Ein Yolk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer
Posted on
September 05, 2014 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Santos? Really?
Santos? Really?
Let’s go further, Stuart. Ein Yolk, Ein Sheugh, Ein Futret. Have these people examined the faux scandi-pagan arms on a packet of Lurpak? More to the point, it’s also a bit like the RAF wings emblem. Jeezo!
I never got why the UK Independence Party is so livid about Scottish independence. Is this not a classic oxymoron, automatically making everything they say and do so silly it could be a Python sketch?
Wings emblem is practically the global emblem/badge for all flight crews everywhere too.
She describes herself as a ‘libertarian.’ I am certain she doesn’t know the meaning of the word.
(Of Wings logo – when you asked for views I was one who said it was an awkward clash of styles – free hand and origami – and rather too Teutonic.)
The nature of the enemy?
Is this eejit serious? Enemy?
What a complete buffoon.
These people can literally leave you slack jawed with incredulity. Are they even remotely aware of what damage they cause with such moronic statements?
Self-awareness isn’t their strongest point.
Hey, that’s cool.
A right wing wingnut knows how to write Wings over Scotland in German.
Give that man a bratwurst and a big jug of good German beer; if it’s not a bit too European for him.
I imagine accusations like these kinda roll off these days, if they ever did anything else.
“that nutter at wings over scotland”
I made the mistake of looking at David Bushby’s Twitter page.
Oh. My. God!
Some of the comments & RTs on it are beyond belief.
she cant get the logo of British nationalism right –her union flag is upside down
El Al flight attendant wearing half a wing link to finkle.ca
Haha. Your logo also resembles that of the International Civil Aviation Organisation, regulators of safe air travel – clearly another quasi-nazi organisation!
Jeez these guys are getting desperate now.
Yep – I got my Wings in March 2007 and wear them at flying club meetings on a regular basis.
Is this UKIP lady really being followed by Tom Gordon, James Cook, Andy Nicholl of the Sun, and other Scottish MSM journalists? If they are, why are they not reporting on her Nazi rhetoric against the Yes campaign?
@ peter its Flugel in German. The quatschkopf got that wrong too.
Google translate. Where would we be wae-oot it.
@Geoff Huijer
Yeah made the same mistake here.
Just shows how bigoted, narrow minded and xenophobic these people are.
Just away to have a good wash.
If that’s her house in the background then it’s safe to say she won’t be visiting a food bank in the near future .
I believe I have met this woman. Wasn’t clear at the time that she was off her head, mind! Oh dear, the Wee Blue Book – a collection of horror stories for our age! She should be accused of preventing those kids at Selkirk from getting an education, but I imagine she just wants their heads filled with UKOK lies instead.
That lot are a disgrace to any country when the come out with comments like that.
Hopefully it is picked up and she and the others are dealt with and made to recind those shameful comments.
They should be ordered to go to Auschwitz-Berkenau just to see how the Nazis operated.
The Media has reaped what it sowed when they gave UKiP so much coverage prior to the European Elections just to get one over the Tories.
Hopefully they like the BNP will be wiped out of the Scottish Political scene in the not to distant future.
The badge looks more like the SAS regiments parachute badge they wear on their shoulder.
The winged dagger on their beret but look at the badge on their shoulder.
My car is bedecked with Yes stuff. This afternoon, heading home from Irvine, a smart black BMW was a wee bit too close on the slip-road behind me, then drew alongside, parped double-style – the driver raised an A4 ‘No Thanks’ poster which was barely visible through the tinted glass.
I responded with a smile and a two-finger salute, whereupon he sped off.
A man of conviction, no doubt – so comfortable in his beliefs that he daren’t even attach the thing to the window of his precious car.
Typical, just like Germany 1933, look at those awful emblems, what’s the world coming too Caroline
link to express.co.uk
On the plus side they really don’t like the WBB.
It always amazes me how they love the Union Flag but never know how to fly the thing.
Guess they must all be in distress
link to tinyurl.com
When I’ve got my winged badge on at the YES stall, old geezers keep asking me what regiment I was in.
Rightwingers seem to think Libertarian means NeoLiberal these days.
Now is not the time for flippant, sarcastic and exaggerated remarks about the frenzied, unprovoked daylight egging of Scotland’s most respected MP.
Going back to comedy – have UKIP got any policies and/or a manifesto yet?
They are dredging the sludge…how embarrassing.
As an exile in Kent since ’76 (economic refugee) I have lurked for a long while on this site.
Keep doing what you are doing people…they know that they have lost the game.
However, their will be a shocking fast ball coming, be prepared.
Please claim your destiny on the 18th.
@ Major Bloodnok – you lovely sweetie xxx
fittie says:
5 September, 2014 at 10:24 pm
she cant get the logo of British nationalism right –her union flag is upside down
bfh—awesome call walofs
Actually it’s more like the winged symbol of the ancient Sumerians: round about 4,000 years ago.
Her tweets are hoot though
Caroline Santos @Casumptious · 2h
Vote yes we will gain a Mugabe style regime,
And she says stuff like “Crumbs!” I have heard since reading Famous Five books about 40 years ago, which is probably the kind of British Empire your average UKIPster longs for.
Sorry: there
I am pretty sure I’m not going to miss these sick, twisted individuals once Scotland is Independent.
Upside down Union Flag can be used a distress sign, so maybe not an error.
@Major B
Wasn’t it the Armani Division ?
Since when did the Wings logo look like an SS Totenkopf?
