We’re looking forward to the publication of the Scottish Labour manifesto for next month’s election, which is due to be published on Wednesday, just eight days before the vote. We confidently anticipate that it will definitively clear up a few issues we’re still not absolutely sure of the branch office’s position on.
For a day or two, at least.
When Dugdale ran for the Scottish Labour leadership last year, she said:
“The Scottish people simply don’t know what the Scottish Labour Party is about anymore. They had 160 different manifesto policies and nobody knew what we were for. So I am going back to first principles. People will be under no illusion as to what the Labour Party’s about under my leadership.”
And that’s more or less true, at any specific given moment. It’s just that if you ask again the following week, you might get an entirely different answer.
October 2015:
“A fairer Scotland isn’t one where everyone pays more tax, in fact we want hundreds of thousands of working Scots to pay less tax.”
February 2016:
“In a major speech in Edinburgh this morning, the Scottish Labour leader will set out a clear position to the left of the SNP, by pledging to increase the Scottish rate of income tax to 11p – 1p higher than that proposed by George Osborne and John Swinney.”
August 2015:
“Jeremy Corbyn’s principled opposition to Trident, which was warmly welcomed by thousands of people when he visited Scotland last week, has put pressure on Ms Dugdale’s own position regarding the weapons of mass destruction.
During the BBC interview, Ms Dugdale stuck to her commitment to multilateralism, saying: “The question that you have to ask is what is the best way to get other countries to give up their nuclear weapons? I think the way to do that is together on a multilateral basis.”
Scottish CND co-ordinator John Ainslie welcomed the call for debate but told the Star that he was “disappointed” that Ms Dugdale was not herself against Trident renewal.”
April 2016:
“Kezia Dugdale has confirmed Scottish Labour will oppose the renewal of Trident in its Holyrood manifesto, which will be published next week.
The Scottish Labour leader said her plan to axe the nuclear missile defence would be combined with details of how to create replacement jobs for workers.”
July 2015:
“The Scottish Labour Party and its MSPs have always spoken with one united voice on this issue and we as a group voted for the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill to improve the lives of children across Scotland.”
“There is no doubt that the named person element has widespread support from the children’s sector. I say to all the groups that have provided evidence to the committee and lobbied MSPs that their evidence is really welcome.
There is a sense that a degree of ignorance is behind some people’s opposition to the named person element.”
March 2016:
“Kezia Dugdale urges SNP to halt named person scheme after claiming policy is an ‘absolute mess’.”
1 April 2016:
“I’ve never contemplated [Brexit]. I really wouldn’t like to choose, because what I want to do is the best possible thing for Scotland, putting Scotland first,” she says, pointing out that some have argued that a solo Scottish reentry to the EU might prove too difficult.
But if such claims proved unfounded, might Dugdale argue, for Scotland’s sake, against the UK Union? “Possibly. It’s not inconceivable”.”
24 April 2016:
“I will always vote No against independence… in every scenario I would vote No again.”
Well, thank goodness everyone finally knows what Scottish Labour stand for, eh?
Weathervane politician, leading a weathervane branch of a weathervane party.
Who knew?
Oh Rev, you are awful…but I like you!
What does ‘Scottish’ Labour stand for?
@ ‘Scottish’ Labour
Imperialism is so 19th century, don’t you think?
All well and good Rev, but what about the free jelly and ice cream once a week?.
What about everybody deciding their own tax code by themselves ?. What about rebates for council tax which will be also used to improve education?
What about the magical money which where you cut in half to double it?
I think you are being disingenuous Rev. We all know that Labour policy is adaptable enough to serve 5 million masters let alone one in Kezia. .Something for everybody.Guaranteed.
Mystical, magical, now you see it ,now you don’t policies.
Rumour has it they are jntroducing the “shell ” game into the NHS,,where if you can identify under which of the three shells the pea is hidden you can get your operation
Deception, delusion, but all the fun of the circus for the onlooking public
Slab manifesto:
“…Little high, little low,
Anyway the wind blows
doesn’t really matter to me, to me…”
I feel very buoyed up seeing the photo of the Head Boy and Head Girl at the top of the page. Very vibrant. Very thrusting. But what happens when the Head Teacher says “No”?
Labour…..Real change now….and every day of the week.
Well Ruth Davidson is correct about one thing…they would make a more effective opposition, as everyone knows exactly what a Tory stands for.
As for Labour,both here in Scotland and at Westminster, you would be hard pressed to name a single conviction policy. They are left with a core support of “traditional ” elderly voters, that are set in their ways. Replaced on the centre-left by the SNP,replaced by the Greens on the far-left, it’s only a matter of time until they are gone.
I actually miss laughing at Labour’s previous north British branch office manager, Johann “Stairheid Rammy” Lamont. At least her vacuous, glaiket charm was consistent.
Kezi “Dizzy” Dugdale on the other hand, is as predictable as the condom policy at a brothel in Lagos.
Who will be first to leave their current job – Ronnie Deila or Dippity Dug?
I’ve already decided to bet on Anas Sarwar being the next SLAB leader, but, still cannot decide who to go for as next Celtic boss – see these big decisions.
Still, absolutely nailed-on SNP x 2, coupled with EU Remain.
The fact that Labour have waited until a week before the election before publishing their ShabbyFesto serves to reinforce the impression that they are a useless bunch of dithering incompetents.
And Dugdale is about as sensitive as a boxer’s punchbag: she can be pummelled endlessly, but she dumbly swings back for more.
Add to Kez and here fantasy politics the superior intellect and interview prowess of Jackie Baillie and surely this winning team are unstoppable.
Where did it all go wrong they must be asking themselves while in the background the knives are being sharpened for the post election results slaughter, the inevitable blame game and a new leader taking a backward step yet again.
Rumour has it that there are now so many nails in the Labour Branch Office coffin that it’s now made entirely of nails and is worth more than all the Branch Office membership fees put together. So at least they have that going for them!
Oops. That should have read “rule from London”. Time for some brain food. 🙂
Illegal wars, banking fraud and tax evasion. The majority are sick of Labour.
Do you want to live in one of the most prosperous countries in the worlds or do you want to be governed by Westminster which doesn’t care.
SNP x 2
If you want a politician who isn’t afraid to change her mind then she is the clear world champ.
I heard that she has a dice rattling around inside her head. It has “Yes, No, Maybe, Never, Always and Sometimes” on its sides. She gives her head a wee shake before answering a question. That blank look you see every now and again is when the dice has rolled out of sight.
baillie slab candidate for trident
slab party against trident
slab leader dugdale for trident
labour party against trident
most labour MPs for trident
labour leader corbyn against trident
with such a diversity of views, is it possible for there to be a U turn?
maybe this is a deliberate ploy by slab to confuse their own supporters.
3 new leaflets delivered by postie
1 ukip
1 ruth davidson, no red white or blue, SNP yellow and white would you believe, oh, and no mention of the fukcin’ tories
1 wullie rennie promising to save the wurld and his own skin. too bad he couldnt be bothered to show for a hustings in his own home town of strathmiglo
They must have known the game was up when Jim Murphy’s “Join-Labour-for-£1” scheme was a total flop.
@ Macart
Was thinking hereabouts that “tumbleweed” rather than weathervane is the first impression that comes to mind 😉
A timely reminder to anyone of what’s to come if this lot ever get into power again ,I can say without a word of contraception you REV will not be on her Christmas card list , she must really hate you for reminding folk of her past remarks , well thats all they are remarks i dont believe anyone out there gives too f/ks what she says this week last week it’s all background noise .
“People will be under no illusion as to what the Labour Party’s about under my leadership.”
She’s got a bit confused here. The Labour Party was never in any danger of electing her as a leader. And she’s probably changed her mind since she made the statement anyway.
Almannysbunnet at 1-06 – ha ha priceless Classic
I just want to know, from G H Graham (above at 12:56) what the condom policy at a brothel in Lagos is … and how does he/she know about this!!
Whatever it is, it is likely to be more consistent that Labour’s position on a number of things.
But, but, but
What about the APD.
Will nobody think of the children…
ad infinitum…zzzzzzz
Labour’s stumble into the abyss is no longer even entertaining.
It’s just embarrassing. Best to look away and pretend the party never existed.
Now now. We can’t expect a politician to advocate the same policies for more than a few months at a time. They should follow the whims of public opinion, as expressed through focus groups, not attempt to LEAD public opinion.
Imagine, say, if a party had remained opposed to Trident or The House of Lords or privatised public services for decades. Or, even more laughable, had supported Scottish independence for its entire history. Such an unbending fanatical party would be unelectable: Reduced to the status of a ridiculed fringe, neck-and-neck with the Tories.
Err, um, what was my point again?
Labour cannot do U turns. They are more of a double ww variety.
A vote for SLab is a vote for London rule.
And that’s not even for Corbyn, that’s for BoJo.
Like Hameron, Kez is toast. Herald today touting Sarwar, so they are wheeling him in a barra already.
SLab, comedy value only.
Perhaps the 2015 policies were Ms Dugdale’s own as the new leader of Scottish Labour, and the 2016 policies are simply “minor” revisions carried out after “suggestions” by Labour HQ?
on a brigher note
ukip have learned to spell holyrood correctly
2nd vote for ruthie, say no to indyref2
no mention of the tories
rennie….um who cares, but this is now the 10th leaflet the postie has delivered
500,000 leaflets and 15k postage costs
just in NEF
yet, some folk will still vote for this Gordian knot of contradiction, confusion and in Baillie’s case, lies…..
@Betty Boop
Three wheels on ma wagon,
but ah keep rollin’ along.
Them policies keep doggin’ me,
But ahm a rollin’,
Jes rollin’ aaaaloooooong!
Thangyouverramuch. 🙂
It’s because labour have nothing to say that is in Scotland’s interest nothing!
‘Least said soonest mended’ is their only hope and that’s with their fingers and legs crossed and a lucky rabbit’s foot aroond their necks. What the SNP says x 2.
