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Wings Over Scotland

Clypegate, in numbers and pictures

Posted on June 27, 2015 by

By now you should all have had a chance to marvel at the extraordinary madness that is Scottish Labour’s 51-page suicide note of SNP members who’ve said rude words on the internet since 2012.


You may even have had time to read a data protection expert (and Labour voter)’s assessment of all the ways in which the dossier breaks the law.

Now let’s get down to business.


For this number we’re excluding the ones that are listed purely as evidence of a user’s SNP membership status, rather than of abusive behaviour. More on that later.


The document appears to include 46 alleged offenders, but one is in fact repeated.



This is relevant because “traitor” isn’t a swearword, it’s an opinion. We hate people using the T-word and Q-word, because they make the person saying them sound like a moon-howling loony (we have a filter on Wings comments that automatically turns them into “tractor” and “quizmaster” respectively), but nevertheless it’s a perfectly valid view to feel that a person or party has betrayed their country. Just ask Labour:


In fact, the word “traitor” in particular is one that’s embedded in both popular and political culture – one of the UK’s best-known political parties, for example, sings a song explicitly decrying “traitors” at the end of every party conference.

“Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer/We’ll keep the Red Flag flying here”

And we should note in fairness that the SNP do too – every Nat conference ends with a rendition of “Scots Wha Hae”, written by the notorious cybernat Rabbie Burns, which has a line referring to “a traitor knave”. And nor are the pejoratives restricted to parties on the left of the spectrum:


So given that all parties refer to or sing lustily about “traitors” on a regular basis, it’s plainly absurd to treat the word as abusive or unacceptable, and by striking out those 49 cases we immediately eliminate close to half of the Clypegate dossier.


Labour don’t seem to have paid much attention to the detail when compiling the dossier – they’ve just done searches for a few words, checked to see if the person was a member of the SNP, and left it at that. But it’s a bit harsh to blame the Nats for things people said BEFORE they were members of the party.


The dossier’s entire listed objection to Andy Connelly-Nimmo, for example, is a single nasty tweet from January 2012, more than a year and a half before he was ever in the SNP. At least another four users, going only on the evidence presented in the dossier itself, posted their offensive comments when they weren’t in the SNP, and apparently haven’t said anything unpleasant since joining.

We don’t know of any party that conducts a complete search of prospective members’ social-media accounts before deciding to let them in or not. If they did, Labour probably wouldn’t have ended up with Parliamentary candidates like Kathy Wiles.

The superficial nature of the document comes particularly badly unstuck in the case of Linsey Moffat, accused by Labour of “anti-English abuse”:


And it looks like a good case until you examine the dates and times of those tweets. Since being singled out for public vilification by Labour, Ms Moffat has locked her Twitter account, and probably wisely so – another person on the list has had Unionists make sinister and menacing comments, including posting a picture of his house.


But it had already been noticed that by a quite remarkable coincidence, both of her “anti-English” tweets were made within minutes of England scoring a goal against Scotland in international football matches – one at Wembley in August 2013, the other at Celtic Park in November 2014. (At 8.31pm and 8.35pm respectively.)

We suppose that strictly speaking it’s possible that she also hates English people in general, but with context restored it seems an awful lot more like an expression of sporting dismay rather than racism.

Of course, the dossier does include a handful of genuinely distasteful tweets, in particular one aimed at BBC journalist Douglas Fraser (for which the culprit at least subsequently apologised), and a number of uses of the word “bitch” directed at female Labour figures, chiefly Margaret Curran.

This site condemns those comments unequivocally. But it should be noted that of the 131 tweets in the dossier, barely a third – 45 – were actually sent TO the person concerned. The vast bulk would have been seen only by the followers of the users in question, and would not have actually come to the attention of the subject.

In most cases the numbers of followers were very low. For example Linsey Moffat – who did NOT send any such abusive tweets – is followed by just 84 people, John Paul Cairns by a mere 254, and “louie2207” by just 427. Even Mark Burnett, who features in more tweets in the dossier than anyone else (12), has only 1,969 followers.

All in all, in a three-and-a-half-year period, Scottish Labour’s massive trawl of Twitter uncovers a total of 69 tweets by 19 people which could legitimately be classed as unacceptable, which comes out at an average of slightly under two offensive tweets per month from the entire SNP membership put together.

(And that’s including such insipid venom as suggesting that Blair McDougall is fat, which by any medical definition is true, and telling Jim Murphy to “f*ck off”, on which grounds roughly half of Scotland is a vile cybernat. Astoundingly, one person even managed to get themselves onto the list by calling the aggressively and infamously foul-mouthed Scotsman columnist Euan McColm a “twat”, a term which by McColm’s bilious standards of angry vitriol is a love note.)

Over a similar timespan Scottish Labour member, regular LabourHame contributor and media pundit Ian Smart has done almost that many by himself, all while being followed by a large majority of Scottish Labour’s elected politicians and leadership, yet nothing was done until a matter of days ago despite the matter repeatedly being brought to Labour’s attention.

(To our knowledge, Smart has never apologised or retracted any of his tweets.)

Of course, that’s all in the past, just like the contents of the Clypegate dossier. We keenly await Scottish Labour making the same commitment to police its membership that the SNP has. We’re going to start holding our breath right now.

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236 to “Clypegate, in numbers and pictures”

  1. Luigi says:

    If we were to check Labour member tweets about the SNP, how many times would: “nazi”, “fascist” or “scum” appear?

  2. Seonaidh Ceanneidigh says:

    June 27, 2015: “We hate people using the T-word and Q-word, because they make the person saying them sound like a moon-howling loony…”

    June 26, 2015: “STV’s notorious ("Quizmaster" - Ed) correspondent Stephen ‘Stevo’ Daisley…”


    Aside from, excellent as always.

  3. Edinburgh Quine says:

    How do you/they know a) whether someone is a member of the SNP and b) when they joined?

  4. Jim says:

    I see a guy on twitter has had pics, taken from I assume google earth, of his house posted and a sinister comment along the lines of, “how are the twins, getting big now, new car?”

    Well done labour for exposing these people and their children to your own vile cyberclowns, you must take full responsibility for this you utter fuckwits.

  5. Andrew Fernie says:

    I note with some amusement that the “dossier” in question seems to have magically disappeared from Google Drive. So, who gets to call the ICO?

  6. No no no...Yes says:

    Excellent piece of journalism which exposes the 51 page dossier as the work of desperate people who have really serious issues with democracy and freedom of speech.

    Given everything else that has been written about clypegate, I would be surprised if any of the MSM actually run with this as an anti-SNP story, but you never know.

    “Of course, that’s all in the past, just like the contents of the Clypegate dossier.” This statement also will apply to the Labour Party after Holyrood 2016.

  7. 1AlanM says:

    Would it not be a good idea for all SNP supporters that tweet politically to make a Subject Access Request to Labour under the DPA.

    Requests must be answered within 40 days and a large number of requests would put them under huge strain.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Would it not be a good idea for all SNP supporters that tweet politically to make a Subject Access Request to Labour under the DPA.

      Requests must be answered within 40 days and a large number of requests would put them under huge strain.”

      Yes, it would be a HILARIOUS idea.

  8. Indigo says:

    If one was to check Labour elected members and constituency officials’ tweets I wonder what would be found?

  9. nodrog says:

    Sorry I fell asleep when Scottish Labour was mentioned. Could someone tell me if anything important has happened ?

  10. Tam Jardine says:

    This must come as something of a relief to the SNP hierarchy that so few of its members have tweeted offensive/semi-offensive comments.

    It is with regret of course that there are any. I look forward to Labour examining it’s own members’ twitter accounts with the same diligence. Of course hell will freeze over before that happens.

    Well done Rev

  11. Martin says:

    Seonaidh, Stu and Coatbridge’s coolest cybernat Daisley are secret lovers, despite the age gap, and when he says that it’s a post modern ironic joke.

  12. muttley79 says:

    So Blair McDougall has picked out the tweets of 45 people, over a time span of more than 3 years, which covered the most tense and nerve racking period in Scottish political history (excluding the two World Wars), and this number is drawn from a total electorate of around 4 million (I think). Really what can you possibly say about this ‘effort’ from McDougall?

  13. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:


    As I noted at the time, that was an ironic joke. Sheesh.

  14. tooz says:

    Stupidity to the fore.

    By delivering this nonsense on ‘vile Cybernats’ (and only SNP members need apply) they have set a rod for their own backs.

    Yes the paltry membership of Labour in Scotland means they are likely to have less abusers but everyone will be watching out for your Smarts of this world that bit more.

    A clever way to get back on the public side it is not.

    They completely forget the majority are not in any party. What next, Scotland baaaad?

    I think they have already set that precedence right enough.

    When John Smith passed away it was written into history as having lost a true Labour great and rightly so, when Labour die off they will have done so by writing their own epitaph.

    I often wonder what the Likes of Mr Smith would have thought of the parasites dissecting the party with total impunity.

  15. John O says:

    As usual a fare and well analysed piece of journalism, as for the language of said people I would say to labour try going into the poorer community’s and hear how they describe you.

    But you won’t will you, because those community’s put the fear of god into you and so they should you are responsible and you alone for letting them down for generations.

    It’s called pent up anger and emotional distress which you labour caused them over the years.

  16. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Cheers Stu, perspective is the key to staying sane in this bizarre propaganda war we have found ourselves in!

  17. Rob Outram says:

    Oh, don’t hold your breath Stu, what would we do without Wings?

  18. Tam Jardine says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell 5.26pm

    Ironic jokes will be covered in the next dossier.

    Followed by rebukes.

    Followed by mild rebukes.

  19. Tam Jardine says:

    …. and sheesh is sailing pretty close to the wind too;)

  20. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    In preparation for another Daily Mail festival of hate, perhaps those who foolishly use the Q-word and T-word should stop doing so and restrict themselves to the dictionary definition in a historical context if using it at all.

    Of which we find a prime example here with one Lord Rothermere. (whoever he was) 😉

    link to

  21. ronnie anderson says:

    We’re going to start holding our breath right now.

    Aw Rev dont we need You,jist stamp yer feet n scweem scweem n scweem, whits that Onionist name noo

  22. Suzanne says:

    It’s a Labour document, sexed up, and about as truthful as the last one. That’s all we need to know.

