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Wings Over Scotland

Another disaster for Scotland

Posted on October 29, 2018 by

As if it wasn’t enough that one small country had to cope with the terrible burden of hundreds of billions of pounds of volatile oil revenues, now we have to face the grim prospect that with fossil fuels being phased out across the world to protect the climate, Scotland also produces TOO MUCH cheap, clean, infinitely renewable energy.

No wonder the Unionists think we’re too wee and too poor to go it alone.

The background to the story (which you’ll find, in the traditional manner, buried many paragraphs down the article beneath the shock-horror headline and the SNP BAD quotes from opposition politicians) is that the payments are a result of the National Grid – which, of course, is NOT controlled by the Scottish Government or the SNP – having inadequate infrastructure to store/transfer the energy, because a project due to handle the problem is several years late.

However, the Western Link finally went operational just a couple of weeks ago and the issue should now be largely eradicated, which is why the Mail’s extracting as much screaming hysteria as possible out of it now while it still can.

Where would we be without the Scottish media, eh readers?

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It has been reported that Hammond left the HoC Chamber immediately after Corbyn’s reply to the Budget Speech and before Ian Blackford could deliver his reply.

Is that not one of the most disgustingly blatant example of our colonial masters giving 2 fingers to The SNP and Scotland in general?



Where in Humza Yousaf’s tweet does he link it in any way to GB’s blog article?

It is a general statement with which no one can argue.

schrodingers cat

is only issuing a bog standard text for such a situation. nothing more……….what if gb loses any court action? as a scot msp of asian origin, and the frequent target of racist abuse from unionists, he cant afford to even been seen in agreement with people who stand accused of racism. look what happened to alex?

wake up folks, until we win our indy, these are the crap shit unionist rules we have no choice but to abide by. fair? hell no,
isnt this why we are fighting for our independence?

as for gb, i used to tag him on cif in the guardian many moons past, but i;m sure he would be very sad to see the snp folk on twitter today threatening to resign over this. he would look at this and say, the unionists plan to divide and conquer is working, the saddest thing ever is they are now using gb’s name to do it.

if gb is reading this and these tweets, im certain that that will be the thing that most upsets him. (he has probably now been advised, correctly, to no longer post during this period. )

ps. i think rp &rjs do a better job up thread of explaining why the snp are reacting in the way they are, than i could

if you are reading this gb, good luck mon ami



Humza Yousaf
?Verified account @HumzaYousaf

Humza Yousaf Retweeted Tom Gordon

We all have a responsibility to stamp out anti-semitism wherever we see it – within or outwith.

Humza Yousaf added,
Tom Gordon
SNP suspends member over ‘anti-Semitic’ blog link to
4:57 am – 30 Oct 2018

link to

Humza Yousaf Retweeted Tom Gordon

and this

SNP suspends member over ‘anti-Semitic’ blog

That provides the context – and hence a false accusation to be blunt.


You really are an obnoxious old cnut Peffers. Always hinting at others ‘ulterior motives’, always with the put down.
We’re all meant to be on the same side!

New posters mightn’t bother, fearing being put ‘right’ and being made to look silly.
Give it a fecking rest.
Stu will advertise if he needs a moderator.


(see above, it wasn’t just a straight statement of saying we must stamp out anti-semitism, it was directly linked to an article about Grouse, and hence implies that he was anti-semitic and should be stamped out).

Anyways, yes, grouse was a regular on Cif when I joined in, in 2012, as a few others. The thing is this cat, I don’t think the SNP understand the “community” that exists. We can disagree, even strongly, but still have some respect for each other.

Attack one of us, and if we think the attack is unfounded, as this clearly is, they attack all of us.

I really don’t think the SNP understand the wider YES community one single bit. Maybe Keith Brown is starting to learn, Angela Constance had a clue as well, and Tommy Sheppard is up there.


Oh FGS!, we’ve got so-called Independence supporters on here either scaremongering or just keeping this going with great zest. You know who you are. The Unionists must be having a right laugh at our expense.


Spot on SC. Some people don’t seem able to ”get it.” Threaten to resign? Who needs fair-weather friends, that is if they ever actually supported Independence at all?

@ schrodingers cat says at 3:55 pm …. ”humza is only issuing a bog standard text for such a situation. nothing more……….what if gb loses any court action? as a scot msp of asian origin, and the frequent target of racist abuse from unionists, he cant afford to even been seen in agreement with people who stand accused of racism. look what happened to alex?

wake up folks, until we win our indy, these are the crap shit unionist rules we have no choice but to abide by. fair? hell no, isnt this why we are fighting for our independence?

as for gb, i used to tag him on cif in the guardian many moons past, but i;m sure he would be very sad to see the snp folk on twitter today threatening to resign over this. he would look at this and say, the unionists plan to divide and conquer is working, the saddest thing ever is they are now using gb’s name to do it.

if gb is reading this and these tweets, im certain that that will be the thing that most upsets him. (he has probably now been advised, correctly, to no longer post during this period. )

ps. i think rp &rjs do a better job up thread of explaining why the snp are reacting in the way they are, than i could

if you are reading this gb, good luck mon ami.”

