Believing Her
Posted on
December 13, 2021 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
This is the last piece of data from our recent Panelbase poll.
Click image to enlarge. Full data tables here.
This is the last piece of data from our recent Panelbase poll.
Click image to enlarge. Full data tables here.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Please note that anyone fighting about COVID or the prospective voting franchise in a future indyref in the comments on this post will be banned without further warning.
Trial by your peers? If they are as dim as this lot I’d be shitting myself if I was on trial for something.
Geezus, some people really think we should abolish the assumption of innocent until proven guilty?
Not my kind of country. At all. Nope.
“Geezus, some people really think we should abolish the assumption of innocent until proven guilty?”
Is quite scary. But that’s where politics-by-slogan gets you.
Good lord, there really isn’t much hope for us is there?
#BelieveHer was an affront to anyone who believes in equity.
These type of crimes are abhorrent and a stain on society.
There is no conflict with these two opinions.
The Scottish government has just launched a consultation on getting rid of the “not proven” verdict. RCS and Tickell were just on LBC talking about the confusion this apparent extra verdict brings to the Scottish legal system. When asked whether studies show that it is used by juries more in sexual assault cases they admitted it wasn’t but said they were backing the scrapping of it cos they don’t like it.
This is not good enough from apparently intelligent and influential members of civic society!
This isn’t demonstrating a point and convincing people that it’s the right way to proceed. This approach is lazier than the ideologies at play in student politics!
Now to the point, the Scottish government has form on creating bad law for ‘good’ reasons. This issue of the “not proven” verdict, along with the idea of scrapping jury trials for certain type of crimes, is yet more proof that we need to watch this government constantly. They’re more interested in performing their virtues than actually solving problems and that’s worse than lazy, it’s dangerous.
They should get Sandy Brindley to preside over these rap-artist cases; if she doesn’t like the look of you, that’s good enough for me.
In 2014 I campaigned “for a better Scotland”.
You don’t get a better country by removing the rule of law, or worse, by downgrading the law.
Checks and balances have been developed over the years, sometimes over the centuries, through experience.
Remove the safeguards and you diminish the law.
Justice and law are works in progress. It’s not a perfect science. Unfortunately sometimes it doesn’t work. That doesn’t mean we should throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Who in their right mind would wish to abolish the presumption of innocence? Please do not let any of them onto a jury…still I suppose that won’t be an issue soon if Dorian gets her way
Keep the SNP far away from all reform, particularly judicial reform. There are far too many unworldly souls out there happy to vote for absolutely any old piece of madness so long as its got SNP stamped on it. Thick electorate alert!!!
I am so glad I can’t be accused of rape.
If I could I think I would be engaging a lawyer to draft up some legal documents & to have someone witness the act. At least to verify we were in the same building.
That story you were told about ‘going blind’ is a lie. Perhaps best to DIY.
This begs the questions,
1. why is there only a 6% “success” rate?
2. if you changed the law what would the success rate be?
For the latter, I’d hazard a guess that it wouldn’t be much higher than 6%. There must a thousand things that could be changed at Police Scotland before putting innocent people behind bars becomes acceptable.
I’ve always regarded the Not Proven verdict as incorporating the important insight that “No Conclusion” IS a conclusion.
Oh dear How sad those results are. What are we becoming under this lot!?
I have said this before but I’ll repeat ‘cos I feel robbed.
This breakdown of opinions between genders is a waste of time.
I have to AGREE with the comments so far , it is frightening how stupid and gullible some people are , and you only have to look at what or who takes up space in HR to be convinced
We , unfortunately not just Scotland but also the rest of britain must have the worst MSM and broadcasters there are available
I can honestly say without fear of contradiction that THEY COLLECTIVELY are responsible for the dire straights we are plowed into on a daily basis , the MSM and broadcasters are now and have been for a long time part of the establishment , they are no longer independent of government , they now lie and misinform at will or on the instruction of government
They have become the tools to enable government to hide and divert obvious problems which would severely impact them
They BLACKMAIL corrupt and inept politicians by placating their readership and not reporting the TRUTH
That 6% who did get convicted must have been really, really, really guilty…
What a mess we’re in. Abolition of presumption of innocence and/or no jury trials are equal roads to hell.
A Scottish judge ,Lord Burns, ruled that Andy Coulson (Sheridan got 3 years for `perjury`) commited perjury but didn`t think the perjury was pertinent,
Scottish Judges Lady Paton and Lord Matthews , , ruled that Carmichael had lied but the lie was not political,
A Scottish Sheriff N. A. Ross , ruled that Dugdale had defamed Stu but cause she believed it it wasn`t defamation,
A Scottish judge Leeona Dorrian, Lady Dorrian ruled that Craig Murray should go to jail cause Alex Salmond beat the corrupt Scottish establishment.
Abolish juries and leave it up to these cretins to make a `judgement` no fricken thanks.
Sometimes I have very mean thoughts & I do like a good revenge story.
All these Unionists who were jumping up and down calling Alex Salmond a sex-pest and being fully supportive of the ‘Alphabetties’ could get caught up in this and find themselves accused of rape and being tried without a jury or worse.
As far as I’m concerned, Not Proven should remain, Burden of Proof lies with the prosecution, they brought the action they need to prove they are correct in doing so
Denning commented on hanging along the lines it’s ok if you make a mistake
Eh well not really
I in a past life investigated several instances of this very allegation the vast majority were false claims.
In most cases the allegation did not get as far as the procurator fiscal office although some false ones did.
I have a daughter and sisters and nieces I think the crime is an outrage and long jail sentences are appropriate for the guilty.
Don’t let anyone tell you that the complainer has to always be believed it is very dangerous to young men to damn them on the say so of a liar.
It is of course not the done thing to say that most allegations are false but if you speak to any experienced detective working in that area they would confirm this.
The jury system works well it is better than any other system while not perfect.
The only thing I would change is to permit previous convictions to be available to the jury only convictions which are relevant to the case being tried.
I would have reluctantly chosen option 4 but would have felt very uncomfortable doing so – it suggests there’s nothing that can be done about such low conviction rates and we all just have to accept it so there.
However there are possibly other ways to increase conviction rates, perhaps finding ways to encourage women to come forward sooner while other forensic evidence is still available. This could involve changing perceptions of police as unsympathetic and sexist for example. The appalling situation where women are no longer guaranteed to have rape crisis support delivered by women won’t help either and could put women off from coming forward earlier. Police could also take reports of drink spiking and date rape drugs more seriously, at the moment it appears the attitude is that there’s nothing they can do about it. There is also evidence that the way women are treated in court can be a barrier to them reporting rape, perhaps this could be addressed too. I simply refuse to believe that there is nothing whatsoever that can be done to increase conviction rates.
Every time this shower tamper with something they make it worse and yet any voiced objections are deemed ‘invalid’ or like the comment in response to the school kids survey, which sounded much like “don’t bother your pretty little heads about it’.
I am amazed our useless Scottish media has been content not to take up a cudgel or two ,despite them being freely offered. Surely the SG money isn’t hush money?
From the link below:-
“Between the Restoration in the late 17th century and the early 18th century, jurors in Scotland were expected only to find whether individual factual allegations were proven or not proven, rather than to rule on an accused’s guilt.
In 1728, the jury in a murder trial asserted “its ancient right” [my addendum: prior to the Restoration] to declare a defendant “not guilty”.
Over time, the “not guilty” verdict regained wide acceptance and use amongst Scots juries, with the encouragement of defence lawyers. It eventually displaced “not proven” as the primary verdict of acquittal. Nowadays, juries can return a verdict of either “not guilty” or “not proven”, with the same legal effect of acquittal.”
I read somewhere else that the 1728 “Not Guilty” verdict came about because the jury were not only convinced that the prosecution case was “Not Proven” but wanted to make the point that they believed that the defendant definitely innocent.
link to
Justice, What Justice?
G W Bush dropped 70,000 bombs on the innocents in 5 foreign lands
Trump 73,000 bombs in 5 foreign countries
Obama dropped 100,000 bombs on 7 nations.
Blair displaced millions and killed thousands in an illegal war
Thatcher killed hundreds on a retreating Argentine navy ship.
Jillian Assange in prison for reporting the truth about immoral and illegal Western governments.
Brian Doonthetoon @ 6.49
Can you find anything about the “powers ” a jury actually have in Scotland ?
Wow, the first three answer to the question are kind of scary, in a away that ordinary folk and not so small a percentage of them would have no qualms with removing important procedures to obtain a conviction.
Stuart MacKay says: 13 December, 2021 at 5:22 pm
Is is right to say that the changes to Police Scotland would require significant resources for allegations to properly investigated and enough quality evidence to be collected in order to ensure higher conviction rates?
All that costs money and I’m cynical to say that law changes to make it easier to convict men is a lot cheaper option and very ‘progressive’ in some quarters of our society.
I would leave the current law alone and introduce a new crime of 2nd degree rape. For this law only the need for corroboration would be removed but this would be balanced by lesser penalties. It would still be trial by jury and on the balance of probabilities. For the victims at least some judicial acknowledgment of their case. I’m sure there are legal problems with this but i think this is at least the germ of an idea.
Cases with corroborative evidence could still be heard under the old law. In addition it may be worth withholding the names of the people involved until proceedings are concluded.
A bit off-topic.
J.K. Rowling has tweeted about Police Scotland saying they will record rapes by offenders with male genitalia as being committed by a woman if the attacker “identifies as a female”
link to
Clan Donald @ 6.14
I think there’s plenty to be done to increase conviction rates, but, from the other end of the spectrum.
As with drugs the courts, no matter how perfect the system , cannot solve this.
The change has to be a societal one.
Only then will the conviction rates reflect the reality of the crime.
And by that I mean recognising that the courts can only address a very small number of rapes and this has been clear for a good while now.
Therefore what else can be done to tackle the problem, is , I think where we should look.
This “believe her ” doctrine I had understood to be at a level below the courts.
Just how it’s translated into the need to be a matter for judges only is more than dangerous.
That one persons word can hold more weight than another’s in a court was and is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of… we can see it in oppressive countries in the other direction and we can see it’s wrong
Everyone should come before a court on an equal footing and present their case.
And before any state has permission to take any citizens liberty they need to be absolute sure they are absolute right.
Rape as hideous as it is should not become the poster child for an oppressive court system run by a particular class of people.
While I agree that there’s probably many quite thick people finishing up on jury’s , the odds are better that a thick judge will be picked as there seems to be a fair few of them around too.
If we want smart jury’s fix the fecken schools and teach rights and responsibilities.
Don’t be leaving it to American TV shows…
My thought and I doubt it will be common, the process should be retained more or less intact BUT and it is a big but , any government involvement must be removed completely,anyone caught straight to jail no bail, if that happened during a case then it would be safe to say it would continue .
Minimum Term.7 Years
of course that idea is problematic
I’m with Stuart MacKay
Too many complainants are put off continuing or even making complaints by the attitude of the police and the intrusive nature of what they have to go through. We know these things. If more women pushed on to trial there would be more convictions.
But a lot needs to change and the options listed in the poll are none of what needs to change.
As for losing not proven in my jury experience that would not help conviction rates. I can say no more or be guilty of breaking the jury room omerta. Mine was metal theft but the point remains. People plump for NP for reasons which do not make me confident that they would jump to Guilty.
The other thing to bear in mind is that MeToo etc has resulted in more complaints of both rape and sexual assault to be made. It isn’t clear AFAIK whether there are more rapes or more complaints or both.
So the parlous result stats should be borne in that context.
Undoubtedly much needs to change but be careful with the stats.
Maybe once juries in rape trials are empaneled someone should come in and train them in the 10 biggest myths about rape or some such. The sheriffs too, some of them would benefit.
There are too many who believe too many of the ‘she was asking for it’ or ‘if you go there/do that etc’. Rape is simply a matter of consent. All that is irrelevant but it comes in.
Educating jurors and judges should be considered.
The stats on Stu’s poll speak for themselves. Self explanatory. And a confirmation of the travel of direction since 2014. But where does that leave me with half of my dependents female and the other half male. It is difficult enough as it is to advise. So 6% of rape cases lead to convictions that is appalling but are these really the solutions?. If they are then my advice to the young males I have jurisdiction over (Not the Government or Judiciary) is to seek pastures new. There has got to be another way.
Of course, you could make real, qualitative changes.
Granting anonymity equally for starters.
How many vindictive prosecutions could be avoided, if character assassination is off the table?
Those results are worthy of despair.
Vindictive prosecutions are rare, but unfortunately the Alphabet Women have set us back in going forward for a better conviction rate. I definitely believe in the jury system, innocence before guilt and anonymity of the accused. Most convictions rely on rape being committed to more than one woman alone and the other woman not knowing each other.
It is not the Not Proven verdict these tinkerers wish to remove but the ability of the accused to be found innocent. We will be left with proven guilty or not proven guilty though by other names.
The latest attack on “not proven” and juries is simply a new front in the war against ordinary people. They hate the idea that ordinary people can get in the way. If there’s one thing this government stands for, it is contempt for ordinary people.
That’s the common theme, in GRA, Named Person, OBFA, the attitude toward independence and the Independence Movement, the diabolical Census, banning protests at Holyrood, and even the response to Covid. It isn’t incidental; it’s very real and very deliberate.
Moves to marginalise the grassroots in the SNP can be seen through the same prism and, of course, have the same origins. It’s all driven by fear and control-freakery — they despise the idea that ordinary people have collective power and can get in the way.
What we are really watching, then, is a sort of class war. The one thing we have in our favour is that it’s being waged by someone with zero charisma and who has a track record of screwing up every single thing she does.
Hatuey says: 14 December, 2021 at 1:38 am
This has been going on for decades within the Labour party. Now the SNP have been gentrified the same way, it is now happening under their watch.
Depressing as it sounds but there is nothing to see, move on and vote for an alternative party.
My thoughts are that the only people who contributed to this poll are firmly behind Sturgeon. Either that or these females are only seeing this as getting men into gaol regardless of innocence. How utterly stupid.
So Joanna tweeting today
Raab also says “Trial by jury is another ancient right, applied variably around the UK, that doesn’t feature in the ECHR, but will be in our bill of rights.” Could this have implications for plans to restrict jury trials in Scotland….?
Now that concept is a bit scary!
And agreeing with Scott Finl,Alyson, without Juries do we think Alec Salmond would have survived in Court?
It would be illuminating to see a poll with binary options for each of the first three items, i.e. where they are not being “pitted against each other” as solutions to a problem.
Of course, this could mean that we find that even higher numbers than the poll here suggests would be willing to abolish *each* of the items.
I am a fool, I now see. (tick all that apply).
If it messes the thread up, please delete both my comments, Rev.
How easy would it be to rape a woman without using brute force or drugs?
Would the woman not fight back if there were no drugs involved?
If the *woman reported the rape immediately then there would be
1. Semen
2. Evidence of brute force
3. Scratches, bruising, teeth marks on the **man
In the case of drugs
1. Semen
2. Evidence of drugs in her system
Reporting the crime immediately would result in more convictions. Dah!
Why would you wait 4 years?
**according to police Scotland the rapist could be a woman (with a penis)
*victim could be a man (with a vagina)
So yeah! crime statistics could be a load of absolute rubbish just like the male/female opinion in this poll.
Craig! Craig! Craig! why oh why have you decided to wade into the ‘self-id’ debate when you’ve currently got so much on your plate?
How about all crimes must be report to police within 12 hours (perhaps less)?
Crime scene should be untouched where possible in a similar way as you would if your home was burgled, car broken into etc.
Just out of interest how long can you wait to report a break in to the police?
Ruby 10.17
That’s a whole can of worms that wouldn’t work in practice across many crimes Ruby.
Espically with very young victims, and there’s the US example of young women not discovering they had been assaulted till the video evidence had been uncovered and they were eventually identified ( Tool/Toy Box killers I think )
I think a crime is a crime and shouldn’t be time barred.
How about we get rid of judges and the crown prosecution service ?
They appear to avoid all sense of justice and only do their master’s bidding.
We replace them with lawyers who advise a jury on the law and sentencing policy and the jury decides guilt and sentence.
I wonder how many of those against the presumption of innocence would support a law imprisoning people in power who do not respect a juries findings? Or maybe that would *really* confuse the fools?
Quite worrying findings there. Thank goodness i’ve next to no chance to ever finding myself in the position of being accused of rape.
A majority believe ‘corroboration’ should be scrapped? Personally i think every safeguard possible should be standard practice, including the jailing (with equivalent sentencing) of those who can be proven to have blatantly lied and falsely accused someone.
Attempting to make it easier to prosecute by scrapping juries etc stinks more of an attempt to manipulate outcomes in pursuit of more acceptable figures rather than seek real justice.
If it ever comes to pass that all these measures are enacted then i truly hope those who supported these measures are the ones on the receiving end.
Do we believe if they get away with this the chicks wae dicks who rape and self -id as women will be jailed?
will they feck.
link to
Now you’re talkin’!
Comfy Slippers goaded with carrots!
Folks, try and ignore the direct link posted by “Ruby” at 4:48 pm. Every click helps that rag with advertising revenue etc. Not only has she had her say on the threads topic she now deems it sufficient to take the thread off topic as usual.
Comfy is completely thick. Everyone in Scotland knows what the carrot symbolises except Pete Pantoufle
The carrot is a great symbol. It’s cheap & easily available.
If you don’t want to use fresh you could always make you own.
I did post of number of knitting, crochet, sewing patterns in a earlier thread. Interested?
link to
This photo might inspire you.
Lets go!
Lets get creative with the dangling carrot!
I watched Jo Coburn ask snp oswald if it were right for polis Scotland to lodge an accused rapist as a woman if the accused insisted on it even though the person still had male genitalia
Oswald then waffled her usual load of pish and TOTALLY avoided the question
Coburn waited until she was finished waffling then said answer the question I asked you
Oswald replied that each situation would have to be decided individually STILL NOT answering the question , and ALL the while sitting with a smirk that reminded me of unpriti Patel
It shows just how far we are down the rabbit hole when we are EVEN having to ask these f++king lunatic questions ,please , please the people of Scotland waken up and help put these people in the institutions they deserve to be in
These SMIRKING perverts and deviants know exactly what they are doing and our legal experts and police forces who are SWORN to uphold the law and protect the innocent are being complicit in this debauchery
Stoker is wrong I have not posted a direct link.
However try not to upset Stocker by reading the article.
That’s over half an hour now that there’s been nothing posted ‘on topic’.
Hurray up other wise I might be tempted to post something off topic in spite of what Pete’s Mum/Auntie says.
PS Do not read that article about Pete Wishart. Thank you.
Hi Stoker at 5:00 pm.
As Ruby has typed, she didn’t post a direct link. You obviously didin’t read my comment of a number of days ago where I provided the url for
That’s been over an hour now!
Fuck it! Read the article about ‘Pete Wishart & the Dangling Carrots’.
It’s off topic but it’s better than nothing!
It’s not a direct link to The Herald. I have used
link to to archive it.
‘Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder.’
I’m being generous to ‘twathater’ by classing his post as on topic. It’s an interesting post ‘twathater’ but it’s kinda off topic.
The last on topic post was made by Pete’s Auntie herself at 4.01pm
That’s nearly 3 hours ago.
Stu has been wondering if he should close the comments.
If you don’t use it you lose it!
Brian Doonthetoon says:
14 December, 2021 at 6:53 pm
Hi Stoker at 5:00 pm.
As Ruby has typed, she didn’t post a direct link. You obviously didin’t read my comment of a number of days ago where I provided the url for
Cheers Brian. She obviously didn’t read your very useful post. She couldn’t have read Stu’s first post either. All he says is no fighting about Covid or the franchise. That made me laugh! 🙂
No mention about ‘Comfy Slippers & the Dangling Carrots’ being verboten.
I’m going to suggest that if posters want to keep the comments open start posting. Post whatever you like even if it’s just what you had for tea.
Anyone have carrots?
One thing that concerns me regarding the anti-vaxxers. To some extent I can understand their thinking that ‘I don’t know what is in that vaccine-they are not putting it in to my body’.
Yet they are happy to eat sausages or a Scotch pie from an unknown maker!
A fine word, that I first discovered in the book “Slaughter In The Sapperton Tunnel” by Edward Marston, which I finished reading on Monday morning.
Coincidentally, the word came up in the TV prog I have on as background while I’m playing Mr Do!. The lady who used it is the “artist in residence” for the Scottish canal network. She described herself as a “gongoozler”.
If social media had existed in the early 19th Century, we wouldn’t have had “lurkers” – we would have had “gongoozlers”.
A gongoozler was a person who observed everything that was going on, particularly in relation to canals, without being directly involved.
Onnyhoo, I found it funny peculiar that the word had entered into my brainbockers twice within a couple of days, from two unrelated sources.
Laughter = lafter.
Why doesn’t slaughter = slafter?
I saw a coo – a buhll beh goad!
In the field, all forlorner.
Standin’ there, wie a leg at each corner.
O/T: I ‘m seeing on Denise Findlay twitter that Philippa Whitford has been replaced as front bench health spokesman but not seen it anywhere else.
Does anyone know any more on this? Apparently in March 2020 Dr Whitford said a role for Alex Salmond should be found. Surely that wouldn’t have ruffled any SNP feathers…
link to
@ Ruby: many thanks for the nifty work with the link! So Philippa Whitford not sacked – good news, up to a point.
The bad news is that the leader and depute have been re-elected. So a majority of SNP MPs are happy at the lack of progress on regaining independence, seemingly. What a pity.
The Wikipedia article on ‘Not proven’ is a disgrace and should be ‘retired’, given how little regard it has to accuracy or relevance or proper research even.
For a helpful explanation of the origin of the 3 verdicts available to and the role of the jury see this post from Scottish Legal News, published 29th September 2017.
Archived here: link to
“The history of jury verdicts in Scots law is set out in considerable detail in chapter 10 of Ian Willock’s ‘The Origins and Development of the Jury in Scotland’, published by the Stair Society in 1966. This is not, however, freely available online, and so this blog post provides a summary of Professor Willock’s account so that it can be easily referred to by anyone who is interested.”
This is why I have decided to move to sunnier climes.
Sorry Scotland, you had your chance but didn’t take it.
So sad.
Sarah @9.41pm.
She’s been moved to SNP European spokesperson, whilst Ian (Scotland won’t stand for it) Blackford has been reelected as the SNP’s leader at Westminster and the vile Kirsten Oswald, whose more concerned about the UK boycotting the Chinese Winter Olympics than fuel poverty in Scotland, has remained Deputy Leader of the SNP MP group.
Oswald has earned her place on the Politics show on BBC2, through sheer compliance.
Republicofscotland says:
15 December, 2021 at 10:46 am
Sarah @9.41pm.
She’s been moved to SNP European spokesperson, whilst Ian (Scotland won’t stand for it) Blackford has been reelected as the SNP’s leader at Westminster and the vile Kirsten Oswald, whose more concerned about the UK boycotting the Chinese Winter Olympics than fuel poverty in Scotland, has remained Deputy Leader of the SNP MP group.
Oswald has earned her place on the Politics show on BBC2, through sheer compliance
Is it not the case that every last one of them no matter what role they play are all wasting
theirourtime at Westminster?Anyone fancy chipping in to get a Christmas present for you know who?
link to
Perhaps every last one of the SNP MPs deserve a Christmas present!
Carrot Slippers all round?
Brian Doonthetoon says:
14 December, 2021 at 8:50 pm
Interesting word Brian. If I had been asked to guess what it meant I would have thought it had something to do with cash for peerage ie
£3million for a gong?
“Dr Philippa Whitford
Assume referring to me despite wrong spelling – didn’t LOSE anything!
Given Europe portfolio after 2019 GE but still covered ‘Health’ due to #COVID19.
Wasting my breath at WM – don’t listen anyway.
on Health Team for several years & I’m grateful he’s taking it on.”
Wasting my breath at WM – don’t listen anyway.
Perhaps Dr Philippa should get a nice box of ‘Charbonnel et Walker’!
If SNP MPs are not being listened to at Westminster what should they do?
Should they just be like me & other posters on Wings and and just carry on talking to themselves? 🙂
Chas says:
‘sausages or a Scotch pie from an unknown maker!
Good point Chas. However take a look at Stu’s first post you don’t want to be banned.
No fighting about Covid or franchise!
No fighting about Covid or franchise = No Ellis or Hautey!
Sharny Dubs says:
15 December, 2021 at 10:14 am
This is why I have decided to move to sunnier climes.
Sorry Scotland, you had your chance but didn’t take it.
So sad.
Good Luck Sharny! Sorry to see you go.
When you go will send back a letter from the Sunny Place?
Hope it’s not America things appear to be much worse there!
Ruby @12.34pm.
I think Angus B. MacNeil and Joanna Cherry are the exceptions out of the SNP MP’s at Westminster, however I agree that SNP MP’s have no power at Westminster, they are there to make up the numbers and give an illusion of democracy.
They are so embedded now at Westminster, that they are doing Westminster’s dirty work for them in pushing the anti-China, Russia, Iran mantra, we didn’t send them down to Westminster for those reasons, we sent them down there to represent Scotland’s needs and to pave the way for Scotland to exit this union.
Perhaps Jason Smallpiece has inadvertently hit on how to increase the conviction rate for rape and sexual assault.
“It is of course not the done thing to say that most allegations are false but if you speak to any experienced detective working in that area they would confirm this.”
Maybe if men – and policemen in particular – didn’t display this kind of mysoginistic ignorance and arrogance, more women might actually come forward and speak about their ordeals. I’ve been both raped and, many times, sexually assaulted. Not once did I consider reporting to the police because I had regular professional dealings with them and the horrifically sexist and abusive attitudes I repeatedly witnessed would have made me feel defiled all over again.
Alice Timmons says:
15 December, 2021 at 2:02 pm
Maybe if men – and policemen in particular – didn’t display this kind of mysoginistic ignorance and arrogance, more women might actually come forward and speak about their ordeals.
Very sorry to hear what has happened to you Alice.
My first thought when I read about your experience with misogynistic policemen was to suggest that all cases of rape be handled by women!
Silly me!
Republicofscotland says:
15 December, 2021 at 1:45 pm
Ruby @12.34pm.
I think Angus B. MacNeil and Joanna Cherry are the exceptions out of the SNP MP’s at Westminster, however I agree that SNP MP’s have no power at Westminster,
I’ll resist sending those two + Dr Phillipa a pair of carrot slippers this Christmas but if they don’t do something soon they’ll all be getting a pair for Easter.
Things they could do to avoid getting the Carrot Slippers:
Stop going to Westminster.
Join Alba
Denounce Sturgeon
Read Craig Murray’s latest blog entitled ‘Nicola Sturgeon’s Motivation’
and agree with Craig’s assessment.
link to
link to
Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman ‘could face criminal charges’ over Covid handling, says lawyer
Craig Murray’s latest article is arguably his best ever. It connects all the dots when it comes to Sturgeon.
Those who continue to vote for and support Sturgeon’s SNP should read that in shame. You can no longer claim to be innocent well-meaning idiots. You’ve been had. Robbed. Fleeced.
I am laughing at SNP voters tonight. You’re a shower of mugs and she ripped the piss out of you. And now you’re fucked.
I’ve a good mind to start cheering for her because at the end of the day I am probably more offended by, and resentful of, the gawking idiots who voted for her.
“Oh, I didn’t realise… duh!”
There will always be scumbag politicians. I can handle that. It’s the thick bastards that fall for their lies that are the real problem.
Ruby, I believe this is a covid free zone. Didn’t you read what our host said above?
Have some respect.
I posted this on the other mad anti vax thread but got no reply. Is Alex Salmond still due to take legal action against the SG?
I need something to look forward to.
Hatuey says:
15 December, 2021 at 4:22 pm
Ruby, I believe this is a covid free zone. Didn’t you read what our host said above?
