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Wings Over Scotland

Double and nothing

Posted on March 15, 2016 by

We can hardly contain our joy, gentle readers, that Scottish Labour have brought this magnificent graphic from January back again, tweeting it several times yesterday with all the mindbogglingly fat-headed flaws from two months ago still present.

But we couldn’t help being struck by this new comment about it, by the branch office’s notoriously truth-averse finance spokesclown:


Let’s walk through that one really quickly. People can’t afford to save for a deposit, because rents are so high. So rather than do anything about rents, Labour will double the zero they HAVE managed to save, boosting it all the way up to, er, zero.

(Which is lucky, as they’re going to do it with money that doesn’t exist.)

They want to run the economy, folks. And there are still hundreds of thousands of people in Scotland prepared to vote for them. We live in zany times.

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“Scottish” labour, pure comedy gold, but they’re serious.

Neil Cook

Isn’t 2 x 0= 00 that equates to Double nothing by my Labouronic Calcoolator !


Unlike the proverbial broken clock, I’m pretty sure Labour are incapable of getting anything right at any time.
They’re always good for a laugh though


If they weren’t serious, then it’d be funny 🙁

Ian Brotherhood

Serious question – has any genuine SLab member, apart from Hothersall, ever commented btl here in defence of his/her party?

Just asking…

George S Gordon

Their “calculations” are as simplistic as we expect, taking no account of the jobs created as a result of cutting APD.

Jobs will be created directly, and the savings on business travel are likely to promote exports and create further jobs.

I’ve no doubt the Scottish Government consultation will provide a far more enlightening analysis than Baillie’s back of a fag packet sum.

Martin Wood

Sorry ofor O/T so soon

have they pulled QT from BBC iplayer?

the screen goes black when trying to play it


In a way, I can see why certain types of people would vote for the Tories, but for the life of me, no matter how much I try, I cannot work out or understand why anyone would still vote for Labour.


I think she has been listening to her beloved leader for too long when he talks about the low paid. 🙂

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Yo … Jackie … yer peh’s ur oot … noo shut the feck up ya fudwick! 😀

Doug Daniel

“the branch office’s notoriously truth-averse finance spokesclown”

What an excellent and accurate description of Jackie Baillie.


Jackie Baillie…I can’t believe her bosses aren’t keeping her locked away in a dark room to avoid this sort of embarrassment. What a clown. And she’s one of their “talented” ones.


Martin says:
15 March, 2016 at 10:50 am

Jackie Baillie…I can’t believe her bosses aren’t keeping her locked away in a dark room to avoid this sort of embarrassment. What a clown. And she’s one of their “talented” ones.

The ONLY talent she has Martin is for opening her gob and talking pish! 😀

katherine hamilton

Surely there are three other silly points here.
Firstly it’s not the”richest few” who pay APD. Lots of people go their hols. Without being too stereotypical, it’s unlikely individuals and families on subsistence wages are going on foreign hols.

Secondly, and here’s the rub, they have a policy of increasing their income tax. Are they nuts.

Thirdly, what kind of policy is it that will give free public money to people to buy a house, that they’ll sell on for a profit. Will they then give the “helping hand” money back? Aye right.

Labour’s total inability to outline a comprehensive economic strategy for our country is scary. They guddle about in micro economics to bolster their only strategy- we hate the SNP and all YES supporters, everything they do/want is wrong.

I posted before that the good people of Dunbarton should vote for anybody but Ms. Baillie on the list. Get rid of her.

winifred mccartney

I’ve just tried bbc iplayer and question time when you try to play is giving a blank screen. Will it need an FOI to find out how many complaints there have been. Time for another protest at the Blatantly Biased Corrupt pathetic quay.

Quentin Quale

Baillienomics – a branch of economics which allows someone to spout utter rubbish about numbers without recourse to any facts.


“They want to run the economy”

Aye, but the problem for Scotland is that they don’t want to run a Scottish ecomony. They want to run a UK economy in which Scotland is forever bound. And they would eagerly trash Scotland to make sure it stayed under Westminster control.

This is the crowd that would rather hand surplus money back to Westminster than see it put to use here, as they’ve already shown.


Think of a number, double it etc. Ultra unionist SLab in action is pretty straight forward/very thick.

We’ll know by May.

Scott Arthur ?@DrScottThinks Mar 14
The SNP’s regressive APD cut will cost £150,000,000 and it will benefit the wealthiest Scots, airports & airlines.


Whit’s thurr fascination wae haein ah bocht hoose? Ye cannae tak it wae ye. Nae herm in rentin. Saving fur ah deposit. Whit’s awe yoan aboot. Ya basturt, Thatcher.


While I detest Tory attitudes and policies, I have to admit there is consistency and logic to their position. The same cannot be said for Labour. No logic to their policies whatsoever and no coherent strategy.

A ‘can of Tory’ says clearly on the label what is inside. Does anyone have a clue what Labour actually stand for, or would wish to achieve?

If Labour keep this up then maybe the latest polls will turn out to be accurate and they will be competing for third place with the Greens ! Which is, IMO, more than they now deserve.

Proud Cybernat

Do are we now a nothing for something culture then?

Or something like that. Labour just cannae dae sums (somes?).

Tartan Tory

Next time a red rosette appears at my door, I’m going to tell them of my sincere intention to vote for Labour TEN TIMES more often than I have ever done so in the past. I will then await the endorsement (in print) of my doorstep comments from Dugdale and Baillie!! 🙂

Grouse Beater

It’s the ‘Murphy Method’ of calculation.

Polls predicting an SNP landslide means a Labour win.

Bob Mack

When you cut the duty for the passenger,they pay less, therefore less revenue. You hope that this increases traffic,but there are no guarantees on the outcome.

Is that so difficult to understand?

No wonder this bloody UK is in such a mess.

G H Graham

I’m still amazed at the number of rich types, from Labour constituencies in Glasgow taking Ryanair & Easyjet flights to spend a week in Alicante in February for £162 return.

Just imagine their haughty arrogance if APD was reduced from £13 to £6.50, sneering as they use the savings to buy an extra packet of duty free fags or a Buckfast gift basket.

Jackie “Five Bellies” Baillie is right; John Swinney needs to rethink his tax breaks for the wealthy.


I’ve tried watching Question Time on iPlayer and have no problem seeing the whole thing. It isn’t blocked on mine anyway.


Polls predicting an SNP landslide means a Labour win.

Thats the yoonster continuing great fraud on Scotland, up is down, black is white, BBC led UKOK media loves SNP, Brexit Project Fear is SNP’s fault/creation, Sturgeon no grand plan, other than the nation state of Scotland…

“Campbell suggested that the SNP received uncritical coverage from sections of the media, in stark contrast with SNP supporters who argue that the media – in particular the BBC – displays bias against the party.

He said: “I do think the SNP have managed to cast a spell on large parts of the media. They certainly don’t get covered in the same way that we did when we were in government.”

Clown’s like Campbell would be funny until it comes to the work he put in selling Labour’s Iraq invasion with far right US administration.

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And then we voted NO, to let them keep their UKOK nukes next to Glasgow.

Bob Mack

I do not see that it is tax breaks for the wealthy at all. Many people fly abroad regardless of income.They save hard for a couple of years to enjoy some time away.

Have aeroplanes and package holidays become the exclusive domain of the rich?

Reduced APD helps everyone,especially so if it increases traffic and thus revenues.

PS Never watch Benidorm?

Dr Jim

Labour have got half their own members saying it’ll cost money to cut APD and the other half saying they’re going to use the money from it to buy something else for the people who have got no money to save up to get to the threshold that Labour says they need to be at to get their share of the APD money that’ll buy them a house.. (Then everybody fell down the rabbit hole)

Aah said Kezia

John Swinney laughed and laughed and rocked and rocked backwards and forwards occasionally banging his head on his desk as tears ran uncontrollably down his very bright red face
I love when big John laughs thought the First Minister

Order! Order!


A.P.D. was introduced in 2008. I seem to be having a mental block this morning because I do not seem to be able to recall who was Chancellor at this time. 😉

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The *ahem* joy of having to pay A.P.D. by EVERYONE … you listening Jackie? … is that it has INCREASED almost every year without fail! 🙂

I think THIS just about says everything that ever needs to be said about A.P.D.

3.16 The Government has been clear that APD is primarily a revenue raising duty which makes an important contribution to the public finances,whilst also giving
rise to secondary environmental benefits.

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So if folks were not totally aware of it before then this just confirms that A.P.D. is purely a tax raising exercise with just a passing nod to the enviroment as an after thought. 🙂


I assume that the idea is that if someone manages to achieve the near impossible and save for a deposit then Labour will match it. Which of course is an easy promise to keep when there’s so few that will be able to do that in the first place. Have to admire the side swipe at high rents which references the property portfolios of SNP MPs indirectly. Never mind that if anything there “taking advantage” of people who got in over their heads might indicate that helping people up the property ladder might do some more harm than good.


Wonder what Jackie Baillie’s opinion is of the ‘Fat Cats’ in Labour who abandoned their (ahem) socialist principles to become Lords.

An example being Lord Darling who now has a lucrative position with Morgan Stanley who were noted as having avoided paying Corporation Tax in 2015.

I would say she should perhaps consider getting her own political house in order before casting aspersions on the Scottish Government’s tax position.

‘Do as we say not as we do’ the mantra of Labour.

Labour feckin Hypocrites and Liars.

katherine hamilton

Sorry, GH Graham but deposit enhancing scheme will actually help the better off.
Say you’re saving for your deposit, knowing reaching a certain point the bank of mum and dad/granny/grandpa will help to expedite any purchase, as many families try to do.

All you have to do is wait a bit longer, wait for Jackie’s cheque to arrive and hey presto, magic money. Bigger deposit, smaller repayments, and life rolls on in the haves world.

Then when mum/dad/granny/grandpa pop off, you cop the lot anyway.

Labour used to be a re-distributive party. This policy panders to the greed endemic now in our society where Ms. Baillie thinks Labour’s redemption lies.

Come May we’ll see.


My nephew has a pet rabbit. We’re thinking of nominating him to be the Branch’s Finance Spokesperson to give the Branch’s statements some credibility.

Tam Jardine

I just don’t get labour’s position on APD at all. They portray it as a tax cut which helps “the richest few”. You could describe APD as the Holiday and Business Tax and that would be fairly accurate. And those who travel on holiday and business are certainly not exclusively the “richest few”.

Now if the goal is reducing emissions it seems like very much the kind of ‘unilateral’ action routinely denounced by labour types like Kezia and Jackie Baillie when it comes to trident. Why is unilaterialism a good thing when it comes to APD cutting emissions but a ridiculous and pointless thing when it comes to trident?

Does Jackie Baillie accept that increasing numbers of foreign tourists visiting Scotland is a good thing? For someone in Japan or LA or New York or Barcelona or Shanghai visiting Scotland my very unscientific expedia search (inspired by another winger on a previous thread) on the same random dates all would be looking at more expensive flights to Scotland than Dublin. Only Beijing’s cheapest flight was marginally less.

What does this tell us? What we know already- that APD makes Scotland a more expensive and therefore less attractive place to visit from abroad. It is a consideration for many folk- maybe not the ultra rich, but for many people in choosing where to go on holiday.

So reducing numbers of foreign visitors travelling to Scotland whilst making holidays and business travel more expensive for ordinary folk and small businesses is the price that Jackie and Kezia are happy to pay to ALSO tax rich folk in Scotland and the UK travelling for business or on holiday.

To my knowledge not a single slab politician has been asked to put a figure to the amount of tax revenue lost through APD. Its a good question and one that demands an answer every time slab spends the ‘extra’ APD tax.


Jaba who lies with a smirk has to be one of the least principled politicians our parliament has witnessed. Well, not unless your principles are set to as low as they can possibly go then she’s firing thicker and faster than anyone else.
Sometimes it’s not what you measure but how you measure it!
She is without doubt one of the biggest liars I have ever laid my eyes on, I think the only reasons her pants have not combusted into flames is probably down to excess sweat.
Anyway, she’s a big fat liar and her pants should be on fire.


