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Wings Over Scotland

Every man has his price

Posted on May 19, 2014 by

And it appears we’ve found Torcuil Crichton’s.


It seems there’s to be no let-up in the Unionist/media campaign of vilification against Chris and Colin Weir – or “the Rich List Weirs”, as a nasty little comment piece by the Daily Record hack in today’s issue calls them. Let’s study those 51 sour wee words.

(Perhaps the grimmest aspect of the continued media attack is its sheer petulant pointlessness. There’s no journalistic justification for it at all – there’s no mystery about where their money came from, no story to uncover, no genocidal dictators’ skeletons in their closet.  It’s nothing but outraged, spiteful pique from Unionists upset that they didn’t win the funding battle after all despite having all the advantages.)

Firstly, the Weirs didn’t donate £5.5m to “the independence campaign”. They’ve donated £3.5m to Yes Scotland and £2m to the SNP. The SNP have a European election, UK general election and Scottish general election to fight in the next two years as well as the referendum, so it’s unlikely they’ll spend all £2m on it.

We’re also about to enter the regulated period, during which Yes Scotland will have a spending limit of £1.5m and the SNP one of £1.3m – a combined total of £2.8m, not £5.5m, and not all of it provided by the Weirs. Yes Scotland alone has secured almost £600,000 in small donations from other individuals.

Rather more to the point, though, is Crichton’s breakdown. With four million Scots on the electoral register, he’s at least got his sums right. But it’s a very odd argument.

Perhaps we’re unusually hard-to-get, but it would take an awful lot more than £1.37 to get us to change our minds about the future of Scotland. If Torcuil Crichton thinks that level of per-head spending ought to make the result a foregone conclusion, perhaps he’s just revealed a little more about himself than about Chris and Colin Weir.

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I used to buy the Retard on a daily basis! Then, reduced it to a Saturday!

Last time I did it was on an Easyjet flight from France simply because I hadn’t read an English speaking paper for 4 days!

With the money I saved – it’s a lot of £1.37s


It’s just sheer spite and jealousy. Nobody can “buy” the referendum. All you can do is campaign, and if your campaign is crap, you won’t convince anyone to vote for you.

If we get independence, we should erect a flipping statue of the Weirs.

Thomas William Dunlop

It’s all tactics. The NO campaign are playing the fear game and its ugly sister character assassination. Salmond, the Weirs, anybody who supports the opposition is fair game for them. They want to discredit them and shut off people listening to their message.

I await the time that they step over the line and are called in line by the regulators.

All I see is people turning up bruised and manhandled by No voters. This is going to get worse in the coming months when people act out what the read in the MSM.


The real shocking story about funding is that the Yes side are largely funded by Scots, while the No side are largely funded from the South East of England.

Then add to that, we have the MSM and BtBC on the No side too.

Thought. I’m not against a country giving formal honours for services to mankind, society or nation. We can’t have an MBE or OBE is an Independent Scotland for obvious reasons. We could have equivalents. I suppose if we keep royalty we can have knighthoods. Just thinking.

Training Day

Crichton is a small, petty, mean individual, a lackey who contributes nothing to no one.

The exact opposite of the generous and open-hearted Weirs.

Barry Blust

It appears we are being challenged. The way I see it this vilification of two people who are willing to share their good fortune is an in your face challenge against our character. ‘This is the opinion of paper XYZ and we are going to print this ad nauseum. We do not give a hoot if you agree with us or enjoy the way we run our newspaper.’

Bottom line: We stop buying this trash and open a market for responsible and mature news coverage.

Steve Bowers

I find this so distasteful, pick a soft target ( like natural England heed bummer with song birds so he can build more houses )and go for it. It’s a bit like Farage, pick stupid people, tell them it’s someone else’s fault that they don’t have a big house and a Ferrari, then ramp up the hatred, classic Nazi doctrine .


I stopped buying it when they paid a killer nurse for her story in 1998. The should think on when commenting on how people use there cheque books. Colin and Christine Weir have done a lot of good for others by sharing their their good luck. Good on them.


I have not bought that rag for over five years and I would urge others not to either.


Maybe we should just donate £2 to a yes group every time someone in the MSM has a pop at the very generous Weirs. That would soon mount up.

Callum Macdonald

Don’t let’s forget that Crichton was groomed by one, Brian Wilson, at the West Highland Free Press. TC moved on to other things and has become a rather sick, biased and bitter person in his ramblings in the Press and on Gaelic radio for the BBC! I wish he was honest enough to challenge the validity and source of the donation from Ian Taylor (friend of Brian Wilson’s) to the Better Together campaign. Dirty money for dirty deeds!

Geoff Huijer

Just another ‘newspaper’ that if you wiped
your erse wi it more shite comes off the paper.

Who buys this dross (literally & metaphorically) anymore?

Ian Brotherhood

This John Jappy video is taking off – it kills the ‘too poor’ argument stone dead.

