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Wings Over Scotland

Fear Factor Five

Posted on February 05, 2014 by
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Carpet lovebombing?


Vince Cable speaking on a personal behalf and not as a Cabinet Member it seems. Im sure he ran all these thoughts by Wullie Rennie and Ming Campbell, the Bilbo and Gandalf of Scottish Politics.


Yep. I’m so scared I can hardly sleep at nights…

(Ah, no wait, that’s actually burning rage at the sheer arrogance of the No camp. Got it confused with fear there for a sec…)


Another 8 months of this tripe!

The only scare I got today was when I couldn;t access WOS–error 404. Tried pinging the site–Request time-out.

Glad to see you’re back. I can relax now.


Typical, when you wait and wait for a scare story 5 come along at once!

Coolheads Prevail

If this is supposed to be lovebombing, I shudder to think what the full weight of their hatred will look like…


Heard Flint on the radio this morning droning on, I thought some selfish bugger was strimming grass outside.

Even when they’re on the radio, you can tell they’re the normal vacuous-eyed tape recorder. Flint was delivering her message this morning and nothing was going to stop her, she kept saying ‘the truth is…’ except it wasn’t, it was all complete arse gravy and her over use of the phrase showed her up for the vapid Labour drone she actually is.

To be fair, the presenter did try to challenge her, but she was getting no where.


Reverend, to paraphrase Roy Scheider in Jaws, you’re going to need a bigger boat/server.

Sandy Milne

Anyone care to inform them this ain’t working.

Inbhir Anainn

Likewise I was beginning to think that the Rev Stu’s website was under major cyber attack from dastardly unionist forces. Couldn’t access WOS for a wee while.


It’s like watching a sand pit of little brats trying to see who can throw the greatest strop and tell the tallest tale.

Robert Louis

Yes, and with independence, all the fish will leave Scottish waters, the wind will stop blowing in Scotland, and the sky – in all likelihood- will fall down.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.


They say the definition of madness is to keep doing the same thing expecting different results. Our Better Together chums are, by such a measure, clearly barking.



Me too

Linda's Back

Cost of UK Nuclear obsession will raise fuel bills for Scotland’s householders far more than under independence.

Vince Cable in echoing the threat made in 1979 by the NO campaign supporting Bankers that Scottish Bank HQs will move to London if we voted for Devolution.

Of course this didn’t happen as they soon realised that the much better educated workforce and lower overheads in Edinburgh plus the huge removal and premises costs involved outweighed any ideological posturing.

As it so happens, since the UK government has taken controlling stake, many of the HQ functions and decision making of RBS and Lloyds has already been moved south of the border.

Helena Brown

Sorry no I am not at all scared, not did I notice many people who were commenting were either.
It did not work in the lead up to the Devolution Referendum, nor did it work in 2007/11.
So it seems more of the same will work, how?


The lies are coming thick and fast from the scaremongering Bitter Together mob.

I smell their fear,they know their losing.


11.2 Billion pound industry might have to spend some money – A would-be Nation weeps!

link to

Graeme Purves

“Appointment of Chicken Licken strengthens Project Fear team.”


I am so scared I can’t go to work tomorrow do you think my bosses will understand?


It’s a theory of mine that there’s a direct correlation between the degree of panic in the No camp and the number of facial tics displayed by Alistair Darling.

Has anyone seen some recent footage of Darling? Judging from this collection of fearbombs my guess is that he currently resembles someone in the early stages of an epileptic fit.

Peter Macbeastie

Aye, I was getting the dreaded 404’s earlier too; wouldn’t have been surprised to find you cyberattacked by disgusted Daily Mail readers.

I’m so scared I can barely care about any of their pathetic rubbish. Cable’s absolutely lost the plot; the odds of the Bank of Scotland uprooting their Edinburgh HQ to shuffle it to London are so astronomical as to be beyond even a back street bookie.

I used to think he was one of the brighter Lib Dems too. How wrong can you be?


What a crock of sh*t… does anybody actually still fall for this rubbish? Surely no-one can be that naive!

This is well and truly bottom of the barrel stuff!


Actually they really do recycle the same shite non stop don’t they? A cause without honesty and without morality. A bunch of self serving politicians and industrialists trying to frighten ordinary people so they can continue to live in the manner they have become accustomed to and to hell with the rest.


