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Wings Over Scotland

A blast from the past

Posted on June 25, 2016 by

We were startled to see an old face make a bit of a comeback to the Scottish political scene this evening, when BBC Scotland dug up the former “Better Together” campaign director Blair McDougall to urge Scots not to do anything hasty in the aftermath of the UK’s Brexit vote.

And it led us, by a circuitous route, back to this.

We thought we’d just leave it here for the record.

“On the question of the EU, look, all three parties within ‘Better Together’ are agreed that we should stay within the United Kingdom [sic], there’s a debate about what the best way to do that is. But there’s one thing that’s absolutely certain – that if the nationalists get a Yes vote, Scotland will be leaving the UK and so we’ll be leaving the European Union.”

Thank goodness Scotland averted THAT by voting No, eh, readers?

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Well it looks like he got that right. Where is Bliar Mcdonut anyway?

Bob Mack

Yep. That was a close thing , I have to say though he did not clarify if we would leave the EU by another route. I’m just trying to cover potential escape routes.

Jim Watson

What he meant to say was that if the British Nationalists get a yes vote…


…ah!, Pinocchio wi’ his words o’ truth … Nostradamus, yer fired !!!


Aye.Time for a bit of clarity

Scotland voted to remain in the EU two days ago. We voted to remain part of the UK nearly two years ago.Thats where we’re at.In the EU and also in the UK.Thats where we’re at.Its up to the UK whether they feel like they want to accommodate us.


I’m thinking we should hire him for the new YES campaign…

That was me being funny. 🙂 🙂 🙂


Got to give Blair 100% for maintaining his record for lying about everything he ever mentioned.

What a loss to Deceit, Distortion and Deception he is to Westminster Politics.

Here is a link of the latest round of Westminster lies made by Michael Gove to Scotland on a Brexit Vote.

Maybe a magician, or an Alien, has made him vanish or perhaps he just forgot what he pledged???

We should have control over Immigration now, Fishing, Agriculture, and some more Social areas.

Pity he is a lying wee snake in the grass!

link to

Iain More

You just spoiled my day having to view that lying bloated toads face again.


Returnofthemac says:at 11:11 pm
“Well it looks like he got that right. Where is Bliar Mcdonut anyway?”

Comfort eating, in adult sanitary wear. Probably.


I’m not British myself,but some of my friends are.Its time the EU gave some assurance that my British born friends won’t be thrown out of Europe on their ears.


In the last 24 hours it’s become utterly clear that the BBC has gone into full panic mode.

Call Kaye goes into full on unionist meltdown, Osbourne, the Chancellor disappears off the face of the earth while economic chaos runs riot and the BBC can’t even bring themselves to report this. Project Fear now revitalised with personal appearance from MacDougall who admitted after the IndyRef at the Tory conference how Project Fear was a deliberately misleading, but still does not face questions on it.

The only difference now is that half of England are now angry with the BBC to and the calls of bias from the Remain side are getting louder.

Remember, if we become independent, the BBC is toast. London lose our licence fee and the panic has set in. The BBC are showing the signs of a wild animal about to lose it’s life, thrashing about in desperation. The bias from them is about to go nuclear.


The pound could still be an independent Scotland’s best bet.

As chancellor George Osborne is set to rule out a currency union with an independent Scotland, a Yes vote might make ignoring Osborne the smart choice.

Sam Bowman, research director at the Adam Smith Institute, says that “an independent Scotland would not need England’s permission to continue using the pound sterling, and in fact would be better off using the pound without such permission.”

It would be near impossible for the English government to actually stop Scottish people using the pound.

“As the American economist George Selgin has pointed out, what the Prime Minister really means is that the Bank of England would not act as a guarantor for Scottish banks or the Scottish government”, says Bowman.

“Lucky Scotland: the implied promise of a bailout from the European Central Bank is exactly what allowed Eurozone banks and governments to borrow cheaply and get themselves into a debt crisis.”

Other countries effectively do the same thing. Ecuador and El Salvador both use the US dollar without permission from the Federal Reserve.

And the Federal Reserve of Atlanta says that they have “experienced improvements in banking regulations and in the overall stability of the banking systems” as a result.

They’re faring better under that system than under a formal currency union.

Bowman suggests that an independent Scotland could continue to use the pound as a base currency, “with banks continuing to issue notes privately and private citizens free to choose any currency they wanted”.

“An independent Scottish government should let the Scottish people be free to choose whatever currency they want – the pound, Bitcoins, gold, or something else – and let the market decide what dominates.”

City A.M.’s opinion pages are a place for thought-provoking views and debate. These views are not necessarily shared by City A.M.

Dave McEwan Hill

I am not convinced that this withdrawal from the EU will actually happen.
This was a consultative referendum and it is not binding until Parliament agrees with the result and ratifies it.There are already powerful forces working against it.

It looks to me like England is facing a prospect of huge upheaval and confusion. A 51% to 48% result is a very tenuous and unstable vote. The damage to the Tory Party may well be matched or surpassed by the damage to Labour. I say this because the Tory Party will hold together better than Labour and always do. They don’t have to like each other. As long as they can hold onto power and privilege they’ll get on well enough to unite to hold on to it.

This is a huge opportunity for us and we must move fast while UK is tied up in confusion

Chic McGregor

On another forum, someone pointed out that Cameron and Co’s belief in a Project Fear – the sequel, following on from its success in Scotland, was thwarted because this time he did not have a compliant MSM nodding sagely in the background, as was the case in Scotland.

They also pointed out that Liverpool, demographically similar to other pro leave areas, working class, ‘normally’ Labour, Northern, voted remain and that apparently, since Hillsborough, Murdoch’s Sun readership is virtually nil there.


I’m sorry to say it again people, but if you haven’t already done so, cancel your BBC tax.

We need to be nice to no voters but we can still play hardball with the media.

There are ways to legally not pay and keep your telly. A little research is all that is required.

Do it for Scotland. Do it for democracy. Do it for your sanity.

Chic McGregor


Agree the need to move fast on indy2 but fear it will be yet another opp. missed.

Cadogan Enright

BBC Newsnight ran a special programme on implications of Brexit tonight

Scotland not mentioned!

BBC news commentator on afterwards banging on about non-EU England having to impose customs and visa checks on an E U Scotland and why this will pose a problem for Nicola in convincing Scottish voters

Same news program last night was full of reassurances on how this could never happen to the boarder with the Republic ‘coz of long standing common travel arrangements

Just letting u guys know before calling BBC complaints

Seems to me that Nichola can ruthlessly use Republic to explode this nonsense propaganda

If any rubbish like this is put to a senior SNP spokesperson, all they have to say is “are you suggesting that this will be the arrangement on the boarder with the Irish Republic? Britains 5th largest trading partner?”


They’re a strange band of bullshitters. Professional liars stopped the break up of Britain, as they like to call it but

Glenn Campbell ?@GlennBBC 26m26 minutes ago Scotland, United Kingdom
Glenn Campbell Retweeted Nicola Sturgeon
For those wishing my demise for sharing the thoughts of @blairmcdougall

links to

Nicola SturgeonVerified account
?@NicolaSturgeon Nicola Sturgeon Retweeted David Greig
Nicola Sturgeon added,

David Greig @DavieGreig
Gentle note to fellow ex Yessers. No ‘I told you so’s’, no smugness & no presumptions. Indyref 1 is over. New moment, new allies, new start.

Gentle note, we’re about to get the exact same full on BBC Scotland Project Fear 2 the living shit out of Scottish democracy all over again, aren’t we?

You cant turn on the radio tonight without Sarah Smith farting out Bliar’s 2014 UKOK classics, no currency, oil’s gone, uncertainly, SNP bad, check point charlies at Berwick…


Fuckin Phew !
Fat liar.

Ian Brotherhood

Much as we may love Billy Sloan’s Radio North Britain show, the fact that it’s on tonight, when R5 is doing non-stop analysis of what’s happened, speaks volumes.

We just don’t have the tools required to have any meaningful MSM ‘democratic’ debate about what’s happening, and the announcements regarding reform of News/Current Affairs output from Pacific Quay are not encouraging, regardless of how sanguine the relevant Unions may be.

Characters like Bloater McDougall have always regarded Pacific Quay as a ‘safe-place’, and they continue to do so.

How long can this charade continue?


Can’t imagine Blair is too happy with his Tory Better Together choooms.

call me dave

FGS! Not McDougal. Has he not beetled off yet?

I thought he had been made redundant as he has served his purpose which was to sell Scotland for his meager wages. A plonker!

Some ‘Bregreters’ on radio 5 reported. They didn’t understand the implications of the vote to leave. Daily Mail readers.

Maybe Boris, Gove, etal too.

HSBC moving 1000 jobs to Paris to secure a banking passport to continue trading in EU.

Scotland in and England out of Europe means Edinburgh is a good place to be….Radio 5 rake over the fiasco. Interesting tonight.

Nigel’s ‘mistake’ was a lie like lots of other things the leave campaign claimed. Apologies wanted. Panic

2nd EU referendum wanted it’s only advisory. pretty please we regret 🙂

Was the ‘British’ public stupid? 🙂 (British means English)

Robert Louis

According to Sara Smith of the blatantly propagandist BBC, Nicola Sturgeon still needs permission from Westminster to hold a referendum.

No she doesn’t.


Lets say we will build a checkpoint at Berwick , cant have facists moving in , now can we ?

