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A theme develops

Posted on September 07, 2014 by

Save it from what, exactly? Democracy?


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236 to “A theme develops”

  1. Marco McGinty says:

    Another banking crisis?

  2. Ian Brotherhood says:

    …after three years of failing to provide one good reason why Scots should choose to see it continue?

  3. Marco McGinty says:

    Iraqi WMDs?

  4. Marco McGinty says:

    Has Gordon Brown publicly stated that he would like another shot at being PM?

  5. Onwards says:

    10 days to save Scotland more like.

  6. Graeme Kerr says:

    another concerted effort!!! think i’m getting a little nostalgic. it’s been a while since they’ve been as ‘on message’. you must have a treasure trove stu. anyway, at least we know they haven’t given up yet

  7. call me dave says:

    Tsunami coming Scotland.

    Wounded UK coalition and SLab are near defeat but it won’t be easy. Wooden stake & hammer; silver bullet; garlic cloves and the WBB should just about do it.

    Seriously though carry on and work to the end for success.

  8. bugsbunny says:

    Save it from Freedom and Social Democracy, Accountability, Being in Credit, Sovereign Independence, Being Nuclear Free, Freedom of Troops to be used as Battle Fodder, Freedom from Poverty. That’s what Westminster wants to Save us from.

    Oh, and if in doubt, post a pic of Betty on Page One. God bless her, one and all.


  9. Oscar Taime says:

    Save it from flailing Westminster politicians making up stuff about announcing new powers possibly?

  10. heedtracker says:

    Last stand to keep the union, sayeth Graun. Bit dreary even for that bunch of often very unpleasant hysterics and phonies. They’ve been the worst in all of this with their crappy progressive liberal fraud. I trust mad drunk old Cockers at the Torygraph more than any of Guardian’s bleh.

  11. call me dave says:

    Listening to radio 5 live:

    Scotland YES being discussed by people who no nothing of Scots or Scotland. Poor NO campaign and were too thick to understand.

    Rifkin on now GEEZ!! new,new powers!
    Aye right.

  12. geeo says:

    There seems a panic now to change the language in some of the Media rags away from
    “offer of extra new powers” to “setting a timetable for existing offer of more powers”

    Any old cynic would think gideon was breaching EC rules and was backtracking a bit !

    Slight objection to you having no warning about the Daily Star headline contained in the link there stu.

    Some of us have a late supper you know !!!lol

  13. bugsbunny says:

    Should read, troops NOT to be used as Battle Fodder.


  14. call me dave says:

    Oh no know no no!

  15. charlie says:

    Stuart, you need to be more selective about opening links in a new window rather than leaving your site. That’s you telt 😉
    Cheers Charlie

  16. west_lothian_questioner says:

    Has anybody asked Boris about any of this stuff yet? He is, after all, supposedly being lined up to be the UK PM bwaaahahahahahaha…

  17. west_lothian_questioner says:

    should read “NEXT UK PM”

  18. call me dave says:

    Malcolm Rifkin (for younger viewers) the Poll is a rogue, Europe is a dangerous place we will soon be stealing English sheep and on to war!
    Silly old fart implying that without saying so, supporting trident now blah blah!

    It is possible that parts of Britain could be at war and Scotland be at peace….DEFCON OMG!

  19. bugsbunny says:

    Britain’s next Prime Minister and hopefully last Prime Minister? We might also have Nigel Farage as Deputy Prime Minister for 11 months? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.


  20. Dormant says:

    Love the Daily Mirror: “Don’t let me be last Queen of Scotland”. Do they no get the Amin reference?

  21. call me dave says:

    Joan Birnie fantastic torpedoes the Rifkin analysis. Thanks

  22. charlie says:

    Free prescriptions in England, free care for the elderly in England, politicians not talking absolute senseless bollocks and then agreeing with each other. If that happens at Wesminister and Westminister moves to Birmingham or Manchester or Leeds, that will change Scottish votes, but apart from hell freezing over…well I’ve seen better bets.

  23. Jimbo says:

    Isn’t it amazing how they get so panic stricken over one wee opinion poll?

    What are they going to be like next week when all the polls put us at least 5 points ahead?

    Save the UK from itself – VOTE YES

  24. dennis mclaughlin says:

    They bastards may take ma Freedom,but they’re no takin’ ma Irn Bru !.:)

  25. bugsbunny says:

    If this is true about the Queen interfering in Scotland’s Democratic Future, we might need a second referendum soon. Becoming a fully independent nation with a separate head of state? We could be magnanimous and have it dissolved with her final breath? Maybe?


  26. heedtracker says:

    What really stinks about the Guardian is, sure you can attack AlicSamin, call him a charlatan, a right wing chancer, Hitler, neofascist nationalist, Mugabe, whatever, but the fact is that Holyrood itself is a far progressive parliament and way more democratic than Westminster has ever been and has no intention of ever becoming. But all of that means jackshit to these rabid rule Britannia forever over too wee, poor, stupid Scotland, Guardian gits.

  27. charlie says:

    BTW Elizabeth the first the last queen? Probably. Nigel Farrage doesn’t seem that keen on women in power and when he runs the rUK…

  28. Colin says:

    I’m just a little bit upset with the no campaign today, not one of them has called me a Nazi.

  29. call me dave says:

    More loonies than Rifkin an English union man on worrying about N Ireland politics if Scotland breaks.

    Salmond is not to be trusted and England’s finances could be at risk! He should resign now.

    OMG they have certainly woken up. 🙂

    But they have only the MSM down South to judge us by.

  30. Airdrieonian says:

    Am I the only one who thinks that this narrowing of the opinion polls isn’t all good news?

    Two reasons:

    1. It cuts through the complacency South of the border, which means that the powers that be may be more motivated to try some really dirty tricks (of which we all know they are capable)

    2. It may motivate more on the BT side to get out and vote on the 18th.

    I personally would have preferred the polling to go the way of the last Scottish election.

  31. How much of this TV/Media that we are seeing is available in the rest of the rUK?

    I bet not much.

  32. Morag says:

    Polls were predicting an SNP landslide two weeks out in 2011. Just not quite that big a landslide.

    link to

  33. Stevie boy says:

    Sleeves rolled up time folks!!

    Big final push. I think we need to speak to any soft Yes voters and recently undecided voters who now favour Yes. We need to reassure them that what they will no doubt hear in the next 10 days.. and all the ‘new’ powers on offer.. are absolute bollocks!!

    Some people may believe the lies and we can’t afford to take that chance.

  34. to Airdrieonian – point 2, those on the BT side was always going to vote, nothing different. But the Yes vote has been known for months and on the grassroots campaign we knew how it was

  35. Training Day says:

    Anyone of ‘our’ wonderful journalists asked what it is we’re saving?


  36. tonymac says:

    O/T I think..
    @Rupert Murdoch
    Salmond’s private polls predict 54-46 Yes. Desperate last ten days ahead for both sides. Most powerful media, BBC, totally biased for No.

    Bbc biased – and that’s from Rupert Murdoch who would know biased

  37. tonymac says:

    link to

  38. Stevie boy says:

    James Caithness

    Yep I agree mate. I work with our Yes Cumbernauld team. The BBC and Brian Taylor did a piece last week saying that it’s places like here that May swing the decision. We are getting 60 to 70% for Yes here so my impression is we are well above the 51% mark already, but again, I want to make sure we seal the deal so will still be pushing as hard as I can.. the big prize is within touching distance tho.

  39. Dormant says:

    Surprised there’s no reference to this article in the Guardrian.

    Referendum: Study finds those with more info are more likely to vote yes

    Keep working at it, lads and lassies!

  40. Taranaich says:

    @Dormant: Love the Daily Mirror: “Don’t let me be last Queen of Scotland”. Do they no get the Amin reference?

    They certainly dinnae get the Scottish convention of the monarch being the king or queen of the people, not the land – ergo Elizabeth is Queen of Scots, not Queen of Scotland.

  41. kestral says:

    hey folks last push is on


    can you spare an hour to help

    there are still thousands of leaflets to get out to people

    So pop in to your local yes shop

    most of them are working long hours morning noon and night in the final push

  42. Lesley-Anne says:

    I never realised that every single newspaper in central London had a PANIC button that was linked to every other newspaper so that they could all synchronise their panic editions together and no one is left out in the cold. 😛

  43. Neil Davidson says:

    Disgraceful headlline in today’s ‘Scotsman’ linking the independence referendum to the IS hostage crisis.

  44. geeo says:


    While i see where you are going with your thinking there, i would suggest this poll is just exactly what we needed right now.

    Look at the reaction to it, utter panic from BT and WM.

    What does that tell those labour voters in particular,who we want to declare for a Yes vote, when they see their party scramble and flap about like a bird with a broken wing at this poll result ?

    The reaction imo will make them question the integrity of their party in all of this BT venture. Labour MSP’s should be doing the best for the Scottish electorate they represent, even if that means standing against their ruk labour bretheren, who are responsible for their own constituents.

    I believe many more will look closer and realise, like the many who already have decided Yes is best for them and their party in Scotland, and come onside with Yes and unite in the interests of Scotland and its people.

    Many more are realising the reality, you can be a proper labour voter and not compromise a single labour belief by voting Yes.

    These good labour minded Scottish voters also have their power back to force their political arm to return to the values and beliefs from which they have strayed far from the path.

