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Wings Over Scotland

Zero tolerance

Posted on June 26, 2014 by

So, let’s just recap where we’ve got to.


– If you hate Jews, vote with the Holocaust denier.

– If you hate gay people, vote with BNP splinter group Britannica.

– If you hate Catholics, vote with the Orange Order.

– If you hate foreigners, vote with Labour and Vote No Borders.


And waiting on the subs’ bench:

– If you hate Protestants, vote with George Galloway.

– If you hate Muslims, vote with the BNP and Britain First.

– If you hate immigrants, vote with UKIP.

– If you hate pretty much everyone, vote with the SDL.


But always remember, readers – it’s “cybernats” who are the bad guys.

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I don’t believe that SDL guy has ever flossed.


I wonder what SDL guys with union flag tattoos will do if it’s a Yes?

Are they easier to remove these days?

Beth Brown

The toothless wonder in the SDL pic is David Knowles. He is currently in jail for wife beating. A real charmer and a rabid Unionist.

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Elaine Colliar

Oh be still my beating heart (shudders)


Do Stirlingshire For No Thanks speak for East Stirlingshire those Gods of football? and when did Luis Suarez join the SDL?

Martin Sinclair

I was a member of USDAW until I seen they registered to campaign in the referendum. I didn’t leave the trade union because of which side they choose. I left because they choose a side.
They did not poll their members, even the Union Rep in my store was unaware of USDAW’s participation until I told her.

So you could probably add to this :

If you hate democracy, vote with USDAW


I don’t really understand all this. Are these bigoted but small organisations really planning to spend more than £10k campaigning? If so, on what and where are they getting the money from?


I’m a socialist and a humanitarian, therefore, I’m voting…..


Stating the obvious again, why is the BBC not a Registered Referendum Participant with Referendum Outcome No, Not a chance, Never going to happen on our watch etc


Why splash out on expensive dental floss when pipecleaners would have done the job.

Bob Sinclair

True story:

About 3 1/2 years ago I started a new job. About a minute after sitting at my desk the phone rung, I picked it up and the voice at the other end said ‘Hi, I’m calling from the BNP to remind you that your subscription is overdue’. Goes without saying that I just hung up and turned to the guys in the office, some of whom I’d worked with before and said ‘aye, very good guys, whats next – go and fetch a tin of tartan paint’. It just happens though that it wasn’t a wind-up. The previous occupant of my desk had been a member of the BNP, but left them because he didn’t agree with their policies ‘too liberal’ was his attitude, so he went on with a few associated bampots to form Brittanica. That’s why when I see the name Brittanica in conjunction with Better Together I just laugh. Nothing to be worried about with their daft wee racist ‘next AGM in a Phonebox’ party.


Its beginning to look more and more like the Hole in The Wall Gang every day

Paula Rose

Now – this week I’ve moved 5 undecideds to probably Yes

2 nos to undecided and

I soft Yes to definite Yes.

How’s everyone else getting on?


I got sent some very shitty CDs from Brittanica, should never have signed up. The editors choice was always crap.
NB. No slight against any reputable postal recording artist distribution companies is ment or implied.

Bob Sinclair

PS to my previous post. Strangely though, the chap in question comes across as a pleasant enough person, friendly and chatty (apart from the rampant racism / homophobia / Misogyny / sectarianism etc).


Derek has a talk with the FM!!What a scoop for him.
link to


You missed out ‘If you hate poor people, vote with the conservatives.’

Juan P

@Paula Rose

Going well here too Paula.

Three work colleagues, all female, moving from No to Don’t know, soft No to strong Yes and strong No to strong Yes respectively.

Majority of men in the office have been strong Yes for some time.

I’ve noticed a general softening of position amongst female friends and colleagues recently though.

Not sure what the driver for this is but I suspect it might be the dawning realisation that Labour are not going to win the next election. There could be other factors at play though.

Big Jock

In case its not been said:”Come in agent Orange your mission is accomplished”.Well its got to be worth 10% to yes!


What if I don’t hate anyone? Do I vote Yes? Sir please tell me, my mind is so befuddled by so many different groups telling me that they are the only ones telling the truth.

Doug Daniel

I doubt many of these extremist weirdos are going to spend enough to actually warrant registering as permitted participants. Some of them will do little more than photocopy some hilariously bad leaflets and shout at people. It’s probably more about being seen to defend their precious union. Maybe a little bit of free advertising too…


So, So Sad!

We have not really travelled far along the path of evolution.

Paula Rose

@ Juan P – now is the time for a lot of people to find out more and make decisions, the Aye Right leaflet is my favourite, now folks we can do this.


What about.. If you hate yourself, vote No.

Doug Daniel

Also, I believe the phrase you guys are looking for is “dental rope”.


@Rev Stuart Campbell

Who is Angus MacDonald? Google shows he’s SNP MSP for Falkirk East but surely that’s not him registered as No…

[…] « Zero tolerance […]

Paula Rose

btw – in an Independent Scotland, Orange marches will have to be led by pink dressed bands playing the Gay Hussars – Al-Ecksammon says so xx

Grouse Beater

Surrounded by those yobs, Stuart, and with the Scottish nation voting Yes, will you move to Scotland?


Well apparently Tommy Sheridan will be on Scotland 2014 tonight at 10:30. I have one question though. Do I believe them when they say this, after all Stu’s interview went well didn’t it? What you never saw it? Well come to think about it neither did I. 😛

Never mind though they’ll have plenty time for Mr Davey to spew his lies about our energy bills going UP in an independent Scotland! I’ll bet THAT interview does NOT get cut. 😉

Now that the Orange Order have registered for NO with the Electoral Commission how will this work with their marching plans and the probability that in so doing they will be in breach, in my view, of the Public Order Act 1936.

Prohibition of uniforms in connection with political objects.

(1)Subject as hereinafter provided, any person who in any public place or at any public meeting wears uniform signifying his association with any political organisation or with the promotion of any political object shall be guilty of an offence:

Provided that, if the chief officer of police is satisfied that the wearing of any such uniform as aforesaid on any ceremonial, anniversary, or other special occasion will not be likely to involve risk of public disorder, he may, with the consent of a Secretary of State, by order permit the wearing of such uniform on that occasion either absolutely or subject to such conditions as may be specified in the order.

I think we might be in for some *ahem* interesting times concerning the Orange Order. 😛


Whilst we have the Greens, SNP, SSP, National Collective and the Sunday Herald plus a whole load of real grassroots organisations popping up.

These lists definitely read like goodies v baddies


I think the steward with the teeth (or lack of) is holding up a bottle of Polish Orangeade.


the only people who are bothered about campaigning for the union are these types of what I might euphemistically call ‘special interest’ groups. I know so many people that are voting no cos really they just cannae be arsed with what they perceive as turmoil or uncertainty. These are the brain dead (and I don’t mean they are stupid – some of my friends are professional people such as civil engineers, accountants, etc) – they are sleepwalking towards retirement and games of golf, pottering in the garden, chilling in front of Coronation Street… They just really wouldn’t care that much if the streets in parts of their country were awash with the rabies and the plague, as long as it was properly contained.

Morag Graham Kerr

The dawning realisation that Labour are not going to win the 2015 election? Which planet are some people on?

