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Wings Over Scotland

And finally… #29

Posted on March 31, 2013 by

We haven’t had one of these for a wee while, but what better way to welcome back a popular feature strand than with a particularly splendid Unionist Of The Day, found for us by an alert reader in today’s Scottish Sunday Express?


The scary thing is, it’s barely any more mental than the article.

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Adam Davidson

Why do people hate Alex Salmond so much? Do they really hate him or is it that they fear how popular he is and attack him to try and reduce his political influence. I respect him a lot so am biased but still cannot think of a single thing he has done that justifies the hatred.


That mentalist will know Salmond, the SNP and its policies particularly well since he/she is based in Plymouth.

Martin Cunningham

Haha – I just saw this myself and was gonna tweet you the link.  Unbelievable – This is one of those ones where it is so far out, the natural assumption is it must be satire. But then you think about it for a minute, and you just know that the moron absolutely believes what he is spouting.

Dave Beveridge

You could actually take any 1 of the 4 comments!  Genius.


Actually, I’d really appreciate an impartial article on the new police force. Can anyone point me in the direction of one? Either in a newspaper or a blog is fine.
I can’t believe it’ll make much difference – we’re a wee country, after all. However, the SG seem to get bounced into things by the police – thinking of the football legislation – so I’m a bit worried. 

Sunshine on Crieff

“The Scots must vote for UKIP,for to regain and remain a democratic country.”

Kind of gives the game away! 😀

The Man in the Jar

How on earth can people complain about “Cybernats” when there are swivel eyed, ill-informed nutters like this sitting in front of foam flecked computer bashing out bile like this? And then there are the comments!


that is no worse or better than the regular outpourings of Mr OBE on The Herald forums every single day.
A pathological hatred of a man they have never met.

Angus McLellan

Good to see a Herald-regular, Tory exile Paul Gordon commenting there. Mr Gordon seems to be quite unaware that he lives in a country with a national police force. No, I tell a lie. Mr Gordon’s adopted home actually has two national police forces, and the other one has a rather creepy track record

But it’s not just Spain. No, it’s much worse. Such dreadful dictatorships as Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden suffer under the tyrannical oppression of a single national police force. The horror!

I’d run away to Belgium, but the police were converted to a single national force when I lived there. What to do?


I must admit I’m a wee bit disturbed that nobody has clicked  “report that comment” on the express website. Mind you its the express, so maybe not……
Meanwhile a 1st year law student in Glasgow says on Twitter that “if I could kill Alex Salmond and get away with it I probably would”
link to
Now we have all watched the West Wing, and know that the slightest on-line threat to the President has hoards of FBI types smashing through doors and windows to stop this sort of thing. I can only hope that our new Police state knows its way around Twitter and Glasgow Law students. Death threats to the FM indeed, tisk tisk…

Angus McLellan

Tearlach: Shocking stuff! Has he never heard of the subjunctive? Were I a member of the law faculty at Glasgow University, I would be disappointed.

Castle Rock

After reading through the arguments put forward by Duncan Hothersall on his blog for ‘Working Together’ on the Bedroom Tax and now this from a UKIP supporter I can honestly say that the Brits are nuts.

ronald alexander mcdonald

I think Alex Salmond’s confidence in Scotland’s self determination exposes some peoples dependency traits which is dominated by fear, i.e. the scottish cringe. I’m convinced when people say they won’t vote for independence because they don’t like Alex Salmond, what they really mean is they are frightened to and resent AS because he exposes their inner fears. 


I don’t get the anger and response of some people to the FM, but then I’m biased, as a voter.  I vote SNP and think that he does an excellent job supporting, promoting and leading Scotland. 
I agree with the poster above, he exposes the scottish cringe because he is encouraging us all to be proud of being Scottish and of course living in Scotland. 
The fear and anger campaign is merely another tactic of the unionist, too poor, too wee, too stupid mantra. 


Completely O/T.I have indicated my hate of football, but I am feeding you a line for your interest,amusement ,frenzy even.
link to
or am I left behind and off side so.It osunds a spoof, but it would be grand to be rid of all of these.


One of Rev Stu’s links on his twitter directs you to Amazon where you can buy a life size cardboard cut out of David Cameron. The customer feedback comments are quite funny.


Semus : we are getting quite near the 1st of April.


a thing I seen today a guy who tells it how it is.