Meanwhile John Beattie is on shortbread radio discussing pigeons but should be telling us all about labour chickens coming home to roost.
Text us your hopes and dreams they ask us. Well that’s Auntie.
Funny old world init!…init?
The SNP say they will invest £500m more than inflation in the NHS
Labour promise to invest £500m into primary care health services over the next five years
Meanwhile our political editor Brian Taylor is in Orkney on the Holyrood election trail…
Orkney! A hot bed of politics… last week it was down in the borders. What about the middle bit.
You don’t like that policy? Don’t worry, I have lots of other alternatives you won’t like either.
And Edinbugh Schools PFI rip-off, Kez? Care to comment?
Labour (North Britain) appear to have one firm policy – London Rule OK.
IMO Dugdale made a mistake (as she can) with her “not inconceivable” comment. I am quite sure she quickly realised what she was saying, and got back on message. The Union above all else.
That dictates all other policies which spin and blow with the wind, falling into whatever form best suits the case for the Union and against the SNP at any instant. If circumstances change, the policies change to take up the current best SNPBad angle.
Labour will definitely not deserve the 20ish % they get in the forthcoming election.
Naw, Kez, the problem is we do, it’s you and the rest of your Party that don’t. Treating your current position as if it’s the fault of the electorate might just give you a wee hint. But probably not.
MisReporting Scotland at last realising what we all knew – that their desperate push to make Slab Tax ‘the big issue’ has failed miserably.
Sorry OT already, I kind of regard Labour as an unneccessary irrelevance in New Scottish Politics. Kind of like a Dodo that still flies around in its own mind what there is of it.
“ David Cameron said that he did not care about Scotland days after the country voted to remain part of the union, according to a former Liberal Democrat MP.
In a new book about the coalition, ex-Liberal Democrats schools minister David Laws claims that the Prime Minister told Nick Clegg that Scotland was ‘Labour’s problem’ after the independence referendum. ”
Interesting quote from a LibDem.
““‘Look Nick'”, said David Cameron impatiently, “I just don’t care. We’ve only got one Conservative MP north of the Border. Let Labour sort it out. It’s now their problem. ”
Well we all knew that, why didn’t the LibDems – and Labour?
link to archive.is
@Donald MacKenzie
🙂 I was too polite to ask.
It reminded me of the old joke about the mobile ice cream vendor selling the pill on the side.
Instead of the usual sign of ‘Stop me and buy one’
He had ‘Buy me and stop one’
Right I’m off to sort out my empty marmalade jars and alphabetise my loose screws and get back in time for the news where we are later on. Wish I had a man shed…:-(
Remember Duncan H.?
He’s Tweeted a very useful photograph of himself putting his postal vote in a letterbox, along with clear instructions on how the comrades should do likewise asap.
She is a shambles! Clearly she says what she thinks. Then her media PR person from head office tells her off. She then comes back and changes the story.
So much for not being a machine poitician. She is, except she thinks first then gets reprogrammed by the machine and reproduces the party line in reverse order.
This is someone totally out of her depth. Murphy was an arrogant ,selfish,boorish patronising wanker. But at least he was consistantly so.
Slab could be clever,” If you do not like our policies, we have others”
Actually piles of them, we could change them every day, we have so many! We are adaptable losers.
I noticed on Tom Gordon’s profile piece on Kez in yesterday’s Sunday Herald that she made an unsolicited comment about her father’s SNP membership. Apparently it is all about ‘hating the English’.
Do I sense a fractured relationship between father and daughter?
O/T EBC pushing the boat out. JBURD. “Reporting Scotland will be broacast for one hour per night till the election” Brian Taylor looking very cold and pissed of in Lerwick, he must have been on EBC boat as it was pushed out. Let us get rid of these jokers and their pay master it truly is embarrassing.
I was thinking the exact same thing as Donald McKenzie…how DOES G.H.Graham know the condom policies of a brothel in Lagos!
The answer has to be more entertaining than what Kezia may or may not do/say/think about slab politics…we as a nation have moved on from the politics of deceit and misdirection. So GH.G what’s the story…hmmmm!
@ Schrodinger’s cat
With the libdums and labour’s conviction to boost education, I’m sure the new Madras college will be up and running in no time at all. Then again, how long have they been arguing about their preferred site? What a complete shambles.
Is it too late to nominate Margaret Curran as the next leader of the Branch? The Curran Comedy Cavalcade was always highly entertaining, especially when she tried to mention “Realpolitik” four times in one interview. Priceless fun!
““‘Look Nick’”, said David Cameron impatiently, “I just don’t care. We’ve only got one Conservative MP north of the Border. Let Labour sort it out. It’s now their problem. ”
Well we all knew that, why didn’t the LibDems – and Labour?
We don’t have to ask Labour if they knew David Cameron cared, because they themselves plainly don’t care about Scotland.
When an SNP MP asked a question about Scotland during the last parliament, a Labour MP (who many people have claimed was Ian Davidson) cried out “Who Cares”
This was met with hoots of laughter by the mostly Scottish Labour MP’s who were sitting beside him.
The one thing about Ian Davidson is, he at least is honest about what Labour thinks about Scotland.
Wasn’t it Ian Hood another fat troughing Labour MP who stated in the house of commons that even if Scotland was better off independent, he would still vote for her to remain shackled to Westminster (no doubt happy to watch us having our assets stripped, as long as he was stuffing his big fat salary and expenses account, into his big fat bank account, so he could keep feeding his big fat useless arse)
Yes they knew, but they simply don’t care!
What are they good for?
Absolutely Nothing!
SNP x 2 reaches the parts that other party’s can only dream of.
Dugdale makes it up as she goes along . I don’t think she has a grasp on any of Labour’s policies .Mind you I don’t blame her , I don’t think any Labour voter knows what their policies are from day to day .
Anyone who votes for any party other than snp=2, is wasting their vote and inadvertently voting for bojo who will be the next tory pm shafting scotland after brexit. Was’nt he the one who said that ‘ a pound spent in crawley, was better than a pound spent in scotland’. Or words to that effect.
“Real Change Now”…..Or “Real Change of leadership soon”. Or “Real Change,oot on wur arse.” I could think up more but I “Real” couldn’t be bothered.
Hugh Kirk @ 2:15pm
With talk like that you might get the job yourself!
Aye so Cameron says this to Nick after the vote after coming here before the vote tae beg us tae stay…I’d give him a personal ‘effing kicking’ but he’s England’s problem. We’ve only got one Tory viceroy in Scotland, who will be removed soon enough. The hypocritical bastard.
@Patrick Roden
Here’s the “who cares” moment.
link to youtube.com
Kezia Dugdale, another Slab leader with a short shelf life. She is following J Murphy, J Lamont, I Gray et al. She should not be downhearted; no one can turn around Slab anymore. It is a spent branch. It needs drastic pruning, if not severence from the Lab dahn sath. Only then can it start to reconnect with people up here. The trouble is that for the last 50 to 60 years ir has been a hanger on “party”, doing what it was told and being useful lobby fodder, never having to think. It had to be jolted by Wilson into thinking about devolution, but Wilson was worried that the loss of the fodder would mean no Labour government at Westmister. With EVEL, no need for Slab any more and they only have one MP! Same as the Tories. Even Cameron sees the Scot Tories as irrelevant as they have only one MP.
Sarwar will take over. YAWN. The BBC Scotland/Union wil big him up. YAWN.
I can’t see her lasting much longer, despite her wish to stay on.
It seems like recently all the talk has been on the perils of tactical voting, we have forgotten who the main enemy is.
Their proposal to tax low earners more might have slowed down the ‘Red Tories’ insults, but instead it revealed their sheer incompetence, falling into another Tory trap.
And make no mistake, they would rather see Cameron and Osborne lording it over Scotland from London, rather than having faith in the people of Scotland to run their own country better.
Are they not back to supporting Named Persons now?
Patrick roden 2.08pm. In any other country, scum like hood and davidson would be charged with treason.
I wonder how many of these policies would labour implement if it were ever in a position to do so.
And if Dugdale gets knifed in the back after the Holyrood elections as looks likely to happen and Anas Sarwar becomes leader, when ever he spouts the tripe about Scotland better being part of the
It is quite clear what the Labour party stands for, it stands for the Labour party.
Nothing to do with jobs, economy, welfare or Scotland. It is just all about Labour. They have NO primciples, and will do or say anything in the hope it might get them elected.
2 votes SNP.
If Dugdale thinks her father supports the SNP becasue he hates the English! Does that mean that 52% of Scotland hates the English. Including the 10% of SNP members and Mp’s or MSp’s who were born in England!
You could not make this stuff up. Apparently if you don’t want London rule or any other rule outside your own nation then you are anti English. If we were ruled from Paris I would seek independence. Does that mean I hate the French?
If we suggested that WM moved to Edinburgh. Would the English happily accept Holyrood as their parliament. Your damn right they wouldn’t. Kezia is an example of the Scottish sychophantic Cringe. So terrified of upsetting her London masters she can’t express her own nationality as they may be offended. This is an example of total insecurity. when really the question should be, why would someone take offence at someone being Scottish, as opposed to British. You know the way Scots are offended if someone
who is English says they are English…don’t we folks Eh! The woman is a waste of oxygen.
The Irish are anti English, the Indians, the Canadians, the Americans, the Austrailians. All these contries gave up being British a long time ago.
It’s nothing short of a total disgrace that Sarwar is allowed intae our parliament after we booted him out of Westminster last May. The thought of his phisog and blustering soundbite laden pish gracing our screens and newsagent stalls throughout the land is enough tae drive ye tae despair.
Are his chances a dead cert?
I wonder how many of those policies Labour would implement if it ever were in a position to do so.
And if as looks increasingly likely Dugdale gets knifed in the back after the holyrood elections and Anas Sarwar
becomes leader.
Whenever he spouts the rubbish about Scotland being better as part of the UK.
He should be asked why doesn’t he go back to Pakistan and tell his father and the people of Pakistan to give up their independence and be governed from new Delhi in India
and see what the reaction would be.
