Ouch. I have believed for a long time that the SNP is a devolutionist party. What more proof do people need?
So, other than that, what other concessions did they offer to the smallest party in parliament to be absolutely certain of finishing on the same number of votes as the opposition? In other words why the (choose your own expletive) did they even do a deal?
They did it for “Beth”.
Doing a deal with an English man for an English party. How low can the SNP GO!?
How long will Scots, having their face firmly planted in the mud by this 21st century parcel of rogues, put up with this charade!
Even yesterday westmonster were waxing lyrical about all the big infrastructure plans- for the South of England! We Scots will be paying for that! Wake up people!
As a filthy ("Tractor" - Ed) who should be deported out of the country ASAP
Can I say
Repairing a few potholes
Would be a way better way of winning my vote in indyref 2 ( which is next year)
Then a report promising me infinite wealth after indy
But you know they’re not going to do that either. They’re going to either give it to Stonewall, or piss it up a wall like they just blew £30m on the “National Care Service” for nothing. An SNP government elected by voters is entitled to spend money pursuing the manifesto it was elected on, and indeed should be EXPECTED to do so.
11 down votes for saying I want action instead of pleasing lies
think about it
Thanks Yoon. Pleasing lies versus salt in wounds. This article is about the choice Scots have got, and you’ve pretty much stated there that’s about all it amounts to now.
Thanks Yoon. Pleasing lies versus salt in wounds. This article is about the choice Scots have got, and you’ve pretty much stated there that’s about all it amounts to now.
This dear Rev simply reinforces what we all know. Independence is off the table.
The SNP now explicity and by act and deed have no interest in independence. Post Alex Salmond every thing that could be done to stymie independence could be done.
Opportunity after opportunity was missed, mandate squandered, whilst all the while the Yes movement including the SNP for independence was hollowed out.
And the independence leaders like Alex Salmond who ran is close, closer than we may realise, and who could brought us so close, they were taken oit.
And now there is nothing left. No independence SNP, a flattened Yes movement, just a compliant vacillating shell of a party. And no wonder either that every attempt possible was made to strangle an emergent
And now the plunder goes on apace. The wealth of Scotland extracted whilst living standards plummet. A colony, just like India was.
Sturgeon, Yousaf, Swinney and the remains band of slurry slurpers settled into colonial posts, the colonial masters have played well.
The mechanism of control is now firmly back in place.
GB News: BBC licence fee could be EXTENDED as Labour considers slapping Netflix users with TV tax:
“Sir Keir Starmer’s Government is considering making people who only use streaming services like Netflix and Disney+ pay the BBC licence fee…
This is due to the shift in viewing habits, with more people turning to on-demand services like Netflix and Disney+…”:
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The Hill: White House to allow seats for ‘new media’ in briefing room:
“The White House is rolling out a new policy allowing opportunities for so-called “new media” outlets and content creators to ask questions during press briefings.
…during her first briefing on Tuesday, saying President Trump is ready to retool the administration around “the new media landscape.”
“We welcome independent journalists, podcasters and social media influencers,” she said.
“As long as you are creating news content of the day and are a legitimate independent journalist you are welcome to cover this White House,” she added.”:
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I’ve got a wee question:
Is time inside the White House different from time everywhere else? Only out here, far longer than 24 hours has elapsed, and it’s still not stopped.
I’d pay a licence for Disney before I’d pay a licence for the BBC.
The BBC is pure propaganda where the people pay for their own scaffold.
But hey, slurp it up. Nothing like a bit of propaganda paid for by the hapless masses.
State broadcaster BBC won’t have any integrity left.
The masses are free to obtain their propaganda elsewhere.
“BREAKING: Extremist who tried to kill Scott Bessent with Molotov cocktails revealed to be trans woman inspired by Luigi Mangione”:
link to
“Where to throw a Molotov cocktail. Guide…”:
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“BREAKING: Extremist who tried to kill… with Molotov cocktails revealed to be trans woman inspired…”:
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“Where to throw a Molotov cocktail. Guide…”:
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BBC ACTION LINE: Information and Support: LGBT:
“If you or someone you know needs information or support for issues about sexuality or gender, the following websites and organisations may be helpful:
Stonewall offers help and advice for people who may be LGBT on a range of subjects, including coming out and hate crime…
LGBT Helpline Scotland:
LGBT Helpline Scotland provides information and emotional support to people who may be LGBT and their families, friends and supporters across Scotland….”:
link to
The laughable rainbow reaction to the Donald..
A good sign that “they/ them/ those/ its/ indeterminate/ just CANT make their minds up/ depraved swingers and above all mamma “SHE” who shall not be named are either no longer in power or will soon be defenestrated..
Boo hoo/ hissy fits and all in hand bag swinging all round ..
Oh well, Back to having to put up listening to the rainbow hair colour ageing queer brigade trying to ban anyone saying anything they don’t like while they vilify anyone who disagrees while they oh so quietly get on with grooming vulnerable (other reproductively capable) peoples children..
Yup; fascism- the rainbow version.
# Leave our wains and granwains alone ya self inflicted reproductive failure depraved deviants..
Or do I misjudge?
You are rational and wise –
Enjoy the woke meltdown…
They winna dae that, gregor, they’ve already promised the last set of tax rises are enough.
It’s like the rumours of big rises in Council Tax that are doing the rounds. All mince.
The promise has been made, gregor, no more tax rises, and I believe Starmer and Reeves.
Besides, if they intended to tax Netflix, etc they would have put it in their manifesto.
The Gov and BBC rumours I’m hearing are wild (eyes roll)
And that was the “devolution ” plan all along. All.they needed was to install people in specific, key positions for it to work. The establishment could believe their luck at how easy it was to turn Sturgeon. Now, they are laughing at us, and her. Does she really think they’ll look after her? What a fool!
And YET I posted a comment on yesterdays post highlighting a SSRG petition CHALLENGING the fake SG and Angus Robertson to adopt and embrace the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(ICCPR ) accepted and this is now available for signing on the Scottish Parliament Public Petitions site
The only one to comment was a fake fartchecker (no typo) waffling pish while ALL around just the usual moaning and whinging about the scum snp and their deviant cabal selling us out
FFS even the Rev is responding to yoonionist baiting arseholes rather than helping the SSRG reach the wider movement, maybe that’s because there’s nothing going on as he tells us
Nae Fuckin wonder we’re collonised
Allow me to waffle the same pish (no typo),
I was asking for help. I would like to know of any early examples of the sovereign Scottish people being asked their opinion about anything.
After all, there are many centuries of recorded Scottish history. Surely if Scotland has in the past responded to the wishes of the sovereign people, these wishes must have been expressed at some time?
The earliest date suggested was 1928, with the extended franchise for the Westminster General Election.
I misread that year as 1298. And maybe that even is the actual answer.
So what were the sovereign people of Scotland asked in 1298?
“So what were the sovereign people of Scotland asked in 1298?”
This is what is going to happen – agree or die – capeesh?
That’s what just about everybody has been asked, for just about all of history.
Fantasists like to pretend otherwise, but it was the monarch, the wealthy, landowners and nobility, and princes of the church, who decided what went down.
Everybody else went along with it, or were eliminated, one way or another.
Heck, it’s not so bad, if you keep your nose clean and your head down. It can even be remarkably popular too, as the ever recurring grassroots enthusiasms on here for P and X demonstrates.
Agreed. I have not yet found an example of the ‘sovereignty of the Scottish people’ in operation.
Then your pseudonym and purpose is entirely deficient.
Read Evan Barrows magisterial works on the The Community and Realm of Scotland and The three Estates.
I really am getting fed up pointing @Factchecker@ towards well known and published works, probably only “fact-checks@ based on TickTick content..
Start doing your own proper research.
Personally, I’m a bit of a fan of hereditary monarchy. It has disadvantages, but it also has a lot going for it. Arguably, more advantages going for it than any other system. That’s why you find that time after time, political systems mutate to become hereditary (dynastic), with one supreme leader for life occupying the top spot.
I would recommend reading up on the way in which the St Kildan people organised themselves prior to their voluntary emigration.
Every action that had community effects had to be agreed by everybody (OK, every man!). Leadership was frowned upon.
It was a sure recipe for stasis, lack of innovation and decline and so that’s what transpired.
You won’t find many of the regular commies on here agreeing with me, though. Countless centuries of our noble Scottish royal history are denied, whilst Red Clydeside is bigged up as the solution to all our problems.
That’s the same Red Clydeside that succeeded only in delivering a lifetime on benefits for its most vocal adherents.
Scotland had its own parliament before 1707.
Start there…
But who voted for it?
Did it ever ask the sovereign people what they thought?
The three estates. Similar to the French system at the time and way ahead of English practice.
The proceedings of the Scottish Parliament i.e. before 1707 are available to read online on St Andrews University site.
So when did it consult the wishes of the Scottish people?
You can read the proceedings to find the answer to your question.
Salvo was offered at the end of each session, we are told by
Yup it’s 4 in the morning and isn’t it just great getting the false actors apoplectic about it!
Hey Transatlantic Scotch Conservative (&) Unionist Member; well yippee kayae and don’t go darn well Runnin crying to mamma (along side American bots) “good ol’ boys Barney Rubble and everyone’s favourite “hate” crying bully boy Mendacious McCarthyismface whose probably stopped sobbing by now as they don’t care to be stood up to.
“Teacher(Rev)! Teacher (Rev)!!! Young Lochinvar told me to shut the eff up and it’s just NOT FAIR!!!!”
Read some proper history, we aren’t here to do it for yee-ha then come back for another humiliation..
Remember y’all;
Plenty of mammas appal piee and cornbread on the side next rotation back Stateside!!
Doesn’t making bullies weep just make your day!! ??
Try ever so hard spambots not to reply “y’all” as your spam will simply be ignored!
Put this into yer American AI: @Gerritup ye ya tw8ts@
No one is “apoplectic” about you furiously punching your little keyboard every night at 4am, mate, we’re simply laughing and pointing at you.
Ignored as spam.
“And maybe they did.” Ouch?
Perhaps ACH is still doing his stuff for Beth?
As for what the SNP is doing, I’m stumped.
Mayor Swinney needs to set as much cash aside in the budget for the Parish Cooncil as he can. Biffa are suing for £166m in damages for the Deposit Return Scheme that was purposefully designed by the Khmer Vert to be incompatible with that planned in England & Wales (and therefore was never going to pass). Comrade Slater and Pol Pat have buggered off leaving the SNP holding the ticking parcel.
Meanwhile, where the real power resides, Rachel from Accounts is announcing expansion of Heathrow and a “European Silicon Valley” between Oxford and Cambridge. This is a bit of a boot in the haw maws after they cancelled the £800m in funding for an exascale supercomputer at the University of Edinburgh. It seems investment in new technology is back on the table, just not in Jockland. Quelle surprise.
According to ONS migration prediction figures released yesterday, something like 3 million additional New Brits will arrive before Starmer is carried away kicking and screaming in 2029.
Half a million of these will likely be immediately assigned to building houses, Silicon Valley and new runways at all major airports not in Scotland.
It’s also possible that many of the illegals arriving daily on the boats are IT specialists, chip foundry experts, and far-sighted designers/developers of cutting edge AI.
I mean, a lot of things are possible, right? Just not very plausible.
Oxford and Cambridge unis announced that they are adjusting the marking system for any demographic which scores lower than white people. This will apply to both open book on site marking and homework.
For more of the same I advise people to look up the Anti Racist Wales Action Plan, look up the chapter on Education. The full plan has not been published, only an edited version, and the Welsh government are less than forthcoming if you ask for the unedited one.
Again: My University is better than yours..
We don’t care!
Do your job and turn out graduates fit to work in industry..
Hi VoB
I have a side-quest question for you today.
In another place a reliable commenter reminded me of
the ex US official / spook who worked for Sturgeon.
Alas my memory is not what it once was. Who do you think they would have been referring to?
Fiona Robertson or Kat Carey, both colonisers – here to advance the California cult.
They didnae.
They didnae what?
Have to do it?
I’m guessing what Dubh was saying: ‘They didnae’ put any of the increased funding into independence.
Of course they didn’t, WHY would the fuckers do that. They hate the idea of an Independent Scotland.
When I think of the political situation in Scotland, in Holyrood, I’m reminded of one of those Hollywood film sets that have been meticulously constructed to look realistic.
Say a Western. The horses are tied up outside, the shop fronts all look authentic etc. But behind the facade is zero, nothing, or in Scotland’s case, union jacks.
I travel quite extensively across the U.K. and Europe from my home in Glasgow.
I love Glasgow. It has a great history, potential and people, but it’s a shit hole in comparison due to a lack of funding, value for money spending and vision.
Regeneration in London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Leeds, Belfast and Cardiff is there to be seen.
Tirana in Albanian is the only city within the many dozens of European cities that I have visited that looks as poorly invested in as Glasgow.
George Square is a complete bore for attracting tourists.
I picture of the City Chambers and a sausage roll in Greggs and they can get back on the bus.
Glasgow held the Greatest Ever Commonwealth Games without dispute. It was achieved without the £780 million Westminster gave Birmingham for their Commonwealth Games
We are poor farts in the wind with the political parties who govern over us.
We do need a new party that is there for the people and not their own pockets. Regrettably Reform will have the finance and media exposure to do well unlike Alba.
Scots and Glaswegians have always been left of centre but in desperation they may put their trust in a fresh set of right wing lies.
Unable to develop or access its own resources, a colony and its people are always left in an under-developed condition. Run by colonial ‘functionaries’ a colony’s only purpose is to serve the needs of the mother country.
On 15 Nov 2017, Shashi Tharoor, former diplomat and Member of the Indian Parliament, gave this unmissable lecture in Edinburgh University’s McEwan Hall:
For those who are unaware of the English colonial imperative and/or Churchill’s inhumanity, Shashi Tharoor’s book is entitled INGLORIOUS EMPIRE
Does it explain why the descendants of the colonised and inhumanely treated now believe they can come here and rape our kids?
It obviously needs revised and a new edition published then.
Get you with your “English colonial imperative”. Just another poster in complete denial of Scotland’s enthusiastic part in the colonial era. The fact that Scottish place names are all over the Americas, the Caribbean, Africa and Australasia can’t be acknowledged in your world view, eh?
Yet again, history must be re-written as some big, bad, English barsturts did it all.
Girls raped by men shocker!
OK we’ll call it the colonial Scottish colonial imperative
You confuse Pakistan with India – I suppose you think that they all look the same. And you really need to read op on Churchill
“You confuse Pakistan with India”
Naw. But I am not at all surprised that you do.
Alert readers who know their history will be well aware that as far back as 1947, adherents of the Religion Of Peace were busy carving out their own national enclaves wherever they could. And tae hell with the cost in human lives, especially unbelievers.
Plus ca change.
BTW, congrats on completely ignoring the bit about “Scottish place names are all over the Americas, the Caribbean, Africa and Australasia”.
You’re right. Isn’t it strange that a book on India doesn’t mention N. America; the Caribbean and Australasia?
Also it makes no mention of the (mal)treatment of Acadian natives
Ever heard of the Clearances, Lowland as well as Highland?
A long tale, sair telt, by the vast majority “seeking their bread” (see D&G Carsethorn memorial for the sad reality) as opposed to troughing London based Scotch imitating the imperialist (since 1500s) English.
As for trying to generate trade, even after 1603 the English still practised piracy on us or mollified it to “not permitting” us to trade.
I’ll take nae history lessons from ye McHateyface of that Ilk..
Interesting fact – at the time slavery was abolished throughout the British Empire, Scots owned more slaves on a population basis than the English.
Source: National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh
And the Bengal famine killed how many?
And why exactly was that?
Clearances mean anything to you?
The Jocks were graciously “encouraged” to b8gger aff to ( the marginal) lands abroad and lived within the mores of the day (abhorrent as that is to us today) to make those marginal lands workable.
Meantime yer “benificent” English elites in leafy New England prone real estate serving various London based worldwide parasitical “companies” held the laws and purse strings and reaped the sovereign taxation without having to dirty their own paws in the graft part of Empire.
All had a black or two mind you in periwigs to hand to run their bath and scrub their backs though and drive their carriages..
How does that sit with your England right or wrong imperial narrative.
Please tell me you aren’t a teacher spouting your rubbish to school kids forced to toe yer “received wisdom” line in order to to get a pass mark and get away from you..
How does that sit with your England right or wrong imperial narrative.
That’s simply something you have made up, and is untrue. Apart from your mistaken personal accusation, after 1707there was no English empire, just the British one that Scots played an enthusiastic (and highly efficient) role in.
Quite simply, Scottish emigrants had the same choice to make as other emigrants. Will I own slaves or will in not. Nobody forced them to.
But they did. More, on a population basis, than the English, as the National Museum of Scotland will tell you.
Replied to the wrong comment lol
They’re still at it, exploiting, pillaging, thieving off poor countries & throwing others off their lands.
last time I looked Scots aren’t involved with the bank of England or the Royals or U, or Palestine, or US farmers…
Fact checker isn’t very good is he?
From Alex Krainer Substack..
Is the UK about to lose its colonies in Africa?
These events are relevant to investors since they’ll impact world geopolitics, the “special relationship” between the United States and Britain, as well as Britain’s debt, currency and its stock market. Something fascinating that I recently learned is that Britain is still heavily reliant on its former colonies for its GDP and public revenues.
Namely, according to a 2016 report, “New Colonialism: Britain’s Scramble for African Energy and Mineral Resources,” 101 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange, most of them British, have mining operations in 37 sub-Saharan African countries. They collectively control over $1 trillion worth of Africa’s most valuable resources. The UK government has used its power and influence to ensure that British mining companies have access to Africa’s raw materials. This was the case during the colonial period and is still the case today. The decolonization movement that has now largely deprived France of its African dependencies could do the same to Britain.
Now, Fact finder, do us all a favour & find out exactly how many Scots are involved exploiting the sub-Sahara today. How many Scots are sitting in the Bank of England, how many are in the London treasury & how many are playing the stocks & gilts markets. While yer at it, find out how many Scots were carried aloft, like eejits, by brown ppl & still wont apologise for it? How many priceless artifacts did we steal & refuse to give back?
Even today the UK pays shit wages & involved in modern day slavery at home & abroad. Who could forget the weeks wages offered by Cameron for fucking “self esteem” So do sit down FFS! Employment law, which covers wages here, isn’t devolved.
Will Scotland see a share of that trillion worth of African resources? No.
It’s good to know tho for when the UK breaks up we’ll be entitled to a share of all assets…
Link to Alex. The crash to come..
link to
I read these posts so that nobody else has to.
How many Scots are sitting in the Bank of England
?That would be the Bank of England that was founded by a Scot….
English imperialism started under the Tudors. (FACT)
Age old English piracy continued unabated.(FACT)
Darien was scuppered by London to fail.(FACT)
New Albany was a posh ruling class English enclave. (FACT)
Scots clearances were sent in stages as indentured servants post 1650s civil wars, encouraged to plantation poorer land in Ulster, or for nuisance Border families who developed under their unique environment were cleared to more marginal than the most marginal of land itself cleared in Ireland before migrating to seek a better subsistence in the wonderful @new world@.. (FACT)
National Museum of Scotland eh?
Don’t make me laugh!
Well that’ll be on the same page more or less of keeping the English tourists unoffended like the National Trust of Scotland (of Neil Oliver infamy) or good old Historic Environment Scotland with redcoat cafe in Edinburgh castle and the display at Caelaverock castle set over to celebrating Edward Plantagenets early 1300 bloody invasion of Scotland..(FACT)
Give us a break! Remember the 18th century mantra; “make the world England”..
Not Scotland – not even considering the Stuart(esque) monarchy. (FACT)
Stop reading 3rd account histories written by English apologist (and their celtic hack lackey) pens for hire who earn their livings and develop their historical world view opinion based on the rampant propaganda printed in the English Fleet Street Broadsheet pulp churned out ad nauseum as propaganda/ come alleged historical fact.(NON FACT).
Yer grasp of Scottish as opposed to rewritten English/ British rewritten “history” (sic) is a disgrace.
Bet you reckon Churchill was a fine chap..
Presumably you would agree that Scots imperialism began when they left Ireland and invaded Scotland?
No, the two way route passing back and forth between the west Highlands and Islands and the northern communities in Ireland long predates Fergus Mor..
So wrong again (so called) fact finder..
They’re still at it, exploiting, pillaging, thieving off poor countries & throwing others off their lands.
last time I looked Scots aren’t involved with the bank of England or the Royals or U, or Palestine, or US farmers…
Fact checker isn’t very good is he?
From Alex Krainer Substack..
Is the UK about to lose its colonies in Africa?
