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Wings Over Scotland

An indecent interval

Posted on October 15, 2017 by

The Conservative Home website ran this yesterday.

Alert readers, of course, will be able to explain at least one Scottish teaching vacancy.

(For some context, incidentally, there are 50,970 teachers employed in Scotland in 2,542 schools. If we assume the figure of 700 vacancies is correct, that means that 98.6% of available positions are currently occupied, which is what you’d expect in any profession. When posts become vacant they don’t get filled instantly – people have to apply, interviews have to be conducted, decisions have to be made, and the whole process takes time during which the jobs are unfilled. There’s currently one job vacant for every 3.63 schools in the country. 73 out of every 74 teaching posts are occupied.)

Just over three weeks separated Ms Leslie being struck off the teaching register for a long series of abusive tweets stretching back for years, and her complaining about a shortage of teachers. The contempt being shown by the Tories in leaving so little time for people to forget is breathtaking. We suppose, though, that there are some teachers Scotland’s children are better off without.

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Hey Teacher……Leave them kids alone
after all you’re just another c**t in the School hall

(Sorry David Gilmour for abusing your fine lyrics)


Sorry, but with photos of herself to view, can she really, seriously, call someone else a ‘hag’? Pot/kettle.

rob mcartney

Yet another day goes by with SNP bad Scotland cant make it on world stage agenda. Racist rants, discrimitive rants, the Tories are a bunch of self loving “ranters”.


Arrogant and ignorant person. She really set a good example on the responsible use of social media to her pupils!

Jason Smoothpiece

An angry unsavoury bitter lady, much like many Brit Nat types I know.

Perhaps not the most clever sort allowing herself to be on a public site so soon after her little trouble with teaching authorities.

I suppose the British Nationalists don’t have a large queue of decent folk waiting to comment in their publications.

Tartan Tory

It may be possible to understand personal appearance insults about the FM coming from a supermodel with a grievance, but if you look like an extra from the Michael Jackson ‘Thriller’ video, it would be far better to say nothing at all. It seems many of the Tories spend their time in glass houses with an abundance of rocks to hand.

Gerry Gribbons

I am not surprised that this is tory thinking…..she should have been thrown out and you are 100% correct she is one we can do without

Chick McGregor

Who remembers the Yoon attack line that the SNP were training far too many teachers?.

No jobs for them! was the cry.

Four legs SNP BAD!
Two legs SNP BAD!

Derek Henry

Simple the SNP spends £500 million to train 700 teachers.

Those teachers go to the cinema the cinema pays it’s tax, the cinema buys films from universal then universal pay their tax, the director then buys a pair of shoes for his wife then the shoe shop pays their tax, the salesperson in the shoe shop buys a jumper and then the clothes shop pays their tax, the owner buys his wife some flowers and the florist pays their tax then buys fish and chips and the chippy then pays their tax and so on and so on and so on and so on.

Until the £500 million is returned to the banking reserves and destroyed. All government spending pays fot itself each and every time.

a) Because tax does not stop after the first use.

b) Your spending is someone elses income.

As you can see quite clearly the taxes don’t fund the government spending. They take currency out of the system to control inflation. If there was no taxes the £500 million would have been inflationary.

Now lets say everybody in the spending chain wanted to save some money in a pension or an ISA for example and in total they all saved £100 million.

Then that would be the SNP’s budget deficit. They spent £500 million but only collected £400 million.

The budget deficit = money that has not been spent yet which is everybody’s savings to penny.

Which is why as a country we’ve ran budget deficits for nearly 300 years. It is the only way on aggregate we can all save.

The national debt is £1.8 trillion. Which is everybodys savings. It is what is left over after what the UK has spent and collected over the last few centuries.

You can’t pay your taxes until the government gives you £’s first or as central bankers say. You can’t do a banking reserve drain ( taxes) until after you’ve done a banking reserve add( government spending)

For example…

I’m the monopoly issuer of the £ your taxes are worthless to me. I don’t need them if I need £’s I will create them from thin air on a computer keyboard. Any £’s you give me I will shred them to control inflation.

I’m going to run a balanced budget with you..

I’m going to give you £100 and then tax you £100

So now how much can you

a) save

b) spend in the economy

I’m now going to run a budget surplus with you..

I’m going to give you £100 and then tax you £150

So now how much can you

a) save

b) spend in the economy

I’m now going to run a budget deficit with you..

I’m going to give you £100 and then tax you £20

So now how much can you

a) save

b) spend in the economy

The majority of the population have been brainwashed by 15 minute soundbites over a 40 year period.

They believe the monopoly issuer of the £ operates like a household budget as they are told to think that way and it is easy to think that way.

However, nothing could be further from the truth

Gullane No4

I’m not sure which is more funny.

Ms Leslies comments or the numpties on Conservative Home attempting to defend her

Dr Jim

Scotland has now come to the sad state of affairs where policy or politics is gone and has been totally replaced by the new politics of *I just don’t like him/her* because my mate’s a taxi driver and he says so, or some other such nonsense

It seems the record of a politician or the things they have said and stood for don’t count anymore and are replaced by The Daily Record says or a politics programme says, because they have an agenda of their own which is to undermine democracy because they think they can

In Scotland we have the most failed party in government ever, the Labour party running around getting football supporters to stick up banners, Unions to go on strike or deliberately make life difficult for everybody because they want voted back in to lie to people all over again about the same stuff they lied about before

This constant digging up of ex teachers or nurses or passed over ex politicians to rubbish the current government on every issue, and all encouraged and cheered on by the BBC and newspapers because it’ll give them more fun to write more rubbish or tell more lies, and none of this behaviour benefits the people of Scotland because we only exist to feed off the stupidity we allow these institutions to have that power over us

I am heartily sick to my stomach of the filth and slime the Scottish Labour party the Scottish Tory party and the media institutions engage in, not to mention the lowest of the low Liberal democrats who seize on anything and lie about everything to scrabble around for a vote

Our political parties in Scotland have no conscience whatsoever

At this moment in time the SNP have been a beacon of light in our country yet critisised on all sides for not being perfect, well who is?
Well I know what they are and they’re a damned country mile and a good stretch of the legs better than anything we’ve ever had before and pulling them down at every opportunity because you just don’t like them or because it’s fun is an attack on Scotland and certainly not as the ones who engage in it would have it an attempt to improve things

For all lurkers out there who read Wings Over Scotland you don’t need to take my word for it just look up the records of the people who make these attacks on the SNP and then properly look up the record of what the SNP have actually done for Scotland in the very short timespan of ten years against what the Labour party did for Scotland and they had power since the time of the stone age

I don’t have pictures of politicians on my walls or on my tee shirts, I’m just a reasonably average human

[…] Wings Over Scotland An indecent interval The Conservative Home website ran this yesterday. Alert readers, of course, will be […]

Jack Collatin

We arer not 4000 teachers short. This lie has been peddled by Dugdale, Davidson, Rennie, and their minions with boring regularity.
Joined Up Unionist lies.
The Scottish Government do not cut teaching posts. LA Councils do that. We have Education CE’s, 32 of them, who are accountable for succession planning in our schools.
Ask any Old School Personnel Manager.
An Absence Factor is built into any complementing calculation.Leave, sickness, retirement, dismissal, can all be forecast using historic data.
I assume COSLA has a ‘joined up’ recruitment, training, and retention plan, and it is to this that schools across the country,that would be ‘Scotland’, Unionists, contribute, with future planning of staff numbers is calculated.
Yet this latest Blue Tory waste of space spouts these lies, which will no doubt feature in the Brit Nat Dead Tree Scrolls on Monday Morning. SNP BAD.


Scary looking wee lady with that far away zoomer look which the Tory creed has patented.

Exhibiting indications of excess testosterone hormone by her overly aggressive demeanour and receding hairline.

Just my type 🙂


The lyrics are by Roger Waters, not Dave Gilmour.

Yours a Pink Floyd nerd who remembers when that single came out.

mike cassidy

And if you want to stimulate your brain on a Sunday afternoon, check out the comments – and replies if you go to the actual page – below the article.

r esquierdo

Egoistic individual. With no moral values

mike cassidy

Archived here

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Gerry Gribbons

a typical tory attitude…..fully agree she should be removed from any position of authority

Derek Henry

You will always get some fiscal conservative loonball who will say.

Ah but that only decribes a closed economy not an open one like the UK.

It’s hilarious they still then we are on a gold standard and still think we use fixed exchange rates.

With floating exchange rates it is a closed economy.

There has to be a buyer and a seller of the FX exchange won’t take place.

Germans after selling us all their cars who get paid in £’s that then sit in their savings account the BOE have several choices.

a) Leave their £’s sitting in the reserves

b) Move their £’s into a bond accout to earn more interest

c) Use their £’s to buy UK goods or services. After all that’s why you trade to get more imports than your exports or there is no point in trading at all.

d) After buying UK goods and services sending some £’s back home and exchange them to Euro’s

So Let’s say the Germans want to send £500 million back home and change them into Euro’s.

£500 million ———> 500 million Euro’s at the current exchnage rate

Then they need to find someone or a group of people that want to exchange 500 million Euro’s into £’s

£500 million <——— 500 million Euro's at the current exchnage rate

Or the FX exchange won't take place.

So it's very clear the £500 million never leaves the reserves at the Bank Of England all that changes is who know holds them. The owner has changed and that is it.

Then the new owner now have the same choices…

a) Leave their £'s sitting in the reserves

b) Move their £'s into a bond accout to earn more interest

c) Use their £'s to buy UK goods or services. After all that's why you trade to get more imports than your exports or there is no point in trading at all.

d) After buying UK goods and services sending some £'s back home and exchange them to Euro's

An independent Scotland should have no fears whatsoever from global capital markets. As long as we float our own currency and have our own central bank.

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Slightly of topic was talking to a good friend. Who will now vote Labour because of Corbin. when asked what would he do for Scotland? SNP have done nothing. The MSM are doing a great job.

Kiereann Mac GhillieMhoire

So essentially,

The very characteristics that make her unfit to teach

make her an ideal conservative candidate.

This is why we can’t have nice things.


If I may say so you ought to complete the report on this person, in as much she now has been appointed onto Fife Counses board for “standards and equity ” ( or something very,very similar)
Others on here will no doubt get it right, if I’ve made a mistake.


I can only speak from personal experience, and only in Scotland. As an individual but more so as an activist I frequently find myself faced with an outspoken Tory. They fall into two camps for the most part.

Firstly the elderly voter who quite frankly is living in the past – their UK and their Tory party is historical. Usually we part on a mannerly ‘agree to disagree’. The Tory party is most popular among this age group so I think this is typical.

However secondly the 20-40-something Tory in Scotland is something quite different. They are usually thoroughly unpleasant when it comes to politics and social views – the person featured here would seem typical. It is often said that Davidson needs to clean out her extreme elements. I’m not so sure that is on the agenda. I think it’s more likely that they are tolerated, encouraged even, because they are more representative of the younger voter base than they are willing to openly admit.

Bob Mack

Most of the missing teachers can be found on the Labour and Tory benches. I think Findlay. Lamont and a few others went into more lucrative work in politics.

In any event, why do we apparently need more teachers? According to every other political party nobody can learn anything under the current syllabus.

Amazing is it not that the Government are offering incentives to join a profession ,whilst those directly responsible for hiring I. e.. (The Local Councils) just sit back and moan about apparent shortages.


A mistake in the Fife Councils committee heading, I meant.

David McDowell

No one “agrees” to be struck off the teacher register.
If a General Teaching Council investigation concludes a teacher needs to be struck off then they will be struck off whether they “agree” or not.

Derek Hnery

All you have to do is sit in a room and sip a nice 15 year old single malt and think about it.

There is no HUGE shed on the Isle Of Wight that holds all of our taxes for future use.

We’ve ran budget deficits for nearly 300 years so that shed would have been empty 299 years ago.

Think about where we actually get the £’s from that then allows us to pay our taxes. It’s written on every note beside that signature.

George Monbiot is coming to the concert hall next Saturday to promote his new book. He says a sovereign wealth fund and a land value tax are the answers to the world problems.Then we can afford teachers

Again simply not true.

As the Binzagar institute who has looked a these things for 40 years now has clearly shown…

a) Having a sovereign wealth fund does not the mean the monopoly issuer of the currency can spend more even if it has £500 trillion in it. The monopoly issuer of the £ can buy anything that is for sale in £’s anytime it chooses to. It is a political decision nothing more nothing less like Trident or Tution fees. The key point being is sovereign wealth funds are created because currency savings are an export product. So the mistake you are making by putting so much importance on sovereign wealth funds is the classic one is believing that foreign savings is quite different from domestic savings. When It really isn’t that different at all.

For a country to have excess exports it has no choice but to save other currency denominations to excess. Otherwise its own currency goes sky high and kills the excess exports. This is why there are ‘sovereign wealth funds’ and huge hoards of currency and financial assets held by offshore entities. They are a consequence of excess export policies across the world and the currency management that enables them to exist.

There is little difference between somebody holding, say, Sterling Savings in Birmingham, Alabama from somebody holding Sterling Savings in Birmingham, England. Both can be taxed. Sterling accounts are all transitively linked to the Bank of England via chains of other Sterling accounts. That’s what makes them Sterling. (Yes that applies to Eurocurrency deposits as well?—?ultimately they have to clear via the Sterling banking system to be worth anything and that allows authorities to collect back taxes on a remittance basis).

Sovereign wealth funds rely upon your export of savings to exist. The Norwegian Wealth Fund allows Norway to supply oil (and the odd salmon) in exchange for savings products. The Wealth Fund has no policy other than to accumulate savings products over time?—?which gives it a huge amount on the asset side of its national balance sheet. Norges Bank can then discount this asset into Krone for its domestic money supply purposes. When it does it can still cause inflation.

So it does not matter if governments exchange foreign savings in a sovereign wealth fund to their own currency and spend it or the monopoly issuer of the £ creates it from thin air and spends it inflation can still be a problem. They key is you have to make sure you have enough skills and resources to absorb that spending and that you do not over spend the productive capacity of the economy. You don’t need a sovereign wealth fund to do that.

b) Taxes do not fund government spending. The main job they do is control inflation as they take currency out of the system after the the monopoly issuer of the currency has spent money into the economy. You can’t pay your taxes until first you get them from the government. There is no huge shed on the Isle of Wight that holds our taxes for future use. We’ve ran budget deficits for nearly 300 years, If you do the math that shed would have been empty 299 years ago. Or as central bankers say you can’t do a banking reserve drain ( taxes) without doing a banking reserve add ( government spending) first. It’s impossible not even Einstein could pull it off.

So a LVT will again not allow the government to spend more. You are falling into the usual so called progressive trap of making an endless series of “Sophie’s choices.” Choose which excellent program to kill in order to save (temporarily) another from the chopping block because we supposedly cannot afford to provide both. Then repeat the process.

This choice does not exist for a monopoly issuer of the currency it can buy anything that is for sale in £’s. Again. They key is you have to make sure you have enough skills and resources to absorb that spending and that you do not over spend the productive capacity of the economy. Instead of concentrating on numbers that are stored on an excel spreadsheet at the Bank Of England you have to start concentrating on things we can run out of and that’s people and the skills they have. If you run out of those then you get inflation.

The question is never ever how can we pay for it. The question is always do we have the people and skills and resources to do it !

So what does all of this actually mean ??

Can the monopoly issuer the £ afford to build wind, solar and clean energy plants, teachers, doctors, policemen, firemen in the same way they bailed out the bankers, replaced trident and fight wars

Certainly, as long as we have the people with the right skills to do it that can absorb that spending.


Given the ineptitude and frankly bizarre nature of so many Scottish Conservative candidates in recent elections one must draw the conclusion that they are very short on suitable candidate material and that the bottom of the barrel and the murky brown sludge under the barrel are all they have to choose from.

To use the vernacular, Kathleen is, by any definition, a roaster.

Long may the Conservative selection issues continue 🙂


The scary thing is people, some, maybe a lot believe this s**t. Was at SNP stall back in May, woman walks past, shouting ‘no way their record on education is appalling!!
An aquaintance and no but remain voter, intelligent but very very ignorant.


Good comment. The Britnats are desperate to be rid of the SNP. I read a blog yesterday about just who is pulling the strings re Brexit and they won’t want Scotland to be independent. Dubai company. Blog by Tom Pride.

Regards the ignorance of some who come out with crap like, ‘I just don’t like them, this is widespread and very much orchestrated by UKGov and the media. Prior to our referendum in 2014, family and friends from England, first thing they would say, ‘mind I divvint like that Alex Salmond’. Ask them why, they couldn’t say why! If I said that about their ooohhh Corbyynnn I would be equivalent to the devil!

Propaganda, the state wouldn’t pay huge amounts to a huge keyboard army to do it, if it didn’t work.


She’s conveniently forgotten to mention that the Local Councils have responsibility for hiring and firing of teachers. And the GTC of course in her case. Over the ten year period she mentions the vast majority of councils in Scotland were being run by the Tories and Labour, not the SNP. No mention either of the fact that John Swinney has had to introduce direct payments to heads of school to counter, bypass, Councils restricting numbers of teachers.

Strange that she’s been deemed unfit to teach but retained as a Councillor. What’s Ruth the Mooth got to say about that? Nought?

Leopards don’t change their spots and she’ll no doubt end up getting herself and her party into REAL hot water. Bad move too in targeting the Weirs. If I were them I’d drag her right through the Courts by the hair at the nape of her neck.


Its quite funny really. As a profession, its clearly no different from any other across the Scottish politics spectrum, right in to further and higher ed too.

My Slovene girlfriend loves his job at Glesga uni, but don’t get her started on the nation state Scotland subject.

Adam Tomkins MSP?Verified account @ProfTomkins Oct 11
First meeting in Westminster today was in the Thatcher Room. Hence:


She’s actually just selfying it, next to a giant portrait of the greatest Prime Minister Slovenia never had.



No prizes for guessing which story is the lead on the BBC’s Scottish section of their web site both in News and Politics Sections.

Yes folks it is today’s political broadcast On Scottish Sunday Politics on behalf of the Jim Sillars Party.

MI5’s favourite infiltrator was allowed to rant on with hardly an interruption from Brewer as he threw his usual handful of spanners into the SNP and Nicola in particular.

He maintains that be is still an SNP member – if that is the case the sooner he is expelled the better – there is no point using LBJ’s favourite expression as he can’t do any more damage pissing from outside the SNP tent than he does currently from inside.

His comments re fracking in particular were rubbish. He banged on about importing gas from the US when with fracking it could be produced in Scotland.He maintained that depending on imported gas would leave Scots freezing in gas fuel poverty.

Does he really believe that we are totally stupid and that we know very well that the imported US Gas is used as chemical feedstock at Grangemouth and that Scotland has vast gas reserves of its own for heating with plenty more to come.


Think I’ll just leave this here for the youngsters who have no idea what Craig was going on about. 😀

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So the SNP supporters “The Weirs” are reported as uneducated according to the Tory concerned. Both had professional jobs with Christina Weir a senior mental health nurse and Colin Weir a Tv cameraman. I suppose a Tory councillor can’t really expand their brain cells further than the bigoted snobbish view of “professional” Tories.
Incidentally why did the ex teacher voluntarily agree to be struck off the teaching register?
Does this mean in future years she can return but if she fought her case the punishment would be worse?
Her loss to the teaching profession is zero.


The Tories version of events.



Archive is, is out of order. Two britnat issues, thanks again proud Scot buts. Scotland could be well away from all this UKOK madness by now.

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Lenny Hartley

Moral, Roger Waters is playing Glasgow next year. Think he has Welsh Nationalist sympathies as one of his songs is about White Settlers in Wales and asking if you will serve Gin in the Officers Club or take to the hills.


Another ‘tenement Tory’ no doubt. These people must have been dropped on their head when they were kids. Something missing there.

Robert Graham

Gus1940 – Can’t agree more as usual Jim pissin in the tent .

A contrived Hatchet job if ever I saw one, A wee tip for any and all SNP reps who enter BBC Pacific heights den of misinformation and distortion, be f/n prepared, for gods sake question every assertion every fact they present, they don’t deal in facts they deal in what suits their bosses.

The lineup must have alerted even the dumbest politician , we know how the BBC plays their games, RIC exactly how many elected representatives do they have ? do they have any ? , the. others a Tory & a mouthpiece from the record,

Expect an Ambush so be prepared to question the motives and even the political persuasion of the interviewer, make it bloody personal rattle them , make them defend their position, and above all please f/n please remember that this BBC are not and never will be your friend , so stop being so bloody obliging,

Christ this is basic stuff, when people here can see it ,and nothing apparently has changed then there is a big problem, I have lost count of the times this has been pointed out but it appears be going unresolved , if the ones who can change this are not listening what’s the f/n point .


Abuse is abuse. This person is a public servant and a former teacher of Social Sciences?


Regardless, I’d say this individual is pretty much unfit to represent or teach anyone. You don’t get to hold a position of responsibility where you can preach to others, then act on your own intolerant and ignorant fantasies without consequences.

CameronB Brodie

A NE Fife Tory councilor and former teacher of Social Sciences? Let’s see if I can get my head around that?

BREAKING DOWN ‘Neoliberalism’

Neoliberalism has been used by various scholars, critics and analysts, mainly referring to an upspring of 19th century ideas connected to economic liberalism that began in the 1970s and 1980s. These ideals advocate for extensive economic liberalization and policies that extend the rights and abilities of the private sector over the public sector, specifically the shutting down of state and government power over the economy. Neoliberalism supports fiscal austerity, deregulation, free trade, privatization and greatly reduced government spending.

The popularity and support of neoliberalism is divided. This approach has most famously been connected to various economic policies introduced in the United Kingdom by Margaret Thatcher and in the United States by Ronald Reagan. Some academics and analysts, however, attribute the resurgence of neoliberal economic theories in the 1970s and 1980s to financialization and indicate that the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 is ultimately a result of such an approach to the economy.

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How We Got Here: UK Higher Education under Neoliberalism

This paper looks at how higher education (HE) in the UK has been transformed since the advent of neo-liberalism in the 1970s. It is based on my personal experiences over four decades, as well as the research literature, and argues that the changes in HE have been the direct result of policy changes shaped by neo-liberal thinking. After a brief outline of the recent history of HE, I look in detail at how the management systems have changed, both in individual institutions, and in the management of the HE system as a whole, through the application of the ‘new public management’ approach. Resistance to these changes has been problematic, given a wider economic culture increasingly centred on individual performance, not collective purposes. Although it might be possible to recreate an imagined ideal of collegiality and critical engagement, a truly alternative future for HE needs to begin from rethinking the education system as a whole, basing it around the promotion of substantive equality of wealth and power throughout society.

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Understanding Social Science

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So if neo-liberalism leads to social exclusion and the exploitation of vulnerable groups, I suppose a Tory Social Science teacher is simply a product of Yoon normativety.

No, I still can’t get my head around this one.


The Tories believe themselves to be the natural party of government.
Viewed from the EU perspective that looks a classic example of English humour.
The lady in question might consider a stand-up gig at next year’s Edinburgh Festival. Ms Davidson might join her. The ‘New Krankies’ perhaps?
Btw. aren’t The Krankies of a Unionist persuasion?

meg merrilees

The presence or not of teachers in schools is a local council matter.

