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Wings Over Scotland

Catching fire

Posted on October 28, 2023 by

It’s taken longer than we hoped and urged. But the SNP, having already lost one Parliamentarian to the Tories and kicked another one out for actually trying to achieve independence, has now lost one to a pro-indy party, with Ash Regan’s defection to Alba this afternoon.

(Which as far as we can tell is the first direct switch in Scottish Parliament history. Others have stood down to become independents, and subsequently stood for other parties, but nobody has moved straight from one party to another.)

We hope she’s only the first of many. Because the SNP is over. It has no credibility left either as a party of independence or a party of government, and anyone who stays on board the smoking wreck can have no complaints when they go down with it.

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  1. Geri


    Great news!

  2. And spouse


  3. Patsy Millar


  4. Sven

    The spooky thing is that, behind the scenes, Ms Regan will probably be better thought of and more popular with many grass roots independence supporters who remain in the SNP with a vain hope of somehow changing it back into the force for independence it was in the Salmond years.

  5. Peter Campbell

    It’ll be good to find out who (if any) goes with her. Then we’ll find out who in the SNP actually have independence as a priority.

  6. Geri

    Great news & a great move.

    An Alba voice in Holyrood. I hope it’s one of many who will switch. The SNP is finished. There’s no way back for them.

    Switch now or get out of our way…

  7. John

    Glad to hear this.
    I joined Alba a couple of months ago yet decided not vote in recent election as I have little knowledge of the candidates and still trust to other more informed members. As I must admit I did for a few years of the SNP . Those days are past now.
    Hail Alba

  8. Morgatron

    This is great news indeed. We need an Exodus – “movement of the people.” I just came over a bit Marley there , Apologies.

  9. Vivian O’Blivion

    And with that, a word of caution. Any would be “defectors” (I tend not to like this terms as the notional “defector” is the one staying true to the primary objective) should be thoroughly vetted. The SNP is infested with Security Service assets & agents. No Stephen Gethins, Stewart McDonald, … in ALBA.

  10. sarah

    That is good news. I shall have to avoid reading any comments and reaction from SNP as they will somehow find a way to blame Ash rather than themselves.

  11. Brian Doonthetoon

    Great news!

    Here’s hoping that any pro-independence MSPs left in the SNP will make the same move.

    ALBA will have to be very rigorous with their vetting of prospective members. We don’t need potential disrupters in the party.

  12. Karen

    Even top breaking story on BBC Scotland! Prior to that Greenconference was covered, but not Alba. Well done Ash, a genuine person.

  13. ronald

    Better late than never \ she could have jumped ship at the SNP conference where she would have more of a impact on the indy waverers .

  14. AnneDon

    It’s no easy thing to leave a political party, as there are many ties that bind people: social as well as political. However, I’m sure she’ll find many well-kent faces at Alba events.

    I hope she is joined by those whose priorities are independence for Scotland and a better life for our people instead of identity politics and the gravy bus for the political class.

  15. Lewis Moonie

    A brave decision this. Let’s hope the other few remaining brains in the SNP at Holyrood follow suit.
    Now cue a thousand bottom feeders with IQs lower than their age accusing her of betrayal. She’s staying loyal to her belief in an independent Scotland, not to the empty shell of her former party.

  16. Johnlm

    Speaking as an organiser of the Scottish Green Party Conference –


    The SNP appears to be happy sharing a bed with Hamas.
    Embarrassingly itchy political bedbugs aplenty there no doubt.
    Like kids with fireworks.
    Good fortune to Ash Regan.

  18. John Main

    All survivors of the “smoking wreck” need vetting to ensure they were not involved in the actions that caused the “smoking wreck”.

  19. Lorna Campbell

    I had been hoping for a while that she would leave the SNP because she will get nowhere with them, and she has shown her independence mettle many times. She is a natural independence leader, so I hope now that ALBA will make good use of her skills and ability. Let us hope, too, that this is the finger out of the dyke and the cleansing water starts to filter through, bringing others.

  20. Frank Gillougley

    This is a principled move. A rare thing indeed among politicians.

    The other conscientious ones still in the SNP are looking like members of the East German Communist Party. It’s time they got out of Dodge City too and left the diehard bureaucrats at the top to preside and legislate over themselves.

  21. Captain Yossarian

    Written by Stuart Campbell with a flourish of optimism. It’s been a long time since I’ve detected that from him. I have thought for some time that hardly anyone realizes the unprecedented collapse in public confidence in the Nationalist movement. This, along with any sort of charges emanating from Branchform will allow everyone to re-align and cut-loose Sturgeon, Swinney and all the rest of the malfeasants. I think that every contributor to this site would like to see that. Good luck to Alba.

  22. Kenny

    Now, Joanna Cherry, isn’t it about time you made the move?

  23. Colin Alexander

    In these dark days, it’s good to read some good news for a change.

  24. Republicofscotland

    Well done Ash Regan Alba is the REAL Scottish independence party, y’know like the SNP used to be, but isn’t any more.

    Vote Alba, Join Alba.

  25. Stephen

    Great news now we need more to follow

  26. Ruby

    Wow! Something has happened!

    Just as well Stu didn’t go on a month’s retreat!

    I like the last line of Ash’s letter!

    even if our paths diverge for now

  27. Ruby

    Scotland’s first Alba MSP?

    Who will be next?

    Fergus Ewing?

  28. Alastair

    So before we get Pete’s pish.
    How many people have defected to the SNP since the last elections.

  29. Brian Doonthetoon

    Two from The Herald…

    Former SNP leadership contender Ash Regan defects to Alba party

    Alex Salmond encourages supporters to get sweaty for independence

  30. Ruby

    sarah says:
    28 October, 2023 at 1:11 pm

    That is good news. I shall have to avoid reading any comments and reaction from SNP as they will somehow find a way to blame Ash rather than themselves.

    I bet without reading the comments you know already what they’ll say.

    I’m going to read them as the predictability of them will make me laugh.

