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Wings Over Scotland

What a difference seven months makes

Posted on October 02, 2015 by

March 2015:


October 2015:


“We might have said something before, but I think we got away with it.”

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chris kilby

Aye. Maybe we’ll all just go away, eh?



So they can’t talk/won’t about Scotland, Trident, the deficit, or even Corbyn (apparently), so what can SLab talk about? Oh I know, SNP bad.


A shift in their fundillymundilly approach to their own spin? …

..definitively scraping the barrel of negativity…


The brand that Labour finds toxic – SCOTLAND

Bob Sinclair

To be fair, they have no right to talk about a country they don’t believe in.


They are attempting to win arguments around single issues, fudging around with local authority mismanagement / Scottish government crossover inadequacies.

The people know how NEW LABOUR councils work only for their own survival.. and now, how easy it is to get rid if them.

chris kilby

The Country Formerly Known As…

(Sorry, The REGION Formerly Known As…)


I’d heard something about this, but didn’t think they could possibly be serious.

And Ian Murray is the shadow Secretary of State for….

They must be completely tonto. Have they any fucking idea how this looks?

Good grief!

Henry Fraser

Not long now till they end up only speaking using euphemisms and double entendre.

Andrew McLean

At first i didn’t believe a word of this, politicians do not stick their bits in pigs heads! Oh wait they do? you mean some fool actually thinks if you don’t mention Scotland you will trick the electorate into voting Labour? As an idea it’s right up there with the tactical voting wheel! Remind me, how did that work out for them again?


I mentioned Scotland once but I think I got away with it.

Thomas William Dunlop

Looks like thehave been reading H2G2 and decided the way to deal with the Scottish issue is to try developinfg a S.E.P (Somebody Else’s Problem) field around it.

chris kilby

Is Scotland like Macbeth now? Will we have to refer to it as “The Scottish Country”?

(Scotland has certainly proved unlucky for Labour…)

Michael McCabe

Labour MPs told not to mention Scotland. What next don’t mention the war. Tick tock labour Tick tock.


What exactly is Kezia then?

Hoss Mackintosh

A wee question – Am I right in thinking that the SNP have not lost a straight 1:1 local council by-election to the three Unionist parties for a couple of years?

I think Labour won a second seat on STV after an SNP victory a wee while ago?

Only time SNP did not win that I can recall were Uist, Shetland and Moray all to Independents? But may have missed some?

On the “talk about towns not Scotland” theme – You do not hear much about Tories and Labour wanting to delegate powers and money direct to local government anymore?

I wonder why?

Jacqueline McDowell

It’s laughable really. Have they honestly not learned that Scotland can see through their mud slinging lies. And by Jove, they had better have their own house in order.

David MacGille-Mhuire

So, that’ll now be Redacted Labour for Redactistan will it?

This a Kelvin MacKenzie/”Mad Dog” McTernan notion of a jape of a spin?

Really paying off now in the current #don’t mention Scotland council elections with the Redactedistas fcuking over the Unionistas, wot?


I have a mental image of Labour as collie dugs (pun intended) herding flocks of No voters into the Yes pens.

Nah, just my vivid imagination, collie dugs are know for their intelligence.


There are some belting comments on that herald page.

Seems that some Labour supporters actually think that their party is on the up WTF.

Reality check Labour:
You just lost another by election in Scotland yesterday now you are telling us that we should not metion Scotland as it fuels the seperatist agenda.

Yeah way to go that’s a sure fire way to get voters ‘Hame to Labour’ NOT

The lunatics have left the asylum 😕


I do like your label on that first photo Rev-a laugh out loud moment if ever there was one 🙂

So are they now just Labour? Clearly they can’t refer to themselves as Scottish under that latest farcical edict 😉

Guess that’s put paid to Labour having a ‘free’ vote on Indy then. That autonomous decision making lasted a long time-not!

If this is how they behave within 2 weeks of Corbyn’s election then I forsee months of hilarity ahead 🙂

Proud Cybernat

Top of the class, Kez:

link to


Spitting Image did it best

For Scotland, read “Testing Zone”

Tony Little

Trouble is Lab won’t talk about Trident, or the Tories, or Osborn’s austerity, and have a habit of abstaining on important, principled votes.

So what are “Sco … Region of country to the North of the biggest region in the Country” Labour for any more. Answers on the back of a stamp.

Peter McCulloch

I believe Corbyn is becoming an increasing embarrassment those who genuinely thought he was heralding an new are of straight talking honest politics.

His actions since he was elected as leader of Labour shows he is not prime ministerial material far less a leader of a political party.

He has dodged answering important media questions, made ill informed comments about the SNP, passes the buck onto the party membership in regards to policy and has done so many U-Turns.

The public must be wondering what he actually stands for and do they really want him as their prime minister?.

In my opinion he is a dead man walking in political terms
I cannot see him as Labour leader for the 2020 General election unless the Blairites and Brownites want their party to commit political suicide

John McCall

Labour MPs? Plural? Not in Scotland.

Donald MacKenzie

It’s wonderful, said the Invernessian, that being a part of Sc… (oh, damn, nearly made a mistake) North Britain makes me feel so ‘belonging’.

Pam McMahon

So, what’s Mundell’s new title then? Secretary of State for Somewhere-We’re-Not Allowed-To Mention-Anymore?

Will certainly add to the gravitas of his statements and pronouncements and those of the shadow secretary Ian Murray, on the nation no-one is allowed to mention in Westminster.

Let’s try a wee question in Westminster for Corbyn at PMQs, as he seems to be relying on the electorate for his questions to the Prime Minister.

Corbyn: “As we have now decided to stop referring to the nation of Scotland and will now only call it Glasgow, can the Prime Minister confirm that we will now not refer to the nation of England, but call it London?”


Does this mean that Kezia Dugdale is now branch manger of something Labour? Holyrood is the something Parliament? They’d also have to rename the something affairs Select Comittee. Then of course there’s the next round of the something bill debates and the amendments to the something act.

Clearly the policy wonk in charge of this brain fart has to be a descendant of Baldrick.

Tinto Chiel

Is this April the First?

No, it’s just another mad October day in Labour World. “That’ll get the Sweaties voting for us!”

Honestly, I’m lost for words, so I’ll use some of The Rev’s: BAT-SHIT CRAZY ZOOMERS


Sorry for the shouting.

CameronB Brodie

An English socialist is an English socialist.

The very nature of British Labour means that it can’t avoid dichotomies in respect to it’s relationship with Scotland. They aren’t even doing it deliberately, it’s simply their nature. Socialism and imperialism are different beasts.


Why don’t they just tell us all to tune into Reporting Scotland and let Jackie Bird hold up a big ‘F’ off Neuralizer and be done with it.


Do we have an agent in Labour?

I can’t wait for next side-splitting farce!

Jamie Arriere

I think we should all get out our alliterative coupling bingo cards out, and it’s eyes down :

Motherwell & Manchester
Livingston & Liverpool
Dundee & Derby
Bathgate & Bath
Perth & Portsmouth

Birmingham & Belfast
Leeds & Llaneli
London & London

KEZ!! I’ve got it wrong again

Bill Fraser

What another piece of nonsense from the Labor Party.”Lets talk about Perth or Stirling for instance but for goodness sake don’t mention Scotland”What utter codswallop coming from a so called leader.He also indicated he was joint leader of the Scottish Branch office with you know who.He is an English M.P. with only one member in Westminster and has no credence in Scotland,and I would advise him to keep his electioneering to south of the border.


First rule about Scottish Labour Party is we dont talk about Scottish Labour Party

Total joke

Another Union Dividend

As befitting of the most Unionist Party outside Northern Ireland, Labour should be re branded The North British Labour Party and the Electoral Commission should stop the charade that such an entity as the Scottish Labour Party exists.


@Peter McCulloch

Agree. Watching question time the other night showed the strength of feeling against him, and that was fron Wales.
He just has too much baggage that will be used against him.

And with so much backtracking it now looks like the Labour party leads him.

I don’t see any possible way he will survive more than a couple of years, and I think he will have the decency to resign himself when poll figures dont improve.

Of course there will be an agreement to keep him on until after the S******* elections as a means to take on the SNP.

ronald alexander mcdonald

They have a buffoon of a branch manager. A leader who appears to be frightened to fight for the issues he was elected for.

Labour is becoming a debating society.

To state the bleedin’ obvious. Tory rule or Home rule.

Robert Peffers

@galamcennalath says: 2 October, 2015 at 1:14 pm:

“Nah, just my vivid imagination, collie dugs are know for their intelligence”

Have you not heard about those collies known by the nickname, “Dunlopers” to Scottish Farm folks, galamcennalath?.

These are the, totally useless as working dogs, short lived, sub-section of the breed known as, “Dunlopers”, that are often seen where farm roads meet the Queen’s Highways.

They sit quietly, but intently alert, at such junctions. Only to burst into instant animation at the approach of any road vehicle and then proceed to attempt to bite the rubber tyres of the vehicle.

Sadly these creatures are a dying breed in these days of Quad bikes used as herding vehicles on farms. Now the Dunlopers can ply their trade on farm property and are less bother for the farmer as they need not trail down to the end of the Farm Road to collect the remains.


They will need to update their website, I’ll make a start for them …..

Jeremy Corbyn in Scotland

2nd October

Labour is the party of working people again.

That’s the message from Jeremy Corbyn on his first visit to Scotland as UK Labour leader.

Jeremy backed Kez’s plans for fair taxes to close the attainment gap between the rich and the rest in Scotland’s classrooms.

Etc etc


Kezia Dugdale voted against teaching Scottish history and culture in Schools.
Now her party want to make Scotland a non-country.
It was Joseph Goebbels who said that the history of “inferior cultures” should be derided and treated with contempt until that culture came to realise that it really was inferior.
He was speaking about Poles and Czechs but the Labour Party are talking about us.
They are heading closer to the bunker with every passing day.

Free Scotland

Hooray, I’m Free.



@Hoss Mackintosh at 1:10pm

Labour doesn’t but the Tories have been going round spreading dosh.

Here in the Highlands we are going to get a spanking new viewing platform for the Victorian Castle in Inverness.

link to

Our Council Leader Cllr Margaret Davidson (Independent) pictured here with the Rt Hon David Mundell MP, Secretary of State for Scotland.

Tackety Beets

Awww FFS , what are you lot on aboot , I’m wan o they 50% in Somewhereland that canna read.

Help me Rhona !


Gone by Christmas?

bookie from hell

only a day since I said I favoured a Federal Union

then this

ffs–they cant help themselves

Nana Smith

Labour are like a sketch from Fawlty Towers

Basil, Don’t mention the war or Scotland

craig murray

Aah they are bringing back North Britain. Gordon Brown will be delighted.

Big Jock

But mention your love of Britain as many times as you like! That will work eh!


They should take him to Auchtermuchty or Ecclefechan and see how he copes pronouncing the names.

I see the SNP have held Linlithgow, the result declared a few minutes ago. 6 out 7 wins of yesterday’s by-elections. An Independent held the seat in Moray.

jackie g

desimond says: at 1:20 pm

Spitting Image did it best

For Scotland, read “Testing Zone

Yes indeed,

I also remember Maggie talking about the poll tax and looking at a map one of her henchmen says ‘what’s that up there’ oh that shoebox is Scotland lets start there.

Need i say any more.

Some things never change


Puerile policies from puerile politicians who are incapable of shedding their primary school playground mentality.

I really don’t think they realise how totally ridiculous they appear to be with their constant stream of stupidly thought out childish ideas and comments – and these are the people who want us to vote them in to run the country?

Free Scotland

Has anyone told Sarah Smith that her programme is about to be renamed “2015,” and does everyone know that STV’s late evening news will simply be called “Tonight?” Oh, and what about the Rugby world cup? Will the commentators be able to handle this sudden change? And the six Nations? Will it revert to being the five Nations?

Captain Corbyn really has put the cat among the pigeons.


Westminster are patronising the North of England with this new Power House North mantle.

The Steel Workers in Redcar will be thanking their lucky stars that they are about to land on the Power House Scrap heap.

Why don’t Westminster just call a spade a spade and refer to Scotland as the Northern Shit House?

