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Wings Over Scotland

Advertisement Feature

Posted on July 07, 2023 by

Just for a change, let’s have a Friday-night competition!

Sharp-eyed readers will have noticed that former First Minister Alex Salmond is staging a show in the Spiegeltent at the Edinburgh Fringe next month, from 4-13 August.

You may even have seen a bit of online criticism from certain po-faced pseudonats about the fact that Salmond is sharing a platform with – gasp! – a Yoon, in the shape of the “last of the traditional Tories”, David Davis MP.

Almost like a debate or something.

For anyone joining us late, that’s the unfashionable concept whereby one side argues for something and the other side against it, like Salmond being pro-independence and Davis against; Salmond for an elected head of state, Davis for a monarch; Salmond will argue Brexit is a disaster and Davis will blame Boris Johnson.

In the chair keeping (ahem) “ORDER!” is former Speaker (well, he can still speak) John Bercow – short on height but big in let’s say character, and someone who did a more effective job of standing up to the Westminster government than any SNP MP we can think of since 2015.

However much it might upset the weak-willed Walter The Softies of our cancel-culture age (mainly because they’re so insecure that they can’t fight their corner or hold their own in argument), debate is the spice of life. So there’ll be no no-platforming here, and the combatants will live or die on their wits, which should be worth seeing.

Anyway, Wings has discovered exclusively, it says on this piece of paper we’ve just been handed, that there’ll be not one but TWO First Ministers appearing across the show’s run. But who’s the other?

Will it be traditional-dress enthusiast Lord Jack McConnell, currently out of sight and out of mind in the House of Sleepy Peers but rumoured to be eyeing a comeback in the event of an incoming Labour government?

Could it be (and it’s admittedly a long shot) Nicola Sturgeon – under something of a cloud at the moment but always anxious for a platform to declare herself innocent of everything she hasn’t been charged with, as yet?

Is it Henry McLeish, the mild-mannered janitor only First Minister ever to don the Scottish (and East Fife) jersey at representative level and – we’re pretty sure – the only Scottish Government minister ever to be featured in a Spot The Ball competition?

Or is it Humza Yousaf, who positively scoots towards every interview car-crash and may well therefore fancy his chances of besting Salmond or Davis in debate? (Having studied his new indy strategy we’re not entirely sure which side he’d be arguing.)

Cast your vote for your favoured choice from these four in the comments below over the weekend, and we’ll draw a lucky winner from the correct answers who’ll score two tickets to the glamorous opening night of the show, which (like the final night) will focus on the subject of Scottish independence.

The rest of you can book your seats through the usual channels, just to remember what it’s actually like when people try to make their case with logic and reason rather than screaming “BIGOT!” at each other and calling the police.

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  1. Cath says:

    I’ll plump for Henry McLeish.

  2. Suso Maclean says:

    I’m plumping for Jack McConnell. An Alba, a Tory and a Labour guy walk into s bar….

  3. Ian McCubbin says:

    It’s such a difficult choice as each one is a total car crash. Even Dave Davis could outwit any of them:-)

  4. Ian McCubbin says:

    Oh could nt decide anyone of them would be a car crash -:)

  5. Turnbulldrier says:

    Gotta be Henry McLeish…

    Cannae see any SNP bod doing it (I mean ‘evil incarnate’ is running the show) can you imagine the gnashing of teeth in the ‘inner circle’.

    As for McConnell, he’d just lord it over everyone, then refund the ticket money cos he’d be unable to think of somthing to spend it on.

  6. Cameron Lochiel says:

    Henry McLeish

  7. Henry McLeish.

  8. David Holden says:

    I would go with Henry as Nicola may be in the clink, Humza could be out of a job in a month and Jack is such a dick that it would hit ticket sales. I will not be collecting my prize so donate it to a worthy cause.

  9. Johnny says:

    Henry McLeish.

  10. I. Despair says:

    My guddle-not-a-fiddle-ometer suggests Oor ‘Enery.

