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Wings Over Scotland

Buying class

Posted on December 14, 2022 by

The entire mainstream Scottish media has picked up this afternoon on our intriguing scoop from yesterday about Peter Murrell lending the SNP £108,000 last year.

(The official SNP line is that it was for “cash flow reasons after the 2021 election”, although that doesn’t explain why less than half the money has been paid back more than 18 months later. Surely the party’s had enough cash flowing back in since then?)

And it’s enlightening to see how Scotland’s “proper” journalists handle such things.

Tom Gordon in the Herald at least briefly acknowledged the story’s source:

Chris Musson of the Scottish Sun, one of the country’s more principled political hacks, credited and also quoted us:

The National was a little bit slower off the mark, preferring to focus mainly on a wholly pointless pantomime stunt by the SNP’s Westminster group, but eventually caught up and managed to squeeze a weird little credit in at the end.

(It also used the piece to gratuitously attempt to whitewash the ongoing saga of the SNP’s missing £600,000 in fundraiser money, even though the SNP’s most recent accounts show it as having less than £145,000 cash in the bank rather than the almost £500,000 the paper claimed is still available for spending. Nor did it make any attempt to explain why quarter of a million pounds in “ring-fenced” funding for a referendum campaign had already been spent when no referendum is happening.)

The BBC managed a credit too.

As did Lewis McKenzie at STV.

But the Daily Record’s Paul Hutcheon couldn’t bring himself to tell readers where he’d lifted his story from, with no mention of Wings anywhere.

Nor could Alistair Grant in the Scotsman:

Nor could Mark McLaughlin of the Times.

Nor could Daniel Sanderson of the Telegraph.

Nor could Michael Blackley of the Scottish Daily Mail.

Nor could David Walker of the Scottish Daily Express.

More strangely, he also didn’t credit his own paper, by failing to mention that the Express had actually noticed the loan back in August, although it hadn’t been able to identify Murrell as the lender.

We must note that we’re also somewhat disappointed that the Electoral Commission has issued a statement to Scottish newspapers but has yet to send us a reply to our query, even though we were the ones who brought the matter to their attention.

We’re comforted, though, by the knowledge that at least the readers of Wings Over Scotland recognise and support actual professional journalism when they see it.

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This is, indeed, a great piece of work. Chapeau doffed.

No party get everything right (and this isn’t the thread to argue who’s gone wrong and where), but to simply avoid uncomfortable truths when it relates to a friendly face serves neither The National nor Indy well.

Qui custodes and all that.

Stuart MacKay

Rev. that link to wings on ko-fi no longer appears to work. A search doesn’t return anything. Have you been cancelled?


Working your magic, Rev! Getting Murrell and Sturgeon embarrassed by press reports is probably the most likely way to be effective in ousting them.

And remember your own words “There is no limit to what a man can do….if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit”. 🙂

Frank Black

yup. keep stickin it to the fuckers. nobody else will.


Latterly when I click on “read the rest of the article” (or words to that effect) present after each “teaser” on the homepage, it takes AGES for the actual article to load, so much so I started thinking the site could not be reached at all. I thought it was me, but other sites work fine and WoS used to be extra fast.

Graham Fordyce

I can’t access your page on Ko-Fi I’m afraid.

Gregory Beekman


sagE instead of sagA

It also used the piece to gratuitously attempt to whitewash the ongoing sage of the…


Once again Rev, it down to you to lead the way, and the minion hacks jump on your coattails to catch up. You put them all to shame.


I do hope the MSM hacks are setting up DDs to you, be really stingey if they’re lifting your articles for free, even if they give you credit in their articles.


Can confirm, all your links (in article and the fundraiser icon) now go to the ko-fi landing page.

Daisy Walker

They must have missed you SOOOOO MUCH when you retired. The joy they must be feeling now you’re back.

And boy have you come back just in time.



Well done, I did notice the MSM picking it up.


Wouldn’t it be nice to have a spare £100,000 to lend out to your pals?

