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Wings Over Scotland

A strange kind of positivity

Posted on February 03, 2014 by

We were a little perplexed this morning by the Daily Record’s banner headline.


And not just because of the unusually generous use by the Labour-supporting paper of the term “SNP Government” (rather than “Scottish Goverment”) on a good-news story.

The article itself seems a little premature. The bedroom tax certainly hasn’t been “axed” – such a thing is solely in the power of the UK government – and even the Scottish Government’s plan to fully mitigate its effects (by allocating extra money to councils earmarked for Discretionary Housing Payments) is only a proposal at this stage, requiring legislative change at Westminster to enact, which the UK government has yet to confirm it will co-operate with.

(Lallands Peat Worrier explains the fine detail of the legal ins and outs.)

The explanation for the top-of-the-bill placing, then, perhaps lies in the prominence the Record gives to Labour. Much of the story is given over to comments from Jackie Baillie and Iain Gray, and the paper repeatedly emphasises their involvement.

(It actually says “Holyrood rivals” and “Holyrood unites”, but there’s no mention of the Conservatives or Lib Dems, who we must assume – as the parties implementing the bedroom tax in the first place – remain opposed to the SNP and Labour position.)

Alert readers, of course, will know that Labour’s backing or otherwise makes not a blind bit of difference to anything that happens at Holyrood. With an absolute majority, the SNP’s budget will pass no matter what anyone else does. It also seems unlikely that backing from Labour would make the UK government any more likely to comply with the Scottish Government’s request for a legislative amendment.

So the only reason we can discern for the story to exist is that the Record, which has on several occasions criticised Labour’s relentless kneejerk negativity at Holyrood, is attempting to defuse that toxic image by painting a picture of constructive behaviour and unity from the lead opposition party.

It’s a shame, then, that it didn’t explain that to Jackie Baillie.

Unable to resist the opportunity to reflexively attack the SNP, Baillie’s comments start by crowing about a “U-turn”, and with the unabashed mendacity that’s become her trademark she depicts the situation as one in which the evil Nats have been forced into backing down against their will by her entirely impotent Member’s Bill:

“Faced with my Member’s Bill and evidence of clear legal mechanisms that enable the Government to provide the resources, there is no further obstacle to effectively cancelling out the bedroom tax in Scotland.

I am delighted that John Swinney has finally listened and is prepared to make the right decision.

I want to pay tribute to those who have campaigned tirelessly against the bedroom tax, including Govan Law Centre and the No2 Bedroom Tax campaign who petitioned the Parliament, and, of course, the Daily Record.

Scottish Labour listened and acted and our joint efforts put pressure on the SNP Government to change their minds.”

The SNP has frequently indicated its willingness to mitigate the bedroom tax were the Westminster restraints on funding to be lifted. Jackie Baillie has demanded repeatedly that it find the money to do so, without ever specifying where it should be found from. (Infamously, when pressed on the subject her best idea was to travel back in time and un-spend a few million pounds that had been spent years ago.)

So far as we can tell, then, Labour’s actual input into the process has been zero. The story doesn’t claim that they identified the source of the extra funding, and their support on the budget is not required. The only credit to be gained by Johann Lamont’s beleaguered troops from the entire affair would be if the Record went out of its way to portray the party as having been non-partisan and more concerned – for once – with helping the people of Scotland than with hating the SNP, which the paper duly does.

And when seen in that context, Jackie Baillie’s statement is as fatuously stupid as it is shamefully dishonest. We sincerely extend our genuine sympathy to decent, honest Labour voters, who deserve better than to be represented by such clowns.

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Feil Gype

I canna stand Ja Ba ….shes a fecking muppet.

Murray McCallum

“… when seen in that context, Jackie Baillie’s statement is as fatuously stupid as it is shamefully dishonest.

Can the UWS do a statistical analysis of political comment over the last 12 months that include these three words in a single paragraph or, maybe even, single sentence?

Bugger (the Panda)

Do I smell a repositioning of Gray and Bailllie to be there and takeover when JoLa jumps from the Gerkin?

Or will she be pushed.

Or is she just down in London, telling red Ed off for nopt being negative enough?

Ken MacColl

Jackie Baillie is an exception to most norms so no surprise in her being out of step yet again.
As she lumbers to her feet at FMQ with yet another predictably irrelevant question a palpable sense of ennui settles on the chamber


So Labour want to pull money out of the shrinking Scottish Budget to pay off Westminster’s latest attack on the poor?

I suppose that’s better than letting people go homeless and hungry, but I see this as nothing more than making the Scottish Government volunteer to give up some of it’s budget.

It’s a budget cut that won’t show up on the books as one, but that’s what it is.


OK, supposing Westminster agrees to allow the Scottish government to subsidise the local government discretionary housing funds – what’s the betting Labour vote against it?

Peter Macbeastie

Baillie.. wasn’t she the one a couple of years back that fabricated a rape and murder case to add to accusations that the SNP were weak on serious crime?

I think we can pretty safely disregard anything she says, frankly, because she is well and truly tainted.

Thomas William Dunlop

I seriously think the whole of the Labour in Scotland and Better Together are co-ordinated by some demented individuals who have spent all their working (and life) experience scripting Pantomines. i.e Nothing what so ever to do with real life!

Bailey would do a great turn as the evil step mother.

JoLa as the wee thing from the Krankies

Mr Grey (or Wee Wullie) as Buttons

That’s not to mention the real Krankies and Barrowman being celebrity endorsements of the BT campaign.

All work hard night & day to make sure Scotty-Inderella doesnae get to tae the big peoples ball.


BBC GMS headlined this story this morning with “Will the SNP give into Labour demands to axe the bedroom tax?” followed by a clip of Jackie Baille. Almost had me chucking the radio at the wall.


“supposing Westminster agrees to allow the Scottish government to subsidise the local government discretionary housing funds”

And what will Labour’s line be if they don’t agree to it?


“Faced with my Member’s Bill and evidence of clear legal mechanisms that enable the Government to provide the resources, there is no further obstacle to effectively cancelling out the bedroom tax in Scotland.

Apart from, of course, her colleagues in Westminster, with whom we are supposed to be so very “Better Together.”

And even those in her own party who campaign AGAINST devolving income tax to Holyrood.

At this rate, the latest obstacle to Jackie Baillie’s Member’s Bill would be her future self from the year 2032.


