Bricked-up windows
Readers may have noticed recent speculation in the media (based on the wording of a press release) that Police Scotland had ended their investigations regarding Operation Branchform. As it happened we’d already submitted a Freedom Of Information request aimed at finding that out, and the response arrived this evening.
You can read it below.
It’s quite an interestingly detailed way to say “Get lost”, and while Section 34 certainly permits Police Scotland to withhold the requested information, it does not compel it to. Since the disclosure of the information would not risk prejudicing the investigation in any way nor breaching anyone’s privacy – it’s just some figures, no names or other identifying data were sought – it seems needlessly obstructive to refuse, particularly given that the response itself notes:
“It is in the public interest that an understanding exists as to the processes involved in police investigations and in their relative success. This is particularly true in investigations, therefore, accountability and transparency relating to the actions of Police Scotland and its officers would favour disclosure of the information.”
We’ve of course filed a request for a review of the decision on public interest grounds, given that the very obvious public interest in finding out who’s responsible for the extraordinary delay, a question which has been frequently raised by politicians on all sides and the media as well as the ordinary Scot in the street (Shug to his friends).
We’ll let you know how that goes, naturally, but we won’t be holding our breath and in all conscience we couldn’t advise you to hang onto yours either. The press has already assumed the answer to the question so one would think that there was no reason not to confirm it, unless Police Scotland themselves had something to hide.
Does anyone at this point believe that the delay isn’t due to giving Citizen X a chance to prepare his/her or, of course they/them’s defence or indeed to delay things to the point that they can forget all about Citizen X, whoever that might be?
Omg the level of use of elaborate language and repetition is astounding.
I admire your journalism in thus case thznk you.
In another would you please start n John Swinney about ghe Grangemouth refinery issue.
It’s as corrupt as this and directly affects livelihood of hundreds.
Confess, Rev. You couldn’t stand the almost optimism of “The Front on the Volga” and were pleased to get this outrageous response from “Police Scotland”.
A few thoughts immediately spring to mind, where is the demarcation line between self interest and public interest (obstruction of justice and the rule of law).
Who drew the line (s) perhaps they have been drawn with a negligence induced by contempt.
A”cheap cheerio” as an answer is clearly insufficient, may I recommend we once again revert to the open hand of scientific observation,to undo these powerless spells of secrecy.
As you will undoubtably recall the men who founded modern science had two merits, which are not necessarily found together: immense patience in observation and great boldness in framing hypothesis…..
Let’s assume all charges are dropped and Branchform is swept under the carpet. I imagine a private prosecution would be possible assuming complainants come forward with enough cold hard cash to pay for it? Under those circumstances, it seems to me that justice might never be done in this instance.
Until the £666k is traced, the investigation must continue. A theft has taken place. The police cannot be allowed to ignore that.
And THAT is why I have repeatedly encouraged people who donated and contributed to the REFERENDUM APPEAL to move forward in a private class action against Nicola Sturgeon, Colin Beatty and Peter Murrell all 3 senior office bearers who were responsible for the proper governance of the donations given
Even if Branchform is a whitewash by the COPFS a civil case would still produce the evidence that people were DELIBERATELY MISLED or in common parlance LIED TO, because NOT all donations were from snp supporters or members to be utilised as the 3 amigos saw fit to do , obviously other donors interpreted the appeal as what it was listed as, an appeal towards financing a promised referendum on Scotland’s independence
IMO the negative publicity alone would seriously damage the integrity and trust anyone would have for an accountant or a budding novelist trying to sell fiction,or a former CEO of a political party looking for a position selling motor homes
I would like to thank Sean Clerkin a believer in Scottish independence for having the bravery to approach the Scottish police force to raise a complaint of possible misuse of his donation , I would also encourage Mr Clerkin to approach fellow disgruntled donors who also feel aggrieved to form a collective and move forward in a civil action to demand compensation and restitution of their donation, and compensation for the disgraceful time elapse to bring the complaint to a close1
I told you all, she’ll be back. She’s a cruel vindictive bitch with vengeance on her mind Scotland watch your back.
On the List probably yes but she’s toast now, toxic and “found out”.