UnknownCollective @theunknowncolle · 8h
@Casumptious Outrageous. And the Waffen SSesque symbolism is particularly nauseating. This is a new low, even for the yes campaign
Even her followers are morons. The SS emblem was a deaths head skull for goodness sake. The SS went around handing out the Wee Blue Book did they Caroline.
link to firstlegend.info
And here, before your very eyes is the link…which I fervently hope works…but there aren’t all that many ancient Sumerians/Akkadians left to argue the point anyway.
Upside down Union Jack is perhaps Freudian slip? Hilarious.
OT Great set of Economic ‘argument’ debunks by Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp here
link to businessforscotland.co.uk
@ least the yes camp has written manifestos for change, and to set record straight.
ukips is; barriers, borders, more barriers, and even more borders.
sounds like a heavenly place, not!
with no policies to end corruption in uk politics @ all.
more like a fortress than anything else.
The Bushby character sounds like the sort of person you’d rather pull your eyelashes off than get seated next to at a social event. “I have very strong views on British Summer Time. Somewhat to the right of Genghis Khan.” Chortle… chortle… fnarr… fnarr…
A right gype.
Upside down Union Jack is perhaps Freudian slip?
An easy error more common than we think – because it’s design is a clumsy aesthetic compromise. The Stars and Stripes have it right when it comes to a memorable iconic image.
Then again, there’s the Confederate flag with its St Andrews Cross…
The nation is rising graciously and it’s a wonderful sight.
The stagnancy of deceit, lies, greed and self created status is being left behind and it feels great.
Scotland has everything it needs.
Others find this difficult………listen and observe, for they are growing ever more restless just now. They cannot hold their tongue and their demonstrative acts are typical symptoms of anxiety.
If anything the WOS wings reminds me of the Parachute Regiment.
link to en.wikipedia.org
Looking forward to seeing the faces of Nigel Fartrage, Santos and the rest of his loonies on the 19th.
They’re committing the argumentum ad Hitlerum fallacy – a specific kind of ad hominem attack. This is a sign of desperation when losing a debate and you have no arguments left – often dubbed the big red Hitler panic button.
Tony Blair tried to use it multiple times in a debate with Christopher Hitchens (who handed Blair’s baws to him).
We should all call them out on it with a wikipedia link.
fittie says:
5 September, 2014 at 10:24 pm
“she cant get the logo of British nationalism right –her union flag is upside down”
Ha ha ha!
That’ll be another bunch of undecideds coming to yes then.
Thanks. Keep tweeting Ms Santos. A grateful nation applauds you.
Grouse Beater
flags are turned upside down to signal distress, i feel that they are distressed, truly.
like they’ve lost the servants, they think they ought to have.
in a fairy tale world is the only way i can describe them.
bo-peeps they wonder round like lost sheep, flaying desperately from one sound byte disaster to the next.
Yolking aside, Easter 1936, the nazi party proclaimed that all eggs in Germany were ‘cleansed’ & ‘Aryan Judenrein’. Before Hitler’s rise to power, a quarter of eggs had been produced by German poulterers who just happened to be Jewish. So, I cannot laugh at perverse UKIP ignoramuses who besmirch ‘YES’ – a kaleidescope of inclusive ‘freedom come all ye’ – a beacon of civilised behaviour in an uncivilised world. Moreover, and most importantly, such gross flippancy is deeply insulting to actual Nazi victims. I remember reading Simon Weisenthal’s harrowing account of a nazi concentration camp; the horror summed up in this: – “The end was surely near. The Nazis killed you only when you were naked, because they knew, psychologically, that naked people never resisted.”
Perhaps Santos is on a trip and thinks she’s a star – Cassiopeia instead of Casumptious…?
As every one knows, play the Godwin card and you have automatically forfeited the argument
Wings logo looks like the auld Central Scotland Airport logo
Maybe O/T, but this video starts with the Union Jack. Bear with it, it is absolutely brilliant:
link to youtube.com
(My Generation)
‘Well, it’s nationalist, isn’t it. Nationalists are like hitler – he was one’
‘oh, hmm, really, you’ve clearly done some very deep thinking on this Caroline..’
‘call me Cazza, please’
‘yes, sorry, Cazza, you’ve done some deep thinking on this. What should be done about it?’
‘well, the books should be burned of course, and the leaders of the yes campaign could be held responsible for the spread of nationalism – they could be shot or something’
‘Really, is that not a bit extreme?’
‘For trying to weaken Britain? No punishment is too severe. Can you pass the caviar and HP sauce please?’
I think they are a lot more frightened by the content of the WBB than the Wings symbol on the cover.
The WBB has been out there long enough for a full and detailed review by the unionists and they still cannot come with anything better than “pages of rot”
Good of the enemy to let us know that enough WBB’s are out there that even she could obtain a copy.
Keep up the pressure – the dam is starting to burst..
To a fairer Scotland
Calgacus – you’re right. That’s brilliant!
Calgacus MacAndrews
Thanks for the link – very,very clever.
Has WOS signed a treaty with Angela Merkel allowing her to increase the size of the German navy without WOS consulting its French and Continental allies, or am I missing something?
Anglo-German Naval Agreement
link to en.wikipedia.org
Re Godwin
This is misunderstood
Godwin’s Law just says that as an internet discussion/argument/thread goes on, then the chance of Hitler/The Nazis being brought into it increases
It says nothing about losing the argument, that is just a custom. A bit hard on you though if the use is valid, for example comparing public works programmes in times of economic hardship or WW2
brilliant how they do it
Many British disabled activists compare the campaign of human rights abuses they are being subjected to by the British government today to the abuses suffered by disabled people in the 1930s at the hands of the German Government.
