Distinctions and differences
We’re bored of this story now but this was too good to ignore:
Sir Humphrey would be proud.
Incidentally, while we’re here anyway we may as well conduct a wee bit of expectation management, because we see a number of readers have noticed this:
But we’d advise anyone looking for a measured and balanced investigation into the schism between the SNP’s most successful leaders not to build their hopes up.
Because it might be reasonably suggested that Jofre isn’t exactly a neutral.
Of course, we might be being overly cynical. Perhaps the First Minister’s childhood pal and lifelong family friend will deliver an even-handed and fair programme casting new light on the whole business, and finally make amends for last year’s shameful Kirsty Wark documentary from the state broadcaster.
We’re just saying, maybe don’t get too excited in advance.
To be fair, it’s sort of hard now to find someone who DIDN’T know Nicola Sturgeon at school.
“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”
I do hope Alex (and lawyers) will be closely watching the Panorama prog if, as I suspect, it is another Sturgeon-enabling opportunity to blacken the name and character of a PRIVATE CITIZEN.
It’s becoming increasingly clear to see where the deeply pro-union media are placing their hopes for May. Scotland really is a one party state, isn’t it? A pro-union one. The perfect Fordian democracy: “Any colour you want as long as it’s black”. The Salmond stitch up makes more sense the more you see it.
Such televisual majesty has to be better than accidentally, hilariously taking your pals to see…well…
link to whorattledyourcage.blogspot.com
I see it’s going to be presented by Mark Daly. I know he’s a well respected investigative journalist but does anyone else think he comes across as a self-righteous prick? I can’t stick any more than 5 minutes of the man.
Another ‘Get Salmond’ hatchet job? Surely not!
All shall become Woke and shall worship at the
Esoteric Church of Saint Nicola of the Alphabites…
I have been hearing a lot of talk from people boycotting this election because they cannot vote SNP in its current state. This is not online chatter from activists.
Perhaps SNP folk need to ask themselves at what point electoral failure becomes a resigning matter for Sturgeon. Inability to achieve the ‘super majority’ they were cheering about a few weeks ago? The loss of the Yes majority?
Surely the leadership will have to take responsibility for any failure to advance independence.
The BBC don’t even try to hide it; the woke heroine who’s spent a life fighting against bad men, Nicola Sturgeon, oor ain Jacinda Ardern and Kamala Harris rolled into one must be promoted at all costs.
1. Complain to the BBC about bias
2. Complain to Ofcom about bias
3.Resubmit complaint to BBC ” because overall it was a fair programme”
4. Resubmit complaint to Ofcom
If we can get 40,000 complaints to Ofcom they might act.
Just a thought, old bean, is it in anyway possible that we’re all being played. That actually shines a worse light on Nicola as it would mean she’d allowed her wokeness to be manipulated to create this unedifying and divisive context just weeks before, what is probably the most important election since 2014 Ref? If it is all a macabre plot by the Union Unit or some such like, then aren’t we all shameful hijacked actors in that too?
It would be so true to form of the British State to have redirected all our fiercely held principles against ourselves. It’s not taking sides or letting anyone off the hook, but exposing the real weaknesses in our movement that we can’t even see ourselves. Those who’ve spent centuries devising plans to curtail Scotland’s will might just be the best placed to achieve this.
And even if its just a randomly perfect set of circumstances, it all plays out the same, shouting at each other rather than fighting against this cruel and pernicious state hellbent on fixing the game for eternal rule.
Perhaps its time for some reflection.
Eileen Carson – “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”
There’s an alternative version of that saying which is,
It’s not who you know, it’s who you blow.
the woke heroine who’s spent a life fighting against bad men
We’ve had one powerful man up in court. For “sexual offences” such as hair pinging. I don’t think a better message could be sent to women that if you are powerful, you can have anyone you fancy up in court on trumped up charges using your power over the state and Crown Office, and your media pals will back you up 100% in smearing the guy. if you’re not powerful, you’re on your own and don’t bother even thinking of complaining about the genuinely powerful man sexually assaulting you, especially if he’s friendly with those in power. Some legacy for a female leader to leave.
The united kingdoms no longer do politics. They only do media management
I too am boycotting the May election as are many of my non-twitter friends and family.
All totally scunnered, to use my favourite word right now.
There is no no longer anyone to vote for in Scotland.
I don’t recall as blatant and concerted an Establishment hounding of a private citisen, to match the ongoing campaign to cut down Alex Salmond – since White America went after the then Cassius Clay in the mid-1960s.
Ali eventually triumphed, as I am sure Alex will. Mind you, when it comes to putting the boot in, the Uk Establoishment is a lot harder and more experienced than White America ever was.
Ha Ha. BBC running a few of the first series of Yes Minister. Tip for everybody. Read the gobbledygook in the box out loud to yourself. Hilarious!
I’m devastated that not being a member of the club will prevent me from watching a fair, unbiased account of recent events relating to the Alex Salmond stitch-up.
Oh well, there’s always Wings.
“All shall love me and despair!”
More evidence of Sturgeon either being in the advanced stages of Alzheimers or being a compulsive liar. Now she wants us to believe she had no idea about the Patrick Grady’s groping habits.
Grahamlive @10.55am.
Yip , totally agree , I bet he was a brown shirted milk monitor at school. As far as investigative journalism, I think Father Dowling may do a far better job.
Straight out of Yes Minister. I had to check his tweet as I couldn’t believe someone would actually say such a stupid thing.
Duncan Gray @11:13
Where have you been? All the Union Unit need to do is keep laughing from the sidelines.
This is a SCOTTISH bourach plain and simple.
‘Strategically I would say losing power to a Unionist coalition is the best possible outcome. We will have to suffer a couple of years of unrelenting triumphalism for sure but once that ebbs there is no way such a coalition will survive the strains of office.’
So says one of the Unionist coalition of liars and trolls currently shrieking on here that the only way to rid Scotland of Sturgeon et al is to hand our people over to the Boris Johnson and the Brutish State.
Only a child or a Unionist troll would consider a Unionist victory, by the Real Tories (Blue, Red and Yellow) as anything but catastrophic. Remember Thatcher? … the 1979 bent Referendum?… the 2014 bent Referendum?..remember 1707?..’We have cached Scotland and will hold them fast’. Craig Murray remembers them, Tommy Sheridan remembers them. I remember them. Well vote Tory in May and prepare for a Vulcan death grip forever on everything we hold dear including our very identity.
Prepare for the further rape of Scotland…our Renewable energy; our oil; more trident weapons to please their American masters; more risks to our land and people with fusion nuclear plants; more destruction of our democratic rights; privatisation of our water and NHS; more destruction of our culture, language and encouragement of inward immigration from RUK to continue the Ascendancy of Anglo/bRIT domination of our institutions.
Scotland is in transformation. The Devolved copout has shown us that municipal level tinpot despots must be prevented from gaining power. Political parties who have allegiance to the UK or basically none to Scottish Sovereignty must be abolished. But for the moment, We must push through and assert a vote for Independence via the corrupt SNP at Constituency and other Indy groups for the List. The SNP can and will be held to account when they fail to deliver for the last time. No accounting for a non Referendum will be required or be given by the Unionists.
To do otherwise is to open the gates to the ravening wolves of Westminster.
Sturgeon et al and their virtue signalling criminal crap can wait. If we get through May without submitting what is left of our Sovereignty to ‘BIG BROTHER’ UK, we can continue the work of becoming a mature country by eradicating all the woke, immature mini UK m.. me too.. pish that has poisoned our political system. We do this by mass demonstration and mass infiltration of the SNP or through a new united Party for Indy. This has not been viable at this short period. It can be…but only post May’s election.
Too wee, too poor, too stupid? Well too many contributors fit that bill. Only terminally stupid people vote for a return of more of what the three hundred years of colonial oppression gave us. Based purely on the basis of a short term set back created by a compromised devolved coterie of brit controlled puppets. Remember revenge is sweet. Hubris beckons.
Doubt very much I’ll have the stomach to watch it. Fully expect another Wark hatchet job.
Mind you fair play to the establishment, they’re pulling out the stops to protect their ‘placement’.
Crikey, 3 producers, an exec producer and a reporter, Mark Daly – who likes to his own directorial input as a journalist.
Thats what it takes these days to make a BBC current affairs TV programme – do it by committee.
No wonder the BBC is skint.
Willie Shankly’s recipe for football success: “Have enough Scottish plaeyrs to make a difference, but, not so-many they start fighting with each other.”
I wonder if the WGD folk ever stop and think to themselves… why would the BBC an organization that showed its naked hostility and loathing of the Independence movement and AS during 2014 is so keen to handover Panorama (supposedly hard edged investigative documentary journalism blah blah blah) so it can be used as part puff-piece for Nicola Sturgeon and part hatchet-job on Alex Salmond.
No attempt whatsoever (yet again) at any semblance of balanced reporting, naaaw fuck that, let’s hire Nicola’s life long pal for the job.
And people wonder if Nicola is getting help. lol.
It is all around us. The unionist press, the BBC, all the people who shouldn’t, all have Nicola’s back.
Sturgeon is Pro Power for herself and a blatant ("Tractor" - Ed) to the Yes movement. The Yes movement have been played by her like fools. She just needs to shout about IndyRef2 and the Cult swoons at her feet. She is DRUNK on power and displays traits of an Absolutist, not a democrat. The treachery towards Alex is beyond words: she was prepared to jail him for years on what she knew were trumped up charges with enticement to ‘witnesses’, again so-called proindy2 staff who made up crap to get a crumb from her table, for career, for ambition, to suck in to the power elite who have capitulated Scotland to GLOBALISTS. Westminster is NOTHING compared to the destructive forces of Globalism that have NOW and for the future will seek to control and break the will of the people of Scotland and until the Pro Indy Movement realise this we are in serious shit! I dont consider the SNP with her as leader as worthy of voting for. Alex Salmond was supposed to drop dead from the strain and pressure of the Scottish state bearing down on him then his dear old friend would have shed crocodile tears of how amazing a mentor he was etc. Even Macbeth and Hamlet doesnt touch the level of treachery. Bandwagon of self centred self seeking careerist shallow mediocrities incapable of thinking for others wont get my vote until a new leader put the country first again and cleans out the corruption and self obsessed status boosted charlatans who mouth the words of independence for their own Tory-like ambitions.
At some point the money printing has to come to an end and the destruction of the private sector, the high street, city centres, public transport, tourism and travel faced up to.
This could be a very good election to lose, and clean up the party in the meantime.
Aye. If only she too would go into the West…
Hm… I see. So Joffre really has known Nicla since she was 16. Here in sunny, not all DPRK-esque Scotland people who know the Dear Leader personally don’t, and people who don’t, do.
@ Rev and TheSNPLeftMe: you are under a misapprehension, I believe.
Chris Hanlon wrote a manifesto document for discussion in the party generally – just as Geoff Bush and David Henry did with their “Manifesto for Indy”. All three, by the way, were in on the Good guys list for NEC elections.
Chris was elected onto the NEC as Policy convenor BUT this is NOT what it seems. That committee is NOT the party’s body for creating policy. It is merely there to assist members and branches with formulating their policy ideas.
So non-SNP members might think that Chris is working on the official manifesto – but he isn’t. The only person responsible for drafting the manifesto is Keith Brown, as he said at the National Assembly.