    Vote Yes.
    Let us ALL, people AND politicians, fix Scotland TOGETHER.

    You know it makes sense !

  45. Jamie Arriere says:

    Maybe we can give HM a little boost, by calling her Elizabeth the First – make her feel more important!

  46. kininvie says:

    There’s been too many times in our Nation’s history where we have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

    This MUST not be another. Keep the heid – keep steady. People are wanting permission to vote Yes. Give it to them. Be Visible

    (Teaching grannies to suck eggs here no doubt)

  47. Rock says:

    They will do ANYTHING to save their rotten to the core union.

    For us, it is 10 days to ensure independence. But unlike them, we have had a positive, honest and democratic campaign and will continue to do so.

  48. faolie says:

    Dont know about the rest of you but I’m taking the Daily Star from now on. Got its finger on the pulse of the nation that one. None of that referendum nonsense taking up valuable front page space.

  49. Chic McGregor says:

    @Call me Dave
    “Wounded UK coalition and SLab are near defeat but it won’t be easy. Wooden stake & hammer; silver bullet; garlic cloves and the WBB should just about do it.”

    I’d pay to see the Rev. do an exorcism on Westminster.
    The entire Tory front bench with 360 degree rotating heads.

  50. Chic McGregor says:

    PS Oh he’s managed that already. 🙂

  51. faolie says:

    And I do rather admire the Metro’s front page, defiantly sticking up two fingers and stating again that there will be NO CURRENCY UNION.

    There, that ought to sort these jocks out.

  52. Calgacus says:

    I don’t remember Liz the Last being crowned Queen of Scots and we as a sovereign people have the right to ding doon ony monarch who conspires to place us under the domination of Westminster.

  53. James Dow A voice from the diaspora says:

    Offering Scotland new devolved powers is akin to offering a prisoner that has just completed a long incarceration the opportunity to remain a prisoner with the promise to renovate his cell.

  54. bookie from hell says:

    We should start a The Scotsman newspaper boycott,after this article.

    link to

    an intelligence expert has claimed

  55. James Dow A voice from the diaspora says:

    ‘We are not amused”
    What’s with those Scot’s? after all we did allow them to wear tartan again.
    Ungrateful subject’s
    Off with their heads

  56. Gavin Barrie (Jammach) says:

    That same vile story, linking a Scot held captive by ISIS to the referendum debate appears in the Sunday Post.

    link to

    The comments are, rightly, laying into the paper and editor with disgust and revulsion. How must the poor man’s family reading this? I’m speechless, it’s contemptable.

  57. Red Squirrel says:

    Shhhh…I don’t think they’ve noticed th poll…oh wait…

    All this wailing about their precious Empire, I mean Union, with a side order of threats unlikely to dent the positive momentum but going to be an interesting 10 days.

  58. Marker Post says:

    The pound seems to be taking a beating on the money markets today. Just waiting for the unionists to blame Salmond for all this “uncertainty”, while we all know who’s really to blame.

    Wondering if Osborne will be forced to make a retraction on sterling this week?

  59. john king says:

    BBC newspapers @ 5.45 newsreader shows a headline about the last chance to save the union with a picture of “a proud scot waving a yes flag from the roof of his bungalow” response from other newseader “he he”,
    Do these people think this is a joke,


  60. Ken500 says:

    Cameron and Westminster created ISIS. They have been supporting and arming them with £Millions of public money, for the last two years. Now they want to use public money to bomb them, but not pay the ransom. Cameron and Westminster get away with murder.

    Vulnerable people in Scotland are being sanctioned and walking to food banks because of Westminster policies.

    The Media/Press controlled by Westminster is an absolute disgrace.

  61. Clootie says:

    10 days to save people from food banks
    10 days to save our NHS
    10 days to stop the assault on our poor and disabled
    10days to save free education
    10 days to empower us to remove WMD.
    10 days to end child poverty.
    10days to protect free prescriptions.
    10 days to end austerity cuts.
    10days to enable the reindustrialisation of Scotland
    Etc, etc

    Are the above not more important than the flag waving, militaristic adventures of the UNION.

  62. john king says:

    Airdrieonian says
    “I personally would have preferred the polling to go the way of the last Scottish election.”

    That would be fine if there were real numbers left for them to attract, but I genuinly think they have reached high water mark, the only way for them now is down.

    Kininvie says
    “This MUST not be another. Keep the heid – keep steady. People are wanting permission to vote Yes. Give it to them. Be Visible”

    I could not agree more Kininvie, there still a huge amount of people out there who have not a clue about what is going on and are genuinly terrified, My Daughter is assistant manager of a building society branch office and people are coming in frightened that their savings will be turned into Euro’s the day after the vote, on a brighter note the fear created by Darling et al has driven my daughter from being a sceptic to a strong yes voter.

    Calgacus says
    “Liz the Last”

    That has a ring to it. 🙂

  63. Ken500 says:

    Scotland has always voted YES and has been positive.

    It is only Westminster who has always said, ‘the computer says NO’. Lying again. Secretly cooking the books.

  64. Ken500 says:

    The flash vids are brilliant. Loving it.

  65. Ken500 says:

    ”Only ten days left to save ‘Britain’?” Where’s it going.

    To Democracy.

  66. Martin Wood says:

    Dire warnings of financial chaos…..
    RBS will move to England..( doesn’t that just involve moving thier “headquarters” to an office in England (Cayman Islands) and re-routing the calls back to Edinburgh, just like a few tax avoiding companies do?)or will they really scrap that large campus and rebuild the whole edifice down south?
    The pound will fall sharply – sounds fairly good for exports and going on holiday. BBC business called it a “good business opportunity” in late trading. Wasn’t it much lower and we’re still here?
    Do they really think we’re that gullible?

    • stonefree says:

      They already have another Head Office in London

  67. Early Ball says:

    Just heard Naughtie on Radio 4 mention the Edinburgh agreement and then slag Salmond for making it sound like an “international treaty”. Rattled or what?

  68. macart763m says:

    Ten days to show people another Scotland is possible.

    Votes have already been cast and now we have discussions over new powers, or new timings for same old powers in the Scotland act. Disingenuous is a kind description for this bollocks, misleading doesn’t quite cover it. No, outright lying and hypocrisy just about gets there.

    They’ve had talks you know. All three parties have had talks and they’ve all agreed on what powers they’ll offer to give you. Oh really?

    Here’s a little known fact dear voter. Those powers they’re talking about? They belong to you. They are your powers of sovereignty and governance and it is for all of us to decide who gets stewardship of them. They’ve been on loan to a construct known as the parliament of Westminster and now the lease is just about up.

    Do you feel that those who have used our sovereignty, have done a good job? Do you feel that they are trustworthy? Do you feel safe, better off, happy? Do you think this Scotland is as good as it gets?

    Or like me, do you believe a better Scotland is possible if we trust ourselves rather than the Camerons, Osbornes, Millibands and Cleggs of this world?

  69. Kevin evans says:

    I’ve been reading this site but never commented before until now.

    The artical using that poor man who has been kidnapped as a pawn by the Westminster/better together campaign has went beyond a new low. These people are pure evil. We must unite and free our country from these horrid people who know no shame.

    I’ve always been a yes voter – I must now do more to protect this country from this evil.

    I wish I could really put into words the horror/shame/fear, the multitude of emotions I feel right now because of this story in not one but two (so far) news papers that is meant to provide honest reporting.

    To witness this by the uk government and better together campaign does actually rip apart my very soul.

    Pure evil.

    We can be better … Vote yes.

  70. bjsalba says:

    They have had more than Two years to pass new powers, now with Ten days to go they are offering a Timetable for new powers to be enacted!

    They cannot guarantee the powers because they have fed the populace (and their MPs and supporters) with a diet of lies for decades and they will not get anything through parliament.

    They have form on this and the public knows it.

  71. Roger says:

    If rUK refuses a currency union post-independence, the pound Sterling will no longer be a petro currency and will be much weaker. The oil is mainly in Scotland, remember? THAT is why there WILL be a currency union after a Yes vote. All we’re hearing no is bluff and bluster designed to bolster the No side.

  72. Ken500 says:

    The only joke is the ‘rotten to the core’, over remunerated, Westminster controlled UK Press and Media. Using public money against the public interest.

  73. JLT says:

    This is getting very interesting. God knows what the Unionists do or say that will convince people to vote ‘No’ without breaking the rules of the Edinburgh Agreement is anyone’s guess.

    Hey …but this is Westminster. God knows what goes on behind closed doors in a place that resembles the politics of the old Byzantine Empire.

    But we just keep talking to people. We keep telling them what will happen in the event of a ‘No’ vote. Once they realise that the Block Grant is literally doomed and the threat of more austerity, you usually see the light bulb being switched on behind the eyes of people.

    10 days. It’s still a long time and it is hard, but it is definitely there to be won!

  74. john king says:

    this is what i was talking about the other day JLT
    link to

  75. John H. says:

    I wonder how many people who have voted No by postal vote would now change their vote given a chance.

  76. Luigi says:

    George “You can’t use the pound” Osbourne seems to have managed to offend even more people yesterday. By suddenly changing tact during the official campaign period, after thousands of postal votes have already been cast, the impression of PANIC is difficult to miss.

    BT are running around like headless chickens this morning. One more opinion poll showing YES in the lead, and it’s total meltdown.

