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Wings Over Scotland

Diversification strategy

Posted on December 26, 2014 by

Wait, what?


We know there’s a lot of talk of the other Unionist parties stepping aside in order to give Scottish Labour a clear run in 2015, in a desperate attempt to stop the SNP from picking up too many seats, but this is surely taking it a bit far.

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    Diversification strategy | FreeScotland

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135 to “Diversification strategy”

  1. donald anderson says:

    They laffed at Einstein but they never laffed at his brother, Frank.

  2. …either that, or income stream generation, to supplement membership income shortfalls?

  3. john king says:

    I’ve got to say there are some pretty useful things on there.
    the dome shelters look good,
    there’s nothing worse than having nowhere to store you 747/Airbus
    and don’t get me started on those black widow spiders I’m forever shooing them out of the house—

    well I get Irene to do it actually while I stand on a chair screaming but that’s another story.

    I dont even want to speak about face remodeling,
    I got a face lift once,
    waste of money
    I had the same face underneath!
    Donald Anderson says
    “They laffed at Einstein but they never laffed at his brother, Frank.”

    It is oft said that Albert and Frank never saw eye to eye Donald I think it was mainly due to the fact Albert was 5″ tall and Frank was over 8 feet, but it does go to show the value of a good short back and sides. 🙂

  4. john king says:

    Now be honest,
    which one would you take home to meet your mother?
    link to
    link to

    Short back and sides every time!

  5. Ken500 says:

    What the heck. Is that for real? Say it is spoof, please. Completely out of touch. Check it out.

  6. Ken500 says:

    ‘Seven types of women men avoid’, on foam or spring mattresses. Out of touch Cycling, Botox Tories in hangars, who need a revenues steam or have given up.

    More Pandas than Tories in Scotland, It’s a pity about Westminster and the her Majesty. The abusive family, Interfering cousins. Make Scotland Tory/Unionist free. 7/5/15. Make history.

  7. cearc says:

    Not too worried about storage for my 747, they are fairly weather-proof after all. It’s landing the damn thing near the house that’s the problem, single lane bendy, hilly roads just don’t hack it and don’t even think about the boggy strath.

    If I find a venomous spider in the house I would just grab a hen and show it to her.

    Still other handy things there, face-lift or chair-lift, tough choice, could do with both.

  8. boris says:

    What, I wonder is she looking at?

  9. Clootie says:

    I think it’s a good parody of the Westminster Parties in general.

    They are more aligned with the commercial world than the needs of people.

    Perhaps I’m reading too much into it but I thought it was quite clever.

  10. Macandroid says:

    It’s clickbait – don’t look at it – aargh too lat I looked!

  11. Macandroid says:

    Oops one too few ‘e’s. One extra and I would be having a milky coffee!

  12. Macandroid says:

    As for “Using an architect when extending a property” – short answer – don’t.
    They make lousy foundation material, leading to subsidence and cracked plaster not to mention hordes of forensic pathologists, etc.

  13. Stoker says:

    Re: Categories List –

    There is no ‘P’ for Politics or Paedophilia.

    AYE, Scottish Tories right enough!

  14. john king says:

    Boris says
    “What, I wonder is she looking at?”

    Would you look if they were about to stick a needle in your eye?
    What I want to know is why you would WANT botox in your eyes you would end up looking something like this
    link to

  15. john king says:

    Macandroid says
    “As for “Using an architect when extending a property” – short answer – don’t.”

    is that why my patio slabs are all over the place?

  16. Free Scotland says:

    Has their site been hijacked by labour’s Scottish branch office as a way of suggesting that Murphy the Trident-hugger is more in touch with the needs of ordinary Scots?

  17. MajorBloodnok says:

    Defo the Scottish Tories’ website – look there’s an article about chairlifts and another one about dealing with pesky Scottish Widows. Wait, what?

  18. Free Scotland says:

    Just read the article about beautification. The English is about as weird as it gets. What on Earth is meant by the title? Remodelling the Face is Easy it is Real
    And what is meant by “the coming future?” When I was at school, they just called it “the future.” Were these articles swiped from foreign sites and machine-translated?

  19. AnotherDayAnotherBawbee says:

    Site owner – Patrick Joleys

    That name mean anything ?

  20. A wee bit off-topic here, but, I think it needs saying.

    In the aftermath of the Glasgow bin lorry tragedy, specifically at the St George’s Tron service coverage, the BBC gave prominence to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s contribution – quite correctly, the FM had to be involved.

    But, we again saw how Glasgow Labour has undermined the august office of Lord Provost, when Gordon Mathieson was the civic leader interviewed, rather than the LP. Then, we had a BBC interview with Jim Murphy. Not a Glasgow MP, not a member of the Westminster government, not an MSP. Why had he a right to contribute and not Ruth Davidson, who was also present at the service?

    Aye, BBC Scotland, the propoganda arm of the Labour Party’s North British branch (to paraphrase Rory Bremner).

  21. Neil says:

    Looks like they have forgotten to pay their subscription for their Web host. I believe it will auto populate the page with ads and random articles until they renew…

    Why they would waste their time and money bothering this year is a genuine wonder though.

  22. galamcennalath says:

    What a great Christmas present! The Tories are withdrawing from all political activity in Scotland, they have finally given up and pulled out. Is that rumour true that Labour plan to do the same after 1st January – give up on Scotland as a lost cause? I’ll be honest and say I didn’t expect it all to end so easily and quickly. 😉

  23. JBS says:

    It’s Ruth Davidson six years ago, getting the ideology injections directly into her brain to turn her into a Conservative…

  24. heedtracker says:

    Its their usual say anything other than Scotland running Scotland or they attack everything about Scottish people running Scotland . eg. Another UKOK day at the office for P&J liggers for example. They’ll have to keep it up for until May then see how it goes.
    link to

  25. handclapping says:

    Its a spoof, she’s looking left.

  26. BrianW says:

    That woman’s just found out the 1st prize she won at the church raffle is a lunch with David Mundel and she’s not waiting for euthanasia legislation to come into effect..

  27. handclapping says:

    but its not political, those are not Labour lips. Contrast with the photo of Stalin’s granny from 2 pieces ago. Or any of JoLa or JaBa.

    A little bird says they’ve given up on this domain and will be launching in the new year

  28. David Stevenson says:

    Heedtracker: Lib Dem “research” these days is based on scatter-gun FoI requests then pick the bits that give them the opportunity to get their press pals to batter the Scottish Government while getting them some press headlines. Makes up for having no active membership to campaign on the ground.

    Unionist politician-press symbiosis. As we saw though, it does have an effect.

  29. Ian Kirkwood says:

    Has wee Ruthie gone for a New Year makeover?

  30. Helena Brown says:

    Ah Ha, spoof, I looked up the Scottish Conservatives, they never call themselves Tories as far as I know. Got me going for a bit. Looking for money as well as members.
    link to
    For your delectation. Stu you are a very naughty boy, but I like you.