At 9 p.m yesterday it had 222 views. It now has 3,155.

Jappy has the stats Scots need to hear – Crichton’s are embarrassing, contrived, and irrelevant by comparison.

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Calgacus MacAndrews

£1.37 does it for me.

I’m voting YES.

I will never ever until the end of time buy the Daily Record or the Sunday Mail.


Torcuil, the turd that types tripe.


The attacks on the Weirs are utterly beyond the pale. I’m especially disgusted by their very diplomatic letter a couple of weeks back being turned against the Yes campaign – “see, even those rich c*nts who bankroll your separatist mania with their filthy lucre think you cybernats are nasty little sh*tes – and the two big fat f*cks are right!”

I’d probably tolerate it as part of the harsh rough and tumble of politics if it wasn’t so blatantly one-sided and just nasty. I don’t like Anne Widdecombe, for example, but I’d never call her “fat.” I’d just say she was a horrible woman. I’d never knock Ed Balls for his stammer. I’d rather attack him for his complete lack of economic understanding or political courage. But two people whose only crime was to win a lot of money and give some of it to a treasured cause get continual attacks in the papers and online. What’s even more bizarre is that while I can see the force of personal attacks on Alex Salmond. He’s a high-profile politician – the highest profile on the Yes side by some margin – and has to expect some fairly unsophisticated attacks on him during a campaign. I’m sure Dave and Ed and Nick and Johann and Ruth and Willie all feel the same – the sniping isn’t nice but everyone knew the rules of the game when they got on the field. But with the Weirs, does any No voter actually care who they are or what they’ve done? Is any swithering voter going to be convinced to vote No because two ordinary people won the Euromillions and spent some of it on their politics? Isn’t it more likely that people will say “what harm did these two do? Is that all you’ve got to offer from your ‘positive’ campaign?”


What did it cost Paddington Mundell per vote to get elected?



maybe we could award the order of the Thistle to them! Not sure what the rules are though!


Do you think the No side realise with this relentless keech,fear will turn to, I’ve got nothing to lose?


Let’s guess at the glorious background of Torcuil Crichton/Crichton Torcuil. Upper middle class, most expensive private school, uni, round the world year out on pater, “journalist.”
What ho, Rule Britannia.

I could be wrong but I can’t be bothered checking out the twerp.

Kenneth Shaw

To be fair to the man , at least his education was not fully wasted …..he can use a calculator to great.


To Mr and Mrs Weir,if you read this remember ‘ we’re right behind, we walk the same line.

Everything but the girl


I find it more and more unbelievable – the hatred shown by supposed Scots for their country and its people. Does it happen anywhere else, or is it just a Scots phenomenon?

Kenneth Shaw

……effect. Unlike myself who is unable to use a computer ..!!


I hope the Weirs commission some designer lavvy roll embossed with Torcuils rants. Money well spent indeed.


Unionists are completely confused because the Weirs are acting out of conviction. No seat in the house of lords or NHS contracts or lucrative directorships to be gained. It’s just the right thing to do. The Westminster centric press has no experience of this and so are naturally suspicious. The only thing they have ever seen the Westminster set do because of conviction is climb into the back of a police van.

Calgacus MacAndrews

Why does mention if Torcuil make me think of David Torrance?

Anyways …. Derek Bateman gives Tory Boy David a bit of a deserved kicking today.


I renamed that rag THE RETARD after it called Snp candidates
Tartan Tories many years ago and it is as true now as it was then. Torcuil ? well I personally blame the parents!
Mine brought me up to respect other people and their opinions
And if you could not say something nice about a person not to say anything at all. We can only assume that his parents did not!


There are decent folks backing No. Are they not utterly ashamed of the way the No campaign is being conducted?

Obviously Yes backers will speak out at BT/MSM excesses, but it’s high time decent No backers spoke out and distanced themselves from behaviour like this.

I would like to hear some No supporters stand up and say, “Not in my name, and not in the name of the Union. Enough!”


Well done to that man Torcuil, probably added another couple of hundred to the YES vote, keep your tripe coming you dimwit, would be a completely different story if the Weir’s had added their money to Bitter Together, well done to the great Scottish media, very NOT SCOTTISH, whatever happened to COMMON DECENCY, have the media in Scotland lost that? where will they hide come September 19th?


When I went to buy a paper this morning I (the Guardian, though I increasingly begrudge shelling out 1.60 for it) I noticed the Courier front page was dominated by a story with a headline along the line of nasty cybernats target MSP. There is clearly a concerted campaign to vilify people supporting independence while ignoring unpleasant attacks in the other direction. I am increasingly convinced that this is being done to taunt people into doing something in the heat of the moment. It’s underhand and difficult to deal with, but a concerted campaign of well argued and polite letters to the offending papers etc would go a long way towards defusing it.


does TC still look like Jeremy Beadle circa 1983? XD


Has Torcuil Chriton considered that money is being taken against my wishes to fund the Bitter Together lot via the BBC licence fee in part payment for the BBC subscription to the CBI?
Answer me that Torcuil?