I don’t know who’s more likely to win in 2015 if we vote Yes. I can flat guarantee that Cameron will romp home if we vote No. He’s trying to position himself to deflect blame for a Yes vote on to Darling, and that might work and it might not. But if there is a No vote he’ll be right out of the woodwork claiming to be the man whose cunning strategy saved the union and stuck it to those uppity Jocks. And he will get a lot of brownie points for that.

All those disingenuous polls that ask whether you’d be more or less likely to vote Yes if this or that outcome looked likely in 2015 completely fail to take account of this point. The 2015 election result will be massively influenced by the referendum result. If people vote No, there will be no Miliband victory. Fact.


To be fair, it appears that the OO survey where the members associated Catholics with the IRA was only carried out in Ulster.


Oops! spot the Muppet!

I forgot to put the link to the 1936 act up DUH!

link to


Now that list is worth printing out and handing to any No voting friends one might have. If that assortment doesn’t make them stop and think…


If you have a stuffed war chest and aren’t allowed to spend it, the next best thing is to pass it on to your chums who will spend it exactly as you would have (and probably with materials you’ve supplied them with)


Dunno about anyone else, but that list reads like a

“Who’s Better Together Christmas Card List is that?” (enter witty name here)

Answers on a postcard please. The editors decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into. The above comments do not reflect the views of anyone in possession of all their marbles.


Galloway’s NewStatesman no stuff’s pretty thin, “Socialism in one small Tartan country is impossible.”

” what kind of independence is really on offer? Scotland will still have a ‘German queen’ as head of state.”

“It will still be part of Nato, still a member of the EU”

“Of course Scotland would not ‘be a Burundi or a Bangladesh’ after independence. But: ‘You need a critical mass of people to stand up to the vicissitudes of global capitalism. Do you really think Scotland is up for that? For being an Albania? For being a Cuba?”

“Make ma cheque oot tae G Galloway Enterprises, hen”

At least Galloway’s one carpet bagger that;s not project fearing vote yes and you’re out of the EU and NATO, which is nice of him.


NB – The “If you hate…” bit.. not the electoral commission list of participants.. Just wanted to clear that bit up. Phew!


@Martin Sinclair

might it have been better to stay in, cancel your political fund payment and complain like f… demanding a members ballot?


Apparently wee Georgie’s show was on Live Events last night. Here’;s one person’s response to that show.

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@scottish skier
I believe he will be moving to Wales! 🙂


The SDL guy is looking for a tennis racquet to eat his apple through..

Murray McCallum

“No Thanks” is a polite description for summing up how I feel about the Naysayers.

Imagine all these groups physically meeting up – embarrassment and tension all round.

Grouse Beater

Galloway moaned: Do you really think Scotland is up for that?

Tell you this George, you won’t see Scotland junking its life’s reputation in one go prancing around as if a pixie with constipation in a pink lycra cat suit.

Bugger (the Panda)

@ MajorBloodnok says:

A Black and Decker No 6 seems to be the dental floss of choice.


Galloway on Grand Orange Order, “He hints that pogroms and perhaps even ethnic cleansing might follow.” and “No Roman Catholic should vote for independence, he suggests. Catholics would become scapegoats for Scottish failure. He insists an independent Scotland would be an Orange Scotland. ‘If you’re not afraid of that, you should be.”

Westminster sure can pick em.


NB as an aside, USDAW did have a vote on their position in re the referendum. It was only officials who were able to vote, and they were from all over UK. I didn’t know that they had voted to be able to spend >£10,000 of members contributions on it though! My old union PCS had a vote of members, they decided the union should, quite rightly in my view, remain neutral. But looking at the rest of Better Together’s friends, they are a sorry bunch of bigots, racists, antisemitic, sectarian and extremists. Looking to the YES side, we see SNP, obviously, allying itself with Socialists and Greens, the kind of people who you could have to tea at your mum’s! People on the NO side, are I believe, beginning to realise they are on the wrong side of the argument..

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Clootie says:

Sometimes I am glad I am not so evolved as some of your natives.

Robert Louis

And if you HATE anybody recieving benefits, vote Labour

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Stuart Black

“Why splash out on expensive dental floss when pipecleaners would have done the job.”

Always use the right tool for the job. In this case, a lavatory brush should suffice…

Bugger (the Panda)

On the other hand he may be an humanitarian and altruistic Tooth Fairy donor.

Seasick Dave

I love how he is a steward, keeping everyone else right.

I wonder what HSE directive he is shouting out.


Aliesalbas gets hootsman column! Bettertogether Slovenia lodge.

link to

Morag Graham Kerr

Damn. My incredibly insightful post posted at about ten to eight has vanished. And I didn’t copy it and I can’t be arsed writing it again.

Bugger Akismet.

Bob Sinclair

 I wonder if the local Constabulary are duty bound to act on reports of breaches of the Public Order Act 1936. If so, I am going to need them on speed-dial over the next few weeks or so.


Clearly, the Orange Lodge are not the only fruitcakes. I wonder if they’re members of the CBI…


At least Professor Aliebadas has dropped any pretence of being an actual Slovene now.

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From SDL Rangers fans in desperate need of new teeth to bullshiters in Glasgow uni, what a strange team bettertogether is.

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Bruce Wallace

Paula Rose.

12 for Yes who haven’t voted for decades and another 5 from No to Yes, also have you watched a program on telly called From Congo To Motherwell, I have got 1 of they families voting Yes, all of which I shall taxi to vote. 🙂

link to


Rev. Stuart Campbell,

“Plenty of bad people are rich, Cath.”

And plenty of people are rich because they are bad.

And some are peace envoys.


Bob Sinclair says:

I wonder if the local Constabulary are duty bound to act on reports of breaches of the Public Order Act 1936. If so, I am going to need them on speed-dial over the next few weeks or so.

Funny you should be thinking that Bob. I think that was something that Peat Worrier was hinting at when he put up a tweet about this last night.

I don’t think much will happen just now but when the next Orange Order is advertised the locals might find having a wee word in the local police station worth while. As I implied above, I certainly believe that any Orange Order march that takes place between now and 18th September is in breach of this 1936 Act. As such every member of the Orange Order wearing their “uniform of office” is therefore breaking the law and should be arrested and charged with the appropriate breaches. 😉


Still think the worst of the bunch are the Lablibtory animals.

Turkeys voting for Christmas.


D’you know. It’s a fact we may be able to sustain ourselves with the oil. But in 40 years time that’s gonna be running out. Once this happens we’re scuppered. This is a fact. I would love to have an independent Scotland but I don’t think it is viable in the long term. But hey, I’m tempted to vote yes coz when the excrement hits the fan I’ll be long dead so, I’ll be sitting looking up thinking “I told you so”


“Its beginning to look more and more like the Hole in the Wall Gang every day”

Brilliant Frankie, LOL

That’s my thoughts exactly. That’s why, in the last post, I had a picture in my mind of wee Johann walking shoulder to shoulder down the road with the Grand Master of the Orange Lodge (with her Celtic top on).

The whole mess is looking like something that straight out of the Beano.


Some curious omissions in the list. Where is JoLa’s Scottish Labour Party, and Ruthie’s Scottish Conservatives? I would have asked about WWR but I can’t be arsed.

And on the good guys side no Greens / Scottish Greens but then again do they have more than £10,000 to spend?