Blair Paterson

I often wonder at the SNP do they really want independense ???i mean even Mrs., Thatcher said if the SNP get enough MPs then they can go for ind., well they had 56 out of 59mps and 50 per cent of the vote and still did not go for it WHY ??? I mean what does it take for them to act on their manifesto ???

Bob Mack

@Robert Peffers,

Read again carefully. I distinctly wrote “employee OR MEMBER”
Members of any organisations have rights too you know. They pay for that privelige.

Your beginning to interpret things like the media Robert.


@Petra “Oh FGS!, we’ve got so-called Independence supporters

Petra, I respect you, and appreciate your postings.

Would it not be possible for you to respect those who don’t “toe the line” and have different views from yourself?

YES is a broad church, after all.


I often wonder at the SNP do they really want independense

This always appears when there’s dissent, division, debate.

Yes, it’s item 1 of the party’s own fecking constitution. I’ll leave others to try to find where and how to download it.

schrodingers cat

yesindyref2 says:
31 October, 2018 at 4:20 pm
(see above, it wasn’t just a straight statement of saying we must stamp out anti-semitism, it was directly linked to an article about Grouse, and hence implies that he was anti-semitic and should be stamped out).
i disagee, humza is only following a well trodden line, nothing more. i agree that he could have been more circumspect, but as one of the few asian scots he is very much under the spotlight.

I dont however disagree with anything else in your post, ie, i take this attack on gb very very personally, indeed, im fuckin fumin’

if its gb now, it will be you, or me or macart next, no question..

the real discussion tonight should not be about the merits or otherwise of humsa but what we shou;ld do about the situation we now find ourselves in (i say ourselves and not gb, cos it affects us all)

grassroots means exactly that, not the snp, I think we underestimate our own power dads. we can organise 100k folk to march, and that scares the shit out of the unionists.

i am past being angry, i am past being ignored and abused.
it is time for revenge, time to stand up and be counted

i cant think of anyone id rather stand up and be counted next to than grouse beater. or, if needs be, for you too dads

i rest
as ever

schrodingers cat

this isnt an attack on the snp, or gb. it is a direct attack o n the wossers who comment btl

the only discussion worth its salt is…………..what the fuck are we going to do about it?

any quetions?


We keep going, that’s what we do, nil carborundum, don’t let the buggers grind us down.

And if anyone accuses us on the wrong of hate crime directed aginst someone “because of his or her actual or perceived race, religion, transgender identity, sexual orientation or disability”, then we demand they report us to the police, or retract and apologise.

link to

schrodingers cat

i.m with you dads
always have been

Robert J. Sutherland

High time to cool it, peeps.

Maybe even GB himself, while resolutely refuting the wild allegations being bandied about in the media, might in retrospect regret having given the BritNats the slightest opening to exploit for diversion from what was otherwise an excellent analysis of the GMB/Wolfson operation.

(An analysis that ironically has possibly received more attention than it otherwise might have done, if the meat of it is digested along with the side-serving of distraction.)

Yes, it’s not a good feeling to see someone like ourselves being cut adrift so clinically, however provisionally. We all feel it. But it needed to be done to “cauterise” the issue, to prevent it being inflated into a mountain of distractional innuendo against the entire SNP by the usual suspects with deliberate intent to harm. And I say this as a non-member.

We do rightly worry that such a reaction could be misused to take out almost anyone in the party at any time, if they stray in even the most trivial way off some grievance monger’s idea of the rigidly straight and narrow. Which is part of the intention – to intimidate the SNP from doing or saying anything even faintly radical, to keep them in a neutered little box.

It’s high-stakes and it’s dirty, but it is exactly what we have long been expecting, is it not? So best to react by carefully refusing to allow these malactors to pull our strings. Best thus not to say or do anything rash that can only damage our cause. We really must stick together.

If after careful reflection and good advice GB believes he has been traduced by anyone, he will have his day, and we will rally behind him in that, I’m sure.


Now featuring Scotland:
link to

Bob Mack

Well, if they’re trying to intimidate the SNP into a narrow box, they are doing it really well. Lie dormant and say nothing and the bad thing will go away. Jeez.

Dave McEwan Hill

I wonder if Blair Paterson (4.42pm) is a bit dence but it his posts rarely make any sence.


Nearly met up with 3 others in Glasgow, Xmas 2012. KK, Bangor Stu (unionist) and one other, can’t for the life of me think who. Heed was interested as well and one or two others I think. Fell through in the end, the place would ahve been in/off Great Western Road which was too far out for me getting to Central Station for the last train, and as always short of cash for the likes of taxis. Days, eh!


@ RJS at 6:08pm ….. “it needed to be done to cauterise the issue.”

