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Wings Over Scotland

Armageddon 2 trailer leaked

Posted on March 25, 2022 by

Just for a little bit of fun. This is actual footage of North Korean TV news (source: NK News), but I thought it deserved a more moving soundtrack.

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Hey Rev, I do not wanna close my eyes but I don’t wanna miss a thing at the same time, cheers for seeing me last dude on dat crazy thread.

This seems like the best place to be if ye choose to you PLAY computer, any age on that spinney cassette tape going, through the night and into the morning. Just be ultimate, just play the game.

I got me an XBox X Series to have some new PLAY… guid graphics n roleplay but didnae realise ye had to do SO many fucking update. Yes yes yes.

I was thinking about PLUG & PLAY, maybe that’s an anyerisum for somebody else’s heid.

Scottish politics is within the Resident Evil Village… number eight. Build back Rose’s body! 4/4 is bonus is good.

The Scotland, the year is 2022.
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Cheers for listening eitherways, we cool.
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Carry We HOME.



Cheers for listening, anyways, eitherway man.

Frae Spy Hunter… tae Mr Do.

What’s yer favourite?

The 100 are alive!

Plug n Play.


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Cover up yer ayes, some signal.

Here’s to ye two… seventeen.


Hi, I thought I’d try to offer and contribute again a more coherent (and originally intended) comment here in podgamer.

Yeah, so the XBox Series X computer gamestation. A few thoughts.

Upon starting the machine you can’t even get to play anything before you go through the whole lengthy registration process… x2 email addresses and other personal information later. The XBox 360 model always had the ‘option’ to go live and online sure, but the user could also play a game, listen to a cd or watch a movie just by powering the device up (affectionately known as, plug n play) without having to jump through all of these cerebral hoops.

Don’t want to delve too much into Scottish Politics here but there are so many updates-updates-updates just to begin with (for both the box and games) and as an analogy it’s like the ScotGov constantly asking us voters for mandate after mandate for our long overdue independence referendum. Another update, another mandate… can things not be made to just work without having to re-apply all of the time!

Also, when purchasing the unit I checked with serving staff that all previous versions of XBox games (eg 360) are compatible with and will play in the new XBox machine to which they responded, “Yes”. Well, upon attempting to install / play my older 360 version of GTAV on the new box, the computer said it was incompatible. It’s all because of that Evil Gates.

Another thing about the 1 terabyte memory XBox Series X is that (unlike me previous XBox 360) it doesn’t even let you burn and capture physical CD’s on to its hard drive for ease of play. What’s the point in evolving a gamestation if it doesn’t retain the popular features? The point is that everybody NOW has got to register and be online, just to play ~ maybe change that ole saying to a more current ‘plug n pay’.

Anyways, the graphics, sound and navigation are excellent and I’m now looking to buy some more games with similar gameplay… (with or without zombies optional) I looked up a review for ‘The Medium’ which seemed to tick me puzzle boxes, therefore just wondering if there are any other readers / gamers looking in on what your thoughts are on the Resident Evil Village VIII game or any others titles worth a shot, thanks.

Back to Armageddon II


On this day… Sturgeon re-acquiesced to UK’s England, yet again.

I don’t wanna hog the RC’s here but hear & know this.


“In law, acquiescence occurs when a person knowingly stands by without raising any objection to the infringement of their rights, while someone else unknowingly and without malice aforethought acts in a manner inconsistent with their rights.

Back to Armageddon II


As of this hour… Scotland has yet to reclaim our independence.

Back to Armageddon II


Hey hey, Jungle Fever was excellent.

Thanks for the reminder.

[…] The truth is that if every nation on Earth had nuclear weapons, and ONLY nuclear weapons, there would never be another war anywhere on the face of the planet, because even the craziest dictator would know that the first shot would instantly escalate into total global destruction, with nobody (and certainly not him) left alive to rule the ashes. And if you don’t believe me, ask Kim Jong-Un. […]

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