Mary Bruce

Genuine question, anyone- What’s the difference between the Orange Order and the Masons? Are they the same thing? (I’m not too concerned about showing my ignorance on this one).



Re the 1936 Act.

Get a copy and,on the day of the march,hand it to the SPO.

If he/she doesn’t show a letter from the SoS authorising the march,take their number and report the failure to carry out his/her duties.Tell them of your intentions.

That should be good for a laugh.


Mary, Catholics are welcome in the Masons 😉



“These are the brain dead (and I don’t mean they are stupid – some of my friends are professional people such as civil engineers, accountants, etc)”

Not brain dead but pure selfish.

They are doing very well, why bother about the rest of the population.


Whoa! I’ve just had my tea as well.

My what a happy wee family they all are. Thone lads could do wi a wee touch o’ moisturiser right enough.

Anyroads and slightly O/T if you count polar opposites as being slightly O/T, this is a keeper and well worth a listen.

link to

Someone talking about something, something, inclusive and positive. 🙂


Dear old gorgeous George Galloway will be crying that the Orange Order has registered as a No campaigner. What a shame for poor old pussy cat Galloway that his whole anti- independence schtick has been skewered by the OO. Where now Georgie? 😀 😀

Paula Rose

Mary Bruce – the masons like to show a bit of knee, the orangey thingies like to bend it.


Noticed the Herald is being a bit more biased of late with its skewed headlines and it’s high moderation.
I commented today on the OO march in Helenburgh and it was blocked. All I said was ‘better together at their best’ and it never saw the light of day.
No one is going to persuade me that the Herald, weekly edition, is neutral, because I see it as very much in the no camp side.

Any YES supporters in the inverclyde area?
Russian TV is filming a referendum meeting/debate there.
Now don’t go on about our biased press to the outside world, that just wouldn’t be cricket.

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It’s being a paywall.

@paula rose. Excellent ask. We all should ask the same of each other more often.
A lot of us get caught up thinking that the whole of Scotland is reading pro Indy websites and that everybody knows all the bad things that go on with the unionists’. In reality the vast majority of Scots still don’t connect to political websites, they’re still going about their lives catching the tv news headlines and newspaper headlines for their political information.
I for one have been giving as much information as possible to undecideds, at my work and at home, I find print outs work for me. I also Inform soft and strong YES voters on websites like wings. I’m continually doing that every day offshore and the beauty of working offshore is that I’m reaching people from many areas of Scotland who then go home or onto other platforms to spread the word.
Had too many undecideds move to YES to mention and moved a few from no to undecided.
Keep up the good work and please keep asking contributors here what they’re doing to bring a YES victory. It keeps us on our toes.


OT – FM on fire today, there’s nothing much sweeter than the FM swatting Murdo Fraser like the annoying fly that he is, or only if FM clamped clothes pegs on to Murdos nips

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Behind a paywall. Bloody predictive text on an iPad mini!

Paula Rose

@ alexicon – xx


goldenayr says:


Re the 1936 Act.

Get a copy and,on the day of the march,hand it to the SPO.

If he/she doesn’t show a letter from the SoS authorising the march,take their number and report the failure to carry out his/her duties.Tell them of your intentions.

That should be good for a laugh.

Fortunately, for me at least 😉 , we don’t get Orange Order marches down here in the deep South of Scotland 😛

Thing is though goldenayr, my understanding is that they have registered with Electoral Commission as political supporter of NO. This, in my view, is equivalent to them actually being a political party therefore under the Act they are forbidden from marching in the first place because they do love to wear their bowler hats and orange aprons on parade. As the Act states:

“signifying his association with any political organisation or with the promotion of any political object shall be guilty of an offence:”

I think they would be able to do their marches so long as there were no banners, bowler hats and aprons on display. This is probably something that they could never accept. 😛

Paula Rose

Do they parade with umbrellas?


alexicon says:

I commented today on the OO march in Helenburgh and it was blocked. All I said was ‘better together at their best’ and it never saw the light of day.

Looks like you and your fellow Helensburghers might be the first up to try and examine the reaction of the local police to the idea that the Orange Order marching in their full regalia in Helensburgh are breaking the law alex. 😛

gerry parker

@ Cybernaill.

“Polish Orangeade”

is that like singing’ ginger?



Not forgetting this ‘hero’

link to

Paula Rose

Why do OO “men” look like a parody of City of London folk circa 1960?


How can we forget THAT Muppet Croop. I was there. Funnily enough he wrote in the local paper the other week that he was only have a *ahem* debate with local YES supporters. Debate was it? Funny I don’t recall a debate being described as when someone calls you Nationalist Scum and tells you if you’re voting YES to get back up North!


@ Gerry Parker

See the Rev’s twitter for reference 😛

Tam Jardine

Yes 56% No 44%


Will everybody stop going on about missing teeth.
I’m a wee bit sensitive about it as I’ve lost a tooth in the exact same place, and another, to an old time favorite, lemon sherbets.
There’s me thinking I can crunch hard boiled sweets at my age.
Off to the dentist in the morning to get my bank balanced lowered a bit 🙁

Bugger (the Panda)

If there is no register Scottish Tories or Scottish Labour with the EC it is because they do not exist.

The Scottish Liberal Democrats all five of them do exist but, for not much longer.


Mary Bruce

To put it in simple terms Mary, the Masons are NOT a “single” religion organisation, the OO is strictly Protestant.

Two completely different outfits and couldn’t possibly even begin to explain it on here.



I am still not sure about Albiesalba. The posts are unbelievably boring. It could be some weird obsessive with nothing better to do than sitting in some study in Slovenia banging away on a keyboard. Oddly though, there is an absolute hatred of Scotland that spills out in just about every post so God knows what what we have done to them in the past. Mind you I have seen some fairly anti-British posts from that individual too – thinks the UK should be kicked out of the EU. They are also almost totally devoid of a sense of humour which in itself is verging on a central European cliche. So they could be real or could be someone hamming it up Monty Python style to cover there own tracks.

However do we care? The hours they must spend on their long, dry posts not realising that most people do not read a post more than two paragraphs long is remarkable. Much of it is repetitive, with constant recurring themes and refrains. I doubt most of the BT mob even read them.


@Lesley-Anne –

He is indeed a muppet on horseback, I wonder how further North he wanted you to go?

Dan Huil

Maybe he’s on his gap year?


Caption for the photo :

‘Ho yews come back .. ‘sma turn fur they teeth this week ya bams – God save the Queen !’


I got the impression the further the better. Still he did get an answer along the lines of NAH sod off. This is OOR country why don’t YOU sod off back SOUTH! 😛

The best bit of this whole affair is he owns a wedding coach hire business that is called,…wait for it,…Tartan Carriages! 😛


What, no magnus Gardham on the list yet ?
Must be some mistake !

Bill McLean

macart763m – followed your link to Bateman broadcast. then to sound cloud. Page locked up. Clearly I’m doing something wrong! Help!

Grouse Beater

Hand & Shrimp said: Albiesalba – The posts are unbelievably boring



Posts going missing ?


Never seen oor Kev’s name on the list, who could forget..

link to


I would say it’s more like a collection out of Electric Soup! Who remembers that belter of a comic? 🙂



The get out clause is “ceremonial”.They can get an order saying it’s not a uniform from the SoS.Who will no doubt accede to their requests.