Chic McGregor

Despite Obama’s ‘Special relationship’ poli-burp anyone else seen American financial institutions (e.g Morgan Stanley) on CNBC and Bloomberg saying that they will be moving thousands of jobs to Frankfurt and Paris?

And that is before it has even been decided whether the UK will lose its current financial services access to the EU or not.


Dave McEwan Hill,

Read this,

link to

The EU are having none of it.

‘In an effort to put pressure to the British government to act rapidly, parliament’s party leaders also made clear that any new relationship between the UK and the EU “may not be agreed before
the conclusion of the withdrawal agreement”.

They are out like it or not. The EU are not at all happy about all the chaos caused by a school-boy tiff. They’ve got to go out before anyone would consider letting them back in and that requires unanimous agreement.

They really are up the creek with no plan A let alone B. No functional government, a PM who doesn’t want to do the hardwork, an invisible chancellor (presumably busily stuffing the new QE money up his nose) both major parties fighting themselves.

If they don’t trigger art. 50 I reckon the EU will deem the referendum to be the formal notification.


Nicola and Scotland want to continue in the EU.England doesn’t.Two different countries with different ideas.No need for any great fuss or referendums.

Chic McGregor

“Gentle note, we’re about to get the exact same full on BBC Scotland Project Fear 2 the living shit out of Scottish democracy all over again, aren’t we?”

Undoubtedly. However:

1. No EU membership – has gone.

2. Companies will move from Scotland to a (non EU) England – has gone.

3. Vow 2 – has gone.

Ditto other stuff now gane.


Kilted troops on the English – Scottish border. Carry on up the Khyber stylee.

Navy leatherette Scottish passports please with the words of Flower of Scotland in the inner page.

Sooner the better.

Anyone had sight of Giddy yet or is he still a missing person?

Dr Jim

There’s a flaw in all this be nice to NO voters stuff
If you’re a total Arse and a Bastirt you just are because you are, irrespective of who’s side you might or might not have been on

Blair Jenkins was on our side “They said” I couldn’t stand that guy either, so this all sounds like if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything

Therein is another flaw, if you put yourself on telly and pontificate to the rest of us you’re right and everybody else is wrong it makes you an arrogant unlikeable Bastirt and you deserve the verbal punch in the face…..or if you’re really violent like some of us vile Nats an EGG! might be used in extreme cases


When I was in Zimbabwe recently fly fishing for tiger fish in the Zambezi, I noted with some interest that EVERY FRIGGIN’ ATM IN THIS LITTLE THIRD WORLD HELL HOLE WAS STUFFED WITH AMERICAN GREENBACKS!!!!!

For a whole lot of reasons – most of them obvious – the official currency of this dumpster country is the “in God we trust” dollar. Nothing else.

Can you imagine the cockamamie logistics alone in getting enough bills in circulation several time zones from their source in a clearly hostile country to keep what’s left of the economy ticking over. But they’re doing it.

And you can bet Obama or Janet Yellen didn’t give Mugabe their blessing first like MIA Osborne says he has to.

So the idea that IndiScot can’t use the pound -if there is anything left of it by then – is beyond idiotic.

And if you believe that there’s a big red bridge at South Queensferry that I can sell you real cheap.

Cadogan Enright

@chic 12.05. They are banging on about boarder controls on BBC news at 12 again

BUT nothing similar proposed for Ireland

Once this canard is challenged – it’s gone too


This was posted by Epiphyta on the ‘Lions and children thread @9.56.

I thought more people would see it here.

I’ve had to temporarily quit a UK discussion forum: most of the members voted to leave the EU, and they’re going on about “anyone losing work was paid too much anyway”.

Well, that’s grand. Meanwhile, one of my mates has just heard his EU-funded research grant at an English uni won’t be renewed; he had an offer from St. Andrews two weeks ago, and is calling to tell them he’ll take it. My spouse’s former employer is based in London, and they’re not staying — might go to Dublin, would prefer to go to Edinburgh — so some of his friends might be entering this jolly adventure whilst looking for work. In the course of that discussion, a woman mentioned that her mum was born in Belfast; she was immediately encouraged to get an Irish passport for herself and her children, and as she and her husband know their fields are going to be hard hit, they’ve started looking north as well.

So that’s at least 6 well-educated, productive members of society and their families (and possibly one FTSE 500 company) headed your way; make them welcome, won’t you?


Chic McGregor says:
26 June, 2016 at 12:05 am

Bliar and his BBC chums also went UKOK apeshit over Clydeside shipbuilders losing RN ship building, if we voted YES. Cant see Brexiteers facing the oncoming recession handing out multi billion war ship contracts to anyone, let alone the sweaties.

Chic McGregor

“If they don’t trigger art. 50 I reckon the EU will deem the referendum to be the formal notification.”

Interesting idea and perhaps a possibility.

I think myself that other measures may be brought to bear first, like suspension (on full pay till divorce) of UK MEPs from the European Parliament.


Guys you seriously think that Westminster may back track on this vote to leave the EU ?

I’m not joking, but after seeing the NF,EDL etc etc out in force today across England and the stories across the country from people receiving racist abuse if they decide not to honour this referendum result their is going to be all hell let lose.

It will be civil war, or at least bloody close to it.


The simple solution is highlight, highlight, and highlight again all the little lies they told, and all the little things that came to pass in the 18 months since the 2014 result.

Ships built, businesses / employees moved, concessions not given, etc etc.

Indyref2 is a win. Last time it was lost against an almost united media, a strong group of Scottish Labour and Westminster MPs and all their groups, lobbyists and spin doctors.

Most of that lot are gone / going and some of the media are playing a different tune.


I think it’s a missing persons for Giddy. No sign or sight since prior to the ref…

Talking about Farage for chancellor and BoJo for PM on ‘net.


Oh, and Pith helmets. That would be a good look with the kilts on the englo-scottish border. Perhaps a bit ‘carry on’ but none the less, would make everyone smile as they came to Scotland to spend their pounds/euros/scottish lira/doubloons.

Squall Cloud

It’s bliar mcgugalaygugalaygugalay.

Liz g

Aw….. rembered when Stuey wiz bored,and there wiz nothing happening in Scottish Politics?


Indyref2 is a win. Last time it was lost against an almost united media, a strong group of Scottish Labour and Westminster MPs and all their groups, lobbyists and spin doctors.

It could just be some EU and UK fudge. EU says ok Scotland, you can keep your EU citizenship and none or fewer trade barriers than BrexEnglandit.

Then if it looks like a final YES Scotland win, UK also says ok Scotland, you can actually have devo-max just don’t fcuking leave us, you’re British for fcuks sake, we love you, we really weally love you. Look here comes Rory the Tory and David Starkey to explain just how much we want you stay.

Chic McGregor

“Guys you seriously think that Westminster may back track on this vote to leave the EU ?”

Not if they want to retain any semblance of being a democracy.

However, given the number of leave voters going ‘Ooh, err’ on the telly tonight, perhaps folk can now see why I advocated (pre indyref1) a 14 day ‘cooling off’ period for referendums where folk can change their vote.

call me dave

Sturgeon takes the Battle for Europe to Brussels

link to

PS: Meanwhile at a branch office:

Scottish Labour to consider “all options” amid prospect of second independence referendum

If the story is more than 1hr old she may have changed her mind again. Pinch of salt with the pop-corn 🙁

link to


BBC Scotland are a laughing stock. They are finished. No viewers. No programmes. No one believes their nonsense. Smith and Brewer are being retired. Kaye won’t be far behind. They are still too thick, to try and retain their jobs.

Renton is now down in London. There was a suggestion Corbyn was heckled (put up job). Ex Labour candidate Renton was quick to gloss it over. BBC London trying to damage Labour. Renton will get with the agenda. Corbyn could bore for Britain.

There is something wrong with the English education system judging by some of the voters. Like lemming over a cliff. The White Cliffs of Dover. Scorch earth policy. There will be no Dover souls left.

Herald guy says stay with the UK because Brexit will cause havoc. They just don’t get it. That is precisely why to leave UK.

Chic McGregor

Mumsie Merkel, in true maternal style, might have a more forgiving stance towards the prodigal child, however, I suspect she does so while the rest of the family are engaged in a conga around her.


Lest we forget Blair Macdougal the big liar boasting after the ref about how ‘scaremongering’ worked:

‘The head of the successful Better Together campaign today suggested Scotland might have voted for independence in last week’s referendum if his campaign had made a positive case for the union, rather than “scaremongering” about economic risks.

Critics of the anti-independence campaign repeatedly called on it to make a more positive case for Scotland to remain part of the UK. But Blair McDougall referred to polling that showed that 40% of Scottish voters would base their vote on an emotional case to keep the UK as it is anyway.

He told a meeting at the Labour party conference in Manchester: “It would have made people feel nice but it would have made the 40% who already agree with us feel nice. So there was a constant drumbeat to talk about identity, about a sense of belonging, but that was always going to be a core voter strategy.”

link to

Iain More

So the Little Englanders that voted for an Englexit want to have their vote back now and have started a petition for that.

In that case I want a rerun of the Battle of Alesia.


I know it’s a long ways and three creeks to cross from my little log cabin in the Rockies to town so bear with me on this one.

I just noticed that the door to Butte House is painted Downing Street shiny black. (Nice touch by Nic coming out and doing her outa-here thing on the street like the Brit PMs do, by the way.)