Bob Mack says:
15 March, 2016 at 11:09 am

When you cut the duty for the passenger,they pay less, therefore less revenue. You hope that this increases traffic,but there are no guarantees on the outcome.

Is that so difficult to understand?

No wonder this bloody UK is in such a mess.

In fairness Bob Easyjet has already come out and said that when the Scottish Government cuts A.P.D. it (Easyjet) will see a 30% increase in flights.

Airline EasyJet said it expected to increase flights to and from Scotland by about 30% if cuts to air passenger duty go ahead.

The budget carrier believed that would lead to passenger numbers going from 5.5 million to seven million each year.

I’m no economist but under these conditions I think the additional 1.5 million passengers will more than make up for the shortfall in A.P.D. due to the cut. Not only that but I am certain that once, or even at the same time, Easyjet start increasing flights you will also see Ryanair doing the same. This will almost certainly be followed by new routes opening up from Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen.

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Jimmy the Pict

If labour win, will the doublng of the savings come before or after the Tory help to save £300 bonus after two years. Or does the labour bonus count to the help to save scheme. Confused dot com may be required.


heedtracker says:

“Campbell … the SNP have managed to cast a spell on large parts of the media.”

Very odd indeed.

Is this evidence that reality is much more complicated than we imagine? Parallel universes with similar, yet different, events playing out in tandem. However, each universe is not isolated, with crossovers happening all the time. So people from different unfolding scenarios communicate with each other with what often seems nonsense.

Or are there simpler explanations?

Perhaps people like Campbell are in denial and believe made up facts acceptable to them because the actual truth is too terrifying for them!

Simplest explanation of all, of course, is he is a purveyor of unsophisticated propaganda!

[…] Double and nothing […]


Clapper57 says:
15 March, 2016 at 11:33 am

Wonder what Jackie Baillie’s opinion is of the ‘Fat Cats’ in Labour who abandoned their (ahem) socialist principles to become Lords.

It is not only the so called “socialists” that Labour need to worry about Clapper. 😉

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Kevin Evans

It’s easy to poke fun at stupid statements from labour and Jackie ballie who is just a twisted fool trying to play politics but her statement and ideas is actually dangerous.

I wish the Scottish branch office would pull there act together. Surely they can’t all be useless.


galamcennalath says:
15 March, 2016 at 11:42 am
heedtracker says:

He’s just another UKOK henchman taking the piss. They won 2014, now they insult and denigrate and generally try to make a fool of everything Scottish democracy, which ultimately is their real enemy. Cant have a successful democracy in one of our regions, for christ sake no way. Ofcourse red tory Britnats like The Graun gits love it too.

A good example of this pissing hard on Scottish democracy was Ligger Neil’s BBC Sunday Politics thing with Sturgeon last Sunday, and do you want to take this opportunity to thank the patient, gracious, munificent England for their kindness First Minister?

Very funny.

Alison Rollo

Seriously is there any point in Scotland having the ‘Scottish’ Labour Party in Scotland? They are indistinguishable from the Tories — save a lot of money, time and bother if they just joined together and became the Scottish Unionist Party!!!


Political gobbledygook for the hard of thinking by the hard of thinking.

Thats Labours problem they have been doing and saying stuff like this for years,it usually gets aired on TV and never questioned or analysed and allowed to mislead the electorate.

Never forget the yoons have admitted that to gain political power they are prepared to lie or have lied to the electorate,all colours of yoon did in defending fat chancer lib dum liar pants on fire over the electorate,its not whats good for us but whats good for them.

And is something we should remind the people of Scotland every chance we get,that they cannot be trusted to look after any of us yes or no.

Every day that has passed since the referendum makes them more pointless they are stuck in the quicksand of independence the harder they struggle screaming SNP bad the more they sink,ah well tough its not like we didnt warn them.


Ms Baillie and her fatuous comment about the cut benefitting the wealthy: does she mean all those wealthy Labour Lords flying down to London each week to collect their tax-free attendance allowance?

Oh wait, the Lords claim travel expenses so we, the taxpayer paying their fares, will be the ultimate beneficiaries since their expenses will be lower. Aye right.


How many properties do labour cooncilers, MPs msp lords cronies etc etc have to rent out to the poor.
At least when we do become independent these Anglo Scots will have no where to go, they have burned down their bridges, the English will have nothing to do with them, they could never be trusted having shown such utter disregard and contempt for Scotland.


Oh Jeez! The return of the coin stack (part II uncut/red band). 😀

Its a Barney Bear moment *slaps face*.


I’ve heard of making one penny do the work of two, but Labour in Scotland clearly think they can make one penny do the work of at least five. Mind you, only offering to double the savings of people who have no savings shows a bit of a lack of ambition. Why not ten times? 😉


The Greens said the policy would put “more money in the pockets of a polluting industry”.

Yes, but if I go on the same trips as I went on before, but don’t have to travel all the way to Heathrow or Gatwick, by car, train or (even worse) plane, how does that put “more money in the pockets of a polluting industry”?

As I understand it the APD tax goes to the government not the airlines, so how does that put “more money in the pockets of a polluting industry”?

Or are they calling the Treasury a polluting industry? Hmmm?


Just heard BBC Politics ligger explain “SNP picked up votes from those crushed by losing their indy ref,” which is good news for UKIPsters too he says, as Brexit losing will do the same for Farage.

Direct the opposite of real world Scotland but sounds great to BBC crews all across their regions.

Hoss Mackintosh

Unfortunately, Jackie Baillie is top of the West of Scotland list so she will get back into Holyrood regardless.

However, it would be great to see her lose her constituency seat – here is hoping.

Is it just me (maybe as I never watch TV anymore?) but does JB ever appear on TV to explain her fantasy economics with anyone remotely critical – SNP MP/MSP or Biz for Scotland, University Economists, etc.

She seems to be on TV every week spouting nonsense supported by her BBC sycophants. I am not complaining about it – it seems to be working and leading to the complete demise of the Labour Party.

On the bright side, after Kezia Dugdale departs sometime during May there will be a further leadership campaign.

I can see Jackie Baillie standing and winning it!
So Jackie Baillie for SLAB leader – you know it makes sense.


Nah Campell, the SNP haven’t cast a spell over the Scottish people. The Scottish people have awoken from the spell that Labour cast over them for the past 50 years.

You and your ilk are still under it.


Jaba gets her sound bites and policies from Chinese fortune cookies. Then she digests the evidence, what’s wrong with that. Is she not very high up the SLAB List because she is so well thought of by Kez and the SLAB establishment? They can’t do without Jaba or the fortune cookies. Otherwise NAE policies NAE snashters NAE slab.


What puzzles me is the fact that Labour allow such a totally untrusted, congenital liar like Jackie Baillie to make statements on their behalf.

On a different note: Just a short time ago I’m sure I heard the BBC’s Politics Today presenter, Jo Coburn, tell Caroline Lucas that the EU is undemocratic. Do the BBC prefer to make the Tory government’s case for them rather than just report on it? No need to respond, it’s a rhetorical question.


Some of you folks above have referred to BBC.

I have just heard (with no Irony) BBC referring to “The State Television in Russia reports….”.

Can we now just refer to BBC / BBC Scotland as “UK State Television”, because that is what it is, nothing less.

Rod Robertson

O/T is it just me and my mobile or is there a problem with the App?

Chris F

Well said, Foonurt, @11:30

Peter McCulloch

Is there anyone you would seriously trust in Labour?

because truth,like economic competence are complete strangers to the Labour party



Not only has Jackie “I’ll hae twa peh’s and mak it fast” Baillie been let loose on the unsuspecting public but oor we Kez has as well! 😀

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call me dave

Voters urged to register for 5 May Holyrood poll

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Budget tomorrow folks watch out for further impediments to thwart Scotland written into the small print. More work for Swinney guaranteed!

Making risotto with the help of my partner’s granddaughter last night and learnt something. (which is a daily thing … 🙂 )

She took the chicken ‘oxo’ cube and crushed it in its aluminium wrapper and made a wee satchel, then tore off the corner and poured the contents into the hot water, Hey Presto! No mess.

It has never occurred to me to do it like that in all my time cooking. Geez!

“Is that not the way to do it Dave” says she.

I await the hoots of laughter from you yins that have being doing it like that for years. 🙁


Can we now just refer to BBC / BBC Scotland as “UK State Television”, because that is what it is, nothing less.

BBC England’s certainly had it with Labour, or at the very least Corbyn’s Lab.

Lunchtime BBC tv news, lovely BBC boosts for Cameron, he really loves our country and Farage sits down and lies out right to camera about the EU, Corbyn embroiled in some kind of member expulsion non issue totally irrelevant to the EU referendum but so what, its a toryboy BBC.


Following the announcement at the S.N.P. conference at the weekend about changes being made to the Council tax SPICe have released a document detailing the Scottish government’s proposals.

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Robert Graham

It’s difficult to imagine a sane Person ,in a Group or even in a Company ,continually doing something that won’t work and hasn’t worked previously ,but is being activly endorsed and indeed promoted ,by the media and people around them who should at least be questioning some of the recent proposals being offered by this Labour party. O/T if the SNP win a majority in May please I hope they make it a priority to dump this bloody stupid voting system where the likes of this f/n nutjob Baillie gets access to our Parliament other than with a visitors pass. This Labour lot are taking the piss ,they should be arrested for fraud ,and taking our money under false pretences , end of rant .

Chic McGregor

If Jackie Baillie said “I think, therefore I am” I would seriously start to doubt Descartes.


Bloody hell they’re off scaring our old folks again. What a loathsome bunch of parasites.

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Arbroath1320 says:

15 March, 2016 at 11:48 am

“It is not only the so called “socialists” that Labour need to worry about Clapper”

Yes it must be very amusing, but with huge irony bypass AGAIN , to Baillie and Co to know that while they pretend to defend the interests of those less fortunate , their own ‘comrades’ past and present are amongst the ‘elite’ within this UKOK society.

SLAB , the branch office of the real Labour party , try and present themselves as a party for social justice while the real Labour party seek to oust their new Leader who seeks social justice and replace him with a more right wing leader.

I for one will take no lecture from SLAB , I see no real political distinctions between any of the Unionist parties in Holyrood or Westminster. Their collective lack of interest in Scotland and constant negativity towards Scotland only seeks to undermine the aspirations and hopes of the people of Scotland.

I know which party will fight for me , both in Holyrood and Westminster , and it certainly won’t be any of the Unionist rogues who so far have proven where their real loyalties lie.

British my arse.

SNP x 2


We now have a choice between Nukes, warmongering, ‘union’, Lords / Earls / Royals and a Plutocratic society on one hand, or no Nukes, no wars, invest in people and peaceful manufacture that turns a profit on the other.

LabDems, give it up in Scotland take your hatred and nonsensical/non-solutions with you, let the other part of Better Together look after your interests.

A couple of well to do farmers near by put up signs in their parks saying Unionists must unite, makes sense because you are so weak and no different in vision from the Tories, maybe not quite so posh but not nearly as sharp.

CameronB Brodie

Skooling for dullards.

(Ruprecht x 2 to the power infinity) + zero autonomy to determine meaningful policy = SNP x 2


Jack Murphy

Clapper57 said at 11:33 am:-
“Wonder what Jackie Baillie’s opinion is of the ‘Fat Cats’ in Labour who abandoned their (ahem) socialist principles to become Lords……………………………………….”

Here’s one of New Labour Baillie’s pals doing well for himself—
Only a “Mr” alas 🙁

Scroll down to view Labour Blair’s property portfolio:-

link to

CameronB Brodie

Of course in the dark universe, the equation looks like this;

(Ruprecht x 2 to the power infinity) + zero autonomy to determine meaningful policy = P45


Baillie and her Slab colleagues are not thick.

Just scheming Westminster agents in Scotland firing off more sound bite ammo for their unionist media agents in Scotland in order to deceive the people of Scotland.

Most of the people I know still vote Labour and they are not thick either (consultants,doctors, nurses and various public sector professionals).

It’s just that they are not very Scottish and would never dream of looking beyond their BritNat champagne socialist noses.