  31. Helena Brown says:

    Em I took the http out, oh dear, am I on the naughty step.

  32. galamcennalath says:

    Helena Brown says:
    “they never call themselves Tories as far as I know.”

    The term does have negative connotations to most ordinary folk!

    link to

    “Typically a member of the privileged élite, typified in Parliament by old-Etonians groomed for Oxbridge and further successes in their well-fed, cosseted, self-indulgent lives. Tories (plural) tend to go through life blissfully unaware of the realities most people face.”

    “It is derived from the middle irish word “tóraidhe”, meaning outlaw, robber and pursuit. “

  33. Grouse Beater says:

    How many Labour MSPs does it take to elect a Scottish leader?

    Only four.

    One to second his nomination, one to say he’s obviously First Minister in waiting and a great listener; and two thugs to beat up all the others until they agree to vote for him.

  34. ronnie anderson says:

    Ah hear that Jim Murphy,s tried that Botox injection , It didna work, wonce a Scrotum always a Scrotum.

  35. ronnie @ 12:03. That was brill.

  36. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    The approaching New Year looks very interesting.
    All the early signs are that Jim Murphy is a disaster and there is already a thread of reservation about him evident in the media.
    All the stops will be pulled out for him however – but this could just a soon prove counter productive. The Scots are a surly, disputative bunch when opinions are forced on them.

    What has to be understood is that the media do not need a Labour Party behind Murphy. Murphy has been chosen, not primarily as Labour leader, but as a weapon against the SNP – by those in London who have no idea about Scotland.

    I’ll give it two months before his handlers realise what liability he actually is.
    Then – wait for it – we might see Ruthie getting a big punt.

  37. Grouse Beater says:

    And so, by linking the ‘healing’ of two sides in the Referendum with a year’s grossly self-indulgent splurge ‘commemorating’ the obscenity of millions killed in the First World War, Her Majesty confirms the media excess was, indeed, a Westminster inspired propaganda tactic.

  38. Hoss Mackintosh says:

    Meanwhile back at the ranch…

    Holiday reading for you all – Chapter 2 of G.A. Ponsonby’s upcoming book…

    link to

  39. kininvie says:

    An object lesson in making sure you have all relevant domain names under your control…

  40. Bill Dale says:

    @Grouse Beater, please don’t feed the trolls, even the “royal” ones! 😉

    Have a great New Year when it comes.

  41. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    I just looked up and found out it is unavailable but no mention of who owns it.

    The suggested, as an alternative I could register

    smart computer.

  42. On the subject of smoothing nasty wrinkles, whether on face of woman or on the face of democracy, (so not really OT) the British establishment never gives up, never fails to push their mantra of how bad democracy is for us.

    Queenie said in her speech that it would take time to heal the rifts caused by the referendum. Funny, she’s never said that about a general election! And both are a normal part of a democratic process which supposedly allows for the say of the people and the will of the majority to win through. But no, the referendum continues to be viewed as something divisive, undesirable, a rogue and nasty part of the democratic process which really shouldn’t be allowed, and which harms normal harmonious relationships within families and within communities, setting those who wish legitimate change in a stultifying, dated system against those determined to uphold the inequalities and poverty imposed by cash-rich individuals and businesses that control governments.

    The Tories have upped the spending limit for the period before an election because their big donors and business backers have amassed for them a mighty war chest, ready to spend propagating whatever lies and misinformation will return them to power and ensure the cash-rich can continue to milk the system for all it’s worth.

    The queen does us a disservice involving herself in the democratic process, and insinuating the referendum was divisive. Debate and argument are necessary and healthy in a democracy, in an open society. To portray it otherwise is an act of a government cog, part of the misinformation culture that pervades the running of the UK.

  43. Grouse Beater says:

    Bill: don’t feed the trolls

    Haven’t read any, or taken notice.

    When not agreeing with another’s remarks, Bill, my posts here tend to be a toe in the water test for another essay on my blog site.

    And yes, Her Majesty’s comments surely moved a thousand sympathisers from the SNP policy of keeping the Union of the Crowns to becoming hard republican.

    And who can blame them? Since when did the Royal family claim the role of Protector of Democracy?

    Dorothy Bruce above explains with eloquence.

  44. Grouse Beater says:

    Bill: don’t feed the trolls

    Haven’t read any, or taken notice.

    When not agreeing with another’s remarks, Bill, my posts here tend to be a toe in the water test for another essay on my blog site.

    And yes, Her Majesty’s comments surely moved a thousand sympathisers from the SNP policy of keeping the Union of the Crowns to becoming hard republican.

    And who can blame them? Since when did the Royal family claim the role of Protector of Democracy?

    Dorothy Bruce above explains with eloquence.

  45. Helena Brown says:

    galamcennalath, Cheers for that, the amount of information you get here is truly astounding.
    Grouse Beater, I was never a Royalist but should I have been I would be clamouring for an end to the biggest benefit cheats ever.
    I do hope her grace saw a big drop in those watching her yesterday. She has never graced my Telly, and yesterday was no different.

  46. heedtracker says:

    So on one red, blue Tory, teamGB hand, there’s really is nothing to see at, vote No, move on, vote Slab, vote hero Murphy, an ageing billionaire nutcase in London sez we’re all in First World War but the Bosch are lovely now, so move on, long to reign over loyal sweaties etc, while on the other hand-

    “One of the most significant achievements of the SNP has been the move to restore free education in Scotland by abolishing back-door tuition fees.

    If Scottish domiciled students had to pay in the same way as their counterparts south of the border, they would be facing a combined bill of some £940 million a year.”

    The average(very)teamGB propagandist must be like being the little Dutch boy that stuck his finger in the dyke, although he did manage to stop the flood, as did their terrifying last two week ref Project Fearing did to Scotland. Can Project Fear 2 save Slab? Another long hideous 5 months of too small, poor, you dont exist anyway stupid Scots, UKOK, all farting out of bloated Pacific Quay by the minute.

  47. wee_monsieur says:

    Looks as if they’ve been hacked. Anyone we know, Stu? 😉

  48. Fran says:

    Priceless piece in the Sun today, page 2( couldn’t find a National and wondered what the propaganda machine was churning out) . How great the UK economy is doing, now 5th in the world but further on in the article it states that it was possible that the british economy was boosted by drugs and prostitution! I couldn’t stop laughing. The basis of the empire still goes on. Hope the No voters are sitting all proud today knowing that their lives are possible because of war, drugs, prostitution and people trafficking. That really puts the great into britian!

  49. PictAtRandom says:

    “Free Scotland says:
    26 December, 2014 at 9:11 am

    Just read the article about beautification. The English is about as weird as it gets. What on Earth is meant by the title? Remodelling the Face is Easy it is Real”

    “Scottish” Tories set a precedent by saying that people need their face changed. 😉

  50. starlaw says:

    Two finance experts on telly the other night were forecasting big trouble ahead for the £ sterling. This will be caused by imports being double our exports. This could be very interesting.