“You’ll be forced to eat weavils piced from mouldy bread in an independent Scotland.”

Well, it’s only a matter of time …

Peter A Bell


Any self-respecting journalist would have asked the obvious question of Justin King, the chief executive of Sainsbury’s. They would have demanded to know if the company’s plans to introduce differential pricing according to factors such as distance from distribution depots apply to the whole of the UK.

This entirely hypothetical professional journalist might also have pressed Mr King on the question of how he would anticipate his company’s competitors might respond to such a move.

There are probably a lot more questions that a real journalist would have asked. But since these creatures appear to be the stuff of myth, at least as far as the “Scottish” mainstream media is concerned, there is little point in speculating further on how they might behave.

And yes! I know this comment won’t get past the Herald’s censors. But it will be widely distributed in any case and will probably be seen by far more people than actually read this scaremongering article.


“You’ll be forced to eat weavils piced from mouldy bread in an independent Scotland.”


Dave McEwan Hill

Cable was a Labour councillor in Glasgow if I remember correctly

Doug Daniel

I’m getting to the point where I can barely exercise myself to give a shit about whatever scare stories they pump out. I expect many undecided voters are getting to the same point.

Keep it up, unionists. Keep it up.


Lets be honest, you had almost forgotten about Johann Lamont there hadnt you?

The Scottish media…they know their role!

only 20 hours or so until FMQs…she must be rocking back and forth in a darkened room at the moment.


Jesus! where do they get this shit from.

I bet DC is sitting back and saying, “Right who’s next to go on the BBC and deliver a scare story, lets see what response this one gets”

Attention seeking of the highest level

Training Day

It’s easy to dismiss Cable’s stories but..

Nah, it’s easy.

Reporting Scotland tonight: ‘There’s a warning tonight that warnings about warnings will not be given in an independent Scotland, leading to warnings over huge uncertainty. Let’s look at these warnings with Prof Curtice and his uncertainty-warning-ometer..

Helena Brown

Another one in the Telegraph, Investment is not a good idea. Seems nobody reads the Financial Times there, as I was moved to say strange because one of the commentators said he was in investments.


I would let them continue with their negativity. The No campaign are one trick ponies. This love bomb thing; it seems to involve telling Scotland that they love us. However, what they are really saying is that we should not get ideas above our station. If we do then we can fuck off. This appears to be the whole gist of the message. What a wonderful mix of arrogance and patronising contempt!…The tabloids in England call us subsidy junkies and scroungers, while celebrities down south are going to tell us they love Scotland!

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

Jings, they spend so much time on the referendum it’s a wonder they can get on with their ordinary jobs. We’ll be going to the dogs!

That’ll be the next big scare story: Unionist politicians will forget what they’re supposed to be doing for their fat paychecks and the whole world will go to hell, if we don’t stop this independence nonsense.

No one else on the planet is independent, don’t we realise that!

Jings, and again, jings. We’re dooming ourselves – and them – to doom. And there’s no way back. Just doom.

Murray McCallum

It’s such a pity that Vince Cable has to come out with mere personal opinions.

If only he were in government. I’d put him in charge of business.

To balance my comment (don’t want to be too glowing towards Vince) I’ve found that reality tends to be the opposite of what he promises or implies.


Sorry Off Topic

I’ve run up against a few arguments regarding “Scotland being forced into the Shengen free travel zone”.
Does anyone have any data / arguements / links.

I suspect we would not under a reasonable continuation of our existing EU citizenship but I would appreciate any help.

If not here:
then –


What worries me is do they believe this drivel they spout, you know the old saying if you tell a lie often enough you’ll begin to believe it yourself, scary.

The calibre of this shit is zero anybody who gives this crap a serious thought really needs help, the morons who write this shit need to seek psychiatric help. Seriously

Ian Brotherhood

@Doug Daniel –

What you said.

I’m past caring. It’s just noise…

Dick Gaughan

Reading that pile of recycled effluent, it’s looking more and more like BT’s pronouncements are in the loving care of a cross between I.M.Jolly and Corp Fraser –

“Wur aa doomed, doooomed A tell ye”

wee e

LOL — I truly thought that was a genuine BT leaflet. I’d got up to 12 “warning”s before it began to dawn on me…


@Rev Stu

What is a DDOS attack (read it on Tweeter just now)?