I think he would be extremely lucky to get out of the country alive.
K1 2.33 Carmichael is still picking up an MP’s salary and paid his legal fees from his consituants food banks. These folks have no shame or moral compass! Also they are generally talentless eejits that can’t get work elsewhere.
Looks like it.
All our labour old pals on the list.
link to archive.is
Tories as well
link to archive.is
Wee Wullie too unless the cat’s predictor convinces enough voters in Mid Fife to try and tweak the vote. 🙂
K1 @ 2.33 pm
I think Sarwar’s chances are a dead cert. That’s why Dugdale has been keeping his seat in Holyrood warm for him. A bit like Medvedev and Putin, really.
You forgot to add:
restore prescription charges
restore tuition fees
restore toll charges on the Forth Bridge
as well as increase taxes.
Mundell interviewed on BBC Scotland – when gently reminded of the VOW and the guaranteed work on the Clyde with a “NO” vote , Stated if Scotland had voted “YES” there would be no warship work on the Clyde ,No shit really thank f/k we dodged that bullet then Eh ,only thing were hit by a big f/n Train instead makes you think there is indeed someone looking out for us just not him ,any thoughts Kezia ?.
I despair for the yoonies. Their political masters in London can’t even be bothered to come to Scotland and campaign for their branch office juniors. Do any of them sit down and wonder why?. Yet they still slavishly follow the UKOK mantra.
What is wrong with these people. They are ignored, chastised and cast adrift but they still follow the UK party line. They lack the confidence and self esteem to stand up not only for Scotland but for their own self respect. They are gutless, spineless and lacking in their own ability. Does anyone in Scotland really want these people to represent them in government?
What bothers me even more is that there are people in Scotland who actually vote for these unionist parties. They think that westminster can run Scotland better then we can do it ourselves. If nothing else over the last 9 years the SNP has proved beyond any doubt that they can effectively run our nation on the handouts that westminster so graciously give us. Imagine what we could do if we were independent?
Come on Scotland wake up enough is enough. Tell the unionist parties to take a hike and lets go it alone
SNP x 2 twice (me and the wife)
Ian Brotherhood says:
“Remember Duncan H.?
He’s Tweeted a very useful photograph of himself putting his postal vote in a letterbox, along with clear instructions on how the comrades should do likewise asap.”
And that demonstrates why the postal vote system is so cock-eyed.
Apart from folk who are abroad at the time or offshore. People in hospital for planned operations or homebound as completely infirm etc.
Every able-bodied person should and must personally vote at their local polling station.
Postal votes are open to manipulation and should be avoided as much as possible.
If I rightly recall(?), even some posters here have sent in postal votes when it’s not apparently needed. 🙁
‘We’ll do this and we’ll do that.’ Just hot air. Funny how the main UK parties don’t talk about what they actually did when they had the chance. Is that because all they did was screw things up time after time after time after…….
“Scots do not know what Scottish Labour is for anymore, but I aim to change that,” says Dugdale.
“Dugdale does not know what Scottish Labour is for anymore, but we aim to change that next week,” say clear-minded Scots, who intend to banish labour to the dustbin of history, where it now undoubtedly belongs.
With the impending arrival of Sarwar it certainly looks like they’re planning a long term rebuild of Branch Office Scotland.
It’ll be a Socialist Revolution if they can get a Socialist to join,
Aye, that’ll work!
They’ll be replacing the current dead wood with newer dead wood that replaced the old dead wood that originally replaced the original dead wood.
Perfect sense!
Dynamic, relevant, forward looking, trustworthy, reliable. None of these words and a million more will ever be used to describe that bunch of wasters.
Sorry for going off topic but urgent question to be asked re shipbuilding today at 3.30.
As I have to go out perhaps someone would put the link for parly tv later.
link to twitter.com
sarwar is a dead cert, kez isnt anti nazis enough, westminster has already decided the unionist game plan for after the EU ref
on a brighter note
we know what slab will be like going forward, more of the same but much much more vitriolic
I mean, it has worked so far? hasnt it?
Morally Bankrupt Red Tories
At a Labour Party Wedding
All hell breaks loose when it is discovered one of guests has fcked the bride.
‘Everybody out, this party’s over…..’
‘Hold on everyone, it’s alright; you don’t have to go’, slurred a well rounded woman, with a face like a ragman’s trumpet.
‘He’s apologised’
Orange Tories
Full of bravado and lies, but when it comes down to it, as much use as a one legged man in an erse kicking competition.
Blue Tories
A man see’s a Tory walking a pig with a wooden leg.
‘That’s not something you see every day’ he remarked
The Tory said ‘this pig is a hero, a fire broke out one night in the big house, the pig ran in, rescued all the children, then went back in and rescued all the adults, we owe this pig our lives’.
‘Amazing, what happened to its leg, did it get burned in the fire’?
‘No it was fine, but when you’ve got a pig like this…..you don’t eat it all at once’.
These Tories are a wee gift to Scotland, without them, we might be the cruellest/meanest or daftest ones in the class.
Thanks,now get oot of oor road.
P.S. Made that bit up,Labour never apologises for anything.
I am beginning to detect the next ploy by the yoon media,the divide and rule having failed,and that is to sow boredom and despondency. They hope to lower the turnout to the point where the merit of the result is in question.
It is not over till the fat lady sings!
Greannach says:
“I think Sarwar’s chances are a dead cert. ”
Indeed. Top of the list. Guaranteed a seat, in reality.
I have a very simple solution to some of the list and two vote problems.
Don’t have a second vote, use the votes from the constituencies to decide (using d’Hondt) who gets the regional list seats. Then, make up the lists AFTER voting based on the losing constituency candidates for each party in order of percentage votes they received.
This means the list winners will be politicians who almost got elected, therefore be still relatively popular with voters.
They may not be party apparatchiks like Sarwar!
No tactical nonsense. Everyone votes for their party knowing their vote is not wasted if enough others agree then they get at least one seat.
There’s a flaw. Each candidate for a constituencies has to pay a £500 deposit. Clearly my proposals need parties to sit in most/all seats. Therefore, rather than per individual, it should be a country wide per party fee. Something low enough to let all bona fide parties stand..
If SLab don’t do well May 5 and Anas can’t save them by council elections next year, it really is the end of the line for the whole Labour in Scotland sheebang. What an opportunity for Greens. Also BBC vote Slab Scotland are going to look even more hideously desperate trying to pressure Scots to vote SLab.
Both yoon outfits two should just amalgamate now, formally that is, not like now where ithey are peddled as SLab/BBC are rightful and natural owners of their Scotland region, this SNP stuff’s just a blip.
I hear from our Welsh friends that the “Welsh Labour” party is also publishing its manifesto all of 8 days before the election.
The word is that London HQ has been so busy with EU stuff and other things that they have just not got round to writing it.
I am not making this up!
A wee song from a wee while ago, still apt today.
link to youtube.com
When did Labour ever feel compelled by the contents of a manifesto?
“It is not over till the fat lady sings!”
Jackie farts and we all fall down dead…
bit late to change the voting system 10 days before the election.
not that i dont think your idea doesnt have merit
i did put a proposal for the snp conference to include the reform of council elections in their manifesto, but it was rejected
this was unfortunately because the present local electoral system is a complete nightmare, sod tactical voting, i cant even see a means to get snp candidates elected, indeed, we cant even stand candidates for every councillor position.
OK Nana:
Question: Shipyards at about 15:30hrs.
link to parliamentlive.tv
The reason us folks on here can’t get to grips with the Yoons sychopantic deference and obediance to London. Is that we are not compliant ,sychophantic or obediant.
We are all rebels against the British state. We think for ourselves. We don’t take abuse kindly, and roll over revealing our soft under belly. We think get tae F**ck nobody is going to tell me I am poor,useless,stupid and a North Briton.
We can see what game they are palying and we want no part of it. We are the Mutineers on the Bounty. We want out of this abusive relationship that only benefits our inferred masters.
Graf 3.19 -You left a horrible image in my head. I won’t sleep tonight. I feel I need a bath now!
Nana says:
25 April, 2016 at 3:04 pm
Sorry for going off topic but urgent question to be asked re shipbuilding today at 3.30.
As I have to go out perhaps someone would put the link for parly tv later.
link to twitter.com
Ruby replies
Not sure if this is the correct link. Time will tell. 3mins to go.
link to parliamentlive.tv
In case you have not seen this yet, it is Yew Choob on voting
link to youtube.com
schrodingers cat says:
“bit late to change the voting system 10 days before the election.”
Indeed 😎
Next time? I doubt it.
I’m feeling much better about this election since I discovered bookie’s odd of 1/25 for an SNP overall majority, versus 10/1 for no majority! Mustn’t get complacent, though.
“the present local electoral system is a complete nightmare,”
A lot of people seem to like STV, but the implementation for Scottish local elections doesn’t seem to work very well.
Still central to the UK plans build work proceeded by two off shore patrol vessels before the type T26 ships start.
Nothing has changed but date start now June 2017.
Must be more efficient a shipbuilding strategy to be done and a report made.
The government reassures workers not to be worried…
Reply: Thornberry Lab
13 ships were promised to the Clyde + 5 other ships.
Will construction begin this year 2016?
Why is there talk of redundancies? Will he answer.
Answer:Mr Dunne Tory Min
Routine meeting two weeks before election and labour seeking to make political gain.
Construction programme remains on track. 8 ships to be built.
Report before end of 2016.
Brendan O’Hara SNP
Questions the pledge. wants no redundancies.
Dunne replies I paraphrase :
Suck it up if Scotland was independent there would be no work for the yard from the rUK so F-off!. 🙂
G H Graham 12:56
“as predictable as the condom policy at a brothel in Lagos.”
One of the best so far! (And I’ve never been to Lagos!)
That pilot guy is a Tory and they support education fees so what the fuck was his problem, pay up you muppet.