Nothing left but to try and pull the strings from the back benches as her influence wains with time..
Stuart, they’ll tell you hew haw…You’re like a boil on their arse, they know it’s there and think if they just ignore it, it’ll go away….Keep at them….
Can Shug not take the matter to parliament through his MSP? One of those public bill thingies?
This farce has gone on long enough & the public are footing the bill for it as well as it being their money in the first place.
They really are making Police Scotland look like absolute morons who couldn’t find their own arse in the dark.
Quality Polis Toshan strung it out for as long as they could.
Isn’t it now propping up a desk leg in the COPFS office slowly being conveniently buried in dust?
The £600k-£700k is missing. It is not in the accounts, it is therefore not accounted for. Even if it turns up now it has been missing. Even if it was missing merely overnight that is embezzlement.
There are 3 main office bearers who have a responsibility for the political party accounts, namely Chief Executive Officer, Treasurer and Party Leader.
The default position is surely that either one, two or all 3 are responsible as the funds were not protected and went missing on their watch.
What a complete and utter farce the Police have become.
They wasted millions on trying to pin something on Alex Salmond, there are hosts of dodgy officers who should never have been given the job, there are hosts have stopped responding to approved domestic intruder alarms that are monitored. Even the new commissioner was caught out being chauffeured by an officer to private matters in England.
At least the Keystone Cops gave you a laugh for your money.
Is under a fat polisman’s arse a more realistic answer….?
So what they are saying is that they AGREE the information WOULD be in the public’s interest , and the disclosure to the public of how they conduct their investigation and the results from those investigations would also be of interest to the public BUT due to the lord advocate and her dubious position serving the snp government RATHER than serving the CITIZENS of Scotland to ensure JUSTICE is done she has DECREED that that information or any information relating to BRANCHFORM will not be revealed
The POISONED DWARF is being well served
That’s you telt! The Polis sez the public is no interested in any of this. So there!
Definition of policing by consent.
To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfil their function and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour and their ability to secure and maintain public respect.
Although, defining “public” will always present challenges. Would, for instance, the motoring public be content with the draconian enforcement of Road Traffic Law which many road safety groups demand ? Or political demonstrators approve of the breaking up of large demonstrations which cause such disruption and annoyance to people just trying to go about their everyday businessand needs.
“Policing by consent” has always seemed to me to be a nebulous concept which fails to recognise that the desires and aims of “the public” are contradictory and confused. Because, obviously, there is no one homogenous “public” with settled views.
Very true. What is the public.
And you wonder why the SNP have been comprehensively destroyed by American DEI swill? It’s because America want to divide us, keep us in the Union for their own profit, and because of their deranged paranoia. The United States actively views Scotland as an enemy. There’s a sobering thought for you, eh?
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You have to face it guys
Scotland is in no way ready to make the leap to being an independent country
If you got your dream tomorrow
I’m pretty certain half of you would be in jail for questioning the state before the end of the year
And the rest of the indy movement would be delighted to see those who question the SNP to be in jail
And if you say that the SNP will vanish after indy
Have you been living under a rock ?
For the hard of thinking
Thinking that Holyrood is corrupt is not an endorsement of the Westminster lot
Very droll. Sarcastic wit indeed.
Half-wit more like.
And your point is caller?
At the heart of the matter of combatting civic corruption is the paradox that even in the supposedly well regulated systems the organizations tasked with the function may themselves be prey to it.
100% transparency, open access to documentation, and 24/7 accountability as well as frequent changes of key personnel in public office may help.
There ought to be a fixed and relatively brief term of service in public office as well as a rigorous selection process.
No «public servant» ought to feel over confortable in situ.
The British system now employs more admin. personnel than were needed to govern and police the latter day Empire. The more the merrier enables the carousel of corruption to gayly spin on its orbit.