Oops that should be Twitter!..

ronald alexander mcdonald

If at first scaremongering doesn’t succeed scaremonger and scaremonger again!

Salt Ire

Apparently Susan Boyle has covered this and is putting a band together with The Krankies, Barrowman and Katie Hopkins. Watch this space.


Scotland’s role on world stage? Wasn’t aware we had one.


I reckon that the Royal Bank threat is a Ravenscraig/Bathgate/Linwood/Scottish Coal scare like 1979. Once it is re-privatised it will go anyway if Scotland votes NO. The money men will see to it.

Dick Gaughan

Salt Ire says:
Apparently Susan Boyle has covered this and is putting a band together with The Krankies, Barrowman and Katie Hopkins.

Thanks a bunch. The thought of that has totally screwed the rest of my week …


From an old work poster:


If you notice this notice

You’ll notice this notice

Is not worth noticing


We are, according to the UK press, subsidy junkies, a drain on the rest of the UK. So, we want to help you and leave. Surely you would jump at the chance of being shot of your subsidy junkies? But no–you are quite the opposite. You now try to terrorise us into remaining with you in order for us to receive more of your subsidies and be an even bigger drain to you. Why would you do that? Are you insane or were you just not telling the truth in the first place?


Great graphic – a picture really is worth a thousand words.

ronnie anderson

PMQs, an the big Chair Choob, got his advert in for the

Scottish Blethering Committee, there must be a plague in

that committee,because naebody wont,s to sit on it, is

there a VIRUS on the go in Westminster.


I think it’s impossible to come up with anything scarier than staying in this Union any longer.


Here is what RBS actually said which is totally different to this latest piece of scaremongering

Sir Philip Hampton on Tuesday appeared before a House of Lords committee, which is investigating the economic implications of Scottish independence.

Asked whether the bank would look at where it is domiciled if Scotland voted for independence in 2014, he said: “The overriding requirement is to serve our customers and through that to produce the best value we can for shareholders. We have no intention or plan to relocate from Scotland.”

He continued: “We are very happy and Scotland is a very effective place at the moment to do business.

“If, as a result of a vote for independence, we found extra difficulties or cost pressures or whatever arising from that, then we would have to think about alternatives.

“But we don’t expect at the moment, we don’t identify any clear rationale for making major domicile changes.”


DDOS, distributed denial of service.

Ie a cyber attack on a website (in simple terms)

john mcvey

It’s a deliberate denial of service where too much traffic is sent to the web address that bit can’t cope and crashes


If RBS moves to London will Better Together still tell us we will be liable for 100% of the next bail-out? Or is it like the way we’re going to be thrown out of the EU while also being forced to use the Euro?

Seasick Dave


I thought that Groundskeeper Willie was our roving ambassador…

Groundskeeper Willie is a recurring character on The Simpsons; a Scottish immigrant, he is head groundskeeper at Springfield Elementary School. Willie is almost feral in nature and is immensely proud of his homeland. He is easily identifiable by his flaming red hair and beard, as well as his aggressive temperament and strong Scottish accent.

He lives in squalor in a shack on the school grounds. He is a Scotsman with an aggressive temper. He likes to take nude pictures of himself in his spare time. He is an uncouth and unpleasant, though essentially harmless, character. His personality is depicted as being incompetent, quick to anger for little or no reason, slow-witted, and a heavy drinker. Willie has shown antipathy to both his employer, Principal Skinner, and Bart Simpson, who plays pranks on him.


Shock an’ aw-f*ck off!


We must obviously be the most useless country in the world since we cannot go outside into the daylight without help from the rUK.


A list of items that would be unavailable in a rump UK seems appropriate.

I’d write one but I don’t have all day.

ronnie anderson

They forgot they,ll be nae Dandilion fur the Burdock,

ah canny stawn that coke. Why o why do I give them


R Bruce


DDoS means distributed denial of service.

It is when you bombard a website with more requests than can be handled.

It’s the kind of thing where you do a dodgy deal with a Russian hacker on some dark corner of the internet in exchange for money (probably bitcoins these days). The Russian hacker directs thousands of innocent people’s computers (which have earlier been infected with some kind of malware that gives him control over them) to submit a tonne of requests to the Wings server.

Basically, the electronic equivalent of summoning a mob to block up the entrance to someone’s place of business to provide legitimate custom from entering



do you mean like this link to


R Bruce

provide -> prevent

gerry parker

“Carpet lovebombing?”