  51. thomaspotter2014 says:

    Hope you all had a cool yule and will have a Happy New Year.

    I think it would be a great idea if the National ran with the ‘How the BBC stole the referendum’ with G.A.Ponsonby’s permission.

    The depths these scum will go to ,and already have been to,needs put out to a much wider audience,and we’re going to need all the help we can get.

    They know they are in deep shit and will try to screw us over any way they can.

    They have shown their hand that they can collectively become one at any given moment.BBC,MEDIA,STV CH4/5 every newspaper in Britain-except National

  52. boris says:

    Enjoy an afternoon or evening viewing Spud Murphy hanging himself on video.

    For the body watchers, watch his eyes to see when he lies.

    Must be around 30 vids.

    link to

  53. thomaspotter2014 says:

    Hope you all had a cool yule and will have a Happy New Year.

    I think it would be a great idea if the National ran with the ‘How the BBC stole the referendum’ with G.A.Ponsonby’s permission.

    The depths these scum will go to ,and already have been to,needs put out to a much wider audience,and we’re going to need all the help we can get.

    They know they are in deep shit and will try to screw us over any way they can.

    They have shown their hand that they can collectively become one at any given moment.

    BBC,MEDIA,STV CH4/5 every newspaper in Britain-except National and Sunday Herald.

    All manipulated and controlled to enforce the perpetuation of the crock of SHIT system we have to live with?

    This is NOT over and we just need to focus on doing what we do best-especially on this site- which is to expose these bastards for what they are and get as many SNP MP’s into the toilet of Westminster with a big bottle of DOMESTOS in their hands

    Then we can truly say-HAPPY NEW YEAR.

  54. BJ says:

    “Remodelling the face is Easy it is Real” ….Ahh but not only the Tories who are into remodelling. Labour appear to remodel and ignore their own rule book regarding tactical voting to keep the SNP out.

    Taken from the Labour Rule Book:-

    B. A member of the party who joins and/ or supports a political organisation other than an official Labour group or other unit of the party, or supports any candidate who stands against an official Labour candidate, or publicly declares their intent to stand against a Labour candidate, shall automatically be ineligible to be or remain a party member, subject to the provisions of Chapter 6.I.2 below of the disciplinary rules.

  55. galamcennalath says:

    @Dorothy Bruce

    You make a very good point. It’s easy for us now to see the big rift in society (in Scotland) as being between Yes an No, but not so long ago the rift between Lab and Con was the biggie. Now we see Lab and Con as being almost indistinguishable. There used to be real divisions between Lab and Con but I don’t remember anyone, far less Lizzie Windsor herself, jumping up and down saying the political process was divisive and required urgent healing.

    When there are big issues, people become polarised. Resolving it through debate and the democratic process is normal.

    Aye, but let’s face it, the Unionists aren’t concerned about a divided society, they are concerned that the side they aren’t part of might come out on top! It IS the democratic process they have a problem with!

  56. msean says:

    Looks like the Tories have all upped sticks and left. They all joined Labour no doubt.

  57. Tam Jardine says:

    This article led to me looking at the other Scottish Conservatives site – not sure if this has been covered but it fairly plumbs the depths.

    link to

    When Ruth states that the SNP’s position on oil and gas (which to me seemed to me like absolute commonsense and still does) was “the worst kind of deceit to try and bribe voters before the referendum” you can almost imagine John McTernan having written her script.

    The Yes campaign was never built on oil and gas – it did sensibly suggest that oil and gas were not a disadvantage and Scotland would manage perfectly well looking after the industry and would reap the taxation currently swallowed by Westminster.

    The Yes campaign sensibly suggested the industry was one string on this country’s bow and defended the industry from constant attack from labour and conservatives – both parties proved to have deceived Scotland on her oil wealth for thirty years.

    The current difficulties on price have zero to do with the strength of the industry and everything to do with the UK being almost uniquely unable to call on the reserves of an oil fund to see out this period of artificially low prices. For ‘broad shoulders’ read sloping shoulders.

    Apart from anything, were her claims correct (which they are not) and this was the worst kind of deception, would she also concede that voters were bribed with promises of extensive new powers that fall far short of ‘extensive’ in any rational judgement and that this would come into the same category?

    Where does illegally sampling of ballot papers rank up in the echelons of evil? Or voting for the bedroom tax? Or putting renewing trident first during this age of austerity?

    The big, frequently told lie hardly requires dissection as Stu has covered it extensively but it is strange reading an intelligent person stating that:

    “As today’s analysis shows, had Scotland voted the other way on September 18, we would now be facing up to financial meltdown.” when we would clearly be doing no such thing. The broad shoulders and deep pockets of the UK treasury would be ‘looking after’ the oil and gas industry for another 15 months.

    The philosophy seems similar to the 3rd reich: ‘If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.’

  58. Gallowglass says:

    This isn’t the Scottish Conservative party website, btw.

    As for the Queen’s speech, not heard it not interested in it but not suprising really. Of course political divide in a legitimate democratic campaign is the same as religious and political violence and civil war.

    Won’t all detractors please sit down and shut up.

    I’m sure it’ll work.

  59. Tam Jardine says:


    I watched the queen’s PPB and she was big on reconciliation – which means her rebellious subjects need to reconcile themselves with defeat and the status quo in perpetuity. She should have prostrated herself and offered an abject apology to Scotland for interfering in the democratic process by doing the Westminster establishment’s bidding rather than remain impartial. And thanked the country for their continued largesse in 2014.

    But that’s not really how the UK works.

  60. Ken500 says:

    The increase of student fees costs a (borrowed) £6Billion a year + interest payments. £3Billion they will never get back but will be hanging over people’s heads forever. What a start in life.

    ConDems elected to protect Education/NHS cut them both, and gave the wealthy tax breaks and concessions. The Tories always change face and lie.

  61. Thepnr says:


    There’s a good reason the £ might well be in big trouble before long and is explained nicely here.

    link to

    The UK has not one deficit but two. A budget deficit that we hear about all the time and a current account deficit that is never talked of. Until now it seems as it is at a record amount.

    An iScotland would have had a current account surplus as we export more than is imported, including oil and electricity to the rUK. They would have been in deeper shit had Scotland said Yes.

    Just part of the reason for the panic.

  62. Ken500 says:

    The worst kind of conceit on Oil & Gas is the Westminster is ConDem policy of increasing Oil taxes 11% (£2Billion) a year in 2011 Budget, cutting exploration. Killing the goose that laid the Golden egg. Ignorance. Losing Scotland £4Billion+ a year. There is major tax evasion through the City of London losing Scotland £Billions.

    Ruth Davidson is totally ignorant.

  63. Natasha says:

    @Hoss Mackintosh 12.31pm
    Thanks for that link, Hoss; added my mite to the fundraiser.