Patsy Millar

Well done that man!


Bonus eco point to the lass that smuggled in a leopard to keep her warm!


the funding page link does not work for me and the search function finds plenty of wings, but non over scotland.


@ RevStu

Yeah the “manage subscription” page for Wings is gone too. Will be interesting to hear what they have to say, my bet is that someone (SNP transcult no doubt) has complained under one of the following T&Cs of use :

Hate speech, intimidation or abuse of any kind targeting any individual, group or institution.

Abuse of any kind targeting any individual, group or institution.

Patently risible but what’s the betting?

Nemisis Benn

Probably, I’m being very simplistic, but I’m surprised that he had £100,000 in a coffee jar to lend his employer.
Which begs the question: where did the cash come from? The coffee jar? Bridging loan secured against the “family home”? Some slush fund?

Pass the popcorn!


Oh look….Even the EBC is picking up on the story.

link to


Grouser says on 14 December, 2022 at 4:40 pm: “Wouldn’t it be nice to have a spare £100,000 to lend out to your pals?”

Absolutely disgusting that Sturgeon & Murrell sit in a lavish life of luxury, at the taxpayers expense, whilst they string us along with jam for tomorrow and carrots for our snowmen. Which, like Sturgeon’s mandates, melt in the ensuing torrent of hot air.

We peasants are really struggling to heat our homes because we opt to eat as best we can while Sturgeon & Co toast their toes with our votes.

We then get that halfwit Kirsty Blackman thinking it wise to post pictures of herself on her social media account, wrapped in a multi-coloured “blanket-hoody” (housecoat to you and i), in some sort of gimmick to portray the image she’s one of us struggling to heat her home. All this while sitting in a fully lit room in front of at least 2 or 3 computers/devices.

Would not be the first time Blackman has deliberately drawn attention to herself. Then, if memory serves correctly, tends to put up the fake shield of mental health to rebuff any attempts to criticise her. A nasty twisted piece of work.

David Hannah

A mystery loan. Most peculiar indeed. If I could speculate, and it’s only speculation.

Nicola will be able to answer the question immediately at tomorrow’s first ministers questions.

All she’s got to do is roll over in bed tonight and give him a wee poke: “Oi you, are you avoiding paying tax?”

“no darling, that’s simply speculation on the back of honest investigative journalism.”

Of course, Nicola who suffers regularly from amnesia at Parliamentary Inquiries, probably knows nothing about what’s going on with Magpie Murrell.

“Men eh, wit they like?”


Rev. Stuart Campbell says on 14 December 2022 at 4:43 pm:
“Incidentally, I see that about half of the SNP MPs have turned up for their big debate.”

And look just how many are playing with their phones. Checking their bank balances do you think?

Anyway, here’s hoping Morocco make the World Cup Final tonight. If they do i hope they win it. What a story! What an achievement! If France qualify tonight then i hope Argentina win the final. There! My cards on the table.

And look at Scotland. The country that invented football and we can’t even qualify because our game is rancid to its core. Run by a bunch of folk you wouldn’t even trust to tell you the correct time of day.


She has got to be a gonner now surly

If any SNP branch is staying silent then they deserve all that is coming.

One the paper publish the truth about the Salmond case in the run up to any election there will be no SNP MPs or msps.

It surprises me they have not worked this out yet.

The salvo tweet today in the hands of the BBC the week of an election.

Ha ha ha what a shower if numpties

Lesley Cameron

I do recall tweeting about this in August, something dodgy afoot here

ben madigan

the BBC link Craig provided even cites Wings as the source and links to it

“The loan was first reported by the Wings Over Scotland website”.

link to


If the Murrels stay I see the share value of brasso going up

Robert Hughes

Check Pete Nae Mates sitting in quarantine at the back there . Possibly looking back in anger at the injustice of Runrig never being nominated for a Brit Award

The women together on the second row appear to be knitting ( nice wool socks for Pete ? )

Kirsty Blackperson * left swiping * ” Heteros ” on Tinder

Wee Iain checking Amazon for used copies of the Collected Speeches of Nicola Sturgeon under £3

While the rest are either on their phones and/or wondering how they got there and what they’re supposed to do now they are .