Have some respect.
It says no fighting!
As you know I never fight especially not about Covid. That’s your job ‘Hatstand’ but mean old Stu has clipped your wings. ‘Clipped Wings Over Scotland’ for you Monsieur Portemanteau.
Craig Murray is a good writer, but can waffle a bit; in his first new “bit” since “on the outside” there is no waffling – it is a calm, yet brutal dismantling of Nikki and her bullshit ambitions, plus a likely timeline of the crap she is going to pull. Lots of interesting details – that Alexander fella, done alright for himself, whereas I would have put him down as working at an ASDA somewhere, angling for a “management trainee” slot.
– one novel idea CM suggests is she might try to get a referendum with 3 options on it, a very sneaky way of “selling the jerseys”. It’s a psychological trick, if you provide 2 “extreme” options, most people will think the truth/the best, is somewhere in the middle.
“Devo Max” or “Federalism” or whatever name you try to pin on it, leaves us exactly where we are now, a position which will only get worse.
Ooops I mean Monsieur Portechapeau.
Sorry I have never had the need to use the term ‘Portechapeau’ not even in English.
No idea why Hautey came to be know as Hatstand I’m assuming Hautey is the Haitian/Spanish or maybe it’s Gaelic for hatstand. Google translate says it’s means crackpot but that isn’t accurate. Google translate doesn’t always get it right!
Confused says:
15 December, 2021 at 4:44 pm
Craig Murray is a good writer, but can waffle a bit; in his first new “bit” since “on the outside” there is no waffling
I agree. I was impressed that he had all the details about Douglas Alexander. I had completely forgotten about him.
What ever happened to the other one? I think he was called Danny. Is he a manager in Asda?
Michael Moore was the only one of that bunch that I liked. My most vivid memory of him when he was SOS was him repeating ‘it would muddy the waters’ over and over and over again. Perhaps he’s got a job now as manager of ‘Scottish Water’ making sure our water is nice & clean.
Poor Michael! I also remember him getting ‘ripped a new one’ by Michael Forsyth & what’s his name….. the celebretitty cook’s dad who left to live in France after voting for Brexit. Shortly after the erse ripping by these two Tories Michael Moore was replaced by ‘The Bruiser’ aka ‘Help Me Rona’ Not sure what he’s doing. I think he might be the manager of ‘Scotland in Union’ now!
Confused says:
“Devo Max” or “Federalism” or whatever name you try to pin on it, leaves us exactly where we are now, a position which will only get worse.
As Michael Moore told us over and over and over and over again “it would muddy the waters!’
Do we not currently have ‘devo-max’ or as close to Federalism as possible.
Some interesting quotes in the Simon Jenkins article.
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Today, Cameron on Scotland is like George III on America, “astonished at the rebellious disposition which unhappily exists in some of my colonies”.
Hope things don’t kick off because of the suggestion that Scotland is a colony.
The more some people talk, the quieter it gets…
Haud says:
15 December, 2021 at 4:26 pm
‘Is Alex Salmond still due to take legal action against the SG?
I need something to look forward to’
Steady on, Haud.
You’ve got the local elections in six months’ time to look forward to – what more could you ask for?
Y’know, the elections where Alba might get the odd councillor into city chambers, 15 months after launch – that’s real progress – where they will get to voice an opinion on potholes, bin collections, public conveniences etc.
Craig Murray, having just been released from jail, says more about Sturgeon and Scotgov in one piece than Alba have in 7 months. I’ve been saying for months how critical the situation is: why aren’t our leaders screaming from the rooftops about what’s going on?
Just to be clear, she was re-elected in May and has FOUR AND A HALF YEARS TO GO. No worries though. Let’s play fiddle and talk about council while Scotland burns.
Further on the state of the SNP under Ms Murrell. This landed in my inbox a wee while ago. 6 statements for SNP members to think about.
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Hi Ruby.
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Another pertinent quote from it (from 9 years ago) regarding Devomax…
Maximum devolution would repatriate fiscal responsibility to Adam Smith’s home country. It would bring down to earth the spendthrift populism of Salmond’s nationalists, probably lose them the next election and damage the cause of full independence. It would also demand a drop in the number of Scottish MPs at Westminster. All this is to the advantage of Cameron’s Tories.
Perhaps at last someone in the SNP will listen to me and Craig Murray and decide to stand as the leader on a platform of – wait for it – declaring independence.
Ebok, that’s all well and good, but despite not commenting on it (I struggled to take it seriously), I’ve read the sort of stuff you proposed as an alternative.
At some point the penny will drop. The SNP is gone, irredeemably and irretrievably gone.
A lot of people are quietly hoping the SNP can be turned around, rehabilitated in some way. That won’t happen. At best you’ll create the sort of divided party that New Labour resulted in. The dynamics are very similar when you factor in the MSM role in shooting down people like Corbyn who pander to left wing ideology and the plight of ordinary people.
It’s basically the devolution party now and that’s a structural reality, with candidate selection, the NEC, internal control, etc., all geared toward ensuring devolutionist troughers dominate forever.
If anybody that actually believes in independence gets through the filters, they’ll either be neutralised by the party, friends in the media who know the score, or both. As with New Labour, people with real principles and ordinary people are not welcome at the table.
The hope that the SNP might be repaired is holding a lot of people back and it’s probably holding Alba back too. As I’ve said before, it’s time to burn the ships and commit.
The SNP is the enemy of independence and it always will be. Deal with it.
Brian Doonthetoon says:
Maximum devolution would repatriate fiscal responsibility to Adam Smith’s home country. It would bring down to earth the spendthrift populism of Salmond’s nationalists, probably lose them the next election and damage the cause of full independence. It would also demand a drop in the number of Scottish MPs at Westminster. All this is to the advantage of Cameron’s Tories.
Why were they so opposed to Devo-Max?
During the FFA debate Alistair Carmichael said he was opposed to FFA because it would lead to independence by the backdoor. That may have been one of the few true statements he made
This article is 9 years old but still a lot of it is very relevant today. I think it’s a very good article.
“David Cameron has only conceded a binding referendum on Scottish independence because polls say it will be rejected.”
Today Boris rejects IndyRef because polls say the opposite.
The following is just as relevant today as it was 9 years ago.
‘Scotland gobbles English money and nationalist politicians win votes by spending it on student grants, health prescriptions and wind turbines. Oil is not the issue, since a wasting asset should not go on current expenditure.
There is no English advantage in letting this dependency continue, and it stands to the credit of Scots majority opinion that it wants it to end.’
@Hatuey 6:00pm
Why is that the case?. When half of your dependents are of the opposite sex you get it. I see both sides of the argument and have lived it. A hypothetical situation. 3 males called A, B and C and 2 females called X and Y. A University party, A B C and X and Y got pissed. The follow morning X realises someone has had sex with her. She blamed C whom it was understood she disliked. Asked Y to collaborate her story. Y was sleeping with A (but don’t tell her now husband). Y didn’t see or hear anything. The reality of a 4:30 am telephone call from my daughter, she was Y. My advice at the time did you hear or see anything?. Is their any evidence or subsequent conversation to support it was C. No she says. I say it will never stand up in Court. X and Y have never spoken since. Y did not provide a statement under my advice. She didn’t hear or see anything. X was raped but it could have been A B or C. The reality.
Tannadice, interesting as all that is, my comment was intended as a reference to Ruby’s role on here.
I don’t really have anything to say about this poll or the findings.
It feels like there’s some background forces at work attacking juries and the “not proven” verdict for political reasons, and I don’t rule out the possibility of someone having a deranged long-term agenda that involves revisiting age-old battles.
It’s worth remembering that “the procedure” is still sitting there in the background, ready to be used again. According to ScotGov, it’s a beautiful thing…
Nicola is on Twitter complaining about UKGov holding back on emergency funds.
Where do you start?
There’s nobody there to support her for a reason.
Screwed it all up again, Nicola, didn’t you…
Hatuey says:
16 December, 2021 at 12:13 am
Tannadice, interesting as all that is, my comment was intended as a reference to Ruby’s role on here.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
You need to be clearer in what you say.
Spit in out ‘Hatstand!’ What is you problem with me?
Do you not like me?
Do you not find my post interesting?
Tannadice Boy says:
15 December, 2021 at 10:22 pm
@Hatuey 6:00pm
Why is that the case?. When half of your dependents are of the opposite sex you get it
Interesting post Tannadice Boy but you let your pal Hautey down. You were supposed to gang up with him and post something derogatory about me.
I wonder how often young women waken up in the morning not knowing what they have done the night before. Not that unusual?
Is it always the man’s responsibility to recognise that the woman is drunk and he shouldn’t take advantage even if he himself is pretty drunk?
You gave your daughter very good advice.
I think you might be a good dad but I’m not impressed with your bullying ways here on Wings.
Have a nice day ‘Tannadice Boy’
sarah says:
15 December, 2021 at 7:32 pm
Perhaps at last someone in the SNP will listen to me and Craig Murray and decide to stand as the leader on a platform of – wait for it – declaring independence.
I don’t think so Sarah! Nobody in the SNP will listen and if they do you will be classed as a ‘Alba hatist’ a mere 1% of the electorate, a nonentity, just playing stupid political tricks on behalf of Alex Salmond & his 1% party.
If they listen to Craig Murray it will only be to find reason to put him back in jail.
To show I have no hard feelings towards Hautey and that he has support on this site I’m going to repost the following from an earlier thread.
Tannadice Boy says:
13 December, 2021 at 1:22 am
@Ruby 12:37pm
Are you working out of Bute House?. I suspected your on the SNP payroll. This is a thread devoted to Craig. And you criticised his views. As it happens I don’t agree with his views on the trans issue. Nevertheless we are bound to Independence. But I shouldn’t comment as I didn’t write to him in jail. I have excused myself. More evidence of the SNP hand at work. It will change, perhaps not in my lifetime. Anyway you called out my name, do you you want to know what nursery the Grand bairns go to?. Intimidation doesn’t work. A lesson the SNP have yet to learn.
I’m very confused by the following:
“Anyway you called out my name, do you you want to know what nursery the Grand bairns go to?. Intimidation doesn’t work. A lesson the SNP have yet to learn.”
Only interested if your Grand bairns go to ‘Little Scholars in Dundee’. Do they?
I don’t care if ‘Tannadice Boy’ thinks I work out of Bute House. It’s water off a ducks back!
I got used to that sort of accusation from Unionists on The Herald/The Scotsman. Only it wasn’t Nicola Sturgeon in charge at Bute House it was ‘the fat controller’
Isn’t it interesting that the SNP have picked up on that line. They haven’t specifically used the term ‘fat controller’ but anyone criticising the SNP is branded an ‘Alba Hatist’.
The implication is that people are being controlled by the ‘Alba Party’s fat leader/controller’ and sent out to do dastardly deeds like dangling carrots outside the office of ‘Cozy Slippers’.
Okay zen diagram time.
In the first circle those people that know what she’s talking about.
In the second those that care.
In the third those that want to spontaneously combust.
Shit, that didn’t help… all the circles are empty.
Hatuey says:
16 December, 2021 at 11:09 am
Okay zen diagram time.
In the first circle those people that know what she’s talking about.
In the second those that care.
In the third those that want to spontaneously combust.
Shit, that didn’t help… all the circles are empty.
Who are you talking about ‘Hatstand’ Sturgeon or your favourite poster on ‘Clipped Wings Over Scotland’?
Stay cool baby!
Use your ‘zen’ diagram as mandala for focusing when meditating. OM!
Be happy don’t worry!
Ruby xxx
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Westminster’s non- human rights bill for the new Brexit Britain,
Dominic Raab in a hurry to squash any dissent of the population,
Why do we not just end the colonial broken treaty of the union. That was enforced upon the Scots by an English army.
Pretty bad mutual 1707 Treaty agreement when you have to force by threat to Scots,the other half to sign up
Oh I forgot .
Because the colonial masters down south say we cannot leave without seeking permission from the master down south in Westminster.
Aghh the joys of being enslaved.
Hi James Che
Nice to see you back posting.
I was wondering what had happened to you.
Apart from anything else it’s good that you are creating traffic for ‘Wings’ which could very well be on the brink of being shut down.
If we don’t use it we lose it.
Yeah the thought of the Tories making decisions about our human rights is pretty scary.
I don’t know exactly what we can do at the moment to get the SNP to do something for us.
‘GoadedbyCarrots’ is trending on Twitter.
It’s something at least.
Good to see people protesting.
Was Hautey part of the posse that got Wings Twitter closed down?
It looks as if he is trying with his snide comments to bully me into stop posting.
Being that I’m just about the only person left posting at the moment would getting me to back off be a dream come true for Hautey? Wings totally closed down. Job done!
What were his screeds & screeds of covid posts really all about?
Not exactly sure about Ellis but I’m suspicious.
Why is he so intend on calling people names?
Hatuey @3.45am.
Sturgeon in her fanzine the National today railing that her government is left to fund the NHS with one hand tied behind their backs, because they need to wait for the UK government to trigger the funding.
Of course if Sturgeon had held an indyref on the back of Brexit, we’d be independent by now, and we wouldn’t need to rely on a foreign government to trigger funding for health.
In any case being part of this union has seen a slow decline of our NHS and public health care across the UK in general, imagine how well we could’ve and could be fighting off the Covid variants if our NHS was up to scratch, that will neve happen as part of this union.
This article is not good for your blood pressure.
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Ruby .
Cheers for the boost and to everyone else whom has shown much caring & empathy our family enduring run of ill health, deaths and misfortune,
We do not recall any black cats or broken mirrors, so the last thing we want BJs government and NS government adding to the woes with voodoo inhumane laws being passed.
We try to keep up on wings, but nowadays we walk two different dogs a day, Hoover two houses, get messages for two households, see to fuel for two houses, hospital and doctor appointments for two house households when available. Does not leave us much time for popping in here, as we used to since WOS began.
We love wings and it’s commentary contributed from all walks of life, from opposition trolls to us, the 55% independence for Scotland’
I always find that union minded people do not want to hold acute conversations on the relevances of how the treaty of the union came into being.
How they like to skip the history and more than suggest we forget the past,
My disagreement with them on this subject is logic.
We would not be fighting to gain independence for Scotland in 2021 if we had not been forced by threat of an English army on the Scottish people whom did not have much more other than a few farm implements to defend their position
Without doubt the treaty of the union was a takeover of Scotland and its people into colonialism.
For when a nation objects loudly to that said treaty, but has to succumb by sheer brutality of a army sent from England to the Scottish Borders and larger Scottish towns and cities,
We can see that the treaty of the union was not the peaceful mutual agreement they infer.
We have seen the pay offs from the beginning to present day, the rewards for those following the agenda to keep Scots in servitude.
From the money of Scottish oil feeding Maggie thatchers England’s politics,
To companies registered outside Scotland owning Scottish water, gold mines in Tynedrum, to land ownership for nuclear weapons.
The dodgy stats of the Barnett formula inequalities,
The destruction of our fishing, farming and wildlife to be replaced with ideology on climate change that in reality has been happening for millions of years from the age Britain to Tropical Britain.
The fact that the sun plays a huge part in our climate change,
If the leaders of the world were genuine with regards to climate change they would stop sending rockets to outer space,
Stop playing war games around Scotland with nato,
Stop blowing up other countries.
And stop flying around the world for meetings that can be done by Skype, or holidays in big private jets.
And stop shooting everything that moves in the Scottish highlands.
I am having a rant while I have a moment about all that is two faced and so wrong with the way we are being governed, not by idiots as some suspect.
But by the two tier system of “ Do as We say” Not as we Do. Clever manipulation of the farcical build back better mantra for all plebs & minions.
Those that used to laugh at conspiracy theorist claiming “You will own nothing”
You will be government controlled in you’re private rights.
In your body automany.
In your reduction to a fair hearing or trial with a jury.
I for one have stopped making fun of them. Watching NS follow all the globalist dictats while working hand in hand with Westminster and America,
It seems a colonial past & present that Scotland endures at the moment is aimed not only at Scotland for the future but to encompasse the whole of Britain going forward.
If I were a unionist I would be worried for the Britain they think they are trying to save,
For you too are being subvertly subjected to the colonialism cloak.
Separating Scotland from England would certainly give Scotland a better chance in the future.
But it may also save England for their future.
Excellent comment, James Che.
Nicola Sturgeon approved axed Jane Godley Covid campaign despite ‘risk’ warning
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Hatuey 15 December, 2021 at 7:44 pm
‘The SNP is the enemy of independence and it always will be. Deal with it.’
What I am trying to deal with Hatuey, is immense frustration at the lack of meaningful attacks on this administration.
Despite this frustration, there is something illogical about the sequence of events since the attempted fit up of AS.
It is this: 21 months after being told that the evidence is there ‘I have the evidence and it WILL see the light of day’, there has been no onslaught on the conspirators, no damning rhetoric, no blood spilled.
Now if we are to believe, and I do, that AS is a master tactician, what is going on? More anon.
‘As I’ve said before, it’s time to burn the ships and commit.’
I wish that were the solution, and if so, I’d be among the first to light a torch.
But it would be a serious mistake in my opinion. There seems to be a train of thought that in bringing down this Scotgov, SNP will be replaced en bloc by Alba.
The belief, the expectation, seems to be that at some point the light bulb moment that happened when erstwhile Labour voters moved in droves to Alex’s SNP will be repeated, this time from NSNP to Alba.
My concern is that this is faulty reckoning because those were completely different circumstances: when labour voters started shifting to SNP, they were indeed ‘burning the ship’ which was laden with neo-liberal ideals, illegal wars, and austerity, and moving to a very different form of politics, something vibrant and energetic. People had hope and that hope changed the whole dynamics of politics.
Now that the bubbles are gone, and the champagne is flat, is the electorate being asked to accept new, but similar arguments to ten years ago, which has turned out to be a dud?
Indy voters, like most of the electorate, are generally apathetic about politics, yet are being asked to buy the line that they’ve been sold a pup with NSNP, but hey, we’ve sunk that ship, we’re committed, this is the real deal, and it’ll work fine next time?
That’s what you appear to be saying, Hatuey. Isn’t there a real danger that the public will just switch off voting altogether, put in down to a bad dream, even return to whence they came?
You don’t give any indication of how long you think it would take to replace a rogue Indy party with an authentic one. But waiting for sufficient numbers of SNP members and Independence supporters to see the light may take years. And even IF they did move to Alba, (and let’s face it, Alba can only expand by recruiting from SNP, just like SNP mushroomed by winning Labour voters,) then as I’ve pointed out previously there is a point where two Indy parties will cancel each other out and could turn the country into a unionist enclave.
Getting back to my first point, AS is a shrewd operator, and the fact that he hasn’t made any attempt to destroy that which he spent a lifetime building leads me to suspect that he has been recruiting and reconnecting with trusted allies inside SNP.
I hope, if he is not already doing so, he starts putting pressure on NSNP at HR. Many MSP’s WILL stick by Sturgeon. But she needs 55 of them, it takes only 8 rebels to stop her. And once she is stopped, the number of rebels will increase, and she will be gone.
There must be room for pacts with rehabilitated MSP’s and MP’s: just look at the ancient precedent of the villains Bruce allowed back into the fold. It’s a risk that must be taken, because bringing down from within is an instantaneous action that can have far greater impact than if ‘the ships are burned’, and surely once the main conspirators are accounted for, and punished, there will be a reconciliation with lesser sinners?
I get it that you think this is a non-starter, Hatuey, and I don’t expect you, or anyone else to take my views seriously, I’m merely giving an opinion.
The Edinburgh Tram fiasco public inquiry is years late and its cost the Scottish taxpayer £12.5 million quid to date. Yet Sturgeon refuses to do anything about it.
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RoS, the remarkable thing really, when you think about her moaning about finances, is the lack of moaning she did with regards to other things related to covid handling. We can infer that she is happy with the way everything else was handled.
Let’s not be fooled though, we must assume this latest moaning is really about covering her ass down the line rather than any sort of sincere concern about finances or anything else. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that she engineered this dispute for that very purpose.
Nothing has changed: when things appear to go well, she demands credit; when things go badly, others get the blame. And that’s what she’s doing here — preemptively blaming Westminster for the chaos that’s about to unfold, instead of actually doing something to avert it.
@ BDTT 4.10pm it’s amazing just how many redactions take place within the administration of the SG ,UNCIVIL SERVICE , and COPFS, people would almost think they have something to hide or is it just that the people making these decisions and announcements are extremely publicity shy , or is the truth that these (ahem) persons just don’t want to be identified because they know they will be used as scapegoats when the TRUTH COMES OUT , I mean how could anyone forsee that maybe Janey’s style of comedy and delivery wasn’t acceptable to everyone , or maybe her style and delivery was irrelevant because she revered the deity with unquestioning sycophancy just like the rest of the MORONS left in the NSNP
Ebok, you’re dancing around the point you want to make without actually making it. If that point is that we need to consider fixing the SNP, or forge some sort of alliance with it, I think you’re dead wrong and forgetting one massive predictable event; the cataclysmic collapse in support for the SNP.
Factor that in. Factor in the widespread resentment and hatred people had for SLAB and assume that’s what the SNP is facing. Now tell me we need to concern ourselves with what happens to the hollowed-out carcass left behind. You’re really talking about a very toxic and tainted brand — there’s going to be nothing else left. Why would we want any association with that?
The fact is you couldn’t fix the SNP even if you tried. They’ve made it impossible to do a thing. It turns out all those sneaky little changes they made to democratic structures and processes within the party had a purpose.
Salmond is a solid strategist, you’re right about that, and I think we can assume he’s betting on the outcome I have described above. There’s an avalanche of shit waiting to fall on the SNP and it will see the light of day. The only reason it hasn’t seen the light of day yet is down to the Unionist media protecting them but that won’t last.
Sturgeon actually knows all of the above better than anyone. That’s why, as Craig Murray points out in his recent article, her CV is landing on walnut desks all over the place. It’s time to get out of Dodge.
One last depressing point; nobody is suggesting or expecting any sort of easy or quick transition to Alba. We are probably talking about a ten year plan. It’s a fucker but it’s better than the nothing we face if we stick with the confidence tricksters. Given the choice between nothing and something, I think most people will choose something.
The indy movement surprised everybody with its response to the defeat of 2014; nobody anywhere expected the 45% to come out fighting like that. We can do it again. I just want to know we won’t be facing the same sort of situation again in a few years with Alba and some other Prima Donna.
James Che. says:
16 December, 2021 at 3:12 pm
We try to keep up on wings, but nowadays we walk two different dogs a day, Hoover two houses, get messages for two households, see to fuel for two houses, hospital and doctor appointments for two house households when available. Does not leave us much time for popping in here, as we used to since WOS began
I totally agree with everything you say.
You are certainly having a busy time James.
If I lived near you I would be happy to take over the dog walking. I don’t have a dog and it would be nice to get a wee shot of someone else dogs in order keep fit & mentally healthy. It’s said that dogs do more for man than vice versa.
In return for the keep-fit and therapy (from your dogs) I could give you a shot of my cleaning robots. I have two, one that washes the floor and an another that hoovers. Pop them on take the dogs out and when you get back the robots have the house looking spick and span.
Do you have cats?
Cats either love the robots they sit on them and get waltzed around in circles until they are dizzy or they hate them.
Don’t worry if you are not able to post so much on Wings I’ll do my best to keep the traffic flowing even if I just post what I’ve had for my tea.
I do seem to be annoying some. I have absolutely no idea why. 🙂
@ ebok 4.22pm like yourself I placed great store on AS words as he exited the court after being cleared of all charges , it appeared magnanimous that he was more concerned with the health and wellbeing of Scottish citizens during the pandemic than he was about any form of revenge at that time on the persons responsible for an extremely harrowing and impactful time on him and his loved ones , the financial pressure also must have been enormous
But I cannot fathom how a person who has been so demeaned , denigrated and vilified by a narcissistic psychopath even to this day , and who still continues in her attempts to destroy and demolish his integrity and his mental health through ongoing attacks , questioning his innocence and the juries findings can stand idly by and absorb this onslaught of bile and lies whilst having the ability and ammunition to destroy and expose their deviant attacker
Much appreciated , but It needed saying,
I do not know if any one south of the border has really woken up yet enough to realise that their future worry is not Scotland leaving, but encouraging Scotland to go independent so they can save England from the tyranny of a government doing overreach into their lives.
We will save Scotland, and unionist should think about saving dear old England.
It latterly has come to my attention that the only way to subdue a future totalitarian state is to break down that state before you or I have no legal or human rights left.
I have always wanted an worked towards an independent Scotland.
But if the people south of the border thought Brexit was about bringing British independence back to Britain I think they have been seriously and deliberately mislead, and are in for a shock,
It was about gaining sovereignty for Westminster over the people of Britain, for the EU curtailed them changing human rights,
Now we see Dominic Raab and BJ trying to run rough shod over all rights that were god given,
By the way anyone interested in knowing the future plans BJ has for us, just has to read the kind of advice BJ may have been given as he was growing up, from his fathers books to his fathers background,
Interesting reading as a back drop curtain to the PM.
In Scotland we know that the present governance has to go if Scotland is to thrive. And the status quo has to change to favour the people in a more balanced country that could escape serfdom. And breach of human rights.
The people in England do not yet seem to realise they are being led by the nose into the same kind of hell hole of servitude and obedient compliance as Scotland has lived for three hundred years.
Where you are told to shut up and get back in your box.
Stopping protests has already been done in Scotland, 300 years ago to present day, got that T shirt.
Having the our right to our religion and keeping our own language taken away has been done in Scotland, you are only just beginning to lose yours through mass immigration infiltrating your laws.
Stopping free speech has been done many times in Scotland, been there got that T shirt,
The people of Scotland could save England by going independent, just as much as England could save itself by letting Scotland go.
It does not mean that the people are enemies, for this was never so, but politics and propaganda said it was such.
And it does not mean we cannot visit each other’s countries or trade with each other unless we let politicians stir up bias propaganda once again,
People in general get on with each other,
It’s politicians and MSM that do not.
What is the point of unionist saving a failing Britain and loosing England?
For what, or rather for whom?
And if Scotland is such a financial burden basket case to England as the politicians and MSM tell you, why do you want to keep a country that they claim takes all your money, perhaps it has more to do with how important their ego’s are! Than getting rid of Scotland “ the so called financial drain on England”
If the truth be told England and Britain are in as much decline as Scotland
We are all in free fall both sides of the border.
Independence for Scotland is a must.
We want people to thrive first.
Hatuey @ 5.21pm says :
“There’s an avalanche of shit waiting to fall on the SNP and it will see the light of day. The only reason it hasn’t seen the light of day yet is down to the Unionist media protecting them but that won’t last.”
Watch and listen to the BBC with your bias ears open.
Run of the mill SNP stuff and people get the downbeat voice and the concerned face.
Our Dear First Minister gets cheery reports.
Maybe not all 100% of the time, but check it out over the next week or so. The tendency is obvious.
They are not protecting the SNP, although it appears they are protecting some individuals. That will change when it suits them.
Response from Alba to ‘Cozy Slippers’ complaints about being goaded by carrots by mask wearing Alba Hatists.
“When asked about the claims of Alba members taunting Mr Wishart, a spokesman from Alex Salmond’s party said: “Maybe he was left carrots by someone because it’s Christmas time, but there’s as much of a chance of Santa Claus bringing Pete a section 30 order for an independence referendum than there is Boris Johnson agreeing to one as per his SNP strategy.
“However, I’d like to wish Pete a Merry Christmas and a good holiday in Scotland.”
I disagree with the Alba spokesperson I would say there’s more chance of Santa bringing Pete a section 30 order however Pete would have to ask Santa first. Santa is a YES supporter but unfortunately for Pete Santa knows if he’s been naughty or nice.