A couple of well to do farmers near by put up signs in their parks saying Unionists must unite,

Its probably the only way forward, red/blue/yellow tory, huddled round the ever sheltering BBC in Scotland.

More than half of Scots want Scotland to be a independent nation state and as long as SLab and co pretend we don’t, they’re on the way out.

Although, future Sir Gordon Brewer and only psephologist in Scotland Professor Curtice, explained BBC Politics style at the weekend that if Scottish polls do hold for May, they will then have 5 years to destroy SNP NO Yeser present or view in sight.

But, even if the BBC do fail to monster the life out of the SNP, all government’s sooner or later fizzle out, its the UKOK way and its exactly the same in their Scotland region, agreed Gordo and the Prof.

Five years left, vile separatists, then its all over. BBC Scotland guarantee it.

The nats are dead, long live FM Dugdale, 2020!



Would love if you could read my blog:

link to


Repeating exactly the same actions isn’t bad if you’ve got evidence that you’re getting closer to the result you’re after, it’s called training. What isn’t sane is to persist when it becomes obvious that that isn’t happening. Even worse if you’re trying to con people and it’s actually your intended marks who are being trained to spot how it’s being done.


O/T I complained about Question Time the other night, knowing that it would do no good, and here’s the response. Anybody else got anything other than fobbed off?

Dear Miss ****

Thank you for contacting us about Question Time held in Dundee on 10th March 2016.

We gather some viewers were concerned that the audience was not representative of Dundee and that therefore the discussion was biased.

The programme, as with all editions of Question Time, was open to people from surrounding areas as well as those living in the city where it took place. We do aim for a wide variety of views on different subjects to be heard on Question Time. The audience included SNP, Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, Greens, UKIP and Scottish Socialist Party voters, reflecting political opinion across Scotland. On the question of the EU referendum the audience was balanced with equal numbers of ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ supporters and a fewer number of undecided people. The BBC is obliged to cover the debate around Europe in a balanced and impartial way at this time.

There was plenty of applause for all sides in the debate. Whoever speaks from the Question Time audience is down to the dynamic on the night; who puts their hands up, who claps loudest and so on.

This means that though the audience was balanced; viewers may have felt that those asking questions represented the view of the complete audience. This is not the case, but we appreciate you contacting us with your concern in this matter.

Kind Regards

BBC Complaints

Those two ex-Labour candidates who got questions answered must have been waving their arms about like windmills and clapped two large sticks together. Thanks heavens the BBC is there to keep it all fair and above board, eh, otherwise it might be perceived as twisted and bent, and we couldn’t have that.


O/T reply re complaint about QT

The audience was so balanced, so there!

Dear Mrs Smith

Thank you for contacting us about Question Time held in Dundee on 10th March 2016.

We gather some viewers were concerned that the audience was not representative of Dundee and that therefore the discussion was biased.

The programme, as with all editions of Question Time, was open to people from surrounding areas as well as those living in the city where it took place. We do aim for a wide variety of views on different subjects to be heard on Question Time. The audience included SNP, Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, Greens, UKIP and Scottish Socialist Party voters, reflecting political opinion across Scotland.

On the question of the EU referendum the audience was balanced with equal numbers of ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ supporters and a fewer number of undecided people. The BBC is obliged to cover the debate around Europe in a balanced and impartial way at this time.

There was plenty of applause for all sides in the debate. Whoever speaks from the Question Time audience is down to the dynamic on the night; who puts their hands up, who claps loudest and so on.

This means that though the audience was balanced; viewers may have felt that those asking questions represented the view of the complete audience. This is not the case, but we appreciate you contacting us with your concern in this

Blah de blah


Just received a reply from our wonderful propaganda broadcaster about the ‘Dundee’ question time. It wasn’t their fault. Everything was fair and balanced and we’re always right and you’re always wrong, so there.

Dear Mr X_Sticks

Thank you for contacting us about Question Time held in Dundee on 10th March 2016.

We gather some viewers were concerned that the audience was not representative of Dundee and that therefore the discussion was biased.

The programme, as with all editions of Question Time, was open to people from surrounding areas as well as those living in the city where it took place. We do aim for a wide variety of views on different subjects to be heard on Question Time. The audience included SNP, Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, Greens, UKIP and Scottish Socialist Party voters, reflecting political opinion across Scotland. On the question of the EU referendum the audience was balanced with equal numbers of ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ supporters and a fewer number of undecided people. The BBC is obliged to cover the debate around Europe in a balanced and impartial way at this time.

There was plenty of applause for all sides in the debate. Whoever speaks from the Question Time audience is down to the dynamic on the night; who puts their hands up, who claps loudest and so on.

This means that though the audience was balanced; viewers may have felt that those asking questions represented the view of the complete audience. This is not the case, but we appreciate you contacting us with your concern in this matter.

Kind Regards

BBC Complaints

Robert Kerr


“Dum spiro, spero”.

“Spiramus optima res”.

This old timer likes your blog.


Quentin Quale

You have beaten me to it, Nana and Irma! Just recieved my BBC reply. Aye, seems we were wrong and misguided in our reading of the programme. Guess we’d better not watch more challenging stuff like House of Cards or LeCarre adaptations.


Aye Foonurt well said.

Jackie Bailey is a smug snob. What you begin tae realise about Labour’s Scottish branch is that they are all from the same mold as their Tory counterparts: A bunch of self aggrandising ‘do gooders’ who believe they are ‘above’ others and know what’s best for those ‘below’ them.

That’s how they’ve gotten away with this guff for decades, people have become so worn down with knowing their place that they repeatedly concede and kowtow to those who are ‘gobby’ because ‘gobbyness’ has been elevated to an art form. Promoted and disseminated as ‘articulate’ or ‘bright’. Ideal candidates for the ‘soundbite’ when it comes to advertising their pish

Those of us who are not in thrall to this particular ‘spiv sales culture’ tend to see right through it for the shallow and calculated ‘spin’ that it is.

It’s not designed for ‘us’, it’s aimed at those who are enthralled by the ‘authority’ of a ‘gobby’ shite like Bailey.

Her ‘audience’ are those who she looks down on as ‘too thick to notice’ and those who challenge the spin and reveal the facts that show the ‘lie/s’ of her pish are dismissed as ‘irrelevant’ because they are to a mind such as hers.

She and those of her ilk, Red Blue and Rennie’s only ‘care’ about those who have relinquished their capacity to critically think through what is being fed to them through the medium of the telly and newspapers.

The problem they have and why they bang on so much about the referendum, is because they now know what it really achieved:

A critical mass that tipped a nation into a new self evaluation process. A process that stripped back the surface and revealed decades of systematic economic impoverishment managed by the Red Labour Arm of the establishment.

What they didn’t bargain for and what they still cannot compute in their arrogant believe that they were/are indispensable, is that they we will never ever believe a word that comes out of any of them again.

Their Party’s over.

call me dave

Mandelson: Look before you leap! A wee bit like the queen.

link to


Me three

Dear Sap,

Thank you for contacting us about Question Time held in Dundee on 10th March 2016.

We gather some viewers were concerned that the audience was not representative of Dundee and that therefore the discussion was biased.

The programme, as with all editions of Question Time, was open to people from surrounding areas as well as those living in the city where it took place. We do aim for a wide variety of views on different subjects to be heard on Question Time. The audience included SNP, Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, Greens, UKIP and Scottish Socialist Party voters, reflecting political opinion across Scotland. On the question of the EU referendum the audience was balanced with equal numbers of ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ supporters and a fewer number of undecided people. The BBC is obliged to cover the debate around Europe in a balanced and impartial way at this time.

There was plenty of applause for all sides in the debate. Whoever speaks from the Question Time audience is down to the dynamic on the night; who puts their hands up, who claps loudest and so on.

This means that though the audience was balanced; viewers may have felt that those asking questions represented the view of the complete audience. This is not the case, but we appreciate you contacting us with your concern in this matter.

Kind Regards

BBC Complaints

Best bits this and probably the biggest lie possible, even for professional liars like this crew.

“This means that though the audience was balanced; viewers may have felt that those asking questions represented the view of the complete audience. This is not the case, but we appreciate you contacting us with your concern in this matter.”

To be fair, I’m a vile separatist and I wouldn’t want anything to do with the BBC, in any shape or form. So it could be the same for Dundonian Yesers.


Looks like S.N.P. are looking at alternative methods of dealing with poverty in a similar vein to what is currently being investigated by Finland.

link to

Yet another kick in the teeth for Porky and co. on all things benefits related! 😀

link to


Sorry for going o/t but I need to rant.

Herself and I had a great evenenig yesterday at Leven. Went to see the am dram production of Sunshine Over Leith. Brilliant!

Today, not giving details, but we had an appointment with NHS Mental Heath Services. Caring, helpful and professional.

On the way home, we stopped off at Muddy Boots farm shop and cafe. Hard working folk who have come through difficult times to make a real success.

I then read Nana link to G A Ponsonby’s blog and listen to Kay wi’an e talk down and talk over Nicola Sturgeon during a so called interview before the last GE…

How dare she speak like that about Scotland and demand we go back in the box tone subservient to Westminster and an incompetent government with a pliant abstaining opposition?

Scots are brave, talented, articulate and not afraid of grunt and graft. We are better than second place subjects in an unequal Union. We have a right to our own voice, our own culture and our own country, run the way we want, by people we trust.

Kay wi’ an e and her SLBber cronies can fuck right off!

SNP/SNP, Remain, clean out the Cooncils, then onwards to Indy.

Let’s just get it done!

/end rant/

Connor McEwen

To Hoss;
caltonjock june 2015
and you tube Communist party video: free tuition free bus passes
free prescriptions can we afford them


The BBC clearly don’t give a shit how they treat Scotland or its Scottish viewers. Can you imagine actually paying these people just so they can rip the pish out of us.

May 5th cannot come quick enough.



It doth appear that Irma, Nana, X-Sticks, Aaron (on twitter) and myself were all WRONG! We have all received IDENTICAL letters from the State Broadcaster … not even a change in punctuation or spelling or anything … anywhere!

Stand by your beds folks. We will all be receiving a letter from the State Broadcaster imminently DEMANDING we all apologise for wasting their time! 😀


Nana says:

“On the question of the EU referendum the audience was balanced with equal numbers of ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ supporters”

… surely that is admission of bias because there is no area of Scotland split 50:50 on EU. To achieve that split they must have selected an unrepresentatively high percentage of Tory/UKIP supporters.

Far more meaningful in the current Scotland / Dundee political situation would have been 50:50 pro and anti Indy!

Sounds like some numpty researcher didn’t appreciate that Dundee was in Scotland and here attitudes and priorities are somewhat different!


They didn’t even have the decency to respond to each complaint on its individual merits, but just sent out a group email to anyone with Jock in their name.

‘Better Together’. Can you feel the love, no, me neither.



I know exactly how you felt after listening to that appalling so called interview.
It’s a small miracle there is any crockery left in this house.

gordon ford

Hi Folks ………..Jist had a quick swatch at my e-mails and …………………Yes I have the exact same reply from The Politically neutral BBC TV as you lot have.
Lets face it guys WE must be wrong. The BBC are NEVER wrong.



Ach I knew fine well the reply would be tripe. I doubt we will ever learn how many folk complained.

Dr Jim

I spent a long time last night having a look round all the Yoon sites (Yes I know true grit eh)

Even although I admit bias I tried to absorb some of what they were on about, and I found out something I always suspected but because of my own admitted bias rejected

On examination of these sites I found the standard of education to be well below Independence supporting sites to such a degree on some so totally moronic as to be positively Neanderthal

Most of us normal people make spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, sometimes even quite often but I’ve never felt that’s ever detracted much from what folk have to say intellectually

But on these Yoon sites people are posting the most absurd lies and nonsense and their supporters seem to gobble it up like greedy puppies begging for more
Nothing is challenged for evidence, everything is agreed with so long as it’s Anti Snp but here’s the funny thing practically none of these sites criticise the Tories for being the root cause of anything

It seems all these Yoons sites simply accept and ignore the Tories solely to focus all their blind hatred on the SNP even when it’s perfectly obvious to a blind man with a shoe in his face it wasn’t the SNP who kicked him

In conclusion Yoon logic seems based on nothing more than a baseless hatred of something they just don’t understand and given their inability intellectually or educationally to comprehend or rationalise it’s unfortunately led me to believe and doubt that the FMs desire to help them understand the Independence vision is in jeopardy before it begins

The other problem is many of them don’t want any assistance in saving themselves and are content in awaiting Darwins natural selection towards extinction

Don’t know where that came from, sorry
Jist kinda spewed oot me


Arbroath1320 says:

“what is currently being investigated by Finland.”

