Bespoilers Of Graves
From here, the top of the barrel is so far away that you can’t see so much as a pinprick of daylight through the most powerful pair of binoculars.
In a moving epitaph a few days ago, the widely-respected Professor James Mitchell of the University Of Glasgow noted of Alex Salmond that:
Mandy Rhodes of Holyrood magazine concurred, saying:
And so, then, to Carlos Alba.
Because remarkably, all three of the stories above, all either leading or tagged on the front pages of three newspapers from different publishers, all have the same byline from the same freelancer. That in itself is so vanishingly uncommon an occurrence as to be worthy of considerable note before any wider context is even considered.
But when the freelancer then turns out to be 20th-rate Z-list nobody hack Carlos Alba, it’s definitely time to raise a quizzical eyebrow and see what’s going on.
Carlos Alba, whose pronouns are “They/them”, describes himself as a “former national newspaper editor”, despite the fact that as far as we can ascertain he’s been staff on precisely one national newspaper in his let’s say “career”, and he wasn’t the editor of it.
He worked on the Scotland section of the Sunday Times – which comprises about a dozen pages a week, published only in the Scottish edition, which sells very slightly more copies than The National – from 2000 to 2010 and has almost no detectable footprint in journalism in the last 14 years, in which he’s been scrabbling a living as a low-grade PR man in a “micro-entity” outfit, where by his own assessment his most notable achievement was failing to persuade Scottish Labour members to choose someone other than the legendarily inept Kezia Dugdale as their leader.
He suddenly returned to the Herald last December, 25 years after a very brief stint as its education correspondent in the late 1990s, and his 17 columns in the subsequent 10 months all went largely unnoticed until a piece Wings readers will recall from last month, in which he bleated piteously about Salmond having once been dismissive towards him 24 years ago.
So why is he suddenly on the front pages of three newspapers in one day? Must be quite the blockbuster scoop, right?
Alex Salmond, readers will remember, was put on trial in the High Court of Scotland on a series of charges which included jokingly pinging someone’s curly hair in a busy lift and supposedly putting his hand on someone’s back as she walked up some stairs one time. So it truly boggles the mind to imagine just how trivial these “new” (in fact 40 years old) accusations must have been to be dismissed as “less serious” than that.
That’s a very interesting usage of the word “despite”. But remarkably, the quality of the story goes downhill from there.
The above is an extraordinary passage in almost uncountable ways. The entire basis of the prosecution of Salmond was the controversial “Moorov Doctrine”, which relies on lots of instances of “similar behaviour” to corroborate each other in the absence of any actual evidence.
So if there was someone else with similar complaints to those rejected by the jury, the prosecution would have been falling over itself to add them to the charge sheet. Police Scotland were trawling literally hundreds of people who had made NO complaints at all against Salmond, fishing frantically for anything to bolster the case, and the SNP – in the forms of Ian McCann and Peter Murrell – was doing everything in its power to provide them with more.
So the idea that complaints were brought to McCann and Murrell shortly before the trial and then not eagerly seized upon and fed to the police and prosecutors is several galaxies beyond absurd.
Almost as absurd, in fact, as the “new” complaints being reported two years ago, not to the police but to the SNP, a party Salmond had left in 2018 and which manifestly had no jurisdiction to take any action against him in 2022.
Or as absurd as the idea that Salmond was too “powerful and litigious” to complain about post-trial, when he’d been left financially ruined by his defence and never, to his death, took any action nor even made a comment against his accusers, only the SNP and Scottish Government.
But that watered-down sub-gruel, readers, is the entire actual news content being splashed across the front page of three Scottish papers today: a couple of gossipy quotes of vague innuendo from a couple of unnamed sources “close to” the SNP.
The headlines, indeed, are simply barefaced lies. There is no “investigation”, a word which actually means something specific in the context of a complaint to the police. Police Scotland stated only that they were “assessing” some “information”, which is exactly what they would (be obliged to) do if you walked into a police station tomorrow morning and reported that King Charles was a shape-shifting alien lizard implicated in the disappearance of Shergar.
There is no story here. There is, and there never will be, no “investigation”, no “probe”. Alex Salmond is in a place beyond police questioning and these phantom decades-old accusations are nothing more than another cheap and cowardly anonymous slur, a Frankenstein’s abortion stitched poorly together by a wretched snivelling failure of a man from some urine-soaked scraps of tramp’s clothing he scavenged out of a bin in a desperate quest for attention and significance, while some bacteria living inside the shit up a nearby dead rat’s arsehole looked down on him in disgust.
But while Carlos Alba’s actions are easy to explain, those of three newspaper editors are much less so. Quite why this obvious idiot-sewage has been given any credence, and even put on front pages, is a question with much more sinister connotations.
And seen in the context of the BBC’s repulsive Salmond documentary on Wednesday, in which ambulance-chasing ghouls like Kenny Farquharson and Libby Brooks were given yet another platform to smear the defenceless corpse of Alex Salmond with spiteful lies already thrown out by a judge and jury despite the best massed efforts of the entire establishment of Scotland, it all starts to look somewhat organised.
All decent people can do at this point is sit back and marvel at just how terrified they were of the man that they can’t even let him lay in the ground in peace, nor give his grieving family one day’s respite from their hate. They are the worst filth of Scotland.
Cannot those who submitted the 40 year old complaints to the Police be done for wasting police time given a) Salmond is deceased and b) the triviality of the ‘complaints’ themselves?
But you are right, these ‘journos’ are the scum of the Earth.
Why is Kenny Farquharson such a right b@st@rd?
Because he could be Any Fucker’s Son
How must his family feel with the continued smearing of
Alex Salmond when it’s shredding my heart?
In my view this has happened because the crooks and criminals are in total panic mode.
They don’t wish for Salmond to become a martyr for The Cause. And in their actions they will guarantee that will happen.
I take this as a sign that this is in reaction to hints dropped by family and friends that Salmond’s case – with it overwhelming evidence of extremely foul play against him – will be continued.
I sincerely hope so.
There’s a mantra that these people are protected, that they’ll get away with it, that nothing will happen because the forces against us are too powerful. Yet they failed to jail an innocent man; they failed to cover it up; they are failing to resist the tide of inquiry into their criminal actions.
They will fail in the end, because they have failed before.
Alex Salmond could be in the afterlife molesting female ghosts, has no one thought of this?
– also, all the wimmin he attacked were “cis-women” – but is this not transphobic? Not even a grope at a ladyboy of bangkok at the edinburgh festival.
heh … sounds like …
link to
link to
Never touched Nicola though-I wonder why? lol
She is on record saying he was least sexist man she knew…in 2018?
I didn’t think men were Nicola’s first preference?
This shite was reported on Sky News as well….as “breaking news” no less.
Second Headline on BBC Radio 2. The bastards are going all guns blazing.
I would say that someone’s cage has been rattled and there is something coming down the line that is going to cause a major incident.
How I look forward to those smearers and liars getting their comeuppance.
Let just hope that they have many sleepless nights.
i feel your anger, I saw the Herald headlines last night and could scarcely believe what I was reading. this is a witch hunt on a man who can’t defend himself now, on his widow, (who quite frankly is a tower of strength given the relentless barrage of tripe which has been flung at Alex over the years,) his family having to read this in the same week of Alex’s funeral must be so upset?Thank you for your words which go some way to expressing what so many if us will be feeling/ thinking today. These slugs who have penned this rubbish truly are ” the filth of Scotland.”
they are not “of” Scotland! They are Filth for sure.
My my, someone is in a right old panic to start this nonsense when the poor man has just been laid to rest. Disgusting scum. This nonentity claiming to be a journalist, the BBC, Farquharson and the rest. Shame on the lot of them.
For goodness sake have some respect for Alex family. Once they have had a little time to themselves, I hope that they will now pursue Alex case through the courts as he had intended to do.
I started a few tweets and then deleted them as it would have caused me more bother than them.
They are worse than scum
They small petty horrors without a modicum of dignity, intellect or integrity
What the bet in ends up being discussed by that creep Campbell on BBC shortbread
Justice has to be done
Joanna Cherry said that in her whole career prosecuting sex cases she never saw a Moorov fail that had three witnesses. Then along comes this one with 9 and it fails . That should tell you something
And I suppose because this shite is on the front page of “news” papers, it will also be featured in the “What The Papers Say” features in the rest of the media?
The only group of people lower than our inept political class in Scotland are the servile media who serve them.
This is all Ian McCann doing the same job for the same reason for the same people as he did 4 years ago. The must have got news that the court case is going ahead and they are all well and truly ****ed
Aye, it’s been said before, but it shows McCann and Murrell and no doubt many others in their cabal’s true nature and where their priorities actually lie that they were prepared to sit on accusations for political benefit for years rather than report the allegations at the time to resolve the matter and let the individuals who purported to be victims get some closure and move on with their lives.
Where are all the articles about the SNP politicians that have acted inappropriately.
There was Labour at it too.
link to
The relative silence on those matters compared to what they endlessly churn out on Alex Salmond clearly shows an agenda.
Couldn’t this massively backfire as it will invigorate those already seeking and motivate more people to seek justice for Alex?
Pretty much kills some people’s hope that due to his passing we’d eventually just move on from the whole affair.
As Tolkien observed in The Lord of the Rings, it is because evil cannot comprehend good. They cannot understand that when a fire of justice has been lit under people, there is nothing on this planet that would douse the flame. They don’t realise how much folk are willing to sacrifice to see justice done, because they could never imagine sacrificing anything for a cause they cared about.
Spot on, Mr Harron.
It is dawning on the ‘scum of the earth’ that they are going to be found out. Their lies will be exposed.
There is nowhere for them to hide. I expect that when folk find out what they did, they’ll be so angry that the lord advocate will have no further choice in the matter. She will have to prosecute them.
Can’t wait.
P.S. If Mrs Salmond wants to crowdfund their legal action I would be more than happy to donate. As, I am sure, would be many, many others.
It seems Mike Daily (Govan Law Centre) is about to do just that.
Hopefully these absurd lies will be enough to spur Alex Salmond’s allies to come out with all guns blazing and reveal the truth about Sturgeon, Murrell and their co-conspirators once and for all.
They helped to kill the man. Now they have to try to kill the legend. They will fail.
Tawdry and revolting.
Reminds me of the line in the movie “Gladiator”.
“You have a great name, they need to kill that before they kill you”.