Big Jock said at 2:32 pm
If Dugdale thinks her father supports the SNP becasue he hates the English! Does that mean that 52% of Scotland hates the English. Including the 10% of SNP members and Mp’s or MSp’s who were born in England!
Not to mention that percentage of SNP members who live in England!
Consider this..
If either of the union based parties (in their current state) were to get back in to the running of our Scotland, how likely would it be that the signage outside Holyrood HQ would change from the “Scottish Government” baaaaack to “Scottish Executive” again, remember that?
There ye go, we’d be a country with a government, but not by name.
SO, by using both of your SNP votes, purple and peach, we get to keep Holyrood HQ as a government, in nature and name. Yes!
Result! 🙂
Mr Dunne Min:
There is a possibility if the new design is simpler that some of or all of the work could be done elsewhere…if the upcoming report advises that… it seems.
Oswald SNP I paraphrase: Tell us the truth.
Amhed Sheikh SNP: Will there be 8 ships?
Mr Dunne Min: waffles.
Seems par for the course folks:
T Shepherd: SNP: Commitment of no redundancies:
Mr Dunne Min: There will be 8 ships built on the Clyde.
P Grant SNP:
Mentions Sturgeons request for no redundancies.
Mr Dunne Min: I paraphrase ( Suck it up if there was independence there would be no ships to build)
So it goes! 🙂
That’s all folks:
Tooodle ooo the Nooo!
Before I could take any statement made by Kezia Dugdale re hating ‘the English’ she would need to define exactly what she means by ‘the English’
Who are ‘the English’?
At least the Speaker let a lot of SNP MP’S speak , think that was because neither Labour or Tories were all that bothered about what happens on the Clyde . So as Dunne kept saying , it is just as well Scotland voted to stay in the UK or we would have had no ships to build . So, shut up , be grateful , for what you’ve got .
Labour UK lining up with the Tories to use parliamentary debate on shipbuilding to rerun Indy arguments.
They know they are getting hammered on this in Scotland so using Westminster to get Better Together arguments rehashed.
Utterly cynical. John Woodcock is one of the most horrible individuals in Parliament.
It must be terrible being a shipbuilder on the Clyde.
It seems as if they are expected to get on their knees and thank the Tories for oh so kindly providing them with a job!
Fluffy’s got a fluffy face! He looked ridiculous nodding away like a car ornament.
I tried to listen to the debate on the Clyde shipyards but couldn’t do it. I couldn’t keep my eyes off a strange little ewok that was cowering behind the procurement minister Philip Dunne. Then I realized it was fluffy. Fluffy has grown a full on almost see through ginger beard, his eyes were darting about like he was demented. He was twitching and mumbling to himself. Maybe he was listing to some jazz on his wee earpiece.
By the way , the nodding donkey that was Mundell , sitting right next to Dunne , is supposed to be the Scottish Minister ,absolute disgrace .
I absolutely despise this constant yoon spoon fed nonsense that because you support SNP,then by definition, you must surely hate the English!
I am proud to call myself half English as my Mother hailed from Hartlepool. Whenever I get accused of this nonsense I simply tell them that i vote SNP because I am Pro Scottish, not Anti English.
P.S. So did my Mother.
Duggers proudly stands at the bow of the Slab ship,
HMS Sieve.
glug, glug.
K wi an E was predicable, pathetic and a waste of air this morning.
Message to EBC Shortbread.
I actually managed to get a sneak peek at the current draft of Labour’s manifesto (never mind how).
They have two main policies; one is called “Ctrl+C” and the other is called “Ctrl+V”. These policies seem to be linked in some way.
Labour in Scotland are also fully committed to something called;
“{insert local issue here}”
I’m not sure exactly what these policies entail, but Labour seem to think they’re brilliant!
The Tolly Dunne with the assistance of Labour has just slipped a knife into the shipyard workers backs. Scotland is going to be stripped of many high quality skills to punish the people of Scotland for voting against the English Establishment. Even speaker Bercow treated the SNP MPs with disrespect and disdain (not for the first time) by leaving them till all the red & blue English MPs had spoken.
We are not wanted in Westminster unless we keep our mouths shut and do as we are told like what the SLAB contingent had done for decades, and pocket the money, but don’t make waves.
The English Establishment just want the SLAB lachies back, like the good old days, and rid of these pesky knowledgable nats.
Has everyone got The Ruth Davidson No Surrender Party leaflet through the post? Could some computery sort of fellow please scan it and send it to the Rev? He really needs to see this.
It’s entitled Election Watch 2016 and is printed in bold black and orange letters.The small print mentions Scottish Conservatives a few times,but you’ve to look hard to find it.They are obviously too embarrassed and ashamed of their party to put its name in big letters.They make no mention of their candidate for this constituency.Is Alex Johnstone really such an electoral liability? Actually,he probably is.
It’s pathetic and hilarious in equal measure.
The party that brought you warfare, crumbling schools and expense fiddling as common practice will have a manifesto full of stuff nicked from the SNP. Everything else will be SNPBad.
Sorry mine ripped up and in the bin before it really hit the floor !
Labour are probably tweeking their so called manifesto having read the SNP one by now, although liebour’s will still no doubt be thin on the ground and very lightweight. There is a very cold breeze out there!
Looks like the UKok government are playing games with the people of Scotland regards the Clyde ship building jobs, either that or they are running scared. It’s a known tactic, to threaten major cuts and/or job losses, and then a few days later, tone it down to a bare minimum, still destructive, but not as catastrophic as they threatened.
Classic tory tactic, so you should all be grateful cos we just did you a huge favour! Of course, as we have a crucial election coming up in just a few days, I think we can all be sure that the Clyde ship building industry is not going to be there much longer, once that’s over.
Looks like the shipbuilders are to be shafted. Absolutely disgusting.
I think it was yesindyref2? that made reference to a revised procurement strategy being touted in a recent MoD document?
That’s as good a reason as any for the Tories to take it off Scotland, and give it to the South, or anywhere.
Shocking. I sincerely hope the rest of the electorate looks up from Strictly or Bake Off, or whatever mind numbing drivel is being served up by the state broadcaster.
Iona Brand – good one -ctrl + alt + del works as well,But when all else fails pull the bleedn plug .This i imagine would put the poor souls out of their misery , that would go down well what a surprise on the day NO Manifesto,I Wonder if anyone would notice . Or more to the point care .
…how can Labour stand for anything of meaning? They value nothing in their own nation or its people and seldom rise above the inaction of abstaining…not for them a vote of principle. Why make a stand at Westminster that commits when you can spin by abstaining (We were for or against as required…sometimes at the same time)
Their electoral credentials for office in Scotland start with the selection of Kezia as leader from a gene pool that couldn’t outsmart primordial soup. They have embraced as a leader someone barely capable of reading out loud questions that only on rare occasions coincide with the topic under discussion.
A leadership standard that permits Jackie Baillie to blatantly ignore her policies and yet keeps her in the leadership team. Once again a dual position of being for and against at the same time (in this case Trident)
We have a party devoid of any resemblance to its origins or the ideals of the party founding fathers.
Calling this branch office Labour is akin to calling the “enlightenment period” a get together for a chat.
Kezia – what do you believe in…I can almost hear the SNPbad rant as she responds sadly.
In the end we will have a manifesto of promises that will never be tested in power These policies will be produced by advisors from sample groups which suggest a spin advantage to slow the decline. That sums up their ambition.
Such a pity she doesn’t believe in anything except attacking another party.
“Aye but…naw but…aye but…naw but…” (repeat ad nauseam).
Kezia Dugdale: the Vicky Pollard of Scottish politics.
Fortunately I was in Rutherglen this morning and saw Nicola Sturgeon, a real politician who stands up for her country and is mobbed by people who trust her.
Fair cheered me up.
Memo to GH Graham:
Dear Sir,
Scotland is all a-tremble regarding the Lagos Brothel Policy. Could you please clarify the position (ooh, matron) before bed-time? The nation needs its beauty sleep.
Shock! Just discovered that Willie Young is 6th on the Labour list for Holyrood in the North East Region.
Aberdeen’s gain will be the Nation’s loss if they win 6 seats.
SNP x 2
Just in case you were wondering, the UK is indeed the most wonderous nation to have graced this Earth …
link to youtube.com
Why has the SNP allowed BHS to go into administration?
Surprised Kay with an E didn’t manage to work it into today’s grilling of the first minister.
Dugdale’s policy pirouettes …
link to moflomojo.blogspot.com
@G H Graham
I actually miss laughing at Labour’s previous north British branch office manager, Johann “Stairheid Rammy” Lamont.
Margaret Curran is “Stairheid Rammy”. Lamont is a much more placid soul.
Dunks says:
25 April, 2016 at 4:46 pm
I absolutely despise this constant yoon spoon fed nonsense that because you support SNP,then by definition, you must surely hate the English!
I am proud to call myself half English as my Mother hailed from Hartlepool. Whenever I get accused of this nonsense I simply tell them that i vote SNP because I am Pro Scottish, not Anti English.
P.S. So did my Mother.
Yeah, It’s pathetic.
I think Kezia will have lost a lot of respect after these remarks.
She seemed to be projecting a softer image recently – her hair done, her aggression toned down, the light hearted Gary Tank Commander interview etc
And now it’s back to nasty Kez when the mask slips – Insulting her own father in an election campaign – who by all accounts is a droll, mild mannered English teacher, not some blood and soil racist.
Next interview, she will probably have the cheek to talk about ‘division’ again.
I NEVER watch BBC in Scotland at 6.30pm but was strangely attracted to it today.
It was seemingly Patrick Harvey,s turn to be interrogated by Jackie Bird.
The interview strengthened my disregard for the Scottish Greens, but him in particular. How many parties standing at the election could he have mentioned as not being up to scratch, as far as the Greens are concerned?
He mentioned only one, and that was the SNP.
As I’ve said before, Independence is not at the top of the Greens agenda. So splitting your vote and giving one to Patrick Harvey’s Greens is insane!