Ms Bailie’s grasp on reality, never mind truth, is shaky to say the least. So with no mandate, no parliamentary support required and no real leverage to speak of Ms Bailie is claiming to be the heroine of the hour? And this on matter which the sitting government are already pledged to mitigate as much as possible under current arrangements and abolish altogether under independence.

Oh puhleeze.

She couldn’t organise the proverbial in a brewery.


I knew this would happen.

Far too good to be true that Labour would ‘talk’ to the SNP over the bedroom tax.

It is exactly how I thought it would be, the SNP give some ground and Labour (in the form of Iain ‘elan of a baguette’ Gray & Jackie ‘lying toe-rag’ Baillie) take the credit for it.

The Tories and Lib Dems aren’t saying anything because if this does go through (and its far from sure) they’ll be so busy chortling about how they got Labour to convince the SNP to subsidise a Tory policy – effectively reducing Scotland’s Block Grant – without having to lift a fucking finger.

And I can only second Feil Gype’s comment on Jackie Baillie, there is something about her I just cannot stand – she is a horrible politician.


I just looked in here. The first thing my eyes were immediately drawn to was a picture of a newspaper headline about the Bedroom Tax being axed, and I was like:
“YES! About time t… Oh c**p, it’s not real!” *facepalms*

Oh well, the only thing that could shatter my hopes for the future worse than that would be waking up to a No vote in September!


Stolen Labour’s thunder, they can’t moan about it so they have to pretend that they did it when in fact they have done nothing. They did not find the money, they have not introduced a mechanism and they did not force a vote.

Presumably they will support this through Holyrood….or will they?

Suzanne K

I was told by Philip Stott, whom I’m told has connections with Govan Law Centre, that the SG has a £170 million underspend, so that’s where the cash is coming from.
I would love to know how accurate this claim is as his only evidence was the Daily Record!


Looking at the big picture, is this not just a clever move by the SNP to give Labour voters a taste of what a Scottish Govt can do much more of in an independent scenario? Admittedly it’s being done under devolution but isn’t the main story for Labour voters that it’s possible to work with the SNP to deliver on the social welfare agenda?

A clear case of the SNP showing Labour voters that there is nothing to fear and much to gain in voting YES.


Given the prominence of Jackie Baillie in this piece by the Daily Comic,it looks as if she”s being groomed for stardom as Lamonts jaicket is surely on a shaky peg. Mind you, it doesn”t matter which monkey Labour put up, Salmond will still run them ragged.

Andy Wood

Jeez-oh. I’m just scunnered by the gall of them. Labour MSPs crowing about how their pressure has made the difference when their own MPs couldn’t be bothered to turn up and vote against the very same thing some weeks ago. Elegantly dissected as ever Stu, but such poor quality journalism from The Record and blatant economies of truth from Baillie make me despair at times but I’ve come to realise that this is just situation normal. I wouldn’t trust them to run a raffle. Labour and me. We’re finished.


……. but will the Coalition move on this?

This seems to suggest otherwise.

link to


Am I wrong in thinking that this is actually now costing us £15M more (I think thats the value Ive seen attributed – may be wrong), and could have been completely abolished for free if Labour had turned up to vote at Westminster last November


Perhaps the Daily Record are punting this ‘abolition’ of the ‘Bedroom Tax’ because it shows we don’t need independence to do it.

jingly jangly

Suzanne K
The 170 million underspend they are talking about is the money set aside for Aberdeen peripheral route, it was delayed due to legal action, so the money was not spend in the financial year it was budgeted for.

However, it is not an underspend as it now needs to be spent on the project is was allocated for.
Typical Labour lying, they were the ones who were that incompetent in Government that they sent hundreds of millions back to Westminster every year.

Don’t forget that the “Bedroom Tax” was introduced by Labour under Gordon Brown in 2008.


We need remember that only a few days ago the sole Tory member of the Scottish parliament’s Welfare committee, Alex Johnstone, refused to endorse the committee’s highly critical report of the bedroom tax.

It would seem that reflects the Coalition’s hardening attitude. Is there an appetite for change at Westminster?


@toshtastic: Am I wrong in thinking that this is actually now costing us £15M more (I think thats the value I’ve seen attributed – may be wrong), and could have been completely abolished for free if Labour had turned up to vote at Westminster last November

No, you’re not wrong, the Tories have managed to give Labour a stick to poke the SNP into giving Westminster back some of the block grant, effectively cutting Holyrood’s budget even further.

Labour probably planned this, which could be why they didn’t think the vote to get rid of the bedroom tax was important – if it wasn’t there then they couldn’t use it to further cut Holyrood’s budget!

Flower of Scotland

O/t see the Courier paparazzi are at it ! They are demonising Pete Wishart about the poor wee souls from strathallan Independent School being shown up as Horrible Rich kids who have no idea how the other half live ! Of coarse they didn’t tweet anything nasty , ( they forget that Rev let us see some of the tweets ) . All the nasty tweets came from Pete ! He,s such a disgrace !
God help me I sometimes used to buy that paper ! ( sigh )


Tories and friends will vote it down in westminster. Political game ultimately to be played out in westminster. Planned months in advance,then half labours’ mps won’t show.seen it before.

It may work ,but I won’t hold my breath.


illy: the Tories have managed to give Labour a stick to poke the SNP into giving Westminster back some of the block grant, effectively cutting Holyrood’s budget even further.

Thanks – thats what I thought. So basically we are even more money down every year now until we can get this tax abolished.

I can see why thats a ‘win’ in the press – not!

Robert Louis

A waste of money. if this goes ahead, we will have the ludicrous situation of the Scottish Government effectively paying the Bedroom tax to Westminster, just so Labour can shout ‘it was they wot won it”.

Sorry, but the Scottish Government should not even be entertaining this nonsense. What if Westminster increases the charge? do we carry on squandering the fixed block grant handing money back to Westminster ad infinitum???



Saying that,i hope it works,working together against stupid laws .


Spin, spin, spin.

Would it not be nice if the Daily Record team, for once, just reported the simple truth – is it really so beyond them?

Alfresco Dent

Labour in Scotland are nothing more than a freak show. Lucky for them they have the Record to cover it up.

Ian Brotherhood

Spacehopper can claim credit for whatever she likes. Makes no difference – she and her buddies have effectively gutted the Labour Party in Scotland of any principles it may have had.

Baillie, Lamont, Gray…they’re a laughing stock – sad, shallow people, not worth getting wound-up about.

Geoff Huijer

What Andy Wood said.