Godwin’s law isn’t science or anything close to it. It’s just a bit of internet waffle with no authority in fact.
the ugly side of idiot
can’t be her tweets
@Grouse Beater
It’s not liberty for all, it’s liberty for me, me, me to make squillions and pay nothing in tax because all government is bad.
A libertarian is basically an anarchist with money.
@ Heedtracker
“Even her followers are morons. The SS emblem was a deaths head skull for goodness sake.”
The german (Wehrmacht) army “Wings” was worn just above the right breast pocket, the SS had the same “Wings” but on the upper left arm. The emblem of the SS was the double lightning bolt rune and the death skull was for one of the units/divisions of the SS (Totenkopfverbände)
I’ve been to Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen and seen what they’re like.
Not far away from where I live is the rest of the “Adlerhorst” (Eagles nest) complex where the battle of the bulge was planned and executed.
UKIP, Fartrage, Santos and their disgusting little engländer claptrap have no place in Scotland. We have better things to do.
Jim Murphy says, ‘There is a dark corner of Scotland that is home to a very aggressive nationalism, nationalism that has no room for doubt and little room for reason.’
A man of acuity and wisdom.
Telegraph publish businessman’s anti-independence rant here – link to telegraph.co.uk
The full rant is here – link to harrisrush.com
How can I sleep when my sides are aching?
Similar pish has just appeared on the Daily Hate Mail; link to dailymail.co.uk
‘Calgacus MacAndrews says:
Maybe O/T, but this video starts with the Union Jack. Bear with it, it is absolutely brilliant:’
ABSOLUTE CRACKER!!! For a non cheesy party political broadcast this would be it!
I think any discussion that is about the 1932-45 era is excused the Godwin law
You are right that Godwin’s law is about the inevitability that someone will run out of ideas and revert to mentioning the Nazis. Some people go for it in their first post. However, implicit in the law is that once you have run out of ideas and go for reductio ad absurdum you are fecked.
Of course if Ms Santos knew anything about symbolism she would be aware that the Nazis added the swastika and oak leaf to the winged eagle of the German state not the winged eagle (the winged eagle is still the symbol of the German state) and that the winged lion is a completely different heraldic device and nothing to do with Germany at all.
That said a Kipper flying the Union flag upside down is not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.
What an asset to the yes campaign is Jeane Freeman.
After her performance with Andrew Neil I thought the BBC wouldn’t be inviting her back, but it appears they like her style
Is that a mattress in her garden?
Midgehunter @ 11.34 says, ‘Not far away from where I live is the rest of the “Adlerhorst” ‘.
And, ‘…no place in Scotland. We have better things to do.’
In what part of Scotland is the North German Plain?
This is the bitter, bigoted mind of the unionist.
Earlier this year, the people of Scotland voted the Golden Eagle as the national bird of Scotland, and as it is such an iconic species, you would wonder why anyone would question that decision. However, at the petition hearing, Jackson Carlaw, the Tory MSP, also compared this to NAZI Germany by stating;
“In the lifetime of many people in this country it was the last thing their relatives saw as they were marched to their deaths. It has been a symbol of imperial power of which Scotland is emphatically not, never has been, and hopefully never will be.”
As he has such a closed mind, I had to point out that the Golden Eagle is the globally recognised symbol of the Royal Air Force (and many other Commonwealth air forces), and has been used as the emblem for many RAF squadrons.
The WoS logo, although a modern interpretation, is strikingly similar to the RAF version. Just do a Google search for RAF crest, and you’ll soon see how similar they are.
These people obviously don’t learn from their imbecilic mistakes!
Aye,she is,well batted away when they tried to pull her up on that snp story,yes isn’t the snp,although they try to portray it as so.
I should have stated “although a modern interpretation, and obviously not an eagle…”
As the youngsters say “whatever…”
Couldn’t help myself when listening to two No’s talking in the local and went right up to them saying “guys, that’s not true, here have the Wee Blue Book”.
One of them said “I’ll have it” the other was horrified and threw his hands in the air shouting “I don’t want it, I don’t want it” waving his hands in the air LOL
We shook hands though before he left and agreed “let the best man win”. That’ll be us!
O/T but watch film or TV series ‘State of Play’ to see why we just have to win but how we could lose.
@ bluedog says:
“Midgehunter @ 11.34 says, ‘Not far away from where I live is the rest of the “Adlerhorst” ‘.
And, ‘…no place in Scotland. We have better things to do.’
In what part of Scotland is the North German Plain?”
Just for you bluedog:
Not far away from where I live AT THE MOMENT IN GERMANY is the rest of the “Adlerhorst” (Eagles nest) complex where the battle of the bulge was planned and executed.
UKIP, Fartrage, Santos and their disgusting little engländer claptrap have no place in Scotland. We have better things to do.
@Marco McGinty I have been asked several times if I am a RaF Pilot,when they notice the Gold Wings Badge lol
I know its ‘Verboten’ when WBB’s should be going to undecideds, but my Daughter is a huge ‘Doctor Who’ fan, so, massive thanks to Sylvester McCoy, a really nice guy (the 7th Doctor) for signing a WBB for her (and one for me) in the YESbar opposite the Horseshoe Tonight
Anyway the other 238 are going to go good homes tomorrow with a ‘read & pass on’ clause.
Big Thanks to Gerry for providing.
The reputation of the WBB is certainly getting about. A couple of Don’t Knows at work (but by now about 80% to Yes) have asked me if I can get them the WBB. They had seen the WBB mentioned on Facebook links.
I have their books on my kitchen table to take in Monday morning
@Midgehunter –
Good one.
Let’s all change our facebook avatars to the WBB, that will be fun!