    Get your popcorn.

  77. Roboscot says:

    BBC now in full and blatant unionist mode.

  78. bjsalba says:

    And has there been an official announcement from the palace about the queen’s opinion?

    I take third hand reports of peoples opinions as ruour, nothing more.

  79. Robert Louis says:

    Like others above have said, now is the time to offer your help, if you can. Do NOT assume ‘others’ will secure the YES vote, we need everyone. 🙂

    The YES campaign has the momentum, so if you haven’t been involved so far, now is the time. Be a part of history.

    You control how much or how little you do, and there are many types of things need done. If you are shy, don’t worry, as everybody is freindle, and you can work in the background (envelopes, admin and so on), if you prefer.

    To get involved, contact you local YES shop, or if there isnt one near, use the YES Scotland event finder, and search for events in your area.

    Remember too, you can contact the Scottish greens, Scottish socialist, the radical independence campaign and a myriad of other groups, including women 4 yes, Asian Scots for yes, and so on.

    Nine days of campaigning to go, and Westminster is going to throw everything at us, with its poodle media helping them.

    Here is the YES Scotland event finder, just type in a town or postcode;

    link to

    Now is the time, we need everybody’s help for the final nine days. Let’s make history.

  80. McNicks says:

    I keep reading that the three Westminster parties have agreed on extra powers. Have they told us what those powers actually are?

  81. Malc says:

    Is Blair McDougall on holiday , not been seen or heard since Darling got duffed up. Darling also seems missing in action.

  82. Robert Louis says:

    Blair McDougall was on telly this morning. Talking mince as usual.

  83. Brotyboy says:

    Wee article on latest Tory anti-Trade Union proposals, and Scotland wanting out of it.

    link to

  84. manandboy says:

    After a comment is posted and disappears I try again to be met with
    “Oops Duplicate comment -looks like you’ve already said that”

    happening too often

  85. Brotyboy says:

    And another; this guy gets it.

    link to

  86. Robert Louis says:


    I know, it’s a problem due to the site being under constant attack spam, DDOS.

    Happened to me a few times.

  87. jacksloan2013 says:

    Yes, Marker Post

    Follow the money.

    Financial Times “Pound slides on Scottish independence jitters”. Overnight it fell to its lowest in 10 months.

    link to

  88. seoc says:

    Didn’t Mr. Cameron tell us a wee while back that ‘the referendum is a matter for the Scots’?

    Where have all the orchestrated doom-sayers appeared from?

    Scotland is almost free – great democratic news.

  89. Mike says:

    Here’s what I think. I think YouGov are still playing games with the polling. I believe YouGov again manipulated the poll result to deliberately show a Yes lead so next week they can produce another poll showing No back in front.
    1. I truly believe the Yes campaign are well ahead in support I don’t believe for one second its neck and neck.
    2. I truly believe an attempt is underway to undermine and rig the ballot. This pretence at a race running neck and neck is to allay suspicions when the close No vote win is declared.
    3. Imagine how people in the Yes campaign will feel after being told theyre ahead for the first time in the campaign only to be shattered by another poll showing them behind again.

    UK Govt and the media have been manipulating and directing us our whole lives. We’ve grown so used to it we often fail to recognise when its happening. Only now are most people becoming aware of the manipulations because the establishment has become more emboldened by desperation.

    No UK Govt has ever given up territory anywhere in the world without a dirty fight and the very structure of the UK is worth more to the Westminster elite than the rest of the Commonwealth put together.

    History warns us. Westminster doesn’t do Democracy.

  90. Macart says:

    To follow up on what RL just said. Even if you aren’t directly involved with YES Scotland, get talking, get communicating.

    Talk to that still undecided family member or friend, get on line to sites like this and even if you haven’t commented before, start now. Let people hear your voice. If you have access get on social media and MAKE SOME NOISE.

    This is it. Lets do this in style and let the world know that people are not insignificant, we’re not here to serve government and corporate greed. Let everyone know that without a people to govern, there is no government, no power, no country.

    The people are the country and its the people who make a country. They govern in our name with the powers we grant them. So what kind of country do you want?

  91. Robert Louis says:

    So Bullingdon boy, David Cameron insisting he will do everything possible to defend the union – except of course take part in a live debate with the First Minister of Scotland.


  92. Robert Louis says:

    Totally agree Macart,

    Get your badges on, get talking, online, neighbour, etc.. and let’s win this.

  93. FergusMac says:

    @ Mike

    History also reminds us that Westminster is the spiritual home of the dark arts. Remember what they did to Parnell.

    link to

  94. Macart says:

    Did anyone else notice the extended camera cut on George Osborne when introduced by Marr yesterday?

    Was it just me or did he not even blink for the whole extended shot. It was like looking into the black soulless eyes of a shark.


    He’s been in talks you know.

  95. Robert Louis says:


    Or in more recent times, Willie MacRae.

  96. Robert Louis says:


    Yip noticed it. Creepy or what.

  97. Ken500 says:

    The Polling Companies have been bribed with £Millions of public money to manipulate the Polls and show a NO result for years. Academic and their political associates have been receiving £Millions of public money, illegally in another Westminster scam to manipulate the Polls to give a NO result. Westminster total corruption once again. The weighting has not included those who never vote normally, and those who vote for Unionist Parties in a GE (no choice), but who will vote YES.

    The Polls are a scam. When they are caught out. The usual Unionist refrain, ‘it wisnae me’.

  98. Now that the Tories and LibDems have abandoned BT (Bigots Together) and are now dependent upon Krash Gordon, Flipper,Skeletor, and all their useless SLAB scab MP`s, it is increasingly obvious that Better Together is Better Apart when it suits them.?

    Ludicrously, Krash Gordon et al in SLAB serially removed the Ancient Rights of Scottish People when in Power – NOW Promises to Defend the Ancient Rights they removed.?

    6,250 SQUARE MILES of Scotland`s Ancient Inshore Fisheries in 1997 – AWARDED TO england.
    (zero to Wales and Ulster?).

    Passport Processing for Scots – Shifted to Belfast in 2007 – by Brown and Darling on the 300th Anniversary of the Act of Union of 1707.

    We KNOW we can NEVER TRUST Krash Gordon or SLAB with our Ancient Rights, especially when BamCam, Clegg and Farage leave the field to Krash and Flipper for political expediency. Only in Scotland.?

    Once again all the Unionists are taking the piss when they trust Scottish Labour Voters to be TOO DUMB to recognise they are being CONNED – again. By Krash.

  99. Robert Louis says:

    Here’s a question for the anti Scotland biased media, who’s in charge of the anti independence NO campaign? Brown or Darling?

    Answers on a postcard.

  100. Meindevon says:

    CNBC talking about the markets falling now.

  101. Macart says:

    I’m telling you RL, that man in charge of our resources?

    Fox in charge of the hen house.

    These people do NOT care about anyone, not in England or anywhere else. They have no country, they have no integrity and the sure as hell have no empathy or fellow feeling. We have an out and a chance to change that and I thank any and all fates that are out there that we do.

  102. Meindevon says:

    CNBC showed Gideon on Marr show promising more new powers. No doubt trying to boost the markets which are definitely going in a downward direction.

  103. Robert Peffers says:

    @Jimbo says: 8 September, 2014 at 12:30 am:

    “Isn’t it amazing how they get so panic stricken over one wee opinion poll? What are they going to be like next week when all the polls put us at least 5 points ahead?”

    In the first place the, “lead”, is well within the margin of error. In the second place the poll comes from the most suspect of pollsters that fiddle results. In the third place it was probably enineered by Bitter Together to jolt the NO campaign out of its rut of complacancy. A rut in which they all agreed the break-up of the Union, (although they wrongly said it would break-up Britain), was unthinkable. We all know they got that wrong … too.

    That particular result has indeed been achieved by that poll and we YESSERS must not now be over confident but we must get out there and keep up the good work.

    I’m off again this morning with the flag and sticker bedecked camper-van which is also fitted with a tannoy system, CDs of the Red Hot Chilli Pipers and other patriotic & independence music.

    Now if I could just get our hard-pressed local elected member to find time to record a statement, (coming soon I hope), the next few days will become even more busy.

  104. Cactus says:

    See what you mean.. a recent favourable YES poll, followed the next day with a timely headline.. posing as a plead.

    We live in exciting times for Scotland.. in one week & three days Thursday from now, we WILL decide the future.

    The present feel of things, is that the Westminster model appears to have topped-out, whereas Scotland are now coming into their own.

    X Transform your windows today with an X

    Have a great Monday morning all you decided and undecided readers 🙂

  105. Ken500 says:

    The only way Cameron can save anything is to end the corrupt, undemocratic Coalition and resign.

  106. Hewitt83 says:

    They were always going to be play the Queen card late in the day.

    There is no getting away from the fact that Liz is fairly popular up here, particulary among the older generation, so it is another desperate campaign tactic.

    There is all out panic in the No camp at the moment, it’s incredible.

    If all they have though is Osbourne making shallow promises and claming the Queen will be upset, we’re onto a winner.

    Funny – I haven’t seen one direct quote from the Queen on the matter.

    If the momentum continues we’re going to be very happy on the 19th.

  107. davidb says:

    Please keep the monarchy issue firmly parked. The queen of Scots, Canada. Australia and a few other places is out of this argument. A lot of the monarchists will be voting Yes. The No camp is trying to divide and rule.