Don’t get the Tango troubadours up here either thankfully.

gerry parker

@ cyberniall,
Sorry – Don’t use twitter.




Electric Soup…wow!

Wonder if any of their stuff is on the web?

Time for a search.

Paula Rose

Do Orangey ladies have special ceremoanial gear?

Paula Rose

Or is it a closet order?


Aren’t these two guys extras from Lord of the Rings?

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Paula Rose

Sorry – missed a ‘d’


goldenayr says:


The get out clause is “ceremonial”.They can get an order saying it’s not a uniform from the SoS.Who will no doubt accede to their requests.

Don’t get the Tango troubadours up here either thankfully.

Ah right, I see. Thing is though will they actually go to the SoS for Portsmouth to get him to *ahem* sign such an order? 😛



Good weather forecast for Sunday,

2pm Pacific Quay,

Bring the family, have a picnic, make a day of it, spend Sunday afternoon on the bonnie banks of the River Clyde.

Make a poster up and bring it with you.

BBC Scotland are in a no win situation here. If it’s a NO vote, then their would be mass non-payment of their License Fee and if it’s a YES vote, well they loss their License Fee completely.

Gordon E

@Bill McLean

This should work.

link to

Episode 3 (somewhere in the middle where he speaks on his own)where Derek sums up the whole indy debate is essential listening for anybody needing concise info on the referendum. I must have listened to it about 30 times trying to memorise it for my next NO encounter.



That’s why I suggested waiting till the day of the march.

Won’t it be fun watching a bunch of neo Nazis attacking the cops for doing their job?


@PaulaRose –

Do Orangey ladies have special ceremoanial gear?

Red Feathers and a Hula Hula Skirt..

Mary Bruce

Thanks folks. Not sure I’m any the wiser, maybe I should just consider myself lucky never to have knowingly known anyone from the orange order. The reason I asked is I have a neighbour who is a mason, he doesn’t appear to be a bigot, he is voting yes.


Now I get it goldenayr. 😛


‘MajorBloodnok says:

Why splash out on expensive dental floss when pipecleaners would have done the job.’

Mr Muscle is a pipe cleaner. Mind you, gargling with it might have been what’s done the damage. 🙂

Schrodinger's Cat

anyone else having problems listening/donating to derek batemans sites using MS IE?

Tam Jardine

The SDL site is strangely at odds with the Facebook ethos. ‘Invite your friends to like this page’… They just want to be liked.

This article is absolute dynamite and needs spread far and wide. I don’t know how Yes can get this message across or if it seems too negative to try but the idea that in voting No you are standing shoulder to shoulder with some pretty repugnant groups is powerful.

The No camp have been silent on abuse by those under their own banner and canny distance themselves from these hardline fanatics because they need all the support they can get.

If a militant, extremist group attempted to align itself with the yes campaign we would tell them where to go. I know they try to paint Wings like that but that is just bullshit tactics. Looking up the list I’d rather be on the side of Farmers for Yes, National Collective and Scottish CND than these toerags.


I’ve been saying Polling Day could get ugly for a while now.
Wings latest just makes me feel it’s certain.
A YES could be the start of ridding ourselves from this nonsense.
In my latest blog, my theory on why the people living in England should be very careful of what they wish for….

Paula Rose

Mary dear – perhaps he’s a real mason?



Of course,if they do get a permission slip from their handler.Then a court order halting proceedings until the definition of “uniforms” is clarified would be acceptable.

They’ll be tied up in court with any money they have for the ref going on lawyers.

It’s a win,win 🙂

Well done lass.


“A fine bunch of Hogarthian grotesques” Tony Hancock

Paula Rose

Do orange folk like being tied up (or down)?



Thought the State Broadcaster and State Commercial TV did a great job of showing, ‘but not really reporting’, the English Scots for YES campaign today.

Blink and you’ll miss it.

Couldn’t resist SLABOUR & English voting NO Piggy back reports just to muddy the waters. Yet Brown gets a free ride everytime he does another Lazarus revamp of the ‘Undead with Labour campain’

Great work guys Team GB will be proud.

Early night tonight – dont fancy Scotland Tonight usually very poor and forget the other side with Sarah Smith its absolute dross !

The TV coverage of the REF is getting worse by the day.



Is anyone going to set up a tearing up of the BBC Charter on the steps Glenn Campbell style and then put it on YouTube?

gerry parker

@ Schrodinger’s Cat .
Can’t get the broadcast using Safari but it’s OK with firefox.
Listening now.


Paula Rose says:
Do orange folk like being tied up (or down)?

With a wetted leather thong to the radiator,I think.


A wee conversation I had on ‘The Scotsman’ comments earlier:

Wish it was the19th:

A wee break from the slaughter of the dreamers.
Many intending to vote Yes consider the term `separatist’ to be an insult. Given what they are trying to achieve does anybody know why this accurate description should be regarded in this way?


Although it’s technically correct it’s often associated with the use of violence, I’m sure you know that already.
It would be like us ‘separatists’ referring to you as ‘loyalists’ but we don’t.

Wish it was the19th:

Not sure about the association with violence, Basques perhaps, but there are many other peacful separatist movements.

I would have thought that the term to go against loyalists would probably be republicans. Neither is appropriate when describing the two sides in a Scottish context, as I am sure there are loyalists and republicans in both camps.


loy·al·ist (loi-lst)
1. One who maintains loyalty to an established government, political party, or sovereign, especially during war or revolutionary change.

That’s you that is! (technically)

I didn’t say it was appropriate, but technically it is correct. Don’t you like it?


“Not sure about the association with violence”

If you want do a google image search for “separatists” and count the AKs and RPGs.

Wish it was the19th:

Too broad a range, I think you would have to include the FM as a loyalist given his desire to retain the sovereign.

What about `well informed voters’?
As in the well informed voters of the campaign not to break up the United Kingdom.


In Scotland the people are Sovereign, so I’m lead to believe.

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

‘Do Orangey ladies have special ceremoanial gear?’

Indeed they do. White high heels and American Tan tights are, I believe, de riguer. (It’s all about covering up the dreaded ‘Fireside Tartan’.)


ronnie anderson

Awe you.s ur wrang wie yer comments on that guys dental hygene ie dental floss/pipe cleaners,

Step forward Gerry Parker an his Hairy String, thats if there,s any left after tying up the Gizebo.


goldenayr says:


Of course,if they do get a permission slip from their handler.Then a court order halting proceedings until the definition of “uniforms” is clarified would be acceptable.

They’ll be tied up in court with any money they have for the ref going on lawyers.

It’s a win,win 🙂

Well done lass.

Either way their march does not go ahead or can’t go ahead until the correct definition of “uniforms” has been legally defined. By this time it should be October, hopefully, and then we can drop the case. 😛

Thank you sir, I do try sometimes you know. Or as others would have it I am VERY trying! 😛

gerry parker

@Ian Brotherhood.
Aye, the dreaded corned beef legs.

Black Douglas

MochaChoca says: That’s you that is!



gerry parker says:

@Ian Brotherhood.
Aye, the dreaded corned beef legs.

Nowt wrong with corned beef gerry, nothing I love more than the occasional corned beef sandwich with brown sauce. 🙂

Oh, wait a minute you said corned beef LEGS! Oops. 😛



You should know better than expect sense from the Scotsman loyalists(I always call them that,most are from NI like noodle doodle.)