  64. heedtracker says:

    YES had to cope with a lot of UKOK nonsense, well relentless ukok nonsense, but the fact is Scotland has at least 24 billion barrels of oil reserves. That’s a figure routinely farted out by BBC propaganda so its probably double that.

    One truly great BBCteamGB propaganda/brainwashing triumph against Scotland actually running Scotland, was their demand that we all believe them when they say 24 bn barrels of oil was a v v v bad thing, so vote NO.

    24bn X $60 = $1440,000,000,000 or a lot of money to watch pissed away on Trident or HS2 or whatever else our imperial masters decided has to be spent in England. Fair enough, BP, City boys etc pocket say a trillion dollars of it all but even so, its clear why they were crapping themselves. How to even to begin to pay off now rather wealthy Blair, Brown, the Flippers teamGB debt mountain for starters?

  65. K1 says:

    Just to reiterate G A Ponsonby’s revelatory book and it’s need for cash. 4 days to go, standing at 79%. Let’s see if we can get him/her the money to get this out there…shower of f**kin’ bastards the lot of them.

    link to

    Chapter 2, as mentioned by another poster earlier:

    link to

  66. heedtracker says:

    I’m saying BBC’s Scots oil industry terrible burden propaganda victory only but rancid old Guardian’s Libby Carrrell put an awful of thought into convincing us to fear and loath our own resources eg. a Graun cracker from August,

    “SNP accused of exaggerating North Sea oil reserves by up to 60%
    Oil tycoon Sir Ian Wood says reserves will decline sharply within 15 years, raising questions about future Scottish economy”

    Graun also raged over stuff like Scots oil is far more poluting than lovely safe and secure UK oil and so on. Libby Carrell made Project Fear campaigning look easy but they are the finest journalists in the world.

  67. Aucheorn says:

    wee_monsieur 1:26

    Here are the Registrant’s detail from Nominet Register

    Domain name:

    IQ Channels Private Ltd

    Registrant type:
    Non-UK Corporation

    Registrant’s address:
    Plot No. 27, Road No 3
    Banjara Hills
    500034. A. P.

    Data validation:
    Registrant contact details validated by Nominet on 10-Dec-2012

    Patrick Joleys t/a IQ Channels Ltd [Tag = INTERNET4]

    Relevant dates:
    Registered on: 11-Mar-2010
    Expiry date: 11-Mar-2016
    Last updated: 03-Mar-2014

    Registration status:
    Registered until expiry date.

    Name servers:

    WHOIS lookup made at 08:43:51 26-Dec-2014

  68. Roboscot says:

    If Stuart is prepared to organise I would happily contribute to a crowdfunded opinion poll on the popularity of the monarchy in Scotland.

  69. Lollysmum says:

    Aucheorn & Wee_monsieur
    The companies address is:

    IQ Channels
    111 Buckingham Palace Road, Victoria,
    London, SW1W 0SR.
    Phone: 0844 683 5000,

    Starting to make some sense now!Amazing how all these social media marketing companies seem to be sited on Buck Pal Rd. Think I’ll have to go & see if I can find it after New Year-maybe just a brass plate on a wall.

  70. joe kane says:

    I can’t seem to find any articles or categories for “Unionist implants” so popular amongst the management at BBC Scotland, Pravda Quay, Glasgow, especially during its independence referendum debates. I hear you can get them free on the TV Licence Fee.

    Pity there is nothing on Galloway botox make-overs (uses industrial strength McTernan rat poison) which are ideal for all sorts of different audiences you might want to exploit for the purposes of money-making, populist celebrity reasons. In Ireland they can make you look like an anti-British supporter of Irish independence. In England you can be made to appear a real anti-establishment, radical, firebrand supporting Cuban-Palestinian-Irish-Iraqi nationalism. In Scotland they just make you look like a reactionary, tory-supporting, Farage-loving, British nationalist plonker in stupid black hat.

  71. Lollysmum says:

    Re North Sea Oil
    Without the oil deposits, rUK is bankrupt & WM knows it.Why do you think WM fought such a dirty campaign during the referendum?

    Those deposits are considered by foreign investors as collateral against default on UK debts.Without it, ratings agencies like Standard & Poors, Moody’s etc would assign a junk status to rUK.

    UK doesn’t pay it’s debts, it just borrows more to service the interest on those debts. Osborne has even admitted that he has to borrow £30 billion just to pay for the Autumn Statement commitments. He’s not worried by that-he doesn’t have to pay it back-we do-every single one of us.

  72. Dan Huil says:

    Two-faced. Unionists have to buy double.

  73. Jim Thomson says:

    @Hoss Mackintosh 12:31

    Just read through that 2nd chapter. Jings.

    Folks, there’s a fundraiser running to cover publication of the whole book here:
    link to

    It’s £900 short of its target and closes in four days. If you can spare a few quid, looks like it will be well worth the investment!

  74. heedtracker says:

    link to BBC bloater piling in with same old Scots oil tragedy bleh. They also have photo of a bloke I’ve never seen before looking really happy about something too. To the victors the spoils. Looking forward to BBC in Scotland Hogmanay Special sing along with this clown and Jacky Bird, going “Don’t let’s be beastly to the YES voters, now that the war is won.” Different war from what Brenda was comparing Scottish democracy to yesterday but none of them give a fcuk about facts anyway.

  75. mumsyhugs says:

    Ach the blue/red/yellow Tories are all 2-faced anyway – no surgery or further procedures required!

  76. Hobbit says:

    More accurate to say about oil, that prices still have to be at a level that makes the oil economic to extract. While I don’t see the price of oil remaining this low for any real length of time, the economic realities of the North Sea industry means that it would still pay us to think hard about how much contribution it would make to the finances of an independent Scotland.

  77. heedtracker says:

    the economic realities of the North Sea industry means that it would still pay us to think hard about how much contribution it would make to the finances of an independent Scotland

    Don’t plop that in and not say what they are though Hobbit? economic oil extraction sounds jolly clever but means what and why oh why does Norway NOT collapse in a pool of its own widdle when oil prices drop, like what red and blue Tory/BetterTogether cringers do do.

  78. handclapping says:

    The thing to remember is that Scotland’s GVA per head is 99% of the UK’s. Essentially any oil income for a Scottish government would be a bonus.

  79. Robert Peffers says:

    @JBS says:26 December, 2014 at 10:00 am:

    “It’s Ruth Davidson six years ago, getting the ideology injections directly into her brain to turn her into a Conservative…”

    Well you are nearly right, JBS, except the Tory lot do not inject anything into new members to make them Tories. In fact they take stuff, (brain cells), out.

    Don’t you know those syringes can sook as well as they can blaw? A bit like Labour really – mind you Labour are a wee bit different – they can sook at the same time as they blaw. See how Murphy sooks up to folk while blawing his ain trumpet.