Alan Cochrane in a desperate plea to save his job:-
link to archive.today
Bean an Tighe
racism what rubbish, i’ve lived here for nr 30yrs, only once has anyone accused me of being english, probably after reading the daily hell.
Personally the logo is a bit too Emporio Armani for me
should add a link: link to goodlogo.com
The whole article is outrageous rubbish – and the J Murphy single egging has been eggsagerated into ‘pelted with eggs’ Oddly enough, they aren’t taking comments on this article – it’s deliberately provocative.
@Calgacus MacAndrews –
Cheers for that link.
Poor Cochers…(sniff)…when will we see his like again?
In moderation ?
@Bob Sinclair, now I am jealous. No WBB and no autograph
ps Bean an Tighe
i forgot to add, that ended very well as the next day the guy came into the pub, apologized profusely and bought me a drink.
@ronnie Anderson
I’m not surprised Ronnie, especially if it’s the gold version. A quick glance at the logo with its outstretched wings, and any given person could easily be fooled into thinking it was aviation related.
I’ll bet no-one has asked you if it had NAZI connotations? Only the far-right side of the No campaign could ever come up with anything so ridiculous.
They have nothing left, except slurs. This NAZI nonsense, and the ever-increasing anti-English accusations, is their pathetic, last-ditch attempts to discredit the fantastic Yes campaign. However, they just can’t get their heads round the fact that the vast majority of the Scottish people have rallied behind hope over fear and truth over lies. One more push!
Going off topic, someone asked yesterday (Ian Brotherhood?), about photographs of the Yes rock between Seamill and Ardrossan. I managed to get a few this afternoon after a visit to Saltcoats, however the light was rubbish, so they’re not very good. I’ll be hoping to get some better ones soon, but I’ve put one on my Flickr page at
link to flickr.com
A nice, large Yes sign noted just past the Portencross Road junction at Seamill/West Kilbride as you head north (on your right), and a cracking blue, neon-ish Yes sign on the hills above Largs. Not quite on the scale of the Hollywood hills effort, but far more impressive!
‘Labour would win, Miliband insisted, giving Scotland’s voters the chance to defeat the Tories in eight months time.’
(from here: link to theguardian.com)
…and that can only be followed by:
link to youtube.com
@Marco McGinty –
The very one! What a great image. Well done indeed.
Best. Title. Ever.
@ Marco,
That Cessna 152 G – BNJH is the plane I passed my test in on 13/03/07
Some brilliant photo’s there.
Great. I was working on one of those but there was no way I was going to get it finished in time. A little bit of guilt removed.
Dispelling the myths – lies of the UK government
link to caltonjock.com
@Ian Brotherhood
Cheers Ian, and thanks for alerting us to the rock. No need to slam on the brakes, thanks to the heads-up!
@gerry parker
That wasn’t taken so long ago, so she’s still going strong Gerry. Cheers.
@Bean an Tighe
Thanks for the link the Daily Mail article must rate as one of the most disgusting collection of words yet used in the referendum. Disgraceful even by Mail standards.
Most of it reads like made up shit anyway.
No comments when I looked but I hope that some English folk in the Yes campaign refute their attempt to stir up hatred where none exists.
Quality – No campaign is getting ever more radio rental.
If it’s not been mentioned, if the war against fascism started in 1933, it was 6 yrs before the UK govt did much but plenty of Scots, English, Welsh and Irish went out to fight Franco. I’m not sure how many members of the Bullingdon Club went to fight fascism but I’m guessing it’s between zero and nil.
Anyone else finding this a bit off?
BBC online news:
Tesco plays down ‘Yes’ cost increase claim
The article includes Tesco’s reply to a customer inquiring about a NO leaflet, stating prices would rise 16%:
Tesco said “I can confirm that this is not true”
Is it so hard to state this in the headline ? !!
How about “Tesco denies YES cost increase claim” ?
The dictionary definition of ‘Plays Down’:
“to try to make a problem or difficult situation seem less important than it is”
Completely misleading for those who glance at the headline only..
Well said charlie. Not a lot of people know that yeh know.
Apologies if already posted,Little Ms Popular
link to archive.today
o/t but wow link to facebook.com
Have to admit, I handed a Wee Blue Book to a Polish couple at our stall in Killie last week and they looked at it with horror when they saw the emblem and told me it was a Nazi emblem. I had no idea what they were talking about until they showed me a picture on their phone which left me a little unsure what to say. I’m guessing it’s just an unfortunate coincidence, yeah? :S
A libertarian is basically an anarchist with money
Was Gandhi an arch capitalist? Libertarian does not equal neo-liberal, as someone pointed out earlier.
Perhaps the WOS logo is a metaphor, given the response you witnessed?
Daily Mail
watch words
("Tractor" - Ed)
("Quizmaster" - Ed)
("Tractor" - Ed)
forgot trash paper
not taking comments on article
ooohhhh Stu there`s a new one now you are a nutter lmao well ya nutter when you come up to Scotland after indy this nutter would like to buy your nutter self a pint lol
he’s letting rip. ( : > )
I went to the 25th anniversary service for Lockerbie with my silver Wings badge on my coat. I wasn’t thinking about it at all – I wore/wear it all the time because it’s a way of displaying a Yes badge without being obvious about it.
Several people spoke to me in quite respectful terms and an American lady gave me a brooch depicting the Lockerbie memorial at Arlington and urged me to wear it (she was giving them to a lot of people to be fair).
Now I was keeping my head down in a big way that day, not wanting to get involved in any controversy or upset anyone. I said little more than please and thank you and a cup of tea please, and I wondered why people were being so nice.
It was only later I realised that the Wings badge had probably been taken for pilots’ wings and people could have been assuming I had an aviation connection and was perhaps connected to one of the victims.