I’m reminded of Hamish Imlach, “Coppers’ Song”
It was doon in auld Invertoddie
The Gestapo were oot on their beats
Lookin’ for murder and arson
And drunks as they stot doon the street
Noo two of the Chief Constable’s agents
Had note-books quite full of names
Fourteen men, three women and a dog
For peein’ up closes and lanes
It was twelve o’clock when they found it
Lyin’ there just like a log
T’was a badly bashed aboot body
Tyre marks scotched up its physog
They went through the usual procedures
They kicked it tae mak sure it was dead
Then they went through its pockets and shared oot its cash
And smoked all its fags while it bled
They then lifted up this body
One at its head and its feet
and they carried it aff tae an alleyway
And dumped it on an ither man’s beat
It was four o’clock when they re-found it
Propped up in an old chip shop doo
r It was naked by now with a note roond it’s neck
Not wanted on beats three or four.
This probably should have gone, if at all, to earlier posts by Stu.
It is a link to the Tribunal Tweets substack where you can catch up on all the Tribunal Tweets reporting of the Tribunal case of Sandie Peggie against Fife Health Board and Dr Upton.
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If the passage beginning with, ‘That said…’ is correct, the Lord Advocate’s utterances in the Scottish Parliament and the absence of a ‘harm’ test had the de facto effect of removing any Public Interest Test in cases such as this – and I don’t think that’s likely. What they really don’t like is that the answers to these questions would shed light on where the hold-up is….
The Pain (12/02/25): Kirsty Blackman defends Stephen Flynn amid ‘boys’ brigade’ claim:
“The SNP’s only female MP has defended the party’s Westminster leader after he was accused of running a “boys’ brigade” in Westminster.
Party insiders said they were unsurprised by reports the Westminster leader had identified a group of five women he wanted to eliminate from the Scottish Parliament to make room for ex-MPs.
The National spoke with SNP figures who said they felt MSPs were under “pressure” and believed the story was “legit”.
However, Blackman responded to the allegations, branding them “completely made up nonsense“…
Blackman said: “John Swinney has united the party and this type of briefing does everyone a disservice.”
She added: “This ‘boys’ brigade’ crap is not only miles away from who Stephen is and what he’s like to work with, but is mega offensive to folk like me.
“It needs to stop.”
Blackman, the Aberdeen North MP, currently serves as the SNP chief whip at Westminster…”:
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that’s central-African levels, that
“what is of interest to the public and what is in the public interest”
Just more of Big Brother telling us what we’re interested in.Pure obfuscation.
THE CITIZEN’S job is to be rude – to pierce the comfort of professional intercourse by boorish expressions of doubt.
John Ralston Saul
Canadian Political Philosopher & Intellectual
BBC (12/02/25): MI5 lied to courts to protect violent neo-Nazi spy:
“MI5 lied to three courts while defending its handling of a misogynistic neo-Nazi state agent who attacked his girlfriend with a machete, the BBC can reveal.
Arguing for secrecy, the Security Service told judges it had stuck to its policy of not confirming or denying informants’ identities.
In fact, MI5 had disclosed the man’s status in phone calls to me, as it tried to persuade me not to investigate the man – known publicly only as agent X.
In an unprecedented admission, MI5 has now issued an “unreserved apology” to the BBC and all three courts, describing what happened as a “serious error” and saying “MI5 takes full responsibility“.
There will now be pressure on MI5 director general Sir Ken McCallum to explain what he knew, given that the officer said he had been legally authorised to disclose X’s role.
It also raises concerns about the reliability of MI5’s evidence in the courts and the sustainability of one of its core secrecy policies…”:
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Time (2021): How a Far-Right White-Supremacist Militia Uses Facebook to Radicalize and Train New Members:
“…the recruiter had made no secret of his neo-Nazi politics. Within the global network of far-right extremists, he served as a point of contact to the Azov movement, the U***inian militant group that has trained and inspired white supremacists from around the world…”:
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Mi5 SECURITY THREAT (2024): Director General Ken McCallum gives latest threat update:
“MI5 Director General Ken McCallum today gave his latest update on the current national security threats facing the UK.