They tried and failed in that but are desperate to keep going even if the wrong way round. Death for them, clearly wasn’t enough, only Damnatio Memoriae will do for them.
Such fear, you can almost smell it..
The front page aspect of the ‘story’ also means it turns up on the balanced coverage of the BBC (on-screen and on-line) as “in today’s papers”. It’s one way we were fed anti-EU guff for decades.
Meanwhile actual real crimes, including house breaking, committed by people still alive are not being investigated because of a lack of police resources. Now that is a story!
Alex is not even a week in his grave, before these rancid excuses for the 4th Estate shit stir non stories to smear. As Duncanio says (waves!) they are in panic mode and seek to prejudice the hopefully upcoming Judicial Review led by Alex’s family.
That poor widow and his family the grief still raw and being faced with this splashed across the papers.
Underneath a snake’s belly is like a mountain in comparison to these churnalists.
I was so upset last night that anyone would seek to continue this nasty vendetta against a man who is no longer here to speak for himself. Stuart, you have my heartfelt thanks for responding to these latest sickening smears so quickly. You never fail us.
My first thought was grief for Alex’s family, then disgust at the people who have produced this latest filth. But after that I did wonder if this has been fed by the SNP as another desperate attempt to hold off public attention from the skeletons and worms which Chris so masterfully portrayed for us yesterday. Then, the fear that must be driving this conduct …
Good point, Sue. He does claim to “ensure his clients gain unrivalled coverage in influential and powerful media channels and platforms.”
I wouldn’t put anything past the absolute scum that published this in a so-called ‘newspaper’: link to
Bear in mind these are the ‘British newspapers’ that publish accredited BS 24/7/365 and that were capable of hacking a murdered schoolgirl’s phone to listen to the voicemail messages.
Lower than vermin the lot of them.
I am going to copy over my comment from the previous post as I wish people to know that even a unionist like me can see through this tissue of lies and shite.
“Yes, amongst other things. I, a half Scottish, half English unionist said to my husband when Mr. Salmond died “Just you wait, a load more trumped up accusations will emerge shortly because he’s dead and cannot defend himself”. I wish I had been wrong. This is utterly sick-making and reprehensible. Let the poor man rest in peace and stop making things even worse for his family and friends. If I could see it, I hope others like me can see it too. Are there no depths to which NS and her merry band of sycophants and liars will not stoop?”
I think the answer to your last line is “No” . . .but you knew that already.
#metoo. It’s as though the elite know either that friends and family will continue to push Mr Salmond’s case or that another investigation is coming to fruition, or both.
Others like you CAN see it. I follow a few ‘unionist’ accounts on Twitter because they’re good accounts. I just disagree with them on the issue of regaining our sovereignty, but agree with them on SO much else . . . but anyway, when the news of Alex’ passing hit, those ‘unionist’ threads contained many posts that were genuine sentiments of grief, shock, and also voiced enormous respect to the man himself.
Alex’ politics cut across all party allegiances and he made friends, it seems, everywhere he went and in the most unlikely of places. That’s an amazing talent in itself (and as we all know, a negligible talent in the current cohort).
I feel that this issue adds another dimension to ‘their’ fear: that independence supporters AND folk who aren’t, have NOW found common ground in Scotland’s loss and will join forces to expose the truth.
Alex’s great strength was his humanity. People warm to that because we share a common humanity no matter what our beliefs or politics.
You’d see it, say, on Question Time where a sceptical audience would end up hanging on his every word and genuinely applauding him for his understanding of the issues and, crucially, his competence in knowing what to do about them. He cared.
People recognise truthfulness and humanity. Thankfully.
Ironically, as long as Salmond was alive he was the protective shield for Sturgeon and the Betties. As we witnessed with the softball questioning of NS at the Holyrood inquiry, the unionist side, much as they would have relished exposing each of her lies, also knew that whenever they did, they would be awarding a point to Alex, the very last thing they wanted.
So now he’s sadly gone it’s an encouraging sign of the plotters’ panic, knowing the unionists no longer have any reason to protect them, they’re so desperate to keep the narrative going they’ve been forced to employ the services of a low grade bedsit scribbler as their best advocate. Some of the leading figures may have departed but blowing apart the conspiracy and the cover-up would take a few down including Swinney and destroy any prospect of an SNP win in ’26. That must be quite a temptation for Sarwar and his hopes of becoming FM, as well as some bonus for Starmer, He could serve two terms, should an increasingly right wing English electorate allow, and exploit Scotland’s resources to the max and all without coming under any serious threat from the independence side.
And any early exit of Swinney would cause chaos. Flynn would hotfoot it to Holyrood and prove himself even more visibly out of his depth than at Westminster, or they would turn to Forbes, splitting the party and causing a major flounce by the delightful gender-obsessed faction that amusingly describes itself as ‘progressive’.
Forbes is thick when they chose squeaky clean candidates they dont seem to care how utterly useless they are in practicality as long as they have no history and look the part. Its insulting. Even Jane Austin took the piss out of suitable wives and suitors instead of real people with real humanity and life skills.
Shocking. These editors are proven both incompetent [no case can be brought against a deceased person] AND cruel. How can they inflict this on the family? I am so sorry for family, friends, and our cause.
We must renew the fight to leave the Union, establish Scotland’s principles of all power being under the people’s control and for the Common Good, and then get these “journalists” bound by laws of truth and decency.
In my district and region people are starting fresh campaigns to fire up the independence supporters. I pray that the best of the independence brains working for the cause [nudge, Rev] are getting in touch to make the most of their special skills.
For example, Rev, you like some of the Salvo arguments but think they have some [“batshit” I think you said] elements that diminish Salvo/Liberation’s effectiveness. I ask you to contact e.g. Sara Salyers and talk to her about how to improve their work. I am certain that she would welcome your assistance.
We cannot afford to waste any more time.
spot on!
Oh dear. Given how Alex Salmond (and others) have been stitched up by the Scottish Government, police & the courts, I am not sure I would feel safe as a Tory Unionist in an independent Scotland. Scotland needs to clean up it’s act before they go for a referendum.
The Tory Unionists are safe. It’s the independence activists who have been brought to court and one of them jailed!
‘ It’s shite being Scottish’
That is inevitably so, given our colonial reality. But for some coming here to live it may lead to other psychological outcomes, in how they view themselves and their host people/nation. For example:
“For Antonio, growing up Spanish in Glasgow is a nightmare – one of shame and potential embarrassment on every front. But there is no hiding his ethnicity….”
(The Songs of Manolo Escobar By (author) Carlos Alba)
Bore off.
An anarchist who supports colonialism? You have a pretty unconventional concept of anarchism, to say the least. I note that you’ve changed your profile pic. Too late: we see you.
Ah! That quote explains so much. As does his use of the idiot pronouns ‘they/them’ – and the underlying proclivities that give rise to the idiocy!
Nice find
only if we succumb
Posted this on the last thread, we need to do something!
These ghouls are beyond evil !!!
Any news on a public remembrance for our greatest son?
And I don’t mean a few folk at the shitey Dewar Statue on Buchanan Street.
I mean something befitting of our greatest, and I do mean GREATEST son.
Seems like us Scots are letting the colonial masters dictate what happens, hope I’m wrong
We could crowdfund a fitting tribute ?!?!?!
I’ve got 3k Yes flags plus around 1000 Yes Car Flags in need of an occasion
We have musicians, we have the people
Let’s give Alex a send off FFS
I understand Alfs comment that the establishment won’t want anything being made of Salmond’s passing hence the latest abominable pile on
‘Keep sullying the character, it will become the truth’
But it isn’t the truth
It’ll be 30th of November soon….
I want to know that too – the date/time of the public remembrance.
St Giles? Plus given he was a respected MP with friends down south accross the political spectrum, a service at St Margaret’s Westminster would be in order as well. David Davis MP would do an oration.
St Giles? Whaur thon CoS and judiciary an aw thay ither heid bummers wi privileges protectit bi the ToU fawned ower a faux crounin that nivver went near Chairlie’s heid, an nae oath takkit tae pertect soverane Scots fowk neither? An Westminster, whaur the plot wis maist probably conceived an peyed fir, an protection gied? Naw.
Hou’s aboot Tynecastle, or Hampden? A’m thinking Proclaimers, Eddie Reader, Elaine C., Flooer o Scotlan, Freedom come aw ye, etc etc etc. Alex amang his ain fowk, langage an cultur. An Saltires iverywhaur.
Aye Alf, whit we need is a FESTIVAL o’ REMEMBRANCE whaur oor culture peys homage tae oor deceased PATRIOT!!
They’re scared quite rightly that Scotland is about to leave the Union. They think by smearing Salmond who roundly ignored Salvo & Liberation whilst many of his Alba members are active in both.
So smearing him will have no effect on whether Liberation will gain UN Recognition which will set the Indy ball rolling inevitably downhill.
They cannot touch Sarah Salyers or they would have done so by now.
Have you woken up to this finally Stu?
Why would “they” be “scared” that “Scotland is about to leave the Union,” when the 2024 election showed that the two openly Indy Parties (Alba and ISP) together couldn’t poll 1% of the vote?
The inept, corrupt SNP (which commenters here call a Unionist Party) got 66 times more votes than Alba.
The 20 or so Salvo/Liberation moonhowlers are too few for anyone to even take seriously. Their paranoid ravings are good for a laugh, but nothing more.
Why does the mere mention of Salvo or Liberation Scot raise your blood pressure so?
Calm down dear, it’s National epiphany.
I laugh at Salvo and Liberation Scot. They remind me of the microbes that reside on a horse’s back, where the microbes pretend to themselves that the horse worries about them all day.
“Microbes on a horses back”..
Prize for random comment of the day!
A bit like how you probably imagine supporters of Scotland’s independence view your fatuous opinions, Mr Clansman.
LOLZ trying to emulate the Revs response to the MSM scum
Failed miserably
If you’re going to rip off a better writer than you, at least make an effort
Or are you Carlos?
And we’re all laughing at you, you snivelling servile cap-in-hand unionist.
Seeing as yer not the sharpest tool the box let me help you from making an arse of yerself further..
Scotland has already elected THREE majorities to Westminster with the clear instruction to EXIT the union. (2015/2017/2019)
Scotland also elected TWO pro majorities to Holyrood to EXIT the Union. (2016/2021)
Scotland also voted to REMAIN in the EU. (2016)
I’ll not even add council elections.