    I promise I’ll put a spoiler on the head of any posts that mentions their comments Sarah. 🙂

  31. Geri

    I’m afraid Joanna Cherry is a lost cause.
    She’s now a fully paid up member of the SNPs route to indy after a private meeting with the compliance officer, Dumbza.

    Disappointed but not surprising. I guess the KC tag was always was a huge clue of where her true loyalty would lay when the chips are down – it’s in Westminster.

  32. Skip_NC

    TURABDIN, what the (insert choice of expletive) are you talking about? In his speech this morning, Alex Salmond actually called Hamas a terrorist organization.

  33. Robert McAllan

    vivian oblivion @1:10pm, agree 100%, stringent vetting must be in place for ALL potential candidates. There are very few within the current elected SNP at Holyrood OR Westminster in my opinion who should be given ANY consideration based on their appalling lack of commitment to Scotland’s cause!!


    The CORRECT mindset?

    A people will attain «freedom» when the political and psychological wills intersect. When, in effect, there is no other possible, logical or existential choice.
    Being in a cozy political comfort blanket aka shroud may delay the process but such a blanket is merely a form of isolation from reality. You may not be as safe and secure as you are led to imagine.
    The British state lives in the comfort blanket of its imperialist past, its royal charades and its so called «special relationship» with assertive American global interests. The reality check of part of its territory being lost would be rather uncomfortable.
    To quote the Chatham House article.
    «Scotland represents about eight per cent of the UK’s economy, however Scotland has one-third of the UK’s landmass and a much larger proportion of the UK’s natural resources, including renewable energy. So what would be the economic impact on the UK of the loss of Scotland?»
    In the CH view not much….but other sources suggest the strategic, energy resource and global prestige impacts would be significant, certainly in the short term.
    The current British state is hardly in a condition to incur any loss of face never mind a loss of territorial assets. Scottish nationalist leaders must be fully cognisant of that condition’s possibilities and opportunities.

  35. Alf Baird

    Vivian O’Blivion @ 1:10 pm

    “The SNP is infested with Security Service assets & agents.”

    Thar shuid be nae doot aboot thon. That’s what caused the rupture in the movement and delay to independence.

    Postcolonial theory predicts the collapse of the compromised dominant national party, which will hopefully be rapid.

    Weel duin Ash!

    The only vetting needed for any independence party candidate is their commitment to end colonial rule.

  36. PhilM

    I don’t think vetting is such a big deal. A party should be fairly open about its business. I can’t recall anyone ever being flatly refused membership of a political party. The people who need vetting are those seeking the highest posts in a party. Unexplained CV gaps such as those found in an ex-chief of staff’s background should be unacceptable and will always require investigation and public explanation.
    As for ‘unprecedented collapse’, that’s a pile of xxxx to be blunt. The numbers haven’t moved…people are just steadily understanding what’s been done to the SNP.

  37. Ruby

    Have we had any news about which MSPs/MP have been selected for the next elections?
    Sorry if we have.

    (Which as far as we can tell is the first direct switch in Scottish Parliament history. Others have stood down to become independents, and subsequently stood for other parties, but nobody has moved straight from one party to another.)

    When I first read the above which will be accurate I thought there ‘was there not an SNP MSP who resigned and joined the Greens’ but it was probably that he became independent and started supporting Green policies. I cant remember his name.

  38. Robert McAllan

    Joanna Cherry? that has tae be a definite NAW! Cherry has spent maist o’ her time at Westminster hurlin her ain barra an’ it wisnae fu’ o’ bricks tae build wur Independence oan!!

  39. David Hannah

    Oh yes! I’m a big Ash Regan fan. With you all the way mam. After you. Come on the Alba Party. Alba in Holyrood! Bring it on!

  40. Merganser

    A bit less ash left on the smoking ship. How much longer can it keep afloat? Alba need to beware of flotsam and jetsom trying to board them.

  41. David Hannah

    Just when you thought nothing was happening. Up steps Ash Regan. I love it. It’s all happening behind the scenes. Follow our leader in Holyrood, Ash Regan. With you all the way! She’s incredible. I hope she has a brilliant night and the support. Thanks for the good news. What do we want? Independence!

  42. Skip_NC

    Ruby, anyone elected on the list cannot move from one party to another in the parliament. They must sit as an independent (eg, John Finnie left the SNP and sat as an independent for several years before being elected as a Green MSP). There is no such prohibition on constituency MSPs.

  43. Captain Yossarian

    Ruby – Kenny MacAskill for me is the outstanding Scottish MP at Westminster and he represents what your movement is all about. I don’t know much about Neil Hanvey, but the Nationalists that I know are equally respectful of him. If I was asked to pick-out an equally well-respected political figure at Holyrood, it would not be Regan, it would be Fergus Ewing and if he were to switch sides, that would give Alba more horsepower than if anyone else were to do it. Ironically, both MacAskill and Hanvey are at risk of losing their Westminster seats at the next GE and I very much hope that does not happen. However, when all’s said and done, it’s good to see some optimism return to these pages again.

  44. Ruby

    John Finnie that’s who I was thinking about.
    He became an independent then joined the Greens.

    He was the Green Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) for the Highlands and Islands region from 2016 up until 2021, having previously sat as a Scottish National Party (SNP) member from 2011 to 2012 then as an independent from 2012 to 2016.


    May I suggest you read and comprehend a post before jumping to YOUR particular conclusion concerning its meaning.
    «The SNP appears etc»
    Salmond is not SNP.

  46. Captain Yossarian

    PhilM – Your numbers didn’t half move in the Rutherglen by-election. That was quite a collapse. Momentum is everything.

  47. Johnlm

    Spot on. Transparency equals democracy.
    Tho’ democracy can also mean mob rule.

  48. Stuart Campbell

    What are you waiting for Joanne Cherry, its not like the SNP are going to change.

  49. Mark Beggan

    The captain always go’s down with the ship!

    Women and children first!

  50. James Che

    It took a sinking ship to make Ash Reagan swim,

  51. Ruby

    Captain Yossarian says:
    28 October, 2023 at 2:27 pm

    Ruby – Kenny MacAskill for me is the outstanding

    Why would you think I give a fuck who you think is outstanding, mediocre or absolute shit?

