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Wings Over Scotland

Wee Blue Update

Posted on August 18, 2014 by

Help. We’ve been absolutely swamped in demand for The Wee Blue Book. (We’re not ignoring emails, just using them to put together a database for distribution.) We’ve used the proceeds of our mindbogglingly successful fundraiser to get 250,000 copies thundering through the print presses as we speak, but an order that size takes quite a while, and the full run probably won’t be in our depots across the country until the end of the month, though we should have a preliminary batch of 20,000 out before that.

But we’ve also been deluged with requests from people and local groups looking for sources and advice on how to print some of their own, so if you just can’t wait, an alert reader has tracked down what we think must be an unbeatable price.

stuprint (no relation, honest) will knock up 6,000 copies from our print-ready PDF file, turned round in a speedy 4-5 days, for an exceptionally reasonable £1,590 all in – there’s no VAT on books. You can contact them for a quote on smaller orders.

If that’s more than you need, there are other options to get going right away.

Alert reader “@BBScotland” has provided this excellent, easy-to-follow guide to making copies on your own printer, using the special low-ink home-print edition. Click to enlarge. (NB “Foxit” is a freeware PDF reader, you may have others on your computer like Adobe Acrobat Reader, but the principle should be the same.)


Otherwise, just keep on tweeting and sharing, or make some promo cards, or whatever it takes to get a copy in front of undecided or persuadable-No voters in one format or another. (The digital edition has now passed 300,000 downloads in a week.) We’ve got truckloads on the way, but the clock is ticking. Readers are taking all sorts of magnificently inventive approaches to get the word out.


We’re hearing amazing tales of votes being turned around by the Book. It seems like it really could make a difference. Let’s make it happen.

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Ian Brotherhood

‘…arf arf arf arf ruff! Arf wee blue book ruff arf arf.’

‘Rarf! Arf arf ruff arf arf wee blue book ruff arf rarf…’

See? Even the dogs in the street are talking about it.


@Ian Brotherhood
Has that Wee Ginger Dug been telling them all about it then? 😉


Sorry OT but..

Rev- Im astonished n’at

Have just seen an ‘Orinary Mother’ and sure I’ve ‘seen members of UKIP’ in their Ref broadcast on STV just minutes ago!

As wee Johann would say – Im fair astonished !!


Absolutely amazing Stu. I really don’t know what we would have done without you and your energy. 😉

I’ve been in contact with Morag about getting some WBB’s for our wee patch around Annan. However, there are areas West of us like YES stewartry and YES Wigtown who may not have access to the WBB in hard print and travelling to Melrose is going to be a big job for them. :0

We have a YES meeting on Wednesday night and I’ll ask our group if they know of any local storage facility that can handle around 10,000 or so WBB’s. Fai;ling this it will be down to us to act as go between for YES Stewartry and YES Wigtown to coordinate deliveries to them from Melrose, always providing Melrose can facilitate us all that is. 😛

ronnie anderson

(Bigots Together ) Yvonne Hama I had a run in with her in Airdrie,(July) Yes Stall ( She is NOT in any Orange Order Lodge) she has a mouth like a Sewer, no members of the LLOL in Airdrie would stand in the Main St & shout & swear.She is from Plains outside Airdrie.I only noticed tonight on BBc Scotland.

James Caithness

I printed out the WBB today at my local library. 72 pages £7.20. Worth it.

Nana Smith


Saw the ad and there was quite a few of the BT/Naw folk we’ve seen before.
I’m sure the older woman was asleep at the tory party conference and she was in the pensions leaflet.



Page views for Wings over the last 30 days has gone OVER 5 Million. Well someone somewhere must be telling someone about Wings … Anyone got any ideas who has been spreading the word? 😉

Just read on Twitter as well that word about the WBB is even reaching the ears of undecided voters. Folks out canvassing are even now being asked by undecided voters where they can get hold of a copy of the WBB. 😛

Is it me or are we seeing signs now of a TEN or TWENTY fold INCREASE in the pressure on Better Thanks/NO Together/ Project Feart or whatever? 😛


Tipping point has been reached.
It’s coming yet, for a’ that. 🙂

I’ve looked out the fireworks for sending aff the La.

Flower of Scotland


Bettertogether Referendum broadcast! You’ll never believe it! It’s Clare Lally again and Yvonne Hama! Are these the only two women BT can get to speak for them!

Well done Stu with the wee Blue Book! An enormous contribution to Scottish Independence. It’s in my iBooks.