  23. andrew>reid says:

    The Clypegate catastrophe-in-waiting tells you all you need to know about the post Murphy Labour leadership, who made the decision to go public with this ragbag collection of naughty words, and some unacceptable messages. The new Labour leadership has learned as little over the last 10 years as the previous Labour leadership did.

  24. Steamroller says:

    How do we know it is the real dossier and not a feint?

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “How do we know it is the real dossier and not a feint?”

      It’s the real one the Labour press office sent out to people.

  25. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Ha, I appear to have mistakenly written ‘we’ in my last post, so for clarification (and in the classic McCarthy communist witch hunt style);

    I am not and never have been a member of the SNP (or any other party).

    So…fuck you labour

  26. thoughtsofascot says:

    The delicate flower party

  27. Mik Johnstone says:

    i’m just glad they didn’t do a check on me 😉 their document (allegedly) is laughable at best and almost falls apart under scrutiny, i noticed the Davy_56 double entry and i’m Registered partially sighted so it’s no really an in depth document more of a “Please Miss, He/She said, Blah blah blah, and i said nowt at all, as i am innocent here’s an apple for you Miss” document that kids have cobbled together last Saturday afternoon, as their dad sits in the pub supping Clan McFannie Cider (Yes it is a real drink) i don’t honestly know how labour can think this is even a remotely useful document, it is as they say “Much ado about nothing” . . .

  28. Les wilson says:

    An excellent debunk Rev, this all feels like a last desperate throw of the dice by Labour.
    Another monumental cock up, people will shake their heads in disbelief.

    No matter how the right wing press/media try to make this some kind of victory for the the Union out of this, but, we have their

  29. icyspark says:

    @Seonaidh Ceanneidigh

    This will put your mind at ease. Read Daisley’s comments

    link to

    They have a wee thing going 🙂

  30. Alastair says:

    Another “zinger” Stu. Amazing work.

    I have only few words to say on the subject.

    Lord Janner – is he still a member of the Labour Party and the House of Lords.

  31. Effijy says:

    Rev, I think the L party should hire a grown up to try and cross swords with you!

    I’m so embarrassed for the L party, I can even bring myself to say their name. They have been so insipid and pathetic in recent years that I didn’t think they could top it, but they just have, and with Bells on It.

    God love anyone who still thinks the L party has anything of worth that you would want to be associated with.

    Your words above remind me of the Deputy Head at primary school telling an 8 year old not to clype on people who aren’t doing anything that should be of concern to anyone let alone him.

    He was a good teacher, his explanation put his point across and the kid seen how stupid he had been, and mended his ways.

    Just wish L party had the mental capability of that small boy!

    Quite sad isn’t it?

    David Cameron couldn’t have dreamed of destroying the L party in the why they are doing it to themselves.

    Can you say that they are Dead, without them telling the Jannie?

  32. tiderium says:

    Just wow… reading through some of the tweets it’s ok for them to call a nat a fascist but we can’t retaliate? bunch of saddo’s

  33. Scottish labour could have put the effort into compiling a list of their own members who had done similar on twitter, kicked them out of the party and then went to the papers laying down a challenge for the SNP to do the same.
    It would have given them the moral high ground and put the SNP on the back foot.

    …but they did the opposite and all they achieved was to make people wonder how many “final” death throws the labour party can have. They’re like the crawling arm at the end of the first Terminator movie.

  34. Anagach says:

    I know I am slow but it suddenly dawned upon me why the Labour/MSM take this line. There are plenty of abusive Unionists out there, just that with membership of Labour at an all time low in Scotland there are only the elected officials and a few high profile commentators that can actually be pinned as Labour. Whereas with 100,000 members and several years of twitter history for many there are bound to be a few expletives out there to link to the SNP Bad meme.

  35. Heather says:

    So much butthurt!!! Are they running to their teacher with this list? What is the point of it? In saying that, the disappointment in me is strong, I never made it on the list.

  36. gillie says:

    Scottish Labour are using the same method the Stasi used to use in collecting information, trying to control and demonise dissidents. It was called Zersetzung

  37. chris kilby says:

    At 51 pages, is this the longest suicide note in history?

    (How long was Labour’s notorious 1983 manifesto?)

  38. Susan says:

    We were called a virus by Johaan Lamont who at the time was the leader of the Scottish Labour Party, I do not think she has apologized for this.

  39. Susan says:

    Why are my comments being moderated. OMG what have I done wrong?

  40. TYRAN says:

    Seems Scottish Labour would make it law to fart in a hanky.

  41. leginge says:

    1.5million people voted SNP in the GE , the SNP has 100,000 members and McDougall of Labour comes up with 19 people who have made unacceptable comments on Twitter ….0.019% of the snp members…he’s a laughing stock

  42. muttley79 says:

    @Iain Gray’s Subway Lament

    Agreed. I wish some people from the Yes side would stop using the ("Quizmaster" - Ed)s and ("Tractor" - Ed)s rhetoric. Also the b word when referring to female politicians is horrible and out of order as well. These type of things are completely counterproductive and wrong.

    In politics if you get excessively abusive and personal about opponents most people tend to think you have lost the argument. I think referring to male and female genitalia is fine and fair enough though, because if you are pissed off with somebody that it usually how you describe them.

  43. velvetrose says:

    Nothing better to do #SLab & #BetterTogether #BlairMacDougal must be really bored lets collect a #Dossier on the #Abuse we receive Perhaps they could get #RealJobs & do something really useful

  44. a supporter says:

    Where are the abusive tweets that Howling Rowling and Minnie Moan are reputed to have received? Surely they would be the first tweets that the Clypes would look at? And all those 100s of abusive tweets that the quizmaster Daisley and farter Farquhar claim to have received? Surely there were a few gems amongst them? Or were the claims just more hyperbole and lies from the ‘gentlemen’ of the press?

  45. Gary says:

    This is pitiful. They don’t get out much if they think this is abusive! I’ve noted that some of the tweets included words that WERE ‘abusive words’ but were neither aimed at anyone nor were they the kind of expletive that would be banned before the watershed.

    I’m gutted to have been excluded from the list of course but I’m not really a Tweeter.

    Anyone looking for really abusive language should look at BTs treatment of YES supporters or even David Cameron’s Facebook page!

    But I don’t suppose any of that upset Mike Dailly. I’m not sure if he was a contributor of course, but to be fair he did say publicly that he was ‘making a list of SNP and YES supporters’. He may have been considering Christmas cards but it did sound a bit…what’s the word, ummm…

  46. Valaquen says:

    “As I noted at the time, that was an ironic joke. Sheesh.”

    My (tonal) mistake, then. Forgive me? 🙂

  47. Colin Rippey says:

    We hate people using the T-word and Q-word, because they make the person saying them sound like a moon-howling loony

    And yet only a few days ago the first line of one of your posts was (emphasis mine which will probably be replaced by your filters):

    STV’s notorious ("Quizmaster" - Ed) correspondent Stephen “Stevo” Daisley

    I’ll need to remember the day the Rev described himself as a “moon-howling loon”.

  48. muttley79 says:

    Good article from BBC Scotlandshire on McDougall’s dossier:

    link to

    Blair McDonut 😀 😀

  49. IvMoz says:

    What goes on in their heads? They’ve been obliterated in the GE. They have no policies or direction. They’re about to saddle themselves with Kezia as leader. They have to somehow try & get through the 2016 election minimising more damage. They need to come up with a long-term plan to regenerate & win over Scottish voters.

    What do they do instead? Out somebody for calling Jackie Bird a cow.

    Priorities people.

  50. icyspark says:

    @Colin Rippey.

    If you care to have read this, posted only a little while ago…

    link to

  51. Croompenstein says:

    Tell tale tit, yer Mammy cannae knit,
    Yer Daddy cannae go tae bed withoot a dummy tit.

    Alex Salmond is a black bitch 🙂

  52. muttley79 says:

    @Colin Rippey

    This has been pointed out before, including in this very comments’ section, that it was a joke. Why are you trying to score points in such a tedious manner?

  53. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    @Muttely indeed.

    I never have and I never will. Simply no need for it and as you say it’s always an own goal for that tiny number who do use those terms.

    Though swearing, as you imply, is just another facet of language which can be used either effectively (and sometimes to great comedic effect) or it falls flat and seems just weak and unnecessary.

    That has to be judged by the audience of course but in scotland we have just that bit more of a well-tuned ear (shall we say 😀 ) for the most effective uses of it.

  54. Ghillie says:

    How long do you reckon it will take for Labour HQ to cut SLAB loose when the $#!+ hits the fan over Data Protection breeches or when individuals are targeted as a direct result of their dossier?

    McCarthy era revisited.

  55. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  56. Dr Jim says:

    Is calling someone a silly name worse than saying you would like to “BAYONET” them
    I seem to remember some Labour folk advocating that very thing
    Who’s worse, you have to say, to what’s left of Labour

    Stop it, this is not how to win friends and influence people
    If it’s the end, and it probably is, at least try to leave with a little dignity

    The BBC and newspapers will keep trying for a while but it’s over
    Even the Daily Record on which the Labour party could always count will dump them, they have to….£…..

    Nobody believes any of it anymore, and certainly not the new generation of youngsters coming through

    This Parrot is dead….Gone…Deceased…Shuffled off….

  57. Dr Jim says:

    Somebody mentioned Lord Janner
    He’s been seen driving himself to the Lords in his own car

    Now that seems fairly capable to me

  58. Brotyboy says:

    @ a supporter

    Please avoid puerile name-calling or hilarious mis-spellings/puns of anyone’s name.

    Do you think they’re more likely to win someone over, or to put them off? Would they work on you if the positions were reversed? If not, don’t say them.

  59. Patrick Roden says:

    So can we confidently assert that this weeks behaviour by JK Rowling, Margaret Curran and now this Clypegate Dossier, has been a smear campaign, coordinated by labour in Scotland?

    To be fair to Blair McDougal, he was at the centre of the Labour Parties General Election campaign,coordinating Jim Murphy’s election strategy, so he knows a thing or two about what makes Scots vote for Labour…

    Oh wait!

  60. Itchybiscuit says:

    I remember my childhood well – My younger sisters; ‘Mammy, mammy, Ivor said a bad word!’

    My Ma; ‘Stop clyping quines, an’ if ih wind changes, yer faces’ll bide like ‘at’.

