A frightened man
The Daily Mail is proving an even more consistent source of comedy than usual of late, nowhere more so than its superb “Cybernat Watch” column (which we were delighted to find ourselves in this morning, on only its second day). Today the collection of partial, out-of-context quotes from random tweets was nestled into a bizarre piece about Labour’s shadow something, Jim Murphy.
As with most articles from the Mail’s Scottish edition it isn’t available online, but we’ve attached the text below so you can digest the full disturbing madness.
Keep web trolls off TV, says MP
FORMER Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy has warned that abuse from ‘cybernats’ could spread into TV debates and public meetings unless there is urgent action.
The Labour MP, who is set to become heavily involved in the campaign against independence, is the latest politician to call on Alex Salmond to help tackle the online trolls.
Mr Murphy said that without a personal condemnation from the First Minister, the army of pro-independence supporters could start targeting public events – causing more misery for victims.
The East Renfrewshire MP has recently been branded a ‘Judas’, a ‘traitor’, a ‘w*****’, a ‘p****’ and was even urged to commit suicide by people on Facebook.
‘There is a real worry that these anonymous cybernats who hide behind the safety of their computer keyboards in their bedrooms will come out into the public as the referendum comes closer,’ Mr Murphy said. ‘The last thing we need is their personal abuse and vindictive insults thrown around in public meetings or TV studio audiences.
‘I hate the fact that this stuff takes place at all on the internet, but it’s an entirely different thing if it’s brought into the living rooms of decent Scottish families.
‘These people are as determined as they are obsessive and they will think nothing of attending every meeting and getting tickets for every TV and radio debate.’
He added: ‘It’s time for the SNP and the First Minister to finally rein these people in. Washing their hands of them and pretending they don’t know who they are will no longer do.’
Pressure has grown on Mr Salmond to tackle the cybernats every day this week, with all three Unionist parties and Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael calling on him to intervene.
A spokesman for Mr Salmond has this week insisted that ‘denigration’ of people has ‘absolutely no place’ in the debate, although the First Minister has not personally spoken out.
It’s a remarkable piece, even if we leave aside the former Scottish Secretary’s delicate-flower sensibilities, which we can only assume saw him break down into floods of private tears whenever anyone had criticised him on the floor of the Commons.
At first we’d assumed he was demanding that no wicked “cybernats” should be allowed to feature on the panel of TV debate shows. But on reading further it became clear that in fact this professional politician, this tribune of the people, wanted to vet the audiences.
We’re not quite sure how that would work. “Are you now, or have you ever been, a cybernat?” forms to be filled out before Question Time attendees were admitted to the venue? Showing would-be participants a picture of Jackie Baillie and seeing if they reflexively swore before they could stop themselves? Or just a nice, simple flash of your Labour Party membership card?
Speaking as cybernats ourselves (according to the Mail, that is), and indeed as people who’ve asked a question on Question Time, we can confirm for the record that we’ve never taken any instructions from Alex Salmond or anyone else in the SNP, and that if he tried to tell us what we could or couldn’t say we’d invite the First Minister, much as we respect him, to take a long walk off a short pier.
Jim Murphy, of course, knows perfectly well that the SNP don’t control independence supporters on the internet, because he’s not a complete imbecile. The party has around 25,000 members, and according to opinion polls an absolute minimum of a million people – 40 times as many – will vote Yes in September.
Murphy’s intervention, enthusiastically embraced by the right-wing MP’s ideological brethren on the Mail, is in fact an attempt at pre-emptive intimidation of broadcasters – exactly the sort of thing “Better Together” wails piteously about as “bullying” when advocates of a Yes vote comment on the activities of neutral parties.
It’s especially transparent because even Murphy admits it hasn’t ever actually happened. Numerous TV debates have already taken place without any signs of such sabotage from the mythical cyber-wreckers. All that’s happened, in fact, is that the likes of Anas Sarwar have been occasionally forced to confront some Labour voters angered at his betrayal of Labour values, or, as with this week’s BBC2 debate, had their lies openly laughed at by the studio audience.
That, not “cybernats”, is what Jim Murphy is really scared of.
Seems that trying to equate all robust criticism of his side of the debate as the work of an anonymous hate-group that should be disowned and banished from society is a very telling tactic.
How timely. Pity I can’t change my question for tonight’s QT which I am attending. Funnily enough my question concerns the failings of UKOK to turn up to public events, thus barring any representation from those of us who have a vision. Could be fun.
“Are you now, or have you ever been, a cybernat?”
I do admit that once in a previous lifetime I may have been concerned with the support of cybernattery but I’m all right nowwwww! 🙂
Before they got around to asking a supplementary question I’d just like to add that I am in fact no longer a supporter of cybernattery because I am now a fully paid up member of the cabernat club! 🙂
Those pesky Cabernats.
The quicker the Scottish Government instigate the “Susan Calman Commission” report on Cybernats the better!
“it’s an entirely different thing if it’s brought into the living rooms of decent Scottish families” says Jim Murphy, quoting from the Ivor Cutler book of popular put-downs for the unruly cybernat.
“‘The last thing we need is their personal abuse and vindictive insults thrown around in public meetings or TV studio audiences,'” says Jim Murphy, wilfully throwing personal abuse at his preposterous self-image.
It’s a shame the Daily Mail article isn’t online, just so we could enjoy the ironic spectacle of cyber-brit-nats btl venting their spleens at Mugabe Salmond.
I put this in response to a comment on a previous thread, but it seems more appropriate here.
If Jim Murphy is worried about on line comments, he should come out from behind TV interviews and newspaper columns and face the public.
However he is not concerned really, as we all know.
Of course there is the word alert, ‘could’, meaning it won’t.
How much poorer our understanding of our Governments activities would have been if that cybernat, Edward Snowden, hadn’t been sitting behind his computer and thinking about what he was seeing in the data. Cybernat is appropriate as he was trying to protect ordinary people of the US, his fellow citizens.
But I suppose as Jim Murphy inhabits the cosy world of, absolutely no personal responsibility for anything he says or does, politics so any comment against him must be an emotional blow.
The reality is that the greatest danger is from the irresponsible, politically motivated comments from the low grade, dimwitted buffoons like him, that will stoke the actions of the eager and looking for an excuse to cause trouble fools on the Unionist side.
For Jim Murphy; Brian Powell is my real name. I’ll talk face to face about that last paragraph anytime!
MSM realise they can’t control the message online so seek to do down the online messengers.
I have trouble finding the study (if it was one) that found there was more abuse coming from unionists online than from so-called cybernats, that could do with an airing.
Other than that, unionist commentators confusing abuse for correction.
strange how labour politicians fail to act on Labour Cllr Terry Kelly and his online musings….surely they aren’t advocating one rule for us and another for them?