They dump things like nuclear waste, warheads, Poll Tax,
Bedroom Tax on us any walk away to wash their hands of us.

Proud Cybernat

“Lochaber no more, Sutherland no more
Lewis no more, Skye no more… Scotland no more.”

What will Union Jackie do now about MisReporting (…):

link to

Democracy Reborn

Some dude on Labour Hame months ago had an article with the phrase “We’re Labour first, Scottish second”.

Now they’re not even Scottish.

It’s not easy being a BritNat, is it?

Robert Peffers

@Marcia says: 2 October, 2015 at 1:55 pm:

“They should take him to Auchtermuchty or Ecclefechan and see how he copes pronouncing the names.”

Mind you, Marcia, I wouldn’t blame Jeremey for not wanting to attempt such as, “Kilconquhar”, in Fife. In fact he would struggle with Culross too.


@Free Scotland 1:41
Not yet Captain Peacoock, you’re Free Redacted. 🙂

Murray McCallum

How do they intend to raise policy queries about Police Scotland?

Nicola Sturgeon should be challenged to see how many times she can entice Kezia Dugdale to mention the word “Scotland” at FMQs.


The Labour MSPs can still talk about North Britainshire as Scotland, after all, they are just pretendy politicians just like Scotland is a pretendy country in Labour’s eyes and are about to be come rarer than rocking horse shit.

Nobody in England listens to the one Labour MP anyway, so he can quietly be ignored, just as Corbyn ignored the questions put to him by the press.

He didn’t mention the rural areas, islands and villages. They are obviously so irrelevant to him they weren’t worth the effort.

Talk about sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting LALALA

You couldn’t make this up!

Robert Peffers

@Jimbo says: 2 October, 2015 at 1:56 pm:

” … and these are the people who want us to vote them in to run the country?”

Run the country?

It would take most of them to manage to run 20Yds.

Peter McCulloch

Thanks, we are both in agreement that Corbyn has no future.
However it may not be the Scottish elections that does for him, as Labour expects do so badly, that in this case,
Kezia may be the casualty.

I believe his real problems will be south of the border, if there are any local government elections in England and Labour members see no real progress for their party, after all this Corbymania that may seal his fate.

I tried to watch question time last night to garner the mood of the people of Wales on Corbyn and his policies.

But after a few minutes it became unwatchable, I switched it off and took the dog for its walk.


It was unelected Rothschild who devised the Poll Tax for Maggie, who illegally and secretly misappropriated Scottish resources. Westminster secrecy, lies and the Official Secrets Act. An unelected Lord – Thatchers side kick has precedence over Scotland.

Lisa Tarbuck EBBC Saturday p.m. has an hilarious struggle with Scottish pronunciation. Can no one in the EBBC used the internet?


They’re going to need a bigger billboard or screen next time. “Scotland” is just so much neater than a full list of the constituencies, towns and cities.

Nice picture juxtaposition if I spelt that right.


The Keystone Cops of politics

Iain More

Well disappointed it wasn’t a SNP 7 out of 7 score on the council by elections since I happen to live in Heldon and Laich. The Tories have propped up an Independent who ran virtually no campaign at all.

It is doubly disappointing because I rank Moray’s ruling Independent and Tory coalition as one of the most inept, incompetent, corrupt and poisonous Brit Nat controlled council in Scotland.

I shake my head at the stupidity of some people or maybe it is just the selfishness combined with that stupidity that annoys me. Moray’s services will continue to go from bad to worse.


It’s going to be a complete pain when MI5 agents fill in their expense claims.

Robert Peffers

@Free Scotland says: 2 October, 2015 at 1:58 pm:

“Captain Corbyn really has put the cat among the pigeons.”

Nah! Captain Corbyn couldn’t find the cat so he took the dog. He couldn’t find the treerats so he put the dog among the crows. Noo ye ken whit they say aboot the fleein wi the craws? Some Labourite gadgie shot the dug fir fleein wi the craws.

The best laid schemes o mice, men and politicos gangs aft agley.


‘Don’t mention Scotland’

It’s like a scene from Monty Python. You can almost see Corbyn jumpin aboot in his kilt.


I forgot to mention that Corbyn wants English MPs to forget about Scotland (it’s been written off) and concentrate on England and SNP bad. He is incapable of seeing Scotland as a nation and is clueless as to why they reject Labour.

John Edgar

Like Luigi,I too prophesied that Corbyn will be gone by Christmas. I wont be sighing either. He will either go due to him being thwarted by his own fifth columnistas or there will be a putsch. Trying to airbrush out the name Scotland must rank as sheer desperation!


How do I get rid of ma accent? HUOW NUOW BRUOWN CUOW…repeat until you are no longer Scottish. Well that worked out well for the last 300 years. Fuck ’em all.

We’re Scottish, we live in Scotland, we’re removing you spineless pricks from our country.

Ye cannae make us disappear by pretendin’ we don’t exist. But we are makin’ you disappear because we know your existence is toxic to this country.

Chic McGregor

That’s a no brainer swap offer. I’ll take Scotland.


I think its a ploy to make the SNP have to redo all their posters to RNP It’ll cost a pretty penny.

However I’ll believe it when those of you still with licences report programs coming from BBC Redacted or adverts for Redacted Whisky


Lol, or Faulty Towers even.

Votadini Jeannie

Hmm, saying the town names instead of the country’s name could become very time-consuming. Just ask Ian Murray, the Shadow Secretary of State for Kilwinning, Edinburgh, Glasgow, North Berwick, Perth, Coaltown of Balgonie, Aberdeen, Gatehouse of Fleet, Stirling, Ullapool, Banff, Ayr, Paisley, Kirkwall, etc. etc.

That’ll look great on his letterheads…

Although I do agree with the wider point, that English towns are usually named, not all lumped together as “England”. However this seems to be most prolific in TV dramas, not real life. On TV, if people are going to visit an English town or city, they will say they’re going to Blackpool, London or wherever. But if they are going to Llanelli or Dalmellington, they never say that, it’s always just Wales or Scotland. It the same mindset that says they’re going to Spain or Italy. It’s “abroad”; you don’t need to know exactly where. And with TV they have a point, as many English people only know of Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen, so the scriptwriters tend to keep it simple for them.

But in politics, Scotland is the entity, so unless you’re discussing some town or district council item then it’d would be pretty pointless to avoid using the name of the country if the issue affects all of the country. Unless they really do intend to stand there reeling off every burgh rather than use that handy one-word catch-all term that the country is actually called. Mad fuckers.

Robert Peffers

@Chic McGregor says: 2 October, 2015 at 2:26 pm:

“That’s a no brainer swap offer. I’ll take Scotland.”

There needs to be a re-write

link to


Kezia is the leader of Labour South Faroe party

[…] What a difference seven months makes […]


Ruby Says:
Luigi says:

2 October, 2015 at 1:46 pm

Gone by Christmas?

Oh no Luigi don’t say that I haven’t laughed as much since Iain Gray ran into Subway and ran out of Asda.

I’m trying to imagine what ‘the button’ that Corbyn wont press looks like and if when the times comes to push the button if it will be television. Kinda like the lottery!

Perhaps the button like the lottery button is just a fake and it won’t matter if Corbyn presses it or not.

link to

I do hope Cameron and all pro-Trident politicians will be asked if they will push the button.

Any suggestion what Kezia would say if she was asked to imagine herself in that position. What about the Shadow Secretary of State for Trident Park will he also refuse to press the button? It could be just the occasion for him to wear his Union Jackette especially if it’s been televised.

Chic McGregor

The Twa Corbyns

Forby he was walking all alane,
I heard twa Corbyns makin a mane;
The tane unto the ither say,
“Whit ane sall we be the day?”

“In ahint yon auld fail dyke,
I thocht I spied a news crew’s light;
but dinna ken whit kind lies there,
Scots or English? its no fair.”

Dr Jim

What about Labour party headquarters at Pacific Quay will that be

“Reporting Somewhere north of the big real country”

With Union Jackie Burd or

I’m JOHN McKAY and this is “Somewhere Today” on BlurbTV

looking forward to next weeks FMQs now to hear the First Minister of “I don’t know where I am”


After 2017, when we see off the last of the red tories, let’s get started on the shy, grey tories aka “independent” councilors. Independent my rear end. Real closet jobs.
There are a few genuine independents, but the majority are blue-faced cowards with no courage to show their true colours.

Look out for the clear signs of a grey tory:

1. A proud scot but..
2. Strongly against flying the saltire anywhere near government buildings.
3. Openly hostile to the SNP.
4. Bum-kissing royalist.
5. NO voter, either openly NO or concern for…. any excuse.
etc etc etc

You know the type. Time to out these ringers.


Votadini Jeannie says:

Mad fuckers.

They might be mad fuckers but they are very entertaining.

Agreed they need a name! If they are superstitious about using the term Scotland they have to come up with an alternative term. Trident Park is what I’ve suggested. Trident Park that sounds quite up market don’t you think?

Iain More

On topic this time.

So on Disreporting Jackie and Britannia TV Aberdeen it will be Unmentionable or Unspeakable National Party BAD. I wonder how they are going to work that one out.

I guess the Unmentionable Team will be playing Poland next week. Will they be referring to the Unmentionable Team playing South Africa at Rugby tomorrow.

Will Andy Murray become the Unmentionable one when he loses his next game? Oh silly me, it will all be Dunblanes fault I suppose.

It didn’t escape my attention that Labour did badly in Wales at the last GE. Perhaps not as badly as they did in Scotland but still badly. Will they also become Unmentionables?


Robert Peffers says:


That’s jist yin o’they rough ferm dugs keppit fir hunting cae an’ cadgers an’ the like. When Ah wis a wee laddie, ma feither wis a hird an’ hid guid hill sheep dugs. Nane of theim wid hae bin up tae ony such noensence.

Wan on theim wid even wirk fir masell. No that Ah wis a guid hird, ye’ll ken, jist the dug aye kent wit it was daeing. 😉


So what happens to Nova Scotia, then?

And I guess Scotland Yard can slide over into Metro Yard without too many hiccups. Have to throw out a shitload of letterhead, though.

But what about SNPs? Do they now get called NBMPs? Doesn’t exasctly roll off the tongue.

There’s a spot not far from me on the banks of the Elbow River they call Scotchman’s Hill ‘cuz you can watch the Stampede from there for free.

Does Kez have plans for that too?

Andrew McLean

Ruby says

for gods sake don’t ask David Cameron, he will see it as a challenge,

if you are reading this it hasn’t happened,, yet!


I’m curious. Did Labour tell Corbyn NOT to mention Scotland before or after Dugdale gave him a bottle of Scotland’s OTHER national drink? 😀

Flower of Scotland

O/t but still talking about Scotland.

That third rate radio channel called Radio Scotland, must have just brought in someone from the streets recently, to run the station!

We now have loss of sound (frequently), loss of volume, loss of people telephoning in, crackly lines and to crown it all Gordon Brewer on the “Big Debate” talking over everyone and putting his own views out to the Audience.

A week ago I thought that I might just listen to PQ and find out what the enemy were up to. I give up. I can’t listen to their rubbish anymore!

Proud Cybernat

A wee warning to anyone going abroad on holiday:

link to

You might no’ get back.


God they are slow, they’ve got it wrong again. It’s ok to mention Scotland just don’t mention you’re labour. It worked for Murray in Morningside. C’mon waken up at the back!

call me dave

These election results are a boost this week, the BBC are still behind though.

link to
Macbeth (The North Britain play) Labour version it was ever thus!

Stands Scotland where it did?

Alas, poor country!
Almost afraid to know itself. It cannot
Be call’d our mother, but our grave; where nothing,
But who knows nothing, is once seen to smile;
Where sighs and groans and shrieks that rend the air
Are made, not mark’d; where violent sorrow seems
A modern ecstasy; the dead man’s knell
Is there scarce ask’d for who; and good men’s lives
Expire before the flowers in their caps,
Dying or ere they sicken.


Yeah, Scotland. That’s the place with floating mountains and big trees where everybody runs around in blue body paint with big bows and arrows. We like Scotland because they let us drill for Unobtanium in the North Sea.
We see you Labour.