These events are relevant to investors since they’ll impact world geopolitics, the “special relationship” between the United States and Britain, as well as Britain’s debt, currency and its stock market. Something fascinating that I recently learned is that Britain is still heavily reliant on its former colonies for its GDP and public revenues.
Namely, according to a 2016 report, “New Colonialism: Britain’s Scramble for African Energy and Mineral Resources,” 101 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange, most of them British, have mining operations in 37 sub-Saharan African countries. They collectively control over $1 trillion worth of Africa’s most valuable resources. The UK government has used its power and influence to ensure that British mining companies have access to Africa’s raw materials. This was the case during the colonial period and is still the case today. The decolonization movement that has now largely deprived France of its African dependencies could do the same to Britain.
Now, Fact checker, do us all a favour & find out exactly how many Scots are involved exploiting the sub-Sahara today. How many Scots are sitting in the Bank of England, how many are in the London treasury & how many are playing the stocks & gilts markets. While yer at it, find out how many Scots were carried aloft, like eejits, by brown ppl & still wont apologise for it? How many priceless artifacts did we steal & refuse to give back?
Even today the UK pays shit wages & involved in modern day slavery at home & abroad. Who could forget the weeks wages offered by Cameron for fucking “self esteem” So do sit down FFS! Employment law, which covers wages here, isn’t devolved.
Will Scotland see a share of that trillion worth of African resources? No.
It’s good to know tho for when the UK breaks up we’ll be entitled to a share of all assets…
Link to Alex. The crash to come..
link to
Inglorious Empire is a great read.
Somehow or other I missed it.
No shit..
Not to your taste then..
Do you scour the comments on Wings thinking ‘how can I shoehorn colonialism in as a response, ostensibly to show how smart I am compared to everyone else’?
How smart are you compared to everyone else, Chas ?
Check out the mob-scorn.
Evidently, Chas raised and initiated the “how smart” issue.
How ridiculous and absurd can they get…
It’s groupthink Gregor smothered in lashings and lashings of Unionist mythos and the divine state of the status quo (not the band I hasten to add)..
It’s brilliant Lochinver –
They’ll never remove your champions trophy should you persist being a conscious human…
Fighting reality ensures forever-losers (take any scorn as a badge of Scotland/world honour)…
“Groupthink is a phenomenon that occurs when a group of individuals reaches a consensus without critical reasoning or evaluation of the consequences or alternatives. Groupthink is based on a common desire not to upset the balance of a group of people.
This desire creates a dynamic within a group whereby creativity and individuality tend to be stifled…”:
link to
Do you?
Just it’s not colonialism but something akin to being an apologist for the colonisers?
by Jason Hickel (2018) based on key original research by economist Utsa Patnaik:
“There is a story that is commonly told in Britain that the colonisation of India – as horrible as it may have been – was not of any major economic benefit to Britain itself. If anything, the administration of India was a cost to Britain. So the fact that the empire was sustained for so long – the story goes – was a gesture of Britain’s benevolence. New research by the renowned economist Utsa Patnaik – just published by Columbia University Press – deals a crushing blow to this narrative. Drawing on nearly two centuries of detailed data on tax and trade, Patna calculated that Britain drained a total of nearly $45 trillion from India during the period 1765 to 1938.”
Apropos nothing Columbia University is a base of The Frankfurt School.
If we in the present carry a collective guilt for the, and I totally agree that they were genuine, crimes of the past do you believe that the same rule should be applied with regard to say the murder statistics for London or does collective guilt only apply to England? If you believe that Scotland is going to be exempt from this have a look at how Ireland is being shoehorned into the ranks of guilty colonisers of the past.
Apropos “my University is better than yours”..
Aye, very subjective. What a waste after all that state sponsorship you received to expand your mind, not make an elitist snob of yourself.
Higher education franchise must frighten you, I pity the souls forced to face you in a job interview..
This aggression will not stand.
Sorry, it does.
Suck it up..
Or do I offend?
Tim Pat Coogan, author and broadcaster, keynote speaker at the 2016 ‘Liam & Tom O’Flaherty Society’ conference. Title of talk: ‘The ideals of 1916: All changed, changed utterly’. Loosely based on his book ‘1916: The Mornings After’.
(Vimeo, 2021)
Book Overview: ‘Ireland, Colonialism and the Unfinished Revolution’ by Robbie McVeigh and Bill Rolston, 2021:
« Colonialism is at the heart of making sense of Irish history and contemporary politics across the island of Ireland. In this exhaustive analysis, England’s oldest colony is considered in the context of the history of colonisation and anti-colonial politics throughout the world. In painstaking detail, McVeigh and Rolston chart the centuries leading to the Act of Union, the struggles for Irish independence and the legacies of partition from 1921. One hundred years later, the Union is in crisis and alternatives to partition are being seriously considered outside the republican tradition for the first time in generations. The conclusion is optimistic. In the words of Pádraig Pearse: “Anois ar theacht an tSamhraidh – now the summer is coming”.
Any guesses Fergus how much Westminster has drained out of Scotland or is it region of subsidy junkies?
The departure from colonial India should not be overlooked.
“It was hardly a joyous moment: A botched process of partition saw the slaughter of more than a million people; some 15 million were displaced. Untold numbers were maimed, mutilated, dismembered and disfigured. Countless lives were scarred.
Two hundred years of British rule in India ended, as Winston Churchill had feared, in a “shameful flight”; a “premature hurried scuttle” that triggered a most tragic and terrifying carnage.
The bloodbath of partition also left the two nations that were borne out of it – India and Pakistan – deeply scarred by anguish, angst, alienation and animus.”
link to
Not the first time you’ve tried to claim the Brits forced them to slaughter each other in their millions.
No doubt it won’t be the last time either.
Still though, sam, if you believe a “botched” decolonisation process is reasonable justification for rivers and lakes of blood in the streets, maybe you should outline some steps for stopping it from happening here.
Or maybe you just don’t do reason and logic, eh?
That’s because they did. They love playing the sectarian card & arming warring factions & are still playing it today – only the places change.
Catholic Vs protestant. Sunni Vs Shia, Judaism Vs Muslim – Isr vs everyone.
They cause the shit, they fund it, they arm it & then pretend its nothing to do with them.
Oh lookie, here’s an example, another one they made earlier – Syria. Al Qaeda/ISIS/ISIL/All of them went through a makeover – a quick shit & a shave later & hey presto! Tonight Matthew, I’m gonna be a respectable politician! We’ll still be headchoppers but we’re your headchoppers. Take us off the wanted list, guv. Games a bogey now..
“warring factions”
Listen up! An expert opines!
OK, Geri, gie us 500 words on warring factions.
You’re one of them. A racist wee shit that’d blend in well at an EDL march or a Tommy Robinson one up on yer soap box banging on about brown ppl & Muslims.
Who are their donors?
How many terrorist groups does the UK/USA fund in other countries too? Quite a few. They can’t wait to get in the news now since conflicts in U & Syria uncovered they were working for them all along & they’re okay now.
Nail on the head Geri.
It’s shocking how few of the most vociferous here do not even know their history other than what they read in the “totally impartial” (of course) press and BBC..
Grown up wains repeating received propoganda..
Nothing more, nothing less!
Ah c’moan noo, Geri.
A racist BIG shit if you don’t mind.
VERY BIG, if you get my meaning, and if I’m allowed to say it on this site
I have questions, Shiteface..
Dinnie worry. It won’t be 500 words.. maybe you’ll have an answer (for once)
Why is Isr helping Neo Nazis in U? The Bandera lovers? You’d think Isrl would be over the moon not to see that particular outfit emerge ever again, but nah – they’re best buddies now & Yahoo is straight on the phone offering his services since Trumpton pretended his cutting them..
Why is A Qaeda helping the Americans in Syria too – after 911, Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc?
It’s a funny old world eh? Any port in a storm.
Is it because they really couldn’t give a shit & it’s all about the spoils. Oodles of resources they must get their mitts on & eejits like you will swallow any propaganda pish the BBC spoon feeds you?..
Cracker of a bingo card you have there, Geri.
You just need one more for the Full House.
Yup, not forgetting Bangladesh though.
Bloomberg is a good read because it puts britain in its place – there is no anglocentrism – it is the view from world capital, and the UK is a bit player, that is all. Nothing to fear. Nothing to cringe about.
Norway has nice problems to have, their fund “underperformed”. I doubt they are thinking about drilling on the bottom of the world.
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Our comparison with Norway is even worse than you might think; their national wealth fund is now worth 1.8T USD and turned over a 200B USD profit last year (Scotland’s budget last year 59B GBP, 80B USD) – that is some “kitty”. Notably it is forbidden to invest in hydrocarbons, thus diversifying their economy. They invest around the world, in anything good or valuable; this means the norwegian people own a chunk of apple, nvidia and so on and own a lot of the UK; they have just made an investment in mayfair, a nice property deal. Think on that – a scottish wealth fund could OWN the bits of england which are actually worth something and have the english providing a “return” for us. What a switcharound that would be.
They can fund massive infrastructure programs like the B1M. Also, while fuel is not much cheaper over there, the tax is re-invested into the fund, so the citizen is not really being taxed, but forced to invest in his own future.
The next big thing is AI, which needs cheap energy; Scotland should be ideal, but what will happen is we send our cheap leccy to England, and this is where the cool new tech with be built. Another Fuck You for Scotland, getting used to it by now. Suppose you had a national energy company and had it, in law, we do not export energy. This means – energy is really cheap in Scotland and big tech will want to come here. Scots get paltry bills and high paying jobs on the doorstep. This is our national interest, but obviously not England’s which is why such things can never happen.
I just want to be rich without the interference, or even opinions, of some damn englishman. It’s like being 16 again getting cockblocked at the skool disco – pretty girl, and her fat pal … you need to get rid of the fatty to make your move (“free sausages rolls, over there … no, further along …”)
“The next big thing is AI, which needs cheap energy”
Here you go, Confused, I can see you’re confused over the fast pace of change in the world:
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As for any country having cheap local energy costs because there’s a surplus of it – you fail to understand there’s only a surplus in Scotland on the days the wind is blowing strongly. When it’s dark and flat calm, there’s a bloody great shortfall, as we will all discover soon if HR gets its way and decommissions all the back up gas-powered generation.
By the time Scotland builds all of the multiples of renewable capacity needed to cover the worst case situation (quite recently that multiple was 19, FFS), the unit cost of energy needed to pay for the maintenance of all of that infrastructure won’t be low at all.
I could go on about how a country can reduce its renewable generation multiple factor by importing energy from a neighbour, and exporting to that neighbour when there’s an excess, but then the unit price has to be set via international agreements.
As the Norwegians themselves recently discovered, to their intense anger and bewilderment:
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Short answer then, Confused, you’re confused about Scotland’s renewable energy “bonanza”.
But you are right about Norway’s Sovereign Wealth fund – it’s ginormous. Alas for Scotland, that ship sailed 30 years ago.
I’m all for a Trumpian “drill, baby, drill” approach to our remaining oil & gas, but with that being effectively blocked by our very own virtue signallers in HR, if it happens at all, it will have to be driven by WM.
And most of the work, both white and blue collar, will go overseas.
It wasn’t “blowing strongly” today yet some of the windfarms in Scotland’s geographic territory were stuck on curtailment mode for most of last night and today.
EG Click on Seagreen then scroll down window in bottom left of page to see that it could have been producing an average of around 3/4 of GW from its 6 fields over this time but instead the generating company was paid taxpayer funded curtailment to switch off turbines.
Overall curtailment cost for today are over 1 million quid.
We’re only one month into 2025 and they’re at 60 million. Last year was 885 million.
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It’s not that windy at the moment and Scotland will be consuming about 4GW but we are generating enough for that and still sending almost the same amount down to England.
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And England is still burning gas in CCGT stations to produce 38% of its demand.
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About 65% of UK gas fields are in Scotland’s geographic territory…
I don’t doubt any of that, Dan.
My point is that there’s a common misconception that green energy is going to be (or at least should be) cheap.
People who believe that have been conned, and from what Confused writes, he looks to be one of the dupes.
The idea that a vast network of turbines scattered across thousands of square miles of ocean, exposed to hazardous and corrosive environments at all times, reliant on foreign technology, spares and know how, would be not only a good idea, but a money-saving one too, will live on as one of the more notable follies of our era.
We are going to be paying eye watering amounts for our electricity for evermore. Yet that still won’t guarantee that we will be able to keep the lights on 24/7.
That’s would be in peace time too. The covert cutting of subsea connections, or the overt destruction of turbines will be catastrophic. Neither the UK nor Scotland can afford the resources that will be needed to protect the damn things.
Ah Hatey, I’m m not fooled by all this nonsense that renewable energy is a blessing or as you say cheap.
Oil and gas was we were told a curse upon us. A burden no less and I suspect that Westminster, with wind, and hydro generation and storage is just relieving us of that burden.
Of course green energy is not cheap that’s why the corporates are building for its extraction.
You need to stop spouting pish that Scotland is only in surplus when the wind is blowing strongly as it’s been pointed out to you a few times now that that isn’t the case.
There are very occasional times when Scotland does import a small amount of leccy power from England, but remember that much of that power being generated in England at those times will be burning gas from Scotland in CCGT stations to do so.
Also please list all the gas powered grid backup generators in Scotland that Holyrood wants to close, and also how much power they are capable of generating.
Energy touted to be a global market yet Hungary who have to import about a third of their power (mostly from Slovakia) only pay 10p for a unit of leccy whilst we pay about 25p a unit.
Nobody seems to be blowing up interconnects between neighbouring countries so maybe your fearmongering is a bit ott.
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A lot of Scotland isn’t on mains gas supply so that also makes the cost of heating higher for many in rural and often colder areas.
I’m in one of the ares that isn’t on gas grid and I’ve decided to remove and replant my 100 year old beech hedge because it was just too big and gnarly to maintain as a neat sized hedge. Once seasoned that will be firewood for me for a couple of years.
How many offshore windfarms has Slovakia got?
Nobody is blowing up interconnects between countries? Sure? Final answer?
OK, one last question. When the wind isn’t blowing at all, what is Scotland in with regard to renewable energy? Surplus? Or shortfall?
Here is the first Scottish Government’s “world-leading” climate change target:
The equivalent of 50% of Scotland’s total energy demand (electricity, heat and transport) to be supplied by renewable sources by 2030.
I can’t believe you believe that can be done without eye-watering increases in the cost of everything, so I really hope you won’t maintain that you do believe it.
Do you really seriously see the ruskies sending Spetznatz divers to cut underwater power supply cables from offshore renewables to wee independent out of the way Scotland?
You’re having a laugh.
To Scotland as part of war fuelling post Empire (and let’s be honest here) England?
You betcha.
Go figure..
Well now YL, y’all need to get together and make up your minds, once and for all.
Is Scotland an extremely wealthy, resource-rich country, hoaching with renewable energy, lebensraum, potable water, uniquely gifted minds, in a geographically critical position granting access to the disputed North Atlantic, poised to integrate herself into the EU, where she will take her rightful place as an exemplar of sovereignty, freedom, popular democracy, human rights, etc?
Or is she a wee, forgotten, out of the way, impoverished backwater?
At the moment, you and plenty others like to change your tune in accordance with the topic under discussion.
One moment we’re a colony being milked of our riches and once we’re free, we Sovereign Scots will be bathing in gravy.
The next moment we’re poor as church mice, and nobody will ever be interested in an iScotland shithole.
We see this, YL. Make your fucking mind up, and deal consistently with each issue based on your final decision.
Neither of your descriptions fit or relate to aspirations quoted by myself.
Being wee and on the European periphery does not equate with being impoverished.
Being rich and therefore controlling access to the North Atlantic is subject to NATO membership as per the status quo which I have never said I support.
You are making up mutually exclusive accusations to fit your specious argument.
Perhaps you should make yer “bleeping” mind up as opposed to just posting provocative ripostes to everyone else’s posts, or as here, putting words in their mouths that were not said.
Have a nice day.
Sorry YL. I’ll fess up and admit to being stumped by what you write.
“Being rich and therefore controlling access to the North Atlantic is subject to NATO membership as per the status quo which I have never said I support.”
Sorry, but when I read that, I infer that it’s NATO membership that makes us rich. I further infer that if you don’t support NATO membership, then you don’t support us being rich either.
Of course, you haven’t said whether you support or don’t support NATO. You say “I have never said I support”, which leaves it open.
Maybe this would all be so much clearer written in Scots
You have a nice day too.
What total arrant sophistry masquerading as a riposte to a straightforward reply to your disingenuous scene setting and self opined alleged duality of thought on my part.
I have tried to be amenable in discussion with you to date but must say, I see your arguments as no more than constant changing by the sentence a la special legal pleading of the third rate disinterested lawyer.
Somewhere there must be positivity in you notwithstanding your self stated officers mess mystery unconfirmed ancestry.
No, I doubt it.
You are a force of negativity here presumably to assuage some unreconciled anger with undetermined personal issues by lashing out at others looking for some genuine debate.
As they said in the film, “Out! Out! The power of Christ compels you” and “simply ignore your parlour tricks”.
Cue the Tory down tick brigade, to whom I graciously proffer in advance the “bird”.
As you churlishly riposted my “have a good day” message then it leaves me only to wish you “that your next one’s a hedgehog”.
Don’t feel pressured to reply.
I have “unreconciled anger” over the utter shitehole you and your fellow nonentity-worshipping Indy bams have turned my country into.
You spent years lapping up every shitey word that Sturgeon and the rest of the gang of incompetents uttered, while everybody else could see that she and they were nowt but lying, chancing grifters and fantasists.
Suck that up.
Now, when just about every metric in Scotland is worse than when we were supposedly “helplessly bound in the coloniser’s chains”. or somesuch drivel, you come on here all righteous and declare yourself to still be part of the sole and true guardians of Scotland’s destiny.
You had your chance, sunshine. You delivered Scotland a pig in a poke. You’ve been rumbled as an eejit, a fit follower for the organised cadre of eejits that is the SNP. You don’t get to lay down the rules any more. Suck that up too.
Now you watch yourself out there today. There’s beavers on the loose, and they’re some bad mofos.
Ooft. Thats gonna upset “the Wings night shift” lol.
Bloody well said, too.
Aye, I’m mortally wounded.
Shiteface pretended for so long on here that he wasn’t a Yoon LOL! I guess having some fellow space cadets around him finally gave him a wee bit of courage to speak out.
I’m surprised he’s still here, tbh, the armchair general hasn’t volunteered his services defending ‘his’ country after all. Quelle surprise that country is the next one down.
Being called a “space cadet” by the likes of you has to be the last word in irony.
Burning the candle at both ends after another “night shift” punching furiously on your keypad to the ether at 4am? Lol.
“Bloody well said too”. You forgot to finish that with “old boy”.
The Unionist “chaps” have to stick together don’t they..
It’s not 4am mate.
Stalker/ creep.
But it’s alright, Salvo to the rescue!
So you’ll be fcking off to pastures new then? Yay!!
Why are you actually here? I dunno why ppl stay here if they don’t like indy, this site or it’s comments 24/7 Are you mentally ill or something?
Don’t answer that. We all know you are.
As for the pig in a poke – have yer carer explain what a UK “administration” is, the difference between devolved & reserved matters, the Scotland Act & how eejits LIKE YOU VOTED TO KEEP IT BY VOTING NO.
We (indy) didn’t. We voted to change it. So don’t blame us for your bad choices. The SNP is only doing UK ADMINISTRATIONAL chores & instructions. We’re not independent, ya dunce!
& Of course, the mighty UK government is doing just smashing. They’re really running the country tickety boo. How many PMs are we on so far?
Buckle up sunshine, a debt death spiral is coming. The wee diddy UK is going down – cut loose by the US. No room at the inn. Let’s see how they handle it. Farage to the rescue! PMSL! He’ll sort it by collecting up huge corporations cheap labour & put them on a flight somewhere sunny – that’ll save yer world status & standard of living – make no mistake..LOL
“So you’ll be fcking off to pastures new then?”
I widnae miss yer daily cabaret spot for the world, Geri.
Even if, how shall I put this, some of your material is getting just a little bit stale.
Note some of the trans Atlantic speak creeping into Hateys diatribes these days: y’all, capeesh, gotten..
Then there’s the pathological hatred of ruskies and all things camel jockey.
I reckon he’s a bored over paid underemployed CIA deskbound goon down at the London American Embassy charged with stirring things among Yessers to prevent a regime change that’s not to their liking.
Should be renamed Mendacious McCarthyismface and just ignored.
Did you mean camel toe?
Surely that must be on your wee list of risqué insults?
Loving your belief you’re instigating regime change, BTW.
