Posted on
January 02, 1968 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
For off-topic chat. Duh.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Ian Brotherhood
Well said
As someone pointed out on the main thread 9/11 was an off topic subject.
Even although I had already said as much.
Then someone else was effin and jeffin about it.
While it’s true there are many places on the internet to discuss this issue.
There aren’t many places like here,where anyone can run an idea past someone with a bit of knowledge and still make up there own mind
So I do not apologise for “askin stuff” but I am sorry for disrupting the main thread.
@Ian Brotherhood
We are friends, friends can disagree. In fact doesn’t that make a friendship all the stronger? I believe so.
@Quinie frae Angus
Nice to hear from you, don’t worry. Just a Wingers’s tiff
Here’s a wee song for Ian and Lyndsay, no it’ for all of you that venture here. Been played before, but what hasn’t?
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@liz g –
Fair do’s.
Nae hammers here, just Bee-Gee sounds and cool outfits…
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@Ian Brotherhood
Oh, thanks so much for the Soul Train vid – how fab was that. Fair cheered me up, so it did. And yes, I did recognise you there – you haven’t changed a bit.
No need to apologise for anything – the Wings comment threads are an unprecedented repository of excellent well-researched information provided by a friendly (on the whole) community and personally I don’t think any topic should be off-limits. Particularly if it relates to our communal quest for Independence.
And if anything relates to Scots Indy, 9/11 does. It’s all about the military-industrial complex, and last year we very nearly derailed the fenders.
Next time.
But we’ll only do it by educating one another. Opening eyes, wars and minds.
One of my favs and it always makes me think of Ian.
No offence buddy, it’s meant as a compliment
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Bee Gee’s…. sound and fashion….
All is well
@Thepnr, Quinie & liz –
It’s all good.
I sign off now, sending y’all much love. Sadly, I put out my back during that last line dance…
Here’s one which pushes buttons for all sorts of reasons and is pure kitsch, but hey, who cares?
If you’re not in tears at the end of this you’re not human, let alone Scottish.
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Cheers Ian.
My sign off, one from when I was in the prime of life. Oh, memories of those days LOL!
Adam & The Ants – Stand And Deliver
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You know you want to be the first to review this item, informed by a post-indyref1 perspective. :0
Apparently inspired by Akira Kurosawa’s 1950 film Rashomon, or did I remember incorrectly.
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Here’s a cool cover. That’s my perspective though.
Matumbi – Brother Louie
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Sometimes I wish there was an off topic off topic where some of these off topics could be discussed openly without rancour.
How come all the people convinced that 9/11 wasn’t an inside job are so fucking angry at those who provide information to the contrary?
Had enough of that crap from No voters…shouted down, told I must be a ‘complete idiot’ by my own mother. Watch yer attitudes Wingers with others, some come across like yer typical No voters, utterly dismissive and quite frankly rude beyond the pale. Just because someone has a different take.
You’d think we’d learned something about closed mind’s…turns out yer mind is only ‘open’ if ye agree is it? Scunnered.
I wouldn’t reveal my innermost thoughts to anyone on Wings…on this subject or any other subject that had any meaning for me. I’ve watched this happen too often.
Kindness should be the byfeeling. Always.
(except wi pricks…of course…they need balloons burst).
@K1 –
Hearing ye pal.
Just popped in for final scan before shutting-down.
Don’t let it get to ye.
‘Truth will out’ an ‘aw that jazz!
Tomorrow’s another day…
I can’t think of any more platitudes!
We’ll get there!
That’s another one…
Hi K1.
My last offering before I turn in tonight; specially for you, the original German version, just to be internationalist.
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Cheers Ian, and Brian…genuinely made me laugh…thanks
Just say your opinion K1, and never mind what people think. If you get “taunted” by the likes of “did your mummy know you’re up late”, or “are you thick or what”, it just shows whoever has to resort to such rubbish has no argument, nothing to contribute.
I can’t see any responses to my question about yesguy,
cumon yesguy if your out there let us know your ok,
He’s one of us we need to check and see if he’s ok, Tam do you or Jenny have any info on him?
@Ian B, 12. 25 am
Wow, thanks for that link! If anyone hasn’t already clicked Iain’s music link here yet, please do. Tear in my eye as I make my way through my porridge this morning.
Thanks to ThePNR too and all the Wingers I have met and known (so far) for keeping me sane and encouraged.
Freudian slip in my last post though: I meant “open eyes, EARS and minds”. Somehow it came out as “open eyes WARS and minds”!!
This is what comes of having a new smartphone and trying to write a comment on Wings on it, while lying in my bed.
Onwards and upwards.
@John King
Sorry, can’t help you with any info about YesGuy.
I agree, the vehement shutting down of anyone who wants to raise the “taboo topics” is surprising, to say the least, on a site that is massively flushing out truths as it is. I don’t know nearly enough about it to be able to make any meaningful contribution but I think it is important to read and digest the research and analysis done by others.
That’s not really my point yesindyref, I’m not disinclined to engage with those of differing views, at all. I mean sensibledave has been appalling in his descriptions of me in our exchanges. So what? I agree with you that this reveals a fixed mind and that when threatened resorts to insult. Mair tae be pitied than scorned.
No, my point is this ‘anger’ approach amongst ouselves, I was merely noting the exact similarity of that angry rejection out of hand, there is no discourse with the 9/11 subject.
I was comparing like for like on the mindset of No voters.
I was stating that I would not disclose what was close to my heart, on subjects that had meaning for me, on Wings. I think that’s just common sense, I’m not for being ’rounded on’ or ’rounding on’ for the sake of ‘debate’.
So much gets lost in interpretation and whilst forums provide an excellent outlet for debate, much of what passes for debate is actually reduced to arguing opinions with little room for what I would term as the ‘back story’s’ of the protagonists.
Personally I prefer one on one discussions, in real world situations for genuine engagement, the totality of the person is available there and warmth is possible.
I’m not for dismissing anyone out of hand, god love me I even ventured discourse wi mr ‘yer aw anti-english dave’, and believe me he wis easy compared to my mother. These types of exchanges, the difficult ones, are what challenge me to become more sensitive to those with completely different outlooks.
I do literally go away and attempt to put myself in their perspective, I contemplate, research where I can, find out more about them if possible, as a means to better understand the ‘others’ perspective. And that is why I was moaning about the outright angry dismissals when it comes to 9/11, especially from those whose openness has been a pre requisite to their political stance regarding Scotland’s Independence.
We are now living in a post referendum culture where we are ‘othered’ universally by our ‘UK state’. And no doubt by those who voted No, too. I don’t want my emotional development to be hindered by adopting the exact same mentality of those who reject out of hand alternative approaches and perspectives to some ‘fixed’ reality, by angrily lashing out because my world view is threatened by that differing outlook.
It’s not just an ‘external’ shift in perspective that accounts for the altering of ones outlook on any given subject (anyone can bandy facts and figures about, which are important) but, there is of necessity an internal shift, that to my mind, is of far more significance when it comes to the opening of a mind to alternative view points.
To reach others we have to touch hearts, if the heart can be touched the mind naturally opens. It’s very ‘freeing’ not to be bound by ‘conventional wisdom’.
My first and last post re 9:11
I have worked in construction engineering for about 17 years, that’s steel buildings, not conventional or timber framed building. During that time I was involved in accident incident investigation when framework moved or very rairley toppled.
When 9:11 happened I was watching it at work in the company of managers and engineers. Before the first tower collapsed in our structural engineer said it’s going to collapse. He could see the stresses were to great.
As for the fire that alone would have severely damaged the colum,s , most probably the engines took out a few, and as the fire burned the week and twisted structure couldn’t take the weight from above, so slowly at first collapsed.
Now demolition theory, to take down a building you need to open up the structure, put directional charges round the columns and run miles of detination cord through the building. I think the thousands who worked there would have noticed! And when the towers fell the noise of the charges would be considerable as obvious as the blowout around the structure!
However there was a problem during construction of one of the towers that necessitated the strengthening of the structure, I remember seeing a documentary about it.
Did the government bring down the towers, absoluty not, sometimes I think conspiracy theorists are posting to tarnish the rest of us! Or are just gullible.
So Andrew you haven’t looked at the body of evidence since that day, from engineers and architects who are at the forefront of questioning and investigating 9/11?
Fine, as long as you’re sure and you have your credentials that strengthen your conclusions and you are secure in your own position.
No need then to call others gullible then, is there? Or is that a bit of ‘superiority’ creeping in?
By all means have yer own views but why is it those who are adamant about this always have to to do the ‘backhand’ slap afore they go?
No need tae answer Andrew. It was afterall your first and last comment on this.
A few brief observations about 911.
@Thepnr asks why the design brief for the Twin Towers referenced airplane hits. Several years earlier a light plane hit the Empire State Building (If I recall correctly, it may have been the Sears Tower) and as a consequence the designers had to ensure that these massively high building could withstand the largest aircraft in service. They have repeatedly stated that in their view, the planes by themselves should not have been able to bring down the towers.
A number of people hare are suggesting that the fire from the aircraft fuel was sufficient to weaken the steel girders. A kerosene fire will burn at between 800 – 1500F depending on the exact circumstances of the blaze. As anyone can recall the videos of the planes hitting the towers show a massive fireball which would have burned off the majority of the kerosene on that initial blast. The question remains, was the resulting fire sufficiently strong enough to weaken the steel – it clearly was not strong enough to melt it (steel melts at approximately 2700F).
Observation of the fires that “raged” in the WTC 1, 2 (and importantly WTC7) would suggest fires are various places, but within the sections of the buildings that were initially struck. So why would the building eventually collapse on its own footprint, rather than toppling sideways (the point of least resistance)?
Now I am prepared to concede that WTC 1&2 may have collapsed at virtual free-fall speed on its own footprint due to the spontaneous weakening of ALL the necessary Central and Outside steel girders at the same time. But no one has yet ‘proved’ that this could realistically happen when a strict application of the laws of physics are applied. However …
WTC7 was NOT hit by a plane, was seen to have limited small fires, and showed NO external damage of weakening of the structure. In the entire history of high rise steel cased buildings only three have even collapsed due to fire – all three were on 11 September 2001 at the WTC. There are hundreds of examples of steel frame buildings on fire – some fires raging for hours if not days – and in NO CASE has the building collapsed into dust, as happened on 911. That alone should give anyone cause to pause.
And finally re: WTC7, the BBC announced that the building had collapsed before it came down. WTC7 is actually seen behind the BBC commentator even as she is telling the world that it had also collapsed. Strange, or just one of those things?
I have no idea exactly what happened on 911. I suspect very few people do. The events that day provided one of the major catalysts that actually brings us right up to today. The justification for the “War on Terror” which has driven the UK to follow in the footsteps of the USA and its Industrial-Military Complex was forged in the fires of the WTC buildings that raged for months afterwards.
I will close with a well known quotation:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
We live in dangerous times, and remaining skeptical about what our Governments tell us would seem to be a wise position to keep.
I don’t hold with the conspiracy theories regarding the destruction of the WTC.
The buildings were brought down by the impact of well fuelled aircraft hitting them at 300+ MPH. I don’t think they were blown up by the CIA or anyone other than the (mostly) Saudi terrorists in the planes.
Where I think the conspiracy lies is that the American government and it’s intelligence agencies knew a major attack was imminent and did not attempt to stop it.
They probably didn’t know what that attack was going to be and they probably didn’t know exactly where or when it was going to happen. What they did know was that an attack would give them all the excuse they required to perpetrate the biggest fraud in the history of the world.
The American government and Unocal was in negotiations with the Taliban to build a pipeline through Afghanistan link to prior to 9/11. They could not get the Taliban to agree the building of the pipeline. They badly wanted access to Afghanistan.
They got it. That’s initially what it was all about. Right wing America made a fortune out of the Afghan war.