Despite SNP puting out press release an hour previously BBC Radio Scotland news still fails to mention the spectacular SNP by election successes. Winning 6 out of 7 in one day is some achievement but not for BBC.

Their Scottish news bulletin at 3 pm confirmed their anglo-centric view of the world by stating that the 15 year old boy charged with terrorism was from Blackburn.

I am sure West Lothian residents will be shocked to learn that.


Its makes little difference considering the UKOK party’s all over in Scotland for Labour. London is the centre of the known universe, Paris, Berlin, Milan, Rome are closer to London than much of their North Britain lands and a lot easier and cheaper to get too. Funny that.

donald anderson

Murphy and co used to deny that Labour has always been a self hating, self loathing, self racist, anti S%^*$£”!h Brit Nat Party. Remember how they “reclaimed” the Saltire.


@call me dave
So they didn’t keep you in then?

You won the raffle at the Wings Nite Out in Edinburgh so I have a signed copy of Vol 1 of Wee Ginger Yaps for you. I’d hoped to see you at Julie’s bash yesterday but it didn’t happen. I can come to G’rothes for coffee, they do a good pensioners lunch at the Rothes Halls or if your problems bring you to the Vic, they’ve got a snazzy Costa.

Leave a what best suits you message in Off-Topic and hope John King doesn’t see it!

Votadini Jeannie

Ruby says:

Agreed they need a name! If they are superstitious about using the term Scotland they have to come up with an alternative term. Trident Park is what I’ve suggested. Trident Park that sounds quite up market don’t you think?

If we’re going upmarket then we have to be grander than a park. How about Trident Meadow?

Big Jock

Is Labours slogan not English first, British second and Scottish the day before the Holyrood vote.

Mind you Corbyn has been using the:” I care about poverty in london, Liverpool and Glasgow”. Bullshit recently. Does he not care about poverty in Milan, Paris, Brussels,Madrid, Barcelona etc. So his egalitarianism stops at the English Channel.

Using that logic none of these cities should be in independent countries, as it’s utterly selfish of them! Scotland can’t care about poverty in other places if it’s independent. God we are a selfish bunch us yes voters.

Bob Mack

Just as well Labour are doing it now. Think of the Hogmany shows from years ago,featuring,Stuart,McKellar et al.
No mention of Scotland would have ruined the show.i.e.
Somewhere the Brave.
Bonny inhabitation at grid reference north.
Northern soldier.
northern inhabitants whahay.


Didn’t realise that Labour ever wanted to talk about anything other than Labour


“North Britain” once again!

Please Scotland wipe out Labour as they have tried to wipe out you.


Red tory britnats not saying much online about the end of S_____d. Some are still using the antediluvian term though.

Duncan Hothersall ?@dhothersall 5 hrs5 hours ago
A summary of recent events:
Nationalism is the new Scottish Establishment, and they absolutely suck at running the country.

To be fair, silly old Dunc knows all about sucking, at politics I mean:D

Proud Cybernat

Jez and Kez – Mr MacGregor would like a wee word with yae:

link to

john king

Id better get rid o this then afore the polis come
link to

Ian Brotherhood

This is O/T, but please help…

Trying to remember the name of a company which advertised on telly here, oooh, twenty years ago? It was for some UK outfit (still don’t know what they did or sold) and it featured a Union flag and a really grating upper-crust voice saying “*NAME*…a company from over here that’s doing rather well over there”

Anyone know what I’m on about?

walking on sunshine

So we’ve got Scottish Labour, British Labour, English Labour, Welsh Labour, Northern Irish Labour. Labour all over the place. Must be a bit confusing being a Labour voter these days.
They’re taking a pounding wherever they stand, but who cares? Hell mend the lot of them. Every single last one of them. Scum that they are.


Having gone vote NO or else britnat mental on all S______h cops for rather a long time now, Pacific Quay creep show reportage of the day

A third of Police Scotland staff ‘plan to leave’

link to

All the subtlety of sledgehammers, that lot of chancers, beeb creeps I mean, not the cops, who are lovely, m’lud.


Does anyone remember the GE 2015 campaign when the BBC were even running the subtitles “Scottish Jim Murphy” whenever he was shown on the box (i.e. every single news bulletin)?


Orwellian, or what?

Big Jock

It’s a bit Shakespearean all this stuff: ” The Scottish Play”.

Name changes for next year –

The North British Open (Golf)

The Lesser Hampden Cup (Football)

The Great Pollokshaws Run (Athletics)

Police Caledonia

St Georges Ambulance service

National Museum of Jockland

First Jockrail



That’s Mr Hothersall’s considered opinion is it?

A wannabe politico representing a party that’s taken us into an illegal war, presided over a financial catastrophe, a party whose name is synonymous with media manipulation, othering and demonisation of their own electorate, corruption, nepotism, naked careerism and latterly a betrayal of the poor, disenfranchised and dispossessed.

We’ll take his political commentary under advisement.

Then we have their


@Ian Brotherhood

Hanson Trust, I believe.

link to

The Tree of Liberty

Ian, i think it was something like “Hanson”..regards,

Nana Smith

@Ian Brotherhood

Was it Alan Whicker and a bank ad?

Scot Finlayson

@call me dave

Going to see new film of Macbeth in Skye tonight.

I wonder if the pretentious sneering historians and the equally pretentious sneering film critics will point out the many `historical inaccuracies`in the film,like they did to Braveheart.

As Macbeth was a Son of Finlay like myself I have always wanted someone to do a film portraying the real Macbeth,who was King of Scots for 17 good years,and not the monster Shakespeare portayes him as.

What a great line though,

`Alas, poor country!
Almost afraid to know itself`.

Free Scotland

Captain Corbyn’s logic:

When we got all cosy with the Scots and pretended we loved Scotland and all things Scottish, they felt we were patronising them and they recoiled in horror. So if we show our true coldness towards them and make it obvious that we hate Scotland and all things Scottish (apart from the hefty revenues they bring in), they’ll do what we want them to do: they’ll come home to labour, like a bunch o’ scraggy wee dugs in search o’ a scrap o’ meat. Right, Kez? By the way, is mah accent okay? Kez? Kez?



Wicker did Barclay Card ads. Don’t think he did the Hanson one. Though I may be wrong.


I never voted last referendum cause I never knew what to do. In fact I have not voted for years. I’m even more lost now. The SNP don’t seem to have any clout in Westminster at all. They cant change anything really – can they ? The Tories are totally bombed out. The Lib dems are a waste of space too. Labour seem to have dug their own grave with corbyn. Who is left ? Farage? He dont care about Scotland neither. So for me, no one is much good. I’m not really buying this SNP stuff either anymore. I wish the political people would do something and soon. Not sure how all you guys are so positive on here. You must know something I dont. What is it ???


We’ll take his political commentary under advisement.

Then we have their all new and exciting member for Islington Norf, Jesus Christ, I mean Jezza Corbyn, who’s new, and exciting and nice, and different, so vote for him, S______h suckas.

Vote NO or else wiki says

link to

Jesus Corbyn, advocates the renationalisation of public utilities and of the railways, abolishing university tuition fees and restoring student grants, a unilateral policy of nuclear disarmament, “People’s Quantitative Easing” to fund infrastructure and renewable energy projects, and reversing cuts to public sector and welfare funding made since 2010; proposing combatting tax evasion and avoidance by corporations and wealthy individuals, and reducing business subsidies, as an alternative to the government’s austerity programme.”

Howzabout that then boys and girls of S______d? Clearly Jesus H Corbyn writes his own wiki bio but the only thing even approaching reality wiki wise, is his rail nationalisation thing and if that gets going, he only wants to renationalise a third of it.

And we all know how hard this old Labour fraud/new guy lied about SNP Scots/gov and rail privatisation this week.

Jesus Christ JC!


Never mind! At least “there will always be an England”!

Some amusing comments on here. I was talking with some US friends of mine, who had heard about Corbyn. I was trying to describe him to them and they said: “Oh, you mean an armchair socialist?!”

They asked if I thought he would be “overthrown”. I said I think that was maybe the plan initially, to sabotage him. But now I think he is making such a good job himself that the establishment will be happy to let him completely discredit what passes as “left-wing” politics in England… possibly to allow a Tory landslide in 2020.

When I look at Corbyn, I cannot help remembering the “Michael Foot years”.


@Nana & Ian

Here ya go …

The posh voiced catch phrase is in the last 10secs

Jack Murphy

Big Jock said 2nd. October at 3:33 pm:-
‘Mind you Corbyn has been using the:” I care about poverty in london, Liverpool and Glasgow”.’
That’s straight out of Johann Lamont’s Strategy Handbook.
Oh dear. 🙁


I have a wee question here.

Apparently that lovely Mr. Corbyn was offered a bottle of the other national drink from the country we dare not mention on the train between Edinburgh and Glasgow yesterday … apparently.

Was he only offered the bottle of other national drink because some former branch manger of the Labour party in the country we dare not mention was STILL holding on to the drinks crates from the manufacturer of said other national drink? 😀


Ian Brotherhood says:
a company from over here that’s doing rather well over there”

Anyone know what I’m on about?

No I didn’t know what you were on about but I Googled:

Buccaneering businessman Hanson dies

Naina Tal

Butcher’s peenie alert: Lidl now putting it on their cartons of skimmed milk (produced by a company from the Republic of Ireland using “UK milk”).
Ebay on my android tablet has had ebay and the peenie at the bottom of the page for a wee while noo. Is it juist me or does the rag keep getting bigger?

call me dave


Thanks for that news. Lucky me!

Seems Kirkcaldy is nearer you and I would be pleased to treat you to a coffee (in the Vic if it’s convenient).

Can’t do 7th Oct (wed) or 8th (thurs) as am ‘working’ on both days.

Leave a message off topic sometime during the weekend and just say a date and a time and I’ll be there.
Don’t leave it too long, I don’t use my freezer too much or long sell by dates on the foodstuffs. 🙂

Kind regards.

Yes they let me out I was gently probed and it seems I have a screw loose (honest) having it out on 27th in Q.Margaret. That was quick! 🙂

Good old Scottish NHS.

Dorothy Devine

from the Hideous Herald,
“Scrutiny of the Government’s 2014/15 accounts by Auditor General for Scotland Caroline Gardner revealed total net expenditure during the year was £32,669 million, £347 million less than budget. ”

Now I think this should be applauded but I have that awful feeling that like those not spending their full budget in local government ,it gets reduced the following year.

As for the idiocy in hand , may the Labour Party of Scotland reap their just reward.

What a bunch of drivelling nonentities.

Nana Smith


Well done you for sleuthing that one out. Glenda Jackson video on youtube giving IDS a ticking off is a belter, highly recommended viewing for anyone who hasn’t seen it.


Angry Salmond’s twitter page has a wee pic of a grinning Corbyn with his bottle.

Bob Mack

I believe his conference speech was comprised from the bits written for Miliband,but he rejected them. Crikey,his party goes on and on about education,but he cannot even make up his own rhetoric.

Dave Robb

I thought we lived in “whereyouare”!

Andrew McLean

Nania I used to visit a large dairy company in England, one day I noticed them changing the spools from the carton labeller, Tesco to I think sainsburys, it got me thinking, later I noticed a delivery of milk from a Scottish transporter, I asked if they gave country of origin, I was told its eu milk and milk is feign milk!


Votadini Jeannie says:
2 October, 2015 at 3:31 pm

If we’re going upmarket then we have to be grander than a park. How about Trident Meadow?

I’ll have to check that one does Meadow have a double meaning like Park?

I suppose it will depend on how you pronounce Park the Buccaneer business man from over here who did well over there would make it sound very upmarket.

Meadow makes me think of ‘Irish Meadow’ the cheapo version of Baileys.

Trident Park might make folk think of South Park which may or may not be a good thing.

Les wilson

As I do not do twitter, can anyone tell me, us, how this is going down?


How ’bout Corby and his pint of Irn Bru.

Kinda like Clinton and the wacky tabaccy.

“But I didn’t inhale.”

You’re the man, Jezza.

You wouldn’t want any of the ginger shit cross your lips.