    So an apparently mature political party is acting like my younger sisters – my old Ma would heat their erses. ;o)

  61. In case of any doubt about the owner/author of the #ClypeGate dossier, Blare MacDougall has forgotton to remove his name from the metadat on the pdf file.
    link to

    We have the full story here (bugger the embargo).
    link to

  62. a supporter says:


    “Please avoid puerile name-calling or hilarious mis-spellings/puns of anyone’s name. Do you think they’re more likely to win someone over, or to put them off? Would they work on you if the positions were reversed? If not, don’t say them.”

    Why? Get a life! Do you think I give a As I give I am willing to take.

  63. gillie says:

    Labour activists beginning to complain about the compiling and release of this dossier. Scottish Labour have well and truly shot themselves in the foot.

  64. Alastair says:

    @Dr Jim

    Thats my point caller.

    This man and many others put the Labour Party’s petty sortie into the moral high ground tumbling into an abyss .

    He is still a member of the Labour Party and the House of Lords.
    No suspensions.
    No Party investigations.

    If they and Mr McD spent as much time searching into the history of Janner and the likes then we would have a positive social outing.

    What justice for the abused.

    Stuff your Twitteriness. That hurts egos.

    Jennerites ruined lives with impunity.

    The 3 Establishment Monkeys – I see no evil – I hear no evil – I speak no evil.


    Come the day and come the hour.

  65. galamcennalath says:

    Great analysis. Thanks. Puts it all in perspective.

    Talking of perspective, exactly what do SLab expect to achieve by all this?

    Do they think it will change their fortunes in Holyrood 2016 by putting people off the SNP?

    In reality it shows them to be fools ignoring the big picture and getting side lined.

    Do they think it will stop the independence juggernaut?

    Most people including many unionists, given Tory majority government for the foreseeable future, believe it’s no long IF, but WHEN?

    Come on SLab, get involved in the real game – Scotland’s Future!

  66. paulTgeist says:

    a supporter says – “Where are the abusive tweets that Howling Rowling and Minnie Moan are reputed to have received? Surely they would be the first tweets that the Clypes would look at? And all those 100s of abusive tweets that the quizmaster Daisley and farter Farquhar claim to have received? Surely there were a few gems amongst them? Or were the claims just more hyperbole and lies from the ‘gentlemen’ of the press?”

    Very good points and post.
    And despite what certain individuals may think and preach you are never going to convert any of the people you mention by spelling their names correctly. Keep up the good work.

  67. kestral says:

    hey wanna see abuse

    serious abuse

    well britnat abuse bot archived all the crap that was thrown at us – have you ever seen one newspaper article condemning or showing what they did and said to us?

    WARNING – very strong language

    link to

    go read the filth that was thrown at us – but all of you will know that this will never be reported

    but what it will do is make you even even more determined to fight for a fair independent country – NOTHING WILL STOP US NOW

  68. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    Aye, but who ordered McDougal to do it since this was presented to the press by scottish Labour’s press office?

    Until I hear otherwise this is Dugdale’s Dodgy Dossier.

  69. John Bell says:

    Distributing the #clypegate dossier to the onionist media is ‘Help me, Rhona’ on an epic scale…

  70. Doug Daniel says:

    “And that’s including such insipid venom as suggesting that Blair McDougall is fat, which by any medical definition is true”


    Do you get the feeling that’s actually the impetus behind this whole sorry nonsense?

  71. Aos says:

    Great stuff all weekend, Rev.

    Just awaiting TEH OUTRAGE!!! spouted by the usual suspects tomorrow on their front pages. Whole thing is just an embarrassment, Scottish Labour plummeting new depths of total pointlessness.

  72. Jim says:

    How about an online media blackout of all the pish that they write about Independence supporters.

    Starve the trolls, that would really piss them off.

  73. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    That’s a fine ‘exclusive’ on BBC Scotlandshire!

    link to

    Good on you, M Aye Fyffe, National Security Consultant!


  74. Daisy Walker says:

    Ghandi quotes,

    ‘No-one can hurt me without my say’

    ‘You don’t walk through my head with dirty feet’

    ‘In a gentle way we can shake this world’

    I’ve found the above very useful over the last 2 years when MSM have been at their worst. This will likely be a long game, I expect to refer to the above frequently.

    Peace for Scotland – it’s ain peace and naebody else’s. Peace for the world too.

  75. paulTgeist says:

    And they call us “nasty cybernats” for calling them names:
    link to

  76. Doug Daniel says:

    Incidentally, it’ll be interesting to see what Paul Hutcheon’s “do you stand by these comments?” investigation for the Sunday Herald sheds as much light on the dodgy dossier as this article has – or if he’ll just have taken Labour’s accusations at face value.

    The answer may reveal far more about his motivations than those in the list…

  77. gillie says:

    Time to rally to round those on this list and give them our support.

  78. ForgotMath says:

    Not only should SNP members make a Subject Access Request, non-members should too. Frankly, if I was a Labour member, I’d have emailed it by now…

    How much data are they recording about me, I wonder. Not a member of any party, never been abusive, never used the T, Q, C, B or Z words.

  79. IvMoz says:

    @alastair 7:09pm

    Lord Janner was suspended by Labour – eventually

    e.g. link to

  80. caz-m says:

    @ a supporter,
    “Where are the abusive tweets that Howling Rowling and Minnie Moan are reputed to have received?

    Good question, and why didn’t McDougall use that material for his dossier? Surely abusive tweets aimed at one of England’s finest authors would have carried a lot more weight than your average wee SNP cybernat scumbag.

    He could also have used the absolutely disgusting tweets that Scottish icon Susan Calman was subjected to. Remember her?

    Susan Calman:-

    “I’ve been told that someone has written a blog which is pretty abusive towards me after my performance on News Quiz (there’s probably more than one, no need to point them out to me). I haven’t looked for it, and won’t.”

    Logic Rock:-

    “This set my bullshit detectors flashing red.”

    Logic Rock’s blog on Susan Calman :-

    link to

  81. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Gillie 7.33pm Ah wid gillie but their rollin aboot the flair laughin.

  82. Brotyboy says:

    @ a supporter

    I did wonder if you would reply, and if any putative reply would show any self-awareness or any wider a perspective.

    However all you’ve done in your reply, and this applies equally to your sycophant, is criticise the Rev’s commenting rules which he links to in the three lines above the Comment box, as the wording of my post was taken from Rule 1 of ETIQUETTE AND FORMATTING.

    I do apologise for picking on you as you are not alone in this, but your post was a particularly egregious example.

  83. gordoz says:

    Has anybody sent Labour – Mark Ronsons song / Feel Right

    No ? Surely a must after this ?


  84. Paula Rose says:

    Please peeps keep it all civil and funny (or serious) – directed several No voters to this site last night, we are not about preaching to the converted.

  85. JimF says:

    The pub was growing impatient because of the ("Quizmaster" - Ed) and his unreliable ("Tractor" - Ed).

  86. Alan McHarg says:

    Surely a spade is still a spade, if the shit fits…

  87. annie says:

    Could it be that Paul Hutcheon’s “do you stand by these comments” tweets will absolve him from any comeback from Data Protection charges anyone receiving such a tweet should not respond.

    Blair MacDougall obviously has too much time on his hands, wasn’t it the Glasgow Human Rights Lawyer Mike Daley? who made an arse of himself by threatening to compile a similar list before the indy ref think he took a break after that, take note Blair.

  88. ronnie anderson says:


    Stop production on the Hydra badges,they might awe withdraw fae the Slab leadership,an wee Kezia looked lovely tae.

  89. Alastair says:

    So Labour Party and Liberal Party, When you ask about the appropriateness of membership just remind us of how you have dealt with Lord Janner and Cyril Smith.

    Come on publish the internal inquiries, The suspensions, who buried what. If we are going on a witch hunt then lets get it all out there. What did you know Sir Menzies, Lord Steel, Lord this and Labour Lord that. Lots of Lords. £300 a day and licence to abuse. I don’t remember voting for this.

  90. Brian Powell says:

    Huge judgement coming up on MSM journalists at a level that hasn’t been there before.

    However I don’t expect them to be able to rise to it any more than Labour throughout.

  91. paulTgeist says:

    @ Brotyboy @ 7.45pm – And i’ll kindly (only once) ask you to refrain from name calling and abide by those very same rules you refer to. I am no sycophant nor have i resorted to name calling you.

  92. heedtracker says:

    Another terrific example of actual journalism. Its actually shocking to see this kind of hard core SLab smear campaign in action and then pulled apart by WoS actually reading it.

    It’ll make no difference to UKOK hackdom but its merely SLabour on scorched earth mode, as Scotland flushes them down the pooper.

    Or as this silly lad tweets today

    Duncan Hothersall ?@dhothersall 3h3 hours ago
    Perhaps we can make something good out of this. Cross-party agreed standards of decent behaviour and clear reporting mechanisms for abuse?

    That a white flag being waved? not a chance.

  93. a supporter says:

    Brotyboy says 7:45 pm

    Lord save me from the po faced of this ilk. Rabbie was right.

    O ye wha are sae guid yourself,
    sae pious and sae holy,
    ye’ve nought to do but mark and tell
    your Neebour’s fauts and folly.

    If it were a choice of living under the Tory jackboot or people like you I’d choose the former.

  94. One_Scot says:

    I take it that in the interest of fairness and balance, Scottish Labour will compile a dossier of unionist abusive tweets.

    But then I’m not sure a dossier can hold an unquantifiable number of pages.

  95. Marcia says:

    Is this not a delayed April Fool’s day joke? Someone employed to make up that dossier? I am sure the readers of this site could prepare one on the No side and Labour followers very quickly.

  96. liz g says:

    Can we not organize a “Crowdswear” so that all those who want to be in the dossier can realise their dream.
    I for one would be more than happy to Swear for Nanna Smith

  97. Well Read Ned says:

    Really curiously co-ordinated campaign from start to finish.

    First J.K trolls the S.N.P, hoping to draw some juicy anti-English comments into her Twitter stream.

    Then a torrent of spurious nonsense about the S.N.P in some way being horrid to nonagenarian Unionist sex icon Betty Windsor fills up newspapers for a few days.

    Then McDougall turns up with this ridiculous dossier.

    I think these people are not very nice. I think they are not very nice indeed. That is what I truly think of these people. So there. I’m not one for missing and hitting the wall. I tell it like it is.