I’m delighted to announce that the counter terrorism agencies of the Five Eyes nations are working with the UK agencies here in CTOC to detect and tackle terrorist threats…
MI5 and the police follow the intelligence and evidence to whatever conclusion – or lack of conclusion – they support. To be explicit, politics plays no role in these decisions…
Sadly, 13% of all those being investigated by MI5 for involvement in UK terrorism are under 18. That’s a threefold increase in the last three years. Extreme right wing terrorism in particular skews heavily towards young people…
In both Islamist extremist and extreme right-wing terrorism, lone individuals, indoctrinated online, continue to make up most of the threats. In dark corners of the internet, talk is cheap; sorting the real plotters from armchair extremists is an exacting task…
I’ll finish here with the terrorist trend that concerns me most: the worsening threat from Al-Qaeda…”:
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UK Gov: Proscribed terrorist groups or organisations:
“Al Qa’ida (AQ) – Proscribed March 2001 Inspired and led by Usama Bin Laden, its aims are the expulsion of Western forces from Saudi Arabia, the destruction of I***el and the end of Western influence in the Muslim world. The government laid Orders, in July 2013 December 2016 and May 2017, which provided that the “al-Nusrah Front (ANF)”, “Jabhat al-Nusrah li-ahl al Sham”, “Jabhat Fatah al-Sham” and “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham” SHOULD BE TREATED as alternative names for the organisation which is already proscribed under the name Al Qa’ida.”:–2/proscribed-terrorist-groups-or-organisations-accessible-version
BBC (2024): UK in diplomatic contact with Syrian rebels, says Lammy:
“Lammy said Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) remains a proscribed terrorist organisation, but the UK “can have diplomatic contact and so we do have diplomatic contact, as you would expect”…”:
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The five eyes are the fecking terrorists LOL!
They only need to investigate themselves & they’ll find the culprits.
Islamist terrorists eh? I can’t imagine why. They’re their best buddies now. He’s yanking our chain. Cue a curfew on the internet. It contradicts their bullshit.
re. “The five eyes are the fecking terrorists LOL!”
YEAH (OMG) !!!
The White House
“@TulsiGabbard has officially been sworn in as Director of National Intelligence…
“I will support and defend the constitution…
Against all enemies – foreign and domestic…”:
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Karma is real:
I’m going to PMSL when Trump discards them for bigger friends. The EU is already in meltdown & that UK *special relationship* will fade fast. They backed the wrong horse & now they’ve no energy security, no military, no trade, no tech, no money, facing a legal battle over stolen assets & have been told to babysit U for life. Its not their problem anymore..Oh, & any loot that’s left under Zs feet belongs to America – they’re not sharing it. LOL
I’m on my 2nd bag of popcorn…
re. “I’m on my 2nd bag of popcorn”
Boohoo (nobody likes us clowns anymore:)
You’re gonna require way more popcorn than that…
BBC (2024): Far right is very real threat, says Keir Starmer:
“The far right is a “very real threat” which needs to be combatted, Sir Keir Starmer has said…
Sir Keir previously condemned this summer’s unrest in the UK as “far-right thuggery”…”:
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The Resistance (2024): John Swinney and Police Scotland brief party leaders on far-right:
“Chief Constable Jo Farrell along with Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie assured the First Minister that the police force was continuing to monitor the potential of far-right violence breaking out in Scotland…
Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie:
“We will not allow racist and fascist forces to succeed, and we must work together to drive these toxic ideas from Scottish politics and society.”…”:
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Disgusting neo-nazi Mi5 shill.
“Disgusting neo-nazi Mi5 shill”
Tell us what triggered you and we promise not to use it again. Honest
Was it “mince”? Or was it “flood”?
Who’s we.
What is the meaning of a question mark (?)?
A question mark (?), also known as an interrogation point or interrogation mark, is a punctuation mark that is used to indicate that a sentence is a question.
Here is an example showing correct use of the question mark:
Who’s the wee-er?
Mark has answered your question.
Senator Thom Tillis
“This is disgusting.
Who paid for this?
And who allowed it to be displayed in our nation’s capital?”:
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“Must be doing something right.”
Stella X
“A badge of honor.”:
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“Fighting reality ensures forever-losers (take any scorn as a badge of Scotland/world honour)”:
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the far right = anyone who isn’t a marxist
And I know I’m an English far right agent of the crown who worships trump and I hate the Scots as they are unique etc and so on
Is th4re an ignore feature?
re. “the far right = anyone who isn’t a marxist”
That’s the gist of it (eyes roll).