Les Wilson

You just get gutter press from gutter people, that sums up the whole of the MSM.

I am deeply sorry the Weirs are getting all this rubbish, from the trash.However, they are NOT silly people they know the score with our press et al.

They are following their hearts in something dear to them, and good for them in doing so.I think very many of us, being in the same position would do no less. Hats off to them, lets all do our bit and make sure our dreams become the reality.


Its fine, in 2018, The M74 will be renamed “Weirs Way” in tribute.

Les Wilson

Anne says:

Anne, you are of course right, but my teeth are grounding down with all the anti democratic rubbish we have to put up with.


I get the impression that Torcuil just loves talking to himself, at least on his web-site he does No Comment.


These people have given to their community, to charities and to the future governance of their country. I don’t see where they have anything to be ashamed of. However there’s a contributor or two of BT that could stand a little limelight, but hey what am I thinking? Our media?

FFS I must have had a wee grey moment there. 😉


You can tell when a campaign is in trouble when they have to resort to personal attacks and vilification. It means they know they are not winning the arguments.

I would agree with Anne that there seems to be some sort concerted effort to make us respond. Let’s not. Let’s catalogue what they are doing but remain calm. The more frantic they become they calmer I feel.

Alt Clut

“Put your money where your mouth is”, is usually understood as an exhortation to stand firmly by your priciples. The Weirs have done just that, nothing more or less, so what’s the problem with the little band of hyenas who snarl impotently at them ?

It doesn’t take much explaining. They can feel the rug being pulled from under their knackered old jingoist, imperialist gravy train, they can barely believe that it’s happening, and they can’t muster one sensible, compelling argument between the the whole snivelling pack of them in its defence. End of story !


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Three vote no liggers in action here at BetterTogether BBC with Torcuil’s bizarre side kick Sevrin Carrell from vote NO Guardian biggin up/rolling out their red carpet for Ian the bruiser and street fighter Carmichael.

Ofcourse and as usual there is no YES vote present but fun starts at 12 mins. Its interesting to watch three propagandists at work in our corrupt old beeb with not one of them having the decency to look even remotely embarrassed at their grotesque bias.

And weren’t Torcuil and Severin so right about Carmicheal the bruiser street fighter etc or, “help me Rona” in the real world. Oh dear Torcuil.

Training Day


Aye, sobering to reflect that if the Weirs had donated to Better Together the Retard would be hailing them as ‘proud Scots’, but when they give money to a campaign for Scottish self-determination they are villified.


Thank goodness we have Chris and Colin Weir. I agree with those above who suggest we develop some kind of honour to commemorate their courage and generosity, two qualities which are beyond the capacity of the TCs of this world.

Bay Rok

Thats less than a lottery ticket each: but in this lottery, everyone stands to win the ultimate prize of freedom. Good for them!


Project Fear is metamorphosing into Project Smear and nobody expressing support for the Yes vote is going to be exempt.
In the last week alone they’ve attacked the Health Secretary The First Minister the Weirs all “Cybernats” William Wallace “English born Scots” “Scots born Scots” Pro EU Scots Rev Stu etc.
And unfortunately they’ve only got started. And they had the gall to try and run a line on reconciliation before they began in earnest. They wanted to be forgiven in advance.
I would love to know how the rest of the world is viewing the No campaign and the media circus in this country.


@Ian Brotherhood

Is the fact that it was Alex Salmond who originally exposed that Scotland was not a subsidy junkie the real cause of the visceral hatred that the press and the Westminster parties display toward him? Could the fact that he revealed the government lies about the Scottish economy is be the real reason for their constant demonization and vilification?

donald anderson

Torquil is a “Federal” Unionist. A Brit is a Brit is a Brit.


Got an email from Mr & Mrs Weir myself the other week. Very kindly notifying me that I’d been selected to receive a gift of some £800,000 pounds. However, as I’m absolutely certain that neither of them have ever heard of me I let the opportunity of providing my bank details slip by!

Mr & Mrs Weir you have the heartfelt thanks and support of everyone on the YES side.


Tarquin Crichton the outer Hebrides man in London, or so he likes to imagine. Great intials aswell=total canute.
Poison dwarf Brian Wilson taught him all he knows. Enough said.


?Can anyone suggest a petition like artifact of support and well wishes to the Weirs as a counterweight to the scurrilous denigrations lobbied against them by the self-serving troughers in Politics and the MSM?
?Like a thank you advert in the National Collective Zone?
A few pennies each from the many of us warmed by the selfless generosity of the Weirs as a consequence of their good fortune would in my view be a fitting and perhaps a supportive tribute to them, and a counterpoint to the unreasonable attacks made on them by their vile and loathsome detractors.
Literally my two pennies worth.
Or whatever is needed.