I do like simplicity. I would go even further than Finland. Perhaps …

Give every citizen a fixed amount of money every month.

Then no benefits, no state pension, no unemployment payments etc.

[ Care where needed, paid for by state]

Then everyone pays progressive income tax on everything they earn, with no tax/capital allowances. Treat inheritance as income except for spouse/partner.

And finally a purchase tax/vat targeting unhealthy and anti social items.


winifred mccartney

Identiical response e-mail from bbc even each of us was probably complaining about different things. Funny how on Friday they said they had had one complaint. Lies, damned lies and the bbc.

Fergus Green

O/T looks like the BBC have been lying about something else.

link to

I wonder if they are trying to shore up the nuclear industry with the new Hinckley development being under threat?


15 March, 2016 at 2:51 pm
They didn’t even have the decency to respond to each complaint on its individual merits, but just sent out a group email to anyone with Jock in their name.

Its Dimbleby what picks out the audience questioners. He’s either fully aware and briefed on what each audience members think or the audience is loaded with yoons and the chances of yoons getting their UKOK shots in is therefore much higher. And again to be fair, its not that hard to spot yoons in QT show.

I quite missed Dr UKOK Bonkers here roaring “SNP are a disgrace” every few minutes

link to

If you’re out there Doc UKOK Bonkers, we missed you buddie:D


winifred mccartney says:
15 March, 2016 at 2:59 pm
Identiical response e-mail from bbc even each of us was probably complaining about different things. Funny how on Friday they said they had had one complaint. Lies, damned lies and the bbc.

No, no! You misunderstood, not one complaint, just one answer! A money-saving stroke of genius! What a grand bunch of guys, how lucky we are….

Socrates MacSporran

I got the identical response from BBC Complaints as heedtracker above did.

They must think oor heids zip up the back and they can get away with spouting any old shite.

Aye well, come Independence, it will all be different.


‘And there are still hundreds of thousands of people in Scotland prepared to vote for them.’

That is quite scary!

Do you think people who vote for Slab think that the Branch Office is an irrelevance and and what Jackie Baillie etc say doesn’t matter because the Head Office will step in to stop them doing anything completely stupid?


Got the usual bugger off response from the BBC about their loaded question time audience. Oh no it wasn’t said they everybody got an applause. Their response

“Thank you for contacting us about Question Time held in Dundee on 10th March 2016.

We gather some viewers were concerned that the audience was not representative of Dundee and that therefore the discussion was biased.

The programme, as with all editions of Question Time, was open to people from surrounding areas as well as those living in the city where it took place. We do aim for a wide variety of views on different subjects to be heard on Question Time. The audience included SNP, Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, Greens, UKIP and Scottish Socialist Party voters, reflecting political opinion across Scotland. On the question of the EU referendum the audience was balanced with equal numbers of ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ supporters and a fewer number of undecided people. The BBC is obliged to cover the debate around Europe in a balanced and impartial way at this time.

There was plenty of applause for all sides in the debate. Whoever speaks from the Question Time audience is down to the dynamic on the night; who puts their hands up, who claps loudest and so on.

This means that though the audience was balanced; viewers may have felt that those asking questions represented the view of the complete audience. This is not the case, but we appreciate you contacting us with your concern in this matter. ”

Still not happy so fired this back at them. Not hopeful about a meaningful outcome.

I recently made a complaint about the recent Question time broadcast from Dundee. The response I received from the BBC didn’t even get close to acknowledging what the complaint was about. It seems that you have answered the complaints that you wished you had received and not the ones that arrived.

The complaint was in 2 parts firstly the audience in no way reflected the people of Dundee and it would appear that in order to achieve balance on a “brexit or not” you loaded the audience with 50% conservative voters giving them a representation of 3 and a half times their representation at the last election. Definitely not a true representation of Scotland in general and Dundee in particular.

The second part of my complaint went completely unaddressed. Two of the audience members who were given prominent questions were ex labour parliamentary candidates. One of these candidates achieved notoriety when she had to withdraw her candidacy after calling young protesters outside your own premises in Glasgow Hitler Youth. It is completely unbelievable that the BBC did not know who she was. It seems more likely that she was seen as someone who (in your opinion) was standing up for the BBC with these vile Nazi slurs and instead of being condemned for her actions was in fact rewarded with a prominent position on your programme.

My original complaint didn’t contain a reference to your hosts obvious partisan nature as the nature of the first two complaints are in my opinion infinitely more serious.

The bland response issued to me and the, I assume many, other complainants does not address any of these issues and leads me to think that my complaint is not being dealt with seriously.

The BBC used to be my first call for news and current affairs, now I am afraid as a result of these current failings and the many other shortcomings of the scandal racked BBC I find it very difficult to take the organisation seriously and seek independent verification of all your stories.

Dorothy Devine

Fergus Green , had you been watching the evil state propaganda of RT you would have seen regular updates over the last few years.

RT always amazes me – its world news is astonishing and rarely is there any “opining”.

Nation Libre

Don’t ‘working class’ families fly?

It never ceases to amaze me just how much Labour make an arse of things. It’s exactly working class families who fly and are most at benefit from cheap flights from Ryanair, EasyJet and Jet2 etc. Knocking £26 return per person off a budget airline european flight is a big saving.

Taking £142 return per person from an outside Europe flight is huge. Don’t they realise that the people of Scotland are fed up having to fly via Manchester and London, often taking double flights


Nana says:

“I doubt we will ever learn how many folk complained”

True, Nana, but they do and I suspect it will have been quite a few. We need to keep the pressure on them and it’s time the SNP did too. Pussyfooting around them isn’t going to make any difference.


Like others, just had my reply from the British Biased Corporation to my complaint about last week’s QT. Suffice to say …….. I smell shiiiiite.



Mike, brilliant. Thanks for posting.


Is it to early to call on all our MPs to ensure that for tax purposes they count as being resident in Scotland rather than London. Given they get upwards of £74,000 a year that’s near enough £400,000 that should be going towards Scotland’s finances when we get our 10%.


Exactly the same response to all complaints made.

The reply also shows up the mindset of BBC London.

As we feared, the EU Ref is overshadowing our own elections and those of Wales, N. Ireland and local Council Elections in England and is felt to be more important than our own democracy.

How does this editorial ruling square with their Charter to Educate, Inform and entertain when by focussing on the EU Ref it smothers discussion about our own elections?

Another round of complaints?

It still seems impossible for the BBC to differentiate between UK priorities and those of the devolved National Governments.

Devolution, did it really happen?

Not in BBC London Executive Offices it didn’t!

Proud Cybernat


“A university lecturer who moonlighted as an actor in pornographic films has resigned from his post.

Prof Nicholas Goddard, who went by the pseudonym ‘Old Nick’, taught chemistry at the University of Manchester.

The 61-year-old was discovered to have appeared in numerous pornographic films which are freely available online.” (The Independent – 15/3/16)

So, a professor has to resign from his job for having sex with live, consenting adults.

Meanwhile we have a Prime Minister who gets to keep his job after having sexually abused a dead pig.

Is it just me or is the world totally fecked-up?


The working class don’t fly .. good old labour the defenders of the poor and just so they can defend the poor they will keep you poor.
My family are all working class and we all fly off on holiday just like most of the people in Scotland, so which class of working class need Labours help.

Rod Robertson

Guys I have a fool proof recipe for those being so incensed daily by the BBC.
It is guaranteed 100% to stop you being upset by them.
Stop watching , stop listening , stop paying the licence fee.
Worked for me and I feel so much better being BBC free.


Nation Libre says:
15 March, 2016 at 3:24 pm

Don’t ‘working class’ families fly?

Ruby replies

The question I would ask if do working class family members not work in the tourist industry?

Surely an increase in tourism would help those working in the tourist industry to earn more money which would be helpful if they were renting and trying to save up for a deposit.

If I were saving up for a deposit I would be looking for an extra job in the evenings and the more tourists there are the more chance of getting a part-time job ie serving food, driving taxis, buses, dancing the Highland fling,singing, working as a Tour Guide, chambermaid, cloakroom attendant, cashier etc etc etc etc.

If I were working full time in the tourist industry I would have no chance of saving for a deposit if I was laid off 4-6 months of the year.


Great post Mike.

The arithmetic of their statement doesn’t stack up.

By balancing their audience for all parties in Scotland they again stack the audience, like the panel, two to one one in favour of the Union.

They further compound this by ‘ balancing’ the numbers for Leave and Remain when all of the parties except for the Tories and UKIP,(spit), support Remain.

Would love to see their workings and numbers on this particular juggling of hypocrisy!

BBC, Branded by bias and corruption!


Nation Libre says:
15 March, 2016 at 3:24 pm

Don’t ‘working class’ families fly?

Ruby replies

Hopefully they do fly because if they didn’t all these people working for holiday companies abroad would be out of a job.

Not sure what will happen to them when the UK ‘Brexits’ they will all have to return home.


Dr Jim @2.58pm

Excellent observation. And so true and spot on. I don’t visit the sites you refer to and you highlight the true problems facing Scottish Independence. And the U.K. parties know this.

It really saddens me. The big upsurge in SNP membership and support has come from the “awakened” 45. I’m unsure if this will ever increase to around 60% so we can make it over the hill so to speak.

I hope I can be proved wrong. Here’s hoping.

With people like you it’s possible though.

PS I like your posts. Keep them coming.


Ruby says:
15 March, 2016 at 3:43 pm
Nation Libre says:
15 March, 2016 at 3:24 pm

Don’t ‘working class’ families fly?

Its just one more profoundly regressive tax Ruby.

link to

Just one ghastly example of a bullshit union, where our imperial masters pump hundreds of billions into England’s transport infrastructure for decades now and Scotland can do one.

Today’s Osborne thing on England in the north west getting even more new motorways and railways is complete and utter rubbish. You cant go a hundred meters in the north west of England land without hitting a motorway, by-pass, dual carriage way. They are light years in advance of transport of their Scotland region down there. Its cost Scotland all of its oil revenues, road tax, loss of investment into Scotland and to cap it all, look at the BBC Scotland UKOK hysteria at the new Forth Bridge?

mike cassidy

Not a twitterer myself

but maybe one of you good twittering folks could send this link to Alistair Campbell

link to

Tam Jardine

Well- that’s my concerns well and truly allayed by BBC complaints. Phew- turns out the audience WAS balanced all the time!

No point copying the same response- here’s my original email.

Question Time last night was appalling. Perhaps the worst example of the BBC’s institutional bias against the SNP and Scottish Independence. The audience panel was comprised of 4 anti Scottish Independence to 2 pro-Scottish Independence. The chairman, Dimbleby joined in with the labour, conservative MSP, conservative journalist and lib dem MSP to attack and barrack John Swinney every time he spoke.

The audience were clearly heavily weighted by the producers (under whose influence?) in favour of no voters to the exclusion of Dundonians (who voted Yes and SNP in large numbers in the independence referendum and the last election and are represented by the SNP at every level of government).

There was barely a local voice in the audience. So blatant was the audience selection that it included 2 unsuccessful labour candidates from outwith Dundee. The chances of this happening by accident are so slim as to be impossible.

The BBC should be ashamed of itself. It is a propaganda arm of the UK government and nothing more.

There is nothing to be done with it in Scotland except wind it up and replace it with a new Scottish Broadcaster who is able to provided balanced coverage instead of this poisonous dross.

Dimbleby even perpetuated, unprompted a lie when he claimed that the Scottish people were never promised that a no vote was the only way to stay in the EU. A lie so blatant, backed up by the liars in the panel brings further shame on an already discredited organisation.