My sister is peripatetic music teacher.
She has numerous illnesses – stroke 3 years ago, operation for bowel cancer two years ago, diabetes, kidney stones, high blood pressure and more. Although 63 just now she is a WASPI. She cannot afford to retire as she will not receive her state pension for some time yet and as a Peri, her teacher’s pension will not be enough to support her either, so she has to work.

Currently the Local Council is looking to save money and she may be about to lose her job along with all other piano and guitar teachers in the area. My hope is that she will be offered medical retirement or redundancy but neither seem particularly likely if they are trying to save money!

Perhaps there are other highly competent teachers out there who ‘want’ to work but who are being forced out – in some cases creating ‘false’ vacancies.
To say that these vacancies are the fault of the SNP is clearly rubbish.

Patrick Roden

Re MSM Propaganda:

Ask yourself, Do you believe the adds you see on TV? No?

Do you hate some of them? Yes?

Is there one or two that you hated sooooo much, that you can still remember them from years ago? (You do the Shake and Vac and put the Freshness Back) still makes my toes curl!!

BUT: I still remember it! it’s stuck somewhere in my brain somewhere, to be triggered at the time when it’s needed.

So one day i’m lying on the carpet watching a film and I catch a wiff from my dog, cat, or the bairns!

Oh No! Wiffy Carpets! What will I do? suddenly a song comes into my head, and before I know it I’m pulling a bottle of Shake and Vac off the shelf and sprinkling it on my carpets while singing the song (joke….mostly)

It works at levels most of us will never understand, but it works!

Unless.. There is one way to overcome this..word of mouth!

Consider every Yoon as having some kind of mental illness (not meant in an insulting way to either yoon or people suffering from genuine MH problems) this person hasn’t been allowed to develop a true understanding of the world they live in and why decisions that are implemented are impacting on they and their families lives, they have been robbed of true democracy and have been used as useful idiots by wealthy people with vested interests that need Scotland wealth kept under Westminster control.

See Unionists as victims and so be patient with your patient, in the way you would be patient with some poor soul who had a mental illness who was shouting at you because they thought you were Napoleon or something.

Don’t fight the press…even if we got torches and pitchforks and charged the Daily Records/BBC office, THEY WIN!

One person at a time…that’s how we do it…



Sillars is an anagram of ass rill, which aptly describes his verbal output.

Street Andrew

“Great idea, just a shame he doesn’t admit the idea was one the Scottish Conservatives had thought up last year.”

What is it with politicians that they think they have exclusive ownership of an idea?

A rational reaction to seeing one’s ideas executed by the opposition party would be to feel delighted that an argument had been won and there was some consensus.

Any chance of getting this bimbo off the council aswell. The same grounds of inappropriate use of social media ought to be adequate justification.

BTW ‘Bimbo’ is not sexist. Boris Johnson is a bimbo too in my book. A dum blond bimbo.

schrodingers cat

sillars on fracking and nicola dying…

jim, you do know that…… never mind…….

time to retire jim


It’s those brows !
Scary. I wonder what the kids dubbed her ?
Scatty Katy ?

Ach well, at least she must know that, as Jabba has proven, you don’t need intellectual capabilities beyond a wonky abacus, or charisma, or a coupon wee kids don’t run from, to succeed in making a living out of talking pish on a regular basis.

WTF is it with the Yoons, some seriously fucked up people are drawn to The Rape Clause Party.
“agreed to be struck off”.
And slagging others ?
No shame Leslie.


Feck knows what Margo saw in him.
Worse than a man short.

schrodingers cat


Keir Starmer tells bbcsp
“There is no way we would vote for a no deal. That would be catastrophic”

um..didnt Keir vote FOR an unamended A50 bill that only gives him a choice between accepting a Brexit deal or leaving without one?


I sometimes wonder if Jim Sillers has regressed in his old age into a youthful socialist fundamentalist – imagining an alternative, and somewhat outdated, scenario where with sufficient provocation the proletariat will spontaneously rise against the bourgeoisie and a new utopia will be born.


time to retire jim

To be honest, I thought he had…years ago. I think they just wheel him out every so often to be contrary.


Chris Grayling says UK farmers can grow more to compensate for rising import prices with a hard Brexit.

More than half of UK food is imported.

So, it’s gonna be lots more tatties, cabbage, carrots, tumchie, and kail …. instead of bananas, oranges, peaches, pineapples, and dates. Yum, I can’t wait 🙁

ronnie anderson

comment image?oh=cdc4d3738e4d361abd62891c840a5e46&oe=5A85431C

ronnie anderson

comment image?oh=df8159835d9d133b5eb338fe02bbd736&oe=5A3FF5AC

mike cassidy

I saw about a minute of that Brewer/ Sillars interview.

Brewer’s smile when he pointed out Sillars was damning NS with faint praise

Brewer’s remark that the SNP’s attempt to close the gap between the haves and havenots educationally is a reasonable ambition PERHAPS.

Fair and impartial, my arse!


Kathleen Leslie is just looking to play the victim for online harassment.

She is a nonentity, don’t give her the oxygen.

David Brawls

Does anyone know if she has a Max Wall tribute act at the weekends? Horrid little self-server.

Bob p

Calling someone else a hag,and her with a face like an orangutan.


Dollars and Brewer; yesterday’s men.

Scotland will continue to move on. With or without them.


What was she teaching, Klingonese?

ronnie anderson

Not something you would see on the Bbc lol. ( forgive my devilment )

ronnie anderson

This one lol.


ronnie anderson

one last try on a Indecent incident .



The SNP are getting on with the day job, which in itself could lead to independence. The Tory branch office in Scotland however, has no day job other than to put Scotland down.

Graeme McAllan

Poor wee Lassie, got hit by the “ugly stick” at birth 😉

Welsh Sion

Apologies for using the Rancid as my source, but you will doubtless be familiar with the follow up on the Kathleen Leslie story.

link to


Is it just me or are unionists becoming nastier and just more horrid

Jack Murphy

Welsh Sion—-here’s the Record piece Archived:
link to
Cheers. 🙂

ronnie anderson

@ Graeme McAllan And she’s nae fashion sense either lol .

Bob Mack

Why would Jim Sillers be a member of a Party he appears to have little in common with ? Surely he is leaning more towards his original Labour roots?

Then again ,they might not want him either.

Definitely agent provocateur is Jim.

Welsh Sion

with Jack Murphy!

Slanj / Iechyd Da!

CameronB Brodie

Re. Yoon Social Science teachers. Very strange. Re. these Brexit impact assessments that are being withheld from the public. Rather authoritarian and anti-democratic, frankly.

Neoliberalism and the Crisis of Public Institutions
Working Papers in the Human Rights and Public Life Program
No 2: December 2015

The neoliberal way of thinking about human society in terms of market principles has become ubiquitous in contemporary modernity. It informs the common sense of elite decision making in both national and international institutions. Yet an approach to institutional design that makes market principles the primary reference for ordering relationships and conduct privileges private power and private interest at the expense of public power and the public interest.

Competitive modes of human conduct are privileged at the expense of cooperative modes. What this means not just for the ethical orientation of social life but for life itself is something perhaps we begin to discover. When conduct is oriented in terms of market principles it becomes instrumental: everything, the earth, things, other creatures and human beings themselves are valued only so far as they can be turned into means of producing profit. We are sleepwalking toward catastrophe unless we are able to rethink this way of thinking and the way of being it informs…

link to

Neo-Liberalism and Marketisation: The Implications for Higher Education
link to

The “Neoliberal Turn” in Provincial Cultural Policy and Administration in Québec and Ontario: The Emergence of ‘Quasi-Neoliberal’ Approaches
link to

schrodingers cat

shug says:
15 October, 2017 at 4:27 pm

Is it just me or are unionists becoming nastier and just more horrid

they are defo becoming stupider, i mean, did she really write this thinking it was a good idea?
and now the tories in fife have put her on the standards commitee.


Would people PLEASE stop posting Flash video links?

Its an obsolete, MASSIVELY insecure (more vulns per year than Windows!) platform which nobody in their right mind should have installed in 2017.

Just stop, OK?


I think comments about appearance are way out of order, and hardly designed to encourage people to change their minds and vote YES.

schrodingers cat

@ronnie anderson @Vestas

aye, right enough, y’ill tak somebudys eye oot wi’ that 🙂

Welsh Sion

Further info for you via LinkedIN. Obviously, a teacher who has special needs in spelling “Politics” …

Teacher at Local Government
Local Government Rosyth, Fife, United Kingdom 6 connections

Teacher of politics, history and additional educational needs
Political campaigner
Previous higher education lecturer and visiting lecturer
Interest in identity and politics of religious and transnational identity cultures
Middle East politics
British politics
Community campaigner
Health and wellbeing

Local Government
Company Name: Local Government

Featured Skills & Endorsements
Customer Service
No endorsements yet
Office Administration
No endorsements yet
Community Organizing
No endorsements yet

Kathleen is also good at…
Political Campaigns
Politcs [sic.]

link to

Blair Paterson

The thing is the unionists cannot win an honest open fact based argument so they resort to telling lies and half truths and persononal attacks on people they know they could never beat in a fair discussion and trying to blame their past failures on on the SNP they are creating a false world for themselves where they win all the time they are trying to impress the gullable but they ARE the gullable if they think we do not see through there badness


Local Councils and teachers

It is just a couple of years ago or so that Councils across Scotland were threatening to get rid of teachers as part of their budget cuts. This would have meant in some cases that the teacher:pupil ratio would have fallen below the target levels.

The Scottish Government offered them £10 million specifically for teacher retention. The Local Councils’ first reaction was to refuse, yes refuse, the money because it was ring-fenced! They wanted the money but only if they could do whatever they liked with it. So much for their commitment to education.

Eventually they agreed to the terms but their initial reaction was very revealing.

Councils delay filling vacancies and resort to using supply teachers because this works out cheaper, for the Councils, in the long run. In my first teaching post in 1990s one of the teachers in the school had been due to retire in the December but had a heart attack in the August. When I started in the January some of his classes had had 11 different supply teachers in that time. The Council did not appoint a full time teacher until almost a year later.

schrodingers cat


Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh
Peter Bell
Brian Cox
Hardeep Singh Kohli
Sir Harry Burns
Duncan Hamilton
Alan Cummings (unlikely, he lives in usa)
GA Ponsonby (londoncalling)
Math Campbell (engscot4Yes)
Elaine C Smith
Lesley Riddoch,
David Hayman
Gordon Mackintyre Kemp
Alan Bissit
Kevin Bridges
Richard Murphy
Stu Campbell
Craig Murray
Robin Macalpine

Jeane Freeman
Alex Salmond
Angus Robertson
John Nicolson
Tommy Shephard

Patrick Harvey


Surprised such a bitter and twisted wee toe rag made it as a teacher. Usually they are more selective of the profession. Zoomers do not get through. Imagine what the parents of the pupils who support the SNP 50% would have thought of her teaching their children. Teachers are supposed to be impartial not raving lunatic. What an uncharitable person. What a stupid, arrogant, conceited, pig headed person to be carrying in like that. Almost like a vendetta. An obsession. Sounds like she has mental health issues that needs attention. Or maybe a bit of green eyed jealousy about a better person.

It is the unionist Council who deliberately maintain higher class sizes and cut additional needs provision for the pupils and families who are struggling and need the most support. So unionist councils can lobb £milllions off the Education allocation and spend it on other grotesque projects of no value that no one wants. The use the statute of education set at 30 per class by John Swinney? to help them out in extreme circumstance when for temporary reasons there are less places. Often because of the bad organisation of these councils. A new school isn’t ready when new houses are built etc. Or a school is closed down unnecessarily without enough provision.

These Councils use it as the norm (30) illegally and keep class sizes to big. So they can lobb £Millions of the allocated money they get in funding. For some of them this is the easiest way to just cut the budget. They think no one will notice. Then blame central Gov, when in fact the devious councils have squandered the money and not used it to the purpose it was allocated.

John Swinney should take down the statutue of limitation to 25 or lower. That would muck these Councils up. Make them manage their money better. It is a false economy if the allocated money is not used in the way it was intended. It means more has to be spent on Mental health, NHS, police,fire, social care,housing in the future. If the most vulnerable families and others are not given the support that they are in need of and should expect. For which they are legally entitled.

John Swinney is now having to give the money direct to schools to stop these Councils corruption. They have no shame. Then they have the cheek to claim of centralisation. Especially because they do not get their cut to lobb off £Millions off education. To waste elsewhere.


All lists but none.


And Frankie Boyle.

Welsh Sion

Off topic – but hoping someone here can explain what the 2nd section of this quotation means. I’m completely baffled … I may be able to wring a letter out of any responses. Thanks in advance.

(Caveat: Article was written by a Londoncentric yoon.)

We know what the SNP would have done if they’d won their referendum. (WS memo to self: it was NOT the SNP’s referendum.) Set up a Scottish Broadcasting Corporation on the grave of the BBC.

[… = meaningless waffle about media in Catalunya]

The more open the windows, the easier it is to breathe. Scotland’s own cocoon of devolution has weakened because SNP and now Tory success – as represented in parliament – make the national picture more relevant again.

Any ideas what this loon is on about or on, Scotland?

ronnie anderson

@ Vestas mea culpa if anybuddies offended or computers/pcs infected .


Tommy Sheppard on the list? Much as I like him, he is an MP.

Otherwise you have (in no particular order): Stewart Hosie, Mhairi Black, Ian Blackford, Pete Wishart & Stephen Gethins (and probably a few more)



It’s not obsolete until it passes its End of Life (EoL) date which isn’t officially until the end of 2020. And the videos aren’t Flash, Vimeo have done all their videos in H.264 for a few years now.

I don’t think the Rev’s rules cater for embedding videos other than the crappy Youtube flash player but ah wouldnae tempt thae hammers o’ his, Ronnie! 🙂

schrodingers cat

yesindyref2 says:
15 October, 2017 at 5:15 pm

And Frankie Boyle.
i like frankie but many find him too close to the bone, a few here said no so i didnt include him.

as far as the other snp mps/msps, i’m certain that nicola and the cabinet will have a preference of who they would like to keep for the snps own indyref2 campaign and who they want working in the yes2scotland/SIC grouping. the snp members on this list are limited to the high profile losses, eg alex etc, and snp mps/msps already involved in SIC

so 4 the moment i’ll leave the snp list as is but when we move to making the short list, i’ll seek clarification on this issue

schrodingers cat

Shinty says:
15 October, 2017 at 5:51 pm

Tommy Sheppard

yes, he is


Frankie Boyle try that for laughs. No matter how astute and funny he can be. Absolutely great. Like marmite. He has offended quite a few who do not like his subtle humour unfortunately.

At least this time Nicola & Co will be in charge. The campaign will be organised right done to the most smallest detail. It will only be done and dusted when it is likely to be won. The timing and organisation will be impeccable. Like everything else they do. To improve the Scottish economy. Keep Scotland from the brink to a bright new future. Saw the complete marvellous bridge in the last few days. It is just magnificent. To think it was built in such a short time and under budget. It actually puts the other bridges to shame. The new exciting one on the block. The other bridges in their day were also vast engineering feats.


@ ronnie anderson 5:30 pm :

“@ Vestas mea culpa if anybuddies offended or computers/pcs infected .”

No bother mate but there’s usually a non-flash link for everything these days because Flash has been exploited for literally decades.

Pretty much every nation-state has their own set of Flash vulns and have had in some cases for over 15 years (Snowden/NSA stuff).

People should disable it in IE11 (if they use windows) and uninstall any plug-ins/addons for other browsers.

For people wondering, Flash isn’t actually anything to do with video – its a scripting language and can be used for anything from animation to 4k video. Its hideously hideously insecure and I can guarantee no matter what version you have installed, it’ll have active exploits for it “in the wild”.

As to why the BBC still use it for iplayer (or did last time I looked), well who knows but it’d certainly be useful for pushing trojans to “people of interest” based on NSA exploits revealed by Snowden.

People can take the above as “tinfoil hat” stuff or not, I don’t much care 🙂


Lists a diversion from the topic. The devious paronoid Tories. Or is that the game of no consequence.

Who heads up the Indy campaign gets a not unsubstantial salary. It could go to some loser again who does not Rally the troops. In fact is totally disorganised the same as the pier group. Hijacking SNP members donations.


So…Vauxhall cutting a quarter of the workforce, so much for sweetheart deals to make brexit look ok…!

Workers led up the garden path by a Tory gov yet again.

ronnie anderson

@ Balaaagh Even the Rev has a sense of humour but if its Hammers ah get so be it he’ll dey it wie respect tho lol.

Connor McEwen

Derek HENRY @ 12. 50 pm take a shufty as applies to blighty too link to

jist print wir ane currency????


@schrodingers cat 5.08

That’s quite a line up of talent.

Andy in Germany

They’d have probably had one less vacancy soon except that the UK government won’t let my Japanese wife into the country on my teachers salary, so we’ll be in Germany for the foreseeable future.

Scot Finlayson

Any person that thinks poisoning the earth and water of Scotland for profit is in anyway supportable is definitely suspect in their supposed affection/care of Scotland,

there seems to be a trend of supposed Scottish nationalists trying to undermine the SNP,

there are three or four obvious ones commenting on this site.

schrodingers cat


yes it is, there is a bucket of talent compared to BT

i think all will play their part in indyref2

but having a leader will give them a focal point,

this list will give us a starting point from which we can then establish exactly who is available. then again, if we find out that alex wants to lead then i think it is a no brainer, he would get my vote and everyone elses.

the next stage is for people to go away and ask the question of these candidates so that we can create a list that actually represents who is available


@Andy in Germany
Less than 3 and a half years I’d say, Andy.

ian murray

Gordon Brown

If he can lie for them he can lie for us

Dave McEwan Hill

Thee is one teacher to every 14 pupils in Scottish schools and 1 teacher to every 27 in English schools.

Marker Post

That’s a general theme with corrupt political parties or organizations. Whenever one of their members falls foul of the law or ethics, they get moved sideways until it hopefully blows overs. Usually takes a bit longer than a fortnight though.

mike cassidy

This article on Vauxhall from March this year indicates the job losses were always on as the new owners moved in.

link to

But the main part of the article – in relation to the headline – is that a hard brexit would benefit Vauxhall because it would allow the (cheaper?) sourcing of parts from inside the UK.

Does anybody with expertise on this know if such a scenario is credible?

And is it true that Vauxhall have been trading at a loss for 16 years?!

Dan Huil

Ken Stott.

Disnae like the bbc. That’s why I like Mr Stott.

“Stott – who backed Scottish independence – also criticised the BBC’s coverage of the referendum.

“The BBC were pretty disgusting throughout all of it,” he said. “You only have to look at the time given to the candidates, you only have to look at the fact that in the majority of cases the last word was given to a No campaigner.

“The BBC backed that. The establishment is a dirty, dangerous beast and the BBC is a mouthpiece for that. I was fascinated by how people were given so much room to say, ‘Stay with us, we love you, and if you won’t stay with us, you’re disgusting, we hate you.”

Cadogan Enright

funder for Inform Scotland nearly there £620 to go

HELP get it over the line link to


Jim Sillars

It is over a quarter of a century since he hels any position in SNP.

Let me repeat that.

It is over a quarter of a century since he hels any position in SNP.

Got that??????

mike cassidy

welshsion 5.19

Archived that article for you.

link to

I think what Preston is claiming is that independence-desiring Catalonians are living in a Catalonian media cocoon divorced from the real world.

And he’s claiming something similar is going on here.

But the brave BBC are preventing the full closing of that cocoon with their fairness and impartiality.

I could spend the rest of today picking holes in his nonsense but I’ll leave that to the Rev.

Just joking. Put those hammers down.


Well, after an honourable career in Scottish politics, Mr Sillars must be very pleased with himself tonight. He has reached a new summit of personal public profile, influence and acclaim: lengthy coverage of his views as first item on BBC Scotland TV news tonight and a high profile in that progressive newspaper, The Telegraph (and perhaps in other similar newspapers tomorrow).

Decrying the fracking ban is one thing, but denigrating our FM and her colleagues in the way he has is crossing a line. Sillars truly ‘jumps the shark’!

The BBC lingered long on his views tonight and The Telegraph is surely very pleased to have been able to publish this: ‘A veteran nationalist and former deputy leader of the SNP has said he would like Nicola Sturgeon to step down but claimed the party was stuck with her because there was no candidate with the necessary “intellectual capability” to replace her.’ (link to )

With Mr Sillars around, who needs British Nationalist opponents? I can accept that there is (and has been) a legitimate debate over fracking, but expressing his views of the FM and her colleagues in the SNP in these terms and at this time should be beyond the pale for any supporter of Scotland’s independence – in any party or none.

And that the BBC gave this first place on a national news programme at prime time just reinforces what we already know about the State broadcaster’s mission.


“The contempt being shown by the Tories in leaving so little time for people to forget is breathtaking.”

People would have already forgotten, especially readers of The Conservative Home website.

It is only thanks to your efforts that WoS readers are so well informed about the hypocrisy and lies of the unionists.



Thanks for reminder. Just donated and shared.


galamcennalath @3:30pm

I watched the Grayling interview open mouthed, basically Grayling lied his head off from start to finish and was completely deceptive.

Marr was useless, as he didn’t pick up on any of the idiocy

Examples : Grayling claimed that flights would not be a problem as the UK wold still be in the Open Skies agreement. That is a complete lie, as the UK wold have to leave the Open Skies agreement and have to negotiate numerous international agreements, which would have to be in place before or on the hour that the UK leaves the EU if not, flights will be grounded! Airlines are actually worried, with the likes of EasyJet opening an operations office in Austria in order to retain its European AOC (air operators Certificate)

Another example was Graylings claim that only Dover would be affected, but could cope with trucks being held up and have the trucks parked up on the M20 motorway (operation stack). That is idiotically stupid as there are plans for very large truck parks, near all channel port as well as the ports of Harwich, Hull, Poole and Portsmouth.

Grayling also lied about the border between Norway and Sweden claiming that trucks did not stop at the border, actually they do, they stop at the border for customs checks, its only cars that travel through.

Grayling also waffled about Walloons being the biggest producers selling goods to the UK, which was frankly bizarre as the only thing that Wallonia (part of Belgium)produces is MILK, famously claims 4 cows per head of population

Its interesting that there is not much coverage in the MSM about Graylings lies, perhaps they know full well, that those wiser could drive a coach and horses through his stupidity

Cadogan Enright

Thanks Terry, the funder for the anti BBC billboards and the Advan had a lot of visual glamour and that funder flew to completion in 6 days

This one which is aimed at amassing in the detail to taking on Ofcom – is less visually appealing BUT probably lot more important. It needs a bit more thoughtful insight by the giver link to


Is Frankie on the banned list, the unacceptable list, or just the naughty list ?

mr thms

I have read there has been a huge increase in the production of a particular type of sand in the US for fracking. Several million tons of sand is used by the industry every year. The same would apply here should Scotland permit production. Not only would people have to contend with fracking, they would have to contend with sand quarries extracting millions of tons of sand every year, and its transportation to where wells are sited.

I wonder if Mr Sillars was aware of this?