I suspect ‘Cozy Pete’ is on ‘Santa’s Lump of Coal List’ even if he leaves Santa a dram and one of the ‘Union Jack Carrot’ for Rudolph.
Anyone know if Cozy found the masks or the carrots more scary?
Ruby. I would love to have had you for a neighbour.
You sound lovely.
Yeah keeping fit is good and dogs are both gentle and friendly but totally different ages and characters, I suppose that is due to their breed and one being female and the other Male,
But I think my feet are growing the shape of saucers from all the walking.
And face changing from being screwed up against the weather,
And I have one arm longer than the other, 🙂
Do them robot things clean carpets as well or they restricted to laminate or linoleum floors? I know nothing about them,
And ruby keep posting, I still read wings even if it is once in a blue moon that I get to post at the moment.
It is all of us contributing that keeps one another supported in our goal for independence.
And their is nothing wrong in being human with you’re posting comments.
We need more normality and balance, not less,
When we need, to change conversation to politics and news we are quite capable and soon get back to it.
Meanwhile good to keep wings going as long as Stu does.
That’s what was so good about the yes movement,
It was a happy friendly upbeat feeling of being together all going in the same direction at different stages with different characters, all talking and chatting.
And I hope no one minds me saying this it is a bit like walking the dog, we all met at a park or on the street all happy to be together feeling freedom in the air. Barking mad and deliriously happy.
Edinburgh Trams!
The project forced on Edinburgh by Unionists!
Simple Question:
“Will the First Minister shed light as to why an inquiry that was initiated by her predecessor seven years ago is still ongoing when closing submissions concluded in 2018.”
No answer just a load of waffle.
All these enquiries are a gigantic con! Holyrood, Chilcot, Leveson.
Tram Enquiry will be the same.
They cost the taxpayer billions and yet sod all happens.
Holyrood Enquiry aka Alex Salmond Enquiry
“Will the First Minister shed light on why nobody was fired?
Don’t bother first minister I’ve had enough of your waffle. Away and take a selfie.
Any further news about
Nicola Sturgeon ‘facing criminal charges’ over covid care homes scandal?
link to
Could she/her end up in jail with all these women rapists?
red sunset, I don’t doubt what you’re saying is true. BBC Scotland’s relationship with the SNP is quite nuanced and we aren’t imagining it when we see them turn up the pain every time she reluctantly alludes to indyref2, as she is obliged to from time to time.
They couldn’t have been more supportive when it came to the Salmond scandal, though. The same is true of the GRA stuff and the rights of women being trampled on. Anything that damages the indy movement as a whole, or divides it, they will support her on and give emphasis to.
Then, of course, there’s the most useful and often most overlooked tool of propagandists; omission. They’ve barely mentioned the missing funds and the police investigation. Major aspects of the Salmond trial were simply ignored. Alba have simply been denied any airtime, systematically, like they don’t exist.
We pay for this abuse.
James Che. says:
Do them robot things clean carpets as well or they restricted to laminate or linoleum floors? I know nothing about them,
They clean carpets. Great time savers!
Mine are ‘iRobots’ they are probably the best known make. Some people just call them ‘Roombas’
Lots of fun videos of animals on ‘Roombas’ on You Tube.
link to
If the dogs liked them you could maybe get away with fewer walks!
The ‘irobot roomba’ that I have is ancient. I bought it second hand on ‘You Tube’ yonks ago but it still does the job. I love coming home to a clean house.
The other newer one I have is an ‘iRobot Roomba Combo’. It hoovers & also mops floor.
You can get robots to do all sorts of things, clean your getters, mow your lawn etc etc
Edinburgh Council have robots mowing the gardens. I often see one on the Mound.
Police have bomb disposal robots.
Saw that a couple of years ago when there was a bomb scare on Holyrood Road & Scottish Office. Robot sent in the retrieve the suspicious package.
link to
I can’t wait to see the train cleaning robot.
The device, which was developed in Scotland and resembles Dr Who’s famous K9 robotic dog, is mounted on four small wheels with flip-out brushes and will complement humans by cleaning the hard-to-reach places between and under the seats in carriages.
I wonder if they say in a K9 voice ‘Please lift your feet’
Let me know if you need any more info on Roombas.
As a State Actor, the BBC will be instructed upon how to edit bulletins which concern Sturgeon, ScotGov or SNP, and will be drip-fed Kompromat/dirt depending upon the popularity of Indy in the opinion polls at any given time.
You had a look at any BBC HYS comments on pieces concerning Scottish politics lately? 77th Brigade, These Islands, every Yoon nutter with a keyboard on there, frothing at the mouth. All given a platform by a willing Aunty who noticeably fails to open comments on similar pieces concerning the UK, Welsh or NI governments.
Funny that… Not!
I don’t want to upset or fall out with anyone.
This is Scotland’s governance today.
They get an extra £3.9 Billion and everyone’s council taxes GO UP and services crumble [see Glasgow et al]
And then we see this reply to a question in “parliament”.
No doubt some will think it’s “clever”.
Hold your noses and listen.
link to
What gets me…
Back in the 60s, and probably into the 70s, there was a guy who was a regular on TV variety shows.
His name was Danny La Rue. Everybody knew he was a man masquerading as a woman but we accepted his entertainment value.
Turns out he was a homosexual but that didn’t diminish the entertainment value of his act. A quote from the following link…
He was appointed OBE in the 2002 Queen’s Birthday Honours List. La Rue later stated in an interview that this was “the proudest day of his life”.[12]
Other accolades included Royal Variety Performance appearances in 1969, 1972 and 1978, Variety Club of Great Britain Showbiz Personality of the Year (1969), Theatre Personality of the Year (1970), Entertainer of the Decade (1979) and the Brinsworth Award from the EABF for his outstanding contribution to the entertainment profession and the community.[13]
In 1987, he was King Rat of the showbusiness charity the Grand Order of Water Rats.”
link to
The problem we have now, is that a number of amateur drag acts, all over the planet, are claiming to be “real” women, something that Danny La Rue never did.
They are an ACT. And should be dismissed as such.
As Roddy Dunlop QC pointed out, one can only commit r@p€ with a male penis. So men who r@p€, then claim to be women, should be immediately in jail – for takin’ the pi$$.
Brian Doonthetoon says:
The problem we have now, is that a number of amateur drag acts, all over the planet, are claiming to be “real” women, something that Danny La Rue never did.
If you are ‘female’ doing a drag act would you not have to dress up like K.D. Lang.
How funny would it be to see a ‘transwoman’ pretending to be a man?
@Hatuey – 7:10 pm
“We pay for this abuse”.
Well, if you do, Hatuey, then you do so voluntarily.
Simply because ownership of a TV or other device capable of receiving broadcast signals is not compulsory.
You can legally stop financially supporting the BBC tomorrow by disposing of your TV. Just imagine, if 100,000 of us did just that, then faced with a big drop in its eye-watering yearly income (3.5 billion pounds), maybes the BBC would up its game.
Of course, what a drag that would be for the average punter. Still, hardly surprising so little changes for the better when even something as simple as binning the TV is quite beyond the capabilities of most folk.
Like most other desperately needed changes in Scotland, if it can’t be done by others while we sit on our arses bitching, then it won’t happen. Ever.
Hi John,
Don’t go chucking out a perfectly good computer monitor.
Hook up a computer to your TV and you can watch lots of TV just not the BBC. You can also watch Netflix, Amazon Prime, You Tube, RT etc.
You just have to declare to BBC that you don’t need a licence ‘cos you never watch live TV.
I’m off to watch ‘The Alex Salmond Show’ on my 43″ ex TV/Computer monitor.
This weeks show is entitled
‘Boris Johnson – End game or phoenix’
link to
listen to what Peter Oborne says about Truss & Sunak @ 12:53
They’ve gone along with this (Boris) thus smeared by association.
‘Smeared by association’ interesting term!
It does look like Nicola Sturgeon has backed her in a corner with her pandemic restrictions.
A far better way to help suppress the spread of the virus is to close the schools early for Christmas.
Here’s a radical idea. Since the virus has been shown to be more detrimental during the winter months, does it not make sense to temporarily move the school holidays from the summer to the winter months?
link to
What do you think of this?
“An NHS worker of 25 years service, David Chung, tweeted this week that he and his children are made “second class citizens” by this bill. The First Minister retweeted him with the words, “He’s as Scottish as I am”.
What is the matter with this dud of a first minister surely she knows being Scottish in the UK means absolutely nothing!
I know what David Chung means I like many other ‘British’ people living in Scotland feel like “second class citizens”
The new ‘Tories Human Rights Bill’ could see even ‘British’ people being deported.
We have in the past been deported/transported to America and then when America refused to take us we were sent to Australia.
Julian Assange about to be deported to America.
link to
This is the kind of idea the UK Gov come up with.
Thinking that they might solve prison overcrowding for example by sending all ‘criminals’ to some remote island is really not all that far fetched.
Neither is thinking that when there they may take away your drivers licence & passport.
Don’t worry says the dud of a First Minister you are all as ‘Scottish’ as I am.
@Ruby – 16 December, 2021 at 10:22 pm
Of course.
It’s a no-brainer and has been for years now, maybes even decades.
There is vast amounts of good stuff out there, none of which needs a TV license to legally watch, listen, stream, etc.
But still the pulers and the hand-wringers cough up their £159 per year whilst whinging about the BBC’s bias and institutionalised hostility to Scots everything.
When I think about what other peoples and races have been prepared to sacrifice in pursuit of their freedom, and compare it with the inability of most Scots to change even something as trivial as their TV viewing habits, words fail me.
The new ‘Tories Human Rights Bill’ could see even ‘British’ people being deported.
Its tricky expressing what I mean by ‘British’ in this context.
I’m trying to avoid the term ‘blood & soil’
I don’t want to get banned or start a fight.
John Main says:
17 December, 2021 at 10:55 am
When I think about what other peoples and races have been prepared to sacrifice in pursuit of their freedom, and compare it with the inability of most Scots to change even something as trivial as their TV viewing habits, words fail me.
The question is if we don’t pay the TV licence will the SG do it on our behalf. They’ve just paid out £millions to the BBC for their new studio in Glasgow.
We archive links to the news articles so that the British media are deprived of cash but then the Scottish Government step in & take our money and give it to the British media.
link to
Telling people to dump their TVs isn’t a serious solution. Live TV is a basic human necessity.
Some people seem to confuse the goal of independence with Pol Pot’s goal of returning to the year dot.
Before you come up with madcap ideas, please try and imagine what the response would be on the doorsteps of ordinary people.
See this studio in Glasgow that the SG have paid £millions to have built for the BBC.
What are the chances that will be used as part of ‘Project Fear’ in their campaign to save the Union?
Voting NO means the BBC will pull out of Glasgow resulting in a loss of jobs, etc etc etc. You know how it goes.
Every single SNP politician have gone along
with all this thus smeared by association.
Thanks to Peter Oborne for the term
‘Smeared by association’
Hatuey says:
17 December, 2021 at 11:19 am
Live TV is a basic human necessity.
Is Hatuey taking the piss again or is he just simply bonkers?
Is this need for live TV all to do with Fitba?
Blood & soil nationalism, in England, wow ,that only happens with knuckle draggers and moon chatters.
But it will get worse before it gets better,
The Tories just lost a safe seat to Lib Dem’s, I don’t think the people down south agree with passports that restrict society, yet do very little to stop any dreaded lurgy. It was a authoritarian bill and those that opposed it, all used Scotland as an example For a bill being passed, that does not work, but creates a two tier society, during interviews.
Labour showed no opposition to the draconian bill,
They did not win the seat either.
People are unhappy with parliaments and their behaviour,
Can anyone enlighten me as to wether Westminster/ parliament has exempted itself, and some of their friends from some of the health restrictions?
Is Westminster going to do Skype from now on like Doctors?
Perhaps if NS watches it might dawn on her. That a health passport measure is a massive seat-loser or messing with people’s god given rights of freedom and speech in politics is a no go,
The public angrily object to one rule for us, and a different rule for them.
I will leave this here and hope I have pasted properly!!!
I am sure everyone can work it out for themselves,
The new human rights bill was not passed in Scotland, Wales, N Ireland, as these are merely sub branch offices.
That only leaves one part of the great British isles with the authority to pass that particular human rights bill,
You are so polite, but you had the common sense not to waken any sleeping dragons.
Dorothy Devine says:
December, 2021 at 12:05 pm
I will leave this here and hope I have pasted properly!!!
Brilliant video Dorothy.
There is something not quite right about your link I did however manage to find the video.
I’ve found using tiny.url for you tube videos is less complicated
Here you go:
link to
I guess you meant this Dorothy.
link to
No ads on the BBC that’s why they ask you to pay £200 to watch football on the BBC live or recorded.
The weird thing about this is that the football stadiums are covered in ads.
Mornin’ James Che
Hope you are well and fighting fit this morning.
I have to go now.
See you later.
Dorothy best to see ‘Brian Doonthetoon’s’ post he’s much better at this sort of thing than I am.
The man is a total genius when it comes to links, computers, the internet and all that stuff.
Hoorah for BDTT!
Hope the following explanation is clearer. I’ll leave it at that. No hard feelings.
‘you’re dancing around the point you want to make without actually making it’
You summed up my point precisely, Hatuey, when further down your piece you said: –
‘One last depressing point; nobody is suggesting or expecting any sort of easy or quick transition to Alba. We are probably talking about a ten year plan’
But ‘probably’ is such an inexact adverb. And if the general consensus of opinion is based on your prognosis of ‘probably’ and ‘a ten year plan’, then it’s time for many of us to abandon politics altogether and sail off into the sunset because it’s unlikely we will be around that long.
Everyone on WoS, whether it is in their DNA or whether they are converts to the cause of Independence, we all see what has happened to our beloved organisation, we all know who is responsible. We can also agree that those voted in a few months ago are not going anywhere, without their consent, for a further four and a half years. So. let’s put that to bed.
Where we have a difference of opinion is about what effect the total destruction of SNP will have on the Independence movement.
You’ve been clear that we should ‘burn the ship and commit’ and this will take ‘probably 10 years’. Once the temple is destroyed, everything that was built up over many decades is dead. We begin all over again.
What I am suggesting, and you do not acknowledge, is that there is a danger of this approach dealing a damaging blow to support for independence. Few members of the public know of Wings or take the slightest interest in the machinations of HR, unless and until it affects them personally.
At election time, the vast majority of Indy voters refer to the indelible part of their brain which says SNP = Independence.
It doesn’t matter that nsnp has gone rogue, because NOBODY HAS TOLD THEM.
And even if, as you put it, there is cataclysmic collapse in support for the SNP, that indelible part of the Indy brain may well change from SNP=Independence to INDEPENDENCE=BAD and yes voters are gone, perhaps forever. There is no way of telling.
So, yes, I am saying that if a rebellion within SNP can be helped in some way, it can lead to a clear out, and that ‘understandings’ can be reached between a reformed SNP and Alba.
Alex Salmond’s SNP1 Alba 2 strategy was a masterstroke that I could not support with Sturgeon and Honest John at the helm, but the genius of Salmond was in identifying and explaining the need for 2 Indy parties, one contesting constituency and one contesting list, and showing how it would turn Scotland into a unionist desert.
With a new hierarchy at SNP also supporting SNP1 Alba 2, I think independence would be a foregone conclusion, and we’d get there far quicker than with your plan.
And Plan B?
Alex’s pal DD is elected leader of the tories, shuts down HR, and appoints Alex supreme authority on everything relevant to Scotland. Alex asks for the section 30 thing, DD says OK.
Ebok: “What I am suggesting, and you do not acknowledge, is that there is a danger of this approach dealing a damaging blow to support for independence. “
It’s not a danger, it’s an inevitability. The only uncertainty really, I’d say, in terms of forecasting, concerns the extent of the damage Sturgeon and her unraveling will cause.
No matter what happens, whether she stays, whether she goes, how she goes, no matter who replaces her, etc., I’ve looked at every scenario, unless there’s some dramatic turn of events or radical change in approaches or circumstances, the independence movement faces a very bleak future. But it can recover.
There’s a good chance someone close to her will see her falling popularity and weakness and pounce at the opportunity but it won’t be a rebellion. They’re going to be doing that in the hope of ousting her and taking her seat. That’s what happens.
Again though, when that happens, you either get more of the same or complete collapse.
The thing you need to bear in mind is that Westminster has about 2 million megatons of noxious shit that they can drop on Sturgeon and the SNP at any moment. Sturgeon handed them that pile of shit.
One of the reasons the British establishment, BBC, Tories, business community, and unionists generally love Sturgeon is because they know they can dishonourably discharge her at any moment in the blink of an eye.
If Nicola Sturgeon believes, as she seems to be suggesting, that she isn’t able to act in the interests of public health because of UK funding arrangements, then she should resign on the issue.
Is she really suggesting that her current policies are inadequate and are going to cost lives and that such a situation merits no more than a few muffled words of complaint?
Instead of making an issue of this as forcefully as she can, she is more concerned that someone accuses her of making a political point…
God forbid someone thinks you are arguing for independence, you fucking skunk.
If you want to know where NS is at the moment and where she wants to be, watch the video on youtube called ‘Who Owns The World’ by Tim Gielen. If you are patient you will find the one liner about sex, and what certain people are motivated by instead of it. The more you see, the more strings appear which control the puppet. I don’t know how to do a direct link.
@Hatuey at 11.19
I’ve never had a TV. My parents didn’t have one either.
Yet I exist.
Hatuey says: 17 December, 2021 at 3:13 pm
Considering support for restrictions is strong south of the border, not to mention it being a stick to hit the government with as well the amount of time she has been given on the UK news channels recently, the cynic in me says that she is playing as much to the UK political classes as well as covering her own backside.
link to
Very interesting interview.
If you listen carefully to what she says you will find that although she doesn’t name her she tells us
Still can’t get my head around why Craig Murray is so keen to enter into this debate siding with the faux feminists!
@ Dorothy D 12.05pm l watched that spoof video the other day , the presentation delivery and timing are perfect , led by donkeys deserve every bit of praise
As you will remember, in the past nana and others were organising a bill posting attempt that was being frustrated by the refusal of the advertising companies to take their ads, they also engaged a mobile ad presentation , our difficulty would be we would have to show sturgeon and her perverts as being part of WM , most on here and other sites support that view but for the morons refusing to waken up it STILL wouldn’t pierce their secret plan belief
Ebok says:
And Plan B?
Alex’s pal DD is elected leader of the tories, shuts down HR, and appoints Alex supreme authority on everything relevant to Scotland. Alex asks for the section 30 thing, DD says OK.
Peter Oborne on the Alex Salmond Show did list DD as a possible replacement for Boris Johnson.
He also mention Liz Truss. (She’s ‘Smeared by association’)
Every time I’ve seen her name I wondered if she was the one who wrote
‘Eats Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation’
It turns out she wasn’t! I should have asked BDTT.
Crazycat, I rarely watch tv but if you don’t have one and don’t watch TV at all, you are extremely abnormal.
Merganser says:
17 December, 2021 at 4:07 pm
If you want to know where NS is at the moment and where she wants to be, watch the video on youtube called ‘Who Owns The World’ by Tim Gielen.
I wonder if ‘Hautey’ will be able to control himself or if he ends up being banned from ‘Wing Over Scotland’ for fighting with ‘crackpots’?
Why does the so called Scottish news (STV) use a fair bit of its teatime flagship programme to report on what’s happening in a foreign country such as the Lib/Dem win in North Shropshire, which has absolutely no bearing whatsoever in of what’s going on in Scotland.
Mind you STV sold out Scotland years ago, and broadcasting is in Scotland is reserved to a foreign country, Scotland is in an absurd position within this bucket of sewage union.
On the North Shropshire win by the Lib/Dems, Alex Cole-Hamilton the branch manager of the Scottish Lib/Dem branch, gave his position away today claiming it was a great win for OUR party. There is no Scottish Lib/Dem party only the Lib/Dem party ran from London in Scotland. Another absurd position for Scotland to be in, just one of many as part of this shit union.
You’re right, Pac-Man, that’s what she’s really up to — getting her excuses in early.
We all know how this plays out. Instead of a four week lockdown, it’ll be four months. They call that “prioritising the economy”.
The predictable human costs — i.e. thousands needlessly dying (again) — don’t feature in any of the plans, speeches, or theatrical complaints about funding.
All that matters is the hospitality sector… a sector which has probably had its best year ever thanks to covid and people holidaying at home.
Hautey’s list of basic human necessities
1 food
2 water
3 air
4 shelter
5 Live TV (must be live none of this pre-recorded shit)
He’s got the cheek to call ‘crazycat’ abnormal.
Hautey is completely bonkers. Or perhaps he’s just a troll pretending to be bonkers.
Thanks Brian! And Ruby!
@Hatuey 6:40pm
You are correct. It is Covid theatre. Systematically destroying the economy and therefore lives. I caught Hong Kong flu. If I remember correctly 76000 deaths resulted. It was a nightmare. I was in bed for a week and took six weeks to recover and I was at my peak fitness and health. All a virus wants to do is survive and they usually mutate into a less harmful version. Spanish flu being a prime example. So hopefully Omicron is our get out of jail card. We want the virus to mutate. This could be the mutation that delivers. Weak symptoms resembling a winter cold. In that sense it is good news except for Nickla who will miss her daily horror show.
Hi Dorothy.
You just remove the “https://” from a YouTube url to post it here.
Wordpress adds the “https://” back on when you submit.
Like this…–Ijdc
Or “http://”…
Round and round and round we go, eternally finding “good” and “convenient” reasons for doing nothing.
I am not asking “ordinary” people to defund the BBC.
I am saying that those who continually bitch about its bias and Westminster-centric viewpoint should follow through on their disapproval and stop subsidising it with their hard-earned.
It’s called integrity. AKA living your values. It comes at a cost, but a cost that real freedom campaigners throughout history would consider negligible.
TBH, I think it should be the default position for Scots Indy supporters, as well as those who still think that current affairs should be reported, not managed or steered towards a desired outcome that matches a pre-decided agenda.
What has happened to Breeks?
Thanks Brian – I’ll try to get it right next time , but I won’t promise!
I hope you’re right, tannadice. I guess we are going to find out soon enough. I heard today that this new strain is able to float across hotel hallways and under doors, infecting people in neighbouring rooms.
John Main, I understand your point. Every time you buy a thing you are funding the Union, though. If we didn’t fund the BBC through the licence, they’d find some other way to fund it with our money.
The only way to counter propaganda and lies is with information. Wings is a shining example of that. Advising people to stop paying the licence fee is neat and simple on paper, much easier than informing them, but in practice you’ll find it’s quite impossible.
TVs are considered a basic necessity. No, that doesn’t mean we need them or that everyone has one, but 99% of the population rely on them for information and entertainment.
If you want people to reconsider something or change their ways, for example, if you want them to open up to independence, don’t make it shit for them by suggesting they need to suffer and give up the things they enjoy.
Tannadice Boy says: 17 December, 2021 at 8:38 pm
Indeed it is a ‘theatre’ but unless you know all the facts you won’t understand the full meaning of the play. There is so much going on in the background that we don’t know what it is going on.
It does seem that Nicola Sturgeon was too busy saving the Union through Brexit and now could be it she is doing the same as I alluded earlier with her trying to put pressure on Westminster to go against it’s current policy in order to undermine it?
Of course it is a win-win situation for Nicola Sturgeon. If she wins, she gets extra money for a small part of the economy and if she loses, she puts the blame on Westminster.
As I mentioned earlier and before, the spread of infection is caused more through schools than it is through the hospitality sector. By picking a political fight with Westminster over hospitality she is going to erode public trust in dealing with the pandemic.
This really all could be academic though. What happens is this Omnicron is mild and doesn’t cause the apocalypse that Sturgeon alludes to?
If it does, she will be certainly be weakened and to be honest would anyone take her any more seriously than she is now?
@Hatuey 9:29pm
Agreed Wings is a shining example. A channel to counter propaganda and conditioning. We all fall out on this blog. But it’s removal would result in a diminished Scotland. I am getting my advice from an SNHS practitioner they are just as fed up as us. But they are the intellect. Incidentally I found out today the Hong Kong Flu is still in circulation. Manifests itself as winter flu. There you go. At last we have a judge to preside over a Public Inquiry on Covid. I hope she serves the people of Scotland and not the SG.
Hatuey says: 17 December, 2021 at 9:29 pm
Heard it also gets you pregnant if you catch it and that is means anyone who has a womb.
John Main says:
17 December, 2021 at 8:46 pm
Round and round and round we go, eternally finding “good” and “convenient” reasons for doing nothing.
I am not asking “ordinary” people to defund the BBC.
I am saying that those who continually bitch about its bias and Westminster-centric viewpoint should follow through on their disapproval and stop subsidising it with their hard-earned.
It’s called integrity. AKA living your values. It comes at a cost, but a cost that real freedom campaigners throughout history would consider negligible.
You are correct. If you don’t like the BBC don’t subscribe.
The actually cost of giving up the BBC is very little. You could end up being quids in. You save £200 and there’s plenty entertainment FOC on the other channels.
I don’t think Hautey has actually read your post.
Tannadice Boy says:
17 December, 2021 at 9:44 pm
@Hatuey 9:29pm
Agreed Wings is a shining example. A channel to counter propaganda and conditioning.
That only works if what you read on Wings isn’t just garbage made up by trolls.
@PacMan 9:43pm
True I don’t know all the facts. But in terms of Covid I am taking very good advice from someone who deals with the consequences everyday. This may not be the saviour variant but early indications is that it is probably the one. The rest is politics. Keep an eye on hospitalisation and deaths. After all isn’t that why we are in a pseudo lockdown?.
I’ve been listening to Chris McEleny’s pre-Christmas broadcast and was pleased to hear him highlight Alba’s 5-point plan to reduce child poverty in Scotland.
Apart from independence, there is no greater priority than tackling the scourge of poverty. I would like to see Alba develop this policy further and commit to the best thing that Brown ever introduced – the Sure Start programme.
Austerity had a devastating impact on Sure Start, and though I believe it still continues in some form, it is nothing like it was at its height.
But even that is not enough. For some reason, the primary cause of poverty seems to be missed. Education. Unless we develop a CULTURE OF LEARNING then simply throwing money at poverty will not solve it.
Extra cash is of course desperately needed by many families, so too are better schools and a curriculum fit for purpose, but the one missing ingredient is a culture in the home where learning and education are highly valued. Only parents can create that culture and I would like to see greater resources directed towards persuading parents of the whole of life benefits their kids will derive from learning.
There also needs to be a complete re-think in the role of schools, particularly secondary education. Young students with academic potential are often held back because of disruptive pupils. Disruptive pupils generally mis-behave because of boredom and lack of interest in the given subject. It surely is not beyond the scope of planners to develop a programme that takes account of pupils interests and inspires rather than having what they consider a rigid uninteresting syllabus with few choices?
PacMan says:
17 December, 2021 at 9:49 pm
Hatuey says: 17 December, 2021 at 9:29 pm
I heard today that this new strain is able to float across hotel hallways and under doors, infecting people in neighbouring rooms.
Heard it also gets you pregnant if you catch it and that is means anyone who has a womb.
I heard it attacks the penis turns it into a vagina the beer gut into a womb and implants sextuplets.
There are umpteen web sites where you can download/watch stuff – films or TV series.
Tonight, while consuming my Spag Bog and garlic bread, I will be watching Episode 18 of Series 1 of “Mork and Mindy”.
And I am guilty. Still paying the licence fee via direct debit. Just haven’t got round to cancelling it.
Ebok says:
17 December, 2021 at 10:02 pm
I’ve been listening to Chris McEleny’s pre-Christmas broadcast
Sounds good! Have you got a link please.