It then allowed them to create their ‘war on terror’ which they have used to erode all our civil liberties and privacy. It was used as the excuse to perpetrate the illegal invasion of Iraq. Right wing America made a fortune out of the Iraq war.
The ‘war on terror’ is regularly trotted out whenever there is a need for the west to ‘protect it’s interests’.
Who is profiting from the Syrian conflict? The Palestinian conflict? The Yemen conflict? The Libyan conflict? The global arms trade. Largely right wing America.
Beginning to see a trend here?
I think that is the conspiracy. New World Order? Perhaps some truth in there.
IF the planes caused WTC 1 & 2 to collapse (I remain somewhat skeptical given the volume of contradictions in the science as presented by international architects, physicists, engineers etc.) how do you explain WTC 7?
I don’t know the answer to the question who planned and executed this operation (The USA Govt is no stranger to Black Ops) but this incident was the “New Pearl Harbor” that the exponents of the Project for a New American Century wanted.
I remain highly skeptical of the ‘official’ 911 conspiracy theory.
WTC7 only appears to have some questions about it. There was no direct impact on the building and the building should have been able to withstand the fires provided the sprinkler system worked. It didn’t. I think it may just come down to poor building quality and uncontained fires burning over a long period.
I do think WTC7 was where the American government monitored (spied on) the global transactions that took place in the WTC. There was a CIA office in that building and I suspect that is why it was there. Osama bin Laden saw the WTC as the heart of the globalisation of capitalism. He had tried to bomb it before. Some people in American intelligence may have had an inkling that WTC was the intended target. I remember watching when Bush was advised about the attack (while visiting a primary school). He looked like a man being told that something he already expected had just happened.
I find it strangely ironic that others of the bin Laden family along with some of the Saudi royal family were hastily evacuated from the US right after 9/11 before any other flights were allowed.
As Tony said, in the entire history of steel framed buildings, only 3 have ever fallen down as a result of fire. And they all happened on Sept 11. And even if WTC7 was the exception and fell due to structural failure of heat weakened steel, it fell at freefall speed, ie there was no resistance below it. For their to be no resistance, it had to be removd in some way. A fire is not going to give you instantaneous failure leading to freefall acceleration
Please check out this Amazon review page of David Ray Griffin’s ‘The New Pearl Harbor’ (2004).
Despite this book being published more than a decade ago, most Americans still don’t know that WTC 7 came down on 9/11, and upwards of 60% of them believe Saddam Hussein had a hand in the whole thing.
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Re 9/11 and engineering, construction, fire etc
China airways engine fire is an excellent example of jeta1 fuel on fire and the immense heat (around 800 to 1000 degrees, depending on several factors, not least ambient air temp) anyway, the fuel only generates this immense heat for short periods of time, that is, until it is consumed by fire. So the aircraft suffered structural collapse.
Impressive, yes. But aircraft are built to be light using thin alloy metals or composite materials, which both suffer badly in high temperatures.
Buildings are built to last. It is not the same. Burn time and conducted heat all play their part in dissipating heat from source and spreading fire to other areas.
To suggest building 7, from simple office fires, could free fall collapse, is simply nuts. Even if part of the building had been hit by falling structure, the result would’ve been disintegrating floor levels on corners or isolated areas.
And ‘sprayed with jet fuel’ this would’ve burned out as it atomised in the air.
Andrew MacLean
I watched it on telly on the day, all day, and I was convincing myself that all the explosions I was hearing was back up generator supply rooms, or cylinders trapped inside building on fire, but something just didn’t ring true.
I only saw building 7 footage many years after believing the official story amid a growing suspicion of flight 93 ‘disappearing’ into the earth. I think a marble in sand was the theory…..a thin skinned aircraft hitting the solid earth at high speed with no wreckage…..c’mon man!
Ian B, Tony, 100th, you may be interested in this view of the WTC. It refreshed my high school chemistry somewhat.
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I can recommend this book as well. The author has written quite a few books on the subject including one that deals specifically with WTC7 and one rather brilliantly called Debunking 9/11 Debunking.
Another book on 9/11 that is worth reading is The 9/11 Mystery Plane by Mark H. Gaffney which features a foreword by David Ray Griffin. This is about the Doomsday plane used by the US military which was in the air on 9/11 during the attack on the Pentagon. It was actually caught on camera flying over Washington.
I will give your recommendation my attention tomorrow, because I believe in ruling nothing out, unlike those who just can’t help themselves from refuting anything other than their established beliefs.
Spanish inquisition anyone!
Now, this is a way out conspiracy, what if western governments took a German approach and made questioning the official version as illegal. Not that I am for one second being disrespectful of the holocaust mind. I am just making reference.
Appointment with rioja and food awaits.
100th, Nobody expects the Spanish Inquistion…
Enjoy the Rioja! (Topical choice…)
@Alan Macintosh
Thanks for that. I recently came across a different nuclear option which was a devise panted in the base of each tower (due to 1960s building regulations requiring new high buildings to be able to be ‘safely’ demolished!) which would have pulverised the building from the ground up.
If correct (note I am NOT suggesting this is correct) the properties of such an explosion would fit some of the characteristics of the WTC building anomalies.
1. Almost everything in the buildings turned to dust
2. Melted steel found in the basements still burning months later
3. the physical nature of the demolition. i.e. the dust clouds being projected UP
4. The free-fall speed of collapse
5. Parts of the building structure being hurtled hundreds of yards away.
I do not know what I believe DID happen on 911, but I know what didn’t and that’s the ‘official’ conspiracy theory. It doesn’t stand up to basic scientific argument.
Thanks for the response Quine
I don’t think he was/is in the best of health.
kinda worried about his complete disappearance, I can’t even remember when I last saw a post from him he tended to post a lot on Derek Batemans blog.
Just settling in for the second half. Looking pretty even so far.
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Somethings gotta give though.
Hi John King.
When you first queried Yesguy’s whereabouts a couple of days ago, I did a site-specific (Wings) search at Google.
Looks like the last time he posted here was in the middle of July.
Can anyone believe this?
There is a song on you tube called popcorn that is 10 HOURS long. Yes 10 hours, it repeats over and over again the original hit.
Deary me, and we thought we were sad LOL. Searching now for a Slab one saying SNP BAD, SNP BAD, SNP BAD for 10 hours, must be there.
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Hi Thepnr.
RE: your 10 hour ‘Popcorn’.
Back in my early days of deejaying, I reckoned that “Race With The Devil” by The Gun was just too short. So I put together a version that lasted for 15 minutes – just to make the point, dentcha know?
Here’s the short version, featuring one Adrian Gurvitz…
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For those of you who feel the need to make a short, pithy comment, now and again, I have uploaded this clip for yooz.
Feel free to copy and save the link and use as you see fit.
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Darts, ‘Come Back My Love’ –
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Hi Ian B.
Darts was a band whose career I followed, because it was formed by two members of ‘The John Dummer Band”, of whom I had been a fan since 1969. The two members were drummer John Dummer and bassist Thumper Thomson.
The John Dummer (Blues) Band featured as members Dave Kelly (Blues Band), his sister Joanne Kelly and Tony McPhee (Groundhogs).
This is a classic piece of blues instrumental guitar, featuring Tony McPhee and Dave Kelly, from the first John Dummer album, ‘Cabal’.
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BTW: I’ve mentioned this before but Status Quo’s album “Ma Kelly’s Greasy Spoon” was named in honour of Dave & Joanne Kelly’s mum, who ran a transport cafe, that all the muso’s in the London area used apres gig.
@Ian Brotherhood
Was wondering myself where she had got to.
No commentary.
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Tonight was shite. I am angry and sad, but I’m just one small insignificant person. I’m carrying on, they won’t depress me to the extent that I refuse to carry on fighting them. Fuck them.
Here I am stuck in the middle with you clowns. You know, the horrible version. Our governments version where they slowly torture us. IDS style.
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I am me and this is my pal…
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No comment required from me for this:-
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@Brian Doonthetoon
Suited my mood perfectly. Great wee tune.
Re. organs. Stands up well for it’s age, don’tcha think?
??????? ??????????? – ???? ???????
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Apparently that was all Greek to WordPress.
This one’s for the Cybernat General:
Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain – Should I Stay or Should I Go
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David Honey – theme for the night xx
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Not quite the Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain.
Some dude on a mandolin/kazoo – I want to break free
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Blog piece about why we should not go to war. Worth a read.
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@Paula Rose
Haha, I know why you chose that one.
To appreciate this Ukelele tune then first you must watch this.
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Now, not great I’ll admit. The first one is pretty good.
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I prefer the banjo, and if you can’t be arsed? Then this is the one for you
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OK, I’m going to turn it up to eleven, and call on the inbred redneck moonshiners who are Hayseed Dixie to rock the uke with their version of “Ace Of Spades”.
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GCHQ is gonna get rocked tonite fo’ sure!
And this one is for MI5/MI6:
Ukulele and Kazoo Original: “The Spy with the Blue Kazoo”
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If anyone needs to know listen to all of this –
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Been a bit of a depressing week all in all.
I think this from Gil Scot Heron kinda sums it up for me
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and that made me think of this:
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My kind of drumming, probably Paul Robinson. So just to keep the rule of three and to keep it in the groove I came to this. The only answer.
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Couple of heavy weeks coming up for me so I’ll be thin on the ground. But don’t think that means I won’t be keeping an eye on you lot
A wee reminder of the Carmichael fundraiser.
“Help me Rhonda” – The last ever performance by the original Beach Boys in the UK. Knebworth 1980
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Now the reality:
“As ever we are so appreciative of the unwavering support you have all given us so far. As the petitioners are still in an ongoing legal situation there is unfortunately still little detail we can provide at this time. We are relying on trust.”
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I’ve trusted them this far and they have done us proud. I’ll be sticking with them until it’s over, hope we all do.
I very much doubt Mr Carmichael has a spare £200,000 down the back of the settee. He is being funded by those that wish to keep the boot on our human face.
Let’s prove we have their measure, bad time of year I know but £1 or £2 between many goes a long way, we will match them.
We fight on, just as they are doing on our behalf.
Well that was a mistake. I started off just wanting to invite you to listen to the Beach Boys, then realised I might use it to promote the Carmichael fundraiser.
Had it on two threads at the same time and posted here first. Oops.
Have copied it to the other thread.
razzle in my pocket ian dury
The lyrics are great. Be warned not PC, sense of humour required
Bedtime. The missing link LOL.
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Re the Orkney Fighting fund.
I’ll be donating a wee puckle more than a fiver to both them and the SNP when I can get out to by bank.
I started putting a wee bit by every week for them a good while back but will need to put it into my bank account to transfer it to them.
Likely Monday or Tuesday.
Mention of ukeleles up above…
I’ve been following this pair for a year or three. Rather entertaining.
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“Boring” was the third episode of The Young Ones, a British sitcom. Madness performing “House of Fun” 1982
This is the clip where The Young Ones do their Beatles Abbey Road style walk over the zebra crossing.
Why don’t we make comedy like that anymore?
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wtf is going on with the main threads? Keep kicking back to 11.04 this morning, with nothing posted thereafter showing…strange.
Hi Thepnr.
“80s comedy”. See here, 6 December, 2015 at 10:24 pm:-
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Hi Thepnr.
This is my 4th attempt to post this comment – the first was last night; the other three were tonight. Been changing the text each time with no success.
For this attempt, I will use no links (one of my attempts returned the error message that I wasn’t allowed to access “comments”(?). I had included a link back to my post in “Altered States”.
Onnyhoo, re: 80s comedy. Go to my comment at 10.24pm last night, on the “Altered States” page, and you’ll find the link, with the context.
Hey Brian
Got the message mate, cheers
Is this a First ????
Was scrolling on a drop down menu for countries . I was looking for the UK on the the US Postal Service (USPS )site to calculate postage to the UK. The UK was missing !!
Saw Wales under W
Scotland under S
England under E
N.Ireland under N
I’ve never seen this anywhere before always UK for the 4 countries.