Sillars is barely aware it’s Sunday. GaGa


The world is actually running out of sand.

link to

The last of it is currently being wasted on the mega tons concrete needed for UKOK yoon catastrofuck of the millennium (Aberdeen division) Sir Wullie Young’s legacy white elephant.

link to

Good old SLabour, no one knows how to piss away hundreds of millions of your UKOK pounds like that crew.


Talk of amendments to force an EURef2 when negotiations end.

I’m not particularly interesting a rerun of EURef, however given how much the UK and its international status has changed, I very much think we need an IndyRef2!

Had a thought, though. If we do have another EURef it will be at WM’s behest and Scotland won’t have much say on framing it. However, it does raise the distinct possibility that England will say Leave again and Scotland say Remain.

IndyRef2 at that point would be utterly essential and the world would see it as such.

ronnie anderson

Now we see the Faces of the 5th colonist Silly Arse Sillers hiding in the ranks of the SNP for all those years Aye you kin fool people some of the time, even wie ah wonky brain I shouted him down , dont buy his shitty booklets & dont engage him as a speaker .

mike cassidy

Sand for fracking explained.

link to

Does raise the question of where such sand would be available in Scotland.

And for entertainment purposes only –

When the snakeoil salesmen get involved in the fracking sand business

link to

link to

Calum McKay

Edward @ 8:09 pm say:

‘Its interesting that there is not much coverage in the MSM about Graylings lies, perhaps they know full well, that those wiser could drive a coach and horses through his stupidity”

brexit has gone diasteously this week, internally within the tory party and with the EU, hence we have the wall to wall coverage of Harvey Weinstein.

Grayling is perhaps the least right wing and most aimiable of the tory cabinet (if there is such a thing), that he is resorting to what you outlline highlights the trouble they are in and having to bring in favours from the bbc and papers to keep the spotlight off brexit!

schrodingers cat

defo says:
15 October, 2017 at 8:11 pm

Is Frankie on the banned list, the unacceptable list, or just the naughty list ?


all three and many more besides i’d imagine

Graf Midgehunter

@ Andy in Germany

When Scotland gets its independence you’ll get home quick enough I’m sure. Bring your wife, bicycles etc. there’ll be a teachers job waiting for you.

There won’t be many folk teaching “Schwäbisch as a foreign language”..! 🙂

liz g

Mike Cassidy @ 8.49
RE fracking…….
What I am wondering is,are those companies who bought fracking licenses from Westminster getting a refund?
Are they getting compensation?
Or are they keeping a hold of them because they think,or have been led to believe that they will get to use them,at some point.
Which ofcourse would mean Westminster intends to get control over it somehow!
I didn’t see any response from these companies reported at all,which I find very strange.
Espically as it could be portrayed as the SNP bad for business!

Welsh Sion

Thanks to Mike Cassidy @ 7.50 p.m. I have the hard copy too – for my sins I get (not read) the Observer on Sundays so I can see what the b—–ers are up to!


The reason that more food is not grown in the UK is because it is not profitable. If we leave the EU and we are growing more food it will be because it is worthwhile to do so. Someone will have to pick up the tab and I doubt it will be the wealthy. Digging for victory during the blitz was one thing, doing so for the foreseeable future something else altogether.

Mr Grayling is being a scamp.

Robert Kerr


I am sure this was deliberate…

“5th colonist Silly Arse Sillers”

Reminds me of Ruby Wax’s “Irrigation”


Theresa off to europe to meet Barnier…oozing desperation….

link to

Jockanese Wind Talker

Fracking is one of the 111 Powers that should come straight to Holyrood from Brussels as a result of Brexit @liz g says at 9:07 pm.

It coincidentally is also one of the ones Westminster says they will take first then maybe give back at an unspecified time in the future @liz g says at 9:07 pm

I also believe that they (the license holders) are keeping a hold of them because they think,or have been led to believe that they will get to use them,at some point.


If I was the SNP I would not allow someone to renew their membership.
The only sensible thing that was said “Independence “

Jockanese Wind Talker

Could it be “No deal” and walk away Brexit time @geeo says at 9:23 pm???


Sillars was referred to as an ‘activist’ on the radio a few hours again, I recall thinking ‘for what’?

He’s a liability and a compete fool. But of course the beeb ‘love him’, sad fuck.

Dr Jim

Ah Jim Sillars only wants Independence for his first love

The Labour party


Jim Sillars is 80, born 4th. October 1937

Yesterday’s man. Quite sad really.

Dr Jim

Nicola Sturgeon’s rubbish and if she gets hit by a bus we’ve only got Lawyers QCs Doctors Business Leaders and a whole bunch of highly qualified politicians or that terrible world famous Mhairi Black

What the hell will we do to match up to the quality of the opposition, who I understand are having a swimsuit round as part of their this years leadership contest

Remember the rumour folks if the fist pumper wins for Corbyn watch out for Kezia and her wee backlash temper tantrum just like Johaan only bigger and down will come Labour Corbyn and all

ben madigan

@ Jockanese Wind Talker, geeo and all other Wingers

Smile as the “ouragan” approacheth!!

link to


Just caught BBC Scotland late news with extensive coverage of Sillars’ latest ramblings but no mention of Labour leadership farce and resignation of the CLP chairman who raised concerns about Sarwar supporters signing up multiple members with the same email address.



I think Mr Sillars’ twitter handle should be renamed – @Naehere.


Scotland is very fortunate (because of a government that is not timid about making an ethical political choice)in avoiding the effects of fracking that affect water, air quality, are responsible for poor health in the short and long term. This site conveniently lists much of the research and reports on the consequences of fracking in the US e.g.

‘At each stage of unconventional oil and gas development (UOGD or “fracking”), emissions that can affect human health are released into the air. If you live within a 3-mile radius of any type of UOGD operations, you may be particularly affected by air pollution.

Common air pollutants around UOGD sites include:
•Toxic chemicals and particulate matter (PM) from truck traffic exhaust.
•Toxic chemicals such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, formaldehyde, and other hydrocarbons from condensate tanks, dehydrators, wastewater impoundment pits, and pipelines associated with UOGD.
•Toxic chemicals from fugitive emissions, blowdowns, and accidents at compressor stations.
•Volatile organic chemical releases from flaring, a process used to burn off excess gas.
•Silica dust from “frac sand,” which is widely used to hold open fractures created in rock during the UOGD process.

link to


@ben madigan.

Heel, boy…lol

I rather suspect that Theresa has gone to try beg the EU to move onto trade deal talks.
Imagine what happens when they refuse.

Weaker and weaker by the day.



Stay safe everyone, could be a rough couple of days with Ophelia on our doorstep.

It’s true, I read it in the Express! ROFL!

Tackety Beets

Good Government is now being noticed south o the border.
Perhalps some one can archive ( I’m hopeless …..ok say it … more ways than one )

link to

Robert J. Sutherland

Sillars is a perfect example of why a dislocated “do-your-own-thing” Yes movement won’t work. The BBC will latch on in a jiffy to any off-the-wall self-declared Yes supporter who can be relied on to bring confusion or disrepute to the campaign.

As Sillars himself conveniently did at the very end of the last campaign. If he isn’t already a paid shill, he’s losing out on a handy income stream there.

As to making lists of potential leaders of the next Yes campaign, excellent though each of the names is in his/her own way, it looks to me like we, in our enthusiasm, have entirely lost track of the essential qualities a media spokesperson must have: popular, trusted, visual appeal, “fast on the feet” in debate, witty, irrepressible.

Sorry, but I doubt that WoS will be kingmaker here anyway.

Maybe more amusing would be to think who might replace Tuba Man and Flipper on the other side.

Having Fluffy as front man would be wonderful (for us!), but somehow even the Tories (especially the Tories!) would recognise his vast limitations. He’s not even anywhere near the level of Carmichael the Liar, let alone Moore the Gent.

Rude Gal must surely be front runner. I reckon she is being feted by the Tories and BBC for exactly that role, and not as a replacement for the unfortunate current occupant of the PM post.

Maybe Dan Snow as sidekick? Nothing like an English neo-toff to put we restless natives in our rightful place.

Or even Sillars himself. There’s probably little that a bitter and twisted has-been could resist to become super-publicised dog for the indy manger.

Alex Clark

@Tackety Beets

Now archived for you 🙂

link to

schrodingers cat

Sorry, but I doubt that WoS will be kingmaker here anyway.

very likely, but you never know

mike cassidy

Re fracking licenses

link to

If the possibility of suing to recoup licence costs is accurate, then presumably that means there is no mechanism for refunding the cost of unusable licences.

Meg merrilees

link to

Another plea for this fund raiser folks.

It only has 7 days left and is currently only at 37% of funding.

We have very little pro-indy media out there..PLEASE help to fund this stream as well.


ben madigan

@ geeo – I think you may be right. Or at least May wants not to suspend talks, though what they are achieving I can’t imagine unless the UK “comes to heel” as they agreed to!!

@frogesque who mentioned Storm Ophelia and hurricanes hitting us. Seems we go no further back in time than the 1987 story of Michael Fish’s big mistake

For example, I don’t know what happened in Scotland in january 1839. Did the Big Wind hit like it did in ireland?

So many of our memories are lost together with so much of our history that we struggle to understand the present

link to

meg merrilees


re sand

I saw a sad video the other day about rural people in Africa who rely on sand deposits in their rivers to provide them with water in the dry months. It seems that after the rainy season, the water filters down through the sand but some is still there and if they dig down a short distance, they can create small water holes to keep them going.

What is now happening, however, is that local people are being paid to dig up the sand and take it away in wheelbarrows to a central point where they are paid a pittance by big business concrete manufacturers, and this helps the rural people to eke out a living.

However, so much sand has been removed that as it becomes a thin layer, the rains wash it away and many river beds are now bare rock. Net result people and animals are now dying for lack of water and their crops are failing through drought.

The river beds which were once level with the land are now several metres below making it almost impossible to gather water or water herds when there is water.

What a mess!


The last time good old blighty had to rely on its own food production there was rationing.

‘Wot, no bananas?’

Liz g

Mike Cassidy @ 11.43
Interesting stuff.
The Scottish government didn’t sell these licenses,that was Westminster.
And Westminster did so in the full knowledge of what power’s Holyrood had.
The Frackers who bought the licenses surely had lawyer’s who could have warned them about the chance that Holyrood could step in and prevent fracking for quite some time.

And most interesting of all…..which court would the Frackers use….these licenses would presumably be issued under Scottish law…….but not by the Scottish government.
And should Westminster try to override Holyrood and attempt to allow fracking……then we have arrived at the point where who is in charge of police Scotland becomes an issue.

Because if the people try and prevent fracking (and I think they will) police Scotland would in theory have to intervene.
But police Scotland answer to Holyrood not Westminster and Holyrood say it’s illegal to Frack…..arrest the Frackers???
And take them to a Scottish Court!!!!
But Westminster say the police have to arrest the protesters and try them where???

Mibbi the real power that Westminster is after from Brexit is Justice….. mibbi they need control of police Scotland to stop Indy ref 2.

Robert Peffers

@Scot Finlayson says: 15 October, 2017 at 7:11 pm:

” … there are three or four obvious ones commenting on this site.”

So when did the other ones leave?


We’ll all be reduced to living on whisky and salmon.

Dr Jim

Jim Sillars is the very reason why we need a co ordinating spokesperson for the YES movement, so they can distance themselves from everything he and others like him say and remind folk of exactly who he isn’t

The SNP aren’t in a position do be impolite about an ageing duffer who hasn’t been involved in politics for 25 years who has issues with his strong women complex, and I know just how strongly he doesn’t care for strong or clever women

And of course his issues about being a nearly then being a nothing because of issues


Re Sillars on Sunday Politics I would be interested to know just what the background to his appearance was and to what degree the whole thing was carefully pre-scripted. by Sillars and PQ.

Can I suggest that he was contacted by PQ and invited to come on and launch an attack on Nicola and The SNP with a view to his comments being leapt upon with glee by the MSM and shouted from the rooftops in tomorrow’s blats after being headlined in all BBC Scotland’s news bulletins.

Tackety Beets

Thanks Alex.

I see Ronnie has it up on FB already.

Training Day

I work at Pacific Quay and I can tell you that Jim Sillars meant to come on to the show to give a glowing endorsement of the SNP and the cause of independence but he was somehow sidetracked by the forensic questioning of Gordon Brewer into doing the opposite.

Shit happens, I guess.

Robert Peffers

@frogesque says: 15 October, 2017 at 9:51 pm:

“Jim Sillars is 80, born 4th. October 1937
Yesterday’s man. Quite sad really.”

Hey! You! I’m older than Jim Sillers – are you saying that all we old guys are ga! ga! or something?

O.k. the old body shows the scars but those were caused by a drunk driver – mind you there were no head injuries, though.

meg merrilees

Liz g

Maybe WM sold the licences knowing that the only way to get a refund was to sue the government… which government? Why the Scottish Governent of course!

WM MUST obviously sold these licences in good faith because, as we all know, the oil in the N sea is finished.
Maybe the Scottish Government just knew something that they hadn’t told WM and poor WM can’t be held liable for wily Scottish ministers being fickle!!! .. or it will be some sh;t like that.

Still Positive

Have met Jim Sillars. Seemed a decent guy. But not today.


Training Day Did I miss Gordon Brewers forensic questioning of David Mundell, Secretary of State for Scotland on what he knows about the Westminster’s analysis of the impact of Brexit , on the regions? Mainly Scotland and the N E of England.

Did I miss him explain why they think there would be a reaction?

Or what exactly Mr Mundell is doing about it?

Or why the Scottish people are being kept in the dark?

BBC Scotland is really showing itself up for what it is . A second rate outfit , with no budget to broadcast outside of PQ and limited in its ideas on even who to interview or even what is relevant.

I’ve seen better coverage by folk in the street armed with an iPhone than Gordon Brewers repetitive schtick

Liz g

Meg Merrilees 1am
Aye Meg if ever there was a case of buyers beware!
I was actually wondering if this was deliberately done so that these companies would swoop in on Holyrood when we become independent.
Trying to create the narrative that Holyrood won’t honour it’s commitments.
Ah mean Westminster really is that sleekit and they need to damage their main competitors…. Who will be us after Indy.
Isn’t it awful that while we are stuck in this bloody Union ye have always to be wondering what the government is pulling next to try and harm the country.
Most normal countries can at least be sure that their governments priority is the actual country itself!!

Training Day

Molly, in fairness you ain’t the only one on here who evinces an irony bypass.


@Training Day
Half caugt me, half didn’t, after a re-read I filed it under “Scooby” as in huvnae got a.

Training Day


Dads, I like you. I really do. But if you’ve filed my post under scooby I’m thinking I shouldn’t even aspire to Tarbuck – nay, Les Dennis – levels.


@Training Day
Well, I kind of like irony and satire myself, so if you nearly caught me out …


What’s going on with Sillars? Seeking attention, desperate to get his massive ego massaged, making money? or suffering from the early stages of an illness linked to ageing? Or am I being extremely unkind and totally missing the point?

I don’t know of course, but reckon that his wife must be turning in her grave right now. Not nice to say this either, but then again I’m totally fed up with being ‘NICE.’ Running out of niceties.

The man is an absolute ars*hole, a total liability in relation to us getting our Independence.

His wife, Margo MacDonald, complained bitterly about MI5 / 6 infiltrating the SNP movement and in fact following her. Who needs them now when we have him?

His son-in-law (and step-daughter?) must surely be totally scunnered with him too. Margo’s daughter Petra is married to Craig Reid of the Proclaimers, an ardent independence supporter.

‘The Proclaimers – Cap In Hand (Yes Scotland).’

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His other step-daughter Zoe, a camerawoman with the BBC, could clearly see what was going on there. She in fact taped Boothman, Head of News and Current Affairs, making a series of offensive remarks about her. He was to say at the very least a bully and staff at BBC Glasgow HQ were said to be “spitting feathers” at his treatment of her. Now we have ‘daftie Sillars’ sitting running down the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon on a BBC programme. For God’s sake! Get real man.

I used to think that he was a real asset for us, but when I look back at his track record I reckon I was duped. He’s done nought. Not least of all with his threat towards business leaders just prior to Indyref1. Slip of the tongue or what?

‘Senior SNP figure threatens ‘day of reckoning’ for businesses who have spoken out against.’

link to

I heard him talking on a … Yes … BBC debate presented by Glen Campbell (does Sillars know about him?) not so long ago and disagreeing with Joanna Cherry on Brexit by saying that ‘commonsense will in fact prevail. There will be a free trade agreement. All commonsense tells you you that will be the case and the shock will not occur.” (34.27) and at (33.10) on fisheries and farming and ”the SNP doesn’t have a mandate to hold another referendum” … ”absolute (Nicola) kidology (in other words a liar)”, ”the EU would tell us to get stuffed.” ”She’s (Nicola) making a promise she can’t fulfil.” (39:30).

Just listen to the bl**dy idiot. Glen Campbell giving him MUCH more time to spout his guff than the time given to Joanna Cherry to speak commonsense.

Run along the red line and stop to listen to Joanna and that blethering dolt (as I’ve missed some points). He was wrong then and is wrong now.

‘BBC Reporting Scotland Debate – The Impact of #Brexit on Scotland.’

link to

I’ve just listened to Sillars talking to Brewer now. Firstly he says that we’ll have to wait until the Brexit situation becomes clearer before we make a move, but as we all know that’s exactly what Nicola is doing. Has he not been listening? And if so can’t he take it in? No longer process information?

He says that if Nicola was knocked down tomorrow we don’t have anyone who could take over from her. Absolute garbage. Think John Swinney or Jeanne Freeman for starters.

He goes on about fuel poverty and fracking when he well knows or should know that we have the capability to do something about it in relation to our oil, gas and renewable energy industries without fracking Scotland to death to line Westminster’s pockets … ONCE AGAIN.

He says that he wants independence but we should pull out of the EU. Anyone with half a brain would know that pulling out of the Union alone will see us facing many challenges never mind pulling out of the single market at the same time.

Note too no great tirade against Westminster! Speaks volumes.

‘In Full – Jim Sillars’ attack on Nicola Sturgeon.’

link to

Time for Mr Sillars to forfeit his SNP membership, shut his mouth and at 80 years of age enjoy his twilight years, IMO.

Off to bed to dream of the next Independence referendum that we’ll win against all odds. All odds meaning the many enemies who clearly don’t want us to win.


Interesting to see how Yougov present their own poll results from their “Eurotrack data”.

Results are from these countries, in alphabetic order, with percentage prefer the UK stay in the EU, against those who prefer the UK leaves:

Denmark – stay 62%, leave 18%
Finland – stay 51% . leave 22%
France – stay 32%, leave 38%
Germany – stay 49%, leave 25%
Sweden – stay 56%, leave 20%
UK – stay 43%, leave 47%

As well as changing “Great Britain” to UK, I had to completely change the way they negatively presented their own results, in an article they title:

More French people want the UK to leave the EU than stay in

rather than “Far more Danes, Finns, Germans and Swedes want the UK to stay in the EU than leave it, only the French by a small majority would prefer the UK to leave”, which would more fairly reflect their own poll.

link to

Constant anti-EU and “pro-British” twisted propaganda from a polling company – quelle surprise.


Aweright and MON the Teachers of Scotland! ~

Yous are the ones that gives us the tools to understand,
‘the meaning of’.

Cheers teachers, yous are well excellent (except the subject topic).

Here’s some more names to add for the whittle off.. cat ~

William Wallace.
Andy Murray.
Pat Kane.

Here’s to the teachers!


Taxi for Kathyleen..

“To the Emerald City, as fast as lightening hehehe:”
link to


Just decided for some odd reason to analyse the latest yougov EU poll, the question: “In hindsight, do you think Britain was right or wrong to vote to leave the European Union?

link to

(Sample Size: 1680 GB Adults
Fieldwork: 10th – 11th October 2017 – quite small Scottish subsample).

Firstly the UK is 42% right, 47% wrong, without DKs that’s 47% right, 53% wrong (=remain). But Scotland reported as of course 67% wrong (remain) eliminating don’t knows is actually 74%, compared to the EU Ref 2016 – 62%. Pretty big change. But second is by age across the UK:

18-24 21% right, 61% wrong, 17% DK – elim DKs = 74% Remain
25-49 32% right, 54% wrong, 14% DK – elim DKs = 63% Remain
50-65 50% right, 43% wrong, 8% DK – elim DKs = 46% Remain
65+ – 64% right, 30% wrong, 6% DK – elim DKs = 32% Remain

Such a huge and sad progressive gap between young and old.


Think much can be mapped onto where people get their news. For my mum the BBC is gospel.
Giddy days of full employment and “if you work hard you’ll get your reward” are long gone. It’s just that people are still stuck in that mindset.

I’m not sure I’d be throwing lots of effort and money into changing the minds of that demographic. You could spend all day talking to people but then half an hour of Nick Robinson and co on screen nullifies it.
The population should have been completely outraged at the banking fraud that’s been taking place over the last 40 years but they’re not. The BBC are complicit in that.


The real shocker of this is why the topic of the SNP was being discussed at all by Brewer. Why wasn’t he ripping Ruth Mugabe to bits over the imminent trashng of the Scottish economy and the UK govt’s refusal to release any information.

Tank girl should have been getting hauled over the coals yesterday but was probably sipping Pims with her BBC mates..

You know what you’re going to get with sillars. He’s a gift for the biased Broadcasting company.



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Stalemate in Brussels – Is the Brexit Cliff-Edge Closer Now?
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We will be discussing #MyScottishAffairs at our meeting on Monday. You can watch it live on youtube
link here
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Ministers warned of constitutional crisis risk over EU withdrawal bill
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Nana that’s well timed. Your back with your links. Like a well oiled trouper. So fortunate to have you. You wee Brillant Star. Thanks so much for all you do. So dependable.


From that Grun EU article: “Any failure to reach agreement could spark a constitutional crisis if the devolved administrations then refuse to give their consent to the bill. “Everyone wants to avoid that,” a source said.

Oh, I don’t know, did they consult with us?

Something over all these years is this, I’ve never seen anyone describe what would actually happen during a “constitutional crisis”, but it certainly sounds good to me.


Thing is though it’s a large percentage of the voting public, and if there was a way of reaching them, that would be indy in the bag, big majority, massive!


@ Ken500

Must be all the 3in1 I add to my morning coffee Ken, lol

@ yesindyref2

I think it was an article on some contstitutional blog which hinted at what the ‘crisis’ could be. I seem to remember it having something to do with Scotland having our own separate laws and whether the supreme court would be able to ride roughshod over them. In time we shall see who blinks first.

link to

Brian Powell

On Jim Sillar, despite him being considered an expert on all things SNP, LOLZ, he wasn’t anywhere to be seen at the Conference.


Sounds intersting, I’ll do a search later. Meanwhile I just found this as a general constitution thing, which I’m reading now 🙂

link to

mike cassidy


Thanks for those legatum links.

Always pleasing to have the light shone on the puppetmasters.


It’s not just Jim Sillars that Gordon Brewer interviewed yesterday. His “longform” interview on R Scotland was with Kenny McKaskill. I suppose there are a few “former” advisers, ministers and assorted nose-out-of-joint protagonists available for weekly airings.

Today The National has a good article on SIC with Elaine C Smith and Lesley Riddoch contributing.

winifred mcartney

The bbc continue to be a disgrace by getting Jim Sillars on they can say the have had snp rep – he is nothing of the kind. He is only on because he can be relied on to diss the SNP. He has nothing constructive to say only criticisms and questions but no answers.