David Hannah

As soon as Kenny MacAskill gets up to speak in the big debate. Ian Blackford walks out on cue.

He walks out on Independence. He is an ignoramus. So disrespectful. Blackford never cared about reaching out to the wider yes movement.

stewart gunn

Your breaking of this has been picked up by astute commenters on the Daily Telegraph story.


Johnson trousered million $ for three «speeches» post quitting his job.
Murrells, wake up and smell the gelt.

Geoff Anderson

In summary. All that is required to be Scottish Journalist is to read Wings!

David Hannah

Brilliant from Kenny MacAskill. He stood up for us all. Absolutely superb.

“When are you lot going stand up for Scotland?”

Brilliant. Absolutely superb, get those cloth eared SNP bastards told.


Craig says on 14 December 2022 at 5:07 pm:
“Oh look….Even the EBC is picking up on the story.”

link to

They’ve got it on their BBC in Scotland Text Service pages too but on there there is no reference to WOS. But they do quote a unnamed “SNP Spokesman” saying Murrell made the loan after the election.

Basically a very brief ‘nothing to see here’ impression. Which is somewhat quite puzzling because you’d expect the bbc, of all the Unionist outlets, to really be all over this story like a bad rash.


Shug says on 14 December 2022 at 5:21 pm: “The salvo tweet today in the hands of the BBC the week of an election.”

Aw! C’mon Shug! Don’t make us join Twatter, what did Salvo Tweet?


Another real story and oops from wings

link to


David Hannah @5:44

“As soon as Kenny MacAskill gets up to speak in the big debate. Ian Blackford walks out on cue.”

Was a first sitting in the Member’s Restaurant about to commence? If he’s quick he’s usually on to second helpings before most have even joined the back of the queue.

His tailor must be a genius – it’s actually a corset, cunningly disguised as a waistcoat, forming his trademark “Three Course Suit.”

Shauny Boy

Looks like if you want to report on Scottish politics, you just need to read Wings. Least some of the shitehawks had the decency to credit you Rev.

David Hannah

MacAskill adressing the SNP. He stood up for us all:

“The need is great. The time is now. When will you stand up and take back, Scottish Sovereignty and Scottish democracy that rules?” – Along those lines.

I am not a second class citizen, I am a sovereign Scot.

To do nothing SNP. Smash the servile chains. Set the people free.


Rev Stu,

STV have reported it now as well and they’ve mentioned you in their article. 🙂

link to

Iain MacLachlan

I read a comment but unfortunately can’t remember who or where. It suggested it was very odd for an employee (Murrell) to give a loan to his employer (SNP) while being paid a salary by them. It seems to me to be circular. He gives a loan and gets his salary. It seems a bit like money laundering but I am no expert on that.

stewart gunn

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
14 December, 2022 at 6:18 pm
“Your breaking of this has been picked up by astute commenters on the Daily Telegraph story”

How are you seeing Telegraph comments? I can’t get to them.

Subscription. Here’s a copy “Pinched the Rev Stuart Campbell’s story from Wings Over Scotland, I see. Mr Murrell refused to let his own Finance Committee see the SNP’s accounts. Well, at least it’s proper news – and from an unimpeachable source too.
The Rev does more investigative journalism on his own, from his flat in Bath, than the rest of the UKanian press (bar Private Eye) put together. Perhaps you’d like to publish his dossier on the fabricated charges against Alex Salmond, too?
What’s curious is that the half dozen regulatory authorities that would come down on UKIP or Reform like a ton of bricks at any suggestion of impropriety are so determinedly looking the other way where Sturgeon & Murrell’s devolutionist SNP gravy train is concerned. “


Now that’s very interesting – there must be loads of MSM “journalists” reading your blog Stu.
Hopefully they’ll also send big fat subscriptions to you!