“Is th4re an ignore feature?”
I’m not aware of any ignore feature.
That’s amazing. You were fae Aberdeen just last week!
Well I never. Another blow-in.
We are unique.
In 2014 the whole campaign against us ( apart from the failed 1100 plus promises) was that we Scots are unique in this world, We are the only people in existence on Earth, according to Westminster, the media, anglophobes and idiots that think we are incapable of running our own affairs. Too wee, too stupid and too poor.
Sadly we are run financially and politically from London who actually have made us poor, the whole UK, due to decades of mismanagement. A declining state.
Sorry for the rant!!
You’ll be choking on a lot of mince in future…
“You’ll be choking on a lot of mince”
Naw, gregor.
Plenty of Wingers can testify it’s possible to develop herd immunity to mince.
The whingers can stick to their herd (giggles)
“A number of animals kept, feeding, or traveling together:
A herd of cattle.”
“A large group of people:
The star was mobbed by a herd of autograph seekers.”:
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My team is Scotland…
The Xenophobe (12/02/25): ‘Show I***el the Red Card’…:
“The Green Brigade led a huge protest urging UEFA and FIFA to ‘Show ‘I***el’ the Red Card’ during the match between Celtic and Bayern Munich.
The fan group handed out flyers asking supporters to hold aloft red sheets of paper to demand I***el be suspended from competition…”:
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“A person who fears or hates foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers.”:
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Cannie argue with any of that article.
Finally Pepe Escobar points out the bleeding obvious. All that untapped Oil & Gas in the region that doesn’t belong to them & that the UN already ruled who owns a share of it while ruling the Gas doesn’t belong to them at all.
Shocking that so many commentators of late just assume Trump can just move in & think he’ll get peace to build & displace an entire population. The UN really needs to get it’s head out it’s arse or it’ll implode.
Green Brigade:
The Green Brigade are a Celtic F.C. supporter ultra group…
the Green Brigade had stepped up pro-IRA chants. Celtic have been investigated by UEFA in the past for alleged sectarian behaviour,..
Support for Black Lives Matter:
Green Brigade supported the Black Lives Matter movement…
Celtic move to disband Green Brigade:
Celtic made moves to disband the Green Brigade section at Parkhead after trouble at a match against Motherwell at Fir Park on 9 December 2013, where fans damaged the stadium seating and threw flares onto the pitch, causing around £10,000 worth of damage…”:
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The Celtic Star: Support for Celtic’s statement on Green Brigade banners:
“Yes the Green Brigade do good things and their vocal encouragement of the team is fantastic – but they undo that with alignment to political agendas…
Can we honestly expect that the Green Brigade to a man/woman share these views on P***stine when a good number couldn’t find the place in an atlas or describe just what ‘revolution’ they are supporting with that banner.
I think any closet angry activist sitting in the dark making banners with political slogans to support a terrorist group – whose declared purpose is to wipe out a particular group of people (not to ‘free’ P***stine) should reflect...”:
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You got that one right, Gregor, it’s just the latest front in the centuries old sectarian war that bedevils and shames Scotland in general, and the west of Scotland in particular.
Of course, our host really doesn’t want to see posters #WangingOan, but I guess you’re special.
In many more ways than just the obvious one.
“you’re special.”
Blushes – You’re all special.