Oops. I cherish the Arlington brooch though, and wear it on appropriate occasions.
you know if you look hard enough at the British army insignia and cap badges you will see the same type of emblems being used in fact there is a commando cap badge that has a dagger placed between the letters S`S hows that for irony,the lesson these kippers should learn is you shouldnt go about calling others Nazi`s when not so long ago one of their own people got in all sorts of trouble for a supposedly Nazi salute that i should point out that he was cleared of wrong doing but it didnt half cause a stink.
I do though feel a bit sorry for UKIP i know you are all going “wit” but they remind me so much of a fledgling SNP all those years ago before they grew up and got rid of the nutters and became a real political party, perhaps they should change their name to EIP because after indy there will be no UK anymore.
OT Telt!
link to imgur.com
Haven’t read all the posts yet but had to respond to Grouse Beaters
“rather too tutonic comment”,
Its really quite simple, ,Its a Pheonix and over the last three years it has been REBORN, from the dislocated full of holes emblem of 2012 to todays new and whole Pheonix risen from the ashes,
Its an emblem to be proud of not argue whether its too tutonic, any number of emblems COULD be claimed to have been Nazified, does that mean we should not RECLAIM them back,
The Swastika was a symbol of auspiciosness for many cultures including Celts Greeks Hinduism, Bhuddisim, Jainism,until the Nazis hijacked it,
This is us
link to en.wikipedia.org
OT Double telt”
link to youtube.com
Macart763m says
“The nature of the enemy?
Is this eejit serious? Enemy?
What a complete buffoon.”
The difference is to be seen in the self discipline imposed on the yes camp through swift and terrible retribution from the msm for faily innocuous comments made by “cybernats”
while vile abuse and death threats are seen as “just a joke, cant you take a joke”?
These people feel (rightly) thay can say what they like with impunity, but you know what?
that “right” will suddenly and shockingly come to a shuddering halt right about the 19th of September, when people will be called to account for their actions,
And the best bit is it wont need us to do it,
the oppostition will consume themselves with internecine fighting, all we have to do is vote YES and get the popcorn in.
Mornin Cameron, another early bird?
Morning John. Yep been up for a while and think I’ll see if the Yes stall in the Meadows need a hand. I wonder if that rather odd commie supporting Naw will be hanging around so I can engage with him again.
You see what your mind wants you to see. A Biggles fan will see an RAF symbol. A Tom Cruise fan will see the Top Gun symbol.
Not surprised to see what UKIP minds think!
fittie says
“she cant get the logo of British nationalism right –her union flag is upside down”
OMG your right,
was there not a death penalty for that on the statute books somwhere?
Peter MacBeastie says
A right wing wingnut knows how to write Wings over Scotland in German.
Trouble is Peter the translation into German is
Flügel über Schottland
Major Bllodnok says
“When I’ve got my winged badge on at the YES stall, old geezers keep asking me what regiment I was in.”
What do you tell them?
The Bengal Lancers?
Heed tracker says
“The SS went around handing out the Wee Blue Book did they Caroline.”
Oh god dont say that,
they’ll start calling it Mein Kampf!
bookie from hell says
can’t be her tweets”
Eh , is she fit?
iclaire says
“Is that a mattress in her garden?”
Woohahahahaha give that lady a coconut.
Thepnr says
“One of them said “I’ll have it” the other was horrified and threw his hands in the air shouting “I don’t want it, I don’t want it” waving his hands in the air LOL”
I’ve had that happen, you would think their going to catch ebola from it or something.
Major Bllodnok
German spelling
Chairwoman? I thought it read Charwoman!
Thats amazing Calgacus, this has been reposted on Facebook, it will go viral, I hope.
Hate to think what happened to me tonight has anything to do with the referendum but… I am a 41 year old scot who has lived in Spain for the last 12 years (therefore don’t have a vote). During those 12 years I have not experienced nor witnessed any violence whatsoever. However, tonight I was in a club with a group of friends who consist of Americans, Italians and Swedes. Suddenly I had an English guy bumping into me repeatedly and deliberately, when I asked him to calm down (in a jovial manner) his friend suddenly smashed a glass over my head and the 2 of them pounced on top of me. Luckily I have some kung fu training and there were 2 bouncers who saw everything and immediately intervened so I wasn’t too badly injured. The 2 guys were thrown out of the club. I had a conversation with the bouncers as they helped me clean the blood and glass from my head and legs, both of the bouncers tell me that it seemed that the guys went for me on purpose. Everyone I was with say the same, it’s as if the guys heard a Scottish accent and decided to attack. Although I am completely in favour of independence for Scotland, there was never any mention of, or even chance to mention, this before they attacked me. For all they know I could have been a unionist but they attacked me anyway. I repeat that I hate to think that this has anything to do with the referendum and more to do with 2 english hooligans abroad but…1st piece of violence in 12 years? Too much of a coincidence for me, sorry.
I made this comment last night but its still awaiting moderation.
“Tesco plays down ‘Yes’ cost increase claim”
What an extraordinary and misleading use of language by the BBC. Playing down is not the same as denying or saying that something is completely untrue. The definition of “playing down” means to pretend that something that is actually important isn’t important.
What Tesco actually said was “there is no truth in the leaflets”.
I just noticed one of the tweets was from David Coburn “MEP”
where he says and I quote,
UKIP Scotland members are loyal unionists, they will be turning out in LARGE numbers to vote no!
link to youtube.com
The BBC plays down anything that is favourable to the YES Scotland side. If fact you will notice that they never use the words “Yes Scotland” which is the official name of the Yes campaign. And they refer to the pro Union side not the pro Scotland side.
btw As Labour will keep on about missing SNP MPs can any Winger check on how many Scottish MPs failed to vote in yesterday’s bedroom tax non binding debate?