Maybe Murrell didn’t have £100,000 spare but his wife did.

This loan could be from Sturgeon or maybe even from their joint bank account.


“As soon as Kenny MacAskill gets up to speak in the big debate. Ian Blackford walks out on cue.”

Yip, here he walks out as Kenny gets up to speak, his fellow SNP MP troughers make sure they bow to the Speaker of the House before they slink off, (acknowledging the crown first and foremost) what a bunch of self-serving treacherous b*stards.

link to


If you don’t believe a man can change sex and become a woman
sign this:

link to

It’s no bother you you just give your name, post code & email address and then confirm your email address.

Lets get rid of the GRA 2004 which states a man can change sex.

Let the experts find another solution to the problem of ‘trans’

Please sign and pass it on to friends & family.

If the Tories want to be seen as the defenders of women’s rights they should be more than happy to repeal the GRA 2004.

Where would Sturgeons reforms be if there was no GRA 2002 to reform. 🙂


The Guardian type and the world of LibFasc.
How to be a cool lib.,get the whole cake and eat it too.
link to

«The world is in the grips of mass formation?a dangerous, collective type of hypnosis?as we bear witness to loneliness, free-floating anxiety, and fear giving way to censorship, loss of privacy, and surrendered freedoms. It is all spurred by a singular, focused crisis narrative that forbids dissident views and relies on destructive groupthink»

«Totalitarianism is not a coincidence and does not form in a vacuum. It arises from a collective psychosis that has followed a predictable script throughout history, its formation gaining strength and speed with each generation?from the Jacobins to the Nazis and Stalinists?as technology advances»

Mattias Desmet in «De psychologie van totalitarisme» 2022.


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use brave
open private window with tor
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about 146
mentions of lavender, beards, super injunctions, etc


Peter Joy is a fan on torygraph BTL

David Hannah

Douglas Ross mentioned the 100k mysterious l00k SNP loan in Westminster tonight.

I suspect he will be bringing up in Holyrood tomorrow.

They are talking about you in Westminster. You live in their heads.


For anyone who hasn’t seen this yet:
‘SNP announces plans for new bill on Scottish independence vote’

“The party is pushing for the Scottish Parliament to hold its own referendum on independence to “unlock Westminster’s denial of democracy” and will be announced on Wednesday. Press Association reports that the plans seek to take over the House of Commons Order Paper on January 10 next year, and present the SNP’s new Scotland Act 1998 (Amendment) Bill.”

PSssst! Today is Wednesday, have i missed something? The only thing the SNP did today was when a load of self-serving SNP troughers bowed to Westminster’s ‘Speaker’ as they exited The Commons in a hurry when a real indy supporter got up to speak.

“This new bill aims to amend Schedule 5 of the Scotland Act 1998, which details what Holyrood can and cannot legislate on, which includes “the Union of the Kingdoms of Scotland and England” and “the parliament of the United Kingdom”.”

Read more here: link to

Geoff Huijer

The comment in the National about being based in ‘Bath in England’ is truly pathetic.


What an overhead kick from Morocco. Very,very unlucky.

Anyway just read that Maggie Chapman MSP for the green transcult claimed to have a PhD while not actually having one.

We are living with post-reality politics right enough.

link to


good journalism.

i’m amazed they aren’t claiming it’s a salary sacrifice of some kind.

this gets weirder and weirder.


Alba stands with the unions, and the people of Scotland for pay rises and cheaper energy bills.

link to


Confused says:
14 December, 2022 at 7:00 pm

link to
use brave
open private window with tor
load comments
about 146
mentions of lavender, beards, super injunctions, etc

Cheers Confused.
I did that and it was all very easy.

Not sure how often I’d want to read comments on ‘The Telegraph’ I might have to explore to see what other exciting things I can do with Brave.