So, numerous mandates to act…
Yet we’re still in the fucking union eh? What does that tell you? That the domestic route is a complete waste of everyone’s time.
NOT because of WMs wishy-washy pish about *permission* but because they’d an obvious plant in place who had absolutely no intention of ever fulfilling her mandates. Not a single one of them. She was just taking the piss.
Her one & only achievement was to sicken an entire fucking nation against voting at all. What was the point of another mandate to add to the others she already had?
Alex Salmond was coming back to politics, (2018) probably cause he seen what a mess she was making of everything & he definitely knew the crowd at Westminster knew fck all about Westminster procedures & rules (As evidenced when he’d to step in repeatedly to help Whiny Blackford out) & the rest is history. The knives were out & plans put in place to make sure that didn’t happen.
The bottom line is that repeated efforts to unite parties just wasn’t going to sell to the public. The SNP had gone wackadoo woke to divide & conquer so ppl just didn’t bother voting.
Salvo/Liberation isn’t a political party. Scottish devolution started the exact same way. Various pressure groups converging outside of political party politics until the time was right to launch a campaign for a parliament.
On the bright side, it seems to annoy the fuck out of you trolls so that lets us all know they’re on the right track.
Alex should’ve kick started a convention & left the notions of taking a seat at Westminster. The public are completely turned off & who can blame them when numerous mandates have been completely ignored…
Well said. Best explanation in print I’ve seen for voter disengagement here.
Looks like you’ve had 66 votes too, ToryBoy.
66 is about the number of Salvo members.
In a Scotland of over 5 million people.
And all 66 have delusions of grandeur.
Agree Salvo offers us hope and it was to Alex’ detriment he couldn’t see it’s potential power, but if it was such a game changer the establishment would definitely be giving it bigger kicks, that they aren’t let’s you know we need a political focus simultaneously.
My preference would be a list umbrella group, preferably under a new name
Scotlands Dream- Independence Now or something unambiguous like that would be my preference
Obviously umbrella groups don’t massage egos so we have an immediate problem getting it off the ground
‘Independence Now’? I like that idea! Can I claim copyright?
There are plenty of parties/people who are willing to work together. They joined under the Action for Independence umbrella before the 2021 election and asked Alex to join. He didn’t and the AFI parties’ candidates stood down to leave the road open for Alba. Sadly, it didn’t result in any seats.
Reality: “Action for Independence umbrella,” “Alba,” “ISP,” “Salvo,” “Liberation” together can’t muster 1% of the Scots vote.
They’re just a handful of online tin-foil cranks who delude themselves into believing they’re important.
But it’s okay because the UN is about to recognise Salvo/Liberation, or so we are told by proponents constantly, none of whom can provide a scrap of evidence to support their increasingly eccentric opinions.
77th getting in a tizzy here, what’s spooked the clowns now?
We don’t need to provide a single, solitary thing to you.or bring you ‘evidence’. You’re a no one. And your opinion on SALVO/liberation & their work, means nothing to us. It’s the UN that needs the evidence, which liberation has.And THAT is why a European Constitutional Lawyer has taken the case on. He wouldn’t bother, otherwise. Who wants to look a fool on the Int’l stage? He’s taken it and the evidence, believes it is enough to win the case – and we’ll see what happens.
YOU are here because you & you union pals need to push their beaks in to whatever plans or events might be about encouraging Scots to think about & support Independence. If you weren’t worried, you’d be too bored with this subject to bother writing anything. WE SEE YOU. Fact is – we know who you are – and we OWE YOU DIDDLY. You might as well play nice – or sit down & be quiet.
I thought Salvo was essentially about bringing people together to assert Scotlands right to independence, as sovereign Scots. It’s hard to reconcile that objective with you telling anyone who presents even the most basic challenge or asks questions, to piss off.
Salvo/Liberation has all the characteristics of the Freeman on Land, another woo woo legal doctrine invented by people who don’t want to pay council tax (despite recieving council services) or to repay bank loans.
We won’t see what happens because this will never get near a court room. If you’ve found a lawyer who will take your money without ever having to do any serious work, more fool you.
You wish.
I see the Microbe Party (aka “Salvo”) loyalists get their blood pressure boiling when someone points out that they’re microbes.
Reality: “Salvo” has fewer followers than the Monster Raving Loony Party.
As far as I know salvo is not a political party
Salvo is the active arm of Libetation, it is not and never will be a political party.
Your aggressive ignorant rant shows your are a unionist
Your comments (and spelling) are to be laughed at, not to be taken seriously. Like “Salvo.”
Which (like “Liberation Scotland”) is a mere handful of nutty activists who endlessly repeat boring screeds and laughable claims on WoS.
Do you actually have a serious point to make, Mr Perfect? If you’re just here to make an issue of minor spelling errors that anybody – except you, presumably – can make, it’s clearly you whose comments are not to be taken seriously.
I’m not surprised to see “Salvo” moonhowlers write posts denouncing accuracy, and attacking people who point out their obvious errors.
My larger point has already been made–that “Salvo” is a mere handful of people whose online rants shouldn’t be taken any more seriously than the rants of the Monster Raving Loony Party.
You’re welcome to cite actual “Salvo” membership figures–objective, verified numbers–to prove the opposite, to prove that “Salvo” is a mass movement. But you won’t, because you can’t.
As I said before – we owe you diddly squat when it come to providing you with anything. You are no one. We don’t owe you any explanations, any evidence, any figures… I’m not sure who YOU think you are that we have to run to prove anything TO YOU.
As I said – sit down, stop being insulting and ACT LIKE AN ADULT & not a daft kid who’s Mom’s not looking so thinks he can be insulting & mommy won’t slap him. Dear oh dear…
A microbe movement like Salvo hides its numbers. And throws a hissy-fit if anyone asks for the facts.
A genuinely mass movement is happy to reveal its membership numbers to the world.
You might not like individual posters, but what you’re effectively saying is that you won’t tell anyone (this is a public forum) anything material about Salvo/Liberation, despite claiming to be a mass movement which is about to be recognised by the UN as the de facto government of Scotland. You could make us all look stupid, simply by posting for example, audited membership figures showing hundred of thousands, or millions of signed up paying members, or you could show independently verifiable minutes of meetings with senior UN officials from meetings demonstrating that Salvo is about to be ‘recognised’. You can’t do that because those things don’t exist, all you can do is howl abuse at anyone who challenges your apparent sole campaign tactic – swamping the WoS comments section.
People often get irrationally angry when someone says something to them which they know to be true deep down, but don’t want to admit to themselves. Without a shadow of a doubt this is what is happening here.
The people don’t need any more political slogans, they simply need to better understand their colonial reality:
link to
They did give Salvo/Liberation “bigger kicks”! Iain Lawson and others said that their signing up system had been interfered with to the extent that only about 30% of signatures actually made it through.
If these women went to the police and complained surely this was done in anonymity. The fact that this so called journalist knew about it means he had to be told by the complainers. It’s such a set up… obvious.
What we are witnessing is a manifestation of factionalism. We’ve seen this before in the existential struggle during the Corbyn years between the perpetual managerial group of Blairite, Progress and the working class mass movement of Momentum. I would remind readers that our MSM were agog to broadcast the latest, purple pish accusations concocted by Progess in conjunction with Thames House and a certain London Embassy of a Middle East country that will remain nameless.
The professional politicians of Progress, devoid of any real world, working experience were intent on burning the Labour movement to the ground rather than see Momentum gain unchallenged control of the party. Principal and cause are an irrelevance, career is all.
This may appear uncharacteristically self sacrificial on the part of ruthlessly self interested, Blairite apparatchiks, but as events would unfold it was apparent that backroom deals had been struck. For their treachery, Blairite MPs John Woodcock, John Mann and Ian Austin (amongst others) would be awarded cozy Peerages and QUANGO posts by a Tory administration.
This is where these “accusations” come from. The Permanent State looks after its demonic minions. The contract remains unspoken lest it be exposed.
On a more general basis, post-mortem allegations against anyone should be approached with extreme caution. I have chosen to ignore the recent avalanche of accusations against Mohamed Al-Fayed for that very reason. We are the audience for these unprovable allegations, and we’re avid consumers.
Burden of proof swings alarming from one extreme to another. Does anyone remember the “Satanic Panic” of the 1980’s and 90’s? Probably not, we gleefully cast memory into a black hole lest remembering denies us our next vicarious fix of scandal.
Not that I have any interest in defending Jimmy Savile, but anyone interested in the phenomenon of post-mortem allegations should read Andrew Rosthorn’s essay in Lobster #75: Anna Raccoon and the dawn of Savilisation. In this piece, Rosthorn summarises an academic paper written by Dr Mark Smith of the University of Edinburgh and Dr Ros Burnett of the University of Oxford. This paper is based on the research of Susanne Cameron-Blackie, who was an inmate of Duncroft Approved School in the 1960’s. Cameron-Blackie blogged under the nom de plume of Anna Raccoon, and her investigations proved definitively that the original allegations against Savile were fabrications intended to impress and garner importance and attention by otherwise petty and insignificant individuals.
The Savile Enquiry that allowed the purple press to generate headlines declaring Savile to be “the most prolific paedo in history”, was a farce. Every fantasist in the country was given permission to step on up and have their 15 minutes of notoriety. Facts were irrelevant. If as a hypothetical example a sad individual said they were molested by Savile on a specific date in Truro, and documentary evidence placed Savile at the time in Newcastle, nothing was said. The Police work into Savile’s diary had already been done, he was a public figure and receipts for gigs, etc. were on record.
The Savile Enquiry was a frenzy of public puritanical prurience by proxy. In our Poststructural, Brave New World, facts are devoid of meaning. The mentally ill are validated, anything they say is “true”.
Once, we were permitted to acknowledge the existence of false accusations from mentally damaged individuals. We could even joke about it, there’s an Otis Lee Crenshaw song about it. Now, to doubt an accuser is a heinous crime.
The pendulum of evidence has swung inexorably to “believe the literal truth of the accuser”. The Polis will conduct their “enquiries” on this basis. Charges of submitting false evidence or perjury are rare to nonexistent (lest, we are told, they discourage victims from coming forward).
My guess would be that this stench will linger for a substantial period of months before the COPFS issues a statement that no charges will be forthcoming. That’s how they work. Nonetheless the headlines will leave the ghost of a rumour of an implied, suggested, suspicion, and that will be enough. The accusers will escape potential repercussions as their allegations will be of the “hair pinging” magnitude.