And from your bedroom too! Who’s a clever boy, eh?
Ignored as spam
Looks like a few home truths hit a few of your raw nerves..
Quite telling.
I shudder to say true but..
Anyway, hydros the imperative back-up we need here.
However as England is “Great Britains” sump then not much of the money, water, oil and gas revenues and battery farm export sailing off Dan saf for free is going to realise itself into the readies required to do it, is it?
Pocket money only goes so far..
An impressive pile of bullshit, on par with “ohm’s law” from our friend, ASA.
It’s funny how our energy resources have all these “problems” in Scotland, but not once they cross the border; England wants them, greedily. They intend to get 40GW from our wind. If that 40GW stays in Scotland, then you have to come here to get it.
Nothing to stop the datacentres being built next to hydropower stations with a wind farm on the other side. A loch is a natural battery, and an old idea.
– what happens if the wind stops blowing
– what happens if we run out of rain
clearly you dont live here.
You know fuckall about energy pricing you halfwit; if you did you would know how fucked up it is. You throw in a bit of jargon to pretend you know something, no one is fooled.
The tech companies run multiple datacentres all around the world and move their computational loads as is appropriate – like where there is a lot of cheap power available; it is called load balancing and people have known about it for a while. There is thing, a network, which allows information to move, all around the earth – look it up on the internet.
Our cool climate and copious water also helps with – cooling.
As for deepseek, it makes no difference; people will always want as much energy as they can so they can do more with it, e.g. trading on financial markets. Most computational problems cannot be solved efficiently by computer, AI or not, and this always needs power.
The outrage of what we missed out on re: Norway should make any Scotsman livid with rage – you were robbed of another life, a better life, so these wankers could piss it up a wall, as they do.
The english should have nothing more out of this country.
Just watched a very interesting clip, Judge Napolitina was interviewing Col. McGregor when he said “What people don,t understand is that since the end of WW2 we already control what happens I Greenland, Northern Norway, North Britain, iceland, and Canada. Nothing moves without our way so. So are we a colony of a colony?
The USA has military bases in over 800 countries. Their NGOs are in every parliament & they have their nose into every judicial system via the EU.
They don’t need to invade. They’re already there through NATO & countries pay for the privilege of handing over their Sovereignty.
Nothing happens anywhere without their say so because they hold all the tech. That’s why P never bought the shit ‘its not us’ escalating conflicts. When that’s absolute bullshit.
Do you remember all the dumb brexshiteers crawing the EU was stealing their Sovereignty & they were going to build an Army?
LOL They already had it. It’s called NATO.
If you read the agreement they’ve just signed Finland & Sweden up to it tells you everything you need to know. A huge chunk of free real estate, they’ll take over the bases they already have, they’ll conduct whatever they want on those bases inc bio because that’s their business, not the host country’s & their personnel is outside that jurisdiction too. They’ll also move in nukes & weapons as and when they feel like it. Oh, and pay them for the privilege. 5% GDP Trumpton wants. Screw pensions & healthcare – this is a business.
They then give the lie that it can be renewed every 5-10 yrs but that’s a lie as the UK recently found out from gen-ocide Joe – no need to review, it’s permanent. No need to discuss it in parly either. NATO can do what it likes & doesn’t need parliamentary approval.
Finland & Sweden didn’t even hold a referendum. They were frogmarched into it. One of those offers they couldn’t refuse.
The UK is a colony. All they have left to flog is the NHS to USA rich private investment companies & enter stage left, Sir Stormer meeting with BlackRock. They’re only interested in one thing. How to make the super rich even richer with going shopping for investments.
Dinna fash, Geri, I’m the only one noticing, and my lips are sealed
Mrs Lochinvar is something of a Trekkie so I get to see some of it whether I want to or not..
Good ol’ Uncle Sam see’s himself and his as the model for the United Federation of Planets, Chekhov is the token ruskie, Sulus now the woke LGBT+++++ interest, but Scottie remains Scottish; an engineer that does things!!
Where are the English?
Well there’s no personal wealth in the year whatever so parasitical London and it’s decrepit regions are, well missing from the scene as a superfluous useless grasping has-been begging bowl brigade with absolutely hee haw to offer except as holograms in the Holodeck, (probably something Shakespearean and disturbingly p@@fy.
Maybe they’ll team up with the Borg, they do after all have plenty of experience of assimilating the unwilling.
No questions please, I’ve exhausted my knowledge of Star Trek at that!
May the force be with – no, wrong show..
“The USA has military bases in over 800 countries”
The barstewards must be manufacturing countries to put these bases in – hundreds of them.
Is there no end to their utterly despicable perfidious perfidy?
Not according to you mole..
Sad “bleeper”..
Best ignored as a bad faith actor/ spammer.
The UK is a vassal state. Which makes us look even worse.
Did you miss the newly rebuilt Queen Street station in George Square?
Remember we also got those swanky new Queen Elizabeth House in Edinburgh and Atlantic Square in Glasgow buildings thrown up super quick… Oh wait.
Not quite HS2 level spending there, but we are getting the leccy grid upgraded so more of the leccy generated in Scotland can be sent to England and the foreign owned companies can make more profits, so that’s a win I guess for someone who isn’t Scottish.
Unfortunately no..
Any opportunity to declare its too hard to go on with independence case. Here is proof that SNP are definitely 100% a devolutionist party.
No vote from me in 2026, Alba and ISP for me.
The fact that ACH has any clout whatsoever in this parliament – and he clearly does – is reason enough for genuine independence-supporters, political figures included, to turn their backs on it.
Refuse to participate in this charade any longer.
Withdraw from the Holyrood parliament.
Withdraw from Westminster.
Sturgeon has effectively done so already and it doesn’t appear to have done her much harm.
When you call the irrelevants (lib dems) leader in Scotland by his initials could you put an e at the end,that’s what his party is to the best interests of Scotland
Wullie Rennie was at least good for a laugh with his interminable zany antics.
I liked Charles Kennedy..
The people voted for the parliament. You shouldn’t just blithely talk about it like it’s some toy to throw out of a pram when you get bored of it.
If there’s one sentiment here that hacks me off more than anything else it’s that ‘Holyrood’s deid’ or some infantile variation thereof.
I bet very few in Scotland have actually taken enough time to look at how the institution works and what its possibilities are.
One thing Alex Salmond said and which I think is largely true is that our institutions are OK. The problem is the people who are running them. That’s as much a cultural issue as a political one. Scots like to think of ourselves as politically engaged but we are not as up for it as we like to think. If we really wanted to apply people pressure to tackle corruption, there would be bodies in the street protesting day after day, night after night. Too many just want a quiet life and far too many who want things to change have this weird reluctance about joining forces to act on the very same issue. That attitude I just do not get.
If the politicians are f***ing it up or have been corrupted, then the people need to get more involved to right the ship of state (a very old metaphor). Just think how different things might be right now if somebody had lacked the gumption to make a police report about the SNP’s missing ‘funds’.
Got a bit ranty there. Don’t take it personally Ian.
No offence taken.
The fact that people voted for the parliament in the first place doesn’t alter the reality that voter disenchantment has never been more intense than it is now and the turn-out at elections, local and national, is going through the floor.
It’s no wonder folk are apathetic. But if politicians really do represent the people then there should be a proportionate number of them who are prepared to follow an abstentionist line – there’s always been support for withdrawing from the ‘democratic’ process but it’s not easy to draw a distinction between ‘conscientious objectors’ and those who are just too lazy/indifferent.
I accept your reiteration of Alex Salmond’s point that there’s nothing wrong with the institutions per se, but the current state of the parliament, civil service, judiciary and Police is, when taken together, extremely worrying. That’s why so much hinges on Branchform – it will be a report card on the ‘health’ of these institutions generally and if it fails to deal justly with those who persecuted Alex Salmond then it fails all of us.
Holyrood may not be ‘deid’ but it’s in a bad way and the prospects for recovery, right now, are not good.
“there’s nothing wrong with the institutions per se,”
Some might reasonably question that theory, Ian, especially in the colonial framework:
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YouGov: Scottish attitudes to the British Empire: Scots are more likely to see Scotland as having been a subject, rather than a partner, in the British Empire:
“…a recent YouGov survey shows that 40% of Scots consider Scotland to have been “more of a subject country in the British Empire”, compared to only 29% who see it as having been “more of a partner with England in the British Empire”.
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Check out the scorn against Scotland attitudes (WTF).
Missed all the AUOB marches then..
Mind you mind control NuSNP and the Unionist media in tandem both blanked them so you’re not to be blamed..
Well I suppose if Swinney has volunteered to end indy I have to ask the question is he being blackmailed too?
He said nothing about the attacks on Salmond and others and was certainly part of the cover up for the vietnam group and his redacting pen must have run dry.
The full and final confirmation will be his rejection of SNP 1 and Alba 2
Biffa for Govanhill.
I watched a documentary, of sorts, about the “Men in Black” associated with UFO stuff. It seems they have/had extraordinary powers to make people STFU.
I wonder if there’s a UK branch known as “Men In Red, White & Blue” with similar extraordinary STFU powers.
They’d be pretty obvious visitors though I’d guess :-p
Oh dear, all these tricky budget decisions that Scotland has to make about where to allocate the peanuts. If only there had been a better option.
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Comparing Scotland to Norway since the seventies is enough to make you weep (if you’re Scottish that is).
Freedom of choice is the ability to vote for who you are told to vote for. Come to think about it. There’s no choice at all.
Your choice (sigh)…
aye..choice …(sigh)..
Braw – there is choice (yippee:)
Kendrick Lamar: King Kunta:
“Bitch where you when I was walkin’?
Now I run the game got the whole world talkin’, King Kunta
Everybody wanna cut the legs off him, Kunta
Black man taking no losses
Bitch where you when I was walkin’?
Now I run the game, got the whole world talkin’, King Kunta…
When you got the yams (What’s the yams?)
The yam is the power that be
You can smell it when I’m walking down the street
(Oh yes we can, oh yes we can)
I can dig rapping, but a rapper with a ghost writer?
What the f**k happened?..”:
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ATGTickets: Books & Banter with Val McDermid & Nicola Sturgeon:
Live at King’s Theatre…:
“Val McDermid and Nicola Sturgeon are best friends who bonded over a love of good books, unfettered conversation and the occasional glass of red wine. Join them…”:
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The Show (2025): Val McDermid and Damian Barr have been named Scotland’s National Library champions:
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The Scotsman (2018): Nicola Sturgeon: I would spend my days hiding under the table reading:
“Sturgeon has eclectic tastes. Her Christmas recommendations featured six crime novels… She is also rapidly becoming a regular at festivals. …she says books help her to relax:
“The Hillary Clinton book, for example: whatever you think of her politics, her sheer resilience as a woman I find really inspiring…
The book festival appearances are about supporting authors who may struggle to make a living. I think that one of the most special, wonderful things that anyone can ever do is to write a novel that gets published… That is also why I tweet about them.”…”:
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The i Paper (2018): Nicola Sturgeon reveals she is writing a diary – and may eventually publish it:
“Appearing at an event with the author Damian Barr… the SNP leader also said she would like to write a novel but was unsure if she had it in her…
Writing on Twitter after the event, Barr joked that the news Ms Sturgeon was writing a diary was likely to spark immediate interest among publishers, urging them to “get in now”….”:
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Daily Record (2021): Cronyism claim after writer Val McDermid holds book launch at Nicola Sturgeon’s official residence:
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Insider (2022): Sturgeon’s book publisher still being investigated over £295,000 fraud:
“Sandstone Press and Highlands and Islands Enterprise are currently being investigated by Police Scotland.”:
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Scottish Financial News (2023): Financial struggles force liquidation of Scottish publisher Sandstone Press:
“Sandstone Press gained attention for its compilation of speeches by Nicola Sturgeon titled Women Hold up Half the Sky: Selected Speeches of Nicola Sturgeon, published in May 2021. Featuring a foreword by crime writer Val McDermid,”:
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The Herald (2023): Nicola Sturgeon sets up ‘artistic creation’ company after book deal:
“…a company to handle the income from her outside earnings after signing a lucrative deal for her memoirs…
The nature of the business is given as “artistic creation” …occupation is given as “politician”.
…emerged Ms Sturgeon was writing her political memoirs for a reported advance of at least £150,000.
Publisher Pan MacMillan said it would be a “deeply personal and revealing” book…
Ms Sturgeon said at the time: “I have loved my life in politics, but ever since I was a child I have harboured an ambition to write.”:
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“her sheer resilience as a woman”
I wonder what that means.
I wonder at the thought processes of anybody who could make such a meaningless statement.
Perhaps you have to first self-identify as a victim, and only then, can you start to convince yourself that sticking to your biological sex demonstrates “resilience”.
Scots are going to have to very careful in future. Anybody believing themselves to be one of life’s victims must be kept well away from high political office.
Thinking this through has allowed me some insight on why Yousaf was the “continuity candidate” in more ways than one.
I’m glad this has allowed you some insight…
“(the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation:
Insight into It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insights into human relationships.”:
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The Scottish parliament was the first step to Independence that now isn’t the case. The people running the County (Parliament) aren’t even bothered about making policy its all out sourcing policy to a third undesirable company who have no interest in Scotland whats so ever.
For me and I said this yesterday if Independence is OFF the agenda then whats the point in having a parliament that has less powers now then it did before 2014 and if Independence can’t be delivered by a section 30 order then why not remove the parliament and the section process entirely as its part of the devolution.
Its evident to me but not to the morons in the SNP or the people who spend their hard earned cash on buying the National that Holyrood elected politicians have about as much interest in running Scotland as Keir Starmer has in protecting the poor in the rest of the UK.
I really need people to think about this, yesterday we were told that Independence would take decades, yes it will unless we rid ourselves of the people preventing it. We should be demanding that that we return to the old system where we have only one parliament and if we send more Independent Indy MP’s from Scotland to Westminster Independence is delivered. The Section 30 is being abused by the SNP, its not the UKG that’s abusing it, so lets remove the Section 30 process and Holyrood entirely because if we don’t nothing will change and the SNP is happy to work with every Unionist in the Scottish parliament to ensure nothing does. I have said this on numerous times there is no parties divides in Scotland or in England its evident to see and hear that is if your paying attention, all these parties are happy if policy protects capitalist agenda and pension and jobs are secured. There is no difference between the parties in Scotland to the rest of the UK their interest are all the same no matter what bull your told its party before county or Country and the SNP is in the think of it. Everything that’s happening within the SNP and out is being done by design with the full backing of Mrs Murrell and Swinney.
Independence is off the table just because the SNP doesn’t want it, its that simple. So what are we going to do about it.
Independents for Independence. Get them elected to Holyrood in 2026. Barrhead Boy has just written a piece – also on Voices for Independence – and says “watch this space”. I imagine that there will be fundraising and recruitment of candidates – just as Dan has been calling for.
A wee + I like your style.
Duly expose and dismantle all the bad Actors/structures holding Scotland/world back.
It will be fun…
BBC: King involved in ‘woke’ name change of Agincourt submarine:
“King Charles was involved in a decision to change the name of a new royal submarine from HMS Agincourt to HMS Achilles, a move that was branded “woke nonsense” by former defence secretary Grant Shapps, the BBC has been told….
The move was also called “woke” and “pathetic” by another former Tory defence minister, Sir Gavin Williamson. It’s not clear whether Sir Gavin or Shapps were aware that King Charles supported efforts to find another name.
Both the Palace and the MoD declined to comment on his involvement…
Sir Gavin branded name change a “woke moment” in what he called the “pathetic” Ministry of Defence, while Shapps decried the decision “sacrilege” and evidence of “Labour’s woke nonsense“.
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Elon Musk:
“Woke James Bond”:
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#Mi6issy #Q
‘Its not clear whether Big Lugs supported efforts to find another name’
He talks to plants & wishes he was a Tampax so I think we can safely rule him out of making any hard hitting decisions. He has a weekly audience so Stormer will have updated him with the latest ‘Oligarch Weekly’ fresh off the press.
We hereby confirm Big Lugs as overruled:
Sky News (31/01/25): ‘We’ll play some more soon‘: Emails believed to be from Prince Andrew to Epstein after he claimed to cut contact revealed:
“The Duke of York told Jeffrey Epstein they would “play some more soon!” two months after he claimed he cut contact with the convicted paedophile…
Just when you thought Prince Andrew couldn’t fall any further, another twist emerges in his shameful association with Jeffrey Epstein.”:
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Wings crew doesn’t just prefer the status quo – it strongly advocates for imperial monarchism?
Tampax-men are real:
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Should have renamed HMSS Bauge..
At the end of the day, who cares if they stop pumping out crap papers on independence, they don’t change the conversation one little bit. They still have no clue how to get a referendum.
They were idealistic, speculative nonsense.
The colonial overseer Coal Scuttle Hamilton or whatever he is named has spoken and the useless SNP led by the Soft Swinney like the cowards they are just shamelessly take it. Only way to defeat the coloniser is to stop playing their game.
Forbes said:
There you have the detailed plan in black and white. They will be dancing in the streets tonight.
@PeteWishart has blocked you:
“Scottish Labour MPs (and a Scot Lib Dem) attacking the SNP in, wait for it, Welsh Questions…… All this does is annoy their constituents who want representation in the Parliament they voted them to serve in.”
“How in gods name did you survive the #snp cull in July.”
@PeteWishart has blocked you:
“How in gods name have you survived on my notifications for so long? Don’t worry. It is being put right by the use of the old block button…..”:
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UK Parliament: Parliamentary career: Pete Wishart:
“Pete Wishart is the Scottish National Party MP for Perth and Kinross-shire, and has been an MP continually since 7 June 2001.”:
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“has been an MP continually since 7 June 2001”
I’ve pointed that out before, gregor.
The reason I’ve pointed it out is that it suggests PW has been adequately meeting the needs and requirements of a majority of his constituents for almost a quarter of a century.
That’s 24 years, during which time nobody was ever forced to vote for him. 24 years during which nothing and nobody stopped anybody from standing in opposition in his constituency. And so, if any new kid on the block ever had a plausible, attractive policy, PW would have been replaced.
I know PW gets pelters on here. But still, his longevity does make you think, eh?
Let me put this another way. If it doesn’t make you think, then it fucking well should!
No wonder my local area is so dilapidated.
Lot of wrinkled, old Runrig fan(nies) out there still humming “Loch Lomond” off key as they Zimmer their way down to the Polling Booth.
So everyone wants to be Trumps friend now. He’s not a danger to mankind after all.
Germany’s AfD making history tonight. They’ve managed to get a majority to vote for their kind of “blood and soil” nationalism.
I guess that they’re not prepared to sit on their thumbs, bleating and hand wringing while their kids are hacked to bits.
It’s not a “binding” vote and some are already predicting it will break EU “rules”. So I further guess they will have to eventually go after Brussels as well as Berlin.
Rosie Duffield’s resignation letter from the Labour Party. The 53-year-old MP sent a scathing resignation letter to Sir Keir Starmer
She’s just saying what any decent person is thinking.
Here is what she said in full:
Dear Sir Keir,
Usually letters like this begin, “It is with a heavy heart…” Mine has been increasingly heavy and conflicted and has longed for a degree of relief.
I can no longer stay a Labour MP under your management of the party, and this letter is my notice that I wish to resign the Labour Party whip with immediate effect.
Although many “last straws” have led to my decision, my reason for leaving now is the programme of policies you seem determined to stick to, however unpopular they are with the electorate and your own MPs.
You repeat often that you will make the “tough decisions” and that the country is “all in this together”. But those decisions do not directly affect any one of us in Parliament. They are cruel and unnecessary, and affect hundreds of thousands of our poorest, most vulnerable constituents.
This is not what I was elected to do. It is not even wise politics, and it certainly is not “the politics of service”.
I did not vote for you to lead our party for reasons I won’t describe in detail here. But, as someone elevated immediately to a shadow cabinet position without following the usual path of honing your political skills on the backbenches, you had very little previous political footprint. It was therefore unclear what your political passions, drive or direction might be as the leader of the Labour Party, a large movement of people united by a desire for social justice and support for those most in need.
You also made the choice not to speak up once about the Labour Party’s problems with antisemitism during your time in the shadow cabinet, leaving that to backbenchers, including new MPs such as me.
Since you took office as Leader of the Opposition you have used various heavy-handed management tactics but have never shown what most experienced backbenchers would recognise as true or inspiring leadership.
You have never regularly engaged with your own backbench MPs, many of whom have been in Parliament far longer than you, and some of whom served in the previous Labour government.
You have chosen neither to seek our individual political opinions, nor learn about our constituency experiences, nor our specific or collective areas of political knowledge. We
clearly have nothing you deem to be of value.