This should amuse some of you – are you clever enough to work for GCHQ?
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Something for all you aspiring spies to enjoy –
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Re: Wings Over Aberdeen 2016.
Can I suggest to Ronnie, Wuffing Dug and X_Sticks, that you avoid the weekend of 23rd January?
That’s when all the Burns Suppers will be happening – and I’ll be going to my first, in the world, EVER!
Alright guys, how you all doing?
Been extremely busy with work and studies (was working every weekend for the last 6 weeks, which then took all my spare time away to catch up on studying. However …it’s done!!!). And I finally go on holiday for 3 weeks come this Tuesday! Yeah!!!!
Anyway …’Wings over Aberdeen’ sounds good? Will keep a wee eye on the off-topic. A wee weekend away up the North-East could be a great occasion!
Wings over Aberdecadent was the preferred option.
Here’s one for Alistair, Alistair and Danny.
Linkin Park, ‘LIES GREED MISERY’ –
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Blimey, it’s quiet in here tonight…Friday too..
Never mind – the whole place will busy-up when the main threads get close to the half-millionth comment!
Wee change from the normal for me.
Ace of Spades. Heavy man!
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Status Quo – Burning Bridges
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@Thepnr & Stoker –
Gerry Rafferty, ‘Get It Right Next Time’ –
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John & Jacob – Be My Girl
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@Thepnr, back in November 1979, a schoolmate went to a Hawkwind concert on Sunday 18th, then a Motorhead concert on Mon 19th, both at the Glasgow Apollo.
All our school year then had hearing tests (no idea why) on Tueday 20th. He failed the test. Badly.
Hawkwind – “Shot down in the night”
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(God bless t’internet for providing band tour dates from 36(!) years ago to refresh my memory.)
Mia Zapata was lead singer with the punk band The Gits. In July 1993 she was brutally murdered and to this day her killer has never been caught. Joan Jett wrote this song with Kathleen Hannah in memory of Mia:
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts – Go Home
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Great tunes guys, checking them all out. Friday night seems to be party time
Right, a song that to my knowledge has never been played on Off Toptic and I never thought I’d be the one playing it.
Why? I ask myself.
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Hi David.
Here’re the two combined – Hawkwind doing the original version of ‘Motorhead’.
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Here’s a wee bit of Country for all you WOS CROFTERS out there keeping the flock together, our day will come.
Radio Sweethearts – Crazy Heart
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Keep the noise down dears.
Hi Thepnr.
If you’re gonna offer $h¡† like that, I’ve got to hit back with this…
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@Thepnr (11.48) –
Good shout there mister, and I think you’re right – don’t recall ever seeing it here. TBH, I’ve never seen that video.
Brings back fond memories. I used to sing it as ‘Hold Me By The Ears’.
Hello Paula
Posted bang on midnight. Was that planed? LOL
This is for you and you alone.
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Blue Swede – Hooked on a Feeling
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George Baker Selection – Little Green Bag
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Well thanks for that, I got as far as the first Ding Dong Ding Dong. Then I gave up LOL.
This dude is a dead ringer for that antiques dealer David Dickinson
Al Bano & Romina Power – Felicita
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After Midnight link to
Michael great choice again. My hero
ZZ TOP Live link to
@ Thepnr Here is the Original Version of a song you played Earlier. Without the chorus. I only post now and again now. But I still check wings every day. and off topic for the great mix of music and people who frequent there. link to Where would we be Without Wings ?
My last contribution for the night.

Time to chuck another log on the fire.
Golden Earring – She Flies On Strange Wings
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And i’ll dedicate that one to ma wee sister who suddenly and unexpectedly passed away a few days ago. Take care one and all.
Very sorry to hear of your loss, I understand how you are feeling. Take care.
Cheers ‘A’ – All things considered, she had a good innings.
Chris Farlowe – Out Of Time
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“Gone to the dogs”.
Somebody on Wings was looking for the origin of this phrase sometime ago. I don’t know if they found it, but I followed a recommendation on Wings to read Neil M. Gunn’s novels. While reading the ‘Silver Darlings’ I came across the origin and thought I should pass the favour on.
While hunting for herring in their boats, with sail and oar, the fishermen could lose a precious catch of herring because of dogfish (of the shark family) biting through their nets to get at the herring. The catch was not only lost through large holes in the nets but they then had to mend their ragged nets before they could fish again. They said their fishing ‘had gone to the dogs’, i.e. dogfish.
Hope this helps.
My condolences Stoker. A sudden and unexpected loss of a loved one is always very difficult to deal with. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Kate & Anna McGarrigle & family “Hard Times Come Again No More”
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@Bdtt, Paula et al
Had a busy few weeks but not forgot about W.O.A. aka ‘Aberdecadent’ twin venue extravaganza.
Good point Bdtt – we could aim for the 30th poss?
I was out last night for work Christmas do. Managed 3pm till 1.30am. STILL GOT IT…. Naw ahve no, just starting to feel human the noo……
Think I’ll go to Tesco and get a few beers and a film to watch
30th sounds good to me. What about the rest of the team?
*clears diary*
Condolences for your loss. Hope your sister did not suffer much.
Turning to the music, yer man Al Bano has an excellent Wiki biography –
“Al Bano is an Italian singer, actor, and winemaker.”
La Dolce Vita!
Sorry to read about your sister Stoker.
Wuffing Dug – 30th sounds fine!
I’m just about to leave for the Team YES Bus Christmas party – on board the Dragon. Going over to Fife first and ending up at Mennies later on.
If I’m on later, I may be the worse for wear…
Have a good night, while your away we have to prepare for the unexpected.
“The Unicorn Invasion of Dundee”
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Just a wee reminder of what Scotland voted for. Gies me the Boak.
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@Thepnr –
I lasted until 1.51, then mentally banjoed him with a huge frying pan.
Hey Ian
Been meaning to ask you. Where did your avatar disappear too, you know the one that made you look intelligent
I kinda miss it LOL
@Thepnr –
I’m not intelligent enough to work out what happened to it.
I know the one you mean though – it made me look mean and moody and preoccupied with something philosophical requiring profound reflection. In fact, it was a highly cropped snap taken when I was four sails to the wind and trying to focus on rolling a fag.
Never mind…let’s get some tunes going.
Here’s the intro to a famous BBC children’s programme which, for some reason, was in the news this week.
I have a suspicion that there was a popular anti-Tory chant based on this same tune, but cannot remember where, when and why it was deployed. You can probably have a fair stab at what it suggested…
Jackanory, ‘Opening Titles’ –
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Over-egged video, but a great tune.
The Doors, ‘Roadhouse Blues’ (live, 1970) –
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Ten years ago it was well-nigh impossible to get this track. Youtube is an amazing thing…
Who’s first to identify the song Lennon made this tune famous with in a later solo?
The Beatles, ‘Child of Nature’ –
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This is great. Nuff said.
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@Ian Brotherhood
Jealous Guy of course, here’s a weepy, brilliant lyrics.
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@Thepnr –
Franklin footage soo-perb.
Treble hoots for that one mister.
The Barnsley nightingale…
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The Manchester nightingale…
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I don’t get the Barnsley connotation but I did like the song and the pictures. Nice one.
The Glasgow Doomcrow…
Sydney Devine, ‘Nobody’s Child’ –
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@Ian Brotherhood
Why did you need to remind me of that!
When I was 12 my granny gave me a cassette recorder together with a Sydney Devine tape.
I still have nightmares
hmm mind you Gary Glitter was No 1 at the time. I guess grannies know best.
Time I think for a bit of MUSIC.
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I don’t mind if you’ve never clicked on a link to a song that I’ve posted before but I implore YOU to watch and listen to this.
He gets it. This IS how I feel.
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This video is truly astonishing.
OK it’s just a mad Scotsman riding a bike, but there truly can’t be another person alive that can ride a bike like him!
How to beat the traffic in the Canary Islands
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Link via Bella Calednia.
I was the worse for wear…
BTW: in case anyone notices the wee change in my gravatar.
This is my Saturnalia/Solstice/Yule version, with the wee holly leaf. It will be in place till just after Hogmanay.
In advance of Hogmanay, I’ll offer this; a track I used to play around 10 to midnight at any Hogmanay gig I had.
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@Brian Doonthetoon
Ahhh, that was nice you auld romantic you
How about this? GIRFUY! Watch and understand LOLOLOL
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Specially for TheHistoryWoman hope your reading
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Brian, David & X_Sticks – thanks for the kind words and thoughts.
Ian Bro – thanks a bunch, (12.15am), now i’ve got images of Aliar Carbuncle swirling round the empty dancefloor, solo, with auld Steak & Kidney screeching through the fake smoke into the deserted seating areas beyond.
@Thepnr –
That Johnny Cash link was brilliant.
I knew his nickname was ‘the man in black’ but I didn’t even know there was a song of the same name. That’s the first time I’ve heard it.
Brilliant. IMO, your best link yet brother.
Hoots, hoots, and thrice I say it – HOOTS!
@Ian Brotherhood
First time I heard it was last night too. Amazing. I aim to please
@Ian Brotherhood
And I should mention that for some inexplicable reason I can’t stop watching it. WTF?
@Thepnr –
Dunno…there’s something very special about seeing a ‘real’ artist, in whatever genre, at work.
Perhaps it’s because he was honest in telling the audience that he’d just completed the song and was delivering it for the first time. Not that anyone would know, eh?
A very special dude, much-loved for good reason.
I absolutely hated this song when it first came out. I was wrong.
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OK, here’s my wee musical offering for tonight.
I bought my first reel-to-reel tape recorder in 1969 and started recording Radio 1 and TV music programmes. This track is one I still have on a tape, somewhere in my hovelhold.
It features Demis Roussos on vocals and bass, with Vangelis on keyboards.
Never a hit in the UK, like a lot of singles I have liked over the years…
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Here’s one for James Kelly, yon dude wi’ the well-skelped arse:
Mauri Clash, ‘I Can’t Stand Up For Falling Down’ –
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James Brown, ‘I Can’t Stand It’ –
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James Brown, ‘I Got Ants In My Pants’ –
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Well, after my much ignored musical post from last night, I thought I would try again. I found this rather interesting…
A member,”scottish charlie”, of posted this YouTube link last night.
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Eh thocht, “Eh ken thah!” So I did a bit of digging. Turns out it uses the same tune (first recorded as “Loch Lomond” in 1841) but with words written by the German folk-metal (?) band “Die Höhner” as “Mer stonn zo dir FC Kölle”, which roughly translates as – A-A-ARGH! – I can’t remember what my workmate told me this afternoon. I’ll update yooz tomorrow…
The title in Ripuarian is “Mer stonn zo dir FC Kölle”.
Onnyhoo, it’s the hymn of FC Cologne and is sung as the players go onto the pitch and the game starts, as the above link shows. The lyrics are in the Ripuarian dialect/language.
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I found another YouTube video, showing the band performing the song at an open-air concert. Shades of Runrig…
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Ahh, fitting tributes Ian.
Mr Kelly Mr Kelly link to
I put this on one of the main threads but it looks like it got caught between some petty squabbling going on at the time and as we get a better class of people here, some food for thought:
An interesting article by Duncan Campbell
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Especially for the more paranoid among us
I quite sure your not surprised, neither am I. It’s been going on for years. Everyone, everywhere and everything they do is being spied on.
Welcome to 2015.
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David Bowie 1984 it’s pretty crap, wish he had wrote a better one LOL.
I’m not surprised at all, and that is a problem. This is what we have come to expect now, with it being slowly drip fed to us what is going on. It is so insidious that we are hardly shocked by it anymore.
It makes you wonder what was arrayed against us in the run up to the referendum.
Not surprised at all by that.
Such a handsome building, shame about the contents!