And from this slurry pit of shit someone somewhere imagines they can make Britain great again??
It’s more than clear the ‘powers that be’ are shitting themselves in case Indy supporters all come together and vote for Indy supporting MSPs in 2026 and Holyrood then has a majority to push and get Indy done.
I wonder, considering what is coming out about Al-Fayed or indeed Saville, couldn’t the same, at least in theory, happen to Salmond?
(to avoid any misunderstanding, I am neither saying it will nor it should, I am just saying it seems doable, even after you are dead)
“couldn’t the same, at least in theory, happen to Salmond?”
No. Neither Al-Fayed nor Saville faced prosecution when alive though both faced allegations. However when it became clear that Alex was under investigation and indeed had been charged, did these people speak up? No they did not. Did they go to the police, no they did not. They waited until 2 years after the trial verdicts not to the police but to go to the SNP which he was no longer connected with.
I would like to know whether any of these new “accusations” have been made by those whose allegations have previously been dismissed by the jury, those who are close to any of the former or those close to Nicola Sturgeon et al?
….and were they made before the sudden decision last week to dump the jusyless rape trials nonsense?
Are the two connected?
Coincidences coincidences…
and still proven liars remain beyond and protected by the law, #alphabettiesout
Yes, but that’s another matter. My point is that the Rev. said it would be impossible to level an accusation against the dead, when instead we know that it is possible,
Many years ago when I was young it used to be said that it was a sign of Intelligence that a person would read more than one newspaper. Now, in the 21st century it is the complete opposite. And that goes for TV and radio as well.
I get my news from only a few YouTube channels and sources such as ‘Wings . . . ‘
Just remember when the election comes up.
One ‘took’ the Herald a once magnificent newspaper with a very balanced approach to most things.
I haven’t ‘taken ‘it or any other rag since 2014 it had become the Daily Record with very slightly better grammar.
The Herald was unionist as long ago as 1820 and that’s the way it has stayed. It’s in its death throes now
Pleased to say I haven’t bought any mainstream rag for at least 20 years and ditched my tv license in 2014, haven’t watched the ‘meeja’ since, it’s all contrived pish.
Can’t even let him LIE in the ground in peace. Just saying.
I find the misuse of ‘lay’ really jarring, but I felt it inappropriate to comment.
( posted this on the previous thread ; it’s more relevant on this one )
Not content with hastening his death , the Scottish Wing of the Cuntocracy are now proceeding to piss on his grave with ” new ” ” non-recent ” allegations of sexual misconduct by Alex Salmond . What , has it came to light that Alex once walked past one of these would-be accusers in a provocative manner ; did he perhaps smile in a lascivious way ; surely he didn’t , again , pick a hair from a defenseless female’s jacket ?
Where has this no doubt deeply traumatised individual been hitherto ; how did Police Scotland misses her in their years-long , extravagantly-resourced , involving 100s of interviewees ( unsuccessful ) search for dirt on Alex ?
I detect the putrid stink of the Sturgeon Cabal behind this , latest , outrage .
There are apparently no limits to the depth of nauseating character assassination they will plumb to escape the consequences of their equally nauseating plot to destroy the man who placed them in their positions of power/influence and whose continuing presence on the political stage exposed them for the lying , twisted utterly corrupt failures that they are .
Very very well said.
A prime example of the nasty Britnat media at work – which is aided and abetted by vile House Jocks – Salmond was and still is a figurehead for indy – so any attack on him – is for them (MSM, House Jocks) an attack on indy itself.
Smears like these could, and should, insense friends and family of Alex alike. I would personally hope they would respond by fighting fire with fire. Now would be the ideal time for David Davies to use parliamentary priviledge to name names.
Yes. And everybody else who can, and is in the position to. No mercy! After all, Alex, his family and friends, have been shown absolutely NO mercy for what? 7 years? 8?
Exactly either him or Cherry should do it now.
Was in Homebase today. Noticed lots of tins of paint. On the way home, I also noticed lots of gable ends.
In 2020, I noticed a big wall in Wishaw with the graffito “Lockdown Kills”.
Interesting, innit?
They are more scared of the bones of Alex Salmond, than they are of any of the so called SNP ‘leaders’.
Even if we become Independent the problem is, who can be trusted top sort out the MSM and bring it into something that can be read, seen, heard and trusted.
For F sake leave the man along he’s dead what else do you want or is it just to torture is family now.
A parliament that is under direct democracy rules would be able to make laws that both allow freedom of expression without allowing lies. After all adverts have to be legal, decent and truthful – why not the press and politicians?
The people who seek to be politicians aren’t bothered about democracy, neither are political parties. Scotland needs a written constitution rectified by the people and written for the people. The SNP, like everything else has been kicking this subject around until everyone either forgets or gives up on the idea but some of us haven’t forgotten and like everything else we’re just waiting for action.
Scotland has one and has had it since Bruce’s time. And it’s an amazing Constitution with articles in it protecting the people, that no other country at the time, gave their people. It’s so good, it is the basis of many Constitutions around the world, ie USA, Canada, Australia…
It is being modernised by SALVO & liberation as I write – and has been emailed to members to peruse & comment & let them know what members feel should be included/taken out. Hopefully, it will be for public consumption soon. But you might want to join SALVO or liberation & have your say.
Yes indeed we have our constitution, an in oor ain braw Scots langage an aw:
link to
This battle needs fought on two fronts, imo:
A group of folk spearhead the drive to get Alex (and Scotland) justice.A group of folk spearhead the drive for our sovereignty.The rest of us crowdfund etc.
I think they got a hell of a fright when they saw the reaction and outpouring of grief at Alex Salmond’s untimely death. What a load of wee shites.
This is just a straightforward coercion of Mrs Salmond and family by the powers that be to settle the case quietly with no more damaging revelations about what has gone on and who the perpetrators were.Add the advantages of a consequently smaller damages payout and the cost of defending an unwinnable legal battle. You only have to see how the Post Office workers were treated, now being copied by the Scotgov and their agencies..
It must be heart-breaking for them to have to put up with a fine man’s memory being traduced in public but for our sakes , I hope they can see it through.
Aye Doug, that is also my judgement on this tactic. It is coercion.
crowdfunder would be swamped, bring it on!
Am I being unduly cynical to wonder if there could be some connection between the timing of the forced release of the (selectively redacted) information re Ms Sturgeon’s evidence at the Inquiry and this latest non event.
I’ll be expecting a whole lot more rumour and innuendo being pumped out to villify the late Mr Salmond and distract from what I am devoutly hoping will start to trickle out about Mrs Murrell & at least one of her advisors.
It only takes one of a number of those involved in what I suspect was a criminal conspiracy to burst …
Scum, utter scum, underlining why we need out of this toxic union. Meanwhile Branchform, or whatever they’ve called it, and Salmond’s case against the scum are presumably in political limbo.
It is interesting it pops up again running up to Salmond’s remembrance service.
Is Nicola stomping her foot at being shunned and westminster dies not see the belief in indy falling.
Women making false allegations should go to jail
Journalists failing to prevent a semblance of truth should have to share their cell
Back in medieval times bearing false witness was considered a burning event..
In about 2007 when I was working at one Edinburgh’s universities, I was trying to get in the door carrying a largish box & a bag when A Salmond came up behind me & asked if I needed him to take the box. I said that I didn’t but that I would be grateful if he would get the door for me. He held the door & I passed through.
I thought this was just a helpful gesture from one human towards another but given that I am female & he was male perhaps Carlos would like to interview me?
Chris Cornell’s poignant rendition of ‘I Am The Highway’ always brings to mind something of Salmond’s hounded plight and his prevailing over it:
I AM THE HIGHWAY (Audioslave)
Pearls and swine bereft of me
Long and weary my road has been…
Friends and liars don’t wait for me…
I put millions of miles
Under my heels
And still too close to you I feel…
I am not your rolling wheels
I am the highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky…
Tam O’ Shanter
Three baudron’s tongues turned inside out
Wi’ Lies seam’d like a beggar’s clout;
Three hack’s hearts,rotten black as muck,
lay stinking,vile,in every neuk.
Robert Burns
They’re the scum of the earth.
If there were any complainers they’d have fallen over themselves to get onboard the anonymity club at the time. It’d have been no loss to them, obviously they’d already blabbed to senior SNP so it is beyond absurd they’d suddenly step forward now.
This has the security services all over it. They’re proving to be complete dunces at getting their stories straight in other matters too.
These rags are the scum of the earth. Imagine printing that bullshit without any named source & facts. They have absolutely no shame & not a single thought for his family. I hope they pursue this bullshit to its conclusion. I’d gladly chip in the kitty. This can’t be allowed to continue.
They’re rattled & all they’re doing with this bullshit is to reveal to everyone what utter scum they truly are.
For BritState Alex Salmond was the icon of contemporary Scottish nationalism: effectively the existential arch enemy.
The body is interred but the iconic cause represented is not.
The icon may yet have the power to revivify and re-energize, even such a collection of old bones as the SNP leadership.
For the true believer miracles do happen.
Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools lacking brains enough to be honest.
Benjamin Franklin
Oh quelle surprise – Libby Brooks has now covered it in the Guardian, headlined on politics page as well as Scotland page.
I cannot use enough vile words to describe that bitch
Ditto that newspaper for the casual treason of its perpetual intelligence.
There’s an old quote from ancient Judaistic commentaries: “Whoever destroys a single soul, destroys an entire world; whoever saves a single soul, saves an entire world.” in continuing these despicable smears of an innocent man, they are not only blackening one person – they are blackening all of humanity. They are demeaning every innocent person unfairly accused – which includes the multitude of victims of assault who were disbelieved or silenced by the powerful. Yet no-one considers the ramifications of such things.
I do not consider it hyperbolic to say that anyone knowingly participating in the malicious & depraved slander of a man acquitted a degree few accused could ever be is actually, demonstrably, irrefutable evil. There is no moral relativism in this, no labyrinthine equivocating. This is evil work, and must be called and treated as such.
Completely agree.
Cf also the closing words of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn in his speech for the Nobel Lecture in Literature 1970:
« Proverbs about truth are well-loved in Russian. They give steady and sometimes striking expression to the not inconsiderable harsh national experience:
???? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ?????????
And it is here, on an imaginary fantasy, a breach of the principle of the conservation of mass and energy, that I base both my own activity and my appeal to the writers of the whole world. »
How weak do you have to be to feel dutybound to attack a dead person?