Time to sacrifice another email address on the altar of the Scotsman moderators.


No problems with the Bateman podcast, just click and go ( though it was on an android tablet rather than the pc), Worth persevering, for it’s a fine interview, relaxed, good form, and some insightful moments.

Paula Rose

All this tanning and whips – you naughty boys 🙂


“No Borders Campaign – Company – 8945687”

They didn’t even have the presence of mind to register it as a company in Scotland.

We all know what VNBs was about, we flogged that horse to death. However, it still sticks in the craw to think that rich Tories could launch a company in England and pretend it was a Scottish grassroots affair. Sheesh!

ronnie anderson

@caz_m gerry parker will have the Wings banners at

Pacific Quay on Sunday, anyone wishing to sign the back of the banners,

markers will be available.


Paula Rose

In the words of an ex..

“I’ll give you 3 months and a box of chocolates to stop it.”


I know the guy with the face tattoos. Lol. It can get quite like that in the forgotten south of the Ayrshire coast. He’s not the sharpest tool…

Ian Brotherhood

Perhaps the BTUKOKNOTHANKSERS will glean some fresh campaigning ideas from their newly-signed OO buddies. And they could do worse than start here (check out the scary legless Scot at 4.30-ish) –

link to

Big Jock

Conversation overheard in cafe in Tighnabruich. Aye if Scotland votes yes we will have to have national service to fill all the army jobs!This was from a Northern Irish cook hectoring a local guy who couldnae get a word in.I told him not to waste his time as she was a hard line Brit.No point arguing with people with brains the size of peas.I did suggest that he asks her to find where it mentions national service in the white paper!She kept saying it was in there.God help us with people like that getting a vote!


On a more pleasant shade of orange I see the wee dug of that hue is nearly there – just another £1500 or so will do it.

And BfS are shy of their ambitious £30k target by only £750 or so with a couple of days to go.


And the worst things is …this really is the Better Together team.

That lot would give Satan and his demonic army a run for their money…


Just thought I’d better give all you protesters out there that there is a slight possibility that Arbroath 1320 and partner might be trying to attend the anti BBC protest at Pacific Quay on Sunday. 😉

you have all been warned! 😛

Paula Rose

That’s my tenner in for our lovely wee ginger dug – only needs a few more xx



Scotland 2014 has Tommy Sheridan on it tonight, so I might break my 10 second embargo on all things BBC Scotland after 6pm, rule.

Tommy should liven things up a bit.


Just back from canvassing. Much better responses, even the No voters were pleasant, though still puzzling. Met some enthusiastic Yes voters, clued-up and committed – and it was a nice evening.


Hello Ronnie Anderson

Ronnie I haven’t heard from you for a couple of days, I thought you were away to Brazil for the World Cup.

Paula Rose

Rev dear – where’s the list of nice people?


Tommy Sheridan 10.30pm BBC2.

joe kane

I noticed George Galloway claiming Scottish nationalist Hugh McDairmid was praising the Nazis during World War II, as part of his well received oration at the Edinburgh bankers doo the other night in some plush suburb of Edinburgh.

But that other famous nationalist and anti British imperialist, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, also took a similar line (and so did many other nationalists in the British Empire), but that doesn’t stop Galloway supporting Palestinian nationalism.

As well as being a sectarian and gigantic hypocrite Galloway also hates Israelis (which constitutes not just an bigoted attack on ordinary Israeli people but also an attack on the general principles that lie at the heart of Palestinian international solidarity and support for the cause of their human rights).

George Galloway refuses to debate with Israeli student at Oxford
21 Feb 2013
Respect MP accused of racism after walking out of West Bank debate at university, saying: ‘I don’t debate with Israelis’

Robert Peffers

Strange bedfellows indeed. Tory/Labour. Orange Order/Celtic FC Hecht Heid Ains.

If you had told me it was a remote possibility a couple of years ago I’d have thought you were mad.

Now I think it they who are mad.


If anyone’s interested, I complained to the State Propoganda Agency about their dismal lack of coverage of the austerity march in London on the 21st. They sent me this, no doubt, standard issue, e-mail response. Did anyone see any of the coverage they claim they gave?

Dear Mr Burke

Thanks for contacting us about coverage of the People’s Assembly anti-austerity demonstration on 21 June.

We understand you feel there was insufficient coverage of this demonstration by BBC News.

We have received a wide range of feedback about our coverage of this story. In order to use our TV licence fee resources efficiently, this general response aims to answer the key concerns raised, but we apologise in advance if it doesn’t address your specific points in the manner you would prefer.

Your concerns were raised with senior editorial staff at BBC News who responded as follows:

“We covered this demonstration on the BBC News Channel with five reports throughout Saturday evening, on the BBC News website on Sunday, as well as on social media. We choose which stories we cover based on how newsworthy they are and what else is happening and we didn’t provide extensive coverage because of a number of bigger national and international news stories that day, including the escalating crisis in Iraq, British citizens fighting in Syria and the death of Gerry Conlon.

We frequently report on the UK economy and what it means for the British public. We also reflect the concerns of people such as those demonstrating, and others who hold opposing views, across our daily news output on TV, radio as well as online, and we also explore them in more depth including in our political programming and current affairs investigations, debates on ‘Question Time’ and during interviews and analysis on programmes such as ‘PM’ and ‘Newsnight’. Inevitably, there may be disagreements over the level of prominence we give to stories, but we believe our coverage of this subject has been fair and impartial.”

We hope this goes some way to explaining our position, and thanks again for taking the time to contact us.

Kind Regards

BBC Complaints
link to


caz-m says:


Scotland 2014 has Tommy Sheridan on it tonight, so I might break my 10 second embargo on all things BBC Scotland after 6pm, rule.

Tommy should liven things up a bit.

You’re making an awfully big assumption there caz. I mean remember the interview with our good Stu that was aired by the Scotland 2014 programme? 😉

If they interview Tommy out of the actual Scotland 2014 studio who’s to say this interview will not go the same way as Stu’s. After all they have some really really big fish to fry tonight besides Tommy. The Energy Secretary will be on telling us all about why independence is bad for us Scots. Apparently our fuel bills will go through the roof! 😛


Well Sarahs just answered why they brought him on…he’s a threat.

Now they’ll try and discredit his involvement.


Bloody hell!

tonight we’ll ask him why people should listen to a convicted liar”

Damn near spilled my tea over the computer with that one! 😛

I wonder if she has checked Better Together lately. 😉

Ian Brotherhood

From the WOS Twitter, as linked by Rev approx one hour ago.

Utterly brilliant –

link to


Gutted I can`t make the BBC demo but I have talked a mate into going and he might take one or two others along too so not all bad. Hope it`s a good turn out for it.


A Letter to No Voters or “Will Scotland’s Turkeys Vote for Cameron’s Christmas?” By Peter Arnott

link to

An excellent rant addressed to anyone daft enough to think voting NO will keep things as they are.

ronnie anderson

What a dis respectfull question from Sarah Smith to Tommy Sheridan is he still together with his Wife,whit the Fuck has that to do with the price of Pan Breed

Bob Sinclair

Same as mine.

Paula Rose

Yummy Tommy – so distinguished that hair loss.

Paula Rose

Of course not your problem Ian honey xx.


Typical Sarah Smith. Asking pathetic questions and personal questions that she would have been up in arms about had someone asked her!