Clear, Sir Humphrey? 🙂
Dave Beveridge says:
15 March, 2021 at 10:40 am
“To be fair, it’s sort of hard now to find someone who DIDN’T know Nicola Sturgeon at school.”
More school friends than hostelries visited by Burns or caves hidden in by Bruce.
Looking forward to the day when NS is no longer supported and enabled by so many.
Hopefully she’ll land on her erse and not her feet.
Aye that’s all I’ve got atm.
That will be Alex guilty again then ?
As for the manifesto. We give you a document we want you to discuss but there is no guarantee the document or the discussions will contribute to a final document you will have not duscussed.
Holyrood has a fantastic article with Mandy Rhodes interviewing Lord Falconer, it’s worth a read and I include a snippet from it below:
“She said that it was because of the Lord Advocate advising that she could go on with the case that she continued, even after Dunlop had said you should throw your hand in. That is a profound misstatement of what was happening. Dunlop was unequivocal on 6 December that they should throw their hand in and on 11 December, the Lord Advocate says it wouldn’t be wrong to go on. That is a very different thing from saying you should go on. And if she is saying she was advised to continue by the Lord Advocate, then that is not what the Lord Advocate was saying on 11 December. He was saying it would not be improper to go on, even though there was clear advice from Dunlop that she should stop.
“It is interesting seeing the whole thing set out like this because you can see the way that Wolffe has been corrupted by politics. I don’t mean corrupted in any financial sense. I mean corrupted by the need to say whatever your boss or your client wants to hear. And that is the last thing that is helping your client.
“It’s not for me to say that the Lord Advocate should resign. I am the Shadow Attorney General in England and Wales, I’m not his opposite number, but I am so profoundly disappointed by the way he’s let the law down.”
link to holyrood.com
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
Really interesting article from Mandy Rhodes on the Lord Advocate and the current legal/political crossover in Scotland:
link to holyrood.com
Lord Falconer doesn’t mince his words about the James Wolffe.
Beat me to it!
McLaurin followed by Lochside .
From the ridiculous to the sublime.
Well it is BBC…. need I say more?
El Mariachi says:
15 March, 2021 at 12:25 pm
Beat me to it!
Great minds think alike 🙂
Ex SNP Councillor @ 11:49 am
Your poor keyboard!
Quality rant though. {applause}
“I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don’t know the answer”
I knew NS when I was 16-17. She had just taken over running the YSN from Shona Robison. I took a day off school to go campaigning in Edinburgh the day after that freak poll which showed support for Indy at 50%.
De Valera
Sorry, you’ve lost me there.
So it’s another opportunity for Sturgeon to defame Alex Salmond again, they must be really worried about Alex making a comeback.
@John Martini says: 15 March, 2021 at 12:22 pm
“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.”
Indeed – and as has been shown on here at times in the Comments, sometimes with the most ludicrous conspiracy theories (in terms of proposition and elaboration) that the dramatis involved could only dream of being able to create.
I’m not sure whether it’s due to too many people watching old The Matrix movies during lockdown, or one repeat of seasons 2 and 3 of Blackadder too many of late, but there’s times on here I find my head in my hands.
Wendy says:
15 March, 2021 at 11:11 am
“I too am boycotting the May election as are many of my non-twitter friends and family.
All totally scunnered, to use my favourite word right now.
There is no no longer anyone to vote for in Scotland.”
Me too. was going to go for AFI on the list but have been told that Craig Murray supports self ID. I wish there was a solidarity candidate standing.
Hear this.
The SN P are going to vote AGAINST the Crime Bill in Westminster. Yes that’s right. Against.
Could you make this up as they say it is invidious? .No, but we have folk want to vote for them in Scotland hahaha.
I don’t think Sir Humphrey could EVER match that, not even at the top of his game!!!
No, no, no, you misunderstand, Rev. THAT draft manifesto was just a kiddy on thing to circulate around the rif-raf to give them something to chat about while the important people got on with writing the actual manifesto behind the scenes. That way the plebs in the branches are given the impression that they are able to democratically participate in the policy making process. It was always destined for the bin.
Mariachi says:
15 March, 2021 at 12:24 pm
Really interesting article from Mandy Rhodes on the Lord Advocate and the current legal/political crossover in Scotland:
link to holyrood.com
Just read it Marichi. So, given the tightness of the legal fraternity this is a coruscating take down of Scotland’s disgrace of a senior law officer. Sturgeons and her legal Schemer – in -Chief. are shaming Scotland.
There are still those who say things like “we should let the Unionists in for a couple of years” or “ his could be a good election to lose.”
Utter nonsense. A Unionist Government will make absolutely sure that there will never be Independence for Scotland. Laws will be passed to ensure that Westminster will always have the power over Holyrood.
It won’t be a couple of years, it will be a couple of centuries if the Unionists have power.
For all their very many faults there is still a slight hope with a reformed SNP. With Unionists in power there is none.
@Lochside, 11:32
So says one of the Unionist coalition of liars and trolls currently shrieking on here that the only way to rid Scotland of Sturgeon et al is to hand our people over to the Boris Johnson and the Brutish State.
Have Sturgeon et al not already handed us over to the British State?
@ Clandonald and @ Rev: I know it is very amusing to refer to Yes Minister but on this occasion I do know what I am talking about [for a change].
“Manifesto for Indy” by Geoff Bush [who had an article on Wings when he set up SNP Members for Independence] was written and circulated to try to put pressure on Keith Brown and get the official manifesto to take on board the need for the election to be a plebiscite. Chris Hanlon wrote and circulated his with the same aim.
There are people in the party who haven’t given up yet on trying to return the party to its purpose of getting indpendence asap, and Chris is one of them.
I couldn’t agree more with your assessment of the very destruction of the Scots identity. Over recent years the Plantation of Scotland has gathered pace.
Take a look at our supermarkets and try and pick out Scottish produce now. You can’t because everything is covered in Union Jacks. Or consider the Scottish Parliaments powers, and the influence of Scottish regulators, service deliverers like the NHS all utterly undermined by the U.K. Internal Market Bill that reserves power back to Westminster.
Or the 3,000 London civil servants located to Edinburgh with another 500 to come. And all set up to establish Westminster Government and administration in Scotland. Or the Scottish legal system guaranteed under the Act of Union but with the Court of Session now reduced to a junior court to the Supreme Court.
And all capped of with the relentless Plantation of Scotland with people from down south with their allegiances there and not to Scotland. A repeat of the Plantation of Ulster an ethnic engineering policy that made the Irish Gaels peasants in their own land.
History repeats and the peasants will once again feel the boot of the English Crown.
I wonder if Dani Garavelli will feature in a cameo role having tea with Kirsty Wark, and discussing “just how persuasive” Alex Salmond is with Sarah Smith. I hope they enjoy their slice of humble pie when Salmond brings the Goverment down.
I can almost hear James Cook shouting at his lawyers in the BBC toilets as we speak.
Yet more self preservation instead of self determination from Nicola Sturgeon on misreporting Scotland.
Add to the additional Civil Servants in Edinburgh, the 1400 personnel being transferred up to Faslane.
He could no doubt have written more. But as Sir Humphrey would have put it, the prolixity of his tweet was curtailed by the unavoidable limitation regarding characters imposed by the regulations of the medium in question, thereby sparing the dutiful reader from any further vexation that might have arisen from an exhaustive perusal of said communication.
I’ll assume this slasher-job is already produced and ready to air, and will therefore simply state; Jofre has a shameless and brazen cheek to produce this cheap and very bent slur on an innocent member of the public, she clearly cares not a jot for anyone exposing her corrupt pal – and, by god, she’s corrupt.
I wonder at what point Salmond decides enough is enough and brings a few defamation actions against lying fuckers? – maybe that’ll do the trick?
Hey, Jofre, we’re crowd-funding Alex – you’ll be among those hearing from his lawyers.
Independence is off the agenda for the time being.
As long as Sturgeon and her administration have anything to do with the running of the Scottish Government, then we are going to get more of the same, plus some, over the next five years.
All their dreaded policies will become law and Holyrood will continue to be a House of Waffle.
The public will not be involved in, or notified about any other evil deeds they have planned for us.
Sturgeon needs taken out of the picture all together.
Vote Scottish Labour in Glasgow Southside.
A Grand Coalition can be organised in time for the May election.
This scenario can be repeated throughout Scotland.
Vote out these useless, corrupt SNP gangsters.
We will end up with no Party having a majority, but it will cleanse us of the stench of Sturgeon forever.
The following election can turn out like the 2011 election, with a majority of Indy Parties back in charge and pushing for indyRef2.
But first we must destroy the present SNP, who have shamelessly dragged Scotland through the mud.
A party political broadcast on behalf of the Scottish Nationalist Party masquerading as a documentary.
Shame on you, ‘impartial ‘BBC!
BBC started Castaway slide
In 2000, catalyst to reality TV;
Permission-giving to BB’s dumbed-down spread;
Hook on junk, then claim you supply what’s wanted-
Surveillance as entertainment.
Now drape high the WW bunting,
Hoist skyward the crossed-out Saltire,
Drink to Jura and to Taransay,
Gateway islands to the futured past,
And let Auntie transition in peace to a
Dock-side rent-a-crew doc-provider.
A observation
Being slick , being clever and taking people for idiots and mugs has a lasting effect
It’s going to take an unimaginable amount of work from this version of the SNP to get me to trust or believe anything anyone of their mouthpieces say , right now I trust them in the same way I trust any unionist party representative
Happy Nicola ?
Oh dear this has the making of another derogatory character assassination programme against former FM Alex Salmond from the makers of this programme and aired on the BBC.
You’re right. I’ve now made up my mind who to vote for in May. I’ll be voting SNP and either ISP, of AFI on the list vote.
A Unionist majority absolutely will allow Westminster to carve up Scotland which ever way it wants. An SNP government may allow, through incompetence, or colusion, Westminster to carve up Scotland.
In simple, robust, terms it’s a choice between guaranteeing that Scotland is eviscerated, or a chance at no evisceration. … Or, only partial evisceration. Either way, I’ll take the fighting chance at life, rather than the almost certain death for my country.
Another thought is, all the Unionist parties are Westminster based, but the SNP is Scotland based.
As it is written on the side of Holyrood Parliament building.
“When we had a king, and a chancellor, and parliament-men o’ our ain, we could aye peeble them wi’ stanes when they werena gude bairns – But naebody’s nails can reach the length o’ Lunnon”
If the SNP want be be bad bairns, then let them not forget – Our nails may not be able to reach London, but they can reach Edinburgh.
@ kapelmeister at 1.28: did you see my informative comment at 1.09?
By the way, I generally enjoy your witty one-liners – thank you.
I got a shiny flyer through the letterbox this morning to re-elect Keith Brown.
One mention of independence. None on identity politics. Nothing about what they propose for future policies. Everything is great because of past achievements like baby boxes. Just tick SNP 1 and 2 please.
“A vote for SNP will guarantee Scotland’s right to choose between Boris Johnson’s Britain or the full powers of independence to rebuild a fairer and stronger economy for us all”
So there you are – something vague is guaranteed. 100% or your ring fenced money back.
It contains a QR code that scans to a 1 to 5 Google forms survey of your feelings on the economy, Europe, independence, climate change, health, voting intentions (1st/2nd choice). One line to add thoughts on other issues important to you.