Geoff Huijer says on 14 December 2022 at 7:53 pm: “The comment in the National about being based in ‘Bath in England’ is truly pathetic.”

Someone should ask the commenter where the owner of ‘The National’ is based. A lot further away than Bath i suspect.

Jock McTavish

Oh oh rev, don’t be going all mainstream on us now will ya 🙂

The gloves are off though, and if you tee them up, they will surely smash her off the court…

Great renaissance for wings and the rest of us. Happy days.

600k, the case of the missing.. Will Police Scotland stand up and also be counted missing or do we have to call in no-shit Sherlock to get to the bottom of it?


link to

OMG. It looks as if J K Rowling might have to open a venue where women can talk.

Viscount Ennui

I see that free speech is now banned in Scotland.
That’s ‘progress’ for you.

Robert Hughes

Ruby says:
14 December, 2022 at 8:50 pm
link to

” OMG. It looks as if J K Rowling might have to open a venue where women can talk. ”

Putting her own money where she believes it will do some good . As opposed to Nu SNP putting OUR money to no good .

JKR is another person vilified for their opposition to Independence who has subsequently displayed more admirable qualities and character than our putative * Leaders * .


“…where the owner of ‘The National’ is based…”

It is owned by the Herald Group, which is owned by Newsquest, which in its turn is owned by the American mass media holding company Gannett.

I didn’t go any further than that, but Gannett presumably pays dividends by way of a BVI holding company and some complex accounting.

Allegedly, of course!


Excellent Rev.

Only back for five minutes and you are the talk of the British press. You’ll be a household name down here soon.

David McA

I’ve been thinking about this story and it’s possible explanations
They range from
completely innocent
mildly embarrassing
professionally incompetent
suspiciously fraudulent.

The longer we go without an explanation the further down that list we go.


Goan yersel Kenny MacAskill. Well said.

I really don’t know how the SNP can look at themselves in the mirror. It’s not healthy for me to describe how I feel about these troughing sell out merchants.

It gets right under my skin that these contemptible wretches claim the credit for the modest rise in Indy polling, when it’s deprivation, misery and despair that driving people towards change. It’s certainly nothing constructive or progressive coming from these opportunists and charlatans who’ve squandered eight fkg years doing nothing.


Stoker says:
14 December, 2022 at 8:20 pm
Geoff Huijer says on 14 December 2022 at 7:53 pm: “The comment in the National about being based in ‘Bath in England’ is truly pathetic.”

Stoker and Geoff, I think it is even worse than that. I think the National actually says ‘from Bath in England’.

The implication may be that the website is ‘from Bath’ but I think the National might even be attempting to imply that Rev. Stu himself is ‘from Bath in England’.

In other words, the message they seek to convey – nudge, wink, nod – he is not a Scot. Without actually saying it, of course.

In Scotland, if anybody asks you ‘Where are you from’ it doesn’t mean ‘Where do you currently reside?’ It means, simply, ‘Where do you originally come from? Which town, or city or village etc.?’

I have come across English people living in Scotland who get it wrong, and reply as if you are asking them ‘Where do you reside?’ Maybe that is what that question means in England; I honestly have no idea, so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt (since the opposite would mean they must be deliberately dissembling).

Or maybe they have not only moved to Scotland but are fully identified with it, and want to be considered Scots, which is OK.

But if the National was really trying to imply that Stuart Campbell was not a Scot … well, it speaks volumes.

The editors of the National know what the word ‘from’ in terms of where someone is from means in Scotland. They know exactly what they are doing. And we know exactly why they do that kind of thing.

This is only a tiny example of the Post-Truth Scotland the Nu-SNP led by Numpty=Dumpty have been creating, and have already led us into. It is very serious. Someone above gave us the link to an old WoS article contributed Robin McAlpine in 2021. This is exactly what Robin discuses there. It is an excellent article.