How afraid you must of what is inevitably going to happen to yourself and your legacy – including your family – when you’re exposed as a lowlife to lash out this way?
How narcissistic, sociopathic, sadistic, machiavellian, psychopathic you must be to reiterate the same debunked and despised lies that were thrown away by a full tribunal?
How compromised by closeness to one of the perjurors and liars that tried to frame an innocent man you can be before someone takes you to task?
We are so close to uncovering one of the most abhorrent gang of narcissistic psychopaths ever ususrping power in history.
That’s what we are witnessing: the death rattles of a horrible monster that we are ready to stab througfh its dark, cancerous heart.
Their frenzied reaction is bewildering but totally expected.
Don’t fall for their goading by reacting violently, because that’s the tactic of the subhumans affected by the Dark Triad (Narcissism, Psychopathy, Machiavellianistm, Sadism) to play the victim when sane people expose them.
Tell them to their face that you know their game, and are not falling for it. They’ll them that it’s their end, there is no way out.
Stand firm, destroy their false hopes and altered reality, and look for them to self implode.
They must be shi**ing themselves – and very worried about their ‘malfeasance’ being exposed. ‘Oh look, a rabbit!’ That won’t save them from the truth this time. Evil personified.
Such pathetic liars!
Well done, you just described the brit state, magnificently!
Exactly. We must be like Eliot Ness – never compromise, never abandon our principles, but crucially, never relent.
Stating the blindingly obvious, it’s appears as a concerted effort to deflect from, intimidate and try to stop those yet involved in the legal action to bring to account the conspirators against Salmond.
As for why you use a nobody like Carlos Alba (is this a nom de guerre? Why not the more mettlesome Charlie Scotland?).
zwell, he’s merely a conduit, a tube, if you like, to guide the flow of effluent to the larger sewer of Scottish print MSM, the diseased organs,of which still owe the Scottish Government big time for Covid relief.
I was going to ask the same question. Sounds like a dumb alias.
I was at school with him. It’s his real name.
How’s Betty doing?
Totally agree, he’s a Tube!
Posted without comment
Coastal Quine (@CoastalQuine1): “When I looked up Carlos Alba on twitter @Carlosalbamedia the first 3 names that popped up following him were Humza Yousaf, Liz Lloyd and Kenny Farquharson.” |
I don’t know if you can read the whole of this article Wings – but I was interested in it because of what you wrote about Mr Salmond having been dismissive of Alba some 24 years ago
He clearly thought something of John Swinney at that time and wonder if that is still so
The following is the Headline and opening sentence
Sunday June 20 2004, 1.00am, The Sunday Times
Restless Native: Carlos Alba: No stopping the talented Mr Swinney
If you were thinking about making a dodgy insurance claim and were worried about keeping a straight face in front of the loss adjuster, you ……
It crossed my mind that Mr Salmond’s estate might be continuing with the fight and Swinney et al thought they’d better get their shot in first
Yeah, well, no worries about a libel suit now, are there?
If anyone deserves to be prosecuted – its Sturgeon the Judas.
“Almost £75,000 of taxpayers’ money has been spent by the SNP government to conceal evidence obtained during a probe into Nicola Sturgeon’s conduct.”
Anger as the SNP waste £75k of taxpayers’ cash in Sturgeon evidence legal battle
This rubbish and the BBC documentary are the work of MI5/British deep state. They want to finish off independence for ever; cf Grangemouth closure, legal changes, etc.
No chance- the dream shall never die!
The onlyconclusion is that “The Dark” are up to mischief and are throwing money at sticky fingers. How these cnuts sleep at night is beyond me.
But, erm, Cnut likely actually wasnae that bad a king.
All decent people can do is KEEP MAKING A FUSS!
I know that it is not ‘politically’ correct to say it but some people, quietly and privately, deserve a severe kicking.
Metaphorically of course!!!
I know of a few.
At the very least.
Deep state sissies must be freaking out (no wonder)…
Cuckin funts really
I saw the snp thinking they might retain control in holyrood. One can inly assume there are a lot if drugs circulating there.
Their only chance is if their leader grasps the thistle. Yes i know his fingerprints are all over the salmond conspiracy but really.!!!!
The police have every message, every e mail and about 70% of the conversation. They know exactly what you are doing and it will be turned on you.
The alphabetties will be going to jail, well all but one, the most reptilian!!
Swinney will be included what ever happens.
Long way still to dall
The noose is getting tighter, the beads of sweat are forming, the fear is starting to cramp the stomach, the buttocks are fluttering.
The truth is a-coming and they know it.
Time is running out to save their skin… 🙂
The Star is for Alex
I like this. Is the saltire with a star for Alex just something you have concocted? Maybe it should be a ‘thing’?
Love it!
Looked up the definition of the Lone Star online. See the following explanation, for Texas substitute Scotland….
definition from –
‘The single star on the Lone Star flag held deep significance for the people of Texas. ( Scotland) It represented the state’s motto, “The Lone Star State,” and embodied the desire of Texans (Scots) to stand alone as a sovereign nation. This desire for independence was central to the Texas Revolution, and the Lone Star became a rallying symbol for those who fought for Texas’s (Scotland’s) freedom. The Lone Star flag conveyed a clear message: Texas was an independent entity determined to chart its own destiny.
I saw it somewhere a while ago with more stars, maybe about the EU.
When Alex died I thought he was our star and so I “rearranged” the Saltire to give him the necessary prominence that he was due.
The Saltire is the dark blue one as I don’t like the light coloured one which seems to be a very weak thing.
It needs to generate strength and self esteem which is what the flag of Scotland should be.
If we want to give Alex the respect that we all owe to him, then what better way is there than to say it with a flag for the Nation.
Murrell? quite the innocent, huh? It is now way past time the alphabetties were exposed, way past time. Shoddy, shady, sham journalism and an insult to our national hero, Fk the lot of them,
I previously posted about a hacktivist at the Herald who was running cover for the situation in Govanhill. I hadn’t seen them published for awhile and this week saw that they now work at the Sunday Times.
Got blocked on twitter this morn for asking Herald why they went Front Page with dubious non story of Salmond smear regurgitation over obvious C4 dispatches show regarding Royals ripping off publ8c purse. Then said there paper deserved to crash & burn with staff ending up redundant.
That got me a block for hate speak ??? ??????
Cant agree more with this thanks Stu !
Unsurprisingly, the English propaganda machine in Scotland that goes by the misleading name of BBC Scotland – carried this BS story – whilst showing images of Salmond’s trial in which he was acquitted.
Never forget the BBC in all its formats is an enemy of Scotland.
I really really don’t think you want my thoughts.Alex was a man on a mission which he almost achieved.Why are they now persecuting his family by publishing such scurrilous stories? I first joined SNP in 1959 when independence was a dream shared by so many who worked their socks off to reach that dream. I’m now almost 84 and am glad that those who have died before me aren’t having to face the fact the party they believed in has degenerated into having “sources close to the party” who feed these disgusting scribblers. I wouldn’t even grant them the title of journalists.
I’m sorry if this is all over the place but I am so very angry that it wasn’t enough to malign him and probably lead him to an early death. To carry on in this way even after death is totally beyond my comprehension
I wish I could + you more.
A rabid unionist in my street passed by this morning and unexpectedly complimented me on having flown my Saltire at half mast up until Tuesday.
Even he respected the late Alex. And he could see straight through this garbage to the hands of Sturgeon and Swinney. “Why was Sturgeon so silent about Salmond, her mentor, but bumping her gums about Godley?”
Carlos Alba by what you wrote isn’t successful so he would only be retained if no one else were prepared to do the dirty….would like to know who retained him tho the clue is how he mentioned Murrell
Another cowardly and anonymous media slur about Alex Salmond. The timing makes me think someone is very nervous about the Hamilton inquiry being published unredacted?
Does anyone have an idea how events likely to unfold in future? Is the hope that Halilton Inquiry will spill the beans? Are we dependent on David Davies dropping a bombshell under parliamentary privilege. Will the police do their job and press charges against the conspirators. Or is the hope that Salmonds family will go full steam ahead with the civil case.
Humour me here….
hat is the expectation as to how this might play out?
Can’t help with specifics, but a reminder that this was the last line of the article posted a week ago. For some reason I have absolutely no idea why, a certain name appears with incredible regularity in the comments.
“This is a story which has only begun to unfold. Stay tuned, readers.”
link to
Play Out:
“When a situation plays out, it happens and develops:
The debate will play out in the media over the next week or two.”:
link to
Heaven 17: Bigger Than America: Another Big Idea:
“I’m waiting for someone to find me
Someone to pick me up
And make some use of me
In this life of wild adventure
There’s so much I could give
Now that’s what I call positive…”:
link to
Peter Gabriel: So: Big Time:
“Hi There!
I’m on my way I’m making it
?I’ve got to make it show, yeah
So much larger than life…
My parties have all the big names
And I greet them with the widest smile
Tell them how my life is one big adventure
And always they’re amazed…”:
link to
Peter Gabriel: So: Sledgehammer:
“All you do is call me
I’ll be anything you need…
You could have a big dipper
Going up and down, all around the bends
You could have a bumper car, bumping
This amusement never ends
I want to be – your sledgehammer
Why don’t you call my name
Oh let me be your sledgehammer
This will be my testimony…”:
link to
Justin Bieber: Double Negative:
“No sleep at all, runnin’ a lie
Doing you wrong, proving you right each time…
Won’t pick up the phone while I be gone
Can’t deny it
It’s a double negative…
Look in your mind
Keep wondering if I’m just too famous (Uh)
Tryna shake the negative energy
I’m with the karma coming right back on me
In a moment I’m flying
Metaphorically, it seems like Heaven…”:
link to
Negative cowards are losers.
Haven’t you got the integrity to debate me…
Have you only got negativity to offer (sigh) –
Evidently, you don’t have the integrity to debate me in an open public forum –
I’m not hiding from anyone.
He claims he can get you good media coverage
How significant is it that he was willing to put his name to this hogwash
Has he been promised future business by being willing to take the shit now coming down on his head?
Rev – Any thoughts of new Wings T shirts with letters
AEAS under the logo to show we are all steadfast followers of the Salmond route to Independence ?
Terrified indeed. Carlos the jackass
I can’t read this. This sickens me.
Get David Davis on the phone and name these bastards in the Westminster Parliament.
Let’s restore Alex Salmond’s reputation. He deserves nothing less. Alexander the Great. Rest in power!