Any chances of getting up a petition/crowd-funder/pop-up drill to have it painted SALTIRE BLUE?

It would kinda send a message. Know what I mean.

call me dave

Radio 5 live discussing whether the Scottish Parliament needs to consent to whether Scotland leaves EU.
This is the Pete Wishart twitter thing I posted on the other thread.

Answer NO! say experts (two unionist politicians) we are a junior partner and subordinate to WM. So we’re telt!
Austin Mitchell MP cannot be wrong. He claims Sturgeon bluffing and no material change. She can’t magic up an Indy2 except if WM says Aye!

He’s an arse… 2.6 million folk sign a daft petition for a rerun in 1day+ doesn’t count apparently as a material change. 🙂


Call me dave,

I can’t quite get over the new look.

Same plastic surgeon as Marcia?

Chic McGregor

“There is something wrong with the English education system judging by some of the voters. Like lemming over a cliff. The White Cliffs of Dover. Scorch earth policy. ”

Been reading the New Yorker?

link to

David Mills

Blair “we would not have won without project fear” MacDougall

[…] Wings Over Scotland A blast from the past We were startled to see an old face make a bit of a comeback to the Scottish political […]


Rev’s twitter: Contacts from within Tory HQ: Osbourne will be resigning Monday …reporter on twitter: ‘his leadership bid & position untenable’.


Just back from sunny Spain. Felt a bit weird now that we are no longer europeans. I met a few toxic Brexiteers out there who had voted OUT by post before going off on hol. There appears to be real, tangible anger out there – a can of worms has been burst open and they aint going back in. No no no, the vote is irreversable and the damage is irrepairable. Listening to the Brexiteers was incrdedible – they seem to think that a new dawn is starting, a New Great Britain will rise, unshackled from Europe. The media has to accept quite a bit of responsibility for this preventable sad state of affairs.

Remember during IndyRef 1, Alex Salmond was pressed hard to explain Plan A, B, C, D and F for an indy Scotland. As far as I am aware, Boris and co were not even asked about a Plan A during the EUref debates, and it is becoming painfully clear now that even Plan A does not exist. Thank you BBC.



Aye, I’ll wait expectantly for the love-bombing from David Starkey, Kelvin MacKenzie and other famous lovers of all things Scottish. 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

Somewhere, deep beneath the Houses of Parliament, there is a panic-room.

Osborne has been there for days. Blair McDougall’s managed to get a corner. It’s a confined space, and they have to be harsh about ‘incomers’.

Willie Rennie begs to get in…



call me dave

Ach well! CMD’s gone, long live the FM.
(passive interest in footwear)

Just my shares to worry about now… 🙂

Ooops Hilary Benn sacked! Too much going on Rev.

call me dave

Panelbase [Scotland], June 24th-25th

Scottish Independence, post-Brexit:

Yes – 52% [+7]
No – 48% [-7]

Jack Collatin

What has this sleazy big liar being doing for twenty months? Gardening leave? Is he a bag carrier for the only remaining Red Tory MP?
Is he a ‘researcher’ for the PLP UP Here?
He has been off the map for 19 months yet Sarah Smith arranges to have him trotted out to talk even more pish.
There are several ‘material changes’ since Brewer and Smith cooed over his every word.
WE booted the ‘Fucking Useless’ 40 Red tory Gravy Trainers out on their arses. We held on to one each, a Blue, Red, and Jaundiced Liar Tory, to put on display on the wall above the fire, to remind us of what a useless bunch of chancers they had been for four or five decades. They won’t be back, oh orbital one.We have 56 very able SNP MP’s Down There now.
I expect them to be speaking to the EU Commission next week.Who are you again?
Murphy self imploded, and Kezia rose without trace.
Red Tories are now an extremely poor third, and Ruth Davidson has recruited the Loyal Sons of Guillaume, and the OO’to make up the numbers. NS has just won an historic third term
I take it that you are not affiliated to any sub branch of Kezia’s Branch office?
News for you, my rotund friend. We’re retaking our nation.
I repeat, who are you, and what have you been doing?

Swami Backverandah

A thought on indyref2, may have been already mentioned:

Although there’ll be a lot of focus on those who previously voted No coming to their senses, and the welcoming (no recriminations now ) hand being extended by Yes2Indy camps, some thought should be given to those who may have voted Yes last campaign, but won’t bother coming to the polls again because they consider it a waste of time. “The vote is rigged, you can’t beat the establishment, what’s the point it’s not going to happen” etc. etc.
It may have been the first time they voted, it didn’t work for them then, and they may well feel ‘once bitten twice shy’. Getting them to come out to vote again might take some special sweeteners. Glasgow didn’t come out in the numbers expected previously, how to tell them “this time for sure Rocky”.
In the heady atmosphere of possibility of an Independence day for Scotland, they could be an larger than expected group of non-Yes.
Just a thought.


Blair McDougall – Paaarrrrrrp!


Corbyn has just sacked Hilary Benn,shit ive just ran out of popcorn.

Jack Collatin

I slept through most of the quite frankly dire footie today, so I’m WIDE AWAKE.
Lovin’ it as the Holy London Empire is imploding.
Already a holiday will cost 10% more, HSBC is moving 1000 jobs out of London to Frankfurt or Dublin. Or Edinburgh?
JP Morgan are shifting a couple hundred billion out of the City.
Corbyn’s speech to day was quite frankly juvenile tosh.
Apparently the rot set in, in the ‘eighties. There speaks a Hessian Sandaled veggie South Islington Socialist.
He clearly does not have a notion about the deindustrialisation of Scotland, and the rape of our vast rich natural assets.
We gotta get out of this place.

Swami Backverandah

“Corbyn has just sacked Hilary Benn,shit ive just ran out of popcorn.”

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer Syrian Bombing voter.


Hilary Benn been sacked by Corbyn and rumours coming out of Tory HQ that Osbourn will resign on Monday.


Good news for yon popcorn shares i got just a few short years ago…

“Sales of popcorn reach estimated £129 million thanks to unbelievable political shenanagans since 2014, according to Mintel research, while sales of crisps fall by £50 million”.

You either chose correct or you don’t….lol


Of interest is this;

link to

The members of the Committee of the Regions, appointed regional and local representatives directly elected by their fellow citizens, gather at the CoR to have their say on the development of EU laws that impact regions and cities. They can intervene at several stages in the EU law-making process:

Pre-legislative phase: the European Commission draws up a legislative proposal

The CoR organises consultations with local and regional authorities
The CoR cooperates with the European Commission on impact assessment


(from the about page: “The Committee of the Regions is the voice of regions and cities in the European Union.

350 members – regional and locally elected representatives from the 28 EU countries.“)

I have absolutely no idea of any significance of this.


@call me dave
You might have to rename yourself call me boris, or even call me theresa.


If Hilary”bomb them all” Benn has been sacked by Corbyn, then that’s where my money is going for the next Labour leader.
Osborne still crying that his wee pal Cammy has left. Bound to resign. What other Tory party leader would put up with this omnishambles of a chancellor?

Kevin Evans

Project fear up and running.

EBC just had some Scottish journalist drone on answering (dunno on who’s behalf) about Scotland remaing in the EU.

1 – he referred collectively Nicole sturgeon/Alex salmond. Trying to pair them up again to use Alex as a demon again.
2 – currency.
3 – boarders making our friends forginners.

So three using the same shit once again.


Osbourne missing, think someone might have given him directions to the mythical library where a bottle of good malt, bag of coke and a loaded flintlock await.

No grey matter will be harmed during this exercise.

Kevin Evans

Please I beg the EU and the U.K. for calm!!!!

Not for the obvious reason farage and co are wishing for calm but because I’ve only had 5 hours sleep since Thursday. I try to snooze off then more shit just hits the UK britexit fan.

Not been so entertained in a long long time.


The bbc try to find another gear to demonise, demoralise, and
disrespect Scotland, Independence and Democracy.

Smith, Bird, Brewer all trying to peddle lies and distortions to keep the plebs In their place and keep the Scots servile to Westminster mismanagement and immorality.

Many of the post on WoS all agree, and have done so for years. Perhaps those joining us, and the SNP will add their name to the petition below.

We are approaching 90,000 signatures, with 100,000 signatures delivering a Public Enquiry into their spurious

If you are pally with someone in Calais, have a Gran in Milan, Please sing up and do something to stop these

link to


It is a mammoth task for SNP, but I would to see them in talks with all the London Based Banks and Financial institution with a view to support their needs to remain within the EU.

Again if possible, touching base with English based manufacturers who have threatened to relocate on a Brexit win.

No harm to the ordinary working class English, but your vote just accepted the consequences listed above.

PS Watching BBC Bias Broadcasting News.
They have an expert on who completely dispels Scotland’s ability to “Join” the EU?

It seem that we are not already in the EU, they propose that we are not a sovereign nation, and anyway membership requires a country to meet 35 requirements before they can join, and we are too dumb and distorted to manage this without England????

They have just used the excuse on us that prevents Turkey from joining, mainly on human rights!

Is there any depth that the BBC will not sink to, in order to insult and debase Scotland?

Liz Rannoch

So much happening can’t keep up with it all, so apologies if this has already been posted:

link to

IT’S GONE.. not on SNP site anymore ???