Why would an elected government feel they had to spy on ALL it’s citizens?
i can understand that with evidence judges can grant warrants to spy and record on the activities of potential criminals or terrorists. But for the rest of us?
Are they afraid of dissent against the established doctrine?
It would seem so, but who will be the judge at the end of the day, the people or the establishment?
“Why would an elected government feel they had to spy on ALL it’s citizens?”
Because we are all potential thought criminals. Who knows what information they will need in future to shut someone up or dissuade them from a course of action? So it is all stored away, ready to be used against you if your name is tagged or you speak to the wrong person or are in the wrong place.
Thought criminals hmmmm?
Sounds about right.
Paranoid ? Who me. Who said that. link to
I’m getting some friends to join me – time’s up boys, girlie time soon.
The Bee Gees, ‘Alone’ –
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Your up early Ian, “Morning” all old one from john king
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@Thepnr –
Up early rather than late right enough…
Let’s have a special disco tonight – seeing as we’re nearing a new page (15k!) that should draw out PR and her entourage.
I’m up for that!
OK, something that rattles my cage…
Why do so many English-speaking people say something along the lines of, “I could of died!”, when what they actually mean is “I could have died!”?
I just heard an actress from Downton uttering the “of” phrase on “The One Show”. You’d think that correct diction would be a qualification for becoming an ACTOR or an ACTRESS.
Onnyhoo, “Disco”…
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This popped into my heid today, out walking the dogs, as it does from time to time, and what a total joy, even remembering it. Loved it at first listen. Can’t think of anything else quite like it.
This version uses the original video.
Sparks, ‘This Town Ain’t Big Enough For Both Of Us’ –
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Hi Ian B.
No comment on my “disco” track then? Efter you and Thepnr gittin’ a’ gushy aboot “disco” this moarnin’…
Onnyhoo, this is probably my most favourite Sparks track in the world… EVER!
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Ian Dury & The Blockheads, ‘Sweet Gene Vincent’ (live) –
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I always watch the links you put up, but sometimes no comment is necessary!
Demi Roussos was just too sad, as if he knew he was soon to outgrow his favourite kaftan. The German football one was just TOO Runriggish for them to go changing the words like that, and the Massacre of Glencoe one has been up before – surely ’twas yer good self who posted it? cause I can’t imagine two separate folk knowing about that and posting it here.
Never fear BDTT, I always click your links with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, but click them all the same!
Rave on!
Time for roses…
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I remember the first time Frank Sinatra sang this to me…
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This is for Paula Rose.
Check out the dudes dancing, showing how it was done back in ’77.
Baccara, ‘Sorry I’m A Lady’ –
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Continuing the “rose” theme…
(I’ve got another 50)
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If anyone knows of a lead singer with a more spectacular barnet than this dude, please don’t share. It does, however, have the considerable merit of drawing attention away from his coupon.
Hi-NRG (*see what they’ve done there, eh? dae ye?*)& Silent Circle, ‘Touch In The Night’ –
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Classic tracks tonight…
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WTF…this has had over 14 millions views, all by people drinking mushroom-tainted perry.
Alphaville, ‘Sounds Like A Melody’ –
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P.S. I see Miss Rose has deigned to join us…
Barnet? Swoon…
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Have I played a Dusty track yet?
Oh – before I play my entire Dusty collection…
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Ah, Paula, with the Montand song you’ve reminded me of this brilliant movie, and – as I’m sure you know – the book is even better.
‘The Wages Of Fear!’
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All Dusty 45s now in piles of ten ready to load on the dansette – will play the lot unless…
You are warned, I have many more. Back in two hours – off to watch a movie.
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It may be communicating a brutally simple message, but hey, it’s funky! And it’s got an invisible moothie player!
Funk on Friday!
Bad Boys Blue, ‘You’re A Woman, I’m A Man’ –
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Aretha Franklin, ‘Rock Steady’, Soul Train Line 1971 –
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When Don Cornelius (presenter of ‘Soul Train’) died, a flash-mob happened in New York.
This isn’t some advertising stunt. Check out the cops – they don’t know what to do.
Hopefully, this is a wee foretaste of what our own independence day will feel like.
Here’s a wee bit of it:
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Lipps, Inc. – “Funkytown” (1980)
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Meco – “Star Wars – Galactic Funk” (A long long time ago)
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Hmm, “Originally not inclined toward pop music, Meco’s heart changed when he heard Petula Clark’s “Downtown.”
Brilliant music, thanks for the laughs. I’m handing out medals.
OK here are the results:
Gold Medal: BDTT for Sparks Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth
Silver Medal: David for Lipps Inc. and Funkytown
Bronze Medal: Ian for Baccara and Sorry I’m A Lady
The just missed out prize is for Paula Rose for her favourite song.
Dusty Springfield I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself
Thanks to all, I watched everyone of them, was entertained and had a good laugh in the process. Cheers!
Hope you are OK with this. My contribution to the Disco theme
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Disco circa late seventies is for wimps… typical
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Paula that was great, methinks you lived on the other side of the street.
Listen to this, give it 90 seconds at least or you’ll miss the magic. It’s the voice that is magic.
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Thepnr how the hell they sang that high?.Made me think way back to the first ever “Pop” record (45) my mother bought, and it also links into what Paula mentioned earlier re Dansette player lol.
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@Thepnr –
Okay by me mister.
Last night I got wind that I may be spending Christmas Day with my brother for the first time in over 30 years. It’s not definite yet, but if it comes off it’ll be a belter.
That’s why I posted the Bee Gees track so early, just after hearing from him. Made me think about Barry Gibb – the guy still gigs, but it’s so wrenching seeing him onstage without his brothers. Doesn’t matter how loaded or famous the dude is, he must miss them terribly, and it just doesn’t seem ‘right’, him having to see them all off.
I love the Bee Gees, and always will – they provided a soundtrack to so many lives, whether we liked them or not!
Silver medal, yes! I’m First Runner-Up! Hmm, that could be a slogan for Kezia’s gang.
And now, because it’s December, and Santa comes but once a year…
The Goodies – “Father Christmas Do Not Touch Me”
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Ian @ 10.58pm
Don’t know the circumstances ( your business), but that sounds good, make it happen, lifes short.
I really hope you meet up with you brother this Xmas. Mine sadly passed away this year, I miss him. We have but one life.
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Time Peake is a scamming conartist
Nae science, none, Nada, all gimmicks, tricks and state propaganda ‘being an astronaut is like being in the army’ – Jesus wept.
All PR, all bullshit.
Pilots are limited to how many times they can fly over polar caps due to increased radiation. At 36,000 feet.
Humans 400 miles above earth in space my arse.
People just keep sucking it up though.
“Now That’s What Wingers Call Music, Vol 1”
From Funky hits to punky Slits;
French kiss to a Jamaican miss;
Sparks will fly for the Hi-NRG guys;
From smooth soul to a Pogue’s tooth-hole;
Sarstedt’s histrionics to Goodman’s symphonics;
Windmills to space thrills;
Three men on a bike, all the songs we like!
Ah! Dusty Springfield got all her LPs in the vinyl and newer CDs for the car. Great voice ‘Colouring book’ is one I often play.
Dropped in for a look and have enjoyed all the posts thanks for the memory jerkers.
Can I leave these.
Disco Hmm!
Branigan. (short version)
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Heard this sung by the school choir tonight
Carly Simon version.
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ahundredthidiot, we ken that, dinnae fash yersell.
It don’t register at all wi me.
For every man I’ve ever met through Wings…
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Loved My Boy Lollypop, truly it was a brilliant reminder of my youth.
No idea what ahundredthidiot is on on about either but he is starting to get on my tits.
You listening?
Thepnr, cant speak for him/her but i have been there as we all have, “Frustration”. We see a clear path ahead and why do naysayers vote the way they do ffs. Letting off a bit of steam i suppose. Thank God for Wings.
@Paula Rose
I hear you, the words of that song, for how you say you feel were brilliant. I feel the same.
I’m going to listen again, just to get it right in my head. Though I know I got it right first time.
@ Paula Rose ah wisht you hud telt me you liked Lollypops ,ah keep a jar at the door of Maryhill Foodbank fur the bairns mind, but ah kin make a exception fur you n Thepnr VIMTO WANS lol
Everyone get on the Wings dancefloor!
Jock Scot of Yew Choob – “On the underground”
(Parody version of The Jam’s “Going underground”)
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Lolz here’s how Kevin Bridges looks at it,
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@ronnie anderson
Welcome back Ronnie. Where did you disappear to you old cnut LOL.
David, You asking?
@ Thepnr ah didna disappear anywhere ah lookin aw the time Im very busy with Maryhill Foodbank aw week, an a lookin at Indycamp at weekend .KNackered but still gon.
Al shows you who cracks the whip ,its no jist Paula Rose you,s know lol.
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Kicks off heels – bops to Yew Choob – flings arms around ronnie anderson.
Ronnie, respect for what you do.
Gosh – that was fun – love dancing with ronnie anderson.
Oh – I forgot…
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Back off babes xx
Warning – I have 50 Dusty tracks…
Mine – all mine.
Gone all weepy now…
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Let it be me…
The Rev withoot his beard,dancin
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@ Smithie, no, I’m not asking, not yet, too early, not drunk enough.
I have a foolproof method of knowing when I’ve had enough to drink: it’s when I find myself dancing & doing all the moves to this –
Black Lace – “I Am The Music Man”
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LOL been played before here on Off Topic. Though without the Rev association, I liked
Anybody Still Dancing ? link to
@Michael McCabe
That WAS a party last night, just out of bed and I clicked on your link. Ouch!
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Where’s the new page?
No ‘newer comments’ button…
Maybe it’s now a 1000-comment page, elsewise we done broke the thing with a flood of dodgy music links…
Thanks for the Xmas card Chic. Was wondering if I might get any this year
@Ian Brotherhood
Yes, we broke the darn thing
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Computers ‘dreaming’?
This is from the Google AI project, allowing computers to do their own thing with basic images. Some of the stuff they come up with is properly creepy…
This vid is approx 5 mins long – see how far you get before clamouring for the return of some old disco music!
‘Journey on the Deep Dream’:
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London Calling: How the BBC stole the Referendum is a book written by G.A.Ponsonby. The book chronicles BBC Scotland output with respect to the broadcaster’s coverage of Scottish politics and the independence referendum.
The book was published in April 2015, seven months after the referendum on Scottish independence. The cost per copy was £9.99 for a paperback and £1.99 for the Kindle version.
It was always the author’s hope that as many people as possible would read the book, which was the culmination of six years monitoring of BBC Scotland political output. In order to achieve this, a free PDF version of each of the twelve chapters has been made available for download.
I’ve read the first two chapters of this and it is eye-opening and mind-blowing, specially the revelation that the BBC is our state broadcaster, broadcasting the interests of the state, rather than being the “Auntie Beeb” we thought we grew up with.
Here’s one extract from the first chapter…
“Despite this, survey after survey found Labour voters were increasingly attracted to Yes. Now a survey showed Yes in front. Within 24 hours of the Yes campaign taking the lead in the polls, a pro-Union speech from former Labour party leader Gordon Brown was broadcast live by the BBC into homes throughout Scotland. TV sets and radios were relaying apparent pledges of Home Rule from the former Labour leader.
In his speech, the Kirkcaldy MP made a series of pledges to the Scottish people. Two key guarantees were made. That legislation for new powers would be drafted within a timetable set out by Brown himself and that these new powers would amount to Home Rule. Brown’s pledges were broadcast unchallenged. His speech was, in essence, a state broadcast to the nation.”
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Paula Rose once gave me a good skelping for posting a Gary Numan link.
I won’t make that mistake again.
Sugababes, ‘Freak Like Me’ –
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What a chanter this guy was/is…
Go West, ‘Don’t Look Down’ –
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So bit of a rap night tonight. Don’t just don’t look down on this one.
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Here’s a splendid example of a dude who has looked after himself pretty well.