G H Graham

As we’re never tired of pointing out though, most folks won’t get past the headlines so in a sense, it is a positive SNP story.

Nevertheless, Baillie is claiming ownership, that she had no authority to claim, of a policy to mitigate a previous policy created & introduced by Labour that the Con/Dem government refuses to abolish.

She at least deserves an extra portion of pie, chips & beans for trying.

call me dave

The SG have played this ‘bedroom tax’ quite well, first by mitigating the tax to the legal maximum permitted in Scotland. Then by sharply profiling the labour party in the UK as supporting the coalition on this matter as opposed to SG’s promise to axe the tax.

Now that everyone’s aware of that they now request the UK coalition to change the rules to allow the SG to mitigate the full amount with the £15M pending. Job done and ‘Scottish’ labour now in the fold, bonus.

SNP good, nothing to frighten those labour supports on the edge of moving to a YES.

Grey and Baillie jockeying for kudos here with Lamont’s credibility at it’s lowest ebb. Moves afoot within labour as I see Lamont jibes Milliband to extract the digit and decamp to Northern Britain to shore up the disillusioned labour voters now wavering. Tipping point must be close.

Maybe Lamont is being ushered stage left .. or right!


@ Alfresco Dent. Correct, they have always been a freak show.Remember Willie Ross (get lost),blank cheque Dewar, Stalins Granny Liddell,et al. Even George Galloway was one of their heroes. That says it all !


So, lets see, the other week Labour surprisingly fully support the Scottish Government budget. This week, Labour salute the Scottish Government funding more anti Bedroom tax impact.

Job done! Labour get feed good headlines which ties them in alongside the term Scottish Government helping make people more familiar with their new apparent sense of Scottish and Social Solidarity.

Its aw games folks, and theyre at the cheating.

Mad Jock McMad

If Stu doesn’t mind, I suggest having a keek at two pieces I wrote about Baillie’s Baldrickian plan on my own blog rather than a retread here:

link to

In short instead of being evicted because of the ‘bedroom Tax’ you would be evicted for non-payment of a small claims judgement – no doubt with goods and chattels poinded.


“Perhaps the Daily Record are punting this ‘abolition’ of the ‘Bedroom Tax’ because it shows we don’t need independence to do it.”

It doesn’t though. It’s not being axed, we’re just paying it back to Westminster from our block grant for devolved issues (welfare not being one of them). And to mitigate fully the SG has had to go cap in hand to Westminster to ask if we can lift the cap on how much we can spend doing that – the cap put in by Labour.

They can still say no, in which case it can’t be done.

And even if they do say yes, so what? We mitigate for this year, then next year what if the block grant is cut, or there’s more stupid and damaging welfare policies that need mitigated? It’s not “axed” and it’s not a sustainable way to keep people protected from it.

Findlay Farquaharson

and when the tories flex their muscles and say no you cant mess around with the spare room subsidy it will only cause unrest in the other regions, the scot govt can say they tried, what will scot lab say? were better together?


Jackie Baillie may, and I say this in seriousness, be one of the main pieces of evidence for why some suspect the UK parties put numpties into Holyrood on purpose to reinforce the idea that Scotland can’t run itself, and so Westeminster can keep important powers reserved.

Semi-literate, semi-intelligent people like myself (if I may be so bold) despair that these are the people potentially in a position of some power and influence. Situations such as a few weeks ago when Lamont was trying to claim in the Scots Parliament that contributing less to the UK than our spending meant that we were being subsidised by the rest of the UK; you put your head in your hands and want to weep.

Arbroath 1320

Well there we have it folks, proof, if proof were in fact needed that we have lies, damned lies and Baillie lies. Let’s never forget that Baillie has form regarding lying. Was it not her in fact who admitted to the Daily Herald that she had lied in parliament about people lying on gurneys in hospital corridors?

Jackie Baillie has a well documented history of lying when it comes to all things anti SNP. She’ll stoop ever lower just to get her name up in lights and appear to be the good MSP when in fact it is quite apparent she couldn’t care less. The only thing she is interested in is getting herself noticed. As others have surmised, she is obviously trying to manoeuvre herself into the prime position that will see her take over from the totally hapless Johann Lamont.

When Baillie takes over, as she undoubtedly will, from Lamont it will continue my suspicions about the leadership of Labour in Scotland. As we see each successive ‘leader’ they end up being progressively worse than their predecessor.


@Arbroath 1320

I fear wee Ruthless Ruthie Davidson has shown us all that the grazing slow dinosaurs like Jackie and her ilks days are well and truly numbered.

Killer Kezia, the Verocicraptor awaits in the wings ( apols Rev) to step up to the mantle of High Priestess of Castle Ian Grayskull.

Neil Findlay can play Barney the Dinosaur.

Patrick Roden

So, what we have is Labour Supporting the SNP/Government to mitigate the bedroom tax, which will be reported in England as the Jocks yet again getting off with something that the English don’t…

Questions will be asked and the first question will be:

‘Are the English paying yet again for the Scottish subsidy junkies, while the English are forced to pay or face eviction?

Labours new friend, ‘The Daily Mail’, will have a field day with that one! and the rabid right wing press will soon work the electorate down there into a frenzy.

The coalition will be under pressure to refuse permission to the Scottish Government and more importantly, Ed Milliband will come under pressure to say what he would do if he was in power.

This could get very messy for The labour Party in Scotland.

Patrick Roden

The irony of the above scenario, is that the labour Party in Scotland, will be the victims of the kind of wild lies and dishonesty from the rabid right wing press, that they have enjoyed seeing mobilised against the SNP/Yes campaign.

Big Jock

The legal technicalities have not been agreed yet Jackie. It has to be done legally within the constraints of the Westminster controlled welfare system. This is still being explored. The real crime of the Bedroom Tax is that it’s reserved and foisted upon Scotland against her will. We have to in effect give money away from the budget stolen by Westminster.

Arbroath 1320

Oh I dunno desimond, I think Jackie Baillie might just have Kezia Dugdale for a breakfast starter. 🙂

Seasick Dave


And JoLa can be Barney Rubble.