  11. Neil Elphinstone says:

    Henry McLeish

  12. radge1 says:

    Must be Henry McLeish

  13. Peter C says:

    I don’t know who it will be but for sure it won’t be Yousaf. Yousaf facing up Alex Salmond? Wow, Yousaf sure as hell doesn’t have the guts or mettle for that!

  14. Mike Brand says:

    It has to be Henry McLeish in order to get any sense.

  15. radge1 says:

    It must be Henry McLeish 🙂

  16. Rab Dickson says:


  17. Morag says:

    Just to be different I’ll plump for Jack.

  18. Alan Rogers says:

    I’ll say McConnell, solely because I’d love to see him try and out debate Alex

  19. Giesabrek says:

    Yeah, I’d go with Henry McLeish too.

    As an aside he seemed to be teetering on the brink of supporting independence during the referendum but didn’t commit in the end, if I recall correctly?

  20. Graeme says:

    The only possibilities are McConnel & Mcleish. The last I saw of Jack he was working hard on his Lahndan accent. I am therefore plumping for Henry. Its only short hop from Fife and surely he can keep his finances straight for one day.

    Henry is less tribal as well so might be worth listening to.

  21. FionaN says:

    Henry McLeish. He seems the most popular choice and has been a fence sitter in the past. I cant see Useless having the guts to debate AS, (or is he really that stupid?) and McConnel prefers to lord it over us all, safe from having to defend his views and actions. Would Sturgeon have the sheer brass neck to face the Mentor and Statesman whom she backstabbed so viciously? She cant look him in the eye. I somehow cant see her even trying as she would know fine well that he would make mincemeat out of her. Even though she hates to miss out on being in the limelight, she cant stand to be shown in the bad light she deserves and anyway, its all someone else’s fault, and she cant remember what the question is.

  22. Checks Notes says:

    I’ll go Henry, just don’t mention office lets!

  23. Beauvais says:

    Hasn’t Nicola Sturgeon featured in a Spot The Bail competition?

  24. George says:

    I’d go for McConnell – certainly a prat, but he did do some half decent stuff in the early days.

  25. Contrary says:

    I’ve gotta say Henry McLeish too.

    Did I hear Geoff Aberdein being interviewed on GMS this morning? It was a boring subject, something about how Humza is doing, I didn’t listen. I thought he had a job that didn’t allow him to make comment on politics, did anyone else hear it?

  26. The Water Beastie says:

    yeah, Henry the mild-mannered janitor…certainly would be the most instructive of all those options.

  27. highlander says:


  28. Andouilette says:

    You are all wrong. It’s the ghost of Donald Dewar.

  29. Craig says:

    I’m going all out and say

    Jack McConnell

  30. Johnlm says:

    I’d vote for the one without a mistress. – McLeish.

    But, as I don’t want a ticket, I will guess Kr#nkie.

  31. Heather McLean says:

    My guess is Henry McLeish

  32. Stuart MacKay says:

    Shona Robison – there’s 28 days to go, anything can happen!

    Note to self: I should really stop drinking on Friday’s (more or less) after work.

  33. Alison says:

    Has to be McLeish, the others have too much of a conceit of themselves.

  34. velofello says:

    Oh it must be “FM” Yousef – to add “status and gravitas” to the debate.

    No benefit in having Sturgeon – she won’t remember the question in discussion.

    McConnel? Naw – he lost a dispute with a neighbour a coal bunker. Nae clout.

    McLeish? Stitched up over a office rent, and seems a level-headed guy.

    “FM” Yousef – chance to be in the spotlight – ye coudna haud him back!

  35. Sven says:

    I’d guess Jack “The Lad” McConnell, who’s been lurking in the long grass for a fair wee whiley now, quietly seeking a way back to the greener pastures of guest appearances, MSM columns and expenses paid trips to pontificate as a “wise auld elder statesman”, or a reasonable facsimile thereof.