Rick Astley, ‘Uptown Funk’ (Live, 2015)
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Back to sanity with the King…
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Sanity is like maturity: some people have it, and some people are working towards it.
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Reminds me for some reason back then, when I was in my first class commuter compartment heading for Waterloo with a punk band in the other seats. In comes the ticket collector takes a disgusted look at them, turns to me in my city suit and tie with a shake of his head. I produce my 2nd class ticket and pay the difference (you got away with it 9 out of 10 times). Turns to the punks and they produce their 1st class season tickets.
What a laugh we had when he was gone! Tears down cheeks.
Typing about rap…
When this came out, I bought the 12″ version. It features a rap in the middle, most of which was missing from the 7″ version.
It’s like they’ve gone into a totally different song. No’ bad for a ‘white man’ rap.
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Typing about Squeeze…
This is my favourite Squeeze single. Early issues of it came in a 3D sleeve.
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Just found this one by accident: link to
but this used to be a cosntant one for me, still gives the goosebumps: link to
mmmmm, dancing.
Hey, dozed off after tea and woke up to the intro to Strictly and thought it was a fantastic routine. Someone give me my brain back I mean, Strictly, seriously?
YT is doing that fucking infuriating thing where I click a link and it gives me a big fat exclamation mark in the centre of the screen – I can see associated links etc down the right-hand side, but can’t play whatever’s been linked…
What’s that all about?
(Just made that new acronym – can anyone guess what it means?)
Angry-faced smiley. ;(
The old green square back in old Maybole..
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That was easy Ian. Fuck Right Off!
You still compiling crosswords by the way
I like the rap bit.
Music, that’s what I needed. Passing through link to made me think of link to for some reason.
When you think back it’s amazing how much music changes your meme unconscious uncaring surround sound attitudes so you just don’t care. I’d love to see Indy won through music. It’s just sooooooo subversive. Like the music? Who gives a shhhh about anything else.
Harmony everyone..
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If wishes were fishes…
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Probably favourite band iswas Queen, right from when I heard this one pushed by just one radio station when I was working in London link to
part of me still thinks it’s their best, probably resent all the come-latelys who “discovered” Queen years later.
@Thepnr –
Yes indeed.
‘FRO’ could function as an occasional alternative for ‘GTF’, which everyone knows.
XW’s? Aye…constantly at it mister. Me is a bit slow, takes long-time doing that stuff.
Queen/Freddie Mercury were simply brilliant throughout. No matter when you “found” them.
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And I’ve forgotten her name, good grief. Bet she regrets it, whoever she was!
I can’t help myself. Nor stop. I love this.
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Right Jimmy we need more yeahs than no’s
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Feck it. 20 minutes of pure magic.
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Thing about Freddie Mercury was he was classically trained on the piano and it showed in his approach to everything he wanted to do, and did.
Anyway, time to get banned off off-topic, so there’s this one the kids managed to teach us to do at the time:
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We’re captive on the carousel of time….
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Dansette was cheap crap – mine was a Regentone and I’ve still got it up in the attic.
Get it out the attic Gus. Bring it along to the next OFFI meeting.
It would be awfie good. Old Farts For Independence
To independence supporters the world over, wherever ye bide.
I sincerely wish you all the very best for 2016 when it comes.
Relax, party and let off some steam but come back fighting fit with all guns blazing in January.
We have another important battle to be fought and won in May in our fight for independence. Lets aim to rid Holyrood of as many London gophers as we can.
Re-charge your batteries, stay safe and prepare for battle.
Meanwhile, i’m off to concentrate on some private legal matters.
See you all come January.
BTW, a special mention for The Rev, thank you for everything and all the very best for 2016 when it comes. Lang may yer lum reek!
Lets give the gophers the new-year from hell.
SNP x 2
Hoots to the bold Stoker – orraverybestest tae you and yours, and have a tip-top 2016.
‘Welcome Christmas Morning’ –
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‘Jimmy Shand vs 50 Cent’
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@Ian Brotherhood says:
‘Jimmy Shand vs 50 Cent’
Intriguing, dying to click the link but the missus is sitting next to me so I’m within beltin distance. Catch it later
@Thepnr –
Please do. It’s a guid yin. I believe the technical term is ‘a juxtaposition of the incongruous’.
Sunday Night Tickler –
Click the link and listen to the music, eyes shut. You’ll know the tune, but what show was it?!
Nae Buster Keatin’!
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Theme tune from ‘The Flashing Blade’, which I propose as a national anthem: ‘It’s better to have fought and lost than not have fought at all!’
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Here is a Bob Dylan song that more than likely be the Christmas Number 1. Not Bob Singing this version But still pretty good. Dedicated to all the wingers I have met and the ones I have still to meet. link to May You.
@M McC –
Good one, and I’ve seen it before – did you post it a while back?
What do you mean, it’ll be number one, has someone covered it? Little Minx or someone like that?
@ Ian B Yes I have posted it before. The winner of the X Factor has just brought it out as a single. Dissapointed Bob let Cowell Cover it. I would not give Simon Cowell permission to empty my Bins. Saying that the wee lassie who won has got a great Voice.
@M McC –
Cheers for explanation. Now it all makes sense.
Few years ago, the lass who won that did ‘Allelujah’, remember? Then the Cohen and Buckley versions charted as well, all at the same time.
Suppose I won’t have long to wait to hear this new one then.
Some of these YT ‘mash-up’ vids are great.
Stevie Wonder vs The Clash, ‘Uptight’ –
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“Keep Yourself Alive” was my introduction to Queen.
Mind you, the whole “Larry Lurex” thing bypassed me…
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Typing about signature tunes, (“Theme From The Persuaders”), anyone remember the signature tune of Radio North Sea International, who were broadcasting from off the Dutch coast in the very early 70s?
From the Les Reed Orchestra…
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Further info here:-
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Re RNSI, honestly never heard of them before.
Was it pick-uppable on normal radios? I used to find Luxembourg, and remember hearing Dury’s ‘Rhythm Stick’ on it, but wasn’t even aware that similar channels were out there.
OK something completely Off Topic. A video about a brilliant racehorse called Zenyatta. Won her first 19 races and someone made this video of them.
Trust me on this one, stick with it and you will hear the commentators getting louder and louder as their excitement builds. Funny thing is, I showed this to my daughter years ago as she is really into horses and was looking to get a job with horses.
Anyway, she helped deliver Zenyattas second foal at Lanes End Farm in Kentucky. Even got a picture, true story that
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If you watch this then you’ll enjoy my next post. Enjoy may not be the right word but I loved it.
Hi Ian B.
It was known as “RNI”.
Yes, it was pick-uppable on a bog standard trannie. When I wasn’t recording from Radio 1 at the time, I was tuned into RNI.
The history is quite interesting.
“The Labour government in Britain began jamming Mebo II’s MW signal at 2030 hours on 15 April 1970.
RNI responded with pro-Conservative political messages for the general election on 18 June 1970. On 13 May 1970, RNI responded to complaints about interference by changing its MW channel to 1230 kHz (244 metres).
This improved reception but was adjacent to the pop music service of BBC Radio One on 1214 kHz (247 metres).
Jamming followed five days later, causing interference to BBC Radio as well as RNI, especially in Kent, south-east England.”
“On 12 August 1970, Kees Manders, a nightclub owner involved with Radio Veronica, became commercial director of RNI. But RNI’s managing director, Larry Tremaine, said nothing had been agreed.
Bollier and Meister had invited Manders to start a Dutch service from the Mebo II, and offered him a directorship in RNI, but withdrew when Manders leaked the story.
A few weeks later, on Saturday, 29 August 1970, a salvage tug named Husky approached Mebo II at about 13:30. Accompanying the tug was a launch, the Viking, aboard which were Kees Manders with a woman and a child. In the studio, DJ Andy Archer interrupted his programme with appeals to listeners to tell RNI’s offices of what appeared a threatening situation:”
The quotes are from the Wikipedia link.
@ Brian Doonthetoon
I’m interested in the wings over Aberdeen.
Keep me posted
Hi Fran.
It’s Ronnie, Wuffing Dug and X_Sticks who are organising it.
Just keep popping in here for updates.
I’m not talking and I don’t care and I’m never speaking to any of you ever again and I hate you all and I’m going away for ever and I hate Queen and everything else.
20th and last race for Zenyatta.
Reminds me of September 2014.
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Here’s what the jockey had to say after losing. I know how he felt.
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@Thepnr –
That was fantastic!
My heart was going like the clappers. Races 12, 14 and 17 were just astonishing, and as for the last one?!?!
Great stuff man, cheers aplenty and thanks amuch. You must be very proud of your lass and I’ll bet she has some great stories.
Here’s one for Paula Rose, seeing as she’s in a strop…
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What’s pettit your lip hen? Needin a wee hug?
@Brian Doonthetoon
“It’s Ronnie, Wuffing Dug and X_Sticks who are organising it.”
Can you provide documentary evidence for that statement? I never signed a thing guv.
Ali G Interview – Jacob Rees Mogg 1999
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Here’s one for Paula to cheer her up
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Hi X_Sticks.
I’m sure, as an experienced Wings get-together attendee, your advice will be lapped up by Wuffing Dug and Ronnie.
Typing about them, they’ve been awfie quiet of late…
Hi yesindyref2.
Keeping with your theme – one from my tender youth, via “Children’s Favourites”.
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And a classic loco, for anoraks…
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Not much to it really. Date, time, pub.
Some little hitler ruled out the 23 Jan, so the suggested date was, I think, the 30th.
Pub and time were mentioned back up the thread somewhere. If fact were there not two pubs across the road from each other. Pub crawling was also mentioned…
Ronnie? Wuffing?
Not everyone likes John Martyn, but if you do like him you’ll love this.
Big Muff (live) –
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There are some that would say that this is the world’s very first Rock n Roll song.
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And this Martyn track’s just magical, something shamanic about it, especially at this time of year.
Includes Aly Bain, and other well-kent folk.
‘Don’t Want To Know’ –
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Bdtt – Xsticks – Paula
Sorry not been posting got pre-Christmas fatigue.
Family coming here, work busy, nights out, no shopping done – need to get my shit together.
Aye, 30th Jan sounds good – Archibald Simpson / Blackfriars combo.
Archibalds – your typical big witherspoon kinda place.
Blackfriars – small, intimate – a quieter ‘pub goers pub’.
Personally, will be sampling both on the nite.
7pm or thereabouts everybody?
No heard from Ronnie in a good while, hope he ok.
Slow down there girl
I said there “were some that would say” I wasn’t one of them LOL.
“Ida Red” by Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys, recorded in 1938 by a Western swing band, featuring electric guitar by Eldon Shamblin. The tune was recycled again some years later by Chuck Berry in “Maybellene”.
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How about Bob Wills and “Smoke on the Water” from 1945?
@Paula Rose –
What’s up?
You sound a bit deflated.
Feeling better now.
Just for you Paula and Ian. See what that last beer is gone, this is what you resort too! Just ask Stan the man
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Hi, BDDT, X-S & Wuffers.
Still here, tho’ haven’t checked in for a while.
Yep, I’m still up for a bash at the suggested venues on Jan 30.
But as I said to Wuff, I don’t see much Wings support in Aberdeen. So it seems kinda cheeky expecting folk fae a’ the airts to go to so much time and travel if we can’t represent the Hame team very well.
But let’s see if one or two ‘Church Notices’ slipped into the threads get a few more bites.
Aye, would definitely be looking at you, X-Sticks, for any tips and ideas.
Strippers and the like?
Looking through Amazon under books …minding ma own business… as yae do… …..and oh my God I started to read reviews by one William Podmore ….name familiar….on none other than Alex Salmond’s book…yae know the one… and also ZE Cochrane Diaries.
Surprisingly he only gave Alex’s book 1 star and The Cochrane Diaries 4…..I did not expect that…no sir I did not.