This comment was on a debating page “Just got this, hope it’s true, tomorrow’s Daily Mail front page…….
Hopefully the Scottish government have accepted it’s immoral to kick folk out their home when there’s no social housing to go to.”
People certainly forget the Lab MPs who did’nt bother to turn up for the vote and also that when SNP led councils agreed a no eviction policy, Lab/Tory led councils started sending out eviction letters with a threat of involving child services I believe ?
There are sadly people who dont understand why Scot Gov cannot simply get rid of the b/t and this just makes it look like they have a magic wand and have been backed into a corner by the very folk who endorse the system that brought us this.

call me dave

Big story here.
Man charged with threatening to assassinate The First Minister. v Was on a tweet we saw on a thread yesterday.

link to


@crisiscult. Surely if your theory was correct Ian Davidson would be in Holyrood.

Patrick Roden

As for the political manoeuvrings for the leadership contenders, did anyone else notice that Ken McIntosh mysteriously brought up the disastrous attempt by Johann Lamont to introduce a Separate VAT system in Scotland, saying how bad an idea it would be!

Eh? Yes Ken, the Westminster MP’s shot Johanns plans to shreds before she had even delivered her speech, so why are you bringing it up after all this time?

They are fighting like rats in a sack…and wasn’t Ken ‘out there’ braving the early morning cold, to show the comrades, what a loyal Party man he is?

I’m sorry but anyone who votes for that lot, must be zipped up the back if they believe they care about improving their lives.



Fair point, but actually it’s not my theory. A friend told me some people quite active in politics actually believe it. I was sceptical but after Baillie, the JLo incident I related, and a few other incidents in the last 6 months or so, I’m starting to almost believe it.

If I were masterminding this plan to scupper the Scottish parliament I’d also get Anas Sarwar moved in too, but as he’s quite professional looking (nice suit, reasonably clear spoken) some seem to ignore the fact he learned his debating skills from the school of ‘just speak over the other person and keep going until everyone gives up’

Seasick Dave

Call Me Dave

He was only joking.

“Ridiculous that even a joke makes you a criminal”.

Les Wilson

Findlay Farquaharson says:

Findlay I suspect the SG see more advantages in this than we do, they have played it all quite well up to now.I think time will tell it was a crafty move.

call me dave

The trouble with (only) words is that there is no associated facial or other bodily signals to the receiver, or in this case anyone who read it to indicate it is jocular.

He has got himself a whole world of troubles now, his life will change big time, downhill. Does he deserve to be punished for it, probably.

Only a simpleton sends out such a message into the public media, a harsh lesson for us all.


Capital budget cannot be spent on expenditure items. If a capital project is delayed then the capital budget has to be juggled.

February is when all the departments shake down their expenditure budgets and cough up any spare cash and this is then pooled and used to best advantage in areas that are short or have become a priority. An actual underspend is money not used by 31st March. This happens every year in Westminster, Holyrood and just about every Government on the planet. It isn’t unusual.


Don’t see this in the online version of the Daily (Drivel) Record. Torchuil Crichton one half of the Chuckle Brothers of journalism the other being David Clegg. Crichton tears into his beloved labour party, for not upping Labours game against independence.

Crichton then adds that Scottish institutions are living in fear of the SNP, and he names Alistair Sim the director of Universities Scotland, as one such man afraid to speak out. Crichton also adds that the SNP are breaking EU laws by charging English student to study in Scotland, saying its nothing more than discrimination.

Jon D

Jackie Baillie. Self Interest. Never…

link to

Flower of Scotland

I agree with you Arbroath1320
I can’t even think of J Baillie without my stomach heaving !
She is one of the nasty politicians who think that lying is just part of normal debating .
She often steals proposals from the SNP and pretend they are hers ,having already said no to them in the past ! God help the Labour lot at Holyrood if ever J Baillie takes over from J Lamont . Could be a gift to the YES side though .


Don’t Touch the money for the AWPR, or else.

call me dave

Negotiations after a YES should not be handled by the SNP.

link to

Let’s get a YES first… However I’ll bet there is a list of good folk already on a list that know they will be involved on initial ideas.

Chic McGregor

If they think they can still win the referendum, they’ll leave the current lot in place.

If they think need to put more reasonable people in place like Chisholm and Macintosh to win, they will.

Les Wilson

O/T if you ever wonder if the world will like us, this is a spectacle that might make you choke a bit ( in a good way !)
A fantastic venue, watch it until the end. You will feel good !


London Labour puppet David Clegg of the LYING DAILY RECORD must enjoy making an erse of himself.

Only an idiot would write the shite that this clown comes out with.


The Daily (Drivel) Record, also carries a story by David Clegg, Clegg who reminds me of Clark Kent when it comes to reporting, he’s hopeless, but when it come to spinning a story well he’s the superman of journalism.

Anyway, Clegg writes that Alistair Carmichael has slammed a “disgraceful” attempt by the Scottish Nationalists to sow division with England. The anti-Scottish secretary for Scotland, added that the SNP, are trying to portray the referendum contest as one between Scotland and England.

Carmichael better known as the secretary of state for Portsmouth, also said that he has concerns as the debate is turning nasty, and Mr Russel’s speech shows that the nationalists are becoming abusive.

No online link I’m afraid.

Tony Little

OT – sorry Rev.

Did you see the rather bizarre article by Jim Sillars in the Herald? link to

Seems the SNP government has no right or authority to negotiate with rUK after a YES vote.

Oh Dear, Jim.


The Telegraph newspaper claims businesses have been intimidated, by the SNP ministers.

link to


A good move by the SNP government. If the uk government doesn’t change law it shows the weakness of devolution. If they agree they are agreeing to the principle that welfare can be varied throught uk, the ultimate consequence being devolution of wefare. No matter what, at least people will be no longer evicted from their homes for non payment.


Iain (fudd)Gray has just stated on STV news that he gave John Swinney a plan.

Gray is off his bonce.

call me dave

Tony Little

Hi. It seems an absurd suggestion at first, but it surely would be sensible to get the best group of people on board to thrash out the best deal. I believe that the SNP are not against the notion.

As I said a few posts back they (SNP) will have people selected or ready to invite at the correct time. I would like to see a few of our fellow YES politicians in other parties and a few NO people brought in. However it is important not to have folk leaking info and that might go against the ideal.


Here’s Ian Duncan Smith’s Q&A by the Work and Pensions Committee.

link to


Romanticism and braveheart politics, combined with whitepaper bashing, and the loss of our special arrangement (Whatever that is) that we have with the EU will be forever gone if we become independent.

My my its a wonder we Scots can even manage to get out of bed in the morning by ourselves, without the help of Westminster.