  98. Marcia says:

    liz g

    As I don’t swear can I delegate that to someone?

  99. Valerie says:

    Great work, Rev., proper analytical comment, as opposed to Paul Hutcheon, the Heralds investigative journo??? He was tweeting those on the list asking them if they stood by their comment – wtf?

    Tim Turners article was very good too, and I did take time to read and digest it properly, whilst thinking that the biggest danger to those in the dossier, is that they have had their political views now highlighted.

    This wouldn’t normally be an issue, but we have seen how Unionists act with violence in George Sq. They have a propensity to act as a mob. The entire UK press are supporters of the Union, so who knows how they may target people?

    We know GCHQ monitor us insurgents.

    Although we are laughing at the monumental stupidity of SLab, they have exposed this group of people to who knows what?

  100. Rolf says:

    This dossier is Labour in Scotland’s death rattle.

  101. paulTgeist says:

    Alan McHarg says:”Surely a spade is still a spade, if the shit fits”
    Same shit, Alan, different shovel!

    @ liz g – Add me to your list of very willing participants.
    I’m more than willing to help a fellow Winger relieve their anger.
    It could be my 15 minutes of fame (or should that be infamy?).

  102. Paula Rose says:

    @ liz g – just fallen over laughing xxx

  103. Rock says:


    “Would it not be a good idea for all SNP supporters that tweet politically to make a Subject Access Request to Labour under the DPA.

    Requests must be answered within 40 days and a large number of requests would put them under huge strain.”

    At £10 a go, that would give them a windfall of a million pounds or more at a stroke – from SNP supporters.

    They would be under no strain – they would just give a standard lying answer, while laughing all the way to the bank.

    Don’t forget the Information Commissioner is as much part and parcel of the unionist British Establishment as the Electoral Commission.

  104. Albamac says:

    @ Itchybiscuit

    Stop clyping quines, an’ if ih wind changes, yer faces’ll bide like ‘at

    The version we got was, “If ye die wi’ a face lik that naebdy’ll wash it fur ye”

    Given SLabs current state of health, that may be closer to the mark. 🙂

  105. caz-m says:

    I took one for the team and visited the Daily Record website, just to see if they had anything about this list.

    Nothing at all. You would have thought that BritNat David Clegg would have been all over this list, even as a co-author, but they seem to have body swerved the whole story.

    You’re on your own McDougall.

  106. Archie [not Erchie] says:

    @ Mik Johnstone 9:42pm Clan MacFannie cider? With a possible Wingers get together this summer please provide links and proof. 11percent or above is acceptable.

  107. Drew Macleod says:

    Got as far as page 24 then lost the will to live! So calling someone a ("Tractor" - Ed) counts as abuse? What about “Though cowards flinch and Traitors sneer we’ll keep the red flag flying here”?Scottish Labour were hanging over an abyss, well they have just run out of rope!

  108. Kevin meina says:

    Mark Burnett who I follow and him me on Twitter stalks the web for unionist trolls.For him to be on first 3 pages of dossier is hilarious.I joked with him last night he would be in top 3 ,I never meant first 3 pages.He has obviously upset Blair big time.
    McDougall loves making comments that are asking to be shot down and as someone whom he has blocked he is just a big baby.

  109. liz g says:

    Marcia @ 8.45
    Don’t think delegating would be a problem
    As when most peoples pasts are revieled
    Sure as hell
    They’ve not only said it
    They’ve done it as well

  110. Indigo says:

    It was exactly a year ago, last Sunday in June, that Duncan Hothersall started stirring the Britnat pot of hate that led to Kathy Wiles going a step too far in relation to the photo of the Yes kids with the Wings banner.

    He knew exactly what he was doing. And he was downright nasty when our family friends tried to calm the flames that he began on twitter.

    They are skilled at provocation, but this is just clumsy. I hope all who are mentioned in this dossier keep the heid but take action in relation to breach of Data Protection Act.

  111. liz g says:

    Paula Rose
    XXX…right back at you
    Nice to have finally met you and the gang last week at the demo

  112. Paula Rose says:

    Me, Lyndsay et toi liz g gems!

  113. Macart says:

    The shear idiocy involved in this whole sorry dossier nonsense defies belief.

    Whoever thought this brainfart up may just have gifted both the council and Holyrood elections to every party but Labour. They’ve single handedly managed to alienate anyone who’s ever had a gripe against a Labour politician in Scotland. They’ve blown their ‘olive branch’ policy out of the water in that a great deal of the SNPs new membership were obviously ex Labour voters and practically guaranteed that they won’t be reconsidering that decision anytime soon.

    The mind boggles at the lack of thought involved.

  114. Martin McDonald says:

    ” (we have a filter on Wings comments that automatically turns them into “tractor” and “quizmaster” respectively),”

    I’m sorry, what? These are not words which I choose to use but this is taking things too far. It is not beyond the pale to use these terms. Censorship should only ever be applied when a comment is threatening, obscene or defamatory.

    Stuart, you should be able to live with having your sensibilities offended. If you can’t, why can’t you?

  115. Bob Mack says:

    Having read Douglas Alexander writing in the Telegraph on 17th of May,that Facebook and other social media was responsible in the main for Labours failure to get their own message across,perhaps they thought it was a good idea to attack social media ,to reduce its appeal and impact.Very bad move.

  116. Grouse Beater says:

    Caz-M: You’re on your own McDougall.

    Aging well, still relevant:
    link to

  117. Marco McGinty says:

    “That a government minister contacts a university to complain about an academic expressing their honest opinion because it doesn’t fit with the SNP’s policy is frankly sinister. The idea of a Scotland where you can’t express your views if they conflict with the government is terrifying.”
    (A quote from Kezia Dugdale. Replace “government” with “opposition”, and there isn’t any difference!)
    link to

    “All I can see with both SNP and their supporters is dictatorship and them trying to rob Scottish Labour supporters of freedom of speech.”
    (a comment on the Labour Hame website)
    link to

    “Why do nats feel compelled to invade webpages that clearly aren’t going to be to their liking. Instead of engaging with the question they label it “lazy/ignorant/misleading” or something else to that effect. Why do all nats believe that any dissenting opinion is a heresy that must be crushed. Whatever happened to freedom of speech.”
    (on the same Labour Hame page)

    “Opponents of the bill can fairly argue that much of the chanting at football matches is political in nature. And that is the fundamental objection to this law. It infringes freedom of speech.”
    (Michael Kelly’s article on anti-sectarian laws, published on the Labour Hame website)
    link to

    “We will consult properly with charities, campaigners and the public to determine what reforms we need in place of the Tories’ gagging law, to ensure transparency and protect freedom of speech.”
    (from the Labour Party’s own website)
    link to

    “Baroness Sherlock will look at what regulation is needed to offer further protection of civil society’s freedom of speech.”
    (from a Labour Party press release)
    link to

    “He knew that nationalist thugs would be there to shout him down. They always are. That they would try to deny his right to free speech and disrupt a peaceful political gathering.”
    (from the Labour Uncut website)
    link to

    “Not just for wavering Labour voters, but Tories and Lib Dems too, it shows how freedom of speech, the right to express a pro-union argument or even just a non-nationalist case, is under threat.”
    (from the same Labour Uncut page)
    link to

    “A terror attack on the media is an assault on democracy. There can be no accommodation with a violent extremism that murders journalists. We should be clear to those who commit such acts of barbarity that they will never be allowed to win by silencing freedom of speech.”
    (although the circumstances are vastly different, this was a Jim Murphy quote, on the Charlie Hebdo massacre, in which he upheld the very basis of FoS, and presumably as it was published on the Scottish Labour website, it had the branch office’s full backing)
    link to

    “Blair McDougall said that previous Electoral Commission guidance had been “incredibly stringent”, and he was “pretty confident” that the guidance for the
    referendum would “be strong enough to deter us from co-ordinating”, although he recognised that it was difficult to prevent that “while maintaining people’s right to free speech”.”
    (Blair McDougall on a Scottish Referendum Bill issue)
    link to

    “When free speech is being undermined you would think creatives would be first to condemn. How depressing.”
    (Blair McDougall on Twitter)
    link to

    I could go on, exposing the sheer hypocrisy of the Labour Party and its party representatives, but I might find myself on their next compilation of nasty, vile cybernats that dared call the Labour Party a bunch of hypocrites!

  118. heedtracker says:

    Martin McDonald
    Stuart, you should be able to live with having your sensibilities offended. If you can’t, why can’t you?

    His blog, his rules:D

  119. ScottieDog says:

    Very good article.
    Just compare that selection with @MaxKeiser tweets. They’re positively saintly.
    Definitely agree with Max’s tweet about Christine Lagarde.

  120. Paula Rose says:

    Tunc nice new naughtie word.

  121. Rock says:


    The Greek Prime Minister has called the bankers’ bluff.

    Would be delighted to see austerity bite the bankers hard.

  122. Max Headroom says:

    What a load of shite. No wonder every single SNP MP has stopped following WoS. Bearded Bath Batshit

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “What a load of shite. No wonder every single SNP MP has stopped following WoS. Bearded Bath Batshit”

      You’ve been misinformed, darling.

  123. Rock says:


    An international study has named Iceland as the most peaceful country in the world, again.

    Iceland is one of the countries Alex Salmond recognised as a potential close partner of an independent Scotland.

    In contrast, Gordon Brown used UK anti-terrorism legislation against Iceland – the most peaceful country on earth!

    Iceland, the only country in the world that came out in favour of Scottish independence.

  124. @Marcia @ 8.45pm

    Abstain for heavens sake abstain it’s what all good socialists do.

  125. Big Jock says:

    I am not worried in the slightest by this nonsense. A loser in any argument always tries to defame or smear the winner. A good loser walks away and thinks again about how to win an argument. That’s what the SNP did. They came back from defeat with a fresh perspective.

    The bad loser Labour,firstly blamed the electorate and lost two Scottish elections. They then smeared the SNP at every turn and got wiped out at Westminster. A fool learns nothing from everything and that’s why he’s a fool!

  126. Rock says:

    Labour is not genetically programmed to apologise to the people of Scotland.

    Instead they lay the blame on the people for their routing in 2015.

    An even worse routing to come in 2016 and 2017.

    Labour’s Scottish branch is now beyond redemption.