Time for Numpty-Dumpty to have a great fall. And if that brings the whole rotten edifice down with her, so be it. As McAlpine points out, we can’t build a new and independent Scotland on such a corrupt foundation. What has really been happening over the past few years in Scottish public life needs to be outed, and totally cleared first, before we can get on with the serious business of building an independent Scotland on firm and solid foundations.


Derek at 9.59. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Gannett is part of the BlackRock portfolio.


Wages foregone to facilitate a loan.

With the loan now being paid back could there be a tax fraud lurking.

Wages attract a number of things. Firstly an Employer has to pay Employers National insurance at the rate of 14%.

Secondly the Employee has to have income tax and employee’s national insurance decucted and paid to the HMRC. On Murrels foregone salary loan of £107,620 that would have been around 42% assuming no pension set off.

So Employer and Employee tax and ENIC should have been paid. But was it?

Problem is folks don’t know. It is truly murky when employees forego around eight months of their salary. But like the missing £600k everything is present and correct.

Interesting too how Plod Scotland still haven’t reported back or taken any action on the missing funds. A law for…. and a law for another, we get the drift.

Wilson McBride


Re, Trans women.

What I have noticed about these “women”, is their attitude.

They are opinionated, bad mannered, obnoxious bastards.

They are the kind of human being you would take great pleasure in booting their chuckies if they confronted you.

They are definitely nothing like the real McCoy.


That a loan was required is further proof the £600,000 subscribed for independence has been stolen by the SNP.


What would have happened had Murrell not loaned the money?
I’m reminded of the Football Association of Ireland’s chief executive making a similar loan. He went soon after having gutted the organisation, credit card expenses made for titillating reading.


I don’t know. It does sound all very murky. Just shows that these high rollers think they are so much better than normal people. Totally lost the plot. Their house of cards will collapse any day now, yet if they’d gone to a loan shark like a sensible person this would never have happened…


Wow, just wow. I don’t think the control freaks saw that one coming. It must have slammed into them like a torpedo. They ain’t going down yet but definitely holed below the waterline. Must have been severely painful. A bad taste in the coffee for some this morning me thinks. WoS is back big time. I’m not sure what Rev Campbell is preparing next but I feel this may just be the start. You ain’t seen nothing yet lol.

John Main

@ wull says:15 December, 2022 at 12:16 am

In Scotland, if anybody asks you ‘Where are you from’ it doesn’t mean ‘Where do you currently reside?’ It means, simply, ‘Where do you originally come from? Which town, or city or village etc.?’

Ah, but you have to be careful of context to avoid being accused of racism, being sacked, and then vilified by the MSM and the Twitlersphere.

Sad, but true.


Yes Luigi, many thanks to the Rev. It fabulous that he is back. His exposure of this latest financial irregularity, if irregularity be the euphemism, is making a lot of people think this morning.

This is journalism as it should be and the Rev has led the entire media on this story.

Sturgeon,ike Imelda Marcos must now answer the people.

Andy Ellis

@John Main 7.34am

Many Scots in England will recognise the Better Together attack line othering independence supporters with the temerity to live anywhere but Scotland. It was rightly and fairly widely called out as unacceptable by most in the independence movement at the time of #indyref1.

Alert readers will recall however the tendency of the usual suspects in here to echo this line, and use it as a weapon against those who disagree with their “Scotland as colony” mantras or other conspiracy theories. Most disgracefully of all, Gareth Wardell, that stout defender of “indigenous Scots” has repeatedly used the epithet “English Ellis” to refer to me.

His motivations for doing so are his own of course, but I suspect most in the movement – particularly those who ARE actually English – won’t feel too comfortable with the casual bigotry that the use of the term as an insult undoubtedly implies. Of course, none of the usual suspects took any issue with the usage.

I wonder if Grouse Beater refers to Rev Stu as “English Campbell”?

Wilson McBride

English Ellis

Why are you always fishing for an argument.

You and your sidekicks never seem to be happy unless you are stirring the pot.

You come across as a person sent to mix things up on Wings — for all the wrong reasons.