Excellent post, RJS

Craig Murray

Robert Sutherland @ 6.08pm

It seems to me undeniable that GB’s introduction of a wholly unnecessary bit about Hitler persecuting unions into the thread was unhelpful. But that doesn’t make him an anti-semite and the eagerness of the party to appear to validate wild MSM allegations against members, even when obvous pish, is indeed worrying.

Craig Murray

sorry meant article, not thread


Robert J. Sutherland

“So best to react by carefully refusing to allow these malactors to pull our strings. Best thus not to say or do anything rash that can only damage our cause. We really must stick together.”

I wholeheartedly agree with every word of this. So why then was it felt necessary to suspend an SNP member before even reading the blog in question and coming to a conclusion as to whether it was anti-Semetic or not?

Investigate first and only then form an opinion rather than believe something written in the paper “because they said so”. I note now that the Daily Record have deleted all trace of the article attacking Grouse Beater for his “anti-Semetic blog”

They shouldn’t have published such a libellous article in the first place and the SNP aught to have taken your approach RJS and refused “to allow these malefactors to pull our strings”.

Who’s next for the chop, take your pick as it could be anyone all the way up yo Nicols Sturgeon. If some journalist decides to write an article telling lies then suspension appears to be automatic.

The point is that it no longer matters whether something is true or now, the MSM just have to say it is so and the SNP will suspend that persons membership. .

Very foolish in my opinion and it’s the SNP’s strings that have been pulled here and they unfortunately danced to that tune.

Condemn someone only AFTER you have tried them and found them guilty and not before.


yesindyref2 says:
31 October, 2018 at 12:07 am

“@Rock “You have never had the guts to state that before.”

Proof positive of two things.

1). You never read The National, though you slate it. I;ve stated that there a lot of times.”

Who cares about the fake “independence supporting” The National?

You never had the guts to state it on WOS.

14th March 2019 you say? That leaves four and a half months and it hasn’t even been called yet.

Get real.

Nicola has no guts to defy Saint Theresa and call an illegal referendum.

schrodingers cat

dunno what yer post meant

but im still with you mon ami

i never left you


Capella says:
31 October, 2018 at 10:59 am

“By suspending Grouse Beater immediately, the SNP has spiked the Unionists guns and forced them to shut up about the “natsis”, as their more unsavoury spokespersons refer to us.”

Stupid cowardly logic, in my humble opinion.

It is long overdue for Nicola and the SNP to show some guts and defy the unionists.

It was the ultimate in stupidity and gutlessness for Nicola to stand “shoulder to shoulder” with “Tory scum” Saint Theresa and the “ghastly” Boris Johnson as they declared war on Russia after a false flag operation.

She had no reason to open her mouth – she should have dismissed it as a reserved matter. That would have shut up the unionists. Instead she is now hostage to what she said.


Hello Bob Mack.

How does it feel to be on the receiving end of Robert Peffers’ aggressive bullying?


mr thms says:
30 October, 2018 at 11:59 pm

“The referendum should be held anytime after the end of March 2019”

After the end of March 2019, Scotland will be at the mercy of Westminster.

And nothing more than a region of the UK as far as the EU is concerned.

The EU didn’t quite jump to defend the rights of the Catalonians and will have no interest in the rights of the Scots, who after all are the only “sovereign” people in the world.

Bob Mack


To quote Denis Healey. “It’s like being savaged by a gumsy sheep”



“To quote Denis Healey. “It’s like being savaged by a gumsy sheep””

He even attacks his own sycophants who have no sense of self esteem and keep on bowing at his feet:

Robert Peffers says:
31 October, 2018 at 9:33 am

“@Thepnr says: 31 October, 2018 at 3:56 am:

” … Suspending an ordinary member because of an allegation of anything at all is a slippery slope that can only end in you falling on your arse. All they had to say was “we will look into this”.
Then and only then should they make a decision.”

Whoa There!

What on Earth do you imagine the word, “suspend”, means in this context, Thepnr?”


@Rock “You never had the guts to state it on WOS.

I apologise, I really didn’t realise you were that pish poor at searching the web. OK, here’s some simple instructions.

1. Right-click this link

link to

2. Cut and paste the following, and put it into the search box

yesindyref2 “14th March 2019”

3. Click on the google “search button”

You are now presented with a page of links. Try clicking on some, for instance the first one ” How to turn kids into racists”, and then search through for “14th March 2019”

Voila! Try some more, you will find I’ve posted it a few times.

Let me know if you have any problems with the simple procedure outlined above.



Now don’t be naughty Rock, there’s ladies present.

Reluctant Nationalist

Yesindyref2: “then we demand they report us to the police”

And how would you be able to tell if they did? They can just claim they reported it to avoid having to bruise their mutant ego by apologising. The sad cunts.

[…] because the National Grid is unable to cope with the amount of energy generated on windy days link to […]

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