Harry McAye

That Yvonne women was in the Proud Scot But (one woman actually said those words!) PPB tonight. Potential scandal?


What does it say about Better Thanks/ NO Together/ Project Feart or whatever when they include apparent racist supporters in their TV broadcasts? 😉

What was wrong, could they not get their supporters from Suff of the border bused up in time to do the broadcast? 😛

haud on the noo

Am a proud scot but….ffs its so predictable.

You do wonder if they are trying to lose it.

Paula Rose

Honeys – are you all volunteering to help your regional referendum agents? I’m off back to stuffing envelopes and knocking on stranger’s doors.


Thanks Stu. I’ll mention that to the group on Wednesday. I rekon 10,000 would probably do to cover the undecideds in our area, Stewartry and Wigtown areas as well. 😛


I am putting some up on ebay for pre-order – I can then pre-print all envelopes – get the stamps on them

I was thinking


these are for small order for people who believe they have a couple of don’t know friends who would be swayed by this book

Often because you have a relationship with the person, you have a trust level that makes them easier to tip into yes

I am going to ask that people do not purchase multiple quantities ie 2*10pack – pinch books back off pals once you have converted them

Welcome comments and peoples feeling on whether this is an effective method of distribution or holds true that friends may be the easiest to convert


@ Kestral – I’m up for that and I’ll take about 10 for now. Just give us the nod when they’re on Ebay


So with 250,000 we can reach 10% of all housholds as a minimum. These will then be shared, I think reaching twice that number is achievable and may make all the difference on the final outcome.

Rev for all the great work you have done to date nothing is likely to be as important as getting the WBB into peoples hands.

Let’s finish the campaign on a high and get them out there. I remember in my post “Diary of A Cybernat” I said there would be “10,000 Wingers out there delivering all kinds of information”.

Pretty close, if the rest come anywhere near true it’s a done deal 🙂

Gavin Greig


That’s a great idea. I would certainly go for that.


@Kestral, that’s a brilliant idea. I’ll be watching for your update

Paula Rose

I am writing letters longhand to friends and relatives who do not have broadband access, or are seriously undecided, and those who are community activists. When I get my copies these will be ready to go. There was a comment about a chat forum to co-ordinate WBB distribution, its not working for my operating system, with the print run we have plus the downloads and individual initiative what is our coverage?

Jim McIntosh

@kestral – great idea, grateful if you could give the ebay ID number or title once it’s up.

Les Wilson

The sling is being pulled back, just wait till it flies!

Stewart fae stoney

I printed out a pile of copies at work and distributed them about the offices. Also sent emails round everyone I know with the wee blue book attached with the covering note “If you sing Flower of Scotland, please read and forward on to as many people but if you vote No and have an urge to sing rule Britannia then please read and then you choose what you do with it. Its a great book Stu well done


All this action is great. Remember-Grassroots campaigns always win!

Big Al

I can’t afford to do prints etc but want to help distribute the WBB, round Linthouse preferably. Can anyone involved in the area contact me? tartanthing at hotmail dot co dot uk . Apologies if I’ve broken any rules posting my email addy Rev!


Big Al, is anyone doing Fulbar Road in Shieldhall? I have to friend there who seems only to have the post-delivered items. I’ll get to her, but something through the door would help.


Quarter a million blues should carry a custodial sentence,especially considering the clear intent to distribute.

Archie [not Erchie]

@ Big Al – No apologies needed re your email address and there’s quite a few folk here who cannot do loadsa prints, much as we would like to. Just be patient for the print run to be completed from HQ and if you are stuck for copies then just post here again. Where is Linthouse? 🙂


Distribution now is key, first the large scale then the volunteers and finally the readers. At least that is how I see it.

Right across the country for the main distribution and from where they can be collected. I also think we need to have a method of deciding genuine Wingers from those that would destroy them at the volunteer level.

Don’t want any falling into the wrong hands.


Oh, and a final point. My son earlier today had what I think is a good idea. Those that finally distribute them should put a small slip inside asking that if they found the WBB useful, then please pass on for some one else to read.

There is merit in that.

Graeme Doig


Nice one. 10 for me (for personal use… honest officer).
Still trying to get local Yes to get big order in.


@Thepnr – you have a point. Whats to stop a whole lorry load of WBB disappearing or being dumped in the canal. Think a wee bit of thought has to go into storage and distribution. Rev must have a list of names that go far back and from these trusted names they could be handed down to the rest of us. I might already be way behind the curve – hope so


Remember the WBB is available to download so if folk cannot wait DOWNLOAD and help to save the planet !