The Sun (2017): A Club Open to All’
Celtic fans praise own support after crowd unveils large Pride Glasgow banner at Rugby Park:
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The Communist (2023): Green Brigade defies Celtic board: Fight for fan control!:
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The Telegraph (12/02/25): MI5 chief called BBC boss to bury story on violent neo-Nazi spy:
“Sir Ken’s personal involvement in the highly damaging episode emerged after it was revealed that MI5 had lied to the courts in an attempt to protect the agent, who was a foreign national and who has since moved abroad…”:
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Mi5: World War II: Espionage and misinformation:
“During World War II, the Security Service played a key role in combating enemy espionage…
The Service also had to contend with fears of a “Fifth Column” of Nazi sympathizers in Britain working to prepare the ground for a German invasion. This resulted in thousands of reports of suspected enemy activity, each of which had to be investigated…”:
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Bellingcat: How to Mainstream Neo-Nazis: A Lesson from U***ine’s New Government:
“…further example of how U***ine’s far-right continues to be normalized by top leaders in the country. Not only are U***ine’s top ministers attending events organized by far-right figures, they have also had a literal seat at the table with Zelenskyy…
Simultaneously, far-right organizations across U***ine have taken the lead in organizing “No capitulation!” protests against Zelenskyy’s soon-to-be-launched talks with R***ia, thus wielding an out sized level of influence…”:
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I wouldn’t worry too much about “literal seats”, gregor.
Most Scots have houses hoaching with them.
The reputation of police scotland is in the sewer. I was recently convicted of a crime because two policemen perjured themselves on the witness stand, they said the complete opposite in court, than they had said in their written charge. They refused to give disclosure of their GPS and the charging officers phone, both would have proved they lied. I’m about to make a formal complaint, but when I see you getting crap responses like this I wonder if there’s any point.
The police were terrific when I was assaulted a couple of decades ago, but now I probably wouldn’t even call them in an emergency.
Very sorry indeed to hear this. I am amazed that the judge didn’t order production of GPS etc.
To mix metaphors, my breath is on a shoogly peg.
The Union (12/02/25): John Swinney to attend King’s ‘dine and sleep’ event for politicians:
“John Swiiney will join the Prime Minister and King Charles in an event at Windsor…
So-called “dine and sleep” events such as this were also hosted by the late Queen, but would be a mix of famous names, rather than just politicians.
Buckingham Palace has declined to comment on why this time the King has decided to only invite politicians…”:
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Cause like the monarchy in the ME – his teas oot cause those politicians fckd up.
The Bank of England is in the shit & it’s hegemony is over. America first will dump them quicker than they can say stagnation, yer maj. Yer benefit scrounging family will have tae flog the gold piano. Bottoms up!
“The Bank of England is in the shit & it’s hegemony is over”
What was that about an Independent Scotland keeping the pound again?
“Yer benefit scrounging family will have tae flog the gold piano”
How much money is the House of Windsor worth?
In 2021, Forbes put the headline value of its holdings at $28 billion. It may have fluctuated by the odd bill up or down since then.
Haha, there will be nowt remaining of you but your immortal online ravings before any pianos get flogged, Geri.
Scotland can keep the £, shitface. We already do. We can call it whatever we want too in an independent Scotland with it’s own central bank. It wouldn’t be tied to the shite one currently tanking. Scotland has stuff to sell that other countries want – simples.
Good to know they’re worth £28 billion. That’ll come in handy. I don’t think they’ll be around to enjoy it when little Engurland has to dig deep for its debt repayments & the nation is on ration books. That’ll soon sort oot the Britnat plastic flag wavers.
Yeah Geri
The monarchy must have private words with its comrades –
Because the s**t’s about to hit the fan (smiles)…
Their whole world is about to come crashing down and there is f**k all that they can do about it (including the shadowhingers here:)
Our future will be amazing…
Sleep over in regal onesies with C3..
No thank you!
Of course the answer might have been 2, 2, 2, 2 (the same 2 people, married couple who had a Police Scotland tent outside their hosue)!
Some clear, logical statements from your posters here, who know the details and timelines in far greater detail than your average UK citizen. This is a test case for the rule of law in Scotland, and one that it is failing.
If one day by some miracle we achieve independence and have a government with integrity and honesty they will investigate the police and others and make them accountable should any corruption be found.
Of course there’s corruption. The first thing to go in a failed state. Justice. All this bullshit has the security services all over it. It’s what they do. They will do anything to protect the break up of the UK. This investigation is a complete farce & they won’t reveal their sources cause it’s the country next door who is responsible for it all & they’ll store it in their wee black book until Sturgeon puts a foot wrong – then they’ll throw her scandalous arse to the media.