Too quick for me. Apparently Daily Fail says ‘EU says no’ – Scotland can’t apply before Brexit and we would have to apply as a new country.


I suspect the Tories want to do fuck all until the Tory Party conference in October because the Tory party leadership debate is soooo much more important than, actually, you know, running the country. That 3/4 months from now until October gives the Tories & their Yoon allies breathing space whilst chaos rules.

The SNP has to show leadership here and not let the Tories away with this. You don’t win a boxing match, when your opponent is on the ropes, by backing off and letting him crawl into his corner before the bell, to recover.

The Tories never give the SNP or Scotland one quarter. If the boot was on the other foot, the Tories & Yoons would give the coup de grace on the SNP without a second’s hesitation.

Carpe diem, Ms Sturgeon.

Liz Rannoch

OK try that again. Sorry had to do this but I don’t know how to archive:

link to

EBC on full Project Fear III. This am. Do you guys know a Kevin Schofield ex Scotsman, Herald & D Record? Now Ed of Politics Home, ‘they’ll have to use the euro’.
Some other female – along the same lines as D Mail.


Luigi says:
26 June, 2016 at 1:04 am

Just back from sunny Spain. Felt a bit weird now that we are no longer europeans. I met a few toxic Brexiteers out there who had voted OUT by post before going off on hol. There appears to be real, tangible anger out there – a can of worms has been burst open and they aint going back in.

Ruby replies

I expect they were also complaining about there being too many foreigners in Spain.

This ‘anger’ has existed since Enoch Powell was making speeches and people were putting up notices saying ‘No Blacks’ ‘No Irish’

All the PC Correctness has not made the ‘anger’ go away it has just kept it a bay.

‘Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural’

link to

Labour failed to ask if the country was ready for more multi-culturalism.

The result of the EU Ref might have been different if Labour hadn’t decided to flood the country with immigrants ‘for “cynical” political reasons’.

Then there is also the issue of Labour’s illegal wars which has added to the immigration problems.


Better Together lied. Who knew. However it looks like the same levels of deceit are at the centre of the Leave Campaign. The Leave Project is now in a total mess because of this.

Their supporters voted to turn the clock back to their youth which they remember with rose tinted specs. A time of near full employment, good public services, with almost everyone white faced and speaking English.

Leave politicians want a right wing business friendly low tax country. Perhaps the US is their model.

If these two objectives aren’t opposites, they are at ninety degrees to one another. Leave voters will never get what they voted for. The Leave politicians are having difficulty breaking the news to their voters.

Total shitstorm brewing!


Boils my piss. The Scottish government have not even approached Brussels yet and English journalists have taken it upon themselves to pull the rug from under our feet. Nicola let’s have that vote in weeks rather than years please let us get rid of these wankers.

Kevin Evans

galamcennalath I completely agree with your comment that englanders think there getting some sort of green and pleasant land once again that’s viewed through rose coloured glasses. I’ve found myself describing it as they have voted for a kind of combination of dads army/last of the summer wine and like the conclusion of one of the episodes were going to see a bath tub full of old folk fall out of control down a hillside while they play Vera Lynn “they’ll be blue birds over the White cliffs of Dover.”

It’s all madness.

Tony Phillips

Just a voice from well south of the border (Kent)–I hope you folks realise that Brexit was really a lot like the Scottish referendum: it was about taking our country back. If you Scots want to go your own way, most people down here wouldn’t mind. You weren’t exactly given a vote to join the UK way back when, after all. And if you want to join the EU, good luck.

In fact, if there were a Scottish Independence Referendum this side of the border, I dare say the SNP would win it. You’re costing us a bundle, after all.


I think we will need the Hubble telescope to find Osborne,he will be higher than the Mars Orbiter on Columbian marching
Powder. 🙂


Project Fear re EU membership ain’t going to work in IndyRef2 they are going to have to find new fear stories.

Robert Peffers

@AlbertaScot says: 26 June, 2016 at 12:10 am:

When I was in Zimbabwe recently fly fishing for tiger fish in the Zambezi, I noted with some interest that EVERY FRIGGIN’ ATM IN THIS LITTLE THIRD WORLD HELL HOLE WAS STUFFED WITH AMERICAN GREENBACKS!!!!!”

Why ever don’t people read, listen and view obvious truths?

We don’t need to look to Zimbabwe to know that no one can stop anyone, any organisation, any country or any state from using any of the World’s international trading currencies. Even if you don’t believe lawyers simple common logic should tell you the true facts.

An international trading currency is exactly what it says it is on the tin. It is not only the official currency of the state it belongs to because, by being a trading currency, it becomes a tradable commodity. Like soya beans, coffee, tea, gold or diamonds and commodities are bought and sold on the open market.

This is what those figures trotted out at every newscast are – they quote each trading currency price against each other currency’s price.

This has absolutely nothing to do with currency unions. A currency union is quite a different matter.

A Currency Union is when two, (or more), groups of (mainly), countries share a common currency and peg their exchange rates in order to keep the value of their currency at a certain level. The main goal of such agreements is to synchronize and manage each country’s monetary policy.

These things have been trotted out and lied about throughout these referendum campaigns even if simple truths and logic have informed the electorates since day one.

Why, Oh! Why do people still tend to believe the liars and ignore the simple truths?

Fact – no one can prevent anyone using an international trading currency.

Fact – The United Kingdom of Great Britain is what it says it is A KINGDOM . It is not a country nor is it either Britain or Great Britain.

Fact – The Treaty of Union is a bi-partite agreement of two equally sovereign KINGDOMS and as such when they part company there is no more UNITED KINGDOM and no remainder Kingdom either –because they are equally sovereign both are excluded from claiming to be the union

Fact – The independent legal system of The Kingdom of Scotland is incompatible with that of the Kingdom of England because the three English Kingdom countries became a Constitutional Monarchy in 1688, (before the Treaty of Union), while Scotland’s Declaration of Arbroath, in 1320, declared that the people of Scotland were sovereign and the Monarchy was not. Scots do not require the permission of anyone to do anything if they have a majority of the people of Scotland giving their government a mandate.

Yet we still get these same topics trotted out and required to be answered on a regular basis. Those of us reminding of the true answers get branded as pedantic and still some people who claim to be YES voters choose to believe the unsubstantiated claims of the Westminster Establishment for no other reason than some bloody minded, “Little Englander”, or some even more bloody minded, “British Nationalist”, told them so.

Tell me this – have you ever seen anyone of the Westminster Establishment numpties explain the legality of their claims?

For example I quote you the Treaty of Union as a bi-partite agreement as there are only two Kingdoms signatures to the agreement.

What is the legal proof offered by the Establishment that the Treaty of union made the United Kingdom a country? They offer nothing except, “Because we say so”, and, “we are legally sovereign”.

Thing is they are NOT legally sovereign as in The English Kingdom part of the bi-partite union the Queen of England is sovereign and HER parliament is only her delegated representatives.

Brian Powell


A secret report that the EU passed directly to a tabloid, pro-Unionist ‘newspaper’ barely a day after the FM made the announcement?

LOL X 100.

schrodingers cat

half of shadow cabinet resign

well eric joyce…. it doesnt look like corbyn has been able to hold the party together.

does kez now ask slab conference to support trident?


Easy solution. Blair McDougall wants something to do, and apparently we need border guards at Berwick.

But seriously, if Better Together is getting the band together again, as a dedicated Yesser, I can’t think of a better dream start to YES 2 than Tuba boy marshalling the opposition.


Well who knew?

Overnight news on Labour’s woes seems par for the course too. Wonder if the Conservatives, Labour, the in factions, the out factions, have paused long enough to think about the population yet?

Just a thought like, but maybe when they’ve finished chucking buns at each other they might want to be seen to allay fears and make moves to shore the economy. No rush like.

Meanwhile in Scotland…


Hello everyone hope to be back soon, in the meantime

link to


I receive my stickers from the Bonny Badge Company, “Is that true? Or did you hear it on the BBC”. Nice but way too small, 7cm or 2 3/4 inches in old money. Same size as the now defunct road tax disc.
We need great big ones with the same message plus some other suggestions.

“Is that true? Or did Sarah Smith say it on the BBC”
“Is that true? Or did Gordon Brewer say it on the BBC”

The BBC has declared war on Scottish democracy it’s time to come out fighting or they will take our country from us a second time! All suggestions welcome.



Good to see you Nana and hope you’re keeping well.

Looks like things are about to get busy hereabouts. 🙂


Long time no see-was beginning to wonder if you were OK.


Hiya nana,

Good to see you back.

Robert Louis

Robert Peffers at 0840am,

Well said yet again.

Bottom line on currency is simply, any person in the world could use sterling since it is a fully tradeable currency. The only way little Englanders could stop Scotland (or indeed ANY country) using it, would be to literally send troops up to towns and cities confiscating notes, and using force to shut down banks and bureau de change.

It is absurd.

However, as the pound is sent into its managed decline (propped up temporarily by the Bank of England via taxpayers money), in a few months time NOBODY will want sterling, possibly not even Boris’s little Englanders.


Welcome Home Nana !

Great to hear from you again.


I really don’t think Scotland will be thrown out of the EU when her people,EU citizens remember,have just voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU.Will the EU require us to hold a referendum on independence from the rUK?

We might end up in the situation where Ruth and the Orange Order are the ones screaming for Indyref 2.