    There is a discussion here a few weeks ago about the Orange Order being useless to No this time. Keep it that way. Dont even mention the R word.

    10 days and we win if we keep the heid.

  108. manandboy says:

    Cameron, Osborne and Milliband are currently, desperately, trying to preserve the ‘status quo’ – the march to the money of the super rich, the Gravy Train for politicians and the cattle wagons for the taxpayer.

    It’s all about oil. It’s not called ‘black gold’ for nothing.
    Scotland has it, Westminster wants it more than anything else because in the culture bequeathed us by Mrs Thatcher
    the love of money is the driving force within it.

    The trouble is – the love of money is still the root of all evil.

    You only have to think of Westminster and the No Campaign
    to see the evidence of that.

    The famous Liverpool manager Bill Shankly said:-
    “football isn’t a matter of life or death –
    it’s more important than that.”

    The Referendum is a bit like that.

    Vote YES.

  109. T222Deracha says:

    The really sobering thought is that without Wings and other similar minded sites, the Scottish public would only have given the Establishment view of Scottish independence.
    A win for YES on the 18th September means that the rules for controlling the population via the MSM will need to be rewritten. :-))

  110. galamcennalath says:

    All quite amazing. Westminster, and the opaque bubble which envelops it, is so astonishly out of touch with Scotland. We all knew it, but now suddenly their twisted rhetoric makes it all so crystal clear. Is it not obvious to them that this is happening because of their attitudes and behaviour over the decades? It all seems a bit like the court of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, clueless about the real world. Let’s finish this off and make sure Scotland gets to keep and eat its cake.

  111. Nana Smith says:

    @Robert Louis

    Well Blinky is still around according to this…

    link to

  112. T222Deracha says:

    “…….BEEN given the Establishment view of Scottish Independence.” Sorry!.

  113. Wilma says:

    Everyone keep the faith don’t bother looking at what the Pol says it is what happens on the day and if we thought there was any vote rigging we can go UDI just like AS will do if he thinks there is any foul play our Alex is a very clever man.

  114. Macart says:


    Well the unionists out there wanted to know why a currency union was advisable and there we have it. The money markets and commodity traders know whats what. When it comes to resources and what underwrites debt, balance of trade or even what they consider the piffling matter of possible cross border exchange rates, then they’ll always. but always be the first indicator. If they feel that Westminster would cut their nose off to spite their face…

    … well they’re going to make it known in short order how deeply unhappy they would be about that. You can almost feel the speculators smelling blood in the water.

    That should focus some minds

  115. the Penman says:

    I note on my commute here in Glasgow that the front page of the Metro (reading over someone’s shoulder) doesn’t have the “No Currency Union” headline, but has “Neck and neck” instead, with the two campaigns’ symbols front and centre. Story seems to be only about the movement of the polls.

    Is the other front page we saw only for rUK?

  116. heedtracker says:

    link to now they’re doing same as BBC in Scotland does, read out every vote NO news headline, stories and ediitorial of every newspaper, in case you didnt quite get the bettertogether message.

    BBC World service also reading out Boris Johnson Telegraph headline “sleepwalking to tragedy” every hour, so thats nice of them.

  117. Mike says:

    Take a good look at all the main players in the Indy Ref debate and judge their public standing.

    Take a good look at the presentation of all the arguments over the last 2 years.

    Take a good look at the effects of the policies coming from Westminster.

    Take a good look at the public opinion of the coalition Govt.

    Take a good look at how traditional Labour feels about New Labour in Scotland.

    Think about what most people think of WMDs in Scotland.

    Think about what most people think of the present austerity being forced down their throats.

    Think about what most people in Scotland think about the wars in Iraq and Afganistan and how we were duped and manipulated into them.

    Think about how people feel about being squeezed so hard with taxation processes like nowhere else in the world.

    Think about the present rhetoric coming from Westminster over Syria.

    Think about the thoughts of the people of Scotland when they see a massive surge in support for UKIP in England.

    Relate all of this to the claim that at best the support for Independence is only now neck and neck because the Media tell us it is.

    Now once again remember the media’s track record on misreporting misinforming bare face lying & manipulation and think about how the race is neck and neck only because they say it is.

  118. Macart says:

    @Robert Peffers

    I agree. I think we’ve been beyond that result for some time and like you I believe this may simply be nothing more than a calculated gamble on their part to stir some support.

  119. Les Wilson says:

    Panic in the NO camp, sterling being hurt this morning, RBS, LLoyds, down. This is all because they never considered a Scottish YES vote, and markets are telling them that. Bad planning backfiring.

    The ” absolute NO”, to a currency Union by Osborne yesterday is having a reaction. So what happens now? will they continue on Osborne’S path, or will he be on the red line ” Alex, dear friend, in reference to the CU, you know it was only a campaign tactic? so let’s talk real world”
    Salmond ponders, then quietly answers, F off!

    Salmond has and still is playing a blinder here, if the UK uncertainty continues, sterling will really start suffering,
    The only way to quell this to a reasonable degree is to change tune to that of a CU being acceptable. This then puts Scotland’s GDP through the sterling area, which will calm a large market section, but not all of it.

  120. No no no...yes says:

    The markets don’t like uncertainty and even Osborne’s promises won’t help as they can see through the fog of words.Only when the result is annouced will they have some clarity. When a victory for Yes is announced on Friday 19th, expect real panic in the city. Cameron will be busy all weekend trying to save his backside,and a currency union is the only answer.
    if you watch Gordon Brown’s interview with Murnahan (yesterday on Sky news), he said he wanted Scotland to share its resources.BY definition that means we subsidise the UK, He wantsto continue this nonsense to the detriment of the people of Scotland..
    brown ruined The UK, BUT he has

  121. heedtracker says:

    link to BBC World Service hourly reading out “major UK politicin” Boris Johnson’s sleep walk to tragedy headline but its not on online Torygraph at the moment. They’re going berserk at the BBC and Torygraph but its very creepy of the BBC to be out around the world krapping on Scottish democracy too.

  122. 400,000 Scottish Tory voters in the Conservative and Unionist Party are now totally Reliant upon the Scottish Labour Party to save their Union.?

    You couldnae make it up.

    Red,white and blue unionists are witnessing their cherished beliefs USURPED by the worst PM and his Chancellor in British Political History.?

    The blue and white segments of the Union flag is replaced by a tarnished labour logo – to save their useless union.?

    Given recent history of Krash and Flipper, they certainly do not engender TRUST to their own voters but having TRASHED them for years, Scots tories Now rely on them.?

    Ludicrously, BamCam Promises to abandon ALL his Scots Tory voters – AFTER the IndyRef – by enacting Boundary Change Legislation that EXCLUDES Scots tories from the Commons.

    Since 2001 when Scots had 72 x MP`s in the Commons.
    Next year those will be cut to only 50 x MP`s.
    Representation CUT BY ONE-THIRD.

    “YES” stops all their sleekit machinations in ten days.

  123. No no no...yes says:

    Drat, bloody tablet..

    Brown ruined the UK and Scotland’s economies. He knowingly treats the People of Scotland with contempt and and is trying his best to maintain the status quo. He is a disgrace!

  124. Dr JM Mackintosh says:

    Spoke to the Electoral Commission this morning and they do not have any control over the purdah period with regard to the Edinburgh Agreement and the No side. Moving the goal posts. Edinburgh Agreement is a matter between UK Government and Scottish Government.

  125. bookie from hell says:

    I personally think YES 60%,talked to a women pub,she said the wealth,,decisions London is hindering Scotland.we have to stand up for ourselves

  126. manandboy says:

    England is independent and a sovereign state.

    When the EU imposes EU laws on England
    much resentment results.

    They hate any loss of sovereignty.

    England’s problem with Scotland is
    that the English think Scotland is not really a country –
    like England, which is a real country.
    Unlike Scotland.

    That’s what 307 years of being the Boss does.

  127. Hewitt83 says:

    The Unionists at work are literally seething at the developments over the weekend.

    They’re on the ropes.

    Lets deliver the knock out blow.

  128. Indy_Scot says:

    Drove the boys to school today, on the way back the sun was shining and I felt ten feet tall, and I don’t know why.

    There is definitely something in the air.

  129. Chris Baxter says:

    Scottish Daily Mail says a ‘Blitzkrieg’ from the Yes campaign has got them again.


  130. No no no...yes says:

    Hewitt 83
    When you say seething,is it because they feel cheated, or something else?

  131. Misteralz says:

    This is brilliant. They are shitting themselves. And we all know why. I was at a house party on Saturday, turned up a bit later than I would have liked. Was greeted by a friend of a friend, saying he’s been impressed at the arguments for Yes I’ve been having on Facebook. He’d already been around everyone to find out where they stood and found it was a majority for Yes, with a few undecided. I’d thought he was a hhard No! Gave him my last two copies of the WBB and asked him to go and do some converting.

  132. Boorach says:

    @ Robert Peffers

    Would you contact me please

    Would like to pick your brain, thanks.

  133. Wilma says:

    England’s problem is they will have no money to pay for anything and don’t want to tell everyone South of the Border and I live here.

  134. galamcennalath says:


    Your right, the problem down South is they have come to believe England is a country, THE country …. And Scotland is just a region.

  135. Misteralz says:

    Which he did. Was off to Grantown the day after for Motormania. Huge Yes presence, and even saw an old boy with a copy of the WBB in his breast pocket.