    Any name change or ‘independence’ from London Labour will no longer fool anyone with more than one brain cell.

    A genuine Labour party in Scotland can only emerge after independence.

  127. osakisushi says:

    The funny thing about SLAB’s representative’s tactics of called Scots Nazi’s is it doesn’t bother me.

    I don’t have any attractions to making lists of suspect behaviour, trying to portray a people as somehow bad and reprehensible, and I could never refer to an elected representative of my country as a “foul mouthed little slut”.

    I’m just a Scot, voted Yes, voted SNP, but not a member of the party. Just a Scot wanting a change for Scotland.

    The real question is, why do these people so violently react when being referred to as Tractors or Quizmasters?
    Seriously, if the terms offend them, perhaps it’s because they realise they are also Scottish and acting against the best interests of their country. While furthering their financial interests.

    Grubby is perhaps the most comforting term to use but realistically, it doesn’t address the fact SLAB people ARE acting against the best interest of their country.

  128. dakk says:

    Rock 10.11

    ‘ Iceland the most peaceful country in the world ‘

    Unless you’re a whale.

    Notwithstanding the whaling I have the utmost respect for Iceland and would exchange constitutional positions with them in a second.

    Their support will never be forgotten.

  129. Jack says:

    Oooh! I’ve got to test this out! I’ve got a brand new combine ("Tractor" - Ed) and I’ll give you the key!

  130. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Looks like Labour have gone out into the playground with the Sunday Times and a dossier.

    Whether or not they will go behind the bike sheds is anyone’s guess.

    link to

  131. Almannysbunnet says:

    I’d like to thank the persuasive powers of Blair McDonut. I have been working on my neighbour for the best part of a year on trying to convert him to the cause of independence. I showed him this latest wheeze by McDonut and the implication of “Are you now or have you ever been an SNP member.”
    He obviously isn’t and never has been a member but he will be joining this week.
    Blair is the best recruiting tool we have (and I use the term tool advisedly.)

  132. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Martin McDonald I did,nt choose to use those words last night in my post to John King , but tractor-ed & quismaster appeared as Heedtracker says the Rev rules & we respect that & its not his sensibilities that the rule was made for, it was for others . Did you read the Comment- at the top of the box New Users.

  133. ben madigan says:

    @ Rock – here’s the first English translation of Alex Tsipras’s letter to the Greek people yesterday – It sets out the pros and cons of the austerity strategy and says he will hold a referendum

    just to let you all see what is actually going on in greece
    link to

  134. tombee says:

    As intellectual manoeuvres go. The Labour party, in Scotland, do not have much going for them. Their ability to score own goals is astonishing. When will someone from their ranks stand up and count the chickens which have come home to roost in all the bloomers that have gone before. Is there Noone within Labour’s ranks that can see the self inflicted damage being caused ?.
    Then again, a party, which, whilst in the depths of a calamity, can elect a leader from the most far right ranks of their organisation. A man who is an ultra Blairite and member of the ultra right wing Henry Jackson Society, to save their bacon. It says all you need to know about that which is the Labour party in Scotland today. They have descended to the depths of plausibility, in that they cannot even compile a credible list. .

  135. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    O/T – Newsshaft’s fundraiser is at 45%, with only 9 days to go to reach £10,000.

    I think we all enjoyed the team’s ‘Dateline Scotland’ videos in the weeks before the referendum so how about showing some appreciation?

    link to

    link to

  136. Marcia says:

    Sunday Herald front page;

  137. Marcia says:

    Better link to the Sunday Herald front page;

    link to

  138. andrew>reid says:

    The usual question – why now? well, maybe because all of this is supposed to be like a rash throughout the Sunday and Monday media just when the SNP amendments are to be debated at Westminster. Coincidence or the continuation of the better together dirty tricks department?

  139. andrew>reid says:

    SNP amendments on the Smith commission/devolution proposals that is.

  140. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    If there is any reason for me to stop buying the Sunday Herald it is Paul Hutcheon. We’ll see tomorrow.

    He is not a journalist. He is an attack dog opposed to independence and I cannot remember any article he has written that had any intelligent political content. He lasted for one week as political commentator on the Herald.

    As I have made it clear in the past I do not expect the Sunday Herald and the National to be SNP tracts but I don’ expect it to carry the sort of anti SNP political irrelevancy that is always Hutcheon’s contribution

  141. caz-m says:

    Grouse Beater 9.40pm

    I liked your comparison between Al Capone and Fats McDee.

    The Scottish Labour Party Mafia reduced to threats and intimidation of the weak and gullible among us.

  142. Graeme Doig says:


    Excellent news. Branch office really are emotionally crippled and losing the plot.

    Blair MacDougal, thank you for your childish ineptitude.

    I look forward to the taxidermist finishing the job then we can all visit Slab in a museum.

  143. caz-m says:

    frogesque says: 8:33 am
    “Since Gordon Mathieson is standing down as heed honcho at Glasgow City Council I hear they are going to name a car park after him,”

    Brilliant frogesque, chuckle of the night goes to that comment.

    And I suppose you get a free condom every time you enter it. Boom Boom!

  144. Thepnr says:

    There are good fools and there are really daft fools. This story is of the former, I have no interest in the latter.

    link to

  145. cirsium says:

    speaking of Iceland, this is an interesting article on another successful prosecution of bank employees for fraudulent activity in 2008.

    link to

  146. caz-m says:

    C’mon Canada!

  147. scottieDog says:

    On the subject of Greece…

    link to

    We should b v interested in their referendum. Real independence is a sovereign currency…

  148. Molly says:

    Just wondering , Labour in Scotland have no leader at the moment so who asked and authorised this?

    Who is actually pulling the strings of Labour ?

    Why is Kezia Dugdale/Ken Mcintosh having a leadership contest if B Mcdougall is setting the agenda?

  149. Thepnr says:


    Yes, what happens in Greece is very important, I doubt there can be a deal made. Their fate was decided two weeks ago at the Bindelberg Conference.

    Here is a list of attendees of those we must worship, or else!

    link to

  150. ronnie anderson says:

    Is this guy oan ah list

    link to

  151. Tam Jardine says:

    Dave McEwan Hill

    I took a look at Paul Hutcheon’s twitter feed – it was almost like a wee boy running late with his RPR or science project.

    Prodding folk to try and provoke comments… fishing with a strange desperation. This puritanical crap is oppression and suppression. Trouble is they should have really punted this angle when the movement on social media was in its infancy.

    We’re too strong and too many to control in this way. They’ve left it too late in the day for these agricultural tactics.

    Poor old Paul. He was once a journalist, now reduced to cold calling SNP members on a Saturday night, looking for a four letter word. I go through some shite in my job but nothing as compared.

    Let’s see what he’s cobbled together

  152. Iain More says:

    I am still a bit pissed that I didn’t make the Brit Nat hate list. Do we know if they are going to update it, I hope so. I am feeling left out and doubly so because some of my Facebook acquaintances also got sent some porn from the Brit Nats. I didn’t get any.

    What am I doing wrong? I can be as abusive as the next Cybernat.

    Still I suppose that I should count my blessings since one Mr Davidson hasn’t got round to bayonetting me yet.

  153. Tackety Beets says:

    Ronnie@12. Red his video link

    He must be another SNP new recruit ! Only kidding .

    I never watch these programmes .

    Can anyone confirm it was actually transmitted ?

    What TV Channel ?

  154. Ian Brotherhood says:

    A wee reminder of why the SLab/BTUKOK mob are so bitter:
    Alex Thomson, CH4 News:

    ‘It Wasn’t A Total Wipeout – But It Came Close’

    link to

  155. Wee Alex says:

    It’s quite a while since I was involved in the Trade Union movement but long before the internet, around 30 years ago, NALGO activists in Local Government were instructed to report misdemeanours of SNP councillors. Have they learnt nothing?

    Many Labour members were uneasy with it and it quickly died out. Why did it fail; well it was because members of NALGO knew that Labour councillors were mostly incompetent and had more to hide than the SNP.

    Long live Twitter and Facebook, they have replaced the red tops for news and political comment. Pity I’m on neither so I didn’t make the list! I’m soooo jealous.

  156. shaun the sheep says:

    Been busy, just got round to reading the ‘DOSSIER’. All I can say is someone in the Labour Party should listen to their Dad. Confession time, I’m not a sheep – I’ve heard more sweary words from school pupils than I have on the tweets here. However, I do not condone personal,racist or homophobic abuse. Should be concentrating on bringing to book the liars( Frenchgate) and delivering the Chilcott report!

  157. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Rev sees all…

    Rev…please, please, if you haven’t already, see this:

    Tom Devine ‘Scottish Independence More Likely Than Ever’ –

    link to

  158. Democracy Reborn says:

    Aneurin Bevan, Labour Minister for Health in the Attlee government, made a famous speech on 3rd July 1948 (2 days before the NHS came into being).

    In it, he expressed a “deep burning hatred” for the Tory Party. He went on to say : “So far as I am concerned, they are lower than vermin.”

    ‘Nye’ is, of course, revered as a social justice cult hero by the modern day Labour Party. Yep, there just wasn’t vile political abuse in the old days….

  159. Macart says:

    @Ian Brotherhood 1.44am

    Good interview and he’s not wrong. What’s occurring now is the real fight that everything else has been leading up to IMO. Its been a steady progression since the end of the fifties. No blip, no accident, no protest vote, a gradual and marked drifting apart of national politics and priorities.

    Had there truly been a partnership worth the saving and the name, Cameron wouldn’t have forced the issue of the in/out referendum and latterly the car crash decision on currency to put the Jocks back in their box. It always smacked of big brother laying down the law. The killer blow was the willingness of Labour to participate with this dictatorial right wing measure. To not only participate, but expand upon and give birth to the current anti Scottish narrative, which of course the Conservatives have now completely hijacked and given fresh impetus to.

    As I said many months ago Westminster will be Westminster. One that narrative was given form it was always going to gather a momentum all its own given the establishment and media’s track record. They can’t live without someone to other and scapegoat for their own failures.

  160. Roll_On_2015 says:

    Today’s Sunday Herald front page:

    Cameron’s cuts will plunge 500,000 Scots children into poverty

    Whilst the Scottish Labour Branch(sic) are leading on the Pig-Shit you mention above Stu.

    I don’t think they will get ‘10 out of 10’ from the Scottish electorate on their choice of priorities.