Jeezo he likes to Spread the word…..and Jeezo he disnae half get aroond ….man with a mission is he no…..he’s like a feckin Dalek…exterminate…exterminate….oh the negative banter…..Nil stars tae u podmeister …..yir reviews were boggin !!!
Where is Aberdecadent? Is it near Brechin?
I am up for Wings over Aberdeen on 30th Jan. Looking forward to it already.
Quinie Honey xxx
I could probably get to a WoS do in Aberdeen – weather permitting I.e. not blin’ drift. Will check back for venue.
Was planning a visit to Aberdeen end Jan to pick up some motorbike bits so will try and schedule that trip to coincide with Wos night out.
Wuffing Dug says:
“Aye, 30th Jan sounds good – Archibald Simpson / Blackfriars combo.
Archibalds – your typical big witherspoon kinda place.
Blackfriars – small, intimate – a quieter ‘pub goers pub’.
Personally, will be sampling both on the nite.
7pm or thereabouts everybody?”
Cheers WD – looks like the plan is made. Spread the word.
@Ronnie – This? link to and ye cannae whack Nitromors. Best idea I ever had was an independent Scotland
@Paula Rose – Oop norf dear, a fair walk in heels..
Look forward to seeing you too Quinie
@Lenny – I hope you’ll drag that auld wastrel Collinson along. Huvnae seen him fur a whiley.
Right! We’re on then!
Wings over Aberdeen.
30 January 2016
Old Blackfrairs.
link to
Cosy, good for meeting up, but likely to create small groups.
Diagonally opposite, we have…
The Archibald Simpson.
Used to be the Clydesdale Bank. Spacious. Maybe better if we are a crowd.
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I’ve started a list of ‘interested’ persons-
Wuffing Dog
Paula Rose
Quinie frae Angus
Lenny Hartley
And, of course, yours truly.
I’ll add to this as necessary, and we can confirm nearer the day (night).
Say 7pm as a starting time?
BTW, X-Sticks – I’ve nae idea fit yer on aboot wi’ the Nitromors.
Personally I find a combination of TCP and Germoloids works for me.
BddT – I’ve ticked the email box below, thanks.
(Fit am I lettin masel in for?)
Hope you can do some of your famous badges!
Hurrah! Will try my best to be there and very happy with your choice of venues. Blackfriars ideal for a smaller crowd and the option to cross over the road if we get a bit full is ideal.
Hope to see you there.
et tu, Brute!
Yer ‘On the List’.
count me and Irene in Ronnie (I’ll have to try and get the Sunday off)
Anybody like piano
this guys the dogs bollocks
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btw, I enjoy your early morning ‘reviews’.
So, looking forward to meeting you and the formidable Irene.
Hi Ronnie.
You typed,
“Strippers and the like?”
I guess this is what you meant? We’ve never had them at a Wings get-together before but I’m willing to immerse myself in your strange Loon ways…
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BTW: add ‘Pete The Camera’ to your ad hoc list. No badges without Pete.
Just had a look for reasonable accommodation in the vicinity and you can get a double room in Premier just a five (if that) minute walk away for £29. Hmmmm…
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Count me in, Ronnie.
It’s about time I met some of you jokers.
Lord Muck of Byre @fitlikemin01 just tweeted me that he would like his name added to the ABZ BeeZA list.
I’m sure I should know Lord Muck but can’t think. I suspect I’ll regret it
Haha. fitlikemin01. Mal B. Cracked it! See ya there Mal
@ jdman
I like piano – all kinds. Here’s Bugge Wesseltoft “Stille Nacht” from It’s Snowing on My Piano – seasonal. So laid back it falls off the edge.
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Did Ian Brotherhood once play this?
Black Lace – I Am The Music Man
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This is how you win battles against oppression. It’s done with sarcasm, humour and a wee bit of bravery thrown in.
This is how Mel Brooks took on the established thinking (racism) of the time.
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First two are only 2 min and 1 min long, last one is the best though 4 min, reminds me of our idiot media. Enjoy because this is how we win!
@Thepnr (10.23) –
‘Did Ian Brotherhood once play this?’
He did not.
Hand-bags down boys.
But I may have once played this…
…aaah! The Best of British!
Black Lace, ‘Conga’ –
link to
@Ian Brotherhood
Was probably me then eek
We are 15 – so far.
Last one ever from Blazing Saddles and if you didn’t watch the earlier ones you should feel ashamed for visiting Off Topic in the first place
This guy reminds you of anyone?
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OK I lied, I lied because this is too good to miss
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Guess you know now what of of the films that shaped my life were. We all need to get REAL.
Thepnr – BEDTIME honey, off you pop, busy day tomorrow xx
Night Paula xx LOL
Off to Edinburgh to spend Xmas with the kids, so just in case I don’t get an opportunity due to ‘over-carousing’, as those who know me know I am wont to do, I’d just like to wish all you lovely O/T anarchists an especially wonderful Xmas and a happy, prosperous and peaceful New Year.
It’s funny how the twists and turns of life bring such a bunch of disparate folk together. So glad I have managed to meet most of you. An unexpected but welcome payback from our fight for control of our country.
I know some have had their losses this year and I hope you pain is not too great and that you manage to put it behind you and look forwards to the New Year. It’ll be an uphill struggle to the May election but we need to stay strong and not let the british establishment wear us down. There’s only their media to beat now, the unionist politicians have lost the plot and are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Onwards and upwards.
Peace and love to you all.
Well done Colin for the Premier Inn link. I had been looking up hotels in the evening before I went to sleep and that is cheaper than the Ibis.
So I’ll probably be there unless we get loads of snow and ice.
@X_Sticks –
Have a richt guid yin buddy – will raise one to you this evening!
Put Rab Colinson do on fur the ever deid shindig.
Here’s wishing all fellow wossers a good Christmas and even better new year.
Bloody predictive txt sorry that should be Aberdeen no ever deid!!!
@Lenny Hartley
I quite like the idea of an “ever deid” shindig for wossers though having had this discussion before I think most preferred the term Wingers
Hi peeps.
Merry Christmas to all ‘off-topickers’. Here’s my Christmas musical offering – one you can all join in with, while quaffing your tipple of choice.
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And if you want to see something hilarious, watch this.
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When I showed my son this, he opined that, perhaps, they thought they were snakes. Thick, green snakes…
That last video was funny as hell. The Rev would love that. Cheers
I suspect your son may be right – makes sense.
Here’s a wee foot-tapper to help whittle down these hours of wrapping and imbibing…
Cheers all!
The Pogues, ‘White City’ –
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Get dancing an prove em Tories wrong Lolz.
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Up for a jam session?
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Wishing me old wings muckers a very happy christmas and peaceful and prosperous new year.
I wonder if I may take the liberty of asking you to spread the word about a fellow winger who is going through a bit of a tough time at the moment and is currently living in an old caravan without power, heat or toilet facilities.
Fiona looks after rescue dogs and recently came home to Scotland from France with the dogs having had digs already sorted. Suffice to say that that plan fell through and she is now living in cold damp conditions which she is putting a brave face on.
If you can help with her fundraiser that would be brilliant, if you can promote it – even better. Thank you. Fiona is in Forgue near Huntly.
Here’s the link : link to
Contributed a wee bit to that worthy cause. I hope Fiona gets some backing to get back on her feet.
Special thanks to you too kendo for that wee thing you did for the December issue of iScot. Much appreciated.
Have a really good one Ken.
Raising a glass to all the Wingers today, yer a fine bunch
@X_Sticks Thank you for your help. Fiona deserves a break, she never complains and is always upbeat – but nobody should have to settle for these conditions and having the responsibility for the dogs meant that her options for accomodation were severely curtailed.
@Ronnie, if you’re organising a WoS ‘Hale & Hearty’ in Aberdeen, you’re not a million miles away from our Fiona. She is digging out holes for fence posts to create a secure area for the animals at the same time trying to keep body and soul together. Invite her to the doo, she’d be delighted to meet with you guys. One small snag is that she’s no e mail access unless she gets to the library. She’s one of us – we look after our own. Apologies for the emotional blackmail but I need to help the lassie any way I can.
DM’d you on twitter…
Hi peeps.
Trust you are all enjoying Christmas Day, in whatever way? What would you say – I’ll ask, if I may.
Gonna do two posts here…
Just caught, on BBC News’ review of the year, that “Twinkle” died in 2015. When I checked on Wikipedia, she died on 21st May. I think I may have missed the news due to post-election result euphoria. From her Wikipedia page:-
“Lynn Annette Ripley (15 July 1948 – 21 May 2015), better known by the stage name Twinkle, was an English singer-songwriter. She had chart successes in the 1960s with her best known songs, “Terry” and “Golden Lights””
“Her song “Terry” was a teenage tragedy song about the death of a boyfriend in a motorcycle crash. Big Jim Sullivan, Jimmy Page and Bobby Graham were among the high profile star session musicians who played on the recording, which conjured up a dark mood with its doleful backing vocals, spooky organ, 12-string guitar and slow, emphatic rhythm arranged by Phil Coulter.”
Some big names in there. So, just for a change, here’s “Golden Lights”.
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Bought a rare ‘Tully” last night, because it has a TV guide for right up to Sunday. BBC1 is crap tonight, after Doctor Who.
Onnyhoo, I noticed that at 8.50pm, Channel 5 is showing “Chas & Dave’s Xmas Knees Up!”. This is well worth watching, as it features their old pals Albert Lee and Eric Clapton, from the days before they became known for their cheeky, Cockney ditties.
It’s repeated at 8.05pm tomorrow (Saturday), if you miss it tonight.
Here’s a preview:-
link to
And if you like to dip into ‘country rock’, search for,
“Heads Hands & Feet”
in YouTube and you’ll hear what Chas Hodges was up to with Albert Lee. Like this one (with a fleeting glimpse of Chas on violin, right at the start):-
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@Brian Doonthetoon
Chas & Dave ? I would sooner walk barefoot across broken glass. I had the misfortune of sitting through an hour of them, live at Rebellion festival in Blackpool 2 years ago.
Picture the Empress ballroom in Blackpool Winter Gardens with some 2,000 assorted punks and skins all singing along to “Rabbit, Rabbit…..” in their best cockney accent.
For a bloody hour I put up with it – all because I needed decent seats in the area above to see the Cockney Rejects followed by Cocksparrer to close out the Saturday night (my wife and 12yo kid were with me and we were all knackered on day 3 of a 4 day festival event !)
Bizarre Boxing Day Leftovers:
William Shatner, ‘Rocket Man’ –
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Ian @ 8.21pm,
lucky i found the off button or i would have to saw my ears off.
Please, gonnae no dae that.
This is much more soothing
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@Smithie –
Fair do’s.
But give this one a chance – surprisingly good methinks – you know it makes sense!
Leonard Nimoy, ‘I Walk The Line’ –
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As Monty would say,
and now for something completely different.
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Ian, NNNOOOOOOOOOO, i aint even gonna click it Lol,heard it ya bug**r.
I got two choices here, shoot ma’sel or you bud lol.
P.S Ian don’t even bother putting up “Wandering Star” by Lee Marvin. LOLZ
T’is the season to be Merry
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Might need a trim.
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@smithie –
Okay, I promise…no more Star Trek people singing. Not tonight anyway…
Here’s an interesting version of ‘Danny Boy’, as being listened to by Robert Shaw’s character in Miller’s Crossing. He has a unique method of dealing with cold-callers (not good quality but best I could find) –
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Err Em Ian please don’t be offended if i say i can’t manage your “Family Gathering”, A bit “Busy” for me. A wee bit loud lol
Heartfelt condolences go out to those that are in danger of flooding tonight no matter where you may be
Nah, Chas & Dave were fine live. Saw them three or four times at the ‘Bowlin’ Alley’ Students’ Union in Dundee. They were always entertaining.
If they could work in Dundee, they must have being doing something right.
