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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for November, 2017

Hurrah for the Jockshirts! 220

Posted on November 03, 2017 by

This is the former Labour UK government minister, socialist and internationalist Brian Wilson in the Scotsman today, gloating and crowing that the democratically-elected government of Catalonia has been deposed and imprisoned (the latest in a series of arrests and jailings of leaders of the independence movement) for seeking to discover the will of the Catalan people in a referendum, in accordance with the mandate they were elected on – an act Wilson somehow contrives to describe as “tyranny”.

Wilson, whose Twitter avatar is a picture of himself with Fidel Castro, asserts that the Spanish government’s literally fascist coup and oppression of its people is a “lesson for Scotland”. We doubt we’re alone in finding that view chilling.

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Tory Idiot Of The Week 571

Posted on November 01, 2017 by

We’re clearly going to have to make this a regular feature.

And it’s not as though the competition isn’t stiff.

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