Now we have all watched the West Wing, and know that the slightest on-line threat to the President has hoards of FBI types smashing through doors and windows to stop this sort of thing. I can only hope that our new Police state knows its way around Twitter and Glasgow Law students. Death threats to the FM indeed, tisk tisk…
That waste of a university education deserves the grief Paul Chambers got over his Robin Hood airport tweet.


Marcia said:
Semus : we are getting quite near the 1st of April.
I know, but the date on the actual article was 30th March.  Do you think someone’s timing was a bit out?


This is the consequences you get when you have unionist politicians and journalists who hurl lies and hate and bile on a daily basis at the SNP and its leadership because these unionists know they have lost the argument for retaining Westminster rule.


Morag, they have taken an article written for today’s edition of the People. I think it is a spoof. Cannot believe at the time I am typing this there are 1,777 comments on the article.


I don’t know enough about football to have an opinion, but if it’s a huntigowk and they have taken in that number of people then I have only one word for them.  KUDOS.

The Man in the Jar

I most certainly do not “Tweet” however in a moment of madness clicked away form Wings for some light amusement. And I came across this. (See link) Praise where it is due. @WeakerApart
Love the bit about the shoeshops.
link to


Yeah, I saw that too.  Fair brightened my evening!


Hatred of Salmond stems from two mains issues. By extreme British nationalists who despise him because he is an effective, intelligent and persuasive politician who has done much for the cause of Scottish Independence.
The rest are just uneducated ignoramuses who think its quite trendy to hate a politician and who have not realised the hatred that comes in his direction is purely caused by the media who fall into the category above. They are being taken for fools and hate the man because they have been told to. 
Thirdly i do think Salmond has his faults and there are definitely SNP policies which I disagree with. However what I find terribly upsetting and infuriating is the hatred he receives when he has done his absolute best to open the people of Scotland’s eyes up to the fact we would be much better off as an independent country. These people are blinded by ignorance.


I think Salmond’s approval ratings (never mind the SNP’s standing in the opinion polls) must be absolutely killing them.

I think you have to be a pretty exceptional person to do what Salmond has done.  I don’t think likeability in the ordinary sense of the word is necessarily part of the required package though.

We would not be where we are today without him.  And I will subscribe to the bronze statue in due course.  It doesn’t matter if I like him or not – I’m under no obligation to invite him to dinner.


@The Man in the Jar
Wow, that’s something else.
Surely this is just a bunch of kids getting carried away with their freedom of speech !!!!?

Bill C

Alex Salmond is the most astute, competent and intelligent politician in these isles. He is a very serious threat to the British Establishment’s last vestiges of Empire, the Labour Party and American vested interests. He is therefore regarded as Public Enemy Number 1 by many powerful individuals, corporate capitalists and European bureaucrats. It is little wonder that he is subjected to some of the most vile abuse ever levelled at a democratically elected leader of a Western nation.

douglas clark

I would assume that peoplesrights is a nutcase.
Thought of other stuff, but, frankly this is shite and should be dealt with by care in the community, if they still exist.


With regards to the Cameron backing Celtic and Rangers to move to English league I posted the same link on another of Stu’s articles. What I think MAY give this a wee bit of credence is that it also appears here.
link to
As I have not bought any newspapers for years I am not sure how they all run with their April Fool stories however, I seem to remember from decades ago that you almost never got the same “April Fool” story running in two or more papers. This is why I am probably more gullible than most and thinking that there might actually be some truth behind the headlines on this one.
On the other hand……….. 😆


I happened across this particular gem on someone’s facebook a few days ago:
“Alec Salmond you are a fat idiotic egotistical buffoonish turd of a human being please fuck off to your own wee island somewhere remote where you can proclaim yourself king and savior and stop trying to fuck up this already pretty fucked up country of ours by blabbering nonsense to fuel your futile drive for independence.  YOU ARE NOT ROBERT THE BRUCE!!!!!”
The thing that got me most about it was that he acknowledged that the country was already “fucked up” but obviously hasn’t yet grasped that remaining in the union isn’t going to help resolve the matter, for that matter he hasn’t realised that things are only going to get worse.

douglas clark

They are losing it.
Which is all good.
We have had Duncan Hothersall making an idiot of himself here, we have had the ‘mad dictator bingo’ turned up to eleven, we have had the desperation of your facebook link.

We have had Ian Davidson lying.
These bastards have lost.
Hell mend them.