Today I watched Kathleen Stockton on LBC another episode of the Alex Salmond Show on RT entitled ‘Scottish nationalism and the national day’
A couple of videos on ‘You Tube’ about dogs.
I’ve been highly entertained and highly informed and I didn’t need a tv or tv licence for any of it.
I’ll round off my evening entertainment watch Chris McEleny.
Tannadice Boy says: 17 December, 2021 at 9:59 pm
Please don’t think I am trying to troll in any way and obviously being mindful of the Revs comment that this topic is to be free of C word.
I know I had mentioned in the previous thread about the need to turn the response towards the pandemic in a political one where there needs to be solution to get an exit strategy from this constant need of restrictions but I’ve got a gut feeling we are stuck in a quagmire of stringing out the current phase of the pandemic through political manoeuvring that only benefits certain politicians and political factions of the British establishments.
It is really frustrating and frankly depressing when most of us have been doing the right thing and abiding by the rules yet it doesn’t seem to be good enough.
As you say, the number don’t lie.
Hi Ruby.
Check out the cockatoos on YouTube. Barney from ‘the west coast’ is a character.
Sorry Ruby,
I’m no good at links and the kids aren’t around.
Send out an SOS to Brian!
@PacMan 10:19pm
I didn’t think you were troll. I put up 2 heartfelt posts on the lead article by Stu. I waited until I thought normal comment was allowed. We will wait see as the numbers don’t lie except if you consider the parameters changed on December 14th.If it is any consolation my 90 year old dad is at the tail-end of 2 weeks with Covid and has survived. At least from that.
This is how you do HTML links in posts:
link to
Brian Doonthetoon says:
17 December, 2021 at 10:21 pm
Hi Ruby.
Check out the cockatoos on YouTube. Barney from ‘the west coast’ is a character.
I’ll do that Brian. These animal videos on You Tube are great.
TBH even if I had a licence to watch BBC I don’t have the time. I have too many other things to watch.
Can you help Ebok. He canna dae links!
PacMan says:
17 December, 2021 at 10:36 pm
This is how you do HTML links in posts:
link to
I think the problem is doing links on a phone.
Hi Ebok.
When you’re looking at a web page, its address will be in your browser’s address bar. It will start with “HTTPS://” or “HTTP://”.
You highlight the whole address, copy it, then paste it into your comment.
Like the address for Ruby’s previous comment…
link to
Christopher McEleny link
link to
Good to hear your old man is well, tannadice. He beat the covid at 90, even with his ailments! They don’t make them like that any more.
Time for me to disappear for a bit…
Good luck to you all.
@Hatuey 11:34pm
Good luck to you as well. It is getting to that time when Christmas is taking over. Back in mid January for the local elections in May. Meantime it’s wrapping presents up.
link to
I like Kevin McKenna’s writing.
He refers to Keir Starmer’s Labour as ‘Diet Tories’
One thing he gets wrong is Pete Wishart’s sobriquet.
It’s ‘Cozy Slippers’ Kevin!
link to
Baroness Sausage getting stuck into Boris!
Being that he is responsible for her current position she too is ‘smeared by association’
What was that story about her & Mundell resigning?
Horsebox Mike at it again in the National, telling us how great Ireland is and how well its doing as an independent country and that Scotland needs its independence to be like Ireland.
If you’re reading this Mike, don’t tell us tell Sturgeon.
robbo says:
17 December, 2021 at 11:23 pm
Christopher McEleny link
Cheers Robbo.
Brilliant! Very professional filming. Who did that?
Slainte Media?
Republicofscotland says:
18 December, 2021 at 10:15 am
Horsebox Mike at it again in the National,
Give the man a carrot!
Horsebox Mike that is not you ROS!
Hatuey @ 3:13pm on 17 Dec
Upside of that line of thinking is that the £150 Million allocated to funeral directors by UK gov for the 30,000 Scottish lives saved by the vaccine has gone under the radar and can now be added to the missing £600K and bet against the Wing’s free money offer – such that the cost of malicious prosecution will be covered by Rev Stu 🙂 in event a Scottish treasury has temerity to send Rangers a tax bill!
On topic:
Of which, given the number of known spurious cases reaching court, why not apply some quality assurance and stress test up to a subset of cases (at random) before a judge (ie without witnesses or accused) before undertaking the jury trials.
That way it will become more immediately obvious over time whether the problem lies with the legislation, COPFS, the judiciary or even me2 style gas-lighting, and improvements and better advice and counselling can be provided, or not, as appropriate.
Meanwhile, at the risk of being deservedly banned, if the WHO Drs discovered that sex was good for you and some Dr Faucwit, the French, and the Great Fnnish Rubber company colluded to persuade politicians to mandate it for everyone at least 3 or 4 times per year and provide digital evidence (ie of type, duration, frequency, etc), on demand, on the back of such wisdom, what to do with the refuseniks or those, such as children, generally considered to suffer a net harm from the practice ?
stuart mctavish says:
Meanwhile, at the risk of being deservedly banned, if the WHO Drs discovered that sex was good for you and some Dr Faucwit, the French, and the Great Fnnish Rubber company colluded to persuade politicians to mandate it for everyone at least 3 or 4 times per year and provide digital evidence (ie of type, duration, frequency, etc), on demand, on the back of such wisdom, what to do with the refuseniks or those, such as children, generally considered to suffer a net harm from the practice ?
at least 3 or 4 times per year !!!!
Jesus! stuart are you some kind of sex addict!
‘provide digital evidence (ie of type, duration, frequency, etc),’
Have you never seen ‘When harry meets Sally?’ Too easy to fake it?
This needs to be a service provided by the NHS.
The refuseniks will just have to live without their ‘Sex Passport’.
PS They say sex is good for you!
You might consider having a wee booster tonight! It’s the week-end after all.
The witchfinder generals office aka the COPFS, has now cost the Scottish taxpayer at least £40 million quid due to its malicious prosecutions, and this is only with Rangers football club in mind.
link to
MP’s Please. You are fucking killing me!
There is no need to use a possessive apostrophe, when referring to more than one MP. MPs suffices.
How can we become an independent country, if we don’t know how to use the possessive apostrophe?
Hi breeks.
Hope you and family are keeping well.
Missing you and a few good other commentators ,
Hope the trolls have not scared you off by sh..e stirring and all is well with you and yours.
I note the trolls slowly peeling away on this site as one by one they achieve their goal of verbally attacking yes supporters and decisions for our way forward possibly bypassing a section 30.
No matter the subject we have controverslly been attacked, name called, verbally abused. Demoralised,
Once you have an opportunity to stand back and view the onslaught on here that has disrupted this Scottish independence blog over the last year you begin to wonder if 500 hundred employees wanted in Scotland with no experience needed which was advertised for by a drugged Aberdeen night club dancer had a purpose.
Perhaps to up the the numbers of those already employed for that purpose.
As we were beginning to think for ourselves as a nation.
It amazes me that those trolls think they have succeeded in changing our minds.
Perhaps all they have done, is made us realise that a concerted troll attack was employed on the Scottish people, leaving us more determined not to succumb to covert tactics.
If anything it has made me personally more determined than ever not to live under this regime they want for us.
I am no fan of tyrannically NS,
But one thing the trolls have in common that is a continuous thread, is to rid Scotland of the of the SNP.
For a good while I was inclined to agree, I to believed the trolls,
But putting the thinking cap on,
I wondered why they were having a regular go at Alba, AS and trying to get rid of the SNP.
Having a go at Barrhead boy and grousebeater, and trying to disrupt WOS commentators.
Have any of you noticed that the separate pieces of the jigsaw make a picture?
Cuilean here so ?????????? for you hope the don’t get stuck in your u bend . We can’t become Independent if we don’t know how to use ???????? get ah feking life .
Cuilean says:
18 December, 2021 at 1:37 pm
MP’s Please. You are fucking killing me!
There is no need to use a possessive apostrophe, when referring to more than one MP. MPs suffices.
How can we become an independent country, if we don’t know how to use the possessive apostrophe?
OMG folks take care! You don’t want to be responsible for the death of a YES supporter due to sloppy grammar.
Dear Cuilean, I am very sorry for any harm done! The Queen‘s English isnae ma first language!
I’m reading
link to
so that I can get my next post about the cozy slippers belong to multiple MPs correct.
I’m hoping Simon Griffin finishes his new book ‘Fucking Pronouns’
PDQ ‘cos these pronouns are fucking killing me.
I am wondering if we can become an independent country if we don’t know how to use pronouns properly!
Where’s Dan?
Ronnie , how are you? Have you recovered from whatever was ailing you?
I’ve got plenty of ?????????????????????????s from a X poster of Wings & like Yoursel Ruby englanish isnae ma 1st language its no even ma 2nd lol
I’ve got plenty of ?????????????????????????s from a X poster of Wings & like Yoursel Ruby englanish isnae ma 1st language it’s no even ma 2nd lol .
Ruby says: at 3:06 pm
“Where’s Dan?”
Working undercover, when I’m not under the covers keeping warm…
Hello ronald anderson!
I haven’t seen your wee blue hut around this joint in ages!
Good to see you!
Dan says:
18 December, 2021 at 3:15 pm
Ruby says: at 3:06 pm
“Where’s Dan?”
Working undercover, when I’m not under the covers keeping warm…
Have you not got an ‘electric jacket?’
Perhaps we could do a crowd funder and get you one for Christmas!’
Hi Dorothy Devine,
Got any good links to post today?
The one you posted yesterday was a cracker!
When using the collective name for mps it is easier to just call snp mps ,liebour mps ,lib dumb mps and tory mps by the collective name of bastards
The Bastards’ Cozy Slippers?
Did I get it right?
Selling Scotland out is coming back to bite Sturgeon and us she’s taking monies from other sectors of the budget (£100 million) to help struggling sectors stay afloat due to the new Omicron variant.
As part of this rancid union Scotland’s borrowing powers are very limited, however Westminster can borrow or create cash in ways that Scotland cannot as part of the union. By failing to get Scotland out of the union via an indyref or a plebiscite election, she’s robbing Peter to pay Paul and its Scots who are suffering in the process.
Sturgeon has failed Scotland and its people miserably, its time for her to resign and take her husband with her. Maybe then we will make progress on the indyfront and not have to wait for consent from Westminster on important matters such as this.
Having some free time this week due to NHS cancelling some of families appointments.
So able to return here for awhile as commentator.
To continue from previous thread,
Not to mention court cases, attempts at imprisonments,, actual imprisonment, false accusations and dodgy enquiries, MSM bias reporting that got off for reporting the same as CM, to anyone connected to Scotland’s independence, or that we are not allowed our own broadcasters as with other countries,
Or that our laws that are separate in the treaty of the union are being slowly subsumed by Westminster and the Supreme Court, altered by default of a envisaged devolved government being set up to stop Scottish independence according to labour,
We have to ask permission to leave a treaty, which only two kingdoms signed up for making the other of the signatories superior in its attitude if not it’s legality.
Alf Baird can only be endorsed in his attitude that Scotland and its people are still a colony in 2021.
For we are being treated as if we are owned slaves in a colony.
Where slaves and a colonised country cannot chose their future without permission of the owner of that colony.
The treaty has been altered over hundreds of years by the great British empire to ensure that Scotland’s slaves and their country are unable to escape what originally was a treaty supposedly voluntary entered into by Scotland.
This was never so in history,
Scotland was threatened to sign into the treaty by an English army sent up to Scotland to subdue the revolt.
Scotland’s people were forced to accept a treaty they did not want by an opposing army , they were never asked .
This is, and was how every colony had its beginnings,
The empire builders took countries by force, by violence, by crushing or killing the inhabitants in their own country.
A take over and a regime change, raping a country of its wealth and population.
Giving away the captured colonised land to their friends and family.
Ensuring that a change of education took place through an influx of new migration into positions of power at local level as overseers.
Enslaving the captured to fight wars they would never been involved in if left to their own choices.
Scotland and its people fit very well into the category of colonised from the time an English army was sent to the Scottish Borders and beyond to violently crush any opposition from the people to signing the treaty of the union.
I can well understand the empire and slave owners today whom are still trying to hold onto one of last colonies left.
As this one is closer to home and attached to their base land,
That the diminishing last vintages of a colonial way of life and falling empire would surely be the last straw for England to lose its power and voice in the rest of the world.
It can let other far away colonies go,
But to let the Scottish colony go would be the end of the British empire, and not in the running for a newer regime change to “build back a better” life for the elite of Great Britain .
Dorothy DEVINE I have Non Hoskins Lymphoma getting kemo treatment 3 weeks behind due to sepsis but feeling ok Thanks XX.
Dorothy DEVINE I have Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma getting kemo treatment 3 weeks behind due to sepsis but feeling ok Thanks XX.
Bojo panicked and said that their are no borders between Scotland and England during the pandemic
Therefore sturgeon could not close the Scottish border to stop the new plagues.
But very interesting to note that Scotland’s border was not demolished or mentioned in the treaty of the union.
It was only the joining of two parliaments that were mentioned.
And the joining of a crown.
There was a definite continuation of different laws in Scotland agreed to by england in the treaty of the union.
This has to read in law that English Parliament considered their was still a border between Scotland and England.
You are on a roll now James Che!
Great job!
Go man!
I feel so much worse about our colonial status since we were ripped out of the EU. I felt the EU gave us a little protection from the Colonial Masters.
Now they are totally free to write what they think is our ?human rights.
I wonder if Craig Murray will get his appeal into the ECHR before they ‘take back total control’?
Jist a big howl oot this Cold Moon nicht to my fellow abnormal moonhowlers! 😉
For you Dan…
link to
To remind Cozy Slippers where his heart used to lie, before he was corrupted by the Westminster regime.
This was from the time when he thought “Alba” was a fine concept.
link to
Jings Ronnie! That’s hellish – I’m glad your feeling OK . Have as good a Christmas and New Year as you can.
Just in case the pedant is about that ‘your’ should be ‘you’re”!
Thanks Dorothy pedants don’t frighten me um mair gittin browned of wie feking neddles getting stuck intae me LoL
James Che. says: 18 December 2021 at 3.38 pm
Why do our legal system in Scotland never challenge anything inflicted upon us by England. We never hear a peep out of these people. In fact I would suggest they go out of their way to keep us colonised.
As has been said before in 1707 the church the Law and education in Scotland kept their independence while the population at large were thrown to the dogs.
Dorothy – you have awoken the pedant in me to provide a refresher.
You – a personal pronoun that is yours
Your – belong to you.
Yours – also belonging to you.
You’re – [contraction] you are
You’d – [contraction] you had
You’ll – [contraction] you will; you shall
You’ve – [contraction] you have
Youv – those of undeveloped years. [Also ‘Yoof’]
wulllie – you make a good point.
Perchance the natives of our nation have become enamoured of the philosophy that daddy/mummy knows best – daddy/mummy being the Westminster [English] parliament?
Meanwhile, over in Tory land, the rats are deserting the sinking ship.
Frost was useless but at least the man has a degree of integrity. He was unhappy with the direction the Tory’s are heading in, aren’t we all, but he has voiced his disapproval in the best way he can.
Will any of the SNP troughers break ranks in similar fashion or, at the very least, offer some criticism of Mrs Murrell? Or are they all 100% behind her in everything she does?
Has anybody been over to Wee Ginger Dug, the political equivalent of OnlyFans?
The begging bowl waffle in this latest entry is longer than than the article itself. LOL
PACMAN I gave up on Paul Kavanagh a long long time ago no even worth a comment .
Brian , I love the last one!
Ronnie , so you are officially a pin cushion?!!
@ BDtt
As the proud holder of a D Level English O Grade (no colonised mind here), I likes to keep the pressure on masel wi’ regard tae the richt n proper speelings o’ the wurdz n verbiage I utilise with the following simple reminder:-
There’s a difference between knowing your shit and knowing you’re shit.
However, I must ask that you please furnish us with the Scottish spellings and apostrophication of all things Yer / Yoor, as posting the English set hints at signs of you being a house jock…
A true leader of the Indy movement. Meet oor man Jasper, happy to pay the BBC license fee and watch Strictly.
link to
The BBC promoting dancing with a maskless partner within a 2 meter personal radius during a deadly pandemic strikes me as odd.
Are all the dancers quarantined for a week before they perform, or does having a “vaccine” passport showing you were jagged with something or other a few months back suffice as proper deadly virus controlling procedure these days?
You make some good observations
I have no doubt that Westminster and the devolved government are well aware of the facts in history you mention.
I think the first thing to remember is that the Scottish devolved parliament is actually a colonial Westminster devolved parliament, not a parliament for Scotland in reality that was never set up by the Scottish people for Scotland. Not a Parliament plan that originated in Scotland, perhaps just the tax payers bill for it, is original to Scotland.
So the devolved parliament , its actions and believes are indebted to Westminster first and foremost, and latterly obliged to follow the global overview that Westminster’s it follows. With its sworn allegiance to crown before people.
It was never, Not ever supposed to work for the people of Scotland,
Most of the civil service in Scotland is British/Westminster employed, most of the Tories are a sub branch to the Westminster Tories. And so on with labour, Lib- dems, and the Green Party.
The Secretary of State is unionist by choice of Westminster rather than by the people of Scotland, even its position site is so close to the English border, the rest of Scotland feels their is a disconnection,
So England’s sub office in Scotland will never shout to loudly for the Scottish people, we do not employ them , any more than we did those whom sold A Scotland that did not belong to them in 1707.
And we are now stretching to colonial style laws in Scotland coming from the the supreme courts and possible unionist advocates. Coming pretty close to breaking more treaty of the union articles,
From 1707 onwards the Scots were thrown to the wolves.
But I find legal solace in the fact we were colonised in 1707 by army force from England,
For legally and according to laws across the world and in Europe,
The Scots have never had a vote or been asked in 300 years, Do we want to join in a treaty union with England,
The answer is an emphatic Big NOoo.
So the Scots were never captured or held fast by a treaty with England,
And second to that realisation comes the alternative conflation to how england regards it holds Scotland if it was not bought and sold as a colony.
Westminster nor its employee in Scotland would wish to shine a light on these facts of history.
But I think it is about time the Scots did,
If a referendum of any sort should be consented too,
We must insist that the one and only question put to us for the first time is,
Do the indigenous Scots and new Scots that have lived here for the last 20 years wish to join in a limited treaty of union with England?
Limited being the operative word. On good behaviour towards the treaty with time scales for review.
This might encourage those that are not sure, but have adapted and prefer Scotland as a place to live. And fitted into our society.
but also eliminates Westminster’s and mr Goves recent drive to recolonise Scotland’s by diluting the truer Scottish votes.
I think this is a middle of the road compromise, even my own son would be unable to vote as he has lived abroad during this period. And he was born here.
Sorry ( Wullie ) auto correct does not recognise our own tongue.
Dorothy and from tomorrow night for 6 nights i have to inject myself in the stomach lol.
James Che
Yes, all territories of the former British empire now independent had to decolonise, and many had treaties of one form or another, including Ireland. Scotland’s relationship with the British state is similarly colonial in nature and extent, and Scotland is arguably now in ‘the decolonization phase’. Britain’s treaties are invariably violated and undertaken in bad faith, as also evident in the case of Brexit. Important to note that colonialism is always a cooperative venture, as Wullie notes with regard to the elite ‘native’ groups who had their status and privileges protected within the Treaty of Union.
Postcolonial theory offers us the template:
link to
Ronald Anderson.
I am Sorry to hear how poorly you are,
I have full empathy and Understanding for you. Having gone through two years of h.ll ourselves.
Do you have family living close for support? I do hope so.
Is there anything we can do to help here on WOS
We have kind hearts here I have noted. And we maybe miles apart but there may be something one of us can do?
Even Rev ( who comes across as all independent ) had our support when it was needed.:-) as did Alex Salmond,
How can we help?
Alf Baird,
Important to note that colonialism is always a cooperative venture,
Good that you and Wullie highlighted that particular evidence, for it IS a long established pattern of colonisation when studying history.
For long enough I have been puzzled how the great empires version of treaty of the union is incompatible with the reality of the Scots version.
So started researching historical events,
Robert pheffers started my first curious venture, on the 1707 treaty and many more of you joined in.
All Scots should re- educate themselves on their real background history with a new eye, for this is not what we were taught in schools in Scotland.
It was yourself that had me dive curiously into Scotland as being a colonised country, rather than a joint equal in a treaty of union .
And now new details of individual events from Scottish past is delightfully portrayed on Bruce fummy’s sight on you tube.
now am enthusiastic about sharing our real historic recorded events even although I am far from finished my learning I encourage others to begin their own journey to independence for Scotland.
I have reached the conclusion that it has to be held as proofed, proven, or any other evidence that the Scots as people and nation ever joined the treaty of the union with the English Parliament in 1707 by Westminster.
For there is only evidence that the unelected three estates of Scotland joined into that treaty, and received payment,
They did not own Scotland with any form of identity of full land ownership, and had never bought the people of Scotland in a bill of sale prior to the treaty,
It never fell within any of their legal power / authority to do anything regarding the sale of Scotland or the Scots as a people to England.
So the only conclusion is that we were taken by force under colonisation and taken as slaves to England’s parliament for the next 300 years.
James Che Thanks James I have my family round about me all within 5mins
Big thanks to the guy who called me a ‘moonhowler’ for introducing me to the Iain Lawson blog.
Great blog with very interesting articles.
Small extract from the latest article entitled:
‘And what about Scotland?’ they asked. I was too embarrassed to mention in any great detail the farce of the Holyrood investigation into the Salmond affair: the FM’s 50 memory lapses, the lying witnesses including the FM’s own husband and partner in nepotism; the obfuscating civil servants, censored documents, the withheld evidence of conspiracy. And not least, the resulting political show trials and COPFS persecution of the party leadership’s ‘enemies’.
James Che. says:
They did not own Scotland with any form of identity of full land ownership.
This is an interesting statement and in a similar sense one I have used when referring to the large land estates we have in Scotland.
I would like to see the original title deeds for these estates to which there must be attached thousands of small bills of sale referring to the previous owners of small parcels of land who wanted to sell.
Surely they did not just steal other peoples property and with the assistance of the Scottish legal system have title deeds written up in their favour and have the original owners thrown to the dogs
Dan says:
18 December, 2021 at 10:42 pm
A true leader of the Indy movement. Meet oor man Jasper, happy to pay the BBC license fee and watch Strictly.
Jasper ?
Jasper Carrot?
Nicola also watching & dreaming of the day she will appear on Strictly.
wullie says:
19 December, 2021 at 10:35 am
I would like to see the original title deeds for these estates to which there must be attached thousands of small bills of sale referring to the previous owners of small parcels of land who wanted to sell.
Surely they did not just steal other peoples property and with the assistance of the Scottish legal system have title deeds written up in their favour and have the original owners thrown to the dogs
WOW! That is some question.
wullie says:
19 December, 2021 at 10:35 am
I would like to see the original title deeds for these estates to which there must be attached thousands of small bills of sale referring to the previous owners of small parcels of land who wanted to sell.
Surely they did not just steal other peoples property and with the assistance of the Scottish legal system have title deeds written up in their favour and have the original owners thrown to the dogs
WOW! That is some question.
wullie says:
19 December, 2021 at 10:35 am
I would like to see the original title deeds for these estates to which there must be attached thousands of small bills of sale referring to the previous owners of small parcels of land who wanted to sell.
Surely they did not just steal other peoples property and with the assistance of the Scottish legal system have title deeds written up in their favour and have the original owners thrown to the dogs
WOW! That is some question.
Would that be something for Neil Oliver to investigate? 🙂
WOW that is some messed up post!
Pressed ‘CMD V’ way too often.
If not Neil Oliver who seems to be in need of a good long rest then what about the guy from ‘These Islands’ he’s an historian he might be able to answer Wullie’s question. Doesn’t he own one of these estates?
I hope I got the apostrophe right. The grammar police might be watching!
Hi wullie & Ruby.
You need to get a copy of this:-
link to
A snippet…
Who owns Scotland? How did they get it? What happened to all the common land in Scotland? Has the Scottish Parliament made any difference? Can we get our common good land back? In this book, Andy Wightman updates the statistics of landownership in Scotland and explores how and why landowners got their hands on the millions of acres of land that were once held in common. He tells the untold story of how Scotland’s legal establishment and politicians managed to appropriate land through legal fixes.
Brian Doonthetoon says:
19 December, 2021 at 11:10 am
Hi wullie & Ruby.
You need to get a copy of this:-
I’m totally overwhelmed Brian!
There is so much stuff going on I don’t know where to start!
Every time I read posts on the internet I get my mind blown.
Right now I need to go and have a Nespresso & a nice mince pie!
Do you want one?
Hi Ruby.
I’ve just poured myself a coffee. You may find this video interesting…
link to
You can find more here:-
link to
PacMan says on 18 December, 2021 at 9:18 pm
“Has anybody been over to Wee Ginger Dug, the political equivalent of OnlyFans? The begging bowl waffle in this latest entry is longer than than the article itself. LOL”
Nope! Wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.
Folks, a few thoughts from me before i clear off until (hopefully) Stuart decides to get back into the fight with WOS.
There’s a few folk starting to push the ridiculous narrative that because Sturgeon gives private businesses, aka: the media, several million pounds of hush-money out of our taxes that we should follow suit? ie: We shouldn’t try and starve that media of finances by archiving links to their articles &/or sites.
Well, let me put it this way, someone with far more influence & power than Sturgeon could ever dream of having, Prince Andrew, likes to hang with young lassies, apparently. Does that mean we all should do likewise? Another person with more popularity (prior to his being exposed) and influence around the world, Jimmy Savile, is now known as a serial child abuser – a paedophile. So by their logic must we all follow suit? Ted Bundy has far more popularity than Sturgeon so are we all to become demented serial killers? Of course not but we should if we follow the logic of the demented on here.
Those same cretins promoting that narrative also fail to mention that an equally important reason for archiving links to BUM rags is for information integrity reasons. So that we may have a historical record of what was written/said & promoted by those very rags. Captured for all time because they then can’t change or delete those articles at a later date. There are other reasons for archiving links but they are the main two reasons. Trolls will *always* make excuses for posting direct links to sources that have done nothing but help to form & manipulate opinion against Scotland’s right to take back our self-determination. Only utter clowns and BritNats promote the British media as harmless etc.
Also, when you see those same trolls having wee digs at the likes of Ian B, Dorothy & ‘The Rev’, folk who i know to be 100% pro-Indy Wingers, then that tends to raise more than a red flag for me. Just don’t be fooled by every claim, or appearance, that someone is pro-Indy. Trolls come in all forms and the best ones *appear* to be pro-Indy/pro-Wings. If ever in any doubt whether someone is genuine or not just look at what they’re posting on here and their behaviour and ask yourself if what they’re doing casts WOS in a good light etc. Saturation dominance on threads certainly isn’t ‘pro-Wings’, it deters folk from contributing. And then those same ones doing it gloat about chasing folk away. Is that being pro-Wings? Judge for yourselves. The names change due to them being binned by Stuart for whatever reasons but their predictable style remains the same. They just cannot help themselves.
They’re known for frequenting BritNat media btl threads blowing smoke up their own arses whilst wallowing in their own sense of perceived “greatness”. All they’re doing is adding to that rags comment count as they argue with outsourced moderators based in England. That’s the job of those employed to do that, keep fools pissing against the wind thinking they’re “debating”. The BritNat media have been helping to form and manipulate opinion in favour of the Unionist narrative for decades if not centuries. Anyone saying otherwise should never be trusted.
It’s a very sad day to see WOS btl comment threads reduced to sub ‘Scotsman’ levels by those who frequent BritNat media threads. Thank f@ck those muppets can’t interfere with the standard of articles produced here on WOS.
