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Wings Over Scotland

Being our own media, part 26

Posted on June 25, 2018 by

Michael Gray and Robert Somynne’s Scotia Live, episode 1:

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Greg Drysdale

Phantom Films really are the benchmark of independent film/programme making in Scotland. Top quality. Well done folks! Just wanted to write that, back to watching…

Tackety Beets

Well done to both presenter & its nice to see the people who are only a face to me on twitter.

I appreciate this has been left on a previous thread but feel it is appropriate for here too.

A good news story to share far & wide.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Being our own media, part 26 Michael Gray and Robert Somynne’s Scotia Live, episode 1: Read the full […]

Ian Brotherhood

Soo-perb funkiness!



Poor publicity

Causing fractions. Diluting the Devolution/Independence vote. If they don’t take a back seat on some conficting, controversial policies. Pie in the sky fantasy. Much of which will not work as intended. Been tried before. Not radical and new but reactionary. They could cost votes for more power, Devolution and Independence. Especially in a close round thing. Criticising the SNP irrationally will damage that. Naive and inexperienced. Poor researched and without an inability to think things through. Blinkered by ideology. Do some more researcher. For a credible argument. Two and two make five. Can’t count or read a balance sheet. Of a balanced economy and stability.

The most unpopular party with the most unpopular policies. That’s why few vote for them. A pressure group trying to gain influence prematurely. It could damage the Devolution /Independence movement by creating unnecessary faction and further confusion prematurely. Lose votes and support. Renege on their policies. Just look at the Green representation in Holyrood.. Gives a clue. Six white, wealthy men. No diversity on the list. There should be a female, one of ethnicity, disabled etc. They do not practice what they preach. Hypocrites. Make people’s lives harder for publicity.


Fracked Gas is being imported into Scotland from the US. People are using it. Why deceive people? There is very little gas in Scotland to frack. It dried up in the 1960’s. The Tories have ruined the Oil & Gas sector in Scotland by taxing it too highly when the price had fallen. More Oil & Gas has to be imported putting up the balance of payments deficit and the debt. Fracking in the rest of the UK is tax free.

Scotland is surplus in fuel and energy and nearer the source. but pays more for it because it is colder. No parity. A hold back on the economy. Scotland has vast coal reserves. Facilities for CCS. The Westminster incompetents cut the funding. They cut solar investment, banned coal, support fracking. ruined the Oil & Gas industry. cut tribal projects, banned wind turbines in the rest of the UK. They are building Hinkley Point a gross total over priced waste. HS2 absolutely no business case. A total waste. Trident a total absolute waste. A gross grotesque monstrosity.

Illegal wars, financial fraud and tax evasion have ruined the UK/world economy. Brexit will do further damage. The Tories are going to ruin the world economy cause a recession. So they and their cronies can continue to tax evade and embezzle public resources. Illegally killing people.

These problems will only be sorted out with self goverance Independence. Not Brexit. Or Westminster governance.


Migrants are treated worse in the UK than in the US. They are detained for years in detention centres of poor quality, with no respite. They are treated worse in the UK. Deported illegally. Yet people in the UK are asking May to condemn Trump. Sort out the own backyard. May Westminster unionists caused all the migration problems in the world.

The US/US caused the migration crisis in the world by illegal wars. Before Trump was in Office. Obama policies Trump inherited them. Trying to sort it out. Korean agreement will help sort it. Iran does not need to be reliant on nuclear. It has Oil and could invest in solar etc. Investment could help it out. Stop discriminatary policies within it’s economy. Try and sort out the Middle East. Stop US illegally funding it for years. Clinton was getting illegally funding from the Saudis.

Tory William in the Middle East now illegally supporting Tory illegal policies. Supporting illegal wars for remuneration. Apartheid State of Israel. The Arabs are deludedly believing he is there to apologise for the illegal, secret Balfour agreement. Imposed by Lord Balfour and Lord Rothschild. Lloyd George Lib gave illegal consent. The Arabs were promised democrscy and the vote for support. Betrayed in every way by the corruption of the West. UK/France (US) carved up the Middle East and caused havoc ever since

Dan Huil

Well, it’s better than anything on bbc [if memory serves right]

Ann Rayner

As someone who is partially deaf, can I make a plea for subtitles on these videos. If someone is talking to camera and I can see their face clearly, I can just about cope, but if they are off screen and all I see is a running tap, I can’t understand anything.


Many thanks Michael & Robert and the teams at Scotia and Phantom Power Films for your inaugural show.

Especially liking your bgm sounds from the Govanhill Baths, Sound Acoustics…

Even a wee bit Sigur Ros’sy at some points if aye may say so indeed.

Jumping into puddles (for ages 3 to 100):
link to

Et guess where the excellent band are from 😉


Hi Ann Rayner, I agree with you with regards to subtitling, it would be good to have as an additional standard feature.

If I’m watching a dvd, I always put on the subtitles, it focuses you on the movie, world cinema subtitles are good too x.

Graeme J McAllan

Brilliant stuff – best of luck, hope to see more 😉

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