The ‘YES ‘vote will have risen as a result of this nonsense.

No-one sane would think that any of that stuff constitutes an arguement?

Cameron has now played his best card. Rangers and Celtic in the English Leagues?

We desperately require to see this manipulation for what it is.

Quite how a team in the Scottish Third Division is going to be placed in English football beggars understanding.


I’ll believe this malarkey is increasing the Yes vote when I see the opinion poll.  Just because it hardens our resolve to vote Yes, and we see it is indeed another reason to vote Yes, doesn’t mean your average voter will see it that way.  If they see it at all.


I read the other day that a woman in Kent who joked on facebook that she would like to throw an egg at Cameron had the police at her door.  It had taken them four weeks to track her down.  Seems a bit over the top when people can make death threats on twitter with impunity.


Um, [citation required]

I find that hard to believe without a bit more than “I read the other day”.  Where did you read it?


Just heard on radio scotland news that it has been so cold in Germany that it killed a whole troop of circus flees:)
We’re doomed, doooooomed l tells ya


I see the date has well and truly changed over now.

Goodnight to all.

Angus McLellan

Morag, the egg story is real, unfortunately: link to

douglas clark

You could reasonably view people here as outliers, i.e. committed. But is is also reasonable to think that your average voter is not particurally thurled to being bullied or lied to. It is a remarkable fact that the SNP, and thus, Scottish Independence ticks up in the polls.
link to
The comments that I linked to are about as unpersuasive as an advert for detergent from the ’50’s.
Putting on my neutral cap, I think there is a sea change in opinion and that the desperation of the likes of oor Duncan are an indication of this.
There is a massive amount of work to be done, but we can win this.


I saw her getting interviewed on a TV news report, can’t remember which channel, BBC, STV, one of those.
She said on her comment that she was good with an egg, never misses or she was very accurate with an egg something like that.
Sorry l can’t give more detail, I couldn’t  be bothered at the time stop laughing enough to concentrate.


Oh, I hope you’re right, indeed, Douglas.  I’m just being a wee bit of a devil’s advocate, because I see so much of this “that’s another few thousand votes for us” every time some unitroll says something crass.  It may be so, but even though it’s Easter I’m not counting my chickies.


About the egg, well it’s the Sun, but it is quite well referenced.  That being so, wouldn’t you think that serious-sounding death threats against the FM might be worth a wee bit of notice?

These did not entirely sound like jokes.  Mainly, it was concern about being caught that was restraining them.  That would worry me.  All you need is someone who thinks of a perfect plan.  And Salmond is much less remote from ordinary people than Cameron.

Chic McGregor

The Man in the Jar says:
31 March, 2013 at 10:26 pm

“How on earth can people complain about “Cybernats” when there are swivel eyed, ill-informed nutters like this sitting in front of foam flecked computer bashing out bile like this? And then there are the comments!”
Nice one!

Angus McLellan

@Morag: If you go back a few years you’ll find similar comments about Brown, and if you go back further still, about Blair. Not on Twitter maybe, but there will be plenty of them buried in the comments on the Torygraph and the Wail and over at Guido Fawkes’ place.
It’s only credible threats that worry the US Secret Service. There was an interesting story just recently which showed how much effort it takes to get into serious trouble by threatening President Obama. Persistence is required.

Chic McGregor

Bill C says:
31 March, 2013 at 11:54 pm

“Alex Salmond is the most astute, competent and intelligent politician in these isles. He is a very serious threat to the British Establishment’s last vestiges of Empire, the Labour Party and American vested interests. He is therefore regarded as Public Enemy Number 1 by many powerful individuals, corporate capitalists and European bureaucrats. It is little wonder that he is subjected to some of the most vile abuse ever levelled at a democratically elected leader of a Western nation.”
Sad, but oh so true.

Chic McGregor

Morag says:
1 April, 2013 at 12:25 am

“I’ll believe this malarkey is increasing the Yes vote when I see the opinion poll.  Just because it hardens our resolve to vote Yes, and we see it is indeed another reason to vote Yes, doesn’t mean your average voter will see it that way.  If they see it at all.”
Well the Yes vote in the polls is increasing, dangerously so IMO.  It now stands at about 44:56.  We do NOT want to be going through 50:50 until we are 9 months out from the referendum or less.
Timing is all.

douglas clark

“dangerously so”?
What, too early?
I am not terribly convinced. Today David Cameron came out and said that Rangers and Celtic should be welcomed into the FA. I think that is pretty desperate.
I did a poll for BDO, whoever they are, and the interviewer was a bit amused that I was reluctant to answer every question as a ‘YES’. According to him, many folk had.