I’m waiting for the day some whistleblower publishes a copy of the new BBC guidelines for presenters that must surely accompany current attempts to show that (Indy Ref aside) the Corporation are fair and balanced in their outlook (but only until Indy Ref 2, no doubt): Scottish cities are now clearly British cities, etc. It doesn’t always seem to go to plan, however, as Prof. John Robertson of ThoughtControlScotland provides a link to a brilliant but inadvertent back-stabbing interview that must make Labour supporters cringe.

See link to before it disappears


Nana Smith says:

Angry Salmond’s twitter page has a wee pic of a grinning Corbyn with his bottle.

You mean this one Nana? 😀

link to

I see Jeremy also managed to do a Murph the Smurph whilst in Glasgow. 😀

link to

David McDowell

KEZ: Well, how do you think it went Jeremy?

JEREMY: Not bad for my first visit to, er …

MURRAY: Scotland?

A moment of utter horror flashes across the faces of the two leaders, followed by a violent and stupid superstituous routine.

KEZ, JEREMY: Aahhhhh!

[Playing patty-cake]

KEZ, JEREMY: Hot potato, officious whores, Puck will make amends!

[They tweak each other’s nose]

Jim McIntosh


William Hills reckon JC will be out of a job next year. Looking at the ‘Corbyn Specials’.

Political Betting: Bet on when he will leave his position as Labour Leader

2015 – 9/2
2016 – 13/8
2017 – 11/2
2018 – 10/1
2019 – 11/1
2020 – 9/2

I’d say if he can hang in there next year the bet in 2020 looks good. After Labour loses the election they’ll drop him like a hot tattie.


Looks like R4 weather forecasters may have to up their game and actually give forecasts for different parts of Far-North-Britain, as they do for England.

Nana Smith


That’s the one and I forgot about his impression of murphy.

Also reading in the evening times Corbyn was a big hit with a hen do on the train, mind you if you’re a wee bit merry then Dr Crippen himself would be a big hit especially if he shared his bottle of Bucky

Jim McIntosh

Murray McCallum says:
2 October, 2015 at 2:09 pm

Nicola Sturgeon should be challenged to see how many times she can entice Kezia Dugdale to mention the word “Scotland” at FMQs.

Can just imagine a guy with a big gong (settle, I said gong) standing behind her hitting it every time she says ‘Scotland’. ‘A la’ the chap on ‘Take your Pick’ with Michael Miles.


Aye you may be right there Nana. Mind you I am also hearing that he does quite a good impersonation of Burke and Hare as an encore. 😀


Talking OT and betting.

Paddy Power. IndyRef2 outcome
Yes 10/11
No 4/5

Marginally more likely to be Yes.


Wings Twitter: Wings Over S******d. Brilliant! 🙂


Wingers on fire on this thread!

Thanks for the pics @Proud Cybernat.

I have tears in my eyes, which are a mix of anger at the shite heaped on us, and laughter, because I’m on the side with the brightest talents.

I’m sure whatever microbial life might be on Mars, will be far more intelligent than the collection of folk calling themselves SLab.

I keep saying it’s like being in a parallel universe.


Kez tells Jez what to do.

ha ha some leader.

Ian Brotherhood

@galamcennalath, Nana Smith, Tree of Liberty et al,

Hanson Trust!!

Hoots Aplenty & Thanks Amuch 🙂

Blair paterson

The Labour Party and the bbc just get worse and worse I think the bbc should rename the Scottish news after one of their old programs Tales from the river bank


What a brilliant ptogramme title Blair.

I’ve just nicked it and put it in a tweet. 😀

Nana Smith


Blimey Lesley Anne JC is multi talented, impersonating the present day Burke & Hare duo Cameron & Osborne you say.
I wonder if he does IDS as well.

Now there’s a fundraising idea for labour.

‘A night on the town with serial killers’ or in Blair McDougal’s world Cereal killers.


Jeremy Corbyn, I widny trust the git a wolf in wolf’s clothing..


When we win the May election will the former UK finally recognize that the game is up and open negotiations for Scottish independence.


Suggestion for an Election Poster for next year:-

Large picture of Dugdale.
Caption Line 1 – ‘Future First Minister of Scotland’
Line 2 – ‘They must be joking’


Nana Smith says:
2 October, 2015 at 6:02 pm


Blimey Lesley Anne JC is multi talented, impersonating the present day Burke & Hare duo Cameron & Osborne you say.
I wonder if he does IDS as well.

Now there’s a fundraising idea for labour.

‘A night on the town with serial killers’ or in Blair McDougal’s world Cereal killers.

Aye he does an almost perfect impersonation of them Nana. Mind you he does need to ensure that the local butcher’s and draper’s shops is given advance warning though, just so they can arrange delivery of the necessary Hambone and and towels. 😀

As far as his impression of Iain Drnken Spliff is concerned well that is easily resolved. He just goes round the local back streets to obtain the necessary *ahem* ingredients. 😀


SNP stays as SNP

Sweaties Noland Party because you can’t be a National party if you don’t have a land


This is just stupid. Just keep asking questions where the answers can only be Scotland.


@Dorothy Devine
I don’t think so, any surplus just carries over to next year.

‘fraid not, that makes it slighly more likely a NO vote


But 4/5 for a Reg from 2015 to 2024, odds-on!

Alex Birnie

Where’s McTernan? I smell McTernan……


We are being deleted.

link to


And the usual suspects in the press and television were only yesterday attempting the smear SNP MP’s. Pales into insignificance when compared to the behaviour of the labour party. How to counter the lies of the media and other political parties is an issue that needs to beaddresssed well befor e elections. I fullly expect a very dirty campaign will be waged bythe Uinionist parties colluding as a matter of routine

link to

Les Wilson

Iain says: “When we win the May election will the former UK finally recognize that the game is up and open negotiations for Scottish independence.”

In your dreams Iain,they are junkies, addicted to everything Scotland owns.



Nana and Marcia

Good work keeping us updated with the by-election results today.

And winning six out of the seven council seats is not a bad days work for the SNP.

Vote SNP/SNP May 2016.

After Indy victory, you can vote for whoever you like.


Just listened to several minutes of propaganda on Reporting Scotland. David Cameron sticking it to Scotland. I joked that the SNP would only get a few seconds to reply.

Not a second of balance.BBC is so biased I wish I could not pay twice!

Paula Rose

Simple – Scotland becomes Brechin – Brechin Broadcasting Company, Great Brechin Bake-Off etc etc.

Robert Peffers

@Votadini Jeannie says: 2 October, 2015 at 3:31 pm:

” … If we’re going upmarket then we have to be grander than a park. How about Trident Meadow?”

Wad yon bi onything like, “Lochore Meadows Country Park”?

Kent roond these pairts as, “The Meedies”?

Votadini Jeannie says:

2 October, 2015 at 3:31 pm

Ruby says:

Agreed they need a name! If they are superstitious about using the term Scotland they have to come up with an alternative term. Trident Park is what I’ve suggested. Trident Park that sounds quite up market don’t you think?

If we’re going upmarket then we have to be grander than a park. How about Trident Meadow?

link to

mike cassidy

Looks like somebody at the BBC will be heading for the jobcentre!

link to


Remembering the sight and smell of Lochore’s burning bings before they made the Meadows I could go with that. But folk forget, so Park would be better. Trident is here and now and parked on our doorstep, even in Fife we’ll fry.

Trident Park it is.


Famous15 says:
2 October, 2015 at 6:46 pm

Just listened to several minutes of propaganda on Reporting Scotland. David Cameron sticking it to Scotland. I joked that the SNP would only get a few seconds to reply.

Not a second of balance.BBC is so biased I wish I could not pay twice!

I listened to Radio Scotland News from 6 PM and David Cameron was quoted in full that the Vow had been fulfilled in all respects.

The first time was as the headline news featuring Cameron’s own voice, the second time was as part of a longer piece. The SNP were not given any right of reply.

Cameron also attacked Jeremy Corbyn, Labour were not asked to respond either.

No idea what is going on at Pacific Quay but it sounds terrible.

mike cassidy

re handclapping 7.08

Don’t mention Lochore!


Gosh Mike that was like reading a real journalist reporting on facts. No commentary, no jibes…yer right they’ll be getting their jotters.

Big Jock

I would love to see Cameron trying to get son of Trident over the border. One thing it would trigger a referendum. If they tried in the interim I honestly think at least 1 million Scots would revolt to stop it.

Big Jock

Sounds like BBC are taking their orders direct from Cameron HQ. Talk about a one party state broadcaster.

Suspect there will be a lot of squirming going on at Pacific Quay. This is what they wanted,better together indeed.


clochoderic says:
2 October, 2015 at 7:17 pm

No idea what is going on at Pacific Quay but it sounds terrible.

Rabbit, headlights, Oooops!. 🙁


I was rocking with laughter at some of the writing on Craig Murray’s blog yesterday. Here are two gems:

“Kezia Dugdale is a standard issue Blairite, though thankfully too absolutely stupid to be dangerous.”

“On Andrew Marr on Sunday [JC] really raised the anti-SNP rhetoric and hasn’t calmed down since.”

Student leaders in England (south of S——) are now worried about whether JC will follow through his promise to abolish tuition fees (by upping NI contributions for the rich or by delaying reducing the deficit). But they are hopeful he will remain true to his earlier promises…

… Aye, richt!


It would take the outbreak of a nuclear war to stop BBC Scotland’s strategy of demonising the SNP from now until May 2016 – and beyond. Pacific Quay is currently more important to Westminster than the entire UK military.

Sandy Henderson

Neil Finlay is trying to raise funds for his deposit/funds by raffling a copy of Keir Hardie's book signed by Corbyne via E-mail.

Nana Smith

For anyone wondering why the bbc is so pro tory, head of bbcnews is James harding & is a pal of George Osborne.

Plenty stuff online about their little clique

Ian Brotherhood

‘Exclusive! Pig-Botherer Says Something About S******d Stushie!’


@ Ian Brotherhood.

It was Hansard or something similar. Hanson maybe? Thinnest ghost of a memory….


Phoned BBC to complain about David Cameron P.M. (Pig Mouthfucker)’s unchallenged party political broadcast masquerading as challenge to the SG and their response to the ‘Vow’proposals.

I was put through to Belfast!….how many other Scottish jobs have been put across to loyal little NORNIRON?

BTW I heard the mention of the teenage ‘terrorist’ in Blackburn…I also thought West Lothian..but as we are now only describing place names not countries within UKOK…mistakes may occur.

Wuffing Dug

Herr Corbyne,

We are now officially called Fuckoffistan.

So fuck off.

Take yer fuckin gormless lackey with you.

And close the gate at the border.



link to

Today on the BBC, David Cameron said: “The SNP cannot point to a part of the Vow that hasn’t been kept.”

Only a man who has shoved his willy down a dead pig’s throat can say something that 5 million people know is a complete lie. Cameron’s living in a world of make believe.


From the BBC’s site

David Cameron says the Scottish government needs to clarify how it will use its new powers saying: “The Vow has been delivered, now we need to hear from Scotland’s politicians, well how do you use these powers?”.

So he’s telling us the Scotland Bill will not be amended? We are getting it, as it stands?

If there is the slightest hint it’s the poisoned chalice so many of us fear it might be, I hope the Scottish Government refuse to pass it. Then tell him to come back with Smith as an absolute minimum.

Vow delivered!? Which planet is he on/from.


From Rev’s twitter feed:

‘The SNP in contrast are on 48.1% which is 13.5% higher than 2012 and is around the same high figures of the General Election.’

link to

Dr Jim

Out of the 23.000 Police who were asked to fill in the survey only 12.000 chose to do so
So figures should be viewed in the context of 11.000 thought the survey was a waste of their time and they couldnae be bothered filling it in which sounds a wee bit like “Whit The Fcuk’s up”

That makes the third of Police leaving one third of 12.000
Now I’m not going to insult anybody by doing the numbers (also because my counting is Shtie) but a third of a half is a lot less than the usual Media blanket Oooh Big number SNP Baaad
It seems to me some of these guys will be retiring while new young lads are coming in anyway

Also maybe if you think about it Police vote like everybody else maybe the half that filled in the survey are Unionist Cops, and if so that means actually more are happier than not and that means SNP Goood

There you are and I’m not even a politician

Paula Rose

@ manandboy – tbh darling I don’t think he had to do any “shoving”. Just gently intrude.