Your promotion of those with no proven political skills and no previous parliamentary experience but who happen to be related to those close to you, or even each other, is frankly embarrassing.
In particular, the recent treatment of Diane Abbott, now Mother of the House, was deeply shameful and led to comments from voters across the political spectrum. A woman of her political stature and place in history is deserving of respect and support, regardless of political differences.
As Prime Minister, your managerial and technocratic approach, and lack of basic politics and political instincts, have come crashing down on us as a party after we worked so hard, promised so much, and waited a long fourteen years to be mandated by the British public to return to power.
Since the change of government in July, the revelations of hypocrisy have been staggering and increasingly outrageous. I cannot put into words how angry I and my colleagues are at your total lack of understanding about how you have made us all appear.
How dare you take our longed-for victory, the electorate’s sacred and precious trust, and throw it back in their individual faces and the faces of dedicated and hardworking Labour MPs?! The sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice are off the scale. I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party.
Someone with far-above-average wealth choosing to keep the Conservatives’ two-child limit to benefit payments which entrenches children in poverty, while inexplicably accepting expensive personal gifts of designer suits and glasses costing more than most of those people can grasp – this is entirely undeserving of holding the title of Labour Prime Minister. Forcing a vote to make many older people iller and colder while you and your favourite colleagues enjoy free family trips to events most people would have to save hard for – why are you not showing even the slightest bit of embarrassment or remorse?
I now have no confidence in your commitment to deliver the so-called “change” you promised during the General Election campaign and the changes we have been striving for as a political party for over a decade.
My values are those of a democratic socialist Labour Party and I have been elected three times to act on those values on behalf of my constituents. Canterbury made history when its voters elected their first woman, and only non-Conservative, MP since the seat was created in the thirteenth century.
My constituents elected an independent-minded MP who vowed to put constituency before party, and to keep tackling the issues that most affect us here – Brexit fallout, funding for our universities, our desperately struggling East Kent NHS, dire housing situation, repeated sewage pollution and protecting our vital green spaces.
I am confident that I can continue to do so as an independent MP guided by my core Labour values.
Sadly, the Labour Party has never shown any interest in my wonderful constituency in the seven years that I have been in Parliament. But I am proud of my community and will continue to serve them to the best of my ability.
My constituents care deeply about social issues such as child poverty and helping those who cannot help themselves. I will continue to uphold those values as I pledged to do when I first stood before them for election in 2017.
As someone who joined a trade union in my first job, at seventeen, Labour has always been my natural political home. I was elected as a single mum, a former teaching assistant in receipt of tax credits. The Labour Party was formed to speak for those of us without a voice, and I stood for election partly because I saw decisions about the lives of those like me being made in Westminster by only the most privileged few. Right now, I cannot look my constituents in the eye and tell them that anything has changed. I hope to be able to return to the party in the future, when it again resembles the party I love, putting the needs of the many before the greed of the few.
Yours sincerely,
Rosie Duffield MP
I guess we have to believe that a Labour MP has only just noticed that Starmer is a talentless, unprincipled, petty cipher.
Just as we have to believe that Democrat senators and congressmen only just noticed that Biden was senile in August 2024.
Not ‘only just’. The letter is from September 2024.
Well said Rosie Duffield MP.
May I ask-for the sake of argument- what is the point of the ‘devolved administrations’-other of course than providing refreshing publicly funded careers for failed politicians and their numberless hangers-on ? The Scottish ‘Indy’ movement are clearly unhappy- where I have live we have a need-seemingly- to increase the number of our ‘representatives’ by 50% .in Cardiff. Blair thought he needed the nationalist votes to win-he didn’t and fought like a cat to avoid devolution but here we are. I shudder to think of the cost of this to the taxpayer.
‘devolved administrations’ haund oot the wages tae the privileged elites, bourgeoisie and proletariat rinnin the colony. Hits whit thay caw ‘the budget’. Politeecians an thair hinger-ons tak juist a wee pairt o the budget.
The public payroll in Scotland is approx 600,000 people:
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Gave a reply but it’s flown to moderation. I dunno why.
Anyway, in short, it was a sticking plaster to halt indy. Blair had no choice but to offer it due to political pressure because Labour had already failed to deliver in ’79 & the European Council ruled it had to give Scotland what it voted for.
It’s went downhill since 2014 cause they nearly lost so they’ve stripped it back since then..
Totally agree Geri. Sturgeon has to pay for this treasonous betrayal of Scotland!
It would be great if all the “real” Labour MPs formed a Real Labour Party leaving a rump on the front benches. The “King” would have to request the RLP to form a new government. What fun.
It’s been said 100 times by others too, especially n DDNews with features fromJoe Glenton &Matt Kennard.
The working class far outnumber & could bring the UK to a standstill by downing tools & organising. Labour isn’t the Labour party anymore & Starver/Stormer put the final nails in to rid the party, it’s membership & it’s councillors of any last remaining Corbynites.
They’re Globalists now & on the globalists donor payroll. They’ll do as they’re telt regardless of what the public want. Like the SNP – they’ve abandoned their roots & reason for existing. They need wiped out & started again & the working class could do it but the UK are eejits – they can’t wait to gob off on the radio phone-ins about how ppl shouldn’t be expecting pay rises, pay! To the roasters saying government should ban all strikes – make them illegal. Someone really needs to disconnect those phone-ins sometimes lol
Seven Scottish sub-samples available for Westminster voting intention in last ten days. Total sample population 1,054.
Average results: Con 12.7%, Lab 19.7%, LibDem 11.4%, RefUK 15.1%, SNP 31.3%, Greens 5.4%.
RefUK are third force in Scotland.
Numbers plugged into Holyrood calculator:
SNP 53 (-11), Lab 26 (+4), Con 16 (-15), LibDem (13 (+9), RefUK 19, Green 2 (-6).
Unionist block 74 seats, notionally Nationalist block 55 seats.
Vivian, I certainly wouldn’t call the SNP or the Greens a Nationalist party anymore. If your a nationalist seeking to secure Independence the goal to achieve that never stops, its top priority.
I’d really like the SNP to have lost a lot more seats. This Unity carry on no longer exist. I’m using my vote against the SNP Scotland deserves no less Traitors shouldn’t be rewarded its unfortunate the death penalty is no longer available.
Did you absorb what Vivian actually said? NOTIONALLY(my emphasis) Nationalist block.
My suggestion on the Holyrood budget would be to scrap free bus travel for under 22year old’s and share it equally between the 32 local councils to restore some building on the buildings at risk register within their boundaries.That would be a far better way to spend money.
Of course, one way to encourage young people into work (for example repairing buildings at risk) would be to give them free bus travel. Just as denying them free bus travel will effectively drive some of them out of accepting jobs that require travel to work.
On those few times when I travel by bus, it’s always fun to play “spot the paying passenger”. Often the bus seems rammed with OAPs, all traveling for free.
Discussing this with a worker recently, she was saying how much she resents paying an eye-watering sum for a ticket, then having to stand because all the seats are taken by OAPs on free passes.
So I would look at restricting free travel for wrinklies.
Of course, post Indy, when nobody has cars any more, other than the elites, free/cheap/subsidised public transport will have to be the norm. Along with punitively strict no-strike laws for transport sector workers, natch.
But that’s all so far away we’ll be long deid.
When I’m on a bus I watch for anyone else who isn’t using a mobile.
Only the elderly or disabled should have free bus travel as everybody else seemed to manage.We should also increase the work ethic of those who seem to desire everything free.
Check out the downvotes on this post, and all because I wrote the youth are in more need of free bus transport than the wrinklies!
When I wrote the other day that Wings BTL is mostly the haunt of the post-productive (AKA retired), looks like I was right on the button.
It really will make the alert readers wonder just who the retired folks think is paying for their pensions, and their free health care (when they can access it, admittedly).
Since the old age pension was first introduced, when there were 22 working people for every pensioner, the ratio has steadily reduced. There were nearly 5 workers per pensioner when the Welfare State was set up, and today it’s 3 workers per pensioner, and predicted to become yet fewer in the years to come.
It’s not sustainable, folks. Sorreeee!
Throw into the mix that many workers are of a different ethnic group, and/or a different religion, and it’s a brave pensioner who would claim in a face-to-face encounter ,that the young immigrant must slave and do without so that the pensioner can be kept in the style which he or she believes is deserved.
Feel free to refuse your state pension, bus pass etc as and when you reach the (receding state pension age).
Don’t forget however that our generations fought certain conflicts and paid for your schooling and healthcare that enable you to sit on yer privileged flabby arse that’s unlikely to have served anyone other than yourself.
Clearly if you have used others to achieve this and abandoned them on the way then in your book Tango Sierra.
Child of Thatcher right enough..
You are a seriously troubled individual who expects others to fight the wars and do the heavy lifting work so you can sit writing your version of Mein Kampf here each day.
You remind me of a boss I once had who benefitted from rude Heath and never believed for a second any employees sick line that came in.
Absolution I remember was sought for such hubris on his ill health led death bed, he just realised these things happen after scorning others..
Careful what you wish for Hateful one.
You are either young with much to learn or older and just never learned or weren’t taught common decency and humanity.
When did you last do something that was for your country and not just yourself?
WTF was she going? Was she in shackles along with the other passengers?
I’ve never seen a full bus anywhere since I left my school bus days behind.
All you moaning Myrtles. All public transport should be free. Same with broadband & other public necessities. It’s good for ppl to get out & shop, visit other ppl, work or attend a wee shindig. It’s good for ppls wellbeing & helps the economy.
I notice no one mentioned removing tax avoidance fae the super rich? Or how daft it is that our budget is set by another country & we should scrap that instead…Funny that innit.
That wouldn’t pay for the Councils lunch.
The Herald: Ministers refuse to name officials with access to Sturgeon probe files:
“Mr Ewing told The Herald: “The Scottish Government continue to refuse to name the individuals who, secretly, and contrary to assurances the Scottish Government gave to the Scottish Freedom of Information Commissioner had access to the Hamilton papers.
“The Scottish Government had first assured the Freedom of Information Commissioner(FOIC) that no one – no civil servant or spad [special advisor] – had such access to the digital papers.
“That proved to have been a serious misrepresentation by the Scottish Government made as it was, to the FOIC the public servant whose job it is to make sure the Scottish Government are open and transparent and share information with the public.”
He continued: “This digital file apparently contained papers of James Hamilton the Irish senior barrister who was instructed by John Swinney for the Scottish Government to carry out an independent investigation into whether the Former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon had misled Parliament.
“This latest answer further demonstrates that the Scottish Government ingrained secrecy continues even now: a very peculiar Scottish form of Omertà…. If it was honestly intended that no Scottish Government official or Spad should have had such access, there cannot by definition have been any legitimate reason why such access should be provided. It shouldn’t have been provided.
“The whole point was that the investigation was to be independent – at arms length – from the Scottish Government, but all along this was not the case as Scottish Government officials were able to see the documents forming part of the inquiry.”
He added: “What did that secret access which was open to Scottish Government officials actually mean in practice? It surely meant they had access to Hamilton’s witness statements and therefore allowed the Scottish Government should it so have chosen, to use that information to try seek to obtain and secure the outcome they wished from the James Hamilton inquiry.
To this day the Scottish Government have continued to cover up the truth of who this one person was and who the larger group were.”:
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Did the ALBA party MSP vote in support of this budget in capitulation to the wishes of the Unionist minority?
Woo hoo!
Rosebank & Jackdaw oil & gas field developments stopped at the Edinburgh Court of Session.
Another victory for the nuts who put the nut in Nut Zero.
So here’s a wee question for them: How vigorously do you have to virtue signal in order to keep warm through a Scottish winter?
Probably jist as well as the relentless bombing and destruction of our oil and gas infrastructure by aw those pesky foreigners hasn’t stopped since we started developing fossil fuel extraction in the 1970s. Oh wait…
Plus it’ll be the wrong type of oil and gas anyway.
Thank fuck A Scot Abroad was correct to a degree in that Ohms Law will effectively stop folk from far off lands pinching leccy.
I was all set to buy a few extension leads and do a deal with Frank in Hungary so he could supply my leccy cheaper than I can get it here, but that bastard Ohm has kyboshed the plan.
Pity too as it would have been a mutually beneficial trade agreement as would have been quite happy to pay Frank a few pence extra per unit than he gets it for, and it would still be half the price we pay per unit here.
My backup plan is to send Frank all the batteries from my electrical equipment and he can charge them up for me then send them back.
Have you got that list of all the gas powered grid backup generators in Scotland that Holyrood wants to close, and also how much power they are capable of generating. Chop chop
Ohm sweet Ohm.
Resistance isn’t futile in an electrical circuit if it’s used to generate heat for beneficial purposes.
Very droll, Dan.
And I get it. We’re Scotland and so we’re special. The kind of stuff that happens in the rest of Europe doesn’t happen here.
Of course, I really do hope you’re right. But if you’re not, I may choose to say “I told you so”.
Have you got the figures for all the additional renewable generation capacity Scotland needs to install in order to get to the situation:
1) There is sufficient capacity for “best case” (good, strong winds) scenarios.
2) There is sufficient capacity for “worst case” (flat calm, extending for days) scenarios.
3) The backup systems (standby gas generators, or battery farms, or hydro) are sized to cover demand for how long of a “worst case” scenario?
4) The primary generation is sized to cover peak demand in “best case” scenario, plus excess to enable rapid recharging of the battery farms, or rapid replenishment of pumped storage schemes.
Once you’ve sized the renewable generation capacity Scotland will actually need, have you priced it?
Have you worked out how much each Scottish household will be on the hook to cover the capital costs, and for how long? Maybe expect an extra million Scots, as per ScotGov expectations, but remember – they’ll need leccy too so ensure that’s not overlooked.
Haha, maybe we’ll have to cheat again and get the 10 times bigger English population to chip in through their standing charges too. Just don’t tell them the turbines they’re financing are in Scottish waters – they’ll be fizzing.
Blah blah blah
So again, have you got that list of all the gas powered grid backup generators in Scotland that Holyrood wants to close, and also how much power they are capable of generating.
A bump to a comment trail from couple of weeks ago when John last went on about energy.
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Those would be the standing charges and unit charges less down there than we are charged!?
Where are you to write such p1sh; Costa Del Sol, the moon or an MI5 Bot programme out of control at Porton Down..
It took me around 30 seconds to find this:
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Defo repays study by anybody who is interested in facts.
Others like YL here, can just make some stuff up and then greet into their drams over their invented, imaginary injustice.
Ah ken fine somebody will be along in a minute to tell us that in an Independent Scotland, leccy will be too cheap to meter.
Sadly, for those of us who do know our history (not you, YL), we’ve heard these promises before.
And so we’re not going to be fooled again.
None of the above should be seen as denying that there are real problems with energy poverty in Scotland, and that these should be addressed. That is likely to require at least a root-and-branch reform of ownership of the infrastructure, decoupling from the Nut Zero fantasy, and a balanced look at how cheap domestic energy mitigates against efficiency measures, as well as reducing the state’s tax take, and thus the state’s ability to fund popular and necessary social programmes. Such as health, education, etc.
In other words, the work of a generation of practical pragmatists, unfettered by virtue signalling and self-deceiving wishful thinking.
To adequately cover just the outlines would take pages. So we’re not going to see that on Wings BTL.
“We wus robbed by some big, bad, English barsturds” is about the level of in-depth analysis we can expect.
Ignored as spam.
The Inquisition (2025): Scottish club owner apologises for column praising Donald Trump:
“A Glasgow nightclub owner has apologised for a “grave error in judgement” after suggesting Scotland should rollout a red carpet for Donald Trump.
Donald MacLeod, who owns The Garage and Cathouse in Glasgow, posted a column on substack titled “Make Scotland Great Again: Welcome Home Donald J Trump”.
Within the piece, he insisted the US President be given VIP treatment in Scotland in a bid to avoid tariffs on Scottish produce like whisky and Salmon.
He slated senior figures in the UK Government, including Keir Starmer and Foreign Secretary David Lammy, accusing them of torpedoing the special relationship between the US and UK with anti-Trump comments…
MacLeod has now said he has been doing some “soul searching”, posting on Reddit that he had never meant to cause “so much hurt”…
“I had no idea, nor was it ever my intention when writing the Trump piece, that it would cause so much hurt to so many people, especially the wonderful LGBTQIA2S+…
He added: “I was in other words, a total a*se.””:
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Understanding the Meaning of LGBTQIA2S+: A Comprehensive Guide:
“The acronym LGBTQIA2S+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and Two Spirits…
The LGBTQIA2+ community, also known as the Rainbow community, are people who ally themselves with the LGBTQIA2+ movement or who identify themselves as lesbians, gays or transgenders, and so on. It is essential to remember that terms used to describe gender identities and sexual orientations are constantly changing and being updated…”:
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“It is essential to remember that terms used to describe gender identities and sexual orientations are constantly changing and being updated”
Indeed they are, gregor. There’s a half-Scottish boy across the pond who’s just redefined them as MF.
Or FM. No need to get hung up on which comes first. (Although the received wisdom is that it is usually the M.)
Anybody bleating that MF or FM doesn’t allow for “look at me” broadcasting or virtue signalling about queerness, sexual orientation and pride should be telt tae mind their ain fucking business.
The rest of us, and our kids, will happily mind ours.
Scotland’s innocent kids don’t have any choice…
“…we built and led the movement that saw Scotland become the first country in the world to commit to embedding LGBT Inclusive Education throughout the curriculum.
Do all schools / teachers need to deliver LGBT Inclusive Education?
Yes. Since 2021, delivering LGBT Inclusive Education is the Scottish Government’s expectation for all local authority maintained schools in Scotland”:
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The Telegraph (2025): Sturgeon became ‘obsessed’ with trans issues, ex-minister says:
“Fergus Ewing said Ms Sturgeon started focusing on “crap policies that are completely undeliverable… Nicola’s view changed and it seemed to me at least that she became obsessed with ideology, equality, gender reform.”
…he blamed her decision to enter a power-sharing deal with the Greens three months later.Mr Ewing said he had warned his SNP colleagues the party would be “tarnished by association” with the hard-Left party and “damaged” by support for the plans being pursued by their coalition.
But, he said, the SNP leadership “didn’t pay a blind bit of notice” to his warnings. Alex Salmond “would never have gone anywhere near these policies”, he added.”:
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A valid and useful comment downvoted by the saddos in their bedrooms..
Rev; your tick system isn’t really achieving anything worthwhile, it’s been hacked.
Don’t worry about it –
Reality doesn’t need to hack anything.
Leah Gunn Barrett and her website DEAR SCOTLAND deserve a wider readership SHE is highlighting the theft of our resources every day and EXPOSING the value that is being lost to Scots
But there again there is nothing going on according to the MOST read and respected blog for Scottish independence
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Just found this post due to shitey nested system making it easy to miss stuff.
Aye, a good read by someone with heart and motivation.
Who will be the first pro Scottish blogger to pick up and run with what Reform’s policy would mean for free at point of need healthcare and our SNHS?
Would have thought a relatively simple thing to do and would help inform folk of the reality of Reform’s objectives, especially when “there’s nothing going on”…
And meanwhile the environmental damage and desperation of the uttterly misnamed organic salmon farms goes on.
With a major rescue operation underway to try and save a humpback whale trapped in a salmon farms lines, the more visible of the damage down by these chlorinated chicken pens of the sea becomes clear.
But it’s not just whales but other sea creatures and of course the escape and or disposal of disfigured pesticide treated fish is another question. As is the destruction of shell fish under the cages due to chemical treatments.
But big money talks. Politicians on capital get taken on side.
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Links to Daily Record. Fuck off.
Yep, it was the Daily Record who broke the news about a humpback whale caught in salmon farm lines and how a specialist rescue team from around the UK has been mobilised today to try and save the mammal.
There is of course big concerns about the battery farming of salmon in Scotland. And battery farming is very much the right description.
The level of disease and disfigurement in the pens can be unbelievably high with death levels as high as 75%. Quite where these huge quantities of diseased fish carcasses are disposed of is a good question.
But it is not just the fish riddled with disease and disfigurement that is a cause for concern. The levels of chemicals used to kill the lice that eats into the fish also kills shellfish under and around the fish pens. No one likes to talk about that but the description of salmon being the chlorinated chicken of the sea might not be all that wrong. But out of sight, out of mind, and with the industry being owned by a handful of foreign owned billion pound turnover conglomerates there should be questions to ask.
But like all these things big money talks and whose sea are they anyway?