  80. Robert Peffers says:

    @galamcennalath says:26 December, 2014 at 11:37 am:

    ” … It is derived from the middle irish word “tóraidhe”, meaning outlaw, robber and pursuit. “

    Well not really. I was told it was far more simple than the above – a play on the term, “Conservatory”. Mind you the source of information was a bit suspect. A former Edinburgh schoolmate who eventually led a Tory Edinburgh council.

  81. Robert Peffers says:

    @Dave McEwan Hill says: 26 December, 2014 at 12:21 pm:

    ” … but this could just a soon prove counter productive. The Scots are a surly, disputative bunch when opinions are forced on them”.

    The Lallans Leid, (The Scots lowland language), is a wonderful and succinct language. Using, “Wir Ain Leid”, I would just described we Scots as, “Conter”. This term is defined in the CSD as 1 – against; opposite: 2 – the contrary; reverse; misfortune: 3 – counter; oppose; contradict; thwart; perverse.

    The context is all important i.e. “Tae gae conter tae …”, (someone’s wishes or expectations).

  82. Paula Rose says:

    It is becoming obvious to me that the only way that labour voters across the UK are going to get their party back is if those in Scotland vote SNP.

    The Conservative party are destroying the country and the Labour Party is aping their policies to appeal to the electorate in a handful of marginals.

    Hence my slogan – Save the UK, Vote SNP!

  83. galamcennalath says:


    Yes, my understanding is that the Scottish economy is basically average UK, but with several advantages … We have stronger exports, the bonus of oil on top …. very important, an independent Scotland would save money from having no nukes and no illegal imperial adventures.

    Always sounded a good no brain deal to me!

  84. galamcennalath says:

    @Robert Peffers

    What Wiki has to say….

    link to

    I didn’t realise that Whigs, the political opposites of the Tories, were named after Scottish cattle drivers who were Covenanters.

    If those derivations are correct, it is interesting that they two great political camps in England were named respectively after Irish and Scottish groups and generally in negative terms!

  85. heedtracker says:

    More Boxing Day fun from bottomless pit of rancid hypocrisy that is the very creepy old Guardian, who do love radicals, as long as they’re not too radical, or here right now like in the present or want PR democracy in north Britannia. Yesterday Flipper Darling was their 2014 hero but red UKOK tories are for life not just Xmas Scotland. Thanks again proud Scot buts.

    link to

  86. Andy-B says:

    What the!

    Surely the North Korean’s must have hacked the Scottish Tories website.

  87. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    The debate here is interesting. Oil is and always was a double-edged sword for Scotland. It is certainly the biggest reason that makes the UK hang frantically on to us.

    In the eyes of too many Scots we are dependent on oil revenues for the provision of all our services. This makes it very easy for unionists to affect the votes of the ill informed.
    The fact is that we are not in receipt of oil revenues any more than any other region of the UK is. It is a little complicated but we have to get this over to our people.

    If we had persuaded our people that our economy was as strong as the UK’s (stronger in fact because of its diversity and no need to pay for nuclear arms or foreign invasions) and we are comfortably self-supporting (without oil!)we win and referendum. The whole Better Together campaign was built around a vague belief that we are somehow in receipt of subsidy from the UK treasury. Kick that away and you kick away their campaign.

    We know what we have to do over the next two years.
    By appropriate demonstration and documentation leave no person in Scotland in any doubt about our immediate and permanent viabilty
    Probably just as important, establish that the unionists lie to us about this

    Then we win

  88. The question I am left asking – is that lass the source of all Scottish Tory toxicity which they then inject into others?

    Is she the Tory ‘The Botulism Queen’?

    The Tory variant of the ‘Snow Queen’ who keeps Osborne supplied with his fairy dust.

  89. Bill McLean says:

    When we say that our GDP is approx. 99% of UK GDP – is the oil revenue included in UK GDP but not in ours – if so then we are in a much better position than the ruk as the oil revenue declines! Just a wee question from someone not financially/economically numerate – I think that’s what I mean!

  90. Hoss Mackintosh says:

    @Robert Peffers and all,

    Tories and Whigs.

    Definitely, Irish and Scottish derogatory terms. There is even an island off Donegal named after them.

    Your conservatory story is a bit of air brushing.

    Sounds a bit like the Campbells being named after Campo Bello in their official history and not from the Gaelic – Cam Beul – Wry Mouth. They were an old Gaelic clan and not Italian as far as I know. Oops – sorry Rev Stu.

  91. Hobbit says:

    Thanks for people’s comments. As for oil, the longer-term context is one of a slow decline in output; if a government, either Westminster or Holyrood, tries to tax the industry beyond its ability to pay, the oilmen will simply stop investing there. Without the actual data to hand, I suspect that on a realistic geographic split of the fields, that oil makes up much more of Scotland’s GVA than that of the rUK.

    The Norwegians have several of the problems in their part of the North Sea as the UK does:

    link to

    link to

    But long-term, it does have the option of drilling in the Barents Sea: link to

  92. ScottieDog says:

    As far as the oil discussion goes, some people might remember that many factions of the YES campaign called for an infrastructure bank so that we could build a more diverse economy. It was indeed better together that branded scotland an oil economy.

    Maybe we should highlight this irony coming from the establishment media. The uk economy is built on financial speculation and the expansion of private debt- the very cause of the 2008 recession. So the one trick pony performs the same tricks again as we approach the same personal debt levels as 2006.

    Of course this will never be highlighted in the UKOK media.

  93. Well they can’t use any longer. Used to have some great links from their main pages until they cottoned onto it.

  94. Marcia says:

    Would you believe it but another Scottish wide opinion poll.

    link to

    James Kelly will post more details when the datasets are released.

    link to

  95. Kirsty says:

    Bill McLean,

    That’s a very good question! I know that the GDP of the UK now includes estimated amounts from the prostitution and drugs trade to try and bump it up but I haven’t a clue about whether oil and gas are included in the UK GDP. I know it’s always considered ex regio when it comes to the Scottish GDP but I’d imagine if they’re using prostitution and the drugs trade to prop up their GDP then they’ll certainly be using oil and gas in there. It would be interesting to find out if anyone out there knows about that for sure.

  96. heedtracker says:

    Hobbit says:
    26 December, 2014 at 7:15 pm
    Thanks for people’s comments. As for oil, the longer-term context is one of a slow decline in output;

    Means nothing though Hobbit. Try harder. Slow decline or not 24bn barrels of Scots oil is 24 bn barrels of Scots oil. Right now britnats and cringers are going vote NO crazy over the crude barrel price drop but what happens when it goes up and other stuff what no cringer is ever able to explain.

    Norway transformed itself with their oil. All England did with ours is pay the dole for Maggies millions, sorry revolution, create BP CEO super rich maniacs, loads of fantastic infrastructure spends in England, WMD’s, bankster City tax evasion, endless unwinnable war, well the list of red and blue Tory teamGB profligacy is rather spectacular.