I noticed that according to many pro union Rags “her majesty” has intervened in the referendum asking Scots to stay united whatever the outcome on September 18th.
I intend sending her a copy of his article and point out how little effect it has had & to make sure the little turd never gets the honours he & the restof these muppets are all working for.
When really nice good peoplelike the Weirs can be attacked in the name of the union you know that the union should have died a long time ago

Bugger (the Panda)

Ironic isn’t it?

Union, bought and sold for Euro Gold.

I like that.

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Fairliered

“I find it more and more unbelievable – the hatred shown by supposed Scots for their country and its people. Does it happen anywhere else, or is it just a Scots phenomenon?”

Depends on who pays the whores.

Morag Graham Kerr

Got an email from Mr & Mrs Weir myself the other week. Very kindly notifying me that I’d been selected to receive a gift of some £800,000 pounds. However, as I’m absolutely certain that neither of them have ever heard of me I let the opportunity of providing my bank details slip by!

I hope you reported that! The police are genuinely interested in these phishnig scams and I think that’s a new one.


RandomSwitch – I’d be up for donating to say a full page ad saying ‘Thank You’ to the Weirs from Yesers and Wingers? Not sure we could speak for all of them though, so maybe just from Scotland (mind you that would include the Bitters too. :-))

Free Scotland

If oor local chippy wrapped ma chips in the Daily Record, I’d tell him tae take them back. This rag should be awarded the World Record for being the lousiest piece of filth spewing out the largest amount of misinformation anywhere on the planet. People who waste money on it should be offered special counselling and decontamination.

jon esquierdo

The man is a fockwit and a phanny

Dennis mclaughlin

The good folk that the Weir couple are do not want statues erected, they are happy to assist their favourite campaign and aren’t we the lucky ones 🙂


I was just about to comment on Torcuil Crichton’s, snide comments about the Weir’s, in the unionist Daily Record, it seems you beat me to it touche.

As for that despicable chinless wonder, Mr Crichton, well,the words sour grapes springs to mind, no doubt if the Weir’s had funded the BT camp, Mr Crichton would have lauded them as a wonderful couple.


O/T Rev,I do apologise.

Here’s Nick Clegg’s plans for more devolution,by the Lib/Dem’s, the catch? you must vote no, Err! I don’t think so.

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I think this will backfire on the likes of the DR as I’m certain there will be people out there who are No or DK or don’t care who will know of the generosity of the Weirs are will be annoyed at this vilification of them.

As for Queenies tuppence worth – she will still be head of state in an indy Scotland although we could maybe rename her QE 1 of Scots.

Chic McGregor

I notice, whether by stupidity or cheek, BT have paid for an ad to front the Lady Alba video.

Alfresco Dent

galamcennalath says:
19 May, 2014 at 1:48 pm
There are decent folks backing No.

Name one.


Chic McGregor – how does it work? Do BT have to pay money to YouTube etc every time these videos/ads are viewed? If so, let’s view them lots. 🙂



Good old trustworthy Nick Tuition-Fee Clegg…I sent Stu a note of what Nick said in the latest Shortlist read:

“But the idea that you can achieve something with a message of despair…it’s self-defeating”

Fingers crossed!


More character assasinations, at least it isn’t Mr and Mrs Weir,this time.

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I really hope the Weirs sue these “news”papers at some point.

They certainly have more than enough grounds for it by now. And the MSM are getting far too brazen lately, they’re getting away with far too much.
A good (metaphorical) slap in the face would probably do them some good.


Hi TJenny – and other readers.

Thanks for taking this idea on though there is a caveat!
The Weirs must be in agreement as this would draw them into a public sphere, they may be happier to be on the margins in as much as they can be.
So this is a grassroots movement and there are many, many linkages. Perhaps there is some one reading these posts who could communicate with the Weirs and the National Collective Zine and fly this kite further if the idea has merit.
Personally I would contribute to a sponsored thank you advert to the Weirs in the Sunday Herald!!
Indiegogo anybody?

Les Wilson

heedtracker says:

Ref Carmichael, this BS was before his reputation took a big sweep down. ” Help me Rhona! “

Melanie McKellar

Wasn’t it the Scottish government that set the thresholds for the limits on spending? …and wasn’t it the BT mob that cried ‘foul’….sorry but I don’t see the point in scrutinising every turn this couple makes. I am sure ther are a few ‘unionist’ type winners from over the years, not as big as Mr. & Mrs. Weir, but maybe not as generous to any political causes either.
Besides isn’t it more gratifying to have an honest donation than to have it come from some of a more ‘devious nature’ as to where they got their money from in the first place, not insinuating anything like!

Les Wilson

liz says:

Yes she will be, but after her??


@Desimond, Nice one.

It seems we’ll all be flocking south of the border to buy our clothes, in an independent Scotland, as we won’t be able to afford them, according to Tory Struan Stevenson.

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Just like we owe it to Margo, so too we owe it to the Weirs. Let’s get the vote out.