    Get lost you creepy sexist unionist spamming fuck-pig!

  52. John H

    I’ve just had a look at WGD comments section. Predictably, they have their knives out for Ash Regan. “A Salmond plant” etc. These are people, some of whom I used to respect. Now they seem to live on another planet.

  53. Ruby

    Skip_NC says:
    28 October, 2023 at 2:26 pm

    Ruby, anyone elected on the list cannot move from one party to another in the parliament.

    Cheers Skip_NC 🙂
    Thank you for keeping me right. I really know nothing about all that sort of stuff.

  54. Jason Smoothpiece

    Thin edge of the wedge possibly.

    I say Ash Welcome to Alba I hope more committed and capable politicians follow.

    However as Vivian O’Blivion said a word of caution. We must carefully vet anyone coming from new Labour via the SNP then to Alba.

    We have already caught at least one unsavoury person who failed vetting for higher office in the SNP he now lurks about Alba looking to better himself.

    We must remain vigilant at the doors or we will go the way of the SNP and Scot Labour.

  55. Geri


    There hasn’t been an election yet. The SNP are collapsing. They’ll be literally wiped at at the next election.
    No one is voting for deviants because that’s all the SNP have left. Also the loss of over 50,000 members. They’re not recovering anytime soon, if ever. They’ll be delighted to the fringes.

    I agree 100% on the missing CVs & lack of documented experience. Sturgeon hired far too many who appeared by Stork after the momentum of indyref who have, over time, proven to be britnats with its agenda to crush the Yes movement both in Holyrood & Westminster.

  56. 100%Yes

    I welcome Ash to the party, she is a true Scottish nationalist I’m proud of her for putting Scotland before profit.

    I can’t think of anyone better suited to take over from Alex if he decided to step aside as leader, I can only hope more will follow for Scotland needed cause.

  57. Captain Yossarian

    Ruby – It should be a positive day for everyone and so do try and keep it civilized. Just give it a try, will you?

  58. Geri

    Captain Yossarian

    Rutherglen stands for nothing. Indy voters boycotted & yoons who’d normally vote Tory or Lib Dem leant their votes to Labour.

    Labour will have no such luck in a GE when those votes go back to their rightful party.

    Word on the street, GRR & treatment of Margaret Ferrier kept indy voters at home.

    GRR will kill Labour too at the GE.

  59. Republicofscotland

    John H 3pm.

    I’d say that those on the WGD blog don’t support Scottish independence, they are not stupid people, they know fine well what has happened to the SNP, and that it no longer a party that supports an indy Scotland.

  60. Johnlm

    Yossarian for me is the outstanding Scottish Blog poster and he represents what your movement is all about. I don’t know much about my bum chum AScotabroad, but the Nationalists that I know are equally respectful of him. If I was asked to pick-out an equally well-respected political figure at Holyrood, it would not be Regan, it would be Douglas Ross and if he were to switch sides, that would give Alba more horsepower than if anyone else were to do it.
    When all’s said and done, it’s good to see some optimism return to these pages again.

  61. Anton Decadent

    Joint response from SNP/Greens will probably be “Ash Regan, white!”

    Good for her, do not hang around in places where you are at best tolerated.

  62. Geri

    As for Neale Hanvey.

    He’s an excellent MP & a very principled guy. An asset to the Yes movement. He won his seat as an independent despite the losers in the SNP trying to get rid of him on fake charges.

    A hard worker at Westminster, securing indy debates & seeking international legal opinion on Scotland’s route to indy & why the SC ruling was against international laws & a nonsense. He has also received £ thousands in refunds for his constituents and his sterling work for vocalising sex based rights in Westminster on the GRR & hate Crime Bill.

    He also has time for ppl. Always finding time to engage with people on social media & answer ppl. Unlike most politicians.

    I don’t see him lose his seat. If he did then the vote would raise a red flag that its rigged, imo.

  63. Ted

    Geri@3.18. I don’t think the Rutherglen collapse was caused by anger at the way Typhoid Mary was treated. The more significant thing is what happens when Unionists pool their votes.

  64. Stuart MacKay

    Regan needs as many brains cells as Alba can muster to rub together and get the message out that Westminster and the incumbent parties are never going to deliver the change that many people need. Don’t bother trying to hold the SNP to account. Just get the name out and show there are people concerned with Scotland’s future rather than themselves. I guess we’ll get to see what Alba are really made of.

  65. James Che

    After the infiltration carrot of the unincorporated Association Snp years I am reborn as a cynic in politics,

    Ash may have jumped belatedly of a sinking ship to maintain a political job for herself
    Why did she not do it sooner and Joanna Cherry?

    Some of those that have aided the SNP all this time are waiting to long for my liking to convince me that Scotlands independence is the priority in their minds, waiting until the water is around their necks,

    I will stay a cynic until they prove their worth in Alba,
    In fact Alba itself needs to improve its direction,
    It is not the leader of the party that is the issue for most of us, it is the lack of inspiring legal alternatives.
    Copying the Snp’ s old policies is not going to work, referendums are begging letters for freedom With the same outcome, NO.

    Then we all sit back an wait for the next same old bit of begging to appear wrapped up in new paper.
    Is it not time to Lead instead of continuing the begging and pleading on our knees.

  66. Jan Cowan

    Thanks Ash. Great news! Here’s to Scottish Independence.

  67. Andy Storrie

    It is a sad fact that, in the meantime, and as momentum builds up behind the new vehicle, a bunch of disloyal London shite bags will be enabled to slither back into office in Scotland after doing nothing but knock lumps out of working people and the family unit alongside their blue London-centric buddies.

    Labour totally abandoned it’s duties to working people, and many, many Scots will be in no mood to forgive and forget after the way that Labour supported and egged on what can only be described as a vicious, mass-migration onslaught that benefited a select few in society.

    London cannot be trusted after the sheer scale and duration of it’s disloyalty to the people of Britain, and it is clear that London (and the banker’s gofers in Westminster) will never change.