Ian Brotherhood

@Breeks –

Cheers. You were close – it was Hanson Trust.

My memory was also shot, although I had a hunch it started with ‘H’. And I also thought it’d been on the box about 20 years ago. Turns out it was 31 years ago… 🙁


Here’s a sobering thought. We all think Labour are pathetic and incompetent.

In yesterday’s council by elections, 27% of Scots voted Labour.

Clearly, there are a lot of people not following politics and still voting as their faithers and grandfaithers did!

Ian Brotherhood

In a strongly worded attack, David Cameron said ‘The SNP cannot point to a part of a pig that I haven’t fucked.’


I’m confused. 😉

First up the Hambone says:

David Cameron says the Scottish government needs to clarify how it will use its new powers saying: “The Vow has been delivered, now we need to hear from Scotland’s politicians, well how do you use these powers?”.

Then he says:

Today on the BBC, David Cameron said: “The SNP cannot point to a part of the Vow that hasn’t been kept.”

Now remind me again.

When the Baconiser says the “VOW” has been delivered then we are all expected to believe this and the “VOW” has miraculously been delivered in full. Think we must have all blinked simultaneously there but hey ho.

Later the Porker tells us that S.N.P. must stop complaining about parts of the “VOW” that have not been delivered.

So what is it Mr Hamshank?

Has the “VOW” been delivered in full or not?

YOU can not have it BOTH ways. 😀


Cameron is a dead pig fucking chancer.. How Now Vow Shmow..

link to

Ian Brotherhood

‘The sow has been delivered? Oh goody…’


If Cameron tries to push this ‘Vow’ on us…there’ll be blood and trotters….


OK Mr Piggy you’ve met your commitments to big Gordy’s vow, in your opinion, to the stupid jocks.

?hy don’t you and your democratic porkers on the English Establishment put it to a vote of the feeble minded “north British serfs” that should prove it one way or another.

I don’t think you have any right to tell me what I think.

You again prove how arrogant, ignorant and totally deceitful Westminster is. A sewer full of rats and 56 decent MP’s who are constantly being lied about by the establishments tools: HMG, EBC, MSM, GCHQ, SECURITY SERVICES and any other GANSTERS who will take BETTY’s coin.

Yep your doing a fine job Davy. Long may you continue. Tic toc tic tok.

Alex Beveridge

Meanwhile, out canvassing in the real world today in a former Labour stronghold, a small mining village, solid support for the S.N.P.
Several people admitted to being Labour voters in the past, quite a common matter nowadays, but said they would never return to the party, the main reason being that they, Labour,stood on the same platform as the tories during the Referendum campaign.
And as I predicted a few days ago, the attempted smears of the Scottish Government weren’t mentioned.


link to

“David Mundell has also stated this week that this was as far as devolution would go, with a choice between the Scotland Bill in its current form or independence.”

Fair enough. In those immortal words – Bring It On!

Cameron is coming damned close to effectively declaring the final outcome of IndyRef1 as Null and Void!

Grouse Beater

Westminster began that policy months ago –

Let’s grab a wad of taxes to subsidise a private train company for a high speed train London to … erm … North Britain. Yeah! (By the way, don’t mention Scotland. They’ll pay but won’t ever see it.)


link to

Hard core Bettertogether propaganda, no facts. Bish bosh rule britannia. The creeps could at least slotted in one fact, but no.

Ian Brotherhood

Does anyone know where Cameron was when he made this latest statement about The Vow?

Did he make it with a big bag over his head?

When will he next appear in S******d? Never mind that – will he ever reappear at all?

He can’t possibly intend to do another PMQs, eh? Surely, he couldn’t and he mustn’t. It’s just too much…


They can go back to calling us “North Britain”.

Even our own Robert “We will still be British after independence” Peffers won’t have a problem with that.

Although the rest of us will.

Ian Brotherhood

Is ‘oink! oink!’ unparliamentary language?


Why does the bbc do so much to undermine their credibility, I don’t even believe their weather reports. When we are independent nobody will believe a word.


Adam Tomkins ?@ProfTomkins Sep 29
All bubbles burst. All tides recede. Eventually. Even the SNP’s. #Hyslop #TITP #MichelleThomson #CorruptionScandals
66 retweets 63 favourites
Reply Retweet 66 Favourite 63

Voice of vote NO reason from Slovenia. Some bubble Prof Smirky.

19,782 votes in his S_____d region this week, vote SLab, smear campaign Project Fear style fury pouring out of BBC-

SNP 48.1%
Labour 27%
Con 16.6%
Greens 4.8%
LDs 2.3%

Robert Peffers

@caz-m says: 2 October, 2015 at 6:43 pm:

” … After Indy victory, you can vote for whoever you like.”

Well! Fancy that, Caz-m, I’ve been voting for who I like for around 60 years and campaigning for them even longer.

Mind you some of that time the SNP didn’t put up candidates where I lived. So I just voted for the anyone not a Unionist candidate.

I knew it would not keep the unionist out but, as the monkey said when it piddled in the sea, “Every little helps”.


Here is a perfect example of the BBC at their propagandist best.. no counter argument, no right of reply.. a fucking national disgrace..

link to


Ian,Don’t know where he was when he made the statement…but his face had a strange PIGment…

Maybe he had his face in a poke too long..


I used to believe all the crap the bbc used to spout, Iraq war, Libya etc, till my eyes were opened during the referendum.


My God, the guy should be sacked on the spot. (Rugby)

“It’s Samoa against blah blah .. then it’s Scotland South Africa blah blah … THEN IT’S THE BIG ONE, ENGLAND AGAINST AUSTRALIA”.

Fuckers have “extinguished” us already. I’d like to punch his ticket twice.

Tinto Chiel

Regarding Cameron’s ill-judged remarks on supposed delivery of The Vow in S_______d, well, I feel it was one of his rasher decisions.

Not being able to use the term S______d is a bit like when Thatcher insisted that Sinn Féin politicians had their words spoken by actors.

What kind of a state is this?

Oh, how I long to be foreign.

Robert Peffers

@handclapping says: 2 October, 2015 at 7:08 pm:

“Remembering the sight and smell of Lochore’s burning bings before they made the Meadows I could go with that. But folk forget, so Park would be better. Trident is here and now and parked on our doorstep, even in Fife we’ll fry.”

The main burning bing was the one that was for the Aitken & Lindsey, it had an overhead haulage across the Kelty/Cowdenbeath road linking the two and was a couple of hundred yards from my front door.

Now here’s a wee bit that most people don’t know. They used the spoil from that bing to landscape the Meedies and then covered it with just 4″ of soil. As you walk round Loch Ore now you will see there are lots of Blackthorn bushes around the paths.

The idea is to bind that scant 4″ of soil together. Blackthorn, (Sloe Berry) bushes have extensive root systems that send up many shoots. The leaves fall in Autumn and the Rangers whack down the Blackthorn but throw it down on the ground to rot and encourage the ecology of insects etc.

As the soil and humus build up they introduce other species of trees and the process of regeneration will go on for many years.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Robert Peffers.

O/T… Why not get the bus up to Dundee on Sunday for the pro-indy rally? Should be a grand day out.

Wingers will be there, and an afternoon of speakers and entertainment, including Sheena Wellington.


link to

for further info.


Aye Robert Peffers

Looking for some help from our friends in the Greens, SSP/Rise and all non-Political Party voters to come out in May next year and vote SNP/SNP.

I am hoping that the YES campaign can come together as one again and double vote for the SNP.

“Knowledge Is Power” (Wings),

“Unity Is Strength” (The YES movement).

David McDowell

When is Jeremy’s next visit to “the Scottish country?”

You can’t beat the Labour Party for comedy entertainment!


Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Nicola just silently mouthed the word Scotland or Scottish when it came up in her disertations LOL.


Or pronouncements even lol.

Tinto Chiel

Sorry, when I typed S________d, I meant S______d.

Easy mistake to make.

Labour wants S______d to be the first Klein Bottle country.

They don’t realise it yet, but they’re going to be the first Klein Bottle party in Scotland.

Aren’t Riemannian manifolds fascinating, Kezia?

Kezia? Kezia?


@galamcennalath 8.25pm

Pretty much as predicted.

Westminster will be Westminster. The institution, the mindset, its own arrogance and sense of entitlement is the driving force for change. At this point they are so committed to the narrative THEY created, the stick rather than the carrot. Unfortunately for them the stick has become a rod for their own backs as this arrogance and belligerence is the very thing which brings a second referendum closer.

They had it all in their own hands. All they had to do was keep their promise and all too predictably, they wouldn’t.

Robert Peffers

@manandboy says: 2 October, 2015 at 7:52 pm:

” … Only a man who has shoved his willy down a dead pig’s throat can say something that 5 million people know is a complete lie.”

It gets more Orwellian by the day, Manandboy. As Ian Brotherhood daubed him up-thread, “Pig-Brother”, Hameron broadcasting to the one-nation Union from the Ministry of Information. You will listen – whether you want to or not.

Now, though, it is not the proles but the Establishment who are revolting but not the revolution kind of revolting.

The whole History of Britain has seen the Scots as the main Establishment opposition sometimes helped by the rest of the so called Celtic Fringe.


yesindyref2 8.53pm
“It’s Samoa against blah blah .. then it’s Scotland South Africa blah blah … THEN IT’S THE BIG ONE, ENGLAND AGAINST AUSTRALIA”.

I never even knew S/Land were in this tournament. Not heard a word about them all week.

But did you know, that when England get beat by Australia tomorrow night, they will become the first host nation to get knocked out in the group stages.

“What a choker” -as Rodney Trotter would say.

Paula Rose

Wingers – get Robert Peffers to Dundee on Sunday, one of the few magnificently awesome Wingers I have yet to stroke.

Wuffing Dug


Big fucking Hollywood sign.

Got it Labour?

Good, now GIRFUY and GTF in that precise order.

Grouse Beater

Alex: Where’s McTernan? I smell McTernan……



Cameron claims that the Wow has been honoured… more likely that the sow has been dishonoured.

link to

Bittie Glakit

What about ‘Nuke Park’ or even ‘Nuke Neuk’?
Should one fetch one’s coat?

link to    


Grouse Beater says:
2 October, 2015 at 9:32 pm

Alex: Where’s McTernan? I smell McTernan……

Must remember to close that toilet door. 🙁

Big Jock

What I am finding with all this smearing. Is that it’s only the ill informed staunch no voting Brit Scots. That think the SNP are in meltdown. It’s all in the imagination of the BBC and media as a work of fiction. But these chumps believe the propaganda. Because it makes them feel better about voting against their nation. So the smear campaign is preaching to the converted.

Meanwhile the SNP win 6 of 7 council seats,are polling 48% and the 45 are not going back to Labour. These people have been beaten so badly they are now in total denial. They are delusional.

I go back to the guy in my work saying with a smug illinformed grin”The Snp are in meltdown.” Asrsehole.

Ian Brotherhood

@Robert Peffers –

In the interests of general scrupulousness (which we should all, of course, observe when Miss Rose is in the house) I should point out that I dubbed (rather than daubed)Cameron a ‘pig-botherer’, not a ‘Pig-Brother’.

(Ach well, dubs and daubs and bothers and brothers. Reminds me of being in the Boy Scouts…)

As it happens, I prefer your version and will use that myself in future.

Wouldn’t it be great to see Angry Salmond get up and holler ‘Yo, wassup Pig-Brother!’


Robert Peffers

@Ian Brotherhood says: 2 October, 2015 at 8:06 pm:

” … My memory was also shot, although I had a hunch it started with ‘H’. And I also thought it’d been on the box about 20 years ago. Turns out it was 31 years ago… “

Want to know a very significant point about all this, Ian?

Note how that advert illustrates just how invidious and effective is the brainwashing of Joe & Josephine Public.

I’d bet that very, very few who now still remember it had the slightest interest in whatever it was the Hanson Trust was selling. Yet now, over 30 years later, they still remember the crap it pushed into their receptive brains.