I’ve said my cheerios to ‘The Rev’ and thanked him for his immeasurable contribution to our cause. I’ve also informed him that should he get the show on the road again i’ll be there to promote & support him & WOS again – taking the truth to the masses. That just leaves me to say adios amigos to all the genuine pro-Indy Wingers out there and wish you all the very best for you & yours for 2022 and beyond. As for all those who would see WOS destroyed i wish nothing but a plague on all your houses.
Stay safe, Troops!
What a disaster!
Put my mince pie in the micro for 20 secs. It broke up when I was lifting it out and the 100°c mincemeat burnt my fingers.
I had to spend the next 10 mins with my fingers under the cold tap.
Mince pie now cold and so is my coffee!
Back to Andy Wightman in a mo!
Stoker says:
There’s a few folk starting to push the ridiculous narrative that because Sturgeon gives private businesses, aka: the media, several million pounds of hush-money out of our taxes that we should follow suit? ie: We shouldn’t try and starve that media of finances by archiving links to their articles &/or sites.
Links to the folk pushing this narrative please.
Comparing them to Prince Andrew, Jimmy Savill & Ted Bundy????
Have you been taking creative writing lessons from Neil McKay?
Are you now able to recognise the difference between a direct link & an
link to link.
Any chance of an apology Pete’s Auntie?
Hi Ruby.
A wee tip. Take the mince pie out of its foil holder while cold and put it in one of those corrugated paper holders, used for baking cup cakes. Then microwave.
Brian Doonthetoon says:
19 December, 2021 at 12:13 pm
Hi Ruby.
A wee tip. Take the mince pie out of its foil holder while cold and put it in one of those corrugated paper holders, used for baking cup cakes. Then microwave.
Cheers Brian. I did take it out of the foil holder.
I don’t bake cup cakes.
Bloody cup cakes are all the rage! People are paying £5 a pop for these cakes. They bring it to you in a fancy box like it’s a great gift!
By the time you’ve removed all the sprinkles, the flags & the bling you’re left with two tiny bites of sponge!
You are probably sorry you got me started on cup cakes (known back in the day as fairy cakes!)
Now that I’ve becoming all European & Frenchified I prefer ‘madeleines’
Anyone thinking of buying me a £5 cupcake in a fancy box would you please take your £5 to Lidl and buy me three large bags of madeleines. If shopping in Lidl is beneath you then get me two bags of the ‘Bonne Maman Madeleines’ in Waitrose.
Now back to Andy Wightman!
Well said,
Been fighting the better known trolls on here here myself for awhile now,
And yes some are a little bit more subtle, but able to spot them just the same for their attempts at diverting conversations, or throwing a mild spanner in the works,
I am sad to see you folding your cards for awhile, as I have witnessed others do the same and stop commenting,
But was this not the distinct purpose of the trolling.
To bait and dispel the Indy supporters on wings, to get us angry and divided with each other.
I may not be able to comment so often on wings as I have this week due to both sides of my family having terminally ill family members.
But by god I will not see them chase me of a independence site through their warped ideology of an old empire that is starting to crumble.
It is no longer just Scotland that has lost faith in the elite of Britain, but Englands people too .parts of Ireland and a good dad of Wales. Along with members of Europe,
And as long as Stu can keep this site open, it is still one of the few original well known sites that spreads Scottish news, Scottish education, and the Scottish spirit and enthusiasm that is not evident in any other media,
I have suggested to Alba that they should try raise a blog site for the disenfranchised independence supporters,
The trolls themselves will not beat me of here, in fact I am inclined to think we should out number them instead of falling away, They often are employed or have to be paid for.
We do not.
it would be nice if you stayed with us and to see a good few others return with a determination to follow through no matter what verbal diarrhoea is expelled by trolls.
Brian doonthetoon,
If Andy wightman failed us miserably at the end with His lack of support in the AS case, or land reform, but if he did any good as a politician anywhere it was high lighting whom owns Scotland , and how it supposedly came about.
We severely need land reform in Scotland to correct the steal of Scottish land.
Personally the best way to do this is to replace council tax with all over land tax, [not land value tax] to many loop holes for grouse moors and large swathes of unpopulated land held by big estates.
This would include businesses, Homes and second Homes , military, airports, and Councils whom at the moment hammer us but contribute nothing themselves,
For those with financial dispositions in safe havens abroad whom try Tax dodges would fall foul of the Land Tax if they were repeatedly late to pay,
The penalty would be to have their land confiscated and resold to the public population in Scotland.
Obviously the more land you own, the bigger the Tax bill.
All Payable to a genuine Scottish government treasury, ( not a devolved government ) where our taxes disappear under offsets.
The land would eventually become more evenly dispersed and back to the people.
Andy Wightman
What do I know about him.
He’s a mate of Patrick Harvie was shit at the Alex Salmond fiasco.
Conclusion: I don’t like him!
Normally I don’t have time to dig too deeply into politics & things going on in Scotland (way too many at the moment) so my view of Andy Wightman might well be totally off the wall.
At the moment due to something wrong with my leg or perhaps its my bum (gluteals) I am not going to the gym or for walks. It’s probably what I should be doing but it hurts, it’s very cold and Omicron! Result I’m sitting in front of the computer having my mind blown.
So yeah I might have to change my mind about Andy Wightman.
I don’t think I’m unusual. I imagine there are people much less ‘informed’ than I am who rely on very little information when making judgements.
What I would say to activists/politicians etc is that they should weight up what is most important.
for example:
gender id or independence
cozy slipper or independence
protecting Sturgeon or your credibility etc etc
To ‘Wingers’ I would say perhaps not a good idea to be too exclusive.
On saying all that I did decide to vote YES with very little information. I just answered the question.
Should Scotland be an independent country?
The pharmaceutical industry is big business from cancer to vaccines.
And mr Sunak is determined not to be left on the shelf.
Where there is money to be made or invested in you usually find a government with contracts for friends and family,
Getting your finger in the pie early brings better investments.
It is seldom that the Ill and elderly come off best, especially if the public has to start paying for prescriptions , or take out private health care insurance like in America while you collapse the NHS in Britain.
Yer leg and bum might stand a better chance in Scotland where we do not pay for prescriptions (yet).
Let’s keep it that way by voting for independence and insuring Scotland takes a more humane and separate path in Scotland from England,
It is about time that doctors got a backbone and returned to work in the surgeries and hospitals from going AWOL.
Surely they could find a backbone somewhere, their doctors after all.
Take the land back in the manner that the land was taken from people / owners in the first place.
Why pay for something that was in my humble opinion taken for no payment. I often wonder if payment for something not legally belonging to the seller if this would be considered reset.
If a person stole from you would you pay them to have your property returned.
In my rant about cupcakes which you will lose nothing by SQPing
Except the following:
‘If shopping in Lidl is beneath you then get me two bags of the ‘Bonne Maman Madeleines’ in Waitrose.’
Would you agree there are a fair number of people in Scotland who wouldn’t lower themselves to shop in Lidl.
Is there a big problem in Scotland with class discrimination. Its never talked about.
link to
FF to 7.30 to hear what John Barnes says about white working class people.
He says his book ‘Racism – the uncomfortable truth’ is about discrimination.
That would be the obvious answer you would think,
But when this was discussed in the Scottish parliament those with the big amounts of land, the large money mouths whom had fancy lawyers said it would be not be legal under the present day HR. As it singled them out for something that they did not personally do.
So a reform of land Tax for everyone does not adversely affect them particularly as separate from the rest of us with regards to human rights.
But it will alter the status quo,
When everyone is treated equally.
Say for instance the land reform Tax was per Acreage ( rather than land value )
It encapsulates every person in Scotland as a Tax wether you own a postage stamp piece of land or 25000 acres.
Similar to a roof tax,
That failed due to the wealthy kicking out tenants and pulling the roofs of the buildings and houses.
Only the rich could be so cold when it comes to money versa humans.
Perhaps some here could further these land reforms by suggesting methods of how we deal with tenements and high story buildings.
For one thing is apparent in Scotland.
The wealthy have a bias towards financial gain rather than humans as a species.
As can be seen from how land was taken from the Scots by devils means and by the way the treaty of the union came to be enforced upon us historically.
There was no voluntary agreement on either subject coming from the Scots, It was colonialism with a capital C from down south.
How many Scots would still own a piece of their ancestors of land today if they had not been forced out of their homes by brutality, the firing of houses and homes, deported to the edges of Scotland’s land on cliffs by the sea, to be replaced by sheep or shooting moors and large estates for the gentry, forced into migrating voluntary and involuntary from lack of food or shelter.
Now the big land grabbing owners of Scotland are playing the modern day victim card of human rights conviently forgetting how they came to have that Scottish land. By abusing the rights of Scots through the centuries.
It needs rectifying in a manner that is legal and whereby they cannot claim there human rights are being singled out from the rest of Scotland’s people in a court of law.
James Che. says:
19 December, 2021 at 1:45 pm
Yer leg and bum might stand a better chance in Scotland where we do not pay for prescriptions (yet).
The prescription for the leg & bum problem involves no drugs just a series of exercises. Normally I’m very much in favour of prescriptions for exercise & change of diet instead of drugs when possible. Not so much at the moment ‘cos too cold, too hurty & Omicron.
On top it being too cold, too hurty & Omicron I have had the cold, cold sores & a mouth ulcer.
For cold sores I use essential oil of geranium (works a treat) Zovirax which most people use costs around £5 (£5.20) in Boots & it’s pretty powerful stuff.
The only thing I knew for mouth ulcers was Bonjela. Bonjela costs £6.50 per tube. I expressed astonishment at this in my local pharmacy they said I could get something similar on prescription (small medicines thingy) just not Bonjela. They gave me ‘Anbesol’ which costs £2.
Used it twice & it worked a threat. Well done to the pharmacist although I probably would have preferred if he had suggest a more natural solution. ie rubbing the mouth ulcer with a dock leaf.
I now have an almost full tube of ‘Anbesol’ which I will end up throwing away. Not too much of a problem ‘cos just £2 but I wonder what happens to more expensive unused drugs?
Just scanned over the instructions dabbed the stuff on my mouth ulcer but did not read the side effects. Is this something a lot of people fail to do?
Re Covid vax if there had been an natural alternative I would have opted for that. I found the whole Covid thing overwhelming which I think most people did. That seemed to be something which the ‘anti-vax’ people didn’t understand and they kept insisted we read this article or watch a You Tube video telling us how much we were being conned and how bad the vax was.
Then there were the ‘anti anti-vax’ people who thought it was their duty to counteract everything the ‘anti-vax’ people were saying! What a carry on!
I’m not much of a footy fan but yet again a final for a cup at Hampden isn’t broadcast on terrestrial tv in Scotland, yet over the last few weeks we’ve had all manor of lower league English football games on tv.
Scotland is indeed a country but as part of this union it has been treated as a colony for hundreds of years, broadcasting is just another symptom that ails Scotland as part of this bucket of shit union.
James Che. says:
Fancy lawyers lots of dosh and HR don’t come into it. Buyer Beware does. The blame for what happened rests upon those in the past A crime that happened a long time ago is still a crime.
Having listened to John Barnes I’ve decided that women, gays, blacks & *white trash (Lidl shoppers) should all get together to fight discrimination.
*white trash too American?
What about ‘schemies’ would that be more Scottish or ‘the great unwashed’?
Just thought it over and decided my idea wouldn’t work ‘cos a lot of ‘women’, gays, blacks & schemies are all probably guilty of discrimination!
That group would probably be a worse nightmare than the ‘anti anti vax’ v ‘anti-vax’ lot?
Lord Frost who conducted the UK’s disastrous exit from the EU has resigned, Frost blamed his exit on Covid restriction and tax policy.
Meanwhile Jeremy Corbyn’s brother Piers Corbyn has been arrested after urging a crowd to burn down MPs offices.
Republicofscotland says:
19 December, 2021 at 3:23 pm
Scotland is indeed a country but as part of this union it has been treated as a colony for hundreds of years, broadcasting is just another symptom that ails Scotland as part of this bucket of shit union.
Scotland something else to fit on my discrimination list.
Perhaps time for our sportspeople to ‘take the knee’ for Scotland. Although a totally different gesture/symbol would be required.
Any suggestions?
Can’t be a rainbow that’s taken!
Nothing to do with knees thats to close to being ‘on your knees’
‘On your knees for Scotland in Union’ too Unionist!
@Stoker (11.38) –
Until things get back on track, we all have better things to do with our time.
Fare well!
“Gordon Brown has told how poverty-stricken parents in his home town need donations of school uniforms and food this Christmas instead of presents.”
When did that vile creature ever care about Scots he opposed and still does oppose Scottish independence the only real way to help Scots children rise up out of poverty.
This disgusting excuse of a man is rolled by the unionist media at every turn, as if we give a flying f*ck what Brown thinks on anything.
I know what our sportspersons can do!
They can dance to Baccara.
Eat yer heart out ‘All Blacks’ with your hacka.
Scottish sportspersons are going to upstage you dancing to a ‘Baccara’ song if they are clever enough to take my advice.
Yes Sir they can boogie!
The old cure for all lung ailments is coltsfoot,
It can be smoked for the opposite effect of tobacco,
Or I take it as a cup of tea with mint and nettle, nettle has many different vitamins and mineral that help clear the blood and provides a good source of iron.
Normally would not go down this road on a Scottish independence site,
But with doctors going awol, a little bit of natural medicine help may help some get through difficult times.
Do an allergy check by rubbing a little on you’re arm 24 hours beforehand.
Now back to our independence topic,
@ ROS what has happened to the charity that broontervention and his wife set up , allegedly they claim more on expenses for meals , accommodation and travel than they do on the charities stated works , surely he could donate uniforms and feed children from his mahoosive fortune that is unbecoming of a red socialist , the unabashed cheek of these troughing rich socialist arseholes is unbelievable , the brass on their necks must be 4 inches thick
I hope Karma comes to that slavering slack jawed twat
I am afraid fancy lawyers and big dosh did come into it.
I remember following it hoping it would pass into legislation for Scotland, that is how I first took note of Andy wightman at the time,
The Scottish government folded like a chocolate fire guard when it came to showing genuine support for change in Scotland.
They will fight and spend our money against our ex first minster. CM, Mr Hurst, women’s rights or football issues , on dud enquiries.
They will debate and pass legislation on trans issues, on green issues on intruding into our private rights and sovereignty, of sidelining parents to look after their own children’s upbringing.
From excusing balmoral for not having to follow the climate change agenda the rest of Scotland does.
For they were sworn in fealty to the crown like a god, not to the people.
One of our biggest problems in Scotland is still being held as a Colony, against our will. Where our rights and laws are corrupted to mean zilch.
For Holyrude is and was the creation of Westminster, thought up and discussed by Westminster given permission by Westminster, Then gave us permission to vote for it by Westminster,
It has its first loyalty to the Queen, and its second loyalty to Westminster, and is stocked mainly by those whom share the same kind of values as Westminster, and the monarchy.
The Scottish devolved government is a false title to sway the Scots to vote for it,
For all but name it is an English sub parliament.
Yes the land was stolen, yes we should fight for it,
But we should acknowledge that all of Scotland and ITS people were stolen, were bought and sold for English gold.
In a treaty of union that was not mutually agreed upon by the Scottish people,
There is not one free person living in Scotland today.
For first we have to ask and beg for that privaledge of freedom from our colonial masters and the crown.
They told us that if a certain % got elected we would have the right to freedom,
Then they changed the %
And they keep changing the % just out of reach,
We apparently are over 50% but they are changing the goalpost to over 60% now,
Always behaving like masters holding onto a slave colony.
If none of our government is working for us.
Then we have to change all the government that lain before us.
That is how colonialism worked for slaves in the 1700s and that is how it
Sorry for missing words.
Then we have to change all the government that is lain before us,
For that is how Colonialism worked for all and indentured slaves in the 1700s and that is how it will stay,
Unless we realise that we have the right to self determination, not continue as a Scottish Colony of Westminster parliament Nor be beholden to a treaty that the Scottish people did not agree to, and does not carry one of our ancestors signatures 1707.
Legally, Forensically, Historically the Scottish people did not mutually agree to joining a treaty of union with England in 1707.
Only the three estates did.
After the last few weeks of the exposure of Tory corruption and incompetence the Lib Dems overturn a Tory majority of 23,000 in a by-election in England.
In Argyll in Scotland the Tories win a council by-election. I despair!
James Che. says:
19 December, 2021 at 4:56 pm
The old cure for all lung ailments is coltsfoot,
Thanks for the info James.
Your post was very interesting.
I don’t think you should worry or apologise for posting what you might consider off topic.
There is hardly anyone posting here. As ‘Pete’s Auntie’ said
“Until things get back on track, we all have better things to do with our time.”
Stoker as she calls herself, I call her ‘Pete’s Auntie’ owes me an apology so I don’t feel too kindly disposed towards her. Quite frankly my dear not too bothered if she never comes back although I would like to see Stu return.
If the better thing she finds to do with her time is knitting. Any scarf she might complete before Stu’s return would probably be long enough not only to keep Dr Who warm but could be used to wrap the parliament should Christo and Jeanne-Claude accept a commission to do it in the same style as they did the Reichstag.
No idea why when she is busy knitting a wrapping for Holyrood is she concerned about what goes on here.
I’m interested in what ROS has posted about Jeremy Corbyn’s brother and the the latest intervention from ‘Browntosaurus’.
I will probably comment on both these topics. Are they independence topics?
Not sure but I don’t care.
‘Until things get back on track’ I’m going to post & comment on whatever takes my fancy.
Should loads of people object to my posts then I will re-think and try to be more ‘on topic’ or alternatively ‘find better things to do with my time’ like ‘Pete’s Auntie’. Although I will definitely not be knitting an eco friendly cover for Holyrood until Stu gets back.
twathater says:
19 December, 2021 at 5:36 pm
@ ROS what has happened to the charity that broontervention and his wife set up
Good question ‘twathater’
If Stu ever decides to return then I hope he will get himself a blog which accommodates replies in a nesting system or whatever it’s called. You know what I mean. See layout of just about every other blog on the internet.
You could have loads of topics on the one thread all tucked away neatly in little nests.
You wouldn’t have to SQP my rant about cupcakes if cupcakes weren’t of interest you could just keep your beak out of my nest about cupcakes. Everybody would be happy!
Benhope says:
19 December, 2021 at 6:33 pm
After the last few weeks of the exposure of Tory corruption and incompetence the Lib Dems overturn a Tory majority of 23,000 in a by-election in England.
In Argyll in Scotland the Tories win a council by-election. I despair!
Excellent post Benhope!
Scotland is ‘passed peak Nat’ or what?
@Ronnie Anderson : “Thanks Dorothy pedants don’t frighten me um mair gittin browned of wie feking neddles getting stuck intae me LoL”
All the best, Ronnie. You should be used to annoying little pricks after seeing the unionist trolls colonise this site in recent months. I’m sure your great spirit and the love of your family will see you through. You were the human face of Wings at the stall in so many marches and will always be so remembered.
@Dan 10.15 yesterday: “As the proud holder of a D Level English O Grade (no colonised mind here)……..”
Your contributions over the last few years have shown that an acute natural intelligence and practical skills are much more valuable than wee bits of paper showing you have merely regurgitated the milk and water of tenured and compromised university tutors, who are just unionist place-men/women and prisoners of globalism.
@James Che.: I wish you and your family a better 2022. I have enjoyed greatly you thoughts on 1707 and the Covid lunacy we have been grappling with in the past two years.
Final thought: it’s a small world but I wouldn’t want to paint it.
Chic Murray perhaps?
James Che There are Alba F/B sites Alba Dundee / Alba Rising of witch i’m a Admin
Onnyhoo, in other news, whatever happened to ‘Breaker Malt Liquor’? Amazon reports that it is ‘currently unavailable’.
link to
@Dan 18 Dec 10:42 PM
You get a test, and if you are negative, you are as safe as anything ever is in this world.
It’s not complicated.
Once you get your head around this simple fact, you are ready to take it to the next level.
Imagine that you are a member of a group of people, all of them are tested EVERY DAY. Imagine if all of their tests are fast-tracked. Imagine if you wake up every morning, take a test, hand it to a flunky, and by the time you have shaved your chin or legs and dressed the test result is on your breakfast table, alongside the perfectly cooked bacon and eggs. Imagine if you are confident that most days you will never have to rub shoulders with anybody who is not also a member of this privileged group.
What precautions do you think you would need to follow in a scenario like that?
What’s that you say Dan? Surely somebody would blow the whistle on such health-care apartheid?
Yeah, you believe that if you like. For myself, the scenario I have just outlined is the only one that makes sense. Do you honestly think we are in the same Covid canoe as the rich and powerful and “important”?
That canmuseum site could take up far too much time…
@John Main 8:48pm
This is not a class issue. Anybody can get LTF or a PCR test for free. The one thing the SG has got right. It’s free come with me to a local chemist they will give you bucket loads. I will agree there is lots of underlying issues that have not been addressed. Lady Poole the appointed judge to the Scottish Public Inquiry has a career defining opportunity. She goes with the SNP narrative or accepts the evidence that’s about to come her way. And there is lots of it. However I am Yoon. A troll. We got rid of them for Christmas I hear you say. Actually I voted for Independence so did my overworked son. An ICU / A and E Doctor who voted for Independence. The only time he voted. In his 30s now only voted once. But listen to Ronnie Anderson the saviour of Independence. I will listen to my son on covid matters. Thank you very much. The Inquiry starts in January. Be prepared to be shocked.
Hi Tannadice boy.
Cannae work out why you have a downer on Ronnie?
Onnyhoo, again, in other news, a survey for everyone still left here. Have you ever remarked to one or more of your pals, “I’m feeling a bit blue today.”
The emotion of “feeling blue” seems to be restricted to song lyrics. I have never used the phrase and nobody has ever uttered it to me.
Maybe I’ve led a sheltered life…
@Brian Doonthetoon 10:28pm
We canvassed together. Ask him about the South African woman that wanted to sleep with me and not him or Chris. I didn’t of course married ye know. I delivered leaflets with a young guy. He had experience of Ronnie on the Yes Bus. Reckoned he lost more votes than gained. If he is the answer then we are asking the wrong question. We need an Alex Salmond and not a Ronnie Anderson.
SNP & Greens – “Scotland should be independent because we are fed up of having Governments we didn’t elect in Westminster foist policies onto us we don’t want.”
Meanwhile in Holyrood… The SNP & Green
GovernmentAdministrators of Devolved Powers we did elect foist policies onto us we don’t want…link to
Kyogo is a GOD
Brian Doonthetoon says
Have you ever remarked to one or more of your pals, “I’m feeling a bit blue today.”
You get a different origin on Google for the phrase
‘feeling blue’
from ‘The blues’ music genre:
“The blues” stems from the 17th-century English expression, “the blue devils,” which described the intense visual hallucinations of delirium tremens — the trembling and psychosis associated with alcohol withdrawal. Shortened over time to “the blues,” the phrase came to mean a state of emotional agitation or depression.
Makes you wonder if these songs that talk about the blues are referring to sadness or the DTs.
Elvis sang:
I’ll have a blue Christmas without you
I’ll be so blue just thinkin’ about you
The ‘you’ could be alcohol!
This is Sidney Bechet playing ‘Really the Blues’ I absolutely love it.
link to
Ruby @ 1:53 pm
“‘Racism – the uncomfortable truth’ is about discrimination.”
Colonialism is racism, prejudice, and is at root fascism (Albert Memmi). How this works in Scotland is also about discrimination:
link to
Alf Baird says:
19 December, 2021 at 11:29 pm
Colonialism is racism,
I would rather use the term discrimination.
The word racism is no longer useful especially when you can be accused of anti-English racism and when loads of people are being discriminated against for reason other than being of a different race.
John Barnes says his book is about discrimination yet he entitled it ‘The Uncomfortable Truth about Racism’
perhaps his publisher thought a book entitled ‘The Uncomfortable Truth about Discrimination’ wouldn’t sell.
@Ruby 12:02pm
Congratulations Ruby your best post.
Ruby says:
20 December, 2021 at 12:02 am
Alf Baird says:
19 December, 2021 at 11:29 pm
Colonialism is racism,
Colonialism is a war crime?
Very interesting polls Dan.
Thanks for the link.
I probably could have guessed what the results would be.
Will be interesting to hear Sturgeon’s reaction!
Journalists beware!
Dan @10:51
The gender woo woo thing being punted by “our government” (boke) is just a sham to keep the masses busy, when the time is right they will move on to another paper Tiger once we have “won” that battle.
Meanwhile they are quietly screwing us out of our country
Ronald Anderson.
Very happy to hear that you have family close by, And a caring support system,
I will comment as where possible this week due to many medical cancellations for our family,
But in case I do not manage
I would like to wish you a good Christmas and a healthy wealthy new year to to you and yours. Lol.
Ronald Anderson.
Backtracking a bit thes morning.
Many thanks for info on alternative sites,
Well you cannot help but admit that without doubt the present PM has mulitiple hate crimes to set against his name.
His hatred of Scots is easily called to mind.
From comments for a wish to exterminate the Scottish nation,
I think that he and the paper that published it come under all categories of discrimination, Racism, and a colonial attitude as he says no to a referendum in Scotland when we wish to.
During the May election campaign, there were rumours doing the rounds that some SNP candidates might switch to Alba if (re)elected. There were also suggestions that to counter this rumour, SNP were in the process of compelling candidates to sign some sort of contract that would in effect put a dampener on anyone thinking in those terms.
I did wonder at the time what the legal position was, but then the thought drifted into the ether.
Looking back on that scenario, I’m not at all clear what sort of contract an elected MSP (MP) has, even in a moral sense, or if their first loyalty is to the constituents, the party whose banners they come under, or to the country.
That preamble takes me to where I want to be: –
1) who do elected candidates owe their first allegiance to, their constituency, to a party, or to the country?
2) I believe employment law states that every employee should have a T & C contract, so, why are MSP’s (apparently?) exempt from signing an employment contract with terms/conditions/hours of work/pension contributions etc.
From what I can gather, politicians are merely bound by a code of conduct, and other forms of self-regulatory rules. It strikes me as odd, though, that professionals such as GP’s, teachers etc. are bound by strict rules of conduct to which they must adhere. They must deliver in accordance with what is expected, some even swearing an oath to that effect.
Yet there appears to be no statutory conditions or consequences whereby MSPs/MPs are legally bound by promises made during election campaigns?
When politicians deviate from their election promises or manifesto, when they lie, cheat, or engage in any other form of unacceptable behaviour it is no different to a patient detailing an ailment to their GP, and the GP refusing to discuss the problem, or going off on a tangent about something completely different or LYING to the patient, or prescribing something to the patient that will make the condition worse! There would be consequences for that GP, no?
That is what the electorate are asked to accept though: that candidates can do or say anything during campaigns, but can never be held to account, and having seen multiple examples, it doesn’t matter even if criminal acts have been committed.
Other questions arise, such as: MSP’s take an oath of allegiance to Q Liz, is everything they say or do carried out in her name?
I don’t have answers to many of these questions, so perhaps those with knowledge of the parameters by which an MSP is duty bound can help?
Best wishes to everyone this festive season and beyond. But special thoughts to those suffering physically, or mentally, or both. Your contributions to this blog mean so much more than you know. Thank you.
This post could be entitled
“My Uncomfortable Truth About Racism’
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John Barnes gets a pretty bad review from Tomiwa Owolade in The Times.
Perhaps he’s let the side down by suggesting the term ‘racism’ is no longer useful.
In that same passage Barnes asks: “Can you racially abuse Jewish people?” He asks because “if the Jewish people are a race, what race does a black Jewish person belong to?”
‘Racism in society is not about divisions between races. It is about a division between elites and non-elites.’
He should have called his book
‘The Uncomfortable Truth about Discrimination’
Should Humza Yousaf be talking about racial discrimination?