    So now we have a teamGB debt mountain even our children won’t be able to pay off and teamGB can no longer afford to pay for our kids higher education. Norway has an oil pension fund that makes everyone in Norway rather wealth off forever and even Flipper Darling says it was a nice idea but ending boom and bust for teamGB was their aim and they did so magnificently too, if you believe all the bizarre liggers in Pacific Quay and you’re a proud Scot but ofcourse.

  97. fred blogger says:

    please mr man know this, the uk is NOT a country and scotland IS, and in or out of the union we would all still be british. although i appreciate some will not wish to hear the latter, it is nevertheless true.
    we do after all live on the british isles, aka britain.
    i could however be called a separatist if i wanted freedom from scotland for the borders, i don’t.
    also i’m reconciled with my voting intentions.
    unless mr man is claiming that we should also accept without question that we are governed by torylibdem and not argue against the injustices caused by that governance.
    tories BAD, labour no better, snp much better, not spent force, but growing daily.
    still work in progress, a voice has increased from 20000 to 100000 members and in millions of votes, for some odd reason.
    oh yes, i see it clearly now, they ignited/lit up/fired up the apathy induced dormant scots passion for social justice and democracy, we can, and now we must!
    now with with croaky voice try to sing impudent jocks a lullaby, get over it mr man and move on, scotland’s changed for the better and forever.

  98. Hobbit says:

    Quoting heedtracker:

    //So now we have a teamGB debt mountain even our children won’t be able to pay off and teamGB can no longer afford to pay for our kids higher education. Norway has an oil pension fund that makes everyone in Norway rather wealth off forever and even Flipper Darling says it was a nice idea.//

    I don’t disagree in the slightest that Norway is in a much better position than the rUK, but short of walking away from our ‘share’ of the rUK’s debt, and giving iScotland a debt-free balance sheet, I can’t see any way of reversing the effects of decisions which were taken in the 1970s and later. Views?

    Some useful background on the current account deficit:
    link to

  99. john king says:

    for our kin
    link to
    lest we forget

  100. john king says:

    Just in case there are any dry eyes left
    link to

  101. Joemcg says:

    I wonder who the punter was who put the massive bets on a no vote before the ref.? The guy in charge of the postal vote perchance?Have they been revealed?

  102. Bill McLean says:

    Hi Kirsty thanks for your response. I’d really like to know the answer to whether the oil is included in rUK GDP as it would, if it is, mean Scotland is relatively stronger that we know. Someone have the answer?

  103. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Hoss Macintosh at 6.51

    There is a theory that the Campbells’s were actually Strathclyde Britons (like William Wallace) who came into Kintyre and Argyll from Ayrshire which might explain a name that was given to them by the gaelic speakers they moved among and eventually displaced to some extent.

  104. heedtracker says:

    Its not Scotland’s debt Hobbit. Its extremely important to understand that. If Sterling is not Scotland’s money, its even less Scotland’s debt. Read the link to

    Anyhoo, here’s the same outfit that trumpeted the arrival of teamGB savior, NOT a red tory hero and probably not future Lord Jim Murphy, doing its “dont panic we’ll stop them wont we everyone” thing. Vengeance is best served stone cold Hobbit.

    link to

  105. No no no...Yes says:

    O/T Festive cheer that the SNP put this out on Boxing Day. It is a right hook and upper cut for Murphy, who is already on the ropes:

    link to

    In 1998 Jim Murphy took part in at least 8 of 10 votes on the Teaching and Higher Education Bill which brought in tuition fees for the first time for students. link to

    In particular he voted not to exempt students at Scottish universities from tuition fees because a Scottish degree was 4 years and not 3 years. (1 July 1998 – link to )

    During a BBC debate in Aberdeen in September this year, Mr Murphy also refused to commit Labour in Scotland to upholding the principle of free university education.

  106. Krackerman says:

    Hobbit – well if there had been a YES vote Independence would have been our way out – with our huge balance of trade credit we’d likely pay it down in 5-10 years…

    Even now the answer is still Independence – vote SNP and push for removal of Westminster and the UK anchor from our necks at every turn…

    Point to remember – the debt is not ours – it’s the state debt of the UK and we are only subject to servicing this debt whilst the UK state has the power to extract from us the means to pay it…

    Remove ourselves from the power of the UK state and we are free of the debt…

    Consider also that Scotland as a county has returned a credit to the treasury for the past 35 years and it’s clear that NONE of this debt is Scotland’s – add in the 5 billion we are being forced to pay for servicing Englands debt and perhaps reparations are in order yes????

  107. Thepnr says:

    We can all do a bit more. We have a choice, either work our arse off or “get over it”.

    Choose to be inspired and work our arse off.

    Heather Small – PROUD

    link to

  108. Dr Jim says:

    Let’s look back at the year shows this week on the Telly and they keep talking about this Scottish Referendum thing, Well i dont remember this Scottish Referendum they keep going on about, what i remember is they said it was for the people of Scotland to decide and then everybody else and his dog butted in, first it was English pop stars, then English sports figures and i suppose you have to count the rugby players as sports people then we had foreign dignitaries, Presidents of other nations, the Pope, while the whole time being threatened with doom by unionist politicians from every country under the sun, all at the same time telling us the Referendum was solely our business, and then to top it all “Jolly well oaf i say” we have the British Queen slipping in a sly one “That fooled us all by the way your Maj”NOT! So after the forces of darkness and their minions frighten, cajole, threaten and then are forced to a desperate 11th hour bribe to get their way, scrape over the line and win what do we have Well, after 2 years of attempted democracy in action further devolution is promised, not delivered just promised, funny thing is, after 5 bloody minutes the Northern Irish Government, who can’t balance the books, (unlike our own John Swinney year after year) decide they want another 2 billion quid (coz you know what will happen if we dont get it) and as if by magic that economic basket case of a Region is handed that very sum after what must surely must have been trying negociations, that last part was sarcasm, i just think, all that effort, all that anguish, all that time when all we needed was a “BIG FUCKING GUN” not literal about the last there, but if i can think of that, somebody bloody else will. To sum up, these Brits are Evil, Lying, Twisted, thieving bastirts and must not just be beaten in the coming elections, they must be humiliated and utterly politically destroyed…I am Alex Salmond for any eedjits out there i’m not really, it’s just the sparticus thing… explaining it kinda wastes the point…

  109. No no no...Yes says:

    Heedtracker 8:56pm
    Archived Herald article: Interesting that Jenny Marra was used as the spokesperson rather than the Deputy Dug. Same old song, just a different singer who is trying to seek attention, just like an out of tune wannabe on X Factor.

    Jenny Marra MSP, Scottish Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, said the recent election of new leader Jim Murphy heralded a “fresh start” for the party.

    She said: “We will come back in the New Year with passion and energy, setting out our vision for making Scotland the fairest nation on earth.”

    So, is she suggesting that SLAB has never had a vision for Scotland before the arrival of Murphy?

    How does this fit with the One Nation Labour mantra?