1. Create the word “cybernat” and marginalise online independence supporters by defining them as a group outside the mainstream of society.
2. Ramp up the threat posed by cybernats to normal civilized society. (Cybernats are by definition not part of normal civilized society as they have been named as “other”.)
3. Call for “cybernats” to be banned from public discourse.
4. Call for the SNP to acknowledge that they are cybernats by apologising for and taking responsibility for cybernats.
5. Ramp up the threat posed by the SNP to normal civilized society.
6. Call for the SNP to be banned from public discourse.
Awe ah posted on the wrang thread re Murphy.
Hey, has Jim Murphy got a figure for the number of indecent Scottish family living rooms?
These are the people and places he clearly doesn’t give a sh1t about.
What is his method for categorising such people?
“FORMER Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy has warned that abuse from ‘cybernats’ could spread into TV debates and public meetings unless there is urgent action.”
Oh my God. Foulkes, we’ll need a new word, quick! They can’t be “cybernats” if they’re in person surely?
And it would be terrible, just terrible, if people saw anything except polite discourse on a political issue piped into their living room. Like PMQs, FMQs, Scottish questions and the like…
“Ramp up the threat posed by the SNP to normal civilized society.”
I’m reading Douglas Hurd’s Scotch on the Rocks right now. Fascinating book.
At least there’s one of Murphy’s problems with these anonymous people that will be solved if they appear at public meetings or television debates.
I tried saving the Daily Mail image, but its all blurry…Rev, did you really ask someone to “Go on home”?
An Aberdeen fan walking the Rangers fan path…surely not?
No such thing as bad publicity. I pin WingsoverScotland Mon/Sat on my work’s coffee shop notice board plus these from the great Steve Bell of the Guardian, who looks like he’s coming at every Labour Leader conference or at least when he sits at the feet of the great future Labour PM Milliband.
link to theguardian.com
“…they will think nothing of attending every meeting and getting tickets for every TV and radio debate,” says Murphy.
Members of the public being engaged in political debate – apparently not something Labour MPs would like to encourage.
The Labour MP, who is set to become heavily involved in the campaign against independence, is the latest politician to call on Alex Salmond to help tackle the online trolls.
Oh goody goody, does this ‘heavy involvement’ mean he will be debating with Nicola Sturgeon any time soon? 🙂
NURSE! Get the A&E department warmed up Jim Murphy will be visiting us in the near future. 🙂
An Aberdeen fan walking the Rangers fan path…surely not?
I believe the knuckle head in question was/is a Rangers fan from Northern Ireland.
We are already vetted for the BBC debates anyway. The BBC ask for your political affiliation and if my memory serves me right…I’m sure they also ask who you voted for the in the last elections. For Bubbles above..don’t hold your breath that your question will be asked. This is also ‘vetted’ by the BBC. Everyone is asked for 2 questions then THEY, the BBC, decide which questions will be asked..not you. Only around 8 I think are chosen and you can’t deviate cos the show is edited…very well edited…so if you say something or shout something that they don’t like, it will never see the light of day.
What a tawdry cynical campaign being run by better together and the Labour party.
What we see above, is a pretence of offense, in order to create an impression regarding something which doesn’t exist. In reality the concern of better together and the likes of Jim Murphy and his Tory funded anti independence cabal, is their fear that Scots might get to hear the truth about how the benefits of independence, instead of Tory funded Labour spin.
However, why is it, according to Jim Murphy, up to Alex Salmond to deal with online abuse – which exists everywhere, and not just within the independence debate??? I don’t take orders from the First Minister, and I know of nobody who does. It is frankly bizarre.
This is simply a very cynical attempt to tarnish ANYBODY who does not agree with Jim Murphy and the anti independence campaign. I do not doubt that Murphy knows this full well. It is wholly cynical in the extreme.
The fact is, that so-called ‘cybernats’ are ordinary members of the public who just so happen to think that Scotland will do better, if it is run by those who care most about Scotland- the Scots.
I have zero respect for Jim Murphy and his unionist ilk. This cynical piece of fluff in the daily hate mail, is yet another example of why that is so.
Never ever forget, the likes of Jim Murphy, Alistair Darling and Iain Davidson, will ALL lose their cushy well paid Westminster careers if Scotland chooses self rule. They will also lose any chance of becoming a lord and getting paid 300 pounds a day for doing nothing until the day they die.
Shallow, so very, very shallow.
Perhaps we need to start a ‘BritNAT watch’.
Anonymous Daily Mail reporter comments on anonymous cybernats.
Alan Roden doing a great impression of this:
link to youtube.com
The nasty journalist
He’s got a little list…
Very British.
If the implications of this development were not so potentially serious they would be downright hilarious. The media are already implicated in the fabrication of outrage, lies, deceptions and manipulation. They muddy the water so much that the core principles get obscured, a tactic that they have perfected over decades.
Whatever happened to the principle of democratic free speech? It was bought and sold by global Media Barons who sell their own particular right wing point of view. We paid good money for this newspaper so that we could spout our point of view. You haven’t paid anything so just shut up and go away. They don’t like this new development called the Internet. It allows just anyone to express their opinion. They haven’t even been to journalist brainwashing school, don’t cha know.
Now, as a result of this tactic, anyone offering a counter view or disagreeing with BT policy can be easily tarred with this brush. Points to be awarded for first politician/commentator on a panel to put down in an effort to shut up dissenting voters with this label.
When was a law passed that allowed comment without recourse to reply, oh hang on, was that the BBC Charter?
Press now acting on behalf of unionist paymasters door stepping online posters. Wonder how journalists will feel when Indy supporters start turning up at their door asking for them to justify their printed misinformation tactics?
Citizen journalists will now have to take on the media at their own game!
As the weather improves I can see teams of cybernats swarming round media entrances looking for journalists to bite!
The dehumanisation is quite sickening, really. This guy is supposed to be a representative of the people, and yet he talks about us like we’re fucking cave-dwelling troglodytes, hell-bent on infecting the populace with our evil cybernat virus. What a snide little prick.
Well there’s only one thing for it folks – prove him right. Go on those TV shows, and tell the likes of Sarwar and Murphy exactly what we think of them, right to their faces.
And is it just me, or is anyone else suddenly itching to call Alan Roden a total cunt in order to get onto Cybernat Watch?
Apologies to long term cybernats who will have seen this previously. I think it time to give this a wee airing. Just for those new to being cybernats. Also it is very funny!
The A-Z of unionist scare stories – “Cybernats” courtesy of Newsnet Scotland.
link to newsnetscotland.com
“I’m a cybernat and so is ma dug!”
Did this a month ago seems appropriate.
link to norrie.wordpress.com
This is some infuriating 1984-esque shit, ain’t it.