Weirs’ Way


So Paddington Mundell can spend £40747 to get 17457 votes, that’s £2.33 per vote without comment but the Weir’s £1.37 is something dreadful and an assult on democracy.

What does that make David Mundell MP?

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Bored now. Sitting in my car, having delivered one (1) newspaper as the heavens opened on an almighty torrential thunderstorm. I’ve a rural run of maybe 3 hours to do and I didn’t need this.

Easing off a bit though. Hopefully I’ll get going again soon.


The Weirs have really upset the BritNats.

An ordinary couple who got lucky, and decided to generously donate some of their wealth to the YES campaign.

In the eyes of the staunch unionist, this really goes against the natural order of things, in a society where people are meant to know their place. Lucky lottery winners from humble backgrounds are supposed to just disappear off to sunny climes and enjoy the rest of their lives in luxury, in silence.

But when a humble couple decides to support their dream of independence, a dream shared by thousands upon thousands of humble people living in Scotland, the unionist world is turned completely upside down. Like 2011, tt was just not meant to happen. But it did happen, and they don’t like it one bit.


Ulster Scots and Orange men watching,from Northern Ireland with interest the Scottish independence debate as top Orange man pleads for YOU to vote no.

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I await the time that they step over the line and are called in line by the regulators.

That time is coming soon. Somebody, somewhere is about to come a cropper. We are already in the grey zone with regards to legality and criminal behaviour, and certain members of BT are behaving increasingly irrationally. Thanks to a combination of sheer panic and MSM compliance, they are behaving more and more irrationally as September approaches. The MSM won’t be able to protect them when the law is broken.

It’s only a matter of time.


HMG £46000 for large survey in Scotland + £150000 for VNB + civil service work £??? Bet that doesn’t go against BT + SIS + EBC + MSM freebees. Anyone want to complain about YES financing.

The establishment must be covering BT for many millions, unseen and unreported of course.

AYE BETTER THE GITHER. in yer dreams we are up against well spoken pinstripe thugs.


If I was called Torquil I’d be pissed too.

Kenny Campbell

Bigger question is how much of Better Together funding came from outside of Scotland. Can you imagine the uproar if French millionaires were contributing to the EU referendum funds

Jim Marshall

Us monkeys would never be seen reading a Daily ( comic ) Record. It”s really snakes and slugs and other lower life forms who read that rag.

Les Wilson

O/T Here is a very serious issue that most Scots have never heard about.
Another revelation by J.Jappy. A must read for everyone in Scotland, particularly the NO camp!

link to


I find it interesting that the Unionist playlist always seems to follow the same pattern.

For example our local rag down south is permitting online comments from certain councillors (not that this is immediately apparent you understand) calling everyone who supports UKIP a fascist & comparing Farage to Hitler/Pol Pot/take your choice.

Its been pointed out to the rag in question (owned by the Daily Mail) that the comments are clearly libellous but they’ll stay until tomorrow when they get expunged.

There are 3 days for the Tories to destroy UKIP so suddenly everyone (across the MSM) is reading from the same hymn sheet.

Does this sound at all familiar?

I think it does & whatever epithet you want to apply to Farage (& there are a few for sure), fascist is not one of them.

Remember this is just for Euro elections so you can see the start of what is going to happen in the run-up to September.

Comes a time people just say “fuck it we don’t believe you, we’re voting for them” & I think that time has come in England on May 22.

We’ll see but you get a brief precis of the establishment playlist by watching what’s happened to Farage recently.


Professor John Curtice, thinks the SNP are on course for their best ever performance in a European election. A third seat could be taken by SNP candidate, Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh,which may thwart UKIP.

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Jim Mitchell

Ah the standards that you have to reach and set to be a unionist supporting commentator!


Stair rods again. Only 11 papers done. This is no fun. I’ve had fun, and this is not it.

Jim Marshall


Cmon lassie, get a rain cape and wellies and get on with it.

You women, always moaning.


To Mr and Mrs Weir.

The attacks on you for your generosity towards the YES campaign and SNP are Horrific and undeniably vile.

Please take heart that we stand shoulder to shoulder by you both. You are targeted by a biased and unbelievably inept MSM and as we have seen these are nothing more than smears and scares. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Many of my friends (inc NO voters) see this as a vile and disgusting verbal assault on your characters. Have strength till 18th Sept and your dreams as well as the majority of Scots will see an Independent Scotland take its seat in the world.

Can i ask you the readers of Wings Bella etc to please donate to any of the YES groups out there . Every pound helps and maybe we can show the rUK that there are more Scots like the wonderful and generous Weirs .

REv do you or anyone know of an e-mail address or site we can get to show support to the Weirs. . IT’s my hope they read Wings and can see by the comments here our support. But incase they don’t i would like to write to offer support . As many may wish to do.