The day before its Ken Mc ex justice minister again with only criticism.

Why was Ruth D not on being questioned about Brexit and Scotland – the secret report? But funnily enough she was on last week during SNP conference when she had no right to be there but for the blatantly biased corporation shoeing her in.

The BBC is still not using anything like the money raised in Scotland for Scotland and Question Time is charged to bbc Scotland budget – how often is that in Scotland, and how often is SNP on panel.


Interesting bit from that chapter by LPW, where he quotes from the SG’s 2010 Scotland’s Future: Draft Referendum (Scotland) Bill Consultation Paper:

Scottish Parliament legislation must conform to the provisions of the Scotland Act 1998. The Scotland Act has in-built flexibility so that the Scottish Parliament’s powers can be extended over time. The Scottish Parliament has a role in such processes, for example in relation to orders made under section 30 of the Act. It is therefore legitimate for a referendum held under an Act of the Scottish Parliament to ask the people questions related to an extension of its powers insofar as this is within the framework of the Scotland Act.

and what’s interesting in parallel is the use of civil servants during the Referendum, to prepare for possible forthcoming legislation, even if in reserved matters.

I get the impression that the SNP are very sneaky.

To quote Donald Dewar out of context: “I like that”.


Oops, the name’s MacAskill, Kenny MacAskill.
The pair of them are adorning the front pages of the gutter press thus morning. Sillars thinks Nicola hasn’t got the intellectual capacity!
And breathe…

Reluctant Nationalist

@ yesindyref, 4.56am
‘If you are not a liberal when you are twenty, you have no heart; if you are not a conservative when you are forty, you have no head.’

Said as a wry observation of the condemnation that awaits those who venture out of their age-group orthodoxy, or as a confidently expressed aphorism, it shows the gap is nothing new.


The trouble with any agreement over the EU in any concessions made by Scotland. Is the Tories bastards can’t be trusted to honour anything. The dishonoured vow. Made by a bunch of fithy liars. They are so dishonourable and corrupt most of them should be in jail in any case. They have broken Law after Law time and time again with impunity. With absolutely no shame or apology of any sort. Trying to keep it secret under the Official Secrets Act. The reason why they want out of the EU which will ruin the UK economy is so they can keep on tax evading and stealing public money.

They can do exactly can do what they want. Harming other people with a total lack of any empathy. They haven’t a clue to what they are doing. They could not organise a brewery. They can drink and drug themselves to oblivion on public money. Useless in every way. They can’t count or read a balance sheet. They do not have a clue. So out of touch it is embarrassing.

They are in complete ignorance of what to do or how to run a successful economy. They keep on breaking the Law to make themselves filthy rich and make millions of others esentially poorer. They intended ruining the world economy further. They have already damaged it. Starting illegally wars, dealing in financial fraud and tax evasion. Syphoning off £Billiins of public funds into the Westminster unionists and their associates greedy pockets on groteque project of no value that no one wants. Wasting £Billions of money. They gave absolutely no shame. Selling illegal weapons to despots to kill innocent children. To get their fix.

They are fools beyond belief. Yet even week these misfits and alcoholics under the influence, so called Christians, turn up at Church. They are total hypocrites. ‘Suffer the little children’. The rich man more likely to get through an eye of a needle than get to heaven’ ‘Help a needy passing stranger’. The parables. All in the scriptures. The hypocrites do not practice what they preach but still sanctimoniously lecturing others, breaking every commandment in the book. With totally no shame or affront. No wonder other people do not go. Instead try follow good work and try and help others.

If May is not gone before long that will be a disaster. The chaos goes on while people wait in absolute unbelief at the ever ensuing chaos. Total disbelief. Support for the Tories keeps on plummeting, The Tories will not listen to anyone. They are so pompous and conceited, That what’s makes them so dangerous. They have taken off more than they can chew making a fight with the EU they can’t win. They will not listen to Scotland (62%) remain or Wales the voted to leave losers. The Tories do not listen to anyone. They just betray people and dishonourably break every promise in the book. So do LibDem/Labour. A total chaotic mess.

Corrupt and uncaring beyond belief. That is the stinking Tory parasites, and the rest of the unionist at Westminster corrupt beyond belief. Who can trust any of them?They break promises like water. They cause the death of millions of innocent people. Including Grenfall Tower. The Tories voted through changes to lessen landlord responsibilities because all the Tory MP’s are landlords. They cover up a Report for over two years which would have required action for improvement on Tower block building. Includes fire prevention activity. This type of behaviour is repeated endlessly. With impunity. Killing people like they are not even important.

Westmibster cutting UK NHS, education, social care funding. The SNP have to keep in having to mitigate these cuts, At the same time the Scottish budget is deliberately being cut without reason from Westminster. Cut 10% a year since 2010. Now cut £3Billion a year. For no good reason Scottish taxes raised has increased, yet the Block grant has been cut viciously. Scotland has lost £Billions a year to Westminster mismanagement. Tory high taxes on the Oil sector. £4Billion + a year loss + a lose of 120,000 jobs. £3Billion in tax evasion. Whisky companies making vast profits tax evade and pay no tax at all. That is £49Billion.

Westminster rule is trying to destroy the Scottish economy. Losing £Billions in EU grants and renewables. Illegal Trident, Five year wait for minimum pricing. How many people have died? an early death because of Whisky industry intransigence. They are the pitts. The only rainbow on the horizon is superb SNP management of the fiscal framework and the great governance and finding ways to help and maintain the budget.The unionists Council waste money like there is no tomorrow getting into utterly avoidable debt. Wasting money on non mandated grotesque projects of little value.That no one wants. Causing traffic chaos. Ruining City centres. Trying to cut allotted Education money, social care and essential services. That people want supported.

The Trams are running at a loss and half empty. The pricing structure is a disgrace. They should be £1 for short journeys. Progressing up for longer ones with higher tariff for the whole journey (£5 one way) £8 return? In Dublin the Trams were /are one € for any journey and they are mobbed. Full of passengers. OAP’s from other places are not allowed to use their off peak travel passes on the Edinburgh Trams. Despite the fact they paid for it. Possibly illegal and discriminatory. The Trams will just become another white elephant tourist attraction. If nothing is done to change the fare structure.

The Trams are now an overpriced, under used empty tourist attraction. Which are not attracting enough tourists and the locals ignore them. Priced out of the market and an even bigger waste of public money, than was originally predicted by those of any responsibilities. The market/business case was misconstrued deliberately like many predicted. An absolute white elephant mistake that does not save Subsidied and unsubscribe when the Trams should be totally better managed. It is actually sad to see what happened to the great expectations. Now being widely mismanaged. Losing even more £Millions of public monies. Wasteful beyond belief.

Edinburgh, the wealthiest and most privileged City. How could such a mess be made of the Trams and a total continued mismanagement? Heads should roll and people should be put in prison. If there was any justice. Yet they plan to make further construction. Do they know what they are doing? Doubt it by other complete lack of enterprise. Using public money on non mandated wasteful projects of little value. They really are a laughing stock. Only there is little to laugh about by the people they are shafting who are extremely angry. No wonder. Typical if unionists mismanagement. Hope the SNP can sort it out as usual.


Scotrock @ 1.14 pm I hope you put your friend straight =)


As I predicted earlier – following yesterday’s Jim Sillars SNPbad documentary masquerading as an interview the MSM have welcomed the opportunity to regurgitate the tractor’s ravings and some of them are calling him an SNP Grandee.

Funnily enough there is no mention of his sensational revelations in The Record – perhaps due to the fact that their own Cleggy appeared on the same show.

Given the depth to which the BBC have now reached in their SNPbad attacks I wouldn’t be surprised if a certain alleged SNP Grandee appeared on today’s Daily Politics.

Surely after yesterday’s performance he must be expelled from the party.


link to

Turns out Britain is broke (in more ways than one, which we all knew anyway)


So was this Kathleen Leslie still actualy actively teaching when she was making these offensive tweets and comments !?

How wasn’t she struck off long before now ?

THAT was let loose on children?


MacAskill, Neil and Sillars are just complete bastards. They should be allowed to change their ways for a probationary period. Then they should be thrown out of the SNP. Their disloyalty is now disgusting. Self seeking ignorant bastards. They have dishonoured their position by a perceived huff when they were found not to be up to the job. Obviously playing out well as every press release proves it was the right decision. Looking for false publicity for themselves and their perceived huff. It’s all about them. Increasing old embittered men. Any good achieved now totally over shadowed by their badness. Letting down their constituents, other menbers and voters. Why their local constituency parties continue to endorse them is a mystery. They should be deselected.

They probably would start gumming the knashers off even more. Maybe that is why they are trying to be contained. Damned if you don’t damned if you do. What a liability. Never have their been displace of such complete disloyalty. Can their families not make them be quiet. An absolute embarrassment. Margo is being so dishonoured by connection after all the wonderful thing she did for Scotland and how much she suffered for the cause. She would be heart broken. She might have be able to forgive and forget. It is extremely difficult for others. Getting more annoyed and angry. What do these people think they are trying to do?

mike cassidy

Re Legatum.

One of the more eccentric rightwing commentators drew up a more detailed picture of connections here.

link to

the Legatum Institute seems to be paving the way for its “parent undertakings”, engineering a “disruptive transition” for Brexit, then to reap the profits from chaos. Its task is assisted by useful fools and fellow travellers on the Tory right. What we have often characterised as incompetence, therefore, may be more sinister. There is money to be made out of a hard Brexit.

When someone like Richard North is worried….

And he aint no admirer of the MSM either.

link to



The reason why non Edinburgh bus pass holders cannot use their passes on the trams is that if they were – all Scottish pass holders would have to be allowed to use them on all rail services operated by SPT.

Lenny Hartley

As Indont listen to .UK radio due to the obvious blood pressure reasons, I listen to Manx Radio on the Internet, it’s not bad although far too often I have to fire them emails as they take the lies coming out of the UK MSM as gospel. At least they almost always read out my comments. Anyway I digress the reason I’m twittering on is that it was mentioned on Manx Radio this morning that the future of the Comon Travel Area between the Isle of Man, the UKand Ireland is in doubt as Europe has said it cannot continue after Brexit. Never heard that in our press, have you? Obviously the UK can setup a travel area. Between NI, the UK and the Isle of Man post Brexit or is Europe thinking the Eu/UK border will be in the Irish Sea? That idea has been mentioned, maybe the EU are hardening their stance.

Peter McCulloch

There was a letter this week in one of my local newspapers from an independent candidate who had stood in the local government elections this year.

He claims as a teacher Kathleen Leslie had done nothing wrong!
So as far as he’s concerned its acceptable for a teacher to post abusive tweets on twitter,is it.

I wonder if he would have had the same attitude, if it say had been it had been a teacher who was a member of the SNP who had posted abusive tweets?
Somehow I doubt it.

I once had some respect for Jim Sillars,I helped campaign in the Govan by election to get him elected and was also one of those who stayed behind with him and Ian Lawson for the overnight vigil outside the Scottish Office.

But now he appears to have totally lost the plot and is doing what he can to undermine Nicola Sturgeon and calling for fracking to take place in Scotland.


Think Kathleen Leslie was in a temporary position when she was kicking off posting all the insults. Obviously already under Tory influence and control. She was probably getting paid by them in some capacity. Teacher are supposed to be impartial and non political. Yet she was blatantly, openly breaking all the rules. Or totally ignorant to the fact she would easily be identified as the consummate, idiot embittered troller.

It almost comes over as obsessional delusions of grandeur. She obviously thinks she is some kind of class political animal. She is in one way or the other. Common low life with no principles. Even less research skills. She is now on the troughing public pay roll. Dishonestly and dushonourably troughing now on public money. That was obviously the major intention. Lining her endless pockets on other people’s misery. It is smeared over every aspect of her vacant coupon. What a public disaster. More notorious than recognisable for all the wrong reasons. Just another incapable Tory. Showing them up for what they stand for. Racism and bigotry.


How long till alleged SNP Grandee Sillars pops up on a QT panel – I understand that an upcoming edition will be from Kilmarnock.


@gus1940 Jim Sillars being called by the MSM an SNP Grandee.

More like a Mini Cigarillo.


No they would not have to use travel passes on any other system. It could be restricted to the Trams and should be, The Trams were build as a supposed National asset. Anyway why can’t they use them on some other transport system. They can use them on all busses. Help keep up the depleting bus services in some areas.


Great links Nana.

Beeb Scotland gimps spend weekend monstering Scottish indy and SNP.

Very creepy Glasgow Herald front page this Monday morn, “2 million Scots live in a dirty shity little town.”

Its very rainy here, Autumnal gloom sets in, bit of a downer, massed ranks of wetfarts in Scottish newsrooms certainly coming out with all kinds of Scotland’s a shithole, stop voting SNP psycho guns blazing.

Its certainly a unique kind of vote red/blue tory press and tv propaganda war we’re living through.


Moving away from the perennial Scottish media SNP bad wars,

link to

Proud Cybernat

BREAKING from Pravda Quay:

link to


To all appearances this seems to be a private arrangement where she accepted the headline charge of abusing Sturgeon before she was First Minister rather than every example of twitter and social media abuse she’d engaged in.

The kind of abuse she is known to have engaged in amounts to cyber bullying and is a step beyond a teacher getting pissed on their day of and into the kind of behavior that, if not criminal, is still a bad example to set pupils in your charge.

Having plea bargained an uncontested lesser charge with a symbolic bar on a job she’s no longer interested in doing she, or her fellow travelers, are engaged in portraying it as a politically motivated victimisation of her.


TeamGB is always at war, or whatever that Orwellian catch phrase is, stinky old Graun style. If UKOK hackdom gets anymore creepier, it’ll be just like 2014 all over again:D

Falkland Islands
Revealed: catalogue of failings that sank Falklands warship HMS Sheffield
Declassified report into disaster reveals officers ‘mesmerised’ by sight of incoming missiles failed to raise alarm

Smoke billows from HMS Sheffield after it was hit by an Exocet missile in 1982. Photograph: PA
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Ian Cobain
Sunday 15 October 2017 22.00 BST

It is a genius book right enough, wiki, a UKOK world of perpetual war.

“Nineteen Eighty-Four, often published as 1984, is a dystopian novel published in 1949 by English author George Orwell.[2][3] The novel is set in Airstrip One (formerly known as Great Britain), a province of the superstate Oceania in a world of perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, and public manipulation.

The superstate is under the control of the privileged elite of the Inner Party, a party and government that persecutes individualism and independent thinking as “thoughtcrime”, which is enforced by the “Thought Police”.

Severin Carrell’s read this too.

Dr Jim

Former FM MSP and MP The Right Hon Alex Salmond is rubbished and dismissed by the media for everything he happens to say because he no longer holds office in the SNP and he’s accused of being partisan anyway

Yet a man who held a lesser office appointment for a short time 25 years ago is held up by the media as an authority on all things SNP and even has been granted a title by the media of Grandee of the SNP and all outpourings from his gub are to be taken as legitimate knowledgeable insight into to SNP then televised and printed for our education

As some have mentioned as a Grandee of the SNP he doesn’t attend party rallies, conferences, I doubt whether he even turns up to his local branch for any meetings
So all his Grandee knowledge must just be for the education of well who exactly because the man clearly has had no effective contact with the party and has no contacts within the party so in the words of any normal executive *he’s not in the loop* and do we even know if he’s still a paid up member, I hae ma doots

All of that makes me and hundreds of others party Grandees because we know more about what’s going on than this silly old lonely jealous outsider who like many old grandads likes to say *I coulda been a contender* but neglects the part that history says *Naw ye couldnae and ye wurnae*

Nicola Sturgeon is a warm generous woman and affords old Jim his dubious position of elderly old fool but maybe instead of saying nothing or just the usual *he’s entitled to his opinion* line, she might just think when asked about Mr Sillars comments and say “WHO?”


Nana thank you for all the interesting links 🙂

Am particularly interested in the new online ‘Truly Scottish TV’ !

Nana’s link @ 7.09 am

Excellent list of programmes for today. Is this in fact their launch day?

Can we all tune in 🙂


@ Robert Peffers 12.49

Just turned 70 masel’ so I’m just a wee bairn yet!

Comment wasn’t meant to be against but Sillars seems to be stuck in a timewarp where SLab were all powerful and the SNP inhabited folk clubs and bars. He was always in the shadow of Margo.

Like anyone else, he’s entitled to his opinion but he also has a responsibility not to damage the Indy movement. I think the BBC/MSM just see him as a useful idiot. Pity he can’t see it.

Regarding fracking, I thought the ban had wide cross party support, sans Conservatives. There is no way fracking should be imposed on us by Westminster.

Dan Huil

Don’t pay the bbc tax. Let britnats pay for britnat propaganda.


Hmm, yes. Here’s the thing about Mr Sillars and all the stooshie about his much publicized interventions.

He’s NOT an official SNP or Scottish Government spokesperson. He doesn’t speak for the majority of Scots who voted in public ballot to retain EU membership either. He is in fact simply an invited pundit, no more, no less. An individual who has an opinion at odds with both the Scottish government at large and the popular majority on a specific subject.

The media WILL be more than happy to air his views on both and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out why, but that’s OK. I look forward to the next media release which claims that both the SNP and YES movement are filled with drones. Both government and wider movement can then point to the fact that the media themselves are more than happy to highlight those in both organizations who clearly are at odds with the popular and democratically achieved will of the majority.

Interesting to watch the meeja paint itself into a corner right enough. They and their chain tuggers invested a lot of time, effort and money on the narrative of ‘one party state’, mindless drones and a lack of democracy in Scotland’s parliament and public forums.

Wonder how they’ll square that circle now they’ve shot down the myth themselves? (shrugs)

Seems to me they’ve just given folk one more reason not to trust their output.



Wee call out to a lovely YES lady my sons met while out walking yesterday 🙂

You had a good chat and kindly encouraged them to always use their vote, particularly in the light of all that is happening now.

My eldest showed you how important he felt it is to vote when he showed you the YES tattoo on his wrist =)

Say Hi sometime, would be lovely to hear your voice on here too 🙂


Seems when you hit your fifties and upwards self preservation seems to be the order of the day.I hope i never suffer this affliction.

Brian Powell


Grandee usually means one greatly respected by the organisation they are part off, Jim has deteriorated into the position of neither being respected nor a real member.

But he is all the BBC have left, and the BBC has deteriorated to the same position.

ronnie anderson

Sillers defrauded the Yessers on the crowdfunder for the Margo Mobile , the guy’s that done the work did it for free , the bastard has traded on Margo McDonalds name for far to long.

Petra dont give the fucker a out , he’s not suffering from Alzheimer’s ( he’s a Labourit & always has been ) as I’ve said before a 5th colonist in the SNP & its about time the SNP branch removed him from the membership list .


Sillars and Macaskill no doubt just need the money, few hundred quid in your hipper, pleasant lunch with assorted beeb gimps, in Pacific Quay executive dining room, free cab home, lovely.

Scotland was sold for English gold and if history teaches us anything at all, things never change.

Colin McFarlane

And this woman remains a tory concilor and is an education spokesperson?

You couldn’t make this stuff up and how low down the barrel the tories will scrape!


Am looking forward to buying my National today and reading Elaine C Smith’s thoughts on our Independence campaign.

Re the list of folk who might be a good choice to lead the SIC, I wonder, given the many skills available to the campaign, if it might be possible to have more than one person leading?

There is such a diverse wealth of choice and talents in that list that mibbee at least three folk could be chosen to represent and guide the movement.

I certainly can’t choose. I would really like to see Alex Salmond and Angus Robertson speaking for Scotland. Am a fan of Elaine C Smith and love listening to the way Alan Biset explains things. Frankie Boyle is one of the sharpest thinkers about. Hardeep is charismatic. The Greens should have an important role to play, as should the many many folk I dont know so well but who no doubt have the organisational skills and ability to communicate their passion and knowledge to win folk over to the idea that Scotland should be Independent.

Just a thought =)


Training day I know you don’t work for PQ because I’ve obviously read your previous posts but my point was, Simon Pia was on Twitter making the point ( I think) we need to say ok there’s always going to be the boo boo of politics but the Yes movement really needs to focus on the big stuff that’ll make and strengthen our case.

My point was simply saying and here once more is Gordon Brewer passing half an hour ( again) with petty stuff rather than what does Nicola Sturgeons visit to Dublin or the Arctic Circle Assembly mean ?

Or why isn’t D Mundell having to answer about the lack of information re Brexit?

Or take your pick there’s loads of huge issues and we get an interview with Jim Sillers as the highlight.

Say what you like about STV but at least they’re reporters are now reporting from outwith a Glasgow studio and although you might not care for their report , it’s connecting us to the rest of the World .

BBC Scotland are being shown up for how petty and insular they are .

I’m not sure anymore if BBC Scotland’s job is just put anything on to fill the screen or put something on that’ll give us our headline but it’s certainly not let’s inform folk of what’s going on either at home or abroad.


Training day I know you don’t work for PQ because I’ve obviously read your previous posts but my point was, Simon Pia was on Twitter making the point ( I think) we need to say ok there’s always going to be the boo hoo of politics but the Yes movement really needs to focus on the big stuff that’ll make and strengthen our case.

My point was simply saying and here once more is Gordon Brewer passing half an hour ( again) with petty stuff rather than what does Nicola Sturgeons visit to Dublin or the Arctic Circle Assembly mean ?

Or why isn’t D Mundell having to answer about the lack of information re Brexit?

Or take your pick there’s loads of huge issues and we get an interview with Jim Sillers as the highlight.

Say what you like about STV but at least they’re reporters are now reporting from outwith a Glasgow studio and although you might not care for their report , it’s connecting us to the rest of the World .

BBC Scotland are being shown up for how petty and insular they are .

I’m not sure anymore if BBC Scotland’s job is just put anything on to fill the screen or put something on that’ll give us our headline but it’s certainly not let’s inform folk of what’s going on either at home or abroad.


OT again,

From what I’ve picked up on twitter, it looks like exHurricane Ophelia is going to be a very very serious storm hitting Ireland about now.

Ireland has been closed down, schools closed, homeless offered places indoors – from priate B&Bs to sports clubs, and the Garda warning folk to stay off work and at home.

Typicaly, Irish humour wins the day 🙂

As a hurricane approaches, the Americas baton down the hatches.

As a hurricane approaches, Irish youth take to twitter and take the p!sh out of the bold weather anomaly!

I know you are brave, please stay safe too =)


@ Ghillie Irish humour at it’s best.

link to


All this Sillar’s nonsense is to distract from Nicola’s attendance at #arcticcircle2017 conference.

Nicola was introduced as the PM of Scotland, corrected the interviewer saying she was FM.
He ended the interview by repeating PM/FM.

Nicola acting and being treated as an international leader.

Pathetic Quay can’t handle that

Dave McEwan Hill

For the SIC to work there has to be an acknowledgement that the primary goal of independence cannot be diluted, diverted or damaged by competing ideas of what we should be offering on an independence campaign.

These ideas are to be debated, offered to the Scottish people and decided on after we get independence.