Brilliant…cant access Twitter at work so wasnt placed to verify but I never had my doubts that such a Rev quote would have very best of intentions and direction.
Just as an aside, the SNP should ignore these kinds of stories. They should most definitely NOT respond that they will ‘do something about it’. I say that for two reasons:
1. It is NOTHING to do with the SNP
2. To respond would suggest that in some way they are responsible or involved with online abuse. They are NOT.
I do hope the Calum Cashleys of the world are listening.
I am already in the home of a good Scottish family.
@Doug Daniel
It’s just you. Heinously unfair to the body part mentioned, which can be quite fun – not something that could be said of Mr Roden.
He’s been called a Weegie and a pillock?
Ah Jim Murphy……..who before the last GE was canvassing for votes at Barrhead train station with the chant (wait for it)……only Labour can protect you from the Tories!
O/T I put this on the last thread by everyone moved to here so apologies if this has already been posted. Alex Salmond in conversation with James Naughtie, filmed last night at Mitchell Libray. (Naughtie with the usual questions and that barely hidden patronising, smeary tone…sigh…). It’s on the Herald site, couldn’t find it on any other site.
link to heraldscotland.com
I’d rather be a Cabernat who stands up for his principles and values… than be a Labour MP who has lost their principles and values.
People fighting for change… are always vilified by those desperate to retain the status quo.
Change is part of life, it is inevitable. The UK Establishment has been stemming the tide of change for too long. They have done this through hegemony – lies, deceit, manipulation, lack of transparency and propaganda.
They have tried to control the online dissidents, but that is failing and will fail. The establishment are feeling very uncomfortable.
Didn’t it used to be a prerequisite of Labour party membership to be opposed to a bigoted right wing rag like the daily heil? Now it’s quite ok for a senior Labour figure to write for it.Either A.The mail has become an enlightened, left leaning paper. OR B. The Labour party has moved so far to the right in search of voters that they no longer represent their core support.You decide people !
Actually filmed on 16 January 2014, on Herard website yesterday.
Someone called a politician a bad name? Good heavens. I’m sure Mr Salmond can relate to Jim’s situation.
Politics – it’s a dirty game. If you can’t stand the heat…
Don’t worry, they intend to sort the internet out with the Gagging Bill.
Sad stuff. Next they’ll be saying we all wear brown shirts.
Which reminds me of an exchange (genuine) heard in a local pub.
‘What’ll it be Jim, a Guinness?’
‘Naw, ta.’
‘Eh? You aye liked the Guinness.’
‘Ken. But I ran oot ay underpants.’
Set to become heavily involved is he?
Of course he is and a worthy contribution it’ll be too I’m sure seein’ as how he’ll personally vet anyone who’s about to ask him a question. 😀
Doesn’t seem all that worried about opposition abuse either, apparently that doesn’t happen. Still if he’s going to become personally, heavily involved I’m sure he’ll have a word with messrs McDougall and Darling about taking personal responsibility for any britnat abuse.
“Points to be awarded for first politician/commentator on a panel to put down in an effort to shut up dissenting voters with this label.”
I really, really hope they do.
There’s nothing more designed to turn an undecided or swithering towards yes person into a very definite yes than having “cybernat!” shouted at you. Especially by a politician.
And at this stage, most people who are not engaged and political geeks still think they’re all as bad as each other, and are likely unaware of the term “cybernat”, or if they are think of it as someone hugely abusive.
Let them start randomly firing it at everyone with an opinion different to Westminster MPs and the Daily Mail 🙂
Well I seem to have been blocked by the BBC, which isn’t allowing me to sign in to my account.
Re. Murphy. He is probably following a brief from MI5.
Sitting in a waiting room today and picked up a copy of Scottish Field which boasted of an interview with James Naughtie.
Much of his comment was about the dreadful cybernats, but strangely he didn’t mention the vile anti-SNP, anti-Scotland posters on the Mail and Telegraph websites for example.
Should I send an e-mail to BBC Scotland pointing to the Scottish Field article as the source of anti-independence thoughts by a BBC employee, and a lack of impartiality? Nah, not worth the effort is it?
I think the Editor of Scottish Field also writes for Scotland on Sunday, so that would explain the bias ofcourse.
I understand from BBC reports at the time that the Arab Spring in Libya came about only because of the opposition organised via the internet. It was necessary due to a hostile government, a hostile press and the hostile national broadcaster. That was OK then?
Brilliant. This article certainly had me chuckling.
Desperate, desperate from the ‘No’ Camp!
At the meeting re economics in Glad Cafe last night during q&A a teacher from North Lanarkshie reported that when they, the school, tried to organise a debate re the Referendum they found that whilst they had offers for panel membership from Yes supporters, they were unable to source “No” opposition. The message is that the “No” opposition are preventing such debates with non compliance. Quite sinister and probably part of their policy.
I want to blow the whistle.
His name is Terry Kelly.
….. but surely GCHQ knows exactly who these evil cybernat trolls are, and that MI5 agents and Special Branch are following their every move and are ready to pounce in case they come within yards of Jim Murphy.
Or could it be that Murphy is talking nonsense …… once more?
Doesn’t the BBC already vet studio audiences with SNP voters being immediately shown the EXIT doors? I thought that was part of the BBC Charter.
Scottish Field which boasted of an interview with James Naughtie, who’s just one more embarrassment to democracy and the freedom of speech. He’s also very dreary on his dreary new morning BBC news show from Glasgow. £300+ million for his bizarre brand of vote no Scotland.
Reading between the lines (a random series of observations made by someone with half a brain):
“I hate the fact that this stuff takes place at all on the internet” … after we went to all that trouble to buy off the BBC and assorted mainstream media publications.
It never fails to amuse me that we “cybernats” are always tweeting and posting from our bedrooms and not sitting on our sofas or at the dining room table. I am obviously not the real thing since my laptop / ipad are never used in the bedroom.
This is part of the pro Union camp’s attempt to link all YES supporters, though they are of differing political affiliations, be they Labour, SNP, Green, Tory or whatever, to Alex Salmond and the SNP.
This obviously means therefore that David Cameron, Alistair Darling, Blair McDougall and Co. are claiming responsibility for all of the Daily Mail’s Pro Union nutters, for all the sectarian nutjobs on the BritNat websites, for the bampots who give out the addresses of pro independence supporters and invite people to go round and assault them. It’s time that Better Together and their Tory Prime Minister finally reined these people in.