  136. Milady de Winter says:

    I really hope so. I too would have liked to be behind in polls just a tad longer..I feel it gives the UK govt extra time to wheel out more and more dirty tricks but I think Defcon One has been reached at Westminster and the big red panic button so now we will have to weather the final barrage of lies, bribes etc etc.

    Are the papers and TV going to do a countdown now? If so I demand that reporting Scotland does it officially from next week. And in the style of the guy who did Thunderbirds…5…4… 3…2…1… Ending with their own number…P45

  137. Hewitt83 says:

    @No no no…yes

    Seething because they realise for the first time defeat is actually possible.

    Seething because the campaign they support has been shown up as the disgrace it is.

    And the 51/49 poll doesn’t mean anything as apparently nobody asked a few idiots at my work 😀

  138. Helena Brown says:

    Well it is a lovely day and how do the pets who live in Scotland feel this morning, a wee bitty rebellious. Having seen the Sun Newspaper (comic) this morning and the comedian who probably had a hand in writing the headline may I suggest that we pets in Scotland who had the dignity to stay here would suggest that you go and do a bit of burying your head. If I felt that I had to comment on something I had not idea about I would try and say as little as possible and certainly not behave like a joke.

  139. Ken500 says:

    The ‘Scottsh’ Daily Mail actively canvassing for the dissolvement of the Union. Thanks.

    The Hatred Rag

  140. stonefree says:

    @ Calgacus says:
    8 September, 2014 at 2:52 am
    She was, it was low key event turned up as when you see her doing a walkabout

  141. Clydebuilt says:

    Imho this poll was to order. It’s getting the same media treatment that one of their orchestrated scare stories gets. WHY should we believe anything out of this most unionist of polling companies. And here they now are showing the biggest swing to YES. The NO Thanks brigade are using it as an excuse to up the ante. Wouldn’t surprise me if this company then finds that support for YES crumbles in last days of campaign.

  142. Les Wilson says:

    Let us just storm ahead folks, the Union is crumbling before our eyes, we will soon be free to carve our own future.

  143. Wilma says:

    Well the shoe will be on the other foot soon enough and it will be a great day, but they will still try however they can to stop it but get out there and do the job that I can’t do here but if I could come home and vote it would be a big fay YES all the way home.

  144. Free Scotland says:

    They slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Iraqi innocents to get their hands on wealth that was not theirs, and they did it under the pretext of a desire to teach the Arab world the value of democracy. In Scotland we already have democracy, but they don’t like the way we interpret it, so they bombard us with their propaganda to get their hands on wealth that is not theirs, and they do it under the pretext of a desire to teach us their interpretation of democracy.

  145. Tamson says:

    Regarding the YouGov poll:


    This is about creating a narrative. Poll shows Yes lead, Westminster offers more powers, next poll shows big swing to No. I’d put a lot of money on the next YouGov poll showing a No lead of around 4-6%

  146. Macart says:


    This is why we can’t let up Milady. Not for a second.

    We make more noise, bang on more doors, talk to more people. The next ten day they’ll bribe, lie, smear thrash and flail. They’ll pull out all the stops to prevent people making decisions for themselves.

  147. Les Wilson says:

    Clydebuilt says:

    Yes, there is a real possibility they are building us up, then the polls go drastically against us, these are all Unionist entities at heart. We need to remember this and rise above it. We have the momentum, keep that going and we win.

  148. heedtracker says:

    BBC World Service business says banks will all move out of Scotland, good news for London. This is being broadcast to all the colonies chaps, that’ll fix em. What a strange set up the BBC really is.

  149. Ken500 says:

    The unelected 2000? In the House of Lords, sycophants of the Unionist 600? In the Commons. It’s a disgrace.

    If the Westminster ‘Gov’ doesn’t agree to Scotland’s reasonable demands, their personal fortunes of ill gotten, secret, gains of public money will not exist. Scotland will recoup the Tory bankers loses. Cameron/Osbourne/Clegg’s resignation on a plate. that’s what you get for betraying the electorate.

  150. Luigi says:

    400,000 Scottish Tory voters in the Conservative and Unionist Party are now totally Reliant upon the Scottish Labour Party to save their Union.?

    I may be wrong, but I am sure I saw a few Tory activists dressed up in red Labour “No Thanks” sweatshirts, standing behind JL for the photoshoot. Maybe they couldn’t find enough genuine Labour activists.

    You couldnae make it up, you really couldnae!

  151. Ken500 says:

    Tory bankers fraud. Good riddance. They should be in jail not in Government. To be replace by responsible banking sector that does not commit fraud on a daily basis.

  152. Les Wilson says:

    heedtracker says:

    It would not be a bad thing for Scotland to lower the Banking risk, but it would raise rick levels in London, where they are deep in already anyway.

  153. Les Wilson says:

    heedtracker says:

    ( risk levels)

  154. heedtracker says:

    Where will they all live for starters Les? banks may all leave but they are heading south to what, super heated London, Leeds maybe, Sheffield, Liverpool, hundreds of thousands of bank workers families up and leave Scotland for Birmingham?

  155. James Dow A voice from the diaspora says:

    After all the insults, the intimidation, the lack of respect, and the misrepresentation
    directed towards Scotland and then finally at the eleventh hour being patronised or bribed to relinquish the right’s to our own nation, I would not even enter into discussion no matter who was pushing the offers.
    Except with an offer of my own FUCK OFF

  156. Liquid Lenny says:


    Lizzie the last is lizzie the first of Scots, there was a bit of a stooshie when she arrived in Edinburgh for her coronation wearing an overcoat…

    Manx news this morning, Boss at Weirs of Cathcart, I am a proud scot I go to the Rugby you know…..

    Canvassing/delivering leaftlets in the South of Arran yesterday, a new scot, tells me that SNP Supporters are attacking the English, that the SNP is a front for the SNLA and that the SNP Supported Hitler. As he was rather red in the face, I left him to it.

    Wonder why he would not take a leaflet 🙂 Maybe it was him that smashed the Big Yes Sign to pieces near Brodick.

  157. fred blogger says:

    i agree.
    the only poll that matters now is the 1 on the 18th.
    i’ll say the obvious.
    stay focused.

    we have won the arguments.
    the are trying to save face.
    they don’t want to see the truth.
    on the 19th they will have to face the truth.
    link to

  158. Why should the Queen and the Royal family be excluded from the Indy Ref Debate.?

    My SCOTTISH TAXES subsidise these useless people.

    The Crown Estate owns MORE LAND surrounding Scotland than is the actual Landmass in Scotland.

    Look at a map.

    The Crown Estate OWNS THE SEABED from the high tide mark all the way out to 12 x Nautical Miles (approx 13.2 land miles) and they are raking in money that belongs to SCOTS.

    Charlie, we now know has pestered serial Govts and has been awarded a voice at the heart of the seats of power that the rest of us will never know.

    I will always oppose this redundant Monarchy which is somehow reliant upon State Welfare but pays zero Bedroom tax at Balmoral or on any of their empty rooms in Scottish Castles – none of which are anywhere near Faslane.

    Zero Bedroom tax versus Royals because that would require “Royal Assent”.?

    When we rid ourselves of the Commons, the House of Lords and Privilege – let`s finish the job.

  159. Luigi says:

    Tamson says:

    8 September, 2014 at 9:26 am

    Regarding the YouGov poll:


    This is about creating a narrative. Poll shows Yes lead, Westminster offers more powers, next poll shows big swing to No. I’d put a lot of money on the next YouGov poll showing a No lead of around 4-6%

    Well, I suppose it could be a sneaky ploy to bring out the lazy NO voters on the 18th. However, it is an incredibly high risk strategy, very likely to backfire. Judging by todays MSM headlines, a morale-sapping UNIONIST PANIC seems to be the message most people are getting this morning. Not good, not good at all. Furthermore, it is also likely to build even more momentum for YES in the closing days.

    I know BT are now desperate enough to try anything, but surely they are not that stupid?

  160. DJS says:

    The priority in all this is that the Yes movement does not get arrogant or compacent here. Keep being positive right up to the closure of polling. Afterall, the only poll result we want to see a Yes win for is the one that takes palce on the 18th.

  161. chalks says:

    Does anyone have the link to the historical data of what Scotland has contributed? I’ve got the 80’s/90’s but remember there was 1900’s figures?

  162. alistair says:

    Daily record online has a poll for whether you are still voting yes and whether new powers would be good enough for your vote. Currently at 84% and 78% respectively !!
    link to
    Also, someone in the comments section points out that Boris has already said we don’t need more powers and English cities need them.
    Oh the web they weave.

  163. fred blogger says:

    they are now in a panic trying to down play the idea that they are panicking. 🙂
    “Scottish independence: Darling denies No campaign ‘panic’.”
    link to

  164. Robert Peffers says:

    @bugsbunny says: 8 September, 2014 at 12:30 am:

    “If this is true about the Queen interfering in Scotland’s Democratic Future, we might need a second referendum soon. Becoming a fully independent nation with a separate head of state? We could be magnanimous and have it dissolved with her final breath? Maybe?

    Actually Stephen, we need Her Majesty for the moment.
    After all the United Kingdom is bipartite union of her two kingdoms. With only two, equally sovereign, signatory kingdoms as signatories on the doucu,ent that legally, (?), united us. There is, though, a legal difference between the two former kingdoms that has to be sorted out first.