Can you wonder that the Establishment parties have taken control of the non-BBC channels they did already control?

Bob Mack

@tinto Chief.

The use of Cameron and “Rasher” decision in the same sentence is frightening.


Did it again “… then the HUUUUUGGE match at Twickenham”.

I hope he gets spit-roasted and presented to Cameron.

John from Fife

When does the legitimately elected SCOTTISH ( not Scotland) Government get to respond to the EBC interview with the pig farmer.

Robert Peffers

@galamcennalth says: 2 October, 2015 at 8:10 pm:

” … Clearly, there are a lot of people not following politics and still voting as their faithers and grandfaithers did”.

Now I’ve pointed this out several times before, galamcennalth. Within any particular constituency there will be a percentage of the electorate who are the actual candidate and card carrying Labour Party members, their families and their relatives by marriage.

There will be Labour supporting Trade Unionists and Labour supporting members of the Co-op. Then there will be those who owe long term favours to the Labour Councillors. I know several who are not really political and had no special needs who got moved up the Council House waiting list before those with real priorities.

Those councillor’s friends who got council jobs when there were better qualified applicants on the short list for the job. I knew those who got old relatives taken off their hands with a place in Council Old folks homes when there were disabled OAPs with no relatives to support them.

I’m not saying the same does not apply to all political parties just that any constituency will have those who owe them or who are connected to them.

It has always been thus – think back to when councillors were not paid. The Council was full of local builders, tradespeople and business owners. Who was it then sitting of such as Planning Committees? If there was nothing in it for them why are there not the same percentage of them now serving councillors?


The BBC says “In August, the Scottish government delayed publication of its spending proposals for 2016-17 by several months.”

What they fail to point out is that Swinney did this because of the pending budget cuts in the Autumn budget by Osborne.


I like Trident Bay, sounds like a retirement resort for wealthy southerners.


John from Fife says:

EBC interview with the pig farmer.

Pig groomer farmers are in the main the good guys.

Robert Peffers

@Lesley-Anne says: 2 October, 2015 at 8:11 pm:

” … Has the “VOW” been delivered in full or not?

YOU can not have it BOTH ways. :D”

Perhaps Pig-Brother Hameron can’t have it both ways but apparently the poor old pigs can have it all ways, always and every which way, (including loose).


Yes, went through my mind too.

But it’s not the players fault the commentators are Biased Bigot Cretins though in this case the rugby is on ITV.

England are a grand team, having to fight commentators over-rating them and slagging them off when they win – but not by enough to keep the mouthaches happy. Don’t like Farrell though, great kicker but a sneaky wee git when the referee’s not looking.


That does indeed to be the way of things in the alternate universe of the Pig Master and Baconiser robert. 😀

Ian Brotherhood

@Robert Peffers (9.47) –


That Hanson Trust ad was pure Toryboy hard-on material from start to finish, and the use of that Oxbridge accent as the final huzzah is a masterstroke.

Of course, we see it now as pure kitsch (and it’s been brilliantly aped by those punting Ferrero-Rocher) but at the time? It must’ve been aimed at those who’d already bought into all the ‘Tell Sid’ shite and fancied expanding their ‘portfolios’ and whatnot.

And WTF was Glenda ‘Left Wing Firebrand’ Jackson doing in it? Poor, dear, suffering actress – ‘I was (comparatively) young at the time, and I (sniff) needed the money!’

Mega-embarrassing for all concerned, but hey, who took home the bacon?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Robert Peffers.

I detect you’re swerving the issue of coming up to Dundee on Sunday – even although Paula Rose has offered an invitation to stroke you in City Square!

Robert Peffers

@Rock says: 2 October, 2015 at 8:35 pm:

” … Even our own Robert “We will still be British after independence” Peffers won’t have a problem with that.

Although the rest of us will.”

So when did, “the rest of us”, appoint you as their official spokesperson, Rock?

Furthermore, where were you when they were teaching geography?

I cannot be bothered arguing with fools like you.

It’s enough bother arguing with stupid Unionists who think they own Britain without having to cope with those who kid on they are Scottish Nationalists but agree with the Unionists that the only the Unionists own Britain.

Grouse Beater

How does substituting a nation’s name for a place name pan out poetically?

The Bank of Cricklewood
The Stately Homes of Titlington
DH Lawrence: ‘Ramsbottom, My Ramsbottom’
A Corner of a Foreign Field Forever Barnstable
Nether Wapping Expects Every Man to do His Duty
God for Harry, Lytham St Annes, and Saint George
There’ll always be a Giggleswick, And Giggleswick shall be free
If Giggleswick means as much to you, As Giggleswick means to me.

Nope. Just doesn’t ring true. Something’s lost…


Macart says:

They had it all in their own hands. All they had to do was keep their promise and all too predictably, they wouldn’t

Early summer last year I had a political discussion with someone who moves in the London circles of power. They told me that, since Yes support was creeping up, it was the ‘talk of the steamy’ inside the bubble that Cameron held the trump card – he would offer DevoMax if things got too close for comfort.

How prophetic that info turned out to be!

When initially told, it didn’t surprise me because, it was the elephant in the room. I remember thinking, fair enough, that’s a decent consolation prize.

As the vote got closer, the gap closed, and the offers were laid out on queue. By then though, the Unionist lying and deceiving had reached such a scale that it seemed highly likely that Cameron was not making an honest offer. This was much discussed on WoS.

The plan, presumably all along, was not to give DevoMax, the plan was to lie about delivering it!

However, an offer was put on the table and accepted. Cameron’s arrogance in September last year will inevitably end the Union.



Mind you- ‘They’ll always be a Pratts Bottom’

Has a certain ring to it!


link to

Nice Britnat display here. Libby Carrel is extremely displeased with his S_____d region, after all her hard work this flogging JC, he bombed with actual voters. But Rancid Graun do like pig fancier Cammers so I think they should rerun the giant union jack explosion in a union jack factory of London 2012 Olympic games, only £15+ billion and it pushed blue tory Cameron’s ratings up to 12% in their S______d region.

Now that’s UKOK value for money. More UKOK war anyone?

Robert Peffers

@Tinto Chiel says: 2 October, 2015 at 8:59 pm:

” … Oh, how I long to be foreign.”

Whit! Naw, Tinto Chiel, Ye’ll no bi foreign – It’s they wha wull bi ootlin.

Grouse Beater

Cearc: Mind you- ‘They’ll always be a Pratts Bottom’



Ian Brotherhood

Who’s favourite out of all the SNP MPs to grunt or oink over at Cameron during PMQs?

call me dave

There is no cure it seems for Cameron’s porcine proclivities as the jokes continue to appear. 🙂

Here’s some advice to the Tories at their conference on Sunday from another oink about bringing home the bacon!

link to

The SNP summary of the by-elections yesterday.

link to

Paula Rose

Once upon a time I could be guaranteed that this site would be full of erudite discussion and sensible debate – now, it’s better than ever.

call me dave


Snap! or Oink! Oink! Trotting out the same word. 🙂


Totally OT for those interested in the JW152 Exercise:

4 US ships and 8 nations involved, and an Integrated Air and Missile Defense At Sea Demonstration.

Tam Jardine


But caz, surely if England do get pumped by the Aussies ra morn they will be able to take comfort in the other ‘home’ nations presence in the tournament and get right behind us?

Ireland, Wales and Dunaberglasburgh

Maybe the Aussies will enjoy their visit to the UK so much that they’ll decide they would be better off shrugging off their independence so that one day they too can have labour politicians avoid references to Australia.

Jock McDonnell

Poor in Derry, Poor in Derby
Homeless in Belfast, Homeless in Brighton
Right, Jeremy ?

Robert Peffers

@Brian Doonthetoon says: 2 October, 2015 at 9:07 pm:

“O/T… Why not get the bus up to Dundee on Sunday for the pro-indy rally? Should be a grand day out.”

Wish I could but I’m old, disabled and have several health issues. I have to stay close to home or to my wee motor home that I’ve adapted to my needs.

The problems happen rarely, and not suddenly, but totally take me out of it. I’m not unconscious and they don’t usually last long. Public transport is out as they wont take my word to just leave me alone for a wee while till I recover.

Dave McEwan Hill

call me dave

Pig sick dave.

Robert Peffers

@Grouse Beater says: 2 October, 2015 at 9:32 pm:

“Alex: Where’s McTernan? I smell McTernan……”

Ooooh! The things we Wingers have to suffer. I wonder if the Mod has any surplus gas masks?


Tam Jardine

I just hope the Australian rugby team are better than their cricket team. What a let down they were in the Ashes cricket tour.

But I have every faith in them doing the business, popcorn and Perrier water are all ready for 8pm tomorrow night.

Grouse Beater

Peffers: “Wish I could but I’m old, disabled, and have several health issues. I have to stay close to home, or to my wee motor home that I’ve adapted to my needs.”

Not to mention you’re forced to type with your nose on the worst days! 😉

I’d rather you keep giving us an historical perspective here than run out of puff in some I-in-the-Park jamboree. 🙂

Robert Peffers

@Ian Brotherhood says: 2 October, 2015 at 9:43 pm:

” … In the interests of general scrupulousness (which we should all, of course, observe when Miss Rose is in the house) I should point out that I dubbed (rather than daubed)Cameron a ‘pig-botherer’, not a ‘Pig-Brother’.

Yes! Ian, I realised what I had done but by then had headed out to exercise the wee dog. (Urgently).

Like a fool I thought to myself, “Ach! No one will notice”. I really should know better by now, should I not?
As they, (don’t), say, “All’s swell that ends well”?

Robert Peffers

@Bittie Glakit says: 2 October, 2015 at 9:39 pm:

“What about ‘Nuke Park’ or even ‘Nuke Neuk’?
Should one fetch one’s coat?

link to

There’s a place in Dunfermline named, “Park Neuk”, and it is NOT Rosyth Dockyard.


Again totally OT, but for those interested in defence

The F35C (cat and trap version) has completed its first drop of laser-guided bombs. The F35B Lightning II (the ski-jump version for the QE carriers) successfully completed another major milestone as the fifth generation stealth fighter when it was launched into the skies from a land-based ski-jump, Friday 19 June (2015). It looks to me like the F35-B will be ready for the carriers.


Not a peep out of Kezia for a fortnight now. She knows the new messiah is a dud.

And where is Murphy and Dougie Alexander?

What is their opinion of Corbyn?


Peffers and the Grouse.

Would enjoy you pair trying not to be really offensive to each other all night.

Think its one of the Scottish things. Both right but I’m more right than the other bloke.

Grouse Beater

No Truth: Would enjoy you pair…

Robert, what is No Truth on about? 🙂

Interestingly, Labour Councillors have also been told (here at least), not to mention the Labour Party.

They’ve been distributing leaflets with a heavy emphasis on their names, community work etc. with very little mention of Labour – obviously trying to drum up their meagre personal vote for 2017.

Don’t mention Scotland, don’t mention Labour…
At this rate, it’s going to make their leaflets pretty empty..

Grouse Beater

Caz-m: And where is Murphy and Dougie Alexander?

Gone to heaven. (Good question, but do we care?) I got the impression Wee Dougie was aware he was considered to be second-rate by his colleagues, and indeed the recent book on the No Campaign states as much. I think he took the view if he lost the election, why give your loyalty to a party that shows you so little respect.


@RobertPeffers at 11:51pm

Parkneuk is our nearest neighbour, us being in a relatively new scheme off Baldridgeburn.

There’s a fair amount of rascals living there, they’re very prone to setting off boxes and boxes of fireworks when occasion demands. Kind of apt.


And where is Murphy and Dougie Alexander?

Back packing round South America. Its been a life long dream of both of them. You can follow them on their blog, Soggy and Boggy do South America, sponsored by VW, for the horrible SLabour party destroying fraudulent emissions. Dougie keeps getting a hard time from immigration officers at airports with his don’t you know who I am, I could have been UKOK foreign secretary, if it wasn’t for that fcuker Mhairi Black but all Immigration hear is fcuker black. Next up Machu Picchu!

Paula Rose

I want to stroke Rober Peffers he must surely be gorgeous.