    How can any nation that exists on pocket money ever become fair?

    The more SLAB try to look different from the UK party, the more ridiculous they sound. We just need to make sure voters see that as well.

  110. Boorach says:

    Reconbloodyciliation… anyone interested in what the beeb’s take on reconciliation is should have a listen to ‘The Now Show’ transmitted on radio 4 at 6:30 this evening.

    I’m slow to anger but right now I’m raging!

  111. K1 says:

    “To sum up, these Brits are Evil, Lying, Twisted, thieving bastirts and must not just be beaten in the coming elections, they must be humiliated and utterly politically destroyed…”

    Aye…that’s it right there. We are taking Britain back.

    As Paula Rose says: Save the UK, vote SNP!

  112. K1 says:

    Last push for G A Ponsoby’s book…to get it to their target.

    Great stuff today, only need $409 to make their target of

    link to

  113. K1 says:

    oops…£’s no $’s… embarrased:-)

  114. Frann Leach says:

    The article is utter trash, has been spun through a bot to be unique and links to a montreal site. Well done to the SEO person who placed it, you’re only 5 years behind the times.

  115. Robert Peffers says:

    @galamcennalath says:26 December, 2014 at 6:09 pm:

    ” … I didn’t realise that Whigs, the political opposites of the Tories, were named after Scottish cattle drivers who were Covenanters.”

    Aye! Galamcennalath, my explanation was a bit tongue-in-cheek. That’s why I explained it came from a former classmate. A Tory Leither who rose to lead the Edinburgh Tory party. It was his explanation to counter the less complementary one I told him the Tory nick-name came from.

    It has to be said there is a very long history of offensive name-tags given to political parties. Most of them well deserved. Which brings me to the Tory PM’s Christmas Message to, “The UK”. He expressed his, “Pride” in the UK’s, “Christian Values”, saying, “giving, sharing and taking care of others”, both at home and around the World was something the UK could be depended upon for.

    What a hypocritical load of lying Tory codswallop in a United Kingdom where the Blue/Yellow/Red Tory Westminster Establishment have spent the entire last term of government demonising the weakest, oldest, sickest, poorest and even the workers on the lowest pay in our sadly failed and dis-United Kingdom.

    This at a time of severe austerity for only those poorer people. While all that time the richer members of this broken and maimed society have continued to become even more proportionately richer. For this disgrace of a human being to make his utterly disgusting claims is an affront to those who, by his government’s actions, go cap in hand to food-banks in order to prevent death by starvation. It shames the entire United Kingdom.

    That man is an evil we cannot allow to ever be in power again. Nor can we allow Scotland to continue under Westminster dominated political charlatans without sharing the blame for people actually dying due to bad their evil government decisions.

  116. heedtracker says:

    @ No no no…Yes, it is site to behold. Surely cometh the melt down, cometh the Murphy, to save Slab skins, there’s a lot of troughing still to do.

    Its probably going to be Son of Project Fear, starring likes of BBC in Scotland’s Brewer, Bird, that huge bloke Taylor, unless his heart explodes on camera, who will all charge in with that last two week BetterTogether vote NO or else hysteria in May. They’ll use everything they have, even BBC World Service again, to terrorise the natives, as we’re called by Torygraph liggers. Cant wait.

    Rancid red Tory hypocrites of the Guardian still completely cluesless, or spot on. Its up to us now.

    link to

    I think this our imperial masters giving the back of our legs a right good skelp.

  117. Ken500 says:

    To find all taxes raises (including Oil) but not including tax from commercial activities in Scotland going through London or south of the Borders HQ’s (including Scottish Oil related business worldwide) Google (or whatever) Official Scottish Gov website – search GERs – a document comes up. Search through the pages for the tables for all taxes raised in Scotland. The figures are given with or with out Oil. It used to be P30 to 36, but it has changed. £53Billion with Oil receipts.

    Google (or whatever) UK Official Gov wed site – Search ‘Statistics’ – three documents come up. .Open the middle one. Go through the pages, until the table appears giving all taxes raised.£490Billion.

    Westminster makes Scotland pay for Trident/illegal wars. Scotland could cut Defence spending£1.5Billion a year and have a Defence force based in Scotland. Save £1.5Billion with a tax on ‘loss leading’ drink. Save on health/police/social services, etc if people drank less.

    Scotland raises more and spends less (Barnett formula) Scotland has to pay £4Bilion+ a year on debt repayments it doesn’t borrow or spend. The rest of the UK borrows and spends £10Billion (pro rata ) more than Scotland – £100Billion. That is why the rest of the UK is better off. They borrow and spend more and Scotland has to pay off the debt. Oil revenues have declined because Westminster put up taxes 11% (£2Billion) a year in the 2011 Budget. The Press report Oil taxes as 30 – 34%. That is for Gas. Oil taxes are much higher up to 90%. They were 50% to 70% until Westminster increase them 2011. Westminster reduced the tax 2% in the Autumn Statement. Not enough to make a significant difference.

    Westminster used to try and secretly hide the figures. It was not until an SNP Scottish Gov came to power that the figures for Scotland were published on a Website. Westminster has always claimed they can’t collect separate figures for Scotland. A click on computerised accounts.

  118. Ken500 says:

    Thatcher cancelled a Pipe Line wasting the equivalent of £Billions of Gas. It was brurnt off. One of her Ministers resigned because of it. Thatcher also secretly misappropriated the Oil revenues, and cut the Scottish Budget. Thatcher wrote on tbe documents ‘this must be kept secret. The documents were released this year under the thirty year rule. (1984) She shut all Scotland’s manufacturing base. The Fort William smelter, the mines, the van manufacture at Linwood etc. and took all the Oil revenues. It left many parts of Scotland in poverty. She tried to get the pipe line to Newcastle. It is near Edinburgh, Oil can be transported to Grangemouth. The nearest proximity was Peterhead.

  119. boris says:

    May 2015 elections.

    A vote for the SNP is a vote for Scotland’s interests in all respects regardless of the government in Westminster.

    A vote for the Labour Party in Scotland is a vote for the interests of the UK Labour Party.

    A vote for the Tories, UKIP and or the LIb/Dems is a vote for the interests of the richest 5% of the inhabitants of the UK.

    It’s a no brainer then. Vote SNP. Onwards and upwards.

  120. Alex Clark says:


    Too true. Only one sensible vote in 2015, that’s SNP.

    Our oppertunity to bayonet the wounded, the dying remnants of the Labour party in Scotland that is.

  121. Message for Murphy courtesy Joe Dolce.

    link to

  122. Dr Jim says:

    I’m having a Peter Finch moment “I’m mad as hell and i’m not going to take it any more”…..You know the rest

  123. X_Sticks says:

    From Reuters

    “Labour faces wipe-out in Scotland despite change of leader – poll”

    link to

    I think we should not underestimate labour, or get complacent because of polls. We’ll still need to fight for every vote.

  124. Thepnr says:

    “We’ll still need to fight for every vote.”