I can only echo the sentiments above and highly recommend Lallans Peat Worrier’s piece on this, which expressed my feelings much more eruditely than I could hope to! As one of the chosen few “cabernats” (TM pending Ruth Davidson) doorstepped by the Daily Mail yesterday it seems to me that it’s high time we nailed all this nonsense about “vile cybernats” etc. The more I’ve thought about my experience yesterday, the more convinced I am that the MSM are running scared; they have (finally?) woken up to the fact that the cybernate deflection looks increasingly ridiculous, and further it is no substitute for actually tabling rational, positive and believable arguments for voting No.
The CyberNat Song
I seem to remember that people communicating on social media were hailed as heroes? People trying to get to the truth.
Maybe that only applies to N.Africa and the Middle East?
Citizen journalism is not tolerated in Scotland by people like Jim Murphy MP.
These stages look like the progression often seen in the marginalisation of groups of society, Starting with bullying ending up in Genocide, it is a slippery slope . . .
DougtheDug says:
23 January, 2014 at 3:11 pm
1. Create the word “cybernat” and marginalise online independence supporters by defining them as a group outside the mainstream of society.
2. Ramp up the threat posed by cybernats to normal civilized society. (Cybernats are by definition not part of normal civilized society as they have been named as “other”.)
3. Call for “cybernats” to be banned from public discourse.
4. Call for the SNP to acknowledge that they are cybernats by apologising for and taking responsibility for cybernats.
5. Ramp up the threat posed by the SNP to normal civilized society.
6. Call for the SNP to be banned from public discourse.
I live in Murphys constituency ( Eastwood). It has always been Tory and still is.They now vote for a different colour of Tory.This man is so far right that he could be called a Thatcherite.Prior to the last but one general election he knocked my door when out canvassing.”Will you be voting on Thursday?” he enquired. “I certainly will” said I.After he weighed up my demeanour he said “but not for me”. “You are correct” said I. He then turned on his heel and stomped off.No attempt to engage in debate.Perhaps if I had been a Friend of Israel( there is a big Jewish vote in this constituency) as he is he may have been more amenable.
Murphy is attempting to gag his opponents.
Labour hate not being able to control things hence this response from Murphy. He is, after all, an agent of the Tory Party, and now that he is joining the debate, he’s fully paid up. His expenses met by the Tory donors of Better Together.
So in summary; Jim Murphy is being paid by the Tory Party to do down Scotland and her people. That, my friends, is a Scottish Labour politician for you. I hope all you Labour Better Together supporters are really proud!
I fully expect that there will be pressure from the Tories and their poodles, like Murphy, to close down the online debate. It’s going to get nasty, really nasty. Remember Murphy and co are fighting for their Westminster careers, their future seats in the Lords and all the cash and perks that go with them.
Demonisation and dehumanisation of a group of people in the context of rigid control of the media and an absence of plurality therein.
Well, we know the Daily Mail are experts in this field, having supported Fascism in the 1930s.
What’s Murphy’s excuse?
How about a Cybernat March in Glasgow (to JM’s office), just to show that we are ordinary people, with no party allegiance, we don’t intimidate or insult people, we don’t take orders from AS and, unlike Murphy, we are not afraid to stand and be counted.
Cybernats R us!
Ach maybe not – the MSM would just label us as “SNP storm troopers”!
I sometimes think these comedians on the comments pages of the Daily Mail get a real kick out having a go at a bona fide cybernat, it appears we’re getting a reputation of people akin to Robin Hood and his merry men,
the myth has taken over from the truth
they probably boast about taking on a REAL cybernat down the old dog and duck 😉
” It is easy to believe in freedom of speech for those with whom we agree “.
Leo McKern.
Translate: Mr Murphy, the democrat, is seriously alarmed that, for once, the voice of the people will be heard, in clear contravention of Labour Party policy. Watch this poor, pathetic outdated craft sink, and if you can, give it a push!
I would very strongly suspect that if there was any online abuse towards Jim Murphy, that it was from people who have habitually voted Labour all their lives who now feel totally betrayed by Labour and the likes of Jim Murphy.
Jim Murphy, Im quite impressed he can access Twitter on those flights heading to discuss Arms deals with Anas Sarwar.
It seems the anti-independence movement, is trying to tar, nationalists, as bullies, and odious people, and by opening up this new front of assault on pro-independence supporters,the Better Together camp are hoping for the victim/sympathy vote.
Of course both sides of the debate know full well that its impossible to regulate, comments on the internet and social media sites to a degree. it would be akin to the SNP and the nationalists calling for regulation of bias reporting of the media, its just not going to happen, anytime soon.
I personally feel this line of approach only detracts us from the main issues at hand, and therefore its an avenue the nationalists should avoid like the plague.
No side can come out of this particular debacle smelling of roses.
What utter bilge and how can we be both secretive keyboard warriors and public “in your face” activists? Talk about having your cake and eating it.
Well I am not an SNP member so exactly how can Alex Salmond tell me not to be so nippy with the delicate flowers in Better Together? It is just another pathetic smear attempt…the cybernats are all contolled by SNP GCHQ and we all write from a script hand written by Salmond and sent to us by secret psycho pigeon.
I do hope Murphy and his fetish for weapons and war does enter the debate properly because his attempts to do so to date have been laughable…no wonder Ed demoted him. the poster boy of the Daily Mail…Dear God!
Was that ranty enough 🙂
Yer a wee pretendy cybernat Anne 🙂
It never fails to amuse me that we “cybernats” are always tweeting and posting from our bedrooms and not sitting on our sofas or at the dining room table. I am obviously not the real thing since my laptop / ipad are never used in the bedroom.
I post from my office when having a coffee break.
I do hope ‘shop a cybernat’ contact my boss. He’s a ‘foreigner’ yes voter. Not only that, but muslim one. Not only that, but Iranian!
Good Grief SS
You do realise that your office is Hades incarnate in the eyes of the Daily Heil?
Every so often (happening more and more, lately), you just stop and think to yourself “What the hell is happening to presumably rational people?”
Just over the horizon there is a line in the sand; the demarcation of something very ugly. We move closer to it with each passing day.
People like Jim Murphy can already see it.
Mr Murphy My name is John king, in the real world my name is……………John King, I am a fully paid up member of the SNP and I have never taken an instruction or a command from Alex Salmond or from anyone representing the SNP,
I speak for myself and no one dictates what I say.
This must be hard for you to understand Mr Murphy because it is clear all Labour party members MUST follow party dictat slavishly, just ask Joanne Lamonts opinion on , well anything her response will always be, whatever Ed says.
In the last two weeks I’ve been called a fuckin idiot, clueless, brainwashed and daft from my customers because I’m voting Yes. Better phone the poalis coz I’m gettin bullied. Pish. I can take it. I take it in my stride and accept it with a smile and tell them I’m gona work on them for the next 8 months.
The private polling must be bad for project fear
O/T Rev I do apologise.