Sorry to disagree James but the response I got from Tesco leaves you to make your own mind up about theri position because they clearly are keeping their options open, what they need to be made completely aware of is SO CAN WE.
Thank you for your email regarding the Better Together advertisement which made for concerning reading, I understand how alarming this must have been.
With regards to this, there is a higher cost of operating in Scotland which is covered within the UK currently. At the moment we are not sure what will happen if Scotland goes independent; there are a lot of uncertainties still to be looked into. Please be assured that we do have a great business in Scotland and our job will be to create the best offers for our customers whatever the outcome of the referendum.
Kind regards
Louis Boston
Tesco Customer Service
Fradge and UKIP should be in jail, for illegally using public money to fund a political party and breaking all the rules. This will become clear when one UKIP MP gets elected in the UK.
The reason for immigration numbers in Britain is Westminster Foreign/Attack policies.
Give Aid but do not invade. Pay the ransom dummies.
Fradge illegally using and abusing £Millions of public money. A crook and a liar.
The abolition of the bedroom tax by Westminster is a joke. A publicity stunt that is not going to happen soon, unless voters in the rest of the UK change their vote. The Bill will fall at tbe next reading, if there is one. (out of time).
The bedroom tax has been mitigated in Scotland. The most vulnerable can rest a little easier.
@john king
Well that is certainly a different position from the email that I was referring to from Sue Whitaker of Tesco, where she stated that there was “no truth” in the leaflets. I believe that is the email that the BBC are referring to. It seems that Tesco’s position is entirely dependent on which individual sent out the email.
Insulting the majority in Scotland does UKIP no favours.
UKIP members in Scotland are non existent. The most unpopular illegal Party in Scotland/UK. The only way is down.
Coburn the Glutton, illegally troughing on £Millions of public money, along with Alcoholic Fradge. Alcoholics make poor decisions. Drunk on public money. What a bunch of lying hypocrites.
One Nation. One Folk. One Leader. Is THE Unionist ideology.
One Empire. One Commonwealth. One Queen.
The Russians are wicked “separatists” In Ukraine, whilst Ukraine Breakaway is good. (Just talking about language here, not the rights and wrongs)
Anyone who opposed British Rule is a Terrorist, like George Washington. The British psyche has its own perverted language and rhetoric. They even call the Labour Party “socialist” for chrissakes!
They complain about a mythical border in Scotland. (cheap at the price)
Lets’ look at a few Borders supported or created by Labour alone.
Labour Friends of Palestine “forget” that (Viscount Earl Atlee) created the Border in Palestine into the Zionist State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Britain paid King Husain millions to keep British Troops in Aqaba, next to the Israeli, Egyptian Border and few miles from Saudi Arabia. I know I served there in HM Army and learned a lot about Scotland from the Jordanian, or Palestine refuges.
The division of India cost countless lives, placing Muslim. Hindu, etc, on both sides of the line. Labour supported the Border in Europe in the Cold War, plus Korea, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Gibraltar. I could go on. I hope they get the picture.
Britain and France carved up the Middle east after WWI, creating countries that did not exist prior to that; Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc. Africa was parcelled into huge squares ignoring natural boundaries like Mountains; deserts, forests, rivers, lakes, etc, mixing up tribes and ethnic communizes opposed to each other. The list goes on and on and on and on, like Team GB harping on about a Border at Berwick of Berwickshire. No mention of cross border cooperation in Europe and elsewhere. Nothing like Great British logic for perversion. Talk aboot “Nazi logic”?
The reason for the immigration figures in Britain is because of Westminster illegal invasions of other countries costing the British taxpayers £Billions and causing poverty in Britain and abroad.
Pay the ransom dummies. That would be too simple.
John King: “rather too tutonic comment”
If you quote me please do it correctly. Try “Teutonic”
I don’t need a gratuitous lecture on the derivation and symbolism of the Wings logo. The logo has no meaning for me. And my early remarks stand – it’s a muddle of styles and rather old fashioned in imagery. It could do with some attention from a good graphic artist. However, in the end, it doesn’t matter. What matters is, the Wee Blue Book is doing a lot of good in spreading truth, as this site has been doing for many months, everything achieved had there been no logo.
To Donald Anderson at 7.57am – excellent post, much appreciated. The Middle East is our mess, and we’re determined still to make it worse.
Anyone notice the picture at the top of Carloine’s page It reminds me of one of the old national front / BNP Leaflets
Some people have spontaneously said to me when I give them the WBB that is looks a bit Germanic. I always say like the RAF emblem?
nookie from hell
I read Ian Smart’s blog (not something I would normally waste my time with) and it was entertaining. He is saying that No have it in the bag and the last minute scare is just to sell papers…..don’t panic…..but don’t be complacent despite the fact that I am being complacent.
Lawyers think in different ways from ordinary mortals and it is my experience that, apart from fees, they are appallingly innumerate.
@ Grousebeater and John King
I thought it rather awkward at first too, like the Lion was wearing Kenny Everett style polystyrene hands…*
But it grew on me, and is the only thing I have on my thirty five year old leathers
*for younger readers
link to tinyurl.com
James123 says
“Well that is certainly a different position from the email that I was referring to from Sue Whitaker of Tesco,”
I think what needs to happen here is we ahem spit roast them between the two responses until we squeeze a truthful answer out of them ,and of course reminding them the choice of where they site their distribution centres is up to them and they can equally (in fact it should required of them) site distribution centres near to entry ports such as Rosyth no one forced them to base them in Bristol et al,(although its understandable why they did)
Did they increase their prices to the UK when they were still setting up these distribution centres?