After all, we ran Churchill out of town…
Yea Brian, but he was still a UKOK fucker in the long run, just like the rest of them, and that was what? 70/90 years ago?, nothings changed
Positive thoughts folks, WE will win
Motorhead, ‘Eat The Rich’ –
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RE: Lemmy.
I’ve always liked this one, from ’75 or there aboots…
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(Got the 12″, on the ‘Flicknife’ label…)
I find it ‘interesting’, that the BBC transferred both James Cook (he who pursued Nicola in George Square) and Laura Bicker (BBC London’s ‘Scottish correspondent’ – just seen her reporting from Washington DC) to the USA, subsequent to the referendum vote.
Perchance they had been discovered to be reading from the wrong hymn book?
Makes you wonder…
Where’s Cameron B Brodie these days?
Haven’t seen him around for a bit…
‘Broadsword calling CamB…come in CamB..come in CamB…’
Aye, it’d be interesting to see what’s happened to the new intakes BBC Scotland had for indy-ref…how are they faring?
Will we see some of them, in the fullness of time, replacing the ageing Bird, Taylor et al (whoever he is)?
That crop may, at the very least, throw-up a potential replacement for Jamie McIver – a more unlikely choice for radio would be hard to imagine, given that he always sounds like he’s speaking through one nostril.
This tune always gives me the proper skin-crawling creeps, but it’s still awesome, and would make a suitably impressive fanfare for Lemmy as he goes through the pearly gates (or t’other ones?!)
Andre Rieu, ‘O Fortuna’
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Jeezus Ian FFS. Your’e weird man lol.
Out of curiosity (if your married) what the fu*k was your wedding song?
@smithie –
No wedding song.
Gretna Green.
Pair of by-passing old-dears as witnesses…
Lake District for honeymoon, six bottles of champagne…lorra lorra laughs…scant but happy memories.
Ah cool Ian, my daughter did that also, good times/memories
When Paula Rose goes amiss, like a moody cat, the only way to get her back is to put out a wee bit of her favourite dish.
So, here goes:
The White Stripes, ‘I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself’ –
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Not exactly a ‘wedding song’, but one we were playing a lot at the time.
Reef, ‘Come Back Brighter’ –
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I can’t come out – it’s too embarrassing, that quiz thingie – ruined I am ruined.
Not bad at all, (never heard that). They should probably come down here (Earth) and they might sell some records
Ian Brotherhood.
Me and Mrs Ronnie have loved ‘O Fortuna’ for many years, but we’ve not seen/heard Andre’s version before.
I note it’s had over 31 million views.
Absolutely superb – thanks!
Paula, shush, we know you are only trying to make us mortals feel better. Thanks anyway.
Okay, so she’s still not coming out?
Let’s try this…
Susan Cadogan, ‘Hurts So Good’ –
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Wiki link, for anyone interested…
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Ah Ian, now that brings back good memories, youth/innocence/hope/invincobility/we know best.
Those times are as clear as day. Sometimes i wish??, naw prob not, but hey ho they were good
@Paula Rose –
(She hath emerged, but only sniffed at the bowl in a cynical style…)
Did you do worse than 45%?
If so, begone with ye, and never darken O/T again!
Only joshing!

@Ronnie –
Cheers for the Wiki link.
Not sure why that tune is so scary. I associate it with the mid-70’s, when I still hadn’t seen The Exorcist, but had seen The Omen, and it definitely evokes both, although it may not have even featured in either. There was a cassette-tape of it in the house, and I would play it when my parents weren’t about – must’ve felt subversive in some way?
And there’s something about the way the players all stand so still…waaaaah!
Still gives me the heebies big-time.
Ian Brotherhood says:
29 December, 2015 at 10:49 pm
@Paula Rose –
(She hath emerged, but only sniffed at the bowl in a cynical style…)
Did you do worse than 45%?
If so, begone with ye, and never darken O/T again!
Only joshing!
Well Jeez Paula good luck on that one Lol, get those heels polished
Can’t even put a link up properly anymore *sobs inconsolably*
Kicked off heels danced round room to Ian’s choices, collapse on sofa – put on spangly DMs and pogo! … …
Ach Paula shoulda kent better, no sweat, you rock
Hi Ian B & Ronnie.
You’ve both probably forgotten that you know ‘O Fortuna’ from this:-
link to
Sorry that i even had the audacity to doubt you (telt)
hi paula scared in a way to say IanPaula little finger wrap around, naw shurely naw Lol
@ Smithie Honey Ian and I go back a long way – we have had our ups and downs along the way – but I always have a special place for him.
@Paula –
I’ll polish the heels if you stay up for one more?
Nina Simone, ‘Revolution’ (live, Harlem, 1969) =
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Hi Ian B & Ronnie.
Going back to my post at 11.08…
I’ve been digging. That ad I linked to is probably the reason why I bought the album at the link below, at the end of the 70s. I subsequently bought the same album on CD.
It was the first (and only) LP I bought that was quadraphonic, ie 4 channel stereo.
link to
Sharp chap, you could well be right. I don’t know for sure that I would have heard it before then, although I had been into the classics for years.
But the ad had no effect on me – never drank ‘Old Spice’.
I was more of a Newkie Broon back then.
Getting late – feeling much better, thank you for your kind words – I’m off to play with my pussy for a few minutes then sleepy-byes.
In honour of the weather
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Hi Ronnie.
I never drank Old Spice either – in those days, vodka & coke was my tipple of choice.
However, I did find that if you slabbered Old Spice a’ ower yir puhss, a satisfactory proportion of ladies of the opposite gender expressed a preference for its odour.
Which was nice…
Brut was its equal…
If Thom Yorke rocks yer boat, here’s some new stuff, recorded at the Paris climate change summit a few weeks ago…
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Well, what used to work for me was Badedas. Nae complaints!
Hey! I just checked – apparently it’s still available.
Betcha Jools Holland won’t have anything like this!
James Brown, live in Kinshasa, Zaire, 1974 –
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…and definitely nothing like this!
Shooglenifty and the Dohl Drummers of Rajasthan –
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Bay City Rollers, ‘Bye Bye Baby’ (live, 2015) –
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Sydney Devine, ‘Old Shep’ –
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Someone’s gonny hufty stop me!
Fran and Anna, ‘Scottish Singalong Montage’ –
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This is ‘Last Call’, with ‘The Rev David Goodchild’ –
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Fulton’s final ‘Last Call’, from 1999 (Did he know? He says goodbye at 6.02)-
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‘Outlander’ theme –
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Happy New Year Folks xx
@Paula Rose –
You too.
Happy New Year all.
Fran and Anna, eh? Makes me feel five years old!
@cearc –
Fond bestest to you, yours, and all the wee birdies.
Black, ‘Wonderful Life’ –
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If you can’t dance to this, even at this time of night, you’re as well as deid:
Talking Heads, ‘Life During Wartime’ (live)
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Magazine, ‘Shot By Both Sides’ (live) –
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@Paula Rose –
I suppose, Paula Rose, that you’ve seen this already – if not, please accept it as a New Year Pressy:
Kilburn & The High Roads, ‘Vidiot’ –
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Aaaah, too late, too little time to get it all in..
But this?
Live Stiffs, Big Finale
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Wishing you all joy and peace in this new hopeful year 2016!
Another year closer to Independence!
Thank you Rev Stu and fellow Wingers for being there for me.
Put me down as a definite for wings over aberdeen!
Happy New Year to all off-topickers and visitors to Quarantine!
Re: Wings Over Aberdeen, 30th January.
No doubt Ronnie and/or Wuffing Dug will posting here regularly with the details to keep the info fresh. In the meantime; as usual, Pete and I will be producing ‘Wings Over Aberdeen’ badges, for those there on the night.
If you’re going, and you want a badge, nip over to Quarantine (link at bottom left of this page) and leave a post saying so.
I think the Aberdeen badges will be quite special…
Maureen, you’re on the list.
Details upthread at 23 December, 7.31pm.
See you there!
Wot – nae Doric?
I have reclaimed this post from the ‘/the-slightly-tubby-quiz-of-the-year/’ page, coz I posted it there in error, by mistake, accidentally.
Consistency of design, Ronnie.
We use the same form of English for the badges, that Rev Stu uses for his posts.
Previous ideas that got the bum’s rush were ‘Wings Ower Gowrie, Iye?’, ‘Wings Ower Weegieland, no?’ and ‘Wings Uvva Embra, Dentcha Know”.
“Wings Over Somerset” made the cut but I understand there was only one Winger and several separats at that get-together.
Roger, Bajeeman.
Ower & oot.
First off a Happy New Year to all that frequent Off Topic. I hadn’t checked in for a few days and just spent the last half hour catching up with all the links.
Ian Brotherhood you have excelled yourself
all of that was pure magic even had me close to tears at some points. Loved it though!
You people are amazing, amazingly different.
I don’t feel I can better anything musical that appeared earlier, I’ll try this as my new year treat to you all.
“Lawson goes bonkers”
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@Thepnr –
Hoots mister.
One way or another, an ‘interesting’ year stretches before us…
James Brown, quelling a potential riot on the night after Martin Luther King was assassinated –
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My God! My Fucking God!
Maybe Lawson wasn’t bonkers after all? I’d forgotten just why I hated Thatcher so much.
Now can someone please get a ladder and peel me off from the ceiling.
Ta very muckle.
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Ian Brotherhood
Another excellent find, I love this place. Their is nothing els like it in the world.
I just love the way we allow people who can’t spell to feel at home.
I feel @ ohm hear…
Hey Paula Rose you better apologise els your dead
Happy New Year honey xxx
@Thepnr –
Cheers for link to the Walden interview.
‘Strong leadership will continue.’
What a telling wee sentence, appealing to her core audience, who haven’t changed a jot.
I have relatives who (I now know) voted Tory in the 80s and 90s – curiously, not one of them was a party member, was ‘active’ in any way, or even admitted it at the time.
Those are the ‘No’ voters who did for us and will never ever change – they admired the ‘strong leader’ and secretly enjoyed what her party was doing, even when they knew (post-Miners strike) that it was ripping the heart out of our own communities.
I’ll never forget that beast and I’ll never ever forgive the ‘Scots’ – relatives or not – who voted for the interests she served.
Aye fell art hemm here *sniff* an ah pure loveyouseaw so ahdoo…*hic*
Anyway, we saw upthread (11.54) how James Brown dealt with a dodgy situation involving race riots.
Here’s how the BBC’s flagship rolling news programme, with its most experienced anchors, dealt with a quite-big one in 2011:
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What! Only peeple who can speel are allowed a quick feel in public?
Equal rights for non-spellers, or els!
Better late than never, Happy New Year to all.
Still laughing, but you’ve got to.
“Have some respect” Indeed.
This is not a joke, and I’m not losing my mind. You know that link I put up where “Lawson goes bonkers”?
The number of views since I put it up have gone DOWN from 7006 to 7005 LOL. Twats, can’t even get the manipulation of the media right FRO.
@Thepnr –
If we keep re-posting it, who knows? It may have no views at all by Sunday.
Anyway, good stuff the nicht, given that many must be getting a bit jaded…and delighted to see that you’re using ‘FRO’ – it may catch on. There’s plenty to apply it to!
Hoots, as ever.
This is for my very good friend Paula Rose.
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Bit late here but happy new year everyone.
Thought I was going to have a quiet one but it’s been the opposite.
Just starting to feel vaguely human again, too much beer and bad food – can’t handle it any more.
This Wings Over Aberdeen thing is really gathering pace!
Bdtt – nice one r.e. the badges – superb.
Just so everyone knows here’s the details again:
Sat 30th January, Archibald Simpson and Blackfriars Aberdeen pub double bill. 7pm meeting time. Probably better everyone meets in Archibalds – more room, then we could visit Blackfriars which is a great wee place just across the road.
I would post links but they never seem to work for me although I might have managed to further up the thread.
Hey Ronnie – how’s things with you? All good I hope.