    And with Humza ugly bloke having been planted at the helm of the SNP by London, in order to deliberately alienate the public at a time when momentum and pressure is building (palpably so!), any support and publicity for the new vehicle really has to be welcomed.

    Good lass, Ash. Please try to lacerate that London lackey Humza ugly bloke at every available opportunity. His prevaricating presence is a gross insult to the home of the Enlightenment, and to the Scottish public in general.

  68. holymacmoses

    Lets hope that the wind has veered and will fan the flames of Independence for the majority of the people of Scotland.
    I, for one, am ashamed to be cast as a member of the United Kingdom

  69. James Che

    Alf Baird.

    Did you realise the actual date Queen Anne became Queen of Scotland and its territory.

    1708 officially,

    Prior to that date she was queen of England, France and Ireland.

  70. 100%Yes

    I’ll hold my hand up and say I don’t like Kate Forbes she a fake nationalist, but if she was to jump ship to the Alba party I’ll hold both hands up and say I was wrong about Kate, but I’m not.

  71. Alastair

    If Alba were being really smart they should as soon as practice make Ash Leader front and centre and Alex take a President elder statesmen role.
    This would console those who don’t like Alex and really ramp up attractiveness to the 51%

  72. Captain Yossarian

    Johnlm – You’re always chiselling away looking for an argument.

  73. Geri


    That was the reason given on the doors.

    Ferrier had already been punished four times: Arrested & charged, fined & served community service a also served a suspension from Westminster)

    Dumbza added a totally needless & pointless 4th punishment when he had absolutely no reason to do so.

    Ferrier was a hard worker for her constituents. They weren’t voting out of protest.

    Who else suffered all these punishments despite having parties even when a monarchs hubby croaked it? No one.

    The yoons have also used tactical voting for yrs. They still couldn’t win even when they begged at elections that a vote for Yoon was a vote *to save the Union* they still lost.

  74. James Che

    These facts in history should be automactically known to all intelligent people in Alba and its members.

    How did the Crown take over Scotlands Sovereignty illegally?

    The English parliament Regancy act 1705 was converted by the parliament of England in 1708. And extended to Scotland,

    The parliament of Scotland having been dissolved from Englands parliamentary treaty in 1707. By Queen Anne’s proclamation.

    The nuts and bolts of a treaty that do not fit.

  75. Johnlm

    National Conferences are necessary for us to realise that we are no bettor or worse than any others.

    Restrictions to debate via ZOOM etc. encourage the incompetent and punt the leadership to superhero status.

    Remember that pols are our servants.

  76. willie

    Well, Rev Stu. The SNP may be hollowed out on its way to being wiped out but the desire for independence is not dead.

    People increasingly now know that the SNP and Independence are two separate things.

    Your post today with the news about Ash Regan joining Alba is indeed worthy news. More will I am sure follow. The movement of which you were so much part of Rev Stu has not gone away.

    And so, another step on what has been a difficult journey to escape from a mendacious exploitive neighbour. And on another note, rather good that you had something good to report today rather than resorting to playing music.

    Keep up the good work Sir.

  77. John Main

    @James Che 3:44

    It’s not clear to me if the begging you write about is begging for a referendum, or begging for Indy.

    If the former, then Regan’s previous commitment to plebiscitary elections will solve that. Alba can declare every election, WM and HR as plebiscitary ones. They won’t have to ask anybody’s permission to do so.

    By the results they get, that is, by the number of MPs and MSPs they get, we will be able to gauge Scotland’s real appetite for Indy.

    I haven’t seen any details about it yet, but I assume and hope that Regan’s plebiscitary election promise will have travelled with her to Alba, and will be clear Alba policy from now on.

    My view is that Alba have to stick to this policy, irrespective of how the SNP react, so that voters will see the clear, blue water between Alba and the other pretendy Indy parties.

  78. Geri

    Anyone who doesn’t like Salmond isn’t a real Indy supporter but as wolves in sheep’s clothing, imo.

    You don’t relegate yer star striker tae the benches.
    I think he’s learnt that lesson with handing over to hapless Sturgeon.

    He’s the only one ever to achieve a ref & actually deliver what he says he will. First time of saying it.

    People either want indy or they don’t. It’s not a popularity contest.

  79. 100%Yes


    Your so wright Ash should become leader as soon as possible.

  80. Garrion

    To add to Vivian’s point back at the beginning of this thread, it’s not just the full on British state assets to be careful about, don’t forget about the professionally self interested blorty useful idiots that zombie walked their way into the SNP and consequently allowed it to become what it is. I am constantly depressed by how many of them there are in Scotland. I propose that Alf Baird sets up a questionnaire protocol to determine extent of internal colonization before admission.

  81. Duchess of Puke Street

    This is great news!

    Well done Ash Regan,
    this gives me hope so thank you for that.

  82. dasBlimp

    So Ash Regan steps into obscurity. It would have been far better for her to change the SNP from within. Now she can do nothing. Alba is not getting anywhere and will not progress the cause of Scottish independence, especially with the flawed Salmond in charge

  83. Livionian

    Forbes next please.

  84. Ruby

    Captain Yossarian says:
    28 October, 2023 at 3:14 pm

    Ruby – It should be a positive day for everyone and so do try and keep it civilized. Just give it a try, will you?


  85. Ruby

    dasBlimp says:
    28 October, 2023 at 4:21 pm

    So Ash Regan steps into obscurity. It would have been far better for her to change the SNP from within. Now she can do nothing. Alba is not getting anywhere and will not progress the cause of Scottish independence, especially with the flawed Salmond in charge

    Thanks for the good laugh Mr Blimpy.

    That post is a hoot!

  86. John Main

    @Andy Storrie

    “prevaricating presence”

    Like it!

    As his election was flawed and fraudulent (as attested to by Regan, before she regrettably backtracked on her intention to launch a legal challenge), we can add “pretendy” too.

    “prevaricating, pretendy presence”

  87. James Che


    The higher cast of United kingdom have some pretty depraved morals amongst them from pedo’s to killing people for profit,

    The tables may have turned in Society where the common man is no longer common, and has higher morals than ther leaders and their political politicians.