You could ask
“Can you racially abuse Muslim people?” “if the Muslim people are a race, what race does a white muslim person belong to?”
Yousaf has decided to introduce names into the mix. Can you racially abuse someone based only on their name?
Could John Barnes have been racially abused because of his name?
One thing John Barnes says which I think is spot on is that everyone discriminates.
I’m discriminating against Humza Yousaf not because he is a muslim or a different race but because he is a member of the SNP and a plonker.
Will discriminating on the grounds of politic beliefs become a race crime? Why not?
I’m going to look further into the reviews of John Barnes book. Are those who are all too ready to whip out the race card not happy with what he says.
Are they unhappy that they maybe grouped together with everyone else who is discriminated against?
Something for Humza Yousaf to think about:
What would happen to your fight for racial equality if anybody could self ID as BAME?
Very interesting questions Ebok. I look forward to you getting answers.
I don’t really celebrate Jesus’ birthday but for those who do ‘Merry Christmas’
Oh My Cron! (OMC) Did I get the apostrophe thingy in the right place on Jesus’ birthday?
I have two new swear words. See above for 1st I’ll use the 2nd in a future post.
The John Barnes of the world are not knowing their place and being thankful with the ‘equality’ bestowed on them by the establishment.
They rightly want more in life that just equality and being able to have the opportunities that those in the establishment enjoys. That is why this sort of equality is no longer being promoted and has no being shifted to for example Trans rights.
As always, once Trans people enjoy equality is achieved through the likes of Self Id but that community wants more then their campaign will be dumped and some other cause will be championed.
As others have said, once one of these identity group cause is ‘won’, they will move on to another.
As I don’t celebrate Jesus’s birthday I have volunteered to do childminding/dog watching for friends who do.
I’ll be here during all the birthday celebrations so if you are feeling lonely, had enough of the birthday celebrations or self isolating you can have a chat with me. Lucky you!
We could chat about anything you like politics, racism, colonialism, the price of cupcakes, how not to heat up your mince pie in the microwave, how the term ‘the blues came about, your favourite Christmas song and even the use of correct punctuation (if you really insist)! Sorry No fitba! I had to google who ‘Kyogo the GOD’ was.
The childminding gig is pretty easy. They spend all their time glued to an ipad/iphone. They only speak if they want a snack. ‘Ruby! I’m hungry!’
The dog is lovely she sleeps a lot but when awake I have to watch her like a hawk ‘cos she steals the snacks & even my dinner if it’s too close to the edge of the table. I guess she doesn’t like kibble and these pouches of gunk recommended by the vet!
You need to get oot mare. Or get yirsel a man- A real wan.
I am convinced Denise Findlay was right i.e. Sturgeon is in hock to Westminster for helping set up Alex Salmond. Thus the reason why she cannot proceed with independence. Westminster is using Scotland as a trial ground for Gender woo woo, just like they did with the poll tax and Sturgeon dare not open her mouth or Westminster will expose her dirty tricks.
The recent sex questions for school children will not be confidential after all, other unknown agencies will have access, not only to the answers but also the names and addresses of these kids will be exposed. Further, the disclosed information will follow them for the rest of their lives. We must assume the first unknown agency to get access to the school kids answers will be Stonewall. They are determined to get the age of consent reduced to 14yrs, they will use the results of the survey as ammunition to argue their case , perhaps saying ” look kids are having sex already” so it makes sense to reduce the age of consent.
The Jigsaw is all fitting into place now, we all wondered what sturgeon was up to with her self id, destroying women’s, parents and children’s rights.
A Salmond was talking about coming back into politics to help with the independence drive because he recognised Sturgeons failure to make any progress. Sturgeon suffering from severe Paranoia, panicked and thought Alex was about to displace her power base and sought help from our arch enemy south of the border.
As long as Sturgeon makes no move towards independence, her secrecy and treachery towards the Scottish people is safe in the hands of Westminster. The UK press are treating her extremely kindly as they know the Union is safe in her hands.
PacMan says:
As always, once Trans people enjoy equality is achieved through the likes of Self Id but that community wants more then their campaign will be dumped and some other cause will be championed.
As others have said, once one of these identity group cause is ‘won’, they will move on to another.
Interesting post PacMan.
Where could they possibly go after ‘self-id’
Equally rights for paedophiles, zoophiles?
Why are paedophiles being discriminated against? Why can’t they work for a children’s charity & date anyone they like?
Why can’t the lonely farmer shag his favourite sheep or the lady of the manor use her horse for satisfaction when the old boy has run out of viagra?
Why are people forced to dress up as pups and not just be allowed to shag the dog?
Should teachers be looking out for signs of zoophilia & paedophilia at an early age? Too interested in that cuddly sheep toy = you are zoophile. We wont tell mummy!
Should those using the term ‘sheep shagger’ be named and shamed as zoophiliaphobics?
PS What about the doggers?
I ain’t talking about the fans of Paypal Paul.
This video might help.
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robbo says:
20 December, 2021 at 2:39 pm
You need to get oot mare. Or get yirsel a man- A real wan.
Wot you mean a real man wot knows all about fitba?
Why when
I’ve go you & Google to help me out with that and my BOB does the rest!
Democracy exists in Britain if a superior master ( in their mind ) says it does.
BJ can be remembered for showing racism and discrimination in Letter box comments as well to wards certain women.
Racism, the colonialism masters idea of talking down to lesser or lower classed citizens to oneself, is discrimination, and displaying bias,
The Irish, The welsh and the Scots have suffered for hundreds of years at the hands of colonialism from the English parliaments and armies,
There is no history records that state any of these countries ever voluntary wanted to join with England,
And England has to except that it did indeed “capture and hold fast” to quote them, The three unelected estates that did not own Scotland at the time the the negotiations and signing of a treaty took place in 1706- 1707.
Sadly for England in its surge and hurry for power and to land grab assets, it forgot to dot the i’s and cross the t’s .
Although it has fooled most of Scotland for 300 years and most of England for 300 years with these lack of details. Under scrutiny there are massive flaws in the agreed Treaty at the very beginning.
Westminster’s England’s parliament have covered it up by bluster and propaganda to continue the Treaty lie.
Details matter when signing contracts or treaties.
England’s parliament forgot to ask “ The Three Estates very some important questions with regards to Scotland, the Scots.
This is what the English Parliament should have questioned in 1707 prior to both sides for the treaty to be held legal,
English Parliament: To The Three Estates.
please answer the following Questions by a simple yes or no in the appropriate box on the parchment paper.
Question 1) Do you, “The Three Estates” in Scotland consider yourselves the owners of the kingdom of Scotland. Yes []. No [no]
Question 2) “ Do you, The Three Estates “ in Scotland hold [ All ] the title deeds to [ All ] of Scotland before you sign up? Yes [] NO [no]
Question 3) “Do you, The Three Estates” have or hold any receipts of proof for your claimed ownership of Scotland before you sign? , Yes [] NO [no]
Question 4) Do you, “The Three Estates” consider yourselves to be or hold ownership of the inhabitants and natives of Scotland before you sign up? Yes [] NO [no]
Question 5) Do you, “The Three Estates” in Scotland hold any proof of purchase of the inhabitants or natives of Scotland if answered yes? Yes [] NO [ no]
Question 6) Do you, “The Three Estates” in Scotland represent the inhabitants and natives of Scotland? Yes [yes] No. []
Question 7) Was this representation of the people achieved lawfully by writ, of deed or of poll from the inhabitants [the people] of Scotland towards electing “The Three Estates”? yes [] No [no]
Question 8) Were you, The Three Estates” self elected, (ie) selected by you’re own members without The involvement of any inhabitants and natives of Scotland? Yes [yes] No[]
Question 9) Do inhabitants or natives of Scotland know that you are considering a treaty of union of “The Three Estates” with the parliament of England. yes [] No [no]
Question 10) Will you except financial payment from England for negotiating on England’s behalf then? Yes [yes] No []
What is your given reason for entering into these negotiations with England’s parliament.
Please select one of the following with a yes or no answer in appropriate box.
a) trade. Yes
b) personal financial gain. Yes
c) new land and titles. Yes
d) The Darien scheme. Yes
e) to improve local housing, No
f) to improve local wages, No
g) you will pass on any financial payments we the English pay you to the native population of Scotland. No.
A seat in English Parliament. Yes
If you have answered YES to more than one of the above please give details below.
We “ The Three Estates” are in dire straight personally, losing money fast due to our own gullible investments and actions The only way to improve our financial status is to consider selling Scotland and its people to England,
We realise that we do not own Scotland as surely as you do, that is why ( if ) we do sign this. It must be done in the upmost secret. On both sides of the borders.
But we also realise that you, the English Parliament will go to any lengths to gain Scotland for your own this year, having in the past failed to do so for any long period.
You are also aware if we were to ask the natives and inhabitants of Scotland beforehand to give away their soil and livelihood from under their feet they would surely not, perhaps another war between our countries would ensue rendering your purse more empty than what you would make in payments to us for Scotland.
Therefore we think that is for the interests of both parties, the English Parliament and The Three Estates if we were to Sell Scotland to you.
The only thing we insist on, is keeping our own laws, which would mean an invisible lawful border being retained between the twixt.
Oh and maybe private rights and a claim of right to pacify the Scottish natives. For all hell may break loose when Scotland is sold.
We cannot afford for this to leak out, Nor to ask the Scottish natives for fear of our lives.
And yet we may need you’re English army to protect us from what we have done, if your need is as equal to ours do you agree to these terms
English Parliament reply.
Agreed, Done Deal. Sign here and here.
The Scottish people have never been asked if they want to join in a treaty of union with the English Parliament or with England.
That is the Error that the English Parliament made in 1707.
The Scottish people, natives or inhabitants of Scotland had then or now not ever been signed up to the Treaty of the union.
How can the Scottish people be begging for a referendum To come out of a Treaty they were never entered or invited into.
Perhaps England’s parliament is still frustrated with itself for not capturing the Scots, perhaps the old hatred lurks beneath the surface for a reason.
That the Scots in general are slippery to catch and hold ,as Lord Cooper suggests.
Muriel Gray appointed to role representing Scotland at the BBC.
Oh right, she done such a fantastic job as the chair of the School of Art, it burned down twice under her watch and nobody was held accountable.
Though I can’t say I’d be upset if the same happened to the BBC in Scotland.
Meanwhile another House Jock, Laura Kuenssberg is to step down as the BBC’s political editor after seven years in the job, the corporation has confirmed.
And with Andrew Marr also stepping down the House Jocks are dropping like flies. I wonder who’ll be next.
As folk couldn’t be with their loved ones as they were dying from Covid in hospitals up and down the UK last year this lot had a party in the garden when strict rules implemented by them clearly stated that you couldn’t.
The party has been brushed off as a work gathering though no laptops or pens or pads are evident, and not one person is taking down the minutes. However there are folk eating and drinking alcohol a gathering in groups to my mind its a party, yet this lying bunch of bar stewards still claim it was a works meeting.
Here’s the piccy of the party.×900/skynews-downing-street-garden_5620684.jpg?20211219210521
I actually like the suggestion you made that there should be a contract that MPs should sign.
To their constituents to carry out what they promise to those who elect them into that position on their promise.
Otherwise they can lie to us to the cows come home, and no point in any of us voting.
Two things come to mind.
First being that none of them consider covid dangerous in reality.
They have be reduced it politically to them against us for rule exemptions
Stu is ‘ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha’ over on FB.
Anyone been to see what it’s all about?
Something about ‘whatsapp messages’
Is it correct that the police are investigating who leaked Pete Murrells ‘whatsapp’ messages?
RoS @ 4:43
Furthermore, if it was a Govt. business meeting, what the hell was Princess Nut-Nuts doing there?
Don’t recall her being elected or appointed as anything other than Boris’ bed warmer.
And to think we used to laugh at the Yanks for electing Trump. Jesus H….
Ruby says: 20 December, 2021 at 2:52 pm
This is the second time you have posted to one of my comments that has nothing to do with what I had nor does it make any sense.
As it seems you were triggered by my example of Trans folk, I would like to say something. I am against Self-ID and this Trans Rights Activism because womans rights are going to being sacrificed as a result and it is going to allow predators to abuse the legislation for their own ends.
Whatever point your reply was, I don’t have a clue but it does sound like you are some a bit of prejudice against genuine Trans folk which is ironic considering the line of the topic was discrimination.
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Carrots are catching on!
PacMan says:
Whatever point your reply was, I don’t have a clue but it does sound like you are some a bit of prejudice against genuine Trans folk which is ironic considering the line of the topic was discrimination.
Honestly PacMan it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand my point.
Very sorry that I quoted a line from your comment.
Unfortunately I can’t edit otherwise I would edit my post and exclude your line
‘As others have said, once one of these identity group cause is ‘won’, they will move on to another.’
You might be correct that I appear prejudiced against genuine trans folk but that could be because genuine trans folk are getting lost in the madness. Much as I empathise with people suffering from gender dysphoria I find it impossible to accept that trans women are women.
Guess you are correct that I am prejudiced.
There is a risk of you being accused of being prejudiced against genuine trans folk by opposing self-id.
People in glass houses……….
I accept that my earlier post that PacMan didn’t understand is a tad OTT. I did post a warning.
The point was about equality and where the government will go next. Will there be money coming in from a group wanting the age of consent lowered? Why would the Gov want to know if 14 year olds are having sex?
It’s not self-id I am opposed to I am opposed to the idea that ‘trans women are women’
I have nothing against transwomen I just find it impossible to accept that transwomen are women.
I’m wonder if transwomen are being sold a pup by being told they are women.
Very quiet here recently
I wonder what the threat level has been set at today because according to the MSM it looks like DEFCON 3 , I guess that’s going to rise just to ensure the flock are in a suitable state of Hysteria
This seems to be exactly the same Pantomime that was being presented last year , oh well Why not it’s worked in the past, the first trial was Indyref 1 when the same media reckoned the Sky would fall if the dumb Jocks decided to leave this glorious Union ,
Aye fear worked a treat so why not use it again the mugs always fall for it . Being compliant won’t return you to normal service it will just remove more of the rights you thought you had and just for the carrot that’s being dangled in front of you , just one more thing and we will get back to normal .
Probably get a immediate ban but what the hell the sites being shut down anyway , merry Xmas .
Robert Graham.
Mmmm, the human experiment following the same rule pattern across the globe.
Old folk care home introduced to covid patients,
And the elite still partying and going to gyms and beauty salons and big meetings,
while we are in lockdowns and face-coverings. Closing businesses and the economy,
Interesting two sets rules
Very quiet here lately.
I do understand peoples’ frustration when they take time to compose a ‘serious’ post & they only get a response from me rabbiting on about ‘equality for sheepshaggers & doggers’
Merry Xmas Robert! I don’t think you will be banned.
To be banned you need to be fighting about Covid.
Doesn’t look as if there is anyone here for you to fight with and if there is they may not be so unconcerned about being banned as you are.
PS Would you like the site to stay open?
As many Scots families need to choose between heating or eating this Winter and with a third of Scots already in fuel poverty (some asking food banks for cold foods because they can’t afford to heat it), MSPs get a wage rise.
“MSPs are set for a pay rise of 3.4% from April next year, taking their salaries to £66,662.”
“MSPs will also see an increase in their annual staffing allowance in the current parliamentary term with each member’s budget rising from £93,000 to £133,200.”
I doubt very much that Sturgeon or Swinney or Sarwar or Ross, will need to choose between heating or eating this Winter, things are set to get a whole lot worse for Scots with huge fuel costs due come April next year, and with the cost of living going one way, up, many more families will fall into the poverty trap.
At least with independence we could’ve made our own choices, but Sturgeon sold Scots out, for the benefit of a foreign country.
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Two footballers both concerned about racism.
John Barnes best known for fight against racism
Marcus Rashford best known for his campaign to tackle child hunger.
Two people both from the BAME community.
Marcus Rashford & Humza Yousaf
Both concerned about racism one concerned about racism & tackling child hunger.
One knows all about child hunger and the other hasn’t a clue.
Seen on a t-shirt…
I’ve Not Been Vaccinated
. . . But I Identify As
. . Someone Who Has
I’ve re-read your comment and it has absolutely nothing to do what I said. The only thing I can think is something in what I had said triggered you to have a rant.
Just an observation I have noticed about you. You seem to have a scatter gun approach to commenting but are a tad sensitive when challenged.
The justification for the potential restrictions as always has been that the hospitals are going to be swamped in the weeks to come.
The information about hospital admissions and ICU cases are freely available and can be viewed through a number of sites. It is a case of waiting and seeing how these figures actually turn out and if not as bad as prophesied by the politicians, how can they then justify themselves?
Sorry PacMan. I did a bad thing.
As I said earlier if I could I would edit my earlier post and delete your name.
I’m sorry!
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Is this true?
🙂 🙂
The English government are to pass laws to outlaw the BDS movement, mind you the English parliament is stuffed full with friends of Israel acolytes.
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Good news for cash strapped Scots in the Edinburgh area as they now won’t have to pay Underbelly 12 quid to jump in the sea on Jan 1st.
@PacMan 2:34pm
The operative words Sturgeon used was Intrinsic Evidence. Meaning nothing from the Scottish National Health Service or UK sources. Thursday 21st December around 2:30pm in Parliament. Take a note of that. So we can forget about the extrinsic evidence from South Africa average age 27 versus 41, their summer etc. We will allow her that. She has thrown the dice in an American Crap game. And we are the losers.
@Pacman 4:28pm
Correction Tuesday 21st December around 2:30pm. I am getting ahead of myself. Point stands. Take note of it.
@ Tannadice Boy
Any idea where Captn Yossa is these days? Last I recall from a couple of month’s back was that something was due to happen imminently with an enginner’s report or something or other.
Stu stated we cannae be gettin’ too fractious aboot ra covids or ra franchise, but he never ruled oot chat aboot that school…
This was in the DR a month back.
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Oh Christ! BDtt will be along any minute to boot me in the nads / lady baws for that apostrophe…
@Dan 5:22pm
Hi Dan
I don’t think it went his way. He was in lots of debt pursuing his case beforehand Don’t take on the Man unless you have deep pockets. There was some remedial works ordered but nothing to support his fundamental case. At least that was my summing up the last time we spoke on here. I know I keep pleading for Stus forbearance. But the situation today is central to the Independence cause. Not only has the well been poisoned. But Sturgeon poured acid into the well today. No intrinsic evidence Tuesday 21st December at 14:30pm. I will leave you to wonder about that.
The ‘Looney Dookers’ won’t have to pay Underbelly £12 directly to jump in the sea ‘cos the event is cancelled however Underbelly will have to be compensated so the £12 pp that they lost will have to be paid from the £375m of taxpayers money to be spend on business support.
Are you able to jump in the sea if you wear a mask & snorkel or has all
‘Loony Dooking’ been cancelled?
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Does anyone know where you go to read these public health messages or are they all behind a paywall.
Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
13 December, 2021 at 4:10 pm
Please note that anyone fighting about COVID or the prospective voting franchise in a future indyref in the comments on this post will be banned without further warning.
Stu says on this post
No reason why those who want to fight about Covid & franchise cannot continue on ‘Jigsaw Puzzle Blues’ thread.
For example to Robert Graham you could reply by saying
‘See my reply to your post on ‘Jigsaw Puzzle Blues’ thread.
Perhaps refrain from using terms like Anti-Vaxxer, Moonhowler, Crackpot until on ‘Jigsaw Puzzle Blues’ thread and then I believe it would be OK to let rip!
@ Tannadice Boy
Cheers for that update.
Regardless of the ultimate outcome, all that btl discussion aboot the school was actually pretty interesting and broached quite a few different subjects.
Seeing it’s quiet on here now here’s a link back to when the site was busier btl and included plenty discussion on various subjects, including the school.
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@Dan 6:26pm
Yes I remember the least costly option was to go to the HSE. You can take a horse to water but you can’t force it to drink.
Tannadice Boy says: 21 December, 2021 at 4:28 pm
It was known that the Health experts on both sides of the border was basing their modelling on Omnicrom having the same effect as Delta.
However, that is interesting about Sturgeon using Intrinsic Evidence. If my understanding of this is correct, we could have weeks or months of restrictions, yet if Omnicron doesn’t produce the hospitalisations and death needed to justify it, she has a perfect get out of jail card and she will come out of it, whiter and white.
Obviously this helps her getting out of holding an independence referendum but will she use this to get for example unpopular legislation like self-id through while the public is otherwise preoccupied with equally unpopular pointless restrictions?
I know we are already aware of it but she is really is one for needing to be watching.
I spotted ‘Sensible Dave’ on that thread.
Had a chuckle at the exchanges between ‘Tannadice Boy’ & ‘BDTT’ about apostrophes.
That’s a shame about Captain Yossa.
This one’s for him.
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Self id or reverting back to the 2004 GRA will still leave us with the same problem.
Trans women will still be ‘women’.
Do all those opposing self-id accept that trans women are women?
Be aware.
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I got one of these couple of weeks ago and thought- wtf are they one about British Gas? Must think we’re simpletons.
@PacMan 6:36pm
She won’t be coming out as whiter than white. Even if her 60 or so lawyers say otherwise. I think it is time Lady Poole took over. No intrinsic evidence? Let’s see. Practitioners have been feeding it up the line. Milder symptoms from Omicron so far. Either she hasn’t heard or ignored the evidence. Either way it is a failure of Government.
@ Ruby
No probs. I’ll keep in mind with future posts that you are just commenting to parts of my posts.
TBH, I still have ‘residues’ of woke in me. I used to be quite woke although not to the extent of the loonies behind for instance TRA and when I was posting hear regularly, I tried to offer gentle reminders to site members posting non-PC comments to be aware of not getting WOS the reputation of for example undercurrents of homophobia and transphobia as suggested by a certain other blogger.
With my time away, I’ve been re-evaulating my wokeness and I was meaning to write a post about it but I can’t really be bothered. The comment I had posted in a previous article about yon David Chappelle Netflix special really sums up the absurdity of it.
You have an African-American comedian who makes comedy on subjects that have got white comedians effectively cancelled for years complaining about being picked on about the Trans community and saying he is only making comedy towards the Trans community because he is jealous that their community is making more inroads than this even though they have only been around for a decade or two.
This woke culture is coming to a point where large amounts of minority communities are fighting each other like rats in a sack in order to get the most exposure and worthiness of rights.
Any socially progressive individual who has natural sympathy towards such movements are just leaving themselves open to have a rod put to their back with trying to appease their demands and no matter what they do, it will never please these communities.
It does remind me of the scene from the Life of Brian where the do-gooder looks upon with anguish at the long line of prisoners dragging crosses to be crucified and offers to help take the burden of carrying the cross of one of them only for the criminal to run away and the do-gooder ends up getting crucified instead.
The reality is no matter how much you try to be mindful of what you say, someone is going to be offended so why bother?
Tannadice Boy says: 21 December, 2021 at 6:56 pm
Lets hope so but regardless of what happens to her, it will surely erode public confidence towards the government handling of the pandemic and less likelihood of non-compliance to future restrictions which might be needed if a more deadly variant occurs.
As you said earlier, we are the losers. It really is depressing.
@PacMan 7:11pm
Meanwhile MSPs have been awarded a pay rise. It must be difficult nodding your head. I thought they were there to represent the people of Scotland. Very depressing with Sturgeon there until 2026. No Country for Old Men. Ah well we will see where this latest scandal leads. Evidence or the dismissal of evidence will be central. It’s the forum that’s undecided. Pointless approaching the MSM. Come on down Lady Poole your are our last hope. From the wee sma folk.
I often just quote a single line from a post as that is the point I intend commenting on. However I am going to stop doing that. Especially if my comment contains loads of swear words & risque jokes that could tarnish the reputation of the poster that I’ve quoted.
I’m quite happy to make a bit of an effort not to offend people but there are limits.
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Who is Lady Poole?
Tinto chiel.
I have to admit I have enjoyed myself immensely researching tearing apart the truth from propaganda fiction with regards the treaty of the union,
I now am curious about the changing on the human rights bill by Westminster and the wording incorporated into the devolved government,
For changing human rights in Britain would affect the devolved governments and articles therein that set up these devolved parliaments. Breaking those articles.
I am already aware that Nicola Sturgeon has latterly suggested the lurgy rules are only advisory.
Did some one inform her that she was breaking the law of the right to privacy, which includes the right to see family,
Which you can find in article 8.
I could not have started on this journey without your help, Alf bairds, breeks Robert pheffers , Rev stu’s many more.
l did not realise how little knew, or how much had been deliberately disguised and hidden from the Scottish people,
From oil finances going down south, to how the Barnett formula works in reality, from quotes of the case with Lord Cooper to the writings of Orwell.
I was asleep, and did not know I had been living in a dream,
Andy Wightman was driven from the Greens by the Tranny Nazis for those of you clearly ignorant about what happened there. A pal of Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater he wasn’t.
@James Che.: yes, at its best, this site was great for exchanging information and waking people up. It used to amuse me that there had been plenty of excellent stuff on 1707 by David Daiches and Paul Henderson Scott available for years yet it took a somewhat cantankerous and combative pensioner on here (R. Peffers, esq.) to get the message across to a wide audience.
Despite great work by Murray Pittock, it is the unionist/establishment view of 1707 and all that which still tends to prevail in academia (history written by the victor, etc.). This is why the recent work of the Stennis Historical Society in analysing the cantonment records of the British army in Scotland post-Culloden is so valuable.
It shows Scotland, from the Outer Hebrides to the Borders, was an armed camp for over a decade, such was the popular resistance to the union. You can buy a handsome map produced by the SHS which graphically shows the scale of the occupation.
Understandably, this is not something the “loyal” historians wish to dwell on. I think Stuart McHardy has said that these records were very hard to track down and that at one time only one copy was thought to exist in a Canadian library.
Of course some will yawn and say what does it all matter now but it does may you wonder in that case why so much time and ink has been expended in the past giving a distorted establishment version of our history.
As if we didn’t know 😉 .
Here’s a link to the Stennis Historical Society map of army camps etc after Culloden. Quite an eye-opener.
link to
If it’s deemed OK for people with gender dysphoria to self-diagnose then you wonder what happened when they went to the doctor. Did they self-diagnose and then go to the doctor and tell him their diagnosis?
Maybe self id is a good thing for the NHS.
Incredible that people can self-diagnose & get heavy duty drugs from the doctor.
When people with gender dysphoria went to the doctor and said I am a woman in a man’s body did the doctor say
‘You’ll need to prove that by ‘living like a woman’ for a year!’
More research required to find out what ‘living like a woman’ actually means.
‘Andy Wightman was driven from the Greens by the Tranny Nazis for those of you clearly ignorant about what happened there. A pal of Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater he wasn’t.’
Hard to keep up with everything that’s going on. I am ignorant of many things that is why I come to Wings to be educated.
I’m wondering if I ‘lived like a man’ I would be less ignorant.
‘Of course some will yawn and say what does it all matter now but it does’
A lot more might say:
‘I’ll have to put all that on the back burner as I am currently overwhelmed with everything that’s going on.’
Judging by the comments here everyone has their own particular interest and no time for other interests.
These posts about 1707 look very interesting but I’m currently busy looking into gender ID. I am definitely not yawning & saying what happened in 1707 doesn’t matter.
Some maybe yawning & saying gender id doesn’t matter but I think it does.
To all those who oppose self-id I would say you are wasting your time.
Self-id or the GRA 2004 act are pretty much the same when it comes to women’s rights.
Both state ‘transwomen are women’ and that is the problem.
Patrick Harvie stated that if you didn’t believe ‘transwomen are women’ then you are opposed to the 2004 Gender Recognition Act’
This is an amusing series of tweets.
link to
@auld highlander: what amazed me about the SHS map was the troop concentrations in the Outer Hebrides. Looks like there was fear of naval action in support of the Jacobite cause from an ally like France.
auld highlander.