Lovebombing burns?

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Craig

” He continued: “We are very happy and Scotland is a very effective place at the moment to do business.

“If, as a result of a vote for independence, we found extra difficulties or cost pressures or whatever arising from that, then we would have to think about alternatives.

“But we don’t expect at the moment, we don’t identify any clear rationale for making major domicile changes.”

So it is all in Saint Vincent de Cable’s wee imagination?

What a surprise considering he makes so many prognostication that, even just by the way of averages, some actually happen. He then appears in front of the TV and say, “see I told you so”

Even a manic depressive Cassandra will be right just once but etc etc

Cue joke about the C*cK surkin miner hero frae East Lothian.etc


VAT on food-we won’t be able to afford to eat(we might have to open foodbanks 🙂 ),more energy costs-we will freeze to death in an energy rich independent country. Don’t worry,no one will buy our volatile oil or electricity,so we’ll just nationalise it then,eh? 🙂 ),transport will end,you might not be able to travel because the road and rails won’t work without britain being in charge,they work in other independent nations,there again,ours will work,but yours will still be stopped up. 🙂 ),groceries will rise in price(haven’t we covered something like this before).If the supermarkets want to leave,then let them go,someone else will take their place,we only trade so much with England because we are close and are a form of captive market,the supermarket chains see this ending.Other supermarkets are available,as are other countries’ trade. 🙂 .

Now,RBS,if they wish,can move south,but,they take the debt with them.Other banks will take their pre eminent position,we could even start one ourselves if need be. 🙂

link to


May I suggest that you have on display, a running list of scare stories then we will see just how close they are to running out of them!.


Don’t you just love the smell of rabbity UKOK’s in the morning,afternoon,evening…


So with the DDoS basically someone is trying to ‘lovebomb’ WoS. Nice.


DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) is basically a tactic of using lots of computers (mostly ones taken over by trojans that allow them to be “remote controlled”) to overload and crash a web server to try to knock a website hosted on it offline.

It’s basically the computer equivalent of ripping down flyers and banners that advertise something you don’t like.

link to


Couple of folk beat me to it. I think my typing is getting slow in my old age 🙂


“Daily Mail readers not yet positively identified as the source.”


link to


So the rUK won’t subsidise our clean energy anymore?
Och well, I m sure Germany will happily buy the power from Cruachan, while England won’t have enough power at tea time to boil the kettles


Suggest a wee look at newnet Scotland about destroying the union to save it!. I find it very true

jingly jangly

o/t IFS saying that 60% more cuts to come in public expenditure.

link to


Just Googled , Scottish Indy scare stories.

215000 hits at present.

The union is fucked.


You can just feel the Fear 🙂

link to

Flower of Scotland

GCHQ have used DDoS !!


So I take it the MSM/BBC Scotland will run with this scare story about RBS leaving Scotland if we vote Yes? Have Reporting Scotland etc ever had a main headline about a good story for Yes or led with an advantage of independence story? Just once? I am thinking not. We now have without a shadow of a doubt a Pravada MSM.


Looks like some folk at the top are getting pretty scared that their scare tactics might not work on the vast majority of people in Scotland. It will be like one of those films where the guy at the top in his big high rise office starts ordering his team to stop these rogues before it gets out of hand! Thing is, they are getting desperate so who knows what the next few months will bring.

Let’s hope that someone from better together, sees sense and starts to accept and negotiate terms and conditions in an intelligent manner, so as not to look like such waste of money, scheming, lying bastirts who would sell their own grannies to get what they want, toys out the pram and all…

Training Day

Well, we can’t say we weren’t WARNED.



Hmm, didn’t know the secret service could DDoS someone…

I thought most UK government departments were barely computer-literate enough to figure out how to switch them on!

Bugger (the Panda)

Just for fun, I tried to register and look what I turned up.

Registry Domain ID: 1832109176_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2013-10-23T02:46:23Z
Creation Date: 2013-10-23T01:55:18Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2014-10-23T01:55:18Z

I was wondering if we could do a crowd source and buy it from whoever?

I note it was only registered, anonymously, at the end of 2013 for one (1) year.

Naw, Panama has not been a happy hunting ground for Scotland for a few centuries.

magnus barelegs

Looks like an updated version of there lies from 1979. This reeks of desperation, lie upon lie upon lie, why can these Bitter Together and Westminster idiots just not be honest, because nobody is buying this crap that they continually spout. Shameful behaviour.