  36. Ali+T says:

    Henry McLeish

  37. Wobbly says:

    Henry McLeish. If I win you can raffle the tickets for a charity of your choice as my rescue dog can’t let me out his sight for more than a few hours and I live in the highlands. Good luck all.

  38. Cameron Lochiel says:

    @Andouilette That was so very nearly my guess ?

  39. A Scot Abroad says:

    Scots Indy hasn’t much chance of happening at all in the next several decades if this is what it boils down to…

    And a good thing too.

  40. rogueslr says:

    Got to be Saint Nic. Wherever there’s a microphone and an audience she’ll be there.

  41. charlie says:

    McLeish, sympathetic to independence since Brexit and the ticket link doesn’t work (8pm GMT).

  42. Lorna Campbell says:

    Henry McLeish. Sense of humour guaranteed as well.

  43. Beauvais says:

    Jim Wallace was caretaker FM for two or three weeks, but I don’t know if that qualifies him as a possibility. Not that he would be exactly a box office draw.

  44. Antoine Roquentin says:

    That’ll be: Henry McLeish.

  45. Cath says:

    I’d have to go with McLeish as well. If it’s Sturgeon, that would be massive – and a massive shock. The only reason she’d come on would be if either they’ve come to some kind of accord, or if they’d been working together all along to out the poison in the SNP. There’s no chance at all she’d come on if things are remotely as they seem. But in politics things aren’t always as they seem…

  46. Dan says:

    I’m going for Donald Dewar, as reckon he would still be able to debate better than the current “FM”.

  47. Badmod says:

    Lord Jack McConnell. He can’t help himself.

  48. Steve Parkinson says:

    Henry McLeish – can’t be anyone else

  49. John Grierson says:

    Is this Spot the Bawsack?

  50. Republicofscotland says:

    I’ll plump for Humza Yousless he’s already hawked his wares around Edinburgh sucking up to the foreign monarch.

    BTW that guy behind Jack McConnell, the look on his face says it all, brilliant.

  51. Geri says:

    McLeish. Got to be.

    The rest wouldn’t dare show their face to a public audience just yet.

  52. Skip_NC says:

    Beauvais, Jim Wallace managed a total of thirty-five days as acting FM, which was only two weeks less than Liz Truss managed in Downing Street.

    There is a compelling argument for Henry McLeish, but I think Humza Yousaf may actually be arrogant and dim-witted enough to think he can take Alex on, so that’s my vote. When I win, please auction off the tickets with proceeds going to Alba International.

  53. alba says:

    Going with Mcleish; he could pull it off for he had style.
    McConnel? Was too much of a dicksplash, even back in his heyday he still didn’t know how to wear a kilt.
    Sturgeon? She would get scalped (and knows this).
    Yousaf….na. Barely able to hold a thought, never mind debate a point.

  54. Colin Landsburgh says:

    Henry McLeish

  55. Craig P says:

    It’ll be McLeish. He once wrote a book with Kenny MacAskill, and doesn’t have McConnell or Sturgeon’s hatred of real nationalists.

  56. Astonished says:

    I’m going out on a limb here – But I think it will be the late Donald Dewar.

    Bear with me a wee bit :- Nicola (completely innocent, doesn’t even know the alphabetties) Sturgeon’s sister will contact him through her “Two spirits” trans guide. I assume that’ll be vodka and tequila, or whatever else is on sale.

    As it will be very pro-trans, ITV and the BBC will fight for the TV rights.

    And this will be yet another horror show we can make Stu watch, so we don’t have to.

  57. Iain Donald says:

    I reckon it will be Henry McLeish.

  58. Fairliered says:

    Henry McLeish. A basically good guy, unlike the rest of the grifters. The current SNP don’t have a ball to spot between the lot of them.

  59. Geri says:

    LMAO at two spirits trans guide!! 😀

  60. Marie Clark says:

    I reckon it has to be Henry McLeish, cannae be Humza he hasn’t the brain power to take on Alex in debate.