To win independence we have to establish with a significant and doubting section of ill informed electors that we are sturdily self supporting and are able and clever enough to run ourselves just like all the other small nations around us.
(And that we need to get off this sinking ship which is none of these things)

That is all.

Decisions and policies will be decided by Scottish Governments elected by the people of Scotland when we get to independence.

Any divisions before then will be relentlessly paraded by our enemies. Which is why SIC worries me a little and I hope its leadership – all admirable figures – are politically astute.

On a brighter note I attended a magnificent meeting in Inveraray yesterday, organised by Brendan O’Hara MP, chaired by a terrific Jim Mather, and entertained at the end of an afternoon of intense political business by WGD at his best.

Think tanks organised and reported back to the meeting asking members what they thought the SNP should be doing. Whit? I kid you not.

Meeting arranged for 40-50 activists. Over 140 turned up. Dialogue relentless – we should be campaigning for independence all the time.
Repeat. We should be campaigning for independence all the time.


Why, when we have Ophelia on our doorstep are the BBC News withering on about a storm that hit the SE England 30 years ago?

Is it like the World Cup where England has to pretend it has the biggest and best of everything?


The story really began in the middle sixties, the period of the great purges in which the original leaders of the Revolution were wiped out once and for all. By 1970 none of them was left, except Big Brother himself. All the rest had by that time been exposed as ("Tractor" - Ed)s and counter-revolutionaries. Goldstein had fled and was hiding no one knew where, and of the others, a few had simply disappeared, while the majority had been executed after spectacular public trials at which they made confession of their crimes. Among the last survivors were three men named Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford. It must have been in 1965 that these three had been arrested. As often happened, they had vanished for a year or more, so that one did not know whether they were alive or dead, and then had suddenly been brought forth to incriminate themselves in the usual way. They had confessed to intelligence with the enemy (at that date, too, the enemy was Eurasia), embezzlement of public funds, the murder of various trusted Party members, intrigues against the leadership of Big Brother which had started long before the Revolution happened, and acts of sabotage causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people. After confessing to these things they had been pardoned, reinstated in the Party, and given posts which were in fact sinecures but which sounded important. All three had written long, abject articles in The Times, analysing the reasons for their defection and promising to make amends. From Orwell’s 1984

A valuable tool for propagandists is the apparent repentance of a sinner, particularly one who has held high office and has been significant in the internal perspective of the “enemy” regime.

Jim Sillars is not getting TV air time because he is critical of the SNP. Jim Sillars is getting TV air time because the broadcaster who finds him useful, is a propagandist organisation doing what propagandist organisations do, and the BBC is out to discredit the SNP which it sees as the enemy.

Scotland is big enough to accommodate those who dissent. Sillars can say and think whatever he likes. The much bigger problem here is the ubiquitous and malevolent distortion of our news and political discourse by the BBC propaganda factory.

There is no balance. The good is silenced, the bad is amplified. Sillars is just a useful pawn, or more correctly, he is just the latest useful pawn.

Nevertheless. Do not complacent. Our Scottish Government will not engage with BBC bias, just as it won’t engage with Scotland’s sovereignty being overruled, nor engage with Scots losing their status as European Citizens. Nature abhors a vacuum, and so too does the BBC, who are free to pursue their “creative” agenda largely unhindered by us. Do not expect an end to the propaganda any time soon, nor have we seen the last of Scotland’s production line of media pawn stars. Sillars, the clunking fist, Flipper Darling, Lance Corporal Davidson, Fluffy Mundell, Murphy,.. decades of useful Scottish nobodies given the oxygen of BBC publicity and celebrity status.

Be as angry as you like, but pick your targets carefully. Sillars is irrelevant. The BBC is the real enemy, but our mistake is our complacency in letting them get away with it.

If Scotland had genuine political discourse going on, Jim Sillars, if he appeared at all, would have seen his arguments torn to shreds objectively, and thus constructively, but our masters in Westminster really don’t want us rebellious Scots exposed to constructive and informative political debate. We might get ideas above our BBC stations.


Does make ye wonder what the security services have on Sillars though…seems as though some are right…he was clearly hiding his true affiliations behind Margo’s real creds. In reality who is it he thinks ‘should’ be running the Scottish government…it’s all very well bad mouthing SNP but that’s the point they never address isn’t it?

What’s the alternative Jim?

Also I very much doubt Sillars needs the money…there is something else at play here, it isn’t about money…imo


Excellent question in the National;

Has Ruth Davidson seen the Tories secret dossier on the effects of Brexit on Scotland?


Also I very much doubt Sillars needs the money…there is something else at play here, it isn’t about money…imo

Haha! Peepee tapes, Orange Hitler and Putin’s creep out?

Ofcourse its the dosh, especially beeb gimp money.

This weekend was hardly a one off, so what does Sillars pick up for a nice wee ten minute SNP bad? £700? a grand maybe. The more SNP bad aggressive he gets, the more appearances, the more money and so on.

All these guys are doing this for the money, all of them. There’s not one that has the conviction of their beliefs ready for the highest bidder.

Money talks.


As BBC Scotland gimps monster SN, back in the real world, our national debt’s almost two trillion now. Thanks again proud Scot buts and you can see why Teresa has suddenly thrown herself at the mercy of the evil EU today.

If you have a job in teamGB, you better keep your nose clean because life in the UKOK is going to be very different from what beeb gimp attack propaganda tells us.

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I’d probably extend that question to include Mr Mundell. Have any of Scotland’s Westminster Tory contingent been briefed or seen anything to do with said report?

Robert Graham

I wasnt going to comment on Jim again and here comes the but , watching his antics yesterday all that was missing was Jim declaring the Earth was flat ,
Thats how stupid his appearance was , not sure whats worse Jim pissin in the tent from outside or Jim pissin in the tent from inside ,
Its really baffling what previous holders of positions in the SNP hope to prove by rubbishing what they do now , if it’s obvious to folk here they are being used , surely seasoned Politicians are not that stupid , maybe it’s being out of the Limelight thats proving to much of a attraction to them .

Jim said just before he got involved in the 2014 ref ,he said he gave up trying to persuade Scots to support Independence because they never would , his exact words ” they never would ” I wonder how much of a front he put on to disguise what he had previously said and he believed to be true , all respect for Jim went out the window with his appearance on the BBC on Sunday ,

Well done JIm the independence movement now probably wouldn’t touch you with a bargepole , and the unionists treat you like a useful fool you are not welcome by either now, Happy ? .



It would be good if all parts of the Yes movement are represented at the forthcoming SIC meeting including the owner of this website.

CameronB Brodie

Re. outdated and irrational modes of thought, such as British nationalism. 😉

Normativity and Social Explanation

Normativity is what gives reasons their force, makes words meaningful, and makes rules and laws binding. Onora O’Neill, in her introduction to Christine Korsgaard’s influential The Sources of Normativity (1996), says “normativity is everywhere.” Normativity is present whenever correctness is present. What normativity is taken to inhere in varies, but in general the normative is taken to be a class of facts, or a class of things accepted to be true, valid, or otherwise indispensable to thought or science. Defenders of such claims argue that normative facts are not empirical facts, not reducible to empirical facts, and, crucially, cannot be explained away by ordinary “scientific” or naturalistic explanations. This bibliography is concerned with a subset of the problem: the cases in which explanations of normativity compete with cognitive science and social science explanations of human behavior, intentions, actions, and linguistic practices….

link to

Blair Paterson

Breeks while I agree with all you say I would remind every one that Darling is English London born so he has always served his homeland well his homeland being England


Does anyone know why Tories always look weird?


Does anyone know why Tories always look weird?

Hey watch it! My Slovene girlfriend does not look weird and he’s a really good kisser too. Just dont get her started on how shite Scotland is, unless its run by tories like him and never ever leaves the UK, it all gets dirty, dirty, dirty:D

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52 seconds of orgasmic Slovenia says, Vote NO or else vile seps

ronnie anderson

@ Greannach Is it because they employ the make up artists from the Adams family ( just ah thought lol )

Proud Cybernat


Jo Swinson being investigated for election fraud. (twitter – more to follow)


Remember Sillars outburst on eve of 2014 Referendum threatening nationalisation of oil + gas business if Yes won….


What’s the book like on how BBC Scotland gimp network blaming Nic Sturgeon for this hurricane on the way?

Trees blown down on cars, SNP baaaaaaaaaaad, smirks Jacky Bird:D

Tam the Bam.

@Gus 1940…9-35am.

Looks like the Daily Politics couldn’t come up with a ‘Grandee’ Gus…but they managed to stoke the ‘SNP BAD’ fire by inviting the FibDum Jo Swinson to remind us how awful Nicola Sturgeon is.


I think one can over-read motivations into Jim Sillars position. Jim has never really changed. In the early 70s the TU movement was against joining the EEC was very pro heavy industry and quite isolationist. Like Mogg who mourns the passing of the 18th century, Jim still is entrenched in 1960s/70s Trades Unionism and the socialist vision that entailed. He left Labour to found a more socialist anti-EEC SLP and from there was enticed into the SNP left wing 79 group.

Like Gordon Wilson, Jim is an echo from the past. That doesn’t mean he has nothing to say but it should be seen in the context of his long held political beliefs. Michael Heseltine performs a similar function for the Tories as does, these days, Tony Blair for Labour.

What is surprising is not that Jim holds these views but the weight and prominence the BBC afford them. They do this not because they are sympathetic to Jim’s vision but simply that it might throw a spanner in the works for the current SNP leadership. I don’t think it does particularly.

Davie Oga

Proud Cybernat says:
16 October, 2017 at 1:24 pm
Jo Swinson being investigated for election fraud. (twitter – more to follow)

It doesn’t matter. In Ukania prosecutions for electoral fraud are deemed to be not in the public interest. The investigation is just a waste of public funds.

Robert Graham

ON Topic for a change ,the photo of the one time teacher moaning about the lack of teachers , her coupon rings a bell isn’t she related to Rory the tory ? or does the whole village have the same appearance , just saying like .

Alba 46

BBC Scotland is no more Scottish than the branch offices of Labour, Conservatives or Lib Dems.

All of these organisations are funded from outwith Scotland therefor these monkeys follow the organ grinders tune ie SNP very baaad.

In the words of the movie ” Follow the money”


Principles approved but no agreement on EU exit issues.

link to



That’s just apologist stuff. Sillars is cashing in, simple as that. And he’ll keep cashing as long as the beeb gimp network needs him.


heedtracker and Ronnie Anderson.

Thanks for the answers, guys. Explains a lot!!


Sillars is just another money grubbing old fart. For really UKOK roasters, you really need my Slovene girlfriend.

Adam Tomkins MSP?Verified account @ProfTomkins Oct 12

Taking tea in the House of Lords yesterday with @RHBruceCrawford and Lord Jay of Ewelme,

had three orgasms:D



Adam Tomkins MSP?Verified account @ProfTomkins Oct 11

First meeting in Westminster today was in the Thatcher Room. Hence:

So excited, peed my pants a little. Its a long way from Ljubljana:D

Bill Dale

@Nana I did a lot of business in France. I learned decades ago that the wonderful French expression “en principe nous sommes d’accord” was often interpreted by non-French speakers as “in principle we are in agreement”, whereas in reality it is a polite way of saying “sorry, absolutely no way are we OK with that”, or even just “no way”.


@Bill Dale

You may appreciate the french PM’s laughter here. Can’t say I blame him.

link to



I’m not so sure, Sillars was a Labour MP back in the day when Labour MPs were in with the bricks. He chose to turn his back on that to start his own party. He is the very definition of contrarian rebel. I think he genuinely believes his stuff, the fact that the Beeb are delighted to give him a platform to moan about the SNP is just a bonus for Jim. If they pay him then it is a double bonus but I am sure he would it for free.


Nana thanks for the links and I hope that you had a great weekend X No been doing anything that I wouldnae do, lol.


‘BBC told they must spend a fairer share of licence fee cash in Scotland.’

What you might not be able to see (and what’s not mentioned is that over 100% of the revenue was spent in England):

‘Ofcom states that, ”At least half of network hours on BBC television channels are to be made outside London with separate minimum quotas for each UK nation broadly reflecting their population size. Furthermore under the new license BBC One and BBC Two must between them broadcast more than 6000 hours of programmes of specific interest to the nations and regions – 95% of which must be made in the areas to which they relate.” That’ll stick in their craw!

BBC spokesman said blah, blah, blah … ”We are committed to doing more to help Scotland and it’s creative industries.” Aye right enough.

A Scottish Government spokesperson said ……. ”that they were disappointed that Ofcom had decided to retain a single UK license …. ”We believe a dedicated license for Scotland would have provided more transparency and accountability to license payers in Scotland.”

link to


Excellent, but troubling, article in the Sunday Herald.

‘Spectre of civil war looms over Iraq.’

‘In the wake of the Kurdish Independence Referendum, Iraqi and Kurdish Forces are facing off against each other around the oil-rich city of Kirkuk.’

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I thought that Jim Sillars previously supported an Independent Scotland within the EU?

‘Sillars, along with the 79 Group and the former SLP members in the SNP, started to shape the SNP as a clearly defined, left-of-centre party. Policies adopted included the support of a non-payment scheme in relation to the poll tax introduced by the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher, as well as the policy of independence within the European Union, of which Sillars was a leading exponent.”

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Not telling what I was up to, you could get very jealous lol but I
had a nice time doing it!


Michael Russell tweeted the following with regards to today’s meeting [see post at 2.37pm]

The official communique from the JMC (EN) today link to

Proud Cybernat

SNP expert group ‘to recommend creation of Scottish pound’

link to


Would Sillars have got Margo’s Gov pension. Was it tranferrable to dependents. (Family). A lot of pensions are. Folk can name their Beneficiaries. If he does he is using Scottish taxpayers money to insult half of The Scottish people who vote SNP and those who vote for Independence. Making himself hugely unpopular. To those who support the Scottish Gov.

Brian Powell

BBC told by OFCOM to spend more of the Licence Fee raised in Scotland in Scotland.

Scottish MPs ask for the Brexit papers on the effect on Scotland to be released.

Scottish Minsters ask for £600M cut from railway budget to be restored.

Scot Ministers ask for renewable research funding not to be cut.

Anybody see a pattern there? The pattern is, deciding what happens to Scotland has fuck all to do with you.


‘Scottish food and drink exports still booming so is it still only 28% of the UK’s food and drink exports? We’re still only 8% of the population.’

link to


‘SNP leadership on hectic northern hemisphere mission, from the Baltic to Canada and a’ pairts atween thaim, to save Scottish Economy from Tory incompetence.’

link to


Well done John. You’re doing an AMAZING job and a great big thanks from me (and many others) for doing so. How the MSM, in particular the BBC, must love you, LOL.

‘Talking-up Scotland’s Imperial Projection by ‘Heid-the-ba’ Robertson.’

link to


‘A world first for Scotland’s renewable energy industry. Neither Queen nor Prince Charles to open it due to fear of deep water.’

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‘Making the case for Scotland to join EFTA by reader Derick Tulloch.’

link to


Recently the BBC reported that Police Scotland has advised people not to go to Skye because it was full. Of course it turned out not to be true.
Today the Herald goes on our towns are filthy

Could this be unionists/Westminster responding to Scotland being voted the best place to visit in the world

Are we now facing months of the BBC giving us Scotland is shit to spoil the tourist industry


There goes UK subsidies to the farmers … and the REST.

‘The UK is £490bn poorer than we thought.’

link to


The Tories can get lost with their ‘internal market’ shite that milks Scotland for all they can get. . To benefit London S/E. They ruined the Scottish Oil & Gas sector deliberately. With their extra high taxes for Scottish industry. 40% since Jan 2016. Losing Scotland £Billions and 120,000 jobs. Corporation tax is less than 20% – half of that. Scotland could have had full employment which would have put wages and conditions up. Increase revenues and expanding the economy. Instead the Tories did everything they could to shut it down. They have now done the same to the whisky industry.

They are such incompetence fools. They are now importing Gas from Norway and fracked Gas from the US. Scotland doesn’t want fracked Gas but is now being obliged to import fracked Gas from the US under the kid-on ‘internal market’. Controlled by Westminster to benefit those in the South, especially London S/E as usual.

The kid- on ‘internal market’ ie trade between two neighbours just like trading with other close neighbours. No UK ‘internal’ market. It is trading under EU rules with fellow neighbouring countries in the EU. Tories are such stupid clones. They haven’t a clue what they are speaking about. Desperate to damage the Scottish economy. So they can milk it for their benefit. Damaging the Scottish economy with their illegal unequal taxes on the Scottish economy.

They think they are being smart pulling a fast one. Like folk in Scotland are taken in by their nonsense. Some are but 50% + are not and never have been. These chancers take £20Billion+ out of Scotland a year with their greed and mismanagement. Intransigence. Rotten lowlives. They do the same in the world. Killing and maiming millions of innocent people. Totally without a conscience. May they rot in hell for what they have done. Despicable crooked liars. Wasting public money like there is no tomorrow. Getting into £Trns of debt. Most of them should be in jail. Roll on Independence. To finally get rid of the lot of them.

Look at them all ganged up again Mike Russell now. Trying to intimidate the Scottish representative from a bunch of total rotten liars. Mike Russell should take a few minders with him. Definitely take a witness. Otherwise the Minutes will be doctored or leaked to try and damage the SNP. People can be sure of that. French lettergate. M15.

The DUP and Sinn Fein don’t even turn up to the meeting. The DUP will be waiting before their bribe downpayment comes across. Flying back in an RAF jet did not do it for them to clinched the big deal. They want to see had cash. Have obviously deal with the Tories before. Maybe had their fingers burnt. Making themselves even more unpopular in NI.

If the power sharing agreement is not reinstated and implemented soon The DUP will get voted out. On a shoogly peg already because of the bribe and the public money Foster has wasted. Like an addict on a drip. Being given oxygen. Racist, bigots breaking UK Law at every turn. While Westminster turns a blind eye. So they can get away with it. Getting subsidised £Billions to allow them to do it. Ignorant criminals. Just like their Tory pals.


The big question facing us is for how much longer are we prepared to tolerate British ie English meddling in our national concerns. We have had hundreds of years of anglo-interference to the extent that our indentity has become so corrupted by its interests that in some cases the false has marginalised or eclipsed the authentic.
That of course was the purpose of the strategy. English history, language, literature and social mores are vaunted as inherently superior to the native by the self-selecting ruling caste which ‘regulates’ the way we think and promotes the demoralising Scotch cringe.
A national of one of the former imperial colonies would recognise the theme, sadly too few of our own citizens do. The fetishising of ‘Britishness’ and its monarchy, for example, as elements of our identity which even post independence ought to be cherished is indicative of the irrational hold the pernicious system has.
Unionism loves the Scotland of the Edinburgh tattoo, the proud Scot shortbread tin culture that is as fake as Balmorality or a kosher pig.
One day soon we might have the collective courage to take a well honed hatchet to the lot.

Robert Graham

thanks for the links to thought control a good interesting site ,and the more the better ,all hands to the pumps time .Lets hope the upcoming SIC conference makes some progress , a much needed central hub to focus the obvious energy that is out there .

CameronB Brodie

The re-writing of cultural histories is a form of symbolic violence and a technique of colonial practice.

N.B. The colonial practices of empire were experienced both in the colonies and in Britain. Scotland is still bound under colonial exploitation as a result of our democratic deficit in Westminster.

British Imperial History ‘New’ And ‘Old’
Far from being seen as dated and irrelevant, the history of empire now seems to be intensely relevant not only for understanding the historical evolution and present state of countries once subjected to British imperial rule but to the understanding of Britain itself. There are many reasons why this might be so. The increasing ethnic diversity of British society, the interest of so many British people in family history that often involves an imperial connection, the apparent similarities between a contemporary global economic order underpinned by American power and the role once played by Britain or the disillusionment with the nation states that emerged from colonial rule now felt by many Asian and African intellectuals – all encourage the study of Britain’s imperial past. A self-consciously ‘new’ imperial historiography has contributed much to the present vitality of the subject, proving extremely attractive to students in higher education.

Boundaries between ‘old’ and ‘new’ interpretations of a subject are usually somewhat nebulous, existing largely in the eyes of their practitioners. So it is with imperial history. Nevertheless, in crude terms, the concerns of imperial history can be said to have traditionally focused on political or economic domination: that is, on the one hand, on military force, civil administration and systems of rule and the eventual transfer of power, and, on the other, on economic development or ‘exploitation’, the special concern of a powerful Marxist tradition of writing about imperialism. Cultural issues, such as education, religious change or language policies, have also long been the staples of imperial history. Indeed, Professor John MacKenzie, who, through his own writing and the Manchester University Press series ‘Studies in Imperialism’ of which he is editor, has done so much to stimulate the cultural history of modern British imperialism, has distanced himself from the canonical works of the ‘new’ imperial history. Cultural history is, however, the defining concern of the new historians. For them, political and economic domination are assumed, but what interests them is cultural domination, which they see as having had a decisive effect both on the ruled and their rulers.

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Catalonia sends message to EU leaders: In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Martin Luther King.

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William Wallace

@ Shug 4:54

Are you referring to the research done by KSB and the comments of it’s director Derek Robertson?

Interesting recent history that guy. Accusations of nepotism at last two workplaces and some level of financial irregularity at previous employer “Merseyside” something or other.

I only checked him out briefly but, perhaps somebody with better investigative, analytical and research skills could dish up additional dirt on this character. Nudge Nudge Wink Wink 😉



Clocked that piece earlier.

Y’know, I actually don’t mind that people have an anti EU stance. It’s simply not what I believe.

Personally, I’m pro European and internationalist and I have no bone between EU or EFTA in terms of preference. My vote is there to be won at a more convenient and appropriate time.

What I absolutely will not forgive however, is the shear fuckwitted idiocy of a vote based on no prepared outcomes. No ‘white paper’ (brace for irony overload). No contingencies in place. No consideration for those who voted in opposition and most importantly, their egotistical, self absorbed and completely cretinous belief that there would be no harmful consequences from either their campaign strategy or their choice for the whole of society.

The usual suspects have been all over the news today in full on denial mode. It’s all Johnny Furriners fault. They’re not being reasonable. Oh, and Ms May scrabbling over to Europe to kick start talks isn’t a sign of desperation or weakness.

People were warned time and again. You get who and what you vote for. If they think this is as grim and a bit fretful as it’s likely to be, then they truly have no idea how badly they’ve been mislead.

Paula Rose

Throughout Indyref and EUref I have been amazed at folk thinking that we’d have to ask to join the EU and that they might not want us or extract a large price – get real, we will get the best deal going.


Paula Rose says

Throughout Indyref and EUref I have been amazed at folk thinking that we’d have to ask to join the EU and that they might not want us or extract a large price – get real, we will get the best deal going.

Indeed. Of the various components of the UK, Scotland is the ‘jewel in the crown’.

Ok, there is a lot of money slushing about the financial sector in London but it’s all ‘vapour’ whereas Scotland’s potential for wealth creation is mainly physical / real. Food and drinks, agriculture, fishing, biotech, renewables, oil & gas, etc.

And it seems foreign tourists are particularly keen to come and see our castles, mountains, glens, lochs, and other physical assets.


had a wee gander at the newspaper headlines today.