Congratulations to Tommy, he batted her stupid. Even Tommy was almost left speechless, I did say almost, with that absolutely disgraceful question about Gail. I also noticed she could not stop keeping up with the convicted criminal point every chance she got.



Did you hear Sarah Smith get right down to the important nuts and bolts stuff about Independence with Tommy,

“Is your wife still with you?”


See Davey ,the Westminster Energy Secretary doing his best to spread lies, deceit and misinformation about Scotland’s energy prices AFTER independence. What a bampot!

CameronB Brodie

Talking of foreigners, I’ve told you about a particular checkout assistant from London and voting No. Her motivation was fear of anti-English racism. Well, she’d had a wee think to herself and has decided not to vote. For some reason, she no longer feels morally competent to vote on Scotland’s future. 🙂

Do I get a half for that? 😉


Aye heard that caz. Hmm…I didn’t know being with his wife or not being with his wife was an important independence question.

If I ever meet her in person, Sarah Smith that is, I’ll make sure to ask her two questions.

1) which way did you vote in September

2) were you still with your partner before the referendum or had they walked out on you.

Big Jock

Convicted liar who beat the papers that Coulson and co were up to their neck in.Sheridan beat the establishment.The establishment went out to get Sheridan.They got him.His only crime was to think he could beat the system without repurcussions.Sarah Smith is the establishment she works for that bunch of lying turds the BBC!


Big Jock says:

Convicted liar who beat the papers that Coulson and co were up to their neck in.Sheridan beat the establishment.The establishment went out to get Sheridan.They got him.His only crime was to think he could beat the system without repurcussions.Sarah Smith is the establishment she works for that bunch of lying turds the BBC!

The best bit about this whole scenario though BJ is that it has not finished yet. Remember his lawyers are currently undertaking a judicial review of his conviction in light of the phone hacking trial. 😉


@ joe kane 10.29
Galloway is clearly muddled. Hugh MacDairmid was chucked out of the National Party of Scotland (which he founded) because he was a communist and chucked out of the Communist Party (which Marx founded) because he was a nationalist. AFAIK his “flirtation” with Fascism amounted to him speculating that German fascism was better than British fascism because it was weaker and would be more easily defeated.
George should learn to use Google.


@ HandandShrimp, you’re right that Jezereena cum Professor Alsiebadas is not worth bothering about or it is, if your into CiF and Scotland.

The Prof is special though because the twerp obviously knows his constitutional law but cant even begin to answer the constitutional fact that Scotland is in the EU and we are EU citizens whatever we vote but we are meant to accept jezereenas endless rage/reasons that our new country wont be. I’d be lucky get a third if I was Glasgow uni student of Prof Tomkins.


What’s the crazy camera work all about with the interview with Fergus Ewing.

Ed Davey interview is a one to one in a studio. FFS BBC Scotland.

Big Jock

Yep Sarah Smith’s interview technique.First swallow every piece of UK ministers election propaganda as fact.Then challenge Scottish minister on said propaganda.Take UK ministers side even if its anti Scottish.Good old beeb standing up for Scotland and forensically examining UK governments assertions.


caz-m says:

What’s the crazy camera work all about with the interview with Fergus Ewing.

Ed Davey interview is a one to one in a studio. FFS BBC Scotland.

It’s all about creating the situation whereby they can use the well used phrase “sorry for the loss of sound there we seem to be having some technical difficulties there. We’ll return to this topic if we have time at the end of the programme.”

ronnie anderson

@ caz_m had problems with my Tevo box & decoder so been of line, but back up & running. Gerry parker & myself went to Emburgh today for the launch of English Scots, but could,nt display the Wings banner as intended,we,ll see you on Sunday.

Free at 63!

Any ideas where to park on Sunday?

Big Jock

To be fair the cameras were new ones installed by the BBC in London.The normal ones have an anti shake mechanism.The Scottish ones have auto shake when a Scottish government minister is on camera and saying something revealing.


Free at 63! says:

Any ideas where to park on Sunday?

Car park seems a good idea to me. 😛

Sorry Free I couldn’t help myself there. 😉

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

All Socialists go bald eventually, as do Tories and budgies –

link to

No-one’s very sure what happens to LibDems’ hair – ‘Masters of the Comb-Over’:

link to

Paula Rose

Ian – you are a naughty boy, I’m going to have to have words with you xx.


I am sure I read that Andy Coulson has to appear at Glasgow High Court once he is finished in London. He is meant to be up on a perjury charge, which if found guilty in Scotland, carries an automatic jail term.

Then Tommy can put in the compensation claim against them.


Interesting to see the Pope, the Orange Order, Obama and Premier Keqiang all on the same space on this one.
Just lucky we didn’t ignore the Dalai Lama.

Free at 63!

Nice one Lesley-Anne.

Just know the Quay doesn’t have a lot of parking that I remember.

Paula Rose

@ caz-m, yes dear, that’s the point.


Free at 63! says:

Nice one Lesley-Anne.

Just know the Quay doesn’t have a lot of parking that I remember.

I wouldn’t know myself either. We may very well be travelling up from the deep South on Sunday, just hope SatNav and directions don’t take us to Better together HQ instead. There again with our truck decked out as it is it might be a wee eye opener for them. 😛

Big Jock

Apparently the sloth Jackie Baillie is bleating about an Orange Parade being allowed to through Helensburgh.Has she not looked at her own sides membership recently.Surely she would want to encourage her fellow no campaigners..Better together and all that.Well her jaws wired together that is.More soup matron!


Free at 63!
“Any ideas where to park on Sunday?”

There is a large car park at Pacific Quay, which is free for disabled or £3 coins all day parking.

There is also a couple of streets round about that you could park in.

I would get three pound coins and use the large car park.


Ronnie Anderson

Did you order the Mass Pipes and Drums for Sunday, or has anyone?

Free at 63!


If you are travelling from the south the Quay is on the south bank of the river and BT are on the north bank so unless your satnav tells you to cross the river and veer left you will have no chance of being outside their HQ unless you want to take a wee detour and stick a couple of YES stickers on their door!

Nana Smith

Some bedtime reading…

link to


caz-m says:

Free at 63!
“Any ideas where to park on Sunday?”

There is a large car park at Pacific Quay, which is free for disabled or £3 coins all day parking.

I’m looking at Pacific Quay omn Google maps just now caz. Is the car park you’re talking about the one that is outside BBC building or the one across the road?

link to

Hope the link works. 😉


If you google earth Pacific Quay, Govan, you will see how much parking space there is.


Big-Jock – that’s truly shocking to refer to Baillie as a sloth….

I’ve never known a sloth to deliberately lie the way Baillie has…

Tis a slur on sloth sir… a slur I say 🙂

ronnie anderson

@ caz_m I have Full Boar pipes n drums,if Im allowed to park in the taxi bay I have a good sterio system in the car.

Anyone with a disabled badge/card dont buy a token, go to the exit & show them the card on camera as others waant to leave they have to let you out, I did that the last demo, there should be disabled bays but they removed them .


Scotland 2014 tonight was another joke attempt at information for the elctorate. The bias now is beyond dispute both in the broadcast and print media.

Should we be surprised though? I don’t think so at all. The MSM are a full partner in the establishment, the British one that is. They play their role and are accordingly rewarded.