    McConnell don’t think he would sell many tickets. As for Wee Nic she hasn’t the guts to face Alex, disnae mind stabbing him in the back, but face him in debate, naw a dinnae think sae.

  61. Robert Louis says:

    Well, Sturgeon and/or Humza would be hilarious for wildly differing reasons, yet both having the common ground of being inept. Mind, Sturgeon does have the ability to hide her ineptitude well, whereas Humza tends to make it wayyyy too obvious.

    Given that neither is likely to share a stage with the esteemed Mr. Salmond,, my money is on Henry McLeish. Whilst in politics, I often thought he was an ‘unconvinced’ unionist – almost a unionist by accident rather than design.

    ‘The accidental unionist’. You can thank me later, Mr Mcleish, for providing you with an utterly winning title for your autobiography.

    Anyway, McLeish should do it anyway, by virtue of having been in Spot the ball. Reason enough by anybody’s standards.

  62. aLurker says:

    Contrary at at 7:31 pm

    > Did I hear Geoff Aberdein being interviewed on GMS this morning? > It was a boring subject, something about how Humza is doing,
    > I didn’t listen.

    >I thought he had a job that didn’t allow him to make comment on >politics, did anyone else hear it?

    Actually Contrary, Geoff Aberdein has made a very active return to commenting on politics. He has been doing it literally every week on the “Holyrood Sources” podcast.

    link to

  63. Heather Moore says:

    It has to be Henry McLeish, surely.

    I can’t see it being Jack O’Connell and not a chance of the other two, absolute chancers both. Given how sensible McLeish is overall, he’s most likely in my mind.

  64. Merganser says:

    I think you’re stretching the meaning of ‘first minister’ to include ‘prime minister’ so my money’s on Tony Blair.

    I’m happy to donate the tickets to the person with the biggest hands.

  65. Triangular Ears says:

    Henry McLeish

  66. William Russell says:

    McLeish is the only one with the wit to hold his own against the other combatants.

  67. Mr Ben says:


  68. Doreen A Milne says:

    I’ve got a ticket and I think, and hope, it will be Henry McLeish. I couldn’t go Sturgeon or Yousuf and smarmy McConnell grates.

  69. PinkFlamingosForever says:

    The mild-mannered Henry for me.

  70. David Hannah says:

    I like David Davis. He told the truth about the Salmond conspiracy in Westminster.

    He fought for Britain in the Falklands can tell with his sniper eyes he’s served his country.

    He’s a patriot. He wanted to leave the European Union. Good for him.

  71. David Hannah says:

    I hope the truth around the Salmond conspiracy is revealed.

    If I were David Davis. I’d share all. And bring the entire house down.

    I want to hear the WhatsApp messages of Peter Murrell etc. Colluding to send an innocent man to jail.

    It sickens me.

  72. David Hannah says:

    I will say this. I voted to remain in the EU. But I am now glad. We’ve been dragged out the corrupt EU against our will.

    I want us to join EFTA now. The EU is going to go into recession kissing Zelensky’s arse.

  73. Morgatron says:

    Fuck it , long shot here but I’m going for Hong Kong Fuey #1 super guy. ¹Hong Kong Fuey quicker than the human eye. He got style , groovy style. It certainly wasn’t Rosemary. Apparently she was transitioning and was really Henry.!!

  74. Morgatron says:

    AKA Jack :the shagger. He’s a naughty one.

  75. Colin Findlay says:

    Donald Dewar. Get his sorry stone ass over to Edinburgh to listen for a change and replace him with a statue of Winnie Ewing.

  76. ScottieDog says:

    I’ll go for Rosemary the telephone operator..

  77. Canny be She/Her , mair chance Donald Dewar.

    deffo McLeish , he is a fence sitter on Indy, so would be good to hear his views pro and against.