On a wee interesting point of detail, it isn’t quite right to say that the Yes campaign can only spend £1,500,000. Under the 2013 Act, it can only spend that much on “referendum expenses” during the regulated period. But not all forms of potential expenditure are referendum expenses under the Act. So advertising, fliers and the like would be caught – but “any expenses incurred in respect of the remuneration or allowances payable to any member of the staff (whether permanent or otherwise) of the campaign organiser” would not be.

One consequence of this rule is that if Yes Scotland accumulate significantly more than their £1,5000,000 limit, they could use the excess to hire a significant number of folk to work on the campaign. The same goes for organisations like Vote No Borders which, with their spending limits, would have to sink a good deal of the cash they’ve supposedly been given on salaries, to work within their £150,000 limit.


I think we should all try our bestest not to upset the poor wee souls on the no side. So Torqools piece was of course unbiast in the extreme and all his comments are there to be judged as true and anything resemling opposition must be put down harshly. no cybernats or monstering allowed. As to the Weirs then I’m waiting for their winnings to be taken off them as they clearly show they are incapable of controling their cybernat urges. This money could be better used paying for a Westminster MP’s expenses.
I would like to bring up one point where are all the obscene and racist comments, I have yet to see anything from the YES sites I follow, however I was one of the many banned from posting on BT site. I know I never used foul abusive language, I did though present a coherent arguement against one of their articles. For this I was banned and post removed. Stupidly BT left the replies to my post, to confuse the illiterates on their site. I have read since on Bitter some of the most outrageous media-truths and politico-truths. These along with the rantings of some poor people who should A- get a dictionary and learn big words and B- Use the spellchecker on their computer. If they are going to rant and they will at least they could vary their words and spell them correctly. Oh sorry I think I’ve just been “monstering” the no campaigner


What I look forward to after the referendum is watching these clowns HMG, EBC, MSM etc. trying to put the genie back in the bottle. They have and are destroying the pretend democratic system we have never had and with Westminster never will have.

The land of make believe they have taken 300 years to create is being torn asunder just to spite Scotland and try to scare us into subservience to their wishes. Aye they are really bright. They have just shot themselves in the head to spite us and Alexsalminn.

Yep they are as sharp as a tennis baw. More power tae their elbow. YES YES YES.
It’s not pretty to watch but it is fun.

Bugger (the Panda)

Les Wilson says:

“19 May, 2014 at 3:39 pm

O/T Here is a very serious issue that most Scots have never heard about.
Another revelation by J.Jappy. A must read for everyone in Scotland, particularly the NO camp!
link to



@YESGUY – seconded.



That’s another one which needs to be circulated.

Off and running. 🙂


@Jim Marshall

“You women, always moaning.”

Sure hope you’re preaching from a safe perch Jim, otherwise I suspect you’re on thin ice 😉


I know quite a lot of these rabid no types come from the Western isles. Most people I know from the islands are very nice well balanced people a pleasure to know.

Wonder if this bunch of sickos Carmichael, Robertson, Mcquarrie, Wilson, Campbell etc. were the only inhabitants of Gruinard island after the MOD abandoned it.

Bugger (the Panda)

X_Sticks says:
19 May, 2014 at 4:19 pm

@Jim Marshall

A Pollygone?

Jim Marshall

X_Sticks 4.19

Just winding Morag up. She is entertaining when she gets angry.



Tasmina :- I fear she has an air of uncertainty about her. I cant quite put my finger on it, just a hunch like…

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Perhaps we should all try and scrape £1.37 together to stop Torcuil Crichton from writing anymore. That’s cheap!


‘Critic Hurt Colon’ is an anagram of Torcuil Crichton. It seems apt under the circumstances.

Jim Marshall

desimond 4.26

I understand your apprehension about Tasmina as politicians who change parties are regarded with suspicion. However she is saying the right things now so is due support.


In the name o’ the wee man; the last time I saw petty envy like that I was thrown out of the Nursery.



A big thank you to the Weirs from me too.


As a positive response to this anti-Weir campaign, what about something positive like a Wings for the Weirs Fundraiser, to generate sufficient funding to pay for that balloon project which was reported a couple of weeks ago – thousands of balloons to be released simultaneously in lots areas across Scotland in July or August, when the scary lies will be intense, to symbolise Independence supporters rising above it all and reaching up for positive change?

Jim Thomson

@andrew>reid 5:12

Just to be safe

link to

Ch2 Para6 and Ch3 Paras 5 & 6 refer.

Just saying 🙂

David Briggs

I’m more than ever convinced that ‘Yes’ are running the perfect campaign. Every card has fallen the right way. We are building up to the perfect result with each passing week.

They are struggling and we are finally reaching the end game. It’s in the stars folks. We’re going to win this. Maybe not by much, but win it we will.


The wife and I were definite No voters, but that extra £2.74 has really opened our eyes to the positive future Scotland will obviously provide.

I think we’ll use some of the money for a wee holiday, perhaps a new car and we can bank the rest and live off the interest.

Thank you Chris and Colin Weir.