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Thank you for that Les, I admit I did choke. As an atheist the words to Amazing Grace resonate every time I ever hear them, there are truths that all people can express regardless of opinions, thank you for sharing. I don’t recognise the venue though, where was that?

jingly jangly

O/T Galloway is campaigning for a YES vote according to the STV Scottish news tonight!!!

Flower of Scotland

Just heard an advert for Stvs Scotland Tonight . George Galloway and a YES vote ! WHAT ! WHAT ! Have I heard right ! Has he had a St Peter conversion ! Or maybe just a wee advert to get us to watch Scotland Tonight . Gorgeous George ! Worth watching ?

Archie [not Erchie]

Maybe I was deluding myself or just too busy reading the backlog of Wings posts. The STV news burbling away in the background with Norman Macleod winding up with his normal deadpan delivery.

I definitely heard that George Galloway was going to be promoting the YES campaign in his meeting tonight. Do you think that there is a P45 waiting for the unhappy editor? I should really check on STV Player later before committing.

Brian Powell

Labour continues to try to get through by tactics alone. Eventually this leads to failure, unfortunately it is likely to bring Scotland down as well.

They simply haven’t the competence or quality to contribute to a successful Scotland.


Report a few stories honestly without bias then after a while the punters will believe anything you print. Simples init. The sun have been at it for a few months.

Building up street cred. before the big Lies


You would think with BBC Scotland’s reputation in the gutter re the UWS report, they might take the opportunity to out Jackie Baillie as a lier.

The fact that she can laugh when having her lies pointed out to her – from last year’s meeting in Clydebank – really makes me question her sanity.


jingly jangly
Nope, Galloway has been raving again and saying that that an independent Scotland could be ‘dragged into war’
Why STV give this clown air time is beyond me
link to



Re Les Wilson’s video posting it’s from the Musikverein in Vienna I think.


Here’s gorgeous George banging on about Falklands/Malvinas Islands and who is the rightful ruler.

link to

call me dave

Galloway is good for obscuring the debate in many ways. He starts hares running, diverting the ordinary viewer from the real independence issues. That’s what the MSM want because their interests lie in a NO vote.

Galloway is a useful ‘tool’ accomplishing their ends. A wee bit like Darlings doing for the coalition only not as dangerous.



A a parent with a daughter who plays the bagpipes and have heard those tunes many times before, all I can say is “That was fantastic.”

Had a tear in my eye, a lump in my throat and goose pimples all over, after listening to that.

Forget Braveheart on the 18th September, just get this on the big screens all over the country.

If that doesn’t make people proud to be a Scot, nothing will.


Sorry, meant Les.

Flower of Scotland

Yes Gorgeous George IS very dangerous ! He has small man syndrome ! He’s always looking for attention . Don’t know if I can stomach watching him . Might record and play back bits . Hope he’s not cat like as in Big Brother !


O/T Amazingly an Opinion piece I take it will be in tomorrows FT and written by Michael Portillo no less. has a final paragraph that completely contradicts todays article about Scotlands finances as an Independent country:

“Does he fret about independence, realising how difficult it would be to sustain Scotland’s massive state in the absence of English subsidy? What would be the point of his party once Scotland has gone its own way, and the English are no longer there to be blamed for all ills?”

link to


George Galloway is a Brit Nat just the same as Cameron – it lessens him in my eyes which is a shame because I once had time for him.


Ignore GG – I’ve always suspected he’s an MI6 agent – only way I can explain his support for freedom for the Palestine and yet his unwavering support for the subjugation of Scotland…

Tony Little


I agree about getting a solid team together,m but this will primarily be a political process and the SNP (I feel) should play a prominent role in that. Of course they will need cross-party cooperation (Although quite whom in Labour I would want in that team I don’t know) ably supported by some of the experts who have provided support to the White Paper and other publications.

I would welcome Graham Avery’s assistance as well.

But my main point was that a supposed Independence supporter (Jim Sillars) using the Herald to basically slag off the SNP. It seems he still has “issues”.

Calgacus MacAndrews

O/T – If you haven’t received a copy yourself, what appears below is from an email circulated at Noon today by “SCOT goes POP!”. I have edited-out a few paragraphs for brevity, and left in the interesting bit about the “Make Alba Shine” song. Never mind about badges … have you wondered what would happen if somebody sung a YES song at Celtic Connections? Find out now …

From: “SCOT goes POP!”
Date: 3 February 2014 11:49:56 GMT
Subject: SCOT goes POP!: “Celtic Connections photos” plus 1 more

Last year I posted photos of all the winners of the Open Stage event, so I thought I might as well do the same this time. But first of all I must give pride of place to one of the non-winning acts, a band from the Highlands called The Cask, who were brave enough to perform a song explicitly calling for a Yes vote in the independence referendum. It can still be heard on catch-up here:
link to
(albeit you have to scroll through to about 16 minutes) and the chorus went like this –

Say Yes!
For Alba’s day
Say Yes!
For independence day
You have the power to make Alba shine…
Vote Yes.

They were very warmly received (definitely no booing!), in spite of the fact that the audience must have had mixed views on the subject. It was a powerful reminder of one of the natural advantages that the Yes campaign possess, which is that it’s much easier to get a generous reaction when you’re asking people to positively embrace an exciting new idea, rather than pouring scorn on it. Presumably if that song had been anti-independence, it would have gone something like this –

Say No
Or bad things may happen
Say No
We cannae dae it, cap’n!
You have the power to keep Cammo in power…
Vote No.

Probably not quite such a crowd-pleaser.


Oh I despair, another piece just online, looks like the FT is making up for todays “fuck up” in printing two pieces beneficial to the Yes campaign. They haven’t wasted any time returning to the fold. I can only surmise the editor got a rocket up his arse this morning from Downing Street.

I think the journalist(sic) is hinting that all Scots are schizophrenic.

“Kezia Dugdale, a pro-union Labour member of the Scottish parliament, received hate mail on Twitter after appearing on the BBC’s Question Time. One accused her of being a “blackshirt”, evoking memories of 1930s fascists, while another wanted to see what she looked like “on the end of a bayonet”.

link to


Portillo is an odd one – his mother is Scottish and whilst he seems proud of his Spanish background – he appears to have the Scottish cringe.


Why do we sem to be the only people in the world who get slagged off at every opportunity by our ‘own folk’?

So we can now add schizophrenic to all the other put downs.

We are in a seriously abusive relationship but unfortunately we have got the lab, Scottish branch, enablers to keep the whole show on the road.

In the past a lot of us might have shrugged our shoulders and moved on but we must now criticise these insults at all times.