When has a Question Time audience had such a lack of any local accents before? Never is the answer. Shame on you.

Andrew Mclean

proud cybernat, 3:39
You miss the point, the proof was sleazy as it was sex with a human, err, no? the point is sex with pigs is ok, cause it was dead, err no? No you miss the point the professor was an intelligent man who was in a position of authority, whereas the Prime minister is only a ceremonial role, err no???

I have got it, he is upper class Burlington club chap and was in training to screw the poor oinks, and since the war, boar obviously, actually screwing someone from the working class was no longer thought gentlemanly so a substitute was found!


Time was that Question Time claimed that by moving location it ensured a balanced audience over a series. So whilst each individual program might have a local balance it all evened out over the long run. This time it seems that they aren’t interested in presenting even close to that and that as far as Scotland/Dundee is concerned the definition of local either include a fucking big compass and/or use of their preferred weather map. It’s a wonder they didn’t go the whole hog and include a UKIP panel member and audience members.

Of course if this had waited until the run up to the Holyrood elections they might have had some slim justification. Not that I hold any hopes as I seem to remember the BBC offering Dugdale a key broadcasting role either during a previous election or whilst she was an MSP.

Proud Cybernat

Mr A. Campbell. Please observe how the Colonial Media treats the SNP:

The Ecks Files (SNPBAD): link to

Iain More

Lewis Carroll made more sense than anything SLAB utters but then he made more sense than anything I have ever heard from any Brit Nat.

Off topic – I did enjoy the Nationals look at the Duke of Buccleuch today. I wonder if he got his EU ferm subsidies on time as well? I guess we now know what the landed classes mean by Better Together by now.

I also wonder what it would do to the GERS figures if all of those in the criminal Naw voting classes paid their full whack of tax instead of it going to the Caymans etc or indeed if they actually paid back all that money that they loaned to themselves and then wrote off.


@Dr Jim says:
15 March, 2016 at 2:58 pm
On examination of these sites I found the standard of education to be well below Independence supporting sites to such a degree on some so totally moronic as to be positively Neanderthal

Aye Jim, in America they are called rednecks and a lot of them follow “The Donald.” People like Trump are hero’s to them. That’s what we are up against. Logical argument or discussion is wasted on them. I doubt that the large group of “soft No’s” visit their sites either.



House prices tripled under labour. Crash Gordon’s light touch allowed banks to create as much money as they wanted which was pumped into the mortgage market.

So labour still believe as do the Tories that it is somehow beneficial to society to help further inflate property prices as wages stagnate.

Yep clueless to a T.


Dr Jim says:

15 March 2016 at 2.58pm

“It seems all these Yoons sites simply accept and ignore the Tories solely to focus all their blind hatred on the SNP even when it’s perfectly obvious to a blind man with a shoe in his face it wasn’t the SNP who kicked him”.

Yes Dr Jim well said , this is exactly what I was thinking .

However they are all Yoon comrades in arms and they go to battle and fight for the same side/cause against their common enemy the SNP and Scottish Independence.

So little surprise then where they choose to focus their spiteful energy.

BBC QT UKOK gang bang panel and audience in Dundee was evidence of this as is Holyrood and Westminster and also all of the usual suspects Yoon Twitter a/c’s who are loathed to distract other Twits from the BritNat propaganda agenda .

They are really still trying to live the Better Together dream which is a living nightmare for us Scots .

Labour + Lib Dem + Tories = “All for one and one for all”.


RE Question Time response:
“On the question of the EU referendum the audience was balanced with equal numbers of ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ supporters and a fewer number of undecided people.”

So Dimbleby feigned surprise when just under half of the audience put their hand up to say they were voting Leave. He knew the answer before asking the question.

Blair Paterson

As I. Have said before proven liars should not be able to stand again for any public office by law I mean who wants to represented by a known liar ? I wonder how many unionist m.p.s or m.s.p.s would be able to stand if that was the law ?


Like the rest who has complained about QT I suppose you have all received the crap email from BBC not us gov we are not biased in anyway what a shower.


Tourism is proportionately more important to Scotland than England.
That means even if APD was also cut in the rest of the UK, we would still come out ahead.

If Scotland is to become independent, that means the SNP government taking every opportunity it can to boost onshore revenues.
Remember, it’s easy to get to London now on the train from much of Western Europe in a few hours. Getting to Scotland means flying, so more expensive flights discourages that and keeps more business down south.

In Europe alone, the population difference is roughly 5 million versus 500 million – so there is good potential to have more money coming than leaving.

David Mills

I am convinced SLAB keep JB around and is determined to keep her around as she is his on list spot, as a distraction technic she says something inane to the less stupidities from SLAB slip by with less challenge.
If it not time to stop responding to the antics of the dancing bear and instead was the slight of hand at the barrel organ?

Tam Jardine

Iain More

Re the duke of buccleuch- what struck me was the reference to him owning lots of land around Canonbie. Canonbie is pretty small and notable for the extensive plans (on hold) to frack the entire countryside surrounding it. It made me wonder if that was all land owned by buccleuch?


G says:

“On the question of the EU referendum the audience was balanced with equal numbers of ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ supporters …. So Dimbleby … knew the answer before asking the question.”

I wonder if the BBC actually appreciate they are sending out admissions that they were so biased in setting up an unrepresentative audience!?

Polls suggest something closer to 2:1 Stay:Leave would be more appropriate in Scotland.

To achieve 1:1 they boosted Unionists/Tories/UKIP support, who are more likely Leaves, which in part explains what everyone saw on the night.

If Yes supporters are 80% Stay, and No supporters are 50% Stay, giving the mix the polls suggest … then to achieve 50:50 Stay:Leave, you won’t include anything like a representative mix.

Just that I didn’t expect them to admit the bias.

Proud Cybernat

The BBC knew they would be in Dundee, in Scotland. As such they damn well know what the predominant political issue is in Scotland – the constitutional issue of Scottish Indy. Indeed, the GERS question raised by that vile Wiles was directly targetted at the question of the viability of Scotland as an Indy country. The BBC MUST HAVE KNOWN that, in Scotland, the indy question would undoubtedly be raised. And it was. So the question remains–why did the BBC not seek to balance the audience along the constitutional split that permeates Scottish politics? Bacause the saw and opportunity to bash any thought of Scotland becoming indy and they damn well took it to spread their lies.

They are an utter disgrace. S.B.C. – coming soon to a TV screen near you.

BBC – GIRFUYs. When indy comes, we will not forget the role you played to keep Scotland subservient. Tic, toc.


galamcennalath says:

EU referendum balance is no excuse for BBC bias. This was almost certainly the last Question Time from Scotland prior to the Scottish Parliament elections and that should have been foremost in their thinking.

Also the day after GERS was being published it just proves that haven’t a clue about 21st Century Scotland.


Jack Murphy says:
15 March 2016 at 1.53pm

” Here’s one of New Labour Baillie’s pals doing well for himself—
Only a “Mr” alas 🙁
Scroll down to view Labour Blair’s property portfolio:-”

Yes , Thanks Jack very interesting…….another example of why Baillie has Baw faced cheek to match her Big Naw Baw Pus.

Gullane No 4


If the Union Flag is the same upside down, ‘Pointless’ have just made an horrendous error

Dr Jim

That’s my reply in from the State Broadcaster re QT
and guess what, it’s the we’re not guilty in any way shape or form, reply

The audience, they claim, were from surrounding areas of Dundee (Northumberland?) and totally representative of all political parties and it’s all not their fault, so there

Anyway, I suppose although we all know that’s the reply we’re going to get, I think it’s still worth doing to keep reminding the lying Bastirts we don’t like them and we know they’re lying Bastirts …..and

We will not fade away, as long as there are…..and so on

They may take my life but they will never stop my emails

I am an army

Braveqwerty eh, eh

Proud Cybernat

Infact, we should organise a re-run of the Dundee QT but only this time with REAL PEOPLE FROM DUNDEE. Have the same five questions that Dimdum asked. But this time have a BALANCED PANEL e.g. John Swinney, Patrick Harvie, Michelle Thomson (currently not SNP), Kez Dugdale, Wee Willie, Motor-Mooth Ruth with Lesley Riddoch in the Chair. (I know Lesley is pro-indy but hell, DimDum is blatantly pro-Union). We can even have it filmed and streamed by those good folks at IndyLive. Show the effing BBC what REAL Dundonians with REAL Dundonian accents REALLY think.

So, yaeuppfurrit people o’ Dundee?


Christ Labour, what a shame for a party I once voted for fighting for the working class people of this great country of Scotland. Unfortunately Rangers fans who believe in the Orange Order and the Union Jack will vote for them come what may, as an old friend said to me recently :I voted No at Indy Ref because we are to small and I hate the SNP oh anyway I support Rangers and will always vote Labour done that all my life: wow dare not ask him about the EU then, Me EU OUT OUT OUT.

Dr Jim

Absolutely agree with what a few are saying here
By admitting to rigging the audience in a way so as to represent what they say are all views, is admitting to rigging the audience against the view of the general population to achieve a desired outcome

Thus the will of the people means Fukc all to the state broadcaster because they tried to change that will by stealth and deception and once again call it balanced

That’s like saying your horse is too fast so we’re going to cut off one of it’s legs to make the race fair and balanced

But we never noticed did we folks DUH


Andrew Mclean

Andy D

Sorry your old labour party died, it died when Tony Blair lied to parliament about the reasons to go to war. To be honest it was rotten to the core before that, the sleaze and graft Breeks talks of was all too real, and the people who could have stopped it, well where are they now, that tells you all you need to know.

I know rangers fans get a lot of kicking, but they didn’t all vote no, and I know Celtic supporters who were adamant no’s, in fact one who was always singing up the ra when pissed.

But don’t give up on your pal, baby steps, the well placed seed in his mind, enough to question his beliefs, as they are a tissue of lies anyway , strike a match!



Indylive appear to be struggling with their fundraiser.

link to

Jack Collatin

I’d rather appoint old Heisenberg himself, Walter White, as Scotland’s new Drug Czar, than let the Red Blue or Yellow Tories manage our economy.

Can anybody seriously countenance Dugdale, Davidson, or (no , titter ye may) Rennie, as First Minister?

Jackie Baillie as Finance Secretary?
Jackson Carlaw? Tavish Scott? It is just too ludicrous for words.

Is this Baillie woman really this thick?

I wouldn’t put her in charge of the tea fund.

The APD money? Aye, right.

When are the Red Tories going to confront the Blue Tories Up Here?

We all know who is attempting to destroy Scotland; it’s Ruth Davidson and her Blue Tories, Kezia; not the friggin’ SNP.

But I suspect you know that. Saving your precious failed Union is more important than railing against Scotland being turned into a financial and social desert by Westminster, isn’t it?

Roll on May. I was tempted to give my second vote to the Greens.
However Patrick Harvie’s flaccid performance on the Great QT Stitch Up last week quoshed that notion.
SNP x 2, I’m afraid.

Cadogan Enright

@Nana says:6:02 pm

Indylive don’t appear to be very good at promoting their fundraisers

link to

Maybe we should help then.? Just sent another £20

Maybe you could post a render daily for the next few days? Or get the Rev to give them a boost




call me dave

The Arab spring never came out right apparently:

My old uncle George’s stamping ground about 70yrs ago. 🙂

link to



thank you for promoting the fundraiser.

Now how about I alert folks to the fact that you are looking for somewhere in Glasgow to lay your head on the 25th & 25th, unless of course you have already made arrangements.

I saw your post on off topic.


I travelled at the weekend with a soft No voter living in Devon but had a vote due to property in Scotland. The family had Army connections and due to hubbies specialised work they felt he would be out of a job (I won’t go into details but I think she might have been right) but I’m chuffed to say I think I made her think again about lots of different things re her decision.

She started off saying that she thought the SNP voting on Sunday trading was a bit ‘cheeky’ but when I explained why they were voting to protect Scottish wages and it would benefit England too AND the Speaker decides if it was an EVEL bill (!) and he didn’t she said, ‘Really! I never saw any of that on the news or in the papers.