What does ‘Scottish’ Labour stand for?
For they are never given a seat when their London masters
are telling them what they have to believe in, well this week.
Mibies Aye, Mibies Naw.
I hear from a reliable source that Slab were now rolling dice
to decide their latest policies.
Once at 9am and then again at 12 noon for a whole new strategy.
They are also asking for any members who have a spare roulette wheel to come forward
You say Tomatoe Slab says Potatoe.
We met at 9, I was on time
No we met at 8 and you were late. lol
What could be worse than reporting Scotland and the cast on your tele for 30 mins at your tea time?
Having that crap on for 60 mins at your tea time! Embarrassing very embarrassing!
Dugdale really is a SLAB creature when she stoops to having a go at her own father in an election campaign. I wonder what my shop steward and diehard Labour man would make of her. Well he was diehard Labour until he left with Bliars leadership of that Party and joined the SNP. I guess that nasty piece of work Dugdale would accuse my actually English father of being anti English instead of being pro Scottish working people who he did his best to represent in his working life. SLAB deserves extinction.
Mmm, listened to Dunne, and in his first answer after a load of waffle about Britannia ruling the waves or luring the slaves or something, he came to the Clyde and said 2 further OPVs were going to be built here.
Then after more waffle where said 8 Type 26 were going to be built, he came to the bit where he said the Type 26 would be ASSEMBLED on the Clyde.
Later question he did say built on the Clyde, but then assembling is building, just from pre-packaged componenets. Which leaves the door open to the hulls being built elsewhere, perhaps even with propulsion and navigation, but fit with all the top security secret stuff on the Clyde.
Which is not a £8 billion contract to build 13 Type 26. It could be as low as what, £1 billion, and a lot less jobs.
Later he went on about the GPFF – General Purpose Frigate (the FF presumable being FF for Frigate as DD is for Destroyer). This is the “light frigate” being mentioned, but absolutely no indication of where they’re being built.
Reasonably sensibly for its own cash-strapped purposes, teh UK is keeping its options open on where warships are going to be built, at least with respect to hulls. Other countries do the same, such as Norway getting its frigates built in Spain.
But that wasn’t the promise, that wasn’t the claim “The UK never build complex warships outside the UK, like never”. Nor is it any good to the hundreds of shipbuilders on the Clyde being shafted by Westminster.
Listening to Radio Shortbread, why did the woman get to waffle on about her disabled son without asking a question when the previous caller, the one on about trident was told in no uncertain terms to get a move on and ask a question.
Labour council but it’s the SNPs fault.
What a biased bunch of cuntrags.
What is it with John Woodcock and that anti-SNP, anti-Scotland, anti-Scot animosity that fills his miserable soul?
We can at least be grateful that the inarticulate buffoon is more an embarrassment than an asset to the Westminster parliament and to his party.
Even his friends cringe when he is on his feet on one of his stumbling meandering rants.
Hi Iona Brand.
I see what the problem is with Labour’s manifesto. If it consists of CONTROL-C and CONTROL-V, then they must still be using microsloth software. So ‘olde worlde’.
They really have to get used to using COMMAND-C and COMMAND-V on their funky (still to be bought) Macs. OSX is the way forward!
(Check my avatar…)
Ok Ok whats with all the brothel talk ? is this because Labour are getting pelters ? a bit like word association is it ? Shame on you people wash your mouths out thats after talking about them , I was tempted to add a little bit at the end but you can’t do these things now can you , dragged up in the 50s you see no tact .Probably the SNPs fault no doubt .
The quest for dark energy continues but it won’t be found if nearly all the particles are going in the same direction. Nearly all…
Bashing Labour reminds me of watching that Rodney King beating video, except that Labour deserve it — no prizes there.
The real enemy or opposition in this election is the media and the strategy was unveiled last year when they introduced the plurality issue under the guise of the “one party state” debate. They’ve been sowing those seeds for months, then.
Amazing to see that some of those seeds are now growing for all to see in the minds of people on here who really should know better. Anyone who swallows the plurality crap and is advocating giving our second votes to parties other than the SNP has been conned.
The thing about conned people that they all have in common, apart from being a bit daft, is that they hate to admit they’ve been conned.
The truth is the media planned this division in our ranks months ago. It’s straight out of Sun Tzu; when faced with superior forces, better to sow division and have them fight amongst themselves than attempt to fight them head on… Something like that.
You know, in the history of UK politics, we haven’t really saw much in the way of tactical voting. It gets talked about and encouraged here and there, but by and large there hasn’t ever been much serious orchestration behind it. That’s what makes this election so different.
All of a sudden tactical voting is enshrined in principle. It’s almost being sold as a political philosophy in and of itself under the guise of plurality. underpinning it all, of course, is the realisation that there isn’t a political party out there that can get near the SNP.
As for the conned, like I said, they’ll never admit they are being used to deny the SNP a majority which is something the powers that be really fear. The salesmen who sold them this plurality snake oil appealed to their egos. It’s hard to get past the ego, as any good Hobbesian will tell you.
What I thought Dunne said was right.
The government is expected to publish a national shipbuilding strategy later this year, and there are fears that work promised to Scotland could be relocated to England.
link to archive.is
We could have been building a few of our own ships there for a Scottish Navy.
There should be a Special Edition Magic 8 Ball with Kez’s face stamped on it really. Then we could all knock out our own SLAB 2016 manifestos and save them the bother.
I am now convinced that after many years of studying the various iterations of Kezia Dugdale’s face and seeing Max Wall there etc. that beneath her skin is none other than the head of the sci-fi ‘Alien’ waiting to burst out at the right moment, hopefully on one of these game-show-type-format ask the politician debate thingies.
Keep taking the pills, son, just you keep taking the pills.
SNP x2.
Jackie Burd is to political journalism, as Lorraine Kelly is to atomic physics.
If anyone missed her interview with Patrick Harvie. :’ Patrick you support independence, but didn’t agree with the SNPs currency plans”. Er yes.: ” If the SNP organised another referendum with the same currency plans would you support independence?”
Patrick looks embarrassed as if to say do you really need me to answer that!
Ladies and gentlemen. I dont support the monarchy and am a Republican. So I would vote no unless the SNP abolish the monarchy.Because my personal opinion on one thing is more important than Scotland. This is the dumbest question I have ever heard.
If Kezia is anti nuclear is she against the UKs independence. Surely she wouldn’t vote to maintain a nation that had things in it she didn’t believe in.
Honestly Jackie is as thick as shit on the neck of a bottle.
Paul Max Wall… Bang on the money. Just needs the daft walk.
More certain clarity UKOK style, rancid The Graun says
From top
“Plan to build frigates on the Clyde will go ahead, says ?defence minister
Philip Dunne says government committed to type-26 programme after accusations of betrayal over shipbuilding pledge”
to bottom
“Work on new type-26 frigates ordered by the Ministry of Defence had been expected to begin this year, but there remain concerns it could be delayed until 2017. Plans for a state-of-the-art “frigate factory” – which it had been hoped would help the yard win future export orders – also appear to have been shelved.
The government is expected to publish a national shipbuilding strategy later this year, and there are fears that work promised to Scotland could be relocated to England.”
Clear? A frigate factory for your NO vote must have sounded amazing 2014, they won and its all just bullshit, more UKOK bullshit.
Yes, they appointed a chair to produce a National Shipbuilding Stragey.
“Sir John Parker’s appointment as the chairman of the National Shipbuilding Strategy was part of the UK Treasury’s budget day announcements on Mar 16. [2016]
A Treasury-led effort to develop a surface warship building strategy has been underway since at least January, 2015, when the initiative was announced by Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne during a visit to the Portsmouth naval base on England’s south coast.”
Another article in defencenews:
“Industry executives have previously said the government has been looking at how to include English yards like Cammell Laird in the strategy.
Babcock is the only English yard currently capable of building frigates, and then only small ones, but several companies south of the border were involved in constructing parts of the two Royal Navy 65,000 ton aircraft carriers now nearing completion in Scotland.”
Mmm, another bit in that articel which was about the date being leaked by the MOD:
“The letter set April 2017 as the milestone for Gardner to secure
A spokeswoman for the MoD confirmed the approval date but cautioned the approval date would not necessarily tally with production start.
“This letter sets a target for securing approval to proceed to manufacture; this is not necessarily the date when manufacture phase 1 will start, but it is a milestone which demonstrates momentum on the program,” she said.”
link to defensenews.com
So 2015 ==> 2016 ==> 2017 ==> ???? and where?
Big Jock,
“Just needs the daft walk”?????,
also great analysis regarding Burd and Kelly.
It saddens me to say this, but if there is going to be anything in this little island that will benefit England over Scotland that is what will happen.
The Yoons can spin all they like but that is the fact.
Am sorry for swearing but :-
Rite am running a free raffle (nae need tae thank me) ah hiv put aw the names of Wings poster’s intae ah barrel, fur a ticket tae ride
And the winner is NeoconNat
One ticket tae ride in the Hadron Collider
Enjoy an ah mean that most sincerley.
Pity that top picture of Kez and Dr Spock isn’t a full picture.
I’m almost positive they have top hats, canes and tap dancing shoes on, and the band has just gone “Tadaaa!”
Aye, I’ll just get my cape…
Please pass to as many folk, friend or foe, as possible.
The truth, and nothing but: link to wp.me
I’ll add to the list as I find more.
We need to get the information out there right up until election day.
Many thanks.
No such thing as Scottish Labour, only Labour in Scotland.
Scottish Labour autonomy is a myth.
With this Govan scandal and the lowlife lies from the Tories, forgetful Labour “it winsae us” and Wee Wullie Rennie and the gang of pig filmmakers there for comedy effect.
Are we witnessing one of the changes in circumstances that Sturgeon needs to call the 2nd Indyref.
Gary45% says:
25 April, 2016 at 8:36 pm
It saddens me to say this, but if there is going to be anything in this little island that will benefit England over Scotland that is what will happen.