Again nothing about identity politics, hate crime. It’s almost as if they don’t want to talk about it with voters.
“You’re right. I’ve now made up my mind who to vote for in May. I’ll be voting SNP and either ISP, of AFI on the list vote.”
It looks like the only way KOF, even though I’m utterly disgusted by the SNP actions over the last couple of years, to vote for a unionist party would be a vote for Boris Johnson.
Rev, I am sure you have it all in hand but I think you might want to take a closer look to previous threads. There is a couple of posts there that are posting long after another thread has been opened and either trying to be funny without being funny at all or deliberately attempting to compromise your blog with jigsaw nonsense to give the powers that excuse they are looking for to close it down.
Posters may be in another continent, but this blog is not. This is one of the last sources we have of true information, folks. We need to look after it, so let’s just leave the puzzles alone.
Shocked says:
15 March, 2021 at 11:01 am
The BBC don’t even try to hide it; the woke heroine who’s spent a life fighting against bad men, Nicola Sturgeon, oor ain Jacinda Ardern and Kamala Harris rolled into one must be promoted at all costs.
I resent that you have brought Jacinda’s name into your post. As a Scot living in New Zealand. I can honestly say Nicola can’t lick Jacinda’s boots.
I know you didn’t mean to disrespect a fine woman leader in your comment. But comparing Sturgeon to Jacinda, is like saying black is white.
If Jacinda Arden behaved here as Nicola Sturgeon has, she would be out of office quick smart.
Nicola Sturgeon is a disgrace to all Scottish people.
Yes, I see them too:
link to wingsoverscotland.com
Tinto Chiel, Cactus and a crowd of other clowns.
To all those who believe this is some Union hatchet job, it’s worth recalling that NS holds a belief which coincides with that of the heavily Remainer biased BBC. She is the darling of the EU.
Very much agree. Living in Glasgow for the last 11 years, I’ve seen various Scottish politicians on the street, and of course MSP and MP offices are near at hand. Scottish politicians will continue to be more accessible than British ones, and you never really know who holds the reins of power in the UK in any case. If we are betrayed by our own then at least we know where they are.
I posted something like this on another thread and put a disclaimer on that, which I’ll do on this too. I’m not promoting illegal action with my post.
Lochside @ 11:32 am
Excellent synopsis of our colonial reality, what needs to be done, and what will be done to Scotland if folk lose the plot.
AFI top team looking good for the list, and also offering a plebiscite mandate for independence which could well be used, assuming 50%+ vote for independence:
link to afi.scot
“AFI shall also campaign for a simple majority of the popular vote for pro-indy parties across both the constituencies and the regional lists, at the “Independence” election, and for such a majority to be understood to be a mandate for independence itself. AFI calls on all pro-indy parties and the YES movement to also adopt this position. Action for Independence – Putting Scotland before Party”
The SNP are very embarrassed about their not a draft manifesto/rough draft of a proposal/manifesto development document/discussion document aren’t they?
Just a thought though. Given the short time left to the start of campaigning, shouldn’t they be at draft manifesto stage by now?
Lochside @11.32am.
Just noticed your fine comment, well said.
If Holyrood manifestos promise indyref2:
Because of the SNP Scot Govt’s sabotage to the Indyref legal case, we don’t yet know if the colonial parliament can hold an indyref without a s30 Order.
So, if candidates promise indyref2 before the indyref case is settled they would be making commitments that they don’t know they would have the power to keep.
That would be dishonest. And stupid.
“it’s worth recalling that NS holds a belief which coincides with that of the heavily Remainer biased BBC”
If NS held such a strong belief, she would have never allowed Scotland to be dragged out of the EU against its expressed democratic will. She has had control of the majority of Scotland’s seats in Westminster since 2015. For a year she had control of the absolute majority of Scotland’s seats in both Holyrood and Westminter. She has commanded a pro indy majority in Holyrood ever since.
This woman is no remainer. If it was not because of her, England would have never dragged Scotland out of the EU as it has done before breaking the UK in two. In my opinion she is far closer to the ERG than to Europe.
How do I as a woman see your first minister?
I see her as a person that wasn’t attractive to men in her young years. She suffered a lot of rejection. You have to admit she wasn’t what anyone would call pretty.
She adopted a hard shell to protect herself. She is no longer what we would call feminine.
Males rejecting her throughout her life has led her to lesbianism.
I see her as a very damaged personality. She doesn’t really know who she/he is.
Yet this is the person ruling your country? What the fuck!
Strathy says: at 3:17 pm
“Just a thought though. Given the short time left to the start of campaigning, shouldn’t they be at draft manifesto stage by now?”
As the SNP is short of cash I’ve knocked this up on my tea break free of charge.
“VOTE SNP for Tasty Indyref2 Carrots
Plus the super added bonus surprise of us foisting onto you another currently secret policy you don’t actually want, just like we did with the Hate Crime Bill last time.”
No disrespect, but this is a political blog, not a counselling service or a behavioural brain storming platform. I doubt most of the posters here give a darn about Ms Sturgeon’s physical appearance, self-esteem or sexual appeal.
But what we give a darn is about her actions as FM and leader of what was the political vehicle for independence when she took control of it 6 years ago. And her actions have left us wanting. What she has transformed the SNP into is a compliant, innocuous lapdog that is now doing the dirty work on behalf of the British state. And that ain’t sexy.
Lochside. Nicola Sturgeon has the same Agenda, 2030, as Boris Johnson they work for the same Globalist corporate interests. Face it Independence is not on the cards any time soon.
The bogus Left are making Scotland unlivable. They have been possessed by the spirit of student extreme wokism as all political parties are these days.
Pixywine @ 3:38 pm
“Face it Independence is not on the cards any time soon.”
AFI have stated that for this election “a majority to be understood to be a mandate for independence”. If such a majority were achieved do you really believe the likes of Craig Murray, Tommy Sheridan, Martin Keatings, Dave Thomson and many other Scots with sufficient ‘bottle’ winnae uise it? Why do you think the British state is now in desperation mode. Independence is definitely on the cards.
Ha Ha – she knew Nickla when she was 16 eh.
One has to wonder what the courts make of the bbc pissing all over their outcomes
Contempt springs to mind
@ Kiwilassie at 3.30pm: That’s fatuous nonsense. People don’t choose their sexual orientation. If they did, why would they choose to be gay? I’ve been rejected or ignored by plenty of women, but that didn’t cause me to be sexually-attracted, or indeed, in-any-other-way-attracted, to men. Besides which, Nicola Sturgeon’s sexual orientation is of no interest or concern to most people. Probably most commenters on this site object to identity politics and wokism, but the time when we cared what so-and-so was doing in private with whom has long since passed. It’s irrelevant and nobody’s business.
“AFI have stated that for this election “a majority to be understood to be a mandate for independence”
Please Alf, can you put a link to AFI’s manifesto.
thank you.
Ex SNP Councillor. The most despairing aspect to the world wide situation is the seeming lack of awareness among intelligent people. I see the lads on Unity News Network are claiming Sarah Everard was an anti lockdown campaigner. I fear for all our future. Sturgeon seems par for the Globalist course as leaders go.I believe Salmond was attacked mainly because he is a Nationalist whereas Sturgeon her ilk and her bosses Blair etc. are Internationalist. Her obsession with Europe should give it away.
@ Michael Laing at 3.55
Yes, exactly; well said.
Trying all out to spike Wings. Other bloggers too, but Wings especially. Arseholes.
@ Mia at 3.30pm: I’m not disagreeing, but adding to your comment.
“it’s worth recalling that NS holds a belief which coincides with that of the heavily Remainer biased BBC”
The “remainer biased BBC”? Would that be same BBC that gave that creep Farage a platform to push his racism and xenophobia on Question Time multiple times even when he was practically unknown? And others such as Nick Griffin before him?
AFI ‘routemap to Scottish independence’:
link to afi.scot
Willie. Go take yourself along with your grudge against the English, to your room and go back to reading your favourite Hustler.
Then show me a plausible route to Sturgeon resigning without being able to control her succession that doesn’t involve the SNP losing power in May.
And, remember, until we are prepared to assert our sovereignty as a people, it lies exclusively in Westminster’s hands – the Supreme Court has already ruled so, so let’s not pretend that any flavour of devolved administration can protect Scotland from whatever Westminster Tories fancy dishing out.
As if to illustrate the point, our response to our loss of EU citizenship, freedom of movement and free trade appears to be fucking baby boxes. Is that the kind of protection you are looking for? Cos that is what the SNP is giving you.
It’s sickening that it’s only the rev exposing stuff like this. So the brain dead public watching the program will consider it a fair and impartial assessment of the Salmond/ Sturgeon affair without knowing those involved in its making and their obvious bias.
Is there any mileage in the idea of voting the SNP into power regardless of all the manure that is flying about and then once they get in, ramp up the pressure on them immediately, both internally and externally, forcing them to start dissolving the Union?
I remember the BBC ran nothing but horror stories about migrants on boats during the UU referendum as if they were trying to influence the more prejudiced among the public. As soon as the result came in the horror stories stopped and it was back to news where ” you are”. Result achieved. The Left think the BBC are on the Right and the Right think the BBC is left leaning. What that tells me is the BBC is successfully propagating everyone daft enough to draw their” news” from that State propagandist. That’s why I’m surprised so many people have fallen for the hottest most full on Government Media fear campaign I’ve ever experienced.over the past year.
One imagined that the public would catch on at some point.
Do we really need a ” passport” to go to the shops?. Is that not somewhat like the old Soviet Union? Those are important questions because we need to understand the nature of the relationship between the Government and the Governed. Has that relationship been changed in any way say about a year ago or are we a Free people. Asking on behalf of Humanity.
I got my Yellow Star ready for the time I refuse any Government mandated “Health Passport”
I forgot to say. The BBC have been running migrant scare stories, in dinghies this time, to distract the Tory faithful from a cluster fuck Brexit. Also to distract from Johnson and Sturgeons rule by Fiat. The migrant stories whether true or not are being used to distract the public.
Alf Baird. Can A FI decide for the Parliament that this is an Independence election? Would any elected AFI members have the power to decide that?
@ Wee Chid at 12.51pm: Craig Murray may support self-ID, but I know he is also committed to firm and rapid action on independence. He has also stated that he is scunnered with identity politics, so may be changing his mind about self-ID, or at least the importance of it.
Since when did we only vote for people if we agree 100% with every opinion they hold? That’s not even possible. We need to think strategically here. As I understand it, AFI is an umbrella organisation with candidates with various points of view, but with the singular aim of pushing for independence as soon as possible. Whether one candidate or another supports self-ID isn’t really an issue. Scotland is powerless to decide anything at all until we have independence!
Al Hunter @ 4:21 pm
Is there any mileage in the idea of voting the SNP into power regardless of all the manure that is flying about and then once they get in, ramp up the pressure on them immediately, both internally and externally, forcing them to start dissolving the Union?
How are you going to do that with a totally out-of-touch leadership who’ve already proven they’re not going to listen to anyone? Once bedded in for another 5 years that’ll be it. We’ll be completely at the mercy of whatever students’ rag week crazy policies they think up next.
A huge pro-indy contingent voted in on the list would help though, if only to get the fact that there’s an alternative to the Saint Nicola Party next time around into the public’s consciousness.