Indeed, with the predilection for what is described as SLAPP strategies further concerns emerge about what may exactly be going on in our apparently pristine waters. ( And a SLAPP well that’s a Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation or more colloquially, Big Company will sue the ass of you little man if you open your mouth
But check out the case of the interdict secured by Mowi on Mr Don Staniford. Brutal wasn’t the word where an individual could be jailed if he breached an interdict not to go onto the sea with his canoe, fly a drone to take pictures, or make comment on social media)
But anyway, today a protected humpback whale was caught in fish farm lines and a major rescue attempt is underway.
Whale trapped in ‘ship’s mooring lines’ off Skye coast as rescuers work to free humpback – Daily Record
Other news outlets are now slowly it seems catching up on the story.
£850 million being spend on DEI, HR and boardroom bureauocracy in NHS Scotland, while Nan suffers on a trolley along with frontline staff. Could you raise awareness of the NHS corruption? Thank you. The NHS is corrupt. And its about time we shone a light on it!
Freedom of Choice how about Freedom of Information? I received a phone call today from my SNHS Region. It’s a few days short of 2 years I have been on the waiting list for an operation recommended by my consultant. Today’s call was about whether I wanted to remain on the waiting list? The SNP Governments new Recovery Strategy get people off the waiting list. I did some quick research on my consultant, he is on the books of 3 Private Clinics performing the same operation. Now his recommended procedure to alleviate my condition came from him. I had never heard of this procedure before but I have the same symptoms now but if you are making big money elsewhere why deal with a SNHS waiting list. A clear conflict of interest. I will make it my business to find out how much money this Consultant has made privately over the last 2 years. 3 4 5 6 years on the waiting list. Absolutely raging! We don’t have a National Health Service free at the point of use.
It was NEVER a national health service. From 1948 to present day the medics were NEVER fully on board. I always think of this when the Right complain about “socialist medicine” in regard to the NHS. Commercial medicine had to be accommodated to placate doctors from the very beginning – to the detriment of ordinary working people.
“I will make it my business to find out how much money this Consultant has made privately”
And just what has it got to do with you where someone works ?
When it is a conflict of interest based on SNP Scottish Government Policy. Already I have found out it is the worse performance department in the whole of the Scottish National Health Service. But you can stick your head in the sand until you personally are in play.
Blame the local Health Board then for not having sufficient surgeons overall, NOT one particular surgeon !
He is perfectly entitled to work part-time for the NHS and part-time for private hospitals !
If he is in in such demand, perhaps we should be grateful he does any work at all for the NHS !
If we follow your argument to it’s logical conclusion then the solution would be to privatise the entire SNHS. Doctors would be free to do whatever they liked. Patients would understand the need for private insurance and half of Scotlands budget can be spent elsewhere. The wait time in the private sector is measured in weeks and not years. Everyone feels hunky dory. Not a bad policy to put before the electorate in 2026. It removes the pretence that we have a functioning health care system.
One of the issues with moving to a private health care model is that many folk’s wages are so low they would struggle to pay for treatments or health insurance premiums which are not insignificant costs.
Soz to hear you are still waiting for treatment George. It’s not a good situation being health compromised and know from personal experience. Was normally a fit lad and capable of KOMs on Strava app. Then something changed and felt rough with all manner of symptoms and health compromised for years. Doctors really did not seem interested in identifying the issue so struggled on with escalating symptoms, the worst of which was resting heart rate of 120bpm when normally it’s in the 60s.
About a year and a half a go I was done and had made peace with myself that I’d lived a good full life and that I would not be around much longer.
I then took one 12mg dose of Ivermectin and it in a matter of a few days it cleared pretty much all the symptoms of a post infection fatigue syndrome with cardiac, brain fog, muscle & joint aches, digestion, and sleep issues.
Folk can make of that what they will but years of suffering alleviated with a single dose of a cheap and very safe drug.
I’m not convinced there isn’t some residual damage done by having endured being so health compromised for so long though, but that could just be down to ageing because it was around a 5 year period of being health compromised with some underlying unidentified cause.
That wasn’t a serious policy Dan from me. I care about the SNHS but it does need fixing.
Ooft at some of the salaries for GPs. Big bucks some are getting, and I certainly would have hoped for a bit more interest in treating my protracted ailment from folk getting quite so well remunerated.
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Ho hum, I’m jist some idiot whose health qualifications are that I once held my first aid certificate, but I’ve still managed to cure my basal cell cancer with a few pence Vit C tablet topically applied rather than full on surgery and skin graft at muckle cost to SNHS.
Plus a few pence Ivermectin tablet also seemed to clear a load of persistent and debilitating chronic fatigue post viral / bacterial infection symptoms as mentioned in above post.
Still say if you want to keep well you really must cut down on quite so much ready made products as they are generally always packed with a load of extra junk and chemicals. Processing all that shit must take a toll on one’s body.
Oatcakes should be gluten free being made of oats, but they still manage to get some gluten in them along with, get this, a raising agent!
A raising agent in a fucking oatcake. Jist get in the sea with that shite.
The dedication of a sufficient part of the national income to health provision is what you are looking at George.
I can understand your anger about not getting your operation but your focus should not be to go after this consultant, find out how much money he earns, where he works.
What you need to look at is how much income is creamed off our huge natural resources wealth. How much tax money is taken off and where all this goes.
Your surgeon may annoy you to the extent that you are going to stalk him but for a moment just have a little think about where our countries income goes.
Fighting Russia, propping up and arming Ukraine, providing military support to Israel to assist them bomb the bejesus out of Gaza, RAF sorties in Somalia, the Royal Navy on patrol in the gulf and of course the big corporate money oligarchs who plunder our every essential service from gas, to hydro to wind to our ports and airports. But maybe its only Russia that has oligarchs.
Anyway, points made, I am sorry that you cannot get your operation. But Sir Keir Starmer, the government you voted for is going to help you when he introduces his two speed NHS where folks can elect to pay to get an operation done more quickly.
We wouldn’t have it any other way now would we. Free, neo liberal free to buy as much healthcare as you want.
No, I think the solution is to stop the nonsense of “NHS good”…..”Private bad”.
The French system is generally considered the best in Europe and is 2 tier…
(1) You pay tax for the state system
(2) You or (more often) your employer pays for private “top-up” insurance.
I have friends who lived in France for 5 years and they said it works well. You choose your surgeon or consultant, make an appointment direct and that’s it. Waiting times for an operation are usually just a few weeks.
Here in the UK you have to pay the whole cost of a private operation.
In France the basic cost is met by the state system and if you want a particular surgeon, hospital or special procedure (e.g. cosmetic) you pay the top-up (insurance or cash).
I wish our politicians would seriously look at what works in other countries and stop parroting the nonsense that the NHS is “the envy of the world”.
It’s not !
Totally agreed – the NHS model is a hapless remnant of 1940s left wing thinking – a grossly inefficient, centralised mess which no-one else copies or emulates for very good reason: it’s rubbish.
The very best EU healthcare systems (which give the best bangs-per-buck) cost more than the NHS but are so much better. These are invariably private healthcare/insurance models which still provide free healthcare for all. Can you imagine the French, Germans, Italians etc. putting up with waiting (on the floor) in A&E for 50 hours as was recently reported?
The blueprints for these EU (not USA) healthcare systems are out there if only we have the courage and humility to admit we got it wrong and we need to start again, as based on demonstrable best practice?
The NHS needs putting into the dustbin of history. The Tories didn’t have the guts to do it. Will Reform? I hope so.
Two superb posts from Insider and Captain Caveman.
The NHS is the only state religion we have left – to question it is to commit blasphemy and all the punishment for that heinous sin is then meted out.
People could be forgiven for believing the streets of other European countries are littered with the dead and dying – denied medical care, begging for mercy. In fact, the opposite is the case.
For me, the clincher was when I learned that Eastern European immigrants bring their own doctors and dentists with them. These medics are paid a fixed sum per month by each immigrant who signs up with them. They get a decent income. In return, the people paying them get next day doctor and dentist appointments.
Not for our New Scots the ludicrous situation of having to wait two weeks to see a blasted doctor. If you can get past the gorgon guarding reception!
Ignored as spam.
They must have you flagged on their system as a time wasting arsehole too if you can’t even make it past the receptionist.
There is nothing wrong with the NHS that the government couldn’t fix it they really wanted to. It is ranked the best healthcare in the world, across all measures, by independent research to compare against FAILING healthcare systems around the world to compare & improve – but the Tories want to flog it to their super rich mates and low & behold the Yoon brain-dead brigade agreeing its a good idea.
Fck – you morons don’t half zip up the back. You’ll believe any old pish the daily fail feeds you.
Engurland is already charging prescription fees per item, & again, doctor, patient, independent research shows that ppl dump what they cannot afford from those prescriptions, especially the elderly, & then end up back in A&E unnecessarily. A vicious cycle perpetrated by a government wishing to run it into the ground so American corporations can take over & morons like you lap it all up..
You also lap up the belief that the UK government sends big pots of free money to Scotland too, out the goodness of their wee hearts. (While not even giving it’s own citizens free prescriptions/spare bedroom)
I’ll not even start on yer zanjy belief that the Bible is a blueprint for waterfront Hotels & real estate agents to clear an entire region of its genuine population.
Have you heard yerself? Out loud? It’s you fucking eejits that have a fundamentalist religion. You believe any old shite, & worse, it can even all contradict each other. I hope you lot have a donor card & can donate yer brains to science. They’d have a field day unraveling the thought processes of the Anglo -or lack thereof.
Then you and Insider should feel free to sign up and pay for private healthcare..
What’s to stop you?
Then again, do you care what happens to them and those around you who cannot afford it?
Obviously not.
Minimum wage and health care insurance costs are not good bedfellows.
You have to be a rich self serving clown either not to understand that, nor care.
It’s all bluster..
During COVID these same arseholes screamed blue murder they couldn’t see a Dr or a Dentist & had to pay to go private. I’d love to see these same arseholes with a £30,000+ cancer treatment bill.
The resident eejit doesn’t even believe there are ppl dying in the streets. America is on the verge of civil war because they actually ARE dying on the streets & medical insurance is a con. One being assassinated just a few weeks ago for allegedly denying hundreds of ppls claims who die in agony.
The UK already has a dire homelessness problem but just listen to the Brexshiteers now talk about the EU LOL! Newsflash – the EU doesn’t have shit services like the UK does to begin with, Wakey, wakey….fuds.
Well said!
You’ve paid for that healthcare system, ya Fud.
Why would you want to pay for it again under Reform? Do you think they’ll take all that equipment, staff, hospitals & education & just toss it into the bucket? No, they won’t. It’ll be the exact same service you’ve already funded but with a bill next time – if they’ll even approve your claim in the first place.
Don’t give up yer day job FFS.
Couple left jabs, a right roundhouse- fight over!
Well done Geri!
If any UK government ever did sell the NHS it’d definitely be the end of the union. It is one of the biggest concerns amongst voters & the only thing causing uncertainty to take the plunge.
NI, Scotland & Wales would exit faster than a Tory could pocket a bribe. Engurland would be all on its own, bust, skint & now having to pay for private healthcare LOL
It’s already flogged all the family silver to the highest foreign bidder. Americas Vassal State. Selling the NHS would be its final death knell. Independence would be a certainty because voters would have nothing to lose by going independent & protecting their own NHS services. Little Engurland won’t get to overrule, override or take that one down against the wishes of the rest of us.
If Reform or any other one tried they’d get far more than they bargained for. Everyone knows the government has deliberately stripped it of cash & resources to deliberately manipulate public opinion into getting their heads around privatisation. It’d be the end of the union.
Bloody hell, I see you’ve been “busy” again right through the night, spamming this place with your bile and bilge.
Get a life you pathetic little bore.
Do one ya fckn milk monitor.
No one made you timekeeper of the internet.
& Do fck off & sort out yer own country. It’s not like you’ve nothing to do..
A new word order is coming. One that won’t involve little Engurland who is heading for an almighty crash. The union won’t be a union for much longer.
Ignored as spam
You really are as thick as mince aren’t you? Maybe try getting some sleep – and a life.
I’m talking about REPLACING the NHS with something better, e.g. along the lines of France’s, Germany’s private-hybrid healthcare systems, because they cost a LITTLE more but are VASTLY better, ergo they’re much better value, and as a result, people live better, healthier lives.
If you replace something, you don’t “pay for it again” you absolute melt. You STOP paying for the NHS and START to pay for its replacement.
Jab jab roundhouse? lol. Fallen flat on “yer” sorry “erse”, more like.
The EU has far better infrastructure, services & social care, ya absolute melt.
Little Engurland has fck all & fck all money to pay for it’s replacement. It can’t even give pensioners a heating allowance or free prescriptions. Yer days of just printing money are over.. No one is interested in buying yer debts anymore. So yer NHS will be foreign owned. Sold to the highest bidder & out of yer grubby control. Do you think they’ll offer you a good service? LOL! Did foreign owners offer the same high standards as they flooded shite into yer precious Thames?
It’s a business for profits & shareholders. Not a service interested in maintaing standards.
Go ahead tho. Little Engurland would be on its own.
Another trans Atlantic zealot; bangs for “BUCKS” and utterly socially delinquent..
Another hoor advocating then chasing after a state sell off inspired only to make (pun intended) a killing.
Remember “homes for heroes” after WW2;
scuppered of course by good ol’ (richest country on the planet after the war) calling in all the lend lease debts after WW2 to ensure they became the (let’s face it) neurotic big boy on the block..
You prat’s don’t even realise you’ve been taken for fools,
How many years since that aspect of the “National debt”?was paid off?
Not long.
And look how quickly Churchill effed Poland over, the reason we got dragged into the maelstrom again..
They won’t be around for much longer. Cut loose by uncle Sam who will have to face reality sooner or later that their empire is over & make new international alliances & friends.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch. Wee Billy no mates, the terrorist, frozen out.
China has outsmarted the dunces. China has bought all the gold, all the metals, all the agriculture, all the shipping ports, building all the roads & trouncing them on tech & green initiatives. Stuff of the future. While uncle Sam & wee Georgie porgy gorged itself on gender pish, gen-ocide & blowing shit up – the rest was organising.
It’s on a debt death spiral & nothing can save it. Not even Frog face..
I’ve still got my metals, Geri, and if any Covid Spreader comes to buy them off me, I only take cash.
I’ll insist on coins, so even as the CS think they have all my metals, I’ll be getting …
Tell ye fit. See if ye can suss it oot fer yersel.
I think the covid spreaders maybe a little closer to home. It’d certainly explain the hyper moderation & censorship from certain quarters at the time & how it ravaged Europe. An official complaint & dossier has been lodged by R to the United Nations. What exactly was going on in U bio labs. You may find out.
It was London metal exchange. Trying to pawn the last of the family silver for a few bob..
Yer cash will be worthless. Little Engurland, Venezuela without the attractive people.
Would you like to direct me to when I said Private bad SNHS good? Obviously if operations in the Private sector is 6 to 8 weeks and the SNHS is 2 to 3 years on the face of it the Private sector is better. Of course a total naive view. My son is an A and E Doctor he is not allowed to do Private work on the basis there is no private A and E centres. Although he picks up the consequences of private work all the time. Today on Politics Scotland we almost got an intelligent debate on the SNHS but the Conservative MSP politicised the debate. And so does Sarwar meanwhile the rest of us want an intelligent discussion. Extra money has gone into the SNHS and the early evidence is no improvement is forthcoming. Something is rotten in the State of Denmark.
World Economic Forum Health Service:
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‘Doesn’t feel that long since I asked this but after seeing Stephen Flynn being mocked…
Has the time come for SNP MPs to walk out of Westminster once and for all?’
Downthumbed after 1 minute.
Hi Mainey!
How’s yer arse fur love-bites ya bam?
That creep deserves more than just mockery !
Very true.
But he should be getting it here, not down there.
He’s so much of a weapon of mass disruption I’m beginning to think the only reason Scotland hasn’t been attacked for all our resources is because any potential foreign invaders took one look at John’s seemingly endless witterings on all subjects and thought “sod that, it’s simply not worth the grief”.
What was the result of your last poll Ian?
I can’t remember what it was about.
Can you?
Was it this one re. blogs?
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Ah, right, that was the one. Asked which blog the independence movement could do without. Bella Caledonia won at a canter, pursued closely by a dug.
Quite glad to hear that.
You’ll need to post the results here as well Ian man. It was about the bloggers from a few days back
I wouldn’t trust Labour to abstain. They have had more new directions than spaghetti junction.
The SNP are losing the media battle. The LibDumbs and Greens will get all the credit for any good news stories and the SNP carry the can for the abysmal budget.
ps… and maybe they did.
Aye, maybe they did… but do you believe em?
I don’t believe in John Swinney and the current ScotGov.
Ruglonian knows.
“Would love your comments…”
And that’s why I choose to comment, here & now.
Back to you, cheers R.
The Sturgeon interview being carried in this morning’s papers has an intimation of denouement from elected politics. Criticisms of her successors and admission of some (very limited) failures. Obviously, the failures (such as the spectacularly ill designed ferries) were not the result of her strategic genius, but rather the product of the incompetence of underlings. Keen observers of Holyrood (Robin McAlpine) say the name of the toxic dwarf is seldom mentioned in the Cooncil corridors these days. The unhinged Wee Ginger Duggers will of course see this as confirmation that her announcement as the next Secretary General of the United Nations is imminent.
BBC (2025): Britons need better work ethic, says senior Tory MP:
“The UK needs to “up its game” and get a work ethic in order to compete in the global economic race, Conservative shadow home secretary Chris Philp has said.”:
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The Guardian (2024): Policing minister’s wife in legal row over corporate espionage claims:
“A leading businesswoman who is married to the policing minister, Chris Philip is being sued in the high court over allegations of corporate espionage.
Elizabeth Philp, 40, whose husband has called for “zero tolerance” to all crime, is accused of data-handling offences and unlawfully using confidential information from her former employer to set up a rival business….
Her former employer has accused her of having stored and retained “trade secrets” on a Dell XPS laptop computer that was not wiped before she left the company.
It is further claimed that, along with three other former London Specialist Pharmacy employees, Philp conspired to poach her former employer’s client lists for their new firm, leading to losses of approximately £1.5m.
In Philp’s defence and counterclaim, she denies the allegations and claims that a delay in carrying out a factory reset of her laptop was the result of being “fully involved in supporting her husband’s campaign…”:
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New York Post (2024): FAA’s diversity push includes focus on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities:
“The Federal Aviation Administration is actively recruiting workers who suffer “severe intellectual” disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website…
“Do you want to fly in an airplane where they prioritized DEI hiring over your safety?,” tech billionaire Elon Musk wrote on X last week. “That is actually happening.”…”:
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Lockheed Martin (2024): DARPA Taps Sikorsky to Add Autonomy to U.S. Army-Owned Black Hawk Helicopter:
“Autonomy-enabled aircraft will reduce pilot workload, dramatically improve flight safety, and give battle commanders the flexibility to perform complex missions in contested and congested battlespace, day or night in all weather conditions,” said Rich Benton, Sikorsky vice president…
The MATRIX autonomy system forms the core of DARPA’s ALIAS (Aircrew Labor In-cockpit Automation System) program. As part of ALIAS in 2020, Sikorsky provided the hardware and engineering support to add fly-by-wire flight controls to the MX aircraft. When combined with the MATRIX autonomy system, the MX aircraft will be a near-exact copy of Sikorsky’s UH-60A fly-by-wire Optionally Piloted Black Hawk helicopter, the company’s flying lab that has tested MATRIX autonomy over hundreds of flight hours.”:
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Yahoo News (2025): ‘Earned her place’: Friends grieve Rebecca Lobach, US Army pilot killed in DC crash:
“When Sabrina Bell called Capt. Rebecca Lobach last Wednesday evening, she hoped to plan a trip to see a dear friend from her time at Fort Belvoir in Virginia.
Now stationed in Alaska as a chief warrant officer 2, Bell badly missed Lobach – her openness, cultured perspective and, most of all, her deep empathy.
…Lobach was one of three military personnel in the Army helicopter that collided with a passenger plane near Washington, D.C., sending both aircraft spiraling into the Potomac river…
In an unusual move, the Army granted her family’s request to hold her name before it was released on Saturday evening. It came after President Donald Trump, with little explanation, pointed the finger at DEI, or diversity, equity, and inclusion, practices as a factor behind the crash…
She quickly skyrocketed through the ranks, and latched onto piloting like a bird to air.Lobach graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill…”:
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WRAL News (1997):
“Looking to live a life of intrigue and suspense? The C-I-A hopes so. It’s looking for a few good men and women across the Triangle. The Central Intelligence Agency is recruiting at Duke, Wake Forest, U-N-C Chapel Hill and North Carolina A-and-T…”:
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Calton Jock (2022): Opportunistic CIA are able to recruit sleepers from Scottish students attending North Carolina University- Anyone come to mind?