    Here’s the well documented facts: –

    1284 The Kingdom of England annexed the Princedom of Wales, (The Sataute of Rhuddlan).

    1314 Battle of Bannockburn saw The English Kingdom defeated and, in 1320 The Declaration of Arbroath not only declared Scotland an independent Kingdom but established that Scottish Monarchs did NOT have Divine Right of Kings.

    17 March 1328. Edinburgh-Northamton Treaty. Under the terms of the treaty, England recognised Scotland’s independence and Robert I as king. The Scots agreed to pay England £20,000, (Sterling), to end the war,

    1542 The two country, Kingdom of England annexed the Kingdom of, (all), Ireland, (The Crown of Ireland Act).

    1603. The Scottish King James VI inherited the crown of England but this DID NOT form a legal union of the Crowns. All it did was put two crowns on one person’s head. Hence he remained King James I of England, (not of a united kingdom), while he remained King James VI of an independent Scotland.

    1688 The three country Kingdom of England deposed their monarch, (James II), of England but as the two kingdoms were still independent with their own parliaments, deposing the English Monarchy could not legally alter the Scottish Kingdom where the monarchy still was not Sovereign anyway. The English also removedthe royal veto over their English parliament and thus made the English Kingdom, “A Constitutional Monarchy. It also began what the English still claim was the Jacobite Revolution, (it could not be a revolution as Scotland was still an independent kingdom and could not rebel against a foreign monarchy). The Jacobite uprisings began in 1688 and continued, after the Treaty of Union, until 1745.

    1706/7 The Treaty of Union in which, ‘Article I’, only unites the two royal realms. @Article II’, only deals with accession & Succession to the throne. Only then does, ‘Article III’, deal with the Her/His Majesty’s two independent Parliaments. It does so by instigating an entirely new parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. It thus forms a bipartite United Kingdom of Great Britain of two independent Kingdoms, (the signatories), butthe Kingdom of England contains three countries and thus neither Wales nor Ireland needs sign the treaty.

    As proof of all that here is the text of, “Article III”, of the bipartite Treaty of Union.

    “That the united kingdom of Great Britain be represented by one and the same parliament to be stiled The Parliament of Great Britain”.

    Now, in the modern World it is obvious that the United Kingdom is, as it describes itself, a Kingdom and thus not a country. It is a Royal Realm and, in the event it unilatterally attempts to be a, “rUK”, the obvious next step is to takeHer Majesty to both a Scottish Court, where The People of Scotland are legally sovereign, and before the International Courts. Note that it is, “Her Majesty’s Government”, as well as everything else in the Three country Kingdom of England including the English court system.

  165. James Westland says:

    Liquid Lenny

    There is also this gem from the Torygraph (Andrew Gilligan, 7th Sept: “Anti-English racists terrorising the No campaign in Scotland”

    link to

    Smearing tactics? Playing the race card?

  166. John H. says:

    I’m sorry I don’t have a link.Alistair Darling was on Radio 4 this morning at around 8.20.He was almost incoherent with panic.

    Spouting the same old lies about pensions, the pound ,etc.John Humphries could hardly get any sense out of him.If the poll was part of a unionist plan then I don’t think anyone’s told Darling.Either that or he’s a much better actor than I thought.

    Having said that, I agree that this is the most dangerous phase of the campaign, and we’ll have to be extra vigilant right up until the result is announced.

    We know the type of people that we’re dealing with.

  167. BrianW says:

    Is anyone else hearing “Flash” by Queen, We only have 14hours to save the Earth..

    Darling to Cameron.. Dave, I love you, but we only have Ten Days to save the Union!”

  168. JET JOCKEY says:

    The ESTABLISHMENT are in a panic , they can manipulate most outcomes , whether it be in a courtroom or Westminster, or some overloaded quango or committee, and they are not above manipulating a poll, But Scots on the ground are not quite so stupid as they thought, and are well aware of all the above, and are going to smack them across the face on polling day, and they certainly deserve it, They have demonstrated clearly how not to handle a referendum.

  169. fred blogger says:

    James Westland
    done to stoke up divide and conquer, and draw attention from the establishment.
    link to

  170. Onwards says:


    The vast majority of the crown estate earnings go straight to the UK government.
    With a high proportion of coast area in Scotland, it is just another subsidy to Westminster.

    The Queen is politically neutral.
    The palace has already announced that. Any rumours from ‘aides’ are just from unionist newspapers trying to divide Scots.

    We are keeping the Queen, and any arguments about the monarchy are for another day.

    Let’s not fall for their ‘divide and rule’ tactics.

  171. galamcennalath says:

    Spin on events from Press TV. Don’t know if this has been posted already.

    Independence, as more Scots are beginning to see, offers people an opportunity to rewrite the political rules. To create a written constitution, the very process of which is engaging and transformative. To build an economy of benefit to everyone. To promote cohesion, social justice, the defense of the living planet and an end to wars of choice.

    To deny this to yourself, to remain subject to the whims of a distant and uncaring elite, to succumb to the bleak, deferential negativity of the no campaign, to accept other people’s myths in place of your own story: that would be an astonishing act of self-repudiation and self-harm. Consider yourselves independent and work backwards from there; then ask why you would sacrifice that freedom.

    They cartainly get that bit spot on!

    link to

  172. Here is a wee article about TTIP that was also on the New Statesman site.

    link to

    I also did that Daily Record poll and its quite amazing 84% YES 16% no.

    That should send the BT crowd into convulsions.

  173. TD says:

    Robert Peffers

    Your post at 10:03 makes fascinating reading and clearly you know your history. In the current context, what are the practical implications of what you say?

    I frequently find myself trying to correct the misunderstandings that people have about our history and how we got to where we are, but I do not have your detailed knowledge. Could you summarise it in a few easily digestible bullet points?

  174. No no no...yes says:

    Polls can be manipulated by the weightings applied. It is no coincidence that YouGov, owned by Kellner the labour supporter,has Yes in the lead at this stage. This closing of the gap in the last month is true, but be very alert,they are setting it up for a fall.By changing the weightings again, the No camp will be shown to have regained the lead by polling day. This is designed to stop the Yes momentum in its tracks. MSM already quoting Quebec and how the feeling for retaining the status quo increased closer to the date.
    The pretend shock on Osborne and Darling’s face is a guise,its part of their plan.
    We all know how the real canvassing is going, the polls have never reflected the real numbers. I am going to underplay the one poll lead,and explain the volatility of polls to every person I canvass. These one to one grassroots conversations really has made a difference. We are all putting the pieces into a huge jigsaw and the completed picture is an Independent Scotland.

  175. Les Wilson says:

    heedtracker says:

    I suspect it would be brass plates only, which would leave Scotland as usual with a risk percentage albeit lower.
    In a new set up, with new bank rules, Scotland would avoid further risk.

    There will be big money to be made in Scotland, Banks would continue operation here. RBS is known as a risk, so it would be no bad thing in the long term for it to go. It makes Scotland less risky to Bank meltdown. A new Banking system would be put in place to cut out Bankers risk taking with peoples money.

  176. jamie says:

    I’ve got to say, I find the comments on this blog absolutely incredible. Concocting conspiracy theories about YouGov falsifying a Yes lead, implying that electoral fraud is inevitable. You people are fucking nuts. Not one rational, dissenting voice among you. I almost hope you lose if only to see the absolute bollocks that some of you will come out with to justify it. You utter fucking mentalists

  177. James Westland says:

    TD, Good point. What Robert Peffers wrote there was fascinating. I am sure there are huge constitutional issues that simply havent been considered yet.

  178. malcontent says:

    The pound is in freefall because the market doesnt like uncertainty, but wait, we are told all is certain?!?!
    1)Lazy Scots are subsidused so the rUK is financially stronger without them.
    2)They cant have the pound so no risk there, if they sterlingize they cant print money so, again, no risk.
    3)Every big business in Scotland will move south, once again greatly benefiting the rUK economy.
    So, ask yourselves, why is the pound not rising at the hint of a YES victory?
    I hope no uppity Jocks suggest the markets believe oil underwrites the humongous UK debt?? Cant be because oil runs out on the 20th of Sept, Mr Darling said so!!!
    An Osbourne climb down to settle the markets is, by no means, an impossibility here.

  179. Edward says:

    Regards the forex markets
    One of two reasons for the pound to drop against the US dollar
    First, holiday season nearly over, all the tourists that have spent their well earned abroad, causing large chunks of currency to be divvied up so will create that ripple. In addition we are heading for Christmas, buyers are now paying in US Dollars for all those lovely Christmas presents that get made in the far east and will start to be sent by sea in the coming weeks.

    Second, it could be the money markets are not that daft and realise that the Pound Sterling without Scottish Oil, Gas and other resources not backing it, will not make the pound sterling not that valuable any more, ergo no currency union, then pound not worth the paper its printed on. So its a warning from the money market to the unionists to get their house in order and agree to a currency union.

    If the money market thought that with the removal of Scotland from the rest of the UK was actually a good thing for the rest of the UK, they would be buying up sterling and the price would be going up and not down

    Or a combination of all of the above 😀

  180. Billy Mac says:

    Kate’s pregnant again, just in time for the referendum. The royal family doing their part for the no campaign.