Yet another lie being repeated about the ‘bayonet’ comment post QT.

God what a weight off our shoulders if we vote Yes.


Les, was I hearing things, or did the bloke with the fiddle twice say the pipers and drummers were “von England”?


O/T Ignore Galloway (Rula Lenskas Cat !)

– Yesterdays man

Nothing but Bile and Vitriol from proud Unionist / Westminster patsy agitator; peddling former glories of world socialism crap.

Hates idea of independent Scotland (as all Scots classed for hating catholics in his eyes / even though he lapsed from religion a long time ago).

Complete distraction and utter waste of space unless you are ultra Unionist like George.

Always wondered just where George and his warped message would be the most welcome in Belfast? Very likely nowhere.


@Les Wilson

Thanks pal, that really hit the spot, never forget who we are.


Oh I despair, another piece just online, looks like the FT is making up for todays “fuck up” in printing two pieces beneficial to the Yes campaign.

To be fair pnr, it does appear last night’s article was merely the first in a week long series on Indy. Would be to partisan and damaging to the FT’s reputation if they didn’t offer both sides a platform to make the case.

Just do what every good cybernat always does :-)….point out the glaring factual errors and outright lies BTL with as many links as you can manage.

Murray McCallum

Every speaking tour that George Galloway now undertakes is a guaranteed ‘sell out’.

Unfortunately for George not in the ticket sales meaning of the term.


Interesting that the guy Geoghegan, who penned the piece in the Herald that A Salmond was a bigger threat than the IRA, is following G Galloway around presumably to do another nice wee piece. Hes tweeting that the SDL have just threatened him outside the venue for Galloways speech. I smell stirring troublemakers.

ronnie anderson

Re,Jim Sillers, The people that have brought us thus far in the Referendem / Independance debate, are not qualifiyed
in negatiating Scottand,s Independance,everybody & their granny,s are positiong themeselves to be part of those negoatiations, & that is inclusive of Jim Siller,s or at least ( margo ) sorry Jim ah phoned the DALIA LAMA at the Ding A LING Temple,but he,s no available, his pen,s run oot of Sanskrit ink, an the big Chair Choob,s no getting a place at the table either. JHC how long does that man want to hold a grudge for. There,s a NATION,S future at STAKE here Jim, are you with US or Against US.


Why do we seem to be the only people in the world who get slagged off at every opportunity by our ‘own folk’?

Actually, it depends what you mean by ‘our ain’. Nobody Scottish would undermine Scotland all the time. Only British people would do that. They might have been born in Scotland…have lived in Scotland all their lives…have parents from Scotland… but if they feel British first, then that’s what they are and it’s their country before Scotland is.

It breaks down roughly like this (there’s cross-over, but it balances out):

~30% Scottish not British = for full independence consistently
~33% More Scottish than British = for Devo Max consistently / tempted by independence
~25% Equally Scottish and British = 3% for devo max with the rest for status quo devolution
~8% British not Scottish = roughly those for a return to Westminster rule (6%) with a few status quo devo.

Only the latter (6%) lot will actively undermine / attack Scotland whilst claiming to be proudly Scottish. Unfortunately for BT, they’re the most vocal / in the most prominent roles, all over BT’s facebook etc. Already put my eSaB best mate off in a big way and he was emotionally a No. They’ve helped ruin any lead BT had.

Remember, Darling and Lamont campaigned against devolution in the past. So which group do they fall into? I’ll let people make up their own minds.

I wonder if they were honest in the census…


Of course you need to be British to rise in the ranks of the British unionist parties. Look what happens to you if you are too Scottish; you get the boot.


O/T: The Herald has closed the comments section for the story on the Twitter “threat” to assassinate Alex Salmond. My guess is they feared a torrent of BritNat abuse and death threats themselves.

I suppose stifling debate is one way to prevent the BritNat poison from seeing the light of day. 🙁



Yeah, your right. It is not always easy to stop yourself from tearing your hair out reading the quality and in fact stupidity of some of what is written.


“Interesting that the guy Geoghegan, who penned the piece in the Herald that A Salmond was a bigger threat than the IRA”

To be fair to Peter G, that is how Alex Salmond is genuinely perceived in sections of the Loyalist community in Northern Ireland the article was about rather than his own personal opinion of Alex Salmond.

From what I’ve seen and read he is actually pretty balanced on the Indy Ref.



A few months back at the height of the Grangemouth crisis this would have been a major news story..

link to

Fill yer boots…and no JoLa disnae make an appearance 🙂


Yeah probably wasn’t being clear enough but I was being sarcastic as U-KOK ers think we are all better together when these people see us as ‘other’.

Calgacus MacAndrews

Independent cartoon (01/02/14) :-
link to

News 03/02/14 : “A man has appeared in court charged with posting a message on Twitter threatening to assassinate first minister Alex Salmond.”



You only need to look at Salmond’s timeline on twitter to see the abuse that flows his way

Harry Shanks

I’d suggest that the trouble with Jim Sillars is (and always has been) that, for him, it’s all about Jim Sillars.

I remember chairing a debate between him and Tam Dalyell in the run up to the 1979 referendum – and although Sillars was very impressive in the debate, his ego filled the building the minute he entered it (almost at the last minute).

If he had ever shown any ability to get over himself there’s no doubt in my mind that Jim Sillars would not now be reduced to his present position – which seems to be just carping from the sidelines.

Chic McGregor

Thanks Les
I know an elderly lady who will love that.


@Calgacus McAndrews

Re twitter ‘abuse’ whoever is on the receiving end of it I think we all need to grow up and move on.

Twitter in general is the equivalent of the school playground inhabited by grown ups.

Broadly I’m in the Stuart Waiton of Abertay University camp.



It is good to see and hear the Nederlands Pipe Bands. Plenty of bands in Belgium France and the Netherlands that attend all the WW1 remembrance ceremonies.

call me dave

The Independent.

The Department for Work and Pensions says that it only received bids from 11 out of the 32 Scottish local authorities for extra funding from the £20 million pot the UK Government set aside to support to local authorities. It argues there is still £15 million in this fund unallocated.