After watching the BBC’s independence debate in Greenock on 21st of Jan, I couldn’t help but wonder about journalist and blogger Alex Massie.
Mr Massie constantly reiterated, whilst commenting from the panel that he was a don’t know voter, yet listening to his answers and watching his demeanour,he seemed decidedly anti-indepenedent.
Of course Mr Massie was a former correspondent for the Scotsman newspaper. The BBC said the panel was balanced yet the only definite independence supporter was Fiona Hyslop, the other three panel members appeared anti-independent.
Maybe I’m just being paranoid, if so Mr Massie I profoundly apologise.
Reading between the lines, I take it that they are keeching it.
Sounds like a group of unionist politicians scared of losing their place on the gravy train
I keep missing the memos.
How are cybernats organised? Do we have ranks as in the army? Is it 30 cybernats to a cyberoon and 3 cyberoons to a tricyber.
I know I’m being stupid but Murphy started it!
Andy-B—your not paranoid Massie is a tory unionist ,this dont know business is just a fake to justify his place on the panel .I couldn`t make up my mind about the other “neutral”
The sad part is that it is the unionists bloggers on both English and Scottish newspapers who the abusers
Can some-one tell me, What’s all this about a YES activist being doorstepped by the Daily Mail?
Is there anything online about it? All I can find is people referencing it – but no actual article.
Can some-one tell me, What’s all this about a YES activist being doorstepped by the Daily Mail?
Cybernats use computers. Cyberprats use computers. All cybernats are cyberprats. Hmmm….
BTW – what is a BritNat who uses a computer to dish out their vile abuse? A cybernat? A cyberbrat? Can anyone clarify?
Apologies for the double post – dunno what happened there.
Have a good laugh before start crying out loud.
link to bbc.co.uk
Treasury anger over Margaret Hodge ‘grandstanding’
We are trying to show we have one of the most competitive corporate tax regimes in the world, but the message is being sent out if you come here you will be exposed to this sort of criticism from Margaret Hodge and her committee.
“Mr Murphy said that without a personal condemnation from the First Minister, the army of pro-independence supporters could start targeting public events – causing more misery for victims.”
Jim must be worrying about the sherricking Sarwar got from ex labour voters on the debate .
The chairman was weak on that debate letting Sarwar ramble on
Nice to see Sincerity Jim getting some publicity. Is he also an enemy of Cabernets, the people who drink Cabernet Sauvignon? Probably not a fancy enough grape variety for a Labour Gentleman.
Just stop exercising your right to free speech would you.
It’s just predictable tactics really. They’ve got the media brought to heel but they can’t stop us tweeting and posting on Facebook ,do all they can do is rubbish us and try to personalise it as all AS ‘s doing- only proves we’ve scared the s–t out of them
Just another day in the Daily Hate Newsroom:
Fuck the Thought Police.
Sorry for the O/T but I am just back from the supermarket. While leaving I had a quick look at the news-stand (never a good idea) Like I said it was a quick look so probably mis-quoting but.
Daily Mail “Now it is £2 million for wind turbines in MALAWI!” Probably part of the foreign aid budget anyway.
I thought that The Express took the biscuit with “Hurra! Britain’s Booming Again” Honestly WTF?
“How are cybernats organised? Do we have ranks as in the army? Is it 30 cybernats to a cyberoon and 3 cyberoons to a tricyber.”
Shoosh if they decide to decimate us, your number ten.
‘Unionist’ is too mild a description for Mr. Murphy. He’s a dogmatic, aggressive and uncompromising servant of the United Kingdom. He believes that those who do not share his beliefs should be bullied into submission.
The correct word for Jim Murphy is ‘Loyalist’.
anyone know what happened to the TV coverage of FM Questions? It is usually up by now, but there only seems to be a radio edited version.
Ex Secretary of State of Portsmouth says he building Border posts!!!!
Interesting re Scottish Field, they are owned by Oban Times group same mob as own our local paper. I stopped buying the latter years ago due to its unionist agenda, so that probably explains a lot…
This is surely shows that the bitters and the mainstream media realise that they have lost propaganda control and new media is where the real discourse takes place.
Murphy and his labour cohorts have become completely corrupt and an affront to the values labour used to have.
So Jim Murphy, Labour MP – Mr. Edward Miliband, if you are reading this, that’s Jim Murphy, one of your party’s MPs working hand-in-hand with the Daily Mail, the newspaper [sic] that vilified your own father. You must be disgusted and ashamed. Will you be ‘having words’ with him, Mr. Miliband? – is doing his bit for the great UK by smearing and lying about his own countrymen and women… in the Daily Mail! For shame.
Really, people like that make me sick to my stomach. They deserve all the opprobrium that comes their way and more.
These scumbags have lost the arguement vis-a-vis currency, EU, defence, etc. as to why we are supposedly better together, and they know it. This stuff we’re getting now is pure End of Empire stuff – the intimidation and the smearing of the adversary as ‘the other’, the ‘baddy’, to be feared and avoided. Classic black-ops psychology.
Let’s hope the electorate don’t fall for it. This is a fight we have to win. And it can be. The enemy has a weak underbelly – it doesn’t have the frontline foot-soldiers preparing and doing all the ground work. We have. It’ll be there that this war will be won.
This is just another negative case to make people a little scared of things. Lots of this kind of stuff coming out evry day to try and worry us, make us hesitant, they know what has worked for them in the past. They think it will, with a few twists work for them again.
But our world has changed, everyone is better informed and can see past all this stuff, helped by Wings and many other outlets that are working for Independence. We not have had a chance before, but as I said, this is now a different world, one they can’t really get a grip of. With this, desperation ensues expect more, we treat it the same way, job done.
Jimbo several pro indy tweeters got doorstepped yesterday by the Mail with cameras as well as reported. Andy Ellis (or ingles, I get them mixed up) wrote a blog about the experience.
The odd thing in a way – given they try to portray us as faceless and anonymous – is that they only went after people who use their real names and details.
Actually starting to make me wonder if that’s bothering them more than anything? The fact a lot of us are not anonymous or faceless. I’m Cath Ferguson. I’m a librarian, and I support independence. Phone my boss and “out” me as pro indy if you want but the Yes mug I’ve had on my desk for a year has probably given it away already.
The man in a jar.
In the newspaper version there were solar panels on the ground as an accompanying picture. What they were connected to was not explained or in the picture.
Probably Lamont will ask all about it for us at fmq’s next week.
link to archive.is
It was Andy Ellis. Sorry for being easily confused!
Widening the issue a bit, after reading Lamont’s comments on London being good for Scotland along with the comments from Hammond and the Committee on Scottish Independence, I think the relationship between the Tories and Labour have gone beyond the looser Together campaign.
They aren’t working separately.