Nana Smith

I wonder if before distributing the wee blue books the content should be checked…for printing errors etc

Robert Louis

Kestral regarding Ebay,

A good idea. Post a link, and costs etc..

Small numbers are useful for some folks.

Big Al

Archie, Linthouse is the classy part of Govan 😉 (just west of BAE)

Morag, don’t know Fulbar road, but happy to hunt it out to deliver.

Thepnr I will use my numbered friends of Wings badge as ID, maybe volunteers can be matched to various Wings donor lists? Obviously wont cover all distributors but may help identify the genuine volunteers.

Ian Mackay

Thepnr, that’s a great idea. Or you could register copies with and leave them at various points about the country stating that you would like the book to remain in Scotland till the 18th September but ‘crossed’ as many times before that.

ronnie anderson

@Nana Smith proof reading by my good self ha ha, no Nana its been proof read by a few Wingers so should be ok,its the message that counts.

Nana Smith

@ronnie anderson

I meant could the printing be tampered with.


Does anyone have one of these the stu ones that they can weigh for me

been told they are 145g – but that seems very heavy

it makes 10 of the 1.45kg – and thats 5.15 to send

Can anyone double check

stu you got kitchen scales?

call me dave

WBB superb! Made ten to give to a group of individuals I work with or meet as neighbours. All distributed reaction good.

I’ll order some more from sources on Wings Links.

Watched this earlier tonight you can catch up at the link below.

Daily Independence Convention news update. Number 1

link to


I hope everyone that donated hopes to get their hands on some to share with those that are undecided or soft No’s.

If you don’t know enough of them 🙂 pass the WBB to a Yesser you know that does.

The goal is to get ALL of them in circulation. We can do that.


The doomed YES2AV Campaign’s booklets turned up about three days after the vote… Not trying to worry you or anything. Fingers crossed.



That’s why we have Wings. Faster delivery.



Update on the highly desireable “First Edition” WBB’s will come off the press late Thursday this week. Demand is high so hopefully we can satisfy the early birds until the Rev’s 2nd Edition (lol)shortly thereafter.


ok people that’s them up

link to

I have changed quantities of the packs to maximise postal price

At 145 grams each sending 8 or 10 would be as expensive as sending 12

so you have a choice of


I will try to get some of the business cards printed and throw a few in with your order

All dates are still estimates given to me – I will pre-print all labels and make up boxes ready for booklets landing

Jim McIntosh

Thx kestral – ordered 12.



1st Edition eh! Like the sound of that, for those unaware ken has chipped in £3 grand of his own money to get these printed. Which was extremely generous.

As well as those that have already already ordered if you would like some of the first edition, email ken for 500 books at £100 and help the man get some of his hard earned back.

Hope I have got that right Ken?



The AV Yes campaign was indeed lacklustre but the WBB exists and has already been downloaded 300,000 times and many printed versions are already out there. The 250,000 copies Stu has on the printing presses should be hitting the decks soon to add to the fun. There are going to be a lot of WBBs.

Nana Smith


Ordered 12.


Cheers Kestral, 48 ordered

Dave lewis

Out canvassing tonight all the DK’s given the address for the wee blue book some of them said that they had heard something about it. Word is spreading like wild fire. But we need everyone to pass on this info to all and sundry.

Alistair Gray

I used these people …

6,000 copies for £1118

100 GSM, not 130

5-7 day production time + delivery time.

Extra cost for expedited service.


Must admit I would like to know what approach if any is being organised to distribute these to don’t knows.
many of the Yes groups have lists of DK’s from their canvassing. Wouldn’t it be optimal to get the Wbb*s to those lists if possible ?
Else do we all just stand at shopping centres and hand out or at work. All seems a bit ad-hoc in terms of targetting and getting hold of a professional printed version instead of home printed job.

Hugh Wallace


Nice one! You have just received an order of 12 from me kage110


Please remember 1 each at the moment

we will speak to stu / kininvie about putting up more

those who have ordered more than one will have money returned for extra and will only receive 1


If anyone with a massive order is happy to sell 100 or so books to me I’d be really happy and can come and pickup (I have a van too). I have emailled StuPrint but suspect that they may be inundated.