There are plenty more retailers, do they REALLY want to alienate the Scottish customers to the extent they’ll shop elsewhere?
Good luck with that one Tesco, My wife refuses point blank to shop at Morrisons because of their idiotic insistence on using the slightest excuse to strew there entire shop floors with union flags,
the last (laughable) excuse was “to support Britains got talent”, I nearly pissed myself laughing when the idiot manager told me why,
the reason I pointed it out to him (I already knew the reason) was “why didnt your shop support the “Scottish” commonwealth games with Saltires which had a shit load more veiwers( worldwide) than a failed talent(less ) show”?
Tumbleweed moment.
Sorry bookie
Marco: Earlier this year, the people of Scotland voted the Golden Eagle as the national bird of Scotland
A lot of countries have eagles of one type or another. I would have preferred our wildcat as national bird. It’s a singularly fierce independent creature.
wildcat as national bird
That was a joke, in case anybody misses the obvious.
Oh, a joke and this early too.
BtP: and this early too.
I know, and I’ve not had my two cups of coffee yet!
Conan: thought it rather awkward at first too
To be candid, I’ve always had an issue with the SNP logo, its far too abstract, ‘kinda’ soulless. There’s a superior abstract thistle sits atop the early 17th century Bishop’s Palace in Culross carved out of stone – any graphic artist would give their reputation to have designed it.
I invoke Godwin’s law.
Yes has officially won the internet.
right, third attempt to respond to Grouse Beater
I just hope this comment doesn’t suddenly see the appearance of the other two attempts.
Now, as far as “gratuitously lecturing” you about imagery Grouse Beater if you HAD been aware of the real nature of the symbolism then maybe you wouldnt have used the word TEUTONIC (misspelled due to not being quite awake @ 05.00 ye unnerstaun)
a subject which was broached over a year ago when a new more joined up emblem replaced the dissasembled previous one, which when people doing exactly what you did equating it to a germanic style emblem just gave the opposition ammunition,
It is indeed about renewal and the image of the Phoenix is far less contentious than say the totenkopf emblem.
so if you want to argue semantics about whether it is a good bad or indifferent logo it is worth remembering we’re not the only people who read this,
again sorry if you took offence but please dont do UKIPS work for them.
Ian Smart is an alcoholic, who needs professional help, to get back some self respect.
Alcoholics live in an alternative universe, basically where is tbe next drink/drug coming from. Ian Smart should seek professional help.
@ Grousebeater
I think the SNP logo was designed for the ease of scrawling on walls rather than aesthetics.
However it’s been more or less replaced by three big letters now, Y, E and S
John: It is indeed about renewal and the image of the Phoenix
I made no criticism of its symbolism – I talk of its design a remark I made to Stuart way back when he first produced it and asked for comments. But good graphic artists cost fees, unless a pal willing to do a favour.
@Grouse Beater
“A lot of countries have eagles of one type or another. I would have preferred our wildcat as national bird. It’s a singularly fierce independent creature.”
Very true, Grouse Beater, with perhaps the most recognised eagle symbol being the USA’s Bald Eagle. Mexico and Egypt have the eagle as a national emblem, and closer to home in Europe, there is Austria and France, Poland (I think), and various Scandinavian regions.
I think I already got that from the “freehand and origami” comment which is fair enough, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that,
but the minute we start to use words like Teutonic it allows us to be taken out of context and it can be fired right back at us by people who do not share our beliefs,
At this stage more than any other we cant afford to allow a chink of light between us or they with work at it for all its worth.
FFS it’s a lion with wings
Its an interpretation Croompenstein,
not a depiction.
It’s probably been said a dozen times already but their ignorance of history is breathtakingly stupid.
Croompenstein: FFS it’s a lion with wings
(Tin hat on) The lion looks very scruffy, hairy, large heavy art deco type metal wings sprouting from its calves. Stylistically it’s a mess. It looks very militaristic – hence some unionist trollope picks up the implications and runs with it. No surprise, but then, the same did that with the SNP’s logo. No surprise there, either.
My leather is thirty this year.
Jim Murphy??? Ein ouef, ein yolk, ein fuckwit.
(Interestingly enough my auto correct changed ein to “win” every time!!)
Santos. There’s a guid Scottish name!
It would appear that Ms Santos does not likes Catholics.
link to scotzine.com
Cameronb says
My leather is thirty this year.
I take it you’ll be tanning a few pints in celebration then?
Don’t be distracted. Forget about the Wings logo.
All this correspondence on the subject is a complete waste of time.
Fireproofjim says
“Don’t be distracted. Forget about the Wings logo.
All this correspondence on the subject is a complete waste of time.”
I could not agree more Jim but we have to remember that when we here are agreeing with people like Santos it plays right into their hands,
the real nature of the logo could not BE less Germanic if it tried and its worth pointing that out, if we remain silent we only fuel their argument.
@ john king
Disagree. They do not have an argument so it cannot be fuelled. This is one of those things which should not be dignified with a response. Those who are convinced that self determination = nazism are not going to change their minds. Everyone else is laughing at this kind of stuff.
It should have been a Centaur.
( opined the Sagittarius)
john king
I honestly have no idea what I’ll be doing John, and sorry for being a wet blanket but we’re not there yet.
@ gerry parker
A centaur hasn’t any wings. Do you mean a Pegasus?
Ah, you did.
Fireproof: All this correspondence on the subject is a complete waste of time.