Josef O Luain

Those of us old enough to remember will recall how in the 1950s/60s the Daily Record did more than any other rag in the U.K. to monster the city of Glasgow and its citizens with its pages of kak about neds, gangs, gang warfare and all the rest of that ‘No Mean City’ nonsense. The Fleet Street crowd, to no one’s surprise, ran blindly with it. It comes as no surprise to me then, that the same wee rag thinks it’s o.k. to knife/razor the Weirs.

By the way, re: ‘Glasgow and its citizens,’that was a wee mistake on my part. As every one knows ‘citizen’ is a misnomer in the the context of the Ukanian polity; that’s because we’re all subjects. Check your passport.

Just imagine: a real written constitution and a Bill of Rights and no hectoring Auntie to muddy the waters. All I’ve got to do now is to stay alive.

More power to Mrs and Mr Weir! Just back from posting a heap papers. Yep, it rained.


Intimidation and spite to put other donators off (didn’t work with the Drams though, we showed Galloway).

Alex Smith

@Jim Marshall:
Don’t undervalue yourself,Jim – you’re not a monkey, you’re a Great Ape. Now stand up proud on two feet (and your knuckles!)

Brian Nicholson

Les Wilson says:
19 May, 2014 at 3:39 pm

O/T Here is a very serious issue that most Scots have never heard about.
Another revelation by J.Jappy. A must read for everyone in Scotland, particularly the NO camp!

link to

If you look at the map from the nuclear weapons dump location at Machrihanish on the Kintyre peninsula; Derry, Belfast, most of Northern Ireland, Dumfries and Galloway and Carlyle would be in the same blast zone as Glasgow and the Central Belt.


There really is something so low, so despicable about this abuse of the Weirs. I have given some info before about Crichton’s right-on Britnat Labour background and his disappointment with life, but he is not stupid, he has a university education, and surely, surely any person with normal civility and some intelligence should feel soiled and degraded to have this presented to the public with his or her name appended as author.


I remember, about a year, or more, ago, the BBC compared the Weirs to other lottery winners who had gone ‘off the rails’, including some guy in America who went crazy with a gun.
It’s pure jealousy and spite. The Weirs are my heroes for what they have done for the Scottish Independence movement

Zen Broon

To us puir fowk it seems a lot of money, but consider this. According to Craig Murray, No Borders got 150 minutes of peak-time exposure on the BBC. Given that NoB has been shown to be just a PR stunt essentially they got fantastic free advertising via the state broadcaster.

How much would that level of advertising cost in the real world? £2m, probably lots more….

And that is just for one unionist propaganda stunt. Add up the real financial value of the unbalanced unionist promotion by the BBC alone and the Weir’s money is a mere drop in the ocean.


Apparently Crichton was on BBC Scotland radio last week a hell of a lot, he was certainly on the BBC News channel paper review. Says it all, he’s a friend of the No campaign which makes him a friend of the BBC.


Ahh Torquewrench Critter,
So young, so bitter.

The End.


It has been a legend for years, that most folk in positions of power are some kind of pervert. They have been allowed to gain their positions, knowing that the establishment can destroy them at any time by releasing a photo or two, if they don’t do what they are told.
I think the legend is true.


Fairliefromearth – its a family site – mind the language.

Paula Rose

Rev (5:41) – can we expect an analysis of the rules and regs re the EC soon?


Maybe Torquemada Cringeton would prefer that the Weirs were more responsible with their lottery winnings, like this shining beacon of unionist charity and care for others:

link to


Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

“in particular due to something mildly astonishing that happened yesterday”

Oh, you tease you!


Just tried to hand a Tory leaflet back to the person who was putting them thru the letter box. Was told to put it in my own ‘f**king bin’ what an eloquent and charming young man.

Hugh Wallace

The Weirs are wrong because all that money was supposed to turn them into nouveau riche, neo-liberal, hard-line capitalists who would promptly disavow their working class roots, friends, family and colleagues and join the rich set of London where they would desperately try to fit in while being looked on with disdain by near-bankrupt hereditary peers. Instead they didn’t and are behaving in a philanthropic manner that I can only hope to emulate one day.

Well done the Weirs! Perhaps we can arrange a Facebook site ‘Support the Weirs’ ‘Thank you Weirs’, etc.?


All of John Jappy’s blog posts can be found here:

link to

(Why he has arranged them in this manner I do not know. Perhaps someone in the Dingwall area with some computer savvy can contact him and help him migrate onto one site?)

Shameless plug: My own new blog can be found here – link to

David Briggs

‘Was told to put it in my own ‘f**king bin’ what an eloquent and charming young man.’

Sounds like someone at the end of tether who’s sick of all the opprobrium heaped on his napper. Serves him right.


Im hanging on to the leaflet for the next in my series of ‘creative’ uses pics.