    McConnel is just a British Labour uncle jock of the very worse kind,

    sold out his country for a sniff of ermine.

  78. msdidi says:

    I’m going with Henry McLeish and I’d love to win tickets to the show!

  79. SomervilleScot says:

    Henry McLeish though I would have really liked to see Hong Kong Phooey.

  80. Shug says:

    It’s got to be jack the zipper

  81. Calum says:


  82. John Main says:

    So are we all pretending that pretendy FM Yousaf is actually a real FM after all?

    Or are we all accepting that all previous incumbents of the FM position were actually pretenders too?

    Way I see it, HY got where he is as the result of a flawed and fraudulent process. None of the rest of them did. For HY to be treated as if his legitimacy is the equal of the others is a travesty.

    Only in Scotland would the cowed and cringing population accept this outrage with never a squeak of protest.


  83. PhilM says:

    A few playful wags suggesting one of Glasgow’s finest though long-deceased sons…but in all seriousness and somewhat in deference to those who make an honest living battling through the ectoplasm just so Scots’ fearties can sleep easy in their beds, well, I too am pointing an uncanny ghostly finger in the direction of Donald Dewar. Light up a woodbine, sit back and relax, and I will now explain why so.
    Forget mediums, both those that are obviously authentic and those that have lost touch with reality, I spent a garrulous evening recently, speaking to the son of that wee guy who used to strum a ukulele and ‘sing’ his own version of Rangers’ songs outside Ibrox (I used to get abducted regularly…please don’t criticise), well that wee guy knew a thing or two (and that would explain the 5000-acre shooting estate near Loch Lomond). Apparently, this stalwart’s son, of ‘middling height’ – his dad married a minor late-80s supermodel – his son told me and I repeat it now, to the best of my memory, there’s this device, which is known only to those of the initiated (not the Illuminanti, the other real but secretive mass-membership group that runs everything).
    This device, to use the son’s own words, uses a ‘special lever’, said to be based on an Archimedean design, that sits atop a flat expanse and all present must use their united powers by joining hands whilst summoning the spirits to come forth. The spirits move the lever, said to be made of glass and of ‘monkish design’ and legend has it, unearthly voices issue forth, the ghosts of Maryhill, Partick, the old, old Gorbals and almost certainly in August of 2023, for one time only, the haunted tones of the late Donald Dewar in that dump, Edinburgh.
    I have never seen this supernatural contraption but I have heard tell in whispers ’tis renowned to be a ‘Weegie Board’. They Edinburgh gowks cannae work it, only the guid folks o’Glesga, hence the name…it is, in fact, true…

    So believe, reader, believe, there ARE more things in heaven and earth and if a family member shows signs that they have the ‘gift’ of ‘second sight’, do not be fearful of being photographed in public with them. That would not speak well of you. They are NOT a dangerous embarrassment. THEY do not have the kind of power that can be wielded to ruin a country and its future.
    Now meditate on these considered words of kindly offered advice, examine your conscience as you lie alone at night, in the dark, audio book long fallen silent…cleanse your weary soul, admit what you did and why…why?… a broken country needs the peace that only comes with the revelation of unblinking truth.
    Unfortunately, History can be a stern judge but at least it is one that allows the truth to be spoken without fear…

  84. David Hannah says:

    He’s not my false First minster either John.

    David Davis would do a better job as first minister than Humza. You’re damn right.

  85. Derek says:

    “…could be…!”

    With a hong kong phooey chop, no doubt…

    Speaking of whom…

    link to

  86. David Hannah says:

    I wish. That. The conspiracy to jail Alex Salmond was reveled in full.

    I saw that. Lady fucking Dorian. She couldn’t contain herself. She was there.

    Did you see her? She was there. With King Charles.

    See the monarchy and all their pals. I’ve got nae time for them!

  87. Cuilean says:

    Henry McLeish.

  88. David Hannah says:

    Juryless fucking trials.

    Lady fucking who?