Where to start. That Frigate Factory for your NO’s a new one. Its been going for a long time, tipping up their UK and sliding everything south.
How the fcuk can Scotland have such a giant offshore oil industry and yet almost the only ships that can be Scottish Clyde built are RN warships. Its mind blowlingly shite. And also explains why they will never give up control of North Sea oil and gas.
There’s way too many I’m alright jacks in Scotland but they’re getting a rude awakening now.
Meanwhile in other news…
Heathrow airport has dismissed claims by the government agency in charge of London transport that more than £18bn would have to be spent on improving travel links if its third runway received the go-ahead.
link to ft.com
Let that sink in for a minute. £18bn!
You can expect the Scottish Budget to be cut to pay for it no doubt.
Just read the wee black book again and it is just as depressing as the first time i read it , i was hoping it was a work of fiction by some deluded fool , but there in Black & White the full well, not quite they haven’t finished with us yet, the horror story that was predicted continues ,happy you voted “NO” now yah f/n brainless cowards .Bitter yah think I havent even started . Show yer arse at my door Labour and you’re in the bin or any handy receptacle that holds rubbish.
“Where to start. That Frigate Factory for your NO’s a new one. Its been going for a long time, tipping up their UK and sliding everything south.”
They have always been tipping things to the south meanwhile they are also, the same Brit Nats are, outsourcing anything they can get their hands on, outsourcing it to India and the Philippines etc.
I was in Cebu Philippines a few years back for a friends wedding and most of the girls at the wedding the brides mates worked in a call centre on the night shifts for piss wages. They were quiet familiar with my North East Scots accent if not dialect as they were quite often dealing with us loons and quines over the phone.
Thanks Ronnie. I’ve been riding it for years tho…
Just to sum up where we are as a movement right now;
1) the Loony Left lost us the 2014 independence referendum by scaring people with jobs.
2) the Loony Left have been conned into splitting the vote in this coming election and may very well prevent us from getting another bite at the indy-cherry.
3) the Loony Left ruined the 1970s.
4) Karl Marx is dead.
That’s 4 good reasons for us to move on.
In future when we form a crowd we ought to pay more attention to the morons who jump to the front of it looking for attention. Lesson learned.
Re the Clyde Jobs.
It’s a total joke. Listening to all the weasel words, we can see exactly what’s happening. It’s like saying the Vow was delivered, after watering it down as much as possible.
Sure – the remaining 8 ships will be ‘assembled’ on the Clyde, but with major sections built elsewhere, and the timetable spun out over a longer time. So the workforce will likely drop below 2000. Down from 25,000 since 1980.
I think Cameron can see the writing on the wall to be honest. No wonder he says in private he doesn’t care about Scotland.
Anyone still voting Tory here must be some kind of masochist.
It’s like bashing yourself over the head with a shitty stick.
I`m sure the proven liar Carmichael said before the Ref that there was going to be 13 not 8 frigates built in Scotland if we voted to stay under the English Yoke.
English Labour MP John Woodcock has a real hatred of all things Scottish,
he called our MP`s in HoC Robots,
“if the hon. Gentleman does not mind, I am not giving way. I would have been happy to take an intervention from every single one of you robots”
link to tinyurl.com
Post Dugdale, Slab’s all set for an Anus Mirabilis!
Dunks says:
“No such thing as Scottish Labour”
Aye, now there isn’t. But once upon a time there was ….
link to en.m.wikipedia.org
…. I can remember being quite excited about it. Knowing now what Jim Sillars can be like, no wonder it didn’t last. Alex Neil went on to greater things, of course. 🙂
Gary tank-kezia is actually quite funny! On Willie Rennie “I’m not a big fan of willie!” Nice one!
It’s amazing how the Yoons can see so far into the future. We Wullie winkle says there would be no ship building in an independent Scotland.
So Wullie is this based on fact,wishful thinking or can you really predict the future of a new country.
The same Yoons that said shipbuilding would be saved by voting no. They made guarantees on behalf of a government yet to be elected!
Except they got that one wrong didn’t they. If wee Wullie told me it was nighttime. I would run to the window to make sure.
Not a big fan of willie, more of a trident stroker.
Clarity and certainty, made me think of:
Ebony and Ivory (good music video)
link to youtube.com
Side by side on my piano..
NeoconNat says:
1) the Loony Left lost us the 2014 independence referendum by scaring people with jobs.
is really hopeless agent provocateuring now.
Actually you’re a hopeless agent provocateur anyway. Labour happily UKOKed it 2014 with the tory party but they’re certainly not left or loony. Its red tory for pretty stark reasons.
You make it look like the web is a difficult place to be a good agent provocateur but you’re probably just a hack amateur, hopefully.
This one’s far better. Frankly.
link to twitter.com
Wee Wullie Winkle should quit talkin’ aboot complicated stuff like economics and shipbuildin’ and stick to what he’s good at – slidin’ doon chutes and prancin’ aboot like a sozzled pixie.
link to caltonjock.com
Have you noticed the three unionist parties are still in full on no campaign mode. When something bad happens at a UK level they all relate it to indi and Snp bad.
They are effectively one North British party. Get the message out its always Holyroods fault or Sturgeon or Spinney.
Remember the days when the libs and Labs criticised London and stood up for the country they were elected to serve. Seems there now elected to represent London in Scotland.
10 days before an election and the main opposition party still haven’t got a clue what to put in their manifesto, we will get it to late they think to pull it to shreds. Idiots
Why are they waiting so long to publish their manifesto?
Is it because if they publish it any sooner, they’ll have changed their mind again before the election?
Never mind Labour. They Never mind us.
Kezia, hud you wheest, just getting embarrassing now.
Grouse Beater’s post List of SNP government achievements and it a long one. Circulate widely. Tell all your pals
link to caltonjock.com
Anyone wanting a bit of inspiration watch the new Michael moore documentary “where to invade next”.When you see what happens when imagination is used by other countries to help in education,happy and contented workforces and general life conditions you realise how far behind the UK is falling.Through independence we could be following some of those examples ansd creating a better country for our kids.
Nicola Sturgeon: PM can’t avoid obligation to Clyde workers
link to archive.is
Kezia Dugdale havering again.:
Nicola Sturgeon has not done enough to help women in the workplace.
link to archive.is
Well who’da thunk it? Kez was a pop star in another life:
link to youtube.com
Balaaargh says:
25 April, 2016 at 11:21 pm
“Why are they waiting so long to publish their manifesto?
Is it because if they publish it any sooner, they’ll have changed their mind again before the election?”
The Brit Nat Press and Media hasn’t had the time to make one up yet. It has been kind of difficult for them having to invent all those SNP BAAHD and Scotland useless stories. That has also been complicated in that they have had to firefight the SLAB/Tory/Brit Nat horror story about PFI. The double dealing over those Destroyers/Frigates has also given them a sare heid. Torcuil the Nat slayer and Co have to sleep some time.
Well SLAB isn’t genetically programmed to think and do things for themselves. Oh and some of the Brit Nat Press and Media aren’t on the same hymn sheet either as they have been well distracted by the EU Referendum and Immigrants to fully focus on thinking up what Bribes and Vows can be offered this time around.
Oops just past midnight and my bloody carrage and driver has bugered off and these glass slippers are a pain , oh dear trapped in fairyland Kezia OK for a lift home ? . Just watched an other fairytale in the la la land Show better known as the House of Commons Statement on the MOD contracts on the Clyde, this was bullshit of the highest order with the MPs of the Country where the work might or probably not carried out left to end after English MPs with the requisite pat comment if your lot had voted YES there would be no work on the Clyde , Oh really who promised the work to encourage the people here to vote NO it was a VOW freely given , and as easily renaged on , this was offered By all unionist party’s fronted by their bagmen the Labour Party .So what’s the f/n problem ?
Constituency battlegrounds: Orkney and Shetland
2011 result:
Liam McArthur, LibDem – 2912 (35.7%)
James Stockan, Ind – 2052 (25.2%)
Donna Heddle, SNP – 2044 (25.1%)
Jamie Halcro Johnston, Con – 686 (8.4%)
William Sharkey, Lab – 458 (5.6%)
Majority – 860; turn out – 49.3%
link to archive.is
I truly have never been more convinced why we need to vote SNPx2 at the next Scottish Parliamentary Elections. We need to to rid ourselves of theses people.
Orkney and Shetland are two different seats at Holyrood.
Tavish Scott had 50 percent of the Shetland vote in 2011 and the SNP came 3rd with 12percent.
Liam represents Orkney and has a very strong local support. Trying to read swings in such a tight community is very different from “mainland” seats”.
It all comes down to the strength of these personal votes and the impact of the Carmichael story.
It’s their vote that will hold up and not the LibDem vote.
Y’know, it strange all this enmity toward the SNP from other parties. Its uniformity isn’t natural, but it is universal. I’ve heard any number of supporters and indeed SNP luminaries speak with at very least respect and in some cases genuine fondness of individuals historic and recent within the other parties. Uniquely though, I cannot recall any member of any other party speak with anything other than extreme hostility when discussing either the SNP their policies or their significant figures.
THAT is just how air tight the unionist narrative is. No word of praise or respect for policy or individual can EVER be allowed regardless of how well deserved it may be. No word of commonality or empathy. No word of personal approval between individuals for their stands on issues or simple personal fondness between peers in a profession.
That is not simply uncommon. Its unnatural.
It is a telltale signature though of the nature of the unionist narrative. To dehumanize, other, marginalize and ultimately isolate. It makes it easier, I suppose, to do what they do both in the press and society in general. The things they say, the damage they wreak and the cost to the public and communities? Well that becomes acceptable.
Ask the folk in the north east, Clydeside, Dundee, Cumbernauld, East Kilbride in the past year or so. The blind unreasoning hatred engendered by tribal party politics, its narrative, the language used, how our politicians and political class simply ply their trade on a day to day basis has had a devastating effect on the wider community.