I stay in Bridge of Allan and am hoping to drop them through the doors of my neighbours who are largely of the no-thankyou-dear demographic.

contact me on twitter @rapiddescentsco



oops! didn’t know there was a limit, dozen is good for a start.



no problem Baheid

I had put it in a post here earlier but forgot to put it on the listing – all listing now state it

Its just to try to give everyone a fair shot at at least getting a couple – re-use of conversion material is thoroughly recommended – it never loses its potency


Will try to source more when we settle what’s going where


we also have yes stickers for cars – sooooo if anyone doesn’t have them on their car – they are 2 for 99p including postage

yes sticker spotting has become my prefered method of crashing my car into the one in front


There are also WOS flyers in packs of 100 if anyone is feeling like a useful stroll with benefits for scotland and your health


link to


That’s great Kestral. I ordered a dozen. Just what is needed, there are not a lot of people around here.

I have printed out some already to make a start on some uninformed persons but the posh printers jobs will be even better.

There is so little time with the postal votes going out soon.

Alan Mackintosh

kendo, could take 500 of you if you still have some. It would start getting them on the ground up here in Inverness. Any left and if so how shall I order them?


@Thepnr, Alan

I’m getting inundated with requests for the book, so will try to fulfil as many as I can I just bumped up the order by a little more and should have a final number availability by Thursday


@Alan Mackintosh

Ken’s email is:


Oops, sorry Ken and Alan for jumping in.

Alan Mackintosh

Kendo, ok, will wait to hear from you later in the week re availability,

Ian Brotherhood

Just a wee note for anyone worried about the alleged distancing of WOS by the official ‘Yes Scotland’ campaign…

Worry ye not. It’s cobblers. I was in a Yes shop this afternoon, had a fifteen minute chat with the volunteers/other visitors, and the most animated exchanges were all about the WBB and the astonishing fundraiser.

That shop will take WBBs, stock them and deliver them. I’ve alerted the relevant people, and it will happen.

What’s going to stop it? Is the Glasgow Yes HQ despatching people to check that Yes shops aren’t holding any WOS-related material?

No way. I dropped in there unexpectedly today, and they had a good stack of the WOS leaflets on prominent display, as well as a healthy scattering of flyers advertising our SSP meeting in Kilwinning earlier this evening.

Ignore whatever ‘Yes’ HQ is saying. The people on the ground know what’s important. A month from now those shops will all be closing – make good use of them, and trust the people staffing them to do the right thing.

Ian Brotherhood


If you’re in the Three Towns/Kilwinning/Irvine areas and can’t get to Yes shops/order online, whatever other reason, please drop me a line. I have general ‘Yes’ material and hundreds of SSP badges. Happy to deliver, within a reasonable distance – I’m sure others will offer to cover adjacent areas (??!!)

As and when (fingers crossed!) I get my requested wad of WBBs, same applies.


Well said, common sense prevails. We will decide what is stocked in OUR Yes shops. No one else.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian.

I was in the YES shop in Dundee on Saturday, mentioned the WBB fundraiser to the guy there (someone had told him about it earlier in the day) and he said they were hoping to be a distribution hub for it, as they could “shift 1,000s”, to all the different YES groups in Dundee.

edward robinson

Have ordered 12 but the delivery date of the 4th September seems quite far away ? thanks kestral.

Billy McKinlay

As a Scottish Greens supporter I must say I’m disappointed that the ‘wee blue book’ only seems to promote the SNP’s currency preferences while completely ignoring the preferences and plans of anyone else – including my party’s preference for a Scottish currency.

We need to show that independence isn’t all about Salmond and the SNP, but unfortunately this book seems to contributing to the SNP’s agenda, which Patrick Harvie warned against:

“the SNP’s attempts to imply – quite wrongly – that a Yes vote is an endorsement of everything in their “white paper”, Scotland’s Future. By treating the referendum like an election, and trying to convince people that a Yes vote is a vote for this weighty manifesto, there is a real danger that they will alienate those who don’t support SNP policy on anything from corporate tax cuts to military expenditure”.

link to

Derick fae Yell

I am REALLY MISSING not having broadband at the minute. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

second or thirded Kestrel’s ebay idea for small deliveries. Good plan


Could we have a wee Picture ‘thang’ going with posts of the WBB in various places, could range from Holyrood to just someones wee hoose…doesnt matter but would give a good sense of camaraderie and heck, lets get a map of coverage up while we are there!

Im in London this week, Im thinking The Scottish Office might fancy a copy!


@Ian Brotherhood

In contact with my local YES person on Glasgow south side last week and they said they would welcome the WBB but couldnt ‘officially’ distribute alongsode leaflet drops.