“American Studies 4 Year Undergraduate Course at Edinburgh University – Year 2 completed at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
The American Studies undergraduate program is an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural education based on the recognition that America is local, regional, national, and global…
CIA training base is located at Harvey Point, Perquimans County, North Carolina
Harvey Point is where the Central Intelligence Agency has run mystery paramilitary and counter-terrorism courses for over 37 years…”:
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“looking for a few good men and women”
The utterly cynical and depraved barsturds.
Not a thought for Scotland’s other 22 genders, eh?
Naw. They’ve to be forever deprived of their rightful opportunities.
Elon Musk:
“Did you know that USAID, using YOUR tax dollars, funded bioweapon research, including COVID-19, that killed millions of people?”:
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“Peter Daszak is a British zoologist, consultant and public expert on disease ecology, in particular on zoonosis. He is the president of EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit non-governmental organization that supports various programs on global health and pandemic prevention…
Daszak was involved in investigations into the initial outbreak which eventually developed into the COVID-19 pandemic and became a member of the World Health Organization team sent to investigate the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic in China.
In 2025, the United States Department of Health and Human Services debarred Daszak five years, for his involvement in virus research in China.”:
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Mike Benz
“Why is USAID funding this organization with 7 CIA directors on its board to train hundreds of people in censorship training seminars on how best to flag Donald Trump’s tweets for misinformation?…”:
Elon Musk:
“Because USAID is/was a radical-left political psy op”:
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Well I’m stumped, gregor, just stumped.
I thought it was an article of faith on here that US military aircraft (fixed wing or rotary) are incapable of getting off the ground.
Was there a freak gust of wind involved (undoubtedly the result of global warming)?
Or did a nearby secret underground biolab blow up? The world’s hoaching with them and in actual fact, the US has created lots of new countries, just so it can plant biolabs in them.
Keep on it, gregor. Scotland’s Indy is conditional on you solving this mystery
re. “Keep on it, gregor. Scotland’s Indy is conditional on you”
Will do…
In the name of the wee man! Find out Now, Westminster voting intention, field work 29th Jan, sample population 2,487. RefUK in front with a 4% lead over Labour. Con 21%, Lab 23%, RefUK 27%.
Scottish sub-sample (127): Con 15%, Lab 13%, LibDem 13%, RefUK 16%, SNP 33%, Green 7%.
RefUK are the second force in Scottish politics (not that I believe this at present, but it could be an indication of a trend).
Numbers plugged into Holyrood calculator:
Unionist block 65 seats, notionally Nationalist block 64 seats.
SNP & Greens get 49.6% of seats on 40% of popular vote. Who said D’Hondt was proportional?
Who said SNP’s List votes are wasted?
The last seven polls conducted in the UK have RefUK ahead of the Conservatives. One has RefUK tied with Labour, one has them with a 4% lead.
Only a complete eejit could fail to capitalise on this in Scotland. Oh yeah, Sturgeon made sure the SNP berths at Holyrood were occupied by complete eejits to assuage her insecurities and rampant paranoia. *
* With the possible, intellectual exception of Kate Forbes (who is likely compromised by the AngloAmerican Security State, so a widnae haud ma breath in that regard).
“The last seven polls conducted in the UK have RefUK ahead of the Conservatives. One has RefUK tied with Labour, one has them with a 4% lead.”
It’s the direction of travel that’s important as well (upwards, obv.)
Working people have gotten very fed up with crass, woke – and above all useless – left wing politics, and who can blame them?
Eff off back to the US with your other half the self professed hatey one..
Gee shucks..
“With the possible, intellectual exception of Kate Forbes”
Just because someone sounds articulate disnae mak them an intellectual. In any event: ‘politicians are not intellectuals’ (Fanon)
We really should be thinking more about national cultures, and less about politicians because:
‘Culture is always upstream of politics’ (Bono)
Culture is the reason why people are voting for Reform, and Trump etc, and anyone who wants national liberation from the oppression of woke-imperialism.
The main problem with the SNP is they are woke-imperialists, not nationalists. They are the polar opposite of nationalists.
The Independent (02/02/25): Labour could face probe over EU funding:
“Labour is facing a potential probe over “indirect funding” from the EU while the party was in opposition, it has emerged. The party could be investigated by regulator the Electoral Commission over a donation to the Labour-linked Fabian Society as a “potential regulatory concern”, according to reports.
The concern relates to a donation from the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), a branch of the Party of European Socialists, to the Fabian Society in 2023…”:
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Fabian Society:
“The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of social democracy and democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow.
The Fabian Society was also historically related to some of the furthest left factions of radicalism, a left-wing liberal tradition…”:
Fabian Society has had a powerful influence on British politics. Members of the Fabian Society have included political leaders from other countries,..”:
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Fabian Society: Our History:
“After Tony Blair’s landslide victory in 1997, over 200 Fabians sat in the House of Commons, including many of the cabinet. The society developed its role as a critical friend, supporting the Blair and Brown government’s in developing policy…”:
After the 2015 election and the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader the role of the society as a pluralist, non-factional forum within the Labour movement came to the fore…
Labour’s defeat at the 2019 election saw the party turn back towards its Fabian roots. The Labour leadership passed to Keir Starmer MP, the first time a serving member of the Fabian Society executive had become leader of the party…
In 2020 Fabian membership increased to an all time high of over 8,000. Since then the society has been as close to the heart of Labour policy thinking as at any time in its history. It played an important role in contributing to the Labour Party’s 2024 Manifesto…”:
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“Here’s the logo of the Fabian Society. The wolf in sheep’s clothing.”:
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Anyone gullible/stupid enough to vote for frog face’s “Reform” party deserve everything they get. Sadly, the rest of us will suffer the consequences as well.
… Whereas anyone who was stupid enough to vote SNP by default, for years (“both votes SNPeeee111!!”) was a political genius, right?
Ring any bells, chum? Lol.
You did that? What a clown.
Away and take a flying fuck to yourself. Again. Ya Tory weapon.
Ha ha! You utter tool.
Tools are useful to do various tasks and jobs.
Seat shining self serving fuds like yerself aren’t.
Thatchers children indeed..
Let’s see now …
Tory, Yoon, English, deviant, parasite, scum, I’ve used them all, what’s left?
There’s a couple of dozen pseudonyms for the sexual organs, human waste, copulation and onanisim. I have the wee list ma granddaughter made me here, along with an explanation of each (mustn’t get confused!).
But wait, even Rev Stu draws the line at risqué playground stuff …
Aha, Thatcher! That’ll shut them up. Let’s see them come back from that one. Oh yes, they’ll rue the day they denied Young Lochinvar the respect he deserves as he rides into (or is it out of?) the west.
[continues for several dozen more posts]
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Alert readers, wondering whatever happened to the “down vote and scroll on by” boy, may be experiencing a light bulb moment.
Taking time out from your busy schedule to tell the world about the posts you ignore, YL?
My, my. Sad, the existence is, of this one.
Ignored as spam
Anyone gullible/stupid enough to dismiss Reform deserves everything they get Sadly they will realise too late and suffer the consequences of the Left Wings disease.
The right wing have so far killed two empires LOL!
Well done!
I think reform will do well as they are in fact becoming the ENP which will appeal to a certain demographic here North of the wall. The fact that Reform is doing well speaks volumes about how inept the three Yoon parties are. I wonder how long before we see Reform flags at football games in Govan.?
Seen it all before with one group of Union sociopaths after another.
They invariably come to nothing; till SHE whose name shall not be uttered went all deviant happy clapping and turned off so many decent moral voters and even party members (wow!) leaving a void for the Anglo freaks to sneak in.
I will never forgive her, but note with alarm her re-emergence back into media land now her deviant Democratic mentors have been defenestrated.
Probably for the best, she runs again at an election and gets humiliated.
There are after all only so many QWERTIES in her constituency..
Then that’s it.
Some just don’t know when to call it a day.
She’s like Thatcher. She never knew when to collect her coat & fck off either. Hanging about like a bad smell, polluting the corridors of parly & still pulling her puppets strings.
Sturgeon will be recorded in history as the treacherous ("Tractor" - Ed) that betrayed an entire nation. The failure that squandered multiple mandates & still managed to walk away with hee-haw. A good little soldier for her imperial masters.
That’s humiliation enough cause it’ll drive the psychotic narcissist mental that she’s despised. She has no friends anywhere. The alleged so called *hangers on* are plants & members of staff or SNP would’ve held a leadership election already & not tried to bolt one in for life & hide the voting numbers. That’s not the actions of a confident party.
WOW it does appear Scotland is changing and WOS is leading the charge , we have more engerlish mindsetters posting openly below the line about how the SNHS is shite and should be destroyed and replaced by the ever charitable and ever so affordable private health care
Our SNHS is the worst example of social policies where the poor, unhealthy and unfit warrant attention ,instead they should be ignored and pushed aside like some discarded piece of trash until they can afford like better people to pay health insurance or additional contributions to select their consultant , hospital , date of operation and type of menu required
Private healthcare is the dogs bollocks according to those with the fuck you jack I’m all right engerlish attitude but unfortunately when things go wrong or get fucked up the INEVITABLE repair has to be carried out by the SNHS despicables
At 74 years old I have witnessed the great privatisation con sell off of nationally owned businesses of the scum maggie era where greedy middle class bastards capitalised on selling their shares for a meagre profit to multi national hyenas under the guise of the fake mantra “competition will make things cheaper” in reality the corporates and CEO’S just agree to price hikes and percentage rises and the only one to get fucked is the working poor
Well said, sir.
The place has become the playground for Unionists since the Rev theorised on a post about the situation of voting Tory.
Call in pest control.
At 74 years old, you may be poor, but you sure ain’t working.
That’s the problem right there.
It can be easily explained to those who are working, but not at all to those whose supreme belief in their own entitlement evades reason.
So we have to add loathing the elderly to your list of hates Mr Hatee?? Just a burden aren’t they??
It’s worked for the Royal family for centuries. Just believe!
Haha, good one.
Worth pointing out that Scotland was always a staunch and loyally monarchist country. That’s a little wrinkle of our cultural and national identity that many of those who are supposedly all in favour of protecting our heritage, nevertheless are dead keen on denying.
Makes you think, eh? They exhibit the kind of thinking that would make the likes of Saviour Of The Nation and Chief Mammie Sturgeon head of state at the moment of peak favour and fervour, and ten years later, be deposing her as an agricultural motive unit.
So John bastard TAX moan who constantly complains about contributing to the nation’s taxes for any of societies benefits howsabout you easily explaining how you and your fellow greedy bastards who don’t give a flying fuck about anyone else would set up a health service that delivers for EVERYONE
Your fellow greedy bastards down in engerlandshire who also don’t give a flying fuck for anyone because they keep voting for fellow greedy bastards in the tories , liebour and soon to be reform are so stupid they don’t realise that half of them are missing most of their TEETH because they can’t afford private dental care and Nigel’s private health care policies will make it even worse
And for someone who complains about non workers you’re on this site posting PISH 24hrs a day, service boy
It’s a mental illness & low IQ. It’s the only logical explanation for fckwits going out of their way to defend multi billionaires, oligarchies, monopolies, corporations, bent politicians, bent landlords, rampant corruption & unethical & morally bankrupt practices – while they sit on the internet all day probably munching on last night’s pizza – to blame poor ppl, brown ppl. young ppl, immigrants, islam, the EU, the disabled, the sick, their carers & ppl who dare to have children without an 18 yr business plan + forecasts on how they’ll cope if they’re paid off.
These same arseholes only have an NHS cause they stole from everyone else to fund it. How many jellied eels would they have to sell to build one hospital? LOL
The Light-Bulb (2025): Why have the SNP stripped independence from the Scottish Budget?
“The SNP leader looks to have caved to a headline-grabbing demand from the LibDems in order to secure their support for the Budget – not one “penny” of spending on independence.
Indeed, the SNP’s 2025/26 draft Budget does not mention Scottish independence even once – let alone in its spending plans..
But why would the SNP need to settle for compromise in the Budget? Especially compromise that removes all spending – and even mention – of their party’s founding goal?
The answer is that they simply did not need to.
A group of four MSPs – not even big enough to qualify as an official party under Holyrood rules – have seemingly stopped the Scottish National Party-run government from even talking about independence. And they’ve done it despite the Greens and Alba providing a clear pro-independence majority in the parliament.
Is that what a “victory for John Swinney” looks like?.“:
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“Person devoted to nationalism.”
“Member of a political group advocating or fighting for national independence, a strong national government, etc.”:
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The SNP: Video Statement:
John Swinney:
“LGBT inclusive education within our schools and the protection of rights of LGBT individuals in our society, is absolutely fundamental to my Government“:
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The guy just doesn’t do ‘room-reading’ at all, does he?
Swinney is like a Scottish version of The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside The Room, the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made
Is that an actual film or did you just make it up?
I can think of Hot Shots. There should be an interpreter for the deaf giving wanker signs in the bottom corner of the screen giving SOS warning signs the hostages aren’t doing at all well.
Whit a plank. The NGOs have him well & truly by the nuts. I reckon Beth gave them all mates rates & plenty trans joy & wee Harvie has it all filmed. LOL
It’s legit.
Here’s a 2 minute trailer.
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It’s way beyond the point of repair.
These unmitigated frauds won’t be taking our beloved Scotland for granted – they’ll face the consequences.
Reality is their worst nightmare (and our best friend:)
Bob (re. The Light-Bulb/public comments):
“What a Tangled Web We Weave/When First We Practice to Deceive!
Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive’ means that when you lie or act dishonestly you are initiating problems and a domino structure of complications which eventually run out of control.
This Holyrood SNP government is behaving in a way that is inexplicable. As if they were under the influence of some external force.”
Freedom For Scotland:
“May the force be with you goes the movie line. In Scotland, that force is our people and tomorrow that same force will be felt…
The Rebel Alliance has the people at its core and will wipe out the forces of darkness,
as we free ourselves to re-establish the freedom Scotland lost in 1707…”:
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Why isn’t regaining our country’s status and hence using all our wealth and assets for the good of our people, “fundamental to my government”?
Because our so-called government has deceived and utterly failed us, Sarah
Life should be wonderful for Scotland’s people with nobody left behind.
Scotland’s independence would negate SNP the purpose of its existence.
They hit all the votes, all the mandates, trashed the Unionists but pissed it all up against a queer wall.
They are done.
People will remember.
Muck about with peoples children at your (throughly) misguided leisure.
That you tacked it onto the independence vote is utterly vile, despicable and beyond cynical.
As one day it will come out who funded this party hijacking I hope history won’t be kind to SHE whose name shall not be uttered..
Mumford & Sons and Pharrell Williams: Good People:
“…so right now I’m inspired
(Welcome to the revelation)
I was one underwater and now I’m on fire
(Welcome to the revelation)
And I feel in the air that Mother Earth ain’t steady
Feel so alive even though times are deadly
And in my soul (get ready)
Something is stirring noww (get ready)
And I’m not worried (get ready)
You better get ready to see now (get ready)
Good people been down for so long
And now it’s like the sun is rising
Good people been down for so long
And now I see the sun is rising…”:
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Still SHE whose name shall not be uttereds glove puppet.
Maybe he enjoys the fisting..
The Globalist (2025): Why The National newspaper went to The Hague:
“While the team is used to heading to press conferences in Scotland and around the UK…
We have our brilliant Foreign Affairs Editor David Pratt, who does exceptional on-the-ground reporting from locations like U***ine…
But our wider team of journalists doesn’t often get a chance to go overseas for reporting purposes. That makes sense, really – we’re a Scottish paper...
But in recent years, The National has put increased emphasis on its foreign reporting and global human rights. Specifically, we have put significant time into our reporting on I****el‘s assault on G**a…
If the big legacy newspapers and broadcasters can’t do it, someone needs to – why not The National?
…the UK state – its foreign policy decisions very much a motivational part of that…
So it makes sense that The National was in The Hague this afternoon, covering the formation of The Hague Group. This new organisation, comprised of nine nations, is taking historic co-ordinated action against I***el…
I am proud that The National was there in the front row today,..”:
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“Someone who believes that economic and foreign policy should be planned in an international way, rather than according to what is best for one particular country:
He is a globalist, whereas we are nationalists who will put our country first.”:
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re. “we are nationalists who will put our country first.”
Wingsists strongly disagree (WTF)
I guess Indy has tried everything else, gregor, so why not use #WangingOan and see if that gets any traction.
I’m as interested as anybody in finding out if this is a vote winner, maybe even more so. Why not put your prolific posting skills to good use and keep us updated on the effect on The National’s circulation and hitting power, both in Scotland and further afield?
Rev Stu will have to change his tune if it turns out that #WangingOan provides the key that unlocks the door to Indy.
I’ll continue slapping reality in Scotland’s face, Hatey
My key doesn’t require locked doors…
“The part of a building or room that you open or close to get inside it or out of it:
Please shut the door behind you.”:
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Haha, are you sure you’re not slapping your face in reality, gregor?
In most of your posts, you come across as a smidge concussed
re. “Haha, are you sure you’re not slapping your face in reality,”
Certainly not…
Concussed ?
“Temporary damage to the brain caused by a fall or hit on the head or by violent shaking:
I think he may have had a concussion.
Many patients with concussion are not seen by a neuropsychologist.
He was taken to hospital suffering from concussion.
I would rather injure an arm or leg than get concussion.“:
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I’m prepared to bet 10 GBP (that’s approximately 2.5 million BRICS) that every reader on here already knows what “concussed” means.
Why not provide us with a useful post, gregor? Just for once. Translate this entire conversation into Scots. Then we might learn something new.
Official dictionary definitions serve to dismantle you and your insinuations, as well as your childish claims over me (et al)
You raised and weaponised the issue:
“In most of your posts, you come across as a smidge concussed”
Nae doot, gregor.
Bit please, in Scots frae noo oan.
Awa ye crabbit bawheid.
Dinny limut yersel’ whin ye kin hae awhing…
“To be ruthlessly trolled, roasted or all around humiliated online:
Damn, you just got a Wanging!”:
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re. “circulation and hitting power”
The Globalist (2024): The National puts extra newspapers in shops for next four weeks:
“The National will be putting extra copies of our newspaper in shops for the next four weeks.
We want to make sure that people the length and breadth of Scotland are able to secure their daily print edition.
It comes at a crucial time, with important and leading coverage of major stories such as I***el’s bombardment of G**a…”:
The National’s editor:
“We’ve been hearing from readers lately that they’ve been experiencing more of a challenge securing their copy of The National in shops.
This is because of strong sales figures…””:
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Two episodes now available of quality dramatized documentary series on Éamon De Valera. Title below means ‘De Valera in the Wilderness’.
« Part one of this cutting-edge historical documentary series begins in 1924 with De Valera, imprisoned. Supporting him, a cohort of radical women. They find a common ground with de Valera but, ultimately, pay the bigger price. »
Thanks, Fearghas. Well worth a watch.
Do you believe that Nicola Sturgeon could become the leader of the SNP again?
It won’t happen.
There will no doubt be a coven of St Nikla loyalists desperately wishing it so but she’s toast now, no matter what way Breathy Bain manipulates Branchform.
She knows she’ll go down with her mentor meaning she’ll dump her like a hot cake..
Political careers end in failure, it’s a bit like watching a star implode..
She’s writing in the Guardian, a bit like Gordon Brown – wanted by few but pandered to by the media.
Freedom of choice? This was an illusion then just as it is now. Time to wake up and smell the algorithms. For weekend viewing this is a MUST. Adam Curtis documentary on YouTube called ‘Hypernormalisation’. Why politics and politicians are a joke. The best 3 hrs informative viewing I’ve spent in a long time!
“‘HyperNormalisation’, is concerned with the deceitfulness of power, and in extension, the all encompassing deception that runs the modern world.
…aims to expose the multitude of lies perpetrated by our leaders, and those who hold, exercise and defend existing structures of power — the pundits, the business elites, the complicit journalists and academics, who add credence to the narratives of deception required to control public perception and opinion.
Politics is a charade; a parade of misinformation concerned only with short term gains and self-preservation, a puppet for our economic overlords whom society is built to please. Of course, this burden of fakery lies not only with structural hierarchies, but also with our culture of individualism, distracting from visions of collective empowerment and reducing mass entertainment to triviality. Those who have influence hold on to it, casting out an ever more delicate web of lies as their only means of defending the necessity of glorified tribal conflicts and egoistic ambitions. The rest of us are too concerned with ourselves to worry of the greater reality unfolding behind the scenes…”:
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Wings mob strongly disagree and prefer deviance and fakery (FFS).