It needs to change. The SYSTEM NEEDS to change and the inter party hatred needs to be excised from our politics. The cost to the people it is meant to serve has become too high.
Proud Cybernat , how dare you insult the wonderful Mamma Cass! – good to be reminded of both , lovely song and wish some folk would leave on a jet plane NEVER to return!
Is there some hideous illness affecting Mr Taylor of BBBC fame? He seems to grow and grow and grow, while the wicked witch of the west seems to shrink and shrink and shrink.
P.S Has anyone been invited to Moanin’ Minnie’s dream dinner party?
The Herald appears to want to insult its remaining readership with OK and Hello articles and to shoehorn in the Moanin’ one at every opportunity.Death Wish 2016!
She’s confused, must be going for the sympathy vote.
Nothing is from her heart or head, her branch office have no views, but represent their London master’s (British establishment’s) foreign policy in Scotland.
O/T links
Apache awards subsea 7 epic contract for North sea
link to archive.is
link to fionamoraggrahame.wordpress.com
link to michaelgreenwell.wordpress.com
Slab liars
link to twitter.com
O/T links
link to politicalscrapbook.net
link to thecanary.co
Saudi Arabia, 9/11, and the secret papers that could ignite a diplomatic war
link to archive.is
US killing machines
link to archive.is
Heedtracker: “Labour happily UKOKed it 2014 with the tory party but they’re certainly not left or loony. Its red tory for pretty stark reasons.”
So you are saying the unionists won the argument. I’m saying the reason we lost it is because the Independence movement became synonymous with the Socialist Worker’s Party and it’s desire to make Scotland a communist republic.
Instead of blaming pensioners and Yoons, who don’t you all act like adults for 5 seconds and consider the many hundreds of thousands of working people who looked at the radical left stuff and thought “efff that”. The statistics reveal exactly that.
If Project Fear won the referendum, Project Cuba lost it.
Had the debate and movement been kept more apolitical with emphasis given to issues of democracy and responsibility for managing our own affairs, we would have won easily. Instead of scaring the life out of half the electorate we should have been reassuring them.
Why are they waiting so long to publish their manifesto?
Time for labour to read all the others, cherry pick and promise more. Like playing poker, I see your NHS policy and raise it by 1000 nurses.
It will give the BBC an excuse (as if they need one) to have the wondrous Kez on TV and talk about nothing but labour in the last days of the election. If you’re a BBC viewer you won’t actually notice any difference.
Corbyn has been too busy to proof read and approve?
The printer has demanded the money up front?
O/T links
LIVE 10AM 26th: Scottish CND – Chernobyl Gathering & Vigil, Glasgow @ScottishCND @OccupyNN link to livestream.com …
link to sentinelnewsblog.wordpress.com
link to theantimedia.org
link to mintpressnews.com
People will be under no illusion as to what the Labour Party’s about under my leadership.”
I think the people know what it’s about. It’s about to disappear under her leadership although she can’t take all the credit. It was in pretty bad shape when Murphy sneaked out the door to join the ex labour leader’s conga line. Hear the music Kez?
And as you do the conga, you make the party stronger.
Make the train much longer and do the labour conga.
An Independent is stopping SNP chances in Orkney and Shetland.
The Westminster Unionist are a bunch of second rate low lives. Woodcock is a creep. DUP votes have stopped immigrant children being helped. They are despicable. Northern Ireland (2million) raises £28Billion in taxes and gets £14Billion (50%) = £42Billion but will no help children. Westminster has caused the biggest migrant crisis since 11WW.
Scotland could be building vessels. Norway builds 100 vessels a year. Westminster is wasting £Billions from Scotland. £1/2Billion on Trident and £4Billion on repayments Scotland doesn’t borrow or spend. The Tories have tried to ruin the Oil sector with 60/80% taxes when prices had fallen 75%. It is still 40%. UK H & S rules not being followed with no Inquiry.
Westminster promises are always broken. Never trust a Tory. Thatcher illegally and secretly took the equivalent of £Billion out of Scotland. Vote NO you get nothing. Some people never learn.
Scotland could be one of the most prosperous, equal and fairer countries in the world.
Vote SNP x 2 Vote FFA/Independence.
The Unionists lied to win the Referendum. Cameron doesn’t care. Labour destroyed it’s Party. Vote SNP x 2
@ Nana – re the people in Leslie, Fife, telling voters it is illegal to vote SNP in both votes. That, I believe, is illegal under the Representation of the People Act, and if they are prepared to testify, a complaint should be made.
The person who tweeted it may be best placed to do that.
Be fair Rev, with their falling membership and fewer elected members etc along with modern electronic communication thingies nobody sends them any letters anymore and they’ve all given up smoking and the vaping oil boxes are too small. So what are they to work the manifesto up on the back of?
I can just see them in central office waiting with bated breath every day for the postie to come, heads brimming with good ideas only for them to evaporate and turn sour with all the waiting.
“Why are they waiting so long to publish their manifesto?”
If I had to guess?
Several reasons spring to mind.
1. Their stated policy intent has suffered so many public reversals and public scrutiny that a cohesive paper is almost redundant.
2. Cherry picking as per your first post
3. It reduces the time opponents and voters have to properly scrutinise and deconstruct before the ballot.
In short the party, its ability to construct policy and or be considered fit to govern is a weapons grade cluster….. fudge.
Labour manifesto will be a load of garbage about Horror things SNP are planning and how Labour will stop them. Project fear lead by BBC will swing into action all the way to the election. That’s all they have left!
McWhirter speculates…. Toaster for Dugdale?
link to archive.is
Why so late with the manifesto?
Attention span. After a few days they forget what’s in it.
Seems really odd to allow postal voting to begin before all manifestos are available to peruse!
The reason Labour’s Scottish manifesto is late, is because it’s getting printed in China.
Kez deserves everything that is coming to her – first she insults her father and now Nicola Sturgeon-the person a few weeks ago she was saying was so helpful to her when she first went into parliament as a researcher. Jealousy is a terrible thing and papers like the herald are colluding with labour to make salacious headlines. Even with MSM and BBC on their side labour are finished and they deserve to be wiped out completely-they have nothing left to offer but bitterness and anger – all their failures are coming home to roost – schools, corruption,shipyards. Trying to turn manifesto launch in community centre as a deliberate idea to keep it simple and not presidential – what a joke.
SNP X 2 we must not let the vote be split.
Compare and contrast, The State Broadcaster output this morning to its Scottish colony.
Doctors Strike, one government spokesman saying Doctors Bad, ENHS spokesperson saying it’s ok we’ve got it covered. Move along quickly to open the vents in your house because your smelly air this morning is all the news that matters.
OMG turning over to Head office output that is BBC 4, they were going ape-shit over the first all out strike in the HISTORY OF THE NHS, good allowance of airtime for junior doctors who are pleading with people that this government and health secretary are bonkers insane, a softly softly interview with said bonkers health secretary, but the interviewer putting the proposition he is the problem and should really think about taking the heat out by standing aside, unfortunately his big massive ego tells him he is the only one on the planet to save the ENHS, then says unbelievably the doctors are killing children.
Switch back to the state propaganda outlet in Scotlandshire GMS, and some labour guy telling a story how all health services in Paisley are to be closed down by the SNP BAD, and wait for it because a lot of labour guys wrote it down , in writing, using words and paper and everything then LEAKED it to other LABOUR MSPs, therefore as a leak it becomes the word of god, delivered from the almighty on high to his chosen representatives on earth the Labour party branch office. BAD SNP.
Where is that wee woman who normally says Scottish NHS bad? I hope she isn’t in hospital, I always think twice about complaining of bad food in a restaurant, I wouldn’t like to be her, prone in bed with matron and a very large needle!
A question, when appointing the new political commissar for the Scottish division did the State Broadcaster really have to hire the rotting corpse of Margaret Thatcher.
PS, I hear the reason the Labour manifesto can’t be printed is because every time its proof read the printer turns into to a zombie and starts eating people, the result is the printing press in now surrounded by the army and in quarantine. Kezia has said “well it didn’t affect me” as she pulled the skin from her face revealing the insanely rotten , parrot faced former leader, Jim “CeltiK” Murphy!
Scotland you have been warned, stop the zombie menace take two SNP and you will be immunized!
Labour manifesto launch in community centre, I hope its a very small one!
@ Muscleguy As ah E Cig vapour smoker Kesia cloud buy them aw they big whore of ah rocket launcher Vapour cig an blaw smoke signals tae get they,re minifesto oot,
ach you uased the word Evaporate, am gon oot tae find ah fag packet in ah litter bin,ah might be some time .
I honestly am pissed of the new labour manifesto is saying free sweets and ginger, abolish all tax, and we are all going to live on the moon! bugger I have already voted and feel cheated, who do i complaint to?
Actually as people have and are this morning voting, what are they voting for? or is Labour going to point to the postal votes and say, look we have a idiot as a mascot and you still you voted Labour.
Hypothetical, but say the manifesto said something you really found abhorrent or offensive, say for personal or religious grounds? how could you complain, you voted!
Labour, an insult to the democratic process!
I can’t wait for the absolute bullshit to appear, in fact if anyone doesn’t want theirs, my roses are needing some fertiliser .
Grouse Beater 9:17
Be as well to print it in Chinese as well for all the sense it will make to the average voter. ( Apologies to my Chinese pals- no slight intended)
Free “Top Tip” for Labour’s north British branch office, Strategy Department …
Probably best if your manifesto is published BEFORE postal votes have already been disbursed & sent back to their constituency’s Returning Officer.
Otherwise, millions of Scots will be kicking themselves they didn’t see it sooner.
Actually, I just looked on line & there’s no need to worry. Looks like you have everything covered.
link to scottishlabour.org.uk
(No laughing at the back!)
Kezia is the perfect personification of what labour does best: cluelessness.
Winifred – Kes insults the majority of voters in Scotland on a daily basis. The majority over 50% of Scotland vote SNP, and she berates them and calls us English hating and delusional.