Dal Riata

A DDOS, eh. No wonder I couldn’t access the site earlier! Mind you, it was only a matter of time. Expect more of these, and in increasing numbers as we move closer to the referendum.

It was never going to be easy this independence malarkey, especially when against ‘All means at our disposal’… if ye ken whit am sayin, like!

G H Graham

Initially, I found these wretched predictions curiously annoying. Interesting but nevertheless, annoying.

Then, when the facts were checked, I found myself frustrated that a counter argument was never sought or given.

Now, when I read these headlines, I find myself laughing.

What’s next to suffer from warnings of catastrophic increases in price? Condoms? Curtains? Cat litter?

Les Wilson

I think there is a definite panic in the Unionist ranks, they now fear a YES really could happen. The BBC have thrown out all pretence of being impartial.
We really need to motivate the social media to harrass them at all levels, complaints, seasoned discussion in all their blogs etc.

Also I would like to suggest that we appeal to all Indy supporters to attend the Bannockburn event, and shun the politically motivated Army event. We really need to be rising to the occasion and show our solidarity, towards our aims. Further we should encourage everyone we can to shun the WWW1 event. Westminster forgets that Scots lost twice the men England did,shamefully, it is a political stunt by Westminster that we should show our complete disgust for.


Sometimes you have to accept a loss.Like when you drop a almost empty can of beer. What then, you open a fresh one.

So if its goodbye RBS off to the City of London, RBS having been screwed up by the gamblers of the City helped along by Fred the Shred of no formal banking qualifications. And its goodbye to the Bank of Scotland, lesser partner of the Halifax Building Society that caused the downfall of that pillar of Scottish prudence, thanks to the ineptness of a chief executive Andy Hornby again of no formal banking qualifications.Well no brat loss.

Why not just after independence open up a new National Bank of Scotland.

And lets not forget the the part played in these banking fiascos by Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling, and yes, neither of whom have formal banking qualifications. A couple who have the brass neck now to advise us on independence. I wouldn’t depend on that pair to bury me.

Chartered Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Chartered Surveyors and yet Chancer Bankers and politicians sans qualifications!

call me dave

Anyone know of this poll of Scottish businesses that came up with 75% in favour of a NO vote? Mr Carmichael says it’s true but no words on the back of a fag packet to prove it.

Carmichael quoted the figure in the HoC today at the persecution of Scottish of Questions seems Ivan’s figure of 1000+ in favour of YES spooked him.


Quite amazing how Uncle Bob Dudley’s personal opinion on Great Britain has morphed into a full blown “BP warns”. Grub Street lives.


My “Proud Cybernat” badge popped through my letterbox this morning. It is now located on the opposite lapel of my coat/jacket to my YES badge. So far, that’s the only “result” all the BT/BBC/MSM scaremongering has had on me. Oh, and I just sent off a cheque to the YES! newspaper, so they can print lots more copies to distribute – another “result” for the scaremongers, eh?

Dal Riata

I thought that headline, ” Vince Cable: I’m not scaremongering, children’s clothes will cost more in independent Scotland” was a spoof… But, hell no, it’s true! I Googled it, not expecting too much, yet lo and behold, there it is for all to laugh at.

“…children’s clothes will cost more…” FFS, Comical Cable cracks ’em up!


Les Wilson

I have been having a bit of a think regarding the armed forces day that the unionist have planned for Stirling.
as well as WW1
My first reaction was that we should encourage boycott of the event. Then I thought, why don’t we take a leaf out the Dutch resistance movement during WW2, in which when forced to attend events by the Nazis, went but wore orange
We should support our armed forces and attend all waving Saltires, after all the armed forces of Scotland IS Scottish. So if we swamp the event with Saltires, no one can complain after all its the favoured flag of choice for our guys in the forces. It would be difficult for the likes of the BBC to portray as a union flag waving event, if all they can get on camera is a sea of blue saltires!
Just a thought…………


It is a simple fact that Terry Wogan has more banking qualifications than Andy Hornby, ex of HBOS does. Terry has, at least passed the Banking standards exams that customer facing staff have to have in order to handle money,


desimond says:
5 February, 2014 at 4:33 pm
Vince Cable speaking on a personal behalf and not as a Cabinet Member it seems. Im sure he ran all these thoughts by Wullie Rennie and Ming Campbell, the Bilbo and Gandalf of Scottish Politics

Gandalf and Bilbo? You insult that fine wizard and brave hobbit.