Things going on in Scotland.
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So Scottish Lesbians failed to take over politics and have instead taken over comedy. All paid for by the Scottish Government. That’s a laugh.
These agents of the British state are doing nothing wrong, they are simply protecting their paymaster’s interests.
Colonialism has many guises but the essential form never varies.
Latest colonialist iteration, who owns Greenland? An old Danish guy who has visited the country «45 times», WOW!, claims the Brits have a claim «to buy». As the Danes think divine light issues from England’s fundament that is hardly a surprise.
Meanwhile the Inuit residents might smirk at such nakedly racist chutzpah.
The commentariat haven’t got round to the locals yet.
I read this too. It made me laugh tbh You are dead right about the colonial mindset in play here but I could not help chuckle at the fantasy it might happen and then the look on Trump’s stupid face.
Lib Dems – Alex Cole Hamilton who famously declared Scotland should never be allowed to exist again & wasn’t a real nation to his wee English Oxford buddies.
Yet there he is, collecting a hefty salary in this nations parliament & making demands on this nations budget, one this nations winning paries manifesto commitment.
What is the actual point of the SNP? Baldy bending the knee to a non entities that are the lib dumbs in Scotland FFS. What an embarrassment. Just when you think they couldn’t slither any lower. What a fud.
Human trash
Swinney and Cole Hamilton. Why are people still voting for these thieves?
“Why are people still voting for these thieves?”
I honestly believe I could tell you.
In fact, I’m honestly of the opinion, with something like 95% certainty, that I don’t have to tell you, because you already know.
It follows on logically from that, that you, and many others, come on here (and other online forums) to post what are effectively lies. That is, you post stuff such as “they’re all human trash”, and “why do people vote for them”, when all the time, you know they’re not really human trash, and you know just why it is that people vote for them.
Who votes for the likes of Alex cole scuttle the fud , the whole D’Hont system imposed by WM has led to the election???????? (inclusion) of numerous morons that only defile the administration
And matters have not been improved by the “closed list” variant imposed on Scotland by Labour’s messrs Dewar & Blair. Ensuring that control over MSPs may be exerted by those who run the Party concerned by allocating places on the list. Something used to the advantage of Ms Sturgeon who entered Holyrood as a list MSP after losing her constituency contests for her first terms.
Out of interest, what alternative system do you suggest? The most widely touted alternative system seems to be the Irish style STV system, which still has lists which will always tend to be manipulated by political parties to prioritise their leaderships, “rising starts” and loyalists surely?
The answer to avoiding situations like the domination of the SNP by Sturgeonistas and its hollowing out by her cabal, is to ensure internal democracy and a role for “ordinary members” to stop such interest groups.
I’m not particularly in favour of the fiendishly complex D’Hondt system at all; however should it be favoured I’d sooner see the open list variant which does at least, to an extent, maintain some connection between voters and candidates by allowing preference votes for individuals.
Should any proportional voting system be thought desireable I’d suggest that the single transferable vote would be preferable. Although I’m old enough and sceptical enough to feel that there maybe some truth in the hackneyed old cynicism, “If voting changed anything they’d outlaw it”.
Yeah, well until someone shows me a better system than voting, my guess is most folk will stick with it. The available alternatives appear to be either violent overthrow on the one hand, or the kind of regressive, managed one party system exemplified by China.
In the long term the greatest threat to our future independence, security and freedoms will be seen as the supine failure to address undemocratic regimes and worldviews like those in Peking, Moscow and Tehran.
For myself, I’d be happier addressing undemocratic regimes and worldviews closer to home.
The type of regime which attempts to imprison a certain Mr Salmond, does imprison Mr Murray and pours unknown amounts of public money into pushing the Trans & woke agenda whilst affording Ministerial positions to the likes of messrs Harvie & Slater.
However, the past decade or so of Scottish and UK politics have, almost inevitably, moved this old duffer into the, “A plague on all your houses” camp.
Until that is the likes of Dan stand as independents or “Scotland First” candidates. At which time they’ve got my vote.
A number of such candidates did stand though and sank without trace. It’s a fantasy to think that there is some huge well spring of outraged Scots ready to back non-conventional routes to indy, or straining at the leash to vote for “Scotland First” candidates. They’d be extremely lucky even to pick up 1 seat on the Holyrood list.
It’s (mostly) a handful of cranks bumping their gums in places like this and a few tankies and Byers road bolsheviki trying to burnish their anti-colonialist credentials to their mates. They’re about as popular and even less relevant than Bella Caledonia in terms of the movement as a whole.
A concerted effort to push Alba and ISP would make the SNP (who, however much we might hate the idea are still likely to be the biggest party post HR2026 elections) beholden to “real” nationalist parties.
That’s the fastest and most plausible route to progressing independence in anything like a reasonable timescale. Otherwise, we might as well all accept that it’s off for another (real) generation and hope that our children or grandchildren’s generation grow a pair.
The thing is though Andy, if one is being honest – isn’t it true to say that firm Alba and ISP support is essentially minuscule and is thus also akin to the Cunning Plan(s) for Indy Brigade you describe – and if so, can equally well be ignored?
Harsh but fair I feel, from an “outsider looking in” perspective?
A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Any new entrant, whether Alba, ISP or individuals on an independent “Scotland First” ticket have to start somewhere.
Few in here (even those with widely differing views on other issues) have any time for the current SNP, but it’d be a brave person who predicts that the party is suddenly going to implode overnight.
Few of the polls suggest any such thing, so absent some political earthquake between now and HR2026 elections, the best we can probably hope for is that other pro-independence parties gain enough seats via the list vote to deprive the SNP (or SNP/Greens) of a majority.
That’s the way to hold their feet to the fire and gain real concessions which force them to confront the British nationalist veto on referendums, and ensuring that power over Scotland’s constitutional future is acknowledged as solely a matter for Scots to decide.
I don’t really care who the non-SNP pro-independence MSP represent, as long as they are committed to “real” nationalism and reject the creeping assertion of unionist supremacy over the right of Scots to self determination.
That’s more likely to be achieved via parties like Alba & ISP than via independent candidates in my view, but I’d certainly be open to voting for candidates who stood on a “Scotland First” slate if there was some agreement within the movement.
It is true that a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step – but the rest of that journey is going to take blood, sweat, vision, an iron will, a very clear idea of where the desired destination is – and above all: time.
Forgive me if I’m putting words into your mouth, but it seems implicitly agreed that the SNP are a dead loss (in fact worse than even that – a vast impediment to your goal of independence). From an Indy perspective, then, the task is Herculean; get rid of the SNP, start an entirely new movement from scratch (with a new political ideology, people, supporters, money and resources). Saying I’ve taken my first step towards walking to John O’Groats is easy to say, much harder to follow up on. Words are cheap, after all.
The big chance for Indy came in 2014; in Salmond the movement had a canny, charismatic politician with an iron will and absolutely singleminded objective. Seems to me that everything that has followed that fateful time has positively made independence vastly less likely – whether by accident or design (probably both).
If I were to grasp straws, I’d say the best chance would be to form a Scottish Reform “Scotland First” type party, ditching woke/left wing politics and riding the zeitgeist wave. Even assuming a charismatic leader of the calibre of Salmond could be found, it’s taken Farage 20-odd years to gain traction, and he’s far from home and dry yet.
I’m in my mid 50s and I’m pretty sure I won’t see an independent Scotland in my lifetime. The Indy “brand” has been so tarnished as to demand complete reinvention and a hard restart.
I totally agree the SNP are a dead loss. Sadly, it seems all too many of our countrymen and women are determined to keep voting for them. That might change of course, particularly if some of the leadership find themselves behind bars in the coming months, and/or if there are revelations about what actually happened to the missing £600K.
I won’t be holding my breath.
It’s a nice thought that the SNP will eventually go the way of the IPP in 1918, but it seems like a long shot. I don’t think there’s any Black Swan event on the horizon which will do to the SNP what Sinn Fein did to the IPP.
Starting from ground zero would be a sair fecht as you say and doubtless take many years. However there is an alternative which would potentially be far quicker and less painful, which is a movement which coalesces around an agreement that victory in plebiscitary elections will result in de facto independence.
That way we don’t need to like each other, or have agreement on policies. All that matters is winning >50% of the vote, and that we’re all signed up to the principle.
“Until that is the likes of Dan stand as independents or “Scotland First” candidates. At which time they’ve got my vote”
My vote too, so we’re already at two.
An honest, sincere, plausible candidate in each constituency. A “new face”, untainted by the scandals and the devious horse-trading of the past.
They can lay out a plausible route to Indy, or they can outline an affordable, practical, timely policy for fixing potholes – both would work for me.
TBQFH, any leader, party or movement who could get the potholes fixed, reduce littering and slash SNHS waiting times would already have so much political capital in the bank, Indy after that would be a cake walk.
Because TBQFH again, nobody in the past 30 years has ever achieved even these not too ambitious goals.
Get a grip. You’re projecting. How many of Pecking, Moscow and Tehran are lobbyists & NGOs in everyone else’s parliaments & judicial systems? How many of them own assets in the UK? How many of them own our media? How many of them fund the Tory party?
You seem to be under the illusion we have democracy in this country, free & fair elections, despite hard evidence we do not.
Stop shitting on others & take a look at yerself. The Anglo has it’s nose into everyone else’s country, it’s parliaments, it’s trade, it’s banking, it’s media & it’s justice systems & has been known to jail ppl or just commit wee acts of terrorism if things do go their way.
Those three countries are actually Sovereign. They don’t need Uncle Sam’s permission to go take a shit & that drives the psychotic Anglo into a warmongering frenzy.
Holyrood is no different. There they are in Scotland, stuffed into every position & sitting on the list seats to meddle into everything going on & to fck it up. They’re not elected to Holyrood to serve Scotland. The yoons are there to serve their London paymaster.
Changing shit every five yrs doesn’t seem to be a plan that works & neither does selling everything off to the highest bidder. Maybe there’s a lot to be said for one man, one plan, until the people of that country decides otherwise. It seems to have worked for them. They’re self sufficient & haven’t sold their countries assets.
Sick of hearing the supporters of Pecking crawing.
Ane fine day, their chickens will come home to roost. They’ll be spitting feathers.
And their voices will be reduced to a pathetic cheep.
Of course, it’ll be up to us rational Scots to scrape up the guano they leave behind.
Watch out, Geri; like the buses you don’t see any for ages then you get 3 at once.
The Yoon trolls are genuflecting to the Messiah.
All three of those countries lobby foreign governments. Additionally, all three have used military means to try to influence foreign governments and the penal system to control their own populations.
True but he is the leader of a party that stands for parliament and people cast a vote for that party.
enough votes to see him elected.
In Cole-Hamilton’s case, that was enough votes to see him elected FPTP in Edinburgh Western – 54.7% of a 71.5% turnout, with the highest number of votes ever cast for a single candidate in a Scottish Parliament election (Edinburgh Western (Scottish Parliament constituency) – Wikipedia).
So I suspect he’d get in whatever electoral system we had – unfortunately.
For all the usual suspects dissing Alba and fluffing for Brigadoon fantasies of non-parliamentary routes to indy, looks like Alba might (finally?) be making some progress as “Scottish Labour” vote implodes.
Hopefully concentrating the message on maximising votes for non-SNP parties on the list will make further inroads in popular consciousness, particularly if a few people end up in the Big House for the attempted political lynching of Alex Salmond before HR2026 elections?
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No one has ever fluffed for non parliamentary routes. Stop making shit up.
Nonsense. This place is bung fu’ wi moonhowlers who insist there is a magical non-parliamentary route to indy, by passing parties and any existing process and relying on whichever erroneous take they have on the Treaties of Union, Salvo and the Convention of Estates that nobody else gives a flying fuck at a rolling donut about.
you’re entitled to your own woo-woo worldview Geri, but not to your own class of fact, or to try an gaslight us about whether or not there are folk on here advocating non-parliamentary routes or not.
Only a few posts upthread some roaster opined:
Fluffing for Chairman Xi and Uncle Vlad, huh? Colour us unsurprised!
No one has ever insisted on bypassing any parliamentary route. That’s the contents of yer own head that you’ve convinced yerself of & you keep repeating the same bullshit..
What is being insisted on is a legal, legitimate route that cannot by fobbed off, dismissed, delayed, attach irrelevant criteria to, to jump through % hoops to achieve or just simply laughed at while repeating ‘Now is not the time’
What part of this are you struggling to understand? It’s been pointed out to you repeatedly that we’ve already had numerous mandates ignored, brushed off, even smirked at by the Anglos as eejit PM after PM proudly boasting “They’ll NEVER approve indyref2. Not now – Not ever” without the slightest hint of embarrassment as they warmonger for others supposed democracy. Democracy for everyone – just not you, Scotland. We already control your resources.
This cannot all be blamed on Sturgeon either because, as I’ve also reminded you before, Angus B MacNeil was also REFUSED.
So, fucking Einstein, tell us what Albas plan is if you ever win a mandate…Just take yer seats and hope for the best? Pray Westminster will just cave in to your demands for a ref? Wish upon a star they’ll respect the results even though they’ve fucking told you a hundred times already that they won’t? Or will you seek an external ruling from yer beloved “international community” to honor the result?
& I’m fluffing for no one. Yer not the world police with a god given right to nose into every single countries business, trade, judicial & political systems & dictate policy or who they can & cannot be friends with. The Anglo is so up its own arse with hypocrisy. So fucking what if some other country practices socialism, capitalism or even a bit of both! If they have a popular leader or not. If they have one leader or not. It’s none of their business or yours! How very colonial of you..they can’t be in charge with lies they’re unelected – but they can as they regime change at will. The Green t-shirt isn’t even elected as he frog marches ppl off the streets to war FFS. It appears you like dictatorships after all so STFU lecturing other ppl. Yer fluffing & cheering for war criminals in three countries & colonial expansion so do sit the fck down & gies peace, ya hypocritter.
It’s for the people of that country to decide who their leader is or who runs their country- not the USA, MI6 or any other Anglo arsehole pretending they support democracy when everyone & their dug knows that is blatant lies. They’re only interested in theft of other countries resources & it kills them they can’t get their mitts on R, China or Iran with their shit Munro doctrine to rule the world. Paranoid cunts see enemies everywhere at a cost to millions of lives all over the world yet they believe they’re the good guys. Fckn deluded pish no one is buying anymore.
As for the UK system. It is shit. A two party state with musical chairs. Nothing is achieved. One party either continues the same shit the other left off from – or undoes five yrs of shit they inherited & that we’ve all just paid for. & We don’t get to choose who is in charge. That’s already decided before a ballot is even marked by foreign agents, foreign media & their donors.
Geri you well know that the franchise fanny is plugged into the thoughts and beliefs of EVERYONE , he can tell you what the international community is doing and thinking at any given point in time
What really infuriates me is why Alex Salmond didn’t beg him or second him to the 2014 indy ref the outcome would have been a surefire winner and he could’ve stopped sturgeon from taking over the snp and even told Alex NOT to resign
With the fannys prescient ability to know what everyone is thinking and his revered stated progressivness maybe he could have thwarted the woke madness causing such turmoil throughout the world
His diplomacy and eagerness for inclusion of anyone from anywhere to immediately become NEW SCOTS and share in the bounteous benefits of our vast resources would solve the immigration deficit immediately
The usual MO: I’ve never claimed to speak on behalf of anyone but myself. What I have challenged you and all the other moonhowlers to do (cue tumbleweed GIF) is to demonstrate that you and they represent anything more than than the lunatic fringe of the independence movement.
your worldview appears to be about as popular as a fart in a sauna. Even in this place, the worst offenders contributions usually get downvoted, because honest everyday Scots and lurkers on this site know bullshit when they see it.
I’d certainly rather see most New Scots I know form part of the movement than regressive blood and soil bigots like you and the rest of your regressive sub-Trumpian posse.
We’re not laughing with you twatbyname, we’re laughing at you.
You have claimed to know what the wider independence movement thinks, feels, wants, will accept, won’t accept.
Along with what the international community thinks, feels, wants, will accept, won’t accept.
Along with what the EU thinks, feels, wants, will accept, won’t accept.
Along with what New Scots thinks, feels, wants, will accept, won’t accept.
Along with what yoons thinks, feels, wants, will accept, won’t accept.
So pull the other one.
& Last time I looked BTL was a chat. Not a blueprint for Indy, ya clown show.
The upvote & down vote means diddly squat unless yer a wee sensitive soul. Wings has always attracted yoons who do love their little games. They’re probably all Shitface anyway or his 77th brigade mates. He does seem to have far too much time on his hands. Multiple personas wouldn’t shock anyone here. I’d include yerself in that too. A pretendy nationalist that cheers on colonial expansion & theft. That doesn’t seem legit.
So as per usual no cogent counter arguments or actual evidence, just more conspiracy spouting bullshit then Geri? Same old, same old huh? When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail I suppose.
The difference between me saying that my views on the issues and my worldview are shared by the majority is that there is evidence to back it up in the form of polling evidence, the results of actual elections and a wide range of scholarly and academic research as well as the opinion of subject matter experts.
All we ever get from you and the moonhowling fraternity is a variation on the theme that we no longer trust experts (because that worked out so well with Brexit huh?!) and that it’s immaterial that your views have next to no support in polling, in actual electoral results, or in academic, legal or constitutional scholarship.
The only pretendy nationalists in here are those fluffing for Uncle Vlad and his far eastern allies, or like you the ones who openly advocate placing our trust in one charismatic leader. It’s not the 77th Brigade we should be worrying about but sub-Trumpian know nothings like the usual suspects in here.
“The difference between me saying that my views on the issues and my worldview are shared by the majority is that there is evidence to back it up in the form of polling evidence, the results of actual elections and a wide range of scholarly and academic research as well as the opinion of subject matter experts.”
Then lets see it. Put up or shut up because all you ever do in response is to deflect & launch into one of yer tirades.
I certainly haven’t seen any evidence that the indy vote is going to stampede to Alba.
lets also see Albas cunning & daring plan after winning a mandate for when Westminster tells you to GTF. Yer a diddy wee administration. Yer not a Scottish parliament. It’s not Sovereign . The only seat of power in the UK resides at Westminster. You boring every cunt to death won’t change that fact. So what’s yer plans? Let yet another election go by & wait for the next one again?
You don’t believe Scots are Sovereign. You think taking up a seat in an administration or at Westminster will change anything. It wont. We’ve tried that – have the ten yr old t-shirt to prove it.
Alba becoming the next SNP isn’t fooling anyone. Taking up 56 seats at Westminster isn’t either. You’ve missed the gravy bus, sunshine. An external working/pressure group worked before & delivered results for a route to devolution. It can work again to force the GB parliament to deliver what the Scots are fully entitled to. To end an outdated treaty. Other countries do it all the time. It’s only you, bad acting agents, who continually make things more fucking complicated than they actually are in reality which tell us all you are really interested in is thwarting indy & sitting yer lard arse on a seat for a hefty salary.
Give us yer experts plan. The floor is all yours.
& drop yer Trumpian pish. The guy is a bigger clown than you are. Deliberately crashing or sanctioning it’s supposed allies now in its final acts of desperation.
Whether you like it or not BRICS is the new word order. The Anglo Empire is over. They’re skint & no one gives a shiny shite for their sanctions. The Global MAJORITY has had enough of their endless chaos & destruction. Gen-ocide, regime change & manipulating other countries economies. Trump will either have to take a seat at the table & shut it to the new arrangements – or isolate himself altogether. Little Engurland will be nowhere in sight. That’ll be it’s reward for carrying out terrorist attacks. No one wants them on their team. It’s all change at the United Nations too. The GLOBAL MAJORITY are sick & tired of outdated colonial pish as larger, more populated & wealthy countries emerge from their colonial past.
So I’d lay off the Orc nonsense if I were you. Yer racism won’t be winning you any dibb dibb points in the independence movement or yer beloved international community.
That’s right Geri, you tear Geri a new one
“crashing or sanctioning it’s supposed allies”
Does anybody ken if Trump kens how to use the apostrophe, ” ‘ “?
Maybe he does, and that’s the secret to becoming POTUS.
“Whether you like it or not BRICS is the new word order”
Naw. That would be BCIRS
Tell you what, Geri, I’ll be serious for just a mo.
Could you please show some respect and consideration for the Wings BTL readers, the wider Indy movement, and Scotland herself, by making the effort to proof read your efforts before you post them? Aim to get your grammar and syntax to a level equivalent to a second year school pupil aspiring to take and pass her English Standard Grade.
Thanks in advance for your understanding and consideration.