With Sturgeon seriously damaged along with her Union appointed replacement Robertson, I’m starting to wonder if the next Brit sleeper has been activated. ? Please tell me it ain’t Murray, Craig Murray.
I remember the Shelley Jofre programme. At one point she was doing a walkabout interview with NS on the beach when a wayward hound approached.
NS had apoplexy. She is afraid of dogs.
I feel sure that anyone watching from the darkside would have seen that as worthy of inclusion in her dossier.
So, yet again we will see the London Brit nationalist establishment (the BBC) protecting Nicola Sturgeon. Now, just think, why would they want to protect a supposedly pro indy Scottish First Minister.
Wakey, wakey, folks.
Dave Beveridge
Thanks for taking the time to answer
I’m not exactly sure on how we go about pulling ‘a fast one’ on the current (out of touch) SNP Leadership, but I am in favour of getting them back in power and then giving them a jolt to get them back on track or out the door. Maybe the threat of a mass withdrawal of SNP memberships as soon as they are in power to let them know that their days are numbered if they don’t pull the finger out. I think we ought to come up with strategy to deal with them sooner rather than later – especially if they are going to come out with all their batshit crazy policies ‘in our name’ – just putting the idea out there.
Lochside says:
15 March, 2021 at 11:32 am
‘Strategically I would say losing power to a Unionist coalition is the best possible outcome. We will have to suffer a couple of years of unrelenting triumphalism for sure but once that ebbs there is no way such a coalition will survive the strains of office.’
So says one of the Unionist coalition of liars and trolls currently shrieking on here that the only way to rid Scotland of Sturgeon et al is to hand our people over to the Boris Johnson and the Brutish State.
Only a child or a Unionist troll would consider a Unionist victory, by the Real Tories (Blue, Red and Yellow) as anything but catastrophic.
Well said that man. Too many shrieking children and trolls on here.
Fireproofjim says:
15 March, 2021 at 1:05 pm
There are still those who say things like “we should let the Unionists in for a couple of years” or “ his could be a good election to lose.”
Utter nonsense. A Unionist Government will make absolutely sure that there will never be Independence for Scotland. Laws will be passed to ensure that Westminster will always have the power over Holyrood.
Well said Jim. Another voice of sanity in the madhouse BTL on Wings is turning into.
O/T: Manny Singh has a gofundme fundraiser “Help Manny Singh Win His Legal Battles”.
His taxi licence was suspended by the council on 10th March so he needs to fund an appeal.
Yet more trouble piled on a Yesser.
KOF says:
15 March, 2021 at 2:12 pm
You’re right. I’ve now made up my mind who to vote for in May. I’ll be voting SNP and either ISP, of AFI on the list vote.
A Unionist majority absolutely will allow Westminster to carve up Scotland which ever way it wants. An SNP government may allow, through incompetence, or colusion, Westminster to carve up Scotland.
In simple, robust, terms it’s a choice between guaranteeing that Scotland is eviscerated, or a chance at no evisceration. … Or, only partial evisceration. Either way, I’ll take the fighting chance at life, rather than the almost certain death for my country.
Yep. The world is far from perfect, and politics is a snakepit at the best of times, but we must do what we can to keep the dream alive – and voting Unionist or staying at home isn’t going to help anyone.
Wonder how much this latest publicity stunt cost her?
How much was in the “ring-fenced” funds again? Anyone know? lol
Republicofscotland says:
15 March, 2021 at 2:36 pm
“You’re right. I’ve now made up my mind who to vote for in May. I’ll be voting SNP and either ISP, of AFI on the list vote.”
It looks like the only way KOF, even though I’m utterly disgusted by the SNP actions over the last couple of years, to vote for a unionist party would be a vote for Boris Johnson.
Sadly it IS the only way. Let’s hope the next time we vote it is with more enthusiasm . . . .
and is Karen Wightman (Editor) married to Andy Wightman?
Unmitigated conflicts of interest (& Sturgeon/Fake News BBC Panorama collusion?) is ‘the norm’ and ‘standard’ under a rotten Banana State…
Pixywine @ 4:32 pm
“Can A FI decide for the Parliament that this is an Independence election? Would any elected AFI members have the power to decide that?”
Its what the people decide that matters. Parliaments either respect the wishes of the people or they don’t. We saw what happened at Westminster when MP’s messed around with the Brexit vote.
AFI has only surfaced because the SNP have been messing the voters around.
@ ScotsRenewables 4.56pm
What are we supposed to do?
The current SNP leadership has no interest in a referendum and are quite happy to truck along in power probably with the Greens whilst passing barking mad legislation and politically assassinating our greatest ever politician.
To me, it makes no difference which of them are in power (SNP/Greens or Unionist), they are each as bad as each other and we might be better with the SNP being out of power for a spell and then we can clear out the Sturgeon loyalists and the wokies and sweep to power at the next election with people in place that actually want Independence and support women’s rights.
Today (re.’Age of the Banana’), even Fake News BBC’s propaganda standards: SUCK.
“Is there any mileage in the idea of voting the SNP into power regardless of all the manure that is flying about and then once they get in, ramp up the pressure on them immediately, both internally and externally, forcing them to start dissolving the Union?”
I think not. Because how can you ever do that?
Look at what we have in front of our eyes: the present SNP leader, the deputy leader, the next in line to take the baton from the fraud, the executive of the SNP, the lord advocate, the crown agent, the most senior members of the civil service in Scotland, quite a few of the MPs and the MSPs are up to their eyebrows in corruption and the sht that is keeping them frantically abusing their positions of power to suppress the evidence form the public.
For goodness sake, even a low key MSP like Fabiani doesn’t show any embarrassment at making a complete fool of herself in her relentless ridiculous and obvious attempts to suppress that information reaching the committee, never mind the public.
It is not even subtle. They are using pure brute force to keep that evidence suppressed. They don’t even seem to care if what they are doing to stop that evidence reaching the public is unlawful.
Why? Because that evidence may well be deadly for their professional careers, their reputation and may even land more than one in prison. This is the best leverage the British state could ever dream of to derail independence, while of course it hides the strings it has been pulling all along behind these idiots.
Do you seriously think these idiots that put themselves in such a dire situation are going to lift a finger to risk that evidence reaching the surface by progressing independence? No way. What is the worse that could happen to them if they do not progress independence? being demonised by the yes supporters? losing their seats? Being laughed at? What is that compared with the risk of that evidence reaching the surface?
Open your eyes. The British state is circling the wagons around them and helping them to suppress that evidence from the public for a very good reason: It has bought them out. Why do you think the propaganda mouthpieces of the British state have been so relentless in their smear job on Mr Salmond and this pathetic continuous whitewash of the fraud?
Because the British state needs its assets to continue controlling the SNP and worse, the yes movement. Do you seriously think it is going to let go of the party that easily?
There is a part of me that is beginning to think allowing the genderwoowoo to infest the SNP, Ms Cherry being blocked out of Holyrood and away from the leadership of the party and the hate bill were also conditions in the deal to keep the evidence suppressed. That is why all MSPs are embarrassingly silent and so many are abandoning the race in the next election.
Ms Cherry had to be blocked because she succeeded in the A50 revocation case and she also succeeded in the prorogation case against the buffoon and I think they got spooked. She was the one that highlighted more recently in the House of commons that the internal market bill runs a coach and horses through the treaty of union and they smelled the possibility of Ms Cherry heading another court case to humiliate the buffoon and trashing that bill. They cannot have that. England has to have absolute control over Scotland’s markets.
The genderwoowoo and the hate bill appear to be an exercise like the poll tax, an experiment to use the Scottish people as lab rats to test the waters before implementing something similar but probably more subtle in England. I wouldn’t be surprised if the malicious prosecutions we have been experiencing in Scotland are also part of the experiment.
The SNP is dead. It has no leaders, no executive, no MPS and no MSPs. They are all, bar a very few, either plants or expendable pawns. Nationalists only in name and hollow as democratic representatives.
The SNP is now a weapon of the British state to keep us toeing their line while they dangle the rotten carrot of indyref in front of our noses, and if we give them a way to control our parliament and government, that is exactly what they will continue to do until that evidence is no longer a risk.
The sooner we start to accept that, the sooner we can start moving forward from this stasis.
@Al Hunter:
If we get a majority SNP government and there still isn’t immediate and definite movement on independence then I suggest we use the power of the grassroots to pile pressure on the SNP. We can start by marching every weekend on Bute House and Holyrood.
Mobilise the AUOB, but against inactivity by the SNP rather than general pointless marching around.
Vote them in then protest like fuck. Nicola hates having her popularity publicly questioned.
How about a permanent Indy camp outside Holyrood?
Mia – The yes movement have never targeted Bute House or Holyrood for a protest. We don’t know if it would work, but it’s never been tried.
SNP – Majority and no indi referendum is exactly the right time to start protesting in these places , and I mean in numbers. By June Covid restrictions will have relaxed a bit. They are talking about crowds in Euro 2021. So why can’t we demonstrate.
If there is no SNP majority, we have nothing to protest about. We have unwittingly let them off the hook.
@ Lochside I have to say you have made a very thoughtful point worthy of consideration , not that others have not stated similar recently , the reason I take yours more seriously is that you have STATED openly and repeatedly for years your distrust and anger at the lack of progression from Sturgeon for independence, whilst others pushing the SNP1 vote have previously been SNP and Sturgeon diehards and apologists of the GREAT PLAN Myth
Even now it is difficult to TRUST their proposals as other than a manipulative attempt because it relies on Sturgeon and others being exposed and removed from their beloved SNP, something which they have vehemently opposed with outrage and denigration to anyone suggesting it
What I also cannot understand is how the membership of the SNP allowed the capture of their party to happen so easily , how even with the election of the NEW NEC nothing was or is capable within the party constitution or rules to rectify this corruption of democracy
The debate is finally starting to shift regarding the loony ‘trans’ cult. Groups like the LGB alliance, have given a voice to many gays and lesbians, leading to open questioning of some of the ‘trans’ cultists dogma.
Perhaps, it will not be long, before the SNP leadership will be backing down from their current stance on the subject, once the tide finally turns. The ‘trans’ cult threatens not just women’s rights, but the rights of same-sex attracted lesbians and gay men (such as myself).
I do think the SNP rather than being progressive are in real danger of being behind society on this. The point is, things are now moving.
link to lgballiance.org.uk
link to twitter.com
@Mia – I’m with you with about 80% of that.
For me, there is no evidence of British state involvement. Lesley Evans takes all her instructions directly from Nicola Sturgeon and she has stated that several times. The British state tried to warn her it wouldn’t work, but she wouldn’t listen.
We are on a hamster wheel with Sturgeon and voting her back in again will just keep us all on it. She is just managing the decline of a great country.
I have checked your Link that you just accidentally left lying about Wings Over Scotland and true enough, you are deliberately leading people to your business.
This site is for people who are concerned about Scotland’s future, NOT for freelancers and Chancers who’s only concern is their business.
Remove the Link or you will be reported.
Lochside @ 11.32 highlighted a concern about:
“more destruction of our culture, language and encouragement of inward immigration from RUK to continue the Ascendancy of Anglo/bRIT domination of our institutions.”