  161. Grouse Beater says:

    Grouse Beater says:

    ianmc: My understanding is that as these tweets are public then they are fair game.

    It is a brazen attempt to extinguish debate, to silence, and another aspect of Project Fear.

    Those who liken it to the work of East Germany’s Stasi are correct. That organisation found many ways to silence dissent. Saying the ‘unacceptable’ thing openly in public – unacceptable being defined by the authorities – was the first step in quelling opposition.

    Continue to be outspoken or to indulge in ‘loose talk’ and arrest and interrogation followed. the next offence to be monitored was loose talk in the privacy of your own home, and indeed, posting anger on the Internet invariably means you did it from the ‘safety’ of your own home.

    The Labour party shows its real hand – it spies on us and takes names, it knows where we live. Authority will not be questioned. Dissenters must be expunged.

    It is far more than quelling profanity as a means of ridicule or criticism, it is the beginning of a concerted campaign to single out those who would criticise the British government and its servants, and to force the Scottish government to collaborate.

    They’ve embarked on a very dark and dangerous path.

    Let no one here treat it as a lark or a joke.

    Will Sturgeon be firm enough, eloquent enough to see it in those terms? So far she’s been persuaded by the enemy of democracy’s point of view. She agrees with them.

  162. Big Jock says:

    I am disappointed Sturgeon feels the need to defend herself. I think she would be better staying away from it and advising she has a country to run. She has not time for he said she said school games.

    It is playing into the enemies hands by giving them attention. As for the people. We don’t need to worry about them. The only people with mock outrage are the millionaires,Brits and Ultra Unionists. Let them for in their own bile.

    We know who we are and will not be defined by a bitter opposition. It’s the people that will free Scotland not the media.

  163. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Grousebeater Kezia,s question to Nicola re cybernat abuse & Nicola,s answer , set this train of the dark artist in motion.Nicola should see through this,if not, there will be a backlash from the Grassroots People if these People are suspended.

  164. caz-m says:

    During the second world war France was occupied by an invading force (Germany) and the French people were split between being a member of the resistance movement or being a collaborator.

    These collaborators or the Vichy, would spy, grass, clype on there fellow countrymen/women, they would make lists of these rebels and hand them over to there occupying masters.

    Scottish Labour are on a par with the Vichy collaborators of occupied France.

    Grassin bastards, tell them nothing.

    They are now totally isolated from the majority of the Scottish population.

  165. gillie says:

    Well that went well for Scottish Labour – NOT.

    This is the people’s party trying to reconnect with Scots by spying on them and getting the English tabloids to demonize them.

    What a bunch of erseholes and tractors. Everyone is now empathisng with their victims.

  166. heedtracker says:

    Those who liken it to the work of East Germany’s Stasi are correct.

    Grouse Beater, who and what are the SLabour list makers actually working for though, what’s driving these guys to such anti-democratic extremes in 2015?

    Here in England/Britain, their Scotland region hardly exists at all. Scotland’s just a scrounger region with nice scenery, uppity locals, chilly etc. But losing control of this region of Britain/England is simply not going to happen, is it SLabour?

    So its another teamGB day of UKOK/BBC/media here in England/Britain all about how great England/Britain really is. In their Scotland same media does the exact same thing, but that the Scotland region’s a dump run by morons and nutters. That will put me on someone list.

    Click bait Sunday for enraged English Britnats, rancid The Graun style.

    Thanks again proud Scot buts.

    link to

  167. Bob Mack says:

    On Andrew Marr,I just heard Alan Johndon say that if it was not for oil prices we would be back in recession according to latest figures.
    That true?

  168. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Tackety Beats 12.42. Its (The Last Leg) presenter channel 4,I only came accross it last night,so no idea if it was broadcast nationaly,maybe sombody else can clarify.

  169. ronnie anderson says:

    @ caz-m Hi Des can you make it to the Hollyrood 4th July gig, nice couple of hours out with the guys.

  170. Almannysbunnet says:

    caz-m says:
    9:08 am
    I made the Vichy connection in a reply in the Huffington post several months ago. I got slaughtered for being “abusive”. You just can’t win. If Labour claims they are “patriots” then shit all over Scottish aspirations then being called a veratterish Vichy wichser is the least they can expect. (if you can’t guess the meaning then google translate German to English) 🙂

  171. Effijy says:

    Would it be alright to say that Blair McDougall is fat as F***?
    I was afraid to type in (Fundimudilly).
    Is Fundimudilly one of the words the Labstapo will arrest you for using?

    An earlier post suggested that using silly nick names for
    our leading suppressors should be abandoned?

    You would have a point if they themselves did not make fools of themselves while trying to make fools of us.
    Dipity Dug comes out with only the largest party nonsense and “she is proud of the election battle that she fought”?
    How proud could anyone be to see your 42 Seats be turned into 1
    and only one due to the media escalating the tone of the SNP
    candidates old tweets?

    Dipity Dug does it for me.
    A funny looking character who gets up to the most bizarre acts
    while holding an important office.

  172. gillie says:

    Scottish Labour have become English tabloid collaborators.

    Say one word critical of Labour and unionists and you will have a Daily Mail journalist door stepping you and then demonising you in print.

    Scottish Labour are spying on our kith and kin. Tell the feckers to feck off.

  173. caledonia says:

    Its a betrayal of Scots to trawl the internet and report back to their masters in England and the english based press and BBC

    That sure sounds like a way to win the people of Scotland back english based labour

    In fact looks like they are inadvertently causing a Scotland v England situation
    Bring it on as it will turn more scots against them

    Already in some of the forums people are calling it the start of a snoopers charter

  174. Lollysmum says:

    Scotland is under attack by WM with the aid of MSM. Whatever Scotland says or does will not be reported honestly. It is no longer a game.

    WM is seriously worried as are their lackies in Labour. Scotland has to be brought into line no matter what it takes. WM no longer controls Scotland so it uses its tried & tested ‘divide & rule’ tactics in every possible scenario.

    The fact that labour is incompetent in trying to pin charges of abuse on SNP supporters is yet another case (one of many recently) where they’ve tried to prove that SNP is something that it is not i.e. anti-English, abusive etc.

    It saddens me to hear people here criticising Nicola for taking the opportunity to show how open & transparent a party can be. Do you not think that she is very aware of what supporters & opposers put on Twitter & Facebook? Of course she is!

    If people post abusive comments they deserve to be thrown out of SNP. It’s a fact of life-if you join such a gathering you abide by the rules & don’t bring the whole group/movement into disrepute by your stupidity. Everyone gets tarred with the same brush & that’s what they are trying to do here.

    Personally, I looked at the #clypegate document & my first thoughts were is that all they could find? Once I’d downloaded it & looked at the document properties for the author, my next thought was I bet Blair McDougall is sick!! He aimed to find damaging tweets & what he found was so tame that he had no ‘dodgy dossier’-all he could do was to publish it & pray no one looked into it too deeply.

    Wrong move Blair- you just told everyone what a fool you are & left your name on it to prove it.

    You really need to stop & think about all the parts in play as WM & MSM plays out its strategy for regaining control. NS reputation & leadership is predicated on openess & transparency, a ‘we can’ attitude, a willingness to fight WM at its own game. She is a scrapper-she fights for what she wants for the wellbeing of Scotland & its people. She is far better placed than any of us to decide SNP strategy & she is playing a long game whether you like it or not.

    Instead of criticising show some support. She’s doing this for you & your families, their futures & yours. There’s enough doubting thomas’s out there without some here joining in. I’m not saying you can’t/shouldn’t criticise but what I am saying is think first what the implications of posting something critical here might be-not just on you but on the many readers who will read your words but never put up a single post.Do you want to push them away?

    I thought WoS was about influencing No voters but sometimes I do wonder.Rant over!!

    Now I’ve got that off my chest-have a great day all 🙂

  175. call me dave says:

    THE Scotland Office has been accused a fresh cover-up over the leaked ‘Frenchgate’ memo after claiming it could damage people’s “physical and mental health” to reveal who saw it.

    link to

  176. ronnie anderson says:

    link to

    Wings Banner & Team will be there.

  177. heedtracker says:

    Bob Mack says:
    28 June, 2015 at 9:30 am
    On Andrew Marr,I just heard Alan Johndon say that if it was not for oil prices we would be back in recession according to latest figures.
    That true?

    Yes, cheap petrol etc is keeping UK from dropping back into recession, lower manufacturing costs, more capital spend needs more jobs, lower prices, higher cash flows, hard cash in pockets, higher tax take.

    This side of $64 Brent crude price is never mentioned in Scotland, for obvious reasons.

  178. bjsalba says:

    o/t National p12 lower half.
    MacTiernan is still collecting his salary and is looking for a leaving package even though Murphy is gone.

    If they cannot even manage to run their own offices without getting ripped off, why on earth would we trust them running our government?

  179. Mosstrooper says:

    Well said Lollysmum, summed up my feeling exactly. The road we have taken is not an easy one and there will be a lot of bumps on the way. Get ready for the hard work from now on and above all keep the faith and battle on.

  180. caz-m says:

    Ronnie Anderson 9.49am

    I don’t know if I will be offshore Ronnie, I would love to be there, so if I am not away, I will definitely be at Holyrood. I will have a better idea during the week.

    I have been up in Aberdeen all last week and have noticed a definite change in the mindset of the locals. A lot more positive talk of a YES result in the next Referendum.

    “NO” city might just be changing to a big “YES”.

    After all, they did dump all their Labour MPs on the scrapheap in the May GE.

    Ronnie, get all your organisational skills going and get another Pacific Quay rally set up for September, please.

    The Beeb and Scottish Labour are needing a wee reminder that we are still about.

  181. Tackety Beets says:

    Thanks Ronnie .

    Bob Mack @ 9.30

    ” …………….It’s about how the Gvt is tackelling the deficit, the latest growth figures are 0.3% incidentally . If it wasn’t for the reduction in Oil prices we would be back in recession, this is not a great triumph ”

    Sorry Bob ,I’m not an economics expert , but he must have meant , ” although oil has been low and is now recovering we have only just avoided being back in recession ”

    The point is even Oil as it is circa $65 it is keeping the Whole UK in growth , so what effect does it really have on the 9% in FFA/R or i Scotland .
    Awwww FFS we are doomed !

