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Wings Over Scotland

‘Yes’ campaign team news

Posted on June 18, 2012 by

How’s that cross-party alliance for independence doing? Let’s ask the Scottish media!

Greens walk out on the Yes campaign” (Herald)
Greens quash claims of ‘Yes Scotland’ walkout” (Holyrood magazine)

Margo MacDonald snubs ‘Yes Scotland’ campaign” (Scotsman)
MacDonald ‘not leaving campaign’” (Herald)

Yes Scotland heading for a right Royal bust-up as SSP break ranks” (Herald)
As far as we are concerned we are fully part of the Yes campaign, and my attitude is that it has been a success.” (Herald)

Stay tuned for the latest developments!

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11 to “‘Yes’ campaign team news”

  1. Suth

    Any wonder that public opinion and understanding of the debate is so confused?

  2. Gordon

    Very slightly off topic but well within its spirit –  today’s Daily Record has Labour and the Daily Record criticising Alex Salmond and the SNP because they didn’t criticise Rupert Murdoch sufficiently vis-a-vis his (Murdoch’s) support for the Iraq war and invasion.  

    As an expat I am seeing that apart from a few howlers the Herald is the only MSM organ still worth checking into.  I know the Scotsman sometimes has one off good work but it is silly just like the Telegraph.  The Guardian is good but not for Scots news. 

    It will be tough for the Yes campaign, hopefully people will see through the crap.  


  3. Arbroath1320

    Just a thought.
    When the media report that the Green’s, Margo the SSP etc are splitting from the YES campaign perhaps they are referring to the YES for Dependence campaign as opposed to the YES for Independence campaign. 😆

  4. John Lyons

    Bad enough that papers contradict each other, but for the SSP one both ae reported by the Herald!

  5. Macart

    Ow, owowowowowo………… migraine from too much spin. 🙂

  6. Arbroath1320

    Darkened room beckoning here methinks Macart! 😆

  7. Macart

    Bar’s open Arb, beta blockers on the counter. 😀

  8. Arbroath1320

    I’m on my way! 😆

  9. Snizort

    Gordon said ‘It will be tough for the Yes campaign, hopefully people will see through the crap.’

    The acid test. If we fail it, we don’t deserve independence!

    if the media continue ramping up the pro-union agenda as they are now for the next two years, the public are bound to start asking questions.  Surely?

    It’s really not healthy to have such a huge issue framed around an entirely one-sided media.

    It’s feasible that this could work in the Yes camps favour.It could already be working: look at the media run up to the 2011 election, then look at the result.


  10. MajorBloodnok

    Yes, I’m an optimist too – which I think is a (if not the) defining feature of being pro-independence.

  11. Morag

    I attended a concert last week given in honour of Gaelic poet Aonghas MacNeacail’s 70th birthday.  He is obviously very pro-independence, and said a few cutting things about our “so-called unbiassed media”.  Then he said something pretty fundamental.
    “The way the vote goes will depend primarily on whether we are persuaded to hope, or to fear.”

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