I was interested enough to check the govt census 2011 analysis, which states:
“93% (4.9 million) of the people in Scotland were born within the UK, a decrease of three percentage points from 96% (4.8 million) in 2001. 83% were born in Scotland (4,412,000), 9% in England (459,000), 0.7% in Northern Ireland (37,000) and 0.3% in Wales (17,000)
Of the 7% (369,000) of people in Scotland on census day in 2011 who were not born in the UK, a majority (55%) had arrived in the UK between 2004 and March 2011.
The great majority (89%) of the population born outside the UK arrived in the UK aged under 35; this pattern was generally reflected across all ethnic groups.”
Presumably, unless those RUK types somehow snaffle all the plum posts for themselves, there’s a way to go yet… (but those figures are 10 years old, of course).
Could some of you please take a deep breath?
I say leave scotsrenewables link to his location up there.
Not entirely convinced it’s deliberate……oopsy…..
@ Captain Yossarian
I think we have already established plenty of times in previous threads we both are in irreconciliable opposing sides. You sustain this is an full in house job. I suggest this is a job carefully planned and stage-managed from the outside but using the useful idiots available inside to implement it and deliver it. The additional cherry on the cake is that the outside power has now managed to totally compromise those useful idiots that walked right into the trap so has now managed to buy them at a bargain price, keeping them compliant by helping them to suppress incriminating evidence that puts them at the centre o the botched job.
Evans is a UK civil servant and has been caught being economical with the truth plenty of times before. Why should we believe a word she says? Who do you think is going to save Evans’ bacon if things go pear shaped, a hanging by the fingernails Nicola Sturgeon and Lord Advocate, or rather the British state?
The Crown Agent was not chosen by Nicola Sturgeon nor were the rest of the civil servants involved on this, were they?
Thanks for your response Mia, and yes, I recognize much of what you described concisely. My question stemmed from much the same feeling that the BritWagons are being mobilised all over the shop and there is a discernible pattern and direction they are following. That pattern is the slow watering down of the value of the Scottish Parliament; utilising vast sums of borrowing and QE via the B of E, legislating against our MSP/MPs with EVEL and trying to knobble our legal system as well as all the other stuff you noted. I was just wondering if there might be a way of electing in the current SNP status quo and then switching them as soon as they get in. Obviously they aint going to give up without a fight, so what do we do with them? Personally I am in favour of getting them in and then booting them out again with a bit of good old quality infighting, shaming them, disgracing them, and even using legal action against them if necessary. Starting from day one, as soon as we get them over the winning line! I think we need some form of strategy to remin them of how serious we all are out here. Indycamping ourside Bute House just isn’t strong enough.
re: ScotsRenewables
Interesting way of advertising a business.
It does seem the British Broadcasting Corporation is pulling out all the stops to protect and promote Nicola Sturgeon. In doing so they are affording the same privileges to the SNP.
Twathater, Alf Baird and others thanks.
Those of us who have stood by the REV and this site have maybe not always agreed with him, but have believed in and supported his forensic analysis of the Scottish political scene.
I and others, noticeably Breeks, for years received dog’s abuse from the SNP diehards on here for our refusal to move from the fundamentalist belief in Scottish Sovereignty for the people and by the people. There are now entities from outside our movement who are on here clearly and in plain sight Unionist trolls cajoling and spitting Unionist propaganda at the angry and forsaken to vote Labour, spoil our vote and abstain all on the basis that we need England to come and rescue us from the criminal puppets in Holyrood.
Well the Scottish Independence movement is bigger and stronger than that. We are done begging the Brits to ‘bail us out’ financially or politically. The idea that Johnson, Mogg, Starmer or any other of these international gangsters would resolve our internal object of removing the Sturgeonite imposters is one dreamt up in the ’77 H.Q. Canteen.
We are on the move to resolve our own mess. To really create a Scotland that is democratic and transparent politically. We can only do that on the other side of May’s election when we can organise properly to usurp electorally and by civil disobedience, not disorder, any inevitable back tracking by the ‘anointed one’ and her consort Murrell to deliver the inevitable failed Referendum mirage. We do not need any more Britnattery interference in our affairs.
“The yes movement have never targeted Bute House or Holyrood for a protest”
Look what the thugs did in London for the vigil for that young lady. The fraud has stopped all yes demonstrations in Scotland with the excuse of COVID and with the threat of arrests. Now look at the “the police, crime, sentencing and courts bill” that is on its way. Do you seriously think they are going to allow us demonstrate?
Think again.
@Mia – I’m not trying to reconcile with you but every now and again I agree with you and so in a sense of fairness I am bound to say that. It does not happen often, but you put a lot of effort into your posts and that should be supported.
That said, both Evans and Wolffe were appointed by Sturgeon and answer either to Sturgeon or to Swinney. They get paid by Whitehall, that’s all. They don’t take instructions from them and never have done. They are constructs of Holyrood and St Andrews House.
I’ve often asked myself why there are no whistle-blowers and I reckon that is because the legal environment in Scotland is now so toxic and weighted against the public that no-one would dare take the risk. What chance would a memebr of the public have up against a smiling assassin like James Wolffe?
I would be happy to be independent if I could be confident that life would stay the same or would get better. We are far from that at the moment, aren’t we.
I have no idea why my name is a link.
It appears to go to the website of one of my clients. (I run a Web design business, not a dog kennels)
I’ve tried the only thing I can think of to remove the link.
That was partially successful – let’s try this
And now with no link…
Your supposition is way off target.
I knew a lot of not so attractive women when I was young, they got a lot of attention at the dancing, especially near finishing time.
Firep!aces and fires spring to mind.
OK, I’ve fixed it.
It seems that when you post, if you put a website in below name and email it becomes a link.
I have never done that as far as I know, but it seemed to be remembering that link to a dog boarding site. I put in a # symbol, which takes you back to the top of the current page. Then I made another post with no Web address, and my name is no longer a link.
I think it is something to do with the Gravatar logo I use being on the same server as the dog boarding site.
Anyway, my apologies – there was no intention to spam Stu’s site, and if I was going to I would put a link to my own business, not someone else’s.
And Stu, feel free to remove any of my posts where the name is a link.
“They get paid by Whitehall, that’s all”
Ahh! So you claim that those who pay do not have a say on the job specification of the employee. Goodness, the mental acrobatics you are going to trying to distance the British state from this job are certainly gravity defying and vertigo inducing.
“They don’t take instructions from them and never have done”
And you know this because… you are a very senior person in the civil service or MI5 and have access to all Evans’ emails, phone calls, letters, contract of employment and job description? Or you are just making it up?
What does Evans do every time she goes to meeting in London? Just a social visit for a cup of tea and a gossip update with her London colleagues?
“They are constructs of Holyrood and St Andrews House”
The Uk civil service is a construct of the British state, the same as the crown agents.
I notice Fergus Ewing said on TV tonight the party had listened to pressure groups in front of real people. He was taking about debate on the use of land.
Glasgow Racer , who do you think you are to suddenly pop up on this site Swearing a well know Indy activist that has done more for the cause than you have ever done, mind i dont expect any trolls to promote independence, reported.
I’ve been registering a protest vote for the last two elections because the FM is my representative. I was happier to drop my Green vote as I saw through them quicker and now I write None Of The Above with a line through all of the boxes. Seeing multiple posts on here making out that anyone in my position is a Unionist plant isn’t ideal but I’m not taking it personally.
On the other side of the same coin I was trying to find someone I know on FB a few days ago, found some mutual acquantances whose feeds seemed to be nothing but pro SNP memes of the What Did You Do In The War, Dad type, childrens faces etc aiming for the heart and a bypass of the brain exactly the same as the woke stuff.
Do people think it’s going to get worse before it gets better or have we hit peak rankness?
@Mia – If you work for Rolls Royce, for example, in East Kilbride – you get paid by Rolls Royce in Derby, but they don’t know anything about you, they just pay you. Sure, some folk travel from East Kilbride to Derby every month or so to discuss things like profitability and workload but essentially they stay out of it. It is the same with the UK civil-service. This disaster is a fully home-grown construct of Sturgeon’s party. I would dis-own her now because she will dis-own you in a second.
O/T looks like the trans capture is UK wide.
Oor pal Weak Pishart merits a mention.
link to grahamlinehan.substack.com
You are still working yourself into a frenzy of conspiracy theories.
Liz Evans works for Nicola sturgeon.
Liz Evans has destroyed evidence and has lied on oath to protect Nicola Sturgeon
Liz Evans husband is an SNP activist.
It is Nicola Sturgeon who bought Evans off with pay rise and contract extension.
James Wolffe works for Nicola sturgeon, he has got so embroiled into this that he has ruined his reputation to protect Nicola Sturgeon.
Liz Lloyd works for Nicola Sturgeon
In fact every single person involved in this crime from sexing up allegations to writing the procedures to the court cases and the subsequent ongoing cover up works for Nicola sturgeon and acted on instructions from Nicola Sturgeon.
Nicola Sturgeon is not an agent of the British state, she is just a power crazed psychopath who doesn’t care about anything (including independence) or anyone ahead of herself. It’s all about power. Her an Murrell are peas in a pod, a marriage of convenience between two nut jobs with the sole aim of obtaining and consolidating power. We even know that Murrell is in many ways the de facto secret president of Scotland, have you ever heard of a party official believing they have the power to instruct the police in an investigation? That’s the sort of shit you get in some corrupt former soviet republic.
All of the alphabet women are close to Nicola Sturgeon, some very close. I believe all of them are involved with the SNP in some way.
The allegations against Salmond in London came from the SNP and as per some slip ups by Murrell when giving evidence I believe it was directed and planned by him in cahoots with Nicola Sturgeon.
Get it through your head, this is not the British State or MI5, believe me if it was they would not have made such a incompetent mess of this. This is a high stakes power play at the top of the SNP because Nicola Sturgeon is so demented, paranoid and obsessed with power that she thought Alex Salmond was going to come back and threaten her position. You are playing straight into Nicola Sturgeon’s hands.
If Nicola Sturgeon gets back in as FM and especially if she gets a majority all this talk if holding feet to the fire and marching on Holyrood etc etc is fantasy. It will not make the slightest difference. Get a grip of yourselves people. You are not dealing with a normal person and she has corrupted the legal system and police to such an extent that she can protect herself from all challengers.
As i’ve said before the SNP of the time of Alex Salmond is dead, it is finished. The only answer is decapitate the “New SNP” snake and that means she goes and all her allies as they are all tainted and a lot of them need the jail.
But anyway, I’ve tried, so have others and if you don’t want to face the truth then there is nothing more I can do. Vote for sturgeon and then you can come back and refer to this post and tick off my accurate predictions of what is going to happen.
Hi Glasgow racer.
SHOUTING AT TEATIME? Did your mum give you the wrong flavour of meatballs with your chips?
If you work for Rolls Royce, for example, in East Kilbride – you get paid by Rolls Royce in Derby, but they don’t know anything about you, they just pay you.
Are the bosses in Rolls Royce East Kilbride attempting to break the corporation and going solo? Because if they were, I don’t have a shadow of a doubt that those in Derby would be very darn quickly sending their trustworthy employees up East Kilbride to be sure it does not break up.
“It is the same with the UK civil-service”
No, it is not. It is nothing like it.
@ Mia
You must be on to something, because you’ve got the Wings Union Unit well rattled.
Lochside @ 6.07
Bloody well said .
Whatever our political difficulties the Union is never the answer.