A DWP spokeswoman said: “The Scottish Government’s call for the current 150 per cent cap on discretionary housing payment top-ups to be increased doesn’t fit with our experience of how the payments are currently working in Scotland. The UK Government set aside £20m of additional DHP funding support which local authorities could apply for through a bidding scheme. After operating for four months the scheme closes today and so far only 11 Scottish authorities have made a bid for additional funding.”

link to

Chic McGregor

“It breaks down roughly like this (there’s cross-over, but it balances out):

~30% Scottish not British = for full independence consistently
~33% More Scottish than British = for Devo Max consistently / tempted by independence
~25% Equally Scottish and British = 3% for devo max with the rest for status quo devolution
~8% British not Scottish = roughly those for a return to Westminster rule (6%) with a few status quo devo.”

On the Moreno question, when there has been a supplementary Scottish or British question, it becomes apparent that most of the equally Scottish and British, plump for Scottish.

Rough Bounds

Getting back to the original story about the ‘bedroom tax’ and the Labour Party getting palsy walsy with the SNP, all I can ask is just what the hell do the SNP think they are doing? Nobody can trust the Labour Party. They have no interest in people and couldn’t give a monkey’s toss about ‘the poor’. Sometimes I wonder about the SNP; they seem so naive.

You do all remember about Trica Marwick’s move for Gordon Brown (the man who wouldn’t congratulate Alex Salmond) to be given the ‘freedom of Kirkcaldy’ don’t you? She said that ”sometimes you have to do the right thing.”

The ‘right thing’ was for that man to be given a boot in the balls for helping to drag us into an illegal war.

The Labour Party has been corrupt from day one. Why else would R.B. Cunningham Graham have left them all those long, long years ago?

Alfresco Dent


Don’t start me on Donald Dewar. Father of a Nation? My arse!


Apparently there was a bit of demonstrating outside the venue for Gorgeous George’s “Just Talk Pish” event. One of my workmates brought me a copy of the “fishul booklet” in which Galloway likens himself to Socrates and Albert Einstein.

He writes about Trident:
“The better option is for a UK Labour-thinking movement pushing from within NATO to have these weapons of mass destruction decommissioned altogether, not simply moved so that some other poor region risks a nuclear strike…”

The fact is that is NEVER going to happen, as Labour are committed to replacing Trident . Not in my lifetime, yet Scotland could be free of nukes in a few short years with independence.
link to

Chic McGregor

BTW While we are in belated ‘as ithers see us mode’ Irish TV do a pretty good job with Scottish music as well.

Chic McGregor

And if you think that was a one off, here’s another version from Celtic Thunder. The first guy up is fae Glesca so I guess there is an advantage there.

Chickenhawk 2

O/T Rev.

Apologies if this has been posted before. Text of the interview with the Spanish foreign minister in today’s FT.

By Tobias Buck in Madrid and Mure Dickie in Edinburgh

Spain will not interfere in Scotland’s push for independence and would be willing to consider a possible future bid to join the EU, the Spanish foreign minister said in remarks that will hearten the nationalists.

Madrid has long been a vocal opponent of separatism in Europe, reflecting its struggle to contain secessionist pressures in its own region of Catalonia. Spain’s internal problems have prompted speculation ,it would block a bid by an independent Scotland to rejoin the EU.

José-Manuel Garcia-Margallo, foreign minister, told the Financial Times: “We don’t interfere in other countries’ internal affairs. If Britain’s constitutional order allows…Scotland to choose independence, we have nothing to say about this.”

He added that in the event of Scotland becoming independent and asking to join the EU, “if that process has indeed been legal, that request can be considered. If not, then not”.

He insisted the cases of Scotland and Catalonia were “fundamentally different”. Madrid would continue to resist a Catalan plan for a referendum on independence after the Scottish vote in September, he said.

His comments came as a poll of voters in Scotland by TNS BRMB showed a five-point swing towards separatists, although nationalists remain well short of a majority.

He did warn that Madrid considers unrealistic the claim that EU membership could be kept seamlessly. Scotland would have to “ask for admission” and there were “a mountain of problems” to be resolved.

Last week Scotland’s first minister Alex Salmond ridiculed suggestions it might be left in limbo. “Why? Not because it’s in the interests of Scotland, because it’s manifestly in the interests of the rest of Europe,” he told the FT.’


On the Moreno question, when there has been a supplementary Scottish or British question, it becomes apparent that most of the equally Scottish and British, plump for Scottish.

Aye. On forced natID where you get a choice of only Scottish, British or other/DK, your answer is 75% Scottish. Bit like 1997 Q1… (74%Y). Or rather no coincidence at all.

Chickenhawk 2

Re the above, I forgot to mention I have a scan of that section of the front page if anyone would like a copy.


Westminster set aside £25Billion for fund to relief ‘Bedroom Tax’ in rest of the UK.

The ‘Bedroom tax’ is £400million in the UK

£40million? in Scotland. The Scottish gov put £20million in relief fund (total legal amount) as welfare is retained by Westminster, even though Scotland pays for it. £17Billion (including gov pension) 1/4+ of revenues raised in Scotland. Scottish gov want to put a further £15Million into relief fund (almost totally eliviating the ‘Tax’) that is what Holyrood has to ask permission from UK gov.

The ‘Independent’ reporter is havering. Like too many ignorant ‘financial’ journalists doesn’t understand how the Barnett formula works. What’s new!


This is probably a wee bit O/T, but I think relevant to the current bias in the MSM.

I am currently reading The Sleepwalkers How Europe Went to War in 1914.

I’m only at the beginning, about Illija Garasanin’s National and Foreign Policy for Serbia.

It talks about the peoples being drip fed propaganda partly co-ordinated by Belgrade and the press.

Sounds pretty familiar and this happened 100 years ago.

Goes to show how little the world has changed.


Newnetscotland has an article on Spanish statement. It’s been said before by the Spanish foreign minister in a letter to the Scottish gov. BT/Unionist choose to ignore it. Regurgitating nonsense, instead.

Alfresco Dent

O/T sorry

I’ve decided if I can’t beat them I need to join them. No, not them. Twitterers! I see a steep learning curve up ahead.


It’s not that hard. I can do it.


Thanks Les, the pipes, the kilt and the swagger…excellent just excellent, and you could see the audience in awe of our countrymen and women not to mention their music. It brought a tear to my eye such was the upwelling of pride.

That will put a skip in my step when delivering Yes papers tomorrow! Thank you!


Thanks for that Les… absolutely wonderful.

Although it’s very clever being able to embed videos in the posts it does create a problem for people like me. My weapon of choice is the ipad and when videos are embedded I cant make a note of the URL to allow for later viewing.

As well as embedding the video could I make a plea for posters to include the URL separately for the numpties in the audience.