    Incidentally did anyone else hear Glen Campbell giving it doom and gloom on RS possible Newsdrive about how had we voted YES we would be Indy Scotland and broke . GC said this knowing full well it was not until March 2016 we would have been iScotland.
    Never let facts get in the way of a good Scot bash !
    What you have highlighted to me is how much crap is spewed oot o the Beeb unchallenged , who would’ve thunk it !

  182. Philip Allan says:

    How about Pétain-ites? A rather more appropriate descriptive for one who colludes with an occupying force>

    Is that considered an appropriate word to use for Scottish Labour (branch office) party members??

  183. Robert Louis says:

    So, the majority of MP’s on the Scottish affairs select committee at Westminster will be from ENGLISH constituencies. The Tories bleat about English votes for English laws, so how about Scottish votes for Scottish laws.

    This throws democracy on its head, and breaches any norm of legislaion by democratic consent. It is in any world, colonial rule, pure and simple.

    Time for indy referendum number 2 please.

  184. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Heedtracker Its well seen Alan Johnstone doesent fuel up his own car,

    Pre reccesion $ 110 a barrel Petrol/Diesel £ 1.20 or there about.

    Now $64 a barrel Petrol/Diesel £ 1.19.7/9 & £ 1.20 ltr.

    Remind me who owns the OIL.

  185. gordoz says:

    O/T – From the Sunday Herald –

    THE Scotland Office has been accused a fresh cover-up over the leaked ‘Frenchgate’ memo after claiming it could damage people’s “physical and mental health” to reveal who saw it. (???)

    Whit ?

  186. Tackety Beets says:

    Heedtracker @ 10.19

    Aye good point .

    It’s always soooo one sided

  187. Stoker says:

    @ Lollysmum (10.14am).

    Yes, well said indeed!

    My first reaction is always to anger when i see Nicola taking action and the Hunionists doing zilch about their own abusers but within minutes my anger is usually quelled by reasonable thinking due to wise words posted on these threads such as yours.

    Strange thing is, i already know and think all those things but the anger always seems to get the better of me until i read someone such as yourself reaffirming what i already know.

    Once again, well said you!

  188. Bob Mack says:

    Thanks for the answer guys.It would seem oil has its benefits when the price is both high or low then.
    As you say, not something they broadcast to us up here.

  189. Nana Smith says:

    O/T Due to clypegate take over yesterday I left these links for today.

    link to

    link to

    Guess how much Corporations get in benefits every year?

    link to

  190. gerry parker says:

    @ Gordoz at 10:55

    Aye, the truth will set you free, then you’ll get into all sorts of trouble.


  191. caz-m says:

    Just heard Teresa May say that she will be extending the powers of those who spy on us so they can monitor who you are communicating with. They will know ALL of your outgoing information and ALL your incoming information.

    I overheard Kezia Dugdale saying that “It was about time this was brought into law, it can’t come soon enough”

    Dugdale went on to say that “We need all the help we can get in keeping our country safe from these extreme cybernat nutters, they are threatening the very existence of the UK”

    Beware of “Reds under the beds”. They are listening to every word you say.

  192. heedtracker says:

    Now $64 a barrel Petrol/Diesel £ 1.19.7/9 & £ 1.20 ltr.

    Remind me who owns the OIL.

    Scots oil’s worthless, give up control to Holyrood. Clearly just one more bettertogether burden, or pretty neat example of British socio economic domination in one of the last regions what they think they own.

    Enough Proud Scot buts agreed though. That’s me back on the SLab list, “for future reference, re-education, exposure to loyal proud Scot buts, that’ll shut them all up, Blair MacDougall says it works everywhere else”

  193. Nana Smith says:

    link to

    link to

    link to

    I believe it was armed forces day yesterday…

    link to

    link to

  194. One_Scot says:

    Is it just me, or are people who once defended the union now beginning to see the dark side of unionism in a different light.

  195. gus1940 says:

    philip allan

    Lavaleite would be more appropriate as Petain was more of a figurehead for Vichy than anything else – Lavale was the real Tractor.

  196. IvMoz says:

    @RobertLouis 10:44

    There are only 3 non-SNP MP’s from Scotland. As you have to exclude Mundell & Murray as only backbenchers comprise Committee membership, that possibly only leaves Carmichael as a non-SNP Scottish MP who may be on the Committee.

    Select Committees are cross-party & so even though it might be desirable to have a wholly SNP Scottish Affairs Committee, it can’t happen because the SNP have been too successful in Scotland. Perverse I know.

  197. Mad Jock McMad says:

    My name appears on the list but I do not have a Twitter account …. isn’t this potentially defamatory as folk might read the dossier and think it is me?

    Especially as I am an active SNP member and known as such locally.

    I wonder if Labour’s lawyers have thought this through, a class action against Labour’s Scotch Branch, alongside Carmichael’s, in the Court of Session for defamation could be costly for a party which is skint financially and already politically broken.

  198. ronnie anderson says:

    @ caz-m Ah pity any Reds under ma bed, awe they Irn Bru cans N Crisp Pokes over 3 years worth, ah keep forgeting to order ah skip lol.

  199. frogesque says:

    gordoz says:
    28 June, 2015 at 10:55 am
    O/T – From the Sunday Herald –

    THE Scotland Office has been accused a fresh cover-up over the leaked ‘Frenchgate’ memo after claiming it could damage people’s “physical and mental health” to reveal who saw it. (???)

    Whit ?

    Aye, Scottish Office fair makes me sick an a’

  200. nodrog says:

    Top marks for the Sunday Herald today – proper journalism!!

    Kezia and Teresa , it would appear in my opinion , prefer “Big brother is watching you.” to ” We are watching big brother. “. Silly me I thought they both believed in DEMOCRACY.

  201. chris kilby says:

    Anyone else think this just might be another distraction from the latest developments in the Alistair Carmichael affair? Or “Clusterfuckgate,” as I call it. I bet they were all in the loop on this one. Cameron included. Mundell, certainly…

  202. galamcennalath says:

    caz-m says:

    Dugdale went on to say that “We need all the help we can get in keeping our country safe from these extreme cybernat nutters, they are threatening the very existence of the UK”

    Whit!? Around half the voters in Scotland want to threaten the very existence of the UK, you don’t need to be an “extreme cybernat nutter”.

    Let’s face it, the extreme elements don’t contribute much to the cause and by themselves are actually a threat to nothing and nobody.

    Dugdale is revealing that she has a complete mental block on understanding and accepting the right of the population to express their wish democratically. And that wish, for many, is to end the existence of the UK. She fails to accept it is a valid aspiration and has absolutely nothing to do with extremism.

    No wonder fewer and fewer people will even listen to them.

  203. gordoz says:


    How far does this muck spread ?

    Stench is honkin’

  204. ronnie anderson says:

    @ mad Jock McHad You cant have a class action against a non excistant Slab, its the British Labour Party & their Representatives in Scotland.

  205. heedtracker says:

    My name appears on the list but I do not have a Twitter account …. isn’t this potentially defamatory as folk might read the dossier and think it is me?

    But SLabour’s list takers don’t really care whether those they select for their dosiers exist or not. In fact they couldn’t care less. What they want is to create fear in people and leep them away from UKOK politics.

    Our ghastly media certainly don’t care who’s on the list, they’ll do everything it takes make sure that people, voters, understand that via SLabours list, there is now a clear threat to them, unless they shut up, keep their heads down and vote who they’re told.

    Dark days for teamGB but its only 8+% of their UK. so noone who counts cares.

  206. heedtracker says:

    One voter’s on their list because he tweeted Jacky Bird’s a cow. That’s all it takes, a BBC talking head’s a cow and that’s you, marked out. Its nothing but it doesn’t matter. They’re making a list.

  207. manandboy says:

    Lord Janner to face trial according to the Graun. With another five years in power secured, the Unionist Establishment won’t be giving a shit. They’ll make sure any Tory Paedophiles are protected leaving Janner as one bad apple.

  208. Grouse Beater says:

    After ‘dangerous talk’ comes ‘people with whom one should not associate.’

  209. frogesque says:

    heedtracker says:
    28 June, 2015 at 12:06 pm
    One voter’s on their list because he tweeted Jacky Bird’s a cow. That’s all it takes, a BBC talking head’s a cow and that’s you, marked out. Its nothing but it doesn’t matter. They’re making a list.

    If it looks like a cow, walks like a cow and moos like a cow then it’s a . . . duck! (‘cos more shit’s heading your way)

  210. andy bimmo says:

    My name is Andy Nimmo. I am no relatiom to Andy Connelly Nimmo. I’ve never met the man. Up until now I never knew he existed. Am I going to have my name tarnished by this? Who do I sue? How many others are in the same boat?
    Pandora’s Box comes to mind

  211. Grouse Beater says:

    Has the contemptible David Starkey has his contract with C4 Television cancelled because he thinks the elected government of Scotland too close to fascism in ambition, and Scotland’s flag a subtle echo of the Nazi swastika?

    An attack on harsh comment on Twitter and the Internet aims to keep our attention off such slanderous, carefully time remarks but above all, Westminster newspeak, Tory dissembling such as reorganising welfare which in effect is dismantling the Welfare State.

    Our right-wing owned and orientated ‘free’ press happily do Westminster’s work for it by lapping up their press releases without question, followed by television organising facile ‘debates’ on today’s artificially contrived topic.

  212. Nana Smith says:

    Anyone know who Alchemist estates are, they seem terribly fond of Muddle Mundell

    link to

  213. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Nana link to

  214. Jack Murphy says:

    Re Nana Smith at 1:41 pm:-
    “Anyone know who Alchemist estates are”
    BizDb currently have an Alchemist company up on their site.
    Scroll down for details.

    link to

  215. Nana Smith says:

    @ronnie anderson

    Thanks Ronnie. They do love fundilymundily soooo much!!!

    Wonder what they get in return.

  216. Petra says:

    I’m just reading through the posts and see that some interesting points have been made such as that this fiasco has focused on a small number of SNP supporters when we know that the social media is absolutely awash with threats and vile comments being directed at Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP in general. The MSM of course, and individuals such as Andrew Neil, biased as usual don’t seem to be too keen to report the unequivocal facts due to their symbiotic relationship with Westminster and their over-riding agenda.

    We know whats behind the dossier and MSM propaganda. The SNP are seen to be a threat to the State and have to be obliterated. The problem they have in doing this is the level of support shown for the SNP and Nicola Sturgeons popularity here and down south.