Liz Rannoch

Glad to hear you’re back. Hope you’re feeling better.
Really missed your links.

Off to watch Nicola on Marr.

Brian McHugh

From what I can see this morning, there are a lot of Unionists needing to double up on their Ritalin dose.


The EU promoting the breakup of a soon to be ex-member is far different from doing so with continuing members. Just call it petty vengence and be done with it.

Dismissing the partial withdrawal of a previously unitary member state is essentially what happened with Greenland.

Half expect the unnamed EU beurocrats to be from the UK. Newsflash, they will have fuck all say in how the EU proceeds. Never mind that they aren’t actually an unelected dictatorship. Does the Mail really expect us to swallow the idea that the EU will stick to an interpretation of the rules that puts the needs of the EU over that of the UK? I get the idea that they relioed on the stupidity of their readers to get leave this far but come off it.


Brian-aye my pal just said calm down it’s the fucking daily mail!

Robert Louis

cuillean at 0748am,

Well worth repeating part of what you have written;

“The SNP has to show leadership here and not let the Tories away with this. You don’t win a boxing match, when your opponent is on the ropes, by backing off and letting him crawl into his corner before the bell, to recover.

The Tories never give the SNP or Scotland one quarter. If the boot was on the other foot, the Tories & Yoons would give the coup de grace on the SNP without a second’s hesitation.

Carpe diem, Ms Sturgeon.”

It is not about rushing decisions, but it is about political opportunities. Let’s set the ground, during this political vacuum. Like you say, were the shoe on the other foot, the Yoons would literally ‘put the boot in’.


I have been watching you annoyed at not being able to post. Nerve damage in wrists taking it’s toll. Determined to keep on.

Nerves in stomach due to all that is happening!! Geez what a carry on lol lol lol

Brian McHugh

Andrew Marr… “There is a yawning gap between how the better educated, wealthier parts of Britain voted (Remain), as compared with the post industrial poorer areas of Britain (Leave)”… as the results map pans up from the south to north England… Scotland is chopped off screen and gets ignored.

mike cassidy

I wonder if the ongoing attempt at a Labour coup d’état indicates they think a general election is looming.

Now, a first for me. Messages of sympathy appreciated. I am ‘viewing’ The Andrew Marr show.

winifred mccartney

Good to see you back nana – can someone help me – what %age of oil barrel price does Scotland receive from Uk. If my memory serves me it was 8% but could easily be wrong I remember thinking I’d rather have 100% of £20 than 8% of £120 – someone said to me yesterday we were too poor to be independent even though when oil price low it puts more money into everyones pocket. BBC still a disgrace to Scotland.


Labour Shadow Cabinet members ready to resign to unseat Corbyn!

The Labour Party members democratically voted Corbyn as their leader.

Over 60 voted for him. His nearest rival got 19% of the vote. Can Labour replace the current leader with someone who doesn’t have 1 member in 5 behind him?

I believe Corbyn is generally a good man who does care about the people and the country, but no, he is not an inspiring man, but again I say he is the man elected.

The Split in Labour comes from their Gravy Train MPs and Shadow Cabinet. They do not want the plebs involvement dictating what they want, when it is all about what they want. They have very expensive snouts that need to be kept in the manner that they have gotten used to.

These subversive representatives need to realise that they are in the wrong party. They are Tories with Red Rosettes.

They need to leave and join their Blue Brothers or Form
their own We are Tories but not quite so extreme.
“Vote for half baked Tory”.


Just listened to Jim Sillars on the Radio Shortbread.
Could it be that his recommendation of taking it slowly with regard to another IndyRef is driven by his desire for us to be outside the EU ?
If we delay long enough to be taken out of the EU along with the rest of the UK (2 years from whenever they eventually activate Article 50), then even if we are successful in achieving independence from the rUK, we are then in the adverse position of having to apply to re-enter the EU. That would suit Jim’s agenda of “Leave” just fine !!
Although Jim stated that “it would be a miracle” if he was wrong – some of us believe in miracles !


Let’s not forget that, regardless of how bad it tanks, the Bank of England is owned by the UK and we are due either our share of it or compensation for it. 10% of the BoE or having to carefully pick a valuation or set it up as an official joint currency.


@ Liz Rannoch 7:48

If there is substance to that, that the EU cannot or will not negotiate with a Non-sovereign country, then forget Indyref 2, the odds on a “desperately reluctant” UDI have just shot through the roof.
To protect Scotland’s interests in Europe, Nicola might have no other choice, and frankly, I doubt any Nay-sayers can make a credible argument to contest it. Followed up by ratification referendum, which could turn into a constitutional plebiscite, it could potentially put us all in a pretty good place.

This might not be the best possible resolution, but it might be the quickest in the short term, even if it does commit us to years of wrangling with rUK. Scotland will be free, sovereign, in Europe, and making her own decisions.

And one of those decisions might be joining the ERM. For some reason that scares people, but right now, its the pound sterling that is filling its breeks and looking anything but stable.


Time for new, bigger, more visible protests outside BBC Scotchland and an actual campaign of non payment of the licence fee. We will deliver the knock out blow this time.
There is no Scottish democracy while the BBC remains stuffed full of unionist propagandists who are untouchable.
They need to realise this time they will not get away with it.


Picked up our boy from uni (English) yesterday. He’s devastated. They are all devastated. The chancellor has emailed them all saying don’t panic…yet. His PhD is now in some doubt. The funding came from the EU. Although as it been awarded he thinks they cannot take it back. His highly qualified world renowned tutor is Danish. He may not be able to complete his course if he is ‘kicked out”.

He had intentions of spending many a year at his uni and now he says he is destined for America or Switzerland as he will be in research and there will be no funding.

The silver lining is that he, for the first time, seems to be in favour of an independent Scotland in which case Scotland’s unis would be his first choice. Please let it be.


obs that last rant should have read..

Do they think a EU bureaucracy shorn of UK personnel will be inclined to an interpretation of the rules that favours the UK over their remaining membership.

Before anyone goes down the rabbit hole of a GE based on all parties standing on overturning Brexit. The only thing that will do is ensure a government with a higher level of UKIP MPs than now.

Robert Louis

Breeks at 0916am

This business about EU not negotiating with a non-sovereign country, was just part of the obfuscation during the indy ref1. There is NO law, it is all about what suits the political reality as it exists at any given moment in time.

I would be utterly astonished, given the circumstances, if the EU were to say ‘we won’t talk to Scotland’. To suggest that will be the case, given current circumstances, is pretty close to fantasy – right up there with the Loch ness monster.

As Alex Salmond always says (and it applies equally to the EU), politics is about the art of the do-able.

Kevin Evans

The BBC will be crushed once all the academics and politically aware flood gates open for Indy.

Robert Louis

Orri at 0915 am,

Absolutely, upon independence we only accept a share of liabilities from the UK together with a share of UK assets – including the UK state bank, the ‘Bank of England’.


The issue is who sets the timetable with each player having their own agenda. By nature the Tories will maintain their traditional ‘superiority’ and seek to dictate the pace.
However, the EU appears to be in no mood to suffer Cameron’s devious antics. It would be in Scotland’s interest’s were the EU to bypass Westminster and at the same time deal directly,and asap, with the Scottish Government.

Brian Powell

Labour played an enormous part in this EU vote chaos. Ed Milliband dithered then gave in, agreeing to this referendum late in 2014. He should have said a firm no and explained clearly why.

Only Nicola Sturgeon, and the SNP as a major party, came out and said clearly it was wrong and unnecessary.


The Labour party need to get the rules on who can vote for their leader tightened. There was campaigning by right wingers to join at their bargain basement rate to help elect Corbyn.


The EU had zero difficulty in accepting circa 20 million East Germans as members without discussion or voting.

If the want to keep existing EU members then I don’t see many problems.

Joseph Robinson

LOL Stu, looks like with all this turmoil, your wee blue book could easily become the big blue book.


Nicola on Marr. Showing leadership at a time when Scotland certainly needs a competent and strong leader!

G H Graham

What’s wrong with border checks at Gretna anyway?

Surely, it is in our national interest & our duty to stop, interrogate & if necessary, detain anyone who thinks Bruce Forsyth is funny.


I agree Robert Louis, but my point is the obstacles been thrown into the mix by the Unionist media, even when you afford them credibility and view them through the most accommodating perspective, they are still without substance and wholly incapable of stopping us.

mike cassidy

Marr really didn’t want to listen to Nicola Sturgeon, did he.

Especially not interested in her point that its uncharted territory.

Wanted to rerun the 2014 arguments instead.

But I am enjoying Tory Business Secretary Sajid David doing his ‘Peter denying 3 times’ act about Remain’s Project Fear.

The punishment budget has gone missing in action.

I’ll give Marr that one.

Kevin Evans

Let’s be honest here.

First of all. Great point about east Germany just walking into the EU without a problem.

Monday morning the UK in reality has no workable government. The £ is gonna crash. I conservatively predict £1 – 1€ on the markets opening. By the end of the day less. By that time @ 6pm the Scottish people yes voters and no voters will take back there country.

Do not underestimate how screwed up this is and with Gideon not showing his face its fuel to the fire for the markets.

Betty Boop

Watching Marr (sorry, had to watch this morning).Sajid Javid actually being put under it by Marr who challenged him on Osborne’s promised punishment budget and the billions Javid said would be wiped off the economy with Brexit. It was just stuff that was said during the campaign, you know.