I’m getting another dug at the end of the month, looks like I’ll have to re-arrange pick up after WOA now. Can’t wait to get her but priorities n that
Going for curry the night and there’s still beer left Hmmmm nom nom. Weather shite up here in Aberdeen so why not….
Don is really high, hope there aren’t more scenes like a couple of days ago.
Please add my name to WoS in Aberdeen
Blackfriars at 7pm ( poss. plus one,working on it :-))
Have always liked this tune.
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Or this version
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Or even this. So good I played it thrice
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Well folks, enjoy your wee night on the 30th January. Neither of your venues are on my top 10 in Aberdeen, but they are well known and easy to find.
I spent most of my drinking time in the Granite City in the dive bar just around the corner – The Moorings ! Interesting pub, with one of the most varied clientele in the city – not to mention a Pinball machine. Incidentally it was a Mod pub back in the 1960’s I hear which fits with some of your musical choices.
Have you lot all fell asleep? Ach, lightweights!
Always get a bit maudlin at the New Year remembering the thousands of good friends that I have marched with over the last half century on the road to independence and who are no longer with us. I dedicate this aptly named great record to them
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@Dave McEwan Hill –
Nice one!
P.S. @Thepnr – You still up?
Sumdae say something, what? Hi Ian
Richard Burton, ‘Court Scene’ in ‘The Medusa Touch’
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Richard Burton, ‘The Medusa Touch’, final scene…
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@Ian Brotherhood
I hear you brother, since we’re on the subject of actors. I’ll bet you didn’t know this guy could sing. Well sort of
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@Thepnr –
Soo-perb. Never seen it before…
What about this one?
I’ve definitely posted it before, but not sure if you’ve seen it – Harris and Peter O’Toole, out for the day to see the rugby.
Imagine the stories this pair must’ve swapped after a few?
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Gosh you peeps stay up late.
Is this where we remini–remona-, anyway, think back to our youth?.
This has to up there on my list (still hoping she will give me a call)
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Ooops sorry, happy new year to you all, may you all be blessed with good health and a free Scotland in the future.
Lolzs just getting the hang of this new year party doings.
Somebody stop me.
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This song only had 3 words to it.Think i’ve got it now.
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This is easier to learn with one,
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Marlon Brando in interview with Dick Cavett, 1973.
This is part 4 of 6, but it’s all good stuff –
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PS – HNY smithie!
Awe ra best Ian, cheers
For those with insomnia and also like to dance, this will keep you going to 7am tomorrow.
Gaun yersel’s
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Hi smithie.
You must like Lieutenant Pigeon – you posted it twice!
So you may find this mash-up I put together in the 70s of interest.
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Oops sorry Brian. Enjoyed your mash up though cheers
Brian, does that jacket of many buckles come in many colours or just white?
Breaking news.
A sneaky peek for winner of Perth races tomorrow ( keep it to yersells)
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Indulge me people…one more Peter O’Toole clip.
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Rev Stu tweeted this:-
“Dear Unionists, we’re all boycotting eating rusty nails.”
Somebody did point out that they are drunk, rather than eaten. I was introduced to the “Roostie Nail” by my first wife’s brother, in the Highwayman (now gone) on Dundee’s Hilltown.
In the early 80s, as suggested to me, it consisted of one measure of Drambuie and two measures of Glenfiddich. Actually any whisky works. I spent a pleasant Friday night making steak pies, while quaffing ‘Roostie Nails’, which were 50/50 Drambuie and Bell’s.
After avoiding Bell’s for decades, I actually find I quite like its subtle hint of peatiness, that other blends, like Grant’s, don’t have.
It’s a wee bit late, but, to all friends on Wings, a guid new year.
Ian@ 10 49pm. yea he was a great drinker etc but not a great roll model. i would love to know if he thought Scotland should be free. i tell you what, i bet he couldnt give a shit. Funny yeah but does us no good
Hi folks just popped in for a wee rest – silly Rev’s gone and been really daft now, I’ve got lots of lovely little yessers crying on my shoulder over on Twitter because they are on his list and losing followers or getting nasty abuse.
All the best Betty Boop
Hi Betty Boop.
Happy New Year to you and Jim! Yooz twa making the trip to Wings Over Aberdeen? Cearc’s found a cheapish hotel…
Hi Betty
A Happy New Year to you and Jim.
Thanks smithie and Bdtt.
A/deen kinda unlikely, Brian. Good on Cearc though!
Hi Betty Boop.
Only “kinda unlikely”? That’s promising! How could there be a ‘Wings Over…’ that doesn’t have the Troon input?
Guys i would love to be there, my daughter is QHSE manager of a company there in Aberdeen and travels the world( and a yesser) I’m just a bit shy, sorry
Hi smithie.
We could get Paula Rose to take you under her Wings. She’s particularly good with shy boys but her Wings work with girls as well – or so I’ve heard…
Betty Boop,
Happy New Year to you and Jim as well.
Not coming? First bad news of the new year,
What? This is Monday, Jan4?
Good grief!
Reviewing posts…
carjamtic (aka Brian?) On the list. Look forward to meeting you. (Plus one?).
smithie, Aw, come on, you know you want to, you’ll be amongst friends. I’ve not been to a WoS do either. As a retired QM myself, I’d enjoy a chat about your daughter’s success in her chosen field.
Alternatively, you could always ask your daughter to represent you?
The new year already getting too much for you? Gin not your thing? Well, here’s an alternative remedy.
I’ll see you there Paula.
The Weirdos – Helium Bar
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I’m so tempted to post an Electric Six track but know it will probably be misconstrued as homophobic. Bummer.
The Main thread on Wings right now is “Towards a better, kinder 2016”
In the spirit of that I’m reposting Ken’s posts from 24/25th Dec. I went to visit Fiona today and Ken isn’t kidding about the conditions. She’s surviving, but not much more. Similar conditions to some of the refugee camps in Calais & Dover. She’s now at least got a gas heater and a camping stove so she can boil water. No running water or electricity at her caravan.
Some of you will know Fiona’s work from the iScot magazine, the article about bees comes to mind. She has a plan to get herself out of her predicament, but is really in need of help to get her over this current hump.
Anything you can contribute will be gratefully received.
kendomacaroobar says:
24 December, 2015 at 9:29 pm
Wishing me old wings muckers a very happy christmas and peaceful and prosperous new year.
I wonder if I may take the liberty of asking you to spread the word about a fellow winger who is going through a bit of a tough time at the moment and is currently living in an old caravan without power, heat or toilet facilities.
Fiona looks after rescue dogs and recently came home to Scotland from France with the dogs having had digs already sorted. Suffice to say that that plan fell through and she is now living in cold damp conditions which she is putting a brave face on.
If you can help with her fundraiser that would be brilliant, if you can promote it – even better. Thank you. Fiona is in Forgue near Huntly.
Here’s the link : link to
kendomacaroonbar says:
25 December, 2015 at 11:23 am
@X_Sticks Thank you for your help. Fiona deserves a break, she never complains and is always upbeat – but nobody should have to settle for these conditions and having the responsibility for the dogs meant that her options for accomodation were severely curtailed.
@Ronnie, if you’re organising a WoS ‘Hale & Hearty’ in Aberdeen, you’re not a million miles away from our Fiona. She is digging out holes for fence posts to create a secure area for the animals at the same time trying to keep body and soul together. Invite her to the doo, she’d be delighted to meet with you guys. One small snag is that she’s no e mail access unless she gets to the library. She’s one of us – we look after our own. Apologies for the emotional blackmail but I need to help the lassie any way I can.
@ X stick’s would you find out and confirm if Fiona will make it to the night out please.
Don’t mean to be criptic and I am not the answer to her difficulties by any stretch of the imagination but would like a chat with her that shouldn’t be done online.
@liz g
Yes, Liz, she does intend to come. Not sure what her plan is for that, but I’ll try and make sure the gets there one way or another.
I did amend the post I put on the main thread when I realised I hadn’t mentioned she was coming on this one.
@ X stick’s
Well in that case hope to see you both there.
Hi peeps.
If you’re going to ‘Wings Over Aberdeen’ and want a personalised badge on the night, stick a post in ‘Quarantine’ (link at bottom left of this page).
Right that’s it no smithie then I’m not coming – I need a new winger to take under my wing, I like the shy ones – I make them blossom.
@X_Sticks, Thank you for making the time to visit Fiona. She was delighted to see you and was overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. You are a good man.
My pleasure Ken.
Have to say I’ve been underwhelmed by the lack of response from Wings regarding Fiona’s crowdfunder. I know it’s not a good time for folk financially, but even a little does make a difference.
Even if a few of the O/T hardcore team could help by pushing her crowdfunder a bit more on here (main thread), facebook and twitter it might make a difference.
Even if we can collectively get a few grand in the kitty there is a good possibility of Fiona buying a second hand static home from a local supplier which gets her out of the 6 x 12 caravan and access to integral toliet and shower facilities – that in itself would be a godsend.
If anybody has or knows of a cheap static that could be delivered to aberdeen area – or anyone with a suitcase power generator that they would be prepared to sell off cheaply or donate – please e mail me at kenmcdonald1(at)btopenworld(dot)com
Thank you
Thank you
Interesting article on BBC news website today. Basically a rant from former Labour MP Tom Harris stating that Politicians should be ruder to constituents. He obviously didn’t hear Brian Donohoe’s closing remarks to his former constituents.
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at 13.24
Have donated for Fiona and the dugs.
Must be hellish out there in this weather.
Will post on my Twitter.
@Wuffing Dug Thank you ! e mail me with your contact details and I’ll give you 1 month free access to iScot Magazine digital library fopr your kindness. Fiona’s articles are contained within. Same offer for any other Wings family members that chip in to Fiona’s fund.
Yours aye
Ken Ken(at)iscot(dot)scot
Thank you, will delve into the archives!
Got back in tonight to find your excellent magazine at the door.
Reading something of such quality in actual print is a revelation. I don’t buy any other traditional publications.
A refreshing change from staring at at a laptop or a phone :).
@WD Thank you !
Yooz must take part in this Uni of Glasgow research study, about the media, before and after the referendum.
Doesn’t take much time. Remember to put “Wings Over Scotland” in the “Other” box, where appropriate!
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Brian Doonthetoon 10:12pm Thanks for the heads up about the Study. Duly taken. And I let them know of WINGS OVER SCOTLAND. OH. Brian. Happy new year by the way.
Brian Doonthetoon 10:12 pm
I will be interested in the result!
Something interesting from last night. I put up a post ‘re Lesley Riddoch article in the National. I had to go look for the article before posting.
It was not in the top 10 for that day, 20 mins after posting it was top of the board. There are MANY more readers than posters.
Wings is pretty big now, mind yer manners LOL.
Released today in 1968 – Otis Redding and a certain seaside…
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Laurel & Hardy, ‘The Boxing Match’ –
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@Paula Rose
You B’stard one of my favourite ever songs, getting weepy now.
I hate being weepy!
@Ian Brotherhood
That was seriously great, all cheered up again
Thepnr Honey – the thought of you being stuck out there in the cold all on your own apart from those huge oil workers causes me sleepless nights.
Holly Shit! No fecking joke.
I thought yours Ian was brilliant because of the music tracks backing the action.
There are no music tracks backing the action!!!
I watched Paula Roses “Sitting at the dock of the bay” first then clicked on yours. Unknown to me the Paula link rolled on to the next tune and the next it was brilliant. So good I’m away to try it again.
Give it a go if it works your gonna be shocked.
Play Paula first, then go back to wings play Ians, pure class
I thought Friday was song night. Here’s a revolutionary song in it’s own way. I think it’s a great song. Defy me if you dare
Do remember this is now 40 year old. FRO
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@Thepnr –
Good shout.
Here’s one with Rod (looking a bit peaky, has to be said) on a show called ‘Your Face Sounds Familiar’ –
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