I think that at Westminster level the two Parties have come to an specific agreement on defeating the Independence movement.
Just a gut feeling, but if true, democracy is screwed.
A Cybernat I know makes wonderful sponge cakes.
A search for Salmond on Newsnow website gives these results:
In the last 4 hours
Alex Salmond under fire for staying at celebrity hotel favoured by Beyonce… Daily Record 16:02
Salmond ignores plight of women trying to get back to work Scottish Conservatives 14:37
Alex Salmond dismisses Ryder Cup hotel criticism The Scotsman 14:36
In the last 6 hours
Salmond shuns luxury hotel question Dundee Courier, Scotland 14:07
Salmond under fire over hotel stay Milngavie Herald 13:48
Now who are the real online abusers?
Brian Powell.
link to bbc.co.uk
BTW – what is a BritNat who uses a computer to dish out their vile abuse? A cybernat? A cyberbrat? Can anyone clarify?
A CyberNot?
@ Cath
Many thanks, Cath.
I wonder whether Ryanair isnt a good model to consider. No such thing as bad publicity. Taken with the grauniad article, wings has some decent publicity. More power to Rev’s elbow. Thanks to mr Roden
“I wonder whether Ryanair isnt a good model to consider. No such thing as bad publicity. Taken with the grauniad article, wings has some decent publicity.”
More on the way tomorrow, I suspect…
I hope I don’t appear paranoid, but that looks like a coordinated and systematic smear campaign.
Now who would be able to coordinate competing businesses?
The Daily Mail complains about cyber abuse? : – )
The Daily Male abusers try to get into the living rooms of decent families to abuse, harass them and and illegally take photos of children. What happened to the Press Complaints reform. MP’s were supposed to censor them. Feart Numpties. .
BTW – what is a BritNat who uses a computer to dish out their vile abuse? A cybernat? A cyberbrat? Can anyone clarify?
It cannot be long until Unionist politicians want to know the questions they will be asked by the media before interviews on TV and Radio. On the Cybernat thing, it is insane to call on Salmond to do anything. He does not know us.
I wonder how many ordinary Scots have become politically aware during this campaign? Folk at my workplace are now talking about things I wouldn’t have believed a few years ago.
The genie is out the bottle, and the ‘boss’ can’t imagine the stopper.
I suspect most people would find the Daily Mail doorstepping people who post pro-independence comments online, and photographing them, more sinister than some cybernats using strong language.
@call me dave
Thanks for the link to the “Windfarm” article in the Express.
I could not help but notice that the very first BTL comment from someone calling themselves “peoplesrights” “Alex Salmond is a delusional basket case” bla bla bla.
link to archive.is
‘Cybernat Watch’ – well, let’s give them something to watch, shall we?
For every abusive tweet there must be at least a dozen well considered, intelligent and sometimes extremely funny comments, often on here.
And Wings Over Scotland is in the hands of someone who goes mental over paragraph breaks! If that’s the So-Called-Scottish Daily Mail’s idea of undistilled evil, I despair.
Your attention Mr Murphy, Daily Mail…we’re just people who want our country to take charge of its own affairs; that’s all.
@Anne 4.23.Awe tis time ave been tellin masel lies, about being a Cybernatterur,why did naen o us,s tell me,you hiv tae day that in the bedroom. Am no typing awe they post,s again,tae qualyfy
Rev, that wizzna in the fekin rule,s,am starting fae scratch,in ma big comfy,armchair in the livinroom, i,ll put the Tablet in the toilet,when ma erse need,s a rest.
Came across this on the FB site Scotland’s Big Yes/No Debate?
link to facebook.com
Murphy, Foulkes & Co read Wings – perhaps one of them would like to comment.
That is simply a few unionists having an intelligent discussion.
I wonder how many ordinary Scots have become politically aware during this campaign? Folk at my workplace are now talking about things I wouldn’t have believed a few years ago.
The more the Unionists bang on about Cybernats the better.
Their use of the term very much a two-edged sword.
If I saw the term and didn’t understand what a Cybernat was, or wanted to see what dastardly things Cybernats get up to, I’d have a wee look on the Internet. I’d then most likely find my way to Wings, Newsnet, Bella etc., and to the truth that the Unionists don’t want people to find.
Just try Googling “Cybernat” … :o)
Well perhaps Jim Murphy could hae a word with his fellow labour MP Tom Harris and ask him if he’s a cybernat. Because if I remember correctly did he not spend a rainy Saturday afternoon a couple of years back, potraying Alex Salmond as Hitler in some film clip and then posting it on Youtube.
In fact if I remember correctly it cost him his ‘head of media’ position for labour in Scotland. Perhaps the invisable man Jim Murphy could pop round to see him and get his view on cybernats.
Im a cybernat and am OK.
“Jim Murphy MP described as a ‘w*****’, and ‘p****’!!! Surely not? Bring me my smelling salts!
@Gillie, many thanks for that vid,gien your neighbour yer wage,s n getting back pocket money,struck ma bell,somebody posting they were stealing that line,(wiz it Hazel)ah said it,s no stealing,we share on Wing,s,onnyhow it,s good tae see people useing thing,s from this site to further our cause.We are a rich,& diverse Nation of People.
If you,s the nutty Natter ur,s ur Nit pickin
You,s must be on yer game,jist keep up the
natterin,they,ll get fed up wi oor chatterin n go hame.
Ronnie the Tablet is meant for your mooth no the toilet!!
@Evelyn: We are already vetted for the BBC debates anyway. The BBC ask for your political affiliation and if my memory serves me right…I’m sure they also ask who you voted for the in the last elections. For Bubbles above..don’t hold your breath that your question will be asked. This is also ‘vetted’ by the BBC. Everyone is asked for 2 questions then THEY, the BBC, decide which questions will be asked..not you. Only around 8 I think are chosen and you can’t deviate cos the show is edited…very well edited…so if you say something or shout something that they don’t like, it will never see the light of day.
I can vouch for this – in fact, I can go further, but in the interests of respecting privacy, I won’t. All I’ll say is that someone there with definite pro-independence views was present. A runner went to one of the higher-ups, and said “that’s (person in question).” Said person had their hand up all night, but was never offered a chance to comment, even when they were the only one with their hand up.