Grouse Beater

Heedtracker: “Soggy and Boggy do South America, sponsored by VW”


link to

Ian Brotherhood

…incoming…STOP…Radio North Britain reporting…STOP…the Scottish Government has underspent its budget…STOP…by several billion pounds…STOP…detailed breakdown to follow…STOP…but not in time for the Sundays…STOP…no, seriously, just…STOP.

Robert Peffers

@Brian Doonthetoon says: 2 October, 2015 at 10:54 pm

I detect you’re swerving the issue of coming up to Dundee on Sunday – even although Paula Rose has offered an invitation to stroke you in City Square!”

I’m not kidding, Brian. I have several health issues and my late wife and I were badly injured after being hit by a drunk driver. It put her in a wheelchair for what remained of her life and my own injuries eventually got worse as Arthritis set in.

I’ve spent the best part of the past year flat on by back sleeping on the floor under the duvet after upsetting my two spinal injuries on Referendum voting night.

However, I’m back in bed at nights now and I’ve got rid of the back support, (like a very strong corset), and the neck collar. So things are getting a bit better again. I’m not the kind that gives into things and I manage as best I can. Believe me I’m one of those people who just cannot sit doing nothing.

With luck, though, I’ll be ready for the next election.

Robert Peffers

@Grouse Beater says: 2 October, 2015 at 10:55 pm:

“How does substituting a nation’s name for a place name pan out poetically?

The Bank of Cricklewood
The Stately Homes of Titlington”

Oh! I dunno, Grouse Beater, “The National Pig Breeders Association of Knotty Ash”, has a certain ring to it.


@Ian Brotherhood
It’s definitely mounting, in an attempt to reduce SNP support. The SG is going to have to tread carefully to counter it.

When I was catching up with defence way back in the CiF (Guardian) days of 2012, I found out a certain Angus Robertson had been quietly and steadily submitting questions about defence, a weak part then of the SNP Indy plan. Not the most important positive campaigning part, but potentially a neagtive killer come the ref. Internationally a State’s first duty is to defend itself and its borders. In the event what they had was adequate, as nobody after 2012 I talked to in the real world really questioned the ability of Scotland to defend ourselves.

Meanwhile there are 55/56 SNP MPs at Westminster, all with the right to submit written questions and receive answers from appropriate UK Government departments. Last time there were only 6. Next Ref the SG will be better prepared.

Mwanhile of course we need to make sure we have the mandate and majority to demand Indy Ref 2, at a time of our choosing.

Grouse Beater

Peffers: “Believe me I’m one of those people who just cannot sit doing nothing.”

All things considered, your contribution to this site is remarkable. I wrote this for stalwarts like your self.
link to

Got early rise and another day’s hard slog – till next time. 🙂

Robert Peffers

@Grouse Beater says: 3 October, 2015 at 12:03 am:

“No Truth: Would enjoy you pair…

Robert, what is No Truth on about”

I jalousie he has confused your good self with Rock, who has been sniping at me for weeks.

He thinks he is not British even although Scotland was always part of Britain long before the Angles arrived and renamed the bottom bit as, “Angleland”, after the Romans left.

Poor dear is confused between Britain and the UK but then he is not alone.


Do you notice that Jeremy Corbyn and Richard Stilgoe are never ever seen together? Very suspicious.


Ian Brotherhood

When is our Prime Minister due to visit Scotland?

Aren’t these things planned out many years in advance? If so, someone must know!

Just thinking – seeing as this place is colloquially kent as ‘Wings’, and everyone’s all aflutter with talk of pig-related stuff, and there being that there saying about pigs flying and all such related giggly to-do-ness…

Shouldn’t we be making an extra-special effort to make sure that our Prime Minister is given the most spectacular-ever welcome?

We have the people-power and resources to make a ‘Kelpies’-sized pig’s heid, transportable according to wherever he’s going to touch-down and/or cross the border.

It can be done.

If we build it? He will come…


What a difference seven months makes.

Scottish Labour tell Corbyn: ‘Don’t mention Scotland’

Wow, now that, is a defining moment. I wonder how many of the undecided’s out there feel about Ourland being spoken of like that? (if they are non-msm politically aware in the first place.)

As ever, it’s getting the Scottish message out there, so hear a thought..

Ye know how when in the Westminster, the SNP 56 are outnumbered by the mainly southern parties and getting ample uninterrupted air-time can be tasking.. if ye can’t be heard inside, take it outside..

I imagine the groovy people from ‘Independence Live’ would be willing to come to an amicable arrangement with the SNP 56 and provide a regular Friday afternoon platform for them (outside the gates of Westminster) for a summary of events?

Clapping ~ permitted (encouraged)
Podium ~ optional

Would be cool to get a weekly round-up and live media is where it’s at. A famous person once wrote, “The revolution (aka Independence) won’t be televised, it will be live-streamed.”

On reflection, the same goes for Holyrood too.

Welcome to all of this weeks new readers following the threads 🙂

Robert Peffers

@GallusEffie says: 3 October, 2015 at 12:07 am:

“Parkneuk is our nearest neighbour, us being in a relatively new scheme off Baldridgeburn.

There’s a fair amount of rascals living there, they’re very prone to setting off boxes and boxes of fireworks when occasion demands. Kind of apt.”

Ah! Yes! There are reasons for that, though, GallusEffie. When the UK Gov reopened the Dockyard they imported the entire workforce from the Southern Naval Establishments.

To accommodate them they Built Rosyth Dollytown, (used to be called TinTown as it was corrugated iron shacks). They also took over some then new schemes at the bottom of the town in Dunfermline and Collinton Mains in Edinburgh and some places in Falkirk. Rosyth Is still Known as Little England.

So some of the higher paid management families bought property in the more, “select”, areas of Dunfermline and thus we still have lots of English/UKers in bits of the Dunfermline area and they do seem to band together a bit.

Robert Peffers

@Paula Rose says: 3 October, 2015 at 12:14 am:

“I want to stroke Rober Peffers he must surely be gorgeous.”

Who me! Nah! I’m a 5’4″, baldy heidit, overwecht gadgie but I do have a heart of gold and a keen sense of humour.

Anyway I’ve been married twice and both, much loved ladies, up and died on me. So I suppose I must have something going for me but I’m damned if I know what it is.


@Robert Peffers at 12:48am

well thank you for filling me in on some of my neebs.
Always learning and always accused around Sunny D as “you’re a West Coaster, aren’t you?”

I’ve only been here for 17 years so I am an incomer. From Clydebank, via Tooting and Lossiemouth. We moved here to get the Bold Joff into Robert Henryson special school in Lynebank Hospital ( as was, now moved up to Duloch and changed name to Calaiswood ASN )

I could stroll into Parkneuk within 2 minutes, but I’m gey feart of their fireworks…also a dog from there attacked my wee lassie so I try and leave them to their devices as much as I can.

Robert Peffers

@Grouse Beater says: 3 October, 2015 at 12:28 am:

“Peffers: “Believe me I’m one of those people who just cannot sit doing nothing.”

All things considered, your contribution to this site is remarkable. I wrote this for stalwarts like your self.
link to

Got early rise and another day’s hard slog – till next time.

Yes, Grouse Beater I had already read the piece. Your insight is remarkable and a rare gift.

Some commenters on Wings seem to get upset, though, if I dare to disagree with them. I look upon things differently. It is from disagreements with each other that we learn most. It I disagree with someone, but do not let them know I do, then we both miss out on a chance to consider and perhaps alter our views.

If, though, I disagree with someone then that someone will do exactly what I would do. Go out of their way to prove me wrong and in doing so may impart to me information I did not already know. In a proper debate both viewpoints stand to learn from the others views. At worse they end up understanding the other person a little better.


Anyone else noticed the National tomorrow blanking out the word Scotland on their front page?



I will be heading back to Scot…North britain tomorrow from NE England.

Been asked a few times, what I think of J Corbyn and asked, will it make people vote liebour again and make a difference in Scotland.

Just so we are clear, almost all of the family and friends here are absolutely pinning their hopes on Jez Corbyn. When pointing out his backtracking on some major issues, not least trident, they become defensive and protective, he is genuine, not pressing the red button is good enough for them so far. 🙁


“It is from disagreements with each other that we learn most. ”

Sadly I agree with that so you’re not going to learn anything from me.

However, the other aspect is that if we are read or overheard by others who are undecided or soft NOes, having a discussion or even an argument with each other, they’ll have little reason to doubt the sincerity and belief each of us have, so may be more prepared to believe that what we say isn’t deceitfully designed to get their vote.


Oh aye, good article grouse.


I think this qualifies as a TWO for ONE issue. 😀

link to

A brilliant pop at the Hambone Baconiser AND a pop at Corbyn not mentioning that country that must never be mentioned, 😀


I had a look at Rev’s twitter thing earlier and he’s changed it to Wings over S******d.


Meanwhile, on a visit to Shetland on Wednesday, his Scotland Office successor David Mundell – who served under Carmichael in the Tory-Lib Dem coalition – said he did not want to comment in detail on the Northern Isles MP’s current predicament.

“There’s nothing more for me to say than I’ve already said in relation to this matter,” he said. “There’s been a cabinet office inquiry which clearly set out what happened. It would be wholly inappropriate for me to comment on an ongoing legal case.”

Looks like Fluffy desperately trying NOT to say anything about Nikkigate cause HE knows he is on the verge of falling into a pan of extremely hot water. 😀

link to

Robert Peffers

@GallusEffie says: 3 October, 2015 at 1:09 am

“well thank you for filling me in on some of my neebs.”

When I joined the Dockyard It was around 98% English and 100% English Management.

“I’ve only been here for 17 years so I am an incomer. From Clydebank,

I became a Fife worker in 1952 but didn’t flit here until 1962 from the Lothians.

“We moved here to get the Bold Joff into Robert Henryson special school in Lynebank Hospital”

My Youngest was a patient at Lynebank for a spell and my eldest son was a senior Social Worker at Woodlands at the old Lynebank after the older hospital closed. My late wife was an Executive Member of the Fife Mental Health Association and I did volunteer work with those with learning difficulties.

“A dog attacked my wee lassie so I try and leave them to their devices as much as I can.”

Let me put it this way – dogs are pack animals and as such they must be naturally sociable animals. So if a dog is anti-social then blame the owner as it is their treatment of the animal that made it anti-social.

I trained my own wee papillon bitch to be a Therapet, (a befriender), and she feels compelled to befriend everyone and everything. We still visit Homes, Hospitals and Hospices but not so much now due to my own state of health.

Laughably her latest strange one is to befriend the Gerbils in the pet shop at Halbeath, across the way from Lynebank.

She is not really interested in the rabbits, hamsters, Guinea Pigs or whatever but would sit and watch the Gerbils all day if I’d let her.

It takes ages to walk her if it is a bust place and few can resist her as she goes to them with such very obvious pleasure to meet them.

I had to laugh just the other day – a rather large, scarey, hairy biker actually bent down and kissed her. (I had visions of him eating her).

One of these days I’ll tell some of the hilarious things that have resulted from her love of other living things. She is a delight to all who meet her. A real wee character with more friends than I have.

Paula Rose

My pussy is clamouring for a stroke – she’s so S******h!


In Indy we discovered that 2 million Scots chose to kneel.
The rest were on their feet – and still standing.

Sandy Henderson

Re. Mundell.
Cabinet report or not, he has still not answered to the question, ‘Did you know of content prior to release/publication’.
We would like a YES or NO.
Both these guys are solicitors. Might be in parliament but no chance of passing thru’ the ‘Pearly Gates’.

Sandy Henderson

Further to above. They’ll join Baroness Belgrano. Wonder if she’s privatised all the furnaces yet?

Sandy Henderson

Further to the above. They’ll probably join Baroness
Belgrano. Wonder if she’s privatised the furnaces yet?
Heard in the grapevine Satan is still having problems with her. Purportedly, he’s asked God for help. Kind soul as God is, he has stated that he is up to his eyes as it is with ex MP’s/Government ministers booking ahead. They’ve apparently covered their tracks so well & hedge every question with a question of their own.
However, he will consider the request & probably give an interest free loan to cover the present crisis. The big problem is that he has no furnaces & does not intend to have any. A camp will probably be set up just outside the gates.