Next was the GERS figures ( although she didn’t know what GERS was! ) and told her how they were estimates based on Tory figures designed by them to deliberately show Scotland up in a bad light. All gleamed from WoS, of course. She was shocked but not surprised.

She was aware, and found it amusing that the Tories are tearing themselves apart re the EU ref over all the same arguments that were used against Scotland in the Indy ref.

She was concerned about the ‘extra’ money Scotland gets form Barnet but I explained about the devolved parliaments receiving extra monies to pay for the devolved powers (thank you Mr P). She had no idea but said that made sense. She also had no idea that Scotland paid vast sums towards HS2 and London Projects. (Please, Rev, billboards?)

She was definitely taking it all in, mainly because I think she was glad to have some ammo to use when English friends have little digs about all Scotlands subsidies.

I didn’t push it any further, but I did get her number and we will meet for coffee……..THEN I will hit her with have you ever heard of Wings over Scotland?….


re question time and the bbc

I complained about the lie told by Dimbleby
and got a reply about the audience being from all parties as stated above

do i have to start another complaint as the email is not attended

Dr Jim

It’s without doubt best to leave the EU (if you’re and English voter) and by a massive and overwhelming majority

For us in Scotland it’s without doubt best to stay in the EU
by the same overwhelming majority

I don’t know why I’m saying that, the words are just coming out that way, I can’t think why I would want that

Oh aye ah remember Noo

SNPx2 #give them the ammo

gerry parker

I don’t watch QT or anything on the BBC. I do not watch anything on TV as it is broadcast. I don’t even use i player.

Because of this I don’t pay a TV license and my blood pressure is normal.

They might ignore your complaints, but it’s harder to ignore your withdrawal of support, both financial and as a reduction in viewer numbers.

Come on, you know it makes sense. The rev will keep an eye on them and we can still all complain to keep their customer service staff busy.



Very interesting youtube video about the establishment and the MSM’s lies against the SNP.


link to


A man dies and goes to heaven
In heaven, he sees a wall of very large clocks.
He asks the Angel “What are all these clocks for?”
Angel answers “These are lie clocks, every person has one lie clock. Whenever you lie on earth, the clock ticks once.”
The man points towards a clock and asks, “Who’s clock does this belong to?”
Angel answers ‘This clock belongs to Mother Teresa. It has never moved, so she has never told a lie.”
Then the man asks “Where is Jackie Baillies clock?”
The Angel replies “That one is in our office, we use it as a table fan.”


Hi Folks

Wee Off Topic subject.


I remember this was debated a couple of years back as it was mistakenly added into the Scotland Bill of 2012. It seemed that the mistake was down to the previous Labour Government (surprise) and that Scotland (according to the wording in the Bill) was given this wee extraordinary power by mistake …and which (from what I can tell) …we still have!

Scotland Act 2012, Section 11

11. Antarctica
(1) In Part 2 of Schedule 5 to the 1998 Act, under Head L (miscellaneous) at the end insert—
“L7. Antarctica Regulation of activities in Antarctica.
Interpretation “Antarctica” has the meaning given by section 1 of the Antarctic Act 1994.”

(2) The provision inserted by subsection (1) is to be regarded as having been included in Schedule 5 to the 1998 Act since the day on which that Schedule came into force.

I’m assuming (much to the blistering quiet fury of Westminster), that Scotland has a veto / voice / vote on anything that happens within British Antarctica.

I’m led to believe that the cock-up of this matter was done by Blair when he pinched the 6,000 sq miles of sea territory within the North Sea and gave it to England, but ‘compensated’ Scotland by somehow …giving us a big say in Antarctica!

Anne McGuire, the Labour MP for Stirling at the time even states it in an on-line document:

I wonder how we did not realise that we had given Scotland power over Antarctica. I do not quite know how that slipped through in all those hours, but we should not trivialise the detailed work that had to be done to present that Act and to deliver a Scottish Parliament, or suggest that it somehow undermines the Scottish people’s right to autonomy through devolution.
(link to

So …I’m guessing that this is still the case and that Scotland still has a ‘say’ over Antarctica. Anyone want to clarify!

Scot Finlayson

Very moving debate on the Clydebank Blitz in Westminster parliament by SNP.


I also complained,but did not include my email,I must have mis-read the instructions,that they would review any complaints and put a statement of their findings on their web site.

So far nothing,but I re-read it,it says they ‘may’ put it on a statement,silly me must learn to read the slippery small print.(latest statement is about Top Gear….!)

Scotland is crammed full of awesome,worthwhile people,why we watch the EBC or Listen to Red/Blue Yoons,who’s chosen method of maintaining their unhealthy level of self importance,is to put the people of Scotland down,is beyond me.

I believe the closeness of the vote at Indyref1 has rattled them so much that they have had to,periodically drag themselves away from their mirrors for 5 minutes to scream ‘SNPBAD’ pat themselves on the back and back to the ‘gazing’ at themselves.

They need to stop deluding themselves about all things yoonery,as it is shite,they must stop asking yessers ‘Who do you think you are’ ? and ask themselves ‘Who do we think we are ‘ ?

If they answer themselves,truthfully,there can only be one logical outcome,they are not better than anybody else and just accept it…..the yoonion is over.

SNP x 2 EU in

Iain More

Tam Jardine says:
15 March, 2016 at 5:08 pm
Iain More

Re the duke of buccleuch- what struck me was the reference to him owning lots of land around Canonbie. Canonbie is pretty small and notable for the extensive plans (on hold) to frack the entire countryside surrounding it. It made me wonder if that was all land owned by buccleuch?

Yes I noted that on my second read through Tam.

Meanwhile Jackie Bailie and the Greens both seemed obsessed with APT and the Disreporting Jackie Jackie Show is definitely obsessed with APT. I would have thought that frakking would send those Climate Change targets way off even more so than air traffic but I am not a Climate Change Physicist!

ronnie anderson

Kevin Gibney is trying a new medium.


Labour tried a wages and rent control in the seventies it ended in a total disaster. An absolutely catastrophe. It ended with Westminster having to go to the IMF and the pound crashing.

The three day week and electricity cuts, illuminated by candles. Bodies not being buried, rubbish on the streets. Typical Labour they can’t be trusted in any way. They can’t count. Labour are totally useless.

Banking fraud, tax evasion, illegal wars and redundant weapons, starving vulnerable people. Labour policies.


Prof Matheson must be joke of the century. Of certain corrupt fame. They can’t even count.


So as we all know there has been quite a bit going on recently in the lead up to wee Georgie Porgie the Towel Folder and his budget tomorrow.

What most folks may NOT be aware of is this little known action that was carried out yesterday.

George Osborne said in his autumn statement that he had cancelled cuts to the in-work benefits – but a little-noticed cut to the so-called “income disregard” was quietly left in place.
The change reduces the amount a claimant’s income can increase in a year before their claim is reassessed – from £5,000 to £2,500.

Don’t you just love these Tory bastards?

So if I understand things as they currently appear people are now prohibited from earning money over and above £2,500 more than their current income. If they do earn morn than the £2,500 then look out folks your benefits are CUT!

We will have to wait till tomorrow for confirmation but as most folks know Ozzy is planning to CUT other benefits for the disabled. So we now have a situation whereby someone who is disabled could … possibly see a MASSIVE double cut from their benefit money.

Why are the disabled etc being hit so hard?

Och that is an easy question to answer. Wee Ozzy the Towel Folder is desperate to CUT tax paid by his high earning Millionaire mates etc!

link to

I just love the last sentence here.

A Treasury spokesperson said the cuts were fair and that there would be “no losers” from them.

I have no idea what the Treasury spokesperson was sniffing but I reckon wee Georgie Porgie might just find his private stash of *ahem* white powder is rather lower tonight! 😀

gerry parker

Some nice big car parks around Strathclyde Uni then?


Indylive should give a bank a/c details/initials. They would get more donations,


Re; QT complaint reply, the following stands out for me

” The audience included SNP, Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, Greens, UKIP and Scottish Socialist Party voters….. blabbidy bleh”

That’s the first time I’ve ever seen the SNP at the head of any BBC list.
It’s ALWAYS Labour first!

Faux impartiality or barefaced sleekit?


My wife who is into politics about as much as I’m into Celebs, got it straight away “double nothing is nothing”. Possibly helps that our son would like to buy a flat but, after rent, can’t afford to save for the deposit. Exactly who Labour are in theory supposed to be targetting. He’s in the rent trap.

In all seriousness Labour should get rid of Baillie. Instead of that they seem to revere here, and she’s top of the list for West of Scotland which means they won’t even have the luck of her not being elected.

She’s a total liability to any chance of Labour rebuiliding.


For a foolproof method of cutting your emissions keep a framed photo of Jackie Baillie on the bedside cabinet!



in 500 years ,

(nuclear non-proliferation permitting)

they’ll be teaching history, wondering…


Why, for over a hundred years,

did the peoples popular “media”, and

many elected “representatives”,

acting on behalf of such an obvious,

socially un-democratic and

ethically corrupt ruling class,

so distort the harsh facts

facing the then population?

Maybe in the future they’ll call the 20/21st Centuries


We invent super-technology and allow its
very application to oppress us.

humanity has taken a step backwards..
well, we were pushed..

until we get our stride back..

the artificial,

will control whats natural.


I can still watch QT on iPlayer so maybe there’s a glitch somewhere , still as horrendous second time around !.

call me dave

Been watching the footie…

I raised the Antarctica thing about 2 years ago here I thought the same as you but don’t get your hopes up. 🙁

I’m sure legislation was introduced that brought it back under WM control. It was shurley schome mishtake but it has been put right! Someone posted the information chapter and verse a couple of days later.


Some really sad news about the Maryhill foodbank tonight folks.

link to

Chic McGregor


“In all seriousness Labour should get rid of Baillie….

…She’s a total liability to any chance of Labour rebuiliding.

FFS SSSsshhhh! 🙂

ronnie anderson

@ Arbroath 1320 Sadly we were trying to keep our heads above water ,but with the sustained attacks via Evening Times & Councillor Billy McAlister, we lost a lot of Donations.

GCC & Scottish Gov are in the frame as being party to the closure, more is to be reveiled.We have a meeting with GCC tomorrow over their conduct.


@ Arbroath1320

Re: Income disregard

More than 10 years ago when I briefly claimed tax credits, the income disregard was the amount I could increase my earnings by without an immediate change to my credits.

They still re-calculated them at the end of the tax year, by which time I had of course been overpaid because my income had gone up and the credits had remained the same. The excess was then recouped during the next tax year; for several months I got nothing at all until I had “paid them back” and the credits started again.

The calculations were so opaque that, even after repeated discussions with DWP staff, I have no idea whether the total amount I eventually received was correct.

I assume they do it this way because it is less work than changing the amount of TC every time a person’s income changes (if income goes down, they increase the credits as soon as they are notified – or did, back then). That was one of the reasons for the “real-time” aspects of Universal Credit, which supposedly would make the correct alterations promptly.

As far as I know it has never been the case that a person’s income could increase and the tax credits would genuinely stay at the same level.


I’m not surprised to hear GCC is front and cdentre in this Ronnie but AM surprised the Scot gov is somehow involved. 🙂

As far as I’m concerned Crazycat ANYTHING that involves D.W.P. specifically and any other WM department generally is done so in the sure and certain knowledge that WE will ALWAYS come out the LOSER!


re- land ownership and fracking.

We can’t stand by, when they literally steal the rocks from beneath our feet!

It should be the privileged land-owners who have no legal leg to stand on.

Leave the fucking gas inside the fucking rocks –
you money grabbing excuses for “gentlemen” ..
…it belongs in there,

and we incidentally, as human beings, with you know – human rights-

..have the right to stop people fucking with shit.


Meanwhile back in Tory Land it looks like they are gong to give education to Capita or something with every school being taken off local authorities and made an “academy”


To be fair Louis the Scottish government has gone as far as it can over fracking. Westminster hold the right to issue fracking licences under reserved powers thingy. The best the Scottish government can do is what it has done … institute a moratorium.