    It will become inevitable that the ordinary people will look down on this depraved higher elites.
    Money doth not maketh the man,

  88. Captain Yossarian

    Ruby – You remain, by a comfortable margin, the outstanding delinquent on these pages.

  89. pipinghot

    Change the SNP from within. YOU HEARD IT HERE!

  90. Molesworth

    Humza is frightened of losing his cherry.

  91. Ruby

    I think things could be very different for Alba if they considered the repeal of the GRA 2004.

    Plenty women’s votes up for grabs.

  92. robertkknight

    Can I suggest all pen a quick email to Ms Regan at her parliamentary account to congratulate her. (Just to counter the WGD poison pen brigade).

  93. A Scot Abroad

    Well done to Ash Regan, who would have followed a markedly different trajectory if elected leader of the SNP. But she wasn’t. And her policies for in effect a UDI were probably lemming-like behaviour. So she’s done Scotland a real long-term favour by resigning and jumping over to a bunch of no hopers in Alba.

    The fun bit is that many, many SNP voters don’t actually follow politics too closely, and many do, and are upset with the Youseless one. Which means that they will probably split the nationalist vote at the next elections, and neither SNP nor Alba will elect many M/SPs. That’s a very good result for Scotland.

  94. Young Lochinvar

    So continues the sad self imposed slow-mo implosion of the SNP.

    Not pretty to watch, but a situation entirely of their own making.

    Reap what you sow an aw that..

    Vacancy for a strong viable independence driven party actually interested in achieving it and willing to step on Westminsters toes in the process as and when required.

  95. Ruby

    Captain Yossarian says:
    28 October, 2023 at 4:42 pm

    Ruby – You remain, by a comfortable margin, the outstanding delinquent on these pages.

    Why do you keep addressing your post to me you creepy sexist Unionist fuckpig?

    You remain the most sexist creep I have ever met.

    Fuck the fuck off and go address your posts to someone else.
    If you can find someone else to take interest in your garbage.

    Hot Tip: Try John Main, Lord Naw Naw, Mr Blimpy or Sven.
    Maybe leave George Ferguson alone you are giving the man a bad name.

  96. dasBlimp

    Ruby says:
    28 October, 2023 at 4:37 pm

    Thanks for the good laugh Mr Blimpy.

    That post is a hoot!

    You’re welcome. I come here for a laugh too. Straws firmly grasped eh?

  97. Geri

    Please no to Kate free port Forbes.
    She’s totally captured by the American project & could give Kat Cary a run for her money as number one yankie plant for the union.

    Bottled it on GRR too.

  98. Big Jock

    Fergus next I expect…to join Alba.

  99. James Che

    John Main,

    Why go begging for referendums or waiting on elections,

    1: A dissolved Scottish parliament 1707 by “proclamation” of Queen Anne in England is not in Westminster,

    2: A extinguished Scottish parliament 1707 by the statement of the UK parliament is not in the parliament of Westminster.

    3: Queen Anne was not in a union of Crowns or kingdoms with Scotland to enable her to use the Scottish Royal Scepter on the treaty of union or by her elected commissioner the Duke of Queensbury until 1708.
    And then through a ruse of English parliament Regancy act being converted into making her Queen of Scotland.

    Scotlands evidence that there was “no” Scottish parliament in Westminster parliament of Britain all these years, is proven by the Scotland act for a devolved parliament on the advice of the EU to give Scotland some representation,

    Scotland has been Scammed, lied to and deceived regarding Scotlands parliament being in the Great British parliament of Westminster.

    We could walk with out elections for independence or referendums,
    We are not officially joined or connected in a treaty of parliamentary union, or a Crown union,

    The treaty is a very big and long standing hoax played upon Scots.

  100. Mia

    Finally. I thought Ms Regan’s worth was far too much to be totally wasted in that useless carcass of a party.

    Ms Reagan has fire in the belly, passion and drive. That in the current SNP version has become the exception, rather than the norm.

    Like when a horsehair worm infests a cricket and manipulates it driving it to suicide for the benefit of the worm, the same has happened to the SNP and it wasn’t by accident.

    All that large collection of self-serving careerists, perverts, pervert apologists, women haters, biology deniers, opportunists, professional deceivers, cowards, devolutionists and plants have infested the SNP so virulently that have destroyed its core rendering it a kamikaze party actively pursuing its own destruction for the sake of preserving unionism and keeping the gravy train on its track.

    I am absolutely delighted to read these news. It has put a big smile on my face.

    Congratulations Ms Reagan. You are a woman of principles. I praise your courage and determination, and very much look forward to see you representing ALBA, the first real pro-independence party entering Holyrood since Mr Salmond stood down in 2014.

    Thank you. You have set again our hopes alight.

  101. willie

    Just caught sight of that august paper they call the Scottish Sun. No comment about the quality of the paper. But what I thought was interesting was how they carried on the front page how Elon Musk thought Humza Yousaf was a racist.

    His hate speech in parliament against whites, most certainly marks him out as that. But him and his wife’s actions in trying to entrap frame the Little Scholars Nursery in Broughty Ferry as being racist because they were full and didn’t make a place for his child is further evidence of his vicious racist thinking.

    Ditto when both his wife and his cousin, which cousin has traded under a few different names, were sprinted through MSP candidate selection. And ditto again when in appointing auditors the SNP appointed auditor from Manchester, England, who just happen to be a firm that champions itself as one of the top 100 Asian companies in the UK.

    With behaviours like this it is not difficult to stir animosity. Scotland has had enough trouble with religious sectarianism than to have a first minister who screams against ” whites “.

    And who exactly are the whites that Mr Yousaf decries. I’ll bet you as a man with Pakistani fore if not bearers he has a robust disregard, if not actual hatred for Sikhs, Muslims and Christians.

    But me, I know I am white, I look it, my parentage goes way back in Scotland, so I know I should be discriminated against. Elon Musk I think understands Humza’s sentiment too as a man from apartheid South Africa as it was.