And as usual franchise fannys girlfriend John bastard tax moan jumps in to try to save the fanny from Geri’s masterful DEMOLITION of his ever ridiculous verging on creepy and insane insistence that HE KNOWS what everyone in the world thinks, and he has the audacity to claim others are MOOOONNNHHHOOOWWLLEERSS,
? fucking clown
Then it’s just as well I’ve never said that would happen. Indeed I’ve consistently said that all Alba (or for that matter any other pro-indy opponents of the devolutionist SNP) have to do is to deprive the SNP and Scottish Greens of a majority. That way they can’t dictate terms or policies to the independence movement as a whole.
“Our” support for any future SNP or SNP/Green led government in Holyrood must be preconditioned on their commitment to plebiscitary elections and a rejection of the purported British nationalist veto on the self determination of the Scottish people.
Yes I do. I just don’t accept your Brigadoon fantasies that have no constitutional or legal basis and which represent political cul-de-sacs.
For any non-parliamentary or novel route to indy which doesn’t include either a referendum or plebiscitary election to work, you still need to demonstrate the support of the majority of the Scottish people. Unless you’re advocating some form of violent overthrow, the only other plausible alternative to the established means would therefore be non-violent passive resistance and a unilateral declaration of independence.
Good luck with that! Again, if that is your cunning plan, “show us the beef” as the old advert used to say. You’re going to need to show that such radical action enjoys broad popular support…….so go ahead.
Where is it?
Where are the mass rallies à la Catalan La Diada’s?
Where is the financial support from Scottish voters and companies who are convinced that’s the only way forward?
Where’s the messages of support from all the neutral observers abroad supporting such a strategy?
Where are the learned papers and articles from subject matter experts: constitutional lawyers, politicians, diplomats, judges?
If your case is so strong all of this should be not only obvious, but being shouted from the rooftops by the advocates of such a policy.
Not so. Things really are quite simple. All we need to do is persuade 50%+1 of Scottish voters to support pro-independence parties in plebiscitary elections fought on an explicitly plebiscitary platform, and it’s a done deal.
The parties don’t need to like each other, or agree on policies, or agree on anything other than that central principle.
The only bad actors here are those complicating things here by promoting fantastical, extra-parliamentary, legal quick fixes which they assert are a short cut, when if fact they will kick independence in to the long grass for decades.
Sorry, it’s been a hell of a night. I doubt I slept a wink.
F16s taxying up and down the M8 from dusk to dawn. If only the damn things could fly away.
Inside the Indyref eBook : Wishart, Pete: Books
If you haven’t seen the reviews of this, they’re entertaining and unanimous: ‘100% drivel.’
Niceone, Ian
OMG, look !!!
Pete has awarded his book 5 stars.
Whereas Nicola and John have both rated it with a mere 4 stars (shame on you:)
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oh dear! me
“How’s the book Sales Pete”
@PeteWishart has blocked you:
“Peachy, Mr Me…..”:
oh dear! me:
“Well, you will need a new career. The SNP as a party is going bankrupt. Now that’s peachy.”
Andy Martin
“It’s getting rave reviews”:
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good idea for a competition – what should the title be?
a big boy did it and ran away
interesting to see how much of it is “all my own work”, ghost-written, or helped along the way, but FFS – val macdermid as a biographer?
‘I Love Me – Who Do You Love?’
re. “interesting to see… ghost-written”
Great idea Confused –
My title for the book is, ‘No Escape’:
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My Capitulation
My Betrayal
My Meeting With Teresa That Changed My Direction
I Am The Original IRON LADY/LORD
Scotland’s Destruction
The BETRAYAL of Scotland And Scots
The Price Of Betrayal
Remembering Why I Was Promoted
I Did It My Way
No One Can Tell Me
My Opinion is the Only One That Matters
I Am Always Right
Small in Size Magnificent in Stature
You have to wonder if this is an insider’s review of what she’s written or the editorial skeleton she’s been given to get her started.
‘It will detail her interactions with a range of notable figures…’
Aye, that’s a given.
Reminds me of a reviewer on This Morning or suchlike, giving their take on Richard & Judy’s ‘autobiography’. Seems it was just a long list of famous people they’d met. There’s no reason to believe that Sturgeon’s effort will be better received than that effort, or Wishart’s for that matter.
‘The much anticipated memoir from Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first female and longest serving First Minister.
Nicola Sturgeon’s memoir will chart how she went from being a shy child from a working-class family in Ayrshire to the steps of Bute House as Scotland’s first female and longest serving First Minister.
It will detail her interactions with a range of notable figures, giving her unique in-the-room perspective on the most eventful and tumultuous era in modern Scottish and British politics. She will cover all the important events and debates of her time, including the establishment of the Scottish Parliament, the SNP’s election to government, the Scottish Independence Referendum, Brexit, Covid and much more. The result will be a deeply personal and revealing memoir from one of Britain’s most significant political leaders of recent times.’
Of course it will be self justifying bullshit, but one can dream (- I suspect total honesty would lead to criminal charges)
I have noticed that some politicans, once they are out, start to sound reasonable again, but Nikki I think wants a come-back; Swinney is a fucking seat warmer, let’s face it.
Amazing if she just did a “fuck it – here it is, warts and all”
Kenneth Anger’s Hollywood Bablyon fair dished the dirt (says Walt Disney sat him on his lap as a kid and felt his balls) – “Holyrood Babylon” – has a nice ring to it.
cf Joe Orton “prick up your ears” – “lock up your daughters”
Alan Clarks diaries were pretty good.
Salvador Dali has a wild autobiog, but I think it’s largely invented.
Alasdair Gray’s short stories – “unlikely stories, mostly” – would be a good title.
NB the “fat book deal” is often used as a kind of covert payoff to loyal operatives; bloated ghost written shite, fat advance pocketed, bought in bulk by those funding it, then sat in a warehouse, to be pulped.
We already know what she did. Fck all but take the coats. Squandered numerous opportunities, shafted the electorate & gushed over war criminals on both sides of the Atlantic.
Also ran off with petty cash.
Likes: failure, shit books & shoes.
Highest point: No comment. It’s under investigation.
Lowest point: It didn’t work. No comment.It’s under investigation.
The End.
Brilliant review Geri
The Scotsman: Publication date revealed for ex-first minister Nicola Sturgeon’s memoirs:
“Former first minister Nicola Sturgeon’s Memoir is to be published in August next year…
Ms Sturgeon revealed how it felt “very therapeutic” writing her memoir – as she predicted that “one or two people” will hate it.
Ms Sturgeon also joked that there was “lots of her first draft that would have to be removed for legal reasons, adding: “The legal process is going to be quite tricky.”“:
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The Opinion: KEZIA DUGDALE: What I’d like to read in Nicola Sturgeon’s memoirs – and why I put my own book plans on hold:
“I love a good political memoir. Particularly if they are written by someone with a good sense of humour…
I thought it was notable that Nicola Sturgeon’s book is set to be published in 2025.
Perhaps reflecting that there are some significant developments in her own story still to be written…
I toyed with the idea long enough to write a book structure and to give it a working title…
I’ll buy Nicola Sturgeon’s memoir because I’m fascinated to read about the Scotland she saw and experienced over those momentous years.
But I’d much rather read a book about the future…”:
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Breaking News Kezia can read (badly)
But does she understand what she reads?
The Independent (03/02/25): Keir Starmer denies breaking Covid lockdown rules with voice coach:
“Keir Starmer has denied breaking strict Covid lockdown regulations by meeting his voice coach in late 2020.
At a Nato press conference in Brussels, Sir Keir said “all rules were followed”.Asked “did you break lockdown rules prime minister?”, he replied “of course not”…
Labour leader has “serious questions to answer” after he met Leonie Mellinger at the height of Covid restrictions. On Christmas Eve… while London was under ‘Tier 4’ pandemic regulations, the PM sought the actress’s advice to respond to Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal, according to a new book…”:
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The Demon (04/02/25): Scottish museum hosts exhibition on ‘race’ for Covid vaccine:
“Injecting Hope: The Race For A Covid-19 Vaccine explores the scientific principles and adaptation of innovative research behind this extraordinary endeavour.
It looks at the UK-wide, behind-the-scenes work that accompanied the vaccines’ rapid development, production, transport and delivery and examines the huge logistical challenges behind the worldwide rollout…”:
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Genetic insert: CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG in the spike protein of the virus that only exists in Moderna patent 9,587,003 (filed 2017):
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The United States of America as
represented by the Secretary of the
Department of Health and Human
Services, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention:
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There was me convinced it was CTCCTCGGCGGGCAGCTAG. What am I like, eh?
Every day a school day. Thanks, gregor.
“Injecting Hope: The Race For A Covid-19 Vaccine”
Here’s another one for you, gregor:
“Injecting HDPE: The Race For An Affordable DIY Body Sculpting Product”
Patent for a testing kit for Covid-19 (2015):
System and Method for Testing for COVID-19:
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DARPA (2013) Awards Moderna Therapeutics a Grant for up to $25 Million to Develop Messenger RNA Therapeutics:
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RFI (2022): Moderna sues Pfizer, BioNTech for Covid-19 vaccine patent infringement:
“Moderna said Friday it is suing rival vaccine makers Pfizer and BioNTech, alleging the partners infringed on its patents in developing their Covid-19 shot administered to hundreds of millions around the world.
“Moderna believes that Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine Comirnaty infringes patents Moderna filed between 2010 and 2016 covering Moderna’s foundational mRNA technology,” the US-based biotech firm said in a statement.”:
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Moderna patent correction re. US 9,587,003 B2: filed 2016 (not 2017).
Center For Health Security: Event 201:
“The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic…
…simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise…”:
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Luke Johnson
“Devi Sridhar, lockdown queen of Scotland, frantically pivots as the mood shifts. A major promoter of unscientific restrictions which caused enormous misery. But Devi became a TV star and got a book deal so that’s OK!”:
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Penguin Books: Preventable by Devi Sridhar: How a Pandemic Changed the World & How to Stop the Next One:
“The definitive story of COVID-19 and how global politics shape our health – from a world-leading expert and the pandemic’s go-to science communicator… Professor Devi Sridhar has risen to prominence for her vital roles in communicating science to the public and speaking truth to power…”
‘Excellent . . . Fair, clear and compelling‘ NICOLA STURGEON…”:
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Dae us a favour Gregor don’t post pictures of these moronic deviants it just makes people Physically sick and angry
That’s the intent (snigger:)
Scotland can express its gratitude later…
That’s the intent –
Scotland can express its gratitude later…
I’d say burn it, but you know…
Talking Heads: Speaking in Tongues: Burning Down the House:
“Ah, watch out
You might get what you’re after
Cool babies
Strange but not a stranger
I’m an ordinary guy
Burning down the house
Hold tight…”:
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I expect it will be in the charity shops early September……
Probably cheaper than firelighters for the wood burning stoves too….?
Project Arbroath say that the 2026 Holyrood election needs to be a plebiscitary election on this issue:
“That the Scottish parliament has competence over all Scottish affairs and legislation, including the union between Scotland and England.
The independence-supporting parties would produce a one-page election manifesto that described the issue on which people were being asked to vote and what would happen should Yes win.”
The people’s job is to force candidates and parties to organise this single-issue election, says Project Arbroath. Indeed!
Is this what the New Scotland Party’s Manifesto for Independence would help with? Peter A Bell, can you confirm?
« Are you a Gaelic speaker or learner or are you interested in the language? The Scottish Parliament is piloting a new fortnightly Gaelic newsletter. This will cover what’s happening in the Parliament in Gaelic for fluent readers, but also provide material in English for those learning the language. We’ll include some other resources for those curious about Gaelic more generally, as well as info on how the Parliament works. »
See first issue and subscribe here:
Naething in Scots langage for, ye ken, aw oor fowk wha speak Scots? Langage is a human richt ye ken, tho ye widna think sae in colonial Scotland, depreeved o oor sel-determination an oor langage.
A colonized fowk are aye haud doun an thair naitional identity makkit confuised. Tho oor reality isnae that deeficult tae feegure oot:
Scots is Scots.
English is English.
Gaelic is Gaelic.
Git thon wallopers telt oor Alf
Aiven McBawheid unnerstaus…
Correcshun (bawhair gregor)
Fit ?? Bawhair systum.
shuid reid:
Logic System: Venus: Automatic Collect, Automatic Correct:
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Logic System: Venus: Be Yourself
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BBC (02/02/25): Crescent Moon and Venus light up the night sky:
“…the planets align to create a celestial spectacle…”:
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Powerless Wings NIMBYs scorn liberation, freedom and light (how pathetic and sad)…
Bob (re. The Light-Bulb/public comments):
“What a Tangled Web We Weave/When First We Practice to Deceive!
Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive’ means that when you lie or act dishonestly you are initiating problems and a domino structure of complications which eventually run out of control.“
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“The YIMBY movement (short for “yes in my back yard”)… It stands in opposition to NIMBY (“not in my back yard”) tendencies… to maintain the status quo.”:
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Logic System: Logic: Domino Dance:
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brian wilson says to england – “you can have my arse for a fiver” – except he is not even getting a fiver for it, it’s all free in SCOTLAND
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– are we not the ragged kilted philanthropists, giving it all away before we even had it?
– even mentions norway, a word no unionist should ever allow to pass his lips.
Norways sovereign wealth fund could buy England out; they could take controlling interests in the top FTSE100 companies, then, if they want, they could bleed England dry and call it “the free market” about which tory politicians could not say a dickie bird; or flip it around, imagine an indy Scotland doing the same – crushing England to death by the financial methods they used on other countries. They sell us the rope we hang them with. Buy out their refineries, shut them down, let them import oil from amsterdam; buy out the water companies, make sure it is full of shit for those sweet profits for the Scots.
Then we play their games against them – over a few generations make the economic hardships so great, privatised NHS, no healthcare, that the English population comes down from around 70M to 1M (a price worth paying, no omelettes without breaking some eggs); the north and south can be split into separate nations, both of which are functional basket cases, due to being at war with each other (which we setup). Both rump nations rely for their existence on handouts from Scotland and all their politicians are on our payroll, plus we own anything left which is actually worth a damn. All their electricity comes south, from us, and we can turn the lights off at will. There is no need to de-industrialise them as they did that by themselves anyway; destruction of infrastructure is also unnecessary, being so crap. English problem, solved. Once the island has been pacified we can concentrate on e.g. our space programme.
Anglos are the XL Bullies of humanity, you can’t be too careful. For extra spice, we make the official languages of england, urdu, pidgin-roadman, and gaelic; we also ban traditional english dress, which today seems to be the north face puffa jacket.
– observant readers will see this as a McYinon plan, but its just giving the eternal enemy some of his own medicine.
this made me laugh, ironically
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– even the english can’t stand the english, coming here, buying up all the property, pricing the locals out.
HoHo. Outstanding.
Be interesting to see maps showing the numbers and percentages of holiday homes in Scotland by region?
Dahn sarf looks like many areas doubling the poll tax on holiday homes. Bring it on here I say.
Let’s make it so…. I like it!
I asked Grok ..”Suggest a title for Nicola Sturgeon’s upcoming autobiography based on tweets about her.”
Based on posts found on X, here are a few suggested titles for Nicola Sturgeon’s upcoming autobiography:
These titles reflect the sentiment and humor (sic) found in some of the posts about her on X.
I’m struggling with my vision at the moment and with this being the case, the sentence “2 Furries 1 Cup” has now been seared into my already fragile psyche. Perhaps this is the universe’s way of punishing me for having not had my eyes tested for thirteen years?
LOL! I went to the optician the other day and was horrified to hear that I hadn’t been for 8 years – despite having broken my glasses about 3 years ago…
I love your Grok suggestion, Andy.
Tales from the closet or The lavender years would be good.
“Zen And The Art Of Campervan Maintenance”
Hope you’re not paying for that Grok shite, Andy
What a change in The National reporting – from blanket numerous articles about them proudly going to report on The Hague Group meeting covering all of their online pages a couple of days ago they have gone to one hidden in the midst of other articles.
Not ONE of their Hague Group articles is listed now in the top 47 most read articles on their home page.
re. “Not ONE of their Hague Group articles is listed now in the top 47 most read articles on their home page.”
That makes sense, Agent X…
“…our wider team of journalists doesn’t often get a chance to go overseas for reporting purposes. That makes sense, really – we’re a Scottish paper.
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The Guardian (2014): The National launches in Scotland ‘to fly flag for independence’:
The first editorial of the National says:
“The status quo is no longer an option and there is an unquenchable desire for greater devolution.”:
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LETTERS (03/02/25): Sturgeon missed the best opportunity to call a second referendum:
“In 2015 we saw an avalanche of support for independence when the Scottish people voted 56 SNP MPs into Westminster… What they were saying was that they had been tricked and cheated by the media and had swallowed false promises by the Unionist parties prior to the 2014 vote…
They voted in the SNP because they thought they were the best vehicle to gain it. They were told that the party would take them there. They believed that the SNP had a secret plan to achieve it. Consequently, they kept voting for the SNP at election after election. However, there was no plan. In fact, there was no enthusiasm, guile or urgency in the party.
Instead, having decided, wrongly, that the electorate voted for them because they loved Nicola and her policies, the unprecedented mandate was just used to pursue fringe issues. Ultimately, the voters have seen through the sham offering of “independence tomorrow”…”:
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Well I am ready for a review of the new format. Repetitive strain injury trying to find the sub thread I last posted on. Watched a sporting weekend of rugby and football. Sequential posting has advantages. Sub threads are a good thing where debate can develop. But too many downticks of perfectly reasonable posts. I personally don’t care which way it goes. Although voltarol is too expensive to browse indefinitely.
Now why would anyone down tick yer comment? Some saddo is just playing silly beggars. Simple minds are easily amused I suppose.
I agree on trying to find stuff. I had the same issue a few weeks back & just gave up cause I didn’t pay attention to the heading at the time as I’d just commented from the side.
6.25am GMT trolls, good morning Scotland!!
The place is infected now Geri, getting beyond redemption sadly.
Not what it was back in the day and sadly getting beyond recall.
All the transatlantic goon “y’all” imposters now: Even they didn’t have the brass neck to be so brazen back then, but now, we’ll it’s a free for all for bad faith actors of the status quo.
The Rev. should never have mentioned voting Tory; akin to effing about with a ouija board..
Voting SNP 1&2 has really worked out well for Scotland, eh Nicola?
Just the result you wanted.
Wee Ginger Dug: The Turd Reich and what it means for Scotland:
“…it’s week one of the Turd Reich…”:
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The Turd (02/02/25): Scotland should ‘roll out red carpet’ for Donald Trump, says Thomas Kerr:
“It comes after Trump’s former close aide Anthony Scaramucci warned last month the President “doesn’t give a shit” about Scotland.”:
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The Turd (27/01/25): Wee Ginger Dug: Donald Trump is like a child playing with a loaded gun:
“Scaramucci warned that Trump “will hurt” First Minister John Swinney if he tries to get too close. …he also said that Trump “doesn’t give a sh*t” about Scotland.”:
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The Turd (26/01/25): Donald Trump ‘will sh** on Scotland’, former aide warns:
“Anthony Scaramucci issued a firm warning about dealing with Trump – saying he “honestly doesn’t give a shit” about Scotland…”:
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Cheer up, everyone.
Whisper… Robin McAlpine is “more optimistic” about the prospects of independence because “there are a lot of serious initiatives happening which aim at creating a coherent ..independence campaign with the resources and infrastructure to really take the argument to Scotland. And, whisper it, they may be joining up to create a united whole.” [see]
John Denver: Poems, Prayers & Promises: Sunshine On My Shoulders:
“If I had a tale
That I could tell you
I’d tell a tale
Sure to make you smile
If I had a wish
That I could wish for you
I’d make a wish
For sunshine for all the while…”:
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Can Alex Cole-Hamilton please be subject to a polygraph test under questioning whether he did or did not know Jack Douglas (‘Beth Douglas’, @pickle-bee), to clarify his own contradictory indications – and in what capacity, perchance?
Ref: WoS ‘All the nice Greens love a rapist’ etc.
And yes – AC-H is not a Green.
JD was (sometime co-convenor of the Scottish Green Party group The Rainbow Greens (sic)) – but was chucked out in 2023 or thereabouts after a disciplinary hearing – and appeal – I gather over his social media post(s).
Interestingly IIRC JD himself on his social media declared that he had been cleared/exonerated/vindicated/whatever, and o could remain.
There was even a Motion at the 2023 Autumn Conference, occasioned by the need to be rid of JD, although carefully not mentioning him by name. It is still all being treated hush-hush within the SGP.
AC-H, what have you to say now?