    Don’t worry too much X_Sticks. We will fight for every one.

  125. Hoss Mackintosh says:


    Strange – there seems to be lots of polls about recently-even more than pre-indy. James Kelly at Scot goes pop is doing a great job analysing them all for us.

    Perhaps the MSM cannot quite believe what is happening up in Scotland and the Murphy damp-squib effect.

    So they need another poll and another and another and another…

    Oh dear – they are all looking very consistent – majority for Yes for indy2 and red, yellow and blue Tories all gubbed at GE 15.

    Time for another poll soon – just to check – like…

  126. John H. says:

    Dr Jim 9.56pm

    I’ve had a lovely christmas, and I hope that you and everyone who reads this has too. The intense anger I’ve felt since September 18th has not abated however. We lost the referendum not because their arguments were better, or that ours were in any way weak.

    We lost because they were willing to use any weapon they could to defeat us. The fact that they already had the full weight of the msm at their disposal wasn’t enough. Most of the Scottish people weren’t buying it’s message.

    They had to lie, smear, and in the end use false promises to achieve a narrow win. Now they expect us to put it all behind us. They expect us to put aside our lifelong held beliefs and embrace the union with it’s tainted queen and disgraceful, obscene, WM government.

    I will never give up on my desire to see my country independent as it once was, and should still be. Next year will see us take the next step on our long journey back to independence, and hopefully, a just government which will care for all of its people, not just the rich.

    Good night everyone, and let’s look forward to a better future for all our people.

  127. Rock says:


    “I think we should not underestimate labour, or get complacent because of polls. We’ll still need to fight for every vote.”

    Precisely. Absolutely nothing must be left to chance in 2015. Our goal must be nothing short of a total unionist wipeout in Scotland.

  128. thoughtsofascot says:

    On the subject of the figures relating to the Scottish Economy, if Scotland(minus oil) has 99% of the GDP per capita of the UK, and 3% of the GDP of the UK is derived from oil revenues(as so often trumpeted by unionists during the referendum), then it stands to reason that if the comparison is done fairly, with the exclusion of oil completely(which funnily enough is actually an extremely vital part of the UK economy, projection again from project fear) then you have the following situation

    Scotland(-oil) – 99% UK(+oil)
    UK(-oil) – 97% UK(+oil)

  129. Bill McLean says:

    Thoughtofascot – thanks for that – as I expected without the oil revenue rUK would not be in as strong a position as Scotland. In effect Scotland’s GDP (no oil revenue) currently is 99% of the rUK’s WITH oil. On Independence and oil revenues flowing to Scotland then rUK GDP will be less than ours! Oh! and I don’t believe 3% either!

  130. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    I cannot say this often enough. If we establish firmly in the minds of our people that we are comfortably self supporting (with or without the oil)we win the referendum.

    The whole Better Together Campaign was built on a long held assumption still held by a very large number of Scots that we are somehow in receipt of UK subsidy and independent we couldn’t pay pensions/ a defence force/save our banks/keep our best jobs/fill in your own item.
    That was in fact all of their campaign

    We have an economy bigger and healthier than many similarly sized happily independent countries and much better and, importantly, much better balanced than every other region of the UK except the SE England ( which is over reliant on financial services and has bankrupted the UK).

    This has to be a long term campaign till the actual facts sink in

  131. Bill McLean says:

    Dave McEwan Hill – totally agree! The oil must always be described as what it would be for an Independent Scotland – “a bonus”! At the moment it’s a necessity for the rUK, as they will be finding out more and more,although the revenue is becoming less and less – partly their own fault!

  132. Stoker says:

    @ DMH (9.23am).

    I’ve long since been a believer in putting our economical case forward, minus oil revenues, and then stating that the oil will always be treated as a bonus never to be relied on.
    And keep hammering that message home.

    At the same time we must find clear, precise and simple to understand material to convince others and combat the liars.

    Most people, myself included, are not interested in any subject as soon as it starts going into terminology only suitable for anoraks, we automatically gloss over and switch off.

    We only want to know the hard hitting facts written in a clear and simple manner.

    You only need to look at the success of WOS and the WBB for confirmation of how well that works.

    I sincerely hope when/if the Rev does another book he will get unconditional support from as many organisations as possible, ie; Business For Scotland, SNP, RIC, WFI etc etc.

    That support should also include financial contributions as well as physical efforts to get the book or fact-file put through every single door in the country.

    It could even include contributions from people such as you on issues such as how a certain party have always played the religious card to divide and scare people, for their own selfish agendas.

    We really need a handy, clear and precise reference source covering as many topics as possible and the only thing that has ever come anywhere near that is the WBB.

    And it’s vitally important that we get it through every door in the country. It’s a massive ask but over time i think it would be achievable.

  133. K1 says:

    As well as remembering that the oil is a bonus, it has to be pushed home, that even when the price per barrel dips; the subsequent revenues shared within a smaller population will always mean per head that we are STILL better off than within a larger population.

    We will shape the policies that benefit our outlook in this regard. We will look after, and by that I mean distribute our wealth so that all benefit from our resources. Designed poverty needs to be wiped out in Scotland. There is absolutely no need for anyone to go hungry.

    I want the implementation of a citizens income to be a main priority in this regard. We just need the will and the care to do this.

    From In Place of Anxiety
    Social Security for the Commom Weal
    (Jimmy Reid foundation)

    “There are potentially two views of a successful society. The first is a society that strives on the back of fear. Its is built upon the idea that the population should be so afraid of the stigma of failure and the material reality of poverty that comes from not being able to work or find work that they are motivated to produce and grow that economy or else sink. Its politics are fear-based, setting one section of the population against another. These are all elements that thrive in an atmosphere of anxiety.

    The second is one that is built upon humanity’s innate desire to create, communicate and be social. Where our Common Weal is used to give everyone a guaranteed basic starting platform from which to build a good life and a good society. Creativity, ambition for something better and hope drive productivity and the creation of community. Cooperation and mutual support build the economy. Its politics seek unity and the power of a collective force. These are all things that thrive in an atmosphere of security.

    Scotland has to choose which one of these two views it wants. This is about choosing how secure we want our society to feel. So it is fundamentally about what sort of system of social security we want to create.”

    link to

  134. thoughtsofascot says:

    @Bill Mclean

    I agree, the true figure showing the UK’s dependence on oil is far higher than they are letting on, but even going by better togethers much trumpeted figure of “only 3 percent”, it still makes them look weaker than Scotland. It’s comical that they have the nerve to even try and assert otherwise.

    The drive for shale oil and gas via fracking tells us far more about the true state of the UK economy than they would otherwise let on. The sheer desperation behind it tells us that they need this more than anything.

  135. Bill McLean says:

    Thoughtofascot – good word to describe the state of the Union, Unionism and Unionists – “desperate”. Why else would they have to defend their position by lying and misleading people, even to the most vulnerable!


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