First one was about a million Scots living in filthy communities. That is over a 5th of the population so it means that most of Scotland’s cities, towns and villages are in this state. It also means that there there is a 20% chance, or more chance than not, that the area I live in is this state. It is no where near that. I wonder if the people who compiled this actually lives in Scotland or just bases their findings on photo’s they have seen on the Internet lol

Second one was that Ruthie is going to have a clear out of under performers in order to prepare a government in waiting for when she takes over the Scottish parliament at the next election. Given that her party is full of individuals like the one featured in this article, I wonder if her government in waiting will just be her, herself?

mike cassidy

William Wallace 5.53

BBC no doubt happy to report about dirty Scotland.

link to

Though why anybody would be taking KSB seriously after the revelation of their ties to big business …

link to

Dodgy top guy here.

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And his wife(if they are still married) is now an executive at KSB!

link to

ronnie anderson

link to

I hope this gains momentum .


If the EU does not speak up for us soon, my YES will be for total independence, UK and EU .


galamcennalath @ 15 October, 2017 at 1:25 pm

However secondly the 20-40-something Tory in Scotland is something quite different. They are usually thoroughly unpleasant when it comes to politics and social views – the person featured here would seem typical. It is often said that Davidson needs to clean out her extreme elements. I’m not so sure that is on the agenda. I think it’s more likely that they are tolerated, encouraged even, because they are more representative of the younger voter base than they are willing to openly admit.

From my wee part of Scotland, I would agree with this analysis.

There was hardly any discussions in at work before the referendum but during it I was surprised by the views of certain individuals whom I’d never hear come out with such Tory-talk. Later on, a few admitted that they vote Tory. Most of all where in the 20 to 40-something age group.

After the referendum, such views are now acceptable and are openly discussed. It is not only coming from the usual suspects of die hard Rangers supporters but also Catholics, from what I get the impression are the holy-holy ones. The common theme among these individuals is that they are have been made up to managerial positions and their brown-nosing flunkies.

These individuals are not going anywhere and not moving on. They don’t strike me having something special to offer where they could move on to something better inside our outside the company where I work for. The thing is that these individuals was in the right place at the right time to get their positions and have been in the role for years.

I’m not sure they have the self-awareness that they will never get another job with same salary if they were made unemployed. For me, it is this arrogance that feeds their bigoted social views. I do feel however, they will have a rude awakening and find it hard to cope outside of their comfortable bubble if the hard brexit does occurs.

I’m sure this is the same throughout every place in work, in every part of Scotland. During the referendum I tried discussing it with them and was only met with ridicule, scorn and near abusive behaviour. I’m not sure if these individuals will ever wise up that they are nothing but cannon fodder to the Tories, the way it used to be like with Labour. I guess they need to learn the hard way when they suffer the consequences that getting the Tories in to government will cause them personally.

Paula Rose

Anyone thinking their is equivalence between the EU and the UK has really not been doing their homework quite honestly.


European Commission – Statement
Joint statement by President Jean-Claude Juncker and Prime Minister Theresa May

link to



Good catch Nana. The last entry isn’t exactly shrouded in mystery, now is it?

As predicted, the EU, (quite rightly), are sticking to the letter of the law on A50 procedure and protocol. The UK won’t get them to budge on that timetable. (shrugs)

Who knew?

Daisy Walker

o/t re the ‘filthy town’ topic.

Fly tipping has alway existed. It will always get, or appear to get worse, if you do the following,

Cut back on public sector refuse workers. (Who clean it up quickly when they have enough staff.)

Cut back on Police resources. (Who find and prosecute offenders – when they have enough staff.)

Increase the cost of responsible disposal, at the same time as the jobs market becomes tougher or the cost of living becomes higher (bogie workers cut corners).

Anti-social crimes like graffiti increase, when services are cut, particularly in areas of deprivation and particularly in areas involved in working with young people.

One aspect – that does not get advertised – with regards New Yorks big crime ‘broken windows’ new policing policy – was a massive amount of financial investment, particularly with regards Police Officer numbers. Doh.

They vote for bloody austerity, and then complain when the consequences come home to bite. Bampots.


Aye Macart, as we surmised.

For the gossip columists

Kisses and bear hugs all round on leaving [so sweet]
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@ Paula Rose says at 6:23 pm ….. ”Throughout Indyref and EUref I have been amazed at folk thinking that we’d have to ask to join the EU and that they might not want us or extract a large price – get real, we will get the best deal going.”

Spot on Paula. Over and above ALL that Scotland has to offer (e.g. resources), there’s also the issue of other countries thinking of bailing out of the EU resulting in ‘regions’ kicking their heals and demanding their independence now. More than anything, however, I reckon that the EU will bend over backwards to keep us on board if for no other reason than to give Westminster one in the eye.


‘Wee’ Scotland still at the forefront worldwide in relation to medicine and science (renewable energy etc, etc).

‘Scottish scientists help solve dark energy mystery which has baffled researchers for years.’

link to


The gist of an article in the Sun:

‘Ruthless but Toothless.’

‘Senior sources in Davidson’s party are admitting that some of the 2016 intake – when they netted far more seats than expected – are not up to scratch…..

And some of those on the Holyrood back benches who sneaked in last year and and have not netted themselves shadow cabinet jobs will be rightly worried that they are now in the firing line….

They struggled to find enough decent candidates for June’s snap election, so much so, they had to send three of their top MSP’s down south.

In the Council elections a month earlier some of their candidates were an embarrassment. Blue rosettes ended up being slapped on all sorts of crackpots.

Ms Davidson and her team have a lot of work to do if they are to be challengers in 2021. Yes they need more talent and perhaps to offload some of the 2016 intake if they aren’t cutting the mustard, but they also have to find a way to cast off the reflected shame of the growing shambles that is the UK Tory Government. And more importantly they need ideas for convincing, eye-catching, well thought through and costed policies….

As we’ve said before the Scottish Tories need to be more than just the We-Hate-Indy Party if they are to become even close to power.

Ms Davidson whose profile just grows and grows may be the darling of the Tories down south. But in Scotland – the country she wants to lead – she has yet to shake off the tag of being a one-trick pony.’


How on earth are they going to ”find a way to cast off the reflected shame of the growing shambles that is the UK Tory Government?” They’re cast from the same stinking mould, FGS, and nothing, not anthing at all, can change that … EVER.

Additionally if Davidson clears out the dross such as racists, sectarian bigots and ”crackpots”, there’ll be very few people left … if ANY.


@ mike cassidy says at 7:27 pm …

Thanks for the links Mike. I wonder if there’s a link between ‘dirty Scotland’ and KSB? Lining their own pockets at the expense of our Country?

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@ wull2 says at 7:42 pm …. ”If the EU does not speak up for us soon, my YES will be for total independence, UK and EU.

What do you mean by the EU speaking up for us Wull? To say what?


@Nana / Macart
The working dinner took place in a constructive and friendly atmosphere.

Pass the ketchup!


Just looking at SIC conference lineup. All very good but until we have a card-carrying economist up there who from outside our group are we going to persuade?



Just been reading up on this epic example of clown shoed stupidity.

‘Grow more food’

link to

So ok. Britain crashes out of the EU with no preparation, no trade deals in place and no hope of securing any from anywhere in the near future. The answer apparently is to grow more food in the face of potential price rises. Oh, better yet

And this food magically grows overnight? Meat animals are born, age appropriately and are butchered to order in the same timeframe? Then there’s the land that will be required to grow these missing crops, feed these animals. Experienced people to work the land and tend same. All to be ready to go on day ‘1’ mind you.

Dear God! This man is a government minister. Perhaps the ‘planning for all eventualities’ should have happened before there was an EU referendum? Just a thought for Tory halfwits when planning their next pissing contest for the big chair. The consequences for such epic fuckwittery extend beyond the careers of some self entitled twats with deep feelings of insecurity.



Mayo surely on the continent? 😉


@ Macart

Spookily I’d just read that, how someone like Grayling gets elected beats me. I firmly believe there needs to be a common sense test before someone is selected let alone become a government minister.

I say give him a spade and let’s see what he can do. Probably wouldn’t know one end from t’other

oh and here’s a cheery thought as we are discussing halfwits, Gove is being mooted for chancellor.

Who was it sang ‘Heaven help us all’ altogether now lalalala


Petra @ 16 October, 2017 at 8:14 pm

How on earth are they going to ”find a way to cast off the reflected shame of the growing shambles that is the UK Tory Government?” They’re cast from the same stinking mould, FGS, and nothing, not anthing at all, can change that … EVER.

Additionally if Davidson clears out the dross such as racists, sectarian bigots and ”crackpots”, there’ll be very few people left … if ANY.

I had mentioned in a previous post about my dealings during the referendum with the closet right wing nuts. However, there was lucid moment where I had reasonable conversations with this individuals. It came out that the while they don’t agree with the harmful economic policies that are designed to hurt the poor and helpless in our society, they do agree with a lot of their social policies.

I appreciate that from my lurking that a lot of posters in here are from the centre-left but whether they like it or not Scotland, whether independent or not, needs a decent party to the right. Being to the right doesn’t necessarily mean the excesses of the anglospheric right wing dogma that drives the Tories. There are plenty of centre-right parties in Europe who are to the left of the Tories.

I’m afraid at the moment, the Tories are the only party that fills that void in Scottish politics and will clump these individuals with the racists, sectarian bigots and crackpots that you describe. Given the anti-indy hysteria of the media, I doubt there will ever be any alternative as Labour is dropped as the darlings of the media and replaced by the Tories.


I get a fish supper sometimes from the pier van in Tobermory and get mayo AND ketchup 🙂 Very civilised.

Maybe that’s the breakthrough the talks need, share some pokes of chips and sauce.



As a one time Obanite who’s done for more than his fair share of fish suppers in the highlands and islands, I can honestly say you’re on the right track there. 😀

The poor man’s Marie Rose… awesome.


Lol, took a foolish decision to dip into the sewer of the BBC News website and saw a headline ‘Call for ‘rethink’ on Scottish fracking ban’, and thought who the hell is calling for this, it will be some mad Yoons I bet, clicked the link and found out it was Mad Dog @NaeFear Jim Sillars himself!

What an embezzle! What an ultramaroon.

Imagine the BBC using anything that comes out that mans head as credible. Really does show the BBC for what they are, a bunch of self-serving pathetic Establishment asswipes.

Dr Jim

Interviewed after the Joint Ministerial Council meeting David Mundell when questioned on the repatriated powers to Scotland said “There is a presumption of devolution”

In my world whenever the UK of England uses language like that the evil slime is oozing underneath and they’re sorting out the next betrayal of everything they say then justify it later by saying they never meant what we thought they meant and they were quite clear at the time they told us to get stuffed

Here’s a wee nugget, when England “took over” India that country did 27% trade with the rest of the world, by the time England had finished raping India they were doing 3% trade

Oh and btw Starkey was giving us all a wee history lesson earlier on how Scotland mismanaged all it’s affairs and the English had to rescue us
He just missed out the bits where they killed thousands of us deported the rest and cut crowned heads off in the process to assist Scotland in it’s hour of need, nothing about how Scotland has subsidised Englands follies for the last 50 years and more

I have sharp things to return that assistance anytime they’d like to come round my house to tell me how much they’re helping me


Political prisoners shameful actions by Spain court.
Will EU remain silent, surely not.

Urgent statement following the imprisonment of Jordi Sánchez and Jordi Cuixart

link to



Just reading about ‘The Ferret’ getting a prestigious fact-finding accolade and being recognised internationally by their peers. Unfortunately, they have teamed up with the Record so it dilutes their credibility somewhat. The pursuit of funding and a wider appeal as they sell their soul is destroying the trustworthiness of these supposedly independent new media voices.

Once they accept the daily newspaper review slot or space in the Record they are tainted. Apart from Peat Worrier and Michael Gray, I wouldn’t give any of them the time of day now.

I suppose that is the whole point of bringing them into the MSM fold, once they become dependent on those crumbs their message has to be modulated and balanced (in the BBC sense of the word balance). They are corrupted by what they sought to distance themselves from and they cannot see it happening.


Media reporting universallly, “Theresa May and EU president Jean-Claude Juncker have agreed that efforts to reach a deal in Brexit talks should “accelerate” over the coming months.”

Doesn’t strike me that it has anything to do with speed, it’s about sticking to the agreed priorities and plan!

Let us case minds back the the statement after the FIRST ROUND on 19 June 2017….

” We agreed on priorities for the negotiation. … In the first phase, the negotiation rounds will be broken down into three groups: citizens’ rights, the single financial settlement, and other separation issues. ….. David Davis and I, as Chief EU Negotiator, will discuss the issues together, tackle difficulties, lift obstacles.”

link to

So when and why did the UK break this agreement and try to rewrite the plan!?

Reminds me of an elderly relative I had who thought she a wiz at price negotiation. When she needed to get a tradesman to do a job she would beat them down on price, which is fair enough. However, she would keep trying to renegotiate and change the price as the job progressed and was completed. Then she would insist on paying less than agreed. Really pissed off tradesmen who would never come back to her, even if corrections/remedial work was needed.

The UK antics kind of remind me of that. How not to negotiate.


Sedition! Good grief, a 19th century concept still alive today though maybe in less than half the countries (at a guess). A quick example I found

link to

Spain has really lost its head. And its heart.


Frankie Boyle. (with Stu as feed-stock)
Or we might need to actually look in the box, Cat. 😉

Dan Huil

Dig for victory?

British nationalists, the britnat media and “proud but” britnat Scots seem desperate to revisit WWII [again] in their dealing and reporting of brexit negotiatons.

They want Scotland as economic cannon fodder.

Rig for victory?

British nationalists can go frig for victory!


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Message from Jordi Sànchez després de conèixer la sentència /English subtitles

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ronnie anderson

just finished watching the channel 4 weather report and I see there is a big storm headed to North Britain tonight

Am I getting paranoid??


Economist on board, did someone say? Well we’ve got both Craig Dalzell and Richard Murphy onside, both completely independent of and not reporting to the SNP.


Shame on the Spanish Government. The European Court should suspend their membership of the EU for this outrageous attack on democracy.
Thanks for the links Nana – there seems to be very little news filtering out at the moment through he official media.


“political prisoner”

link to

I endorse Frankie Boyle – yet again. He’s had 3 nominations I think, it’s up to us to vote – not you! On the list.


The well-named Sillars is a man with a grudge, he’ll nurse it till he kicks the bucket. He’s a failure who always thought he was a somebody but youngsters have never heard of this clown. There will be a whole lot of shite in the obit’s, jist wait n see!

Robert Peffers

@meg merrilees says: 16 October, 2017 at 1:00 am:

“Maybe WM sold the licences knowing that the only way to get a refund was to sue the government… which government? Why the Scottish Governent of course!
WM MUST obviously sold these licences in good faith because, as we all know, the oil in the N sea is finished.”

Actually it is a great deal more simple than that, Meg.

As far as Westminster is concerned the Oil & Gas in the North Sea has never been Scottish. Even although up to 98% of it is extracted from what the International Law of the Seas recognises that the North Sea where the oil & gas is extracted from is legally under Scottish Independent Jurisdiction.

If a crime is committed on an oil or gas installation then the crime must be prosecuted under Scots Law in a Scots court. Just as the alleged Lockerbie Bomber had to be tried under Scots law and the court in the Netherlands was declared, (for the trial), to be temporary Scottish Soil.

However the Westminster Establishment declared that the revenues from all off-shore sources were extracted from, “Extra-Regio-Territory”. This is, of course, arrant nonsense because the definition of the term, “Extra-Regio”, is defined as:-

“The economic territory of a country can be broken down into regional and extraregio territory. The extraregio territory is made up of parts of the economic territory of a country which cannot be attached directly to a single region.

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By definition the North Sea area recognised as under Scottish Jurisdiction is identifiable as Scottish territory and, when Scotland takes back her independence, we will take back the Scottish Territorial Waters including the attached Continental Shelf that extends the 12 Mile Limit out to 200 Miles.

In fact there may be a good case to reclaim the revenues stolen by Westminster. Think of what that would do for their national debt.


It’s grim up north of the Watford Gap;

In Sheffieldshire
‘ Sheffield also has an inequality divide with the end of healthy living 10-15 years earlier in socioeconomically deprived communities for a number of reasons’
link to

In Yorkshire;
Yorkshire and Humber is one of the largest and most diverse of the English regions. There are stark and persistent inequalities in life expectancy and chronic ill health, both across the region and within local authority areas. Overall, Yorkshire and Humber has the third lowest life expectancy for both men and women; the highest levels of obesity, and the second highest rate of deaths in infancy among English regions.
link to

In Newcastleshire
‘Women and men in the poorest areas of Newcastle die younger and live a larger proportion of their lives with a disability, compared to those in the richest areas. There is a difference of 12.6 years in male life expectancy between South Gosforth and Byker. Meanwhile, almost one in three children in Newcastle are classed as living in poverty’
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Ditto in Liverpoolshire
‘The burden of ill health in the area means Liverpool residents have the lowest life expectancy in England and live four years less than the national average. Mortality rates for all cancers are 40% higher than in England and Wales and the mortality rate for lung cancer is 90% higher than the national average’

link to

Further north in Scotlandshire if it wasn’t for the efforts of the SG it would be even more grim;
‘In terms of policy there have been positive developments. Addressing health inequalities has become a clear and distinct priority for the Scottish Government. Helpfully, there is also now substantial evidence about a range of national and local policies that could be actioned to create a more equal society and to reduce health inequalities. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of efforts to reduce Glasgow’s and Scotland’s health and social inequalities will depend not only on the actions taken and their focus, but will require sustained effort and political will’
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Hardly ringing endorsements of better together for decades. Scotland would benefit from extracting itself from the union of grim outcomes.

Robert J. Sutherland

wull2 @ 19:42,

Sorry, but that comment of yours just doesn’t make any sense. It would be nice if it were to happen, but only in our dreams. The “EU” (whichever facet of it you actually mean) can’t “stand up for us” in any overt way, because it would be accused of interfering in the internal relations of a (still) member country. A diplomatic no-no.

What its various personae can do however, is to signal their understanding and sympathy with our predicament while continuing to observe the diplomatic niceties.

And that various individuals have done many times over. The standing ovation Alyn Smith received in the EU Parliament (by virtually everyone except Farage). The very warm reception Nicola received in Brussels by then EU Parliament President Martin Schultz and even EC President Jean-Claude Juncker, which was definitely going out on a limb. Chief negotiator Michel Barnier’s readiness to meet, among others, with the Holyrood commitee recently. And others besides.

You have to be adult about this and read between the lines. Given Scotland’s wealth of resources and willingness to be members in good faith, the EU would jump at the chance to admit us, as soon as, but only after, we are free.

We have to face up to the reality though that we have to do the heavy lifting on indy by ourselves. Once we’ve proved by our own deeds that we are eligible, we will have an open door waiting for us. Be in no doubt about that.

Dave McEwan Hill

ScottishPsyche at 9.33
It also features regularly in the National.



Oh Lord! What is Spain doing? Sedition charges?



Dreadful for the Catalan people.
They’ve been out banging pots and pans this evening.

Follow Liz Castro for updates, she has a video up

link to

Robert Peffers

@ian says: 16 October, 2017 at 10:55 am

“Seems when you hit your fifties and upwards self preservation seems to be the order of the day.I hope i never suffer this affliction.”

Ach! Weel! Aiblins Ah’m jist a late developer – afu muckle bliddy late.

Dave McEwan Hill

Robert J. Sutherland at 10.12

I have it on good authority that EU intervention at a high level stopped Spain from going right over the top and facilitated the pause at the moment allowing dialogue to take the heat out of the issue (temporarily I’m sure)

ronnie anderson

@ Nana Thanks links shared re Jordie Sanchez & Cuixart to Yes sites.

Robert J. Sutherland

Nana @ 21:51,

Yes, people are decried and punished as “rebels” and “seditionists” by a greater power while their cause is suppressed by it, then hailed as “patriots” and “statesmen” by the world when their cause eventually prevails.

History is filled with such examples, Ben Franklin and Nelson Mandela being only two of many.

Realpolitik at its filthiest.

schrodingers cat

done, if he is unpopular a choice as many have said, he wont win

Frankie Boyle
Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh
Peter Bell
Brian Cox
Hardeep Singh Kohli
Sir Harry Burns
Duncan Hamilton
Alan Cummings (unlikely, he lives in usa)
GA Ponsonby (londoncalling)
Math Campbell (engscot4Yes)
Elaine C Smith
Lesley Riddoch,
David Hayman
Gordon Mackintyre Kemp
Alan Bissit
Kevin Bridges
Richard Murphy
Stu Campbell
Craig Murray
Robin Macalpine

Jeane Freeman
Alex Salmond
Angus Robertson
John Nicolson
Tommy Shephard

Patrick Harvey


Yed, from Nana

link to

and link to

Won’t be long before it’s, go on holiday to Spain, badmouth Rajoy and stay for 15 years.


@Dave McEwan Hill
They just put the two leaders of the movement in jail without bail while they investigate them for sedition. The Catalans are claiming they’re political prisoners and demanding their release.

Whatever the EU might have done didn’t work.


She has an uncanny resemblance to the feral child in Mad Max
link to


Macart says:
16 October, 2017 at 8:48 pm

….Britain crashes out of the EU with no preparation, no trade deals in place and no hope of securing any from anywhere in the near future. The answer apparently is to grow more food in the face of potential price rises.

Scotland; 8.3% of Uk population.
30% of UK beef herd.
20% of UK sheep herd.
60% of UK fish landings.
9% of UK dairy herd.
10% of UK Pig herd.
15% cereal holdings.
20% of UK potato holdings.

If the UK is running out of food, where does that leave Britain’s Empire 2 Trade Deals, based on selling tea, biscuits and jam to the Japanese? Can we spare the flour???

Meat has WTO tariff of 5%, Dairy 6%, but if the meat is a “preparation” of meat it jumps to 18%. I’m guessing a preparation of meat might be something like supermarket ready meals or processed food. Sugars and confectionery are 11%.

On top of WTO tariffs there is the further price adjustment to be expected from the value of the pound sterling, which gets weaker against foreign currencies. Good for exports, but the costs of imports go up.

But then of course, you need to remember you’re dealing with a Tory. When they say “grow more food”, they are thinking along the lines of a deregulated US Trade deal with meat full of growth hormones and steroids. Problem solved. You don’t need more sheep, just bigger, stronger, faster Rambo-type sheep with tattoos and deeper voices. Yum! Yum! Looks like meat is back on the menu boys.

So just to summarise; that’s a triple whammy of WTO tariffs, depreciation in the value of sterling, and downgraded quality of product to be selling. That’ll teach Europe! They’ll be sorry they kicked us out the EU…..cough! Cough!

And of course you get the added bonus the UK’s food shortage won’t happen because nobody will want to buy chemically enhanced UK Frankenstein food exports anyway, so food produced in the UK won’t be going anywhere anyway. Made in Britain! Stays in Britain! has a certain ring to it… bit of a glow in the dark thing about it too…

But think positive Britain! With no pesky immigrants living here and helping themselves to the UK’s food reserves, the NHS and ATOS doing their bit bumping off the weak and the elderly, and the drop in male virility after a few years of all the growth hormones in their chicken nuggets, the UK population will fall to its point of happy equilibrium and self sufficiency. We’ll be fine. Especially after a few years of watching “The Good Life” repeats on the BBC.