Wisnae me, big boy did it and ran away.

Nicola on beforehand showing exactly why she is FM. Folks should be looking at the performance of this lot and asking who they would rather have in charge.


Of course the yoons dont want us to leave the UK if we do they are really screwed and all the lies about Scotland being a subsidy junkie will blow up in their faces when the population of England suddenly figure out its England that is the subsidy junkie and have been stealing their wealth from us.

Thats what they get for listening to and voting for a bunch of liars and crooks for decades.

Wake up England you morons the PLP and Tories/Lib dums are the same party you live in a one party state even Russia has more democracy than you now.

As for us using the pound as currency,before i would have said yes, now i am not so sure why would we want to align ourselves with a currency that is going to tank and be attacked by 27 EU states econimically is beyond me,no brexit changes that as well.

Come on England give us a reason to save sterling we want to see the books thats if Gideon hasnt burned them all yet to save the EU finding out you have been screwing them as well.

call me dave

Kisses Nana. Welcome back!

Isobel Fraser suddenly back on shortbread radio with Jim Sillars who’s given a prominent profile this morning basically saying
“Haud on a minute” or 3 years even. Good old Auntie! 🙂

I’ll post the link when it’s up. He’s not going away.

Oh wait here’s Margaret Curran opining on the Corbyn V Benn thing. Ach nothing to hear here move along.

The EU result has thrown up a sharp contrast between Scotland and England. Lets look at the arguments she says …. Oh right. DOH! 🙁

In the Hootsman:

link to

Dave McEwan Hill

The lies will catch them. UK disintegrates. This is not a done deal. As I argued before the threat to the Tories no longer comes from Labour. It comes from the right.
In the confused shambles that is UK politics today
there has never been a better opportunity for fast decisive action and a determined move to independence.

link to

call me dave


Aye exactly. Some were talking this morning about Greenland and even Algeria but the East Germany scenario is conveniently ignored.


Given the total shambles into which WM has descended and her brilliant professional performance on Marr this morning would it not be an idea for The Queen to declare a state of emegency and ask Nicola to form a government as she now stands head and shoulders above the shower in the Tories and Labour.

On the matter of Boris everybody seems to have forgotten that when the EU Campaign started there was great speculation as to what side he would take – remember the press scrum outside his house waiting for him to announce his decision. He is a total selfish political opportunist interested in only one thing – himself.

Big Jock

Jim Sillars wants to ignore what Scotland voted for. We voted to stay Jim. Your anti Eu campaign failed. You need to see that and help Scotland move on together. We all have things we disagree with but independence should not be one of them. Either join us or go and live with Farage in Hemel Hempstead.


Hi Nana – good to see you’re back. I was thinking yesterday I was missing your excellent links service , not that there are enough hours in the day to keep up with the chaos on stilts that is UKOK now!


GH Graham at 9.42

For Bruce Forsyth substitute Michael McIntyre.


IDS on Marr show seems to be backtracking on everything…what a surprise huh…cannot even answer the simple question, “will there be a points system for immigration”.

Imagine that folks…

Tinto Chiel

“I think we will need the Hubble telescope to find Osborne,he will be higher than the Mars Orbiter on Columbian marchingPowder. :-)”

Smallaxe, I see a bunker in the Home Counties and a mountain of folded towels.

You sound in good form this morning: all the best. Wings is good for you!

Well, that’s Indyref2 won now that Nana’s back. Only a matter of time now.

Radio Shortbread ramping up lies and distortions to unheard of levels in the last 24 hours. The usual suspects really making the flesh crawl. Mrs TC wants to listen to it “to keep up with the lies they’re telling” so I’m back to my styrofoam brick and shout strategy.

I can’t believe for a minute that the FM would have opened up the direct front to the EU without getting the green light from them beforehand.

Our media are disgusting but I sense desperation at PQ. Good time for a wee walk and rally along the banks of Clyde, I think, and not of the Harry Lauder kind.

[…] We were startled to see an old face make a bit of a comeback to the Scottish political scene this evening, when BBC Scotland dug up the former “Better Together” campaign director Blair McDougall to urge Scots not to do anything hasty in the aftermath of the UK’s Brexit vote.  […]

Bill Hume

Ah, yes Clootie. I had forgotten about East Germany.

Bill Dale

Winifred, Scotland gets precisely zero percent of the oil revenues, all go to the Treasury in London.

The 8% often quoted by UKOKIANS is the so called population share they use to “calculate” GERS figures, which are about as reliable as all the pollsters projections of a Remain majority.

mike cassidy

Geez, even now IDS is telling Marr he wanted Cameron to stay on!

And cant even bring himself to say that the next Tory leader should be someone from the ‘Leave’ campaign.

And no way was he going to commit to giving Farage a seat at the table.

And all that after denying Brexits figures on the NHS.

I’m not sure he would have agreed it is Sunday today.

Is this show always this funny?


There now seems to some extra parties in WM. The Tories are split in two, well and truly. Labour have a large faction of Blairites, and a smaller faction who have the backing of the wider membership. Leadership battles in both.

Much talk of the need for another general election.

The UK seems to have no effective government, nor opposition.

IMO the biggest thing which got us into this mess is a First Past The Post electoral system which means the biggest loser always wins. Most voters never want the government they vote for.

I fear the financial markets will react badly tomorrow.



I meant..

Most voters never get the government they vote for.


Torcuil Crichton tweeting rumours are I Murray to stand down as shadow Scottish Sec

Kevin Evans

I agree with the idea of welcoming everyone yes and no to yes2 but the one caveat I’d like to suggest is we tell Jim Sillars to fuck right off. The guys toxic


Not a fan of Mr Hammond, but he brought some economic home truths to bear in a Peston interview on ITV.

Basic upshot, the next PM will be dealing with the exit negotiations and the EU may not necessarily see things his way. (shocker)

Who knew that other countries had their own electorates to protect and interests to pursue?

Flower of Scotland

Hi Nana, missed you!

I’ve been watching the news around the world, for a long time now. Nicola Sturgeon comes over head and shoulders above most other politicians in the UK and doesn’t everyone else show this, except our own propaganda broadcasters BBC, sky and STV.

She is playing a blinder and never have I thought that she does this for herself. People on Facebook say they are proud to have her as First Minister of Scotland.

When do you hear people saying they’re proud of a leader?


Hey, if we’re going to use another countries currency, why can’t we use the Norwegian Krone instead of the English Pound?

mike cassidy

At least Tim Farron is unequivocal.

link to

If there is a quick general election, it will be interesting to see if we have a new ‘longest suicide note’.



link to

and the mayor of Calais says

link to

Big Jock

Important thing about polls. 2 have shown yes in the lead. One a massive lead. Other people’s opinions can have a positive effect on the majority. If independence becomes the normal position of Scots then often switherers fall into line.

If we can get independence consistently as a majority. Then this can trigger an open door effect. Forget this must be 60% guff. That was made up. Right now the majority favour having a second indi ref and that’s what matters.

We are in a position where we sit on our hands and get dragged out of the EU. So indi ref is not open to debate it’s essential and inevitable. Any special status for Scotland in the Eu would be temporary until independence.


Theresa Villiers on Murnaghan/Sky repeating the blatant lie that Scotland knew there would be an EU ref. At best it was a twinkle in Farage’s eye two years ago. As the video above shows, we were told that NO meant guaranteed EU membership.

The fact that a WM minister is willing lie through her teeth, and try to rewrite history, on TV about this reinforces the necessity of getting out of the UK.

Big Jock

At least anti EU Sheridan is seeing the bigger picture. Independence first then he will argue about EU. Sillars wants it the other way round. Guy needs to retire. Imagine Scotland running indi 2 for independence outside the EU! DISASTER!


With the PM saying he doesn’t want to do the hardshit and the chancellor AWOL with his marching powder, the markets would be pretty jumpy even if all else was well!

Yet still the Great Brit-press pretend that nothing too bad is happening. It’s all they foreigners worrying about their futures without the great UK!

When will they face up to the fact that this is a done deal as far as the EU is concerned, they are f**ked and have no discernible government doing anything about it.

Tomorrow is likely to be a bloodbath. The very absence of governance is likely to tip wavering companies to quit.


Started listening to Jim Sillars but the moment he went off piste and argued that Brexit was a UK poll and what we voted didn’t matter I switched off the radio.

Jim has his own agenda and wish list and that is fine but he doesn’t represent me.

Dr Jim

England’s incestuous relationship with itself continues full force this morning and instead of trying to fix the problem all they’re doing is arguing over what positions they want to screw themselves in

But the other overarching and obsessive desire that England has is how to stop Scotland doing anything, it doesn’t matter what it is it just must be stopped

For those who thought the UK represented them in the past surely by now they must be waking up to the sure and certain knowledge that the UK now and always, only represents England

The only Politician in Britain at the moment behaving in the correct way in representing the people is Scotland’s First Minister, yet again she demonstrates the fundimental principles of Government
Protection of the Country and service to the will of the people she has been elected to represent

Previous NO voters don’t have to like her if they don’t want to but they should make comparisons to what they see elsewhere and if there’s one thing very clear, respect her they must

Flower of Scotland

Where is George Osbourne?


I’m amazed that two very well known SNP fundies (Sillars and Wilson) are now presented as wise gradualists. No wonder the corporate media has been so quick to flash them.