Think of editors like Andrew Neil, Piers Morgan or Rebecca Brookes. all had access to No 10, they were all in it together. Slimy toads still doing the same job.

They’ve fucked up up on this gig though, don’t understand the Scottish psyche at all. Don’t threaten me ya dick or my might knock you down. They have got the ordinary Scots back up with the relentless bullshit.

Keep the conversations going folks we have them on the run. By the way Rebecca Brookes IMO was guilty too and should have went to jail, being friends with Cameron didn’t do any harm though, eh.

Brian Mchugh

…If your a hater vote No… If your a lover vote Yes. 😉


Think you are right there Thepnr. As others have said how on earth can she have been having an affair with Coulson and sleeping in bed with him and NOT know what was going on! Defies belief.

Free at 63!

The pnr

Couldn’t agree more. Well said.

Ian Brotherhood

Have just viewed Sheridan/Smith on the ‘2014’ show.


Definite chemistry there, eh?

Sarah’s eyes were sparkling. She doesn’t often get to see ‘socialists’ up that close.

Perhaps she asked him for a copy of his ‘Solidarity’ manifesto?

Perhaps he promised to give her one before he left the building?

All will be revealed, eventually.

(PS – Tommy, man, please, do everyone a big favour and shave away those bonkers scalptufts – you look like the ‘Joy of Sex’ man in the Harry Hill show.)


Sorry for going O/T but it appears that there is evidence that either the Electoral Commission or the C.B.I. or possibly both have been lying over the C.B.I. registering, or not, with the Commission over registering its support for the NO campaign.

link to



It’s the large car park across the road on the left. The one in front of the BBC is their car park.

Are you going on Sunday Lesley-Anne?

And I wouldn’t advise anybody to drive slowly around the BT office in Blythswood Square, they could end up in jail.

Blythswood Square is known in Glasgow as a place were a certain type of lady hangs about. wink wink.

CameronB Brodie

I know it’s not important, but the Londoner I mentioned earlier, is a student intending to return home. Just to make it clear I’m not going around intimidating No voters.

Ian Brotherhood

@Nana Smith/Lesley-Anne –


Well spotted there chums. Nae doots we’ll hear more of this.

Onward, upward…

Morag Graham Kerr

From the WOS Twitter, as linked by Rev approx one hour ago.

Utterly brilliant –

link to

I didn’t follow the link from the tweet, but I followed it from here. Beautiful piece of writing. The sort of outstanding vision that makes you feel more intelligent and cultured even as you realise how far ahead of you this writer is.


Thanks for that caz. Once I figured out how to get the Google maps thingy to work coupled with ronnie’s advice I sort of thought the car park on the left had to be the one everyone was talking about.

At the moment we’ve left it “up in the air” so to speak. ;P However, we are leaning towards making an appearance. If we do make a GRAND entrance I’ll be the eejit in the wheel chair with the “I’m on the list” Wings T-shirt being pushed by the tall blonde similarly attired. 😛

I just hope our SatNav gets the right address for Sunday then I’d hat to end up in jail cause I was showing *support* for a banned concept! 😛

David Smith

@Big Jock. No need for National Service. In the event of indy, I’ll volunteer for the Scottish Home Guard. Quite fancied soldiering as a lad but I didn’t fancy doing it for the British. If I can make up for that as a 50-year old knacker I will!


I am going up to Bannockburn live on Saturday, I see that ‘stirlingshire no thanks’ and other groups are trying to use ‘armed forces day’ to push a’better together message. We all know that armed forces was chosen on the 28th by stirlingshire council and the mod to detract from the paid event bannockburn live.

We should have a strong voice up there I’m certainly going to be dressed in Yes up there!

A while ago there was a rally cry for attendance there seems all quiet now… Or am I mistaken.


@ Caz-m

There is a Pipe band championships on up in Forres this weekend. Unfortunately the only other type of “marching band” has just signed up to support a No vote…


Leslie-Anne, The fact that the Electoral commission advised the CBI at one of those exchanges on how to get round the rules on registering stinks of collusion.
If it transpires that the EC ARE at it, and with an ex BBC man at the helm it wouldn’t surprise, then that would leave the SG with little option but to appeal for outside monitoring (even though this is westmiddens reserved right).
What would that say to the electorate ?
Methinks a landslide Yes would follow.

ronnie anderson

@ Lesley Anne, dont worry about ending up in jail, that new police station in Govans the bees knees central heating/ tvs/an the grubs no bad either. gerry parker said that about me awe day, that he wid end up in Saughton with me, nae chancety polis ur to busy laughin tae arrest me.


I agree with you on this defo. I find it utterly astounding, or should I be utterly astonished 😛 , that the E.C. were holding private meetings with the C.B.I. That was bad enough but for this to have taken place, then the C.B.I. to have, allegedly, applied to register for NO, then *ahem* claim the application was invalid because it had been sent in by an office *cough* junior is beyond belief.

Now we all know about these private meetings then questions MUST be asked and as you say the S.G. must surely now write directly to those in charge of overseeing elections and request their involvement. We all know W.M. will not do this because THEY are at the centre of the problem!

I just hope we can get the word out about this apparent collusion between the E.C. and C.B.I. to the electorate. The people must be told about all these underhanded attempts to screw with the referendum result!

ronnie anderson

Mind awe you,s attending Pacific Quay, bring your threatning

letters from Bbc/Capita/Tv Licences,I will be handing my letters in at the door.

The Man in the Jar

at 9:19pm

Electric Soup. I have every copy saved for prosperity!

C`mon the wildebeest! 🙂


Now you’ve told us about the lovely new Govan police station ronnie I’m now in two minds, BBC protest…slow drive past BT HQ… BBC protest…:P

The Man in the Jar

Prosperity as in they will be worth a fortune in about forty years 🙁



One solution to this, and to the Establishments under-mining of democracy in general, is for a group of prominent yessers to do one of those open letters to the national newspapers of the world.
A wee note to Le Monde, playing on the auld alliance sort of thing, from one of us might bear some fruit on stemming the rot too.

Bedtime. Night all x


Well that would certainly attract a lot of unwelcome attention on those who need to have the light shone on them Defo. 😉

Ian Brotherhood

@Ronnie Anderson –

If I get there on Sunday, I’ll bring my wee ‘letter’ from the BBC license-fee people – I was in the back garden when they called, but the dogs never raised so much as a peep.

Whoever delivered it didn’t even bother knocking the door – if they had, the Lab/Spaniel combo (Baxter & Bailey) would’ve noticed.

The wee note they left has been on top of the key-box ever since, and I’ve been waiting for them to come back so’s I can return the thing in person.

That’s since April/May 2013.

Still waiting…

ronnie anderson

@ Ian Brotherhood, handing letters in at pacific quay gets a responce & a revisit by Capita, sos it costs them money,you shut the door in they,re face they post another one & say that you were’nt in.


MajorBloodnok: at 7:32 pm

Why splash out on expensive dental floss when pipecleaners would have done the job.

Aye MB but with a wee bit of group think and investment a chain saw would do an even better job.


Croompenstein says:

“Red Feathers and a Hula Hula Skirt..”

Pleeease tell me they have the coconuts too 😀

Nice story about the CBI and the EC Lesley-Anne. I don’t trust the british Electoral Commission at all. I hope this runs, but they’ll try and bury it.