Is it a coincidence that these new accusations come up so soon after the recently reported £25,000 given to appear on the Westminster election coverage.
I watched the documentary and find it sickening that two alleged journalists still say it’s a disgrace that false accusers anonymity is challenged and criticised.
Is that Thomas Hamilton lookalike taking part in this.
“It would not be possible to bring a prosecution in respect of Salmond himself as he is dead.
“However, the police may investigate whether there is a suggestion of any other criminal offences committed by anyone else.”
This from the BBC. What do they mean by this? Is it merely word salad?
Wasting police time , blackmailing or coercing someone to make a complaint or something like that.
Are they trying to conflate the false accusations against Alex Salmond with the “criminal offences” committed by those who made the false accusations?
I suspect so. Perjury is a crime, after all.
Do you think it’s possible that this man is just generating publicity for himself? New book coming out perhaps?
Were the editors instructed to use this article?
Just to add to the BBC chargesheet: this was one of the handful of stories that made up the six o’clock news on BBC Radio 4…..
They are repeating it on every bulletin just now. Heard it on the 7pm and 8pm bulletin so they are making sure the message is heard loud and clear.
“Made up” … how hideously and ironically appropriate, Frank.
Fact 1: The Daily Record is going bankrupt. Year-on-year collapse in circulation is minus 16%. Source: link to
Fact 2: There is a dissonance Carlos Alba’s mortgage records and his NAV. This result has arisen from preliminary inquiries. A case is being prepared for Police Scotland. No more can be written for risk of sub judice.
Fact 3: It is evident to anyone who has read the impeccably researched words written by Stuart Campbell that jealous sewer-feeding hacks read this website looking for articles to plagiarise. To every single one of those despicable word-thieves, they all must now be put on notice. The police are investigating journalists in a way that Mark Daly would be proud: link to
Conclusion: This disgusting disrespect of one of the few politicians who ever kept his promises to Scotland’s electorate and worse, the lack of empathy to Alex Salmond’s family will need to be remedied.
Lest there be any doubt, the Carlos Alba’s of this world will answer in court for their conduct. One way or another.
This shite wouldn’t have happened if the Salmond case against his wannabe-prosecutor persecutors had been dropped. It’s desperate, pathetic shite, and articles like this one by Stu are utterly invaluable.
I’ve said it before and I say it again now :
The SNP must be destroyed, completely and forever.
I got curious
link to
Jings! That must have been a bit niffy!
Jings Stuart, when I read your tweet re Carlos Alba, I turned to the Mrs and said that this guy had better look out, Stuart is blazing mad.
I’ve read shed loads your passionate and well researched articles over the years, and, in my view, this tops the lot.
Not that you’ll need any urging from me, just a simple, get into them, for all our sakes.
Well said Rev.
Journalists in Scotland are indeed, with few notable exceptions, the worst kind of filth.
I’m off to find a sharp stick to scrape the Carlos Alba off the sole of one shoe – I really should pay attention when cutting through the park.
Crowdfunder “Justice for Alex Salmond” is “likely” per Angus Brendan MacNeil on twitter. I can’t wait.
I can’t wait either Sarah, and my hand can’t go deep enough in my pocket.
I’m a Unionist.
I didn’t agree with Alex Salmond politically.
However, I’m not blind. It’s abundantly clear that Sturgeon, Murrell and their acolytes conspired to have Alex Salmond jailed.
I firmly believe that Sturgeon saw him as a threat to her position, and well, Murrell already had his hand in the till and knew Alex would discover it.
I would happily dig deep to support a fundraiser to see justice served and Alex Salmond’s name cleared and those responsible exposed for the scum they are.
Does Carlos Alba self identify as a journalist?
“it all starts to look somewhat organised”
It does, doesn’t it?
I do not know what effect all this repulsive and sickening unprecedented level of disrespect towards a man who has just been laid to rest does to others, but to me it raises four main questions:
What is clear to me is that this revolting and unprecedented high pitched assault on the reputation of a dead man cannot be anything other than desperate firefighting. It truly is bottom of the barrel stuff and throwing the sink with pipes and all to it.
What this gives the impression of is that these rats appear to be fighting for something existential that goes well beyond protecting the reputation of a narcissistic political fraud, her handler and her useful idiots. This isn’t longer the battle to save the arse of a political fraud who has now become more a liability than an asset to the British state. This comes across as the actual state fighting for its own survival.
So, my question is, how far up the chain of power does this go? How far up the British state’s echelons of power does this shit go? All the way to the top?
Was the conspiracy against Mr Salmond really an attempt by the British state to behead the independence movement?
From how high up did the instruction to remove Mr Salmond from politics really came?
Because the only thing that all this revolting hubris is doing is to point right that way. The other thing that all this is doing is raising rather big questions as to what really happened on the 18 September 2014. These do not look the actions of a state that won a referendum. This looks like the precise opposite.
So, how many of these “reporters” are MI5 operatives or plants recently “activated”?
How many MI5 operatives were involved in the original conspiracy against Mr Salmond?
How many MI5 operatives were involved rigging the 2014 referendum?
I highly doubt that ‘No’ won in 2014. There were overwhelming majorities for ‘Yes’ in every on-line poll I saw, including on pro-UK web-sites and the Labour-supporting Daily Record’s web-site. Given the obvious public enthusiasm for the pro-independence campaign and the total indifference to the fake ‘No’ campaign in the run-up to the referendum, I don’t understand why there hasn’t been uproar about the result. Little or no attempt was made to investigate the multiple reports of cheating and dubious activity at the polling and counting stations on the day, or the piles of binned ‘Yes’ ballot papers that were found afterwards.
And despite everything, the most comprehensive study of IndyRef1 suggests a majority of those born in Scotland voted Yes.
link to
I might add that the voters in on-line polls weren’t deliberately selected and ‘weighted’ by commercial pollsters to give results that suited those who commissioned them, but consisted of those who cared enough about the issue to express their opinion. If that was overwhelmingly in favour of ‘Yes’, why would the actual result of the referendum be any any different? It just doesn’t add up.
The vote was rigged in 2014.
Four dubious events …
1. Yes was winning about ten days out from the vote.
Suddenly, tens of thousands of voters suddenly registered to vote in a late panic. Aye right! A few thousand I could believe, tens of thousands? Not so much. Not after a two year campaign. Everyone knew a referendum was happening but tens of thousands waited yrs to register & only did so 12 days before the referendum?
link to
2. The SNP, having supposedly just been gubbed in a referendum, suddenly turned the whole map yellow for the 2015 General election to return a pro Indy landslide majority to Westminster? Why? Apparently Scotland didn’t want independence so why give the SNP a mandate for another one?
3. The attitudes on the Union poll conducted b Westminster was withheld from public viewing despite tax payers paying for it. It wasn’t being released on the grounds it was a matter of national security. So top secret was it that Tory plebs could guff & fillibust for hours about what the Scots needed was more fucking cricket on telly to help unite the union – ah, right, so the contents must’ve been dire for the union…
4. They won’t agree to hold another one. Ever.
The reason no one kicked up a fuss was because they couldn’t. The referendum was held in a domestic setting rather than an international observed one & obviously, as it was domestic, the barstewards could break purdah rules & fuck up the franchise. There was also the Edinburgh agreement to respect the result. Alex would have been crucified by the yoons for having sour grapes. Plus Alex played by the rules when he should really have played b theirs because I don’t believe they’d have honoured a YES vote. The Edinburgh agreement wasn’t in legal writing that they had to implement that result, just to respect it.
No disagreement with any of your points. I’m just surprised that there has been such a general willingness to accept the result at face value in the face of the clear evidence to the contrary and to bury the reports of foul play. Scots seem to be a remarkably trusting and docile people.
Unfortunately you’re 100% correct in your summary Michael, there were numerous glaring oddities on the day and night of the referendum, too many to go into now, the cleverest bit of the cover up was the ‘race to declare’ this media backed focus on how quick results could be delivered allowed them to defraud us in full site
The UK/England with help from the US was never allowing Scotland to chart another path that night.
The same people with the help of some short sighted narcissists toppled Salmond.
There was a race to destroy the ballot papers soon after too & why no exit poll either?
Poster from Ireland here. I always wondered why there wasn’t an exit poll for such a crucial vote.
Aye, arguably the most important vote ever held in the UK. Scots finally being asked if we agreed to the United Kingdom or not.
They wouldn’t have been able to rig an exit poll.
Alex Salmond accepted the results of the Referendum as valid.
Why can’t you, and the other tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists (just a handful of people, most of whom comment on WoS), honor his memory and do likewise?
And how-the-fuck do you know what really happened ; were you there ; did you count every vote ; follow the vehicles that were taking collections of votes to some unknown location in England – and just why were they being taken there in the first place ( whose idea was that ? ) , did you watch them being unloaded then correctly assessed for YES or No votes ; did you know every single person who used a Postal Vote ( the greatest number of such voters , ever – convenient , eh ) .
No , the fact is you done none of those things , ie you don’t have a fucking clue what took place. In fact , you don’t have a fucking clue about anything to do with Scotland . So , like all contemporary ignoramuses , knowing nothing but not liking what others say , you reach for the dissonance-relieving crutch of calling anything you don’t like a ” tin foil blah conspiracy blah theory blah . WOW ! that’s so original , did you think that up all by yourself ?
All you do is come on here and moronically/obsessively attempt to berate people for voting SNP .
I suppose whatever Party you have ever voted for has always fulfilled your expectations ; never failed to instigate the policies they said the would or the reverse – instigated policies they never mentioned prior to being elected ?
Everything you say is true Robert , but unfortunately serfs like the clansman canny think for themselves , they are so downtrodden that they accept everything that the engerlish unionist parties inflict on Scotland without even questioning it
As you say if the corrupt and venal wm establishment were so good for Scotland they would fall over themselves to PROMOTE it instead of coming on here with their usual denigrating PISH , BUT I genuinely and seriously CHALLENGE clansman or any of the other visiting unionists , give us poor independence supporters reasons to REMAIN within the uk, SHOW us and explain to us the benefits of letting a neighbouring country STEAL all our resources to use for their benefit while our citizens suffer
“Why can’t you”
Because all the evidence from the 19th September to this day points towards No having lost.
The political fraud Sturgeon removed the dentures of the SNP early in 2015 claiming a vote for the SNP was not a vote for independence or even a referendum.
