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Wings Over Scotland

Archive for February, 2015

The Super-Duper Mega Vow Deluxe Plus 126

Posted on February 02, 2015 by

We’ve already said all we’ve got to say on this one.

Too busy for quitting 192

Posted on February 01, 2015 by

We haven’t done a monthly stats post for a few months, partly because naturally traffic’s been down after the insane spike of last September, partly because we had two weeks off in October (and a semi-break over Christmas and New Year), and partly because we’ve moved to new, more accurate and more detailed figures direct from our webhost and January was the first full month of them.

So here, for those of you who like to keep track, are the headlines:


We’re pretty blown away by that, to be honest. A tiny fraction shy of 300,000 unique readers (in what’s traditionally a very slow month for politics, and one we didn’t really start until the second week) is 157% up on a year ago, and nearly 50,000 higher than last May, which was the all-time high until the mad last few weeks of the referendum campaign. (It’s the 3rd-highest ever, after September and August 2014.)

If you’d told us we’d be anywhere near those sorts of numbers four months after a No vote (or indeed if we’d even still be going four months after a No vote), we’d have said you were missing a few marbles. But as long as you’re still here, we will be too*.

Read the rest of this entry →

A slow politics day 65

Posted on February 01, 2015 by

Blah blah Jim Murphy blah blah idiot something.


The way this match is going, we’ll see you sometime in April.

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