Or, 50 yrs from now, it’ll be unlocked at Kew.
“The first thing to go in a failed state”
Naw, Geri, you’ve got that wrong.
The first thing to go are the clocks. Stuff that has been promised will take 24 hours is suddenly seeming to take weeks, with no end date in sight. Because the clocks have gone.
Next to go are the laws of aerodynamics. Aircraft can’t even get off the ground – F16s for example.
Ordinary people can still muddle through at this point, but the one that fires the revolution is when the toilet U bends go. With every flush, your bangers and mash just circle round and round the U bend.
So then it’s pitchforks and fiery torches on the streets time.
And with one bound, Independent Scotland is free, using the GBP, in the EU, and twinned with Rafah for cultural exchanges.
And we’re all rolling in BRICS.
Have I missed anything? Maybe some word starting with ‘g’? I’m sure you’ll keep me right if I have.
Looks like unionist dimwit FuckFace is stalking you, Geri. Mind how you go.
If you’re jealous, James, I can easily stalk you. I bet you need to know there’s somebody who cares out there, so it would count as a charitable act
Reckon it’s time to leave the Chimp’s Tea Party to the chimps, Hatey. These people simply aren’t worth it.
It’s all right for you, CC. You don’t have to live here.
I was reading an interesting online article about the state of Birmingham today. No go areas. Streets barricaded. Entire suburbs abandoned to the ethnic gangs, who deal out drugs, guns, knives, retribution and “justice” with neither fear nor favour.
The author is predicting civil war before too long. You may end up as part of the “white flight” northwards.
So perhaps one day you’ll thank me for trying to keep things just a little bit sane here in Auld Scotia.
If the Ex-brit colonies are toting up for £20 trillion reparations.
You can see why the London Establishment are shitting themselves at an Independent Scotland, who will be looking for mega reparations.
England will be further bankrupt than it is now !
Haha, I reckon the ex-Brit colonies should make it a round number – £1,000 squillion.
Scotland too, £1,000 squillion just to ourselves.
Why not? It’s not as if even £1 of it will ever be paid.
And that’s just as well, because despite what the historical re-writers would have us believe, the ex-Brit colonies know damn well our Scottish dabs are all over the colonialist era. All over the slave trade. All over the indigenous genocides too. There won’t be any pulling the wool over their eyes. Our Scottish place names are still all over their maps.
So we’ll be on the hook for our share of the £1,000 squillion.
But no biggie. As I wrote above, not even £1 of it will ever be paid. If they want money, the chancing grifters and grievance pushers can find themselves jobs and graft for it.
No we won’t. Scotland will be in the queue. We’ve oil, gas, electricity, private estates & 300 yrs of fiddled accounts to be compensated for first.
Scotland has been treated as a colony too.
Sure, Geri, sure.
I’ll let you have the gold piano you were greetin aboot the other day, if I can have gold U bends for ma cludgies. And a miniature spinet. These things are just so damned cute!
Can you give us an estimated date for when the trainloads of loot are going to start trundling north?
It’s just that I’m expecting my gas meter to run out over the weekend.
Most of you are missing the point.
The performative acts of compassion (aka virtue signalling) by politicians are one of the many facets of the mental illnesses these imbeciles suffer.
Narcissism, sadism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism (the Dark Tetrad) are often unmasked by their lies and denial (aka gaslighting).
There’s a close to 100% overlap between corrupt politicians, perverted deviants and Ecoterrorists.
They’re all affected by the Dark Tetrad.
That’s why the trans movement flash-flooded politics and other power ganglia; birds of a feather flock together.
Freedom of Information – it’s a joke. The point seems to be instilling a even deeper sense of hopelessness. I hope some people are capable of recognising what “better together” means by now.
The police role should be pretty much over by now. So over to the COPFS. Remember Murrell is due in court to be tried later this month. The outcome of which will affect the fates of Sturgeon & Beattie the other two signatories to the SNP accounts. In that position you are liable for what went on in them under electoral law. You should have known and acted to stop it. Ignorance is as damning as inaction. It’s your job as a signatory to know.
I have been a party branch treasurer who made damned sure I kenned the law.