It’s not the business of the British what future we are choosing , and some need reminding on here that the real problem with the Scottish electorate trying to right our politics and address corruption is because we have to work with the British system imposed on us.
Even then Westminister can’t stay out and mind their own business they are still in the “rule it or wreck it ” mindset.
Well here’s the thing they forget.
We don’t need Holyrood to gain independence , we never have.
We’ve tried to morph it into, and treat it as , a Parliament .
Nevertheless , if the British Nationalists are going to pull it back to being what it was designed ( by them )to be, an instrument of Westminster .
Then leave them to it, don’t spend another 5 years fire fighting to get back to just here.
We have to find another route.
This election will play out as it will and we will have to deal with the result, as best we can.
But , the Yes movement is bigger than ,and more than , any political party.
We have to remember , The Union has never been settled, They hid the oil wealth before Holyrood was established, The SNP was a threat before 1997 , and any electoral domination by them too.
They even had their Queen only touch the honours of Scotland in a low key ceremony back in the 50s for fear of making any real constitional statement .
History demonstrates that they have always feared for their Union with Scotland well before trying to rig a sop to us with Holyrood .
That tells us …. the British know fine well that there’s more than one route to a country’s independence …Did Alex Salmond no say as much on the 19th September 2014 ?
Getting behind the SNP 7 years ago and not forming a force to stand beside them was our only mistake.
That’s the lesson we need to learn from and deal with.
Mainly because for the next 4 years regardless of what happens in Holyrood that party have the majority of Scottish MPs in Westminster and its there we must look to see what can be done.
@Mia – We’re talking about civil-servants here. They’re not elected and so they don’t decide upon breaking-up the UK. They just do the same job for whoever the elected government are. So, it’s the government that have failed, not the civil-service…..Agreed?
Mr Toon
Still Votin fur yer wee darlin Nikla???
Your early the day sunshine.
Was it an afternoon session on the Dundee hooch???
You’re only butting into the Scots Renewables post, because he’s a mad mental Sturgeon Ultra, just like you Mr Toon
Independence is off the agenda for the time being.
As long as Sturgeon and her administration have anything to do with the running of the Scottish Government, then we are going to get more of the same, plus some, over the next five years.
All their dreaded policies will become law and Holyrood will continue to be a House of Waffle.
The public will not be involved in, or notified about any other evil deeds they have planned for us.
Sturgeon needs taken out of the picture all together.
Vote Scottish Labour in Glasgow Southside.
A Grand Coalition can be organised in time for the May election.
This scenario can be repeated throughout Scotland.
Vote out these useless, corrupt SNP gangsters.
We will end up with no Party having a majority, but it will cleanse us of the stench of Sturgeon forever.
The following election (2026) can turn out like the 2011 election, with a majority of Indy Parties back in charge and pushing for indyRef2.
But first we must destroy the present SNP, who have shamelessly dragged Scotland through the mud.
Glasgow racer seems to be one of the few posters with his finger on the pulse of logic
@Brian Doonthetoon 6:47pm
I am interested to know if you got any response to your e mail to Joe or Chris?
Mr Toon
No pile ons please
The guy Scots Renewables can stick up for himself
It was said plenty of times on here that the closer we get
to independence “the nastier it would get”…so get ready!
Could’nt really get much nastier!…could it?
But are u ready?
pretty soon mrs may will be saying now (IS) the time…we’ve
“fucked them up”
Snp 1…then get off ur arse and stop moaning
or ur fucked!
“@Mia – We’re talking about civil-servants here”
UK civil servants.
“They’re not elected”
Not by the Scottish people they aren’t.
“and so they don’t decide upon breaking-up the UK”
Are you sure about that?
link to civilserviceworld.com
Just a couple of snippets:
“We all had something in common, we’re trying to save the Union here, and it came so close. We just kept it by the skin of our teeth. I actually cried when the result came in”
“As civil servants you don’t get involved in politics. For the first time in my life, suddenly we’re part of a political campaign. We were doing everything from the analysis, to the advertising, to the communications. I just felt a massive sense of being part of the operation. This being recognised [at the Civil Service Awards], makes me feel just incredibly proud.”
“The reality was in all my experience of the civil service, I have never seen the civil service pull together in the way they did behind supporting the UK government in maintaining the United Kingdom. It was a very special event for all of us.”
They may not decide in the breaking up of the UK but sure as hell the civil servants that won that award in that link worked their guts out “to save the union and to help the UK government to maintain the United Kingdom”.
“They just do the same job for whoever the elected government are”
Where is the unlawful and tainted by bias complaints procedure they generated for England?
So, it’s the government that have failed, not the civil-service…..Agreed?
Absolutely not. This “failure” that was the attempt to unlawfully stitch up Mr Salmond could have only been achieved thanks to the collusion of interests between a political impostor pretending to be pro-independence, a corrupt to the core Lord Advocate, plants in the SNP and the British state elements in the UK civil service and COPFS, such as the crown agent.
Ross Kilbride
I’ve noticed that you and your friend Glasgow racer frequently urge folk on here to Vote Scottish Labour.
Scottish Labour do not exist.
English Labour in Scotland must be who you have in mind, you know the red Tories.
English Labour have done too much damage for Scottish folk to vote for them.
Captain Yossarian says:
We’re talking about civil-servants here.. etc, etc They just do the same job for whoever the elected government are.
No. And no chance!
Why,because as Lord Butler, a former Cabinet secretary, noted that, just as it was the duty of civil servants elsewhere to support the policies of the Government they serve, “so it is the duty of the civil service in Scotland to advise on the policies of the Scottish Executive”…..
Except – if they do so – that’s called going native!
link to heraldscotland.com
RossKilbride @7.15pm.
Your comment is exactly the same in part as that of GlasgowRacer’s @1.41pm.
“Sturgeon needs taken out of the picture all together.
Vote Scottish Labour in Glasgow Southside.
A Grand Coalition can be organised in time for the May election.
This scenario can be repeated throughout Scotland.
Vote out these useless, corrupt SNP gangsters.”
“Sturgeon needs taken out of the picture all together.
Vote Scottish Labour in Glasgow Southside.
A Grand Coalition can be organised in time for the May election.
This scenario can be repeated throughout Scotland.
Vote out these useless, corrupt SNP gangsters.”
You and Glasgow Racer, are either the same person, or you or both of you are 77th Brigade or You or both of you are Labour trolls.
Rev, please consider again making a party. You don’t have to be the frontman, but my god you’d make a fantastic Dominique Cummings only without being evil and actually having a clue about what’s popular with voters.
Also, what are your thoughts on AFI and ISP? I really hope they combine forces personally but if they don’t which one do you suspect is the right horse to back?
Hi Tannadice Boy at 7:06 pm
You asked,
“I am interested to know if you got any response to your email to Joe or Chris?”
No. As I typed, I only received the standard,
This is an automatic response
Thank you for your email.
If you have contacted me requesting that I take up a case as your local constituency MSP, please note that I require your contact details, including your home address, in order to do so.
Automatic Response
Thank you for your email. We are currently receiving a high level of correspondence due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. If you are emailing about something that is not urgent, it may be some time until you receive a response. Answers to your enquiry may also be provided in the links or by the helplines below this message.
If you have contacted me requesting that I take up a case as your constituency MP, please note that I require your contact details, including your home address, in order to do so.
Vote SNP, I promise I’ll change.
Signed Nikla.
@Mia says:
15 March, 2021 at 6:52 pm
“If you work for Rolls Royce, for example, in East Kilbride – you get paid by Rolls Royce in Derby, but they don’t know anything about you, they just pay you.”
Rolls Royce moved out of East Kilbride in 2017. The site was bulldozed.
It is the same
I copied and pasted it.
Ross Kilbride says:
15 March, 2021 at 7:06 pm
Glasgow racer seems to be one of the few posters with his finger on the pulse of logic
You’ve been outed, ya utter roaster. Ross Kilbride and Glasgow Racer are two cheeks of the same arse.
Talk about split personality…
Ross Labour shill. I will never vote Globalist New Labour. You’re just Tories in shabby suits.
@Mia says:
15 March, 2021 at 6:08 pm
“Now look at the “the police, crime, sentencing and courts bill” that is on its way. Do you seriously think they are going to allow us demonstrate?”
That’s what crossed my mind too, sadly.
@Brian Doonthetoon 7:26pm
Thank you for your response. Everybody hiding behind Covid. I had a similar experience to you today with our Council. I would have thought Joe and Chris would have at least phoned you with a response to your concerns. Direct feedback is invariably an honest feedback.
“Ross Kilbride says:
15 March, 2021 at 7:28 pm
It is the same
I copied and pasted it.
Of course you did, I’d advise commentors to ignore Glasgow Racer and Ross Kilbride’s comments.
Glasgow Racer has his finger on the pulse. Sadly its a dead body.
Shocked says:
15 March, 2021 at 6:46 pm
“But anyway, I’ve tried, so have others and if you don’t want to face the truth then there is nothing more I can do. Vote for sturgeon and then you can come back and refer to this post and tick off my accurate predictions of what is going to happen.”
Well said Shocked, but there will be no Wings Over Scotland if Sturgeon and her corrupt criminal cabal get reelected.
All those who vote for SNP on the constituency vote can then transform into Sturgeon cheerleaders at the Wee Ginger Dug blog.
@Mia – The basic problem we have in Scotland just now is that the legal profession has been politicised. That is the fault of Sturgeon and Swinney. The two have been independent for centuries, now they cover each others’ backs. It’s pathetic to watch and it is killing Scotland.
Why would you advise that?
Because I’m not a Sturgeonista?
Because I say bad words about your Nikla.
You’re mob want five more years of the same corrupt shite.
Thick doesn’t even begin to describe the SNP faithful.
Just how many aliases does the quarter wit need?
I always thought Hydra was a figment of Marvels imagination but yet here we are, cutting down 1 head (alias, name, personality) & another 2 pop up again using the same phrasing, attacking the same people & whining that they are being picked on.
If you’re old enough to create all these different names & email addresses to post under then you can face the righteous responses to your nonsense.
Incidentally BDTT, I raised similar issues with my constituency MSP in January, got the auto response, followed a couple of days later by the offer of a call.
I said that I would only have the conversation if I could record it as proof of what was said & that all my questions were at least acknowledged. I’ve heard nothing since, quelle surprise.
Sir Humphrey Appleby :
Ah, Prime Minister… It is characteristic of all committee discussions and decisions that every member has a vivid recollection of them and that every member’s recollection of them differs violently from every other member’s recollection.
Consequently we accept the convention that the official decisions are those and only those which have officially recorded in the minutes by the officials, from which it emerges with an elegant inevitability that any decision which has been officially reached will have been officially recorded in the minutes by the officials and any decision which is not recorded in the minutes has not been officially reached even if one or more members believe they can recollect it, so in this particular case if the decision had been officially reached it would have been officially recorded in the minutes by the officials.
And it isn’t so it wasn’t.`
Given the present situation (national & global), I would seek justice here and now, as a priority, rather than chasing it into the future.
Following on from what Mia said and Linked at 7:15pm.
I remember well the stooshie there was in 2014 [Referendum 1 year]
when the Top Civil Servant to the government in Scotland was told to stay away from the regular weekly meetings of the Top Brass Civil Servants in Whitehall which he regularly attended.
Told by Whitehall !