Robert J. Sutherland

Dave McEwan Hill @ 22:21,

Very interesting that. Such influence “being brought to bear” must necessarily be behind the scenes, of course. Much to the frustration of many, including yours truly. But in the present case of Spain there is always the threat of direct action being taken for its manifest breaches of the Lisbon Treaty.

So there is some traction available in extreme circumstances. The signs in the present case of Spain don’t appear too promising, though we must wait and see, I suppose. “Proof of the pudding” and all that.

In our case, at least we will be spared a repetition of anything like Barroso’s notorious personal intervention on behalf of BT with Marr. (Though no doubt the latter will fully exert himself to find some other convenient patsy from elsewhere.)

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi schrodingers cat.

I detect that ardent YESSER Sheena Wellington is missing from your list.


I noticed a Saltire in that clip of Catalans out banging pots. Well done whoever that was!
link to


Spain has lost it politically. Jailing Catalonia’s civil leaders is not the behaviour expected of a fully integrated EU partner;

‘Because secession is such a morally complicated issue, it is crucial that both sides show greater respect for each other. There is no black/white here. We are all in the grey zone of reasonable disagreement…

This point is perhaps particularly important for Spain since it is the Spanish government that has the tanks and riot squads at its disposal. With such power, it is much too tempting to use it. The recurrent theme of the Spanish government – and most recently, the king – is that the Catalonian crisis is first and foremost a criminal justice issue. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, the referendum broke Spanish law, but it is perfectly evident by now, from the civil rights and other great movements of the past, that reasonable people sometimes do break laws for good reasons. They should not be dismissed as ordinary criminals. Indeed, when millions of your citizens engage in a referendum you have ruled illegal, it is a sure sign that you have a political, not a legal, problem on your hands’

link to


What is happening in Catalonia is so so wrong.

The Spanish government and monarchy are a disgrace.

Paltry acknoledgement of unacceptable events in Catalonia from the British media is close to censorship. Nothing new there.

The Kurds are facing tanks rolling in from Iraq. Is that so different?


Rajoy channels Erdogan?

Catalonia needs to get the hell out of that.


Bl**dy hell!

Two individuals at the forefront of the Catalonian Independence movement locked up ……… and the ‘same judge decided to release, without passport, the Chief of the Catalan Police, Josep-Lluis Trapero, accused of not having done enough to stop voters participating in the Independence Referendum.’

C’mon SOMEBODY … EU? … UN? … put a stop to this NOW.

schrodingers cat

paula, petra

i think you both miss the point. it is obvious that the eu would allow scotland back in quickly for the reasons you mentioned. the eu has said that an indy scotland would need to rejoin via A49 as a new state, but it would be a very speedy process. fact.

but thats the rub, last time they dug out barrossa to say that an indy scotland would NOT get into the eu, and people believed it. the Nos won. what is obvious to you and I is NOT to others.

there is a difference between what will be the reality after a yes vote and the indyref campaign.

the lesson is not to give our opponents an open goal, the opportunity to veto our campaign.

the same was true of the currency union idea, it required westminster to agree,…….. so they didnt.
of course that had there been a yes vote, westminster would have asked for on the next morning.

that is why a scots pound is a better campaign option as it doesnt need westminster to agree

that is also why single market/efta option is a better option to campaign on, as it doesnt need westminster or the 27 eu countries to agree.
the efta countries have already said an indy scotland can join.

the eu have already stuck their necks out for scotland
dont count on them to come out in our support any more than they have already done.


Joining EFTA might be easy, but to be in the single market Scotland would still have to join the EEA which is jointly administered by EFTA – and the EU-27. So that is not automatic either.


The situation in Kurdistan is actually worse. Using tanks to suppress a democratic expression of self determination never ends well. Is the Baghdad government so very different from Saddam? On the plus side it doesn’t look like Baghdad will be getting coalition air support for their shenanigans.


Adding to the above list
My own ex-MP – Roger Mullin.

Alex Clark

Catalonia seemed to have gone quiet until today. No doubt because of EU influence over Spain. That’s changed now with the arresting and imprisonment without bail of two grassroots leaders that supported Independence.

Next stop? Political leaders and who knows where that will end up. The EU must use their powers to offer intermediaries that can make discussions possible between the two sides before things get worse.

This has to happen now, Rajoy will see no response from the EU as evidence of weakness and act accordingly. Time is running out for mediators to get involved, I’m certain of that.

schrodingers cat


true, but it is a start down the road to access to the single market and it is an aim we can put into the indyref2 manifesto that cant be knocked back by andra neil.

btw, our manifesto should be 2 pages long this time
the difference between efta and eea is a subject you and i have discussed many times, the average jo couldnt care less, and understands the terms efta/eea even less, but access to the single market is the main focus of uk politics at the moment. perhaps we should call it the norway option, like farage did.

we simply say to people, we need to get back into the single market and efta is the route to doing this

i had hoped that the eu would come out with a commitment , during indyref2, for an indy scotland to immediately gain access to this, if they do great, but we should not count on it dads

Robert J. Sutherland

schrodingers cat @ 23:09:

[..] it is obvious that the eu would allow scotland back in quickly for the reasons you mentioned. […] it would be a very speedy process. fact.

[…] the eu have already stuck their necks out for scotland dont count on them to come out in our support any more than they have already done.

Those two statements are mutually contradictory, on the face of it. Of course the EU can’t come out publicly in our support between now and through an indyref2, if that’s what you mean. But after a win is something else entirely.

The EU is a lumbering giant, but it can be surprisingly “light on its feet” when it needs to be, so given its clear support and obvious mutual advantage, it’s not self evident that in the aftermath of a sufficiently timely win for indy, the EU would insist on an Art.49 application as you presume.

As you do recognise, there is evident goodwill on both sides for a fast transition, and avoiding that particular route would clearly smooth the way by precluding any possibility of a veto.

If an indy win were to occur prior to 29.March.2019, the constitutional requirements of Art.50 could possibly be used by a fully-sovereign SG to retain Scotland within the EU. “Where there’s a will” and all that.

We’re in completely uncharted waters here, so no outcome can be presumed. But a timely win for indy is the essential prerequisite to achieve that uncertain but fascinating opportunity. Getting there though is down to us, and us alone.

CameronB Brodie

Re. the EU and Spain. The EU has experience dealing with autocratic regimes, so I’m hoping they will respond appropriately.

Another Europe is Possible: Critical Perspectives on European Union Politics
Many circumstances can conspire to extinguish scientific discoveries, especially those that cause discomfort about our culture’s sacred norms. As a species we cling to the familiar, comforting conformities of the mainstream. However, ‘convention’ penetrates more deeply than we tend to admit. Even if we lack a proper name for and knowledge of the history of a specific philosophy or thought style, all of us are embedded in our own safe ‘reality’. Our outlooks shape what we see and how we know (Margulis 1998: 3, in Manners 2003a: 67).

link to

Dimensions of a Critical Theory of European Integration

….A critical theory of European integration will, however, focus on contradictions in­herent to the new dynamics and the new polity of the European Union. The hegemo­ny of neoliberalism – at the international as weil as at the national and subnational level – produces contradictions, conflicts and resistance. Stephen Gill has stressed the tendency towards “disciplinary neoliberalism” articulated not only by the strength­ening of the repressive apparatuses of the state, but also by the military role of the USA and of NATO. On the other hand neoliberalism fails to solve the problems of a revitalization of capitalist growth and of solving the problems of unemployment, so­cial polarization, mass poverty etc. On the contrary, neoliberalism – dis-embedded transnational capitalism – produces and multiplies these contradictions. One of the most interesting questions to be discussed will therefore refer to the potential of resistance and alternative politics on the one side, the emergence of new forms of policy and governance within the EU (for instance the new employment policy of the Amsterdam treaty) which reflect the changing relation of forces within the EU and the need to react against social disintegration produced by transnational capitalism and neoliberal politics. This debate might include the question whether the whole period of neoliberal hegemony since the late 70s has come to an end, has entered a final phase of erosion or has been succeeded by a new formation under social democrat governments) characterized by a new coherence (and stability) of economic accu­mulation and social and political regulation.

link to

EU normative performance: a critical theory perspective on the EU’s response to the massacre in Andijon, Uzbekistan

This article introduces a new analytical framework – EU Normative Performance – to examine the European Union’s (EU) policy towards autocratic regimes in its wider Eastern neighbourhood. Drawing on critical theory and the writings of Jürgen Habermas, EU Normative Performance does not define measures of a (cost-) efficient conduct of foreign policy, but develops benchmarks of an ideal-type emancipatory policy constrained by normative principles (Normative Performance as output) and derived from undistorted argumentative reasoning (Normative Performance as a process). The case study assesses the EU’s response to the Andijon massacre in Uzbekistan in May 2005.

link to

Dave McEwan Hill

yesindyref2 at 10.36

It did to an extent which is all I said. It probably stopped Spanish tanks going in.

schrodingers cat

if we abandon eu membership for the indyref2 campaign in favour of efta, the yoons will attack us on that. here are some replies for them

1. the eu has already said that an indy scotland will need to re join as a new nation via A49. this is a fact.

2.scotland didnt vote to leave, and eu membership is not in our power to promise to the voters upon them voting yes

3. andra neil says we would need to join a cue 🙂

4. andrew marr says the eu wouldnt want us back

5. the spanish would veto an indy scot eu membership application, we know this cos jacky burd telt us……


if we want to win indyref2, we need to be as ruthless as the yoons, we should turn their lies back on them

schrodingers cat

Those two statements are mutually contradictory, on the face of it. Of course the EU can’t come out publicly in our support between now and through an indyref2, if that’s what you mean. But after a win is something else entirely.

no they are not. the 1st refers to the reality an indy scotland would face, once independent wrt the eu. we have 90% of the eus oil, we are a rich country, as is catalunia, if spain were to say, aye ok catalunia, you can go, the eu would bend over backwards to allow catalunia into the eu. it is politics which tie their hands, not economics

the 2nd is a reference to what they will say DURING the referendum.
the yoons found a greasy barrossa said we wouldnt be allowed back in, but all of the other main eu politicians said nothing. even if they did, it was never reported on the bbc. what they did say was, what is your plan b?


1. how we campaign to win…..
2. the reality on the day after we vote yes

it was our inability to separate these two different points was why we lost and why andrew niel won

Robert J. Sutherland

schrodingers cat @ 23:38,

Things are rather up in the air at the moment, but my guess is that the UK and EU27 will eventually have to agree on some kind of custom single market deal. There’s too much pressure from business interests on both sides for it to be otherwise, and stuff the hardline Leavers. The current talk about a “no-deal Brexit” is just so much UK negotiation bluff, I reckon. A transparent attempt to “up the ante”.

Avoidance of a “crashout” Brexit is also clearly essential to keep Scotland in the UK.

In which case, some kind of “alternative single market” offer for an iScotland won’t make any impression whatever on your average Joe. Meh. So much for a winning strategy.

An indy offer will have to be way stronger than that, and by rights should be in line with the definitive majority already expressed here for continued EU membership.


List of Yes campaign leaders.
Whoever it is it has to be someone with fire in their belly, a quick wit and an outstanding capacity for refuting the lies of the media and their prepared ambushes on TV.
I saw Jeanne Freeman skewer Andrew Neill and she would be great, as would Joanna Cherry who is a trained advocate.
However, it is too much for one person to lead and two or three co-leaders would be best.
Those two plus Tommy Shepherd or Angus Robertson would do me.


Oh well my post about Catalonia seems to have disappeared. Short and no links!

Meanwhile I’ve been scunnered by the latest on ITV news. I heard the term gravitational waves being raised and thought great Scotland will get a mention because the astro-physicists at Glasgow University have been key to this amazing discovery. They led the conception, development, construction and installation of the sensitive mirror suspensions at the heart of the LIGO (measuring devices) detectors.

But no, NO mention of the Scots at all. The presenter was English, a person at Leicester University had their say as did someone from a University in Ireland. Neither of which contributed anything at all to this.

The MSM are absolutely determined to keep the Scots in the dark: perpetuate the ‘too wee, poor and stupid’ myth with the bias becoming increasingly blatant. On a positive note they no doubt scunnered everyone involved with this fantastic work at Glasgow University and anyone with any knowledge of this in the UK must be asking themselves what’s going on. What are they bl**dy-well playing at?


Someone mentioned lack of ‘economist’ involvement on here earlier.

This has been covered in the National today in the George Kerevan article.

“Nicola Sturgeon commissioned Andrew Wilson, and a bunch of MPs, MSPs, academic economists and assorted business folk to produce a Scottish Growth Report (including currency for an Independent Scotland).”

“The Commission has now completed the bulk of it’s deliberations and delivered to the First Minister a fat, 400 page report – plus, I’m told three chunky appendices.”

Nicola Sturgeon also set up a Standing Committee to look at all aspects of an Independent Scotland quite some time ago. The members were all extremely prestigious, included economists and individuals like Dame Mariot Leslie, UK Ambassador to NATO until 2014. Leslie a Scot who supports Independence.

Nicola in other words works her butt off on our behalf between one thing and another. A great deal unbeknownst to us. Robert P’s very apt, imo, “ducks serenely sitting on seemingly placid water as their feet paddle away frantically beneath”, always comes to mind when I think of Nicola and her team.

Robert J. Sutherland

schrodingers cat @ 23:50, 00:05,

As for your latter point, we don’t disagree about that. I thought my own posting was clear enough on that score, so I already “geddit”.

As to your former point, I don’t accept your oft-repeated assertion as “fact” that Art.49 must be invoked. There have been some vague mutterings about that, but it’s by no means a given in our particular and currently very unclear circumstances. As I mentioned already, it’s a route which directly contradicts your own belief (which I share) that the process of becoming a member in our own right would be very rapid indeed.

meg merrilees


I’m going to Spain tomorrow – so long as Ophelia doesn’t disrupt Edinburgh airport!!!

Not near Catalunya but nevertheless, I’ll be there on thursday when the sh*t hits the fan.

Must remember to say nada about Rahoy!


@ SC at 11:09pm … “Paula, Petra you are missing the point.”

I don’t think I (we?) missed the point at all SC. My response related simply to the contents of Paula’s post.

And I doubt they’ll be digging out a “Barroso” next time round SC. He seemingly was doing David Cameron, Westminster, a favour. The days of anyone connected to the EU doing Westminster a ‘favour’ are over and out, IMO.


I agree with the list, but wouldn’t want to limit the choices from it. The indyref2 campaign will be a team game, so use each member of the squad in their best position. Some will be suited for strategy and policy, some for town hall meetings, some for political TV shows, some for chatshows/topical comedy shows and others for calling out lies by the establishment. Don’t limit the ambition, it’s a squad game getting to the final, and getting that ball over the line

meg merrilees

Is it just me or would you expect to hear something on the national news about the fact that the UK is £490 bn poorer than we thought – in fact there is a £22bn deficit.

Maybe they’ll print a whole lot more quantatively so they’re not really worried.
Maybe they’ll just cut even more benefits to save money.

Where has it gone and how are they going to mitigate the effects of Brexit now?
More job losses announced tonight at Ellesmere Port Vauxhall works following on from the couple of thousand going at Bombadier and other manufacturing jobs.
Maybe all these people will be retrained as food growers – that must be the plan.

Maybe they’ll mention it on the news tomorrow – oh look a squirrel, two of them…

I think of the Kurds and the Catalonians who want a better future and are being knocked back by their governments.
In Britain it’s the government that is doing the destruction; destroying everyone’s future.

What a bloody mess.

Robert J. Sutherland

Petra @ 00:18,

I would not wish to impute to you the same “finger trouble” that I occasionally have, but my experience with “no-shows” has invariably been some utterly trivial typo in either name or e-mail address.

For security reasons, I may at some point in the distant past have disabled the typical browser facility to remember past form field entries, but even if you do have that possibility, repeating a saved erroneous entry obviously wouldn’t help.

Just sayin’, in case it helps. With you it could be something else entirely, in which case I am out of answers, alas.

Chick McGregor

Can never resist a list.

Alex Totten
Ken Stott
James Cosmo
Peter Mullan

‘Younger’ uns
Sam Heughan
Gerard Butler (USA, get well soon)
Martin Compston
Henry Ian Cusick (USA)

Recent converts (allegedly)
Ewan McGregor
David Tenant

Liz Lochhead
James Kelman
Christopher Brookmyre

Miscellaneous others
Eddie Reader
Gregg Hemphill
Robert Florence
Biffy Clyro
Franz Ferdinand

Folkies, too many to list.


@meg merrilees
I would think you’d be safe enough, after the Catalonians that coted in the Referendum, both Si and non, you’d be 2,370,001st in the queue for the jail!


Good list Chic, excellent.

Mmm, tempted to go for David Tenant, or Gregg Hemphill. David Tenant could tell us all how it turns out in a Christmas special so we can make loadsamoney for the celebrations and bankrupt the whole of oddschecker. Gambling is naughty, and passive gambling in the home in front of the kids even naughtier! Or we could lend it to the SCB – Scottish Central Bank, denominated in the Scots Pound. That should do the job.


Shrodingers cat @ 11.50 pm

Thanks for that very useful bunch of replies to counter unionist nonsense 🙂

Robert J. Sutherland

yesindyref2 @ 01:07,

Hmmm, that notion suggests an interesting “I am Spartacus!” response by a large number of Catalans to the oppressive Madrid regime and its ever-faithful courts…!

schrodingers cat

Joanna Cherry
good choice

Chick McGrego, i hate you 🙂

Robert J. Sutherland says:

As to your former point, I don’t accept your oft-repeated assertion as “fact” that Art.49 must be invoked.
juncker has said this and 2 eu officials also.

i will get you links to these, but not 2night,
but the eu position on this issue is consistent and makes sense.

you can have your own opinions but not your own facts
we must deal withg the situation in front of us, not the situation we imagine or want to exist

schrodingers cat

link to

link to

we cannot wish this away, the eu is being politically expedient

btw, these comments have nothing to do with how willing the eu will be once we vote yes, but until we do, that will be the line they take robert, ergo, in indyref2 campaign, this will be what we will need to deal with


It does, doesn’t it? Everyone putting in reports about everyone else having committed an act of “sedition”, and then everybody going to police stations to turn themselves in, preferably all over Spain.

Robert J. Sutherland

schrodingers cat @ 01:25,

I am not aware that Juncker or the others you mention are the final arbiters on this matter, whatever you may believe. We had that before with Barroso, and he wasn’t in possession of the facts then, merely his flawed ex-cathedra opinion.

Your comment about opinions and facts works both ways – to claim as fact something – anything – in the current uncertain and evolving situation is to presume a foresight that no-one can possibly possess at this point in time.

You can’t have it both ways – Art.49 and fast entry. The two just don’t fit together.

Robert J. Sutherland

schrodingers cat @ 01:37,

When I start believing anything the Graun or the Indy fart out about Scottish independence, I’ll quit and take up knitting.

“The Barroso doctrine”?



“The Barroso doctrine”

appears to be an anagram of

“Hi Reb Scot – nae doot!”


@schrodingers cat

And leave us not forget the voice of our youth and generation YES.

Saffron Dickson?

ian murray

I like Joanna Cherry but maybe not for that job

He is just too shy for public speaking but Andy Murray would be a real poke in the eye for the establishment

Amy MacDonald has a good head on her shoulders and does the best Flower of Scotland

If the people of Scotland are sovereign then why not have a rolling list of our people to represent us, different events different people cover more events that way too.


Damn, an r left overr. Make it “Rreb”.


Petra @ 12.18 am

Re the astro-physicists from Glasgow University, who’s contribution was essential and in fact pivotal to the discovery of ‘gravitational waves’, being ignored on that ITV programme:

YOU noticed.

And you are right, academics and scientists and many other folk will have noticed too.

That kind of deliberate slight reflects very very badly on the mean spirited culprit who comes out of it in a very poor light. Counter productive in the end for their agenda.

But long may those true feelings show because that will turn more and more folk to wanting Scotland’s Independence.


Chick McGregor – Kevin McKidd (USA)


Stuart McHardy
Andy Wightman

Ian Murray @ 2.05am
If the people of Scotland are sovereign then why not have a rolling list of our people to represent us, different events different people cover more events that way too

Agree, we need them all.



C4 teatime news also went big with gravitational waves breakthrough and they too made no mention of Glasgow either, just like stinky old Graun here, who do give some background, “and others,” just completely void of the S__ts involved. Lovely lot, English media.

link to

“Earlier this month, three US scientists who played a crucial role in the development of Ligo were awarded the Nobel prize in physics for the first detection of gravitational waves. Shoemaker pointed out that two of the new laureates – and others – had been working on the project long before it captured the world’s attention”

Wee mention here of the S__ts involved.

link to

Why would the UK media black out S_____t science?

Understatement and modest.

“This kind of event is one that scientists working in this field have been hoping for – but it took nature to be pretty kind to give us one at just the right time with the LIGO and Virgo observatories operating together for the first time,” says Professor Sheila Rowan, director of the University of Glasgow’s Institute for Gravitational Research.



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SNP expert group ‘to recommend creation of Scottish pound’
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Call to scrap review of Scots Westminster constituencies
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Will not archive
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NATO ships hold missile defence drill near Scotland, Pentagon says
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Government Accused Of Hiding Universal Credit Statistics From MPs
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Call to scrap review of Scots Westminster constituencies

There’s two from beeb gimps on that

link to

The government would also like to cut the number of MPs from 650 to 600 – saving the taxpayer money in paying for them, but leaving each MP with more constituents to represent and thus more work to do.”

Same gov that’s creating more Lords at the trough than ever before, near on 900. Funny that.


So…has the new Queensferry crossing stayed open during this wee storm ?

Anyone know ?

Presuming yes, since not seen headline screaming “SNP bridge useless” qcross all media.

Robert Peffers

@Petra says: 17 October, 2017 at 12:40 am:

“And I doubt they’ll be digging out a “Barroso” next time round SC. He seemingly was doing David Cameron, Westminster, a favour. The days of anyone connected to the EU doing Westminster a ‘favour’ are over and out, IMO.”

The salient point, Petra, is that Barroso was the EC President and not the EU. President.

The difference being that Barroso had absolutely no EU decision making powers as an European COMMISSIONER as an EC commissioner is an EU employee as their Civil Servant he could thus not speak on the EU’s behalf if he was repeating an official EU decision.

In point of fact Barroso always preceded his statements by saying they were his personal opinions or alternatively that he was not specifically referring to Scotland. The UK propaganda machine, of course, never mentioned that wee, “Unimportant”. matter. However, by mentioning he was not specifically referring to Scotland drew attention to Scotland in the minds of careless readers and, of course, the UK MSM and Broadcasters.

Secondly the media always slanted the facts towards making the readers think Barroso was Spanish but the truth was he is Portuguese and had no right to speak for Spain either.

I kid you not – I’ve argued those points with established Yoon political figures and been countered by the absolutely idiotic response on pointing out he was Portuguese and not Spanish with, “It’s the same thing, init”? Which is about as sensible as football fans saying it is the same thing to support Rangers or Celtic.