Thank you.

Les Wilson

Morag says:

No Morag, he did say english not that I heard, he does say Ecosse twice.

Les Wilson

Marcia says:
I have no clue how you came up with that connection at all.


Whats this with everyone posting diddly music… LETS ROCK !!!


Bias by omission is the hallmark of the.BBC and STV.EG.Spains govt.will not block SCOTLANDS entry into the EU and the FT report. on SCOTLANDS wealth. See WEEGINGERDUG web site.

Flower of Scotland

I used to have a lot of time for Jim Sillars but he never got over not being elected as leader of the SNP and Alex Salmond winning ! Get over it Jim ! We need you onside now , but not taking pot shots at the SNP since you have come back out of the Gloom .



Quite simple at 2min 32 he said in Dutch to give a cheer for the Dutch Pipe Bands. The names of the bands are on their drums.


Ah, what do I like? Bach, Wagner, Mahler, Mozart, Monteverdi, Praetorius, Gesualdo, and heavy rock bagpipe music.

call me dave

Could somebody decipher these comments from GG. Surely at £10 a seat there must be more.

link to

castle hills chavie


All the hair fell off my arse and I turned into a Christmas card.

Les Wilson

Marcia says:
Ok if you say so,I don’t speak Dutch, but do not see why the WW1 thing was any connection, there will be very many UK bands playing too, I won’t watch or listen to any of them. To me the whole idea of the start is obscene. However, Rieu did say Ecosse twice, and it was a great event and venue, what is not to like.

Chic McGregor

Have you heard of Scottish (Canadian) Celtic punk rock band The Real MacKenzies?

Les Wilson

SquareHaggis says:

My pleasure dear Sir !!

Chic McGregor

I knew Scottish music, especially the pipes was very popular in Germany (and Spain) but didn’t know about the Netherlands.

Les Wilson

castle hills chavie says:

Now that did give me a laugh!

Chic McGregor

“However, Rieu did say Ecosse twice, and it was a great event and venue, what is not to like.”

Indeed, I think it all the more a matter of pride if it is non Scots who appreciate our culture.


Ah, I must have misheard.

Chic, no. Linky?


Not only are the BBC in Scotland behaving in such a deplorable manner I now realise they are actually rubbing our faces in it. They are the untouchable’s and they know it. We have to deal with the BBC asap. Everyone in this country has a right to the information we need and the BBC tax should not be payed if they choose to abuse their power. I repeat folks, this is not a debate. It’s a fight for our future prosperity.

Les Wilson

Chic McGregor says:

Chic thought both your vids were good, but the girl was best.


Add to that self respect, dignity and a host of other good reasons.

Chic McGregor

Since the Rev is safely tucked up in bed, I suppose we can put one out there:

Chic McGregor

The wife and I have always been into psycho teuchter music from Runrig to Wolfstone to Rock, Salt and Nails etc.

I actually go right back to the JSD band, one of the prototypes for Celtic Rock.


Big Wolfstone fan here!

Alfresco Dent

Boorach, I was going to say you were being dim and just to hold your finger on the video and up would pop an option to copy the URL but… I’m a numpty. I’ve just tried that on my iPad and it doesn’t work. So glad I switched from an iPhone to Android now. Apologies mate.

Chic McGregor

For those younger folk who maybe never heard of Wolfestone, here’s a clip from a gig the wife and I were at a wee while back like.

Ian Brotherhood

@Les –

Wonderful link, thanks so much. I put off watching it after seeing previous comments. I knew it would get to me, as these things do.

Now, I’ve watched it twice. Tears and snotters all over the place, but at least now I’ve solved what to put on the big SSP banner I’ve been tasked with painting – ‘I was blind, but now I see.’ I’ll be sure to check the original words/spelling, but it’s in the bag, and will be in the air in rallies to come. If you see it, you’ll know it’s me on the bottom-end of the 12-ft fishing-rod (a belter I found in the rubbish left-out for collection by a neighbour).

Problem solved. Cheers mister! (sniff, sniff…)


I’m off Amazing Grace after being forced to sing it at a Royal command performance for Lizzy’s 40th anniversary. Good grief, that was 1993. Anyway, it was the day I became a republican so it wasn’t exactly wasted.


Here’s my favourite Wolfstone track – for kind of obvious reasons.

Chic McGregor


I think I agree, but the production of both puts Scottish TV to shame IMO.

Chic McGregor

“Iain (fudd)Gray has just stated on STV news that he gave John Swinney a plan.”

Where’s Sean Clerkin when you need a torpedo meister?


On the other hand, if you really, really want to cry your eyes out all night, I give you this one.

link to

And I’m not kidding. When I lived in England I used to put that on the CD player and just bawl.


No idea why that just came up as a link.

Les Wilson

Ian Brotherhood says:
Ian there is nothing wrong with having a big heart and big pride, somethings just get to us. If I see that flag waving, anywhere I will say hello!

Chic McGregor

I was just about to give an example of Wolfstone singing a song just to prove they did do that, and possibly my favourite, but I notice you have posted one Morag, but what the Hell it seems to be our very own Celtic Connections night here on WOS:

Les Wilson

Ann says

Don’t worry about that Ann, I have been called much worse LOL!

Les Wilson

Flower of Scotland says:

Yes I too like Jim Sillars, he speaks with a passion, and he is probably right in most of his views, however, he spoils it by being so venomous against the SNP proposals that he makes me wonder just where he is coming from.

The SNP’s ideas are well thought out to try and bring the least disruption at the start of Independence. I think that is totally correct at this time.This is not to say that things will not change in the future and some of Jim’s ideas may come to pass.

However, I would be much happier to see his passion directed to winning the YES vote first rather than being critical all the time for whatever reason, this may confuse some Yes voters, we do not need that.We need his help, not his bickering, at this stage anyway.



I can’t speak for all of the Netherlands, but my father was billeted in Vught in 1944 and we contacted the family in 1969 while there on holiday. The 3 daughters remembered the ol’ man as the ‘doodlesacspieler’ and our families have been friends ever since.

The ol’ man went over in ’94 for the Liberation celebrations, complete with Red Hackle bunnet and was very touched that all the generations turned out for the veterans’ parade, thanking the Highland Division for their freedom.

Peter Macbeastie

Hi folks.

Any comments on this? Found considerably below top headline level in the Daily Record, presumably because their howling about how the Bedroom Tax was beaten yesterday is a little bit embarrasing today.

link to

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