5 more years is 5 more years of corruption, financial cockups – decline in just about everything, all playing right into the Boris boy’s hands (he is no different to Sturgeon, both are the Casey Jones of the Gravy Trains).
I have no solution to the problem as Scottish, UK and Global politics are just one hugh clusterfuck.
The root of some of the problem is Graduates who have studied Politics and then gone into Politics, they have studied the Gravy train and know how to drive it with sod all experience of real life and, usually have inferiority complexes, bullied at school and the girls/boys didn’t fancy them.
In all aspects of Governments there is a famine of experienced people with integrity who care about anything other than themselves or their profile.
Time for Scotland to innovate again and lead the way, no idea how though without breaking the Law or Geneva Convention.
Gregor @ 8.11
As would we all Gregor, that’s isn’t in dispute .
It’s how we best do it that needs work
link to caltonjock.com
In Scotland the SNP finally recaptured its purpose under the inspired leadership of Alex Salmond who had heeded the call of its members and returned to Scottish politics replacing the uninspiring John Swinney.
The response was electrifying and Scottish Parliamentary elections delivered an increasing number of MSP’s. Disappointingly the changes in the fortunes of the Party were largely in the the rural areas and in the East of Scotland. The Labour Party maintained it’s dominance over the West of Scotland
PaulaJ @ 5:52 pm
“I was interested enough to check the govt census 2011 analysis”
Where people are born is perhaps not the whole picture. Our national identity and sense of belonging tends to follow our parentage/parental descent. So although there may be say half a million people living in Scotland who were born in rest-UK, if you then add their family born here you get a higher number of people who are rest-UK ‘extraction’ and/or born in rest-UK countries; this number today probably well exceeds one million people. As the author James Kelman said, ‘if you want to know your identity, look at who your relatives are’.
Since before devolution the number of people from rest-UK coming to live in Scotland has averaged around 50,000 per annum. That’s approx one million people over the last 20 years alone. The next census may therefore show a large rise in the rest-UK population living in Scotland, plus ‘extraction’ of course.
In the case of Plum jobs in Scotland, two aspects seem pertinent. First, more or less all top jobs and professional posts in Scotland are advertised in the London press and are therefore aimed at the much larger rest-UK market. This has been the normal practice for a century or more. Over half the secondary teachers in several regions of Scotland are from rest-UK. At several of Scotland’s universities barely 10% of the academics are Scottish.
The second important aspect when it comes to plum jobs is the dominant position of the Scottish bourgeoisie. The Elitist Scotland Report found that the 3% of people that go to private schools somehow end up running around half of the nation’s institutions. In postcolonialism literature the native bourgeoisie is well known to ‘mimick the coloniser’ in terms of language, culture and values in order to maintain their privileged position (Memmi).
This implies that Scotland and its institutions are predominantly run by a privileged Anglophone meritocratic elite which we might also assume to be mostly unionist. Which gives rise to what Professor Michael Hechter described as a ‘Cultural Division of Labour’ under ‘internal colonialism’.
Worth remembering that independence is decolonisation, and that colonisation is “a scourge”, according to the UN.
Looks like there will be a vote of no confidence motion launched against wee Nicla tomorrow according to the Express.
Probably will fail again due to the wee Green people.
Propaganda 101
Who in the UK will resort to anything short of military action to keep Scotland in the union by destroying the SNP and thus independence.
Westminster of course.
Sturgeon is very much an agent of the British State.
During Alex Salmonds trial he called Sturgeon as a defence witness, Sturgeon was excused by the court from testifying, the reason she was excused was because Bojo called a Cobra Covid meeting for that day. Bojo saved her rotten neck.
Do you also remember the big stooshie at the end of this meeting when Sturgeon released the details of this meeting before Bojo? This was all sanctioned by the British State to divert press headlines away from Sturgeons non appearance and onto that Cobra detail release
The British State working as one.
For prospective indy list voters, there appears to be at least two major differentiation factors between ISP and AFI, the two key elements of which relate to AFI policy and personnel:
AFI Policy
If folks want a plebiscite on independence this looks like it:
“AFI shall also campaign for a simple majority of the popular vote for pro-indy parties across both the constituencies and the regional lists, at the “Independence” election, and for such a majority to be understood to be a mandate for independence itself.”
link to afi.scot
AFI Personnel
If folks wanted the right kind of people to deliver on that or any other indy mandate we could not get better than AFIs Craig Murray, Tommy Sheridan, Dave Thomson, Martin Keatings, Mark Hirst, John Wilson and whoever else AFI select to stand, which I would not be surprised if that might also include Alex Salmond.
The trouble with Sturgeon is her communication skills, they are absolutely diabolical.
She looks every inch a liar.
Don’t think this tweet thread (worth expanding all replies) from yesterday has been linked to.
May help some in Mid-Scotland & Fife with regard to the AFI or ISP 2nd vote choice conundrum.
link to twitter.com
Don’t worry boys and girls, auntie Nikla would never lie to you.
Just put an X in that box, and another X in that box.
There you are boys and girls, now that didn’t hurt did it boys and girls?
@McDuff says: 15 March, 2021 at 8:46 pm
“Who in the UK will resort to anything short of military action to keep Scotland in the union by destroying the SNP and thus independence. Westminster of course.”
I’m sorry, but enough of the conspiracy theories. If Westminster would resort to anything, they’ve been remarkably lax these last six years since bang after the referendum the SNP has given the unionist parties the biggest shafting in all British electoral history.
The current ills, the current muddle, are all entirely self inflicted wounds by those who promised to lead Scots to the promised land, and in the event lead us up the garden path to CloudCuckooland.
We have become mere pawns to Dear Leader’s wish to create a nation in her glorious vision of “wull win me the Nobel Prize and stuff so this wull”.
BAME friendly, LGBTQ+ friendly, Ozone friendly, bike friendly, a nation whether the only intolerance that would be tolerated was gluten or lactose intolerance. All shall love it (or else …) and despair.
The only Rainbow nation ours currently resembles doesn’t even have Geoffrey, Zippy or George – just Bungle after Bungle after Bungle after Bungle …
BDTT, Tannadice Boy
Chris Law accompanied Stewart McDonald and Douglas Chapman along with Integrity initiative-linked Neal R Stewart on that trip to Ukraine.
What do you think Mi5 have being doing for the past five years, and the present state of the SNP/independence is evidence of that.
Sturgeon may well be the power hungry madwoman she is but I believe other forces have identified that and exploited it.
I say again, who is the ultimate beneficiary of the present chaos?
@Alf Baird
“If folks wanted the right kind of people to deliver on that or any other indy mandate we could not get better than AFIs Craig Murray, Tommy Sheridan, Dave Thomson, Martin Keatings, Mark Hirst, John Wilson and whoever else AFI “
Why is AFI all men ?
Even ISP is 12 out of 15 men
I’d like to think that positive discrimination works but given that the most awful SNP candidates are from the all women short lists that’s maybe not the case.
Seeing the Civil Service bias in “saving the union” in 2014 was mentioned in previous comments.
There’s was this tweet thread from a couple of days back.
link to twitter.com
McDuff divide and rule. Sad thing is, we are falling for it!
No matter how angry I am with the SNP. I will not send a message to Boris that we don’t want independence. That’s what anything other than an SNP victory will be used for by the Brits.
Achnababan says:
15 March, 2021 at 5:13 pm
“and is Karen Wightman (Editor) married to Andy Wightman?”
Two people having the same surname does not indicate, generally, that they are necessarily married.
A moment’s thought would remind you of that.
Have you any other reason to think that this may be so?
Several quick Google searches I made haven’t shown me anything about any putative spouse or partner of either person.
Wings Over Scotland is an investigative journalism site – one which cites evidence, with links enabling readers to check truth of assertions for themselves.
Do reckless, unevidenced guesses such as yours seems to be, belong here?
I’ve seen a lot of talk of how people should ‘never vote for the union’ and I fully understand this.
However, another way to look at this is not voting for the woke and their enablers, so voting against SNP leadership types who have taken us all down this dark alley.
So, vote against Nicola, Swinney, Alyn Smith, etc, and let them know that we simply don’t want them anywhere near our politics.
Either that or continue to limply bend over and repeatedly let them kick our arses, because ‘we have no alternative’ like the poor domestic abuse victims, who believe they can’t leave their husband because no one else would ever want them.
We can’t let them keep doing this to us, we have got to let them and anyone else who stands as an SNP candidate that they need to listen to us or they will be right out on their arses at the next election.
Let’s all of us make a stand.
Nicola Sturgeon: Douglas Ross — ‘No confidence vote plans revealed on Tuesday’
The Scottish Tories will unveil plans to bring forward a no-confidence vote in the First Minister on Tuesday, the party’s leader has announced.
Following his speech to the party’s conference on Monday, Douglas Ross told journalists that a timeline for a vote of no confidence in Nicola Sturgeon will be announced.
Mr Ross said the First Minister lied to parliament over when she knew about allegations of harassment against Alex Salmond, which if proven would be a breach of the ministerial code, and he would look to oust her in the final weeks of the parliamentary session.
What a day it would be for Glasgow and Scotland if Sturgeon and Harvie both lost their seats on the 6th May.
Oh the fuckin joy.
Did anybody actually witness Peter Murrell and Nikla Sturgeon getting married?
Douglas Ross, doing the SNP’s work for them again.
With enemies like these, who needs friends?
“Told by Whitehall !”
Furthermore, The manager of the English Conservative Party branch in Scotland, seems to think Ms Sturgeon is not Ms Evans’ boss. Mr Ross seems to think that Ms Evans’ boss is in fact the highest ranking UK civil servant Mark Sedwill. You can see this here:
link to civilserviceworld.com
Actually, it seems Mr Sedwill and Nicola Sturgeon both think that Mr Sedwill is Ms Evans boss because her contract extension had to be agreed by both:
link to thetimes.co.uk
I am sure you have already seen this:
Looking at the dates, it seems that there was already mention in June 2019 that Glasgow could be selected for the COP26 – was this a bribe to stop indyref until 2026?
Wasn’t in May 2019 that Nicola Sturgeon introduced legislation to enable a second independence referendum?
I mean, the timing of the announcement of Glasgow as COP26 seems impeccably aligned with the introduction of that legislation, doesn’t it?
But more alarmingly, by the look of the letters, it seems that not only Evans was delighted on this announcement. Sweeney was also well chuffed and they “supported the bid of bringing COP26 to the UK” even when they were supposed to be seeking independence!!!
I see no mention in those communications about the potential for Scotland’s independence at all, which at the brink of brexit in just a few months, it should have been very, very high on the agenda. But nope. No mention. Business as usual. Independence is not even a thing in the minds of these people.
Now, how many times since Glasgow was announced as the host for COP26 did Nicola Sturgeon mention a referendum?
I know she did in December 2019, but by then she already knew Glasgow was going to host COP26. Was she telling a porky?
She also did in November 2020, claiming that she would campaign to hold the vote in the early part of the next parliament (2021-2025). But COP26 is not until AFTER the next parliament entirely. So are we to understand she was lying again and the sooner she plans to hold indyref is AFTER the COP26?
Has she been telling us porkies for 2 whole years?
Was Blackford telling us porkies when he was saying Scotland will not be dragged out of the EU against its will all these times?
Can this Sturgeon and her cronies be so utterly shallow and so uncommitted to independence that they deliberately let our mandate for indyref expire, have forced brexit on us and handed over our fckng powers for the sake of hosting this thing in Glasgow?