    Anyway, time the barsteward was gone. Scotland does not need bigots like him.They need less. All being Jock Tamson’s Bairns is what we should strive for – and that includes whites Dumza.

  102. David

    Wouldn’t be surprised if there aren’t a few that jump to Labour in the hope of a place at the trough.

  103. Captain Yossarian

    dasBlimp – It’s ironic that Stuart Campbell produces journalism of superb quality and it is followed up immediately by a pile-on by the cack-handed tag team of Nationalist hags. Like you, and to his eternal credit, he remains stoical about it all.

  104. James Che

    Why do some political people in the independence movement assume the only way out for Scotland is to follow Westminsters version of never ending elections and referendums,?

    I ask the Question time and again to these politicians, if Scotland is not in a parliamentary union, what are you pretending to escape from?

    And if you are not in a union of crowns why are the Scottish politicians pretending that the supreme Court officiates over the territory and kingdom of Scotland?

    Some Scottish politicians are aiding and abetting the hoax treaty of union for many years,

  105. Graeme George

    Not before time, long overdue, Ash I adore you

  106. Mark Beggan

    Dirty filthy Labour licking their lips. Captain Stormer and his dental assistant making big plans.

    SarwarLtd voted for GRR

  107. Johnlm

    dasBlimp – It’s ironic that Stuart Campbell produces journalism of superb quality and it is followed up immediately by a pile-on by the cack-handed tag team of Nationalist hags. Like you, and to his eternal credit, he remains stoical about it all.
    Captain Yossarian

  108. dasBlimp

    Captain Yossarian says:
    28 October, 2023 at 5:20 pm

    dasBlimp – It’s ironic that Stuart Campbell produces journalism of superb quality and it is followed up immediately by a pile-on by the cack-handed tag team of Nationalist hags. Like you, and to his eternal credit, he remains stoical about it all.

    Thank you, Captain. Most kind.

  109. John Main

    Jeezo, I wish peeps would learn to spell Regan’s name correctly.

    If peeps can’t master that trivial accuracy, how can any of the rest of their output be worthy of attention?

    Besides, it’s just plain old-fashioned bad manners.

    Ash Regan

    Get her name right, FFS.

  110. velofello

    Yousef’s response to Ash Regan’s resignation – “No great loss”, confirming his stupidity and lack of political nous.

    Alex Salmond describes Yousef as an affable guy.

    Scotland has need of an astute, principled, experienced political leader, not a stupid affable guy – We have one, Alex Salmond.

    Alex Salmond has faced and endured the storms of treachery, and he perseveres – leadership quality in spades.

    Consider the current Gaza tragedy and the word weapons of the media – rape and beheading of babies – proof? Nah.And consider the word weapons used against Alex Salmond. proof? Nah.

    Ponder on the protection of the coven who conspired against Alex Salmond and their identity protection, including perjury.

    Rules and regulations are heavily weighted to the benefits and pleasures of the influential and to the disadvantage of the many.

    The many need to realise, and exercise their power.

  111. Stoker

    Rev wrote: “We hope she’s only the first of many. Because the SNP is over. It has no credibility left either as a party of independence or a party of government, and anyone who stays on board the smoking wreck can have no complaints when they go down with it.”

    Hear! Hear! I’ll drink a toast to that. And that goes for Yous too, SNP members, well what’s left of you. Either stay and support a fake ‘First Minister’ who is a self-serving racist OR come and join a real pro-indy party. Lead by a man who has already proven he can govern responsibly. And has already proven he is more than a match for anything Westminster throws in his way.

    In other Scottish politics news: Elon Musk brands Humza Yousaf a racist. See, we’re not the only ones who have Useless’ card well and truly marked.

    SNP trougher, Alex Neil, claims that MSP’s “don’t understand the rules around What’s App messages when they are in office”. Yeah! Sure they don’t, and i am a billionaire.

  112. James Che

    Parliament of Great Britain.
    “An Act for the security of Her Majesties person and government and the succession to the crown of Great Britain in the protestant line”
    Citation 6 Ann c 41.
    (Ruffhead c 7)
    Territorial Extent kingdom of Great Britain
    Dates Royal assent 13 February 1708.
    Other legislation
    Relates to Regancy Act 1705
    Statues amended
    As originally enacted.
    Revised Text of Statue amended.

    This is the Act of Westminster parliament in 1708 that makes Queen Anne of England, France and Ireland Queen of Scotland after she had used the Scottish royal scepter illegally to give permission to her commissioer the Duke of Queensbury to touch the treaty of union articles on behalf of Scotland. Of which territory she was not queen of in 1707,

    Just pointing out the emphasis on year, 1708.

    Cart before the horse for Englands parliament of Westminster.
    Great ruse, great cheat on Scotland, a queen of Scotland who was not the queen of Scotland until England said so in its parliament. “An Act for the security of her majesty 1708 ” etc

  113. stuart mctavish

    100% yes @4:15 & Alistair @4:00

    Excellent news/ intriguing proposition.

    Increase attractiveness AND make alba sexy again, for Forbes sake!

    (though My Alba: Salmond, Taz, Ash (YES MASTA!) and get it done, damn yous, might lend themselves to some great slogans too)

  114. John Main


    Every body is a racist. It’s hard-wired in our genes.

    Some of us can accept that, others prefer denial.

    The denialists keep themselves in that state by sticking fingers in ears and shouting “la la la” every time the lessons of history come up.

    I don’t much care that HY is a racist, it just means he’s human. I do care that the flawed and fraudulent process that made him FM is a historical shame and blight on Scotland’s honour. I do care that most Scots care so little and are so apathetic when our national honour is insulted that we are just quietly going along with this sham.

    Regan almost made history when she looked to be challenging the election process. Then she bottled it. It would be great if she were now to cite Yousaf’s fraudulent election as a factor in her jumping ship.

  115. John Main


    If the MSM is lying, then the reports of the “tragedy” can be discounted.

    Do you ever think things through?

  116. Republicofscotland

    It won’t be long now until Scotland goes the same way as Hawaii.