You present yourself as a bitter Englishman set on revenge.

Give it a rest ya pest.

Wilson McBride

English Ellis

Don’t be angry at us for your country getting knocked out of the World Cup.

Blame that clown Harry Kane, who bottled it and skelped his penalty kick high over the bar.

I must admit, it was one of the most enjoyable moments of the World Cup so far.

One does take great pleasure in seeing one’s colonial masters getting kicked out of a tournament in such an ungracious way

Oh the joy!!!

Viv la France!


I’m pretty sure it’s nothing to do with covering the salary of this very very special person here…

There won’t have been any budget set aside for this appointment, so they will need to have borrowed to get her in place.

link to


Why would anyone assume being called English is an insult?

Is that an indication of their anti-English feelings.

What is wrong with being called English?

All the time I lived abroad I was referred to as English.
I wasn’t insulted by it I just found it strange.

There are a lot worse things to be called than English.

Socrates MacSporran

English Ellis

In response to youir final dig at the great Grouse Beater.

Gareth Wardell, having had a classical Scottish education is well aware that The Rev is down in Bath as a member of the Scottish Miiisionary Service, engaged in what I certainly found, during my several years in the South, is Mission Impossible attyempting to civilise and educate our English “betters.”

You, on the other hand, come across as a proud member of the BPHB, happy to have them decide everything for us.


Wilson McBride says:
15 December, 2022 at 8:17 am

Vive la France!

Well said. Vive la France et la langue française

link to

It’s whole different level of complexity for languages with masculine & feminine nouns and adjectives.

Inclusive spelling, which is used by the socialist-led Paris council and also by the Sorbonne, requires the attachment of a hyphenated -e and -s to add feminine and a plural senses to grammatically masculine adjectives and nouns. For example, the address “Cher lecteur” [dear reader] becomes “Cher·e·s lecteur·rice·s”, an unpronounceable string of letters that is supposed to imply parity for male, female and non-binary readers.

Time for Scotland to rescue the world from this madness.
We need to become the child who spotted that the emperor is naked.


Oh go on Stu, publish the story about the iron.

Dorothy Devine

Socrates , a round of applause from me!

I hope The Pathetic National gets the message about who owns them and from whence they hail. It makes it even more ludicrous that the SNP government gives money to prop up privately , foreign owned press.

Andy Ellis

@Wison McBride

It’s not about fishing for an argument, it’s pointing out that there are some who are purportedly on our side whose words and actions feed ammunition to the enemy. The reason I take issue with Wardell’s casual bigotry isn’t just the fact that he’s wrong, since I’m as Scottish as he is, but because of the optics of using the epithet “English” as a casual insult in a way he wouldn’t do for other identifiers like black, Asian, Muslim or Jewish for example. If you can’t see the logic of that, then you’re very much part of the problem, not part of the solution.

I was one of those who came to the defence of Gareth Wardell when he was ejected from the SNP on what most of us considered false allegations of anti-semitism. I publicly took a stand and resigned my own SNP membership at the time in protest at his treatment, which is another reason it is all the more galling to see him lower himself to using the term English Ellis as throw away insult. You’d think after his experience he’d be rather more circumspect.

For what it’s worth, I don’t give a flying fuck at a rolling donut about football or any other sport, nor do I understand those that get worked up about any of them. Perhaps if more folk were as enraged about politics as they are about fitba we’d be closer to independence? Like most Scots though I’ll support anyone but England in any international. Like Gareth you appear to be too intellectually lazy to get your facts right. Stun us wi’ another!

Andy Ellis


You, on the other hand, come across as a proud member of the BPHB, happy to have them decide everything for us.

You appear rather confused and to not to understand what the BPHB even is, particularly if you think I might be part of it, still less that I believe anyone else but we Scots should be deciding our own fate.

You do realise that the BPHB is shorthand coined I seem to recall by Chas to describe the usual suspects in here who drone on about Scotland being a colony, or 300 year old treaties, or indulge in magical thinking about non-parliamentary routes to independence, right?

stuart mctavish


Worse things to be called than English:
ce femme écossais instead of cette femme écossaise?