That was DESPITE knowing that all the polls were predicting the mother of all SNP landslides in the GE2015. Let’s not forget that such landslide was predicted on the basis of voters seeing the SNP as the party of independence and a vote for the SNP being a vote for independence.
It was clear as day from that moment on that the political fraud had been tasked by the powers that be with reigning in the yes movement and stall independence. And that is what she did, reigning in the yes movement by starving it of political oxygen and destroying the vehicle of independence from within, starting by a controlled demolition of the democratic internal structures.
The only beneficiary of the destruction of the SNP is the British state, so “follow the money”, as they say.
If No had won in 2014, there would have been no need whatsoever to get to such ridiculous lengths to control the vote and neutralise the SNP. If No had won in 2015, you would expect a majority of the vote going to unionist parties so soon after the referendum, not to SNP+Greens. If No had won in 2014, there would not have been any need to remove Mr Salmond from Westminster, to block him from re-entering Holyrood, to force him out of the SNP and to conspire to have him jailed and forever removed from politics despite being innocent.
If No had won in 2014 we would not see the crown office, UK civil service and elements of the police and secret service concocting a conspiracy to remove the only man who was ever anywhere close of delivering independence through a political route. We would not see the “justice” department turning a blind eye to what look like state sponsored criminals or actively dragging their heels to avoid having them prosecuted in a timely manner.
If No had won in 2014, we would not see the state embarrassing itself by actively hunting and prosecuting Hirst or Murray on the most ridiculous of the excuses.
If No had won in 2014 we would not have an unelected representatives of the crown sitting in the cabinet and actively stealing control over the legislative and executive powers of Scotland’s parliament and handing it to the crown in the form of an English crown and judges applying English law and convention.
What explanation can you possibly give for the refusal to hold another referendum?
There is only one credible explanation:
the first referendum was rigged and, for some reason, the cat is out of the bag, so the same dodgy tactics could not be used every again without the British state exposing itself completely.
Who said he accepted the results as valid?
The bullshit lies they used to *supposedly* win the referendum we’re not delivered. There was to be no Devo max, super Devo max plus, federalism, more powers for Holyrood or remaining in the EU.
& The Bank of England admitted ‘Of course the Scots could enter a currency union. We already have one’ less than a month after the ref.
& The oil wasn’t running out either as Cameron went on a bender issuing record numbers of new licences less than a month later & more was magically discovered off Shetland. Hundreds of years worth.
Let’s not even start on the absolute fucking farce that was the Smith commission & powers over road signs FFS! That was Devo max was it?
No, I very much doubt Alex Salmond accepted the result as ‘valid’ He was a man of his word & stood down & accepted the result. I doubt he ever thought the votes were all valid.
The ballots should have been retained for future reference. The UK government retain everything else. Funny that…
For the reasons I’ve stated. You can read, can’t you? As for honouring Alex Salmond’s memory, it’s perfectly obvious that you haven’t the slightest interest in doing that.
Next thing you’ll be making shit up – like you did on the previous thread.
Got any good links?
Didn’t think so.
Jog on…
Would it be possible to play Elgars Nimrod every time Campbell Clansman (aka Gloriana) posts a comment please?
Just to sort of set the tone..
Doing a LOL! I love it!
Check this – Democratic Socialist Federation Dunoon Unit Report. Some of this report has problems displaying but there is enough to give a lot of food for thought.
Was that the one about the impossibly large number of postal votes received for ‘No’?
They are the worst filth in Scotland. Please. Please. Please. Blow the lid on this conspiracy once and for all. Thank you for everything.
Rest in power. Alex Salmond.
If the late and great Alex Salmond wasn’t getting such bad posthumous press from the shite media I don’t think I would have liked him so much. My wife put a biographical documentary on iPlayer or stv player tonight – implicitly insinuating ge was some Jekyll and hyde with none of the critics qualifying their bs and music and editing that gave it all sinister Savile/Michael Jacksonesque undertones. The man was a legend.
He was putting the boot in straight after the trial ended, who the fuck was talking to him? link to
‘Who the fuck was talking to him?’ NO ONE!! That (piece)? is what comes of eating rat infested batshit. Carlos obviously gorges on it!!!
Looking from afar, it seems to me as though these latest allegations are just noise in the distance. The man’s dead and recently mourned for his life’s doings, so what’s the point unless you have a political axe to grind?
It’s also reasonably simple to invent a case that can’t be answered back, but you get your 15 minutes of publicity or local gossip (or division, dissent and confusion) for your allegations, and when it all gets not followed up and unanswered that’s all people remember. At the most, you find a local girl with a debt and for £5,000 she tells a story that you tell her. I know that. I’ve played that trick, and the result was what we wanted.
The fuckers are trying to make an Al-Fayed, or Saville job of Alex Salmond. Couldn’t get him when he was alive, but they’ve reached a new low. Makes me want to cry.
Mark Hirst and Mike Dailly: “This fight is on”. link to
This is such good news.
Thats a lot of evidence for just Tae say he’s a dick . Outstanding
I marvel at how dumb these people are sometimes.
“I know, we can stop Alex Salmond becoming a martyr by crucifying him some more… That’ll fix it!”
They don’t really understand this martyr thing do they.
But also if it did not work the first time you stupid fucking cunts what on earth makes you think this bag of garbage is going to work the umpteenth time around.
Those who know, know. This changes nothing in that regard. It only deepens the anger and resolve to expose the truth.
The fact they had to wait until Alex could not defend himself just underlines how weak and pathetic they are and it confirms yet again the key role they played in smearing him.
Just as they smeared Jeremy Corbyn and countless others who have tried to do good.
The UK media are truly scum and none more so than the BBC. Saville was not an exception, he was the rule. They knew fine what he was… for decades. Compare and contrast the treatment he got what he died. They made a glowing tribute documentary. They punished the whistle blowers.
Buggering British Children and fucking over the British public seems to be their ‘charter’.
Britain is wall to wall lies, an empire of lies. It is hard to think of a country more saturated in lies. And the ‘media’ are central to it.
If you essentially control the ‘justice’ system (another Orwellian title) and the mainstream media then you can do anything, to anyone (just about) and get away with it.
Add in what get’s taught in schools and academia and it becomes a matrix of control, enslavement really.
If you don’t know the truth about anything how the hell do get out of hell.
It is just one example but I recall reading something about the death of Princess Diana. It said something like, here you had a women who predicted her own death in a car ‘accident’ who explicitly wrote if it happens it will be her husband who is behind it… and then when all of it happened exactly as she wrote and a public inquiry is held into her death… her husband is not even called to give evidence or be questioned. And that is the King of the country. It is kind of fitting really. It would be hilarious were it all not so horrific. They did a good job of smearing her as well didn’t they, another on-going job as well.
So to call it a two tier system is not really capturing just how grotesque it is. What it is really doing.
Alex Salmond was a good, decent man and they crucified him. Consequently I have little doubt now left remaining that the true results of 2014 were not as we were led to believe. The extremity of action taken against a good and decent man and the whole independence movement via the SNP since tells us this.
Alex drove them to become unhinged. Even in death he is still pushing all their buttons. It is very revealing…
The UK does not have a media, it is a propaganda system because the UK is not a democracy it is an oligarchy. I think this is our reality in the UK.
I have said numerous time in the past that the Salmond stitch-up was Scotland’s JFK moment, a (preventative) coup. With Alex’s actual death I feel that is now truer than ever.
The US went down a very dark path after the murder of JFK and that is what is planned for us make no mistake.
The USA is a colonial outfit. They cause violence, division & employ terrorists & mercenaries to create civil unrest so they can swoop in & install regime change.
MI5 is in the thick of it. America owns everything in the UK. Its bust. The only thing England have to offer is intelligence services & a permanent veto at the UN. That’s it. They sold everything else & dismantled being self sufficient militarily.
Any budding politicians or Jurnos are soon whisked off to attend American run agencies to be indoctrinated & be new recruits, foot soldiers to the American Empire. The EU is awash with them.
The Justice system is exactly the same. Just have to follow Orban to see the shit they’re throwning at him for not handing over his Justice system to the American run warhawks at the EU so they can infest it with LGBTQWERTYS2 bullshit inline with the wackadoo crew. Threatening his energy supply, funding, NATO membership, EU membership etc all in an attempt to create the perfect conditions for a coup. Their stupid belief is that the public will be so dumb they’ll vote for the American plant they just so happened to make earlier while they throw loads of donations around & swamp the media with propaganda.
Same is happening in Georgia.
Same happened in U.
Same happened everywhere there is unrest.
They interfere in everyone’s elections, parliaments, policies, justice systems & military making everyone dependant on them or they’ll start throwing their weight around with monetary punishment, withholding investments or use the good old sex scandal/antisemitism bullshit to get the public all riled up or have them neck deep in the courts on jumped up charges for decades.
Yes, i agree.
Off Topic;
From this point on, I intend just to refer to the late Mr Salmond as The Hero in any post(s) I make referencing him.
It’s just how I think of him and a wee mark of personal respect.
From this point on, I intend to refer to Westminster as the English parliament, and its occupants as the English government.
After all, there is no British parliament
That’s the kind of “ain guid Scots language” I can truly get my head round, One.
I made a comment on the unfairness of the Salmond trial, and the roles of the media and Dorrian in that. It initially posted as I edited it but it has now disappeared. Was there something wrong with it?
You can bet your bottom dollar, from the day he entered the House of Commons, and more-so after he interrupted Nigel Lawson’s Budget Address, Alex was “A Person of Interest” to the Intelligence Service.
Somebody would have been detailed to “Dig-up some dirt on that Salmond chap, stuff we can use down the line.” Only they could find nothing.
Then, after he resigned, having given The Establishment the fright of its life in 2014, they finally had their assets in place to take him down via The Trial.
Only, they couldn’t do it, since a jury saw through the lies and the stitch-up of The Conspiracy.
Now, with Alex dead and becoming a Martyr to the Cause of Independence, they are shamelessly attempting to blacken his name again/
Perfidious Albion never surrenders – be warned fellow Scots, be very-well warned.
Looks like Carlos Alba Media Ltd as “one of the UK’s most efficient independent PR and Digital Marketing Companies” with 30 June 23 company accounts of minus -£2586 total assets and capital needs “ one of the UK’s most efficient PR and Digital Marketing Companies to help them out.
link to
This is incorrect. Arabella Churchill was the mistress of James VII of Scotland (James II of England).