  117. Ian Brotherhood

    A reminder for those who use Twitter/X – this is the best source of live, properly checked sources re the genocide in Gaza.

  118. John Thomson

    Brilliant although it’s taken a great deal longer than I had hoped

  119. stuart mctavish


    Given Humza woke to the news of an Al Jazeera reporter’s FAMILY being targeted in Gaza (despite being housed in IDF declared safe zone) I reckon his reaction to whatever question he was asked was perfectly excusable – and hell of a lot more astute than I’d like to think mine would have been in similar circumstances.

  120. Chas

    Another new recruit into the Alba ranks.
    Unfortunately another million required before it makes a difference.

  121. George Ferguson

    Great news that Ash Regan has joined Alba. The first of many I hope. I really can’t see the Scottish Government standing until 2026. Too many hens coming home to roost. The pressure will build for a Scottish Parliament Election long before then. Nobody voted for an SNP/Green coalition. Nicola Sturgeon stated Alba are finished at the last Scottish Parliamentary Elections. A vote of confidence for Alba giving Nicolas track record. A new political force always takes time to develop the necessary resources and policy. Alex back on form.

  122. Captain Yossarian

    For David Hannah as it explains Celtic Football Club’s position in a pragmatic way and for Alf and his many disciples because it explains that once you are called a “colonizer” then the whole world is against you and you cannot do right for doing wrong. Just the single use of that word is enough. It must be used on here about 20 times a day, every day.

  123. Ian Brotherhood

    Check out this guy in Edinburgh today.

    They live and move among us. And they believe they’re ‘superior’ to all other Scots.

    We have to accept that these people exist and their views are sincerely held but how on earth can there ever be a civilised, grown-up discussion with them?

  124. Velofello

    @ John Main -the tragedy being inflicted upon the population of Gaza is there to see via several media, The media it seems use emotive violations – without proof – of rape and the behaving of babies to stir emotions. The very act of bombing a civilian population is surely enough proof of human brutality? – I would have thought.

  125. Alastair

    I’m going to bank Humza’s “no great lose” comment re Ash.
    I think it will come to haunt him big time.

  126. Lollysmum

    Thanks for that news Stuart-I’ve only just seen your article & it’s made my day. Thanks also to Ash Regan for making her decision. Lets hope it was worth waiting for.

  127. Ruby

    dasBlimp says:
    28 October, 2023 at 5:52 pm

    Captain Yossarian says:
    28 October, 2023 at 5:20 pm

    dasBlimp – It’s ironic that Stuart Campbell produces journalism of superb quality and it is followed up immediately by a pile-on by the cack-handed tag team of Nationalist hags.
    Thank you, Captain. Most kind.

    The sexist creep has got himself a pal.

    It’s ‘Nationalist hags’ this time.

    He’s got quite an extensive repertoire of sexist names for women.

    Is this a Unionist thing? This sexism?

    I’m surprised that he’s so blatant considering his press coverage. It’s not like he’s anonymous. Very weird.

  128. Ian Brotherhood

    Some people don’t like football being discussed here. Others don’t like foreign conflicts being discussed here.

    Neither are, strictly speaking, ‘on-topic’, right? We used to see it every time Rev Stu wrote anything about the whole ‘Sevco’ episode.

    Well, we should keep a wee eye on Ibrox Stadium tomorrow because Rangers are hosting Hearts.

    Celtic fans defied the Board’s plea not to bring Palestinian flags to the Athletico Madrid game the other night. The images of Celtic Park awash with the flags went viral. It seems almost inevitable that the kind of character who appears in my 7.29 link will be bringing Israel flags to the match tomorrow ‘to make a point’.

    If you asked them to explain what their ‘point’ is you’d be waiting a long time. But will they get to raise those flags? Is there enough common decency and outrage at what’s happening to override the knee-jerk urge to oppose anything ‘the other side’ favours?

  129. Johnlm

    The fog of war clears slightly.
    … Now that the lie is half way around the world, the truth is getting its boots on.

  130. Ruby

    Alastair says:
    28 October, 2023 at 7:48 pm

    I’m going to bank Humza’s “no great lose” comment re Ash.
    I think it will come to haunt him big time.

    Maybe he’s not just racist but also sexist.

    Someone who is a big supporter of ‘transrights’ is hardly going to be anything other than sexist. Then there are his religious beliefs.

    Captain Yosspot he’ll be another supporter of ‘transrights’.

    Women need to know their place! Supporting trans rights is just the way to do it.

  131. Carol Neill

    Well that’s my Alba membership stopped
    She should have left yonks ago but finally realised her gravy train was coming to a halt
    As for JC , I’ve no trust in her whatsoever
    Don’t bother insulting me anyone ,I’m a grown up and don’t rise to it

  132. Ruby

    Carol Neill says:
    28 October, 2023 at 8:24 pm

    Well that’s my Alba membership stopped
    She should have left yonks ago but finally realised her gravy train was coming to a halt
    As for JC , I’ve no trust in her whatsoever
    Don’t bother insulting me anyone ,I’m a grown up and don’t rise to it

    What’s your objection to Ash Regan Carol?

    Holyrood Mandy tweeted in response to Humza’s no great loss comment

    ‘She was considered good enough to be a minister in an SNP government…’

    Maybe his ‘no great loss comment’ will attract the attention of a ‘big name’ in the same was as his ‘white white white’ comment did.

  133. John Main

    @Velofello 7:34

    My point was that you shouldn’t really pick and choose the MSM reports you want to believe and disbelieve. Either accept a source as reliable, and believe it by default, or write off everything they say.

    I understand from long experience reading Wings BTL that this is a difficult idea for many – they choose only to credit the reports that support their pre-conceived prejudices.

    I agree that bombing an unarmed civilian population is proof of human brutality. It’s been going on for over 100 years now, in every conflict where one side (or both) has the technology to heft explosives over the heads of their enemies and let them drop.

    It would be nice to believe that this brutality is universally condemned. But alert readers on here will recall that as recently as 2022, the indiscriminate slaughter of European unarmed civilians was being justified by some on the grounds “they had it coming”.