As I have said before, and no doubt will find occasion to say again, if making our own decisions once again isn’t about raising standards in every walk of life then why bother? And that includes aesthetics.
Our English cousins make the same ‘Nazi’ error even when discussing things they admire issuing from their own culture.
For years supposedly experienced auto journalists alluded to the dropping of the ‘SS’ logo from Sir William Lyons first company vehicles as his way of avoiding assocation with Nazism.
His first company was Swallow Sidecars – his logo: SS.
He designed sidecars for motorbikes. Having a natural, untrained ability in aesthetics his work soon caught the attention of car makers who commissioned him to design their cars’ interiors.
When he created his first, the wonderful SS90 and then the bigger engined SS100 (see my logo) he realised ‘Swallow Sidecars’ was a completely inappropriate company name to attach to (then) powerful sportscars.
After digging around with friends they came up with Jaguar, a name all together more fitting for the type of cars he envisaged.
To this day you will still find people referring to ‘SS’ dropped because of its Nazi associations. Myths are hard to eradicate.
Trollop – Trollope : there’s an interesting slip. Chuckle.
This website is called Wings Over Scotland. How about a logo featuring an emblematic Scottish lion with wings, perfect, let’s move on.
Sometimes I do wonder if some folks don’t actually read the post & studiously reflect before demonstrating their outrage in print.
This is not an opportunity to argue about the “look” of a bloody logo. It’s demonstrating the irony of a British political party that sells the idea that “foreigners” are undesirable, immigration damages “English culture” & Europe should be treated as if Hitler were still in power, while simultaneously accusing Wings of being racist Nazis.
But this theme of narcissistic projection is not unique to UKIP. It is the bread and butter tactic of the NO campaign.
Take almost any issue & the NO side will with seemingly no self awareness, accuse the SNP/YES of doing precisely what they themselves have done.
For example, the proposed reduction in Corporation Tax has been used by unionists as a stick with which to beat the SNP, accusing it of pandering to millionaires. Leaving aside your opinion on the merits of this tactic to attract new businesses & jobs to Scotland, Gordon Brown reduced the rate TWICE during his leadership & promised to do it AGAIN if he were returned to office.
The Community Charge of Poll Tax as I still like to refer it as, has been frozen by the SNP for mnay years in a deliberate act of minimising the basic cost of living for many people who find paying this tax a struggle.
Labour has attacked the SNP on many occasions for doing so yet made a public pledge at the last Holyrood election to do exactly the same thing: freeze it for several MORE years.
I could go on but the point is that the NO side still don’t have a single positive argument for retaining the status quo so fall back on the tactic of narcissistic projection, hoping that you, me & everyone else is thick as pig shit, unable to recall their own identical actions, pledges & commitments.
The peurile comments above by these UKIP members, are made in the childish hope that you won’t recall the comments by Nigel Farage for example, when he said he was gutted by all the foreign accents he heard on a train as it sped out of the city centre of London a few months ago.
James: Scottish lion
Stifling open discussion – I see no despute – on the pretext of misplaced loyalty gets us nowhere.
Incidentally, I’ve never taken to the Royal standard, the lion rampant – I’ll take the Saltire any day. It’s imagery is unequivocal.
STOP! STOP! Eleven days to go and we are wasting time and space on trivia. UKIP will be loving it, will make them feel important and convinced we are concerned what they think.
Aspen: STOP! STOP! we are wasting time and space on trivia.
Speak for yourself.
I’ve an afternoon footslogging leaflets through letter boxes and talking to residents I meet, probably a few rebuffing Nazi comments; then composing a new blog for the coming week. (grousebeater.wordpress) I think I have it developing the ‘Nazi’ slur from our dear unionist cousins.
Thos bloody Nazis and their emblems are getting everywhere, even infiltrating the story in the record about eggman.
link to i.cubeupload.com
I’m now so confused. Ms Santos says Scottish Nationalists are Nazis but her boss Mr Farage said during an interview on Wednesday “Salmond is a very left-wing leader, basically a former communist”.
Could someone in UKIP please make up their mind but more importantly read a history book. Communists were amongst the first victims of the Nazis to be sent to concentration camps. Which were invented during the Boer War by UKIPs beloved UK, also in the history books.
Farage: “Salmond is a very left-wing leader, basically a former communist”.
Yes, lies spoken thousands of miles away feeling safe from reprisal and ridicule, the craven little runt.
Murdoch was a member of his local Aussie communist party when young … hard to believe now.
Is Cochers perhaps clinically insane?
At last the Skye Papers Review last night had someone on who talk sense about Scottish Politics. Not a Scot, a London journalist I think. He praised Salmond’s political astuteness and predicted a YES win. The point was, he was well up to speed on Scottish politics, unlike others they have had on the programme.
Also, on BBC News their review had Jeane Freeman on a link from Scotland as a guest. Apparently the studio guest was grimacing about what Jeane was saying, but she was having none of it. Sorted him out on a fact or three.
Surely the UKIPers know only too well that the emblem is nothing like the Nazi one.
I thought all they had to do was to look under their lapels at the secret badge they wear for a comparison.
The Romans used the eagle as their national symbol because it was a symbol of strength and courage, associated with the god Jupiter (Zeus) who was their patron god.
Well, if you cannot dispute the facts inside, villify a symbol on the OUTside, of the obviously unopened booklet. Godwin’s Law by the second comment. They are unionists, the believe most strongly in the union! But they don’t know why…
My apologies. I must correct the glaring error in my first comment. Godwin’s Law is actually achieved in the FIRST comment – unbelievable…
She clearly knows a lot about symbols, the Union flag she is flying in her photo is flying upside down and so is stating she is in trouble.