“The trouble with that place north of Hadrian’s Wall,
is that it’s full of people from north of Hadrian’s Wall!”


john king

Rob says

Anyone else noticed the National tomorrow blanking out the word Scotland on their front page?


I said dont look Ethil!
but it was too late.
link to

Grouse Beater

Ah, yes, the Rock. He’s a very angry Rock.

Peffers: long before the Angles arrived and renamed the bottom bit as, “Angleland”, after the Romans left.

And we all know, no matter who Scotland votes for we get a Right Angle. 😉

Les wilson

Ref the new labour idea, maybe we should be referred to as
“Outland” says it all really.



Big night ahead! England v Rest of the World.

Once again the English rose will take on the inferiority complexes of the rest of the U.K. Once again, everyone in the UK that isn’t English will be supporting our opposition. Once again, they will be disappointed (I hope!).

Can’t wait. Swing low ……

Tinto Chiel

“Bob Mack @ tinto Chief”

Sorry, Bob, I missed your post last night. I’d gone to bed early with my Paula Rose calendar, a selection of saucy poses and candid snaps, still available from all good bookshops. December in Lanarkshire will be strangely steam this year, I can tell you. I think it was the beret that did it for me.

Anyhow, I’m flattered but I’m no chief, juist an ornar chiel.

Robert Peffers

@Grouse Beater says: 3 October, 2015 at 8:05 am:

“And we all know, no matter who Scotland votes for we get a Right Angle. 😉

What we have right now is a very obtuse Angle.

You know something? I found there was little real humour on the media when I didn’t renew my over 75’s TV licence.

Since then I have had more laughs on this forum than I ever did with TV or radio shows.


I have absolutely nothing against the boys playing for England tonight they are only representing their country, the problem is the cheerleaders in the media press and TV commentators who talk the most utter pish as if England have some divine right to win.

Swing low sensible but I imagine the Australians will knock England out, don’t really like them either so I don’t care which side wins.

Robert Peffers

@Les wilson says: 3 October, 2015 at 8:48 am:

“Ref the new labour idea, maybe we should be referred to as “Outland” says it all really.

Don’t know if you know this, Les, but the Lowland Scots word for, “Foreigner”, is, “Ootlin”. Wonder if that is just a coincidence?

Robert Peffers

@Tinto Chiel says: 3 October, 2015 at 9:20 am:

Anyhow, I’m flattered but I’m no chief, juist an ornar chiel

It is myself who should be sorry. I was struggling a bit this mornning’s wee sma hours. I was in a bit of pain and could neither sleep nor stay awake. I made several typos as a result.


@Dave McEwan Hill @11:30

Thanks for those links Dave. Powerful stuff.

Putin’s speech does come across as more rational and considered than most of the mince we get from western politicians. Perhaps because Putin can say what he wants without being constrained by the vested interests of capitalism.

Socrates MacSporran

Sensible dave – Nothing against the bulk of your team, as people. That Mike Brown, for instance, is an exception. He really should have been playing back in the days of real rucking.

As the great Fin Calder might have said: “He’d be nane the waur o’ a guid rucking”.

As previous posters have stated, the problem is your media cheer-leaders, both in print and on-air.

I have a rugby-writing friend (retired); No voter in Indyref1, Tory voter otherwise. Even he refers to England as “The Common Enemy” when it comes to rugby.

Apart perhaps from one or two Saffers, who might answer “New Zealand” when asked which side they most want to beat; the Rest of the World, in response to that question will answer: “England”.

If the Rest of the World is so unified in their dislike of England – shouldn’t England maybe start to change, if only to win friends.

Socrates MacSporran

Separated from my lap top yesterday, I could not comment on Thursday’s six out of seven District Council by-election wins for the SNP.

Winning the Irvine Valley ward on East Ayrshire Council was hardly a surprise, but, when the Tories come second in the eonomically-struggling, run-down, deprived towns of Galston, Newmilns and Darvel, with Labour third – then Labour in Scotland is toast.

Tinto Chiel

Sorry to hear you’re not well, Bob. The PR calendar is a sovereign remedy for all ills, mind.

Totally O/T, and on a sad note: RIP Joe Wark, a fine footballer and total gentleman.


“Chitterinlicht says:
2 October, 2015 at 1:32 pm
First rule about Scottish Labour Party is we dont talk about Scottish Labour Party

Total joke”

Second rule of Scottish Labour Party is SNP baaa aaaaad!


Robert Peffers says:
3 October, 2015 at 12:35 am

He thinks he is not British even although Scotland was always part of Britain long before the Angles arrived and renamed the bottom bit as, “Angleland”, after the Romans left.

And here’s me thinking it was called “Eng” land from the German meaning “narrow” after it’s narrow-minded and self serving politicians and politics. LOL


Senisible..We have just been told by the lady on the BBC sofa, after the sports guy (as an after thought when talking about the build up for the big match) reminded himself and her that there are two home matches today, that “the red rose, the red rose is all important”.

Well there you go, that’s us telt!


Mr Cameron is actually correct when he says you cannot point to any part of the vow which has not been delivered. That is because it was content free from the outset. No specific commitments at all.

However the days when being technically correct through careful wording actually wrong foots your opposition are over. People are now alive to implicature, though they may not know the word

link to

And that sort of thing just reinforces the disgust with politicians which is now so widespread


I feel sympathy for BBC journalists because I understand the difficulties they are confronted with each day managed and directed by executive officers and senior presenters positively vetted by MI5 before they are appointed to a position with the BBC.

Nana Smith

O/T links

link to

link to

link to

link to

David Cameron has spent £3.6million of YOUR money chillaxing at Chequers

link to

Nana Smith

Meindevon says:
3 October, 2015 at 10:14 am

Senisible..We have just been told by the lady on the BBC sofa, after the sports guy (as an after thought when talking about the build up for the big match) reminded himself and her that there are two home matches today, that “the red rose, the red rose is all important”.

Well there you go, that’s us telt!

Just the STV news last night was all about England.
The other game was mentioned in that someone else was fighting to stay in the competition. They must have meant South Africa, another S-word team, because the most northerly of the British Isles teams doesn’t need a win as they still have to play that other nation that begins with S from the ehm, the Pacific Islands below the Equator that didn’t get a mention.

Even in sport they are erasing SCOTLAND in the MSM.

If we loose against the Springboks today you can guarantee a big mention, especially if Engurland gets beat by the Wallabies.

C’mon Scotland! C’mon the Wallabies!

Nana Smith

I posted another lot of links, all disappeared? Trying again.

link to

link to

link to

David Cameron has spent £3.6million of YOUR money chillaxing at Chequers

link to


@Robert Peffers at 1:59am

Sorry I missed your post, I hit the hay just a few minutes to continue with Joe Pike’s “Project Fear”

It’s a small world indeed, I always found that most people I talked to had some connection to Robert Henryson or Lynebank and was a great ice breaker for many years for me, not having many other points of connection to Dunfermline.

When the school was proposed for closure and merger with Headwell special school, there began a long campaign to decide the name of the new school. We were obviously highly partial to Robert Henryson, a person I knew nothing about prior to coming to Fife…but the suggestions coming from Fife Education Service were terrible. At one point, they proposed a single name like Duloch with no signifier that it was a school at all. Oooft.

As a School Board ( as they still were at the time ) we had numerous meetings yet found it hard to engage with Headwell School Board or parents to canvass their opinion. As it turned out in the end, only 6 pupils from that school came over to the new premises, which opened with no name at all for the first 6 months or so!

Apart from bringing up my family including the Bold Joff, one of my proudest achievements is that we, mostly by my pigheaded insistence, were the first school in Fife to name ourselves. By various voting rounds we picked Calaiswood being the ancient woodland on which the campus of Calaiswood ASN, Duloch PS and community library now stands.

We had a grandparent of one of the pupils tell us about the pronounciation of Calaiswood, being K-less-wood and it came from the estate from the 13th century being Kello House. ( I really wanted the school to be called Kello House School but I was democratically outvoted )

I laughed so much at your description of your little dog, we had two Papillons regularly visit the school as Therapets, much loved by many of the pupils. Joff, true to himself, blanked them.

I love that she has a yen for gerbils. That’s wonderful. My daughters visit that shop every time they’re at that end of town. I smiled at the big hairy biker line, my husband, perhaps going through a midlife crisis has in the last three years acquired himself a bike, a beard and a Mohican.

But he’s soft as shite.

He’s currently down with his bike and some buddies to the National Arboretum for an annual event called Ride to the Wall where bikers honour forces war dead. One of our friends is on the wall, Cpl Stuart Boulton who died in the Shackleton crash on Harris in 1990.

I hope you’re feeling better today. Living with chronic pain isn’t easy.



further to my wee chat with Robert about Joff’s school, I thought you might like to see a wee tribute I made to the school at the time it closed, my gratitude for it and Calaiswood ASN is undying.

link to


As I said in my posting, the team suffers because of the partisanship of the broadcaster who is supposed to represent all parts of the UK equally, but focusses on England, and within England focusses on London and the South-East.

The rest of us aren’t important, the “big match” is always one that involves England.

Personally I enjoy watching rugby. Samoa v Japan next, a match that since it’s in the same Pool, is of importance to [redacted].


@Socrates MacSporran
Mike Brown is one of my favourite players, I think he’s great.

Socrates MacSporran

yesindyref2 @ 2.13pm.

Mike Brown is a very good rugby player, that cannot be disputed, but, he’s a narky wee nyaff, the kind of opponent front five “donkeys” such as what I was loved to see on the ground as we arrived at a ruck.

There is particular satisfaction to be had in dancing a paso doble on the ribs of a player such as Brown.


Yes, he is, maybe that’s why I like him!

Mistake by Japan from about 20 mins before end taking 2 penalties, should have kicked for corner to try bonus point. Off the top of my head that could work in Scotland’s favour last matches.


Robert Peffers,

“I cannot be bothered arguing with fools like you.”

It is fools and pedants like yourself who keep on insisting that we will be British after independence.

The rest of us here, apart from your sycophants, don’t want us to be called British now let alone after independence.

We are Scottish not British.


You miss the point. If you want to be Scottish and not British, then that’s fine. But there are many who voted YES last time want to be Scottish AND Brittish, and to get a YES vote next time there will need to be more to vote YES who want to be both Scottish and British. Those who are proud to be aprt of British history, but want Scotland to stand on our own two feet.

You need to make your mind up. Do you want us to be independent and have the choice, or do you want us to stay Scottish AND British with absolutely no choice at all?

It’s your choice.



“But there are many who voted YES last time want to be Scottish AND Brittish”

First, how do you know that?

Second, “British” geographically or politically?

Pedants like Robert Peffers are referring to geographically. Who in their right mind will insist we are geographically British after independence?

The whole point of independence is political. We are already the laughing stock of the world and will be even more so if we claim to be “British” after independence.

Third, what did Gordon Brown do wrong when he called Scotland “North Britain” when we were still politically part of the UK?

Why was he ridiculed by independence supporters (not by Robert Peffers of course)? He was right politically and geographically.

Anyone wanting independence will have to get used to the idea that we will be known throughout the world as Scottish.

People of remainder UK will be called British.

ben madigan

Finally managed to get time to put something together – this “silent treatment” is an interesting psychological mechanism which is worth looking into . link to



1 Relating to Great Britain or the United Kingdom, or to its people or language.

2 Of the British Commonwealth or (formerly) the British Empire.

We are people of Britain and speak the language.
While Scotland has the queen we are British

We are British citizens and it was already established during the Ref that we would have the right to dual citizenship.

As for wanting to remain British, I spoke to many during the ref, and have seen many comments. There are also those who regard themselves only as Scottish. Both of these came from both YES and NO voters.

Scottish social attitudes surveys also showed that.

The term British is not just geographical. Nor is it just political.

Personally speaking I don’t care if people who have the vote in Scotland regard themselves as Scottish, British, English, Polish … as long as they vote YES in Indy Ref 2.


I blame JK Rowling.

Lairy Porker and The Country That Must Not Be Named.

Stu, I’m starting to accept that you may have been correct when you said, half in jest, that she might be the leader of the next Better Together campaign…

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