Scratching my head for last time I heard the expression “its shite being English” for all that – so wouldn’t be too surprised if the ladymen thing turned out to have its roots with English for yes, it being unlikely to be just tories that these boys are groomed to detest..

ben madigan

This morning Politico also pcked up the story, citing Wings, so all of Europe can read it

“Also in Scotland: SNP supremo (and husband of Nicola Sturgeon) Peter Murrell lent more than £100,000 to the party in June 2021, it turns out. An SNP spokesperson said that the cash was sent to “assist with cashflow.” The Wings Over Scotland site got the initial scoop — ”

link to


Jesus suffering- these people are evil.

Can’t get it to archive?

but here’s some of it.

Transgender toddler is the hero of Stonewall children’s book
Story by Ewan Somerville • Yesterday 20:17

‘10,000 Dresses’ is about parents who insist their child Bailey is a boy, despite the youngster’s insistence on being a girl – News Scan
‘10,000 Dresses’ is about parents who insist their child Bailey is a boy, despite the youngster’s insistence on being a girl – News Scan
© News Scan
A fictional transgender toddler who ignores their parents’ wishes is a hero of Stonewall’s new children’s reading list.

The charity has drawn up an LGBT+ book catalogue for two to four-year-olds, one section of which contains five works on trans inclusion.

One, titled ‘10,000 Dresses’ by Marcus Ewert, an American writer, is about parents who insist their child Bailey is a boy, despite the youngster’s insistence on being a girl.

Safeguarding campaigners said last night it was “disgusting” that the UK’s biggest LGBT+ charity could be urging children to go “behind parents’ backs”.

Despite dreaming of dresses every night, Bailey’s mother says in the morning: “Bailey, what are you talking about? You’re a boy. Boys don’t wear dresses!”

When Bailey insists “I don’t feel like a boy”, the mother says, “well you are one, Bailey, and that’s that” – though the author uses she/her pronouns for Bailey throughout.

Following another dream about wearing different dresses, Bailey runs away from home and meets an older girl, a stranger named Laurel at another house, where they make two dresses and try them on as friends.

The plot ends when “Bailey’s dreams come true”, with visions of 10,000 dresses which “show us ourselves”, living as a girl instead of a boy.


I have a sense that things are going to get pretty hairy in here and in Scottish politics over the next few weeks. The game is definitely afoot.

I see the bickering has started and that’s okay. I certainly don’t care what any of you call each other. These are interesting times though and I think they deserve your full attention…

The SNP is teetering on the brink right now. If you stand back and look, that’s what you’ll see.

It’s noteworthy, of course, that the MSM is suddenly interested in what Wings is saying. We seem to have reached critical mass and those who support Sturgeon and want her to remain represent a very small, quiet, and increasingly trivial minority.

A few years ago we might have committed ourselves to helping friends in need at a time like this. But these aren’t friends.

Karma. Gets you every time, doesn’t it…

Andy Ellis


Your track record for predictions isn’t exactly that good though is it…..?

How many days until the Taiwan invasion is it now?

Doubtless as the resident sage of WoS BTL you’ll soon be giving us your prediction of the exact day Sturgeon falls? 🙂


My track record on predictions is 100% perfect. You can go back and check. Take say the Supreme Court ruling, wouldn’t take you long to see my prediction minutes before the outcome was made official. In that case I was spookily accurate.

As for China and Taiwan, it’s happening. Just you wait and see.

Ruth Bennett

The Conflict of Interests and Related Party Transactions of NS & PM are extraordinary. As we know this caused problems during the Salmond affair, where the actions of the Scottish government got enmeshed with the SNP. At least Boris Johnson never appointed his wife as CEO of the Conservative Party!


So, in the budget, £20 million for Indy ref is to be spent elsewhere now.

How about that £600k then?

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