(I think the SNP has to work on it’s entire policy about British Overseas territories and not surrender an inch to Westminster, for instance.)


@ douglas clark
I agree that we have a responsibility to these territories, which we should live up to if given the chance. I think the SG’s continued involvement in their governance might help off-set the UK’s lax support of international law, with respect particularly to off-shore tax havens. Let’s be honest though, it is not a one sided coin. I am sure there are considerable wealth streams that will become available in the future, and I would hate us to miss out on any rightful share coming to us.
I suppose it all comes down to whether it will be a continuation, or not.

R Louis

Of course these truly mad rantings by cyberbrits about ‘Salmond is a dictator’, completely bypass the harsh reality, that he is the only elected leader in the entire UK with a democratic majority.
Indeed, if we look at Westminster, we have not had a democratically elected Prime minister since Tony Blair.  Gordon Brown was NEVER elected as Prime Minister.  David Cameron lost the UK general election in 2010, and indeed the Tory party have not actually won an election in the UK since John Major in 1992.
If we then consider that Scotland right now is being willfully destroyed by a Tory Government in London which has only one freaking MP in Scotland, we can see that the Tories and David Cameron have NO mandate under even any tin pot dictatorship rules from anywhere in the world, to make any decisions whatsoever for Scotland.
The choice for the people in Scotland in 2014 will be simple.  Do you want a better democratically run Government in Scotland elected by the people of Scotland, or do you want to continue with London colonial rule unelected by Scots.  It really isn’t rocket science.
Vote YES in 2014.

Joe Riley

Quite apt, I thought
link to

Bugger (the Panda)

They hate Salmond and the SNP quite simply because they represent a clear, dangerous and almost certain fatal challenge to the concept of Parliamentary (Westminster) sovereignty and to the Establishment’s ability to manipulate the UK unwritten constitution at will to suit the evil ends.
The whole corrupt foundations of their heist of democracy is at risk. 

Chic McGregor

Marcia says:
“One of Rev Stu’s links on his twitter directs you to Amazon where you can buy a life size cardboard cut out of David Cameron. The customer feedback comments are quite funny.”
Does purchasing this effect your statue Tory rights?


@ Chic McGregor: I took Cameron’s cardboard statue to be a 1st April joke! Maybe from the Antipodes some 12 hours ahead of us?
Mind if these statues are available they could be useful as targets for distance peeing competitions- only males need enter! i haven’t entered one in years, mind you there would need to be a handicap system in place for me to have a chance of winning now.


Some people hate Salmond and the SNP because they fear change so much.  Also, some people, both in Scotland and the UK, appear to think that the UK is still a major power.  Therefore, the SNP were always going to get more abuse as independence grows closer.  However, I think more than a few have been surprised by the scale of the abuse and bile being hurled at the SNP.  I think a good thing to remember is that political campaigns, that are attempting to bring about fundamental change, have traditionally had to cope with sustained abuse before they achieved their goals.        

Patrick Roden

I don’t think it’s always the case that when a unionist politician makes a mistake (eg Ian Davidsons lie) that it will add a few thousand to the Yes side, but I do think that when they make their outlandish claims and are then exposed as liars the people begin to think about this and maybe start to do some deeper thinking. So slowly but surely people become don’t knows then Yes voters.
If more people do this, we can be confident that most of them will become Yes voters.
I also firmly believe that a lot of No’s and Don’t Kno’s are peope who simply haven’t taken the time to look into the issues of independance and instead listen to the MSM, however when they become directly effected by the issues (bedroom tax, welfare cuts, etc) then they pay much closer attention, the MSM and Labour can keep spinning all they like, but the people directly effected will know thet they are being lied to.
If you will be speaking to anyone over the next few weeks and trying to convert them into becoming Yes voters, then look for someone effected directly by the welfare cuts and bedroom tax, tell them it was Labour who introduced these measures tell them if they are disabled that the Labour party is refusing to commit to repealing these cuts if they get into power tell them that this is because the press in England have demonised disabled and uneployed people for years so that to win the votes in South and Middle England you need to be shown to be ‘tough on scroungers’
It’s fertile ground people !

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