  89. Arthur Martin says:

    I’ll have a stab at Henry McLeish, in a non literal fashion.

  90. Wee Chid says:

    I’d say McLeish. I’d hope so anyway as he is the least unlikeable of the lot.

  91. Gordon Keane says:

    I’d be surprised if it wasn’t Henry McLeish.
    I’d go for him.
    Tho, we could be surprised and discover its McConnell.
    But I’m still gonna go for McLiesh.

  92. Chris Downie says:

    I’m tempted to say “The Most Reluctant NO Voter in Scotland ™” Henry McLeish, but he’s probably laid low with deep vein thrombosis from sitting on the fence all these years.

  93. Andrew Davidson says:

    I think it’ll be McLeish. Yousaf wouldn’t do it because his Mammy would tell him off. Mammy, hell no. McConnell probably too busy admiring himself in the mirror in his ermine.

    McLeish – maybe I’m wrong – didn’t seem like such a bitterly pointlessly partisan knob like most other politicians so yep, that’s my bet.

  94. Eleanor Bennett says:

    Has to be Henry McLeish – McConnels’s affy close pals with that Kirsty Wark, so I guess it won’t be him, lol.
    DD showed up for AS when it counted, people can have different political beliefs from each other and still respect and be friends. I’m sure he was a guest at one of Alex Salmond Unleashed during the festival a few years ago.

  95. Saffron Robe says:

    Maybe it’ll be Nicola Sturgeon via a video call from Cornton Vale proclaiming her innocence!

  96. paul says:

    As it would be above the acceptable level of abasement, our first minister is out.

    The shiney faced remitter of funds to the uk would see no value as blair starmer is going to have a minority position so he will have to keep his shiney nose clean.

    Henry it is.

    Malcolm Chishom would be my choice

  97. Brenda Dempster says:

    It’s got to be Jack McConnell, please let it be so. It should bea scream.

  98. twathater says:

    If you really wanted to make it entertaining I would go for an empty chair or a big boulder as Alex would get a better argument or discussion out of them

    McLeish and McConnell another couple of Scotland betrayers, Sturgeon hisnae the balls to face Salmond and (NOT MY FM) Youseless would get Tranada Slater to stand in for him

  99. Willie says:

    I surprised that the Scottish Government are not trying to nobble the event’s venue, withdraw it’s licence.

    That’s what they do. Easy as a punishment bank shuttering.

    The SNP just don’t do democracy and free sprech

  100. Karl says:

    Mark Drakeford, would give the debate another dimension.

  101. Oneliner says:

    Can’t be Humza, the strings would get tangled.

    I hope it’s Lord Jack so they can ask him how much of the Scottish budget he returned to Westminster Control Centre.

    Most likely it will be Henry, who has more understanding of the offside law than real estate management.

    Rumour has it that Angus Robertson and his wife have bought tickets, and Kirsty Wark is negotiating for the broadcasting rights.

  102. Effijy says:

    It’s not Nicola as her bus has been confiscated.
    It’s not Humza he would rather go in the ring with Tyson than Alex Salmond.
    It’s not McLeish as he would need a share of the rent money.
    It’s not McConnell he lives in Arran with no ferries as he gave back the money for them.

    It’s Donald Dewar with the help of the psychic Sally Morgan.
    One knock for YES, sorry he doesn’t do that option.

  103. Glenn says:

    Gotta be Henry McLeish?

  104. John Park says:

    Henry McLeish

  105. cyril mitchell says:

    Got to be Henry McLeish

  106. duncanio says:

    It’s got to be Henry Half-Way House McLeish, on the side of Davis of course.

  107. Jim Bo says:

    I’d guess Lord Jack Mc

  108. JockMcT says:

    Could it be Nicla with Humza the glove puppet on her knee. Or maybe it’s jack the jannie with his magic bucket of sawdust. More likely Henry in the midfield

  109. And Spouse says:

    Must be Henry McLeish. Surely one of debates will be about sport?
    Just send me the tickets Stu, thanks

  110. Alf Baird says:

    Disnae maitter wha’s on the stage, thons aw poleetical theatre an actors, juist like oor pairlaments onywey. Guid fir the tourists A suppose.