What is it with this woman and the UN?
If this is the case and there is no chance in hell this woman is going to call an indyref until AFTER the COP26, shouldn’t the electorate be informed that she is trying to take us all for a ride AGAIN with her 11 points of nonsense route to indyref and that she has no intention to call the referendum in the next 5 years either?
Things really heating up the closer we get to election day.
Ross Kilbride says:
16th July 2010, there are photos.
Thanks, now I have a mental image of the consumation scarring my imagination for all time.
@Liz g
Perhaps many feel so bewildered because they shouldn’t have to chase something that the Scottish Justice system/The State should duly deliver for the people of Scotland.
On a positive note, if a rotten SNP hierarchy can gleefully wreck SNP/its ‘Golden Opportunity’ (in record time), and the State can shape-shift into a banana: Scotland, and its wealth of talent, ingenuity and resolve (and immense resilience bestowed by what we’re enduring now), can rebuild and reform itself/the independence movement: much wiser, stronger and better.
In the mean time, we all suffer from this needless national infliction/abominable systematic ‘malfunction’ (breakdown ?)…
Jeffrey was old school woke Mark?
Zippy and the HCB!
When you add this to the filth that was Captain Pugwash, things become clear.
Is it any wonder we’re fucked up!
“What a day it would be for Glasgow and Scotland if Sturgeon and Harvie both lost their seats on the 6th May”
It would be an even better day if Sarwar, Ross and Rennie were to lose their seats as well.
That would be a victory for the people of Scotland against the corruption of their colonial politics.
Al 9.52pm
Are you having a laugh Al?
Consumated, oh how we laughed.
Geoff Collins says:
“Are you having a laugh Al?”
Yes I know, Tennents Lager is to blame for the image.
Need the pubs to re open to get my alcholism under control.
@big jock
So when the votes are counted will they pick your one out the pile and remark, “aye this is big jocks vote for Nicola Sturgeon, mind he’s really angry, so angry he voted for Nicola, better phone her now and tell her he’s putting her on notice to hold her feet to the fire, she’s gonna be really worried that she’s been fucking the country over for 6 years and big jocks fired the warning shot across the bows by voting for her..”?
I can see that strategy really working, Nicola has always been so respectful of the party membership.
@McDuff says: 15 March, 2021 at 9:17 pm
“MB – What do you think Mi5 have being doing for the past five years, and the present state of the SNP/independence is evidence of that. Sturgeon may well be the power hungry madwoman she is but I believe other forces have identified that and exploited it. I say again, who is the ultimate beneficiary of the present chaos?”
What do I think MI5 have been doing for the past five years? Oh I dunno … wee bit busy with a certain mega problem called Islamic terrorists, with mixed results.
Honestly, some of you are simply letting your imaginations run riot. This isn’t Willie McRae territory. There has been two SNP First Ministers, and the things past MI5 chiefs got up in this country to are thankfully no longer tolerated after the excesses of Stella Remington. One of the reasons Mad Vlad got to do his handiwork in Salisbury was down to cuts and being hamstrung as to what they could or could not do.
The current problems are the work of no conspiracies except those home grown. We’ve been very good in Scotland at blaming the English for everything but this mess is entirely of our own making thanks to some greedy people putting self before Scotland.
A few more classics to add to the Now UK Hits #21:
‘Strategically I would say losing power to a Unionist coalition is the best possible outcome.
“Vote Scottish Labour in Glasgow Southside.”
“I too am boycotting the May election as are many of my non-twitter friends and family.”
Well good luck, as they say, with that and enjoy your elbow dunt fae Boris.
These hoodies croakin’ for doom would do well to remember Scotland’s leaders and governments are only there at the sufferance of the people, whose instructions must be honoured.
On which note I revisited the SNP’s 2016 Manifesto. It was not an exhilarating experience for anybody hunting for a gold-plated IndyRef2 mandate.
In Nicola Sturgeon’s opening statement (page 7), no mention is made of independence at all let alone how to achieve it.
And among 35 policy pledges in “Next Steps” (pages 8-9) there’s fient a mention of IndyRef 2.
Only by Page 23 do we finally get to the punchline: “We believe that the Scottish Parliament should have the right to hold another referendum if there is clear and sustained evidence that independence has become the preferred option of a majority of
the Scottish people – or if there is a significant and material change in the circumstances that prevailed in 2014, such as Scotland being taken out of the EU against our will.”
Is that a mandate for IndyRef2? Well aye, if a half mumbled one qualified by that less than watertight commitment “we believe the SP should have the right”.
Has it been betrayed? Undoubtedly, because Scotland is out of the EU despite promises made to stand by our country’s vote to remain.
But in truth, IndyRef2 was very far from the heart of things in that manifesto.
Instead, it conveys the impression of a leader who believes that the burden of taking on the British state for Scotland’s sake has been lifted from her shoulders and punted down the years, in favour of building up responsibilities and competence under devolution.
Well, ye ken noo Nicola. With Brexit and the Internal Market Act SS Devo has sailed. The British/English nationalist government is coming after Scotland and has long since stopped pretending that it isn’t.
They fear Scottish independence as a real and present danger to all they stand for. They also recognise it is has become the dominant political issue – even if some of our own side’s captains appear to wish it otherwise.
But the SNP is out of road. Its Holyrood 2021 manifesto will have to commit to IndyRef2 and the wording and placement of that pledge will be crucial.
An Indy majority win will see a Referendum Act passed as the new government’s first legislation.
Scant fare I know. But it’s a whole heap better than five years of penury under crowing unionists.
Post May 6, believe me, there is a reckoning coming inside the SNP with rekindling its grassroots democratic power the touchpaper.
Until then we need to ?????? ????????? – hold fast.
How do we know Mia is not an agent of the British State ? Can he/she prove otherwise.
Rev Stu
You have uncovered so much shit about this Scottish Government.
If it wasn’t for you I think this would have been brushed under the carpet.
Willie says:
15 March, 2021 at 1:12 pm
Or the Scottish legal system guaranteed under the Act of Union but with the Court of Session now reduced to a junior court to the Supreme Court.
Oh dear! Does that mean that the crown can now override nobile officium in the supreme court?
So whatever happened to the principle
“The nobile officium is a residual power of the court which can be traced to its long-standing, inherent equitable jurisdiction to see that there is no wrong without a remedy.”
She’s got rid, hasn’t she?
Brigantes Billy 10:11 pm
“How do we know Mia is not an agent of the British State ? Can he/she prove otherwise”
I don’t know about Mia, but I definitely know with 100% confidence who is an agent for the British State, that Bastard Nikla Sturgeon.
Bought and sold lying Bitch.
@heart of Galloway
How is a reckoning coming post may 6 when your solution seems to be re-elect someone we all know is corrupt, is clearly a criminal and is willing to lie under oath on live TV and put her in a position where she doesn’t need to go back to the electorate for another 5 years at least?
I can see that strategy really putting her under pressure.
Alf Baird says:
15 March, 2021 at 8:39 pm
“Where people are born is perhaps not the whole picture. Our national identity and sense of belonging tends to follow our parentage/parental descent.”
I have a pal who lives in London, and has done since a couple of years working for DC Thompson in the early 90s. He still has his accent; my sister used to come back north every year with a mongrel accent that vanished fairly quickly. He still has his identity, too.
Shocked says:
” is willing to lie under oath on live TV”
Look at the definition of sociopath V’s psychopath.
link to webmd.com
@Cirsuim 9:12pm
And Chris survived 2 other inquires. One on financial irregularities with his fire engine, not enough evidence for the PF and one on bullying claims. It’s Dundee United versus Roma. Where the referee has already bought his daughter’s house before the game. It came out years later. And so will their undoings.
A Kilted Sausage says:
15 March, 2021 at 9:32 pm
“Do reckless, unevidenced guesses such as yours seems to be, belong here?”
Doesn’t stop random speculation; see Private Eye’s “Could They Be Related?” (Eyes passim ad nauseam) for details.
Gregor @ 9.55
Well it’s ” sort ” of what I’m saying Gregor.
If this lot can’t or won’t move toward Indy then we’re just waiting for those we will replace them with and hopefully choose more wisely.
Politicians come and go.
But , a failed political effort is not the end of Scotland, the maximum danger of that has thankfully past and the British never recognised or capitalised on it ( the decade after the Second World War was the time to completely assimilate Scotland ) when they could have so easily .
I have high hopes for – Now Scotland – as it has the potential to harness the power of Yes Scotland into a civic force powerful enough to push the politicians ( any of them ) relentlessly toward ending the Union.
Yet Now Scotland need not concern its self with the terms and conditions of how it is done !
Or indeed who has the doing of it.
Just that it is done !
If Now Scotland can gain and therefor speak for enough members it becomes a part of Civic Scotland, every bit as much as the Churches, Trade Unions and Businesses …. and a part of Civic Scotland single mindedly devoted to ending the Union.
This I think, is a way forward and a proven one as the Scottish Constitional Convention demonstrated and latterly the AUOB marches too.
Which Parliament , Party or method is used becomes detail and flexible, only the views of the membership matter and the membership only have one proposition End this bloody Union…
Anyone here who hasn’t thought about taking out a membership should take a look…
So to answer your point Gregor , yes we absolutely can keep moving towards independence, a way has already been organised and is there for the taking should we choose to use it .
I don’t think sturgeon is a sociopath as she doesn’t have a conscience and never shows any sign of guilt.
Only a true psychopath could lie the way she does without even flinching and would be willing to send a man to die in prison because she feels a wee bit threatened by him.
Maybe some folks think that’s ok, I don’t.
‘Cold-Hearted Psychopath, Hot-Headed Sociopath’
It’s not easy to spot a psychopath. They can be intelligent, charming, and good at mimicking emotions. They may pretend to be interested in you, but in reality, they probably don’t care.
“They’re skilled actors whose sole mission is to manipulate people for personal gain,” Tompkins says.
Sociopaths are less able to play along. They make it plain that they’re not interested in anyone but themselves. They often blame others and have excuses for their behavior.
Some experts see sociopaths as “hot-headed.” They act without thinking how others will be affected.
Psychopaths are more “cold-hearted” and calculating. They carefully plot their moves, and use aggression in a planned-out way to get what they want. If they’re after more money or status in the office, for example, they’ll make a plan to take out any barriers that stand in the way, even if it’s another person’s job or reputation.
I couldn’t write a more accurate description of Nicola Sturgeon if I tried.
Alf Baird 8:57pm
Still making up crap!
Zero evidence of AS getting involved with AFI.
Zero agreed statement from AFI on plebiscite election. They have no agreement by all on record.
Zero agreed manifesto. A collection of well meaning individuals with one message
” Put us in Holyrood, it will be great”
Now we have 40 candidates all promising the same.
I’ll pass if you don’t mind.
I’m old fashioned regarding manifestos, hustings, voting for candidates, listing candidates in order so that I know who will represent me if I vote for them.
Much as the lead candidates of AFI are to be admired I wouldn’t vote for them if they stood as Independents.
At least I don’t make up stories or pretend that people will get someone that shares their wider political viewpoint. Indy is not the only issue.
Tell me the AFI candidate policy on the EU, Currency, Monarchy, Nuclear bases, NATO, etc etc
Oh wait , you have 40 variations.