It was an email chat but i could mentally picture them doing that quotations in the air thing while typing officially ( which is impressive typing skills!) 🙂

Billy McKinlay

“And the harsh reality is that the Greens’ position on the currency doesn’t matter a toss”

Ah okay. Sorry, I was under the impression that a yes vote is a vote for independence only, and not for the particular preferences of whichever party happens to have the most seats.

Just because the SNP are planning to try to push through their preference on currency after a yes vote without giving the people of Scotland a say and without a mandate to do so, doesn’t mean that the currency preferences of other parties shouldn’t be promoted – particularly as, as Patrick Harvie points out, implying that the SNP’s plan is the only option, as they and you are doing, leads to:

“a real danger that they will alienate those who don’t support SNP policy on anything from corporate tax cuts to military expenditure”


@kestral says: ok people that’s them up

Kestral, great idea. Added an item to the website with link to ebay

link to


@Billy McKinlay

I mind wee Duggie used to shout about SNP having no mandate, God how i miss him!

Bill Brady

The Wee Blue Book is working. When I dropped off childrens clothing at a community centre charity I tentatively suggested that 18th Sept could mark a turning point in the challenges we face in Scotland.

She said she was undecided as was her colleague, I had just said have you read Wings Over… “Scotland” she said, “were just reading through the Wee Blue Book now”.

Losing on the 18th is unthinkable. God help us!

Graeme Doig

Billy McKinlay

Ach life’s too short and we’ve all got too much work to do….


Got order in. Thanks mate.


Just to say I’m happy to help distribute WBB in Dundee if anyone is planning on getting some out there. Just let me know……

Colin Dunn

@ Billy McKinlay says:
Ah okay. Sorry, I was under the impression that a yes vote is a vote for independence only, and not for the particular preferences of whichever party happens to have the most seats.

Rev can be a bit blunt 😉 but he’s right, I’m afraid.

Post indy I’ll almost certainly be voting Green, but I still think the Green aspiration to have a different currency option is just that – an aspiration, not a reality of what will happen in 2016 after independence day. And it’s the hard, simple realities that the undecideds need just now to make up their minds.


Are any WBB actually printed? I do a lot of home printing of booklets and flyers but I am finding it difficult to print the WBB in a manageable form, having followed the instructions precisely.


I need a pile of WBB’s urgently. Put me down for hundreds,

Alan Mackintosh

Footsoldier, aye theres hunners of us wanting hunners…


This is a great idea. I’m going to get some of the business cards run off in the meantime. I’m no expert but isn’t the end of the month is a little late to start distribution?

Chic McGregor

The ones I printed off did great service at the Kirrie festivities at the Weekend doing the rounds in the pubs used and we even gave some to the Spirit of Independence boys and took some to the Forfar Yestival on the Sunday.

Catriona Anderson

Hi, I’d love these to be available in our indie bookshop for customers to pick up. How could i get some? Cheers


My last post has not posted but ended up in contact email. Puzzled?

Alan Mackintosh

Footsoldier, Rev and his helpers are inundated with requests. Kendos first run is off the presses tomorrow, and the big run will be next week i think. Once copies start moving out for distribution we’ll get our hands on them, through local hubs prob. In meantime use the download versions linked on previous post to raise awareness. In the words of the film that dare not be mentioned. Hold…hold…hold…

ronnie cowan

As soon as we get more printed Yes Inverclyde shall be going back to all the undecided voters we have canvassed and if they are still undecided they will get a copy of the WBB. If we have to pay for all of them we shall. We are also hoping to be a hub for distribution.


Really not sure if im just being an idiot but I dont think these print instructions work for me/are very clear…

I’ve tried 3 times and I cant get it right for some reason, no matter what I do it seems to be missing out pages, really really strange because i’ve followed these instructions.

Where you say you need to change from ‘front to back’ in printing options, I have to actually cancel my print first and then go and change it to back?

I feel like an idiot!


I have put copies of the “wee blue book”, in all the TV lounges on the rig I’m on, and passing another copy round my company colleagues, with good feedback so far!!


Hi there. I have ordered 5000 of the business cards promoting the Wee Blue Book and I will be distributing them around Edinburgh and possibly the Lothians. Does anyone have any idea where the areas of undecided or loose No voters are? I’d love to be able to target these areas for its obvious benefit.

Colin Morrison

Can you tell me if the Oban Yes Shop is on your distribution list for the Wee Blue Book?
Many thanks,


Who or where are the hubs for distribution? We had a few on our stall yesterday and to say they are a game changer would be understating how awesome the reaction is. We desperately need more.


The Designs for Business cards make good A6 flyers to. Been handing them out in Glasgow until we get some hands on some books!

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