That’s why Slabour are in such a mess. They are not just attacking the SNP or the Yes movement. They are attacking the majority of Scotland. When you go down that road as a politician people put two fingers up at you.
You don’t win votes with insults. Something Nicola and the SNP understand very clearly.
Labour manifesto in Community Centre – be glad – next time its a telephone box and manifesto written on a post-it. They have bitten/betrayed the hand that fed them too often and they still don’t get it. Blame the tories for shipbuilders blame contractors for schools and blame the snp for everything = manifesto
SNP x 2
@ Ken500 at 8.27
This is not true.
The 2 (out of 8) DUP MPs who voted on the Immigration Bill voted against the government.
They also fairly frequently voted against the government in the 2010-15 parliament. I was surprised when I first discovered this, but I think they should not be misrepresented.
For not the first time, maybe we overestimate the IQ of unionist SLab-
Scott Arthur ?@DrScottThinks 2h2 hours ago
From Nicola Sturgeon down, everyone in the SNP appears to be more willing to chat about opinion polls than discuss their dull manifesto.
IQ of hard core unionist SLab testing-
What are we supposed to postal vote for SLabour on?
Duncan Hothersall ?@dhothersall Apr 25
If like me you’ve been a little busy recently and haven’t yet sent in your postal vote, do it soon! #BothVotesLabour
or head out on the hustings for Fab candidates on?
Does Fab mean Fabricated, fabricated everything?
Duncan Hothersall Retweeted
Monica Lennon ?@MonicaLennon7 17h17 hours ago
Action-packed day in Edinburgh; glad to finally put in a shift for our fab candidate @D_G_Johnson #BothVotesLabour
Gov’t source says Junior Doctors are trying to topple the government, according to the Beebe.
Woo hoo, go for it, you crazy insurgents. You will be doing the country a huge favour.
As if! Those out with this country are now experiencing the bullhorn of Tory, demonizing anyone who questions, or objects.
They were warned, and we were called whinging jocks.
@G H Graham at 10:05
Thanks for that link. For anyone who missed it, here is the early online release of labour’s manifesto. Definitely worth printing out. Gives real insight into what’s going on in their heads.
link to scottishlabour.org.uk
Further to MacWhirter’s piece archived upthread.
I am minded to tell my SLAB drinking buddy that I shall vote SNP for constituency and TORY for list.
Am I an evil cybernat?
Or just a “Blut und Boden” Nat?
Running out of popcorn but have plenty good malt.
…I know it has been said many times but worth repeating. There is no such thing as a Scottish Labour Party. If anyone can show me the registration of such a party I will apologise. Yet the media continue to discuss the launch of “The Scottish Labour Party Manifesto”.
At present we are in the UK and ruled by Westminster. Labour remains a UK Party. Change such as Trident and other retained powers can only be actioned by a Westminster vote. It is illegal to canvas offering the voting public two options/policies at a General election. Labour (ALL Labour members in Scotland) must accept that the Defence, Foreign policy and Fiscal policies etc of the “Party”. A candidate, branch or CA cannot state or offer an alternative different from the Party.
The “Dugdale manifesto” can only offer statements of intent regarding the very limited devolved powers. However Dugdale and Co.,aided by a willing press, will distort this truth.
The Labour Party has branches in Scotland but no matter how many wish to change it issues such as Trident etc are beyond the influence of Labour Party members in Scotland except via a vote at National(UK) level policy forums. Their contribution to such a vote will be much lower than 10percent of the overall membership.
I hope Labour Party members can acknowledge that their influence over the majority of issues impacting on their lives is restricted to ONE union flag jacket wearing MP.
I was thinking that it is strange that we are a week away from the election and very little seems to be happening.
Alternatively, the colonial media might be busy but I am now completely blind and deaf to their output!
Perhaps it’s not just my perception. Stories which should be big, like the PFI failures and the shipyard jobs, are being played down because the are Union-negative. Similarly, non Scottish stories like the English NHS crisis are also being played down here because perhaps they too show the negative side of WM,
Is it really so quiet?
There are 14 Sine Fien MP’s if they went to Westminster the Tories would only have 2 of a majority. They could be defeated.
McWhirter chops and changes as much as Labour
Perhaps it’s not just my perception. Stories which should be big, like the PFI failures and the shipyard jobs, are being played down because the are Union-negative.
Just follow the SLabour money. Blair’s as good a UKOK news outlet as all the rest, SNP bad, election, what election?
They are a very odd crew though.
link to twitter.com
Robert Kerr says:
“I am minded to tell my SLAB drinking buddy that I shall vote SNP for constituency and TORY for list.”
Not as far fetched as it might seem. The horrendous STV system for local councils allows second, third choice etc..
Accordingly, votes can be allocated to a voter’s non-first choice.
In 2012 SNP first preference voters were ‘moved’ to ….
44.2% non transferable
6.0% to Conservative
18.1% to Labour
17.8% to Independent/Other
14.1% to LibDem
… quite surprising how many SNP voters, in the context of STV in 2012 for councils, are will to give lower preferences to Unionist parties.
I guess this is far less likely to be the pattern in 2017.
I think Slabour should launch their Manifesto at midnight on the 5th May. That way at least voters will know it’s the final draft. Launching it before the day would be subject to ongoing editorial change.
Now which way was the wind blowing on Tuesday again……….
@ Ken500 at 10.34
Again, not true.
There are four Sinn Féin MPs. Their presence would not reduce the Tories’ majority to 2.
It’s a roch wind here the day as oor Labour neighbours UJ appears a bittie weet and kinday like hingin at hauf mast.
Mibbee eftir the morn he’ll finally pit it awa in the attic.
What Macart says @ 7.21am, re. the unnatural uniformity of Yoon hostility to the SNP.
I have suggested previously that Unionism has evolved in to a cult.
link to en.wikipedia.org
link to amazon.com
@G H Graham @Free Scotland 🙂 🙂 🙂
Cameron – The Yoons are so internally angry that the rest of Scotland has voted SNP. They are blinded by red mist and antagonism. They call themselves democrats but they behave in the opposite way.
When they stole the referendum by fear , bullying and intimidation. They thought that was it, they had beaten Scotland back into it’s corner.
Then the revolution happened and people sacked all their MP’s and cronies. They cannot come to terms with this still!
The fact that the Yes movement is stronger than ever and we stand up to them. Confounds them to the point, where they just lash out at anyone vaguely Scottish. They have become more British, if that’s possible. They were comfortable being Scottish, before it meant actually being a nation and not a sub dom of GB.
The JK Rowlings of this world want a Euro Disney version of Scotland. Highland glens, sheep and tartan and jokey locals.
They will never come to terms with this until we actually get independence. External circumstance will force them to change as internally they are just bitter and arrogant.
Great post Big Jock. It’s funny but since the referendum I have not read or watched any Yoon politicised news programmes. In a way, since I voted for Scotland to be Independent, the UK as far as I am concerned no longer exists.
And I am sure many many more people in Scotland now think like this. As you say, the door has been opened and nothing can now stop us from walking through it.
Big Jock
I see you are familiar with Lifton’s work. 😉
@ G H Graham 10.05
Hee Hee Hee haw haw haw! – sorry but I’m at the back.
That’s me caught up now, can I just say, that for all the Kezia/labour stuff, I’m more bothered about Ruthie “I’ll ride anything” getting into 2nd place. Cameron sitting ‘quietly’ in the background, pulling the strings, whether he cares or not, is too close for comfort.
Mind you, Ruth has been pretty quiet herself recently.
I see Labour deputy leader and campaign director Alex Rowley has accused Nicola sturgeon of having ditched the left-wing rhetoric and of stealing Thatcher’s lines.
Well that’s really rich coming from that Labour clown.
maybe he believes people in Scotland have forgotten that Labour stole wholesale all of thatcher’s policies to get elected in England.
Big Jock @ 1127
I think as well that the British nationalists thought that was the end of the matter. They don’t seem to understand it was just the beginning.
Michael Foot:1983 election manifesto for Labour –
dubbed “the longest suicide note in history” after the party’s drubbing in the polls.
Frank Field:
Pro-EU Jeremy Corbyn is writing ‘second longest suicide note in Labour’s history’
Deputy Deadwood’s manifesto:
The shortest suicide note in labours History
I watched yesterdays statement by the English health secretary in the English Parliament regarding the Junior Doctors strike today.
He and a procession of Tory MPs denigrated and rubbished all the doctors ,more or less said the BMA were the obstacle to a settlement and all these doctors were being duped and led by the nose forced into a strike the doctors didn’t want, and this clown is the one negotiating on behalf of the government.
Oh well done after three years of talks we have the first ever full on no cover strike in the English NHS what a master of diplomacy and tact . What i saw was this Tory regime in full flow we will crush all dissent, we will enforce our will, B/stds is too mild a word ,these people are Evil , i bet they are praying for some poor sod to die in order to force even by a change of the law their dictats , next will be cops and security in hospitals the army to break the free will of these doctors .
@CameronB Brodie
And its as simple and as terrifying as that to generate a narrative and manipulate the perceptions of a populace.
I swear, some of the yoon troops out there are convinced we eat kittens and howl at moon.
Oh wait…. on that last one…
O/T re Jeremy Hunt bullying the Junior Doctors. Here’s Jonathan Pie sketch to restore the balance:
link to youtube.com
And not even free-range kittens. 😉
Nothing Scotland region election today at all, rancid Graun really worried about Top Grear presenter for some reason, or
but headlines like this
Child refugee fight has caught public’s imagination, says peer
Lord Dubs tables new proposal after immigration bill amendment to let 3,000 unaccompanied minors into UK defeated
Why was there no Westminster problems about children when Labour went off to war with neocon Bush creep show, RAF bombing Iraq towns and cities, lobbing multi million quid cruise missiles into down town Baghdad etc?
History rewritten by one of the greatest media lie machines in the world, in other words.
Hope Cris Evans is ok though, he throws up his strawberries driving to fast in a car that costs five hundred thousand million gazillion q