    As wis the drum ceremony haundin ower oor Scots soveranety tae anither Englis monarch this week by messrs Hamilton, Dorian and Granger et al, wi oor wratchit plyte aw ‘celebrated’ by a Church o Scotlan ‘moderator’.

    Thon Scots croun wis naewhaur near Chairlie’s heid, an nae aith aither, sae haurdly a coronation. Juist anither theatre fir the tourists, an mair ‘union’ blaflum an geggery tae confuise Scots fowk, an aye haud thaim doun.

  111. Beauvais says:

    Karl might have the right idea. Stu just said there would be two First Ministers. He didn’t specifically say two Scottish First Ministers. Wales and Northern Ireland have had a fair few between them.

    It can’t be Rev Ian Paisley of course, but a debate between him and Alex Salmond would have been quite something.

  112. Mog says:

    Henry Mcleish.

  113. I vote for MacLeish.

    However what if Wendy Alexander sneaked through on the rails. hahahaha

  114. London Scott says:

    Wings readers may not support David Davis’ views on Brexit, the economy, monarchy and independence. He has however been a help to the cause reading out the Salmond e-mails in Parliament. So Salmond I suspect feels he owes him. DD is also a supporter of freedom of speech. Indeed he raised the case if the chap who was prosecuted in Scotland for the tweet about Capt Tom. I am sure he would be happy to raise Stu’s bank cancelling.

  115. Lenny Hartley says:

    Sleeper McConnel , he used to argue for Indy in Mock Election debates at Arran High Skool!
    Oh wrong type of Sleeper it will be mr McLeish then.

  116. London Scott says:

    The WM Deputy Speaker Eleanor Laing, was Edinburgh University Student Union President back in 1980. Eleanor Pritchard then.

  117. Anton Decadent says:

    Nicola Sturgeon and it will be announced that she is to be the new leader of the Alba party.

  118. Stoker says:

    Sturgeon and Yousaf don’t have the bottle or intellect to share the same platform as Salmond and Davis. McConnell is easily flustered and would also be out of place in a debate with the 2 aforementioned big political beasts. So, that just leaves McLeish for me, he will represent the “3rd option”, more devolution under whatever moniker they choose to give it.

    And if memory serves me correctly, McLeish isn’t exactly a dyed-in-the-wool Unionist, he’s not 100% against the idea of indy. He has also written many articles and papers on the indy/devo subject, like the one below. He is also the only one out of the 4 you mention, Stuart, that is capable of holding his own on a debate involving Salmond & Davis. So i’m plumping for Henry McLeish.

    link to

  119. Stoker says:

    @ Beauvais on 8 July 2023 at 9:21 am

    Stuart strictly specified the choice can only be from the 4 options he mentions in the article: McLeish, McConnell, Yousaf or Sturgeon. 😉

  120. Northcode says:

    Alf Baird @ 9:16am

    “Thon Scots croun wis naewhaur near Chairlie’s heid, an nae aith aither, sae haurdly a coronation.”

    Aye, Alf. A penny geggie wis aw thair wis tae thon hale puppie shaw.

    Thon Charlie’s nae evyn Keeng o ma cludgie – a’m the Keeng of thait.

    An aw thair whigmaleerie blaflum an flumgummery gied mi sair een.

  121. Stoker says:

    There’s no way on earth it’s going to be Yousaf or Sturgeon because of the reasons i gave earlier. If it does turn out to be one of them what’s the betting they will pull out on the day of the debate due to [Place your reason of choice here].

    So that just leaves McLeish or McConnell and i’m sticking with McLeish. McConnell’s involvement would seriously lower the level of the whole shebang. Please don’t let it be him. Pretty please?