Grima Wormtongue and Sharkey (not Saruman) more like


I see there is a strike going to happen at Faslane can Jackie Bailie tell us is that half a million that will walk out or is it a quarter million. Scottish Labor please help me out. how many will be on strike


Or we could wear Orange, carry YES Scotland banners and confuse the bejaysus out of people


Speaking of events, anyone from here going to one of these?

link to


Whilst I’m at it … RBS is hardly acting as a responsible citizen or as an asset to Scotland. It’s currently under investigation around claims it acted in a predatory manner to small and medium enterprises (SME), engineering defaults on loans held by otherwise healthy businesses, so they could seize assets and resale for profit. It’s also just had to set aside another £3.1bn for PPI and mortgage mis-selling complaints.

If they did decide to move out of Scotland, good luck to them on finding suitably qualified staff at the current staffing costs. Here in Edinburgh you have Virgin Money, Sainsbury’s Bank, RBS, Standard Life, Scottish Widows, Tesco Bank and Lloyds Banking Group as well as a world class source of graduates from Edinburgh University Business School, who I’m fortunate enough to occasionally lecture to.

RBS employs some 8,000 staff in Edinburgh. Count in the fact that London wages are some 30% higher than here and think about trying to recruit that number in a more competitive market. Good luck to them.


from Bella Caledonia

The BP story may have come from this source;

link to

Murray McCallum

I would think it would be the RBS Group HQ-related staff that would move. The RBS branch and corporate banking people would stay where they were.

I am waiting to see exactly what RBS say.

RBS are ultimately under the control of George Osborne, so maybe no surprises around warnings, fear of currency union not working, Scotland too small, …

ronnie anderson

Ach noo am realy feirt Stv reporting that Scotland are leading the World in Bio sience,s 1500 job,s could be created,I,ll need tae get confermation fae Vince Cable.

Wemyes Bay,sientist,s trying to work out how to protect
6000 yr old drawing,s it wizzna us scot,s that done it
we dont have any culture ( Lord J Robertson at Abertay uni debate).

Meenwhile on bbc Skyscannera successful company Edinburgh a hub of Techno industry.

mind you,s this little lot are subject to confermation from
Better together spookperson Mr darling or JoLo will make a anouncement shortly.

Am in Wullie Rennie, in day efter day efter day send me a
wee trifle.

R Bruce

come on rev, the GCHQ links are in a future post!

David Agnew

Stand well back – Love bomb incoming


You swine Stu 🙂 I went back and read the whole lot again to see where I’d missed GCHQ and its the next one. Aargh!

/* GCHQ, says Hi and waves */


Yes, the continuing repetitive scare stories are good news for YES, but it is a pain having to constantly refute them. But we have to keep on going as there are new readers who do read articles, comments and such like.

I for industry, integrity and Independence.


Going to Oban on 19th for the ATOS protest, unfortunately no organizer. Just 3 of us so far. Hope other readers will join in. I have contacted all the local Yes groups but no response, still time I hope.


Cable just lost £3Billion, on the Royal Mail sell off.


BT have lost the ECONOMIC argument.Now the battle gets dirty.The UK govt.will use all means at its disposable to discredit the YES campaign and divert attention away from the economy,working on the principle that if the yes campaign are fending off the scare story’s the real issues are ignored.


You don’t have to be in the EU (or be applying) to be in the Schengen area, so how why do the papers tell us that we have to be in Schengen if we want to be in the EU?


The Secretary of State for Portsmouth’s poll is a Mori one for the Torygraph today. They asked 250 leading businessmen



Just back from YES local meeting.

Interesting talk from a guy who works in the media. He drew attention to the fact that the BBC is the state broadcaster and advised us to save our energy by not wasting our time complaining. Instead he advises putting that same energy to better use and get out there.

Rev, is the montage at the top available as a downloadable document? I fancy an A5 leaflet.

Mary Bruce

@call me dave – the business “poll” (or questionnaire more like) is apparently true, it was carried out by a property agency as part of their annual report, so not exactly reliable. They only asked 150 businesses. It sounds more like hearsay to me. It was reported in the Herald.

link to


Reworking the Gandhi text:

First they ignored us, then they fought us, then we laughed at them, then we won.