  181. ronnie anderson says:

    Another disraction for the people of the rUK Kate’s Pregnant oh the Media in overdrive again Rule Britania. It doesent put a Loaf of Bread on the poor mans table.

  182. Fiona says:

    link to

    Not letting me post here again

    This is a general question and I would like to hear from those who know why the fall in sterling is a bad thing, if anyone can explain

  183. Nana Smith says:

    @Billy Mac

    I wouldn’t put it past them to make up a pretend pregnancy. I don’t want to pay for these scroungers while Scottish children go hungry.

    A queen who gifts a 5 million helicopter toy to willie while the elderly in the country have to choose between heating or eating is not a good role model.

    Especially when its Scotland who paid for the bloody thing.

  184. malcontent says:

    Kate pregnant. Great, another one we need to keep…..

  185. fred blogger says:

    they don’t want the people of scotland, but the resources of scotland.
    their imperialist credentials are showing.
    they have made vacuous offers, as a guilt/face saving sink.
    to boast to “we did our best”, as they simultaneously suck dry.
    they will blame downfall on the “subsidy junkies” north of the new WM border.
    the border to democracy, that the greed and avarice of WM has created.

  186. Les Wilson says:

    It is a rise in debt borrowing costs that really need to be watched, they would tell the tale better.

  187. Jim says:

    @James Westland, Liquid Lenny
    There is also this gem from the Torygraph (Andrew Gilligan, 7th Sept: “Anti-English racists terrorising the No campaign in Scotland”

    link to
    Smearing tactics? Playing the race card?
    This is all they have left and was expected but there is no English race to be racist about. There are bigots, of course there are but that is not a peculiarity of this country as there are a multitude of them in the rUK as a blog here has already shown and many are weel kent faces on British television. They are trying to divide people by using the example of a minority of bigots which no one would agree with anyway.
    As for Yes supporters going to Murphy’s ginger crate tour, they are perfectly entitled to be there the same as anyone else or does Murphy just wish to preach to the choir?

  188. boris says:

    I checked out regulations governing the much touted transfer of new powers from Westminster to Scotland. It appears a transfer of significant powers would require a referendum encompassing the entire population of the UK & Northern Ireland before implementation. I wonder how they will spin this one?.

  189. bluedog says:

    You’re right, a weak pound is a good thing in some regards, Fiona @ 10.42. But from a financial markets point of view it screams ‘risk premium’. In other words, the cost of finance for all sectors of the British economy is about to go up to compensate for the implied risk of a Yes vote.

    Of particular concern would be that as Scotland does 75% of its trade within the UK, when Scotland votes Yes, an informal boycott of Scottish goods by rUK may trigger a collapse of the Scottish economy before a settlement is reached.

  190. ronnie anderson says:

    The YES vote will be cut & dryed before the BBC get back on track of informing the rUK they have a lot of footage to show the people, from the engadgement to every nappy change of Boy George.Keep on informing the British public you’s are deyin a grand job, Scotish Peoples reward is in the Post.

  191. Jim says:

    I could seriously see that happening as there has been plenty of moaning from citizens of the rUK that they have no say in our Independence referendum so they would maybe try to appease them by allowing them to vote on what powers if any, Scotland would receive in the event of a no vote.

  192. Boycott of Scottish goods ? – aye good one.

    Folk will always pay the right price for quality goods whether they’re Scottish goods or not – people are not daft.

    Like currency union – business is business markets will force westminster (not the other way around)

  193. Jim says:

    On a lighter note I hear the scum has started printing some positives about the yes campaign and are not so blatantly biased towards the no side, good try but I hope many will do as I have and boycott that publication.

  194. Jim says:

    Some of them are like petulant children, best ignored and they will come out of their huff soon enough.

  195. Jim says:

    I don’t hear much from them about boycotting Israeli goods, I mean we have the audacity to have a democratic referendum when they are only carpet bombing innocent men, women and children!

  196. Joe says:

    After the result on the 19th we should give a big thank you to the inventor of the internet , without this medium we would be reliant on the MSM.

    When Osbourne finally comes to ask for a CU AS should tell him to stick it, the rUK pound is to risky to link to . The crashing of the pound will be a bigger wakeup call to WM and the rUK than a 2% yes lead.

    This may be AS tactics , he is a shrewd and clever economist, 10 days till independence

  197. Jim says:

    Remember the one about Palestinian children writing on their limbs so their bodies parts could be collected correctly in the event they got blown to bits but no, let’s teach those uppity Scots a lesson.

  198. wingman 2020 says:

    It is clear that there is a mass panic in the Unionist camp. But there is something more to this panic than meets the eye.

    The one point ahead in a single poll is not wholly responsible. I fully expect that the establishment are privy to other information.

    If they were so confident before that “the Union is good for Scotland and we are all Better Together, and of course Scotland could be an independent country, but its up to the residents of Scotland.”

    Why the huge panic? Nope. Something else has happened in the background to cause Osborne to come on doing his best to eat humble pie (and failing miserably)

    There will be a few SPADs and SPIN consultants fearing for their jobs at Westminster this week.

    I still think the postal votes to-date were pre-counted. (That would really be a poll of polls) Can someone tell me that this would have been impossible to do?

  199. Jim says:

    @wingman 2020
    Beware of Geeks bearing gifts!

  200. Joe says:

    BrianW says:

    8 September, 2014 at 10:05 am

    Is anyone else hearing “Flash” by Queen, We only have 14hours to save the Earth..

    Darling to Cameron.. Dave, I love you, but we only have Ten Days to save the Union!”

    should that not be dave to Alistair ” darling we only have ten days to save the union “

  201. Gary says:

    I wonder how they all managed to use the same words in their headlines? Its only Monday and they’ve started their pish already. Union/Monarchy/Save/Queen. Next weekend the Orange Lodge, parachuted in from Northern Ireland, not forgetting UKIP coming to abuse us! So what will this week’s scare or manufactured event be? My money is on terrorism. They’ll have to do it this week or never. A rescued ‘hostage’ or a Tartan Terrorist to point and laugh at

  202. Nana Smith says:

    Are labour desperate enough, probably

    link to

  203. Joe says:

    Just checked out the record page and vote , now 84 to 16 for yes , now that poll would more than panic WM. Is the record now starting to put a new yes slant on its reporting , methinks a few jumping ship soon.

  204. Muscleguy says:


    The story goes that after the Coronation she was up at Edinburgh castle and was shown the honours of Scotland (a bit like showing the prisoner the instruments of torture) but was strongly advised NOT to have a separate Scottish coronation (can’t have those Jocks getting ideas above their station). Being young and newly in post all she dared do was touch the Scottish crown with the tip of a gloved finger.

    If we must have a monarchy (spit!) then we should absolutely insist that Chuck comes up for a separate coronation. Ideally on Boot Hill under the open sky, regardless of the weather.

    One thought nags at me. Is anyone official and loyally Scottish watching the Stone of Destiny in Edinburgh Castle? I would not put it past Westminster to spirit it away on the 19th and dare us to do something about it. Anyone got a large quantity of super glue AND araldyte AND construction adhesive AND ultra strong mortar?

  205. Joe says:

    Will the record publish this result , 84 to 16 for yes will do more than cause panic , p45s all round at WM some may not get the nice big pay rise they say that they have earned, lets see them offer 10 5 pay rises to the nurses , teachers , firemen and other public service workers who DO a real job to benefit the communittee.

  206. Joe says:

    Muscleguy says:

    8 September, 2014 at 11:41 am

    One thought nags at me. Is anyone official and loyally Scottish watching the Stone of Destiny in Edinburgh Castle? I would not put it past Westminster to spirit it away on the 19th and dare us to do something about it. Anyone got a large quantity of super glue AND araldyte AND construction adhesive AND ultra strong mortar?
    There is a few of Scotlands treasures that could apply to, if its movable it can be moved , wouldn’t put it past them

  207. bluedog says:

    Independiente @ 11.13, don’t you believe it when UK politicians say no currency union? It’s become a cross party policy, they mean it, no pound after a Yes vote. Finito.

    It’s a bit like the continued belief of some Yessers, encouraged by the SNP, that what rUK does with its NHS will affect Scotland, it won’t. The Scottish NHS has been separate since 1999.

    There’s a lot of what game theorists called bounded rationality in the Yes position.

  208. HandandShrimp says:


    Labour might be desperate but I think a pact with UKIP would be too much even for New Labour.

    The Tweet last night from Murdoch about private polling showing a 54/46 lead for Yes might also be an indication that he is going to give the Bun the green light to back the winning side.

    We live in interesting times…and just a wee bit exciting 🙂

  209. HandandShrimp says:


    This is no longer about Westminster or EU politicians. It is taking on a life of its own.

  210. Nana Smith says:


    Lib dem Alexander doesn’t seem to mind campaigning with Ukip and I remember seeing a pic of Charlie Kennedy with Coburn in Inverness, very chummy they were too.

    I do hope you are right re the Sun.

  211. Black Douglas says:

    once again bluedug the 👿 comments on something it does not know anything about.

    Full unbiased links please bluedug to back up your false claims?

  212. Fiona says:

    @ bluedog

    Thanks for your response.