Morag Graham Kerr

Well, I’m back, as Sam Gamgee said. And I’ve had my tea. Only missed two in the end, one a previous newspaper refusenik whose driveway was impassible due to the dairy herd coming in for the afternoon milking at the time, which kind of made up my mind for me, and another who refused the paper this time.

The latter wasn’t a huge surprise because last time a teenager shouted “we’re not interested!” at me as I left so I gathered the household wasn’t exactly Yes-friendly. This time I got Mum who said “we’re all voting No. We think it’s racist. Alex Salmond needs to have a word with himself.”

I don’t understand the people who claim to be able to convert “hard Nos” on the doorstep. What do you do with that? I mean, racism against whom? I seriously don’t get it but I wouldn’t know where to start. So I said “I’m sorry to hear that”, retreated politely, and put the stuff through her neighbour’s letterbox instead.

So, in a bit more than 500 households visited, that’s a total of exactly four hostile.

Of course most people don’t see me put the stuff through their letterboxes. I don’t imagine the house with the UKOK sticker, or Mr. “Ordinary Man” of the Metro ads (who is on my round) would have been ecstatic if they’d seen me.

However, lots of people did see me. I couldn’t have kept count of the number of people who took the paper with a smile and a word of thanks. We’re way ahead on that metric, and in that sense it feels more like 2011.

It’s funny though, it’s the negative and hostile ones you remember. These are the experiences you have to put aside to make yourself get up and go out with the next lot. Or so it seems to me. Any other takes on this?

Morag Graham Kerr

Come to think of it, we’re ahead on window stickers too. One wee UKOK sticker (the size of a car sticker) on the round. Seven Yes stickers. Two of whom I don’t know from Adam.


Mr&Mrs Weir are “Servants of Scotland” of which their is no higher honour.

Les Wilson

Brian Nicholson says:

There is another big story in Jappy’s blog, again about Nuclear. There is a mass of used radioactive stuff, it of course involves Scotland and some parts of England. This is a massive problem, considering we cannot get them to clean up Dalgety Bay, it is going to be a real horror story.

It is near the bottom of his articles. Be scared, very scared.

Les Wilson

Hugh Wallace says:

Hugh, I had a look at your blog, good start, well done.

The Rough Bounds

Can you imagine what it’s like to work in the Daily Record office beside Crichton and the rest of them?

The bitterness, narrow mindedness, sheer fury and frustration must be everywhere. I wager it’s so thick that you can almost taste it; the very air in their premises must be foul to breath.

Selling your country is one thing, but selling your soul is another thing entirely; there is no turning back.


Colin & Chris..Keep calm & carry on, keep up all the good work x

Tam Jardine

The more venomous the abuse heaped on honest, ordinary folk like the Weirs, the more distance they put between themselves in the media and the ordinary, average Scot. They are digging a chasm between their own views and those of the electorate.

Game on I suppose. This is now so far from a democratic plebiscite, that I can’t honestly say I would respect a No vote. There, I said it. If the house of Lords can say it I won’t hold back. If the UN has no role in acting as arbiter over this then what point is there to the Charter. We have gone through the looking glass in this campaign.

Boiling a frog springs to mind – at what point do we say ENOUGH? When the BBC runs wall to wall BT ads? When the Queen comes out as a No? Or do we just hope our campaign can be convincing enough to overcome the outside interference and constant propaganda?

And why does there have to be a period before the referendum when the BBC are scrupulously neutral? How fucking absurd that it should need to change!

Another absurdity is the reconciliation service. How do you forgive people taking a stanley to our country’s future? How the COS can be neutral in this is beyond comprehension, beyond reason and is simply against Christian values. Sermon over.

Anyone No reading this: all I would ask is that you take 1 week of your life and read the postings on this site everyday. It will take 15 minutes of your day. That’s less than 2 hours of a week. Then make your own mind up.


The basic fact is that the Weir’s donated their money for all of us… for the future of Scotland. The rich Tory bank rollers only donate/invest, because they expect to profit from it.

That is the single most important difference.

Tam Jardine

Mr and Mrs Weir deserve nothing short of the freedom of every city, town and village across the land. For my part, if they find themselves in Leith at a loose end they would be extended the hospitality reserved for family and close friends.

Torquil? In the words of my father: well, you wouldnae have him in yer hoose.

mai parks

I just can’t understand why Mr and Mrs Weir keep getting picked on. If it’s their cash , and it’s not breaking the law , what is the problem?
It really says more about the scribblers , I can not for anything , call them writers or journalists, they come across as mean spirited little people.
I swear there were bigger and better stories going on in the world that they could have turned their “talents” on.

Grouse Beater

Instinct tells us, the more the Weirs are vilified the more they resolve to give to Scotland’s cause.


To Chris and Colin I would like to give my hear felt thanks for doing what I never will be able to do.
We should all be proud


correction of last post by me
Gregor says:
20 May, 2014 at 12:40 pm
To Chris and Colin Weir I would like to give my heart felt thanks for doing what I never will be able to do.
We should all be proud

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