Being English, I don’t know anything like as much as most people on here do about what’s going on with this, or the characters involved. But I watched the Salmond documentary last week, and I enjoyed it. I thought he came out of it pretty well, and I’m surprised people think that it was disrespecting him. It certainly didn’t lower my opinion of him in any way.
Folk asking if ‘Arabella Churchill’ mistress of
James II of Scotland and mother of ‘The Countess of Alba’ is related to Winston?
I have written before about living in a Spookocracy. Did this Spookocracy exist before September 2014? I have no idea, but even if it did, it grew by orders of magnitude after that momentous date.
I have no firm idea of how a “fair” referendum would have panned out in 2014. Certainly, the franchise was flawed, purdah was broken, and the media was partisan to the point of being propaganda (reference the BBC giving former MI6 officer Rory Stewart a two part, prime time documentary to postulate his bizarre, amateur thesis that Scotland, Cumbria and Northumbria were in a long term, stable political and cultural federation *). Claims of mass ballot dumping of No votes from ghost postal voters are unquantifiable.
To add to the list of circumstantial evidence that this Spookocracy exists, we should consider the John Smith Centre (formerly John Smith Centre for Public Service). This was incorporated in 2015, but remained dormant ‘till Kezia Dugdale was employed as its first Director in 2019. For the period it remained dormant, it filed accounts (Trustees Annual Reports) with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator. Curiously, as soon as it became active, the JSC apparently found the hitherto unknown loophole that allowed it to hide its accounts under the general umbrella of the University of Glasgow. Thus, we are unable to examine the sources of its funding. A curious move for an organisation operating at the time under the strapline, “Promoting trust in politics “.
And what does the JSC do exactly, beyond the anodyne platitudes that pepper the blurb on its website? Well, it seeks to expand involvement in politics of underrepresented minorities, but how does this work in practice? While class underrepresentation (a genuine phenomenon) remains unaddressed, the JSC focuses its efforts on perceived underrepresentation among the identity groups of race, gender and sexuality (at best, a questionable phenomenon in pro rata terms).
In this, they follow the modus operandi of the Permanent State. Of eight Scottish politicians known to have partaken in the financial largesse of the US State Department, only Humza Yousaf is heterosexual.
I commented the other week on the stushie engulfing Sinn Fèin, where a former Mayor of Belfast was accused of sending inappropriate texts to a young lad (pederasty in Northern Ireland and paedophilia in the Republic where the age of majority is slightly different). I drew potential parallels between this development and past events in the SNP (Derek Mackay, Patrick Grady, Jordan Lyndon, … ). I also noted that an early General Election is very much anticipated in Dublin and that where Sinn Féin had been previously riding high in the polls, their current standing has been diminished by persistent scandals.
This morning a fresh Sinn Féin scandal has broken. This time the politician is heterosexual, but the allegations again revolve round inappropriate texts to a minor. The lawyers of the politician (councillor JJ Magee) describe the release of the e-Mail correspondence as having been selective and edited. Given what we have experienced with Alex, I have the patience to hold judgment and see what eventually emerges.
Timing is everything and serial scandals planted in the press is very much the forté of the Security Services.
* It’s true that the southern border of the Alt Clut at times extended to Westmoreland, but at this point of the Dark Ages, the Kingdom of Northumbria probably extended into the Scottish borders, and the overall situation was transient.
Don’t forget that The Hero, before any of us knew about the treacherous bastards plotting against him, chose to make a speech in Eire in front of a statue of Parnell….
I submitted the following complaint to the BBC:
The photograph of Peter and Florence Fanning shown at the head of the article “Couple given go-ahead to sue governments over winter fuel payments” was edited to remove Alex Salmond from his place beside Mr and Mrs Fanning. His part in their decision to take the governments to court is referenced in the article. The photograph has been widely published in the media along with the story.
It is disrespectful of the BBC to edit the photograph in this way. It is similar to the actions of totalitarian states who wish to airbrush a person from history. I found it offensive.
Why was the decision taken to remove Mr Salmond from the photograph?
Scottish Politics website 25 October 2024
I have just got the following reply:
” We wanted to let you know that we have referred your complaint to the relevant people and are still looking into it. We regret that it may take a little bit longer before we can reply. Please wait to hear from us before you contact us any further – we appreciate your patience.
Although we reply to most complaints within 2 weeks we cannot achieve this every time. It depends on what your complaint was about and how many others we are handling, or may sometimes be due to issues outside of our control. Sometimes it can take a while to hear back from the key people involved, but we often find the wait is worth it.”
This type of reply is normally sent when there has been a very large number of complaints and they are having problems in getting replies out. I can’t see that being the case with my complaint. Unless the ‘key people’ are ill or on holiday and there is nobody else authorised to reply, I cannot see what the problem is. My question is simple – Why was the decision taken to remove Mr Salmond from the photograph.
Why is the BBC delaying its reply?
They are pooping themselves that AS will become a hero/martyr for Scottish independence, and they are worried that revelations yet to come will sink them. I wish that at least one of these women would come forward and tell it like it was: that the majority of the claims were as chaff in the wind.
Women will never be treated as full, autonomous human beings if they keep on not taking responsibility. A flick of the hair, an arm around the shoulder: these are not major sexual assaults; and we need to see them as slight annoyances which we are perfectly capable of handling ourselves.
To put anyone on trial for such flimsy nonsense is beyond belief. I am not minimising the everyday, petty annoyances that come with being female (well, young and female, at any rate) but you learn to deal with them. The other thing that female people need to get through their heads is that men will always try to use us for their own ends in order to take down another man, whether we co-operate willingly or unwittingly.
I have always believed that the women in the case were used for quite another purpose than those given: someone, somewhere wanted AS taken out of the political equation; the RT programme was slated for the same reasons; this new, post mortem claim is a way in which to debase a man’s memory and that man gave his all for Scotland, including his life.
He was well on his way to becoming a hero/martyr, and that would never do, and his case could yet bring down the SG. Yet again, someone, somewhere wants him debased and forgotten. Don’t let them win.
re. “Don’t let them win”
Don’t worry – we won’t.
ALL, of ‘these women’ had that opportunity in the highest court in the land when testifying under oath.
NOTHING will ever take away from the fact in so doing they chose to deliver evidence contrary to the facts.
They will I am sure continue to be exceedingly proud of their motivation throughout the judicial process.
In early 2015 I had to go to SNP HQ to speak with Ian McCann and Scott Martin to discuss the Airdrie & Shotts Westminster seat selection campaign, and a co-ordinated campaign of bullying and harassment against a number of members who had thrown their hat into the ring. Prior to the meeting, I sent numerous emails detailing my concerns to Mr McCann, and copied in Sturgeon and Murrell.
I went to the meeting, laid out everything in front of them, and was told that they would investigate.
Nothing ever came of it, and Alex Neil’s protege Neil Gray was selected.
In the aftermath of the meeting, I got the distinct impression that the SNP head shed were more interested in knowing what I knew, for two reasons. One, to prepare for damage limitation. Two, to accumulate dirt which could then be used to keep individuals in line.
I left the SNP in disgust, and was unsurprised to see the reports over the following years of the corruption at SNP HQ. Clearly the same practices we had seen locally were emanating from Edinburgh, and our branch was not, as we naively thought, an isolated rotten apple.
The latest smear of Alex Salmond has all the trademarks of the Sturgeon Junta. Having failed to incarcerate him, they now seek to destroy him when he finally cannot fight back. These people are the lowest of the low.
Another SG consultation that’s just opened:
link to
This one has a focus on an ‘intersectional approach’. And uses a term I’ve not heard before – ‘racialised’ – as in ‘racialised minority young people’ and ‘racialised minority families’.
There’s a foreword by Kaukab Stewart MSP, Minister for Equalities (who you might remember from the photograph of her in front of the sign with a guillotine and ‘Decapitate TERFS’ written on it – looks like that got her a promotion).
She (or whoever writes this stuff for her) notes:
“I am pleased to introduce this consultation exercise on the Equality and Human Rights Mainstreaming Strategy. The Strategy will set out a framework for embedding equality and human rights across all that we do in government and supporting the wider public sector in Scotland to do the same.”
“Together, we can build a Scotland where everyone can participate equally, freely and confidently in all aspects of life.”
Just so long as you believe men are literally women, if they say so – eh, Kaukab?
So not letting what’s happened at ERCC (for example) interfere with their plans, apparently.
I also received notification of that consultation; there was a list of all their “achievements” in relation to the gender woo and “non-binary” nonsense, so they haven’t learned anything. What a surprise.
““Equality and Human Rights Mainstreaming Strategy.”
Still nae respect fae Holyrood for human richts an equality for us Scots fowk tho: for oor ain Scots langage; or oor naition’s plundered resources; or oor richt tae self-determination; on oor mandated referendums for leeberation; on justice; and on a’thing else.
The SNP forgets that colonialism aye involves ‘hateful racism’ (Cesaire) against ‘a people’, i.e. the Scots in oor case, and that oor independence is aboot oor decolonization and leeberation fae oppression, naethin else:
link to
I remember that photograph. I wrote about it a few days ago.
link to
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Someone suggested his name was Cameron Allan.
A Cameron Allan was recently found guilty of the ‘most harrowing ever’ rape and murder of young father
link to
I don’t know if this is the same person but they do look very alike.
I don’t think I’ve read any government document which was so infantile and patronising. They obviously think we are all morons (probably an act of projection).
Please remember my Grate Thott: gender is for nouns, sex is for humans (and other animals).
Let the consultation begin 🙂 …….
It’s not possible to slander the dead in English law… I don’t know about Scot’s law, but, at the least a close friend or relative should be able to contact the newspapers concerned and demand the opportunity to rebuff this unsubstantiated pile of shite.
These are vile slanderous vipers, abusing his family. I’m a Unionist, but could see that Salmond was a serious man, worthy of respect. Why can’t the SNP see the same? If this is how they’d treat Alex Salmond, shouldn’t ordinary folk fear falling foul of them?
This reminds me of how military intelligence use ‘open source’ intelligence to further their own specific aims.
They do this by getting a news site or news source to report on it or feed it to another site. As soon as it’s been reported then it is ‘open source material’ that can be used by them. In this case the BBC would not have reported on this as they had no verification but they WERE able to report that the newspapers were printing the allegations.
And, as the man is dead, he can’t sue for libel. Thus he is perfect for smearing and for trying to get that to smear everything he stood for ie Independence.
No coincidence..