Tinto chiel.
Wow, just wow.
That is an amazing map of truth that proves without doubt the English Parliament and english army did not accept or believe “ The Treaty of Union had been entered into voluntary by the Scots, the kingdom and or the country of Scotland.
Suppression, subduing and oppression of the native Scots to enforce a treaty upon them they did not agree to, by England.
This definitely adds weight to my own research that the treaty of the 1706/1707 union was not agreed to by the Scottish people at all and they knew it then and know it now.
It Has all the hallmarks of colonialism with a map attached now to make the point.
There is definitely a flip side to the word “voluntary”
It still begs the question though by default, Did the Scots enter into the treaty of the union at all.
Or was it solely “The Three Estates” ?
Whom could not state that they were the owners of Scotland in 1707 with any proof.
Nor could they state that the Scottish kingdom had been given to them by the king.
They were not elected to act as owner of Scotland by the people nor the king in his absence,
For there were no signatures from either the Scottish people nor the king given his consent in 1707.
The passing of planning permission for the new Tennis Academy at the Green belt site at Bridge of Allan went through yesterday at the same time as the covid restrictions announcements.Many locals unhappy at the fact. Will kids from poor areas like Raploch nearby,benefit from this?
@James Che.: yes, all those involved with the Stennis Historical Society deserve a vote of thanks for their work on these records, which illustrates the oppressive presence of the redcoat army all over Scotland in the immediate post-Culloden period.
Voluntary? Dontfinksae :).
That the Scottish people were sold by The Three Estates. Without the Scots permission.
England payed The Three Estates for the buying Scots people, without the Scots permission
That The Three Estates sold the Country of Scotland. Without the Scots permission.
That England payed The Three Estates for the Country of Scotland. Without the Scots permission.
And the map from auld highlander. (Very much appreciated by the way, thank you)
Proves all you have said Alf, that Scotland was and is still regarded as a colony that was sold to the nearest neighbour without the Scottish people’s permission.
Connect that with the believe that England’s Westminster still says [ WE ] the “Scots” have to ask or beg them to leave their master, whom holds overs us like a waving flag the bill of sale from 1707 of Scotland and the Scots.
An Colony owned illegal Bill.
‘My Christmas wish is that Scotland one day soon will finally get a lesbian as our First Minister. A gay man as a consort would almost be as good.’ Malcolm Clark
Is that a tweet from 2014?
Looks as if Santa was good to Malcolm and granted both his wishes. 🙂
I was experimenting to see if I could archive tweets
It worked on link to
link to
but not on so well on link to
link to
These are pretty interesting tweets.
I tried to archive the series of tweets BDTT posted and got this
link to
The downside of archiving tweets is there are no video links.
Merry Christmas Pete Pishfart – we know you are reading don’t we!
link to
The king of dodging VONC’s at Holyrood SNP deputy FM John Swinney had the chutzpah to say the British Bill of Rights, which will replace European Human Rights, is dangerous and authoritarian, Swinney had the audacity to add that the Tory party are the real threat to free speech and a democratic debate, not the wokery and political correctness the Ministry of Justice has cited….yes he really had the stones to say that.
I bet Swinney didn’t even blush when he said it, he must think that we’ve forgotten that he and his boss, (and indeed the spineless and gutless MSPs that sit at Holyrood, and Westminster) are the reason that Scots and Scotland are still stuck in our colonial position dressed up as part of the union, because they put the interests of a foreign country and their careers before the people of Scotland.
No one knows how deeply the SNP has been infiltrated and to what level, however SNP ministers, MSPs and MPs actions and words say a lot about them, so we can be sure there are quite few infiltrators within their ranks.
Hi Ruby.
The link you gave above – link to
In my Firefox, while that link is loading in a new tab, it redirects itself to link to – something about a speed boost for your browser, then it changes to a blank page.
However, it displays ok in Safari.
For the first time, I attempted to archive a url at the Internet Archive – the link I supplied. It worked ok but the GIFs aren’t animated. You can view it here:-
link to
link to
Party at oors
My statement above For the first time, I attempted to archive a url at the Internet Archive should read –
For the first time, I attempted to archive a TWITTER url at the Internet Archive.
Fascinating Aida are the best!
link to
So sorry ladies Mrs Sturgeon can’t be your saviour?
She couldn’t save us and we weren’t cunts
Scotland is in a pickle
All due to, Nicola
As pickles go
This couldn’t be pickle-er
Nicola is in a pickle
All due to, Nicola
As pickles go
This couldn’t be pickle-er
So Sorry Ladies
Nicol-er too busy trying to save herself.
link to
In Firefox redirecting to Rocket Speed Booster
worked OK in Chrome & Safari.
link to
This worked fine in Firefox but Mhairi Hunter’s tweet didn’t show the reply.
I might install ‘Rocket Speed Booster’ on my laptop to test it out.
Hi Ruby.
I wouldn’t install anything that appears like that – by subterfuge on the back of something else.
Fancy writing a reply to Fascinating Aïda
‘So Sorry Scotland
Fascinating Aïda
When someone’s done a bad thing
With fatal consequences
Unless the crime’s acknowledged
There’s no hope of mending fences
So we hang our heads in sorrow
And confess our collective guilt
To you august Hibernians
Who proudly wear the kilt
We’re so sorry, Scotland
We are covered in shame
For the madness of Brexit
We’re entirely to blame
With a choice of two boxes
We ticked “self-destruct”
Thus Britain is now
Comprehensively fucked
We’re so sorry, Scotland
To see such division
We are banking on you
To reverse the decision
Although we were warned
That this course was unwise
Many Sassenach bampots
Believed all the lies
Oh Scotland, deliver us from evil
Oh Scotland, we were silly fools
Only you can can save us from upheaval
Please invoke some parliamentary rules
Mrs Sturgeon, won’t you be our saviour?
Let’s not rebuild Hadrian’s Wall
Oh Scotland, forgive our bad behaviour
United we stand
Divided we fall
We’re so sorry, Scotland
For the likes of Farage
And his NHS millions
Which were just a mirage
Oh yes, we’re in a pickle
Come rescue us, Nicola
Because as pickles go
This couldn’t be pickle-er
We’re so sorry, Scotland
For the way people voted
There’s no way that this pill
Can be sugar-coated
The Union’s future
Is stuffed on all fronts
So it’s hardly surprising
That you think we’re all cunts
Oh Scotland, deliver us from evil
Oh Scotland, we were silly fools
Only you can can save us from upheaval
Please invoke some parliamentary rules
Mrs Sturgeon, won’t you be our saviour?
Let’s not rebuild Hadrian’s Wall
Oh Scotland, forgive our bad behaviour
United we stand
Divided we fall
United we stand
Divided we fall
United we stand’
`Self-id or the GRA 2004 act are pretty much the same when it comes to women’s rights.`
the difference is in the GRA 2004 Act you cannot `self id` you must be at least 18 years old to start with then there are various procedures that show you are doing this with full commitment to change gender legally,
`self id` means what it says on the tin,
you can just change gender legally at a whim.
You’re right BDTT
The Rocket Booster thing looks very dodgy.
The laptop I had in mind is a very old laptop that I use for experimentation but probably best to play safe.
Weird that it’s only that link that triggers the ‘Rocket Booster’ thingy.
James Che @ 2.26
“Scotland was and is still regarded as a colony that was sold to the nearest neighbour without the Scottish people’s permission.”
Yes James, colonialism is always a cooperative venture, the native elites bought and sold in return for privilege and status, discarding their culture, language and ‘values’ in favour of the oppressors, and enslaving their ain fowk. Its the same template several hundred times over and Scotland and its elites are nae different, even today:
link to
‘Being fully committed to changing sex legally or self-idying still leaves us with the same problems’ vis a vis women’s rights.
If it takes a day or 2 years to declare that a transwoman is a woman the problems are still the same.
The following was posted on twitter by a transwoman called ‘Christmas Mommy’
‘We are taking your words. Your names. Your clothes. Your bodily organs. The very fibre of your humanity will be stripped away by our glorious transhuman empire, and there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot stop us. Surrender or die.’
Christmas Mommy is correct while we declare that ‘transwomen are women’ there is nothing we can do to stop it.
Scotland is a colony and now the ‘Transhuman Empire’ are creating a colony within a colony.
Women are about to experience exactly what it’s like to be colonised.
What Christmas Mommy said is exactly right.
I would like to archive Christmas Mommy’s tweet but I’ve lost it. Can anyone help?
Alf Baird without reservation quotes the following: “Scotland was and is still regarded as a colony that was sold to the nearest neighbour without the Scottish people’s permission.”
In the context of early 18th century Europe, it would not only be completely bizarre to ask “the people” for permission to do anything, doing so would have made the 1707 Treaty completely illegitimate by contemporary standards.
Democracy simply didn’t exist in 1707. It didn’t exist anywhere. Note that the English people didn’t consent to the Union either.
But, worse still, nation-states didn’t exist either; you can cherrypick lines from historical documents that give the impression that they did on some level, but they simply didn’t exist in any legal, political, or administrative sense.
The romanticised Scottish people that you conjure up in these anachronistic fantasies would have been burnt as witches by the real people who existed in Scotland in 1707. In other words, the people you suppose in your ramblings didn’t exist either.
Reality matters. Facts matter. History matters.
Hatuey .
You are so correct, englands parliament in 1707 decided to take Scotland into being a colonised country against its will by sending in a English army to Scotland for a decade until all rebellion and riots of protest were crushed from Scotland, truly not a democracy on how to choose a to go forward to a voluntary treaty of the union would you say now ???????????????.
So in 2014 you would have thought David Cameron in a democratic modern world would have suggested to Alex Salmond
“Look things were not exactly done Democratically or fairly to the Scots in 1707, The parliament of England should never had sent an army to Scotland back then to colonise your country by force.”
“So being as “WE” the English Parliament are letting other colonies go, perhaps a referendum is not needed,
You have the automatic right to be released from colonialism in our modern times of democracy..
Perhaps they, Westminster’s Parliament of Democratic lords, ladies, and MPs could have had a second and third chance for repentance when Nicola Sturgeon was begging for a section 30,
But alas London’s parliament just keeps changing the rules and dismisses a democratic vote to indigenous native Scots right up to present day……2021.
Meanwhile just stated . It’s ok Barbados you are released from our colonialism.
No freedom ever will be offered to the Scots from colonialism treatment for one reason only.
Great Britain would not be a country.
And Wales May want to leave.
Northern Ireland may think its a good idea to leave and re unite with the rest of Ireland.
And England would lose face and revert back to just being England.
And would be f…kd.
That cataclysmic event in Scotland would never be allowed.
So England Westminster tells the world in fear
Scotland even though you were supposed to have signed a false democratic voluntary treaty with us away back in the old days of history.
It was not real, cos you can not voluntary leave the equal treaty in our modern democratic world, we own you as a colony still.
@Hatuey 10:38pm
Like me you couldn’t resist the charm of the best blog in the UK. Never mind all this Colonialism guff. They are selling books. I am not interested in the 300 year old arguments. Before the MSM caught up today with where everybody else is. The evidence was presented before Tuesday 21st December at 2:30pm. Meanwhile large events were shutdown. Legally contestable and compensation due in the future. Another few hundred million lost. That one person has to go and soon. The future of the country depends on it. We are waiting on Lady Poole. We have no confidence in the Scottish Establishment or MSM.
England would be a small country.
Inhabited by millions of people.
With very little resources.
It dare not let Scotland go.
They are terrified of modern democracy.
England would be a small country.
Inhabited by millions of people.
With very little resources.
It dare not let Scotland go.
They are terrified of modern democracy.
To ask us
@James Che 12:52pm
Modern democracy in Scotland you have to be having a laugh. I am sorry for your recent losses and extend my best wishes. I have been watching your posts. I was chastised by one of my kids yesterday. She relayed the story of the wee sma folk at Bannockburn. You have been running down the hill at Bannockburn, Dad, agricultural instrument in hand. When you got to the bottom of the hill the Nobles on both sides were eating meat on the bone and quaffing. Treasure and land settled. Asked me to give it up. A humbling experience being telt by your bairn.
Lol @ “Never mind all this Colonialism guff. They are selling books.”
I’ve deconstructed their fantasies.
1) There was no democracy in 1707 — they are 200 years too early when they talk about people giving “permission” in 1707.
2) There was no meaningful definition of a nation-state in 1707 — it would be around 100 years before such ideas took shape.
3) The people that they presume were enlightened Marxist-Leninists revolutionaries, were actually Christian fundamentalists who demonstrated a greater fear of witchcraft than colonisers.
It would be generous to say the above was simple revisionism— one needs to demonstrate a basic understanding of history before one can revise it.
As you say, though, tannadice, we have more pressing issues to deal with in the real world. Confidence in Scottish Inquiries has taken a bit of a dent this year, but Poole has some grim truths to face regarding ScotGov’s handling of the pandemic and I don’t think they will be able to redact their way out of this one.
A complicating factor from “their” perspective is the UK-wide covid inquiry which will run alongside. I expect more honesty from the UK inquiry which says a lot about how far Scottish politics has fallen lately.
As for not being able to resist the charm of this joint… my God. I left them for a few days and look what happened. On a positive note, I’m now looking forward to reading January’s utility bills.
Claim of Right Act 1689
link to
Read it and you’ll see that Scotland had a functioning legal system, a defined border and a head of state.
Seems like a perfectly good nation state to me, ya radge.
Further to my earlier post, the 1707 union happened because England threatened a trade embargo along with their Spanish pals, similar to the failed Darien scheme when the London based East India Corporation stuck their oar in.
The Alien Act passed at Westminster before 1707 had a significant impact on those Scots with land and business in the shires.
Wonder what the nobile officium would have said…if it had been challenged, given the monarch of the day wore 3 separate shiny hats. (Interestingly enough, QEII was only coronationed with the crown of England, contrair to CORA 1689 etc)
The Act of Union (ratifying the articles of union with England passed in the “Old Scots Parliament, which ceased to exist” was amended by Westminster (things like a Scottish Privy Council, Permanent Shadow Revenue & Customs (with equal value Scots currency used in the books) long gone, Scotland’s Supreme Civil Court no longer exist as such since Scot, Tony Blair introduced the “UK Supreme Court”, which if hearing an issue about Scotland can only ever be held according to Scots Law, which can tell English Law to go fuck itself any time it likes. They are separate entitities.
Better Together was the biggest hoax of all time, as we’ve never been together in a legal sense, other than to devolve the power to act to Westminster.
Let’s reclaim the right to act from Scotland, for Scotland.
The asset spilt shall be simple, the courts deal with complex cases all the time, state assets aren’t ALL a secret.
And legal issues the Westminster Govt have with the oil companies etc will be theirs to deal with alone, English Law etc lol
Am waiting on the farmer bringing the turkey round. £10.
Anyway, even though I’m 100% of the mint humbug variety at this moment in time when the nights are really starting to draw out, I like my grub, so seasonings greetings and may your sprouts taste like Fanny’s used to.
Thankfully the Battle of Culloden site an important Scottish heritage site has been saved from development, and future Scottish generations can go and see where England’s Duke of Cumberland forces, slaughtered highlanders at the 1746 battle. We must never forget the dozens of English forts that sprung up in Scotland before and after the battle, and that the Ordnance Survey was create to hunt down and kill Scots.
One so called Scottish body that’s meant to protect Scottish heritage sites (HES) Historic Environment Scotland, had no objections to developments taking place on the Culloden site, one wonders what other historically important sites in Scotland (HES) will not have a problem with when it comes to construction on them.
Everything is fair game when you are a colony.
Meanwhile the odious House Jock Angus Robertson has congratulated fellow House Jock Muriel Gray on her landing her propaganda roll at the BBC with Scotland in mind.
Gray a die-hard supporter of colonialism in Scotland, will be paid £33,000 a year for working the equivalent of two days, and another £5K for chairing the Board’s Scotland Committee. Where I assume propaganda strategies will be thrashed out.
Unsurprisingly the Scottish colonial administration, will miss its deadline to publish new procedures to deal with complaints against ministers behaviour
New procedures are required after the shambolic and disgraceful attempts to fit up Alex Salmond exposed the procedures for what they are, which led to the Scottish taxpayer having to fork out £500,000 pounds to Mr Salmond for a tainted and bias procedure.
The king of dodging VONC’s (thanks to the obedient Greens) Deputy FM John Swinney, blamed the new Covid variant Omicron for the delay.
Our colonial adminstrations witchfinder generals (COPFS) head says.
“Ms Bain added: “Judge-led trials don’t impact on the right to a fair trial [but] we need to look at the suitability of a jury to prosecute a case.””
I’m sure Craig Murray would disagree with the first part of that.
Bain added.
“THE LORD Advocate has defended her remarks that the suitability of juries to determine rape cases needs to be examined as she insisted it is not acceptable for a low conviction rate to be blamed on victims not being believed.”
Will a a juryless trial judge decide guilt or no guilt without evidence to back it up.
link to
What skills does a judge have that a jury doesn’t to ascertain whether an alleged victim is telling the truth?
If juries aren’t suitable to prosecute a rape case why would they be suitable for any other case?
Perhaps the low conviction rate is down to the accused being innocent.
They could perhaps find this out for sure if they charged the complainers with perjury in the event of the accused being found innocent.
Perhaps there should be a re-think about
‘granting automatic lifelong anonymity to an individual who alleges that they have been a victim of rape’
Perhaps this should be changed to
‘granting automatic lifelong anonymity to an individual who has been a victim of rape’
The same anonymity should be granted to a person who has been accused of rape.
This could result in a higher conviction rate for rape cases.
Anyone see any similarities between what happened to Scotland in 1707 and what is happening to women (& independence) today?
Lets say way back in 1707 we had the same ‘democracy’ as we have today. Most popular party was known for supporting a cause that the majority of people wanted so they were voted in and then they decided that particular cause could wait and they introduced the ‘Act of Union’ and signed Scotland up.
What could people have done? What can we do today?
I predict next thread will have the warning:
‘Please note that anyone fighting about ‘The Act of Union’ in the comments on this post will be banned without further warning.’
Watch out for the ‘flame-baiter’ don’t let him wind you up!
I see Mike Russell is started talking about a Scottish Constitution. One would think there are election coming soon. The carrots are getting dangled again, or I am just being sceptical.
There are probably quite a lot of left over carrots in the horse box that Mike can dangle.
Sure they might be half chewed and all shrivelled up but a carrot is a carrot.
People are happily eating up the half chewed shrivelled up carrots and declaring ‘these carrots are delicious’
It’s not just horses that love carrots ‘dogs’ love carrots too. See ‘Wee Ginger Dug’ for proof.
link to
Scott @ 7.06 am.
Most people that reference the Claim of Right don’t seem to have read it which is odd since it’s a fairly short and uncomplicated document.
The central purpose of the Claim of Right is to denounce popish influence in “the Estates of the Kingdome of Scotland”.
The reference it makes to Scotland as a collection of estates is incidental, but is important in terms of laying the foundations of a definition of Scotland the country and its recognition as a country today.
I predict the next new thread will have the warning:
‘Please note that anyone fighting about ‘The Act of Union’ in the comments on this post will be banned without further warning.’
Watch out for the ‘flame-baiter’ don’t let him wind you up!
Had a wee keek at the latest comments.
Disappointed to see that we are back to ‘colonies’ and stuff that happened 300 odd years ago. There are probably 20 people in the whole of Scotland bothered with this. Unfortunately half of them are regular posters on here!
Yuletide felicitations to one and all.
I have others to see to before I have leisurely me time on here, so when I do come on it is really nice to see other well informed commentators like yourself take up the baton for Scotland and the Scots.
We are fast become a minority group in our own country. due to 300 years of colonialism
I wish everyone would learn the correct details of Scotland’s history, in place of the spoon fed sh..te from the unionist whom have nest eggs and investments in Scotland that try bluster and propaganda their way through our real history.
I think those with vested interests, perhaps financial or land interests or on a government payroll, display a fear and antagonist behaviour to the Scots for fear of losing this colony and there benefits entering their purses direct or indirect as I stated earlier.
For without a doubt
It is fear worn in the open, fear shown in the displayed commentary, the antagonism, the slurs, the name calling. The voiced and acted wish to exterminate the Scots, for a decade in the 1700s to BJ commentary in the spectator in modern day.
The hatred that Scots live in Scotland, and no easy takeover has been openly festering since the beginning of time,
By now it just seems so wrong in their heads that this should be so.
It is a small thought that you think we should use a English devolved government resting in Scotland full of Westminster cronies to sort our day to day running of of Scotland with our hands tied behind our backs,
Scotland should be at the top of it’s game by now,
As England had the Day to day running Scotland for the previous 300 years with out its hands being tied.
But under England’s running and control our ports have been closed, our steel works demolished, our oil revenues siphoned of to down south, our farming deteriorated and fishing industry reduced, our local shops replaced by big cooperations, and the reduction of our ship name a few.
But England is still in fear of letting go of the Scottish colony, and dictates to Scotland underhand through a political chain linked devolved government to England.
We here in Scotland are not the overseers of the devolved government and do not run the devolved government by any means. As Boris said, he would do away with it.
When the HR legislation changes in Westminster, It will be changed in Scotland too as we see the branch office of England, running roughshod over our own laws which must be maintained according to the false treaty 1707 articles.
Scotland does not have the powers in the pretendy parliament to mitigate this,
And you should not propaganda the falsehood that Scotland is running the Scottish Parliament.
Let us choose our own parliament ,
Not the one that was thought up to prevent independence, that is controlled behind the scenes by puppet masters of Westminster.
To all of us NS is part of the Westminster branch office, whereby she plays a verbal ping pong with BJ for display purposes, but at the end of the day they follow or lead by a few weeks each other on rules and regulations, covid passports being one example.
One pretends to gain a foothold then it is the other ones turn,
We do not run Scotland,
And all control of taxes is offset and mitigated with the Barnett formula, in the front door and out the back,
Even the Scottish courts system have fallen foul of the Supreme Court and the crown changing the laws of Scotland by the back door through the devolved government.
Your persistence of the devolved government is not working in the day to day running of Scotland is correct,
As that was what is meant to happen in the sub English Westminster branch placed in Scotland and filled with civil servants
We get to pick the one of ones they have sent forward to us, that’s all.
link to
Another series of tweets that I’ve archived.
Stu still doing brilliant investigative journalism.
link to
Problem yesterday opening this one in Firefox. Firefox seemed to have been hacked. Working OK today and fine in Chrome & Safari.
I couldn’t archive ‘Christmas Mommy’s’ tweet I was too slow and now he’s restricted viewing on his Twitter account.
Restricted to violent misogynists like himself no doubt.
If you see any highly controversial tweets it might be a good idea to archive them pdq.
You would be.
Aye it would seem that the real history of Scotland has suddenly to landscaped away,
Just as much as unionist do not want us to talk about it.
For goodness sake shut those Scots up and close down all the root heritage conversations.
I think we are as entitled to talk about this as any other colony.
OMC! It looks as if a fight is about to break out.
Just ignore the fuckers!
If you don’t the next thread could see a ban on any talk about Covid, the franchise, colonialism & the Act of Union.
What annoys me are these Covids (my 2nd new swear word) who come on here complaining about posts and make zero contribution themselves except to complain about posts.
It’s as if they think they’re paying for the posts and they deserve better.
link to
I had a wee look at the latest comments on this thread and they are about a whole variety of things
Mike Russell & The Scottish Constitution
Juryless trials
SGs complaints procedure
House Jocks at the BBC
Covid restrictions
Self Id/Women rights
Interesting Tweets
Funny You Tube videos
Happy Christmas Pishfart
British Bill of Rights,
Tennis Academy at Bridge of Allan
Andy Wightman
etc etc etc
Isn’t it weird that someone should focus only posts about Act of Union & complain about these?
James Che @2.30pm.
Indeed James, we as a people need to keep our history alive, until such time we can ditch our colonial status.
“The bronze statue of surgeon, Jacobite and golfer Dr Rattray was crafted by Scottish sculptor David Annand.”
“It was erected in 2019 and shows Dr Rattray about to tee off in the first ever golf competition, which he won, in 1744”
“The first rules of golf were drawn up for the 1744 competition at the insistence of the City of Edinburgh, who had sponsored the prize of the silver club. This first set of 13 rules, signed by Rattray, still exist at the National Library of Scotland and copies hang in golf clubhouses all over the world.”
link to
Us Scots are not fighting about the treaty of the union.
We are discussing the merits of its history from factual information.
But I dare say as Scots we are not meant to discuss the subject, because we are a colonised country rather than the other half of the treaty,
Its never been more evident in recent time of Scotland’s colonial status, than in this pandemic, with our Scottish colonial administration pleading with a foreign government for money to mitigate covid and its strains, but trying desperately not to upset the coloniser, colonised, unspoken agreement between them.
Sturgeon the head of our colonial administration, likes to finger point at the foreign government, when things go wrong, but would never dream of upsetting the status quo, via independence.
Huge fuel price rises are coming down the line in April next year, that will throw more than the already third of Scots into fuel poverty, and the need to choose between heat or eat. Energy is a reserved matter, and I fully expect our colonial administrations leader Sturgeon to once again look to a foreign countries government to do something to mitigate it, instead of finding a way to remove Scotland as a colony of England’s and plan our own policies on such matters.
Ruby as to your 2nd archived tweet the arrogance of the 2nd person is incalculable, oh mirror mirror on the wall who is the luckiest ¥?#£**%@÷ of all , but hope springs eternal that justices blindfold will be removed and hypocrites will face deserved justice
Neale Hanvey MP: “What these polls tell us is that Nicola Sturgeon can’t wish away public opinion and suggest she could face a serious public backlash for her self-ID crusade.”
link to
Interesting link Article with references to the statues,
Although there are some statues of people in Scotland that are an abomination, and at one time I thought should be egged or torn down.
However I have kinda changed my mind on this issue lately,
For those statues should stand with a correction on the information below. From Lord Gladstone, Lord Cowdrey any monarchcy statues, as owning colony slaves.
To the duke of Sutherland’s with the correction of how he threw old, young and infirm onto the street and into the coldest of winters to starve and die.
To replace them with sheep for a gain in financial profit to his purse strings,
Perhaps we should have statues of those whom sold Scotland and itspeople for profit.
Along with the present day members of the Scottish Parliament whom are still selling Scotland and its people short,
We should always have these type of statues of the inhumanity imposed on people around the world to remind us.
We do not want to ever behave in such a cruel way to our fellow humans.
There would be a lot of statues in Scotland.
On the up side, just to balance out evil we could have statues of all the Scottish people whom were inventors and invention that changed the world
Of the famous Scottish artists
Of famous Scottish sports
Of famous Scottish literature.
And perhaps some statues to good and bad judges.
And famous politicians that have achieved much for their people.
We could become a visible lesson to tourists on how to live a good life in a well run country compared to how it has been run.
A open museum to history.
I know which section NS will be recorded in, :-).
James Che. says:
23 December, 2021 at 5:07 pm
Us Scots are not fighting about the treaty of the union.
We are discussing the merits of its history from factual information.
Yes I understood that. I did however see the possibility of your discussion being wrecked and developing into a right old ding dong had you made the mistake of responding to ‘flame-baiters’.
The 1st archived link is also very telling.
I only watched one clip of Fern Brady where she was discussing the music of Leonard Cohen and very quickly I knew she was an empty headed bimbo.
Why would someone who had aspirations to become a politician find an empty headed bimbo to be a great influencer?
Hell hath no fury…………….
I am most of the time far to busy in other areas of life, to have a long term debate, anyone responding in that way may have to wait weeks or possible a month or two before I respond.
This week has been a reprieve due to Nhs appointments cancellations.