“That said” (to borrow a Prof Curtice cliché), folks, don’t get too excited by all the overnight converts to YES. This is a knee-jerk reaction and many will revert back in time. What we have the morning after are a lot of ex soft NO’s who are now soft YES’s. We cannot rely on soft voters in the coming shit storm. “That said” (sorry Prof), things are unravelling fast and so we must be ready for anything. Stay calm and be ready.

Does anyone else get the impression that Nicola Sturgeon and the SG have had a carefully developed and tested contingency plan for this awful outcome and are now going through the motions in a very statesman-like way? Just as well, because the WM elite are running around like headless chickens. 🙂


Some Labour MP I’ve never heard of describing Labour as centre left.

Personally, I reckon …

link to

… places each UK party accurately in terms of both L-R and Authoritarian versus Libertarian.

SNP are centre left. Labour are right. Tories and UKIP are far right.


Steady, folks.

So now, we have a lot of new soft YES’s. They are legion, but they are as hard as marshmallows – don’t depend on them. Knee-jerkers should be welcomed but bear in mind many will change back. That’s what knee-jerkers do. “That said” (sorry Prof), many will harden up for indy, but it will take a wee bit of time (unless WM implodes completely, which is also a possibility). 🙂

I sure wish I had bought those Popcorn shares. 🙂

Jack Murphy

OT. BBC have tweeted:-

“Please note that due to fast-moving events #bbcqt will now be on @bbcone at 1830, live from Birmingham.”

Things must be serious. Question Time on a Sunday!

Dr Jim

The only thing that should concern anyone about Jim Sillars is when he’s due for a CT scan



After Thursday night’s result, and the coming, successful Indy Ref 2, we can look our English and Welsh cousins in the face and say:

“We never left the UK, the UK left us.”

Chic McGregor

And the Germans are the most UK friendly.


Should wee Murray resign or get sacked as Shadow Scottish Servient who is left? Och I suppose there are plenty lords and lady’s around. Mone will be upset having jumped form London labour to London tory.


Have all the UKIP MEPs resigned yet?


Great to see you back posting again Nana and thanks for the links 🙂

Wow did you read some of the comments on the French by those little englanders saying its a French problem now how stupid are they.

I expect the French to start letting these people get in boats and sail across the channel with a big nothing to do with us English,all UK HGV`s will now not be checked in France for human cargo and once they are in the UK there will be no sending them back to France.

And these people are not EU citizens,i watched a few plebs saying on TV its the muslims we want them out well last i looked most EU counties are not muslim all they have done is voted to allow non EU immigration and to stop the French from having to do UK border control.

They really are the thickest electorate on the planet.

Chic McGregor
Andrew Parrott

There are no border controls between Norway and Sweden. Sweden is in the EU, Norway is not. Norway used to be in a Union with Sweden. Whether border controls are needed between England and Scotland depends on the deal England can cut with the EU. It matters more to them having a control free border into the EU than it does for us having a control free border out of the EU. The boot is moving to the other foot.

mike cassidy

Nana 10.32

welcome back!

And I love the Calais story.

It is one thing to vote to leave the EU.

It is another thing to deal with the detail – wherein lies the devil.

They think they can exit – and leave behind an immigration control setup.

Leave it out!

And yes I am aware that the real ‘devil in the detail’ here is that this particular control setup is not part of any EU agreement.

Unlike Americans, the devil does irony.

Grouse Beater

The discredited Fats MacDougall warns us if we don’t keep paying protection money he will send in da guys to make his point. He should look behind him – there,s nobody there!

Chic McGregor

Apologies everyone, I just noticed that German link is not current and therefore not a reflection of current attitude after all.
It was posted on another forum and I simply copied it to here without checking the date.
My bad.

Robert Louis

Hand and Shrimp at 1040 am

Jim Sillars speaks for Jim sillars, and that is all. Zero credibility left.

Marie Clark

Ah Nana, great to see you back and busy posting your links. Great stuff, but I have a feeling that the way events are moving, you’ll have a time keeping up. Mind gie the wrists a wee rest noo and again.

Well, England seems to be in a right auld boorach don’t they.Petitions for a re run of the referendum, folk being really nasty to immigrants, calls for another GE.

Well, I don’t see how they can have a re run of the referendum, I know the remain side are deeply unhappy with the result, but I dread to think what will happen if the have another ref and remain win this time. Or, as some seem to be suggesting, parliament just ignore it as it was only ” advisory”. Didnae seem tae be whit Cameron wiz sayin, but hey ho.

I think to go down that road will bring real trouble onto the streets in England.

In a way, I can’t help feeling sorry for some of the poor buggers.There appears to be no one in government at the moment, they have all gone AWOL. Where is Georgy porgy, he seems to have done a Lamont or a broon on us. Whose running the show? Are we meant to limp on in chaos till the tories sort out their leader at their own time and convenience?

Labour are no better, they’re away fighting their own battles.What happens with them. Corbyn says he’ll stand again for leadership. In all probability he would win again with the ordinary membership, what then? I think the blairites need to go and join their real party, the blue tories.Another GE, well under fixed term rules that won’t be easy.

Boy am I happy to be a Scot and looked after by our won government. Thanks Nicola for showing leadership and how it should be done.

Roddy nicoll

Ian Marray will announce his resignation from the shadow cabinet later and Corbyn has already stated he won’t go. Who will be Shadow Scottish Secretary now? Surely the SLAB’s must be nearing a split in Scotland. I mean we can expect the LibDems to go whichever way the prevailing wind blows but for all their stomach churning deceit having the Scottis Labour rump on board has to be desired however unpalatable .


‘Does anyone else get the impression that Nicola Sturgeon and the SG have had a carefully developed and tested contingency plan for this awful outcome and are now going through the motions in a very statesman-like way?’

Yes- I do think that too. Apart from the tested part- we are still in unchartered waters!

Sturgeon has been decisive and swept into action whilst Ruth and Keiza still seem to have become paralysed by shock and simply in a state of denila that anything significant has happened, whilst the Labour party as a whole has went into full scale meltdown.

Chic McGregor

Dugdale and Corbyn, the Aunt Sally and Wurzel Gummidge of modern politics.


Labour shadow cabinet members resigning about one an hour apparently….har har.

Guy from sunday politics, does the politics revues with isobel oakshott, just stated that “whether you agree with her or not, the ONLY politician showing ANY kind of leadership, is Nicola Sturgeon”.

Jack Murphy

Ken 500 said at 12:34am today:
“Renton is now down in London. There was a suggestion Corbyn was heckled (put up job). Ex Labour candidate Renton was quick to gloss it over.”

On BBC Radio 4 while reviewing the papers at about 9:45am today a Labour insider said the shouting match on the street at Corbyn was definitely a right wing Labour pre-arranged stunt to further undermine his position.

That’s all Labour has—–shout and demonise the elected leader.
A disgrace—I never thought I would find myself defending a democratically elected Labour leader.


Nicola on BBC Sunday Politics …. stopping Brexit?


@Chic McGregor
You said (at 12:40 am).
Mumsie Merkel, in true maternal style, might have a more forgiving stance towards the prodigal child

Have you seen the full unedited speech? All I have seen is snippet phrases quoted. No full sentences or even full clauses.

In my experience that generally means that her words have been cherry picked and re-ordered to give a totally false impression.


Good to be back folks although slow. Excuse any mistakes[hitting wrong keys with fat fingers]

Tony busy pulling his puppets strings, chilcott report imminent.

Thousands of taxpayers dosh spent trying to stop a lawsuit against against Straw.
link to

One more link for now

link to

@Smallaxe sending good thoughts your way.


Re Jim Sillars, he’s 78, represents no constituency, was Deputy Leader of the SNP for one year, 1991 -membership. Are they just very kind and tolerant? which was 24 years ago, and if he hadn’t been married to Margo MacDonald would have disappeared from mainstream politics years ago. He routinely promotes policy contrary to SNP official line.

I can see why the BBC like to hear him oppose the SNP but why don’t the SNP revoke his membership. Are they just kind and tolerant?

GAPonsonby tweet

link to


Check out Ruth’s Twitter page. Whilst the country is in a state of crisis she’s away playing toy soldiers.

call me dave

Just leaving the cafe having refused a ‘full English brexit’ for some toast.

Off to stock up on popcorn.

Ian Murray resigns. Who next?



No doubt in my mind that as soon as a referendum for England was announced, SNP started their plans, started putting out feelers, and testing their plans.

Nicola is so assured during this earthquake, that it seems obvious she knows her speech material well. They are well drilled. The rest of the team will be care taking, to allow her space. I’m about to watch her for the 3rd time this morning.

Angus Robertson doing great stuff with his German connections.

We are so lucky.

ronnie anderson

And God said Nation shall speak unto Nation and Bbc said and Journalist & TV presentors & some Politicians shall speak utter Pish.

If Pish could be woven into fabric we could cloth the world in designer gear.

Chic McGregor


“Have you seen the full unedited speech?”

Nope. Like I expect is the case for most folk I am experiencing something of a sensory overload at the moment.


Text got mixed up above, pesky tablet hard to edìt on. Should be that he was Deputy Leader from 1991 – 1992 which was 24 years ago.
Off to boot up PC and check latest news. It’s at least half an hour since I looked at “breaking news”!

Chic McGregor

“Have all the UKIP MEPs resigned yet?”