  122. Flower of Scotland says:

    I think Henry McLeish is the best if this bunch.

  123. Deepgreen says:

    I nominate Donald Dewar. I think there is a plan to exhume Donald Dewar to breathe life, like Banquo’s ghost, into the S.Labour/Starmer plan to resume their ducal dominance in Scotland. I have resurrected Donald because it won’t trouble most of the audience to have a simulacrum of Donald since there is no problem in these post modern times in identifying as the person of one’s choice, regardless of known science and, to futher re-inforce the point, Donald will be breastfeeding a baby and wearing a lovely vintage floaty dress fashioned by the late Bill Gibb, a Broch notable.

    More seriously ,as for Ms Sturgeon I think it would require major security to host her. I doubt the ticket sales would run to that expense. Same would apply to Mr Yousaf so these two curr(a)ent buns are eliminated.

    That leaves Messrs. McLeish and McConnell. Personally I prefer Mr Mcleish whose presence has been more obvious recently.Mr McConnell is very quiet these days so I imagine he will continue to keep his heid below the parapet and the thought of him turning up in his ‘newkilt’ is just too stomach churning.
    So on balance of probabilities, we are left with Henry, although if I was a genuine punter I’d hedge a few quid on Mr. Yousaf, with his reputation for calamitous missteps.

  124. MaggieC says:

    I’ll go with Henry McLeish or the other possibility is Carwyn Jones the Former First Minister of Wales ?

  125. Geri says:


    If it is him I’d hope Alex buries him on the New Act of Union crap they tried to get traction on through the House of Lord’s. (McConnel included)

    My first question would be: If the first said we couldn’t leave then why are they trying to write a new one to lock us in?

  126. Ian Morrison says:

    McLeish. Honourable enough to have resigned over sub-letting an office, which is a mark of high integrity compared to the other three…

  127. Amonynouse says:

    I wonder if first minister has a double meaning I’m unaware of. Could it be some reference to a clergyman or maybe some even a reverand?

  128. Ken Coutts says:

    Alex has Davies engerland, so it must be a Welsh FM, and perhaps Sinn Fein, that would shake it up.

  129. Goatsdontsave says:

    Jack McConnell

  130. Livonian says:

    Henry McLeish is my pick

  131. Jeannie+the+Vth says:

    Sturgeon and Yousaf would never share a platform with Eck, and McConnell probably thinks he’s too important to sit in a tent with the plebs, so can only be McLeish.

  132. Jeannie the Vth says:

    Sturgeon and Yousaf would never share a platform with Eck, and McConnell probably thinks he’s too grand to sit in a tent with the plebs, so can only be McLeish

  133. Flying_Scotsman says:

    I think it’ll be Henry McLeish. He is the most likable of the condenders too.

  134. Cynicus says:


  135. Cynicus says:

    Arlene Foster?

  136. Livonian says:

    Henry McLeish it’s got to be hasn’t it

  137. revjimbob says:

    McLeish – the only one with any mettle, and who would be worth listening to.

  138. Hamish Turnbull says:

    It’s got to be McLeish, surely? I can’t see any of the others making an appearance to debate those topics against Alex Salmond

  139. Stoker says:

    Geri says on 8 July 2023 at 3:04 pm:

    “My first question would be: If the first said we couldn’t leave then why are they trying to write a new one to lock us in?”

    Very good point.

  140. Ali Clark says:

    Someone Welsh perchance?

  141. Ian Stewart says:

    Sturgeon, but I can’t go to the debate if I win.

  142. Shauny Boy says:

    I’m gonna go with Jack McConnell.

  143. Angus says:

    Thatcher loon Humza arguing for The Unions safe with me.

  144. What Rot says:

    What larks!

  145. Inde says:


  146. la demoiselle sauvage says:

    Angus MacNeil?

  147. Stookie1967 says:

    Ahm ah too late to enter?? ?

  148. Duncan Gray says:

    Henry McLeish


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