Everything I’m seeing and reading (barely keeping up) right now is giving me a good feeling. That 63 keeps popping up.. but I’ll be working to the wire to try for 80.

As Paula and Thepnr and others have been saying we need to keep having those conversations. Convincing the DKs that we can do it. Every meeting and debate is keeping the momentum going in the Yes direction.

My pal Rab (see you on Sunday at PQ 😉 )has been covering the Aberdeen countryside with large Yes signs in prominent locations. We’re going to get some more as there’s still demand from supporters. Photos in due course.

Hope to see some of you at Bannockburn on Saturday, and will see some more at Pacific Quay on Sunday.

As Ian says onwards and upwards!


Interesting how they think they can keep these sort of stories *ahem* secret X sticks. They really are working like we are a big bunch of stupid, poor and ignorant numpties. Only one wee problem with that assumption…we’re not stupid and poor THEY are the ones who are stupid and poor. 😛


Such a subtle move from Scotland 2014 tonight. Don’t report the Lodge becoming involved officially. Bring on an unaligned Yes person who can be expected to undermine the official Yes line by suggesting that nothing is written in stone and a different vision is possible, then constantly suggest that he’s tarnishing the Yes campaign with his past. At the same time, the indefatigable Gorgeous George gets praise for a nonsense rant in which he shows he doesn’t understand either the BoE or Scotland’s current currency situation and tells Catholics to fear the Orangemen he’s marching alongside. Editors don’t have to direct traffic to get things done. It’s all about deciding what stories get covered in the first place.

ronnie anderson

Good nite all

Derek M

lol its true all socialists do go bald its all the ranting and raving we do about social injustice 😉

Damn what an ugly bunch this lot are what ever you do dont show the bairns they will be having nightmares for years.


Ian is quite well thatched, isn’t he?


The UK Gov/the No Campaign

seeks to control

not only what you think

but what you think about.

In other words

mind control

through State Propaganda

of the electorate

via the media.

Swallow it and you WILL vote No.

Spit it out and you have a choice.

I’ve chosen Yes.

Derek M

give it time Morag lol so save Ian`s hair vote yes for a fair social society ,its to late for me i pulled all mine out in the thatcher era 🙂

Alfresco Dent

At last Stu, we’re on the same page. Feel my rage!

joe kane

Thanks Capella at 10.55pm.

The British nationalist, and intellectual and political non-entity, Galloway misrepresenting and distorting the views of a great and important historical and literary international left-wing giant such as Hugh MacDiardmid for the benefit of a bunch of Unionist bankers in a plush suburb and to great cheers from The Spectator magazine is quite a sight. British nationalist left and right in perfect harmony. Reminds me of that other member of the Labour Party that got thrown out of it, Oswald Mosley.

To paraphrase an introductory line to one of MacDiarmid’s “Glasgow” poems –
The Edinburgh banking class are a bunch of phagocytes sucking on the pus from an abscess.


@Bill McLean

Not sure why that is Bill. Going straight to it when I click on it. Try going to Derek’s blog and linking from there.

Rev has a link to Derek under Scottish Politics.

Brian Mchugh

I’m on holiday, it’s a beautiful morning… and I have this…

link to

john king

Doug Daniel says
“Also, I believe the phrase you guys are looking for is “dental rope”.”

I was thinking more one of those whirly brushy things that drain cleaners use,
wait I think I’ve just been sick in my mouth.

Docfin says
“Now that list is worth printing out and handing to any No voting friends one might have. If that assortment doesn’t make them stop and think…”

Already doing it Doc,
letting people see who their allies are will be a wake up call for a lot of people, strange bedfellows indeed.

Paula Rose says
“btw – in an Independent Scotland, Orange marches will have to be led by pink dressed bands playing the Gay Hussars – Al-Ecksammon says so xx”

No? really?
I would pay to see that, 🙂

Heedtracker says
” he suggests. Catholics would become scapegoats for Scottish failure”

Has anyone told Ian Smart to add them to the list?

Major Bloodnok says
“Clearly, the Orange Lodge are not the only fruitcakes. I wonder if they’re members of the CBI…”

the Commission for Bleedin Imbeciles?

Muttley says
” What a shame for poor old pussy cat Galloway that his whole anti- independence schtick has been skewered by the OO. Where now Georgie? ”

Oh I have an idea, maybe he could lead Paula Rose’s OO parade and he could wear his catsuit and toss the band majors big pole?

Alexicon says
“Off to the dentist in the morning to get my bank balanced lowered a bit ”

If you live anywhere near Kirkcaldy Alexicon I would recomment the Kirkcaldy dental access centre on whytemans Brae, where 5th year students do your treatment for free, and I cannot praise them highly enough, I had had a lot of work done entirely free and no long waiting time!

Handandshrimp says
“Oddly though, there is an absolute hatred of Scotland that spills out in just about every post so God knows what what we have done to them in the past.”

It couldn’t be Westheadbanger and Answer Guy in another persona could it?

Ronnie Anderson says
“Step forward Gerry Parker an his Hairy String, thats if there,s any left after tying up the Gizebo.”

noo thats funny hahahahahaha 🙂

maybe you’d like to teach Goldenarse what humour is Ronnie?

Oh and while we’re at it Paula don’t bother with Goldenayr have you seen his posts?

message to Goldenayr,

john king

Oh and btw while I’m on the subject Muscleguy
Im sorry if I misunderstood your comment about the Kerelia Suite the other day but it was a genuine attempt to direct you to it,
in hindsight it was a bit daft of me to think you couldn’t find an easily traceable piece of music but how about a little more tolerance in future mkay?

john king

Lesley-Anne @1.22pm
did you notice how few cars were in the BBC car park?
I wonder what time of day/day of the week that image was taken?

john king

Krakerman says
“Tis a slur on sloth sir… a slur I say”

Try saying that with a drink in you. 🙂

john king

Ian Brotherhood says
“Perhaps he promised to give her one before he left the building?”

Do you think he did?


Ed Miliband is giving us the pleasure of his company for a couple of hours today, another flying Friday visit. Why is it always a Friday visit?

link to

He is up here again to have another go at telling us to vote NO. Will he meet the masses when he is up, no chance.

And does it make any difference to Scotland whether it’s the Tories who are in power at Westminster or the Labour Party?

The two of them are having one almighty battle to see who can CUT the public spending budget the most.

Miliband’s visit just reminds Scottish Labour supporters that they need to reclaim their Party back from the right leaning London Labour Party.

That’s why the majority of Scottish Labour voters will vote YES on 18th September.


Ed Miliband is giving us the pleasure of his company for a couple of hours today, another flying Friday visit. Why is it always a Friday visit?

link to

He is up here again to have another go at telling us to vote NO. Will he meet the masses when he is up, no chance.

And does it make any difference to Scotland whether it’s the Tories who are in power at Westminster or the Labour Party?

The two of them are having one almighty battle to see who can CUT the public spending budget the most.

Miliband’s visit just reminds Scottish Labour supporters that they need to reclaim their Party back from the right leaning London Labour Party.

That’s why the majority of Scottish Labour voters will vote YES on 18th September.


Good Time for a WoS Poll ??

Stuart Black

@The Man In The Jar: Lucky man, I’m two short of the full set, though I have quite a few doublers. I’ll keep on looking! 😉