Although I do thank you for you’re concern, and I am relatively hopeful that Stu would not cancel us for discussing the original reason for why Scotland’s in the position it is now. Due to its history.
As Rev Stu himself is excellent in research to what has gone wrong in political history and what needs sorting with past issues.
Thanks for the thought ruby.
The Royals and the Nazis.
Blaze TV channel, Christmas Eve 7pm.
Might be worth watching.
I have new views on self-id. I posted them earlier in the thread.
Basically I am saying opposing self-id
wont make a blind bit of difference to women’s rights.
In the event of self-id not going through we will still have the 2004 GRA.
Self id or 2004 GRA
‘Trans women will still be declared to be women’.
That is the problem.
We will still have all the crazy language ie chest feeders,
birthing person etc etc
Trans WO-men will still be allowed into women’s sport, changing rooms, refuse centres, women’s prisons and all the rest. They will still be recorded as female rapists.
We need reform to the GRA 2004 and that is to ditch this ‘TWAW’ stuff and replace it with ‘transwomen are transwomen’
All these crazy violent misogynistic men can self-id as transwomen till the cows come home. Then they can start campaigning for trans rights to have their own spaces, sports, language opinions etc. If they stop being so violent, aggressive & macho I might even help them.
One thing that is never mentioned when talking about changing rooms and something I thought about due to the restrictions in hospitality over Christmas/New Year (A story for another post) is changing rooms in the workplace.
Hotels for example often require staff to wear a uniform. You change out of your outdoor clothes & put on your uniform in the staff changing room then hang your clothes in a locker & do the reverse at the end of your shift. There were always male & female changing rooms. (I’m going to do some research into why that was)
If you were a full time employee you would be getting changed at least 10 times per week 20 if you did a split shift. You would have no choice unlike someone who could choose the gym they went to or even decide not to go to the gym if they didn’t like the set-up in the changing room.
So this post is about believing her. I think it’s fairly clear all difficult and disputatious Scottish independent democrats are against believing someone because they are 50 odd % of the population and we are all agreed that biology should trump feeling when it comes to defining a woman, with all that entails. However, are we believing her I.e Sturgeon too much. Wherw is our principled and vocal opposition to the zero covid zealotry which is crippling our country and making us dependent on Westminster. Where is our genuine spirit of liberty when we let crushingly mediocre functionaries constrain our lives in the name of neurotic bio security. We all know Sturgeon and her paid lackeys everywhere, want us to think this is an existential crisis. It’s not and despite the gaslighting by Leitch and the fearcasting he relies upon , we are in real danger of losing fundamental liberties. I think we need to engage with this issue. It’s obvious that it’s divisive but as a triple vaxxed sceptic, I am beginning to wonder if a Scotland shaped by statist safetyism is a future I want. Anyway would be good to know what others think.
Hatuey says:
23 December, 2021 at 12:59 pm
The central purpose of the Claim of Right is to denounce popish influence in “the Estates of the Kingdome of Scotland”.
Is it, aye?
Here was me thinking it was the formal offer of the crown to William with the reasons set out for the previous claimant failing in their duty to the people and nation of Scotland…did, did you read it? lol
(When people generally talk about the Claim of Right, it isn’t this Act they are referring to, btw.)
There is no doubt that Sturgeon has adopted a bland, managerial style of leadership where the state intervenes in peoples lives.
There is nothing inherently wrong with state intervention but it does become a problem when the end result is a spreadsheet of results which whose in charge spew out in order to justify how good they are doing and of base their decisions on it to the point they become risk adverse.
In terms of newly announced restrictions, are they aimed at making Sturgeon & Leitch looking good in the next couple of months or keeping as many NHS staff from phoning in sick either through infection or having to self-isolate?
If large numbers of NHS staff are unavailable to work, who is going to staff hospitals to look after and care for people who require hospital treatment?
As I had said from previous comments, the stats are not showing a big spike in hospitalisations. A link to a site that pulls figures straight from the Scottish NHS is here that proves this:
link to
The biggest issue we are facing in the coming weeks is not so much a huge spike in hospitalisations but a drop of NHS staff levels.
This is a historic issue where the NHS is always under pressure this time of year but it is going beyond breaking point with the pandemic.
Am I being gaslighted? To a point yes but with experience, as I mentioned this time of year there has always been pressures on health services. For the next couple of weeks we abide by the restrictions then after that we take it from there. Are you honestly saying that your life is unbearable unless you need to go to a pub?
I’m not particularly happy with it myself but if there is any alternative to the short-term problem we are having maybe you can suggest them?
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“the inquiry should examine devolved aspects of the four harms in relation to Scotland. While all relevant matters will be in scope, consideration will be given to how duplication of investigations between the Scottish and UK wide inquiries can be avoided.”
I think I see where this is heading.
Decisions taken at the UK level are going to be avoided and left out of the Scottish inquiry. That includes the disastrous decision to try and achieve “herd immunity” which effectively seeded the disease in our communities and ultimately resulted in thousands of deaths.
That whole subject (herd immunity), I assume, along with a bunch of others, is going to be sidestepped and deemed out of scope, ignoring the historical fact that Sturgeon and her government wholeheartedly went along with the strategy, did not oppose it, and did everything possible to facilitate it and impose it on the people of Scotland.
The mechanism is clear, then, and has been since the start; they’re going to attribute all the strategic errors to Westminster and say they had no choice but to go along with them whilst also insisting that those strategic errors are outwith the scope of the Scottish inquiry.
The problem is that they did have a choice. They could have resigned in protest which isn’t an unreasonable thing to suggest when the lives of countless thousands were hanging in the balance.
Pacman: “For the next couple of weeks we abide by the restrictions then after that we take it from there.”
The restrictions won’t make much difference in terms of stopping the spread anyway. Schools being off on holiday will make a significant difference but that isn’t a restriction and was happening anyway.
Take football, for example. Okay, they’ve potentially stopped fans spreading the disease at stadia. The fans will simply spread it elsewhere though, watching it with pals at home, etc., possibly on a larger scale.
If omicron is 70% milder than delta, I don’t see why we need any restrictions. We will have definitive data on that in the next 7 days but all the indications based on research here and in South Africa suggest it’s very mild.
Of course I’m generalising and there will be exceptions, but if it’s as mild as they’re saying the only people that really have anything to worry about are those that refused to get vaccinated. I think “fuck’em” is the expression I’m looking for.
Time to open everything up.
@ Hatuey
I had mentioned in a previous thread that the main school holidays should be moved from the summer to the Christmas period.This will stop the rate of transmission in the wider society at a time where we are hit with the seasonal flu and one of the only times that we as a society come together in large groups.
Covid is here to stay for years to come and until the virus is benign enough for health services to deal with, there are two choices. One is the status quo and go through restrictions which is becoming every unpopular or to start to live with it where one of the things is adapting our lives to it, one of which is what I had previously mentioned.
Just to pick up on our point about football stadiums, you say that the schools finishing up is stopping transmission because that involves large number of individuals occupying the same space yet why is it not the same for stadiums which is essentially the same thing?
No solution is ideal but are you suggesting that leaving everything open is better than trusting people to make sensible decisions and only mixing in small bubbles this Christmas?
If the virus is proven to be mild, it is right to put pressure on the Scottish government to follow suit with England and have only 7 days isolation.
It will be interesting to see how this pans out. Mind last year it was only supposed to be 3 weeks lockdown as well but it turned into nearly 3 months plus another 5 months of lesser restrictions. Will the public stand for that?
@Hatuey re: Scottish inquiry.
That will be the course they will take but while they won’t be held responsible legally they will be held responsible by the public.
I have always wondered what would be the long term political consequences of Covid. Would it be that there would need to be an acceptance of increased spending on health? Possibly, but a more realistic one is that a lot of people have been touched by the loss loved ones and I doubt if government, whether in Holyrood or Westminster, is responsible in any way, they will turn against the government is charge.
I’ve got a feeling that this will not go away regardless of the outcome of the enquiry.
@Hatuey – 24 Dec 12:26 am
“the only people that really have anything to worry about are those that refuse to get vaccinated. I think “fuck em” is the expression I am looking for.”
So there you have it folks.
Hatuey has addressed the nation and his/her/its Christmas message, to all of you Scots out there who have compelling reasons for not getting vaccinated, is that you must Fuck Off And Die.
He/she/it leaves it unclear if this is a purely personal view, or if it/she/he claims to be speaking on the behalf of the wider Scots Indy community.
Looks like posters are fighting about Covid on this thread which carries the warning
“Please note that anyone fighting about COVID or the prospective voting franchise in a future indyref in the comments on this post will be banned without further warning.”
The ‘flame baiter’ has won again.
Will just some get banned or will Stu think “fuck em” and just close down the site completely?
What’s your excuse guys?
‘Hatuey has addressed the nation and his/her/its Christmas message, to all of you Scots out there who have compelling reasons for not getting vaccinated, is that you must Fuck Off And Die.
He/she/it leaves it unclear if this is a purely personal view, or if it/she/he claims to be speaking on the behalf of the wider Scots Indy community.’
How is it possible that folk haven’t figured out what he/she/it is?
If the Covid Inquiry takes as long as the Tram Inquiry Sturgeon will be long gone by then.
If it’s anything like the ‘Holyrood/Alex Salmond Inquiry’ it will be a total waste of time & money.
What happened as a result of the Chilcot Inquiry?
What about the Leveson Inquiry?
People might be just as well to make up their own minds about how Covid was handled and then vote accordingly. If you are waiting for the results of an inquiry to make up your mind on how to vote you might find that the politicians standing for election at that time were still at school when decisions about Covid were being made.
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I was trying to archive a particular post from ‘Over Scotland’ Facebook but it didn’t turn out as I wanted it to.
However this post is interesting.
This type of post is not going to help the betting on the ‘Free Money Offer’ thread which is already very slow!
Pac-Man; “why is it not the same for stadiums which is essentially the same thing?”
3 reasons.
A football match entails about 2 hours spent at the venue rather than 7 or 8 hours required of school kids (5 days per week).
You’re much less likely to catch it from someone or spread it when outdoors.
Many football fans will congregate and spread elsewhere, and it’s almost impossible to stop adults doing that. With kids that’s less likely and plenty can be done to prevent it.
“He/she/it leaves it unclear if this is a purely personal view, or if it/she/he claims to be speaking on the behalf of the wider Scots Indy community.”
I didn’t know I had the choice.
This is the post I was trying to archive
‘Annie Brown is a wretched guttersnipe anyway, but this story would have been a new low in barrel-scraping garbage even if it wasn’t a lie. And it’s the FRONT PAGE LEAD. link to‘ Over Scotland Facebook.
Never mind you can go to ‘Over Scotland’ Facebook and read it.
However if you don’t do Facebook or Twitter you wont be able to comment.
You can comment here as long as this forum stays open.
It would be so much better if Stu wrote about it here instead of on Facebook.
Tasmina’s response:
link to
Very weird that a party that only get 1% of the vote attracts this much media attention.
PS Was this sort of thing not supposed to be fixed by the Leveson Inquiry?
Hey Stu!
Fighting about Covid going on on this thread!
Get him banned!
Well, looks like I’m still here, but not for long. I have cooking to do and preparations to make, family, guests, Christmas cake.
Time for my Christmas speech.
From the bottom of my heart I sincerely wish all readers and commenters a great Christmas. Miserable as the political situation is in Scotland right now, it’s not so bad that you can’t ignore it for a day or two and indulge in the things that really matter; food, booze, films, etc.
It looks like we dodged a bullet with omicron and thank God for that.
Rejoice, rejoice, and all the best.
Football matches has significant close crowding when arriving and leaving stadiums. There is also crowding at stadium facilities like toilets. Therefore, it is the same as schools.
Here’s a thought experiment. Twenty people are in a room, two of them affected, the rest not. Given how infectious the virus is, it is highly likely that everybody will be affected.
Imagine these twenty people are in a number of different rooms made up of 2 or 3 people each where the two affected are in separate rooms. With the two affected, they will only say 6 be affected.
A bit different from the first scenario?
I didn’t read the end of your reply about vaccinated people until it was highlighted by other posters.
With my interaction with you in regards to Covid, your replies have been erratic, sometimes completely contradicting themselves and you take up both sides of the argument with the same fervour at different times.
We’ve been too long into the pandemic and used to it to go around running around like headless chickens. It looks like you are trolling. In that regards, I won’t be replying to you again on this subject.
Merry Christmas Wingers – I hope we can all meet again soon to enjoy the camaraderie of independence marches on Holyrood!
@Hatuey & Ruby
at further risk of getting banned;
Might be the only way to preserve the bloodline but good news for Ruby (if daily mail is to be believed) is that booster effects now only last 10 weeks so, given the first two dont count for the passport, that’d mean metaphorically being obliged to dance at least 6 times per year..
On bright side, if a disproportionate number of covid pricks or gays in the yes movement implies that the next several generations will need bred back in by the handsome UNN team and their ilk, then demographic argument for indy2 within a generation tends to make itself (handbags & instinctively rebellious children notwithstanding)..
at (further) risk of being arrested;
Trust In The Sturgeon & Avoid Staying Sober for Christmas regardless – but if NS’s one gets cancelled or delayed a year or two, what better way to kiss and make up than a Hogmanay street party at Salmond’s gaff instead..
2 Asteroids are on a collision course with scientists predicting a catastrophic event some time soon
A Government spokesman says people should not be alarmed as the booster serum is going to be administered right up until ARMAGEDDON our teams are pressing ahead regardless of the personal risk to themselves
3 Cheers for the Jabbers hip hip
NEW YEAR might be a problem
@ Dorothy Devine – Nollaig chrideil agus bliadhna mhath ur to all Wingers and especially the Rev.
To ALL the genuine wingers and genuine independence supporters and genuine real WOMEN , Merry Christmas and please be safe , to ALL the fake independence supporters and closet unionists FO I hope your ears turn into arses and they shite all over your shoulders
Rev Stu, Merry Christmas Stu to you and you’re family, and all the best for the coming year.
May we wish all the wingers and independence supporters across Scotland and beyond a very merry and enjoyable Christmas too, love to all.
I have “Heartbeat” (ITV3) on as my audiovisual wallpaper whilst I’m on my leedle MacPro.
What gets me, is why do some of the human inhabitants of our islands get some sort of pleasure out of killing other mammalian inhabitants of the same islands?
I think they should be on some sort of a list, just in case their taste evolves from grouse, deer, pigeons and so on, to other humans.
BDTT I agree re these strange human animals who find pleasure in maiming and killing other animals.
Happy Christmas and a prosperous and successful New Year to Stu and all Wingers! Here’s hoping 2022 is the year that all obstacles (and trolls) are overcome at last!
Nollaig Chridheal agus bliadhna mhath ur a h-uile duine aig an Wings! Except the boring trolls, may they find themselves between the two asteroids as they collide 🙂
Nollaig Chridheal agus bliadhna mhath ur a h-uile duine aig an Wings!
Except the boring trolls, may they find themselves between the two asteroids as they collide 🙂
Or between the two cheeks of the same arseteroid?
Merry Christmas to all Wings regulars and to the Rev himself.
Wishing you all a peaceful day and All the Best for 2022.
Stay safe.
Merry Christmas Rev Stuart and All the genuine Wingers hope you all have a good one .
Ach, post held in moderation… Ponders if Stu has put 5PR0UT in the word filter…
Post held in moderation also.
link to
Just checkin’
Nicola’s Christmas menu:
Smoked Salmond.
Hanvey chop with bitter Cherry sauce and dangled carrots.
SNP twice boiled plum job pudding.
Crackers with everything.
Lemon curd tarte not on this years menu?
Seasonal greetings. Defo.
Merry Christmas to youse all.
Independence isn’t looking very likely but I’m the proud owner of a Marvel mug that changes colour when filled with hot tea. You win some, you lose some.
A’ ra’ best folks.
I was at my Mother-in-Law’s for Christmas dinner this afternoon.
After dinner, I nudged the conversation towards the Salmond stitch-up, Gender self-ID, The Balmoral Hotel Hotel incident, the Jedburgh ‘Gentlemen’s club’ and so on.
My in-laws knew nothing about any of it.
When the MSM finally get the go-ahead to ‘publish or be damned’, all hell will break out, politically, as the normal people in the street realise what has been going on ‘behind closed doors’.
If the news of these incidents comes out before the May council elections, I reckon there’s all to play for.
The next few months could turn out to be “interesting times”.
Merry Christmas everyone
I’ve my 30 odd year old daughter in law and her sister here ,and they’ve no idea what’s going on
Face ache and twitter community I suppose
Anyhoo ,have a good one , sense will prevail eventually
BDTT: excellent nudging to inform your mother-in-law as to life under Sturgeon. Now can you go to dinner with 1 million SNP voters, please?
I thought I was up to speed about most of the Sturgeon incidents, but I am in the dark about the Jedburgh Gentlemans` Club. Can you elucidate any details without exposing yourself to a jail sentence?
Why is it called Boxing Day?
“There is a theory that hard-working domestic staff were given the day off after serving their employers a Christmas dinner, and were sent home with a box of gifts, bonuses and sometimes leftovers from the festive feast.”
Boxing Day now seems to be all about sport.
This is an interesting story about ‘sport’
link to
‘When the winner reached the side of the pool there was silence, almost as if the triumph was being determinedly ignored.
A whole 48 seconds later – while the champion waited for their rivals to complete almost another two laps of the pool – the second placed swimmer reached the end to loud applause from the crowds.’
I don’t know the story about the ‘Jedburgh Gentlemans` Club’
In my view the biggest scandal is Sturgeon’s insistence that ‘transwomen are women’
Had Sturgeon been at the Penn State swimming competition her reaction to Lia’s win:
link to
while the rest of the audience were silent and probably just stared at her as if she had gone completely mad!
I think this is exactly what is happening in Scotland. Sturgeon insists ‘transwomen are women’ while the majority just stare at her as if she has gone completely bonkers.
People are focusing on ‘self-id’ but the real problem is the 2004 GRA.
We do need reforms to the 2004 GRA and that is to change ‘transwomen are women’ to
‘transwomen are transwomen’
Anyone know what happened when the 2004 GRA was passed? Was there any public reaction to it? Was it just one of those bills that passed without anyone noticing?
@Ruby 9:30 am
I can’t recall who it was that said that if you wish your political message to break through, then you need to repeat it over and over and over again until even you are heartily sick of hearing it.
Maybes whoever said that didn’t repeat it enough times. 🙂
As other commentators have pointed out, so much of the lunacy that passes for conventional wisdom is gaining ground, only because most ordinary, decent and sane people are unaware of it. So, as the time for New Year resolutions is nearly on us, I suggest people should resolve in 2022 to regularly forward links like yours to the friends and family members in our email address lists.
We don’t need to include rants, or even comments. That could even be counter-productive. Provide the links and let those who are curious explore the weird and wonderful world of the new “reality” at their own pace and without pressure.
This goes for all subjects, whether it’s the betrayal of Indy, COVID fascism, biology denial, fuel poverty by deliberate policy, whatever. It’s easy and fun preaching here to the converted. But if anything is ever going to change, the message must be spread much wider.
Scottish Energy crisis update…
Similarly to Scots being burdened with oil and gas for decades and having heehaw to show for it, thank goodness our southern neighbours are also on hand to take the excess 5GW of clean leccy power we are producing today.
A situation of generous altruism which might warm the hearts and minds of some House Jocks, but one which will do little to warm the shivering bodies of those enduring fuel poverty in this inclement weather.
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There are people who are unaware of what is going on and there are people like the female swimmers at Penn who are aware but are too scared to speak out.
One sports commentator criticised the women for not speaking out. He suggested they refuse to swim and let Lia swim alone.
Lots of you tube videos reacting to Thomas’ win!
This is probably one of the kinder ones:
link to
I picked this one because talks about the failure of feminism. If Sturgeon is an example of a feminist then I would agree feminism has well and truly failed.
If you’ve seen what David Paisley is up to now you might be able to understand why women would prefer to stay silent.
The good news is the latest complain by Scotland’s very own ‘Jessica Yaniv’ has been rejected by the police.
Some suggest this is due to the result of the Harry Miller
Alba’s Kenny MacAskill asks Holyroods Presiding Officer and the SPCB to provide on incidence when measures of banning protests outside Holyrood, had to be done to protect those within, unsurprisingly no answer/incident was forthcoming.
MacAskill rightly says that the SPCB has brought shame on Scotland by going cap in hand to ask a foreign governments Home Office minister Priti Patel to allow the implementation of security measures around our parliament.
It was just after over 500+ women gathered outside our Holyrood parliament in a peaceful protest at their rights being eroded, that a few days later these draconian measures were announced, nothing serious and no security breaches took place.
link to
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These videos are more hard hitting than the earlier one.
If you rule that ‘transwoman are women’ then these woman have to be treated the same as other women.
Ruling that ‘transwoman are women’ is the problem.
Note that Lia didn’t compete for a period of two years. The time required to gain GRC by 2004 GRA.
‘Alba’s Kenny MacAskill asks Holyroods Presiding Officer and the SPCB to provide on incidence when measures of banning protests outside Holyrood, had to be done to protect those within, unsurprisingly no answer/incident was forthcoming.’
What I read at the time was that it was to protect the feelings of those inside.
Regarding people who haven’t a clue what’s going on.
I don’t think it’s the lack of available info that’s the problem the problem is people do not want to be informed.
I can understand that ‘cos reading about what’s going on is ruining my day.
Much more pleasant to watch soap operas or go off to the Boxing Day sales for some retail therapy.
Sturgeon, like all of her ilk is now distancing herself from the citizenry, surrounding herself with armed protection, using the Police and prosecution as a political instrument to take out those who would oppose her, proposing trials without a jury.
Her days of walking among the people un-fettered like her predecessors did is long gone.
And you need to fear this folks. This is just the start. Electronic tracking, electronic pass laws, checks at every point of contact with government. And voter ID that’s coming too. It’s all here folks.
Now then.
link to
robbo’s link archived: link to
MSN really – why? I’m no techie but how is that a direct link? Microsoft? Jesus if we have to archive microsaft we’re fecked.
Aye, really.
To avoid the clicking of links from the story.
I keep a casual eye on the world technology and been aware that there is a disruption in the industry due to problems in Taiwan, the main computer chip maker caused by drought and Covid.
There is a movement in the global economy to lessen reliance on chip production from Taiwan to other parts of the world, not only because of the current problems but because of the political and military tensions between China and Taiwan.
It does seem that since Trump and Xi Jinping has come to power there is a fracturing of the global hegemony that we have experienced over the past few decades. This fracturing is even become more pronounced with the current madness of Nato prodding the Russian Bear over Ukraine.
It does look like in the years to come that Globalism as we have known it is not going to go away but it is going to become more regionalised with China, Russia, America and Europe being the biggest players.
All theses blocs are locked into the global economy and economically will be the same. As these economically dependent on each other to an extent, it makes no sense for them to compete militarily as going to war with one and another is only going to destroy their markets. It makes sense that they will compete on idealogical levels.
As we’ve seen even here in Scotland there is a level of authoritarianism from that state that, while not on the level as seen in China, the West can’t possibly take the moral high ground on individual political freedoms against more authoritarian countries.
Rather than focusing on the traditional political freedoms as an idealogical weapon, could this rise in for example Trans rights activism and other woke activism is an alternative where it is framed as social freedoms?
I had been watching RT over the past couple of days and Putin at his annual end-of-year press conference commented on this:
link to
I also found another link about this:
link to
I know that selectively quoting from a couple of articles isn’t the basis of an argument but I just don’t see the basis of Western countries pushing this madness of TRA and other crazy woke activism and the MSM passively pushing it without any criticism, not to mention challenging the cancel culture that goes with it.
Maybe I am on the wrong track here but it does have a ring of truth where the West i.e. Europe and America portrays themselves and marginalising traditional conservative elements insides it’s society as far right as socially liberal against the totalitarian conservation societies of China and Russia.
It could well just be a side effect of the vacuum of the west as it struggles to define itself in the new global reality where China and Russia are taking a more assertive role in world affairs and will soon die away.
Scott says:
27 December, 2021 at 10:28 am
Aye, really.
To avoid the clicking of links from the story.
I don’t mean to for anyone to click links in the story. Just read the story. MSN.COM give no direct links in the url to any rag that I can see. As long as people don’t click internal links then fine ,no?
To me it just works the same as does it not?
Anyhow what you did when you archived it doesn’t prevent direct links to the rags anyhow. Your archive link you gave I just clicked on the blue highlighted Scottish Parliament in first paragraph and it linked me direct to the Daily Record. You could even go direct to the Daily Record from it by clicking their icon. So how’s that then?
@Pacman 10.55 am
Authoritarians and absolutists have always used arguments like those of Putin’s spokeswoman to justify their oppression and their refusal to grant people freedom. Appeals to “history, faith, religion, and national characteristics” are soon exposed as fig leaves for the same old regressive policies and as glib excuses to send in the secret police and ultimately tanks.
The argument that “the West can’t possibly take the moral high ground on individual political freedoms against more authoritarian countries” might be a good soundbite, but I imagine only a small minority of Scots or others in “the West” generally would agree with you. Folk aren’t flocking to emigrate to Russia and China when they flee war, political oppression, climate induced disaster or lack of economic opportunity.
The views of Putin and other like him on gender and sexual rights might *seem* attractive to some in the West who are horrified by cancel culture, but I doubt they’d be as keen on the rest of his platform would they?
Of course, you don’t have to be one of those unselfconsciously calling the USA “the Great Satan” to see an element of moral equivalence between “civilisation states” like Russia and China and “liberal cosmopolitans” in the West.
I’m not sure the equivalence stands up though does it?
Aren’t some values universal, even if they are observed more in the breach than in the observance?
The Valentina Matvienko’s of this world are of course free to make the argument that Russia’s history, faith, religion and national characteristics mean it is not only entitled but obliged to reject “Western” values, but those who disagree – both inside and outside Russia – will soon find that the “totalitarian conservative” values being pushed by Putin and Xi Jin Ping are just new wine in old bottles.
Francis Fukuyama is now pretty widely seen as having called it wrong when he declared the “end of history” in 1989, where Western liberal democracy was seen as the irreversible and inevitable end point of mankind’s ideological evolution. However I’m not sure I and many others are ready to throw in the towel just yet and accept that the best we can expect is a Hobson’s choice between Christopher Coker’s alternatives of a slide into either oligarchic “Western” authoritarianism, or demagogic “Asian” (i.e. Chinese and Russian) totalitarianism.
How far would folk like Craig Murray and Stu Campbell get in either Russia or China I wonder? How would “separatists” like us be doing in either country if we were trying to assert our self determination?
I listened to some right-wing American radio guy describe the trans debate as a battle between factions on the left; feminism versus wokism. He was gloating at the idea of the left destroying itself. I’ve heard people on here talk about it in those terms too. It’s crap, though, a misunderstanding.
The real battle-line is between the rights of the individual and the rights of society. The choice is pretty stark; are you going to crap all over the rights of women (and society) in order to entertain the impossible dreams of a few troubled individuals?
Americans don’t really do society. Guns, poverty, health care, you name it; they’re all problems for individuals to grapple with, not society or government. Selfish individualism is a problem of the right, not the left.
Americans can’t face the truth, that this whole ridiculous debate has ‘Made in America’ stamped on the back. It came right out of the extremes of their selfish “me me me” heartlands. It has nothing to do with the left; America itself is proof of that since America has no left in any meaningful sense.
If it appeals to elements on the left here, it’s because — like just about every other US export — it’s heavily subsidised. But no amount of subsidies can make the gap that swimmer Lia Thomas is winning by go away.
Throwing the baby (the left) out with the bathwater over this is a mistake. Only the left with its emphasis on the interests of society and the group over those of the individual can address and fix this problem.