Barroso had no authority to opine on behalf of either the EU or Spain unless he was reading out official EU or Spanish statements as an EU Civil Servant.

schrodingers cat

i’m well aware of barrossa’s eu position and lack of authority on the issue,
but it allowed the unionist media to run with the story, an indyscotland will be out of the eu, spain will veto it and you cant use the pound……..whats your plan b……..

all of this was, and still is, complete rubbish. but it won.

the manifesto for indyref2 should contain no proposal that requires agreement from either westminster or the eu to accomplish

thats why i support the option of a pound scots, no because it is neccesarily the best currency option, but because this option doesnt need an agreement from westminster.

same regarding efta

schrodingers cat

re the list

i noticed the front page of the national yesterday, big photo of elaine c smith and a report on SIC

jus’ saying


@ Ghillie and Heedtracker … ”Gravitational Wave.”

It’s in the news again but no mention of the Scots / Scottish Universities, in particular Glasgow, involved in the breakthrough. It must be sticking in their craw.

Well if they wont do it, we’ll do it on here. This is the place to come to if you want to find out what’s truly going on. Remind yourself that Scotland is not too wee and too poor, but more than anything that the Scots are not stupid. FAR from it.

Well done to Ron Drever (now deceased) and the team based at Glasgow University.


‘University of Glasgow researchers have been working for decades to support the worldwide effort to detect gravitational waves, and co-led a group which detected the gravitational wave signal.

Scientists from the University’s Institute for Gravitational Research (IGR) led on the development, construction and installation of sensitive mirror suspensions at the heart of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors in Livingston, (Louisiana) and Hanford (Washington), which were crucial to the first detection.’

link to


Scot Ron Drever (nephew of Richan Drever, a highly-skilled precision engineer who worked on the Lancaster Bombers and helped devise the bouncing bomb) died in Edinburgh on 7 March 2017 missing out in being awarded a Nobel Prize for Physics. Rainer Weiss, Barry Barish and Kip Thorne were given a Nobel Prize for Physics on 3 October 2017.

link to

link to


Professor James Hough

‘Associate director, Institute for Gravitational Research, University of Glasgow.’

‘The team built up by Hough carries out research related to Advanced LIGO, GEO600, LISA Pathfinder and other gravitational wave detectors. The detection of gravitational waves – which promises to usher in a new era of astronomy – would not have been possible without the mirror-suspension systems designed by the group.’

link to


Institute for Gravitational Research – Staff and Students

link to


‘Scotland’s influence on the discovery of gravitational waves, on Live at Five.’

link to

schrodingers cat

You can’t have it both ways – Art.49 and fast entry. The two just don’t fit together.

i’m not sure that is correct, the speed at which an Iscotland would get back in to the eu is an unknown, but there is a lot of good will in the eu for scotland.

it is however irrelevant, what is important is we wont know for certain how fast until after we vote yes.

Margaritis Schinas, chief spokesperson for the European Commission, insisted the so-called ‘Barroso doctrine’ would take effect if Scotland left the UK.

he is chief spokesman,

link to


@ Robert Peffers says at 8:00 am …. ”The salient point, Petra, is that Barroso (Portuguese) was the EC President and not the EU President.

Yeah WE all knew that Robert, but the MSM managed to dupe the Scots into believing that he was the ‘voice’ of the EU, which no doubt influenced the Referendum result. It won’t be happening again for a number of reasons.

In fact when you think about it Better Together2 don’t have too much left to use to scaremonger, such as out of the EU, NATO, can’t use our currency (who would want it now?), etc, etc. Next time round the focus will probably be on immigration and security with constant footage of Nicola stating that we need more people to move to Scotland, thousands of black faces being shown (Farage like) and (non-existent) terrorist cells being found all over Scotland: And maybe even worse still which I won’t outline on here.

They’re as fly as a barrel of monkeys. We’ll just have to learn to be as fly as they are. A step ahead of them.


Can we have new thread please. The mug shot at the start of this keeps freaking me out! Scary.
Dont want to get personal but for this one to pass judgement on the appearance of the FM is pretty much pots & kettles ?
Haven’t we suffered enough Rev ?


“The Formidable Shield exercise began on Sept. 24 and is scheduled to conclude on Wednesday”

I wonder how they are getting on with storm Ophelia? Or did they go home early?

Free Scotland

What makes Kathleen Leslie think she’s cute enough to get mouthy about other women’s looks, I will never know. She looks like someone who failed rehab.


link to

MPs seem to be under misapprehension that UK legislation can stop Article 50 in its tracks. It can’t.
link to

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Peter McCulloch

The changes proposed to Westminster boundaries are obviously designed to make it more difficult for Labour
to win general elections in the future.

And if the numbers of MPs is cut form 59 to cut to 53 it would also reduce Scotland’s voice at Westminster as well.
But that’s democracy Westminster style.

I find it amusingly ironic that Jeremy Corbyn’s seat would one of those which would be abolished.


These pictures of Kathleen reminded me the Walking Dead is starting again soon

I’m not saying that to be nasty because I don’t like slagging peoples appearance or looks especially a female but it really actually did


I suggested in a previous thread a great orator was needed to take us forward and lots of well known names have been suggested.

Personally I think many people do not understand what a good orator can achieve but here is one dictionary definition:

“One distinguished for skill and power as a public speaker. Is a masterly orator, able to reduce a throng of thousands to a hushed silence”.

I do not see any in the many suggestions put forward that fit the dictionary description and it is very possible we will not ever find one.

The minimum requirement for a good speaker is to have a mastery of detail, fluidity of speech without hesitation, polite, a good listener without interrupting others, ability to riposte in a natural way and a general demeanor that is pleasant to everyone regardless of their own views.

schrodingers cat

I think it would be easier to list famous actors, comics, musicians, singers etc, who dont support yes. an interesting and quite a long list when you see it written down

political commentators

Hardeep Singh Kohli (also comedian)
Sir Harry Burns (dr. and health commentator)
Peter Bell
GA Ponsonby (londoncalling)
Math Campbell (engscot4Yes)
Elaine C Smith
Lesley Riddoch,
Gordon Mackintyre Kemp
Alan Bissit
Richard Murphy
Stu Campbell
Craig Murray
Robin Macalpine

Jeane Freeman
Alex Salmond
Angus Robertson
John Nicolson
Tommy Shephard
Saffron Dickson (youth branch)
Joanna Cherry
Roger Mullins
Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh
Duncan Hamilton

Patrick Harvey
Andy Wightman

Frankie Boyle(comic)
Limmy (weird comic)
Kevin Bridges(comic)
Stuart McHardy (historian)
Amy MacDonald (singer)
Alex Totten (st johnstone’s greatest manager 🙂 )
Ken Stott (actor)
James Cosmo (actor)
Peter Mullan (actor)
Kevin McKidd (USA)
David Hayman (actor)
Sam Heughan (porridge western actor)
Gerard Butler (actor USA leonidas, rex Lacedaemoniorum)
Martin Compston (actor)
Henry Ian Cusick (actor USA)
Ewan McGregor (obi wan kenobi)
David Tenant (dr who)
Alan Cummings (actor, USA)
Brian Cox (actor)
Liz Lochhead (poet)
James Kelman (author)
Christopher Brookmyre (author)
Eddie Reader (singer)
Gregg Hemphill (still game)
Robert Florence (Burnistoun)
Biffy Clyro (rock band)
Franz Ferdinand (rock band)

James Caithness

Kev are you saying the list above does “NOT” support YES ???

I was off the opinion they all supported YES.


@ Robert J. Sutherland says at 12:54 am …. ”Petra I would not wish to impute to you the same “finger trouble” that I occasionally have, but my experience with “no-shows” has invariably been some utterly trivial typo in either name or e-mail address. For security reasons, I may at some point in the distant past have disabled the typical browser facility to remember past form field entries, but even if you do have that possibility, repeating a saved erroneous entry obviously wouldn’t help. Just sayin’, in case it helps. With you it could be something else entirely, in which case I am out of answers, alas.”

Thanks for that response Robert. I reckon my problem has something to do with posts that contain too many links and / or using words that are banned, such as r*ape and maybe in relation to the last missing post the word h*ll. I don’t know but it’s pretty frustrating and of course I realise that I shouldn’t keep trying to send them now, which is even more frustrating for me!

This morning my first post contained a number of links (aw naw!), so has disappeared as expected. Just for a while I hope. It was a reply to Ghillie and Heedtracker relating to gravitational waves which wouldn’t have made sense (too disjointed), if I had broken it up.

You say, ”at some point in the distant past have disabled the typical browser facility to remember past form field entries.”

I say ”whit?” I’m afraid I’m not too IT savvy, Robert. I’m what is commonly known as an ‘IT dummy, LOL.’ Or so my husband says!!

Proud Cybernat

BREAKING from Pravda Quay:

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Just saw tweet there suggesting that we all start calling Tories ‘separatists’ re Brexit.

They wouldn’t like that…



The Rev review the rejected posts. They are not deleted. He reviews tham and if they meet with requirements aka browser standards. Re instated them. So the posts come later. He is so busy doing this stuff, it is likely some could disappear into the ether before he gets a chance. Or misses some thing. He takes on a volume of work to keep the site going and secure. It is a lot of input day and night. For people to post. It is a privilege.

So much imfornatiin is shared. It is just amazing for one website. Don’t know how he does it plus all the research and writing. A real smart guy. Using his amazing talents and abilities to much thought and achievement. It really is an achievement extraordinary. The Rev Stu has done more for the Independence cause and to right wrongs than any other. That is why he is held in such great esteem like no other. Keeping Scotland sane. When Scotland achieves it’s Independence. Some time soon. Rev Stu will go down in history. His historical achievements will be honoured forever like no other.

He will become an lauded historical figure. Up there with every amazing political or civil figures. He has already made his mark for his great amazing effort. Forever thanks a Billion for keeping Scotland sane. It could be done by no others. Not worthy to be in your shining presence. Thanks forever from so many people. The old the sick and the vulnerable. Everyone been helped and protected by the cause. An honourable, honest, altruistic person with a good honest heart. Helping the nation beat on. Thanks for all your part.

It is such an opportunity to share views usually without unionist attack. Like most compromised wed site. The biased papers. Maybe Rev Stu could be doing with an assistant. Know he gets some help. ie direct information. E-mails etc but he is always on his toes. Ready to go with each news flash he receives from all kinds of sources. People know he will use it well and they can trust him. Unlike most journalists. On M15 approved list. A complete waste of time.

Keep it short and simple is the best advice. I often tend to ramble on. Unintentionally. Just get carried away. Probably should be – ‘carried away’ Still try to use simple lauguage. Simple sentences and paragraphs. Spelling can go awry (predict) but maybe that does matter too much it still posts. Gives the drift.


Seriously crass comment. “sassenach” ought to be ashamed.

sassenach says:
15 October, 2017 at 12:23 pm

Sorry, but with photos of herself to view, can she really, seriously, call someone else a ‘hag’? Pot/kettle.


Inflation 3%, a five year high, blame falls on the falling pound and rising cost of imports.

Interest rates will follow.

£490 wiped off the value of UK assets. That incidentally goes from a positive £450 billion to a minus £20 billion.

The way we’re headed, the UK won’t be doing International Trade Deals, but hawking it’s assets at car boot sales. The UK could become the 21st Century Weimar Republic. At least the Germans had the costs and reparations from the First World War to blame for their situation, whereas the UK only has the greed, profligacy and incompetence of UK banking and government to blame.

Hold tight. It’s going to be a long and bumpy ride…

We need Europe, and that means giving Europe a sovereign interface to hold formal discussions with Scotland outside a UK context, even if such negotiations are probationary while the issue of Scottish sovereignty is untangled and resolved.

EFTA is a trading deal, where the biggest member is Norway. It is what it is, but it is not Europe. Europe is the powerhouse with the German, French, and 25 other economies all joined in common resolve. Scotland will the require the stability of Europe to protect our economy from collapse, but only if we take the initiative and throw out our lifeline of sovereignty.

If we continue to do nothing, Scotland will remain as a peripheral issue outside the UK’s Brexit Negotiations, and Scotland’s Brexit deal will be a cold turkey adjustment over which we have no control.

Our government, and I mean Holyrood, must provide some empowerment and elevation in status for Scotland’s sovereignty so that plans and contingencies can be made though sovereign international discussions and negotiations of our own.

We need Europe in our corner. Their inability to assist Scotland stems from the protocols of international law and sovereignty which recognises UK sovereignty, and Westminster as the seat of sovereign UK government.

We must make Scottish sovereignty a player in the game before it is too late.


Any of you girls (or guys) on here fancy Kit Harington (Jon Snow – Game of Thrones)?

I see that he’s to play Robert Catesby, the brain behind the Gunpowder Plot, in the forthcoming BBC drama Gunpowder. He’s acually a direct descendant of Catesby, Sir Richard Harington, Henry Dundas and Sir William Molesworth.

Anyway if you do have a wee fancy for him you can forget it, because he’s now engaged to Rose Leslie (Wildling Ygritte in GoT’s).

(Warning: Some scenes of a sexual nature).

link to

I thought I’d check her out because she’s Scottish and found that her father, Sebastian Arbuthnot-Leslie, is the Aberdeenshire Chieftain of Clan Leslie. And that, ‘Rose Leslie declared her support in favour of Scotland remaining a devolved part of the United Kingdom during the 2014 Scottish independence referendum campaign. At the 2015 UK general election, Leslie campaigned with the Conservatives in her local constituency of Gordon, Aberdeenshire. Her father, Sebastian Leslie, was elected to serve as a Conservative Councillor on Aberdeenshire Council as part of the 2017 Council elections, representing the West Garioch ward on the Council.’

I see that Clan Leslie sided with Robert the Bruce and as a result were awarded estates in Aberdeenshire; they fought at the Battle of Bannockburn; Sir Andrew de Lesly was one of the signatories of Declaration of Arbroath; they fought on the side of the Jacobites and so on and then turned coat, but still own the estates in Aberdeenshire!

They acquired all that they have through fighting for Independence, but have changed their mind now. The old, old story, eh?

link to


For goodness sake. Not more distractive lists.

When Indy Ref goes again. It will be utterly in Independence favour. 50%+ A timed hit, everything primed and ready. A shorter? Campaign people will not get tired or so bored with it. Enthusiasm will build up quickly. More and more people know the score re Brexit. The damage it can do, especially to the Scottish economy by the Westminster crooks mismanagement.

This time it will be won.

Why have a Green leading the IndyRef. They are the most unpopular Party with the most unpopular policies what their is of them. The have been a small, insignificant, pressure group for years. They renege on green policies. Try to get publicity holding on the the SNP coat tails. Most of their policies are nonsense. Totally random based on irrelevant economies. Not sure one size fits all. The talk the talk but do not walk the walk. Their presence in the administration at the last Ref did no favours. They could not organise a brewery. Getting vast salaries for mucking about full of their own (lack) importance. Funded by SNP members. Taking the proverbial. .

Just look at the six white middle class men sitting in Holyrood to see how they betray their own principles. They could betray Independence as well. They turn off more people than they turn on. Misfits and parasites. They waste public money like there is no tomorrow on wasteful worthless projects of no value. Then demand more money fir everything under the sun. Like a special bucket. A hole to drop things in. A spoon to stir it.

The SNP are greener than the greens. Every measure they introduce or support. The Greens claim it as their own when it is not. They collude with the unionists at every possible occasion. Then use their biased figures to slag off the SNP. They already lie to cost the SNP outright majorities majorities. Peddling pish to take votes from SNP/Indy supporters, They let Ruth Davidson in to Holyrood. So she can further wreck the Scottish economy with their mismanagement and destructive total lying.


I think some people are so ashamed when they look in the mirror, they have to slag everyone else off.


@ Phronesis, longevity figures for Glasgow are bogus they don’t include the middle-class suburbs which ring the city, have grown up since the war & whose people earn their living & boogie in Glasgow. Maryhill folk are apparently second, after Shettleston, in the Scottish queue for the crematorium but live right next door to Bearsden & Milngavie whose peeps are Scotland’s longest lived & are the big winners in the pension stakes. If we’re to have statistics for cities, Glasgow is a doughnut & an aerial pic’ is a lot more accurate than a dotted line on some map.


On the wires..

‘London Eye owner ‘Merlin'(plc/Inc) shares tumble as terror level threatens growth’

So, Londoners, how’d the British Empire turn out for you in the end?

Chick McGregor

@schrodingers cat
“Chick McGrego, i hate you ?”

Ha ha!

During indyref1 I made up a YT video of celebs supporting indy. It was in the form of a quiz, where viewers had to see how many of the celebs they could name.

The idea was that everyone likes a quiz, even indy fence sitters and no siders so I thought it had a reasonable chance of reaching those.

One celeb’s opinion isn’t going to achieve much but if some switherer or no-lite person was hit with several from those they admired then it might have made a difference. Especially in that intellectually light swath who are into celeb culture.

Unfortunately, somebody must have complained to YT, it went red and I had to pull it.

Here are a couple of sample screens:

comment image?dl=0

comment image?dl=0


Innocent wee Rose is an outright Tory. Just like a Dad before her. One of he local landlords who tried to mismanage the economy. They use the greens as accomplices for a donation. Use green issues to muck up the economy. Not build essential roads in case it crosses their land because people will go on them.

The unionist/green argument against build essential roads was people would use them Really. They might shorten their journey and save accidents. The green way to go. Not for the Greens. Wee Rose and her Dad cost the local economy £Billions. What do they care? . They will have got their back handed of public money in every way possible,

The Robert Bruce estates were donated to the City years ago. The ‘good will’ fund. The council raid it every time they are short. Usually basically embezzle it and do what they like. After they have borrowed and spent like there is no tomorrow, wasted Billions on non mandated grotesque projects of no value. While they lobb and cut the allocated budget for Education and essential vital services. They have no shame. £Multimillionaires claiming poverty. While causing it.

Rose probably when to Drama school. To learn to do drama and pretend empathy. It come in handy for Tories on the campaign trail. Play acting and breaking electoral rules. Faux shock horror. Quelle surpris. Don’t know if it is masculine or feminine. Non gendered? Mon dieu.

Keep the Game of Thrine in the packet. Packet of stresspill’s. Cough, cough. It is the Tory way. Cheating. Playing a part. Racism and bigotry.

Outlander does it every time. Missed the last episode could not get the channel or was too late, missed the repeat. Will have to just find it somewhere on the net? The search is on..


Ah well. Wee Rose – doubled barrelled – Leslie likes to show her bum as well. A bum Tory. A privileged wee fancy,

Chick McGregor

@schrodingers cat

Erm that should be Alex Norton not Alex Totten.

FFS failed my own quiz, oh well that’s a first onywie.
Saints obsessed moi?

Also now I see it in print i think it is Tennant with two Ts in the middle.

It was a late night brain dump unreferenced, no booze but we’re on the ‘sober for October’ thing.

Check a’hin.


Very interesting to juxtapose LANDS GIVEN for support of Independence, with DIRECT DESCENDANTS now supporting the Union.



BBC NEWS: The OECD is saying that the Brexit vote should be overturned, because the economic situation is looking pretty (really) dire. Advising holding a 2nd Referendum.

Chick McGregor

@Petra & Ghillie

“Re the astro-physicists from Glasgow University, who’s contribution was essential and in fact pivotal to the discovery of ‘gravitational waves’, being ignored on that ITV programme:”

It was the same on Sky news. Gave the cred to Birmingham.

Has happened a lot with key contributions, more recently often in bio science/medicine.

It is really a very interesting collective malady going back centuries.

I’ve posted before that I believe one of the English establishment’s biggest and least rational fears is that Scotland be given the credit it deserves and that with indy some of the key historic contributions of English scientists would be in danger of reappraisal.

e.g.s Gregory/Newton (Calculus, mathematical series, reflecting telescope, diffraction grating, planetary motion, transit of Venus Earth to Sun distance measurement)

Matthew/Darwin (Natural selection)

Chick McGregor


That’s Tennant with two ‘Ns’ in the middle.

schrodingers cat

actually chick, thats a good idea, it would be great to get them to post a small dialog/video each so it could be spliced into a you tube video advert.


@ chick McGregor says at 11:22 am ”’ YT videos.”

Too bad Sean Connery is out of the running Chick. I reckon he would have made for a great leader.


@ louis.b.argyll says at 11:45 am …. ”Petra … Very interesting to juxtapose LANDS GIVEN for support of Independence, with DIRECT DESCENDANTS now supporting the Union. The sovereign SCOTTISH (people) should feel CHEATED, by this HISTORICALLY INADEQUATE PRIVILEGED CLASS.


It irritates me beyond belief Louis, that families that were given estates by King this or Lord that, centuries ago, still own them. In the case of the Leslie’s I reckon that their estates have diminished over time with the family selling Lickleyhead Castle not so long ago and now living in their second (maybe more?) home Warthill Castle. Just my opinion of course but I reckon these estates belong to the Scots. Leave them their homes (big castles) with a few surrounding acres. Most people would be delighted with that. Then there’s the Royal Family!!!!! Say no more.


Now we’ve got the Tories wanting to cut numbers in the Commons to 600, whilst filling the House of Lords to bursting point … with over 800 unelected parasites …and they wonder why we want out.


@ Chick McGregor says at 12:00 pm … “Re the astro-physicists from Glasgow University, who’s contribution was essential and in fact pivotal to the discovery of ‘gravitational waves’, being ignored on that ITV programme:”

‘It was the same on Sky news. Gave the cred to Birmingham. Has happened a lot with key contributions, more recently often in bio science/medicine. It is really a very interesting collective malady going back centuries. I’ve posted before that I believe one of the English establishment’s biggest and least rational fears is that Scotland be given the credit it deserves and that with indy some of the key historic contributions of English scientists would be in danger of reappraisal, e.g.s Gregory/Newton (Calculus, mathematical series, reflecting telescope, diffraction grating, planetary motion, transit of Venus Earth to Sun distance measurement). Matthew/Darwin (Natural selection).”

I totally agree with you Chick. First of all I reckon that they want the Scots to continue to think that they are totally useless, inferior beings. Don’t contribute to anything at all and as you say if we’d to start delving in would probably find that the English have managed to ‘nick’ some of our ideas / inventions / discoveries and so on. When we get our Independence that’s exactly what we’ll be doing … delving in … and then broadcasting the findings far and wide on our own Service.

I put a post together this morning, because I was extremely annoyed that the astro-physicists were being overlooked, highlighting exactly who’s been involved in Scotland, what they’ve contributed to this and that Scots such as Ron Drever actually co-founded the LIGO project in the US; and was a co-inventor of the Pound–Drever–Hall technique for laser stabilisation.

Drever, born in Bishopton, worked on this for around 4 decades (in Scotland and the US) but sadly died in March and missed out on being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics along with his colleagues Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne, and Barry Barish.

It’s actually a damning indictment of MSM bias, that they have decided not to mention the Scots / Scotland at all.



Chick McGregor


My mate Derek went to Glasgow to do Astro Physics in the 70s, I went to Heriot-Watt to do Physics.

On our first meet up, he excitedly told me about the graviton detector in the basement of the Boyd-Orr building (memory serving etc.).

No realistic chance of that one detecting a graviton but – baby steps.


Pass yurr spanner, wuv ah Leslie nut joab here.


Doppelgängers : Sid the evil wee bastard next-door neighbour in Toy Story and Kathleen Leslie the nasty bastard Tory councillor and struck off teacher. Maybe she was teaching people like him ? Just saying !

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