If the Scottish government had put out a blanket fracking ban then they would be facing endless law suits. They have instead short circuited Westminster with their moratorium. 😀


So Ozzy is cutting tax credits for 800,000 citizens.
I feel genuine regret for the people living in Scotland effected by this, as for the rest FUCK them, they had the chance at the election last year, but could not stomach the thought of the SNP and Labour in England running the government.
As the old saying goes “You Reap What You Sow”.
I shed NO tears for them down south.


re Scotland having Antarctic claim to veto..

that’ll be interesting..

when it comes to “Planning Hearings”

Imagine, Trump submits Antarctic resort plan to Scot Gov..


Anyone hear about some punter down in the Cornwall area making Scotch whisky, and selling it as Scottish?

Still Positive.

Arbroath 1320: re Maryhill Foodbank.

I met Julie at a meeting in Clydebank Town Hall in August 2014 where she was one of the speakers.

I spoke to her afterwards and found her to be a very caring, committed woman with her heart in the right place.

I am absolutely gutted for her. She definitely did not deserve the hounding she and the Foodbank got.

PS Just watched the BBC Scottish news bulletin and no mention whatsoever of the very first moving debate and commemoration my MP Martin Docherty-Hughes brought on the 75th anniversary of the Clydebank blitz. Total disgrace – but we all know that.

SNP x 2 and EU in.


quite correct,
.. but when it comes down to it, maybe Scot Gov should start training / employing more lawyers to handle/buffer against the elite and their greed.


I’m not so sure it is lawyers we need Louis although more would certainly ease courts backlogs. I think the main problem is the laws themselves. We are now experiencing things happening that were never envisaged even a few years ago. I’m thinking particularly of fracking and TTIP here.

Unless the Scottish government gets hold of the FULL oversight in matters such as these then we are left dangling at the end of a very long hoping Porky and co. get their act together correctly for the PEOPLE and NOT for their mates!


some punter down in the Cornwall area
making Scotch whisky, and selling it as Scottish?



yes Arbroath1320 ,
but increase in challenging cases tests the laws.


No wonder satire is dead in the grand ol yew kay.

Alastair Campbell ?@campbellclaret 2 hrs2 hours ago
briefing for Newsnight interview – see blog at Lying hypocrite coward Dacre bottled as always. Trevor Kavanagh on


Arbroath1320, you asked earlier..
Why are the disabled etc being hit so hard?

you don’t have to be studying for NAT5 Modern Studies, to know,
.. that Fascists don’t like disabled people, they think they are beneath them.

and Osbourne/ Cambo are wannabe Fascists.


I think that is illegal Louis.

I’m not 100% certain but am fairly sure that Scotch Whisky is a protected brand like Stornaway Black pudding and Arbroath Smokies.

Think you are right about the testing of laws etc Louis but I don’t think it is wise to go down that road until WE have full control over all the respective laws. At the moment we don’t and as such it could lead to some very dangerous and unwanted legal results not to mention costly to the Scottish government.

CameronB Brodie

call me dave
The US State Department and other organs of US power/interest, have had more than a little involvement in the wave of ‘colour revolutions’.

The intention is to bring the state back into a field dominated by flawed renderings of transnational activism. The principal argument is that the main and direct causes of the colour revolutions were United States foreign-policy interests (strategic expansion, energy security and the war on terrorism) as they were serviced by Ingos. Without the intervention of these US-sponsored Ingos, the political landscapes in countries like Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan would not have been repainted in new colours.

link to


Think I’d take issue with you there Louis about Porky and coke head.

They are NOT wannabe Fascists … they ARE Fascists … 100% full blown Fascists!


link to

Regards APD, most research indicates that the extra revenues from tourists and taxes will at the very least outweigh the loss from the APD revenue.
And there will be a lot of extra long term benefits. Relationships and business connections built up by an increase in visitors to Scotland.

It seems like the yoons love to rejoice in the current deficit due to the drop in oil revenues, but whine and complain when the Scottish Government has a plan to boost the economy here !!

IMO, if we want to prove independence is viable, the SNP need to be doing everything possible to be helping the onshore economy grow, and tourism is one of our biggest opportunities.

It’s like that £40 million Judy Murray tennis and hotel development that was turned down by Stirling council by 5-3 votes. They are appealing to the Scottish Government, and at times like this it just seems absolutely crazy not to approve plans like that, which will provide 150 full time jobs, and when the leisure and tourism sector is such a big part of Scotland’s future.

We have to play to our strengths, and act to grow the economy as well as just dishing out benefits.

Alan Mackintosh

They can call it Whisky, but cannot call it Scotch. Thats why you get the Japanese whiskies, or american bourbon whisky. But only Scotch can come from Scotland.

Whisky is made in India, Finland, Australia, Denmark and heaps of other countries…

Dr Jim Fanclub

@Dr Jim. Follow you comments avidly. Ever thought of running yourself?


Thank you, EBC for your State Sponsored reply that bears no resemblance to the facts that surrounded Selection Time in Dundee.

Your programmes and your assessment of your programmes bear a striking resemblance to those on North Korean TV in impartiality.

I suggest that you no longer offer replies as more lies were never what the complaint was about.

Awa’n bile your heid ya scunner.

Don’t You Drone on Big Baily
Don’t You just Drone
You’re wrong the Whole Night Long
Yer like a Crook with Money
You wear a Tent
We Know That you’ve Done us Wrong

Remember The electorate Baily that Drove Slab Out
With Nothin But the truth came home
Yes I Know That Kez To Blame
Ain’t That A Shame
Big Baily Won’t You Please stop grown’


To all those who, including myself, received an identical E-mail from BBC complaints dept., justifying their actions regarding the Dundee QT broadcast, please could you make the effort & reply stating that you are completely dissatisfied with their exclamation & that you require more detail.
Send,of course, to complaints dept.
Additionally, you ought to ask how many complaints were origonally registered.
I have already done same.

Still Positive.

I met the SNP candidate against Jackie Baillie at a Women for Indy meeting locally and a nicer person you couldn’t meet. She is the polar opposite of JB and a lovely young woman who would do well in Holyrood.

The polls, I believe, are looking well for Gail and JB will lose her constituency seat. Unfortunately, as others have said, she is top of the WoS list, so will be re-elected. I don’t, however, think it will take the wind out of her sails. She is one arrogant lady (I use the last word loosely)with a huge sense of entitlement.

SNP x 2 and EU in


The Royals are going about in £2500 coats even more for the hats from new designers when people are being sanctioned and starved to death. They cause mental health problems. The vulnerable sick are being sanctioned and starved to death. The Royals are speaking out about rhinos being killed. They waste £Millions of public money which could be better spent. The Royals are not impartial. They break International Law taking part in illegal wars and shot animals. The ‘killer Wales’.


@ shoot. Marie Antoinette

‘Let them eat cake’.


Onwards says:
It seems like the yoons love to rejoice in the current deficit due to the drop in oil revenues, but whine and complain when the Scottish Government has a plan to boost the economy here !!

Ruby replies

Boasting the economy will lead to ‘independence by the backdoor’
The last thing Yoonsters want is for Scotland to be successful!

link to

‘Scotland facing further £200m a year cut to help Chancellor balance the books, warns think-tan’

I see now why the propagandistas have been so busy over the past week going on about Gers, once in a lifetime Referendum, thank the English for their generosity, that the SNP have cast a spell on the media and as a result they receive uncritical coverage etc etc.


O/T Comedy: Willie Rennie has been talking pins:
“The big one is about the pin. The pin could not be inspected, it was in an area that was not accessible but it was clear that it was not being lubricated, whereas the pin at the top end of the truss end link was.

“There should have been serious questions about whether that pin was rotating properly and what technology was going to be put in place to monitor it.”


Clearly the gift of life has been wasted on so many Yoons.


O/T links

link to

Abandon all hope unless you are rich
link to

link to

link to

Andrew Mclean

OT Wee willie winke’s pins.

This is the nub, when labour or the tories or the liberals say something stupid which is often it only comes from a few individuals, because that’s all they have, wee willie spouting pish, and apart from the disgraced liability that is tthe Carmichael, and he is seldom quoted in Scotland, name another liberal, at least the Labour Party have a couple of zommers, but the tow main JB and Kezia I’ve lost the plot Dug’a’dale, brown is a liability his name forever now associated with the vow,. As for the tories we have the tank commander, but who is their financial spokesman, or health or education? Is it a one person party state?

Ok, there’s and old adage that there is no such thing as bad publicity, and the more we get the message out there, the more people will remember the person and think better of them than the sleazy press insinuated.

And to the SNP, too many to mention, boosted into every home in the land because we have the free press provided.

The problem with the BBC is that as there’s no effective opposition in Scotland so the BBC have taken it apron themselves to be that opposition, and that misguided foray into the political arena will be their undoing.

It is in the decades ahead that’ll prove the benefit of a SNP government, as social equality is a major aim of the SNP, and before labour jump up and down we have had labour in power in Scotland since the 70s and successive labour governments in Westminster.

So to have the recent report from ST Andrews university showing the actual results of labour in power is such a damming attack Kezia should make a statement to apologise for the generations of miss management of Scotland that has lead to this disgusting state,

Social equality takes decades to remedy, labour in Scotland and Westminster had decades, this bastardised Union has had 300 years.

So in the oil capital country in Europe, we have had the unedifying situation of them beginning for state handouts, and that’ll be the everlasting condemnation of labour of the Union. Oil capital my arse! Failed Burroughs more like!


@ rongororongo 6.47

Wee Willie Winkie been at the WD40 again?

Andrew Mclean

Aberdeen explain yourself, I worked there in the 80′ 90′ 2000,s I went back up at the end of last year, and apart from new housing, that’s common in most towns in Scotland, what’s actually changed, you exhibition centre is a disgrace, you’re gleaming spires that you would expect in an oil capital are non existent, hotels are mostly run down and shabby, when was the last big infrastructure project? You are only getting a bypass because of the SNP, yes Aberdeen is a shining example for us all?

I also have worked in London, in Cardiff, in Birmingham, look at the London skyline from the 80s look at the billions of investment since then, for goodness sake Britain went to the IMF in the seventies, remember the sick man of Europe, that was the United Kingdom they were talking about, we were desperate to join the EU as we were a basket case.

Then oil, then oil, and what’s the headline nearly 5 decades later, children in Scotland are the most disadvantaged in health and social equality in the western world!

I could cry,

Absolute bastads.


The systemic culture of the Yoon media, TV and papers, of spreading proven lies is so common place now, that frankly I no longer believe anything they say or print.


Andrew-that’s the most obvious analogy and no yoon on the moon can answer it. If Scotland is an equal partner in this Union why is our capital or for that matter any other Scottish city had similar expenditure to the English capital in 308 years? It’s like chalk and cheese. Our cities are a toy town in comparison. Bloody mugs.


Two countries, two BBC’s

Dear BBC worshipper,

This is the biggest threat to the BBC so far. John Whittingdale, the minister who’s deciding our BBC’s future, just announced he wants the government to choose the people who run the BBC. [1] It means our most trusted news source could become government controlled.

Whittingdale sneaked out his devastating plan at the weekend, to a newspaper that’s behind a paywall. [1] He knows that another scandal might put a stop to his plans to undermine the BBC for good. [2] So he’ll be hoping that 38 Degrees members aren’t paying attention.

We’ve got to act fast. If enough us sign an emergency petition in the next 48 hours demanding the BBC stays independent, 38 Degrees members will deliver it to him in person before Sunday. And exposing his plans in public will shine a light on his real agenda to dismantle our BBC.

Please can you add your name to the emergency petition now?

The way decisions are made in the BBC is under review. [3] But John Whittingdale’s using this as an opportunity to push his anti-BBC agenda and put his people in charge. They would have the power to decide news coverage and which BBC programmes are made. [4] It could mean the end of the BBC as we know it.

Whittingdale’s feeling the pressure right now after a series of damaging revelations on his plans for the BBC – including being caught lying about reading responses to the public consultation. [5] If we turn up the heat now, Whittingdale will have no option but to back down.