  134. Dorothy Devine

    IanB,seems to be ‘unavailable’ I’m afraid.

    Glad that Ash has joined ALBA. Someone suggested a jaunt to WGD but my stomach can no longer stand that.

  135. John Main

    @IB 8:08

    We’ve been waiting 20 months for you to explain what your ‘point’ is. We can wait a few more months for you to try to work it out. Whenever you’re ready, eh?

    Plenty of us are quite content to abide by our host’s preference for some subjects to be left undiscussed on his site. But scab pickers like you just can’t help themselves.

  136. Big Jock

    The SNP can get wiped out in two ways. The gradual drip drip defections, or an almighty wipeout at the GE. Either way, the outcome is pre determined.

    Those left in parliament need to decide how they want to lose their seats. The cowardly way of waiting for the wagons to be circled, or by leaving the dead party now. At least the second option leaves them with some some of their morals in tact.

    After Labour get elected, and they will. We are looking at another 10 years of them letting Scotland down. Before Scots decide to back a new independence party. Hopefully that can be Alba.

    Hopefully Alba can win or hang onto a few seats in Holyrood. This is going to take 15-20 years. That is the grim reality.

  137. John Main

    Big Jock

    I agree with your timeline.

    20 years takes us to 2044, which is 30 years from 2014. As it happens, 30 years is a traditional generation, so the “once in a generation” counter argument will be denied to WM.

    Every little helps.

  138. Ian Brotherhood

    @Dorothy Devine (8.42) –

    Sorry D, what’s unavailable? The tweet at 7.29?

  139. Ian McCubbin

    Such good news and let’s hope the cascade of others begins now.

  140. stonefree

    @ Alastair at 7:48 pm
    “I’m going to bank Humza’s “no great lose” comment re Ash.
    I think it will come to haunt him big time.”
    It will and it’ll be everybody’s fault, The I’ve been under tremendous pressure the family,The country, the betrayers the whole shebang,I’m not so sure about a mass exit, What I’m sure of Yousaf is crapping himself over the Flynn,the Hepburn,the Gray Yousaf will be paranoid,that they will stab him in the Back for the job, I think that’ll fester till he looses it
    Or not

  141. Alf Baird

    Big Jock @ 8:54 pm

    “This is going to take 15-20 years. That is the grim reality.”

    Scots don’t have that long. The SNP have to be discarded at the next UK election. Fowk arena daft.

  142. Big Jock

    Alf. Indeed we don’t. My opinion is a likely reality , rather than an ambition.

    Who knows what will become of Scotland in 10 years time!

    Sturgeon did what Thatcher couldn’t. She destroyed the SNP. It took decades for them to become Scotland’s party. A new party will need time to grow and gather votes.

    If Labour win the next GE in the Scottish seats, then we can’t use that as a call for independence. A new party will not be ready for Holyrood 2026. It will take several elections and Labour’s failure.

  143. Geri

    I don’t think it will take that long.
    Indy support will shift away from SNP.
    A Labour government in Holyrood would stop mitigation.
    That’ll focus some ppls minds.
    Especially the yoons who’ve rather enjoyed the best of both worlds for 9 yrs. Happy to vote Yoon & SNP while knowing they can vote naw in a ref.
    That gravy train will end.
    Maybe a 5 yr term of Unionism is just what they need to remind them just how shite it was.

  144. twathater

    I’m with James Che and Carol Neil on this announcement WHY has it taken Ash 9 years to SUDDENLY realise that the Scum Nonce Party which she was a member of had no real interest in independence, and to those desperate for Fergus Ewing,Joanna Cherry or Kate Forbes to defect it is no wonder we are no nearer to independence when you cannot recognise that all of these great independence fighters that you revere have all sat back on their well padded comfy arses with their fabulous salaries, expenses and gold plated pensions whilst a deviant and pervert destroyed their party and SABOTAGED any chance of indy

    They still remained within the party while the same deviant and pervert forced through reviled legislation that severely threatens the safety and security of our girls and womenfolk and yet females on here celebrate their cowardice and hold them in awe , NEWS FLASH Ash just gave up her ministerial position not her MSP job, Ewing , Cherry and Forbes didn’t even do that because MONEY overides INTEGRITY, IF any of these brave heroes had any integrity, honesty or fight in them for independence they would have left the party LONG AGO and exposed the rank and fetid corruption when they did
    ALL IT TAKES FOR EVIL TO TRIUMPH IS FOR GOOD MEN OR WOMEN TO DO NOTHING and that’s EXACTLY what every one of them did NOTHING , so celebrate RATS deserting a sinking ship it’s called self preservation

    AND Alex has just gifted the yoons with another saying to batter us over the head with for another 9 years it was in the herald

    He said: “

    LAST BEST HOPE why would you gift the yoonionists another STUPID SAYING

  145. One_Scot

    This is fantastic news.

    I have lost touch with what is going on with Scotland and the drive for Independence.

    But recently I was thinking of a way forward for the Alba party.

    I was thinking when the next UK election comes Alba should stand candidates against the SNP with the view of Increasing the Alba profile and also reducing the number of SNP MPs at Westminster. Let’s face it they are never going to deliver Scotland’s Independence.

    When the Scottish Election comes, Alba should tell the SNP that they won’t stand against them in the Constituency vote as long as they promote the Vote SNP 1 and Alba 2 for a super majority at Holyrood.

    If they don’t agree to this then Alba should stand against them in the Constituency vote removing the SNP from power and giving them time to rethink their future on the opposition benches.

    I know this is a long term strategy but I believe Alba needs to become the largest Independence party in Scotland.

  146. BLMac

    The big question is why there has not already been a mass exodus from the SNP

  147. Bumsrush

    Why ‘the first of many’, Rev?
    I wouldn’t want any SNP dross in my Party.

  148. John Robertson

    Haven’t been here for a while. You were a great force for the cause back in 2014 but this kind of thing is looking delusional. No election wins, 3% max in polls. There is much to criticise in SNP but only they can do this thing.

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