    This isn’t about swear words or accusing people of being tractors or pislings. We know it’s not as many others have used identical terms such as politicians in Westminster name-calling Charles Kennedy when he opposed the Iraq War and Kezia Dugdale describing the Social Democrats as being ‘Tractors to Britain’. This is being used to undermine the Party and in particular Nicola Sturgeon who is being accused of tweeting with vile cybernats and by extension seen to be supporting such behaviour. They know that they have to totally discredit her, to make headway with their plans, but all they have managed to dredge up so far is that she is some kind of weird psychopath who used to cut off her sister’s dolls hair. They in turn are trying to lop off the head of the Leader and create division within our ranks.

    We are also having to contend with the Labour party, especially in Scotland, behaving like a wounded animal fighting for its survival and in doing so using all means, dirty and devious, at their disposal. Behaviour such as this (dossier) however will only lend itself to speed up their ultimate demise in Scotland.

    @ a supporter at 6:09 made an excellent point too which makes you wonder if SNP supporters were actually involved at all in verbally abusing these particular individuals.

    ”Where are the abusive tweets that Howling Rowling and Minnie Moan are reputed to have received? Surely they would be the first tweets that the Clypes would look at? And all those 100s of abusive tweets that the quizmaster Daisley and farter Farquhar claim to have received? Surely there were a few gems amongst them? Or were the claims just more hyperbole and lies from the ‘gentlemen’ of the press?”

    Additionally as grousebeater says ”It is far more than quelling profanity as a means of ridicule or criticism, it is the beginning of a concerted campaign to single out those who would criticise the British government and its servants, and to force the Scottish government to collaborate. They’ve embarked on a very dark and dangerous path. Let no one here treat it as a lark or a joke.”

    And I’d like to thank Lollysmum (10:14 am) for taking the time to post her excellent, reasoned comments this morning. I agree with her 100% especially in relation to the following: ”It saddens me to hear people here criticising Nicola for taking the opportunity to show how open & transparent a party can be. Do you not think that she is very aware of what supporters & opposers put on Twitter & Facebook? Of course she is! …. If people post abusive comments they deserve to be thrown out of SNP. It’s a fact of life-if you join such a gathering you abide by the rules & don’t bring the whole group/movement into disrepute by your stupidity. Everyone gets tarred with the same brush & that’s what they are trying to do here …. Instead of criticising show some support. She’s doing this for you & your families, their futures & yours. There’s enough doubting thomas’s out there without some here joining in.”

    Some good may come out of this at the end of the day such as SBO Labour will have lost another few hundred members, SNP members may consider others before tapping away on their keyboard and if they do so it will clearly highlight who the real cyber-abusers are. More than anything we have to set a good example, stand united and support our Party Leader.

    This has also accentuated the Westminster (union) agenda and hellish bias of the MSM once again, not just in the UK but further afield. Some of my relatives have just returned from the US following a visit to relatives (all former Labour supporters) and Scottish Societies in NY, NJ and Washington. These ex-pats are absolutely disgusted with SBO Labour and what’s going on here. It also became clear, during their travels, that many US citizens are well aware of the fight that we have on our hands against corrupt Westminster and the BBC. Good to remember that there are 10 million people around the World with connections to Scotland and MANY are closely following the ‘goings on’.

  217. Nana Smith says:

    Fracking poses ‘significant’ risk to humans and should be temporarily banned across EU, says new report

    link to

    only temporarily Geez

  218. Petra says:

    Nana I see that two Scottish experts have delayed (maybe even halted) the plan to frack in Lancashire. Some good news for them.

    I also meant to mention that you are right Nana. As the MSM focus on cybernats everyone is being distracted from more pressing issues such as Janner / elitist paedophile rings, the Chilcot Report, the link between the Iraq War and the massacre of innocents around the globe such as in Tunisia, Corporate theft and so on. An endless list in fact.

    I watched Chunky Marks latest video too (he should be on TV every morning better still a Labour SPAD) highlighting that we are being done out of around 85 billion every year by companies such as Amazon and then you consider this against the 12 billion planned austerity cuts. One wonders why the Labour Party aren’t trumpeting facts like this but rather allowing UK residents to continue to be duped big time.

  219. Nana Smith says:


    Distraction and diversion the unionist way.

    I really like Chunky Mark, he is one of the good guys.

  220. Paula Rose says:

    Here’s a useful address –

    Data Protection Officer can be contacted at:

    Compliance Unit
    Labour Party
    One Brewer’s Green
    SW1H 0RH

  221. Nana Smith says:

    link to

  222. bob mooney says:

    Got to page 14 and gave up, what is all the fuss about. Best to ignore all this nonsense and let labour continue on their downward spiral.

    I hope no one is offended by the above statement but I have no doubt some professional Labour offendees will find something to upset them.

  223. John Malcolm says:

    It boils down to them assuming that calling someone a ("Tractor" - Ed) is the same as accusing them of treason. Idiotic. It would be like assuming calling someone a liar is the same as accusing that person of perjury.

  224. Rock says:


    “Unless you’re a whale.”


    It is a shame that otherwise such nice and peaceful people can be so cruel to animals.

  225. Grouse Beater says:

    Lollysmum: It saddens me to hear people here criticising Nicola for taking the opportunity to show how open & transparent a party can be.

    She has made that plain a few times in the past. That was all she needed to do. Slander or defamation by a party member gets a party member suspended or rejected. There is nothing anybody can do against independence supporters not SNP members using strong language to express frustration.

    What should they say – “Oh, gosh! The cads stole our birth-right. Ah, well, never mind. What’s on television tonight”?

    Adding her name to the pages of the Daily Mail gave that scurrilous right-wing rag a coup. It legitimised their exaggerations and lies. It helped divert the debate for full democracy. It was a misstep, bad advice from anybody who advised her to walk into the enemy’s camp waving a white flag.

  226. Rock says:


    “On the subject of Greece…”

    I won’t be at all surprised if the military takes over before 5th July and agrees to the bankers’ terms.

    The bankers and democracy don’t go together.

    And the vast majority of politicians, led by Gordon Brown, are in the pocket of the bankers.

  227. Grouse Beater says:

    Greece – I won’t be at all surprised if the military takes over before 5th July and agrees to the bankers’ terms.

    And not for the first time.

    But then you can be sure it will be an administration more acceptable to the interests of EU ‘democratic’ states.

  228. Rock says:

    Grouse Beater,

    “But then you can be sure it will be an administration more acceptable to the interests of EU ‘democratic’ states.”

    Yes, all those “democratic” states which did not have one good word to say about Scotland democratically breaking free from the undemocratic UK.

    The interests of the bankers are all that matters in the world, with the sole exception of tiny Iceland.

  229. KOF says:

    @ Nana Smith 13:41

    These links should be helpful.

    link to

    link to

  230. Colin Gerard says:

    Unbelievable petty wee list they have put together.

  231. chris says:

    Let’s try this.
    Gordon Brown is a pure ("Tractor" - Ed). He is also an awfully bad ("Quizmaster" - Ed) when he was on mastermind.

  232. chris says:

    It works!

  233. observer says:

    another dodgy dossier from labour where’s the news in that?


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    • Peter McAvoy on Green Eggs And Bams: “Another dismissal of the concerns and welfare of all native or permanent resident Scottish people would be to easily forget…Mar 7, 02:21
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “Sorry Dan, I didn’t bother reading your ill-tempered, abusive and no doubt factually illiterate rant. Your belief that wind energy…Mar 6, 21:42
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Fuck off John Hatey Main the ever-present bot twat. We’ve been over this matter for years and I’ve provided plenty…Mar 6, 21:14
    • Muscleguy on Green Eggs And Bams: “And woodburners pollute the house they are in so badly it has been compared to having a diesel exhaust piped…Mar 6, 20:42
    • Derek on Green Eggs And Bams: “Of course, the 2021 figures were significantly inflated by the double whammy of the pandemic and Sturgeon’s one and only…Mar 6, 20:37
    • Michael Laing on Green Eggs And Bams: “If only the cycle lanes were empty! Here in Edinburgh, these lanes are an absolute menace to pedestrians, with cyclists…Mar 6, 20:14
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““a geographic area having an abundance of clean renewable energy generation yet it being too expensive for many to access,…Mar 6, 20:00
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “You are right, Breeks. We have been, and continue to be, betrayed by nearly every SNP MSP and MP. How…Mar 6, 19:59
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “The Scottish Government signed off on guidance last month which said “trans staff should choose to use the facilities they…Mar 6, 19:55
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “It sounds perfect, Ian. I know there will be a great atmosphere and old comrades remembered – Cearc, Smallaxe among…Mar 6, 19:54
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
    • JockMcT on Green Eggs And Bams: “The definition of insanity; Voting SNP 1 & 2 and hoping for a referendum from WM.Mar 6, 19:27
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Or “enjoy” the illegal level of noise generated by dodgy shite totally inappropriate air sourced heatpump installs in what were…Mar 6, 19:10
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “The next ‘Friends of Wings’ gathering will be in The Eagle Inn, Coatbridge, on Friday April 4th. The function room.…Mar 6, 18:58
    • MsDidi on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you BreeksMar 6, 18:55
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “10 October 2017 The Scottish government is to set up a publicly-owned, not-for-profit energy company, Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. The…Mar 6, 18:40
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““The Russtis are not our enemies” Phew, thank feck for that. So when one of their senior politicians calls for…Mar 6, 18:33
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “It really is black and white though, twathater. An invading army from one country is 40% into its neighbouring country.…Mar 6, 18:30
    • Alex stewart on Green Eggs And Bams: “I doubt this, the snp are way too far gone now to “grow up”. This blog post pretty much sums…Mar 6, 18:09
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “Where is all the misinformation peddled by the kremlin and the honest and verifiable facts issued by the EU, the…Mar 6, 17:45
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Illogical hatred – indeed it is Helen.Mar 6, 17:37
    • 100%Yes on Green Eggs And Bams: “The SNP hasn’t changed, its the traitors running us and the SNP leadership which has. Its was all about riding…Mar 6, 16:32
    • David Rodgers on Green Eggs And Bams: ““So easy to delude people, so hard to get them to recognise that they’ve been deluded.” – This also applies…Mar 6, 16:09
  • A tall tale

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