A diminished UK = An enhanced Scotland.


Just been making a list on the Guardian of the ‘love bombs’ we’ve had since Monday alone, have I missed any ?

Oil companies will walk away from billion pounds investments in the North Sea

That prices would soar in supermarkets

That VAT will be charged on nappies

That rUK will buy electricity from Ireland, Holland, China and France but not us.

And that our largest bank which currently operates in 38 territories would bolt down to London at the prospect of a 39th

Mary Bruce

Oops, sorry HandandShrimp, didn’t see your post there till I refreshed. Looks like there were two business surveys recently. Did they both report 75% no then? Sounds like a bit of a co-incidence…


One other interesting factoid

10 years since Facebook was launched, MSM circulation figures halve halved in that time. Celebrations all round! That explains why the Scotsman has moved in to a shed somewhere and the herald is struggling too. I am not giving them another bean. Waiting for one of them to go bust.



Ignore mine it was an older one, not quite sure what happened there. Thought it had today’s date on it but on second look it is over a year old.

call me dave

Mary Bruce

Thanks Mary (footie just finished)hence just catching up.

john ferguson

When the heavy mob arrives in riot gear to quell the orchestrated riot, what should we do?


Oban is out of range for me though, stuck with public transport.
I’ll probably be at either the Ayr or Glasgow one if I can get to them.

Ian Brotherhood

@Oneironaut –

Yeah, Ayr’s a strong possibility. I’m up for it.

Graeme McCormick

Re Supermarkets: Lidl and Aldi must be loving all these threats.



That is just it in a nutshell. Sainsburys has about 30 supermarkets in Scotland and they are proposing to effectively shackle them and give the business to their competition (although I take their nonsense with a pinch of salt). I can’t see the competition shedding too many tears. The German Lidl and Aldi are increasingly more important to ordinary working Scots than Darling’s monthly trip to Waitrose.

Media Man

BBC Scotland and the Scottish press are clearly following a definite pre-Referendum policy:

“Create uncertainty in our headlines NOW. We’ll take the stick and public criticism LATER, after the event – by which time we reckon we’ll have achieved our negative objective.”

The rest of us – Scotland’s voters – must be aware of what they’re doing, keep a cool head – and VOTE YES in September.

Gavin Barrie (Jammach)

In the past 3 years, Sainsburys have opened a substantial number of new stores in Scotland (Prestwick, Irvine, Edinburgh Longstone) and spent considerable sums of money refurbishing others (Blackhall in Edinburgh, East Kilbride). These stores are doing very well indeed. They also have the HQ of their Bank up here in Edinburgh’s gyle, the one they just bought out the 50% of the JV from Lloyd’s Banking Group at a cost of ~£220m so they fully owned their own bank … and they’re also going to be building their own call centre up in Scotland over the next few years.

As with most companies you make the noises so the City knows you are on top of a situation and are considering all your options and not being complacent about future events … but ask yourself if those sound like the actions of a company that might be pulling out of Scotland?

Gavin Barrie (Jammach)

A link about the buy out of Sainsbury’s Bank.

link to


The scarist thing yesterday was the LIBDEM party political broadcast, you will have noticed they have taught Willie Rennie how to walk uphill and talk at the same time.

But they can’t get him to do the same going downhill, as he keeps going “Wheeeeeeeeeee” when they start him off.


Reading through the grphic at the top again, if we are that stupid, poor, too wee, useless, financially insecure, doomed for obscurity, why are ‘they,’ by pointing out or supposed weaknesses, so keen to hold onto us? It must be for our own good! Bless them! Naw, it’s what’s good for them – watch the asset stripping if there’s a no vote. One way or another Scotland will never be the same again. Let’s make it our way!!!!


More bovine scatology dressed as fact. Sadly Reuters in on transmit mode only:
link to


The scare stories are getting so crazy I’ve been thinking of contacting the Daily Mail or No Better Together UKOK to tell them about my worries over my Dad’s new tumble drier. It was made in England and we’re not sure if it’ll still work as economically if he votes Yes and Scotland becomes independent. He’s a pensioner and can’t afford a new one. Too obvious? Or might they fall for it? The opportunities for a laugh as well as an insight into how low they’ll go are endless.

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