Now, you CAN say “plausible deniability” in that they couldn’t get EVERYONE to speak, but consider two things:
– They went to at least two people *twice*, two people who just happened to be anti-independence: it seems strange that they would choose to revisit faces instead of ask another person (until you remember they let Sarwar & “undecided” Tory Unionist Massie speak almost twice as many times as they let Hislop & Kohli)
– The fact that this person was actively identified to the crew by a runner, indicating that they were aware of his presence – and, thanks to the process Evelyn mentions, aware of his voting intentions
Now consider the stuff happening with the West of Scotland bias report revealed by Derek Bateman, is it any wonder the way the debate’s going? When the Whitehall papers of this period are released in 2044, I’d like it to be in an independent Scotland where I can wipe my brow with relief instead of whatever’s left of the UK (assuming it hasn’t become the Thunderdome)
@Robert Louis: Just as an aside, the SNP should ignore these kinds of stories. They should most definitely NOT respond that they will ‘do something about it’. I say that for two reasons:
1. It is NOTHING to do with the SNP
2. To respond would suggest that in some way they are responsible or involved with online abuse. They are NOT.
I do hope the Calum Cashleys of the world are listening.
Agreed. If, and I do mean IF, they comment on it (say, at First Minister’s Questions: I foresee someone like JoLa or Rennie bringing it up) then I dearly hope they respond with something like “if any defamation, abuse, slander, or libel has taken place, then they will be dealt with using the proper channels of the police and legal services. Since not a single so-called “cybernat” has thus far been neither charged nor convicted of any offenses, there is nothing for us to comment on, much less condemn or defend.”
And there’s a very good reason no so-called “cybernats” have been charged or convicted: because unlike most Britnats, people accused of being “cybernats” are neither stupid, nor violently inclined. The reason the Troubles lasted so long was, in part, because the Republicans trid to fight like-with-like with the UK government & armed forces – and if there’s anyone who knows anything about weaponising fear, it’s the UK. The troubles only started to subside when peaceful measures started to take more hold after decades of violence. Same in South Africa, same in India, same in so many other places.
There aren’t going to be any stories – no true stories, at least – of rowdy Cybernats taking debates hostage and threatening the lives and wellbeing of unionists. Why? Because most “cybernats” don’t want more violence & death. What will a violent revolution do, except bring more death? More bereaving families, more broken homes, more tears? Even killing the most hateful politicians like Gove, IDS and Hunt won’t solve our problems, and all you’re left with is blood on your hands.
The essential issue is a complete lack of understanding of what “cybernats” want. They can’t seem to understand that some people want an independent Scotland NOT so they can have more “clout” on the world stage, NOT because they want to invade and bully and “liberate” other countries, NOT because they want to “beat” England or France or Germany, but because we want to be our own country. Why would we want that? Because we ARE a different country.
It’s no mistake that the very term “pacifism,” coined by Emile Arnaud, was adopted at the 10th Universal Peace Congress – in Glasgow.
Expect more of this to come – but don’t worry. Certainly even the likes of Gandhi, MLK, Hawe, La Fontaine, and Garrison were tarred with undeserving paint. We should wear it as a badge of pride, that we are being targeted and tarnished with untruths. So are the disabled, the foreign-born, the unemployed, and the vulnerable. It shows who’s side we’re on.
It was Fifi la Bonbon, not her boss Foulkes who first coined the term ‘cybernat’ for those of us who ridiculed the crude unionist propaganda on the Scotsman and Herald.
Is it really eight years ago? She’s now an MSP of course, the crude propaganda is the same, but its not just confined to the North British press anymore and there is a much more desperate edge to it.
We are winning, the comical Ali’s are not.
What’s all this idle talk about bedrooms? Don’t all Cybernats have a craftily concealed, web-strewn dimly-lit cellar, like moi?
I think I may have been responsible for SLAB removing the comments facility on their web page after I challenged Anas Sarwar and said he should be ashamed of what Labour had become.
Ah, Jim Murphy. Is that the Jim Murphy who campaigned for Palestinian rights as a student activist but joined the Friends of Israel as soon as he got involved in politics in Eastwood?
The cybernats must be doing something right if they frighten the British establishment so. This crude attempt to close down a section of the debate they can’t control smacks of, dare I say it, fascism.
I wonder what Murphy would make of the two lumpen unionists who wrote to my home address, anonymously of course, telling me to shut up and go away. Not as pleasantly expressed as that though, you understand.
I wouldn’t dream of demanding action from Alistair Darling and I certainly don’t tar all unionist supporters with the same brush because of two idiots, one self-titled “England”.
Given the hand in glove methods of the BBC and the British state, I look forward to this subject’s inclusion in tonight’s QT.
the reason they say Cyber-nat-obviously-mental-cuz-they-don’t-agree-with-Murphy work from their bedroom because everyone suddenly has an image of some nerdy geek or absolute weirdo on his own, a loner, in the dark, surrounded by crisp packets and empty bottles of juice*
Make them look weird…stage 1 in trying to isolate them. Maybe their just jealous of the activity online…Compared to Unionist online activity as noted by Rev!
* Chinese and empty bottles of wine
I posted a message on Mr Murphy’s blog a couple of months ago. It was critical of his seeming inconsistency of argument about being against nationalism and going on to talk about foreigners and how Great Britain was stronger in the world together. I don’t think I was offensive. I wasn’t paid by Alex Salmond to post the message, although he has kidnapped my child and won’t release him till I post intimidating and insulting messages on 10 of Mr Murphy’s blog entries. I’m worried because he doesn’t update it that often.
I was vetted for the Tuesday night referendum debate.
I was honest and told them I was a member of the SNP. Politically active all my adult life.
I was selected. Neither of my questions were. (I have to say I think there’s something dodgy about at least one if the questioners selected)
I think the only reason I wasn’t edited out was because I wa shouting while Sarwar was talking his usually p!sh.
‘Hi, my names Alison and I use cyberspace to spread my thoughts on my nation’a right to self determination and I am a “cybernat”!
The Daily Fails answer to the Evening times ‘shop a dealer’- shop a cybernat!!! Lmfao. 😉
Cameron and Osborne missed a trick. They should have targeted the Cybernats with their Bedroom Tax …
They are fighting us now and the next step is ………..we win.
Can we agree to capitalise ‘Cybernat’? If we present a proper threat then we deserve a proper name.
Alison at 8.18
And you’re in our wee branch too!
@Thepnr7.48, the PC wire dizna streech inta the toilet,hence the Tablet,if you hiv any the ither stuff, send it on, it,ll sweeten ma day,wi awe this bitter bile spewin oot of Murphy n Co/BT.
The “Natbots” are even worse! They plan for world domination!
“Your attention Mr Murphy, Daily Mail…we’re just people who want our country to take charge of its own affairs; that’s all.”
Do you really think Murphy sees us as some sort of 5th column? its all smoke and mirrors of course he knows, so do they all.
I recall that a few years ago the Cybernats were referring to Murphy as “Skeletor” (in a Cybernasty way).
Wikipedia says that Skeletor is “the primary antagonist of the Masters of the Universe”.
So I think he’s on a loser …
“They are fighting us now and the next step is ………..we win.”