If thousands of us sign this emergency petition, then deliver it to him in just a few days, we could make Whittingdale realise that he’s fighting a losing battle and leave our BBC alone. This week could become the turning point in our people-powered campaign to protect the BBC.

Can you sign the emergency petition now? It’ll take less than 2 minutes:


Marie Clark

I’m with Heedtracker, the answer is NO.

Save the BBC! yer havin a laugh, right?.


@Andrew McLean

Well said Andrew. We had cousins visiting from Canada a few years ago who were disgusted at how little Scotland had moved on since they had emigrated. They were incredulous that Scotland voted No.

I do cry regularly but mostly I rant and rave. Luckily for the neighbours I rage indoors.

Dave McEwan Hill

A letter to Keir Hardie from Ramsey MacDonald on the occasion of the Mid Lanark by election in 1888.

How the Labour Party in Scotland used to be – and how much of it rings true today -ie “Scottish newspapers with English editors”

Mr. J. Keir Hardie,

“Dear Mr. Hardie,—I cannot refrain from wishing you God-speed in your election contest. Had I been able to have gone to Mid-Lanark to help you—to do so both by ‘word and deed’—would have given very great pleasure indeed. The powers of darkness—Scottish newspapers with English editors (as the ‘Leader’), partisan wire-pullers, and the other etceteras of political squabbles—are leagued against us.
“But let the consequences be what they may, do not withdraw. The cause of Labour and of Scottish Nationality will suffer much thereby. Your defeat will awaken Scotland, and your victory will re-construct Scottish Liberalism. All success be yours, and the National cause you champion. There is no miner— and no other one for that matter—who is a Scotsman and not ashamed of it, who will vote against you in favour of an obscure English barrister, absolutely ignorant of Scotland and of Scottish affairs, and who only wants to get to Parliament in order that he may have the tail of M.P. to his name in the law courts.

I am, Dear Sir,
Yours very truly,
J. Ramsay MacDonald,
Hon. Secretary, *S.H.R.A.

*SHRA The Scottish Home Rule Association


Labour accuse…SNP of politicising school children. Oh the irony but it makes main story in Scotsman online.

link to



This John Whittingdale

link to

link to


Save the BBC! yer havin a laugh, right?.

BBC England tells England its wonderful. BBC Scotland tells Scotland its shite.

UKOK state on the war path now, against who I wonder?

So from UKOK government surveillance boosts for spying on us-


THERE’S been a lot of speculation about “the Snoopers’ Charter”. This Bill aims to collect bulk data from ordinary people. Everything you look at online, your photos, that video of a cat, your bank statements, medical records, political views, everything. More data than could ever actually be of use to government departments which are suffering from Tory austerity and which are under-resourced at best.

to making it much harder to vote, in the toryboy UKOK land of mass non voting-

“Labour will campaign this weekend over claims that millions of people are missing from the electoral register.
The government has brought forward a plan to switch voters from “household” to “individual” registration.

Labour says this will mean a disproportionately high number of its supporters will end up being left off the new rolls.

The Cabinet Office said the new deadline was simply to ensure voting was as fraud-free as possible.”

Toryboy world fightback goes on.

Andrew Mclean

Joe I am not saying that gleaming spires, or perhaps more to the point decent infrastructure, wouldn’t be nice, maybe even generated a better economy, but those bastads stole our children’s future, they stole their very health and their chances of a better life.

And when labour ran the roost all those decades, what did they do, what about their leaders, what’s become of them, Darling, Brown, Blair, Reid, the Kings of socialism,,

Directors of global banking, of global business, Barron’s and lords,.

If anyone from the Labour Party reading this is not absolutely disgusted and ashamed and ripping up their membership cards, then that’s a mark of how low they have fallen,.

Those bastads dammed Scotland’s children, and in doing so feathered their own nests. A pox on them!


Well said Andrew McLean but if we’re still acclaiming an SNP government within the Union in a couple of decades, things have gone spectacularly wrong.


“The powers of darkness—Scottish newspapers with English editors (as the ‘Leader’), partisan wire-pullers, and the other etceteras of political squabbles—are leagued against us.”

Considering the state of the assorted “partisan wire-pullers” at the Heil or the Sun, although wire pullers probably meant something different back, then compared to the present crews of lying bullies and lechers in today’s newsrooms, ew.

Andrew Mclean

I looked at the link, then read the posts, I am absolutely disgusted that a national newspaper in Scotland would allow such disgusting remarks.

Children who would be ages with my father now, where herded into gas chambers and exterminated , yet this is used on their pages to make cheap political points. I am sending this onto link to and other Jewish sites I can find, the world should know what passes for political comments in Scotland.

And look at the latest prosecution, Scotland, the Scotsman is now the bastion of scum in Scotland.

They lis


Andrew Mclean says 8:33

As a recently returned Aberdonian who has travelled the world with the oil industry over the last 45 years, you won’t get me defending Aberdeen city (council). Regardless of the oil money, which they have no control over, they have made an absolute kirn of the city. If we had control of the oil over the last 45 years there is no doubt Aberdeen would be different, assuming a Labour government hadn’t been in control during the intervening years. I suspect that it’s the Edinburgh’s skyline that would have seen the biggest difference though. That’s normal for most of the “coalface” towns where the oil business is run from. The money always benefits the Capital city. I’ve been in oil towns where oil has been flowing longer than it has here and they are akin to the wild West, serious shitholes.

I’d take issue with your description of the hotels though, I suppose it depends where you hang out but there are plenty of top class hotels in and around Aberdeen. You can get a 4 star room now for the price of a b&b a year ago.

The Aberdeen exhibition centre? I don’t know, I’ve been to a Chris Rhea concert many moons ago and the SNP conference last year. I don’t know if centre is good or bad but the entertainment was good 🙂 But don’t despair, Aberdeen are building a new one with council tax money, after baling out the old one with £20m of council tax money. On second thought do despair!

The biggest transformation I have seen is not in the City but in all the villages and small towns surrounding Aberdeen. The countryside was grim with hundreds if not thousands of derelict farm buildings. They are now like hen’s teeth and the villages are full of life again. Of course maybe that’s because the area is outwith Aberdeen City Council’s reach.

I remember well the state of the country before oil was discovered. When Canary Wharf and the modern City of London was nothing but derelict, rat infested docks that nobody would touch with a bargepole. The City of London has been built on the money raped from the Scottish oilfields and “they” know it. It’s not too late for Scotland to benefit. There is a fortune still to be had from the oilfields and don’t believe anyone who says different. It is the only reason that Cameron was fighting to keep us. Love Scotland? Bollocks, he loves our oil and gas and would be screwed without it.

SNP x 2

Andrew Mclean


I think the SNP has a better chance, but I can’t predict the future, but by God can I condemn the past. By the past we can learn, without self serving political parties like labour Scotland will prosper. it’s time we all, from what ever party build a better Scotland, the system clearly has failed.


Andrew Mclean says:
16 March, 2016 at 8:33 am
Aberdeen explain yourself,

Aberdeen is owned by a cabal of rich but small town lawyers, small town yoon politicos and carpet baggers, very wealthy English retired, super rich tories. Everything they do is designed to make them money. Anything that impedes this cabal is totally irrelevant.

A good example of Aberdeen yoon cabal fast buckery is the explosion of vast noddy box housing estates across Aberdeen’s beautiful green belt.

Fair enough cities expand but its too much, too late, if Project Fear is right and North Sea oil is almost gone.

Above all else, the explosion of green belt housing estates encircling Aberdeen goes on with out any infrastructure planning or spending. They’re really expensive high density poor quality builds, really hard to get to, have little or no amenities and once again, are fcuking hideous to look at. But that’s not what they’re for.

Dr Jim

What have the Romans ever done for us:

Never ceases to amaze every year at UK budget time how many folk have never paid attention to what goes on in their own country
The State Broadcaster trots out it’s usual “What do you want from the budget” phone in, in order to give the party political and the bewildered an opportunity to complain most of the time about the Government that either has no responsibility for something or to moan about not having enough of something else

The Scottish government announced loudly and clearly to everyone who cared to listen that at the moment Scotland is covered by 95% Broadband but they are going to complete the job to 100%, yet this morning the usual suspects are complaining about broadband and how they’re not getting it

Now instead of the State Broadcaster informing the Nation (as in it’s charter to do so) of the facts, it allows the rant to continue unabated in order to make it’s own political case thereby managing to get in the SNP Baad Scotland is shit story which to them is of greater importance

They could have mentioned to the callers, thereby informing the Nation (two birds with one stone there) that all will be well or even in fact balance it up by telling them it’s pretty shit in England wherever you are, there are spots in the middle of places like Birmingham where you can’t get a phone signal and other great Powerhousey places in the south, so that in fact you might consider yourself lucky to live in shit Scotland

It seems in Yoonland that nobody listens or cares what’s happening in their beloved Kingdom of Yoonite as long as whatever it is can be blamed on the evil that is the Nazi SNP and their minions of Hell

Today I’m sure will end as no exception to that rule
Osborne will be hated for about 5 minutes and then the (Whit ye gonnae dae aboot it) brigade will launch into it’s complaints towards the Scottish government “Mitigate Mitigate” they’ll shout, and if you don’t you’re Tory bastards

“Read it here” will shout the newspapers, Sturgeon refuses to act to mitigate the cuts, which as we know by now will be SNP cuts

Another year, another load of uninformed Yoons blaming the SNP, newspapers blaming the SNP,the state broadcaster blaming the SNP, and the man who only wanted his broadband on the radio still doesn’t know

It’s coming anyway, you thick Jockstrap Yoon

Pay Afukcingtention to your own country once in a while instead of Yoon worshipping and maybe you’ll learn something

Every Fukcing year (sigh)


Anent, Whisky, it’s now being made in Texas by a company called “Balcones”, some cojones! well more than Willie Rennie anyhow,

link to

Andrew Mclean

Head tracker
Exactly, in a brief afternoon with a dozen excavators you can demolish 50 years of what passes for the legacy of oil for Aberdeen.

Legacy, why have they no legacy.

It has passed incompetence and become criminal.


O/T having a bit of a vinyl revival and rediscovered this old Proclaimers number from the 80s this morning:

I cant understand why we let someone else rule our land
we’re cap in hand
We fight – when they ask us
We boast – then we cower
We beg
for a piece of
What’s already ours

A good one for the Proud Scots to sing at the rugby

Robert Peffers

@galamcennalath says: 15 March, 2016 at 11:06 am:
” … Does anyone have a clue what Labour actually stand for, or would wish to achieve?”

Oh! Aye! They stand for the Queen when the band plays the English National Anthem and they do it only as a mark of respect for their boss, Auld Lizzie Saxe-Coburg-Gothae.


Andrew Mclean says:
16 March, 2016 at 10:17 am
Head tracker

The housing expansion around Aberdeen shows us two things. North Sea oil will be a high wage employer for many decades to come.

Project Fear’s greatest liars were lying about North Sea oil running out by 2030, Ian Wood, super rich oil billionaire one of the UKOK’s greatest liars.

OR, they are actually UKOK right, North Sea oil and gas is finished and a lot of people have bought crap housing that will be very hard to sell very soon. And our green belt’s been sold by yoon owned council, to the lowest bidding very rich yoon cronies, who dont give a fcuk either way.


Inspired by this, I have doubled my donation to Labour’s election fund.


Sledger says:
16 March, 2016 at 10:58 am
Inspired by this, I have doubled my donation to Labour’s election fund.

Good on you. It could be the beginning of an actual good old honest, decent even competent opposition in Holyrood. A decent and powerful opposition that all successful democracy needs. But its not going to happen though, is it? That would be good for Scotland and what’s good for Scotland is bad for yoonsters in their Scotland region.

Christ help Scotland if the red and blue tory clown show ever gets its hands on Holyrood power.


Sledger says:
16 March, 2016 at 10:58 am

“Inspired by this, I have doubled my donation to Labour’s election fund”.

Hi Sledger , Inspired by your post , I have doubled my donation to SNP’s election fund.

I’ll see you and raise you .


Andrew, of course you’re right.
Building a better society benefits absolutely everyone, unfortunately I believe in order to make any great progress in that department we need independence.
The sooner the better.

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