    I do not respect those worthies of the markets: they seem to me to be less stable than kittens on speed, and they have no special insight into how the economy works or what is likely to happen, any more than bookies do. That needs to be qualified because some of their actions are self fulfilling and so they make the weather

    But if this is a risk premium, what is the risk they perceive? Presumably that their holdings of sterling will lose value because the pound will fall. Which might be true all other things equal and is certainly true if they sell, as they are apparently doing

    But what matters is the underlying economy and there will be other players who will buy if the economic fundamentals are ok as they are, or will improve on increased exports. After all they tell us the market is “self correcting”, do they not 😉

    You say that the cost of finance will go up for all UK business including Scotland’s because of this risk premium. I do not follow. Sterling has fallen in value so surely that means it is cheaper to borrow in sterling, which is the only currency any UK business should borrow in. If the big players are selling then supply of sterling has increased: so the price has fallen, as you would expect. Those who want sterling should gain from that.

    I understand that as the price falls the interest charged often rises, but that applies to sovereign debt: it does not necessarily follow for commercial debt, does it? Lenders already charge a great deal more for money than they pay in interest to acquire it: so they have plenty of scope to reduce their profit if they choose (*washes brain out with carbolic soap* )

    As to an informal boycott of Scottish goods? Could happen but I doubt it will be effective. It is true that many of our exports are to the UK and we will not benefit from any devaluation if we are in a CU or using sterling as a tradeable currency on those exports which go to rUK. But I prefer an independent currency and that is one of the reasons I do. I accept we will be using sterling, since that is the SG’s preferred option, but I regret it.

    Do you happen to know just how much of that 75% exports to rUK are true exports to that country, and how much is merely routed through the UK due to the absurd imbalance in transport infrastructure? It would be handy to know that.

    They are reporting on radio 4 right now that this fall in sterling is due to fear of an independence vote and the adverse effect that will have on Scottish business and the Scottish economy. It seems to me that it is far more likely to relate to the adverse effect on the rUK economy given the increased deficit and (probably) debt that will impose on that country. In another part of the forest we find that Scotland makes no contribution of note to the UK economy and so independence will not impact on rUK. So why would this happen especially since there will be no CU and therefore no risk of a bail out of Scottish banks etc.

    I wish they would get their story straight

  213. Nana Smith says:

    Spotted this on twitter.

    link to

  214. HandandShrimp says:


    You can never tell with Murdoch. I think he is just enjoying watching Westminster squirm.

  215. Nana Smith says:

    I do wonder how much Westminster is bunging these so called experts for their ‘impartial’ advice and warnings

    link to

  216. Joe says:

    I reckon within a few days the sun will change direction , the record as well a poll on their site giving an 84% yes vote should be a wake up call, that could be an awful lot of newspapers sold extra every day , but will they believe their own result and will they print it ????

  217. HandandShrimp says:


    A chap in the office picked up the Sun today to see what its mood music is. He showed me a double page spread with a collage picture of Osborne, Brown and Darling looking anxious and the caption Anyone got a plan B?

  218. Edward says:

    When someone says that Scotland does 75% of its trade within the UK, then I know they are talking bollox

    The reality is some what different as Scotland exports outwith the UK about 75% of the value of all goods produced in Scotland
    Quite an excellent article on the subject from Business for Scotland
    link to

  219. bluedog says:

    Fiona asks, ‘But if this is a risk premium, what is the risk they perceive?’

    UK being denied access to capital markets in view of political uncertainty and in extremis, defaulting on debt. The sovereign debt risks is probably perceived to be low as the pattern of maturities in gilts is well managed and very long dated. But the inter-bank market will be extremely volatile and you can see the dramatic effect of long positions in Sterling being liquidated. If UK banks have to pay up to finance their domestic lending books then variable rate finance will reflect higher rates quite quickly.

    Post Yes, Scottish borrowers face an additional, currency, risk on existing loans originally funded in Sterling. It seems reckless to dismiss the repeated threat UK to deny Scotland access to the pound.

    Taking a long view, the problem the UK faces is that the Union in fact failed in 1916 with the Easter Uprising and yet nothing was done to resolve the underlying constitutional problem. Your post yesterday (at 11.33?) was very good and you were right to talk about a federated UK. Its the obvious solution and Tony Blair was foolish in the extreme to devolve all constituent nations of the Union except England. Without thinking it through he put England on an implied constitutional pedestal and we can see the result.

  220. bluedog says:

    Black Douglas @ 12.03, here’s the link you may be looking for: link to

  221. chalks says:

    Don’t agree regarding the Yougov poll, they are merely catching up with the other pollsters.

    They had to at some stage, shareholders would question why they showed a no lead if yes wins.

    Plus, Kellner is no friend of the yes campaign, BUT he runs a business.

  222. HandandShrimp says:

    A federal solution would most likely have won if it had been offered. However, after two years, for Westminster/Better Together to try and cobble together what would be a complex blueprint in a few days in order to present an option at least a week before the vote is insane. It just looks either negligent or insincere.

  223. Nana Smith says:

    Aw look everybody, rory the tory’s wee cairn[or whatever] is finished. I suppose Milliband could use it as a lookout tower against those marauding scotch.

    link to

  224. On Daily Politics no mention of the 9% pay rise for MPs. Also that David Laws makes me want to puke, another crook back in government.

    Vote YES

  225. ronnie anderson says:

    !st we had the Hare then the Spare tae the Hare,then the hare his anither spare hare noo anither spare hare. any mair room in that Bower or are we gonna hiv tae pay fur the Enlargement of Kensington Palace.

  226. Edward says:

    Nana Smith
    What a nauseating little puff piece about Rory the Tory’s cairn

    What the article omits is the fact that no one was actually interested and Rory the Tory had to rope in a Scout troop from Gretna to complete the cairn, then got into trouble as the scout troop should not have been involved

  227. bluedog says:

    HandandShrimp, interesting comment! Fiona made the astute point yesterday that Osborne’s late offer of extra benefits following a No vote simply validated the Yes position. Can’t disagree. You would think the UK treasurer would know that you shouldn’t bid against your own position; but it seems not.

    At this late stage any new offers by either side look panicky and both sides would be better waiting out the vote.

    None of the current political class seem to have figured out that a federation could be the solution, despite the existence of some highly successful federations in the Commonwealth, the US itself and Germany. The press occasionally float the idea, most recently in the Daily Telegraph. However a shock like a Yes vote could well be the catalyst that rUK needs to rethink its position on a number of fronts, including the EU. The UK House of Lords has become a disgrace with nearly 900 members and an elected Senate can’t come quickly enough.

    The Lib-Dems put together a detailed proposal for a UK federation under Lord Steel in 2005. Sadly his proposal seems to have died a death within the Coalition.

  228. YESGUY says:

    Les Wilson 9.00 am.

    Tea and toast all over my screen. Picture Wee Eck telling George to Feck off , ah wonderful sight.

    Indy Scot.

    I have been feeling like that for a couple of weeks now. Don’t know exactly why but it’s a weird feeling and i like it.


    MY thoughts too . Even if they tell us the YES vote has fell by a couple of percent , nothing will change. YESSERS will still hound the DK’s and soft NOers . We have won the argument and the momentum is now and always been with us. Away from the obvious shit in the MSM i bet they are up to their collective arses , trying to work out how to survive without the subsidies Scotland has provided the rUK.

    It is nice to see such smug bastar** crumble and shake.

    Got 2x two blocks of six flats with big balconey’s and six huge Scotland flags going up MONDAY. Keeping my powder dry till then as most folk passing will be surprised . Right on the main bus route too.

    Monday we show our colours and hope it starts a great week ending in Independence.

  229. Fiona says:

    @ bluedog

    There is no possibility of the UK being denied access to capital markets so far as I can see. Nor is there any possibility of sovereign default. All of that is just nonsense based on the notion that a sovereign is in exactly same position as a household. A tale which suits the elite who wish to impose austerity on us for fun and profit. It has absolutely no importance in the real world. Nor has any of that got anything at all to do with commercial lending.

    As it happens, and as i have made clear, I am inclined to believe that CU will not happen, despite it being in the rUK’s interest. I believe that all possible governments at westminster will put their perceived political interest above that of the people, as they normally do. And they have painted themselves into a corner on this by lying about the implications to voters in rUK.

    A federal UK is never going to happen. Westminster will NEVER give up the notion of parliamentary sovereignty and as I see it many many people in the rUK are wedded to that idea in a rather unreflective but very strong way.

    I do not like the idea of using sterling as a tradeable currency for reasons which i have set out many times. But having found out more about such states as Panama I have come to the conclusion that it is not that important so long as it is a transitional arrangement. That is what I think it will be. I am more relaxed about it than I used to be. Nearly as relaxed as Peter Mandelson is about the deliberate fostering of greater inequality as a laudable aim 😉

  230. liz says:

    @bluedog – The Scottish NHS has been independent since the day it was created – so if you can’t even get that fact correct why should we believe the rest of your info.

  231. YESGUY says:

    FIONA 12.04.

    I Love you. x

  232. Nana Smith says:

    Yesterday and this morning the queen was unsettled, as time goes on she is apparently horrified. Calm down dear!

    link to

    The rogues are still around threatening their workers. When will they ever learn?

    link to

  233. Tom Foyle says:

    I’m not sure of the Independent’s position – “Ten days to save the UK” beneath a picture full of “Yes” votes. What exactly is the message here?

  234. John in Fife says:

    Remember to keep telling people that they are only after our OIL.

  235. caz-m says:



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