I expect they would rather wait for their suspension by the EU. That way they get to keep their pay till D-day, (Departure Day). Should only be a matter of days anyhoo.

Grey Dug

So Ian Murray resigns from the shadow cabinet. No problem, just get another Scottish Labour MP to replace him.
Oh wait….

Paula Rose

Hi Nana – *blows kisses*

ronnie anderson

@ Nana You been watching the Blues Brother vidio , the Bands getting back together. You were sorely missed xx.

Jock McDonnell

One thing that we should desire is brexit happening & not being fudged, that is in our interests now.

gerry parker

Well, it seems that recent referendums show that Scotland does not want to be an independent country, but still wants to be part of the EU.

I wonder if those with the dependency mindset could contemplate all our money going to Dublin, and Scotland receiving an allowance decided by them.

We wouldn’t have to bother with all those problems having oil would bring either, or being too wee and too stupid and they might even let us use the pound – like their bordering UK province NI does.

Need to do something about the 1707 treaty of Union though…


The only person Sillars represents is Sillars and that has always been the case as he jumps from party to party.


Seriously – Mr Sillars is no friend of our movement. We need to get him off the screen. The MSM laps him up for a good reason. Remember that this is the guy who openly threatened big oil with “nationalisation” a few days before the last vote. Walking disaster.

Flower of Scotland

Faisal Islam:- No politician in the UK has a plan after Brexit except Nicola Sturgeon. This is truly remarkable!

Yep. You better believe it Faisal.

ronnie anderson

@ Grey Dug Mibbee,s they could get that wee Italian/Scot on the opposite benches that spends his time drinking Costa,s coffee lol , anythings possible in Westminster.


Was wondering when the name Chilcott would surface when I saw Blair. Might it be delayed further to explode in Labour’s face when the ongoing Conservative clusterfuck is at its worst.

Worth bearing in mind that our referendum leant heavily on priorities as far a being in the EU or independence. Those who placed being in the UK at the top of their list won’t have moved much. The rest are up for grabs.


Scotland raises £54Billion (without Oil revenues). Exactly the same as £54Billion it raises the year before with Oil revenues. The Oil revenues were £4Billion. They had fallen because Osbourne was taxing the Oil sector at 60/80%. Osbourne (Alexander) increased Oil tax 11% (£2Billion) in the 2011 Budget. To 80%. The Oil price then started fallening. He subsequently reduced it to 60% until January 2016. It is now 40%.despite at one time the price falling falling 75%. It is now at 50% – $50 a barrel. That will be dearer to import because the $ has fallen.

Osbourne destroyed the Oil sector losing thousands of jobs. Now Oil prices will go up because it will be dearer to import. More £ will be needed to buy $. It will be the end of the year before the Oil sector gets going again. Once it slows down it take time to get it started again.

On the Scottish accounts. Google it at Scottish Gov website. The Oil revenues are added on. With and without. Non just now because of Osbourne. Scotland has to pay back loan repayments on what Westminster borrows and spends even though it is not spent in Scotland.

Scotland raises £54Billion without Oil revenues. The UK raises £515Billion. On the UK gov website. Accounts. Google it. Take £54Billion from £515Billion = £461Billion. Divide it by 11 (pro rata pop) Scotland is 1/12 of UK pop. (5million – 62MillionUK pop) £461Billion divided by 11 = £44Billion.

Scotland raises £54Billion. The rest of the UK raises pro rata £44Billion. They borrow another £75Billion + £20Billion (black hole) = £95Billion. Scotland has to pay debt repayments on that = approx £4Billion.

Take £4Billion from £54Billion. = £50Billion. Scotland gets back (approx) £30Billion block grant, £16Billion (UK) Pensions/benefits – £4Billion Defence costs.

Scotland has lost appox £4Billion a year in Oil revenues (Osbourne high taxes) £1Billion could be saved a tax on ‘loss leading’ drink, £1Billion could be saved on Trident/illegal wars. £4Billion on loan repayments Scotland doesn’t borrow or spend, £3Billion? tax evasion (whisky companies etc tax evade) = £10Billion+ that could be better spent.

Approx £4Billion Oil revenues lost over 5 years = £20Billion. Scotland has lost the opportunity of EU renewable Grants because of Westminster indecision, CCS which could earn revenues for Scotland. Extra EU CAP payments Westminster took. Problem in the fishing industry could have been sorted out years ago with Scottish representation. Quotas have now been increase and conservation nets (no throw back) because of the Scottish Gov representation.

Now this havoc which will affect the Scottish economy.

The equivalent of £300Billion Oil which Westminster secretly and illegally squander on illegal wars and banking fraud. Kept it secret under the Official Secrets Act. Thatcher and the McCrone Report. Scotland would have been Independent long ago if the truth had been known.

Westminster are crooks, liars, murderers and child molestors. They get away with murder and are sanctioning and starving the vulnerable. They keep their crimes hidden under the Official Secrets Act. The MSM is owned, illegally, by tax evading Non Doms. The Tories are an utter disgrace.

The economy was tanking. £205Billion for Trident. £200Billion on Hinkley Nuclear Station. A disaster waiting to happen and HS2 which would make journeys throughout the UK longer. A tidal barrage would cost £10Billion. Improving and electrifying the rail lines would be more cost effective.

The Chilcott Report July.

Scotland could be an extremely successful Independent country.


Sillars is entitled to his views but it is a minority view as the vote has shown. The majority should be respected.

People who were soft YES and dislike politics and all politicians, have commented ‘Nicola Sturgeon should be running the UK. ‘


Capella says:

“Jim Sillars … if he hadn’t been married to Margo MacDonald would have disappeared from mainstream politics years ago.”

Spot on. However he suits the colonial media’s agenda. He is an utter fool if he believes he is being given coverage because his views count – they now dust him down and wheel him out only to give the impression of division where there is none.


Liking the border post at Gretna. Please include anyone who has a liking for Arthur Askey, Charlie Drake (for those of a certain generation) Mike and Bernie Winters, the Chuckle Brothers, Eddie Large and Sid Little, Hale and Pace. Goodness me, can’t believe so much shit came our way. Oh aye a forgot those other 3comedians Johnson, Farage and Gove.


@ Craig Murray. The Corbyn heckler stitch up.

Corbyn could bore for Britain and is useless, but so are all the rest of them. Westminster/Unionists clowns.

Who in Britain would join a Unionist Party? but crooks. Crooked Electoral expenses. Farague is a crook who has been illegally funding a political Party with public money for years. He should be in jail, along with the rest of them and the illegal press Non Doms bribing public officials. The BBC is full of crooks, destroying itself.


Murkell sidekick was Scottish. Mc? Scottish MEP are well liked in the EU Parliament. They were clapped and cheered at the Referendum period.


The reason Westminster conceded the transfer of the power to legislate based on the results of a referendum last time was because otherwise there would have been a constitutional crisis.

The fact of the matter is that Holyrood has an unlimited power to hold referenda. Otherwise we’d be in a situation where Holyrood could not even discuss a reserved matter and were by implication gagged. If they are not gagged then it follows they may take advice from the general public via a referendum. If the result is for independence then Westminster would quickly find that the law in Scotland will decide based on the sovereign will of the people of Scotland rather than the presumed Sovereignty of Westminster. A near total walkout of our MPs would be highly symbolic.


@Paula rose XXX

@Ronnie Anderson I have my dancing shoes polished, hope the band is in tune!


Imagine Labour carry on like that now. Totally, absolutely stupid. Beyond belief. Especially with the Chilcott Report being released. What a bunch of clowns.


Oil will be dearer to import because the £ has fallen. Along with all imports. Everything is imported. The rest of the UK has a massive balance of payment deficit.

Where is Johnston, Gove and Farague? They were never off the TV. Where are they to justify what they have done?

Scotland better get out before there is a GE. The Unionists will try and stall another Referendum.


Johnston supports the EU always has done. Corbyn doesn’t.

What they should have been doing is setting out the benefit of EU membership. It cost nothing and brings benefits.

The Labour rats are deserting the sinking ship. Ian Murray is a disgrace.

ronnie anderson

@ Nana N Paula Rose Git yer dancin feet practicin, am sitting this wan oot lol

link to




Lest we forget, two liars in that conversation.


@ Nana,many thanks for the good thoughts,right back at you.
You look after yourself and keep the links coming.
Peace & Love.


If it’s a laptop you use, it might be worth getting a quality keyboard that has springy keys. You should be able to plug it into the laptop (with some of them). I got RSI years ago, and worked out it was the thump as I typed fast and hard, kind of bruises the tips of the fingers, but also transmits the thump up to the wrist. Cheap keyboards can be finger (and wrist) killers. Also get one a little raised on pegs at the back, rather than falt on the desk / table.

The other thing is to type a little slower, and soft touch on keyboard. You get used to it! Oh, and never bang away at the keys in anger 🙂



Ta for the advice, I’m trying lots of different stuff.

It’s a miracle my computers are still in one piece! The one I’m on right now is brand new and a light touch keyboard but old habits die hard, I prefer my oldie.

I have a special pad for resting my wrists but blimey it gets on my nerves and considering I have nerve damage that is so weird!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Nana.

Next time you’re near an Apple store or Apple reseller (Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee), try out this keyboard.

link to

The key depression distance is around 2mm and effort required is minimal. I use them on both my work Mac and home Mac.

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