Auld Gandhi knew whit he wis talkin aboot eh? 😉
@ IanBrotherhood, naw am no fur chingein tae suit Murphy,
am a out n out WINGER.
taae coin a phrase, ( am sick,YOU TURN IF YOU WANT TO,
Ah started ,so I,LL finnish a WINGER, in ( ) ( ah whinger )
that,s ma only consession.
Someone here (maybe BTP?), referred to him as Jim ‘You Called?’ Murphy.
Here he is:
link to banzaj.pl
My name is Alex, I’m a Cybernat.
My first encounter with Cybernattin was back in April 2013, I emailed Alan Grogan at LFI and got a wonderful reply to my questions and answers to my doubts. I was so happy with this response that I wanted to delve deeper.
Quite rapidly I became hooked on Indy blogs and loved all this new information, tentatively I posted my first ever opinion on a National newspaper website. Hey some people took me seriously, they actually liked the comment. From then on I was hooked.
I danced better, sang on buses and generally felt good about myself, though I wanted more. I read more newspaper articles, more blogs and as my information increased I really began putting out my new found knowledge by posting in all places and at every oppertunity.
I found out that I was not alone there were not just hundreds but thousands who were thinking exactly the same as me from all walks of life. I couldn’t get enough, take that you Telegraph reader, put this in your pipe Guardian poster. Yes things were going great, until…
A Unionist politician by the name of Jim Murphy brought my antics to the Daily Mail and held me up for ridicule, oh I cringed, where could I hide from this? How embarrassing for me and my poor family? I’ve dwelled on this now for about 10 mins and think I will just have to keep Cybernattin!
Get it right up yeh Mr Murphy.
Taranaich at 7:51pm that was very stirring at the end.
I recall having a conversation with a friend who worked for a while at the MOD down south and they didn’t get that the Scots don’t want to walk quietly with a big stick but instead believe in motivating people to change in another way, by helping people. Scots know they will make friends and influence people by treating them as equals. I think we’ll treat the rUK that way too, it remains to be seen if the rUK can put aside it’s big stick.
It seems that Mr. Murphy is going around the houses with this one, because it appeared in the Huffington Post just before Christmas. The comments on that article say it all.
@Thepnr –
Great stuff. (Big Happy Smiley)
After watching the LFI Livestream, I do believe what we discussed before is now happening. It’s another game-changer.
“My name is Alex, I’m a Cybernat.”
Have you no shame?
think of the children for goodness sake man,
there is help out there if you want it. 😉
No … I am Cybernat!
Caroline Corfield
Is that not a hugely expensive big stick leased from the Americans, who retain control over the targeting system?
Some of these posts are the best laugh I’ve had in ages. Working away from home it’s good to experience the Scottish sense of humour.
@john king
Do you really think Murphy sees us as some sort of 5th column? its all smoke and mirrors of course he knows, so do they all.
Yes of course: it’s all posturing. That’s what makes Better Together so ridiculous. The day after a Yes vote, all this nonsense – ‘nasty Cybernats’ and ‘you can’t do this’ and ‘you can’t do that’ and ‘the sky is going to fall in if Scotland dares presume to govern itself’ and all the rest – will evaporate. Jim Murphy knows that as well as anyone.
Davy says
“Im a cybernat and Im ok”
dont you mean?
Cybernats v cyberprats.
No, I am Cybernaticus.
I love the thread. Are we not all just voters, real people who have been ignored, patronised, ripped off and labelled as subsidy junkies? Politicians are meant to be wooing us for our votes.
Imagine, we can all talk freely to each other without going through their official filters. They don’t like that!
Fun, fun,fun!
Now they fight us!
No, I am Cybernaticus.
I am cybernaticus!
Looking forward to QTDundee although I doubt they will allow any discussion of bias through their censorship filters.
Travel expenses, E.U., borders, sterling, bingo.
Unionist bingo!
Cybernats need a symbol – here’s something wee but powerful, guaranteed to bring a tear to their eyes:
link to scotslanguage.com
1707repeal: “BTW – what is a BritNat who uses a computer to dish out their vile abuse? A cybernat? A cyberbrat? Can anyone clarify?”
Jimbo: A CyberNot?
1707repeal: A CyberNut?
Cath says “The odd thing in a way – given they try to portray us as faceless and anonymous – is that they only went after people who use their real names and details.”
Well they can’t go after the Anonymous(es)because Twitter will not give out info about clients. Mind you they could always go back to illegal practises to try to obtain the info, but I doubt they would succeed.
I think people are being too complacent about these ‘home’ visits by Hate Mail reporters. They are apparently also trying to interview neighbours of those approached. And that if true is a disgraceful intrusion, and not far off Police State procedures.
There is no way now that I would give my real name and number on Twitter or other Internet sites.
Keep web trolls off TV, says MP.
Help me Rona, says Alistair Carmichael.
= Abject Fearties.
Mr Murphy, you caught me out. send me an email to me@cybernat.org and i will come clean.
signed (not) Alex
Get ready cause here we come! The kilted cybertroopers!
link to xrealitysandwichx.deviantart.com
Weedeochandorris @2.48
Hoo ha ha ha ha is that what I look like?
love it,
Dont send that to Murphy or he’ll have a photofit up at every event. 🙂
Calgacus McAndrews @ 9.53pm
Sorry didn’t mean to pinch you line Calgacus I didn’t see it 😉
anyway your wrong I am Cybernat
what do you mean the moments gone?
Anyway its was all Lanarkist’s fault.
The Telfon coated gusset (with tear off strips) on Murphy’s Y fronts can no longer cope with the strain …
How low have Labour sunk, how much further have they left to descend?
It is noticeable that The Mail makes no mention of the Facebook page “Alex Salmond is a Deluded W*nker”. So, it’s alright for those cyberneds to set up pages like this (which they block anyone who disagrees with them from), but anything pro-independence is from wicked cybernats, and so must be condemned as extremist.
O/t I listened to the interview this morning on GMS with the WOSU researcher on bias in the BBC and ITV when reporting the referendum news. Wierd or what? Both showed the cringe that public service jobs force on people who do not wish to commit career suicide. You could hear the eggshells crushing as they tried to speak with some measure of confidence.That advert for Burns Night saying that it was great to be allowed to be Scottish comes to mind.
Does this idea equal all the unsolicited views on the tv of Joan Lamont’s face or Margaret Curran’s mouth in full flow, now that really is torturing the population and frightening our children.
Surely if Murphy is trying to ban any proportion of the population from speaking, then affronts to the collective people at large should also be protected, so we don’t all get nightmares.!
Can we get the MSM to carry our complaint, it is outrageous they can get away with this and something needs to be done.
They remind me of when Linda Blair jumps out of your computer at you, they are both frightening we need to be heard, and our children saved.!!